#post war levi fluff
moo-blogging · 21 days
Being inspired by Levi's backstory in Bad Boy:
Levi said it so naturally about why he held cups at its brim with his fingers. Gabi and Falco were apologetic for asking such a sensitive question. Levi shrugged and sipped on his tea. You studies his face carefully, but finding no sadness or remorse in his face, just peacefulness.
It had been 2yrs since the war ended. You stayed in Marley with Levi, rebuilding the country together. Levi once told you that he found peace in rebuilding than destructing like he used to in the army. It was true that everything turned red when Levi swung by with his blades. And now his hands grew new life and hope.
You might have asked Levi why he held his cups the way he did when you were on Paradis Island, but you couldn't recall. Levi stared at you from the back of his palm, and you blushed. You felt as if there was more to Levi than you had uncovered, and you were embarrassed that you knew almost nothing about him. But the soft look that he gave you showed that he was ready to unveil himself to you.
That night he unloaded more about his life in the Underground to you than he ever did. You cried with heartache and Levi was comforting you. There were tears in his eyes as he spoke, but he felt lighter. You kissed him again and again, holding you in his arms. Levi stroke your hair lovingly, assuring you that he was alright now.
A couple of weeks later, you took a stroll with Levi down the new street in the evening. New shops showcasing attractive products on the window. Your fingers interlaced with Levi's as you walked, taking in what you had rebuilt together.
And you came to a pottery shop with a Closed sign on and signalled Levi to enter the shop. Puzzled, Levi pulled you gently, "Y/n, my love, it's closed. We can come back tomorrow morning."
You smiled at him and shook your head, "it's opened for us, Levi. Let's go." You led him onto the steps and into the shop. There was a dim light at the end of the shop and a young storekeeper greeted you. He shook your hands and thanked you for helping him rebuild his father's business after the war had ruined their lives. And he was thrilled to have these private tea set making sessions with you.
Levi's eyes widen and you nodded to assure him he could make his mother's tea set from scratch. The young storekeeper asked for a design. You looked at Levi expectedly. Instead, Levi signed and smiled gently. He said, "I think we'll make a new tea set for ourselves." He turned to look at you, "Y/n, I know you are trying to have me connect to my mother. I love you for that, but I would like to make this tea set for us. A new one with a new design." Tears were gleaming in his eyes as he looked into yours. You nodded and you pulled him in for a hug.
You spent the evening designing your very own tea set, adding yours and Lev's personal touches to it. For the next few days, you came back to the shop after it closed to work on the tea set. Your hands were cold with wet mud as you shaped the tea cups. Levi worked on the saucers. The young storekeeper guiding you here and there and helping to fix any defects.
A few weeks later, a box of beautifully glazed tea set were sent to your house. Gabi and Falco had come to swe the tea set you had been working on. They bought some new tea leaves from other countries. Levi brewed the tea in the tea pot and hot tea were shared.
You sat next to Levi, sipping on some foreign tea, listening to Gabi and Falco quarrelling about something you could hardly understand. You turned to watch Levi, and he was staring at the new tea pot. He noticed you staring and he stared back at you. Mirroring each other's soft smiles, you lean in for a kiss. Happiness filled your chest. You could feel the warmth radiating from your skin. What a beautiful you had started with Levi.
"How do you kiss like that?" Gabi asked loudly. You both turned toward her at the same time. Levi had one eyebrow raised. Gabi clarified, "I mean, how do you know when to kiss? Like you didn't even ask but you just moved your head together and MUAH you kissed!"
"Gabi, that's inappropriate to ask!" Falco tried to shut her up. You shared a look at Levi, you grinned as Levi smiled, and you leaned in for a kiss again.
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lowkeyremi · 4 months
adding to this post!
Post-war Levi has no clue what to do when it gets too quiet. All his life he's been used to loud noises, laughing, screaming, crying, any and everything.
So when there's complete silence he gets caught up in his thoughts. You bring him over a mug of tea, and join him on the couch. "What's on your brain, Honey?"
He hesitates for a second, but he knows he can tell you anything, so he takes in a deep breath, "Sometimes I wonder what Isabel and Furlan would pursue if they had... had survived." He says quietly staring off into space. You grab his hand giving it a small squeeze. At first you were intimidated by his missing fingers but it doesn't bother you anymore.
"According to what you've told me about Isabel I think she would have been veterinarian or something of the sorts, I'm not sure about Furlan though."
Levi almost swallows the words back down but he allows them to be said, he can finally admit them, "I miss them, sometimes."
"That's completely normal, Levi. They were your family."
"You're my family now. You're also not allowed to die before me. I don't know what I'll do when I'm completely engulfed by the silence." He murmurs quietly to you.
"I can't make any promises, but as long as I live, I'll make sure the silence never takes you." You tell him and this time he squeezes your hand, his dark eye stares into yours and you see a trusting smile take over his face.
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nelapanela94 · 1 year
He catches your voice, and offended, raises his scowl from the waves on his favorite mug. Creases mar his beautiful face. You are slouched on the sofa with your back resting against the armrest and stir up to disjoin the knobs on your back. You catch his fulminating stare, lifting an eyebrow and tilting your head to the side.
"What did you just say?"
His frown deepens. You just made his tea bitter. "That's not my name."
"It is. That's what everyone calls you."
"But you're not everyone." Pouting, he folds his arms over his chest, and the chair legs shriek against the floor. He storms toward you like an angry toddler who had his sandwich cut in rectangles and not in triangles, his scars paler on his flushed skin. Levi puts the book out of his way as if it were seizing the most precious thing, and snuggles on you, nuzzling his face on the cradle of your neck. "To you I'm not Levi or captain Levi," he growls. Your fingers thread through his hair, gingerly scratching his scalp, a smile dangling on your lips. "Honey bun. I'm honey bun to you."
"What about cinnamon roll?"
"Yeah, that works too."
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Imagine making a new cravat for postwar!Levi.
Like, hand stitching, embroidery his name on it, and gifting it to him, especially after he lost his after the explosion.
It’s the first time he’s ever gotten tears in his eyes, while looking up at you, gently grazing his fingers over the handmade cravat, new love for you blooming in his heart.
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agusrkive · 5 months
l lose my mind when I think of you, even more with the idea of you and me together.
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summary: in which Levi meets you again after the rumbling and for the first time, he thinks fate is finally on his side.
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you’re the mysterious woman that he met during his time in liberio, although it was a small and single encounter, you awoken something deep inside him that never in his life he thought he would feel for anyone.
During the rumbling, there wasn’t really space left for anything else to think of with all the chaos happening around him—- but surprisingly your pretty face appeared in his mind and he felt a tiny pang in his chest.
it’s not like we’re gonna meet again anyway, he thought at that time.
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Arrivederci (ar·ri·ve·dér·ci) - “Until we meet again.”
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part one
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seeingivy · 1 year
levi ackerman x f!reader 
a game of taboo makes you wonder if levi is your soulmate
content: post war levi, domestic fluff, mentions of nightmares, falco + gabi, kinda manga spoilers?, blood
Every weekend, you and Levi open up the likes of your tea shop and your home to your two favorite kids - Falco and Gabi. Not that Levi would ever tell them that. It was a tradition the four of you adopted after Reiner went out of town on a trip that you continued after he returned. The four of you enjoy each others company more than most. 
Falco and Gabi always help you and Levi with the shop on Friday, granted creating more of a mess than actually helping. While you and Levi had adopted a pace to making drinks at the shop, like a well oiled machine, Falco and Gabi were anything but. 
Gabi was all about speed. She wanted to make all the orders as fast as she could, not caring who or what, she had to trample over to get there. You swear the girl has nearly knocked you off your feet a few times, which earns her a scolding from Levi. 
Falco was all about precision. He wanted to make all the orders as perfect as possible, not caring how long it could take. You swore he could spend an entire day steeping if he could. You’re sure the habit is no thanks to Levi, who always sends the poor kid back whenever he asks him to make his tea. 
After finishing up at the shop, you and Levi close up, letting Falco and Gabi play the board games or read the books you have set out in your apartment for them. Games, from you. Books, from Levi. It goes to say that the spines of the book are in perfect state from never being opened. 
On this lovely Friday, Gabi and Falco had picked out Taboo for the four of you to play. You and Falco chose to team up like you did every week, the two of you a dream team of sorts. Meanwhile, Levi and Gabi begrudgingly worked together, butting heads every time the game started. They were both used to taking charge and making the plays, which led to arguments on how they should strategize and win. Meanwhile, you and Falco worked out a system - taking turns calling the shots which fared very well for the two of you.
The game is chaotic, with Levi and Gabi aggressively trying to guess the words at the top of the card. You and Falco can’t help but laugh at their turns, the two of them arguing about the semantics of the words and scolding each other for losing out the points each time. Meanwhile, you and Falco have a civilized conversation, high fiving every time you could figure out the word together. 
On your turn, you lift the card to your forehead, Falco smiling in excitement. 
“This one’s easy. You and Levi.” 
“Me and Levi? Is it business owners?” 
“No. Think about what you guys are.” 
“Adults? A couple? Short?”
Levi grabs the back of your head, turning your face towards his. 
“I’ll pretend like I didn’t hear that last one, brat.” 
You see Gabi and Falco laughing from your peripheral and you roll your eyes at him in response. 
“Military? Leaders?” 
The buzzer rings and you remove the card from your forehead to check the word. You hear Gabi and Levi taunting you in the background, but you’re too busy staring down at the card. Gabi leans over, flipping the card from your fingers to read the word. 
“The word is soulmates, Mr. Levi.” 
You turn your head at Levi saying the word. 
“Soulmates, Mr. Levi, are people who are made for each other. The person who balances you out, the one you’re destined to be with. You can swear you’ve met them before, your souls together in the previous life and the next too. Like you and Miss Y/N. ” 
Levi turns to Falco, his gray eyes glaring at him. He turns to  you, his gaze noticeably softening. You’re sure your cheeks are beet red by now and you try to divert the subject. 
“I’m going to start dinner. Whose turn is it to help me?” 
Your eyes widen as you turn to Levi, cursing yourself for asking in the first place. 
“You guys only played a few rounds. Stay here, I can handle it this week, Lee’.” 
You stand up before he can respond, basically running to the kitchen. 
“But Mr. Levi, wasn’t it my turn?” asks Falco, turning his head to the side to look at Levi. 
“Yes. Shut up and play the game brat.”
After dinner, you and Levi pull out the air mattress the four of you sleep on. While you used to set up the guest rooms - you and Gabi in one and Falco and Levi in your bedroom - the four of you had been sleeping together in the living room as of late. 
It all started a few weeks ago, on a particularly bad night for you. Falco and Gabi ran into your room to find you screaming in your sleep, Levi hunched over you trying to pull you awake. When you came to, you held onto Levi, the tears streaming from your eyes. 
“Miss Y/N. What happened?” 
You turn to your side to find Falco and Gabi crying at your side, their faces pink. You motioned for the two of them to join you and Levi on the bed, the four of you sitting criss cross to face one another. 
“Nightmares, Falco. I’m okay.” you whisper. 
“I get those too. Bad ones.” 
The three of you look over, Gabi’s head in her hands. You move her hands, guiding her face to meet your gaze. 
“Mine are always about Hange. I see them in the air, skin on fire. I try to stop them in the dream, but they’re gone by the time I get to them. They never get up, no matter how hard I try, how fast I move.….they still die in my arms every time I close my eyes.”
You feel Levi shift behind you, his hand making its way into your hair. He brushes through the tangles, attempting to fix your bedhead. You warm at the thought, Levi’s touch comforting you all together. 
“I’m killing Sasha, watching her blood spill onto the floor. Or watching Eren become the Attack Titan, his skeleton spinning into the air while the walls come down.” 
She pauses, the words dying in her throat.
“Falco turns into a titan, his warm eyes replaced with that lifeless, horrifying look in his eyes. He’s gone. And it’s all my fault.” 
Falco reaches for her hand, the three of you squeezing your hands together. 
“You didn’t tell me, Gabi.” whispers Falco, turning to face her. 
“It’s embarrassing. That stuff is over but I can’t stop thinking about it.” 
“It’s not over, not for us anyway. Sometimes I swear I can still see that girl, Ymir’s memories. I wake up in a cold sweat, dreaming of being her as she’s crushed in Galliard’s teeth. Or I see Colt. Him embracing me while I kill him.” 
You hold your arms open, the two of them moving into your arms. You feel the two of them crying onto your shirt, as you press a kiss to the top of their heads. You turn to face Levi, his expression steely. You knew the look all too well, after being at Levi’s side for years. He felt guilty. You’re not sure what for.
“I have them too.” 
Gabi and Falco turn to face Levi, shocked at his words. While you opened up to the two of them often, Gabi and Falco rarely had heart to hearts with Levi. They never hated him for it, understanding that he had every reason to be guarded, more than most. The only person he really talked to was you. 
He reaches over, his hands brushing across the scars on your forehead and then your neck. You’re taken back to the moment, being nearly crushed in Zeke’s grasp as you guys stood on the Attack Titan. Levi had gotten to you in time, severing you out of Zeke’s hold, but he wasn’t fast enough to catch you before you fell down. 
“My nightmare is that I killed you. Every time I close my eyes, all I see is you falling, after I cut you down. I reach you and you’re dead. No sparkling eyes looking at me, no stupid remarks when I talk to you. You’re still. Quiet. Lifeless. And it’s all my fault. I wake up every night, pressing my fingers against your neck just to make sure you’re still here.” 
You reach forward, pulling him into your embrace. You place your hand on the side of his hair, the other arm still slung around Gabi and Falco. The four of you sit like that for a while, no one reaching to breaking the silence. 
“Mr. Levi. Can we sleep here?” he whispers, looking up at Levi. 
You and Levi move, opening up the covers for the two of them to climb in between you. Within a few minutes, the two of them are fast asleep, the tear stains now dry against their cheeks. You and Levi face each other, interlocking fingers over the two of them. 
“Whatcha thinking about, Miss Y/N?” 
You turn to find Falco, pulling out his pajamas near the mattress. You shake your head, throwing away the memory all together as you finish putting the bed together. 
“Nothing, Falco. Levi’s in the bathroom. Go brush your teeth.” 
He jumps off, retreating to your bathroom. You move towards the guest bathroom, finding Gabi brushing her teeth by the sink. You join her, the two of you making faces at each other as you finish up. 
“Braids, Gabs?” 
She nods, sitting up on the counter as you start brushing your fingers through her hair. You section off parts of her hair, getting to work on braiding her brown hair. 
“Do you not think Levi is your soulmate?” 
“It’s just that earlier, the card. You seemed uncomfortable when Falco said you guys were.” 
You sigh, twisting her hair in your fingers. 
“It’s not that, Gabi. Don’t soulmates have to be reciprocal?” 
“You don’t think you’re his soulmate?” 
“I don’t know. He’s lost so many people but I’m unsure of how he felt about them and how he feels about me. Sometimes I wonder if they were still here, I wouldn’t be the one next to him. Maybe he would want it to be one of them instead.” 
“I don’t think so, Miss Y/N. He loves you. The thing he’s most scared to lose is you.” 
“That’s because I’m the only thing left, Gabi.” 
Levi and Falco burst in, Falco nearly falling face first into the floor. You and Gabi turn to your side, glaring at the two of them for interrupting your conversation. You see Falco’s eyes shine at the sight of you braiding Gabi’s hair. 
“Gabi! You look so pretty.” 
You watch Gabi flush at his words, running out of the room to avoid making eye contact with him. He follows, screaming an apology at her. 
“Brats. They’re hopeless.” 
“She’s hopeless. I bet she does this everyday, because there’s no way Falco walks around without saying something like that to her.”  
He nods in agreement as you clear the sink from the brushes and elastics you were using in her hair. You look into the mirror to find Levi staring at you. 
“What? Do I have something on my face?” 
“Then why are you staring?”  
He reaches forward, crushing you in his arms. You feel his heart pounding in his chest as he holds you even harder in his arms. He lets go, running his eyes over you. 
“You okay, Levi?” you whisper, staring into his gray eyes. 
“Yeah, it’s just-” 
He’s cut off by Falco and Gabi, who barge into the room again. 
“Oh, sorry. We were just going to ask when you wanted to sleep.” 
Levi turns to you, giving you a smile before turning to glare at the two of them. He pushes Gabi out of the room and you sling your arm around Falco as you follow them. 
“Did no one teach you brats how to knock?” 
“No. My parents died in the rumbling before they could teach me that.” 
“Your parents dropped you off here. You’re real funny brat.” 
You wake up, a cold sweat running down the side of your back. Sasha in a pool of her own blood. You look over, Gabi and Falco are still fast asleep under the blanket. Levi is absent from the mattress and you peer around for any signs of where he went. 
You spot his black hair through the window of the balcony, him sitting on the floor out there. You pull your jacket (it’s Levi’s but who’s paying attention?) and join him out there, moving to sit next to him. He tenses at the contact, before opening up his arm for you to rest against him. You lean your back against his chest, his chin resting on top of your head. 
The two of you sit in silence, staring out at the neighborhood over you. You lean into his embrace, thanking whatever gods there were for letting you be the one next to Levi in this moment.
“It was always going to be you.” 
“The person next to me. It was always going to be you.” 
You sit up, turning your back to face him. You’re unsure what he’s talking about, confused by his admittance all together. 
“I heard you talking to Gabi earlier. If they were still here, you would still be the one I want by my side.” 
You feel your cheeks burning, embarrassed Levi had heard you confessing your insecurities to a twelve year old girl. 
“I’m sorry, Levi. I didn’t mean it like that. I know how you feel about me.” 
Hie expression pinches and you can feel him tense behind your back. You curse yourself for placing doubt in his mind after everything he did for you. 
“I…loved them. They were both special to me, my best friends.” 
You nod, cradling the side of his face in your hand. 
“I know, Levi. You don’t need to explain.” you whisper. 
“But they’re not special the way you are. It sounds bad but I don’t love them like I love you. I’d be done for if you were the one gone instead of them.” 
You smile, glowing at his words. You knew Levi loved you, but he was hardly one to ever say it. Make no mistake, he showed it to you everyday - leaving tea out for you, making the dinner you like, buying flowers that remind him of you. But he was never the best at saying it, which did leave you to wonder at times. 
“Me too, Levi. As weird as it is to say, sometimes I feel lucky that you and I get to do this. Run a tea shop. Have the kids come around. Walk in the markets. I mean this time last year we were cradling each other's nearly dead bodies.” 
He pauses, swallowing hard before answering. 
“The next life will be nicer to us. I mean the odds are fucking impossible - anything is better than this.” 
“The next life?” 
“Soulmates. Your souls are together in the previous life and the next.” 
You feel your chest warm at his words, at him calling you his soulmate. You lean forward, pressing a kiss to his soft lips. 
Levi walks Gabi and Falco home the next morning, leaving you snoring in the mattress behind. Gabi and Falco press kisses to your head, telling Levi they’ll bring dessert when they come next week. 
Levi returns, groceries in hand. He makes breakfast, starting a cup of tea as you pad into the kitchen. Still half asleep, you swing your arms against his torso, leaning your face against his back. 
“Kids gone?” 
“Mhm. Dropped them off earlier. I got the apples you wanted yesterday while I was out.” 
You turn to the counter, rummaging through the bag Levi brought. You take out the flowers he brought from the market - a bouquet of red tulips. You smile, setting them aside to put in a vase later. 
As you look for the apples, you find a small green box. You take it out and click it open, a simple silver band in the box. 
“Did you buy me a ring?” 
You see his expression pale, as he reaches over trying to take the box from you. You’re able to avoid his grasp for a few seconds, but he gets it back in the end. 
“You’re so damn nosy, brat.” 
“Why are you trying to hide it? Buy it for your secret girlfriend instead of me?” you tease. 
“You get stupider as time goes on. It’s obviously yours. I was waiting to give it to you.” 
You smile, holding your hands out so he can give you the box back. As he reaches out to place the box in your hands, you pause spotting an identical silver band on his ring finger. 
“You have the same one!” 
“Yes. That’s the point, idiot.” 
You look up at him, staring into his eyes. You suddenly feel nervous. Last night, Levi called you his soulmate. And today he bought you rings. Matching ones. 
“What does it mean? I mean, am I really all that?” you whisper. 
“It doesn’t mean anything.” 
You deflate, dejected by his words. While the implication of matching rings made you nervous, nauseous even, his fast rejection made you feel even worse. 
“Oh. Okay, yeah.” 
“I didn’t-” 
You can see the frustration rising to his face, his eyes squinting at you. 
“I didn’t mean it like that. You mean everything. I just mean we don’t have to do anything. If you don’t want to. They’re just rings. We can do all that whenever we want to.” 
You look up at him, smiling at his nervous expression.
“I mean everything?” you ask, smirking at him. 
He prods his fingers into your forehead, pushing you back into the chair. He places the breakfast he just made in front of you along with a cup of green tea. 
“You’re hopeless, brat.” 
Falco and Gabi return the next week, accompanied with a box of mochi Reiner had bought for the two of you. As you and Levi take to make dinner, Falco and Gabi lean over the counter, whispering at the sight of you. 
“They’re wearing matching rings.” 
“What? Where, Falco?” 
“On their ring fingers. Look.” 
“They’re getting married, Falco! Does this mean I get to be a flower girl?” 
You and Levi smile at each other, trying your best not to laugh at the two of them whispering (yelling) over the counter. Levi turns towards them, placing their food in front of them. 
“We’re not getting married, brat. Not yet, anyways.” 
You turn to join the three of them, balancing your plate and Levi’s in your hand. 
“You’re not the best whisperer, Gabs. Sorry.” 
“Who bought them, Miss Y/N?” 
“Levi did, Falco. Last week after he dropped you off.” 
“Told you he was whipped for you. He looks like a kicked dog every time you walk away from him.” 
“Keep talking, brat. I can easily convince her to pick another flower girl.” 
You and Levi turn to Gabi, a wide smile spreading across her face. 
“Wait, so you’d actually consider me?” 
“Well yeah. Who else would do it?” 
She runs across the table, pulling the both of you together in a hug. Falco jumps up as well, running to join the three of you. The two of them shout in their excitement, shaking the two of you in their hold. Gabi grabs Falco’s hand, dragging him onto the balcony to look at which flowers would be best for the ceremony. 
“Since when does that murderous brat like flowers? It’s sickening.” 
“She’s just excited, Levi. Getting to be a part of it all and everything.” 
“We aren’t even getting married yet.” he deadpans. 
“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” 
You turn to him, interlocking your fingers with his as the two of you eat your food. You hear the two of them chattering outside and thank the gods, for keeping the other half of your soul next to you. 
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“what the fuck is this?”
levi held what seemed like a thin rectangular device. he had seen you holding and interacting with one before, but he never knew what it was, and he didn’t have the chance to ask.
“it’s called a phone!” you exclaimed excitedly. “this way, we can talk even if we’re physically apart. and you can do some other cool things with it too.”
levi tapped at the screen a few times and frowned when nothing popped up.
“it’s broken.”
you rolled your eyes, having forgotten that paradis had not had that much exposure to modern technology.
“it’s not on, silly,” you said as you walked over and pressed on a button at the side of the screen.
after a few seconds, the screen lit up, although levi only looked further confused.
“you have to do a first-time setup before you can use it. just follow the instructions on the screen and you should be able to use it afterwards!”
levi poked around at the screen and you could tell he wasn’t used to it. he was typing by poking one letter at a time with his index finger and scowled at the screen whenever autocorrect completely changed whatever it was that he was trying to type. he couldn’t possibly understand why someone would waste their entire day staring at such a thing.
“is that it?” he asked, underwhelmed when he finally had it all set up. it seemed like a huge waste of time if he struggled through all that only to be met with a blank screen with some stock photo set as the background.
“it is if you want it to be,” you said nonchalantly.
you spent the remainder of the afternoon filling levi in on all the advantages of having a smartphone: gps, texting that uses both sms and internet, having a search engine, having a translating system, etc. although he claimed to be disinterested or commented that the societal need for a phone seems stupid, he was intently listening in on your instructions.
after leaving him on his own, you’d eventually come back to find him fumbling with the screen, trying to mess around with the camera feature, scowling when nothing came up whenever he took a picture, failing to realize that his hand was covering up the camera.
he’d accidentally take a selfie and you’d immediately snatch his phone from him, texting yourself the selfie. he didn’t look ridiculous or anything, but his somewhat confused look at the camera was too precious for you not to keep for yourself.
you learned very quickly that day, that although levi ackerman was talented in many things, navigating modern technology was not one of them.
just a little drabble that popped up in my head (i’m also very much not sober so this isn’t proofread!!!) also apparently marley has smartphones because i’m too out of it to come up with a better reason as to why levi has zero idea as to how to navigate it
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m-jelly · 10 months
Tea for two - Chapter 1
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Pairing: Post-war Levi x Fem!Reader
Tags and warnings: Canon world, post-war, injured Levi, scarred Levi, romance, falling in love, fluff, angst, emotional pain.
Story concept: After working in Levi's tea shop for two months, you and Levi seemed to have developed feelings for each other. Levi is struggling with these newfound feelings because he has never been in love before, he doesn't understand what is going on in his heart and is trying to figure it all out. Levi slowly bonds with you on a deep level causing him to open himself up like he has never done before with anyone. He starts working on healing himself so he can be a man that he believes deserves to stand at your side. When you and Levi admit your love, Levi slowly learns what it means to love someone and be in a relationship. Through good times and bad, through nightmares and pain, you and Levi face everything together and hold on to the deep love you have for each other.
In this chapter: Feelings are beginning to bubble away inside of you and Levi. Levi shows acts of service for his love language for you but doesn't understand his feelings. You are also using the love language acts of service, but you don't think your feelings will be reciprocated.
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Part 2
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It was a crisp spring morning with a light fog clinging to the land and dew droplets running on lush green grass. The waves crashing on the shore were gentle ad soothing to anyone where resting close by. A sweet cottage with a beautiful garden full of life rested on the edge of the busy town. The home was peaceful with the beach and vast forest next to it.
Inside the home was simple and clean with hardly any personal possessions. It was a perfect home for Levi. He had been offered a few homes when he retired from the military and given a lot of money too for his dedication to the scouts. He chose this home so he could have some peace and he could watch the birds in his garden.
Levi loved his home and was adjusting to his new life as best as he could, but there were bad days and good days. He struggled sometimes with his injuries due to the weather and sometimes it just got bad. He spiralled a little mentally and decided to act. Levi focused and achieved his lifelong dream, which was a sweet tea shop. He was so happy when he opened the place up and it was popular.
It was four months in when he realised he needed help. His shop wasn’t big, so he just needed one person to help him. He had a few interviews and a lot of them were terrible. Most people wanted the job to be around the great Captain Levi Ackerman. Levi wanted space from that life, he wanted to move on. He began to lose hope until you walked in through the door. Levi had never liked anyone before or had feelings for anyone, but you made his heart flutter and cheeks burn.
Levi hired you right away because you saw him for who he really was. You didn’t press him about his time in the scouts. You were just kind and sweet and you knew a lot about tea. Levi enjoyed your company so much and even loved your dog Bo when he met him. Levi loved Bo the dog so much, he asked you to bring him to work every single day. Levi was beginning to smile more with you and Bo around and even laugh.
In just two months, you manage to turn his life around into something that was no longer black and white and now was starting to have light in it. He loved going to work so he could see you. You soothed and comforted him so much. He just wanted to go to work all the time so he could be around you. He enjoyed going to work so much.
Today, though, Levi was having a bad morning and he was beginning to panic that he couldn’t see you. He’d woken up and felt an odd sensation in his left knee. As soon as he felt something, he knew today was going to be a bad day for him. He’d worked so hard for so long to walk with a cane, but it seemed like he might not be able to today.
He sat up and winced a little as his knee and leg throbbed. He released a long sigh and looked down at his leg to see the large scars all over his left leg. He massaged his thigh and looked at his clock to see that he needed to hurry or he’d be late for work. He braced himself before pushing himself to his feet. He hobbled a little before he dropped to the floor and slammed against it with a grunt as pain shot through his leg.
He gritted his teeth as he lay there. “Shit.” He slammed his fist against the floor in frustration. “Not today.” He looked around and spotted his chair. “Fucking thing.” He grabbed the bed and pushed himself up to his feet.
Levi hopped to his chair and sat down. He wheeled himself to his closet and changed into comfy clothes. He moved to the bathroom and did a basic clean-up before looking at himself in the mirror and seeing he had stubble. He rubbed his jawline and sighed. As he looked at himself with the scars and stubble, he kept thinking back to the first weeks of the war being over. Levi had given up a little causing his hair to grow out of its normal cut and he started growing a beard.
He moved through his home and to the front door. He slipped on a nice pair of smart shoes before glancing at the clock to see he was late for work. “Fuck.” He hated being late and was always punctual, so this was hard for him to be so late. “Tch.”
When Levi moved through town, people would always try and stop him so they could talk to him. People loved the fact that they had such a strong soldier of the scouts in their town. Levi’s name had become even more well-known after the war. Levi hated that he was famous and just wanted some peace and quiet. He also hated how people would pity him because of his injuries. He just wanted to be treated like any other person like you did. Levi really liked you.
He moved down the street to his tea shop and expected you to be waiting outside for him, but he was shocked to see that the little tables and chairs were put outside with lovely decorations and flowers on the tables. He moved up the ramp to the door and waited for a couple to leave before he moved inside the shop.
Levi’s eyes widened when he saw you with a bright smile on your face as you talked to a customer and your sweet dog Bo at your side. He thought your dress for the day and apron were so pretty. He moved closer and called your name. He blushed when you lit up at seeing him. You looked at him in a way that he’d never been looked at before. He felt so flustered under your gentle gaze.
You cleaned your hands and hurried over to Levi. “Good morning boss! I hope it’s okay I opened up.”
He cleared his throat. “It’s great. Thank you.”
You hummed a laugh. “Oh, so we have a lot of paperwork to do and stock-taking and inventory. So, I compiled all the papers, organised them and marked them for you in your office.”
Levi was rather flustered at your declaration. He was certain that you understood that today was a bad health day for him and instead of fussing over him like most would, you were giving him an easy job for the day so he could rest and heal. He was always so taken aback by your kindness and thoughtfulness. He couldn’t help but smile a little.
He reached over and petted Bo, who was begging for attention. “Sure thing, I’ll work on all that. I should order a few things too.”
“I made a list of what we need.” You laughed nervously. “I hope that’s okay?”
He nodded. “Perfect. Makes things easier for me.” He released a long sigh. “I better get to work then.”
You opened the hatch door for him and then his office door. “Bo will want to keep you company, I hope that’s okay?”
“I’m happy to have the big guy.”
You waved to him and closed the door slightly. You moved around the shop and served tea to people, along with selling tea for people to take home. The shop was mainly for selling tea to be taken home, but ever since you joined you suggested that there be tables inside the small place and out so people could drink at the shop.
You noticed it got a bit quiet, so you decided to make something for Levi. You made a pot of tea with a nice-tasting medical tea to soothe his aches. You put everything on a tray and felt a bit nervous to give him a baked treat you’d made, but you had made so much last night that you just had to offer him some. So, you put some slices of lemon drizzle loaf on a plate and took everything into Levi.
Levi was working slowly as he wrote with his right hand. It was hard for him to be right-handed and to have two fingers missing, but he found a way to make it work. His other hand was on Bo’s head so he could give him a fuss. He lifted his head at the gentle knock at the door and noticed Bo get happy and hurry over to the door, which meant you were here to see Levi.
Levi gulped hard as a tingle began inside him. Levi had noticed that he liked you more than most people, he enjoyed your company and wanted you around often. However, something in his was changing and he noticed this change in him a few days ago. His heart would flutter around you, he’d try to get you to smile and laugh, he’d think about you when you weren’t around, he’d long for your presence and it confused him to feel this way as he had never experienced anything like this before.
He smiled softly at you before calling your name. “Come in.”
You slipped inside Levi’s office and placed the tray in an empty spot on his table. “Thought I’d get you something to eat and drink.”
He gazed at what you got him and felt flustered. “Oh, fuck this is very kind of you.”
“I picked a good tea.” You lifted the pot and poured him a cup. “Also I made some lemon drizzle loaf last night and I had a lot left over, so I brought some in. You don’t have to try it, but it is there if you want.”
Levi looked down at the slice and felt his mouth-watering. “It looks wonderful. I’m looking forward to it. You know, if you bake more things you should bring it in. You could bring the excess and we could sell.”
You laughed nervously. “Ah, I don’t think it is good enough to sell.”
Levi chuckled as Bo shoved his face under Levi’s arm to sniff the cake. “None for you.” He smiled at you. “Thank you. I’ll enjoy this all.”
“Call me if you need me.”
“I will.”
He watched you leave before sighing a little. He looked down at his cup and picked it up. He inhaled the scent deeply and knew right away what you had made him. He felt so touched that you instantly knew he was having a bad day so you had made him a pot of tea with a tea that always helped him. He sipped his tea and felt his body relax at the flavours.
He picked up a fork and turned his attention to the treat you’d made. He cut a slice and was impressed by how soft the sponge was. He popped the slice into his mouth and hummed in delight. You managed to get the balance between sugar and lemon. He licked his lips in happiness and began savouring every last bite of the cake until it was all gone.
As Levi enjoyed his lunch you got him you were busy cleaning the shop up. You served a few customers but business was slow which was okay because the shop had already made a major profit today. You were happy and hoping that Levi was doing okay. You figured Levi was late to work due to his knee getting bad. You were worried about him because you liked him so much and he was so kind and sweet, but you didn’t want to make too much of a fuss because it could upset him.
You looked up when a woman entered the shop. “Welcome to Levi’s. How may I help?”
She walked over to you and pulled a disgusted face. “Ugh, just look at your uniform. This is not appropriate.”
You looked down at yourself and felt a little confused. “Oh…I’m sorry.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Workers these days. Now, I have a list of things I need. Get it for me.”
You took her list and nodded. “Sure. Oh, but there are a few things on your list that we don’t have.”
“What? You had it yesterday when I checked with the handsome man who works here.”
“Yes, we might have but between then and now we likely sold it all.”
She huffed. “But I asked for it! You should have kept it to the side for me!”
You felt a little nervous as your fight-or-flight instinct kicked in. “We don’t keep things to the side for someone unless they make a downpayment for it. I don’t see a record of that.”
“Are you calling me a liar?”
You shook your head. “No, I would never. I’m just letting you know of Levi’s policy that we only hold things for people if they’ve made a downpayment.”
“Don’t spout your policy to me!”
You nibbled your lip. “I’m sorry.”
“Get me what I want!”
You looked at her list. “I can get you everything but three teas on here.”
“I want all.”
“But we don’t have them in stock. I can’t get you something we don’t have.”
She huffed. “You stupid little! I’m not surprised someone as stupid and pathetic as you work in a job like this. You can only do something like this, but it seems like you can’t even do it well. You’re just so damn stupid.”
You gulped hard. “Please don’t talk to me like that. I’m just trying to help.”
“Help!? You’ve done nothing! I want to speak to your manager right now! I can’t deal with someone as stupid as you.”
You bowed your head and hurried to Levi’s office as you tried to hold back tears. You could take abuse from people, but there was something that cut you deep when your intellect was brought into question. You shook a little as you stood there in Levi’s office. You felt your cheeks burning as embarrassment took over.
Levi looked over at you as he softly said your name. “Thank you for the tea and cake, both were incredible. You know, I might ask you for more of that cake.” His slight smile dropped when he saw you were shaking and tears were running down your cheeks. He got up and hopped over to you. “Hey, hey, hey.” He pulled out his hankie and rubbed your tears away. “What’s wrong?”
You whimpered. “A woman came in and wants to see the manager.”
“What happened?”
You explained everything to Levi as you cried a little. “She called me stupid.”
“You’re not. She’s a horrible person.” He felt so enraged that someone had made you cry. “Tch, that fucking…I’ll talk to her.”
“I feel so silly.”
“It’s okay. The way she spoke to you and treated you was shit. I’ll take care of this, okay?”
You nodded. “Mm, okay. Thank you, Levi.”
He shifted to his wheelchair and sat in it. “Do you mind pushing me in there?”
You sniffed and smiled at him. “Sure thing, boss.”
Levi shifted in his seat and processed the words in his head. He wanted to call this woman out and shout at her for making you cry. How dare someone make you cry? You were his. He blushed hard when that thought drifted through his mind. He shook his head and looked out into his shop and saw the woman he remembered from yesterday who wouldn’t leave him alone.
The woman looked over to Levi and perked up at seeing the great Captain. She adjusted her boobs and grinned at him. “Captain!”
“It’s Levi. I want to know why you made my,” he said your name with such heart “cry.”
“Your…” She stared at you. “I didn’t know you were taken…I just…she was so rude! I want everything on this list!”
Levi grabbed the list and looked. “We can get you everything but a few things as we are out of stock.”
“But yesterday.”
He glared at her. “Tch, that was yesterday. Do you think we sat on our fucking asses all day waiting for you to arrive? You’re not our only customer. It is first come first serve. Someone else came and bought the tea, a nicer person.”
“But I want that tea!”
He tossed the order on the table and sighed. “We can order it in for you and you can wait, or you can go somewhere else.”
“Somewhere!?” She huffed. “I will not return here! You lose a customer.”
He shrugged. “Good. In fact, I’m fucking glad you’re not going to come back.” He reached up and held your hand. “No one makes her cry. Now, you can either get the fuck out of my shop or you can buy what’s on your list and leave.”
She growled in frustration. “I will tell everyone to not come here!”
“Please do, because anyone who believes you are like you and I don’t want any more people in here who are just like you.”
She pouted a little. “I’ll call the police!”
“Do it. I dare you.”
You squeezed Levi’s hand before releasing it. You moved around his shop and gathered what she needed and added a slice of your cake in there too. “Ma’am? I am not sure why you are so upset today and so angry. I might not ever understand why you took it out on me, but what I do know is that you are upset and hurting. I got you everything on your list and added in some lemon drizzle loaf as a hope you feel better.”
She stared at you for a while before she started crying. “I’m sorry. It’s just been so hard right now.”
You nodded. “I understand.”
She offered you money and a bit more. “Here.” She sniffed and rubbed her tears. “I’m so embarrassed.” She bowed. “I’ll be on my way, thank you.”
Levi called your name as soon as the woman left. “Why did you do that? Why were you nice to her?”
You walked over to Levi and sighed. “Well, I figured that her anger was towards something else and she was just taking it out on us. We don’t know what’s going on in her life and she doesn’t know what’s going on in ours.” You smiled sadly. “Hurt people tend to hurt others. I hope she gets better.”
Levi stared at you for a while. “You are unbelievable.”
You looked over at Levi. “That bad?”
He smiled a little. “In a good way. I can’t figure you out and I like that. You’re like no one I’ve ever met before. It’s refreshing.”
You hummed a laugh. “If I’m honest, boss, I wanted you to rip her fucking tongue out or you shoved shit into her mouth seeing as she talks so much of it.”
Levi’s eyes widened at your words before he started laughing causing your heart to skip a beat. “That sounds perfect for her.”
You smiled a little. “Right? So, you wanted more cake right?”
“I do.”
You giggled. “I’ll get that for you.”
Levi smiled a little. He looked down as Bo walked over to his side. “Tch, your mum is pretty wonderful.”
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Levi gritted his teeth as he started his exercises for the day on his leg. He bent his knee and moved his leg as best as he could. Each time they got easy for him he had to upgrade what he was doing and push his body harder. He relaxed as soon as he reached his target for the day. He released a long sigh and closed his eyes for a moment.
A smile spread over Levi’s lips when you came to mind. He kept thinking of you all the time, how your hair was, your scent, your smile, your voice and how you were always so captivating when you talked. He hoped he could see you soon, but it was a day off and he knew that he would have to wait for the next workday to see you again.
He released a groan at a knock on his door. He pushed himself up and grabbed his cane before walking over to the door and opening it to see you standing there with a basket on your arm with a cute dress, Bo at your side. He frowned a little as he wondered if he had caused you to appear in his life. He had just been thinking of you and now you were here. You were this constant in his life ever since Gabi and Falco decided to remain in Marley and Levi went to Paradis, his home.
You grinned at Levi. “Hello, boss. I am so sorry to bother you, but I was shopping around in town and I found something you might like. Oh! I also might have baked too much again.”
Levi stared at you for a while. He was not used to this kind of kindness and people dropping in on him. He was certain you’d done this because of how unwell he was last week and now he was just about out of his chair again. He was touched by how thoughtful and loving you were. He was so happy.
He shifted out of the way. “Come on in.”
You gasped as your cheeks burned. “Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude or anything. I was just going to drop off some things.”
He smiled a little. “I insist. Tch, come on in. Don’t stand there like you need to shit.”
You laughed at his words. “Sure thing, boss.”
He moved to the side and watched you enter his home for the first time. He smiled a little at Bo and closed the door as soon as Bo was inside. He turned and felt his heart flutter when he saw your shoes neatly placed in the right area. He felt like you belonged here with him and he was thinking of asking you if you could possibly help him around the house. He was going to pay you, but he kind of wanted your company a bit more and he felt guilty asking you to stay around because he didn’t think he was good company. So, he was thinking of turning it into a job.
He limped into his home to see you in his kitchen making a pot of tea. He watched you closely until you noticed him staring.
You blushed hard. “Oh, I’m sorry for taking over your kitchen and raiding your cupboards.”
“Don’t be sorry. Make yourself at home, please.”
“Have you had any lunch yet?”
He moved to his favourite chair and sat down. “Uh, no.” He barely ate really mainly because he often forgot to, or his bad thoughts got the better of him.
You walked over to him with a tray and a sweet smile. “Well, it’s a good job I brought a lot of lunch.”
He watched you sit before opening your bag and pulling out wrapped-up sandwiches, cakes and some snacks. Levi was certain that you did make extra by accident but you intentionally made lunch for him because you worried about him. He liked that you cared about him. He was hoping it wasn’t some sort of care where you were trying to be a nurse to him, but genuine care for him as a man. Levi did not doubt it because you’d always treated him as if he was a normal person.
He tucked into his sandwich and hummed in delight. “You’re a great cook.”
“Mm, thank you.” You wiped your mouth up. “So, the reason why I came here was to feed you but it was also because I found a few things in town and I thought of you.”
He blushed a little. “Really?”
You nodded and put your food down a moment and pulled a few things out of your bag. “There was this new tea in town I thought we could trial run. The person selling it was running a stall. I told them about your shop and they hope we like the tea so we could trade.”
“Great.” He reached over and took the bag of tea. “We can test it tonight.”
“Fantastic. The other thing is a cleaning product. I know you love cleaning, so I found this special rag that’s supposed to have this great dusting ability.” You played with the rag. “Maybe it is static or something…”
Levi took it from you. “I appreciate it. I will let you know if it is better than my normal things.”
“Wonderful.” You pulled out something wrapped up. “Last thing.”
He frowned a little. “Tch, the fuck is that? Poison?”
You laughed. “No, no poison. If I was trying to poison you I would have done it by now.”
“Good point.”
You fiddled with the gift as your feelings slipped out. “I rather like you and would like to keep you around as long as possible.”
Levi’s cheeks burned. “I uh…”
You smiled at him. “Last gift. This is a new thing. They said it’s called chocolate and they had different kinds. I know you’re not the biggest fan of bitter things, so I got the one with a bit of milk in so it is a bit easier to eat. I will get the dark next time.”
“I’ll give it a try after this wonderful lunch.”
“Great.” He looked down and saw Bo was staring at him. “No, you can’t have my lunch.”
You hummed a laugh. “It’s hard to say no when he looks so cute.”
“You’re right.” Levi petted Bo. “I’m impressed with how trained he is.”
“He’s a quick learner. He’d be good with someone who needs physical or mental care.” You frowned in thought. “Maybe I should take him to the local hospital…”
For a moment Levi thought you meant him, but you mentioning the hospital meant you didn’t see him as someone who needed a lot of care. He was happy, but he also wanted you to take care of him and fuss over him too. He wanted your attention on him all the time. He didn’t know why he felt so demanding of you. The thought of you dating someone and spending time with them irritated him a little. He was rather confused about his feelings.
Levi flinched at hearing you call his name. “You called me Levi.”
You pressed your lips together. “Mm…”
“It’s okay. I like it. I prefer it.”
You smiled softly. “Well, I’ll call you Levi from now on.”
“Good.” He cleared his throat. “So, you called my name.”
“Mm! Yes. I was asking if I could stay over.”
Levi’s cheeks burned. “Stay?”
You nodded and pointed to the window allowing him to see the rain was coming down heavily. “It appears it is pouring it down and I didn’t bring a coat or anything. I can leave if you want.”
Levi stared at the rain and thought about you staying over. He rather liked the idea of you being a permanent feature in his home, you were always one at work so it’d be nice to have you more. He looked over at you and gave you a tiny reassuring smile. “You’re welcome to stay as long as you need. I have a spare room if you have to stay the night.”
You gasped. “Oh! Oh, I don’t think that’ll happen, I’m sure the rain will ease off. I don’t want to be a burden or anything.”
“You would never be.” He sighed. “I might seem grumpy, but I rather enjoy your company compared to others.”
You smiled a little. “I’m glad.” You stood up and cleaned his living room of all the leftover food and rubbish. “Tea?”
He watched you in his kitchen. “We should try that tea you bought.”
He released a long sigh and felt a weight on his lap. He looked down to see Bo with his head on Levi’s lap with a sweet gaze and tail wagging. Levi hummed a laugh and began fussing him. “Good boy.”
You walked over and sat near Levi. “Bo adores you so much. I’ve never seen him so taken with someone.”
Levi smiled at you. “Well, I like him. I like having him around.”
“I’m glad.” You offered him a cup. “This is the stuff I bought today.”
Levi sniffed it first. “Has a nice aroma.” He carefully sipped it and let the flavours mix in his mouth. “Mm, that’s rather nice. Seems like a summer drink though. It is more fruity in flavour.”
You sipped it and enjoyed the fruity taste in the tea. “I like it too. You’re right about it being best for summer.”
“We’ll go visit the seller together and make a deal.”
He relaxed a little and enjoyed his tea. He winced a little when he felt a random stabbing pain in his right eye. He placed two fingers on his closed eye and began massaging the area. He hummed in happiness and felt himself being soothed by your scent and presence. Before Levi knew it, he had drifted off into a light sleep and started dreaming about you.
You cleaned up the tea and turned to Levi to ask him a question, but he was out like a light. You smiled softly as he slept in his seat but you noticed he was uncomfortable. You placed a cushion behind his lower back and another behind his head. You slowly lifted his legs and put them on a footstool. You grabbed a blanket and placed it over him to make sure he was warm.
You shifted his hair from his face and smiled at how handsome he was. You had been around Levi for two months and slowly developed feelings for him. You knew he had been in the scouts and people freaked out about him, but that’s all you knew. You didn’t want to pry into his business and possibly his trauma. You could tell by the scars that Levi had been through a lot in life.
You knew Levi didn’t see himself as much because he was always confused at fangirls declaring their love for him. Levi didn’t see himself as attractive, especially now with all his scars. However, you thought he was so beautiful and incredible. He was thoughtful, emotional, kind, caring and smart. You enjoyed talking to him and just being around him. You just had this natural desire to be around him and make him smile.
You realised you liked him more than a friend about a week ago. You didn’t say anything to him because you didn’t want to ruin what you had. You weren’t sure Levi liked you back in the same way you liked him. So, you were just going to do lots of acts of service to show your affection to him because seeing him happy was enough for you.
You leaned closer and pressed a delicate kiss on his forehead. You closed your eyes and wished him all the best in his health, both body and mind. You pulled back and smiled a little at him. You pulled away and went to the spare room thinking you needed to set it up, but it was already perfect for you to sleep in. You made some dinner in the kitchen and ate your serving before leaving a note for Levi to let him know how to reheat it.
With one last check on Levi, you moved your way to the spare room and pulled your things off until you were in your underdress. You slipped under the covers and felt yourself blushing because the bedsheets smelt just like Levi. You wiggled in place and gasped when Bo jumped on the bed and lay next to you. You knew that there was no bed for him, so you were just going to have to say sorry to Levi when he woke up.
He woke up after a while and noticed it was still raining outside and it was dark. He frowned when he felt a cushion behind his lower back and another behind his head for comfort. He looked down at his body to see a blanket had been laid on him. He blushed a little at the thought of your doting on him as he slept. He moved the blanket off him and limped to the kitchen to see the dinner you’d made and the cute note for him.
Levi enjoyed the freshly cooked meal before making his way to the spare room. He opened your door and peered inside to see Bo on the bed and you sleeping deeply next to him. He limped inside the room and fussed Bo as he woke up for a moment. Levi carefully pushed the hair from your face and smiled, you were so pretty.
He pulled back and released a long sigh. He closed the door behind him and made his way to his room. He changed into his night things and fell into bed. As he gazed up at the ceiling his mind was filled with you. Often he would think about his job, his life, or the people he had lost but it was all you. He blushed as you filled his mind and made his heart throb. He wasn’t sure what these feelings were, but he liked them.
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the-traveling-poet · 7 months
Hi! I just discovered your page and I’m so in love! You’re an amazing writer <3. I’d like to request something. I’d like to see how everyone would react to finding out that Levi not only got someone pregnant but finding out she’s also black. They can be together or whatever, but that’s the general request! Love you ❤️
Headcannon no. 7
Post-War Love
A/N: Thank you so much! I hope I did your vision justice! And I hope you don’t mind I made this in a HC format, but if you do I’ll happily rewrite!
Taglist: @21aurora @deepzombieyouth @braunsbabe
When Levi first opened the letter from Paradis, sent by Armin inviting himself, Falco, Gabi, and Onionkopun to a reunion of sorts, he froze.
He’d been kept so busy the past three years in Marley. So busy, he hadn’t wrote to his comrades about the personal happenings taking place in his life.
Not that he was one to indulge in personal topics, anyways, but still.
Now with his beautiful Ghana woman on his arm and bearing his child growing in her ever expanding belly, Levi realized just how little he’d let anyone aside from her into his new life.
Just how would they react, seeing this new chapter in their ex-Captain’s life, he thought?
He knew no ill will would come from them. It never had. But chancing to open up to someone other than her, about the one good thing to happen to him after the war?
He was nervous. More so than he’d liked to have admitted.
So he took a day to consider his response to the invitation. He counciled with his soon to be wife about how he should handle this.
But her over eager grin and constant reassurance that she’d love to meet the people he’d spent years living and fighting alongside, his decision was an easy one to make.
He sent a letter back to his young companions, thanking them for the invite and reassuring them all of their attendance to the gathering.
And at the end of the letter, with shaking a shaky hand gripping his pen, he wrote of someone he wanted-
No, needed-
Them to meet. Someone special to him.
Imagine the shock and surprise written on their faces when three days later they watch as Levi guides a very beautiful and very pregnant woman by the arm off the ship am onto their docs.
The grin on her face was so wide and so bright it nearly filled her whole face as she greeted each and every one of Levi’s old friends in turn.
They’d accepted her into the gathering easily, as thought she had been there since day one.
Please the amount of teasing and jokes Connie and Jean would throw an embarrassed Levi’s way at the sight of his woman’s obvious baby bump-
He’s be so proud but so flustered at the same time and just a MESS of emotions.
He’d watch on in contentment as Annie and Mikasa sat at a table with his girl, how tenderly they spoke to her about her pregnancy and what to expect as a first time mother, virtuous of Mikasa’s past experiences.
Annie was quick to offer any tips and tricks she’d seen from Mikasa and others around her to help the woman out, making her grin and laughs alongside their banter.
By the end of the visit, Levi’s left feeling full. Full of hope, of joy, of acceptance.
He realized then; he really did have a family after all. The one he was growing with his Ghana princess in Marley, and the one he’d left in Paradis all those years ago.
They’d always be available for him to come back to, and watching them all now, he knew his new family could forevermore do the very same.
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levmada · 7 months
levi with stretchmarks levi with stretchmarks levi with stretchmarks levi with stretchmarks levi with stretchmarks levi with stretc
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moumouton4 · 1 year
Let Me Help You || post-war!Levi Ackerman x reader
A/n : Just wanted my boy to be at ease for once 🎁 Also my requests are open as always so let me know if you have any ideas 🌹
Masterlist ⚜
Warning : None just fluff and romance in the AOT canon world 😌🌺 I found the illustration on Pinterest here
Summary : Life has been rough for the both of you. But now you want to take your time to show him life can be sweet and pleasant as well.
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 2229
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You were always there with him and to tell you the truth it was one of the things that comforted him. From the beginning you were by his side in the Survey Corps, then during the war against the enemies across the seas and then against your friend during the Rumbling
It's true that he did everything he could to get you to give up the fight once he was in the line of fire. But you always refused, reminding him that you had promised to always stand by his side. And you didn't lie to him. Three months after your victory in the battle of Salta, you were still there. But this time you were no longer hidden behind walls
It was like a new life for you - especially for him - since you moved into the Marley residence. It's true that the first time you set foot there Levi was in a rough shape, already pretty messed up from the Thunder Spear blast, severe injuries scattered all across his ( short body ), he was on a stretcher and you were shitting yourself terrified of the consequences these injuries would have on him. Knowing that his right index and middle fingers had been severed, that he had lost sight in one of his eyes and that his legs were also... well you don't even want to remember the shape they were in
But now he was out of danger and it was said that he would no longer be able to walk as he used to, his legs being somehow paralyzed. He had a hard time hearing the news and even though he had never mentioned it you were sure he hadn't fully accepted the fact that he was permanently wheelchair-bound. It was a drastic change compared to his perfect physical condition when he was in the Survey Corps
From time to time - and you enjoyed this very much - Gabi and Falco could come and take care of him... well tried to take care of him. Because, let's face it, he was clearly not one to let himself be taken care of, and in the end your two friends only came to chat with him when you were at work. But most of the time, and especially in the beginning of his recovery, the conversion was only one-sided
But there were also days, like today, when you didn't go to work. And today you decided that your day would serve a purpose. Not that your days weren't worth anything. Rather, you had planned today to turn your full attention to Levi in a way you hadn't before - because of his Captain's work and then because of his injuries. But now that they were healed you could finally bring your ideas to life. You just hoped that Levi would accept your help and frankly that would not be easy
In the morning, after getting out of bed discreetly so as not to wake Levi, you took a shower and went to prepare breakfast, pancakes, kiwis and grapes, orange juice... in short, everything that you didn't have at the time within the walls
After a while of cooking, where the only thing you could hear was the sound of the fruits you were cutting up while the pancake batter was cooking in the pan. You heard a rolling sound and when you turned around you saw Levi on his wheelchair moving towards you - with the strength he had in his arms even with missing fingers he was perfectly capable of pulling himself up into his seat
You turned back to the stove, flipped the pancake over in one swift motion and turned your attention back to him. You walked barefoot on the floor in his direction. You bent down a little and took him in your arms, which he returned without delay. He put his head in the crook of your neck breathing in the vanilla scent of the soap you had used to wash your hair
“That smells good” he told you as you pulled back before you resumed your cooking, which made you smile as you turned your back to him “Soon you will too Levi”
"Huh ?" when you turned around and saw that he was giving you a puzzled look "I'm not dirty, brat" he almost said with an outraged look "I didn't meant it like that" you chuckled "You'll see later, have some food first" you handed him the plate with the fruit salad and the pancakes
He grabbed his fork with his left hand - it almost seemed like he had always been left-handed... almost - you sat down at the table in front of him. Once you'd had your breakfast, you did the dishes under his curious gaze, still thinking about what you'd told him. Once finished you wiped your hands and went behind his chair before starting to push him towards your room
"Hey ! Hey ! What do you think you're doing brat ?!?"
"I'm going to take care of you" you said cheerfully as you grabbed two towels
"Don't be silly b-" "You'll see" you said before grabbing the handles of the wheelchair to push him again now towards the bathroom. Levi didn't say anything. He didn't say anything when you turned on the water and put the lavender bath salt in. You put your hand up to your forearms to test the temperature of the water and make sure it was lukewarm
Once you were satisfied with the water, you turned to him and said, "Take those off" pointing to his clothes. Seeing him motionless you decided to kneel down next to him and started to unbutton his shirt. But suddenly as you were about to remove the second button, he grabbed your hands "Stop it Y/n let go off me" you raised an eyebrow at his reaction
You sighed "Levi please let me take care of you. Let me return all the good you've done for me. Please don't be stubborn"
At this, he let go of your hands and let you continue to remove his shirt. You looked at the healed shrapnel scars on his chest, making sure once again that everything was in order. He removed his pants and shorts and with the strength of his arms pulled himself into the tub
Once seated in the warm water of the tub, he let out a sigh. Letting the water do good to his war-scarred body
"Does the temperature suits you ?" "Yeah thank you" he said in a small voice that didn't sound like him at all
You smiled sadly when you saw him like that but you knew he was strong and would get over it. Anyways, you would do your best. You shook it off and got to work. You took a small container and filled it with the scented water and put it on his back. Then you filled your cup once more and put it on his chest from the shoulders up
"Can you please tilt your head back sweetheart ?" he did as you asked and you wet his hair. You then took some soap and rubbed it on your hands, making enough lather and applying it to his hair. You ran your fingers through it to make sure it was all soapy. Taking the opportunity to give him a little scalp massage. You ran your fingers through his ebony locks that were now a little longer, reaching down to the back of his neck ( a little like Loki in Avengers ) now that he was no longer in the squad he didn't have to cut them as much as before. You loved that about him and often, once night fell, you found yourself running your fingers through his silky hair to help him and yourself fall asleep
Once this task finished, you then took some more soap and passed on his shoulders massaging there some time before soaping his nape and his neck before passing on his back and scraping a little before finishing with the most possible delicate part to wash, his chest
Levi on his side looked at you with the greatest curiosity, as if it was the first time that someone took care of him although it was almost 4 years that you were together. There are many times when you have touched his chest and he has never felt it tighten in this way. It wasn't stress or excitement but a kind of sadness mixed with gratitude
After all this time, you were still there and taking care of him without ever asking for anything in return. Always with a smile on your face, as if you enjoyed what you were doing as much as he enjoyed it. And to tell the truth, yes, you were extremely happy that he trusted you enough to take care of him on the one hand and on the other hand that he let you see him in this state, far from the one in which you had known him years before
"Come on, we're almost done, just tilt your head back one last time so we can get rid of the soap" you picked up your cup and poured water over it, putting your hand to make a visor over his eyes so no soap would get in them. This made him chuckle inside, he had faced much worse, soap wasn't going to harm him any time soon
You continued to spray with water him until there was no more soap on his upper body. You gave him room to wash the rest in peace. Once he let you know he was done, you went back to him with a small towel to dry his hair. You sat on the edge of the tub holding the towel out to him
He leaned his head towards you and let you do it. Your affection made him dizzy, he felt like he was floating on a cloud. But did he really deserve it ? And without him realizing it, tears started to stream down his cheeks. Slowly at first and then more and more until you felt him shaking next to you. You stopped for fear of hurting him but to your surprise wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face against your leg. You were a little shocked at the time because you had almost never seen him cry, but never so blatantly. It was as if he was aware of all the events he had been through and he snapped
You were quick to recover and patted his back making a circular motion to ease him and show him you were there for him ( picture above ). With your other hand you brushed his hair with your fingers "I love you Levi. I love you so much" you said as you placed a kiss on his wet and fragrant hair. But he only shook harder trying to mumble the words out without success
After a while in the embrace he finally calmed down and without looking up at you he whispered "I'm sorry... I love you too Y/n"
You grabbed his chin and lifted his head towards you, you kissed both his cheeks before looking into his eyes "Don't apologize before me for showing your emotions Levi. On the contrary" you stopped for a moment drowning in his gray orbs "I should be thanking you" you smiled gently before placing your lips on his. He returned the kiss with a passion that gradually turned into a desperate kiss
Breathlessly you parted, a smile painting your lips and to your great joy, his too. You began to dry his hair again and then you wiped the edges of the bathtub so that he could get out safely. You held him by the shoulders, so that he could stand steadily, and wrapped the largest towel around him. You helped him sit back down in his chair and put the small towel over his shoulders so he wouldn't get cold
You leaned forward again to kiss his forehead. To your surprise he grabbed you before you could and forced you down onto on his lap Amazone style. Now that you were more on his level he gave you a quick peck on the lips and then you kissed his forehead. He wrapped his arms around you and you stayed like this for a while, your face buried in his neck
"Mmmh you smell good too now" "I thought I smelled good earlier too brat" he hugged you a little tighter "You always smell good Captain" you responded this time he was the one raising his eyebrows now smiling widely as you tightened your embrace on him
He had many doubts but now he was sure. One day he would be able to accept his new life, because with you nothing was ever impossible. He wanted to believe that he would be able to walk again, that he would be able to manage on his own. He knew that only time would tell. But in the meantime he would let you take care of him, knowing that you would never consider him incapable. After all, it's as if nothing had changed, you were still his corporal and he was your captain
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! ☘🌵 Again my requests are open 🌳🌾
Taglist : @malfoyscamander, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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postwarlevi · 2 years
A Captains Kids dinner party
Content: 2.6k words of modern post war fluff. Levis leg is acting up while you take on too much by yourself, so he calls in reinforcements.
Extras: This is for @levi-supreme Happy Birthday Levi event! Thank you for letting me join and helping me get back in the swing of things!
Levi sat at the kitchen table, watching you move about. You were up early, starting chores, when he came limping in. His leg injury acting up again.
You stopped what you were doing and after a little tiff you got him seated with his tea, the newspaper and a small breakfast.
He is very grateful to you. Generally he's the one making breakfast or you both make it together. But sometimes when his leg is bad and it's hard for him, you try not to let him exert himself.
You sense him watching you and turn to give him a kiss on the top of the head. "Everything okay?"
Levi sighs and shrugs. Yes, it's okay. Not great. "I'm sorry." He says quietly.
You squeeze his shoulder. "Stop that. It's okay to rest sometimes."
He is usually a get it done type of person and doesn't like to sit on the sidelines when he could be helping.
He puts his arm around your waist and leans into your side, making you smile.
You stay like that a few minutes rubbing his back.
He let's you go and you go about the laundry and cleaning breakfast dishes and help him to the couch when he's ready.
"Thank you." He looks up at you.
"Can I get you anything? A heating pad?" You make sure to ask because he won't.
But Levi shakes his head. "No. I'm okay." And he is, now that his leg has been resting it's feeling better. But he knows not to try to push it at the moment.
You lean down to kiss him and continue working around the house.
You are both off today, thankfully. So while Levi rests you can clean and be there for your husband, not worrying about serving customers. Which while you love, he comes first.
But it's Levi who is worrying. You're hosting a dinner tomorrow and want to start prepping everything today. And he knows it's going to hard for him to help, and it's going to be a lot for you.
He thinks maybe if he just sat at the kitchen table with a cutting board and ingredients, maybe he could at least chop. But, he'll probably forget something and not be able to reach it without your help, or his back will hurt sitting there too long, or he'll just be in the way.
"Levi?" You come in from the garage to see he's lost in thought and come sit by him on the couch.
"Maybe we should postpone." He blurts out.
You smile. "We have all the things we need, the recipes are ready, people are coming over. It'll be okay." You snuggle into his chest and he sighs and plays with your hair. How you manage to comfort him every time.
"I might not be much help." He tells you.
"Don't you worry. I got it covered." There is more than enough time to get things done by yourself.
He sighs and leans back against the couch. He knew you'd say that.
"Hey, it's fine. I can do this." You encourage positive thoughts.
Levi nods. "I know you can. I just want to help." He feels useless when this happens.
"You do more than enough. You help me and take care of me all the time." You sit back to look at him. "Please don't worry. If you feel better later than yes, come into the kitchen. I'll find something for you to do. If you're still tired but insist, it can be something small. But otherwise, stay out of my way."
The last line is said jokingly as you push your forehead against his and smile, making him chuckle.
"Okay love, thank you." He moves his lips to kiss your forehead and promises to be good.
And with that you start in, getting out cutting boards and mixing bowls and blenders and pans so you can prep and get done anything that can be premade.
Levi hears you working hard and has to bite his tongue to not ask if you need help.
It's obvious you do as you let out a curse which isn't in your nature.
"I'm fine!" You yell out, knowing Levi is listening.
In spite of himself he smiles. He closes his eyes as you put on some music to try to drown out the noise you make and hears you singing along.
You are barely into this with so much more to do. And suddenly Levi has an idea, that he usually wouldn't go on with, but he knows this is the best option and makes a phone call.
Not more than half an hour later there's a knock on the door as you are hands deep in dough.
You let out a sigh and wash your hands, going to see who it is. Levi is closer but you aren't going to make him get up.
"Afternoon Ackermans!" Connie shouts making you jump.
"What are you guys doing here?" You ask as he, Jean, Sasha, Armin, Mikasa and Eren file in.
You've known their families for a while, and they've all taken a liking to you, and somehow, to Levi as well.
"We got a call from Levi that we could be of service." Armin says as they all wait for instructions.
You don't know what to make of this. "To the kitchen, please. I'll be right there."
As they wander to see how they can help, you slowly turn to Levi who is smiling.
"What did you do?" You raise an eyebrow.
"You're looking at it. I can't help much but, they can."
You put your hand on your hips.
Levi lets out a chuckle. "Don't do that."
You fall on the couch next to him and hug him tightly.
"You're not mad, right?" Levi asks to be sure.
"No, it's very sweet for you to still think of ways to help me. I appreciate it." You kiss his lips gently and stand up.
You squeeze each others hand. "Let us know if you want to join us." You tell him.
"That noisy bunch? Hardy." Levi jokes as you laugh and pat his head, going into the kitchen.
The young adults are all ready with aprons and smiles.
"Okay, let's get started." You smile back and put them to work.
As expected, it starts out rough. Right away Jean tries to soften butter in the microwave instead of on the stove and it explodes before you realize it. He and Eren argue as he tries to clean it and Mikasa has to help separate them.
Connie accidently puts one cup of flour instead of one cup of sugar into a recipe and Armin looks for ways to fix it.
And Sasha who is trying her best chops too close and nicks her finger, and you have to take her to the bathroom to fix her up.
"I'm sorry." Sasha says to you while you're putting a wrap on it so she can still help.
"Don't worry. We'll get this done. I really appreciate you guys coming over." You reassure her. Besides, it can't get much worse, you think.
"Well, when Levi told us to come of course we did. We're always happy to help!" Sasha looks up to you both and it's rare Levi is the one inviting them.
You give the younger girl a hug. "Thank you Sasha. Come on. Let's see what's going on."
As you get back to the kitchen, Levi is sitting in one of the chairs helping supervise.
"Mikasa, careful not to overmix, Armin, cut those a little smaller." He's directing them as much as he can from what he's able to see from the chair.
He sees you walk back in. "Everything okay?" He has a soft spot for Sasha.
"Perfect." You smile.
"Hey Sasha, I thought Niccolo was teaching you some things in the kitchen." Connie says loudly to embarrass her, and her cheeks do turn red.
"Who's Niccolo?" You don't recall that name.
"No one!" Sasha says a little too quick and goes to stand by Mikasa and looks for ways to help.
"Her boyfr-" Jean joins in the teasing.
"Shut up!" Sasha is ready to throw a spoon at him.
"Cut it out." Levi speaks up and they settle down. "You have a boyfriend?" Levi wants to know more about this, so when his leg feels better, he can go have a talk with this guy. Makes sure he treats Sasha right if that's what's really going on.
Sasha shrugs and continues chopping.
"Leave her be." Eren mumbles as he and Armin work the blender.
Levi knows Eren's not saying it to him but to the ones bothering her, but he doesn't ask anymore questions.
With all the extra hands now working together things go much smoother.
"You okay sweetheart?" You ask Levi quietly, knowing the chair can bother his back.
"I'm fine. The guys helped me in here, and I got a pillow." It's small and supports him but doesn't make him lean forward. So far, so good.
You squeeze his shoulder. "Okay, good. Thank you for helping."
You are not too surprised when he rests his head on your side. He isn't openly affectionate with you in front of others, but uses small gestures still. Behind close doors is a different story. Cuddle time is all the time.
Most of the prep work is done and things that can be baked ahead of time are in the oven, and a pot of soup is boiling on the stove, being watched by Connie, who gets mad when Eren tries to distract him.
"Cut it out." Levis tone is just enough they know to behave.
"Come, help me." You pull Eren and Mikasa over and give them serving trays and put some drinks and pastries from when you baked the other day on it and send them inside.
Jean, Armin and Connie assist Levi back into the living room, with you and Sasha finishing stirring the soup and pulling out tomorrows baked goods.
"I want to thank you guys again. We would've been here way longer without you." You tell them, happy to see their smiling faces.
Levi closes his eyes and sighs slightly. You use the word we all the time, even when most of it is all you.
But still, there are days when he takes care of you more, which happens at least half the time. Not enough as far as he's concerned.
However, you two are a team, two halves of a whole, and cannot function properly without the other for too long. So Levi will let you say we, because it is always you and him.
"So, what's all this food for?" Mikasa asks.
Levi goes to speak but you beat him to it.
"We're hosting a party tomorrow."
"A party! Are we invited?" Sasha asks with excitement.
"Of course. We're visiting a couple friends first but then we want you guys to come over." You let them know the plan, and Levi goes along with whatever you say.
Mikasa and Armin quietly look at each other, knowing this is the very moment they were invited, and not before. But still, they play along because they want to come too.
"How are you doing?" You turn to Levi to check on him while the young adults talk.
"Pretty good. Thank you." Levi says honestly. Since he's been able to rest, his leg has stopped hurting and he hopes he'll be up more tomorrow for the party.
"Do you want us to come over early and help?" Jean asks you later while they all help clean up.
"Hmm, maybe. Perhaps. I'll have Levi call you." You say with a smile as Levi tries to hide one of his own.
Once everyone leaves for the night, and you and Levi grab something for dinner, and you've had a relaxing bath together, you lay in your bed, safe in your husbands arms.
You kiss his cheeks, his nose, his chin. "Thank you for today."
"You're welcome. I couldn't let you do it all by yourself."
"I know you love me, you called all the kids over at once and are letting them come tomorrow too." You chuckle at the turn of events.
Levi smiles. "It's fine. They aren't that bad. When they aren't whining or arguing or exploding butter." You both laugh.
You reach down and rub his leg. "You feeling better?" You know it wasn't as bad before as this morning.
He nods and scooches closer and kisses your forehead.
"Yes love, I'm doing great."
It's not long after that you're both asleep and the next morning it's you is are sore from standing and bending and cooking all day.
Levi sets you up with a heating pad and makes you breakfast and gives you a shoulder rub all before 9am.
"Thank you." You hug him from behind while he's doing dishes.
You're both feeling good and soon get started up again with finishing recipes from yesterday. Levi calls Sasha and tells her "bring that chef you've been hanging out with."
He can be of help and Levi can monitor.
Sasha and Niccolo show up and it's clear they're smitten with each other and you smile at seeing them flirt.
While Levi generally takes a little longer to warm up to new people, especially ones interested in these guys, but as he sees Niccolo help and encourage Sasha and not make fun of her whatsoever like the others for doing something silly, he thinks maybe he could like this one.
Later on you hug them both and thank them, letting them to come back later with the entire crew.
With things ready for your dinner party you and Levi sit and rest for a short time before your guests show up, and right away they rave about how the kitchen smells.
You mingle and get drinks and appetizers going and the young adults all make it for the large dinner.
There's a good twenty people sitting around your kitchen and dining room tables as people laugh and talk and eat.
"We couldn't have done this without them." Levi gives credit to the kids.
As everyone is helping clean up afterwards Connie suggests a game and it turns into a great idea.
You get paired with a friend, Eren and Niccolo, while Levi is in a group with another friend, Armin and Sasha. Jean and Mikasa are with two other friends, with Connie in another group.
You look over and see Levi full on laughing at one point and smile widely.
In the end it gets late and no one is sure who actually won any of the games but it doesn't matter.
You say goodbye to your guests and thank the young adults for all their help.
Levi goes and gets some of the leftover appetizers and finger desserts for them to take home and you hug them all again.
"Niccolo, nice to meet you." Levi tells him, and it's clear Sasha is happy he approves.
As they are step out Connie turns one more time.
"So, whens the next party?"
No one says a word at first.
"We'll let you know." You say with a smile and squeeze Levis hand who squeezes back.
Armin and Mikasa share another knowingly look and smile at each other.
With everyone gone you two go to bed pretty quick after your long day and cuddle for a bit.
"Thank you." You whisper to him. For the help, the party, being there for you.
He strokes your cheek softly. "You don't have to thank me. We do things together."
You rub his chest and put your arm around him and nestle in closer.
As you exchange 'I love you's and fall sleep together, you quietly think of the day you can add another little one to your household.
A tiny baby who will have the best aunts and uncles, and the most loving and doting father.
As Levi holds you through the night, what you don't know, if he's having the same thoughts as you and can't wait to see you hold your child one day.
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nelapanela94 · 1 year
Climbing over the knee-high lip of the tub is a challenge like climbing the highest mountain. Once, his body was his greatest and most loyal ally, and now he feels incarcerated under his every inch and every fiber.
“I’ll help you.” You lean against the sink, fiddling with your thumbs, wondering where to start. You’ve never bathed someone before. A gulp contracts and relaxes your throat.
“I don’t need your help,” he bellows, staring down at the waving water and the foam that swims and pops. He waits for you to leave, so he can strip his clothes. You can’t see him like this, a fraction of what he used to be. But stubbornness is a shared trait.
Levi sighs; shoulders slump.
You swaddle his leg in plastic bags, rubber bands and tape. Then set a stool in the tub. Avert your eyes as his clothes pool at his feet and with one eye anchored to the ceiling and the other trying to follow your movements, you help him into the tub and set him down on the stool. Lathered up his silky hair and shoulders. The armpits, the hip bones, his belly button. Strange parts you’d last seen that night when you’d boozed up and ended up in his bed. Two lonely souls seeking sad consolation. Tears melt in the water, stinging the angry scars on his face. Your hands burn his skin. He looks away because he is afraid of stumbling on your pity. A garbled sob breaks from him. Your chest beaten up against an anvil.
He can’t remember the last time someone took care of him with such daintiness. It smelled of sewage and stale food.
“You know you don’t have to do this.” His voice muffles in the back of his hand.
“I want to do this.” You rinse the foam from his shoulders and back. “Let someone take care of you, Levi. You should not always be the one to stand in the front line."
He closes his eyes; your hands are soft on his marred skin. Deep inside, he wants you to stay. You kneel behind him and towel-dry his hair, his shoulders. Plant a kiss on a scar on his nape. He’s beautiful, despite what he sees in the mirror. Despite kids crimpling their faces when they look at him. The calcium in the collarbones you’ve kissed; the iron in the blood that flushed his cheeks. Walking cosmos, debris of an explosion.
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b0n3s-is-gay · 1 year
Could you write Chubby!Levi x f!reader ? I mean imagine him with curves like his face is filled out , his cheeks are chubbier , his waist is getting plumped without forgetting his cute rounded tummy (fluff)
OML- ANON THAT'S SUCH A GOOD IDEA!!! (I wasn't given a lot of context on how you wanted it but I subbed)
I love you the way you are
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Tags: Fluff, chubby Levi, Insecure Levi, Established relationship, tooth rotting fluff, post war
Synopsis: While Levi is sitting around your shared home, he starts to remember his glory days of being Humanity's Strongest Soldier. He feels as though he's failing them, Failing his pasted friends, and failing you. so you show him how much you love him and how his comrades would love how he is now.
I looked out from the kitchen of our small home by the cemetary and saw my boyfriend, Ex-Soldier and Captain Levi Ackerman, looking at a book. I wiped the flour off of my hands and onto a towel to come and stand behind him. He was just staring at one page, a page with a picture of a group of people.
"Heya Lev's, what are you looking at?" I asked while wrapping my arms around his shoulders. Levi just looked at me, his eyes held sadness and guilt but his face didn't show it. He nodded as he looked back to the picture, I peered over his shoulder and looked at the picture. It was a picture of Levi and his past friends.
There was Isabel and Furlan on one page and on the other it was a group picture of all the soldiers that were both under his command and his comrades. Erwin stood behind him while me and Hange stood on his right and left. His past squad stood infront of him while saluting. I looked at his face and saw that he wasn't looking at his comrades or squad, he was looking at himself.
"What's on your mind Levi? I can't help you if I don't know what your thinking about..." I whispered to him as I turned his wheel chair around to face me. His eyes were looking down at his book still. He had his fists in a ball while he shook.
I watched him peer up at me, his cheeks were a bit wet with tears. I grabbed his full cheeks and held onto them as he shook with tears. "I... I failed them. If there was still a war, I wouldn't be able to save them. I can't even fucking stand on my own."
I pulled him out of his chair and sat him on the couch next to me. "Hey now, Levi I'm sure that they'd still love you and care about you. They would be proud that you finally gained and retained some weight instead of working it all off for a war that you have no need to fight in." I cooed as I rubbed his stomach. Levi looked at me as I rubbed his curves and the fat that clung to his bones.
I smiled as I kept going, "You didn't fail anybody. You served your role to Erwin, Hange, The Scouts, and Paradis. You did enough and your doing enough for me. You are amazing, you did your job, you can rest now." I said while kissing his cheeks and rubbing his stomach. Levi grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes.
"How did I get so lucky with you? You've been with me since the first two and the last two." Levi whispered while kissing my palm. I smilled and held his face in my other hand. He leaned into the touch of my palm. I kissed his chubby cheeks and whispered something only he could hear.
"I love you the way you are..."
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achiepy · 2 years
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latirri · 2 years
What keeps you by my side?
Levi x reader
Canon world
Postwar levi
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His back resting on the headboard of his bed, generated an uncomfortable burning, not as much as in the first days of recovery that he transitioned after the end of the war.
this is the end? To continue living, was it my prize as a warrior? Or was it a punishment for the lives I took?
He thought more than once.
His return to Paradise was immediately denied due to his conditions. He would have to stay at Marley until his physical health improved.
They also said that he should improve psychologically from war damage, like all soldiers. In fact, Marley had an advanced psychological rehabilitation system, due to his years of military experience.
And what else could he do?
All he had was his memories and the guilt of dying on purpose. He couldn't do that to the soldiers who died for the freedom. He couldn't give himself up to the arms of death voluntarily, he didn't deserve it.
What kept him slightly hopeful?
Sure, you.
His fellow recruit who had been around since almost the beginning. Who had loved Erwin as much as he had. Who had stayed by his side. The only one who bet on Levi's full recovery. He still didn't understand the source of your loyalty.
"The water is really hot here" You said coming out of the bathroom with a towel on your head. The steam confirmed the words previously said by you.
Your bandages were clean white. They were new.
Your red, puffy eyes.
You also suffered from remorse. Your body scars reminded you of your internal injuries. Every time you saw those marks on your back, you remembered how your partner was stepped on by that Titan. How your family collapsed like your house. How you had to kill comrades with your bare hands.
Maybe that made you stay with him. Both understood the pain of so many years not knowing what was around them, and the despair of a promising future for the inhabitants within the walls.
"Come, now it's your turn" You said approaching with a smile and eyes wrinkled by the grimace. "You must be suffering from the dirt", you let out a laugh.
After the war ended, in addition to staying with him, you decided to take charge of his care to be as far away as possible from proudly Marlean citizens whose remorse for the island's demons was still burning like the first day. You watched to see if the doctors and nurses who visited them made any suspicious moves, but nothing ever happened.
That's why there you were, holding tightly to your ex-captain from his armpits, to be able to place him in his wheelchair.
Who would have thought, right? Mankind's strongest soldier, depending on the kindness of another female soldier to sit on a chair and be bathed.
You bathed him and disinfected his wounds. Job that first belonged to the nurses, but after the critical moment, it became yours.
And you had focused so much on that that you sometimes forgot you were also a recognized heroine for the recovery of peace.
The image in his eyes was quite absurd. Levi without being able to do anything, and you, testing all your physical strength trained for years, to be able to lift him, hold him in the air, and move the wheelchair with your foot to be able to position it in a more comfortable place.
It looked like it wasn't an easy job, but Levi knew you wouldn't say anything.
But he just shut up and ate his embarrassment, he had no choice. Until that moment.
"You know? This is useless" He said after almost falling out of your arms because of your mistake "Call the doctors and go back to your house, to Paradise"
His voice was like an angry old man. The first thing you thought was that you were the useless one, you couldn't think if there would be any problem with the help itself.
"You're as much a warrior as I am damn, you can't spend your days of freedom helping someone you don't owe anything to, I'm not your fucking captain anymore!"
Your face changed, from a surprised one to a serious one. You continued with your task, regardless of the words of your former captain.
"Come on, what is it that keeps you by my side? If we both know that there is no future for me in this new life". He said almost resignedly, with sadness never before taught by him. Over time, Levi felt that he could open up a little more, he felt you were more of a partner.
You took him to the bathroom, obstinate to fulfill your task. "You no longer owe me anything, you have done your duty".
"I never minded serving you, Levi." You finally spoke. You started by undoing the top button of his shirt, but he wouldn't let you. You looked at him scolding him.
"Levi" you sighed deeply "Who do you have in your life inside the walls?" He didn't say anything, looking down in pain "Me. Not even your recruits, because they don't know you from before not knowing about life outside of Paradise, they don't know you before hope. They don't know Mike, Hange, Petra. They don't know Erwin. We do. We're all we have left, and I can't afford to lose another memory. I already told you on our previous visit to Marley, let's be each other's reason for living."
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