#possible ending of nlmg
lotus-soup-pot · 2 years
The cowherd and the weaver girl
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The Chinese festival Palm mentioned in episode 4 Qi Xi Jie, also known as Chinese Valentine's Day, is also celebrated in Japan as Tanabata matsuri 七夕祭り on the 7th of July.
The Japanese version differs a bit from the story Palm has told:
The weaver girl 織姫 (symbolizing the star Vega) is the daughter of the Heaven Emperor 天帝 and was known for her beautiful weaving and her diligence. Since the cowherd 彦星 (symbolizing the star Altair) was also known for his hardworking nature, the Emperor allowed their marriage. Happily enjoying their married life the weaver girl and the cowherd started to neglect their respective work. Enraged after hearing complains from every one the emperor drew a river through the sky 天の川 (symbolizing the milky way) and separated them. After seeing his daughter grieving every day, the emperor allowed them to meet once a year, on the 7th of July. A bridge of magpies makes it possible to cross the river. However, if it rains on the day, the water level rises and the weaver girl can't cross the river and meet the cowherd. The rain 催涙雨 symbolises the tears the weaver girl and the cowherd shed.
On the 7th of July, you write your wish on a piece of paper and hang it on a small bamboo branch and eat cold noodles called そうめん Somen.
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With how often Never let me go is referring to the legend of the weaver girl and the cowherd, e.g. the beach scene, I highly suspect that there is some kind of separation between Palm and Nueng, probably because Nueng drives Palm away to protect him, and then once a year they will meet at the beach, their safe zone, where they are just Palm and Nueng.
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
God I am so happy we are getting Pawin in 3 different Our Skyy2 shows so 6 episodes! As someone said here on tumblr GIVE PAWIN ALL THE BOYFRIENDS! like NLMG he got Mark, in SIMM I want him to get Satang but if they make him and Winny a thing in SIMM as well then I want him and Pepper aka Typhoon, and in The Eclipse I wouldn't be opposed for some WatNamo(I doubt it would happen) still give Pawin all the boys or a main role!
I love him so much! also he looked extra good this episode I gushed over him everytime he was on screen
if little homie ends up having 3 different boyfriends in 6 different episodes I'm tapping out fjkghfd like I can see them possibly making Maitee x Typhoon happen in SIMM but other than that I don't think they would do that BUT. I'm ready to be proven wrong lmao.
#Boyfriends4Pawin2k23 ✊🏻
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gaiaxygang · 10 months
perth & chimon's covers at their events
decided to compile a small list of songs perthchi have covered at their events. for fun. also because i am unwell about some of these song choices (this is excluding older events and stuff like musicon which i might make a different post for)
1. unmovable - bright vachirawit. (official mv)
part of the boys dont cry project. most notably performed at nlmg final ep fanmeet, but they've sung it a few other times. perthchimon picked this one out themselves (i assume this goes for pretty much every event)
2. the secret in our hearts - gun achi & amp (official mv)
ost of sotus the series. performed at gmmtv fanday in osaka, possibly because sotus director lit phadung is also one of two dangerous romance directors? its hard to find footage of osaka fanday so im not sure lmaoaoao
they also covered it entirely in japanese.... i am unable to find a full video anywhere though
3. youniverse - nanon korapat (official mv, album ver with subs)
ost of youniverse, but nanon has pretty much claimed it as his own. chimon's solo performance for osaka fanday. chimon was in youniverse (the miniseries and the mv) and he performed this with nanon few years back as well!
4. have i found - sea tawinan (official mv)
ost of vice versa. perth's solo performance for osaka fanday (we got SO MANY good covers but so little footage). vice versa is the first gmmtv series perth appeared in. he also played guitar in his performance
ever since dangerous romance aired they've been singing the ost at all their events. BUT!
5. unidentified wonder - nanon korapat (official mv)
towards the end of their recent fanmeets (seoul and macau) they've been singing nanon's solo unidentified wonder! the performance is always super fun because its a higher energy song. they usually interact with fans during it too
i might be missing out a few, i didnt really check thoroughly. the lyrics of these really make me go ..... Hmm .......... all lovely songs and i recommend giving them a listen
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missyourflight · 1 year
Directors commentary on the opening scene of tender is my heart please!! ❤️
ty keypad! ❤️
Max drives into town with some people from the cottages, squashed into the back middle seat; Helen thinks she saw a possible for Laura B. in one of the shops. A bit of clone worldbuilding stuff right up top - I do worry sometimes in AUs about just throwing people in the deep end and not explaining stuff enough but in this case my excuse is that the NLMG book does basically the same thing (apologies 2 kazuo for the happy ending etc). Anyway the cottages! Just initials bc clones don't get last names 😭
He doesn’t care much one way or the other about finding someone’s model, ah, the joys of Max POV, and also more clone lore but there’s nothing to do at the cottages besides walk in the woods, peel the vegetables for dinner, scratch at the personal essays they’re all supposed to be writing. The town is by the sea, and Max has never seen the sea. 🌊🌊🌊 5/12 of my f1 fics on AO3 end with them near water/running away to sea etc... what you might call a Tell
They pile out of the car, Alex carefully feeding coins into the parking box. I like "parking box" bc the phrasing is just off enough Max takes a deep breath in, catching something salty on the air. There are birds overhead, their squawking sounds different to the ones in the woods near the cottages.
They make their way into the town, and the deeper they go, the less Max wants to find the possible. He hates the idea of it, suddenly, the group of them pressed up against some shop window, scanning faces trying to find a version of Laura’s.
“I’ll come and meet you later,” he says, catching Alex by the elbow, not wanting to be there for the scene. The others are already marching ahead and Alex doesn’t make a big deal about it, just tells him, “Back at the car at four, okay.”
Max retraces his steps, following the salt smell past where they parked the car until finally he can see the sea in front of him, rolling grey into the distance, spindly-looking pier stretching out. It’s not like the pictures he’s seen: when Em @powerful-owl read this she called it pattern matching, which I hadn't thought about but hurts my feelings 😭 I love clone Max 😭 less blue; the water less clear. Still, he likes it, the way he can’t see the end of it. Horizon feeling stuff comes back later in the first sex scene but like: the endlessness of the water/the immensity of his feelings for Daniel etc
He follows the road curving along the seafront, past the little shops. They’re mostly boring-looking bookshops, stalls selling sticks of rock and candy floss classic seaside items. There’s one with a jumble of things in the window that remind him of the Sales at Hailsham – a model car painted red, pencils with little animal-shaped rubbers on the end, a tub of marbles. Max stops to look, just for a minute, putting his hood up as it starts to rain.
The pavement turns into the planks of the pier, leading Max from the land out over the water, the sound of his steps suddenly different, the noise of the cars falling away behind him. I love piers; my hometown has a pier. I like the world literally changing underfoot here for him bc something big's about to happen; threshold stuff etc
The cafe sits at the end of the pier. I did just picture the NLMG pier from the film throughout - I cheated a bit bc the cafe from the film is not on the pier but I love piers It’s made of glass, like a greenhouse. Max startles at the jangling sound of the bell as he pushes the door open. At Hailsham they’d just practised in a classroom with a few desks moved about; there hadn’t been the smells, or other people sitting at the tables, or music playing. Like the NLMG clone worldbuilding stuff is So sad and I think the roleplay stuff is from the film rather than the book? But it breaks my heart. He's never been in a cafe! In many ways a story about firsts and being in the world for the first time etc
He stands there for a moment, blank. Does he just sit down?
“Be with you in a sec,” says the man behind the counter, looking over at Max with an easy smile. “Go ahead and grab a seat.” I hate the part of the story where we all have to pretend we don't know who Daniel is lol
The glass walls make it seem like the whole cafe is made of windows. Max sits where he can see the water, far beneath him, the little white peaks of the waves. He cranes his neck trying to see in the other direction, the sea stretching away. I do like the image of the glass box of the cafe glittering away at the end of the pier - it's kind of magical and this little box for them to fall in love inside but also it's made of windows - ultimately they can't hide there forever
“What can I get you?”
“Oh,” Max says, hurriedly unfolding the menu. “Sorry, I haven’t –”
“No worries,” the waiter says, using his pen to poke his hair back behind his ear. Max notices his little hoop earring on that side. He has the longest hair of any man Max has seen in person, messy-looking curls around his face. At least half the reason I wrote this story was to write Daniel as a 90s dreamboat lol - like part Home and Away boyfriend part AJ's cardigans from Empire Records At Hailsham they were never allowed to grow it out like that; Max still keeps his short, like most of them at the cottages, out of habit and because it’s easier. More Hailsham stuff which just sort of drip-feeds through the story until the ~clone reveal, but like, you get that it was like controlling, isolated - and it's not really pushed in these early scenes but it is also the only place Max has known and like part of his identity. It's sort of similar to the Roman Holiday AU or the Below Deck AU bc I can only write one story - like royalty and the yacht and being a donor are all things that the story ultimately wants to break him out of and also basically a horribly obvious stand-in for like the relationship with the team/his d*d. It means he doesn’t have anything to do with his hands now, though; he wipes them on the corduroy of his trousers. I picture clone Max exclusively in Andrew Garfield's little outfits from the film
“Something to drink, maybe?”
The waiter’s voice is strange, too; he doesn’t sound like anyone Max has met before. He sounds like the people on the soaps they watch in the cottages before supper, people arguing on sandy beaches, wearing shorts and t-shirts like they never get cold. Everyone on the soaps is beautiful and the waiter is too, very handsome. The little thread of Max constantly comparing Daniel to Home and Away/Australian soaps... idk if it's too much or I leaned too hard on the nineties nostalgia stuff, oh well
He’s still standing there, waiting for Max to stop staring and order. Max blinks down at the menu, picks the first thing he recognises.
“A coke?” he says. “And, a plate of chips, please.”
“Coming right up,” the waiter says with a smile, and wanders off.
There’s hardly anyone in the cafe, just Max and a couple of older women together at another table, metal pot of tea between them. Metal teapots classic cafe item... I did enjoy giving Max some of my most stereotypical caff items... later he has a toasted teacake 😭
Max looks out of the window again, watching the clouds blow across the sky until the waiter comes back with his plate of chips.
“Thanks,” Max says, and picks up his fork, but the waiter puts a hand out to stop him.
“Whoa, let me grab –” He lifts a little basket off the next table and sets it in front of Max. “Condiments,” he says with a flourish. “You can’t eat naked chips, mate.” Daniel kind of harmlessly flirts with everyone because otherwise he would be so bored, he is intrigued by Max wandering in in his little outfit and staring at the clouds and having no idea what to do with himself tho
Max feels his face get hot, and he sprinkles salt and vinegar all over his chips even though he isn’t supposed to have so much salt bc of his organs 😭. The smell of the vinegar is strong and delicious, rising in a warm cloud. When he looks up, the waiter is still standing there, watching.
He raises his eyebrows. Max shrugs. “I like vinegar.” This is Soph-coded bc I put So much vinegar on my own chips
“Yeah, clearly,” the waiter says, smiling like Max said something funny.
Max gestures at the rest of the condiments. “What do you recommend?” he says, a line straight out of the class role play the only way he knows how to behave lol, and this time the waiter laughs. He leans over and picks the ketchup out of the basket, shakes the sauce straight onto Max’s plate instead of handing him the bottle. Flirty! Also very weird behaviour honestly but if I like anything I like when people are weird about each other 🤷‍♀️
“Got to go with the classic,” he says.
Max swipes one of his chips through the sauce. “It’s good,” he says. Then, looking up at the waiter, feeling bold: “Do you want some?” He's going off-script
“It’s cool, they actually pay me in chips,” the waiter says, but he takes one anyway. “Vinegar’s good,” he says with a grin.
He isn’t treating Max like a donor at all. Maybe it’s because Max is by himself; if there’s a group of them out together people always seem to be able to tell. Sometimes someone will come over and thank them, squeeze their hands; more often they just stare. It’s easier at the cottages, not having to deal with any of that. Maybe the biggest stretch in the story is that Daniel doesn't know what's up with the donor stuff but I handwave it thusly: it's not a thing in Australia, maybe it's not polite to talk about in the UK bc people would rather not acknowledge the horrible things they are doing to the clones, he's not the most politically engaged lol, also the reason he is in this tiny seaside town at the end of the pier is bc he has essentially retreated from the world
“You can sit down,” Max says. “Or, you don’t have to, if it is too busy.”
The waiter looks around the nearly-empty cafe. “Yeah, Mavis and Joan have me run off my feet.”
He sits down, and Max asks, “Aren’t you supposed to wear an apron?” Pattern matching. In the roleplay the waiter would have been wearing an apron!
“Is this like, an inspection? Are we finally getting our five stars?”
“Five stars out of five,” Max says, “for sure.” Max's love language is gift giving but it's also going along with the bit
The waiter’s still smiling at him, warm and crooked; suddenly Max can’t remember any other lines. He casts his mind over small talk, trying to find another question to ask him, make the moment stretch a little longer.
At last, the obvious: “What’s your name?”
“Daniel,” he says, and Max sticks his hand out. “Max V.”
“Max V.?” Daniel laughs at Max’s nod, and shakes his hand. “Just the initial, like Gina G? What are you, a DJ?” Oh god there's just so many nineties references 🙃
“No,” Max says. He takes his hand back, wipes it again on his trousers under the table. “What’s a DJ?”
“Oh my god. Where are you from? Is this a Third Rock From the Sun situation?” He leans across the table and peers at Max, brown eyes twinkling. “Be straight with me: are you, like, a Jehovah’s witness?”
Max reaches for the line they gave them at Hailsham, for people asking too many questions: “I’m doing a residential,” he says, adding, “We’re staying out at this old farm, we just drove in for the afternoon.”
“Oh, nice,” Daniel says, and then, “watch your chips, they’re getting cold.”
Max pushes the plate towards the middle of the table, and Daniel takes another.
Daniel sits with him for ages. Sometimes he has to get up and fetch a pot of hot water for another table, take an order, but he comes back to sit with Max again. He doesn’t seem to mind Max’s questions, about the cafe, the town, anything he can think of.
“What do you call this kind of shirt?”
It’s soft-looking, with a faded check pattern. Daniel hasn’t even done up the buttons, leaving it open over his t-shirt hot 2 me and also Max. Max wills his fingers still on the table top; he doesn’t reach out and touch.
“A flannel, I guess. It’s my lumberjack look.” Daniel shrugs modestly. I'm so bad at describing Daniel's cute lil movements but it's a very specific cute shrug I'm thinking of and also he does it in the car later before they make out “I’m a woodsman.”
“I have not seen so many trees in town,” Max says.
“Uh, yeah, because I got them already.” He mimes swinging an axe.
Max’s face hurts from smiling. “This is called a jumper,” he says, nodding down at himself, feeling warm inside when Daniel laughs. A constant etc
“Hold on,” Daniel says. “A jum– how do you spell that?” He flips to a new page on his pad, clicking his pen, and Max has to bury his head in his arms to stop his laugh bouncing off the glass. They're very silly and they like each other very much!!
When Max looks up at the clock on the wall, there’s barely five minutes before he has to meet the others.
“I have to go,” he says, standing up in a rush. He turns back at the door, remembering himself, the role play, his questions. “Can I give you some money?”
“You better,” Daniel says. “It’s kinda part of the deal, you’ll get me in trouble if you eat and run.” He is So fond already
“Sorry,” Max says, and unzips his pouch to start counting out money. Daniel shakes his head when he sees, stretching his hand out to take the coins from Max. Picturing Max with a money pouch/bumbag situation that he wears under his jumper, for Security
“Absolute Mormon. Go on, get out of here.” He flaps his hand goodbye as he leans on the counter, smiling creases at Max. The Mormon thing... idk how well it works but it's like Daniel's excuse to not ask questions about Max's very obviously weird situation. Also "smiling creases" is weird but it's So hard to find different ways to describe smiling and grinning 🙃
“Thanks for the chips,” Max says, even though he should be turning to leave now, not still standing here smiling back at Daniel, watching the lines on his face deepen.
“Any time, Max V.,” Daniel says. “Come back soon.”
He has to jog back to the car to make it in time, his feet thudding against the wooden boards of the pier, slapping the seafront pavement as he passes the shops. The sea’s rolled in while Max has been eating chips; everything looks different. Stuff changed!! He's changed!! The clouds have parted, too, the sky clearing just in time for dusk, wet pebbles shining on the shore. The glass of the cafe is catching the sun, pulling Max’s eye back towards the end of the pier.
When he catches up with the others the mood is subdued. It hadn’t been Laura’s original after all; it never is. It’s never nice people in shops or offices, who they’re modelled on. Keira Knightley is actually so good in the NLMG film and I always think about her saying "We're modelled on trash." Clone stuff very bleak!! Probably all their originals are already dead. Max could have told them that and saved them all the trip, but then he would never have found the cafe.
Max looks out of the window all the way back to the cottages. He still feels warm, from the chips, from talking to Daniel; the glass is cool where he leans his head against it. Eddie C. takes a wrong turn somewhere and it’s dark by the time they get back, so late they’ve missed the soaps.
Max watches with everyone the next night, sitting with Charles on the floor in front of one of the couches. He thinks about saying casually, I met someone from Australia. He was so good-looking, he could be on Home and Away. Nineties dreamboat!!
If he tells them about Daniel, half the cottages will want to come back to the cafe with him, just to hear his voice and ask him questions about surfing. Carloads of them trailing down the pier, crowding in and filling up the tables. In the end Max doesn’t say anything, but he does pull Pierre aside to ask him what a DJ is. I got so carried away with the music/mixtape stuff in this story but I do think this beat is funny
On their run the next morning Alex asks him, “Where did you get to the other day, then?”
“Nowhere much. There was a cafe, I had some chips.”
Alex makes a betrayed sound, and they run on through the woods, autumn leaves crunching beneath Max’s feet as he concentrates on his breaths, the steady pump of his heart. Sorry this was so long but I wanted to talk about the little running scene in the woods! There's three of these: this one where Max is just thinking about his body as something functional, his heart and his breathing; the one after they start hooking up where he's moving so easily and like leaping over logs; the one after they've broken up where he trips on a root and sits there trying not to cry. And then running together on the beach in Perth at the end 😭 One of the very limited tools in my toolbox to show the same thing a bunch of times to illustrate change lol - but also one of the main things I wanted to do with the story was show how Max's relationship to his own body changes, how sex changes the way he thinks about his body and its uses, how love changes the way he thinks about donations etc 🫀
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manogirl · 1 year
HERE WE GO: Thai QL Favorites Tag Game! Thanks to @waitmyturtles for the tag.
Favorite Thai QL: I'm going to have to echo @waitmyturtles answer, and that's Bad Buddy. My runner-up is My School President, which is quite possibly one of the best QLs I've seen but also at least partly an homage to BBS. In terms of BBS, I've watched it so many times it's kind of silly. (I tried to do an estimate and came up with 50 watches in a year; that counts both my own watches and when I watch it through a reactor channel.) But also, it broke my world open, and I will never, ever let it go for that reason. It was the second QL I watched, and it changed my life and anyway, that's a story for another time.
Favorite Pairing: How does anyone answer this? Phew, I don't know. Right now I'm super inclined to say KanThua because I'm at the end of an Eclipse rewatch, and watching Neo play Kan's longing and fear and love and anger is just....phew. Thua is a little bit of a shit at the end of the show, but...they compel me. Runners-up? PatPran, SoundWin and KhaiThird. (I write fic about the first and last so...yeah, I find them compelling.)
Most underrated actor: I feel like if I notice acting it's because the actor is really good and everyone realizes it. Like, everyone knows Fourth Nattawat is already one of the best actors in the GMMTV stable, right? RIGHT?
Favorite Character:  Li Ming (MLC). Kao (DBK). Win (UWMA, Between Us).
Favorite Side Character: I've already mentioned so many as a part of couples, but....Tankhun from KP. The wardrobe. The lines. The love of two fish.
Favorite scene in a QL: Why are you doing this to me? Rooftop kisses always hit. Ep 5 in BBS, Ep 5 in NLMG.
Favorite line in a QL: I don't think I can answer this. First of all, I'm not sure I'm always understanding the nuance in any given scene because well, I'm watching in translation. But secondly, I simply cannot remember. Too many shows crammed into a year of watching.
Most Anticipated QL (& why): Only Friends. We're all going to lose our minds, and I for one welcome those halcyon days. I am also hyped for Cherry Magic and Cooking Crush because I love TayNew and OffGun.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: Uh. HeartLiMing? They have tons of time to become toxic.
Most toxic relationship in a QL: AlanWen. Uea's entire family in Bed Friend.
Guilty pleasure series: I don't believe in guilty pleasures. It's pretty central to the way I live my life that I own the things that I love and that I don't hide them. (FWIW, I've been reading romance novels my whole adult reading life and this is where the 'no guilty pleasures' came from; that and being a public librarian. Every day, people apologized for their book taste, and folks, it's not great to see and hear. We none of us should feel guilt for the things that entertain us.)
Most underrated series: Boy, I don't know if I know how to figure out if something is properly rated. I've been reading all the My Ride and La Pluie meta popping up on tumblr, which makes it feel like people properly treasure and rate these shows, but maybe that's only because I follow all the people who properly rate them. So uh, My Ride and La Pluie?
I feel like everyone I read on tumblr has done this, so I'm gonna throw out some random names and if you've done it, humble apologies. @jyuubin @batmanaintapeasant @callipigio @gillianthecat @fiercynn
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petrichoraline · 1 year
never let me go or fish upon the sky
i am just now comprehending this question lol i was about to say it's a wild choice to make but i just realised the common denominator lmaoo
nlmg was my first pondphuwin show and my introduction to pond; i started watching it just to keep up with the community though i believed it was going to be too sad for me. i enjoyed watching it weekly, giffing it, contemplating palmnueng's dynamic and writing about it (thanks to the anon who asked me a question back then which i took days to answer 🤦‍♀️) - i did not, however, enjoy the last episodes as much, especially the finale - i was practically waiting for it to end impatiently. i think a part of why i enjoyed it was participating in the community discussions and stuff and also having an episode or two per week made it easier to digest. once i was binging, though, i became more impatient with the plotholes and conveniences.
futs was A Lot - the humour hit more than it missed or at least i'd like to think it did - the kitty gang are one of the most fun friend group supporting characters (also satang nail polish >>>) and despite the weirdest, most out of left field conflict between them in the last episodes, duean and meen remain a very cute side couple that could beat morkpi in many categories. there was a red lamp going off in my head during the first six episodes but im the type to give the benefit of the doubt so i ignored it until i couldn't anymore. i binged this show in two bites iirc - i stopped at the end of ep.5 and then proceeded the next day - 2 episodes later i was already having a Not good time lol, trying to justify things, hoping it's all intentional, that things will get better and when they kept getting worse? oh, it took a toll on me. i'm so grateful for the humour, aesthetics and supporting cast for getting me through it. because it truly is an enjoyable little show when it stays away from mork (and would i LOVE to stay away from mork - even pond playing him couldn't help, it actually made me associate pond's appearance with mork which was awful ngl)
yeah, anyways, if i have to pick i want to say nlmg, i just realised i even watched the our skyy 2 episodes and they were perfect and highlighted the couple's dynamic beautifully
the truth is if i haven't watched smth in a while i'll probably just think of how easy to the eye i found it and in this case it wasn't the muted greens, browns, blues and purples of nlmg :')
futs drove me up the wall, left me angrier than i thought possible, made me sick of pond's face and left me in disbelief nearly every episode, i watched the finale angry and ready to leave it all behind. which is honestly so impressive?? cause after all the anger i barely remember the feeling but i remember that it was colourful and quirky. maybe it's a me thing but still, it's valuable. when i read fish upon the sky i get hit by so many emotions at once, you'd think it's of the quality of itsay or smth.
basically: nlmg is closer to my heart. futs is closer to my fist. they're both pondphuwin projects i watched/restarted watching under influence (iirc @respectthepetty's for nlmg and @sparklyeyedhimbo and @pondphuwin's for futs), they both have their higher chemistry/lower chemistry couples, their silly and not-so-silly villains, their ups and their downs. i will pick nlmg but futs is a winner too, it's just in a league of its own.
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theflagscene · 2 years
Me last week, going through all the reasons why Nueng might have had issues breathing at the end of episode four. He was kicked in the middle, the wind was knocked out of him, a bruised or cracked rib can cause breathing issues, he was having a panic attack, etc.
NLMG this week, oh he has an alcohol allergy…
*slaps desk* Okay! If he has an allergy, or given that Nuengdiao is Southeast Asian it is more likely an alcohol intolerance, considering an actual proper allergy to alcohol is pretty freaking rare, but I digress. My question is, WHY did Palm not know about this!? Chanon even yells at him in the hospital that even though he didn’t know that about it, it wasn’t an excuse, he should’ve stopped the little jerk face Nueng from drinking anyway.
Well had Palm known that Nueng had a possibly deadly alcohol intolerance, he wouldn’t have let him drink now would he!? Palm was brought on to be his bodyguard, he needs to protect Nueng from people - and apparently himself - how can you expect Palm to do his job if you don’t tell him everything? He should know about every food allergy, drug allergy, environmental allergy, even if the little jerk face is prone to fucking snoring! Like damn, Palm has not even half the information here, he has no information. How hard would it have been to be like; oh by the way, he’s allergic to booze and penicillin, he only eats the red M&M’s and his bed time is 10pm. Here’s an epipen, keep it on you on at all times, good luck!
Seriously, they are absolute worst set of hired protection ever. Chanon has got to be behind all this, how else can the head bodyguard with decades of (we’re led to believe) perfect performance let both his bosses get shot on his watch? And then also neglect to tell the one he brings in to watch the kid - his own son no less - that the kid he is tasked with protecting has a deadly allergy! The dude is sus as all hell! Even the KinnPorsche bodyguards weren’t this inept and they were in what was basically an erotic slapstick comedy! One of them even got their head chopped off! He lowkey deserved it but still, like come on!
*huffs in righteous indignation for Palm*
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k-white · 1 year
A very personal rating of the Our Skyy2 episodes, in airing order cuz I am doing it weekly, if you stumble upon this list it is my personal opinion! if I rated your favourite episode low don't take it personally, we all love different things and maybe my favourite was the one you liked the least
Now here we go:
NLMG: 8/10 I really liked it, I liked the og show fairly enough more by the end than the start, but the special? I liked it a lot, I am a sucker for time traveling and period pieces so it played with my heart strings, I had some issues with the pacing and story but overall I liked the more romcom feel to it that to me PP are perfect for, bonus points having Pawins character score a bf! also it looked amazing! I love Jojos directing and the colorgradiants he used here
SIMM: 5.5/10 It was fine, nothing that bad, I onestly liked the first episode more than the second only cuz the pranking made sense, Maitee and Sean were being annoying and deserved to heve their asses handled to them, also the possible side couples played a big role on my liking this, they could have made SM or TM, but they didn't, tho WS are cute I can give them that, it didn't make much sense but ok, tho the major downside was the plotlessness and ok it is a 2ep special but they could have done more, just KN being sikeningly cute doesn't cut it for me, also News directing style is not for me
THE ECLIPSE 9/10 Ok I might be biased, you take a look at my profile you can see that I love FK and the Show, I didn't give it a 10 cuz the first episode had some issues mostly on how Aye acted torwards Akk, but this second one? Basically perfect! they were the sweetest and most loveble ever! all the kissing? The popsicle scene?? The bar scene??? The last scene???? PERFECT so I gave it a 9 cuz of ep1
VICE VERSA 5/10 ok so I wasn't the biggest fan of VV when it aired, but I wanted to go on this with an open heart and it was broken! and again I wanna say: FREE TALEY! Puen and his supposed best friends manipulated him! Using a CHILD! It was cute at the start, I still like JimmySea, but they had to go and ruin it, if the kid was actually Tess's child I would have been a lot more happy even tho Taley would have been a victim yet, better than being manipulated tho still chosing to be with Puen and satying friend with them! Sorry but this continue to not be my thing, saved by the cute cast!
MSP 6/10 It was all way too rushed, they wanted to combine all of 12 episodes in 2 and the result felt rushed and staged, like a bad movie that the characters produced, plus the only characters that were actually convincing were Tinn Por and the moms, the others felt stiff and too similar to their original character, the MV was cute but the sang was average at best, Tinn liking Gun since 10th grade(or at least it is implied) doesn't align with ep1 unless Tinn was lying the whole time, the ending scene was a bit confusing I don't know if it was made like that cuz they hope for a s2 but I didn't really get it, if the ending was either Tinn or Gunn waking up it would have been a good twist, anyway it was fine
ABAAB 5.5/10 Ok I did go in a little biased with this show cuz I really didn't like it, tho the first episode of OS2 was actually not that bad I did enjoy it but then the swap "bet"(it was basically a bet right?) happend and I got reminded how much I don't like this 2 people! and I feel bad cuz I do like ForceBooks interactions IRL but Gun and especially Cher I don't like them and I feel like they wrote them episode after episode without a clear idea on who they are cuz they act according to the plotline of the episode! Also I didn't like that we never got a resolution for the little fight ThreeZo had!
BBS×ATOTS 7/10 I changed the score cuz that last episode deserve a 9 if not a 10 it was perfect with pacing story and acting, but the rest didn't work for me especially the 2 crossover episodes, they sacrifaced the story to just make a mix and match of the 4 main characters! in the crossover they spend more time apart and with somebody else than with eachother and the time spent lost was too much, it didn't progress the story at all! if they did 2 eps dedicated to each couple amd then 1 only ep crossover maybe it would have worked better, also as I said Longtae was nowere to be found and not even mentioned and I am bitter and pissed about it still, I also feel like the characters especially Phupa were kinda ooc
Am I very biased with The Eclipse? YES INDEED!(but it is very obvious from my blog so do I even need to specify it?) the others I am more objective, tho mind you! NLMG wasn't one of my faves but I really liled the OS2 ep!(but I saw that people that liked the show didn't like the OS2 ep and vice versa)
So we arrived at the end of this journey, this thing was in my drafts since week 1 so 8 weeks can you believe that? anyway I have to say that I enjoied this show overall, it wasn't perfect and production was clearly rushed but it still worked and people enjoyed it so that is all that matters!
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gillianthecat · 2 years
Ok. Never Let Me Go has grabbed hold of me. I’m intrigued. The struggled to pay attention during the before-times scene, but I was pretty sure it was going to end with daddy dead (based on my vague memories of long ago watching a trailer that I now think was for NLMG), so I assumed it was deliberately saccharine for the angst and contrast and wasn’t too worried. But has soon as I saw our boy and his mama (in her high-powered make-over) walking down that hallway, I was hooked. Then I checked the mydramalist page and remembered it was bodyguard romance and got excited.
Plus I’ve decided, having never actually seen any of his shows, that I love Jojo as a director. Based solely on the Only Friends trailer and his reputation. So I’m determined to love this thing.
I saw the NLMG trailer back in July, possibly when the only BL I’d ever seen was KinnPorsche. I was intrigued; it felt like maybe it had been made during lockdown because it was very spare, maybe with only three actors in it, but somehow it worked for the lonely, only one person with me against the world feel of it. I vaguely recall it being in black and white? Or maybe that was just the feel of it. I do remember finding the mama fascinating. I forgot about it, but every so often I would wonder what show it had been for. So I’m excited to find out it’s this one, and it’s finally here!
Anyway, I’m just 13 minutes in so far and the only contact between our boy and his (future?) bodyguard/love interest has been 1 second of eye contact. And I’m just assuming I’ve got the right guy, perhaps I haven’t even met him yet. So hopefully they live up to my hopes and dreams for them.
Edit: lol, I hadn’t even seen the bodyguard/love interest yet. That was some other dude in the audience, presumably an antagonist. But I do like Palm now that I’ve met him on the boat. And I do like the cinematography style. (Plus, shoutout to having a random English speaking French actor ask a question just to show off Phuwin’s English.)
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Our skyy 2 overall mini ratings
This is just me giving my unneeded opinions. This is all relatively at face value btw.
NLMG: 7/10
Would never expect anything else from the doomed delusional lovers. I honestly really loved Palm in particular in this. Would’ve loved more context for background characters (aka why the fuck is Marc there) but I liked watching them work together a helping others again. Otherwise was good.
SIMM: 4/10
They dragged it too much for my liking. Cute but highly annoying by the time we reached like the end of ep 1. Would’ve been better with just one ep or if they also did sky in your heart. It would’ve been nice to see Prince and Fah again. Also robbed of Sean and Maitee
The Eclipse: 6/10
I think khaofirst’s chemistry saved this. I loved seeing them all together but AkkAyan’s emotional constipation is showing and isn’t solving idk. I also would like to know why they uncomfortably suggested a relationship between Wat and Teacher Sani. Like I know they’re out of school but still. Neo is still gorgeous as ever and Thua still gets on my nerves.
Vice Versa: 7/10
I think the main reason I liked this a lot was cause the lack of product placement. I thought it was actually super cute and I loved Puen and Talay taking care of a child together. I don’t think that would be legal though but yknow. Also I’d love to understand the thought process of giving your nephew to your friends to solve their marriage problems. But apart from that honestly I actually enjoyed it.
MSP: 8/10
I’m too biased to make a legitimate opinion on this so I’ll save my breath. I thought it was a great a idea to swap and I really think they delivered tbh. I just think though that the original series nailed the casting cause as much as I love fourth playing Tinn he just couldn’t nail it like Gemini. This applies the other way around although I do think Gemini did a slightly better job at playing Gun. Literally only problem I have was that it was little awkward.
That and that fucking bullfrog song getting stuck in my head at worst possible times.
ABAAB: 7/10
I understand the timing of it airing but that was cruel to put it in between MSP and BB like cmon. Because a boss and a babe is great and actually the our skyy was pretty damn good considering everything. Gun needs to chill though this man. Also I don’t think I’ll ever get over how cute Zo is. Like if I was Thi I would also treat him the same way he’s so cute. But it really did feel like a nice little special (two) episode, it was nice.
Bad Buddy and ATOTS: 8/10
I am also too biased here to give a stable opinion. This fed all my dreams and more. I loved the parallels both to themselves and also across shows. I understand how phupha and tian are a lot more emotionally constipated than patpran my gosh. But honestly I really loved it despite its rush. They did however spend way too long lost. Like they could’ve fit a bit more character development in those times but I guess you gotta make up the budget so.
Overall thoughts:
giving many 7/10 but honestly most of these were just simply good. Not mind boggling great but I wasn’t disappointed.
Obviously pretty much all of these were rushed and half baked in some sort of way but that was expected considering it’s only two episodes and they’re trying to cater to headcanons and fan service at the end of the day. The callbacks and domesticity of the shows is pretty evident of that.
Overall it was fine to be honest. It was relatively true the way the characters are and it gave us just that extra bit people would like. I can’t complain about being given exactly what I was expecting.
I can’t wait to see all of the actors again!!!
(especially baby Ohm I love him so much)
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Midnight Motel Live Blogging
GMMTV really crammed some of my most anticipated 2022 shows to run at this time (Never Let Me Go, Midnight Motel, The Warp Effect), as well as My School President which I was keeping my eyes on. Think I’ll have to watch these the week they end or I’ll never catch up.
Ep 1: Welcome to the Business (Jan 9 11)
ooh cool start
okay actually fuck idkkk maybe i’ll start this later? bc i’m in the middle of the Trials of Apollo series and also Never Let Me Go (ep 5 tmrw), which is 2 different stories already. maybe i’ll watch this on Wednesday and finish before next Tuesday so that i’m not weaving this and NLMG and trials of apollo.
aw the fact that Mote’s always out of luck and “missed the admission quota out of a top uni even though he passed the exam” sucks so fucking bad
oh Mond’s the pimp?
oh fuck Mond’s character is so scary D: I know people said so but rip
pls Mote standing and thinking of the shit possibilities of what could happen if he barges into Mond and Jan’s characters’ rooms 
Oh yeah I forgot that Mote and Kat are love interests right
Aw Kat T.T 
Kat’s so fun and funny
Sun’s making Kat pay her debts to him 
oh, interesting in a good way about Kat mentioning working so hard
oh it’s Kat’s mom’s debt that she’s paying off 
Sun kys
Mote researching the websites where customers and sellers buy-sell sex work and identifying the pain points to make their app is wholesome
pls Kat’s funny with tryna sell her services to Mote (+ his friend) and also they’re cute
pls Doy being like whyyyy tf did you bring this app to my doorstep again after we met the police and mafia last time
the dynamic between Doy and Kat not really believing Mote vs Mote being a sweet talker and knowing how to appeal to people
ooh a design for the app first this is just like my uni class
girl not pay by crypto 
does Sun have photos?!?! 
oh videos?!?!? is Kat and the client aware that these exist?!?!?!?! gross gross gross die die die
oof Mote and Kat are so cute. him being like “hmph, your pics on the app are catfishing for sure” and then when she elbows him, he exaggeratedly falls back ah >.<
yes Kat, come to Canada and we can kiss
Linguistics: Mote and Kat use gu-meung with each other. I think Kat and Sun also used gu-meung earlier, which surprised me a bit bc I expected Kat to use Khun w Sun or something but ig the rude pronouns make sense also
Kat saying she wouldn’t do this job if she could choose. the way they’ve been talking about sex work and prostitution is interesting in a casual way where’s a job that’s hard work and like Mote, she’s doing it bc of debt and wouldn’t do it otherwise. it’s not glamorized but the existence of it or sex workers aren’t made to be evil even though the situation sucks here
hope that Mote or Doy know what to do if things go wrong whether it be the guys are dicks like when Sun had to step in or if they refuse to give money or something
oh i see we’re getting to see them handle things like the short hair and wig, and now police are coming in. also i’ve just remembered that someone maybe dies
I don’t quite get the Big Boong thing. I know Mote pretended that Big Boong’s someone else, some big shot to make the police nervous and let it but who? why’d the cops leave?
wtf was that Kat being shot in the head scene? umm I’m hoping it’s just one of Mote’s fears and not something that comes to pass
I hope they all earn the money and pay off their debts ah
Ep 2: The Investor (Jan 12)
Ep 6 came out and I saw one person write that it’s a satisfying ending, so I’m glad
ooh they’re talking about how it’d be good if they could just legalize sex work but the police are gonna lose so much money from the bribes to leave prostitution alone that they won’t let it be legal
Mote and Kat are cute, aw
oof Mote and Kat are so non-flirtily flirty ma gudness
agh Kat’s mom was dead I thought but nope, she’s just letting her daughter pay back her loans and also coming for more money
oh noooo Kat’s flashback to how her mom disappeared from their home and so the guys who were looking for her came for Kat instead T.T
oh, this was the very first time Kat saw her mom since that incident? 
hmm Sun telling Kat’s mom to never see her again. I’d assume that Sun’s romantically interested in her in any other show but he treats her like crap, so maybe he just doesn’t want them to plan and run away or smth? 
wait Pom from Gifted, what are you doing here heh. Victor’s name is Pat here 
is Pat gonna be the man she kills? 
damn he really put a collar on her oh I hate this bc he seems so earnest and this could’ve been cute if Kat didn’t fucking hate it and Sun didn’t force here T.T 
damn, not us getting the backstory on why Pat wants to have power during sex because he has no power in his personal life
oh Pat’s a billionaire, possible investor? also, that unicorn ad thing kinda maybe reminds me of whatever investing ad Mote saw in ep 1 that made him make the other app or something
oh yeah, the camera in the room that Sun has so that he can fucking watch Kat and her clients agh but now catching Kat doing work that he hasn’t assigned her
ahhh that camera was hidden by Kat? it’s for blackmailing Pat?
i love the classical music choices and also Mote thinking of possibilities and them actually showing it as if it’s happening, like Kat getting shot in the head
“I just wanna tell your you’re definitely worth more than you think?” ah so cute
Mote really is just too good with words, Kat’s right that these sorts of people just aren’t trustworthy bc they know the right things to say “How am I going to trust you, you shard-tongued jerk of a CEO?”
oh Tawi/Jay looks really different when talking with Pat’s wife than when he’s tryna get money out of Mote. Are they different people?
who’s the person that Pat’s wife talked about? Is it Mote?
okay the guy who’s terrorizing Mote isn’t actually Tawi
ah this guy is so annoying either Mote gives him money to keep the business a secret and then can’t pay back his debt in time and gets the hotel taken away OR Mote doesn’t give him money and so he tells the police about the illegal prostitution
Sun is so fucking scary, threatening June with killing her son if she doesn’t tell him what she and Kat are doing aghhh
omg so stressful. on the one hand Sun’s tryna get Doy to get him into the app by pretending he’s a client, Kat’s with Pat who’s waiting for the pitch + she saw Sun in the lobby, and Mote’s fucking phone somehow fell under the bed
ahh cliffhanger ending rip
Ep 3: Ain’t Them Bodies Cents (Jan 12)
anyway, I know Pat dies for sure because someone on a discord sent a screenshot. that’s as expected bc i’ve barely seen him in gifs or anything
oof Doy fucked up and gave Sun the invitation and whole time Mote’s like yep I trust Doy to take care of it rip
pls the chaos of Doy talking to Sun and Mote presenting to Pat while Doy and Mote are also communicating via bluetooth
pls Mond is so scary as Sun. girl “I’m the owner of their breath” kalsdj okay
Mote is much smarter than Sean is all I can say lmfao he can lie p well, even though Sun has a suspicion that Mote’s lying
is Pat drunk or what? Why is he all woozy and falling? Did he take his medication too late or something? Did his wife drug his meds because there was a point made about him taking his med case before leaving
lmfao is Mote and Kat’s kiss gonna be interrupted by Pat dying
oh kinda. i thought we’d hear a gun shot sound but what happened? did he fall and hit his head and die since Pat was so off-balance?
so did Pat succeed in giving the money or no
lol the Kat butchering the body scene
pls the way Doy had to say he’s not sitting in the back w the corpse
is Sun at Kat’s home? oh fuck he’s throwing a fit
wait omg I kinda knew that Sun knew Kat when he was a child bc I’ve seen a caption bout smth like that with a clip of Sun sitting on that bench but I didn’t know she was close friends with him :0 that sucks so bad
ah shit so Sun wasn’t the one who brought her into sex work but someone else did and he was there and he seemed young
oh Sun’s terrible idk how he transformed into this hardened pimp quickly but then he said he’d pay off Kat’s debt if she transfers to his club
ofc Pat’s car has a GPS oof and ofc Pat’s wife’s cheating on him with Jay but we could guess that from last ep
not Sun waiting in room 211 with his suitcase of weapons 
so Pat did start the transaction of 20 million?
ooh Kat’s tryna get away to diff city but also she stole Pat’s phone. wonder if there’s tracking on that too 
Ep 4: Disappear Body (Jan 13)
Joy’s tryna get Kat to fess up or something bc of her threatened child, right?
k the current things at play is that Kat wants to access Pat’s crypto and leave for Canada, Joy wants to trick Kat possibly, Sun has come to find Kat and is threatening Mote, Jay is tracking Pat’s car and has been lead to the motel, also the debt collector mans that’s been bothering Mote wants his money as well for protection of Takkrub
oh Jay’s seeing Sun being weird with Mote in the hallway on the CCTV lmfao he can just walk in there all willy nilly. is the room Mote and Sun are in also viewable with cctv
lol I wonder if Jay will view Sun as the thread instead of Mote now and have his suspicion on him as a possible reason for Pat going missing? who knows. also i wanna know if Jay knows that Pat’s dead or not? has he searched the inside of the car? seems like no
bruv, Mote really got Sun, Jay, and the debt collector guy all in the same room wanting something from him gbye and gl “shit, this is like a fan meeting. Wait no they’re all after me.”
plsss the three of them all being like eyeee should be the one talking to Mote first, yall get out
pls the way Sun smiled and gestured and moved away as soon as the knife appeared
oh Jay killed the debt collector mans lmfao Mote’s gulping and now Jay has a gun
oh debt collected mans was called Big Off
lmfao Mote being like “he’s not my friend” and Jay being like “oh? he didn’t come to save you?”
pls it’s killing me the way Jay has to explain like “this is not an empty thread na krub. If you don’t tell the truth, I’ll kill both of you. Na?”
plssssss the arguments between Sun and Mote are so funny and Jay telling them to shut up each time like now Mote realizing Sun has a camera in Kat’s usual room
wait if the footage is there, why didn’t they show Pat falling and hitting his head agh
oh damn okay so the body wasn’t in the car even though that was the original plan. did Kat do something with it?
fuckk i’m so mad I had so many thoughts for parts 3 and 4 but it refreshed and all of it got deleted kms
I thought it was fun when in part 4 Mote started acting clever and threatening again after seeming to be bumbling and foolish in the first 3 parts. 
I liked the chips and card game fantasy scene. The crew in MDL seems fairly inexperienced but they’re doing well so far
Ep 5: Blast From The Past (Jan 14)
Sun how’d you turn out like this agh
byeee they dismembered Big Off
 neo appearance !
Police officer Jay sued an elite man who attacked a bus driver but the elite man got him fired?
sdlkfhj the neolouis sex noises
oof, Kat’s found out that Sun’s getting money from Kat’s mom, which is money that Kat earned from Sun
oh my fucking god, I need to kill Sun. I hope Kat kills Sun
Sun remembering Kat saving him from those guys and so finally kinda snapping out of (sexually, physically) assaulting her
this young kids Kat and Sun backstory is making me so fucking sad because they used to be friends
noooo the promise :< “when we grow up, we won’t become the kind of adults we hate”
Sun realizing he’s become the kind of adult he hated
pls Doy and texting is just aldskfj as soon as Jay gets the orders to kill/deal with the trio, he texts Mote’s phone (which Jay has currently and also doesn’t it have a password) that he can’t find it (the body) anywhere in the hotel lmfao. prev it was the thing with Sun coming while they were tryna show Pat the pitch
Kat’s a whole lot, she really is confessing? playing with Mote? in that bathroom and kissing him instead of admitting she ran away for a brief period and also stole the phone hoping for the crypto money
I wonder if Mote believes her after seeing her pretend with Pat bc I don’t think I believe her actions in that bathroom
5-3 and 5-4
Sun really tryna just make a deal with everyone huh? giving the bullet to Jay and saying to kill only Mote (also the ice cooler thing Jay’s getting the ice from is freaking me out bc at first I don’t think I registered that they hid him in the ice cooler but now that I know... hm is he in there). Telling Mote that he wants to invest in Takkrub
What did the uncle and aunt wanna tell Mote before Jay came in? Were they the ones who his the body? Like if it isn’t any of the captured trio, Doy was a possibility but then he didn’t show up for like 2 eps in the middle so I started thinking he’s less of a possibility? Or is he more of one because why did he also disappear for a bit? And it could also be uncle and aunt who someone calmly and quietly discovered and hit the body
pls I love the fantasy situations Mote goes through so much, like the convo with dead ghost Pat
naurrr flashing back to young Kat and Sun saying they’d protect each other as adult Kat tells Sun to get out of her life
oh Pat’s in the ice cooler the way they made it seem. so the one that they hit the body in had the :) sticker and then that got carted out and had more ice put in it and put out front and the new ice cooler that’s in the place of the old ice cooler doesn’t have that sticker
So would his uncle and aunt do that? The mover also deleted the CCTV footage, would they be able to do that? Doy was the one who deleted the previous CCTV footage, so would it be him? Why?
also Mote and Sun and stuff getting ice from the cooler while underneath was Pat’s body reminds me of To Sir, With Love where the maids were all having fun collecting that mushroom, whole time there’s Don’s dead body underneath
Ep 6: All Or Nothing (Jan 14)
So I guess it really was his aunt and uncle who moved the body
they let Sun walk out of the room?
did Sun take one pill and poison the fish? or what?
or is Sun stealing the meds pill box from Kat?
Sun you backstabbing bitch, him being like “we have our bullets for that” and whole time he doesn’t even have the bullet. he has me on edge fr bc I can’t tell if he’s just double-crossing Mote and Kat or double double-crossing Jay
lol the meds box is filled with stone, flashbacks to Squid Game Ep 6
oh so Sun did give Jay a defect bullet? but Jay told June to bring another gun my dudes
everyone’s got stuff under their sleeve, like Kat with Pat’s phone and Mote with the Takkrub upload of the evidence
also i don’t think their evidence is actually enough for much (like lol they themselves could’ve filled the box with poisoned pills afterwards to frame June) but I’m ignoring that
I don’t get the [A gift from Big Off] and “say hello to my little friend
oh Jay fr shot the uncle on the shoulder 
bruv, I was thinking of Jay falling off the roof maybe but I didn’t think they’d do it like that lmfao
the villains really do wait to shoot until the uncle’s there or until Sun’s covering Kat huh lmfao
oh Sun is so psychologically fucked. he really is like if I die then Kat dies with me
oh the friendship bracelets were from the promise of not becoming like the adults they hated
okayyy Kat didn’t know that Sun was the same kid as before. At first I thought she did but then it was like hm but yeah she’s asked him “Are you Arthit?”
please Mond’s doing so good as Sun. the way he’s like sorry for breaking my promise and handing back the bracelet and telling her live and be better for him as he lays there dying. It goes with his character arc that he dies here because he’s too irredeemable to continue with the gang or to continue inflicting pain with his pimping but because of his backstory and helping the gang thus far, he’s also not someone who we see as an one-note evil man anymore. too evil to not die but the audience doesn’t wanna see him go down in a horrifying grotesque way either
plssss Kat using Pat’s corpse for the face ID of his crypto wallet (the reason she came back p much)
girl shut up who is Yudo, we have Tony for Doy. actually Doy can be polyam, I’d like that. or a cheater, I’ll forgive that in preperation for Moonlight Chicken
Very pretty wrapped bow for the ending.
The last ep was good but not great, I don’t think they were super clever with their action or wrap-up, although it was still pretty fun. Also no like great twist in the final ep, which is fine but nothing about the final ep really makes it stand out. 
The acting was great, the script was comprehensible and well-paced, the production is good, featured sex work without villainizing the workers or the work itself. I loved Mote’s little fantasies of possible scenarios or of imagining an interaction in a different way (the card game with June, convo with dead Pat). I’m impressed by the creative team behind it. 
I won’t think about this much after today I don’t think but I liked this little show.
Rating: 6.5/10
Mock Trailer
The actual show ended up being pretty much the same as that mock trailer, guess they’ve had the script done for a while. It was snappy but gave away a lot, so I’m glad I hadn’t watched most of it before watching the show (or if I had, it must’ve been like 10 months ago and I completely forgot it because only the first like 15 seconds seemed familiar and I knew the concept before going in).
Official Trailer
Once again, reveals a lot but is slightly better created than the OG, which is expected.
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
I liked SeanMaitee in the og series, they were basically the only thing that made me enjoy the show, not just as a ship but their characters were very enjoyable, Maitee and his flirting and Sean always being at the wrong place at the wrong time always catching Kluen and Dao, amd I hoped they ciuld imply something, hell they brought Mark in NLMG to have his and Pawins chara. to end up together! and as you said nothing really happend with SeanNay it was only the tiniest hint, I lament more that Typhoon and Maitee didn't have something together that would make sense! My pet peeve is mostly prioritizing 'pairs' for storytelling in this case, mostly cuz it was a 2 episodes special and they decided to go with the popular ship instead of going with something that could make sense with the og series, and in Typhoons case they inserted a new person to imply something when they could use Maitee, he and Typhoon seems to be closer and it would have been cute but anyway SIMM eps are over, I don't really care anymore I just want my Suppalo boys! Them I care about! SIMMs boys? not that much
I liked their characters too and I wouldn't have minded if they had made them official but I just didn't see it lol.
typhoon and maitee would've been fun too but I actually like that they made them bi lol? idk I'm not upset about any of the decisions they made tbh but I'm probably the only one. I'm also not taking this show seriously lmao.
but anyway!!! it's over lol. I'm just waiting to see the suppalo gang 🥺 I'm preparing for a possible flop plot-wise lmao but will I care as long as I get to see my boys? no.
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mamgt · 4 years
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Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Never Let Me Go is not what I expected and that was a good thing. The first work I read of Ishiguro was The Buried Giant that should have discouraged me from reading his other works only because I found myself rushing through the book just to get it over with, not because it was thrilling, but the very opposite. 
I think, if I understood the folklore of England or Europe, I would have appreciated as much as I would reading a book about aswangs or diwatas but sadly, it was a culture I had not been aware of or knowledgeable about and thus, did not pick up on of what must have been beautiful metaphors or scenarios even. However, if you’re English and found it boring, then that’s you. I’m just giving his The Buried Giant the benefit of the doubt. Therefore, coming into this novel (NLMG), which is more known and even has a movie, I had low expectations, which was good because it gave me the thrill I did not expect, thus enjoying far more than I had thought I would. I think, before giving my opinion on the novel, the difference between this and the Buried Giant was it was more relatable to me because it was closer to modern times. It was things I could imagine and understand. Moving on, I liked how it was written like Kath was really telling a story to a close friend — she didn’t have all the details smoothly transitioning from one moment to the other. Like any other conversation, she had to go back and talk about this instance and then this one. This is how I usually talk with my friends when I want to share experiences. You don’t remember them in order or remember all the details at one go. Something triggers the other and you start to tangent away and so for Ishiguro to write this way, as I said, it was very relatable. Even though, his writing wasn’t as poetic as say, Fitzgerald, or Kincaid, it was structure wise, great. It had brought the right kind of thrill, like I would feel when a friend was unfolding an interesting story. I never knew when to stop. I had to be conscious that I had to end it somewhere because there was reality ahead of me AKA academics I had to attend to. Everything was surprising. I didn’t know what was going to happen the next page and the next. I never guessed right of the events that lay beyond some novels tend to do. Therefore, coming to its ending, I was quite devastated. It was truly heartbreaking. But it had come with reason. It wasn’t like he pulled this out of nowhere. It was like he had been dropping hints of the kind of fate his characters had because the tone of the book never changed. I don’t know how that’s possible. It was daunting all throughout without making itself boring or predictable. Even if the words were so simple, it hit me like a ton of bricks and I found myself moaning in pain (literally, I am ashamed to say, because I was frustrated for Tommy and Ruth). All in all, people have not overhyped this one for me. I really enjoyed spending time with this story and following every bit of it.
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missyourflight · 1 year
I can't tell you how much I love Tender Is My Heart- it's an incredible story, and I am so grateful you shared it. I have a question, and I'm not sure if it entirely even makes sense, but here goes: I know that the story isn't set in our world, exactly, but if it were, there are some things that suggest it takes place in the late 1980s or early 90s, I think. On the other hand, the Maxtape has songs from more recent years. This is absolutely not a complaint or criticism, I adore the Maxtape and don't think it's important when the songs are from, I was just wondering if you did really have a specific era in mind when you wrote the story? If it is set in the late 80s/early 90s, I was wondering if the friends in London that Daniel refers to might have been sick with HIV (and that's why they died- because there was no effective treatment yet).
I hope this question doesn't bother you- it's also possible the answer is in Never Let Me Go, which I'm not familiar with but which I should probably read! I truly loved your story. Thank you again :)
hello, thanks for this 🫀
i think the film adaptation of NLMG is more explictly set in the 80s/90s than the novel is and that was part of the appeal of an au honestly - i love clone stories and thought it would be an interesting way in to write about like, max's ~relationship with his body, but also, loading daniel up with every 90s dreamboat characteristic like some unholy combo of AJ from empire records/bob morley in his home and away era (not the 90s but the heart wants what it wants)/heath ledger in 10 things i hate about you etc...
once i had that setting then i did think about why daniel would have washed up at the end of the pier in this small seaside town and why he would have left london. like, i don't think it's a stretch to imagine that the conservative govt of the 80s and 90s would not have made HIV/AIDS research a priority even in an alternative universe with advanced clone medicine - same thing with max not having gay sex acknowledged in sex ed, that's a nod to section 28 (legislation which banned ~the promotion of homosexuality in UK schools until it was revoked in 2003).
so i thought a lot about it and it's part of the backstory i imagined for daniel in this story but like - idk i felt sort of weird/bad/cheap/conflicted about using that as an element in what is ultimately a fanfiction about what if a racecar driver was a clone, y'know? i don't know if i got that right!
annnnd re: the maxtape i settled on "sort of nebulously mid-90s" (which just about tracks with the NLMG movie timeline, if you think of this happening a few years after kathy's story there) but there's a few songs on there that are pushing it lol
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jbankai89 · 7 years
Never Let Me Go [1/37]
A fair slim boy not made for this world's pain,
          With hair of gold thick clustering round his ears,
          And longing eyes half-veil'd for foolish tears
Like bluest water seen through mists of rain;
Pale cheeks whereon no kiss hath left its stain,
          Red under-lip drawn in for fear of Love,
          And white throat whiter than the breast of dove –
Alas! alas! it all should be in vain.
Behind, wide fields, and reapers all a-row
In heat and labour toiling wearily,
To no sweet sound of laughter or of lute.
The sun is shooting wide its crimson glow,
Still the boy dreams: nor knows that night is nigh,
And in the night-time no man gathers fruit.
                                        Wasted Days – Oscar Wilde (1877)
Part I – The Omega's Fate
Prologue – End of the Line
Yuri fell. His knees bit into the icy pavement and his jeans tore on impact, splitting the skin beneath.
He could hear yelling behind him, sharp whoops that chilled his blood and reminded him of one single, solitary fact—
They were enjoying this.
Yuri staggered to his feet, and took off running again.
He had to get away; he could not let himself be captured—to be captured would lead to a fate worse than death.
He couldn't—he wouldn't allow that to happen to him.
Not again.
Yuri's heart was in his throat, and his chest ached as though someone had stuck a knife between his ribs. He massaged the area, but did not allow himself to stop.
They were close—too close.
He could hear their jeering calls and hoots of laughter gaining on him, and he knew that one wrong move—anything that slowed him down would be met with a fate worse than death.
He skidded to an abrupt halt just outside a darkened alleyway, and he spotted a possible means of escape from this hell.
The omega darted down the dark, narrow expanse, and he clambered up the fire escape. His endeavour was not silent, his footsteps echoed in the night as he ascended. His bid for freedom did not go unnoticed, and with another shout from his pursuers, he knew that he'd been spotted. Yuri broke into a run and thundered up the rickety staircase, and it was only by sheer dumb luck that he did not fall on the slippery metal, dampened by the rain.
Yuri made it to the roof, but still, he did not stop.
He spotted a building next to the one he currently stood upon, with barely two feet of space between them—but a six storey drop below.
Yuri could hear the shouts growing in volume, and his fear amplified as he ran for the next building, and jumped.
His feet slammed against the next roof over, just as his pursuers had cleared the stairs and caught sight of him. They cried out, but they were too far away for Yuri to clearly discern the words.
The omega began to run again, panting hard, and cleared the next roof.
And the next.
Despite Yuri's best efforts, he could still hear them gaining on him. Pain suddenly lanced through his back, and his knees buckled as he fell. Another mocking laugh met his ears as he forced himself to his feet, and he leapt for the next building.
Yuri staggered again, and he heard another voice echo through the night. It was a high, cruel cackle, and Yuri's vision swam as his panic gave way to rage.
These sick fucks were revelling in his fear.
Yuri kept running.
He couldn't stop.
If he did, his life would be over.
Yuri leapt over another very narrow alleyway and onto the next roof, and his knockoff converse skidded sharply in the gravel.
Yuri's limbs, weakened from the punishing pace that he had had to set for himself, could not handle the abrupt change in movement, and he tumbled to the ground in a heap.
“He's down! We got him now, boys!” a voice cried just as Yuri got up, his teeth clenched as his muscles continued to shake in protest.
More cruel laughter filled the night air, and Yuri struggled to stay on his feet. With a curse, he fell to his knees, but immediately tried to stand back up. His limbs would no cooperate, and he fell again.
No, no...this can't be it, Yuri thought desperately, I can't let them take me...
The thought pushed Yuri to stand, and he staggered on weak limbs to the edge of the roof. It was high—very high. If he fell, he knew that he'd never survive the fall, and the next building was easily six feet away—too far to jump.
Heavy footsteps crunched on the gravel.
Yuri whirled around to see the three beefy men who had been chasing him, all of them regarding him with wicked grins, they all brandishing taser guns or noose traps—narrow lassos on the end of long poles, not unlike the tools used to wrangle alligators and crocodiles.
“End of the line, omega.”
Yuri backed up, and his aching calf muscles brushed the brick barricade that surrounded the edges of the roof. The three men stepped closer.
“N-No...please...” Yuri gasped out, his eyes darting from one man to the next as he looked for an escape route, but saw none. He was trapped.
“Nowhere to run!” sing-songed one of the men, and he took a step closer. Yuri pressed his legs more securely against the bricks.
“C'mon, love,” crooned one of the men with a cockney accent, “we don't have to do this the hard way. Just come with us, nice and easy, and we won't have to hurt you.”
“Like hell I will,” Yuri spat, “I'm not going back to one of those...those...slave auctions.”
“You're in heat, you've got to come with us, it's for your own good,” said one of the others, and the false kindness in his tone made Yuri feel positively sick to his stomach.
“No fucking way,” Yuri snarled, “I'd sooner die.”
To make his point, he spun and vaulted over the bricks.
Except, Yuri had not taken into account his sheer exhaustion, and how much that would slow him down.
One of the lassos closed over his throat before he'd completely cleared the bricks, followed by a second. He barely had time to register their presence around his neck before he was yanked backward, and he sprawled at the feet of pursuers.
“Gotcha,” the one with the taser said nastily, then as the man jabbed the weapon into the omega's ribs, Yuri's world dissolved into blinding pain.
A/N: Prologues are generally pretty short, the next update will be much longer, I promise! Next chapter will be up August 14th.
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NLMG Masterpost
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
Why do I feel like the cousin is the one who exposes Ben and Nuengdiao because he’s jealous? The cousins have too good of a relationship for the mob storyline and add in their parents hating each other and I can see it happening. This show is making me distrust every single character. Maggie is the only one I trust and only because the fandom hates her lmao but also :/
hi anon!
sorry this took so long to answer, I was trying to stay away from NLMG asks for a bit lol.
but anyway it is possible that Chopper will expose Ben and Nueng but they kinda have to get into a relationship for that to happen lol. I don't even think he knows that they kissed. if they wanna make it real messy, they let ben and nueng get together, have palm tell chopper about it who then outs them in front of the whole school thua-style and everyone hates each other jdkhgdf.
no but in all seriousness I do think Chopper is suspicious but if him and Ben actually do end up together and it won't be a bonny & clyde kinda relationship then I don't think they will give him antagonistic characteristics. but who knows lmao.
I don't trust anyone at the moment and when it comes to this triangle, I don't think I trust Jojo either lmao.
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