#post-time skip
littleleafbugblog · 3 months
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A little comic about Kageyama visiting Hinata in Brazil!! I'm a sucker for anything post-time skip
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mercedezedecrem · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Monkey D. Luffy/Usopp Characters: Monkey D. Luffy, Usopp (One Piece), Nami (One Piece), Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Nico Robin, Brook (One Piece), Franky (One Piece), Tony Tony Chopper Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Kissing, Marineford Arc (One Piece) Spoilers, Marineford Arc, Water 7 Arc (One Piece) Spoilers, Water 7 Arc (One Piece), symptoms of a sickness or a crush? Summary:
Nami thinks he has a crush. Luffy doesn’t know what that is, until he does.
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I'm cry-laughing because, is it me or did everyone in the crew come back like ten times as crazy about Luffy after the two years?
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peachonified · 6 months
To The Setters I have loved
aaaaages ago I had this idea. We all know Kageyama is obsessed with setters, so I wanted to write his obsession. This isn't quite what I imagined (although I am very happy with it) so if inspiration strikes me I will revisit. But for now, enjoy Kageyamas letters to the The Setters I have loved.
(if you would prefer to read it on AO3, follow the link!)
To the Setters I have loved
Rating G
Ship: KageHina
Characters Kageyama, Hinata, Oikawa, Sugawara, Sawamura, Kenma, Kuroo, Atsumu, Akaashi,
Tags: post time skip, setters, admiration, background ships: akbk, krkn, daisuga Olympic team,
Summary: At Hinata’s urging, Kagayama lets some people know how he feels
“You should tell them how you feel.”
They’re lying in bed, where they’ve been for the last little while. Kageyama has been daydreaming about volleyball plays, and Hinata’s been on his phone. While Kageyama has no idea what Hinata is referring to, he’s pretty sure it’s not something he wants to do.
“Shut up.”
Of course it’s not enough. Hinata rolls over until he hits Kageyama’s back. Kageyama can feel the intense boring into the back of his shoulder. It would be off putting if he hadn’t been putting up with it for years.
“No! I mean it! You should tell them how you feel. You’ll feel better.”
Turning his head, Kagayama stares at him, and Hinata just sends him a delighted smile. “Okay, fair, what I mean is I will feel better cos you will stop talking about them in bed.”
Brow furrowed, Kageyama thinks back to the previous four hours with no talking. None. Zero. “I… talk about them?” This is a dumb conversation. He doesn’t talk, let alone about <i>them</i> and who even is <i>them</i>?
“You’re making this up,” he decides, only to be met with a pillow to the face.
“Just write the damn letters Bakayama.”
“Oikawa-se-san. Oikawa-san!”
And yeah, that voice is a blast from the past. He wasn’t expecting to run into Tobio like this. On the court yes, but running down the hallway calling his name? Absolutely not. And Oikawa’s moved on from it all, he really has. But it’s not like he doesn’t have a few unresolved issues from that time.
“Tobio-chan,” he says all smiles, only to have an envelope slammed into his hand.
“I hope you’ll accept my feelings,” he says seriously, before walking away.
While Oikawa prides himself on having a quick wit, what the fuck is he supposed to say to that? Ignoring the jeers and catcalls of his team, he opens the letter. It’s a card.
Dear Oikawa-san,
Hinata told me to write a letter, but there was too much space, so it’s a card instead. I hope you like it.
Flipping to the front it’s a cartoon loaf of bread giving a peace sign. He can’t help his ugly-snort. While he’s somewhat bewildered – this is what Tobio thinks of him? – he’s a little charmed.
I know we haven’t always got on, but I had to let you know that I have admired you since we were in middle school. That admiration only grew – your serve, your ability to lead your team, the way you can take total strangers and set for them with the greatest of ease. I always admired that. I always wanted to be like you. Did I ever tell you when I ran into Ushijima-san at Shiratorizawa I told him that I would surpass you. That was – and still is – my aim. were, and always have, been the pinnacle of setters to me.
My deepest respect,
Kageyama Tobio
“What’s that? A love letter?”  He gets a hearty slap on the back as his wing spiker walks past.
Although they don’t wait for an answer, he responds, “Yeah, I think so.”
Because it is, isn’t it? It is a love letter! Happily, he puts it in his pocket. He’s definitely showing that to Iwa-chan when he sees him.
It was caught up in a pile of letters, but Sugawara recognises the terrible handwriting. “He really hasn’t improved has he,” Daichi says, leaning over his shoulder.
Laughing, Suga swats him, but agrees. “He’s only got so much capacity and all of it goes on volleyball. I wonder what this is?”
Daichi stares at it for a moment. “It couldn’t be…”
“Couldn’t be what?” Not one to put off anything interesting, Suga rips it open.
Before he can pull out the card, Daichi’s arms tighten. “You don’t think that’s a wedding invitation, do you?”
Suga’s hands crumble the envelope. “It better not be, because if our kohais get married before us you’re in big trouble.”
Pulling out the card, Suga decides it’s probably not a wedding invitation. Hinata and Kageyama are weird, but the pineapple with sunglasses is probably not the flavour they’re going for.
Dear Sugawara-senpai
“Aww he still calls me be senpai!”
“He’ll do that until the day he dies.”
I want to say thank you. When I came to Karasuno you were the setter – The Setter. You were a strong and steady presence, who the whole team trusted – me included. Even when you came on just for a few serves, the team lit up. When you stepped onto the court it was an inspiration.
Despite our positions, you mentored me, you supported me right from the start. Even though I came to Karasuno with a dark history, even though I was a setter who took over, you gave me a chance and trusted me. You were a real senpai and for that I can never thank you enough.
Yours very sincerely,
Kageyama Tobio
“Wow, he’s grown up. The kids have grown up, Suga!”
“Oh my god,” Sugawara’s voice is all choked but he can’t help it. “Look at his signature Daichi! It’s got a heart!”
3. Akaashi
He doesn’t get many personal letters. Occasionally a postcard from Bokuto, but to get a proper letter in the mail is something unusual. The writing is so terrible it’s probably a volleyballer, but other than that, Akaashi can’t even hazard a guess who it’s from.
Grabbing his letter knife, he slits the top and pulls open a card. It has some very nice owls on it. He can’t help but nod approvingly.
Dear Akaashi-san,
I’m not sure if you remember me, but my name is Kageyama Tobio
Akaashi puts the letter down and laughs. He has to. Who wouldn’t remember Kageyama Tobio. Who also plays professional volleyball. Who is also currently on the national team with his husband. For the second time. Good grief. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he picks up the card again.
I met you when I played with Karasuno, back in high school. I met you at a training camp in Tokyo, and from the start I admired your calm and collected nature. Even more than that, I wanted to model my behaviour off you
He snorts a laugh. Yes, there are a few similarities between Bokuto and Hinata.
I have even more admiration now that I have played with Bokuto-san. I don’t mean anything by this! Bokuto-san is very talented, and even helped me pick out this card.
Thank you for your time and best wishes,
Kageyama Tobio
Still such an awkward kid, he thinks fondly. While it’s true he and Kageyama didn’t have much to do with each other, Akaashi has received a play-by-play run down of anyone who has ever set for Bokuto, and of course he’s attended games where MSBY played the Adlers. He’d been an amazing since he was a teen and he’s even better. Bokuto is spoilt by the setters in his life.
Taking the card, Akaashi looks to the wall covered with all the volleyball accolades. Bokuto gets so many he’d put his foot down early on: one wall, and if it can’t fit on the wall it goes in a box. The wall is covered and every single one of them is important and special. Of course they are all for Bokuto, but the wall gets rearranged depending on how they feel. Right now Bokuto’s favourite is a signed copy of him with an adult actress, both showing off ample cleavage. She signed his and Bokuto has been laughing ever since. Akaashi’s current favourite is the thank you card from the school where Bokuto and Kuroo did some coaching.
Akaashi has nothing up there… but this card… Akaashi pins it over the adult actress. This way Bokuto will see his card when he goes to check out his own cleavage.
4. Kenma
“Mails in.”
For the first time perhaps ever, something lands on Kenma’s desk. It’s an envelope.
“What’s this?”
Kuroo sticks his head back in. “It’s a letter? Don’t tell me don’t know what a letter is? Back when we were young, people used to communicate by-“
“I know what a letter is,” Kenma says peevishly. “Why do I have one?”
“Open it and find out.”
Kenma does not want to do that. He is not a fan of surprises and everything about this is unexpected.
Who even has his address? He wonders as he rips it open.
Inside is a card. It’s got… a cat at a computer? Does this have some deeper meaning? He ponders a few moments before opening the card.
Dear Kenma-san,
Through you I learnt how a team is so much more than a setter.
Although I wish I could have asked you more questions, watching you I learnt a lot. If you ever would like to have a conversation, I would be more than happy.
Hinata wants to know if you liked the card.
Yours sincerely,
Kageyama Tobio
“So, what is it?”
“I’m not sure,” he says before offering to Kuroo. Who reads it and laughs.
“You want me to throw this out.”
Kenma reaches for it. “No,” he decides. And it’s not just because he likes the cats.
5, Atsumu
Kageyama hasn’t changed much since they were teens, Atsumu decides. He can feel the glare burning into the back of his neck, and he’s not sure what the problem is. <i>Kageyama</i> is the starting setter, not him so what’s the-
“Miya-san? Please take this-“
“Tobio-kun, it’s been years and you still – wait! Where are you going?”
Kageyama is somehow already around the corner. Shaking his head, he looks at his hands and it’s a letter? Why has Kageyama Tobio given him a letter? Ripping it open he pulls out a card that has onigiri on the cover. Did… did Kageyama think he was his brother?
Shrugging, he opens the card.
Dear Miya-san,
The first time you set for me, was a moment of joy. It felt like I could conquer the world, and I knew I wanted to make my spikers feel like that.
From the first game we played, you were nothing less than perfect. You think so fast. You move so beautifully. I was inspired. I am inspired.
There’s some scribbled-out words. Atsumu is pretty sure he can see Hinata’s name, and even though he can’t read it, he has a pretty good idea what he wanted to write. He remembers that game, pointing at Hinata telling him he’ll set for him. And he has, he thinks smugly. Atsumu is good. He knows his good. But he also knows that Kageyama is better. God, it’s frustrating, but Kageyama really is a good setter.
I am sorry about the card. Hinata chose a picture of twins, but I thought this was the better option,
Your teammate on the Japan National Team,
Kageyama Tobio
He laughs. Kageyama put it directly into his hand. Did he think Atsumu would think it was from someone else? Some other Kageyama? What a crazy kid. Reaching for his backpack, he zips it into a safe, inner pocket. He’ll show this to Samu. He’ll love the blast from the past.
Ahhhh! It’s annoying, but Kageyama Tobio, despite being a terrifying powerhouse is still a sweet kid. He’ll definitely save this.
+ 1 Hinata
“Well, how did it go?”
Kageyama glares at him, but Hinata can tell it’s half hearted.
“What do you mean? I posted three of them, and the other two I gave to them before leaving.”
“Whattt? You didn’t stay? But that’s the best bit!” He pauses. “No, that’s fine. I’ll go find out. I want to know what they say anyway.” It’s Hinata’s turn to glare. “I can’t believe you wouldn’t let me read them!”
“That’s because you would have laughed. Or rewritten them.”
“Not true,” he pouts, knowing full well it’s true. Still. He wants to know what’s in the letters. And the reactions. Oh well. He’ll find out in due course.
His hands come up automatically as something is shoved in his face. It’s an envelope. Kageyama looks utterly embarrassed and Hinata is here for it.
“Can I open it? Can I read it now? Are you going to run away?”
“Just open it, dumbass.”
Cheering, Hinata does that. It’s a cute little card, it’s got a heart and a rainbow. “You’re so cute, Tobio!” he teases, before he reads it and runs out of words.
I’d like to be your setter forever.
Will you marry me?
“Tobio!” he shrieks, throwing himself into Kageyama’s arms. He’s pretty sure he’s crying and shaking, but all he feels is steadiness of Tobio beneath him.
When he finally gets his breath back, Kageyama is looking at him soft, and uncertain.
“Is that a yes?”
He’s so stupid. Bakayama. <i>His</i> Bakayama.
“Yes, Tobio. That’s a yes.”
He’ll find out about the other cards tomorrow.
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keithbutgay · 2 months
notes goal post
because i really need motivation
(i stole some of these but shhhhh)
if this post gets 50 notes i'll drink water right now
100 i'll go to bed at midnight for the rest of the week
200 i'll actually do my laundry
500 i'll take a shower every day for the rest of the week
1,000 i'll brush my teeth every night for a full week
2,000 i'll stop binding for an unhealthy amount of time for a full week
3,000 i'll start actually wearing my ankle braces consistently
4,000 i'll eat breakfast every day for the rest of the week
5,000 i'll stop binding while sleeping
6,000 i'll stop wearing earrings i'm allergic to for a full week
7,000 i'll start doing makeup again
8,000 i'll stop eating chocolate for the rest of the week
9,000 i'll make my autodale masks
10,000 i'll touch grass every day for the rest of the month
11,000 i'll water my plants twice a week for the rest of the month
12,000 i'll put on my lotion when i need to for a full week
13,000 i'll eat at least two meals every day for the rest of the week
14,000 i'll finish my water bottle every day for a full week
15,000 i'll write more for forest files
18,000 i'll clean out my backpack
19,000 i'll take my vitamins every day for the rest of the week
20,000 i'll finish my stained glass project
21,000 i'll go to bed before midnight for the rest of the week
22,000 i'll do my summer reading
23,000 i'll move the knife out of my room
24,000 i'll eat three meals every day for three days
25,000 i'll stop purposefully triggering myself for a full week
50,000 i'll try my best to stay clean for two full weeks
i'll probably add more goals if this somehow get past 5k, but there it is for now :)
spam allowed
tagging allowed
ummm the deadline is halloween
*thumbs up*
go for it
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Trapped in a vicious cycle of pining? Try gay sex! (More things to learn over at Tiger Tiger!)
#tiger tiger#jamis arlesi#remy bonnaire#Arno#through a series of unfortunate events I will be posting this after the update will be out so my timing will be more so:#“Alternate take on how that scene played out” Rather than my funnier “My prediction for how it will go down”#I truly think Remy would rather admit to crimes he didn't commit than confess he has a thing for men.#It would be funny! It would be so funny if this is how Jamis found out. Alas...Not yet...Not yet...#I do love the idea that Jamis completely overlooked the all the elder god horror to get right down to the question of 'HOW DO YOU KNOW HIM'#Remy knows him. Knows him carnally. Wouldn't you like to also know your captain better? In spirit and body and mind?#Jealousy looks good on Jamis. Now he just has to do something about it.#Poor Remy though...He love Jamis so much he'd do anything to prevent losing him.#Which entails never giving Jamis a chance of rejecting or accepting his feelings!#Meanwhile...Jamis is a bisexual disaster man who is at his *limit*.#(For the MDZS fans looking at this Tigers comic who still have no context:#This is like Lan Xichen finding out Jin Guangyao hooked up with Nie Mingjue after LXC spent all that time thinking JGY was straight.#Better yet. This is like WWX just starting to realize his crush on LWJ and then finding out he and JC hooked up in the time skip.#'Nice to know you're into men but why did I have to find out like this' moment.)#((Yes I am trying to bridge the gap between the fandoms I am in. Yes I am still on my propaganda train. Choo Choo!!!))
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acrobattack · 4 months
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“Yeah I figure I could whack all three of these out in a day if I just focus really hard.” -me like a week ago
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caluette · 3 months
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bastard münchen game night ⚔️
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kocokorok · 1 year
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THIS SCENE HAD MY HEART !! 𝘐𝘕 𝘈 𝘊𝘏𝘖𝘒𝘌𝘏𝘖𝘓𝘋!!! scene is from ''Loyal Till Death Do Us Part'' by @stygianheart on Tumblr/AO3 !!! seriously go read it it's so good it made me sob. Anyway. If something makes me sob I must draw it to enforce the sobbing session.
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yugiohprince · 5 months
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theyre just a little fuity
part 2
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pinyeti · 8 months
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okay, blackleg- went 2 years carrying his bounty poster in your fuckin breast pocket- sanji we believe you
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illumi-nati-png · 2 months
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Maura said, “That’s your card.”
On the card on the table was a black knight astride a white horse. The knight’s helmet was lifted so that it was obvious that his face was a bare skull dominated by eyeless sockets. The sun set beyond him, and below his horse’s hooves lay a corpse.
Outside the windows behind them, a breeze hissed audibly through the trees.
“Death.” Gansey read the bottom of the card. He didn’t sound surprised or alarmed. He just read the word like he would read eggs or Cincinnati.
“I thought that psychics didn’t predict death,” Adam said quietly. “I read that the Death card was only symbolic.”
-Maggie Stiefvater
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yennao · 2 months
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Have these. Gotta warm up those Zoro doodlin muscles. It’s been a minute or six.
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milkcurdles · 3 months
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084392 · 9 months
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what a nice looking group of kids i hope nothing messed up happens to them,
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 3: Enveloping Feelings.
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 4 (soon))
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#lan wangji#Yungmeng Jiang training arc AU#I wanted to try out a different paneling style for this one - sorry I'm a day late! (there will still be a post tomorrow to keep on track)#The original 3 panel comic idea was fine but the point of this new schedule was to take time to push myself a bit more.#I was taking a look back through some comic artists I felt inspired by#and I really loved how Lynda Barry fills her gutters with patterns and doodles!#Obviously I'm not going as absolutely wild with it as she does but it was a great exercise!#I truly think the gutters are the most important and most overlooked part of any comic. There's lots going on in that space.#It's the same with timeskips. The implied movement between moments that we don't see changes depending on how wide that gap is#You're here for the funny tags so here's some that ties this time talk together:#I think LWJ was thinking about that second note from day 2 but it took him 7 days of hazing to commit it to paper.#I think he sends it a day later and immediately regrets it. Chasing down the messenger and everything.#You know if something actually happened to his brother he would never ever forgive himself for putting the bad vibes out there.#Third time skip was the hardest because there was so many possible flavours of jokes here. Day 8/9 was a personal favourite.#day 14 was also funny (week by week). I think the debate on 'how long does lwj take to catch feelings' is more or less:#'how long does it take for him to arrive at a particular stage of grief and yearning (and awareness of it all)#This is a symphony. There is an act by act structure. Every day he is fighting to keep his old sensibilities. He is losing so badly.#(I'll be returning to the main comic soon but there is more of this AU to come!)
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