#post nogly
wanderingaldecaldo · 1 month
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Lynx was one of the first people to befriend Val after she joined the family. Val could always count on them to hang out for a smoke on their way to and from camp.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 10 months
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One of the earliest pieces I ever commissioned was this one with Jackie's Arch. I'd always wanted to get a companion to it, a night time ride on Scorpion's bike.
Over the last couple of years, I was lucky enough to work with @okayolek several times (here, here, here), and when they opened commissions in the fall, I knew I wanted them to do it.
They delivered.
For background on the piece, it's set between the end of No One's Gonna Love You and the sequel I have dreams of writing. Val is dying and they're running out of hope for a cure.
Olek captured their emotions perfectly: love and hope and a hint of sorrow on Mitch's face; the hopelessness on Val's. And that's just them! The detail Driss's bike! The Badlands moon casting that gorgeous glow across the scene! Night City and the wind farms in the distance! Literally everything.
I'm sorry that I can't recommend that you comm them as they've retired. Olek was my first experience commissioning fanart and a joy to work with on every other occasion. Thank you for everything, Olek! 😭
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wanderingaldecaldo · 1 year
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I've been dying since I took these last night using Veegee's new rings mod, and just today @ladykatie512 tagged me in a last line meme so GUESS WHAT YOU GET FLUFFY FLUFF (ISH) from another new WIP, help me please.
They walk back from the tent, hand in hand. She is oblivious to the way he stares at her, smitten, and he doesn’t mind. Sometimes it makes her self-conscious; whether it’s from her disease or other, older trauma he doesn’t know, but the last thing he wants at this moment is to cause her to retreat. She squeezes his hand as she pulls him along, his thumb caressing the smooth grooves of her mantis blades, until an unfamiliar sensation pulls his attention and he stares at their hands intertwined—the ring on her finger. The cool touch of metal against his thumb and forefinger provide physical evidence that she’s his, forever. He refuses to think about how long that is.
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Tagging @glitchinginthegarden, @corphoe, @impishbiscuit, @chessalein, @elvenbeard, @vox-monstera, @banukaihelpme, and anyone else who sees and wants to share their writing!
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wanderingaldecaldo · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Tagged like, a month ago by @ghostoffuturespast and finally getting around to posting something. It's smut so I'll put it behind the cut.
Tagging with zero pressure to share something you're working on: @impishbiscuit @rockerboyrepo @gloryride @banukaihelpme @fereldanwench @juststayquiete @vox-monstera, everyone else tagged in the post, and YOU READING THIS! Got something you want to share? Do it and tag me!
I've been working on a couple of PWP based on smutty prompts I posted in April, and while working on @theviridianbunny's I realized I needed to write a prequel. (Oh no, more PWP!) But it's perfect bc I've wanted to explore the rougher side of sex with Val and Mitch, so thank you, Bunny!
“Oh Val, you’re so beautiful on your knees. So good at this,” he murmurs, caressing the opposite cheek with his silicone fingers, enjoying the way her eyes flutter closed at his praise. He imagines how wet she is right now, and that only increases his desire for her.
She returns to her ministrations, her hands moving to his hips to guide him in and out as she bobs up and down. He allows her to set the pace, following her movements, always careful to exert self-control and keep things at her pace, but the way her fingers dig into his hips, the way she moves her mouth has got him revved up and it’s taking all of his restraint not to give in to his baser needs.
But she keeps going, her pace increasing as her hands on his hips move to his ass, kneading the muscles with her fingers, pulling him closer and faster and harder, and she looks up with him again, her green eyes huge while his thick cock slides between her beautiful lips, all the way in, over and over, and he can’t help it, his hips start to rock forward faster even as he tries to hold back.
She gags and chokes, the width of him making it hard to breathe, and he pulls back completely, pulls away from the warmth and wet of her perfect mouth, the layer of saliva coating his skin cooling instantly in the air, and his silicone hand tips her chin up to look at him. Tears stream down her face, her eyeliner starting to run with them, and he brushes his thumb along her cheek. 
“Sorry, sweetheart,” he murmurs, “got carried away.”
“Don’t,” she answers with a shake of her head, “’s what I want.” 
His eyebrows draw together as he frowns at her. He’s always tried to protect her, be gentle with her in all ways because she’s fragile, and he’s afraid that she can’t handle him. Driss was used to it, used to the aggressive physicality, and even initiated it. 
She leans in and takes him into her mouth once more.
“You sure?” He caresses her cheek with his flesh hand, both of his hands framing her face. She nods, eyes round as she looks up at him, mouth full of him. “You’ll tell me if it’s too much?”
She nods again, and takes him all the way. He throws his head back with a moan and his flesh hand threads through her hair and holds her against him, relishing the heat of her mouth and tongue. She holds onto him tightly, the nails digging slightly into the flesh of his ass as she pulls him against her. When she starts gagging he looks down and meets her eyes— her cheeks are stained black from the tears and makeup— but she stays where she is, and the eroticism of the scene makes him even harder.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 1 year
Word Search Tag Game
Getting caught up on some old tags and I love the word search game! I was tagged by a few people in the last few months:
@morganlefaye79 - cake, occupied, outside, staring, heart @merge-conflict - gold, bright, laugh, impatient @chevvy-yates - gazing/gazed, rain, black, lovingly, phone
The fics I'm searching:
The Corpo!Val longfic
NOGLY sequel (which only has 500 words)
Corpo!Val PW(ithout)P based on "Spread your legs" prompt from DustyMagpie
Streetkid!Val PW(ith)P based on "Rough or gentle?" prompt from Bunny
Panzerboys PW(ithout)P based on a prompt from Chevvy
Considering the Corpo!Val longfic has 62K words and the others range from 500-3000, I imagine it will get most of the hits, but I'm hoping to spread the love!
From the unnamed Corpo!Val longfic:
He leans back against the counter and watches as she prepares the tea. She starts with water, dispensing it from the special faucet by the sink into the kettle then places the kettle on the electric burner. While the water heats she turns to the paper packages and he watches mesmerized as her golden fingers flip and sort through them. She settles on a variety and turns to him with a triumphant smile. She opens the packet and takes a whiff then offers her hand, holding it up toward his face. 
“Think you’ll like this one.” 
He hesitates then leans in and takes a deep breath. It smells floral with a faint sweetness, reminding him of a fancy cake his aunt made once for her birthday. He didn’t like it at the time and had complained about it, but she ignored him and happily ate his portion.
From the unnamed Corpo!Val longfic:
The second floor overlooks the lower level, and the bedroom is no exception. His hand grasps the railing as he follows behind, the cool metal beneath his hand helping to ground him. The bed is unmade, and a few articles of clothing are strewn about—practically the only signs that the place is occupied. He wonders how much time she spends here, or if she lives in that bar of hers. She opens the locker at the foot of the bed and withdraws a folded sheet and a thin blanket, deposits them in his outstretched arms then grabs a pillow from the bed and places it on top.
From the unnamed SK oneshot from Bunny's prompt "Rough or gentle?":
Val watches out the window fascinated. She hadn’t been outside of Night City, much less California, before she joined the Aldecaldos, and the mountains are truly a new experience. She knows these aren’t even the big ones, that it’s just the tail end of the Rocky Mountains, but it’s still breathtaking. 
“Does it snow up here?”
“Sometimes. Not as often as it used to, of course, but it’s too early in the season now, at least down here. Doesn’t get going until late December.”
From the unnamed Corpo!Val longfic:
Val drops to the ground, stretching out her long legs and leaning back on the heels of her hands. Again he hesitates only a moment before joining her.
“Didn’t expect to be lying on grass staring up at the moon tonight.”
Val hums. “‘’S Night City. Anything can happen.”
From the unnamed Corpo!Val longfic:
“Shit, shit, fuck, I’m sorry, Mitch—” she sputters as she backpedals from the bathroom.
His heart pounds as he quickly lathers his hair and rinses, then kills the water and grabs his towel. He dries quickly, avoids looking at his reflection in the mirror as he dresses. 
Why should he be so bothered by her walking in on him? He's been showering around others for most of his life so why should this be any different? Between his head and stomach he doesn't have the energy for this now; something to keep his mind occupied on the drive home.
LMAO I really thought I would have more choices with this one, given Val's gold cyberware. I was wrong. From the unnamed Corpo!Val longfic, and part of the same scene with "cake":
“Normally I would prefer loose leaf but I do like this particular variety.”
“What’s the difference?” 
Her lips quirk up slightly, and she turns back to grab a glass jar, opening the lid and holding it out for his inspection. He takes the jar and holds it close, appreciating the depth of the aroma compared to the packet she’d offered previously. He can also see the tea leaves, long twisted and dried, each leaf worth more than its weight in gold.
From the unnamed SK oneshot from Bunny's prompt "Rough or gentle?":
Though the sun is bright outside, it’s dim in the cabin and she can barely make out the fixtures. It’s simple—a small kitchen with table; a couch and a screen; and bedroom and bathroom—but Val doesn’t need much more to be happy. Privacy is such a rare commodity these days that she will take whatever moments she can get with Mitch.
Yes!! So glad I got to drop this one here! I love, love, love writing Carol and Cass. From the NOGLY sequel :
Mitch crosses his eyes and glares. “Nope, you’re not coming with us, can’t afford it.”
Panam glares back. “If you think I’m not going with you to save my best friend, you’re even stupider than I thought.”
"He's right," Cassidy chimes in across the table, and Carol on the end nods in agreement. "We can't risk losing you. Who's gonna take over if something happens to both of you? Us clowns?"
Carol laughs and smacks his arm. "Us clowns sounds like a satire band."
"We'd be just about as useless in an Us Cracks band as we would be running this family."
From the unnamed Corpo!Val longfic:
“My aunt had ties to an Aldecaldo family and the rest is history.”
“And then you met Saul. From what you said, seems like he’s changed over the years.”
“But who hasn’t? I used to be hot-headed and impatient, but now?” He shrugs. “People change, sometimes for the better. Saul lost a lot of his tolerance for risk.”
Gotta admit, I was surprised by the results from this one. I use "gaze" (or "gazes") 36 times in the Corpo!Val fic, and 34 of those were as nouns. (0 times in the other fics, which I find astounding.) The two verb usages? They're both in the payoff. Here's a non-smutty one. From the unnamed Corpo!Val longfic:
Back in the bedroom she finds Mitch propped up against pillows, his hands linked behind his head. He watches with a smile as she returns and reaches for her as she sits on the bed beside him, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her over him, back to her side of the bed.
She giggles as she flails, then she settles into his arms and gazes up at him. She can feel the love pouring from his eyes and the warmth washes over her, enveloping her, as he caresses her cheek with his organic hand. Before she can think too much he leans down and presses his lips against hers and threads his hand through her hair.
From the unnamed SK oneshot from Bunny's prompt "Rough or gentle?":
She drains the cup and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand then grins. “Can’t believe people used to drink this from the tap.”
“Well, that was before the Red. Some places weren’t affected but most were because of the blood rains. Only been in the last twenty years that things have been cleaned up and well water is safe again.”
“Forget you lived through that.”
“You saying I’m old?” He narrows his eyes but his lips twitch with a repressed smirk.
“Do I gotta?”
“Gonna start callin’ you kid again, you don’t behave.”
From the unnamed Corpo!Val longfic:
“I’ll email the full findings but the identities are solid and clean. Took the liberty of digging up some photos of your man Mitch. Cleaned him up and ran him through the deaging filter, slapped a suit on him. Not too shabby for an old Nomad.”
At that Nix turns to look at her and she steps into the office, joining him at the desk and peering over his shoulder. Young Mitch stares back—full head of mussed black hair, twinkling blue eyes, unlined and unscarred face. Handsome.
“Huh. Nice work."
Nothing! Clearly no love in my fics. 😂
TBH I'm surprised to find this one! I tend to use "agent" instead of phone, as that's the term from the TTRPG, but of course it was in the unnamed Corpo!Val longfic:
She grabs a large, woven bag she uses for outings like this, and loads it up with all the accessories a bored housewife at the beach would want—tablet, phone, sunglasses, water bottle. The door to Mitch’s room is closed when she emerges to the living room, so she proceeds to the elevator. 
The outdoor pool level is only a few floors beneath theirs and a quick elevator ride away. The sun blazes above the portico and she pulls on her shades before striding through the white deck chairs to an open one between the edge of the pool and the railing that provides little safety from the dizzying heights of the city.
Final Score
Corpo!Val longfic: 9 hits SK!Val "Rough or gentle" prompt: 3 hits NOGLY sequel: 1 hit Corpo!Val "Spread your legs" prompt: 0 hits Panzerboys prompt: 0 hits
13/14 words found!
Can't say I'm surprised that the Corpo!Val fic won. I'm sure I could have found the other words there as well, but like I said, I wanted to share the love amongst all my WIPs.
Tagging with zero pressure to play: @luvwich, @fly-amanitaa, @neon-pink-witch, @banukaihelpme, @impishbiscuit, @genocidalfetus, @medtech-mara, @themightiestpotato, @cinnamon-mey. Also retagging @chevvy-yates, @merge-conflict, and @morganlefaye79 to play again, as well as any other writer who wants to play! Tag me if you do!
Your words, should you choose to accept: privacy, claim, suspicion, flush, chords
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wanderingaldecaldo · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mitch Anderson/V (Cyberpunk 2077), Mitch Anderson (Cyberpunk 2077)/Original Female Character(s), Mitch Anderson (Cyberpunk 2077)/Original Character(s), Referenced Mitch Anderson/Scoprion Characters: V (Cyberpunk 2077), Mitch Anderson (Cyberpunk 2077) Additional Tags: Smut, Angst and Smut, Angst and Porn, Face-Fucking, Face-Sitting, Rough Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Established Relationship, Bisexual Male Character, Bisexual Female Character, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Series: Part 6 of Into My Arms Summary:
Val is still dying, and she copes the only way she knows how, leaving Mitch to do all he can to support her.
So much love to @theviridianbunny for unintentionally inspiring this with a different smut prompt; don’t worry, that one is next. All my love to @banukaihelpme for the beta and for loving Mitch and Val more than anyone else besides me.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 1 year
Soooo since people liked the post about sharing detes about WIPs....
Been listening to both the original NOGLY playlist and a general "Nomad Love" one a lot, and one particular song kept standing out to me for the next title in Into My Arms, Beck's "Golden Age". The sound echoes the vibe that I want for the story.
Tonight I was thinking once more about PWP, aka porn with plot. There is so much to be told about a relationship through the lens of sex. The next story is about surrender, about Mitch accepting that he can't prevent Val's death, about Val accepting his unconditional love, and it's told through the "plot" of escaping from camp for a couple of days.
And in the meantime "Golden Age" plays on repeat in my head. Just now I looked up the lyrics. The first verse:
Put your hands on the wheel Let the golden age begin The window down Feel the moonlight on your skin Desert wind Cool your aching head The weight of the world Drift away instead
That is how the fucking story starts. It starts just like that. They leave camp, drive through the desert, and Val leans her head against the window, and she falls asleep.
The chorus?
Ohh, these days I barely get by I don't even try
Guess that's the title now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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wanderingaldecaldo · 1 year
📓📓 please 😳
Hi @totentnz! Thanks for the ask!
First daydream fic...
An early idea I had for a fic, that is technically a WIP because I have wrote some words for a prompt event, but I don't think I'll ever get back to it, so it's relegated to daydreams. (Part one, part two)
V is too busy to help out Claire as her driver, but she knows just the guy to help out: Mitch Anderson. Mitch and Claire have great chemistry, but Claire is still grieving her husband Dean. (Hey! Grief and angst!) Over the course of the races, they grow closer and at the end Mitch helps Claire move on with her life by convincing her to let Samson go.
After Claire is able to let go of her quest for revenge, she can finally see the good man who's been standing by her side and helping her already.
Second daydream fic...
@/impishbiscuit sent me a prompt ages ago that's still in my inbox and I'll probably never write it but I think about it a lot. The prompt was a soft one about hair dying, and it really made me think about Streetkid Val's hair. The in-game color she uses is primarily red, but on some hairstyles it adds black; in her case, the shaved sides are black while the faux hawk is red. That made think about how much work it must be to keep the sides black, especially as they would require regular maintenance if she kept the fade cleaned up.
That got me thinking about how she would stop keeping up with the dye job after she leaves Night City with the Aldecaldos. At first she keeps it up, but as her health starts failing and she has less energy, she stops dying it completely and lets it go back to its red roots. I love it as a metaphor for her giving up.
Ohhh now I really want to write this. I originally thought it wouldn't really have a place in the whole series, but the more I think about it, the more I like it as a way to emphasize her health, as so far I've only talked about it, not really shown how it has impacted their daily lives. Also it would be a nice counter to "Cut Your Hair", a (mostly) fluffy piece I wrote where Mitch asks Val for help with a haircut. Instead of fluff with a splash of angst, it can be angst with a splash of fluff!
Send me a📔and I'll tell you about an unwritten fanfic that I daydream about!
Linking the post for anyone who wants to share it themselves—I think I might be running out of daydream fanfics lmaoo
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wanderingaldecaldo · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @starsandskies, thank you, love!
Switching gears and going back to Streetkid!Val. This piece has been languishing since @ravenstrange cursed me with the corpo!Val story idea earlier this year and I needed to give Corpo!Val a break for a minute—almost at 50K words, and still more to go! This is the next in the Into My Arms series, and I finished it last weekend. Expect to see a polished version on AO3 soon.
Lupe was ecstatic at the news that V would be returning to Night City, and with “that Nomad” as she has taken to calling Mitch. She insisted they stay with her in Jack’s old room, and the paltry budget Panam allowed for housing insisted as well. While V could dip into her savings, every enny is marked for drugs, docs, or quacks promising miracle cures. Despite the lack of funds, Mitch promised her one night somewhere with a private bathroom before they return to the family. V isn’t picky about where, even the No-Tell will do, just so long as she can shit and shower in privacy for once, not to mention sleep naked.
They aren’t far from Night City now, she can feel the change in the air as they get closer—the lightness of the desert exchanged for the suffocating miasma of the city. She’s equal parts excited and nervous to return home. The only other time she has returned to Night City was after her stint in Atlanta. She’d been happy to leave her mistakes behind—the dysfunctional polycule; the failed gig that she nearly didn’t wake from and left the giant scar on her belly. Both times, leaving and returning, she’d been so desperate to make a name for herself, and for what? 
Calloused fingers envelop her hand that picks at the hole in her jeans, and she catches his eye before he looks back at the road. “How ya feeling?”
“Just... thinking ’bout last time I came home. From Atlanta. Was gonna make something of myself.” She leans her head against the window and sighs.
“Reckon you did. Most famous merc in Night City, right?”
“For a few minutes at least, and all that got me was a ticking time bomb in my head.”
Mitch clenches her fingers, the action so brief she knows it’s reflex at the reminder of her scrambled brain. She wonders if it’s too late to get Johnny back in her brain and extend the warranty, let him figure out how to save her. Not for the first time she wonders if she made the wrong choice.
Tagging with zero pressure as always, and feel free to post even if it's no longer Wednesday in your part of the world (or even wait a week)... @dustymagpie @ravenstrange @impishbiscuit @cinnamon-mey @nightcxty @bnbc
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wanderingaldecaldo · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mitch Anderson/V (Cyberpunk 2077), Mitch Anderson (Cyberpunk 2077)/Original Female Character(s), V & Mama Welles (Cyberpunk 2077) Characters: V (Cyberpunk 2077), fem V - Character, Mitch Anderson (Cyberpunk 2077), Pepe Najarro, Mama Welles (Cyberpunk 2077) Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Smut, Smut, Gonks in Love, V is a gonk Series: Part 5 of Into My Arms Summary:
When Panam's lead on a doc turns up empty, V returns to Night City, this time with Mitch in tow. Staying with Mama Welles is more than she bargains for with the grief of Jackie's death looming over her, not to mention her own impending death, but maybe it's just the emotional catharsis she needs.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 9 months
WIP Game
I was gonna write this morning, but I got tagged by @fly-amanitaa @byberbunk2069 @ghostoffuturespast @merge-conflict @chevvy-yates @morganlefaye79 to play this which is as good as working on my WIPs, right?
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
This required me to name some "Untitled documents" lmao which you can find by the quotation marks. Some of these aren't much more than "vibes", and maybe they'll get worked into something else down the road. Here's an even dozen -- 11 Cyberpunk, 1 Dragon Age.
EDIT: ones I've answered about will be linked, but feel free to ask again! Even if I don't have anything written to share, I can talk about the fic itself.
The Whole Thing
Your Best American Girl [here]
"the dinner date"
"the tower ending"
Boring Meeting [here]
"but you knew that" / "jealousy"
"Let me be Rosalind for five minutes" [here]
"making the call" [here]
NOGLY sequel [here]
Rough or gentle? [here]
Spread your legs [here]
Reparations/Restitution/Recompense (?) [here]
This one exploded yesterday and I think most of my writer friends have been tagged but I'm gonna try anyway: @impishbiscuit @tafferling @pacificaisstillpacifica @omkdear @dani-the-goblin @gloryride and YOU! If you wanna play, do it and tag me!
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wanderingaldecaldo · 9 months
Thank you for the ask, @theviridianbunny, and esp for asking after the sequel! 😭😭😭 From the WIP Game Ask
NOGLY Sequel
No One's Gonna Love You (aka NOGLY) is my Mitch/Val longfic that is set during, and just after, The Star ending. So far the sequel WIP file is just mostly vibes with a couple of snippets of scenes, though there is an outline: 1. The Setup 2. The Plan, or the Start of One 3. The Training Montage? 4. The Heist 5. The Immediate Post-Heist 6. The Repercussions 7. The End? Is that an outline or is it just a modified 5 Act structure? I think it's the latter, as chapters 2-3 and 5-6 can be considered the second and fourth acts respectively, but I do have a general idea of what happens in each section so there's that! Enough talk, here's the opening paragraphs:
Aside from the Arasaka incident, the days since leaving Night City pass quietly, and with no indication of any lingering effects from the relic. Rumors of the incident moved faster than news about the blackmail payout Dakota negotiated, and instead of disappointment as V feared, most of the family respond with admiration for how she handled the situation. The others, she follows Mitch’s advice and ignores the assholes.
Things have been going so well that the first major malfunction takes her by surprise. It’s a cool evening. The weather hasn’t turned enough that V has started wearing a jacket but enough that she appreciates the chill against her skin after a day in the sun. Two longnecks clink together as she walks, sweating between her knuckles and growing more slippery with each bead of perspiration that slides down the glass. 
Mitch looks up from his conversation with [someone] and the corner of his mouth slides up just as she stumbles, her right foot moving slower than it should but before she can compensate, pain sears through the left side of her head, her eyes flutter shut, and everything goes dark.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 2 years
🔧🔫 - for Miss Vermillion!
Thanks for the ask! Using Streetkid as the default, unless I get a duplicate... From the Get-A-Long meme:
🔧- Saul Bright
Val is/was not a fan of Saul, primarily because she's Pan's friend and she was already primed to dislike Saul the first time she met him. She felt that Saul was wrong with his choices for the family and had no problem stealing the Basilisk, especially once the moderate Mitch threw in with Panam.
StreetKid!Val's canon is the Star ending, so Saul's death is yet one more to the body count of guilt that she carries. Even though Val didn't agree with him and actively supported Panam when she went against him, Saul still agreed to help her out. She knows his motivation wasn't just altruistic, and she never faulted him for that. He trusted the family to do what they do best (steal shit) while he fulfilled his side of the bargain, and he paid for it with his life.
His death has unseen ripples for the family as well. Is Panam ready to lead the family? Val doesn't think so, but something something steel forged in fire, so she's hopeful, and she and Mitch will do everything they can to support her and keep the Bright family together.
🔫- Mitch Anderson
Ha, just gonna go for it, huh. 😅
During the events of the game, Val thinks of Mitch as a good guy. Again, a lot of this comes from Panam's influence -- from the beginning she raves about Mitch and Scorpion, they both clearly adore her. But things get complicated after Driss's death and the hostage situation with Kang Tao -- V holds herself responsible for his and the others' deaths, and helping Mitch mourn him only made things worse. (She also carries extensive amount of guilt for Jackie, go figure.)
After Embers, when she has to make her decision, she calls Panam because she doesn't know what else to do. She passes out in the truck on the way to camp and wakes up to Mitch's eyes and... Here is where I shamelessly plug my longish fic No One's Gonna Love You lmao. (tl;dr: angst- and smut-filled friends to lovers that is completely self-indulgent) Post-NOGLY, they get along swimmingly, and Mitch is there for V when the relic malfunctions get worse.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 2 years
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Hi! I'm WanderingAldecaldo, aka wash (or W). I'm a longtime writer, new modder and virtual photographer, and very much still taken with Cyberpunk 2077 and Mitch and Val and Rosalind Myers.
About me: mid-40s, bisexual, nonbinary, recently diagnosed audhd, married, cats, the usual nerdy stuff. Besides Cyberpunk 2077, you'll find content about Bioware, RDR2, Our Flag Means Death and Izzy in particular, various sci-fi and movies, random video games and music stuff, plus some politics.
I try to tag things well so if I can tag something for you, let me know and I'll see what I can do. Anons are off but DMs are open and private. I block empty blogs with default icons, I don't necessarily follow back, and I have learned that blocking and filtering are the keys to a good fandom experience on here. I run on a pretty deep queue (usualy 3-4wks) though I do occasionally go on reblogging sprees, especially on Fridays because, ya know, #fem v friday. (Also when I'm bored and goofing off at work. Shh, don't tell my boss.)
My OCs, links, and more after the cut.
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Valerie Vermilion
StreetKid!V is my original V, and the first OC I've ever grown really attached to, despite having written thousands of words for several others in Bioware properties. Corpo!Val is from an AU where V is recruited into Arasaka in her teens.
#valerie vermilion (all) #streetkid!val (note: inconsistent usage, plus old posts not tagged) #corpo!val #val things (various)
oc profiles
Hilary Navarro
Hilary debuted in my StreetKid!V longfic, No One's Gonna Love You, as the family's best netrunner, and she will have a larger part in the sequel. 👀 She's bright, bubbly, and fun, just like her bubblegum hair. #hilary navarro
Travis (aka the Dirtbag)
Travis doesn't have a full name yet, poor thing. He's a sopping wet creature. He's a horrible awful man. He's my babygirl and I love him. #travis needs a tag i guess
Antonio (Tony) Varga
Tony was a childhood friend of Jackie who cut ties when he left the 'Tinos. He regrets never making up with Jackie before his death, but he'll make it up to Lupe. #antonio varga
Gabriella Varga
Older sister to Tony, and childhood crush of Jackie. A friend to all Heywood. She and Tony are still close. #gabriella varga
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Apex Predators — Val & Mitch
These two have been consuming my brain since February 2021, about a week after I started the game. They started off with a spark of an idea that became No One's Gonna Love You, and I've still got more to go. I have a ridiculous number of WIPs for them; currently I'm working on the Corpo!Val AU story, and possibly after that I will write the actual "Apex Predators" fic. (I have finally accepted that I'm never gonna get to that fic, and will likely rename the ship because of that fact.)
#ship: apex predators (all) plus corpo version ship profiles
plus #mitch anderson
Business & Pleasure — Richard & Val
Richard belongs to dear friend @/dustymagpie. Corpo!Val isn't one for romance, but she still has needs. Who better to service them than handsome escort Richard Ripper?
#ship: business & pleasure
Panzerboys — Mitch & Scorpion
Mitch's dialogue in "I'll Fly Away" makes it pretty clear they didn't have a sexual relationship, but I'll die on the panzerboy hill. One day I will write their love story. #ship: panzerboys
Hilary + Carol — name tbd
Carol is my favorite (non-Mitch/non-Panam) Nomad. She's funny and smart and tough and a total milf and deserves some love. Carol is a real heartbreaker, love 'em and leave 'em type and never dates within the clan, but Hilary is gonna change that. #carol + hilary tag tbd
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Into My Arms — StreetKid!Val/Mitch series
"Blaze of Glory" — mature; pining; 2696 words
No One's Gonna Love You (aka NOGLY) — explicit; friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, lots of angst (and lots of smut); 59338 words
"Work It" — explicit; PWP; 1798 words
"Cut Your Hair" — mature; fluff, light angst; 3032 words
"This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody)" — explicit; smutty angst? angsty smut? take your pick; 7045 words
"Lover's Spit" — explicit; more smutty angst, my fave! 4058 words
"Triangles" — Mitch/Scorpion/Fem V; explicit; PWP; 4418 words
"Changes" — CBP77 Reverse Bang entry based on art by silkspectre; Johnny/Fem V; explicit; PWP; 5468 words
"Know Your Rights" — for SteelPhoto as part of art trade; Jackie & River; teen & up; 1312 words
"Burning Chrome 2077" — collection of drabbles and ficlets from the Lizzie's 2021 spring prompt event; mature; allllll sorts of stuff, including bad poetry; 7162 words
Writing Tags
all writing: #wash's writing, #wip wednesday, #smutty sunday
meta tags: #about fanfic, #about writing
story-specific: unnamed corpo!val au brainrot, pre NOGLY, NOGLY, post NOGLY
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Nexus Profile
Clothing Mods
Edgerunner Jackets — Cleaned & Recolored [fem & masc V]
Loose Fit Pants — Cleaned & Recolored [gender inclusive]
Cut-off Vests — Cleaned, Cropped, Recolored [gender inclusive]
High Heel Shoes — NPC heels with 7 Colors [fem V only]
High Heel Shoes — now ArchiveXL, 28 Styles [fem V only]
Cowboy Boots — Cleaned & Recolored [gender inclusive]
Pride Tees — Cropped & Recolored [gender inclusive]
Masc V Jeans — Refit & Recolored [masc V only]
Photomode Mods
Specialized Photomode Packs [fem V]
"Night Out" Photomode Pack [fem V]
NPC Mods
Mitch's Alternate Outfit(s)
Mitch's 4K Face Re-Texture — default and without scratches
Mitch's Jacket Fix — fixed the broken mesh of Mitch's jacket
Locomotion Mods (Placide to MA, Teddy to corpo, Scorpion to corpo)
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pfp from this amazing piece made by my love @/impishbiscuit
header by me
art + VP I have commissioned
twitter (mostly nsft stuff, when I remember to post it)
mods I use
...more as I remember to add it
Credits: I totally ripped off was inspired by my dearest @/fereldanwench for this post. Love you, bb. 😘😘😘
Last update: 16 Nov; update about me, fics
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