#post-game tenko chabashira
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so i FINALLY got round to playing danganronpa,
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solarskips · 1 year
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my piece for the kaito gift exchange! tenko needed to join in on the training trio fun!
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problamticsideanna · 3 months
You know I wish people that disliked Himiko had more to say than "She should have died instead of X" or "she is so one note."
First point isn't a real argument on why a different character deserves to die and the second point a lot of characters you could easily write off as one note?
"Hehe Gonta only like bug" No there is way more to him that.
"Himiko only talks about magic." THERE IS WAY MORE TO HER THAN THAT!!!
Like she's using magic to cope with her trauma. I get it being infuriating in the second trial (I was a bit annoyed at a certain point too) but once you learn to understand how she thinks by trial three... acknowledge that it's part of her characterization you don't like instead of painting her as the worst character ever because of it.
People do this for other characters too but the Himiko hate is like above and beyond fucking annoying.
I am a bit biased because Himiko is one of my favorite characters in anything ever but you know what? Hifumi makes me uncomfortable but if you love him I will defend you to your dying breath. Write that character analysis on why Hifumi is the best actually, I support you 💖
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bipedalcapybara · 1 year
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[Emerges From The Wood Works To Share Doomed Yuri I Made For @drv3giftexchangeclub's Summer Gift Exchange And I Am Holding A Lemonade] Hello There : )
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sparkly-caroline · 7 months
Step right up, step right up! It's that time of the month where I give out opinions that will most likely get me crucified! Stick around for that!
Today I'm gonna be making one of my first "voicing opinions on Danganronpa" posts, that I might make more of. Since you know, I'm a Danganronpa fan, and have some thoughts about it.
Most of these posts are more than likely not based on OBJECTIVE fact (is it well written?) it's just my purely SUBJECTIVE opinion (do i hate it ot not?)
Aight, let's cut to the chase: I fucking hate Tenko Chabashira.
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No joke, she is one of my least favourite characters in V3. Not the entire series, just V3. I get she's kinda the "joke character that dies in Chapter 3 so we can have tension in Chapter 4", but every time she was on screen I groaned.
Again, this is all subjective opinion, and I'm not even gonna try to pretend that this isn't full of bias, because it definitely is. You're allowed to disagree with me. I'm not gonna be like "Tenko's objectively the worst character in the series!", cuz that sort of claim is dumb.
But goddamn man, I've held this opinion in for YEARS, ever since my first exposure to Danganronpa. It's coming out now.
Here's Chabashira's basic shtick: she adores girls, hates men with a burning passion, has the hots for Yumeno... and is really fucking annoying. That's 90% of her character.
If you hate those "Hashtag Kill All Men" girls that you normally see on sites like TikTok (because of course it'd be on TikTok), then you're probably not gonna like Chabashira either. There's not a single scene with her that has Chabashira NOT say "Degenerate Male", and it gets old REAL fast. Even more so than Angie's "atua" or Kiibo's "robophoic".
This mixed in with her loud and obnoxious personality makes it REALLY hard for me to find her even slightly tolerable.
"Uhm Actuhally, Tenko is an overexcited and cheerful person" yeah well, I think Ibuki did that shtick 8 billion times better.
And the thing is: her "i hate men" thing would be KINDA understandable if she was among the cast of Trigger Happy Havoc or Goodbye Despair, the games where TeruTeru Hanamura and Hifumi Yamada exist in. There, she would at least have something to use as an example and NOT sound like she's spewing complete bullshit. But with the exception of Ouma (and technically Korekiyo for reasons that she wasn't alive to see), all the male characters in V3 were at least decent people.
And I'm betting most of my money on this point: If Tenko Chabashira was genderbent and said all the things she usually says to men towards women, she would've be one of the most hated characters of the entire series, HANDS DOWN.
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Imagine this one screenshot, but Saihara is a girl and Chabashira is a boy, and change the text to "degenerate female". Can you see the point now?
Seriously, if a male character said something like THIS to a female character: Guaranteed Cancellation. Twitter users all around the globe would be going NUTS the second V3 gains attention. It wouldn't matter how much of an overexcited person she is, nor any other good quality she could have. Genderbent Tenko + changing hating men to hating women = instantly the most hated character in the series.
Also, I think that this wouldn't be anywhere near as bad if she actually got called out in-game for these things, but she never does, or at least not in the main story. Nobody ever tells her "ayo, Tenko, your hating on men is getting annoying/problematic could you shut up about it for five seconds?" Nope. At most she's told to "calm down" (which half the time she just ignores), but NOBODY tells her that this isn't okay.
Say what you will about Danganronpa S. As mid as the game itself is:
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At least some characters there were being like "I'm don't gotta put up with you and your annoying ass, bish." No such thing happens in V3.
So I thought: "Okay, what's the reason for this? Surely if she hates men this much, surely that means a boy must've done something really bad to her to CAUSE this." Well... nah.
See, after going through her FreeTime Events, you eventually learn that the reason why she hates men so much is because: her Master (who's a man too, might I add) basically taught her so and she's extremely gulliable.
What. You thought there was more to it? Because there isn't. And that's not even the infuriating part, THIS is the infuriating part:
Her master, who she REALLY looks up to and whose every word she takes at face value... is a man himself. And Tenko only realized that was the case when Saihara pointed it out.
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Again, I understand that Chabashira is NOT one of the characters you're supposed to take seriously. She's a joke character that dies in Chapter 3 so the tension in later chapters isn't severed. If anything this is probably a joke I'm taking way too seriously.
That being said, this is some of the STUPIDEST nonesense I've ever come across in a character's freetime events.
First off, I don't care how guillable you are, HOW DO YOU NOT REALIZE THAT YOUR MASTER IS A GUY TOO?! You've been refering to your master as "he" and probably spent a large chunk of your life WITH said master, yet not once realized that he's a male at any point until Shuichi pointed it out... WHAT?! What did you THINK he was BEFORE this?! There's being guillable, and then there's being straight up stupid.
Second off, even IF this is supposed to make her look more adorkable and guillable and show that she'll believe anything she's told, I'm sorry but I'm not gonna view that explanation as okay when she has lines like these:
"The only good thing about males is that girls give birth to them!" "Yes! Degenerate males should definitely know their place!" "Don't you think it's weird for degenerate males to have Ultimate talents in the first place!? They're basically disgusting mud dolls! If those degenerates didn't have talents, this place would be an all-girls safe haven!"
Okay, Chabashira, shut the fuck up-
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Honestly, face palm.
You know... I used to think Gonta was the lowest IQ character in V3. Now I don't. I'm pretty sure it's Tenko. I'm so sorry for ever thinking you were dumb, Gonta, never doubting you again king.
I feel like I'm losing my mind, writing this post and all the constant fact checking I gotta make. Honestly her freetime events were (and still are) a PAIN to sit through and the Class Trial Skill you get from 'em isn't really that useful either, but I can't make a post like this without checking them out, so here we are.
(Did I forget to mention that she says that she'll only touch Saihara if he gets a sex change?)
I feel like I made this point clear though, it's gonna get a little TOO long if I keep going about this point. So yeah, that's 50% of Chabashira's character, let's move on to the other 50%
Now that we've got the elephant in the room outta the way, let's move on to the OTHER thing Chabashira's most known for:
Simping for Himiko Yumeno. Cuz we just gotta have at least one hardcore simp character in these Danganronpa games.
Much like Fukawa for Togami and Kazuichi for Sonia, Chabashira simps for Yumeno just as hard as those two. The only two differences are that Chabashira dies and the other two simps don't, and I kinda like the other two simps.
Kazuichi at least had other things going on with him when he wasn't thirsting over the princess (like being a bro for Hinata, a much better Hagakure than OG Hagakure and his freetime events not making me want to rip my hair out), and Fukawa won me over in Ultra Despair Girls.
At least Chabashira dying helped Himiko's character development, and Himiko's one of my favs from the game so it did what it was supposed to do. But I felt more for Himiko than I did for Tenko, tbh. And up until Chapter 3, her crush on Himiko was kinda... well uh...
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Still not as cringe as Fukawa's fantasies in UDG, but still. And the thing is, the game wants me to think Tenko's simping isn't that creepy, but in chapters 1 and 2, Yumeno shows almost no interest at all. It's only in Chapter 3 that Himiko actually gives Tenko the time of day, and that was the scene before Tenko dies.
At least the games Fukawa and Kazuichi were in didn't make their respective simping as anything other than a quick gag, if anything the game poked fun at them for it. With Chabashira, I'm supposed to NOT do the same.
So in Chapter 3 they were like "oh wait, we actually need to make Chabashira more likable so her death affects Yumeno", so they made her like less of a creep for that one chapter. Also, I have heard from some posts way back (I think I saw 'em sometime before 2020) that Chabashira "sacrificed herself for Himiko"?? Which... no. I don't see how that could've worked.
Point one, she was just offering herself as a medium so Himiko could say bye to Yonaga. Chabashira thought that if Himiko had been the medium, then she couldn't have spoken to Yonaga. That's why she offered herself to be inside that cage instead. That was all there was to it, Chabashira's final act of kindness (and also VERY OBVIOUS red flag that might as well had said "Chabashira's gonna die") before she got seesawed by Shinguji.
Which brings me to point two, HOW would Chabashira have known that Shinguji was planning a murder right then and there? Sure, she hates men with a passion and that COULD'VE have made her assumed the worst of him, but she's definitely NOT the smartest person around and absolutely had NO WAY of knowing about Shinguji's "incest serial killer" tendencies at any point. She's already been see-sawed by the time he reveals his true nature to the others.
The only way I can think of is if she somehow had his motive video from Chapter 2, but the game never brings up that something like that had happened. Chabashira never shows any increased hostility towards Shinguji, she treats him the same as she treats every other male character. So no, Chabashira's death was not a sacrifice, and even though I haven't heard that theory in years, I figured I should mention it.
Long story short: Himiko's too good for you, you're not good enough for her, Chabashira.
Okay, this one's just a minor nitpick for the sake of being petty, but my god, Chabashira has some of the ugliest sprites in the entire game. Not in the unsettling or funny sense, just plainly ugly.
To give a comparison and show you what I mean:
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This sprite of Ouma is terrifying. The first time I saw it, I was legit scared.
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THIS Chabashira sprite is UGLY. Not fear inducing ugly, not comedically ugly like that one Kazuichi sprite, just plain ugly.
This is the sprite most likely to be used when she looks down on men, so just for that, minus 50 points.
And If I remember correctly (and if not, imma take the L and let myself be informed) showcasing this sprite of Chabashira led to the "I hope Tenko dies" thing before the game came out.
I learned that from this video:
But if I'm wrong about that, please let me know.
And that about wraps it up. It took me a week to write this, it's so long. I tried to like Tenko at times, but I just couldn't do it, sorry folks.
Again, if you disagree with me, that's cool. You do you, we can all agree to disagree.
Anyway, i'm gonna go hide in my bunker now, catch y"all later.
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cammy-mcspammy · 2 years
Post game au: Tenko is a zumba instructor after moving on from Neo aikido (she also trains other ppl and is WORKING on her men hate)
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My post game au is mostly centered on the main characters so it's nice to trail off here n there <3
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rosealiceroyal · 1 year
Harukawa is looking at him like she’s disturbed, like she’s only just now realising that this isn’t a lie, her hands clenching and unclenching at her sides. “You…”
She doesn’t finish the thought, though, trailing off and looking slightly lost, and when he’s sure she won’t continue, he lifts a hand to rub the back of his neck, letting out a breath.
“Okay,” he says. He wants to know what Saihara means by sidekicks, but there’s so much that’s confusing to him right now, he doesn’t want to reach for excessive information and get his head even more muddled than it already is. Instead, he runs his hand through his hair, wrinkling his nose when it comes away sweaty, and reaches down to wipe it off on his hospital gown. “Uh, I got another question, if that’s okay?”
“Sure,” Saihara says, breathlessly, one of his hands lifted to cup his mouth. “What is it?”
“Who am I?”
Momota wakes up from the killing game simulation with amnesia. All he knows is that there's one person in the world he can trust more than anyone else.
Unfortunately, that person is also Ouma Kokichi.
Language: English Words: 16,075 Chapters: 6/6 Comments: 97 Kudos: 421 Bookmarks: 53 Hits: 3,292
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thatstroubling · 1 year
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a celebratory repost of all the dr drawings I did in the last 4 months
I guess I just really love dang-it ronpa 💜
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luxexhomines · 8 months
Danganronpa Character Tropes/Patterns Across Main 3 Games
I'm sure this exists somewhere already, but I wanted to make a list for my own self-reference because I was analyzing the patterns across games, so I figured why not post it? Unfortunately, this ended up egregiously long, and I decided to stop and post it before it got even longer. I'm sure I missed plenty of things, but I didn't want it getting any longer. I already spent a lot of time refreshing my memory and poring over the Danganronpa Fandom Wiki to make this list, ahaha...
So, here we go--I made a few categories: 1. Personality, 2. Ultimate Talents, 3. Cast Dynamics, 4. Killing Game, and 5. Body Characteristics. Wasn't sure how to format it, but I tried. I didn't list their Ultimate Talents since I figured most people remember/know.
If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to pop into the replies or my askbox and we can discuss! There might be some you disagree on. Under the cut for Danganronpa spoilers and length!
Bossy toward men 
SDR2 - Mahiru Koizumi
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira (complete misandrist) 
Little Shits/Gremlins (& most obnoxious criers) /affectionate
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Made-up Words/Sayings 
SDR2 - Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Angie Yonaga
Most Unhinged Participants
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
Multiple Personas/Personalities
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (has DID; Genocide Jack)
DR1 - Junko Enoshima
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji (older sister)
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Mahiru Koizumi
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
DR1 - Mondo Oowada
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
Self-Esteem Issues
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
DR1 - Touko Fukawa
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Stoic/Serious Ladies
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama
NDRV3 - Kirumi Tojo
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Ultimate Talents
DR1 - Leon Kuwata
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Akane Owari
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Martial Artists
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira
DR1 - Sayaka Maizono
SDR2 - Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
Ultimate ???
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Rantaro Amami
Has Secret/Other Talent
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (as Genocide Jack - Ultimate Murderer) 
DR1 - Makoto Naegi (Ultimate Hope) 
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata (as Izuru Kamukura - Ultimate Hope)
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa (Ultimate Assassin)
Cast Dynamics
Protagonist & Friend Iconic Duo
DR1 - Makoto Naegi Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara Kaede Akamatsu
Mystery Solvers/Complicators
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
DR1 - Byakuya Togami
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
DR1 - Byakuya Togami
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Protag’s Guy Friends Who All Have That Same Loser Vibe
DR1 - Yasuhiro Hagakure
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
Breaks the 4th Wall
SDR2 - Gundham Tanaka
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Serial Killers
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (Genocide Jack)
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama (fake; “Sparkling Justice”)
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
Killing Game
DR1 - Makoto Naegi
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu (one chapter still counts!!)
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (as Junko Enoshima)
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
SDR2 - Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - K1-B0 (unknowingly)
DR1 - Junko Enoshima
SDR2 - Alter Ego Junko Enoshima
NDRV3 - Tsumugi Shirogane
De Facto Forensic Examiners
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
First Victims
DR1 - Sayaka Maizono
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)
NDRV3 - Rantaro Amami
First Killers
DR1 - Leon Kuwata
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura - SDR2
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu (as scapegoat) - NDRV3
Framed/Suspected of Murdering Close Friend
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji - SDR2
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Victims of Double Murders
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada Kiyotaka Ishimaru 
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira Angie Yonaga
Double Murder Culprits
DR1 - Celeste Ludenberg
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
DR1 - Sakura Oogami** 
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)**
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama*
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda** 
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi**
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara*
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma**
(* = became culprit, ** = became victim)
Non-Culprit Tries to Misdirect Voting to Execute All Participants
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Is Incited/Led by Antagonist to Murder
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
SDR2 - Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
Sustained Injury/Death Not From Participant Murder or Own Execution
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (as Junko Enoshima)
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu  (from Peko’s execution, not own)
SDR2 - Nekomaru Nidai
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
NDRV3 - K1-B0 (final explosion)
Mystery Victims
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (Chapter 5 reappearance)
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Makes Plot & Trial-Relevant Technology
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
Most Notable Character Development
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Himeko Yumeno
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Body Characteristics
Super Muscular
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
SDR2 - Nekomaru Nidai
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara
Tan/Darker Skinned
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
DR1 - Yasuhiro Hagakure
SDR2 - Akane Owari
NDRV3 - Angie Yonaga
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Small Girls
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Small Boys
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Breasted Boobily (reference to meme please don’t kill me lol)
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Akane Owari
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
DR1 - Alter Ego
SDR2 - Mechamaru Nidai
NDRV3 - K1-B0
Ahoge Havers
DR1 - Makoto Naegi
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - K1-B0
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Different, Cartoonish Eyes/Features
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Other patterns: 
At least one red-haired, one black-haired, one white-haired, and one blond character per game
At least one red-eyed and one same hair & eye color character per game
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rarepairronpa · 4 months
Hello! Welcome to rarepairronpa! A place for all your rarepair and underrated character needs! First things first - please be respectful of people's ships! This is a place to collect content for rarepairs, not a place to fight over them. That being said, anything pedophilic or involving incest will not be reblogged here, as it makes me personally uncomfortable. Please don't fight about that! Again, please be respectful.
This blog is inspired by @danggirlronpa and their blog! Please go show them some love!
I, the mod, am nonbinary and use they/them pronouns. This blog is completely run by me and me alone! Please be mindful with demands because of this, this is a passion project, not an obligation.
Anything abusive will be tagged "tw abuse", so please block that tag if you don't want that. The ships that are considered rarepairs here are ships with under 500 works in them on ao3.
As for poly ships, those will be tagged with "poly ship", and will be allowed as long as they have under 500 works in the tag. For example, Hinanami and Komahina aren't allowed, but Komahinanami is. The tags will be the poly ship and the individual ships for blocking purposes, even if the individual ships aren't rarepairs.
For crossover pairings, all are applicable except for Sansmaeda, as that one makes me personally uncomfortable. Crossover content will be tagged "crossover" and "crossover pairing".
Ships I personally am a fan of will be tagged "dealers choice". This is so that I can find them.
All characters will be tagged "[first name] [last name]". Any posts that have multiple ships will be tagged "multiple", and any that have non rarepairs in them will be tagged "not rarepairs".
Touko, Kyouko, Ryouko, Souda and Ouma will be spelled with a U. Monaka Towa will be spelled Monaka Towa.
All ships will be tagged with their ship name. When I start reblogging things, I will list the ship names I use here.
Art that isn't ship art will be tagged "not ship".
Platonic relationships will be tagged "platonic relationship" and with their own custom tag (I.E. "despair sisters".)
Remnant of Despair content will be tagged "Ultimate Despair". This includes mastermind and remnant AUs.
Content that I made will be tagged "my content". Posts of me talking will be "mod talks", and asks I get will be tagged with both "mod talks" and "asks".
Art will be tagged "art", fanfic will be tagged "fic", meta will be tagged "meta", headcanons will be tagged "headcanon", edits will be tagged "edit", videos will be tagged "video", amvs "amv", cosplay as "cosplay", icons "icons", playlists "playlist", relationship charts "charts", animatics "animatic", incorrect quotes "incorrect quotes", and aesthetics will be tagged "aesthetics".
Fan kid content will be tagged "fan children". Any pregnancy content will have "tw pregnancy" for blocking purposes.
If anyone I reblog from is uncomfortable with their art being tagged with a ship, tell me and I'll remove the tag and add a platonic one instead.
I will not reblog any romantic content involving Tenko Chabashira and boys, nor any romantic content with Juzo Sakakura and girls (though I will reblog Chisa/Kyosuke/Juzo ot3 art with the assumption that Chisa & Juzo are platonic, as well as platonic content between Tenko & boys and Juzo & girls). This is a personal boundary as I see both of these characters as gay. Anyone else is fair game, even if I tend to headcanon them a certain way. This includes Nagito Komaeda and Kokichi Ouma, who are commonly headcanoned as gay due to their attraction to guys. I will tag the Nagito m/f ships as "Nagito Komaeda f/m ships" and Kokichi's as "Kokichi Ouma f/m ships" for blocking purposes.
Regarding Alter Ego, Chihiro, and both Chiaki's, I consider all of these to be familiar relationships except human!Chiaki and Chihiro, and they will be tagged as such. For example, AI Chiaki and Chihiro work will be tagged platonically, but human Chiaki and Chihiro work romantically. This is simply up to my judgement/discretion, of what is human Chiaki and what is AI Chiaki, and I will mainly be using context to judge such things.
Under the cut is a complete list of ships that do not count as rarepairs for this blog, liable to be updated, as well as the ship names I'm using for this blog.
Ships that won't be on this blog:
- Byakuya Togami/Touko Fukawa
- Celestia Ludenburg/Kyouko Kirigiri
- Makoto Naegi/Kyouko Kirgiri
- Makoto Naegi/Mukuro Ikusaba
- Sakura Ogami/Aoi Asahina
- Mondo Owada/Kiyotaka Ishimaru
- Hajime Hinata/Chiaki Nanami
- Hajime Hinata/Nagito Komaeda
- Izuru Kamukura/Nagito Komaeda
- Peko Pekoyama/Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
- Ibuki Mioda/Mikan Tsumiki
- Hiyoko Saionji/Mahiru Koizumi
- Kazuichi Souda/Gundham Tanaka
- Gundham Tanaka/Sonia Nevermind
- Touko Fukawa/Komaru Naegi
- Shuichi Saihara/Kaede Akamatsu
- Shuichi Saihara/Kaito Momota
- Shuichi Saihara/Kokichi Ouma
- Shuichi Saihara/Rantaro Amami
- Rantaro Amami/Korekiyo Shinnguji
- Kokichi Ouma/Rantaro Amami
- Kokichi Ouma/Kaito Momota
- Kaito Momota/Maki Harukawa
- Maki Harukawa/Kaede Akamatsu
- Kaede Akamatsu/Miu Iruma
- Tenko Chabashira/Himiko Yumeno
I'm counting any ship that have over 500 works on ao3 as popular ships, and any under 500 to be rarepairs. This is perhaps a wide net to cast, and might change later, but is how I'm running things currently.
Ship tagging system:
- Chiaki Nanami/Junko Enoshima: enonami
- Imposter/Mikan Tsumiki: twomiki
- Junko Enoshima/Mikan Tsumiki: junkan
- Junko Enoshima/Izuru Kamukura: junkozuru
- Junko Enoshima/Yasuke Matsuda: matsushima
- Ryouko Otonashi/Yasuke Matsuda: ryoumatsu
- Ryouko Otonashi/Mikan Tsumiki: ryoumiki
- Junko Enoshima/Byakuya Togami: enogami
- Junko Enoshima/Makoto Naegi: naejunko
- Junko Enoshima/Tsumugi Shirogane: junmugi
- Tsumugi Shirogane/Kirumi Tojo: kirumugi
- Junko Enoshima/Kazuichi Souda: kazujunko
- Izuru Kamukura/Ryouko Otonashi: ryoukamu
- Izuru Kamukura/Chiaki Nanami: kamunami
- Himiko Yumeno/Maki Harukawa: harumeno
- Kaede Akamatsu/Tsumugi Shirogane: kaemugi
- Junko Enoshima/Ryouko Otonashi: otoshima
- Junko Enoshima/Ryota Mitarai: ryotashima
- Junko Enoshima/Nagito Komaeda: junkomaeda
- Nagito Komaeda/Mikan Tsumiki: komamiki
- Ibuki Mioda/Ryota Mitarai: mitabuki
- Mikan Tsumiki/Chiaki Nanami: nanamiki
- Ryota Mitarai/Mikan Tsumiki: mitamiki
- Miu Iruma/Mikan Tsumiki: irumiki
- Kazuichi Souda/Mikan Tsumiki: kazumiki
- Hajime Hinata/Mikan Tsumiki: hinamiki
- Mikan Tsumiki/Hiyoko Saionji: tsumionji
- Mikan Tsumiki/Akane Owari: mikane
- Aoi Asahina/Mikan Tsumiki: asamiki
- Kaede Akamatsu/Mikan Tsumiki: mikaede
- Yasuke Matsuda/Mikan Tsumiki: matsumiki
- Ryota Mitarai/Imposter: mitworai
- Kaede Akamatsu/Tenko Chabashira: tenkaede
- Kyouko Kirigiri/Sayaka Maizono: kirizono
- Angie Yonaga/Mikan Tsumiki: mikangie
- Yasuke Matsuda/Nagito Komaeda: matsukoma
- Yasuke Matsuda/Izuru Kamukura: matsukamu
- Izuru Kamukura/Mikan Tsumiki: kamumiki
- Tenko Chabashira/Mikan Tsumiki: tenkan
- Nagito Komaeda/Chiaki Nanami: komanami
- Mukuro Ikusaba/Chiaki Nanami: ikunami
- Natsumi Kuzuryu/Chiaki Nanami: natsunami
- Imposter/Chiaki Nanami: twonami
- Kazuichi Souda/Chiaki Nanami: kazunami
- Celestia Ludenburg/Junko Enoshima: celesjunko
- Celestia Ludenburg/Kaede Akamatsu: celesmatsu
- Celestia Ludenburg/Sayaka Maizono: celesaya
- Celestia Ludenburg/Mukuro Ikusaba: celeskuro
- Makoto Naegi/Mikan Tsumiki: naemiki
Poly ship tagging system:
- Junko Enoshima/Komaru Naegi: junkomaru
- Junko Enoshima/Imposter: twonoshima
- Junko Enoshima/Nagito Komaeda/Mikan Tsumiki: junkomamiki
- Junko Enoshima/Ryota Mitarai/Mikan Tsumiki: ryotashimiki
- Junko Enoshima/Yasuke Matsuda/Mikan Tsumiki: enomatsumiki
- Ryouko Otonashi/Yasuke Matsuda/Mikan Tsumiki: ryoumatsumiki
- Mikan Tsumiki/Imposter/Ryota Mitarai: mitwomiki
- Mikan Tsumiki/Yasuke Matsuda/Nagito Komaeda: matsukomiki
- Mikan Tsumiki/Yasuke Matsuda/Izuru Kamukura: matsukamumiki
- Nagito Komaeda/Mikan Tsumiki/Hajime Hinata: komahinamiki
- Nagito Komaeda/Chiaki Nanami/Hajime Hinata: komahinanami
- Nagito Komaeda/Chiaki Nanami/Izuru Kamukura: kamukomanami
Platonic relationship tagging system:
Mukuro Ikusaba & Junko Enoshima: despair sisters
Mukuro Ikusaba & Ryouko Otonashi: despair sisters v2
Imposter & AI Chiaki: imposter duo
Monomi & her students: monomi & students
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growling · 6 months
Hey you bestie
Ik you like Kokichi but do you have other danganronpa characters you like ? Just curious and also bored. I wanna talk danganronpa
Oh hiiii too :33 Might not be able to reply more until tomorrow though since it's pretty late for me (my relatively unfucked sleep schedule is all I have left at this point😔) and I can feel my last bits of coherency slip away , but off the top of my head here's some of my other faves:
(I wrote something more about some of them but the app sharted and I lost the whole post. Rip)
Togami Byakuya
Naegi Makoto
Asahina Aoi
Hagakure Yasuhiro
Kirigiri Kyouko
Enoshima Junko
Komaeda Nagito
Kamukura Izuru
Sonia Nevermind
Souda Kazuichi
Tanaka Gundham
Tsumiki Mikan (more interested in her pre-game and despair era though. Almost entirely because of @catgirl-catboy's fics and posts about junkan. I'm a junkan guy now......)
Shirogane Tsumugi
Gokuhara Gonta. The fandom is doing atrocious things to my guy
Chabashira Tenko (also entirely because of tumblr user catgirl-catboy's posts on her. Lol lmao even)
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masai-hp · 11 months
This fic was so great I just spent 18hours reading through 💙💜🖤💙💜🖤🥹
I needed somewhere to share so...
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/37366210"><strong>Failed Successor</strong></a> (200897 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/special_little_cornflake"><strong>special_little_cornflake</strong></a><br />Chapters: 41/41<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Dangan%20Ronpa%20-%20All%20Media%20Types">Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/New%20Dangan%20Ronpa%20V3:%20Everyone&#39;s%20New%20Semester%20of%20Killing">New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone&#39;s New Semester of Killing</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Dangan%20Ronpa:%20Trigger%20Happy%20Havoc">Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Super%20Dangan%20Ronpa%202">Super Dangan Ronpa 2</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Dangan%20Ronpa%20Another%20Episode:%20Ultra%20Despair%20Girls">Dangan Ronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls</a><br />Rating: Mature<br />Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence<br />Relationships: Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi, Harukawa Maki/Momota Kaito, Chabashira Tenko/Yumeno Himiko, Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto, Fukawa Touko/Naegi Komaru, Harukawa Maki & Momota Kaito & Saihara Shuichi, Akamatsu Kaede & Saihara Shuichi, Iruma Miu & Oma Kokichi, Oma Kokichi & Shirogane Tsumugi, Enoshima Junko & Oma Kokichi, Nanami Chiaki & Oma Kokichi, Kirigiri Kyoko & Saihara Shuichi, Naegi Komaru & Saihara Shuichi, Fukawa Toko & Saihara Shuichi, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Mioda Ibuki/Tsumiki Mikan, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Pekoyama Peko, Oma Kokichi & Towa Monaca, Akamatsu Kaede & Komaeda Nagito, Akamatsu Kaede & Shirogane Tsumugi, Harukawa Maki & Oma Kokichi, Akamatsu Kaede & Harukawa Maki<br />Characters: Oma Kokichi, Saihara Shuichi, Harukawa Maki, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Yumeno Himiko, Akamatsu Kaede, Momota Kaito, Chabashira Tenko, Iruma Miu, Shirogane Tsumugi, Yonaga Angie, Amami Rantaro, Gokuhara Gonta, Hoshi Ryoma, Shinguji Korekiyo, Tojo Kirumi, Enoshima Junko, Nanami Chiaki, Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyouko, Naegi Komaru, Fukawa Touko, Hinata Hajime, Tsumiki Mikan, Komaeda Nagito, Mioda Ibuki, Togami Byakuya, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Pekoyama Peko, Towa Monaca, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Shingetsu Nagisa<br />Additional Tags: Humor, Sexual Humor, Iruma Miu Being Iruma Miu, Dubious Morality, Oma Kokichi Being Oma Kokichi, Blood and Violence, Torture, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Animal Death, Death, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Enoshima Junko Being Enoshima Junko, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Apocalypse, Swearing<br />Summary: <p> Almost twenty years ago the Tragedy reshaped the world, creating the never healing wound of the Despair zone. There's an entire generation of people who have never seen the world before the Tragedy.<br /> </p><p> Out of sixteen participants of the new killing game, Kokichi Ouma is the only one who started to remember the true state of the world. He doesn't know what sort of game the Game Master is playing with him, but he's not giving them the satisfaction of winning. </p>
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Thought it’d be fun to do another one of those "Wheel Rolled Casts” selects. Here’s our end result. 
Reblog this post with your headcanons/scenarios of how you think this game plays out. Here are your characters to work with.
Miu Irumi - Protagonist
Gonta Gokuhara
Tenko Chabashira
Peko Pekoyama
Byakuya Togami?
Toko Fukawa
Maki Harukawa
Korekiyo Shinguji
Sonia Nevermind
Aoi Asahina
Leon Kuwata
Shuichi Saihara
Akane Owari
Gundham Tanaka
Byakuya Togami
Kyoko Kirigiri
Happy Killing Game everyone!
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adamsang3l · 3 months
Hello! Refer to me as "S", I am an autistic 16 year old with too much free time. Things in blue are current or past special interests
My boyfriend is the darling @donuttagme <3
MOVIES I LIKE: An Extremely Goofy Movie, Inside Out 2, Scott Pilgrim VS The World
TV SHOWS: Young Sheldon, Heartstopper, An Idiot Abroad, Hazbin Hotel
BOOKS: Chainsaw Man, Solitare (Alice Oseman)
GAMES: Danganronpa, What Remains Of Edith Finch, Parappa The Rapper, Undertale, Life Is Strange, Fortnite
YOUTUBERS: Eleanor Neale, Jack Manifold, Memeulous, Willne, James Marriott, Tommyinnit
COMEDIANS: Jack Whitehall, Russell Howard
FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: Bradley Uppercrust III, Gundham Tanaka, Kazuichi Souda, Tenko Chabashira, Charlie Spring, Tori Spring, Wallace Wells, Kate Marsh, Sheldon Cooper, Anxiety (Inside Out 2)
MUSICIANS: Joost Klein, Billie Eilish, Eminem, Mitski, Arctic Monkeys, Gorillaz
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DANGANRONPA V4: the game where everything gets determined by YOU in the polls!
Wow! 106 votes! If you’re new here, my name is Canon and all of these posts are gonna be tagged under #canonronpa. I’ll probably make a pinned post with a few of my guidelines.
This was a much closer round.
Gundam Tanaka took 1st place with 18.9% of the votes.
Mondo Oowada took 2nd place with 15.1% of the votes.
And Leon Kuwata took 3rd place with 14.2% of the votes.
These three will be in the V4 cast, alongside Korekiyo, the Ultimate Imposter, and Teruteru.
Unfortunately, that means Angie Yonaga, Kokichi Oma, Gonta Gokuhara, Kaito Momota, and Miu Iruma won’t be in this game.
Moving onto the third batch of Ultimates.
(there will be 6 casting rounds total. If you do the math, you’ll find that means 18 ultimates will get cast. We’ll need that number to get cut down to 16, but more on that later…)
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nvathuw · 1 year
My name is Thu but you guys can call me Thuw or Jen. Here I post stuffs related to Danganronpa Main acc: mistjenn03 Oc blog: nvathw
Trigger Happy Havoc
Fav char: Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sakura Ogami Hate char: Ishida (his design is cool but I don't like his personality)
Ultra Despair Girl
Fav char: Hiroko Hagakure (literal mommy) Hate char: Warriors of Hope (I hate children)
Killing Harmony
Hate char: Maki Harukawa (I don't like her personality), Kokichi Oma (I don't like his personality), Tenko Chabashira (she's sexist and I can't stand her)
Do not try to mock or insult my shipping interests. Their relationships might be toxic or inappropriate, but they are FICTIONAL characters and shipping them creates no harm as long as we can distinguish fictions from real life.
Do not repost my art without permission, or else I'll hack your account, go straight to your house and send your whole family to jesus 🥰👊
I mostly post artworks related to Mondo and Taka, so there's no need to avoid any NOTPs of mine (pretty sure I can avoid them by myself)
I ramble a lot (mostly in my native language and they are dumb) so just ignore all of them pls (unless you're idle enough to read it 🙂🫶 )
You are free to ask me anything and I'll try my best to answer within my knowledge
About the ship charts: Top -> Bottom (no arrows: platonic)
If you wanna see my art, just search for the hashtag on my page. I also post stuffs about my daily school life with the hashtag called "high school for the gifted? nah bro im about to perish" (they r whack)
Other interests
Game: Ace Attorney, Scratchin' Melodii, Yume Nikki, Omori, Laxius Force, Doki Doki Literature Club, Buddy Mission Bond Manga/Anime/Series: Demon Slayers, Beastars, Gotoubun no Hanayoume, Tomo-chan wa onnanoko, Ousama Rankings, Super Sentai Youtubers: Kubz Scouts, Dr.Mike, ChickenGang - CKG VN
Other social media:
Twitter Instagram (no posting, friends only) Deviantart (art archive) Pixiv Facebook (Vietnamese friends only) Facebook (this account is for posting ishimondo and my selfship art)
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