#posting what im using as my icon/on my theme
vanoefucks · 9 months
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electricpurrs · 2 years
okay i am sick of this icon and mobile theme already. i am cursed to get tired of my icon after three days but im completely unable of finding an icon and theme i am ever satisfied with. why would a pretty boy like me have to go through this
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color-palettes · 4 months
@ anon with the missing palette submission! i couldn't find your submission so it's possible tumblr ate it :^(
sometimes people use the correct format but send palettes via the ask box instead of submitting so that could be another option...
anywho since im here i'll answer some more qs
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don't forget you can send these kind words directly to the palette maker hehe!!
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the duality of anons....
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the queue is at 80 and ask box is around 250. it'll probably get added to the next batch so it'll be a while before you see it posted!
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yes... my current housekeeping to-do list:
-add some more to the faq (specifically how long it takes for a palette to be posted and what to do if you arent sure your palette was accepted)
-update the tumblr theme back to grid
-up the queue to post 3 palettes a day
-update the tumblr icon to put a new secret guy in there
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they get shuffled, but i'm not 100% sure how good the shuffle button works to be honest
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it was my quirky little decision when i made this blog as a highschooler. basically it's just a subjective choice
and then as my final parting message... thank you everyone for making the blog what it is today!! your kind messages and support and submissions are extremely appreciated even if we can't respond to every single one ; o ; <3
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
I really want to see your post about how Katara is forcefully matured by the fandom, please!
Ok, while I wasn't ready to make that post in earnest, and frankly never might be, here's some of my cursory thoughts on the topic. I'd gladly talk about it in detail more but also ✨️fear✨️
So, let's get the obvious out of the way. Katara is a 14 year old. A child, barely a teen. In fact, the entirety of the gaang is made up of children.
Now, I haven't been fully active in the atla fandom in quite some time, mostly lurking on the peripheries, because the fandom is a shitshow. One of the reasons being the fact that most fans cannot, for the life of them handle the Gaang's inherent childishness.
This isn't just a Katara problem. Other than her, Aang suffers the most for the egregious crime of being a 12 year old survivor of a genocide. Suki is, of course, mainly ignored. The interpretations of Toph can vary wildly, from her being horrifically matured to being dissmissed as a chaotic, rude child. Zuko and Sokka's immature moments are looked at more permissively, being an angsty boi™️ and a goofy goober respectively.
I do find it odd that Aang doesn't get the "boys will be boys" pass, but ok, we'll blame it on him being... bald? a nice boy? not concerned with his own masculinity?
As for Katara, her maturity is treated like... a given. She's the mom of the group, the proverbial love interest, the feminist icon, the badass fighter, the trailblazer filled with feminine rage. The trophy wife to Aang, the (Lore Olympus style) Persephone to Zuko's Hades.
And true, she is, or at least can be, a lot of these things.
However she is, first and foremost, a child. This fact is presented to us on a silver platter in the first episode, when her and Aang are penguin sledding.
Katara : I haven't done this since I was a kid!
Aang: You still are a kid!
Katara is a child forced to mature. Her circumstances forced her to try to fill her mother's place and to fight for those who couldn't do so themselves. The fandom brands her as a mom friend. Sees her purely as an icon of empowerment. Or worse, degrades her character to being a love interest.
(im talking about both sides of the kataang/zutara debate. I have my biases, but I'm sure there are kataangers who treat her like this as well. I simply have encountered very few of them.)
Her story, while yes, has many themes of female empowerment is in huge part, a tragedy. The tragedy of a young girl forced to grow up much too soon.
Sadly, this is rarely spoken about. It's not spoken about directly and therefore a lot of the fandom doesn't see this. (Or simply doesn't want to see it)
This is not to say that Katara's more mature aspects should be dismissed or buried. She displays a lot of maturity for her age, to the point of being able to go toe to toe both intellectually and physically with the (admittedly usually incompetent) adults of the show. Additionally, she evolves as a character through the durtation of the show.
But a huge chunk of her maturity being forced and therefore unhealthy is a key aspect of her character.
I think what upsets me the most is that while the critiquing the idea of Katara being treated as the mom of the group in fanon is becoming more and more common, the treatment of her as something akin to a YA protagonist is on the rise.
Both these interpretations are so insulting to the character of Katara, what is wrong with you people?
I'm currently rewatching atla with a focus on Katara as a character (while also trying to give zutara a chance I am doing my best guys) and her childishness is an integral part of her. It's sad to see her treated as an adult by the fandom. And honestly unsettling, especially with how much of like a child she acts.
I wanna finish my rewatch before I give my full ramble on the topic. I also wanna look more into the many different opinions people in the atla fandom have on Katara's treatment by the show. Though even trying to skim the surfce was like injecting lemon juice directly into my tear ducts. Also I really, really don't wanna get sent death threats again.
I want to give the topic of Katara my full attention. However I don't think I'll ever make this post, actually. The atla fandom is a rabid horrid pack of creatures and I'm not sure if I wanna engage with all that.The post would probably bash a lot of things considered key arguments for Zutara, since, looking at Zutara through a child's doesn't exactly scream 'romance' and do I really want that on my blog?
Katara's role as a child isn't valued as much as her role as a woman and I just don't want to deal with people calling me mean names for talking about a little girl being traumatised.
I'd be glad to have a discussion but I made this blog mainly to have fun and enjoy a piece of media I like. I met some truly amazing people whom I can have really great discussions with, even if we don't agree. I don't want to jeopardise that by being a pretentious dick on a soapbox.
Call this and the last few posts I made on Katara me testing the waters.
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
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this entire post about the hanahaki disease and eve made me black out for one hour to draw this
some design notes and ideas i had while drawing this in a feverish, dionysian frenzy, i didnt even stop to think i just HAD TO GET THIS OUT OF MY SYSTEM <33
read the linked post for further context bc im working on an EMPTY STOMACH AND A BRAIN FULL OF EVE
i wanted her to be our beloved eve, but a little to the left. yknow. eve but something is off her usual characteristic bright colors ( the blues and yellows and greens she wears ) muted down to a dangerous degree. missing various iconic details like her earrings or hand-holding necklace, etc
something something, she's losing her sense of self while trying to figure out more about this new, hidden side she's just discovered. the side that's causing all the flowers to clog up her throat and all
also also. a subtle feeling of restraint in the way her hair is now a braid that wraps around her throat, also held together by black and white beads. and the hands, a very prominent theme in her art, now holding her chest - but in a "keeping her body together" kinda way, not in a sexy kind of way sadly
read rosie's latest addition to the linked post RIGHT FUCKING NOW because the daffodils and the themes of eve wanting to embody art but not being ready for people to inspect the piece of art she's made out of herself is. is so. YEAH.
also i imagine her jacket is replaced by this daffodil inspired coat that is the MOST eye catching thing. as a way to represent how this obsession with finding out what feelings shes repressing is taking over her entire sense of self
i wanted to add more eye motifs, since eve's art is a lot about her complex relationship with being perceived and also using that same fear as a weapon herself when feeling cornered (yknow. that one moment with zuke where she starts insulting him and saying he's "one of them". yknow. YOU KNOW) but maybe later in a proper design
bUT!!!! you know how in her cover art, the eyes are also different palettes? but once you beat her, they're HER actual eyes crying and closing. i wanted that but. in a much more aggressive way, like she's actively searching for the parts within herself she cannot understand
god i love her i love her so much guys shes so
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edupiii · 19 days
The other night I went on a tangent to my friends about the music in Murder Drones and how it’s hard to compare the albums since they are each amazing in their own ways. Despite this, my friend insisted that I compare them, so I did. After writing everything out, she said I should post it so that’s what’s happening!
Welcome to an informal essay about the music in Murder Drones
In this essay, I will be going over the 4 albums created by A.J Dispirito and the strengths within each album. This essay is to show that the music between the albums is unable to be compared to one another as they are all astounding and work wonders for the atmosphere of the overall show.
Feel free to disagree with me and let me know your thoughts!
Murder Drones Pilot Mini-Album
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The pilots album could be considered the weakest of the 4. It doesn’t have that many tracks that are reused throughout the other episodes. BUT- it is very strong as it has “Murder Brings” which is the trailer song for the pilot and it’s kind of a banger. I find it not as good as “Eternal Dream” “BITE ME” and “FOREVER” but it’s still super fucking good. In the first album we also have “Click”, “Gin Rummy”, “UZI THE DRONE KILLER” and “Goth Girl Anime Lover VS Wholesome Killer Boy” which are all very good songs that get you hyped for fight scenes. There are a few more mellow songs in the pilot’s album, making it not stand out as much. Despite that, it is also the very album that brought us the iconic Murder Drones theme music, which has been a staple in all future songs throughout the series. It’s not looked at as much as the other albums but it worked for the pilot and that’s all it really needed to do. It was good and is still good.
Murder Drones Volume 1
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Next is the first official MD album. Once again, it can be overlooked like the pilots soundtrack since it doesn’t have super gut punchy, kick assy music. HOWEVER- it has a very eerie tone to it since it’s going over the second episode (with the Eldritch J monster) and it takes place in Dolls Room which is scary as fuck. It also gives us a few really good adrenaline pumping songs like “Aaaaahhh”. The song Bathtub” is in this album and it is spooky and intense which I love! Classic horror vibes. We also get “Uuugghhh” in this album which is possibly one of my favourites since it keeps going from energetic to spooky and I find that really funny for some reason (also the scenes this song was used for is hilarious). “Get Prommed” and “The Knife Dance” are INCREDIBLY ICONIC and have that addicting saxophone in it along with lots of grove. I really like “Spooky Flashback? oooooo” since it gives us a first look at the Elliot Manor and what kind of music we will be hearing in the 5th episode. Mind you, it’s not as good as the songs in the 5th episode but for foreshadowing, I think it works beautifully as it just gives us a small idea of what the manor was like for N, V and J. I think the first album is often overlooked but just like the pilot album, it has some wicked shit in it that you can’t ignore.
Murder Drones Volume 2
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The second album I think might be my favourite because of the music used for the Elliot Manor flashbacks. There’s something so saddening and cold yet cheerful about them that I just cant shake and I adore them. It’s most definitely the soft piano that does it for me. Im a whore for soft piano music. We also have “Falling…For You??”, “Gentle” and “huggie wuggies” which PULL on my heart strings. The mellow music in this album is so well done and make me weep like a small child. DONT GET ME STARTED ON ETERNAL DREAM- I could write an entirely different essay just on that song alone and its relation to V’s entire character, however, I’m pretty sure that has already been done by many more qualified people than myself so you may go read those.
Then we’ve got the scary music in this album, which is a HUGE leap forward compared to the pilots album and the first album. Songs like “Solver Uzi”, “Heh, Nothing Personal Kid”, “SENTINEL 000D”, “…wow…ok THATS Pretty Dark” “literally just noise (your favourite)” and “Earth” are all phenomenal songs that give the spooks and scares. They are eerie and are drenched in anticipation for what is going to happen next. They give so much emphasis on the danger that these characters are in and can make you feel the same way. They freak you out and that is their job. Personal bias to the second album but it is phenomenal. I feel like people might not listen to the softer music in it which I totally understand, but I love it a lot.
Murder Drones Volume 3
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And finally, we have the third album.
To start off, this shit goes incredibly hard with its scary stuff. They injected some sort of chemical into this album. I think it might be the chimes and whispers and church music. They added more eerie sounds in this album and I LOVE IT so much. The album starts STRONG with “When you forget to pray” which is so scary and gross and eerie, I love her. It fit the church scene so well and the song itself is disgustingly horrendous with its churchy vibes yet it makes them sound anything but holy. “Callback Ping”, “Absolute Solver” “…Hey guys, just wanted to say what’s up” and “……run” are TERRIFYING! nothing more can be said about those other than that. They scare the shit out of me and I can’t deal with that. Im pretty sure there is screaming in these ones as well, so that adds to the charm of spook. “Die Mad” is a bit spooky but it GOES SO HARD. UNREASONABLY HARD. But then it gets all soft and sad and makes me weep.
And finally, the kick ass shit in this album is probably what defines it from the others. Each album has eeriness to them or a few songs that get you pumped; but this album? We’ve got “Eternal DESTROYER” 3 different versions of “BITE ME”, “…Uzi and N: The Drone Killers”, and “YOU’RE FREAKIN’ GROUNDED” which all are such good fighting songs and get you hyped up. They are the songs that get YOU wanting to kick ass, and I love it.
Like the others, there is a few mellow songs in this album, but not a ton. “FOREVER”, “ur aight”, and “haha yea dude, that’s sick” are all very good songs since they take place during scenes of walking or talking, not really any big action. Despite that they are all chillish and are incredibly catchy, they all still carry that eerie feeling that something isn’t right and that’s perfect for the series since we continuously know that something isn’t right.
In conclusion, all 4 of the albums created for the Murder Drones series are incredible in different ways. They each have strengths as well as songs that stand out. I wouldn’t say that one is better than the other since they all have songs that fit the episodes that they premiered in. A.J Dispirito has been very consistent with the quality of their music produced throughout the shows run time, keeping a balance of action, eerie, sweet and scary. I think that music for this series may be difficult to make since there’s so many jumps from goofy to scary to cute and so on. You can definitely see Dispirito’s improvment in their work throughout the series, but every song they’ve created has been excellent.
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hauntedrph · 1 year
Welcome to HAUNTEDRPH.
This is a side blog for commission purpose. Although I will often gives things away with no charge by taking requests which will be noted if I am open or not.
To make this short. i’m in a tight spot grocery wise and medication. I am still jobless because of my GBS recovery which leaves me disabled for the time being and im only getting paid once a month.
As for the price at this time everything is pay what you want.
I take payment through PayPal which can be found here . l and preferably before I start working on your commission.
I can do:
Dash icon
Post banner
Mobile header
Self promotion. 2-4 panels.
Promotion for you and a friend ;
( free of charge if they use the same background )
Mood board / aesthetic board
Playlist + graphic
Wont do at this time:
Icon border
Theme background
Custom psd
Google document
Request open: not at this time.
Commission: open.
Example can be found on the blog.
So if you’re interested in potentially helping me out or comissions me feel free to reach out, thank you! It would be a pleasure to work with you in the near future.
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felinecryptid · 8 months
hoooooooooo boy, tmagp 4 go-
this time its becoming apparent that there are some themes and clues that tmagp wants us to notice, the sections stand out, begging for attention
like the recurring theme of bones, and blood, and gore in general (it might be too soon to tell exactly what themes are leading to, but they are definitely there)
the violin could fit right in grifter's bone with it's affinity to music and violence
(the music feels aligned to circus over spiral or web
tho there are elements of the web what with the mind control, but i fear all fears possess a certain degree of control, as such
the violence feels more of the slaughter variety rather than the hunt, though you could make a valid argument for flesh as the words 'sacrifice', 'payment' and 'creature with needs and purposes of its own' do stick in mind
once again i do not think that tmagp follows the same format as the smirke's fourteen (or 15) , i merely use them as parallels to better explain what aspects of the episode sticks out to me (and for me refer back later on))
as other listeners have noted, another theme that tmagp in general follows, is 'obsession', rather than tma's 'fear'
i feel this is also paralleling (intentionally or not) the audience's own listening habits and motives
we first consumed the magnus archives for its content of horror
and yet we are back for the magnus protocol like we never left, and perhaps
we never did
the statement's first person pov depicts a truly horrific picture of the slaughter, of the violence that the violin demands
and his descriptions of the mania on the audience's faces too
it's eerily reminiscent of the france's dancing plague
enough about the statement, lets talk about my boy sam and his co-workers, and their workplace in general
there's a protocol surrounding the magnus institute? interesting interesting, very similar to the police division daisy and basira were part of, the unofficial supernatural division
is this like the civil servant version of such?
another thing that is interesting; how is freddy getting these statements incidents? like sam asked, how exactly does a letter from the 18th century end up in the system?
i don't think gwen's answer is satisfactory (and we weren't meant to either), sure someone might be updating the archives website for reasons unknown but rarely in magpod is something a dead end, every little thing is a clue, a small part of the larger picture
so how exactly does a letter from the 18th century is in freddy's system?
perhaps an 'avatar' or the equivalent (such people are suggested to exist in tmagp universe, like the tattooist from daria's statement)
or maybe the fears themselves manifest in phenomena that upload relevant content to freddy
colin my guy, still being iconic and not trusting tech, hats off to you, the only real character in the whole show
never trust any piece of technology older than paper
the video of lena that gwen got in the end? weird? yeah, fuck yes, but how did she even get it? is there any sort of personal communication available on the ancient system? why gwen?
i have so many questions and so many more thoughts, but this is already so long, im gonna write a separate post about tmagp so far, in general
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dudes-icons · 23 days
hello, I'm dude.
I make homestuck icons for people who kin characters, or systems. idk I'm bad at making intros.
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racists, homophobes/transphobes, ableists, antisemitic ppl, etc
nsfw/kink blogs (I don't want to be involved)
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ok so to make a request you mainly need to list a character, theme/color, and a description for what kind of overlays you want or if you don't want overlays at all.
request posts will be done with orange text (like this), and nonrequest posts/rambles will be done with plain white text. the tag used on my icon posts will be #dudes icons
I do accept challenge/joke requests but not full-on troll requests. I will do characters from homestuck related media's such as hiveswap, mspfas, threadventures, fantrolls, etc. I will NOT be doing big sprite edits (I might do small sprite edits like adding a pride pin to a characters shirt or something tho)
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requests are CLOSED
theater themed calliope
scene/emo tagora
dirk/bro with a dark/star background
coding themed lil hal with spade overlay
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ICON EXAMPLE: orange soda themed davesprite with a sparkly overlay (can u tell I like orange?)
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ok goodbye
(also im HEAVILY inspired by @ro--lal, go check em out!! theyre so cool)
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hey-color-palettes · 2 years
To new followers--
Hey so like, over the past month or so, I've been hit by about 500 new followers, which is a very sudden, massive spike, and while I'm sure most of them are bots, I really can't be sure which are and which aren't.
To this end, if you see this and you have a mostly empty blog, PLEASE, I'm begging you, please make your blog not empty somehow so I can tell if you're a real person, otherwise you do run the very real risk of me blocking and reporting you for being a bot, because I really really don't want bots taking advantage of this blog.
Anywhere here's a short list of things you can do to make yourself not look like a bot:
Change your icon. It can literally be anything. Modify the default icon somehow, use a screenshot from whatever show you like, take a picture of your carpet and use that, use some art. Anything. (Although I'd advise against anything that might make you look like the other kind of bot blog.)
PLEASE change your title. I have now learned what "Untitled" looks like in many other languages. A change in title and maybe even description will go a very long way !!!!!
Change the color of your in dashboard blog from the basic white background. (In edit appearance.) Set a blog header image. (If you really don't have any images in mind, this blog is full of images. Pick anything.)
Turn on custom theme in the blog settings!! This didn't even used to be an option and was enabled by default and now it isn't.
Hide your likes and follows. Most bot blogs don't hide these. Unfortunately most newcomers don't hide them either.
Reblog or post a few things. It can literally be "im a lurker sorry please dont block me". A good thing to keep in mind is to try to reblog things that aren't related or are specifically fandom related. Bots don't do that, but I have seen bots that will reblog three (3) related posts or like three (3) related posts (from people they don't even follow) and that's that. If you do ONLY this, that's enough.
You don't have to do all of these. Literally even a few is enough. Just show some sign of life. PLEASE.
Since I've seen other people have success with this in the past, here's some free icons and headers you can use:
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These are all my images and my editing so you needn't worry about credit or whatever.
There are a virtually infinite number of icon makers at Picrew and a ton at Meiker.io
Old Windows icon images.
People make free icons on here all the time.
And if you want to be a little silly with it, I spent an entire month of my life making this default icon dress up game. (Yes, really, an entire month.)
I'll give you all like a week or so, and I WILL be re-reblogging this intermittently as a reminder, because after that I WILL start to block and report anyone who hasn't sufficiently proven themselves not to be a bot. This may not be a personal blog, but it IS my baby and these bots exist specifically to exploit the blogs that they follow, so don't help them out be letting them hide amongst you.
Because I don't want this post to be an annoyance, I will post a new palette each time I do reblog it, and I will delete old instances after sufficient time has passed. Please bear with me.
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imflyingfish · 4 months
Rating Highground X Minecraft keyboard/accessories
Im going to just be rating based on visual appearence rather than quality of the keyboard
1. Inventory
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They tried. The grey really isnt appealing and neither are the icons. Pretty obvious and boring. However, i do like that they at least tried to match the letters with the keys. M for melon. L for lava. G for gold. But why is X for crossbow? I do like the fact that the enter key is the furnace icon, and the use of minecraft font (even if i dont like the minecraft font). 2/10 I have minecraft toolbar keycaps and theyre so much better with shinethrough.
2. Steve and Animals
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I love the colours for this, id live to have that skyblue on my desk. I like the animals too i think the illustration is really nice. But i dont think Steve is really doing the board any favours. His skin is pretty light imo, and i dont think people appear great on keycaps anyway (just look at how his face is bulging by his eyes). Tbh i think id like this board a LOT if it wasnt for Steve, and thats a shame bc i like steve. 5/10
3. Creepers
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I like this one a lot. It reminds me of those minecraft animations. Looks like a minecraft themed fever dream. I also like how the healthbar has less hearts than all the other ones. 9/10 i like it but its not for me.
4. Mining wall
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Again i really dont like the grey. I just dont think this one lools good tbh. Who wants diorite on their keyboard? (Im jk i love diorite) anyway. Unrealistic block formation but otherwise fine 4/10
5. grASS block
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No. What the piss it this? This just. No. It looks bad. Stop. Who wants this on their desk. Stop. It looks silly and as classic as the grass block is this just looksgross. No. 0/10
6. Blocky
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This is my favourite of all the board sets. Its just fun. The blocks do unfortunatly look warped due to the keyboard shape. Its not the prettiest thing in the world but i do like it a lot for being silly and just a big mess. 8/10 its the first board to sell out.
7. Map
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I actually really like this one. I think the pattern is nice and matches well with the shape of the keycaps. I can see myself getting lost staring at this while im meant to be working. I think this does the brown and green scheme a lot better than grass block did. 9/10
8. TNT
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Im a huge fan. The block is a classic choice, it fits nicely as a set, its clean. I like this a lot! 10/10
9. Deskmat - map
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Very nicely sized, cute pattern with the map. I like the text on the ends. I think this is quite whimsical but still neat. 8/10
9. Deskmat - mining blocks
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I quite like this. Obvious design but i think it works. I dont mind the grey so much. Its not particuarly exciting though. 7/10
Im going to add onto this with the final few items since ive hit post limit
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 6 months
H O N K H O N K !! :o)
ladies and gentlemen, prepare to knock your fat craniums to this brand fabulous new BLOG !! 🃏 𖤐⊹₊ 🎪⋆
🌈👾✧˖°(≧ヮ≦) 💕ִ ࣪𖤐₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
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___ ★₊˚﹟🪐'
:33 < welclawme nyall !! ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა rawr !!
:33 < this is a re-entry/re-introduction/blah blah blah whatever to my blog xoP 🩻
:33 < (heres a supurr cool link to my introduction :o00 https://www.tumblr.com/aftonsparv-bugzz/743871612061990913/tag-guide )٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
:33 < heres some info on what i'll be doing on this blog !1!1! ⋆˚🐾˖°
:33 < youcan request many things !! such as:
sprite/character edits !!
pannel edits !!
dni banners/just any banners in general !! (re opened !!)
emojis !! (for discord n stuff :3 )
non scibal emojis and agere/petre things !!
flag requests !! (though im not great at them)
user boxes !! (re opened !!)
ship edits !! (any ship, so long as it dosent go against the dni (dni is in pinned intro post))
stimboards/fashionboards !! (if you have certain wants/prices, please tell me !! also these might take a little slower (fashionboards now closed !!)) (can do, but it'll be like this !!)
moodboards/playlists !! (certain songs/themes wanted, please do tell me !! these also might take a little longer !!) (playlists closed !!)
source calls/kinfeshions !! (please be nice and not rude though !!)
making icons !! (lgbtqia2s+ + character icons, fictive icons, therian/kin/alterhuman in general icons, ect)
:33 < ect ect !! (≧ᗜ≦)
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☆ ⭒ ⋆ ⭒ ☆ ⭒ ⋆ ⭒ ☆ ☆ ⭒ ⋆ ⭒ ☆ ⭒ ⋆ ⭒ ☆
B33 < please do be respectful and specific when requesting things though !! ¯\(º_o)/¯ please do not harass anyone who requests things if they arent using anon !! iwill not stand for it on my page. ido not tolerate it. please just block them and move on if they make you uncomfortable.
B33 < also, keep in mind this blog only has 1 mod !! requests may take longer to complete ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) (╥﹏╥)
:33 < ido prefer getting requests related to my interests/things iknow well (see pinned post) but idont generally mind !! ^_^ 🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ (also, even though this is a pretty homestuck based blog, you can request non homestuck related things and non homestucks can interact !! it isnt only a homestuck blog, its just mainly homestuck because im currently obsessed with it :33)
:33 < this is a pretty messy blog so you'll be seeing things of everything everywhere on this blog but yea !!1! :33
★🎸🎧⋆。°⋆ ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍓 ⋅ ☆
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𖦹⭒°。⋆🪐.𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆⭒˚。⋆𖦹⭒°。⋆𖦹⭒°。⋆🪐.𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆⭒˚。⋆𖦹⭒°。⋆
:33 < on that note, here are some things iwont do :o[
pendulum swings. no clue how to do them
recipies (no idea how to make one)
skincare/selfcare (again, no idea how to make them
prooshuip/comship ectect
sexual things (im a minor. kissing, hugging, ect is fine, but anything slightly sexual that makes me uncomfortable will be rejected)
and anything not mentioned
(also anything involving discourse !! ido not want to be invol with it !! (<_<") and anything agaisnt my dni/anyone who goes against my dni iwill not do things for :o( and by the way, if youdont want me to tag something as something, please tell me !! otherwise i'll probably tag it wrong (<_<"))
B33 < this might change in the future, but for now, iwont do them :o(( ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)
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✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ
:33 < thankziez furr reading all of this !1!! :o3
B33 < oh yea also i take art requests ^_^
:33 < byebye !! ^_^ 🌊✮ ⋆ 🦈。 * ⋆。
✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊ ⊹✮₊
⋅⋆ ☼ ☆ 𖤓 ☆ ☼ ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ☼ ☆ 𖤓 ☆ ☼ ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ☼ ☆ 𖤓 ☆ ☼ ⋆⋅
B33 < (purromo purrlease anytroll ? would be quite helpfurrl x33 /nf ⭒-.⋆🪼⋆.-⭒)
» [wHeN iM cLoWnInG - icp :o))] «
0:37 ─〇───── 3:30
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
:33 < dividers: first, second, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (sorta messed up the numbers but yea) tumblr is being annoying and not letting me add alt text im sorry (if the description is bad, ido apologise
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relicsongmel · 10 months
hi im also a raymond shields lover [you know this its no surprise] and i am also SOOO autistic about music so i totally ripped apart his theme to analyze it and i wanna hear YOUR THOUGHTS PLEAAAASEEE I NEED SOMEONE TO BE INSANE WITH
HELL YEAH an excuse to geek out about Joking Motive? You better believe I'm taking it
Ok so right off the bat—THE FIRST FOUR NOTES. The first SEVEN notes, even—you can hear Miles’ Great Revival motif, plain as day. Close listeners will recognize that this iconic ascending minor third and whole step pattern can be heard all over the Investigations soundtrack, everywhere from the cross-examination and objection themes to the character themes—including but not limited to Kay, Lang, and in this case, Ray (there’s even an inverted version in Gregory’s theme that uses a descending half step and major third instead!). What’s really interesting is the use of this motif sort of contradicts Ray’s attitude toward Miles when we first hear the track—it’s played during his initial introduction when he still has that grudge towards him. It’s not NECESSARILY out of place considering even Quercus Alba’s theme uses the motif, but it’s a pretty strong musical foreshadowing that he could potentially be swayed over to Miles’ side, which is indeed followed through on later.
As for the main body of the track itself, it’s pretty distinctly blues-y, making gratuitous use of standard blues chord progressions (Am7 -> D7 and whatnot) and pentatonic melodies ornamented by that sweet sweet flat 5 that I have now dubbed “the Ray Note” because the man has melted my brain (what else is new). One thing worth noting that’s a bit atypical of the genre, however, is the Fmaj7 chord used a couple of times throughout (in Roman numeral notation it would be the VI chord); the first instance of it is about 44 seconds into the linked video for reference. This, in my opinion, is a really clever way of hiding emotional nuance underneath the otherwise upbeat instrumentation and playful melody—the VI chord sounds a bit more melancholic in comparison to everything surrounding it and hints that despite his jokester persona, Ray might not actually be as cheerful as he seems.
And now my favorite part—the synesthesia of it all. Idk if you’ve read my pinned post or not but basically the key of a song has certain colors, moods, scenery, etc. associated with it in my brain and it’s been a part of my life since even before I had any sort of musical training. Joking Motive is in A minor—which is represented by the color gray and its associated moods are those of emptiness and yearning (it’s a functional opposite to E flat minor which is pitch black and represents the crushing weight of despair). And I mean. Considering Ray’s whole character revolves around the void left in his life after Gregory’s death and how he desperately tries to fill it by doing everything he can to bring Miles back to his side? I’d say the key choice fits pretty well. If Capcom REALLY wanted to steal my heart away and make me even MORE smitten than I already am they could have put it just a half step higher in B flat minor (my favorite key of all time. Beautiful midnight blue queen I love her so much) but their key choice reflects him too perfectly so I’m willing to overlook it.
And that’s about it, really! I hope you enjoyed reading my insights—Joking Motive is one of my favorite tracks so I'm glad we can be autistic about it together <3
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sollucets · 2 months
tag game for @khaopybara !! thank you for thinking of me i needed the boost 💜
1. why did you choose your url?
my url is from ‘sol lucet omnibus’, a latin phrase that means the sun shines for everyone. a lot of my urls & usernames and whatnot are sun themed, so this is just another in a long line. for a while it was ‘solclaw’ while i was in a werewolf phase. but i dont plan to change it again
2. any sideblogs? name them and why you have them
ahhh��. the secret come out. i guess? i have two sideblogs. @jinjjayo is my kpop sideblog, which i have not advertised having so far but does exist. i also have @solref, which is just where i collect tutorials & other reference stuff.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
not consecutively, i took breaks, but my first blog was made in 2011. :0 i’ve had three main blogs over the years.
4. do you have a queue tag?
i do! i don’t use it often but i tag things that are queued with ‘ghost post (queued)’
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
the original one, i made because my cousin recommended it to me. we shall not speak of its url. this current one was made when i started seriously writing again (thank u rasmr <3)
6. why did you choose your icon?
i love ayluna. my babygirls. that’s all there is to it lol. im also quite fond of the lil stars i edited in
7. why did you choose your header?
i did a lot of work to edit the scene’s colors for my lfls episode series, so i wanted to keep that and use it for one more gif haha. also i love them terribly
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
it is currently this set of the 3wbf trio doing their puzzle piece hugs, at just over 1000 notes. 🥺 im happy they deserve it
9. how many mutuals do you have?
73! i know this because (and i am aware this is embarrassing) i keep a notes document of my mutuals with names & tracktags, so i counted manually. that is,,, thats a lot of you. i love you all very much 🥹🥹🥹
10. how many followers do you have?
i have just over 900 followers. ._. wild
11. how many people do you follow?
i follow 155 blogs. i try to keep the number down but there are simply so many beloveds.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
sure lol. ive done textpost edits, and that disney only friends thing, and etc.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
i check at least once a day. usually more though
14. have you had a fight/argument with another blog?
noooo. i never have. i always just blocked people or we drifted apart. i love to block though
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
i think it’s counterintuitive. people don’t like being ordered around, so a lot of folks will instinctively scroll. then the ones you do get are often because of anxiety, so it feels cruel. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just ask normally / say please reblog this
16. do you like tag games?
why ask this at #16 of a tag game lmao. yes of course. doesnt everyone love to overshare
17. do you like ask games?
yes very much. it always makes it feel more lively. i try to play when i have the time :>
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
ouuhh, mona @thitiponqs probably, hehe. all member of usergif and gay dot tumblr dot com and everything else. everyone should know mona u.u everyone is famous in my heart though.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
no! >< it isn’t personal. i don’t have crushes very often. certainly you are all very lovely and cool, and i’ve had mutuals follow me who i had to go scream into a pillow about after for sure, but. it is all quite platonic im afraid 2 say. would still be happy to make out though
20. tags?
i will try! i choose u @markpakin & @lamonnaie ✨
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hi!! im new to tumblr nd was wondering how to make links appear in my bio desc? like i see most writers hv their mlists or mposts in theirs nd i want to put my own hashtag to my works in my bio desc nd m j not sure how to :(( ve looked up tuts but none of em make sense t me :( i’d really appreciate ur help i love ur blog !❤️
Hi nonny!!
So sorry for my delay! I’m not the best at understanding abbreviations, however, I think I understood your question. If I didn’t fully answer something feel free to send me another ask or message! 🥰
How to make links appear in your bio!
1. Log in to Tumblr: Start by logging into your Tumblr account.
2. Access the Edit Appearance : On your dashboard, click on the account icon (usually at the top right), then select "Edit Appearance."
3. Edit Your Bio: Under the "Website Theme" section, you'll find an option to edit your bio/description. Click on this area to begin editing.
4. Adding Links: To add a link, you’ll need to use a bit of HTML. The basic format for a link is:
```<a href="URL">Link Text</a> ```
Replace `"URL"` with the actual URL you want to link to, and `"Link Text"` with what you want the link to say
For example, if you want to link to a hashtag of your works, you might use:
``<a href="https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/yourtag">My Works</a>```
Replace `"yourtag"` with whatever tag you’ve used for your posts.
Alternatively you can look for the symbol of two chains connected in your tools bar when you’re making a post or doing edits. That will also let you hyperlink without having to type the coding.
5. Preview and Save: Make sure to preview your bio to see if the links are working as expected. If everything looks good, save the changes.
6. Check Your Blog: Visit your blog page to ensure everything displays correctly.
This should help them set up their bio with links to masterlists, tagged posts, or any other content they wish to highlight. Check out my other post ✨here✨ for how to setup a mobile friendly navigation page and how to hyperlink your tagging system.
Happy blogging and simming! ✨🫶🏻
💖 - Kaity B
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manoncomms · 10 months
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happy holidays, everyone!
with all of the celebrations happening during this time, i thought i'd throw this little sale out there for the next few weeks! currently, EVERYTHING on my blog is 25% off (all prices are in USD)! if you're interested in commissioning me, please send me an IM so that we can discuss what you're wanting and we'll move forward from there!
- roleplay icons, dash icons (set of 5), icon borders, icon templates - mobile banners, post banners (answered, asked, headcanons, etc.), promos, post dividers - theme background, theme code (i only code for my own theme backgrounds), with or without popups (individual or tabs) - screencaps - blog packages
more information can be found on my CARRD. please make sure to read my INFORMATION page first, as there are important things to take note/be aware of before you send in a form. please also note that some of the psd's i use are NOT MINE and that they belong to @jaynedits and @cerberuscommissions. more info is on my carrd regarding this.
for pricing information and other things, see below the cut!
100 icons: $6 now $4.50 150 icons: $8 now $6 200 icons: $12 now $9 300 icons $20 now $15 400 icons: $40 now $30 500 icons: $55 now $41.25 for additional icon prices/amounts, see carrd! on a normal basis, i offer up to 1000 for any one commission. if more is wanted, there is a $20 extra cost (for the sale, $15) for each additional set of 250 icons after 1000.
icon border/templates: - simple (basic border and/or basic blockquote design; limited text on the icon itself): $4 now $3 - moderate (a border for the icon itself, one image added in the blockquote area/more elaborate blockquote design, and limited text on or outside of the icon): $6 now $4.50 - elaborate (a border for the icon itself, multiple images in blockquote area/much more elaborate blockquote design, and whatever text you’re wanting [within reason, given whatever size the icon is]): $10 now $7.50 promos/mobile banners/other small graphics - post dividers: starts at $3 now $2.25 - promos & mobile banners: starts at $8 now $6 - post banners: starts at $4 now $3 screencaps - movie (1.5hr-2hr): $20 now $15; $28 for sorted caps now $21 - movie (2hr-3hr): $24 now $18; $32 for sorted caps now $24 - tv show (30min-1hr): $14 now $10.50; $18 for sorted caps $13.50 - tv show (over 1hr): $15 now $11.25; $20 for sorted caps now $15 theme backgrounds/codes - background only: starting at $15 now $11.25 - code & background: starting at $28 now $21 - basic popups: extra $3 now $2.25 - popups with bg images (individual links): $3 per popup now $2.25 per popup - popups with bg images (tabs): $4 per tab now $3 per tab packages - florence: theme image, code, 100 icons: starts at $32 now $24 - yelena: theme image, code, 200 icons: starts at $38 now $28.50 - billie: theme image, code, 100 icons, mobile banner: starts at $38 now $28.50 - lana: theme image, code, 200 icons, mobile banner: starts at $42 now $31.50 - selene: theme image, code, 100 icons, mobile banner, promo: starts at $42 now $31.50 - lucy gray: theme image, code, 200 icons, mobile banner, promo: starts at $50 now $37.50 - MCR: full blog makeover (theme image, code, promo, mobile banner, icons [amount is case by case basis, as well as how edited they end up being and if a template and/or psd is wanted], post banners, post dividers, etc.): starts at $65 now $48.75 wanting something else? need a different mix of items? feel free to I.M. me with any questions you have! i’m very open to haggling prices/what's included in a package.
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