#possible adrienette
muzzable · 9 months
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Guys I think my girlfriend is sad what do I do : (
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lunameimei · 1 month
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Thank you Buggachat for everything!
Bakery “Enemies” AU Comic has been with me for years (it was fun to read almost every day on four mornings before bed xD) It was an exciting adventure <3
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sandradoodles · 2 years
Summary for a fic I'd write if I were a writer:
Marinette and Chat Noir have a nebulous "let's just be emotionally vulnerable with each other, kiss sometimes, and not put a label on it because we're both in love with other people" thing going on but for Adrien the lines begin to blur. He starts offering to carry Marinette's bag, is always trying to give her a ride home, and other boyfriend-ly things, TO MARINETTE'S EXTREME CONFUSION.
One night she finally loses it and tells Chat that Buttercup is driving her crazy; he's there every time she turns around, and she keeps making a fool of herself! Of course she believes he's just trying to be a Good Friend and she's reading into it too much because of her feelings for him, but Chat is suspicious (and not a little jealous), leading to a situation where Adrien becomes single-mindedly determined to catch Buttercup in the act.
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ninadove · 1 year
Gotta love how London really is whatever the writers need it to be at a given moment.
It’s a magical dimension where supervillains are born and raised; a purgatory for unruly children. It’s also a cutesy destination for school trips.
It’s on the other side of the planet, posing a major threat to Adrinette’s relationship. It’s literally next door, and not relevant in any way to Feligami’s blossoming romance.
You can jump on the Eurostar and be there by lunchtime (accurate). Or you could take a MOTHERFUCKING PLANE for maximum pollution and drama.
Does London even exist in the Miraculousverse? Or is it a collective hallucination like in Professor Layton?
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We may never know.
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Her parallel promises for him:
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“I love you, Adrien. I won’t abandon you, ever.”
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“I won’t abandon you, never, mon chaton.”
He’s afraid, but she will always be there for him, masked or bare.
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carpetbug · 8 months
until then you can see the icon and bios for each playlist lol
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i would apologize for the hearts but i made these like. freshman year. and only recently updated them. so i’m keeping them 😸
they’re all around 1-3 hours!
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lostuntothisworld · 18 days
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chatonnoir · 2 years
everyone being all ecstatic about the marichat kiss meanwhile i’ve been going through the stages of grief because the end of the episode seems to have effectively marked the end of both romantic ladynoir and marichat and taken Chat Noir off the table as a romantic option for Marinette and seems to be tipping things in the adrienette direction and pre-reveal couple adrienette + platonic ladynoir is exactly the outcome i didn’t want
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miktoast · 4 months
so i was just re-reading my reference sheet for Miraculous Ladybug AU's when i found this bit that i'm absolutely in love with. for some context, i was explaining the various nicknames characters have for each other and how they came about. also, please note that this is an AU where Stoneheart took place on the first day of their second year of lycee. Also note, in this AU, Ladybug goes by Coccinette.
Adrien's Nicknames for Marinette and Ladybug:
—Ma Cherinette (as in "my dear [cherie] Marinette" after Nino's short film, where Adrien makes an inside joke of pretending to act like their old roles but with their own names) [Adrien to Marinette]
"Agent Dupain-Cheng! Ah, how I've missed you, ma Cherinette!" Adrien swooned, draping one arm around Marinette's shoulders while the other clutched at his chest. He could feel her tense momentarily and hunch into herself before drawing on the confidence that made her a worthy Madame President when M. D'Argencourt got akumatized, and worthy Buginette when Coccinette was out of town and Marinette had to face Evillustrator herself.
Her spine straightened as she rose to her full height under the weight of Adrien leaning against her, and as every time before that they had done this little bit of improv, his admiration for his friend resurged with vigor.
"Oh, Officer Agreste, mon cœur, I have burned every second we've been apart. The next mission, won't you ask me to stay?" She turned to him, causing his arm to slip from her shoulders until his hand caught on her hip. She grab his hand from his chest and held it delicately between her own before turning her face upward so he could meet her eyes.
Her eyes… They were shining so blue, so filled with love and heartache, that Adrien himself began to feel an ache in his chest, as if he had just learned to breathe and had only ever been suffocating before.
"You know I'd follow you anywhere, if only you'd ask. Even if you wish to wander only in this little town." She closed her eyes, and the spell should have been broken, but still he found himself captivated as she pressed her cheek against his knuckles, as if they were his lips giving her tender kisses. Her words burned him deeply, echoing with his own sentiments towards a girl, and surely it must be the girl in front of him that he is so attached to, for surely no other could set his chest ablaze with as much ferocity as she.
He exhaled softly, and thought that he must be blowing smoke into her hair as the blaze burned higher. "Cherie… you are a brilliant phoenix, and I would never think to cage you at my side. You set my heart on fire, and the embers burn even when we are apart. Let us feed the flames now, so that when you must fly, I will still feel your warmth."
His hand, which had been gripping bruises into her hip, rose to the back of her head. He pulled her forward until her forehead came to rest on his collarbone, and he buried his nose in her hair, thoughts only on how his knuckles pressed into the supple flesh of her cheek, how his fingers dug into the base of her hairline, how his lips brushed her scalp, and how certainly she would remember him, if only by the watercolor marks on her hip.
It was only after several minutes that he seemed to remember that he wasn't some detective who finally returned to his distant lover when he heard giggling and the shutter-click of a smartphone camera. It was several extended seconds more when he finally brought himself to raise his head, dreading to break the scene and have Marinette leave his arms. Alya met his eyes over black hair, a sly grin on her face while she waved her phone screen from only a meter away.
He couldn't stop the glare as he reluctantly pulled away.
“Oh, drop the look, ‘mon coeur,’ you know Nino would never forgive either of us if someone didn’t get this on camera for him to use later,” Alya snorted, stepping towards the pair.
Adrien simply huffed in reply, finally letting his arms drop. His skin immediately began to feel too hot without Marinette’s soothing coolness to sap the extra heat. He noticed, with no small amount of smug, that Marinette shivered, and goosebumps raised on the back of her arms once his heat no longer blanketed her. Even better, it took her several more moments to pull his hand from her cheek, and even more after that to actually drop his hand. Once her grip relaxed, he allowed himself to squeeze her fingers before finally letting go.
All the while, Alya continued to watch, thankfully not recording this time. These soft moments with Marinette, where he allowed himself to dip into his bursting stores of love and get a little out of his system, he wanted to keep only for himself and Marinette. He wanted to keep Marinette’s soft moments only for himself. He wanted no one else to get to see how Marinette acts when indulging in affection, however unrealistic that possessive want may be; after all, Marinette was full of affection and gave it freely.
But this affection?
These embraces, these kisses of the knuckles against her cheek like a cat, this “burning” devotion (however pretend), this affection which Marinette only seemed to give to him? He wanted it all. He didn’t want to see Marinette get a partner and give these affections to them. He didn’t want others to leech off of these affections with their seeing and their hearing when they indulged in these morning rituals. He wanted it to be only Marinette’s and his, he wanted them to be done for him alone, for the rest of time.
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
The fact the class waited for a while before they called Adrien and Marinette... What did they think Adrien and Marinette were doing...together...alone...for that long...
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miraculouslycool · 2 years
this makes it seem like adrien's not aware that ladybug had to give up her earrings, same with marinette with chat noir's ring. it also makes it seem like they are seconds away from storming into battle as civilians and being in tremendous sync like they're used to in the suits even though, as far as they know, they have never been a team as Adrien and Marinette before.
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moonetta-art · 11 months
Can someone help me find a miraculous fanfic from description alone I would be so grateful 🙏🙏🙏
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stripesandblossoms · 2 years
My thoughts on/adjacent to recent fandom discourse. I have NOT read the bible or seen any spoilers apart from official trailers and Eps 1 and 2.
I think Adrien asking out Marinette would be unsatisfactory after four seasons of her dealing with her anxiety. It would be best character-wise for it to be her. The only way I could see it working maybe is if she's too awkward on a date and keeps thinking about how easy it would be with Chat?
But that confession is most important to me, whether rejected or accepted, I really, strongly believe Marinette needs to confess before any reveal for maximum character reasons. If he finds out any other way (e.g. she tells Chat/someone else tells him), or if she does it only after the reveal then that's too easy for her because she'd know he likes her back.
I guess I don't see Adrien turning her down though? Because he does so clearly like her? But maybe she'll catch him at just the wrong time- he's in shock, or just found out about Chat Blanc, or his father. Or maybe they go on one, maybe two dates, and one or both of them realise it's just like with Kagami/Luka and they break up. And maybe then Ladynoir could start almost-no-they-totally-are-dating-but-without-the-label because no one else understands or whatever if you want.
I also think that if any side gets together before the reveal they should be broken up by the time the reveal happens so there isn't just a smooth transition, it's maximum awkwardness.
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sizzleissues · 4 months
Idk thinking about it maybe Adrien is not just totally blind to other peoples feelings for him but it’s again a product of the low self-esteem wherein he doesn’t think anyone would ever love him sincerely. His fans ‘love him’ but they love the image crafted by his father. His mother loved him but she was taken away from him. His father probably loves him but he definitely likes to give and take it away at a whim. So surely that ‘I love you’ was platonic, I am nothing to love and she definitely meant that in a friend way, because who even am I?
I think he’d easily twist every confession into something that fits the narrative he tells himself, and that he’d never want to make someone uncomfortable by misreading their intentions so he just doesn’t read them at all. Like marinette acts weird around me a lot, she does stuff I’ve seen people with crushes do but surely thats just the way marinette is and it isn’t my business to push myself on her in case she’s just awkward because I’m a drag of a person blah blah blah.
Idk if I articulated that well but do you get the idea?? Even if you want someone to love you that way, if you do not know/like yourself you will reject the possibility someone does like you that way.
And Ladybug is delightfully unattainable so he can place her as the person whom he can imagine loving him because there’s no way LB would actually love him. Sure she’s his partner, their love is totally platonic and so he’s safe to love that way. The other side of his low-self esteem, the side that craves validation is shown here. As a civilian he cannot believe love can be given to him without price or cost and it’s probably something else, he’s mistaken. But the moment the love square reverses, he can’t see her attempts at wooing him as sincere. They’re a test or a joke, or an affect of the miraculous. Nope, she definitely doesn’t mean it. And adrienette only happens because he gathers a little self-esteem and he knows marinette likes him, it all comes to together for him finally, there’s too much evidence now and he likes himself enough to take a shot.
Anyway I think that is interesting
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mlbigbang · 6 months
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2023 Ladynoir Fic Rec List
It’s the end of the year which means it’s finally time for the ML Big Bang’s yearly fic rec lists! We’re really excited to bring you our contributors’ favourite fics started this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you’re waiting for the Big Bang fics’ publication in January.
all of your flaws and all of my flaws (are laid out one by one) by @coffeebanana
Ladybug and Marinette have both been acting strangely since Monarch's defeat, and Chat Noir would give anything to know why—to be able to help them. He just…didn't expect his answers to come when Ladybug drags him to his father's statue in the middle of the night along with a bag full of spray paint.
This fic explores the aftermath of the season 5 finale and provides some badly needed hurt/comfort, lovesquare communication, and vandalism ; )
with this ring by @thelibraryloser
She thought “you and me against the world” had sounded like lopsided odds before, when she hadn’t even dreamed “you against me” was a possibility. Or maybe she had dreamed it, but at least in those dreams he’d had cold blue eyes and a stark white mask. The villain she’d fought today had looked at her through her partner’s own bright green eyes. It wasn’t meant to be this way.
It tore at my heartstrings! It deals with a unique Ladynoir 'enemies' premise in a beautiful way
Let Me Count the Ways (aka Chat Noir's List of Ladybug's New Habits) by @sariahsue
Chat Noir thought it might be a good idea to start keeping a list of all the strange things Ladybug had been doing lately. It might help him to figure out what it all meant. There was the stumbling, the stuttering, the blushing. It had appeared out of nowhere. No, that wasn't quite right. It had all started when they were dancing at the gala, when she'd been so nervous that she tripped over the perfectly flat marble floor and smashed her face into his chest.
Like Smoke from a Furnace by @wackus-bonkus-maximus
Marinette and Adrien give up their Miraculous. Ladybug and Chat Noir never meet again.
It's hard to categorize this. Is this a ship or is it gen? It's strictly Adrienette because they're married. But pre-reveal. It forks after Kwami's Choice and asks the question: How would LB cope with LB and CN never getting their miraculous back after Kwami's Choice? But the story's title seems to indicate that this is kind of a "forbidden Ladynoir" fic because it's an allusion to the potentially devastating effects of "looking back" when you shouldn't. I've read this fic like a dozen times and am completely obsessed.
telepathy by @thelibraryloser
There’s a certain amount of telepathy created after several years fighting beside someone. It’s a mix of chemistry, history, and probably a bit of actual magic, and it comes down to this: Chat Noir usually knows exactly what his Lady is thinking. So, when a bike messenger hands him a three digit number written on a piece of hospital stationary, he knows exactly what Ladybug is asking him to do. He just can’t believe it. 
soft and sweet and much ladynoir! <3
A 'Super' Guide to 'Super' Dating by @mysticraven20
When Ladybug just scrapes into the top 10 of Paris’ favourite heroes list, she asks her partner and her best friend for help. After they decide she’s not personable enough, which in result, makes her unapproachable, Marinette goes out to try and become one with the public by writing her very own dating blog. As the blog turns into an overwhelming hit, Marinette finds herself in an awkward position, once again falling for the guy she’s always longed for; a guy who has started his own search for love following her ‘Super’ guide to ‘Super’ Dating.
I just love the idea of Ladybug writing a dating column as she tries to find love in the city.
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xhanisai · 3 months
bbyyyyyy I didn't know you were doing the kiss ask game otherwise I would've asked you to draw something, but now you've closed it??? but what about adrienette doing 9 or 26 or 34 or 97??? 😭😭😭 damn, I need to be on Tumblr more, huh? I guess I'll have to wait for the next opportunity for you to draw adrienette smoochies~
love ya <3
9 - "I just found out your identity and I don't think it's physically possible to keep my lips off your face now"
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so basically
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Hope you like, Seas <3333
Kiss Prompts - CLOSED
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