#poto lego
flagbridge · 1 month
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Little Lego Erik working hard on his unfinished opera.
Mask designed and 3D printed by @differenceenginegirl
Custom build by me!
You can get them on Etsy: POTOLegos.
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nyaskitten · 1 year
its always SOOO jarring seeing my tumblr acc being talked about anywhere but here, or seeing discord friends send tweets of mine in our server bc i made a rlly cool point like NO STGOP IT MY TWITTER AND YUTMBLR SELVES CANNO COEXIST WHAT IS THIS
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mayantimay · 11 months
Di Antara Keramaian
Jadi waktu tgl 8 Oktober 2023, sudah sekitar 2 pekan yang lalu, di sore hari aku merasa sesak. Sesaknya karena marah gegara waktu pagi aku ada cekcok sama mama dan papa. Dan marahnya itu kebawa sampai sore. Pas sorenya, saat mama dan papa pulang aku ingin keluar dari rumah. Rasanya sangat sesak, pengen teriak tapi kalau teriak di rumah nanti masalahnya tambah runyam.
Akhirnya setelah masak nasi, aku buru-buru makan lalu mandi. Aku langsung buat rencana buat lihat sunset, tapi aku terlambat siap-siap. Jadinya, setelah mandi, aku buru-buru siapin mukenah, air putih, dan novel sambil lihat di jendela kalau matahari perlahan-lahan tenggelam di ufuk barat.
Setelah mandi, aku langsung minta STNK dan ditanyain sama papa dan mama mau kemana. Aku jawab aja mau sholat di mesjid CPI karena di rumah panas. Dan saat itu, memang cuaca juga lagi panas-panasnya. Syukurnya, aku dizinkan buat keluar.
"Aelah, dasar jadiin cuaca kambing hitam padahal lagi mau menghindar dan mau kabur dari rumah aja kamu." Ucapku pada diri sendiri.
Pas di jalan, aku sempat melamun sebentar, teriak sebentar dan akhirnya nangis. Aku menangisi diriku sendiri kenapa sering menyimpan dendam, padahal tau itu nggak baik buat diri sendiri dan orang lain. Aku menangisi skripsiku yang belum kelar-kelar.
Aku keliling dulu dan masih di sekitar CPI sebelum sampai ke mesjid. Saat aku tiba di parkiran mesjid, sempat poto-poto dulu sebelum pergi wudhu. Setelah sholat magrib, aku lama merenung di pelataran mesjid, memperhatikan wisatawan lokal yang datang bersama keluarga mereka.
Karena merasa bosan kalau duduk di pelataran mesjid saja, jadinya aku ke lego-lego. Mau beli yotta tapi antrian banyak jadinya malas buat ngantri. Saat jalan di Lego-lego, aku hampir nabrak ular karena terlalu serius nunduk main hp wkwkwkwk
Nah, aku dapatlah tempat buat pewe dan melakukan ritual merenung. Di bawah cahaya lampu, segarnya permen frozz yang meleleh, aku ada di kesendirianku di antara keramaian. Sesekali aku membaca novel yang kubawa dan mengamati keramaian yang ada.
Lucunya, pas lagi serius-seriusnya ngamatin bapak sama anak yang harmonis banget yang buat aku inget masa kecilku sama bapak, tiba-tiba ada celutukan "galau kamma" dari bapak-bapak muda yang duduk sama keluarga kecilnya yang nggak jauh dari aku sambil lihat ke arahku. Yang artinya kurang lebih "galau sekali". Ya aku cuma senyum tipis aja menanggapi celutukan tersebut.
Nggak bisa gitu ya, biarkan aku menikmati kesendirianku, merenungi apa yang terjadi, atau biarkan aku menikmati hal-hal di sekitarku (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Aku sering kok jalan sendirian melihat ramainya kota, ke perpustakaan sendirian, atau makan sendirian. Walaupun kadang-kadang ngenes dikit rasanya wkwkwk, tapi serius aku menikmati hal ini. Ya, kadang-kadang diri sendiri butuh me time.
Setelah perasaanku agak baikan, aku baru pulang setelah sholat Isya.
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strange-doll-child · 9 months
Do you have any songs you associate with the Organist or Shadow Piantist? Or any other ghost you like for that matter?
I have spotify playlists for both The Organist & The Shadow Pianist but most of those are just music w/ their instrument lol
BUT for songs I associate with the haunts 👀👀 Wellllll-
Master Gracey got assigned the song "Nothing's New" by Rio Romeo, it makes me think of him(Evil Dorian got a song or two as well, mainly the song "Not Evil" from The Lego Movie 2 lol) maybe a little bit of "For the Departed" by Shayfer James too
Ghost Host got three songs by Shayfer James, which are "Where We Belong", "Villainous Thing", and "Diggin' Up Hatchets" from the Counterfit Arcade album - Of course "The Family Friendly Noose Song" is also there like- Hdhsh
Give me the song Headless Waltz by Voltaire at take a hot guess/lh (Reminds me of Hattie and maybe the headless husbands)
Madame Guillotine from The Scarlet Pimpernel gives me Constance vibes. idk makes me think of her probably because of the beheading thing and literally nothing else heh
I have a Heartbox Playlist I'll leave it at that
VICTORRRR- I have so many songs for the organist heheheheh- the worst one I have for him is "The Art of Poisoning" since I picture he got poisoned heheh, "Angel of Music" from PoTO for obvious reasons dhhshd(For SLG!Victor we got "Secrets of Wysteria" by Steam Pianist and "Stuck Inside" by Black Gryph0n because child murder)
Charlie/The Shadow Pianist doesn't have a lot, but I do picture him with/to the song "Dark is Rising" by the Poly Sulfer Band, most of the music I picture for the attic pianist is just piano music thoughh
"Dance to Forget" by TryHardNinja makes me think of Victor and the ballroom, actually- I wonder why lol
"Weight of the World" by Shayfer James gives me a bit of Alistair maybe, maybe(Genderbend specific but Alicia has the songs "Nothing" by Emilie Autumn and "I Hate My Mom" by GRLwood)
"Phantom Dancing"(CG5) and "1000 Doors"(TheLivingTombstone) give me vibes of the mansion in general and "A Million Ways to Die" ofc- Oh! And "The Greatest Show Unearthed" by Creature Feature
"Concertina Ballerina" by Alternative Radio makes me think about Sally Slater, hehe
OOOO, I know "Trouble" by The Blasting Company makes me think of Ezra specifically- "Search Party" as well, but that can be for all 3 Hitchhikers
Fuckin uhhhh Phantom 5 has a couple I think to them about like "The Hearse Song" and "The Red Shoe Parade"(Specifically the English cover by Mothy)
"Stuck With You" by Voltaire gives me duelists, kinda, yeah, heh
Those are kinda all I recall, I do have songs I think of for my OCs, but this is kinda strictly canon haunts, heh
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leighley-o-the-lake · 2 years
VILLAIN SONGS!! I want 'em
this might only reach five people. Hello 5 people <3 o/
I'm trying to make a playlist! For villainous purposes, of course. I've already gotten most of the songs from Schaffrillas' playlist. Plus,
Poor Unfortunate Souls (Little Mermaid)
Be More Chill 1 (BMC)
Our Word (36 Questions)
Phantom of the Opera (PotO)
Dysentery World (TTO)
Alive (Jekyll & Hyde)
Not Evil (Lego Movie 2)
Oogie Boogie's Song and Kidnap the Sandy Claws (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Will Power (SR)
If anyone has any more hmu ! And/or enjoy Schaffrillas' collection, I know I did :]
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metamorphorestworld · 1 month
Selasa, 13 Agt 2024 entah aku ga tahu perasaanku sendiri berpuluh tahun mencintai hanya untuk mengemis🥺🥺🥺🥺menangis sepuasku lukanya sgt dalam aku bahkan ga akan sanggup untuk bertemu kembali aPapun yg terjadi dalam hidupku 🥺🥺🥺🥺 kenapa kau melukaiku jutaan kali, aku ga pernah merasa dicintai hanya kebencian yang kurasakan sejuta keraguan, cintaku tak hny pudar tapi hilang, sdh tak nyaman apalagi percaya kenapa harus dipaksakan 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Aku mencintaimu dgn sepenuh hatiku setulus jiwaku tapi dari jauh dalam diam bukan untuk bersamamu kusimpan sendiri kugenggam sendiri seperti dulu pun tak apa asal tanpa luka didekatmu🥺🥺🥺🥺
Endi poto mak bapakku sing tak kolase yo mosok kehps🥺🥺🥺menurutku cukong apik tapi setego iku ngloroi aku selfie 7th = hubunganku dgn cukong 18 Des 2017 opo 2018 se🥱🥱🥱 wuih iyo mak 7th online 🤣🤣🤣happy anniv mak ke 7th suwene ambek cukong kate lepas yo angel🤣🤣🤣🤣wis tulisen cek lego PLONG ya trus adus 🤪🤪🤪 wis a mangkel e mak sik mangkel kudu tak keplaki ae lek cedek setego iku🥺🥺🥺malih ga sido motong wortel gara2 nangisin cukong kesel aku🥺🥺🥺🥺
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avlewis · 1 year
On est seulement lundi et j'en ai déjà marre.
J'ai eu une bonne grosse journée de merde, je me fais klaxonner par un couple de vieux pas capable d'attendre 30seconde que des enfants passe xox ensuite, c'est un bus qui râle à cause d'un parents qui dépose son gosse, je suis pas responsable du comportement des gens désolé poto, il fait très chaud je transpire, on adore, je pègue (colle) je déteste ça, jai mal au pieds par ce que le médecin ma découvert un décalage de hanche, du coup ça explique pourquoi j'ai l'impression de marcher sur des legos h24, mère nature va pas tarder à arriver et j'ai envie de tout péter. Ma journée était merdique au possible xox. J'ai qu'une envie c'est d'avoir vite mes congés fin octobre.
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I own 2 victor buono action figures now
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flagbridge · 2 months
Phantom of the Opera: Lego Stop-Motion Version (Part 1)
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timebird84 · 4 years
🎄 PotO Advent Calendar 2020 🎄
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By @notaghost3​
Summary: Christmas is fast approaching and Christine still has no idea what to get Erik for their first Christmas. However, when inspiration strikes, she didn’t exactly ask for help…especially not from the cat.
Modern AU. E/C. Set in my “The Belonging You Seek” Universe but can be read just fine on its own!
Tangled Up in You
Not A Ghost3
The fairy lights in the store window twinkled white as they walked by, Christine’s eyes lingering on the decorations just through the glass.
“…I mean it’s our first Christmas as married couple- what do I even get him? It can’t be tacky; I don’t do tacky. I was thinking a nice watch, but he already has one and…”
Christine sighed and resisted rolling her eyes as she wrapped her arm tighter around Megs elbow. The crosswalk sign blinked red in front of them as it waited for the cars to finish passing. 
She thought she might scream if she had to hear Meg contemplate what to get her dearest husband for Christmas again.
But here she was, and she wasn’t screaming.
She shook her head; her own willpower to keep their friendship alive really surprised her sometimes.
Instead of screaming she just nudged Meg playfully to the side- effectively (albeit temporarily) shutting her up.
“Meg,” she said, firm in her tone but a smile on her lips. “Raoul will love whatever you get him. Because it’s from you.”
She emphasized the last word with a playful wink, careful to hide the bitterness that built like bile in the back of her throat. It didn’t do any good to let the past control her present or her friends. 
At least that’s what she’d been telling herself. And it was working…to some degree.
“Yeah, I just want it to be perfect you know? It’s a special one, you only get a first Christmas together once…I want it to be memorable,” Meg replied, practically dragging her across the street as the crosswalk light signaled it was safe to cross.
Christine laughed at that, stumbling to catch her footing on the other side of the street. “However it turns out, I’m positive it’ll be memorable…this is you we’re talking about.”
Meg rolled her eyes and readjusted the purse on her shoulder. 
“I know, I know…” then Meg got that look in her eyes.
That mischievous, I-know-more-than-I-should, smirky look of hers.
“Well, let’s not forget that I’m not the only one celebrating a first Christmas together, hm?” Meg chided, wagging her finger playfully in front of Christine’s face as they walked to the next store.
Christine couldn’t help the blush that she knew crept on to her cheeks or the way that she glanced down to avoid Meg’s peering gaze.
It was true. It was a Christmas of firsts all around.
“Yeah, yeah…” she smiled, shaking her head in disbelief. It seemed like only yesterday had been February and today was a week and half before Christmas—
She supposed time really did fly when you were happy. 
“Sooooo…what do you and Erik have planned? Oh wait! Don’t tell me…uh…ice skating? No, no he wouldn’t do that…um—”
Christine laughed, cutting her off. “Erik wouldn’t be caught dead ice skating, not in public at least. You know him. He has social anxiety; he doesn’t like people.”
Meg cocked a grin then. “Well he certainly likes one at least.”
Christine shook her head, her smile growing larger. “Hey, he likes you too, and your mom!”
“Oh I know, I know…but you know what I mean…” she trailed off as she unwound her arm from Christines and opened the door to the jewelry store she had next on her list. “I will say, it was a little strange with you two at first…I mean he held me as a baby—”
“Erik is not that old—”
“Well I was practically a baby, Chris! I might as well have called him Uncle—”
Christine raised an eyebrow at that, never having heard that one before. “Are you telling me you’re going to start calling me aunt or something?” She barely got the sentence out through her giggles as she eyed a pair of sparkling earrings in their glass case.
Meg’s eyes were wide as she turned back to her, mouth open. “Are you trying to tell me…” instead of finishing the sentence she wiggled her left hand’s fingers, pointing to her own sizable wedding ring.
Christine picked up on what she was implying before she could say another word. “Oh no. No. No, I was just saying that. We haven’t…we’ve barely talked about it really ah…no. No ring,” she flustered, eyes quickly finding anywhere— anything— else to look at to distract her from Meg’s prying eyes and smug smile. 
She wasn’t lying. There was no ring, no promise of marriage, and they really hadn’t truly talked about it. The word had been thrown into the air a few times sure but…they hadn’t even dated for a whole year yet, really. She didn’t want to move too fast and jump into things; she’d done that before and paid for it. As Meg was a daily reminder of. But that was different, Erik was different.
She felt like wherever he was she was home, and that was a feeling she’d learned not to take for granted.
Maybe she did want to marry him, maybe she did want the ring and the house and the kids and the perfect little movie life.
But maybe Erik didn’t.
She didn’t know.
“It’s only been like eight months since we started dating, Meg…” she shrugged at Meg’s now somewhat disappointed look. 
“No, I shouldn’t have assumed, but you can’t blame me for hoping— I just want you happy, Chris!”
She gave Meg a small smile at that before turning back to the same dangling earrings from before.
“Any idea what you’re getting him for Christmas?” Meg asked, coming to stand close beside her.
Christine shook her head, moving on to look at the next pair. “No idea. What do you get someone who can already buy whatever they want?”
Meg nodded. “I know the feeling…”
Christine blew out a puff of air, making a loose hair curl fly up and then back down in front of her face.
“Well doesn’t he like those nerdy things? What about some…I don’t know…Legos? Is that even right?”
She laughed at Meg’s willingness to help and shook her head. “He already has too many of those in his basement. He is an architect after all. Besides…I want something better than that, something personal, y’know?” 
It was Meg’s turn to shrug then, picking up a bracelet off a display holder. “Well, I suppose there’s always a watch, right?”
Christine laughed, but on the inside sighed.
A week and a half until Christmas.
What was she going to get him?
Christine closed the fridge door as she felt a pair of hands come up behind her, snaking around her waist.
“Well good morning to you too,” she chuckled, turning around in his arms and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
He was still in his flannel pajama pants and sweatshirt...it must be nice to work from home she supposed. She had dressed while he slept and she usually bid him goodbye while he was still in bed, his cat faithfully curled up asleep beside him.
He hummed against her.
“Did I tell you I found it?” He said, unlacing his arms and walking towards the laundry basket that sat in one of their kitchen chairs. 
She shook her head, popping the lid onto her coffee cup that she’d pulled out of the fridge. “No, what’d you find?”
He made a show of holding up his hand for her to wait as he dug through the laundry before raising a tattered clump of red yarn up in the air.
“Ta da!” He sang as he shook the yarn out, a long scarf tumbling out of the clumped form as he did.
“Oh Erik!” She exclaimed as she hurried over to the kitchen table, taking her scarf from his hands and wrapping it around her throat and tucking the ends into the coat she had already put on. (She was honestly running a bit behind and if she didn’t leave soon she would have to find a better excuse than “I lost my favorite lost scarf” because she’d already used that one and she didn’t like repeating excuses unless they were necessary.
“Yeah, I’m afraid Ayesha had hidden it by the washer with the rest of her treasures,” he chuckled, giving the cat that sat licking her paws on the floor the side eye.
Christine bent down and rubbed Ayesha’s ears (earning a side eye from the cat herself) “This isn’t a kitty toy, silly—” 
“Can’t really blame her, it’s just about in tatters, she probably mistook it for a ball of string.” He shrugged, straightening the clothes he had disrupted in the laundry basket.
She frowned at that, standing back up. “It’s not in tatters,” she was quick to defend the simple scarf around her neck, “it’s just…well-loved that’s all.”
She watched as he rolled his eyes and picked up the laundry basket of their clothes to go put away.
“Well loved or not, it’s looking rough. Why don’t you just let me buy you a new one?”
“No!” She said a bit too quickly, making him stop in his path on the way back to the bedroom of their apartment. 
“No, it’s special. My mom made it for me and…” she glanced at the floor, picking at the loose threads of her coat. “It’s really all I have left of her besides her locket. I barely remember her as it is and…”
She kept rambling until she heard the gentle clatter of the laundry basket being sent down and then there was a pair of arms around her again, holding her close. She didn’t cry, she usually reserved tears for when the pain of her father not being there anymore hit, but it still hurt.
A lot.
“Shh…don’t feel like you have to convince me. My own mother never made me anything, I didn’t even think about it. Don’t listen to me…” he trailed off as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head and then pulled back, holding her by her shoulders.
“Now you’re gonna be late if you don’t leave,” he reminded her, scooping the laundry basket back into his arms, and calling Ayesha to follow him. 
“I’ll miss you,” she smiled as she picked her keys up off the counter and watched him walk towards the bedroom. 
“I’ll miss you more,” he called over his shoulder before the door shut behind him.
But the words lingered in her mind as she opened the hallway door to her apartment and stepped out:
My own mother never made me anything…
She nodded to herself.
She had a very good idea what to get him for Christmas now. 
Christine had never knit anything before in her life. 
But here she was, red yarn and steel needles in her hand, “how-to-knit-for-beginners” tutorial video pulled up on her laptop in front of her on her bed and bedroom door locked in case of curious well-meaning eyes.
She could do this.
She’d already watched the video and it didn’t look that hard. It was just loops. And more loops and more loops and then a knot — she could do this!
Her first attempt was…less than useful. Her stitches kept dropping and she couldn’t understand why in the world the yarn was so tight around the needles. It looked so easy when other people did it!
She’d just have to start over.
And she did. Three, four…eight more times until she got a steady start and a few neat rows of stitches done. She held her work up to admire it, the Sunday afternoon light streaming in through the window. She took a moment to glance out the window, watching the snow as it softly fell. Maybe they’d actually have a white Christmas this year. It seemed like the snow was just narrowly skipping around Christmas the past few years and it would be so nice to wake up to snow—
She felt her pile of excess yarn uncoil from her lap and then a tug against her knitting needles. She raised an eyebrow and looked down:
Her yarn was gone.
“What the…” she looked around herself but then followed the taught string to the edge of the bed and then looked to the floor beneath it.
Ah ha.
Blissfully tangled up in the dark red yarn was Ayesha, chewing on one end of the string and batting a bundle of it with her back paws.
“Ayesha!” She whispered harshly, careful to not be too loud in case Erik realized she’d locked herself in their bedroom on purpose. She hadn’t known the cat was in here when she came in, she must’ve been sleeping under the bed…again. 
Ayesha merely stared up at her from where she played on her back, still attempting to eat a bit of the string.
“Bad cat,” she scolded as she reached down to wrestle the thread from the cat’s grasp (not an easy feat mind you, Ayesha had claws like a bear) and pile it back up on the bed with her. She wiped the wet string on her shirt; Erik wouldn’t mind, it was his cat after all.
“There now,” she said to herself, situating herself back into an easy pattern of slowly knitting and eyeing the yarn.
She heard a familiar “meow” and then the rustle of the comforter as Ayesha leaped up on to the bed, determined to play with her newfound toy.
“Ayesha, no,” she said firmly, pulling most of the string close to her side. “This is for your daddy, not for you.”
Ayesha slowly blinked back at her.
She swore that sometimes that cat and Erik made the same faces. 
She settled on gently batting the actual ball of yarn around the bed after realizing that Christine wasn’t going to let her have the loose string that she knitted with. Everything was going okay then; Ayesha was being quiet, her yarn stitches didn’t look a total hot mess, and Erik’s new handmade scarf was slowly coming together.
It was a few days before Christmas and she’d made good headway on the scarf, only having a few more rows to make and to be honest, she was quite proud of herself.
Maybe she should pick up more yarn and make him a whole set of things: a hat…gloves…a sweater…
She stopped herself there. Knitting a scarf only involved knitting in a straight line and maybe that was enough for her right now.
She pulled her coat tighter as she walked up the stairs to her apartment, digging around for her keys in her pocket as she neared her door. Erik was constantly thanking her for letting him move in, but she thought she might explode if she had to tell him one more time that she wanted him there. After all, she certainly wasn’t about to move in with Erik. 
He’d been living in his friend Nadir’s basement. 
Nadir had a wife and a baby nearly due and she was honestly the one who convinced him to move in with her. 
Though she knew good and well he still had a lot of belongings in that man’s basement. 
Nadir was a saint for putting up with him. 
She shook her head as she reached her door, putting the key in the lock—
She stopped.
She could hear a muffled voice on the other side — Erik’s — and some rushed footsteps.
Her door never unlocked slower it seemed.
Was something wrong? Had there been an emergency? She had just been thinking about Nadir and Mandy— had their baby come early?
“Erik?” She called out as she opened the door.
She didn’t see him.
“Erik?” She tried again, shutting the door behind her and poking her head into the kitchen. Not here either.
Her eyes roamed the living area until she saw it. 
A long red string. 
Christine’s eyes widened. 
She followed the trail of string all the way to the the bedroom door that was cracked open.
“No, no, no…” she whispered to herself as she pushed the door open, already dreading the sight of what she was sure would be waiting for her—
Instead it was Erik, back to her but facing the bed, Ayesha looking a bit too proud of herself perched on the edge of the bed.
“Erik?” She said again but was interrupted.
“Did you…” a swallow, “did you make this?” Erik asked softly as he turned around, half-unraveled scarf held gently in his hands. 
She felt the heat rising to her cheeks.
Of course the damn cat would blow her secret.
She nodded, coming to stand next to the bed with him. 
“Yeah, I…well it’s silly,” she tripped over her words as she sat down on the bed beside Ayesha, giving her a pat on the head to distract herself. “I was so sad that your mom had never made you anything and I treasure my old red scarf so much for that exact reason and well…” she looked up at him.
His eyes very nearly had tears in them, just waiting for the right moment to fall.
“I thought I’d make you a matching one,” she finished with a shrug before looking back at Ayesha. “It’s not that good, and this one keeps unraveling it and—”
“Hey,” his voice was low as she felt him take her hands in his. 
She let her eyes drift back to him and watch him kneel beside the bed, so he was eye level with her where she sat. 
“It’s perfect.”
And he looked so genuinely happy when he said it that Christine laughed in spite of herself and squeezed his hands. “Really? I can remake it—”
He shook his head as he put the scarf over his head then threw the other end around his neck, a purple knitting needle still hanging off on one end.
“How could I not love it?” Erik said, bringing his hands back down to hold hers. “You made it for me.”
Gosh she loved it when he smiled.
She bent forward and kissed him, still holding his hands tight in hers. “I just wanted our first Christmas to be special,” she breathed against his lips as they parted, feeling her own eyes start to well up with tears of her own (out of happiness or pent-up frustration that Ayesha had ruined her Christmas surprise she wasn’t sure).
“Christine any day with you is special,” he said in that tone of his that made her heart drop and knees weak.
She smiled and shook her head.
“Well, now I need to find you a new Christmas present,” she forced out a laugh despite the tears that now rolled down her cheeks.
Erik swiped at them with his thumb, holding her face in his hands before pressing a quick kiss to her forehead.
“Oh nonsense, this is Christmas gift enough…”
But then he winked and stood up.
“Besides, if you really feel like getting me something else, I’m sure Wal-Mart still has that Yoda Lego set I was eyeing up last week…”
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tearosesarts · 3 years
Happy 35th Anniversary, ALW POTO!
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Decided to throw these together. I didn’t have any Lego heads that would work as a half mask or a face for Phantom, so I had to go a more Leroux route and give him the Death Eater mask.
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robingurl · 3 years
About This Blog
Hello Everyone, I’m Robin Gurl. I’m a 35 year old fangirl who has been doing the fangirling thing for a super long time.
I’m in numerous fandoms but my main one and my main guy is Robin/Dick Grayson/Burt Ward from the 1966 Batman.
What Talents I Have:
I am a Graphic Designer by trade (I have a BA in Graphic Design). I can draw both digitally and traditionally. I am a self taught (going on 20 years) Web Programmer. I can 3D Model and I’m currently teaching myself Unity.
My other fandoms in no particular order: 1977 Hardy Boys, 1984 Voltron, 1985 Thunder Cats, Sailor Moon, Ronin Warriors, The Beatles, Ghostbusters (prefer RGB), POTO/LND, CATS the Musical (the original), Slayers, Ghost Hunt, Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji, Super Friends, TMNT (original), Hetalia, LOTR, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and more.
Games I Play: Harvest Moon (all platforms), Pokemon (since Blue) Batman Legos, Animal Crossing (both DS and Switch), DDR, Stardew Valley (Switch and PC), Nancy Drew PC Games, SimCity, SIMS, Hidden Object Games from Big Fish, Mario (since NES), Donkey Kong (since SNES).
This blog will have various reblogs from all of the above and some of the below (with more random things)Fall (season), Winter (season), Storms, Retro, Cottagecore, Various Anime, Various Yaoi/Shounen Ai, Shoujo, Stupid Stuff, Quotes, Interesting facts, paranormal, etc.
I LOVE ANONS. I do my best to answer every single one of them.
I am not the best tagger but I’m trying to get better. It usually depends on whether I’m reblogging on my phone or computer and what time of day it is. At night or very early in the AM its usually just straight reblogging.
I have plenty of side blogs which I will link below:
@thejoeisthejoe - My blog dedicated to Shaun Cassidy/1977 Hardy Boys
@tokiya-hayato-rg - A half dead / wanting to revive Tokiya/Hayato rp blog for Uta no Prince Sama
@robinboywonder66rp - An RP blog I'm trying to get up and running for fans of the 60s Batman.
@ectotapes - A ghostbusters blog for my OC Jesse Venkman. Reblogs include anything paranormal, creepy, and/or storm related.
@rgartblog - The blog that centers around my fan and original art
@robingurlshardyboyscollection - A blog dedicated to the Hardy Boy's books I own and how to collect them yourself.
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plush-anon · 3 years
Would you ever write... a Scooby Doo and Phantom of the Opera crossover?
Ooooo, that would be a tough one to do. I would LOVE to say yes... but I honestly don’t know what I would really write, if that makes sense. 
(now allow me to vibrate intensely in place and hyperfixate over two of my earliest and most influential fandoms for about a thousand words please and thank you)
As much as I love these two fandoms (and I REALLY do. POTO 2004 helped pull me out of a REALLY ugly spiral in middle school - I dare say my worst - and Scooby Doo was THE fandom I first wrote/posted fanfiction for), meshing them would be... difficult.
Some Scooby properties have already played with Phantom some - Stage Fright actually did okay on their Phantom monster figure, esp in that he was a spirit focused on ego and NOT obsessing over Daphne (like they’ve done in other films - thanks Music of the Vampire TT_TT) - though considering every OTHER misstep made in that movie, it’s a damn miracle they even got THAT right. And Be Cool Scooby Doo had an episode with a Ghostly Prima Donna that hits a lot of the same points - amazing opera singer who wreaked havoc on a theatre when scorned by the owners.
(And if you wanna get into the actor side of it, Lego Scooby Doo: Haunted Hollywood’s plot focused on the ghost of a Boris Karloff/Lon Chaney Sr mashup haunting the studio with his horror characters, with the unmasking being the Mashup Actor JUNIOR wanting to carry on his dad’s legacy, a la Lon Chaney Jr. Again, not a great movie, but the mystery/monster element was handled alright)
The meshing of the two doesn’t really inspire much plot to it that hasn’t already been done to pieces. If it’s just a traditional Scooby mystery at a music competition the Phantom is trying to control/ruin, well - just see the above examples.  Regardless of the rest of the movie/episode’s flaws, WB actually did okay with the Phantom-esque elements. If it’s a modern POTO retelling with Mystery Inc trying to stop the Phantom, then, well. It’s basically rehashing Sherlock Holmes and the Phantom of the Opera adaptations all over again (of which there’s at least five and a comic miniseries - no joke, those actually exist), but with wacky hijinks and a talking dog. Not much new or interesting there, IMHO.
It would be VERY tired, low hanging fruit to have Daphne get kidnapped as the Christine replacement, and Velma’s family history is firmly established in Germany from Frankencreepy (and while that movie has... many problems, Velma’s family backstory is actually pretty damn good on its own, barring some minor quibbles over details mentioned).
I guess you could do Fred as like... the descendant of Raoul and Christine? Christine was OG Swedish in Leroux, and Fred’s family is primarily blonde and blue-eyed by WNSD standards (I refuse SDMI on principle). There could be something about Fred being targeted by Erik for conflicting reasons, his spirit sent into extreme emotional flux with what was Raoul and Christine’s great-great something grandson, while another mystery goes on framing Erik for something else... There could be something there, but I wouldn’t be the one to do it; main reason being, I am NOT great at writing Fred. 
For me, Fred is a difficult character to write, period; I have a better time of it with the live action Scooby movies Fred because I can play around with the flaws (read: bashing in the first movie) more. Fred in general is a tough character to write bc he’s played as the straight man, the generic leader (tho I forever mourn my lost draft of my post-SCOOB AU mashup with Orpheus in Eurydice - I actually had him there! *cries*).
More recent stuff plays around with him being an engineer - BCSD played him up as a neurodivergent mechanic, and I love that one to pieces - or a charming enough if frustrating at times himbo (WNSD), or in some cases an obnoxiously jealous dumbass who doesn’t know how to use buttons or listen to basic fcuking instructions (Moon Monster Madness, Music of the Vampire, also WNSD) or occasionally the dude SO obsessed with the Mystery Machine he may actually want to fcuk it (Frankencreepy, Happy Halloween SD!).
On the whole though, he’s not one ever really associated with music except when forced unrealistically (see again, Stage Fright for the sake of Fraphne baiting that they NEVER fcuking act on in these movies, to the point it’s legitimately frustrating and cheap to pull - Stage Fright esp so, bc Fred and Daphne spend the ENTIRE goddamn movie talking about having feelings for each other, KISS ON STAGE, and WHAT do they do?!? WHAT DO THEY DO?!??!?! THEY QUESTION THE KISS AND REVERT BACK TO STATUS QUO GODDAMNIT IT I’M JUST WHY) or when the gang is suddenly a band (WNSD, Legend of the Vampire, a background shot with him playing guitar in Witch’s Ghost, BCSD Screama Donna) or both (honestly all of the above, though BCSD played it for laughs best with Fred on the drums).
The closest we EVER got to Fred being interested in singing/music was an old ‘Behind the Characters’ short Hanna Barbera made for Cartoon Network, where Fred admitted he used to be in theatre and loved singing tunes from Showboat.
So him being the tie to Erik feels like a dead end to me. Not impossible, but still just... yeah, not a clean fit in my mind.
As for Shaggy and Scooby... they have enough problems to deal with without adding Erik on top of everything else. ‘Nuff said.
So yeah, unfortunately I have to say no on this one. There’s nothing I feel like I could do in them that wasn’t already tired (as opposed to the ROTG/POTO mashups I thought up forever ago), but hey, that could just be me.
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harinopali · 6 years
Dulu kalok diajak ke matos males e jan MasyaAllah... Bukane apa cumak mall identik dengan foya2 dan hambur2 duit, secara adewe sobat miskin ngono lo kan, dadi yo hmm mending gak deh kecuali nontok byoskop...
Namun semua berubah semenjak rici ngajak poto box sing ternyata larang nemen 30k untuk 6x poto ngono lo... Hmm te mungga kaji ta?
Padal yo asline byasa ae, namun ternyata bukan hanya potobox yang menarik perhatian dari timezone matos...
Adalah permainan antem2an yang wajib disikat ketika berada di timezone. Selain lego, ternyata rekor terbaru kemarin adalah 9300, sementara aku wingi dengan keadaan tangan rodok mengsle dapat mencapai 8700-an...
Sekarang kalok ada sing duwe powercard (rici mostly) akan selalu kuajak nang timezone untuk menghantam permainan tersebut... Sumpa2 sungguh lego...
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metamorphorestworld · 2 years
Menuju 36th 🤣😁🤪😆🥱 berasa aku sik 26th😁😁😁😁
Menolak tua memang durung keriput rambut putih onok, anik sing srg eruh suwun yo mba anik dicabutno menisan tp sitik 😁😁😁 mek 1-2 ancene rambutku msh hitam legam berkilau, gadis Sunsilk jare bapakku🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Dilebokno maneh pacare 🤣🤣🤣🤣dititik dimana akhire aku merasa lek kon mencintai seseorang berjuang ojok lek wis oleh ditinggal mancing akhire direbut wong nangis ya 😁😁😁😁 emak kandani lho jarno wis Aslam ngombe bir bintang heh nuryati anakmu golek perkoro dw lho yo🤣🤣🤣🤣yowis tak jarno cek mati😁😁😁😁
Koq dipikir ya wis onok foldere dw koq beres sik tak cek e ya😁😁😁aku bercerita hampir menyeluruh iki engko sebuah catatan sblm aku bertambah tua fine sing penting tetap muda forever young💋💋💋💋
Wingi rudi bengok2 jarno akhire Endra gowo mobil budal mulih tonggo siluman (no sebut jeneng menuju hr bersejarah soale)🤣🤣🤣meneng cep lgsg opo adikku sugih duwe mobil ga silihan hasyik 🤣🤣🤣🤣 lgsg dulur2ku heboh Endra gowo mobil😁😁😁wis 3ulan ngeterno beras gowo mobil gaya,🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 babah cek ngene lho anake budi, pak mesemmo wingi aku numpak mobil pak🤣🤣🤣🤣
Kon kate mlaratno aku wong buka mobil aku dibengoki yup cptan engko macet mobil iki🤣🤣🤣🤣 sak sing ngarep sblh heboh lek nginceng 😁😁😁saking aku moto hasil karyaku wingi yo remek🤣🤣🤣 ngunu iku cek ga diremehno wong 🥰😘😍
Pembahasan ku ambek yuli ambek anik lek sekolah koq iso wong sugih iku yo ancene koq medit yo2 🤣🤣🤣 mosok arisan jajan turah rebutan koyok wong kaliren mbakyul mb anik, duh biyuh mbak ndek panggenku yo ngunu duh, sing oleh arisan kosan akeh mbak iwak disuwiri cemplungno jangan manisa duh biyuh 🌝🌝🌝🌝 ngunu iku nyumbang takjil ambek teh gelas tok disembah ya, kene gowo apem, roti kukus sak baki ganok Ajie yo🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wis ga negoro2an ya kabeh negoro lek onok wong sugih waduh dewa wis dadi Tuhan sumpah podo nyedek lgsg pengikut e akeh wis🤣🤣🤣🤣 iyo khan ga kaget biasa aku wisan ndelok dw😁😁😁 bahasanne nangdi2 ya fakta iku mek eruhku bu min Tlogomas koncoe mbokde lastri biyen ngongkon rudi benakno kosan iku apik, dadi riyoyo ngemili kastengel tak trusno enak kongkon gowo mulih onok wadahe taksimpen wadah toples kastengel apik, wonge mangan lalapan ayam kene yo ditukokno ditari maneh sampean lalapan ayam nopo udang lele 😎😎😎😎 keren wong sugih ngunu anake podo mbak elly kerjo ndek bank jatim lek apik tak sebut aku ngunu koq onok wong sugih apik ngene biasae mekikit 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Langka ngunu dan Endra ita mlebu koyok bu min ngunu iku😁😁😁 smg ya aku mlebu wong sugih ngunu ga tambah sugih tambah medit ya🤣🤣🤣🤣 cmn aku Wedi numpak mobil lbh nratap drpd wong sepedaan sepeda kari liwat mobil kudu muter ndelok arah menggok haduh ngeri, mlaku ae aman😁😁😁😁
Iso e mlaku yo mlaku sik, aku penak dr dulu tipe simpel iki bersambung sampe esok hari tak tulis ndek jami ambek sket uyah🤣🤣🤣 ambek wiridan berdoa nyumpahi keren wis ultahku menghadap Yang Memberiku hidup dan kehidupan💋💋💋💋💋 Ngerayakno ambek menungso biasa 😁😁😁opo maneh kon sugih pencitraan hbd plokoto2 🤣🤣🤣aku merayakan dgn Tuhan Sang Pemilik Jagad Sang Pemberi Ruh yang menjadikan ku dan terus menjadikan ku smkn kuat 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 hamba istimewa soale lek njaluk Gusti ojok udan durung nyampe omah Gusti 😍😘🥰 sip wis gaes😎😎😎😎 impian ancene duwe omah mburi masjid Jami Talun lek adZan mlayu demi jamaah wis suwe ket prawan tak tarik trus oleh di masa depan pas ultahku subuh wis jamaah nang Jami liwat mburi 🤣🤣🤣🤣 emboh saiki ga oleh lek ga wong kono biyen aku liwat mburi iso🤣🤣🤣 onok potoe ambek rama khan TK sblhe 😁😁😁😁
Runut akhire critoku ya kriting tapi pasti mene DapoeRismalaya dan sgl hal lainnya ok😀😁😂🤣😃😄😅😆 lego aku wisan mobil membungkam cocotmu hai tonggo siluman😁😁😁 opo mbok pikir ga duwe duwik wis ngejok maneh tha🤣🤣🤣 ganti fiber iri kon yo cek loro ati😁😁😁😁
Lali gaes, emboh rudi males kerjo wingi trus yowis terno aku nang Jami yowis deal jalan2 sampe sore lali iki🤣🤣🤣 sing jelas nambah 1 syarat dadi bojo tas ijo budhe naryo collection Wek e ideku handmade, emoh tnp iku pacar ae😁😁😁 ancene iku apik supercute sumpah 💚💚💚💚 dinotif ultah spt biasae pisan 😚😚😚 usai wiridan berdoa bersumpah dan kmrn sejak subuh hujan seneng sih yo😁😁😁dikado dr langit 🌨🌦⛅☔ emg se bahagia itu sih yo, dpt banyak pelajaran berharga juga sih ya 🥰😘😍
Hasil dr kekhawatiran berlebihan ketakutan berlebihan parno, oevrthinking ga cmn sumbing karena mikirnya berat darah naik kena otak bisa amnesia sbgn atau seluruh memori hilang🥴🥴🥴 imun melemah dan gampang terkena penyakit 😁😁😁 emg bnr itu jadi rasa syukurnya bertambah selain otw dapat rumah adl...smkn bersyukur hingga 36th sehat segar bugar tak kekurangan suatu apapun 🥰😘😍
Jadi momen ultah aku manfaatkan seperti itu kembali ke dalam diri apa2 yang bisa aku nikmati lakukan tanpa hrs nggoyo 🥴🥴🥴 tetap menikmati hidup dan berusaha yang terbaik bagi hidupku ini, dulu ibuku di umur spt ini terkena stroke kecapekan ga doyan makan mikir berat hipertensi akhirnya penyumbatan pembuluh darah sampe pecah dan merenggut nyawanya aku berjanji pada diriku sendiri aku akan sehat tak menyusahkan siapapun sampe aku nenek2 hingga ajal menjemput ku itu aku😎🥳🥰😘😍
Ga sekedar hura2 perayaan merayakan hari kematianku smkn dekat haduh🥴🥴🥴 setiap org mati, dulu pas kecil takut mati baca buku byk dr berbagai sumber tahu kalo mati akhirnya kita ktm Tuhan enak bisa berdialog lgsg aku ga takut mati, kalo hidup baik untukku ya hidupkan aku kalo mati baik untukku ya matikan aku, tapi aku ga mau mati tanpa bekal aku membekali diriku dgn sejuta ilmu, itu yang aku lakukan belajar dan belajar lagi memandang banyak hal dr segala sisi dari semua sudut itu yang aku lakukan🥰😘😍 smkn bijaksana memandang sgl hal dalam hidup ini, yaudah ga suka unfoll bukan selera ga se pemikiran menjauh males udah rame2 tengkar cari perkara, udah smkn dewasa smkn suka ketenangan smkn menyelami diriku yg terdalam🩲🩲🩲🩲 didalam sempak a mak💋💋💋💋💋
Just a human pny sisi terdalam terluar terliar pula cmn dan hanya seorang manusia yang asalnya dr tanah dgn komposisi nafsu birahi, segala nya terserap ke dalam tubuh kita, ada menuju cahaya ada pgn bergerak kesana kemari normal dan wajar karena manusia fa ngomongin ibadah halal haram agama cukup dirimu dan Tuhan yg tahu💋💋💋sbg manusia ya sudah sewajarnya saja marah sedih bahagia suka tapi jgn berlebihan secukupnya saja 😚😚😚
Udah sekian aku akhiri kutulis di tgl 4 Feb jeda 5Feb (perenungan) hingga hari ini msh deras dgn dobel garam🤣🤣🤣 hari ini tgl 6 Februari 2023 kuakhiri HBD to me wish Me
all the best 🥳🥰😘😍😎 harapan terbesar kerja di kantin sih ya pagi aja sampe siang sdh berusaha tp sehabis maghrib saya tak kuat kita lihat nanti deh gmn😎😎😎 gaji cocok ambil ga cocok ya seribu alasan yang jelas diberi kesempatan menitipkan dagangan demi DapoeRismalaya bisa berkembang dan smkn maju🍍🥝🥑
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fivenightsatcorans · 4 years
since everything's a little weird right now & most seem to be bored I thought we could play a quarantine game 💘 answer the following! 1. how has your day been? 2. what is the last thing that made you smile? 3. what's keeping you entertained these days? 4. if you are in some kind of quarantine/self isolation: is there anything you'd like to archieve in this time? 5. post a selfie! (if you're comfortable with that) 6. last but not least: send this to some mutuals to keep the game going 🥰
oh my god i am so honored to get one of these!! hfjfkgkgk
how was your day: my day has been fine in the 30 minutes i have been awake ig. planning on building some legos using lego software later
what made you smile last: the last thing that made me smile was probably either getting this ask or reading all the 48959million incorrect phantom quotes that i reblogged last night fjgkgk
what keeps you entertained: i’ve been doing a lot of work that i didn’t want to :/ but i also have been building legos, watching poto bootlegs, and writing my one and only completed fan fiction
self-isolation achievements: hm, nah, i mostly just want to chill. i guess i want to finish building this lego thing using the software?? but like,, i probably will today
selfie??: tempted,, but no thanks
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