#post natal pilates exercises
bodylove-mamas · 1 year
BodyLove Mamas Approach to Postnatal Workout Plan
BodyLove Mamas postnatal workout plan is an effective way for busy moms to incorporate exercise into their daily routine. The program takes a holistic approach to postpartum recovery, focusing on physical, emotional, and mental well-being. The plan is designed to be convenient and time-efficient, with workouts that can be tailored to individual needs and preferences. Additionally, the program offers a supportive community of like-minded moms who can provide encouragement and motivation. By following BodyLove Mamas',  moms can regain strength, improve posture, boost energy levels, and promote overall well-being.
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black-lake · 2 years
self care based on your chart
I talked about the signs and houses connection to body parts and many of you requested this post. These are ways to do your self-care using your chart, the signs, and planetary placements and aspects. The same concept can be applied using simple self-love practices in other areas of life too.
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I recommend you look at your transits chart or solar return as well to better know the best self-care practices at the time. You can base your general self-care on your natal chart but the transits can tell you the best times to take action or avoid taking action on something significant. 
Look for the planets placements and their aspects, mainly if in the angular houses or make many significant aspects. Like I mentioned before I got so much dental work done when saturn was in the 10th, conjunct my mc and opposite north node, it was expensive but I was able to afford it.
You can also consider the degrees if you're feeling extra, in your natal chart and your solar return. Degrees can be associated with signs, so they can be simply linked to the areas they rule.
Planets rule things related to body parts like diseases or accidents and influence certain parts of the body depending on the aspects they make. Also two planets can influence the same body parts.
Aries/1st house - head, face, brain, eyes 
— Prone to headaches so get quality sleep, wash your hair often, and do wash your makeup, nothing heavy on the head. Exercise and workout in general helps release any pent-up energy or stress. Take good care of your eyes, sunglasses, eye drops, natural eye products/makeup. Keep your brain healthy. Foods and supplements that regulate your energy levels. Head massages, soft pillows, facemasks, frequent haircuts, breathing exercises, get enough brain oxygen. Fast thinkers and can have racing thoughts, so journaling, running, meditating can help. Release anger in healthy ways.
Taurus/2nd house - neck, ears, throat, thyroid 
— The senses can be heightened so make sure your environment is comfortable, the temperature, the sounds, scents, fabrics, the food, arrange it like it's a visions board. Coffee, tea, warm soups, breads and oats, and warm herbal drinks that work for you. Can cling to that one thing they like, so do change your diet from time to time to get different nutrient. Renew your clothes, make your space cozy. Neck massages, aromatherapy, and body relaxation methods. Singing or writing, chill playlists, comfy places and peaceful walks. Cooking your own food can be therapeutic and healing for you. 
Gemini/3rd house - arms, hands, lungs, shoulders 
— Tend to be anxious and restless, since it also rules the nervous system and is ruled by mercury, so the mind is central. Can't stress it enough, but writing,  journaling, speaking just getting your thoughts out. Since the mind is always active, look for ways to release that mental energy. Cardio, pilates, fast sports, board games, socialising. Can have fast metabolism and lean long body parts so accustom your diet and exercise based on that. Massage your shoulders, read a book, and do stretch regularly. Honestly..  joke around, taking all those thoughts seriously is no good. DO YO NAILLS 💅
Cancer/4th house - chest, breast, stomach, womb 
— Ruled by the moon, get a healthy outlet for your emotions, accept your emotions, write, speak up, cry when you need, watch something funny, your comfort show, make yourself laugh. Check your hormones regularly, find a good diet for stomach health, whole grains and high-fiber foods, take your digestive supplements. Do yoga, stomach exercises, breathing exercises. Drink lots of water. Choose your friends wisely, find people you trust. Make your bedroom comfy, invest in a quality bed, get yourself comfy clothes. Cooking your own food is again a self love thing to do, baking, homey places, nature and quiet places. Get you a furr baby.  
Leo/5th house - heart, spine, spinal column, upper back 
— Ruled by the sun, go out more and get your vitamin d. Choose heart-healthy foods, leafy greens and soluble fiber foods and supplements. Check your heart health and blood pressure. Do exercises that work for both your heart, your upper back and shoulders, aerobic exercises, fun sports and activities. You can be generous to everyone but be generous to yourself too, buy yourself gifts, spoil yourself. Do a full hair and skin routine, find a hobby, watch shows that inspire you, make your inner child happy. Embrace you emotions, your skills, pursue your passions, be expressive and go out for adventures.
Virgo/6th house - abdomen, digestive system, intestines, spleen
— Listen to your body and keep adjusting your diet and routine to fit your needs. Your body can be just as picky, so be mindful of the food you consume, of any allergies or foods that are hard to digest. Get your digestive supplements and enzymes, do your research. Choose gut-healthy foods and the best times to eat for you. Go for a nature walk, exercise to release any pent-up stress, cardio or pilates. Get indoors plants or plant them yourself. Spend time with pets. Make your own natural medicine that works for you, even if as simple as tea. Read a book, journal to organize your thoughts, keep your space clean. Reward yourself and acknowledge your efforts and progress. 
Libra/7th house - kidneys, lower back, bladder, buttocks
— Find a way to maintain a balanced lifestyle that works for you. Add a variety of nutrients to your diet, foods for healthy kidneys to make that skin glow, antioxidant foods and supplements. Keep your kidneys and bladder healthy. Lower body and buttocks exercises, strength training, dancing, going out for walks. Decorate and beautify your own place, try new recipes, go for a picnic. How you feel is more important than how you look, make yourself feel pretty, do a skincare routine, create a vision board, romanticize your life. Be the person you want to love and identify your own opinions from those of others, yours matter. 
Scorpio/8th house - genitals, colon, urethra, reproductive system
— With all those transformative energies, change what you consume to fulfill your changed needs, feeding your body and mind the proper nutrients. Maintain healthy reproductive organs and balanced hormones, do your check ups. Maintain healthy guts, fiber and antioxidant rich foods, high vitamin drinks, herbal medicine can be beneficial too. Lower body and muscle exercises, stretch regularly, breath and meditate to calm your mind. Invest in quality skincare and unscented hygiene products. Journal, write your reflections, your progress and goals, positive affirmations, light your great scented candles and watch a funny show. 
Sagittarius/9th house - thighs, hips, liver, legs
— Go out and wander around, exploring new places, foods, and random things will light you up, you know it. Find a diet that works for your energy levels, protein rich foods and shakes, citrus and greens, simple nutritious meals. Watch out for any leg injuries. Go out for running, do leg exercises, muscle building, any outdoors sports. Write a bucket list, update your wishes list, go for mini solo adventures, speak to the locals when you travel, learn new words, find authentic travel souvenirs. Listen to a podcast or watch a documentary, keep a positive outlook on your future, positive environment and self-talk.
Capricorn/10th house - bones, joints, knees, skin, hair
— Can get caught up in doing or not doing things, so allow yourself to both be active and rest when you need. Find foods and supplements that are good for bone strength and joint health, calcium and magnesium rich foods, going out and getting your vitamin d is good for both your skin and bones. Going for morning runs, muscle building workouts, chiropractic-approved exercises and stretches, any leg sports. Invest in skincare and dental care. Write down things like goals, tasks list, and self development notes. Watch things that motivate you and light you up, acknowledge how far you’ve come.
Aquarius/11th house - ankles, calfs, achilles, circulatory system 
— Can be very future focused, so do protect your hopes and find an outlet to express them but enjoy the present as it is. Add water-rich foods to your diet, foods that help the blood flow like fatty fish, avocados and other circulation boosters or supplements. Exercises that improve circulation like jogging, cycling, cardio, dancing, swimming. Find ways to express your ideas of the world and fantasies, music can put you in that creative energy, meditation, talking to a friend. Take a long bath, light some candles, write down your ideas, your hopes and dreams, your thoughts and what you're grateful for. 
Pisces/12th house - feet, toes, pineal gland, lymphatic system 
— Can also be spacey and future focused so any self expression activities can help that energy flow. Choose foods that help maintain your body fluid balance, water-rich foods, leafy veggies, omega 3 rich foods, and supplements that boost lymphatic drainage. Avoid foods that drain your lymphatic system. Find hobbies that light you up, listen to music, paint, be creative. Nature walks, swimming, cardio, cycling, dancing. Taking frequent baths and soaking your feet in soap and epsom salt water can release stress from the feet area, grounding activities, reflecting, journaling and writing down your hopes and thoughts.
Sun - heart, head, spine, spinal cord, eyes — can influence vitality, heart function, headaches, fever, eyesight.. etc
Moon - stomach, breast, lungs, blood circulation, body fluids — can influence colds, blood flow, dehydration, stomach issues.
Mercury - nervous system, ears, mouth, skin — can influence ear problems, mental illness, restlessness, breathing issues.
Venus - face, cheeks, throat, bladder, skin —  can influence skin issues, bladder infections, throat issues, carbs and sugar balance. 
Mars - chest, muscles, blood, genitals — can influence accidents, wounds, muscles weakness, energy levels, genital diseases.
Jupiter - liver, kidneys, pancreas, thighs — can influence cholesterol issues, fatty liver, toxins overload, diabetes, kidneys issues.
Saturn - bones, teeth, hair, legs, joints, knees — can influence knee or joint problems, dental problems, wisdom teeth, bone diseases, hair loss.
Note that these are just suggestions that I hope remind you and inspire you to listen to your body and take good care of it, discern, do your research and take only what works for you. much love 🫶
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if anyone wants a fitness app reccomendation: FitOn.
Does have a pro version but all workouts are available for free. Also has food and recipes. The pro just adds a meal plan option, more networking, and lets you add different music to the workouts. Has workouts for physical therapy and rehab. Has yoga, hiit, tai chi, with kids, pilates, calisthenics, cardio, band, weight, and chair exercises. No equipment required. Different intensity levels, all workouts are videos so you can see exactly how to position, and if you have friends who also have the app you can add them as a friend and do the workout together. Also theres a page with articles and videos vetted by several users with advice on hydration, food, routine, sleep, and more. Can join live classes if you want. Does have courses and programs that are pay-only, but not required. Programs are included in pro. 10/10 would recommend. Also when making your thing you can choose between goals like lose wight, reduce stress, tone body, stay active, pre/post natal, etc. instructors are men and women, can add a third gender as your profile, has workouts for all bodies, the instructors arent just skinny white ladies, has competitions for those who like a challenge, can save workouts, and dont need a fitbit or anything.
i genuinely had fun while doing like 4 workouts in a row in 45-ish minutes, and the instructors talk the entire time which somehow makes it go faster? Also theres dance options so ✨✨
If you want to look into it i really suggest it. In my opinion its awesome
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robertnelson2-blog · 3 months
Reformer Pilates Classes in Lathlain
Dynamic stretching helps to improve your range of motion & flexibility, reducing pain and tension allowing you to move better and progress faster focusing on moving with the breath, expanding your repertoire and subsequently helping you to reach your goals.  Reformer Pilates Classes in Lathlain
Directed towards improving specific muscles aiding in post-birth recovery. A capacity of five establishes an intimate experience that helps foster a safe environment when returning to exercise. Re-connect with your body by gaining a mindful understanding and controlling your core muscles. Reformer Pilates Studio Perth
A high intensity 45min combination class. Switching between moving from the barre and jump-board to get your heart rate up while working all the right muscle groups. Join this class if you are wanting to incorporate a touch of cardio into your routine in a safe and fun environment.
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whitehatlink · 4 months
Top 3 Best Pilates Exercises for Post-Natal and Pregnancy
Pilates is a fantastic form of exercise, particularly beneficial for women during and after pregnancy. It helps in maintaining core strength, flexibility, and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the top three Pilates exercises ideal for post natal and pregnancy Pilates in West Sussex. These exercises are designed to support your body through the changes of pregnancy and aid recovery post-birth.
1. Pelvic Floor Exercises
Why It's Essential:The pelvic floor muscles support the bladder, bowel, and uterus. Strengthening these muscles is crucial during and after pregnancy to prevent issues such as incontinence and support overall pelvic health.
How to Do It:Find Your Pelvic Floor: Sit comfortably and imagine you are stopping yourself from urinating mid-stream.
Engage and Hold: Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and hold for a count of five.
Release and Repeat: Relax and repeat this process 10-15 times, aiming to do three sets daily.
Engaging inpost natal Pilates West Sussex often includes these exercises to ensure a strong recovery post-birth.
2. Cat-Cow Stretch
Why It's Essential:This gentle exercise helps to alleviate back pain, which is common during pregnancy. It also promotes flexibility and mobility in the spine, which is beneficial for overall comfort and posture.
How to Do It:Start on All Fours: Position your hands directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
Cat Pose: Exhale and round your spine towards the ceiling, tucking your chin towards your chest.
Cow Pose: Inhale and arch your back, lifting your head and tailbone towards the ceiling.
Repeat: Flow between these positions for 10-15 repetitions.
Incorporating the Cat-Cow stretch in your pregnancy Pilates West Sussex routine can help maintain spinal health and reduce discomfort.
3. Bridge Pose
Why It's Essential:The Bridge Pose is excellent for strengthening the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles. It also helps in stabilising the core and improving posture, both crucial during pregnancy and the post-natal period.
How to Do It:Lie on Your Back: Bend your knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor and hip-width apart.
Lift Your Hips: Press through your feet to lift your hips towards the ceiling, creating a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
Hold and Lower: Hold the position for a few seconds before slowly lowering back down.
Repeat: Perform 10-15 repetitions.
This exercise is a staple in postnatal Pilates West Sussex programs due to its effectiveness in rebuilding core strength after childbirth.
Pilates offers numerous benefits for pregnant women and new mothers, from improved core strength to better posture and reduced pain. The three exercises mentioned – Pelvic Floor Exercises, Cat-Cow Stretch, and Bridge Pose – are essential components of both postnatal Pilates West Sussex and pregnancy Pilates West Sussex. Regularly practicing these exercises can make a significant difference in your physical well-being during and after pregnancy. Always consult with a qualified Pilates instructor to ensure you are performing the exercises correctly and safely.
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musculoskeletalphysio · 8 months
Recuperate, Rebuild, Excel: Visit the Most Dependable Clinical Pilates in Melbourne
Clinical pilates in Melbourne is a workout style that works on your stability, balance, and core strength. It focuses on strengthening the musculature of your hips and pelvis, your deep supporting spinal muscles, and your deeper layer of abdominal muscles.
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Exercise and pilates matwork in general are very beneficial to your health. The injuries are on the other side. The majority of injuries occur in contact sports that require a lot of running and twisting. The most common injuries are to the shoulder, knee, and ankle/foot.
For physiotherapy in St Kilda to be effective, a complete assessment of the pathology of the tendon, muscle, ligament, cartilage, and bone is necessary. The theory behind this is that strengthening your core will enhance your body's ability to operate, help you maintain better posture, and lessen your chances of developing lower back pain.
Post-Natal Physical Therapy: What Is It?
The goal of postnatal exercise classes in Melbourne is to treat postpartum problems, such as hip, groyne, and lower back discomfort. Additionally, it tries to treat pelvic floor issues like prolapse and incontinence. There are several physical and psychological advantages to postpartum fitness programmes, some of which are as follows:
• Restores body rigidity and muscle strength
• Improves posture to lessen discomfort and pain
• Raises vitality and lessens tiredness
• Encourages aerobic fitness and weight loss
• Reduces tension and keeps sadness at bay
• Elevates wellbeing and mood in general.
It Enhances Athletic Performance and The Ability of Your Mind
Pilates might be a fantastic addition to your training regimen if you're an avid sportsman. While strength and endurance are key components of many sports-related activities, this exercise also enhances balance, flexibility, and mobility—aspects that are crucial to any sport but aren't given enough attention in other fitness regimens.
Your ability to focus and maintain mental discipline is also tested while you engage in various activities. It is also possible to enhance other cognitive abilities in addition to memory.
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gymfitme · 9 months
Gym Fit Me welcomes Vida Fitness - Gallery Place with there free gym listing
Gym Fit Me welcomes Vida Fitness - Gallery Place with there free gym listing
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A Premier Fitness Club in DC & VA
Trust your health & wellness to the experts at VIDA Fitness. Our gyms set the standard for high-quality, contemporary fitness with uniquely designed spaces, state-of-the-art equipment, industry-leading programming, luxurious amenities, and a social atmosphere that motivates you to achieve at your highest capacity. Achieve a fuller, more balanced life at VIDA Fitness and visit any of our six clubs conveniently located throughout Washington, DC, and Arlington, VA.
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Our Trainers
All VIDA Personal Trainers maintain a nationally accredited personal training certification as well as many specialized certifications for specific training modalities and special populations.
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Amanda Schmidt
Logan Circle Amanda is a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) certified personal trainer and VIDA Master Trainer/Personal Training Manager. Several years ago, Amanda rebuilt her own life and reclaimed her physical and mental health by using physical activity as a therapeutic resource. After experiencing her own transformation, she finished earning her Master’s Degree in International Affairs from the George Washington University in 2011, then decided to follow her heart and instead made a career out of changing people’s lives through fitness. Through her fitness career, which expands over a decade, Amanda has worked with virtually every type of client ranging from 8 to 89 years of age, including clients with special needs. She believes that the gym can and should be for everyone, and that working out should be a joyful experience rooted in self-love. Depending on a client’s needs, Amanda brings a wide variety of specialties to her sessions including pre- and post-natal fitness, corrective exercise, senior fitness, weight loss, and more. Amanda is also a certified Pilates Teacher, Meditation Facilitator, certified TRX instructor, POUND master instructor, and Barre instructor. When she’s not in the gym, Amanda enjoys meditating, running half marathons with her two sisters, watching alien documentaries, and hanging out with her rescue dog Gordon. Meet All Our Trainers Read the full article
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vagabondtribes · 11 months
A Monumental Partnership: Welcoming Dr. Dhruvi Shah to Physio Lounge
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The addition of Dr. Dhruvi Shah to the team at Physio Lounge  undoubtedly a significant and thrilling development. As a cardio-pulmonary physiotherapist, her expertise brings a unique and valuable dimension to the services offered by Physio Lounge. Her deep knowledge and experience in this specialised field not only enhances the clinic's capabilities but also aligns seamlessly with the clinic's vision, ensuring a collusive partnership that promises innovation and excellence.
This exciting journey toward innovation and success is bound to captivate the interest of clients and the healthcare community alike. As Dr. Dhruvi Shah and Physio Lounge join forces, one can only anticipate  the remarkable ventures and projects that will emerge from this collaboration. The collaboration of their strengths and shared vision for patient care is a recipe for groundbreaking developments in the world of physiotherapy, which will undoubtedly benefit countless individuals seeking to improve their well-being. Welcome this new partner, and let's look forward to the promising future that lies ahead as they chart a course towards advancing healthcare and delivering exceptional patient outcomes.
Physio Lounge is a distinguished establishment in the realm of healthcare and physiotherapy, known for its commitment to excellence and the well-being of its patients. With a team of highly skilled and compassionate professionals, they provide a comprehensive range of physiotherapy services that cater to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Their approach to care is founded on a holistic perspective, ensuring that not only are physical ailments addressed but also the overall health and quality of life of their patients are improved.
One of the standout features of Physio Lounge is their state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge techniques. They stay at the forefront of the field, continually embracing innovative practices to deliver the best possible outcomes. Whether it's recovering from an injury, managing chronic pain, or enhancing one's physical performance, Physio Lounge's personalised treatment plans are designed to meet the unique needs of each patient. Their commitment to delivering top-notch care has earned them a well-deserved reputation as a trusted partner on the journey to better health and mobility.
In the bustling city of Mumbai, where the pursuit of fitness and well-being is a way of life, Physio Lounge stands as a beacon of health and vitality. This multidisciplinary clinic offers a wide range of services, catering to various needs in the realm of physical health. Whether you're a sports enthusiast looking for expert sports physiotherapy or seeking the relaxation of a therapeutic massage, Physio Lounge has something for everyone.
For those grappling with orthopedic issues, the clinic provides specialized care to address musculoskeletal concerns. The experienced orthopedic physiotherapists work closely with patients to design tailored treatment plans that promote healing and recovery. On the other hand, those dealing with cardio-pulmonary conditions find solace in the expertise of the clinic's cardio-pulmonary specialists, who focus on improving lung and heart function.
Physio Lounge's commitment to holistic health extends to every stage of life. Ante-natal and post-natal care for expectant and new mothers is one of their specialties. The clinic offers programs and exercises designed to support women through pregnancy and the post-partum period, ensuring a smoother transition into motherhood. Senior citizens looking to maintain their mobility and vitality also benefit from the clinic's dedicated services, tailored to their unique needs.
The clinic's offerings don't stop at physiotherapy alone; they encompass a spectrum of complementary practices. From yoga and pilates to chiropractic care and aqua therapy, Physio Lounge's multidisciplinary approach emphasises the importance of fitness and wellness. The combination of services underscores the clinic's commitment to providing a comprehensive healthcare experience that promotes both physical and mental well-being.
Physio Lounge located in the vibrant city of Mumbai, stands as a testament to the growing awareness of the importance of health and fitness in daily life. Whether you're a sports enthusiast, a mom-to-be, a senior citizen, or someone looking to enhance their overall fitness, this clinic is dedicated to ensuring that your journey towards well-being is as comprehensive and holistic as possible.
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5 Things That Make Your Fitness App Viral
The demand for Fitness apps has expanded tremendously in recent years. As consumers aim to become more active, manage weight, and enhance workout regimens, fitness apps offer users the drive, accountability, and instructions from their smart devices.
With capabilities like on-request exercises, calorie trackers, online groups, and more, these fitness apps are indispensable for reaching health objectives. The mobile application sector is projected to reach a market value of $407.31 billion by 2026, with an expected growth pace of 18.4%. However, with millions of apps saturating the marketplace, how does one construct an app that separates itself from the competition and goes viral?
We’ve decoded the ingredients for fitness app virality. Add these five key features into your app's mix, and you'll have users hooked and sharing with their friends in no time. 
Let's dive in!
Going Viral in the Fitness App World: The 5 Essential Elements
Simplicity and Ease of Use
The most successful fitness apps feature clean, intuitive designs that are extremely easy to use. Users should be able to navigate the app and access key features within just a few taps. Complex apps with cluttered interfaces will only frustrate users. 
Make sure your onboarding process introduces users to your fitness app in a simple, step-by-step manner. The easier your app is to use, the more likely users will continue engaging with it.
Social Sharing and Competition 
Giving users the ability to share their workouts and compete against friends is a great way to drive engagement. 
Features like activity feeds, direct messaging, and leaderboards motivate users to outperform their peers. The more users can interact with your fitness app, the more likely they’ll continue using it to connect with their fitness community.
Gamification and Rewards
Make getting into shape fun by gamifying the experience! Give users points for completing workouts, let them level up as they hit new milestones, and reward them with badges and trophies for progress.
The sense of accomplishment from collecting achievements will have users returning daily. Utilizing gamification tactics taps into people's competitive side, enticing them to outpace their peers.
No two fitness journeys are exactly alike. Giving users the ability to fully customize their experience to match their specific goals and preferences is crucial. This customization should go beyond just selecting preset workout plans or routines. 
For example, allow users to indicate their fitness level, problem areas to target, schedule/availability, equipment access, and more. 
For the dashboard, enable customization by letting users prioritize the metrics and visuals most useful for their fitness journey, like weight trends, body measurements, calories burned, heart rate, sleep data, and so on. 
When building the workout features, provide ample options for users to self-select activities based on their preferences each day - target muscle groups, cardio vs. strength training, duration, and other parameters. The more configurable the platform is to each user's specific interests, the more indispensable it becomes in their routine. 
Premium Features
While a stellar free app is essential for user acquisition, premium features help drive conversions and revenue. 
Consider premium offerings like:
- Personalized coaching, where users get matched with a certified trainer who provides tailored workout and nutrition plans based on the user's goals, schedule, experience level, injuries/limitations, and equipment access. Trainers can provide feedback, adjust plans when needed, and keep users motivated.
- Unlimited on-demand access to a full library of HD workout videos across every category imaginable - HIIT, yoga, Pilates, strength training, pre/post-natal, senior fitness, and more. New exclusive videos are added weekly.
- Advanced analytics and reports, such as graphs/trends on performance over time, insights on which workouts yield optimal results, comparisons against other app users in your age group, and recommended ways to improve.
- Offline mode allows users to download workouts and use the app even without an internet connection - perfect for travel, remote areas, or times when connectivity is limited. 
- Custom meal planning and nutrition tracking tied to each user's calorie needs, dietary preferences, food sensitivities, macros goals, and more. Meal prep integration helps users stick to their nutrition plan.
Implement in-app ads carefully to avoid impeding user experience through disruptive or intrusive placements.
Additionally, employ monetization approaches like:
Recurring subscription plans for access to all premium features
Targeted in-app advertising from relevant health/fitness brands
Affiliate marketing commissions on supplements, equipment, etc.
Brand partnerships and sponsorships of custom content
In-app ads must be implemented carefully to avoid disrupting user experience. Poorly targeted or intrusive ads may frustrate users.
Creating the next viral fitness app takes thoughtful planning and execution. Implementing features like an easy-to-use interface, social engagement, gamification, personalization, and premium content can propel your app to the top of the charts. 
However, launching is only the first step. Continuously gathering and incorporating user feedback through surveys, reviews, and usage metrics allows you to iterate and improve the app over time. Moreover, with technology and operating systems constantly advancing, regular app updates are crucial. These updates not only maintain compatibility with newer devices but also provide an opportunity to introduce fresh features, ensuring your fitness app remains contemporary and indispensable to its users.
Transforming your vision into reality requires strong technical development skills. That's where Consagous Technologies, a leading fitness app development company, comes in. 
We build fitness apps with strong data privacy protections, keeping user information secure.
Our team of expert fitness app developers specializes in building successful digital products for health and wellness brands. With Consagous Technologies' mobile app development services, you can bring your viral fitness app dreams to life!
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webmaster6969 · 1 year
Importance of Pre & Post Natal
PRENATAL WORKOUT Prenatal workout refers to exercises and physical activities specifically designed for pregnant women. These workouts are intended to help pregnant women to stay fit, maintain a healthy weight, and improve overall well-being during pregnancy.
Prenatal workouts typically focus on low-impact exercises that are safe for both the mother and the developing baby. They take into account the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy, such as increased weight, changes in balance, and hormonal fluctuations.
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Prenatal workouts offer numerous benefits for both the pregnant women and the developing baby.
IMPORTANCE OF PRE NATAL WORKOUT: Enhanced Mood and Mental Health: Regular exercise is known to release endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. Prenatal workouts can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression during pregnancy, promoting overall well-being. Better Sleep: Physical activity can contribute to better sleep quality, which is often disrupted during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and discomfort. Improved sleep can lead to increased energy levels and better coping abilities. Preparation for labour and childbirth: Prenatal workouts often incorporate exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This can help improve control and support during labor and aid in postpartum recovery. Reduced pregnancy discomforts: Many pregnant women experience discomforts such as backaches, swollen ankles, and constipation. Prenatal workouts can help reduce these discomforts by improving circulation, maintaining flexibility, and strengthening muscles. Gentle exercises and stretches can also ease common pregnancy ailments. Types of exercises that can be performed during prenatal workouts: Stretching and flexibility exercises: Gentle stretching exercises can help improve flexibility, relieve muscle tension, and reduce the risk of cramping. Stretching the calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, and chest muscles can be beneficial. Pelvic floor exercises: Also known as Kegel exercises, these exercises target the pelvic floor muscles. Strengthening these muscles can help prevent or reduce urinary incontinence, support the growing uterus, and potentially facilitate labour and recovery. Prenatal yoga: Yoga poses and stretching exercises specifically tailored for pregnant women. Prenatal yoga can help improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, promote relaxation, and prepare the body for childbirth. It also emphasises proper breathing techniques and mindfulness. POSTNATAL WORKOUT Postnatal workout refers to exercises and physical activities specifically designed for women after giving birth. These workouts focus on gradually rebuilding strength, flexibility, and stamina, while also addressing the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth.
Importance of post natal workout after giving birth:
Stress reduction: Postnatal workouts can serve as a stress-relieving activity and provide a sense of accomplishment, helping to manage the stresses associated with motherhood. Enhancing overall fitness: Postnatal exercises gradually rebuild cardiovascular endurance and muscle strength, helping new mothers regain their pre-pregnancy fitness levels and energy. Improved self-confidence: Engaging in postnatal workouts and witnessing physical progress can boost self-esteem and body confidence. It can help women feel more comfortable and positive about their changing bodies, fostering a healthy body image. Types of exercises that can be performed during prenatal workouts Core-strengthening exercises: Gentle abdominal exercises to rebuild core strength, such as pelvic tilts, gentle crunches, and leg slides. Postnatal yoga and Pilates: These exercises can help improve flexibility, core strength, and overall well-being. Full-body strength training: Gradually incorporating resistance exercises to target major muscle groups and increase overall body strength. REMEMBER, Always consult with your doctor or midwife before starting any postnatal exercise program. Make sure your abdominal muscles have healed before you do any vigorous tummy exercises, such as crunches.
Don’t be too hard on yourself if your exercise plans go away – you’ll get more time to yourself as your baby settles into a predictable routine.
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bodylove-mamas · 1 year
Rebuilding Your Body with Postnatal Pilates Exercises
Welcoming a new baby into the world is a beautiful experience, but it can take a toll on your body. As a new mom, you may be struggling with physical discomfort, postural imbalances, and weakened core muscles. Luckily, Pilates offers a safe and effective way to rebuild your body after birth. In this article, we will explore the benefits of postnatal Pilates exercises, including improved pelvic floor strength, increased core stability, and better alignment. We will also provide you with some Pilates exercises specifically designed for new moms, with modifications for any postpartum restrictions or injuries. By practicing these Pilates exercises regularly, you can help your body heal, regain your confidence, and feel stronger than ever before. Join us on this journey to postnatal body love and empowerment, mama!
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consagous0 · 2 years
Top 6 Fitness Apps For Fitness App Development Inspiration
Everyone follows their unique routines and functions differently when it comes to exercise. You can find workouts on Customized Fitness Apps that suit your schedule, tastes, and objectives. You can strengthen yourself with the most incredible training apps by adopting techniques that are customized for you. Have just a few moments? You can account for that in your training software. Are you more concerned with increasing your power and general tone than reducing weight? The two objectives will be given priority in a personal training app.
Exercising at home is simpler than ever since you don't need to buy expensive equipment or go to a gym. The beauty of personal training applications makes overcoming obstacles like a lack of resources simple. Nowadays, individuals can exercise in the comfort of their own homes with little to no equipment, stream exercises, attend live courses, get dietary advice, and even work out under the guidance of a personal trainer!
Over the years, Customized Fitness Apps have evolved and gotten better at what they do. Today, they offer plans for pre-and post-natal women, injury recovery, low-impact exercises, audio-based plans for those who want to run or walk outside, and themed classes that are exciting and motivate you to train yourself. We have curated a list of top Customized Fitness Apps which will work best for your health goals.
Our Top Picks for Best Customized Fitness Apps:
Future fitness trainer app solutions match you with a trainer who will create a unique exercise schedule for you. You begin by completing a questionnaire fitting your objectives and experience with a coach. If you'd like, you can go through the list of coaches and choose one manually. Many of the coaches on the app are experts in particular fields, such as strength training, nutrition, and weight reduction. Your coach will schedule a FaceTime conversation with you after they've paired you with them to talk about your objectives and how they can support you in achieving them. They'll next put together a fitness schedule for you.
Every week, a new training schedule will be sent to your phone, and your coach will check in on your development and be accessible to answer any questions you have.
For individuals who want a completely personalized experience, Future is, without a doubt, our top recommendation for the finest personal fitness app. Your trainer will plan your weekly workouts, taking into account rest days, and make adjustments as necessary or as you improve week after week. They will also assess where you are in your fitness journey and work with you to make improvements in certain areas so that you can achieve your objectives. Exercises range from strenuous cardio to stretching for recovery.
Exercise is one of the leading fitness trainer app solutions that offer all the features required for the best fitness app. This app allows users to customize their workout plans based on their requirements.
Features like Livestream workout sessions allow users to do their workouts wherever and whenever they want. 
With complete CRM and customer lifecycle management, fitness trainers can attract, look after, and keep clients along the funnel. To engage and delight your customers, automatically send email, SMS, and in-app alerts.
If you are looking for fitness app development services for developing an app to expand your gym business, hire an experienced fitness app development company.  
3. Peloton
‍Peloton can be most known for its treadmills and stationary bikes, but the company also has a robust collection of exercises that don't require special equipment on its app. Strength training, boxing, yoga, meditation, Pilates, barre, and other activities are all included in the classes. Users can also enroll in training plans that are accessible to people of any beginning fitness level and are intended to help them get closer to a specific goal.
The Peloton fitness trainer app solutions focus on group exercise and have many classes. You can select from various live and recorded lessons taught by qualified experts.
Owners of a Peloton Bike or Peloton Tread who have an All-Access subscription with Peloton can peruse the app's whole class catalog. All you need to do in this situation is log in and start sweating.
Any device, including a tablet, a phone, a TV, and a PC, can be used to broadcast a lesson. The Peloton app is compatible with LG TVs, Apple AirPlay, Chromecast, Android TV, Amazon's Fire TV, and Roku. However, remember that you can only stream content from one device simultaneously.
Fiit fitness trainer app solutions attempt to incorporate aspects of personal training and studio lessons into a single app. Users can enroll in training programs with various objectives, including increasing strength and muscle, shedding fat, decreasing weight, and more. Additionally, users can stream studio-style courses that last 20 to 60 minutes and include a variety of fitness modalities, including HIIT, Pilates, dumbbell weight training, cardio, mobility, and more. A fitness tracker can be connected to an app to earn "Fiit points" based on effort and heart rate. Those who like competition can attend classes with friends where live leaderboards display which is working the hardest.
‍One of the most comprehensive applications for discovering local jogging routes worldwide is MapMyRun. The interactive map function that allows you to examine the satellite view of your run is something we like because it can be useful for getting to know new routes and communities. Launch the app to view the pre-existing routes specific to your present location. Routes differ according to terrain, length, elevation gain, and other variables. There is also the ability to design and record your routes if you like to go off the usual road.
The whole MapMyRun software is made to serve as your virtual coach; whether you walk, run, or even cycle, MapMyRun will provide real-time audio feedback to help you improve your form, cadence, and endurance. You can continuously improve your stamina and pace by maintaining your desired speed and distance with the assistance of feedback.
‍Aaptiv offers various workout activities like treadmill, strength training, stair climber, running, yoga, elliptical, Pilates, barre, stretching/meditation, indoor cycling, and race training. Aaptiv Coach can plan a workout based on your preferences, meaning complete customization is possible here. 
Although watching videos of your exercises can be a great visual aid and an efficient method of exercising, it's not always convenient. Especially if you're trying to work out at a gym or outdoors or you don't feel like looking at your phone or laptop the entire time. Aaptiv was developed to provide an audio-guided workout option as a more practical alternative to training and classes. Aaptiv's trainers and coaches are in your ear the whole time you work out, reminding you when to step up the pace, what exercises to perform next, or which position to switch into. This is done in conjunction with peppy soundtracks. Aaptiv offers videos demonstrating the proper technique for most exercises if you're unfamiliar with an activity.
Summing Up
All these fitness trainer app solutions have gained the huge attention of fitness freaks. According to Statista, the fitness apps market is expected to generate US$19.33 billion in revenue by 2023. By 2027, the market is anticipated to reach a projected value of US$33.04 billion, with revenue estimated to rise at an annual pace of 14.34%. If you want to enter this industry or want Fitness App Development services for your gym business, this is the right time, as these days, people have become more habitual of virtual workout plans. 
Let’s discuss what’s in your mind and brainstorm ideas to revolutionize your fitness business with Fitness App Development Services.
Original Source:https://www.consagous.co/blog/top-6-fitness-apps-for-fitness-app-development-inspiration
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consagoustech · 2 years
Top 6 Fitness Apps For Fitness App Development Inspiration
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Everyone follows their unique routines and functions differently when it comes to exercise. You can find workouts on Customized Fitness Apps that suit your schedule, tastes, and objectives. You can strengthen yourself with the most incredible training apps by adopting techniques that are customized for you. Have just a few moments? You can account for that in your training software. Are you more concerned with increasing your power and general tone than reducing weight? The two objectives will be given priority in a personal training app.
Exercising at home is simpler than ever since you don't need to buy expensive equipment or go to a gym. The beauty of personal training applications makes overcoming obstacles like a lack of resources simple. Nowadays, individuals can exercise in the comfort of their own homes with little to no equipment, stream exercises, attend live courses, get dietary advice, and even work out under the guidance of a personal trainer!
Over the years, Customized Fitness Apps have evolved and gotten better at what they do. Today, they offer plans for pre-and post-natal women, injury recovery, low-impact exercises, audio-based plans for those who want to run or walk outside, and themed classes that are exciting and motivate you to train yourself. We have curated a list of  top Customized Fitness Apps which will work best for your health goals.
Our Top Picks for Best Customized Fitness Apps:
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Future fitness trainer app solutions match you with a trainer who will create a unique exercise schedule for you. You begin by completing a questionnaire fitting your objectives and experience with a coach. If you'd like, you can go through the list of coaches and choose one manually. Many of the coaches on the app are experts in particular fields, such as strength training, nutrition, and weight reduction. Your coach will schedule a FaceTime conversation with you after they've paired you with them to talk about your objectives and how they can support you in achieving them. They'll next put together a fitness schedule for you.
Every week, a new training schedule will be sent to your phone, and your coach will check in on your development and be accessible to answer any questions you have.
For individuals who want a completely personalized experience, Future is, without a doubt, our top recommendation for the finest personal fitness app. Your trainer will plan your weekly workouts, taking into account rest days, and make adjustments as necessary or as you improve week after week. They will also assess where you are in your fitness journey and work with you to make improvements in certain areas so that you can achieve your objectives. Exercises range from strenuous cardio to stretching for recovery.
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Exercise is one of the leading fitness trainer app solutions that offer all the features required for the best fitness app. This app allows users to customize their workout plans based on their requirements.
Features like Livestream workout sessions allow users to do their workouts wherever and whenever they want. 
With complete CRM and customer lifecycle management, fitness trainers can attract, look after, and keep clients along the funnel. To engage and delight your customers, automatically send email, SMS, and in-app alerts.
If you are looking for fitness app development services for developing an app to expand your gym business, hire an experienced fitness app development company.  
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Peloton can be most known for its treadmills and stationary bikes, but the company also has a robust collection of exercises that don't require special equipment on its app. Strength training, boxing, yoga, meditation, Pilates, barre, and other activities are all included in the classes. Users can also enroll in training plans that are accessible to people of any beginning fitness level and are intended to help them get closer to a specific goal.
The Peloton fitness trainer app solutions focus on group exercise and have many classes. You can select from various live and recorded lessons taught by qualified experts.
Owners of a Peloton Bike or Peloton Tread who have an All-Access subscription with Peloton can peruse the app's whole class catalog. All you need to do in this situation is log in and start sweating.
Any device, including a tablet, a phone, a TV, and a PC, can be used to broadcast a lesson. The Peloton app is compatible with LG TVs, Apple AirPlay, Chromecast, Android TV, Amazon's Fire TV, and Roku. However, remember that you can only stream content from one device simultaneously.
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Fiit fitness trainer app solutions attempt to incorporate aspects of personal training and studio lessons into a single app. Users can enroll in training programs with various objectives, including increasing strength and muscle, shedding fat, decreasing weight, and more. Additionally, users can stream studio-style courses that last 20 to 60 minutes and include a variety of fitness modalities, including HIIT, Pilates, dumbbell weight training, cardio, mobility, and more. A fitness tracker can be connected to an app to earn "Fiit points" based on effort and heart rate. Those who like competition can attend classes with friends where live leaderboards display which is working the hardest.
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One of the most comprehensive applications for discovering local jogging routes worldwide is MapMyRun. The interactive map function that allows you to examine the satellite view of your run is something we like because it can be useful for getting to know new routes and communities. Launch the app to view the pre-existing routes specific to your present location. Routes differ according to terrain, length, elevation gain, and other variables. There is also the ability to design and record your routes if you like to go off the usual road.
The whole MapMyRun software is made to serve as your virtual coach; whether you walk, run, or even cycle, MapMyRun will provide real-time audio feedback to help you improve your form, cadence, and endurance. You can continuously improve your stamina and pace by maintaining your desired speed and distance with the assistance of feedback.
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Aaptiv offers various workout activities like treadmill, strength training, stair climber, running, yoga, elliptical, Pilates, barre, stretching/meditation, indoor cycling, and race training. Aaptiv Coach can plan a workout based on your preferences, meaning complete customization is possible here. 
Although watching videos of your exercises can be a great visual aid and an efficient method of exercising, it's not always convenient. Especially if you're trying to work out at a gym or outdoors or you don't feel like looking at your phone or laptop the entire time. Aaptiv was developed to provide an audio-guided workout option as a more practical alternative to training and classes. Aaptiv's trainers and coaches are in your ear the whole time you work out, reminding you when to step up the pace, what exercises to perform next, or which position to switch into. This is done in conjunction with peppy soundtracks. Aaptiv offers videos demonstrating the proper technique for most exercises if you're unfamiliar with an activity.
Summing Up
All these fitness trainer app solutions have gained the huge attention of fitness freaks. According to Statista, the fitness apps market is expected to generate US$19.33 billion in revenue by 2023. By 2027, the market is anticipated to reach a projected value of US$33.04 billion, with revenue estimated to rise at an annual pace of 14.34%. If you want to enter this industry or want Fitness App Development services for your gym business, this is the right time, as these days, people have become more habitual of virtual workout plans. 
Let’s discuss what’s in your mind and brainstorm ideas to revolutionize your fitness business with Fitness App Development Services.
Original source: https://www.consagous.co/blog/top-6-fitness-apps-for-fitness-app-development-inspiration
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robertnelson2-blog · 5 months
Barre Exercise Classes in Lathlain
Explores your understanding of the five basic principles of STOTT pilates and ensures the correct recruitment of muscles. In this stimulating class, you will strengthen and tone all muscle groups. Barre Exercise Classes in Lathlain
Dynamic stretching helps to improve your range of motion & flexibility, reducing pain and tension allowing you to move better and progress faster. focusing on moving with the breath, expanding your repertoire and subsequently helping you to reach your goals.
A high intensity 45min combination class. Switching between moving from the barre and jump-board to get your heart rate up while working all the right muscle groups. Join this class if you are wanting to incorporate a touch of cardio into your routine in a safe and fun environment. Post natal fitness classes in lathlain
Directed towards improving specific muscles aiding in post-birth recovery. A capacity of five establishes an intimate experience that helps foster a safe environment when returning to exercise. Re-connect with your body by gaining a mindful understanding and controlling your core muscles.
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centreal · 2 years
2022 IDEA KOREA CONVENTION 👤 𝗦𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗷𝗶𝗻 𝗞𝗼𝗻𝗴
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2022 IDEA KOREA CONVENTION 👤 공승진 𝗦𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗷𝗶𝗻 𝗞𝗼𝗻𝗴
센트리얼 필라테스 입니다
❣️IDEA® KOREA Convention❣️
40년 전통의 역사를 가진 세계에서 가장 큰 컨벤션의 하나인 미국 “IDEA WORLD”의
한국 라이선스 IDEA KOREA는 작년 11월 오프라인으로 개최되었고
2000여 명의 피트니스인이 참가한
아시아최대 규모의 피트니스 컨벤션인데요
👏축제의 장에 #센트리얼필라테스 도
참가하게 되었습니다👏
만날 생각에 벌써부터 기다려집니다
피트니스 전문가를 위한 컨퍼런스 뿐만 아니라
건강에 관심 있는 누구나 참가 가능하답니다
더 기쁜 소식은
센트리얼 아카데미 교육부
공승진 매니저님의
리포머&짐볼을 이용한 안전하고 효과적인 산전산후 운동법 교육이
진행된다는 소식
Hello It's Centreal pilates
❣️IDEA® KOREA Convention❣️
One of the world's largest conventions with a zero-year history, "IDEA WORLD" in the United States Korea License IDEA KOREA was held offline last November About 2,000 fitness people participated in the event It's the largest fitness convention in Asia
👏 At the festival, #CentrealPilatesDo
I participated in it👏
I hope you
I'm already looking forward to seeing you
In addition to conferences for fitness professionals,
Anyone who is interested in health can participate
The better news is
Centreal Academy Education Department
Manager Gong Seungjin's
Safe and effective pre-natal and post-natal exercise education using reformers & gym balls
news of progress
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K-FITNESS의 다양한 프로그램과 인플루언서, 셀럽의 오픈 클래스, 키즈부터
시니어까지 모든 연령대가 함께 보고 참여하고 즐기며
모두가 하나가 되어 함께 즐기는 개막식, 피트니스 어워즈, VIP 파티를 통한
스폐셜한 무대와 누구나 참가 가능한 참여 이벤트와 대회
이벤트를 통해 현장에너지를 느껴보세요❤️‍🔥
진행일정 2022.10.21(금) ~2022.10.23(일)
진행장소 일산 킨텍스 제2 전시장
K-FITNESS's various programs, influencers, celebrity open classes, and kids
People of all ages watch, participate, and enjoy together
Through the opening ceremony, fitness awards, and VIP parties,
Special stages and events and competitions that anyone can participate in
Feel the energy from the field through the event❤️‍🔥
Progress schedule 2022.10.21 (Fri) to 22.10.23 (Sun)
Venue Ilsan KINTEX Exhibition Hall 2
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👤 공승진 𝗦𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗷𝗶𝗻 𝗞𝗼𝗻𝗴
공승진 프리젠터는 발레를 전공하고,
한양대학교(본교) 무용과를 졸업하였으며,
현재 센트리얼 필라테스 아카데미의 매니저님이 프리젠터로 나가게 되셨답니다
지난 15년간 무용을 전공하는 학생들의 기능적인 움직임 개선을 위해 필라테스 운동을 지도하시고
발레와 필라테스를 접목한 운동 프로그램의 연구개발에 참여하고 계시는데요
현재는 센트리얼 아카데미를 통해 필라테스 전문강사를 육성하는 일을 하고 계세요
필라테스 강사들이 현장에서 필요로 하는 교육컨텐츠를 연구하고,
효과적인 운동 메소드를 개발하는 것이 가장 가치있는 일이라고 생각하며,
이를 위해 꾸준히 노력하고 도전하고 계시는 공승진 매니저님
강의를 통해 여러 선생님들과 함께 배우고 느끼고 성장하는 기회를 만들고 싶으시다고 해요:)
👤 Gong Seungjin 𝗦𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗷𝗶𝗻 𝗞𝗼𝗻𝗴
Gong Seung-jin, a presenter, majored in ballet
I graduated from Hanyang University (this school) in the dance department
The manager of the Centreal Pilates Academy is now a presenter
​For the past 15 years, you have guided pilates exercises to improve functional movements of dance students
You're participating in the research and development of an exercise program that combines ballet and pilates
He's currently training Pilates professional instructors through the Centreal Academy
Pilates instructors study the educational content they need in the field
I think it's most valuable to develop an effective exercise method
Manager Gong Seungjin, who is constantly working hard and challenging for this
He wants to create opportunities to learn, feel, and grow with various teachers through lectures. :)
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​공승진 매니저
한양대학교(본교)무용학과 졸업
• 영국 Trinity Laban Center Academy 수료
• 러시아 Vaganova Ballet Method 1.2.3 취득
• APA 센트리얼 아카데미 재활 필라테스 전문가과정
(RPSC: Rehabilitation Pilates Specialist Course): Mat, 소도구, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, Barrel 취득
• Centreal Pilates RPAC(Rehabilitation Pilates Advance Course): Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, Barrel 연구개발
• Centreal Pilates 임산부를 위한 필라테스 일일 특강 연구개발
• 한국인재교육원 RTS(운동처방사) LEVEL 1.2 취득
• Balanced Body Education'ORBIT' 취득
• Balanced Body Education '근막이완테크닉' 인증강사
• The Center for Women's Fitness '복직근이개 회복술' 인증강사
• The Center for Women's Fitness '산전산후 필라테스' 인증강사
• 다빈치아카데미 'BOSU workout' 취득
• 다빈치아카데미 '척추측만증(Schroth Method)집중 교육과정' 수료
• 롤핑척추연구소 '목&허리 디스크 임상양상'수료
그 외 다수
Manager 𝗦𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗷𝗶𝗻 𝗞𝗼𝗻𝗴
Graduated from Hanyang University (this school) majoring in dance
• 영국 Trinity Laban Center Academy 수료
Acquired Vaganova Ballet Method 1.2.3 in Russia
APA Centreal Academy Rehabilitation Pilates Professional Course
(RPSC: Rehabilitation Pilates Specialist Course): Mat, 소도구, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, Barrel 취득
• Centreal Pilates RPAC(Rehabilitation Pilates Advance Course): Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, Barrel 연구개발
Research and Development of Pilates Daily Special Lecture for Pregnant Women in Central Pilates
Acquired RTS (Sports Announcement) LEVEL 1.2 at the Korea Institute of Human Resources Development
• Balanced Body Education'ORBIT' 취득
Balanced Body Education 'Perfection Technique' Certification Instructor
The Center for Women's Fitness' certified instructor for 'replacing abdominal muscle dog'
The Center for Women's Fitness Certified Instructor for 'Primatal and Postpartum Pilates'
Acquisition of 'BOSU workout' by Da Vinci Academy
Completion of the 'Schroth Method Intensive Curriculum' by Da Vinci Academy
Completion of the "clinical pattern of neck and waist disc" at the Rolling Spine Research Institute
many others
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🔘 리포머&짐볼을 이용한 안전하고 효과적인 산전산후 운동법
Safe and Effective Pre & Post-Natal Exercise Using Reformer and Gym Ball
10.22(SAT) 5:10pm~7:00pm(110min)
WS / All Level / theory 30% : Practice 70%
강좌코드: G240
이 세션에서는 여성의 건강한 임신유지와 출산, 산후 회복에 도움이 되는 필라테스 운동을
배울 수 있을 뿐만 아니라
실습은 '리포머(Reformer)'와 '짐볼(Gymball)'을 중심으로 이루어지며,
다른 기구에서의 동작 응용법, 일반 회원들에게의 적용법 등 실전에 필요한 노하우를 나누어 드립니다.
🔘Safe and Effective Pre & Post-Natal Exercise Using Reformer and Gym Ball ​
10.22(SAT) 5:10pm~7:00pm(110min) WS / All Level / theory 30% : Practice 70% Course code: G240 ​ ​ @ideakorea_official In this session, we're going to do Pilates exercises to help women maintain healthy pregnancy, give birth, and recover after childbirth Not only can you learn, The practice revolves around 'Reformer' and 'Gymball' We will distribute the know-how necessary for practice, such as how to apply to other organizations and to general members.
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0 notes
Visit a Sports Physio Melbourne to Improve Your Physical Strength in Athletes
For people who require physiotherapy and rehabilitation to regain natural function and movement, reputable physiotherapy clinics offer efficient sports physio in Melbourne. Sports post-surgery consultations are available at this clinic for amateur and professional athletes who require continuing assistance, direction, and counsel to help them return to their best. Therapists are highly skilled, fully qualified, and extensively trained in assisting patients of various ages and socioeconomic backgrounds in recovering from injuries.
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Additionally, these physiotherapists offer structured and graded Pilates Matwork courses for improved energy, posture, strength, flexibility, and spinal health. For both beginners and seasoned practitioners, they make sure that their private and group Pilate sessions are reasonably priced. Early in the 20th century, Joseph Pilates created the Pilates physical fitness regimen. It supports the safe and controlled resumption of physical activity and fitness training for injured athletes and dancers.
For the assistance and support you require during this trying time, these clinics can arrange for a physio home visit and go to your residence. Based on your condition and other circumstances, they will create a customised plan to help you regain your natural range of motion and physical functions. They can assist people of various ages and circumstances with everything from illnesses and impairments to sports- and job-related injuries. Sports physiotherapy is crucial.
Verified websites demonstrate how sports physiotherapy can improve physical strength in athletes. An athlete's body suffers damage with each strike they receive while competing, putting strain on their muscles, joints, bones, and ligaments. It can enhance joint and muscular flexibility while also assisting with body relaxation. This therapy will treat as well as assist to prevent injuries. Regular physiotherapy plays a significant role in the enhancement of an athlete’s performance as these routine exercises upgrade the performance.
In conclusion, physiotherapy clinics provide a wide range of services at reasonable costs, including post-natal physiotherapy, musculoskeletal physiotherapy, and NDIS physiotherapy. Anyone interested in these physiotherapies should get in touch with a physio clinic close to you.
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