swearphil · 8 months
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We are back again! We are old, gay. I have got no fucks left to give.
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hellverse · 1 year
oh imagine a supernatural episode where a curse is placed on dean and cas where the only way for dean to survive is to kill cas. imagine the torture. imagine the horror of realising that there is not another option. imagine dean coming to terms that he’d rather die than kill cas. imagine cas firmly holding dean’s hand that’s gripping the angel blade and slowly moving it towards himself. imagine the absolute pain in dean’s eyes, the pleading.
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neonfretra · 2 months
did I ever tell you about the time I went to the sharks/kraken game (in seattle) this season and I think it was zetterlund tripped right in front of me, stood back up and looked at me, shushed me, and when I gave him a thumbs up he nodded and skated away?
this is our top goalscorer of the season (a whole 23!!!!) LMAO live laugh love sharks <3
youre tellin me even though he shushed you as well? crazy! hey everypony on my blog LMAO thats a great story though honest
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nostalgia-tblr · 4 months
i realised the "antis" thing and the age-old joy of shipwars is one reason i don't comment on fic as much as i would otherwise - there's this fear that appears that the author will click through to my own Works and see that i have written The Bad Pairing (whichever one that is for that person, which i mostly have no way of knowing) or some trope that enrages them and they'll like. block me and/or reply angrily. as far as i know this has never actually happened to me and yet for some reason i still worry about it.
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trlvsn · 9 months
that lamp is me. has to be. as in the main character, but also, hey, same name
probably not going to liveblog ghost trick or anything, but so far it's very neat! i love the graphics and i love ghosting and tricking
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dirtyjvconfessions · 3 months
Oh my god anon you're right, the whole 'Jhonen hates his fans' bs could have very well started with Ressel
I've not once heard a truly bad story come out about Jhonen from casual fan interactions, in fact it's the complete opposite nearly every time? Usually it was the fan who did something painfully awkward/rude to him. Real interesting.
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Not to get all personal and sappy but
It’s so important to me that Spock has/had a good paternal figure in his life through Captain Pike. Not only that but the fact that they’re both like, the Most Character Ever.
Specifically the fact that Spock found one later in life, possibly after convincing himself good father figures might not even exist, at least not for him.
That the road never stopped being rocky with Sarek, his biological dad, because that is very Real.
The fact he gets to find a way to fill that need elsewhere is 🤌🏻💕 perfection! Because that happened to ME, I did that, I found some amazing paternal figures to help me recover from an extremely shit one.
Literally, one of them even used to be my boss at one point, so like, it’s even relatable on the level that Chris is technically Spock’s boss. Regardless, easily, they’re both some of the best people to ever happen to me. Referring to real humans and the Pike/Spock duo.
It’s also so clear that Pike needs Spock too in a lot of ways. Spock is very grounding for him I think, with all that good old fashioned Vulcan logic. Spock’s descretion, his “younger man” POV, his equally matched devotion to Pike’s wellbeing, Chris really obviously needs that.
Especially when you put the burden of Chris knowing his future into perspective and it’s like “if I can’t have good things for myself, at least I can want good things for him” which is relatable to me on both ends as being an older brother and as being a son.
Spock and Pike affect each other so goddamn profoundly, in their lives, in their deaths, in their rebirths. Never gonna get over how beautifully their stories fold out into each other.
It just gets me right in the heart it is SO important to me that it’s happened, and we get to watch it happening in real time. That we’re getting to see it play out through Strange New Worlds.
I know that Pike has a “sad” or at least bittersweet end to his story, but what’s a good tragedy without hope?
I’m never not gonna be grateful for that.
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yellowfingcr · 1 year
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"Psst! Come closer! Open your hand! I have something to give you!"
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calisources · 1 year
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upcoming psd perhaps, inspired by the wacky disney channel movies and their wacky wigs.
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jonny-versace · 1 year
New m83 album announced, 2023 saved?
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sillymewaiting · 2 years
interviewing to be a painter at a like maintenance company today and i’m p sure i’m going to just like. this guy’s HOUSE to do the interview ummm am i gonna get killed
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evidently-endless · 2 months
i think we should remind musicians they can absolutely make up little stories for their songs btw. it doesn’t have to be about them at all. you can invent a guy and put him in situations to music. time honoured tradition in fact.
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greelin · 8 months
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this is going to have me on my hands and knees dry heaving
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zytes · 6 months
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this manatee looks like it’s in a skyrim loading screen
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spamton · 3 months
i accidentally napped and had a dream (nightmare?) where a new update for stardew valley released where everything was the same except on a random day in year 3 Evelyn would just straight up die. There was a whole cutscene that started in her house where she collapsed, and then transitioned over to the hospital where Harvey gave George and Alex the worst news of their lives. However, they got to speak to her where she said something along the lines of "Yoba will protect me, and I am sure he will let me watch over you."
Alex and George would not talk to the player for more than a few words for a full season after this event. George would spend most of his time in the bedroom, so if you had less than 2 hearts with him, you could barely ever speak to him.
And Alex... oh my god, poor Alex. If you were married to him during this event, he just stayed in bed all day. Otherwise, if single, he would just stand on the beach most of the time, staring off into the ocean. If you tried to interact with him, it would just say "Alex is grieving... Better leave him be."
There was also other NPC dialogue like mayor Lewis saying "I haven't seen the community in this state of mourning since your grandfather passed..."
there was also a glitch where you could make Evelyn live forever and there were entire guides for the "immortal Evelyn glitch" that got patched out in the next update. If you tried to perform the glitch after the patch, mr. Qi would tell you that "hey, it happens to all of us. We can't prevent it, and neither can you, no matter how hard you try."
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jonnywaistcoat · 5 months
I low-key love the fact that sci-fi has so conditioned us to expect to be hanging out with a bunch of cool space aliens, that legitimate, actual scientists keep proposing the most bizarre, three-blunts-into-the-rotation "theories" to explain the fact we're not.
Some of my favourites include:
Zoo Theory: What if there are loads of aliens out there, but they're not talking to us because of the Prime Directive from Star Trek? (Or because they're doing experiments on us???)
Dark Forest Theory: What if there are loads of aliens out there, but they all hate us and each other so they're all just waiting with a shotgun pointed at the door, ready to open fire on anything that moves?
Planetarium Theory: What if there's at least one alien with mastery over light and matter that's just making it seem to us that the universe is empty to us as, like, a joke?
Berserker Theory: What if there were loads of aliens, but one of them made infinite killer robots that murdered everyone and are coming for us next?!!
Like, the universe is at least 13,700,000,000 years old and 46,000,000,000 light years big. We have had the ability to transmit and receive signals for, what, 100 years, and our signals have so far travelled 200 light years?
The fact is biological life almost certainly has, does, or will develop elsewhere in the universe, and it's not impossible that a tiny amount of it has, does, or will develop in a way that we would understand as "intelligent". But, like, we're realistically never going to know because of the scale of the things involved.
So I'm proposing my own hypothesis. I call it the "Fool in a Field" hypothesis. It goes like this:
Humanity is a guy standing in the middle of a field at midnight. It's pitch black, he can't move, and he's been standing there for ages. He's just had the thought to swing his arms. He swings one of his arms, once, and does not hit another person. "Oh no!" He says. "Robots have killed them all!"
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