#pov i’m taking my dogs out to piss and i just find a bunch of teenage girls eating their fucking friend’s corpse 🧍‍♀️
burricane · 1 year
Hey Yellowjackets, Northern Ontario isn’t some barren wasteland with no human life. You’re actually not even ten kilometres at most away from a 7/11 and a meth lab. I assure you, no one would be eaten in ritualistic cannibalism if they got lost
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spitelyrics · 2 years
Food House - Mos Thoser
Hey Spencer, this is Lieutenant [OINK OINK OINK OINK] with Berklee College police Ah, yeah I need to speak with you, either on the phone or in person Um, the school monitored a disturbing, um Tweet between you and Frack
(This is (???))
I feel like I'm a hot pink bitch named Breakfast (yeah) 'Boutta make a Girls Gone Wild spinoff called Twink Gone Reckless They wanna (bing-bing-bong) Take pics 'cause I made this fit and necklace They all swarm around me, I hold double ping pong ambidextrous
Kids distracted Listen to me while in class, I feel like Tetris Themboification, poison your mind and body, I'm asbestos If you see somebody with dyed hair Who smells like weed and does not care And they listen to snare That's how you know that they infected with that
New world order No more gods, only SOPHIE Y'all know God is trans So let's pray to her and stream Trophy Tonight let's do shit that gets us in cringe comps Make some new behaviors that straight people will infringe on
Tonight let's do shit that gets us in cringe comps Make some new behaviors that straight people will infringe on
I just want you to see I just want you to see The way we drag a bunch of people into lunacy Tonight no freakin' out Don't check my bank account Don't check my grades right now Just go insane right now
And Micah just told me I'm poggers I thought someone else was sellin' tabs and poppers Now I'm running through the streets like I am Frogger Everything I do, attention from these bloggers, I go home
POV (POV) You're an icon 'cause you're me Think about how many people know they're gay because of me Got that F R umlaut H, my whole crew gettin' guzzly Grab your man, he's trying to roleplay on me all snuggly
Restrain Before he piss me off too much and I complain You'll never get that fucking tarnish off your name You fuck with me, you'll have to find a different space Stay in your place Get out my face
I just want you to see I just want you to see The way we drag a bunch of people into lunacy Tonight no freakin' out Don't check my bank account Don't check my grades right now Just go insane right now
25, 25 minutes 'til I go on stage Warm the crowd up, tell 'em play nightcore Beyoncé Smoke in a dark green room like a séance, ayyyy Almost okay
But someone here gives me a rude vibe Vineyard Vines on, I bet you listen to Maroon 5 You wanna have a conversation 'bout my whole life I could talk but I gotta go They bark and pantin' for me, that's that Dog Show
I just want you to see I just want you to see The way we drag a bunch of people into lunacy Tonight no freakin' out Don't check my bank account Don't check my grades right now Just go insane right now
Sane right now, sane right now Sane right now, sane right now Sane right now, sane right now Sane right now, sane right now Sane right now, sane right now Sane right now, sane right now Sane right now, sane right now Sane right now, sane right now
Can Gupi turn the-
Give a fuck what my schedule says I won't give a fuck 'til I'm fucking dead Give a fuck what my schedule says Fuck Notch, fuck Musk, and I'll piss on Zedd Give a fuck what my schedule says I won't give a fuck 'til I'm fucking dead Give a fuck what my schedule sa-
Um, it's best you call me, uh, so we can stop this, okay?
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tauforged · 4 years
i feel like a hot pink bitch named breakfast (yeah) gonna make a girls gone wild spinoff called twinks gone reckless they wanna (bing bing bong) take pics cuz i made this fit and necklace they all squat around me i hold double king pong ambidextrous kids distracted listen to me while in class i feel like tetris themboification poison your mind and body i’m asbestos if you see somebody with dyed hair who smells like weed and does not care and they’re listening to snare that’s how you know they’ve been infected with the new world order no more gods only sophie y’all know god is trans so let’s pray to her and stream trophy tonight let’s do shit that gets us in cringe comps make some new behaviors that straight people will infringe on i just want you to see i just want you to see the way we trick a bunch of people into lunacy tonight no freaking out don’t check my bank account don’t check my grades right now just go insane right now and micah just told me i’m poggers i found someone else who’s selling tabs and poppers and i’m running through these streets like i am frogger everything i do attention from these vloggers POV (brb) you’re an icon cuz you’re mean think about how many people know they’re gay because of me got that f r umlaut h my whole crew gettin guzzly grab your man he’s trying to roleplay with me all snuggly restrain before he piss me off too much and i complain you’ll never get that fucking tarnish off your name you fuck with me youll have to find a different space stay in your place get out my face 25 25 minutes til i go onstage pump the crowd up tell em play nightcore beyoncé smoke in a dark green room like a seance ayyy almost OK if someone here gives me a rude vibe vineyard vines on i bet you listen to maroon 5 you wanna have a conversation bout my whole life i could suck but i gotta go they barkin pantin for me that’s that dog show
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Chapter 8; 5 years later
*Author’s note*
Hey all, well been a long time hadn't it? I am so sorry for this delayed chapter. I got so involved with other requests and then school that I had to set this aside even after getting half the chapter done already and then finally finishing it just a second ago. So I apologize for the ending of this chapter, I didn't know how else to end it but I hope it's not too terrible for you all. I hope to get the next chapter up quicker than this one but we will just have to wait and see. Anyways I hope you all enjoy this next part of Mother Raksha :)
*3rd Person POV*
Five years. Five years since Thanos had revealed that he had only used the stones after destroying half of the universe, just to destroy the stones.  The Avengers were devastated, families were beyond hope.  But as the saying goes; ‘Life goes on’ and for this case, it’s as best as it can.  People who had survived tried to continue to make a living.  
Some joined other families to help raise children that had lost their parents, some joined in group talks to discuss everything that has happened and how they are slowly trying to move on, however there are some that couldn’t move on.
They feel the guilt of why they are still alive and hundreds of others including those that they loved had to get snapped away into oblivion.  Why those people, not them?
At the Avengers facility, Natasha who had grown her hair back out and was back to it’s natural red state at the roots but at the end was the blonde hair she had sported five years ago.  
She sat at a desk cutting up her midnight snack, a peanut butter sandwich while on four holograms in front of her were as followed from left to right; Rocket and Nebula, Okoye and Morowa, Carol Danvers (who was sporting a new haircut as well, a sort of mohawk style hair), and Rhodey.
“Yeah, we boarded that highly-suspect warship Danvers pinged.” Rocket said sarcastically.
“It was an infectious garbage scow.” Nebula stated in disgust.
“So, thanks for the hot tip.” Continued Rocket as they both turned towards Carol.
“Well you were closer.” She said.
“Yeah. And now we smell like garbage.” Complained Rocket.
“You get a reading on those tremors?” Natasha asked Okoye and Morowa.  Morowa, sporting the reigning Queen of Wakanda crown on her head stated.
“It was a mild subduction under the African plate.”
“Do we have a visual? How are we handling it?”
“Nat. It’s an earthquake under the ocean. We handle it, by not handling it.” Answered Okoye.
“Carol, are we seeing you here next month?” Nat asked turning to Carol.
“Not likely.” Captain Marvel answered.
“What? You gonna get another haircut?” questioned Rocket.
“Listen fur face. I’m covering a lot of territory. The things that are happening on Earth are happening everywhere. On thousands of planets.” Rocket then began muttering in understandment, knowing that she was right.  She then turned back towards Nat and spoke the honest truth, “So you might not see me for a long time.”
“Alright. Uh, well…..this channel’s always active. So, if anything goes sideways….anyone’s making any trouble where they shouldn’t….comes through me.” They all agreed and then one by one each transmission ended.
*Morowa’s POV*
I removed Ramonda’s crown from my head revealing my newly short cut raven black hair.  I sighed heavily and leaned up against the throne.  Ever since that day five years ago, with all members of the royal family gone, I was forced to take the throne of Wakanda.
All the tribes have been trying to survive and adapt from the blimp.  Many of us lost family, for me it was like a triple blow.  I already lost my first family, with T’Challa, Shuri, (y/n) and Ramonda it was a double blow, and now…..Rauri and the Chimeras.
One day after Rauri, Dean and Mitchell returned from finding Thanos.  All of them were gone, the remaining chimeras all just left without a note or a word.  
And so far no one has been able to find them, I’ve had the remaining Wakandan spies that were still spread out across the world looking for them, I even sent out other Wakandans to find them, and so far nothing.
I refused to tell Nat because this wasn’t something she needed on her plate right now.  I knew the chimeras better than anyone, and they weren’t gonna listen to an Avenger, they needed the Alpha female’s mother.
“Morowa, you’ve done all you could do.” Okoye tried to assure me as I felt her hand at my shoulder.
“But is it really enough?” the doors opened and walking in was M’Baku and two of his Jabari members, Azizi and Kamari who were forced up the ranks after his true second and third in command were snapped away.
“My Queen.” He greeted solemnly in Wakandan.
“Brother.” I greeted back. “Any word?”
“We may have found something.” I looked at him desperately and he continued, “There’s been rumor sightings from one of my Jabari spies in Ireland, in a wooded area just 10 miles from Bristol.”
Of course, Bristol was where both he and Connor were from.  Guess he thought with the wider greenery passages, he’d be able to fit what’s left of the chimera pack there.
“Okoye, you’re in charge till I get back.”
“You’re going to find them?” she asked me.
“That or die trying.”
“Morowa, my sister. Are you sure that’s a good idea? When Rauri returned with Dean and Mitchell, none of them reverted back to their human forms. And in his mouth Rauri carried the body of Thanos. How do we know he’ll want to see you?”
“That’s the risk I’m willing to take. I’ve…..I’ve already lost so much in my entire life. Five years ago I lost twice as much. I promised (y/n) that I would look after her husband from doing something reckless. And you both know that I never break a promise.” They both nodded.
I grabbed my old Dora Milaje spear and wore a similar teeth collar that Shuri had made for T’Challa as an improved Black Panther design, however it would turn into my Jaguar armor.
I opened up a portal to Bristol and I turned towards my two friends and remaining brother and sister.
“I leave Wakanda to you till I come back. And if I don’t……the throne belongs to both of you.”
“Yes my Queen.” They both said in Wakandan. I crossed my hands over my chest in the Wakandan salute and they did it back to me then I stepped through the portal and closed it up behind me.
It was cloudy and foggy, not good weather for tracking down a bunch of grieving probably pissed off animals.  I walked along the acres of woodlands and ranging hills. I must’ve hiked for what felt like hours till I finally came across a pair of tracks.  I raced up to them and knelt down.  I stroked along the outlines of the paws till I realized that they were bear tracks.
“Dean.” I whispered.  I heard the sound of a twig snap and I quickly ducked for cover behind a nearby boulder and kept low.  I began hearing the huffing sounds of a bear and when I slowly turned to look past the boulder there I saw a great grizzly bear that was twice the size of a normal one. It was Dean.
He turned towards me but I quickly ducked back and I could hear him softly roaring and sniffing the air.  I bite my bottom lip as I tried not to make a sound, especially since I could hear his sniffing and growling coming closer.
Very slowly and as silently as I could, I slide around the boulder, in case he decided to peek over and would find me. But it wasn’t until I heard the sound of a dog’s howl in the distance.  Dean ceased his sniffing and took off running.
I looked over the boulder and trailed after him. I couldn’t let him out of my sight but through all the fog and mist, I could hardly see where I was going.  But using my mystical arts abilities it made guiding through the mist slightly easier as I tracked him down.
I didn’t want to suddenly cause a change in the weather, that would just startle him further and then I’d never be able to find him while also maintaining control of the weather.  I soon came to an open field and it was just dead silence.
No birds, no small critters, nothing not even the wind.
Suddenly out of nowhere I just felt something charging at me.  I leaped over in the air to see this giant mass of fur running under me.  I landed on the ground and soon standing well over 10ft was Dean in his bear form.
“Dean.” I said warily. He growled at me before finally roaring and leaned forward to swipe his huge paw at me.  I cartwheeled backwards and warned him as I took out my spear. “Don’t make me do this Dean!”
He suddenly charged forward his mouth wide open as he let out a roar so I put the handle of my staff between myself and his mouth as he forced me down and the two of us were at war with each other. He shook his head trying to take the spear away but I kept a strong grip.
I knew I had to snap him out of it, but at this point it was like all humanity was gone from him, all that was left was the grizzly bear.  So when I found an opening, I lifted my spear up with my left hand to ensure his head raised up, so that with my right I palm-strike him in the chest, in order to reach deep down and push his astral form out.
I soon saw his human astral form come out as his bear body collapsed right on top of me.  I let out a groan and tried to get his body off of mine.
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‘Wha—what the hell is this? Morowa how did—when did you get here?’
“Explain later.” I groaned out.
‘Here I’ll—’
“It’s no use. Your astral form is useless in the physical world.”
‘The what form?’ I groaned as I finally managed to get out from underneath the giant soulless bear.  I panted and as he reached out I told him to back up as I stood myself up.
“The astral dimensions is a reality where the soul exists a part from the body. Your current form can’t touch or affect what is out here in the physical world. You are in one of the billion realities known only to the sorcerers.”
‘So basically I’m a ghost?’
“In a way. But now’s no time for a sorcery lessons. Where’s Rauri?”
‘Wouldn’t we all?’ he said.  At this point I was confused.
“What do you mean?”
‘It’s exactly what I mean. No one has seen Rauri for over 2 years now. One morning Mitchell and I went to talk to him only to see a note telling us that we were in charge.’
“Goddamnit Rauri.” I muttered. “So where is everyone else?”
‘We made camp base about 5 miles East. Rauri said it’s along the very village where he and Connor used to grow up in. Thought it’d be the best place to live since it’s been abandoned since Hydra invaded their village.’
“Take me there.” He sighed heavily.
‘You sure about that Morowa?’
“From the moment you all came to Wakanda and were saved from Connor, (y/n) made it her responsibility to look after all of you. She’s my daughter and now that she’s gone, that makes all of you my responsibility.” Dean just looked at me grimly before saying.
‘Alright. But I warn you it’s not gonna be pretty.’
“I understand what I’m about to see.” I then slowly swerved my fingers into a fist lifting his bear body up which absorbed his astral form and Dean’s bear eyes soon woke up.
Instead of the soulless black ones, they receded and had a more human spirit to them.
‘Hop on.’ I mounted his back and he took off eastward.
As we now came to a clearing, what I saw stunned me.  For mounted along a pike of quills, claws and teeth marks was a skeleton of sorts.  A skeleton belonging to only one deity.
“Is—is that…..”
‘Yeah. The skeletal remains of Thanos. Since the rest of the chimeras didn’t get to have their fun, Rauri brought his beheaded corpse to us to have our own go at the bastard. Animals take grieving very seriously. We also have this up as a warning. To warn anyone still around who somehow venture this far to turn back, for here lies the beasts that ended the bastard who started all this.’
I felt a shiver of fear run up my spine as Dean walked further into the thick forest.  Already I could hear the sounds of animal growls.  Then I saw them.
The remaining big cat chimeras all lowly growled from their dens.  Already I caught some glimpses of bones near them, the same sized bones as from the Thanos display.  Their eyes were cold and soulless like true big cats eyes were as they all began growling and roaring as we walked past them.
“You weren’t kidding Dean.” I muttered.
‘While humans all around the world have tried to move on. Animals don’t. Thanks to these animal instincts the pain humans went through five years ago is ten times stronger. Animals never forget, nor can some of us forgive.’ We stopped at a small rock formation and I hopped off of Dean but stuck close to him. ‘You all remember our Alpha female’s mother Morowa.’
At hearing my name I only got roars and snarls in response.  Not just from the big cat chimeras but the crocodile ones, some of the ape chimeras all huffed agitatedly and I got thunderous rumbles from the elephant chimeras.
“You shouldn’t have brought her here.” We turned around and coming out of the darkness of a cave nearby was Mitchell. He definitely looked different the last time I saw him, he grew his hair out down to his shoulders and he started to slightly grow in a beard.  Around his neck was a necklace that looked like fingers.
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“Mitchell.” I greeted him with a simple nod.
“No offense Morowa, you can’t be here.”
“I know, I only came to talk to Rauri and find out where exactly you all went to.”
“I know Dean told me that Rauri left. And you have no idea where he could’ve gone to?”
“Not a damn clue. Though to be honest I think he couldn’t take the heat anymore. He think he’s the only one who suffered. We all suffered! I lost my girlfriend of over 12 years because of Thanos!”
“Alright Mitchell calm down.” Dean now in human form tried to hold steady.
“And you Dean, you’re whole family is gone. And you’re acting like it’s not even bothering you!”
“You think it doesn’t? My brother, my wife, my sister in law, everyone is gone from me. But if anyone needs to keep their heads on straight it’s me. And it should be you. You’ve always been the collected one while I’ve been the hotheaded one. So don’t you talk to be about suffering dog boy!”
“Alright, alright you two break it up!” I came between them.  “Look; no one has forgotten about all that’s happened. And I don’t expect all of you to forget and forgive just as easily. Your alpha female and savior was my daughter. I’ve already lost my real child and my husband years before I met her, and losing her five years ago was like reopening those wounds.”
Everyone was silent and that’s when Mitchell said.
“Then what do you expect us to do?” Honestly I didn’t know how to respond to that.
“Be there for each other. Cause all I’m seeing now is that you all are even more divided than five years ago. You’re all that’s left of your family. Don’t turn on each other.” At hearing my speech, the chimeras all seemed to let go of their savage animalistic instincts and turned to look at each other.
“And you two. Being the only Betas left, you both are in charge in making sure none of your pack members tear each other apart. I’ll try my best to find Rauri.”
“You promise you’ll find him?” asked Mitchell.
“I’ll keep you updated.” I hugged him and I whispered in his ear. “Just don’t fall off the deep end. Not again this time Marine.”
“I’ll try.” He said as he slowly embraced me back. I then turned to Dean and I hugged him.
“Thank you Morowa, for—snapping me back into reality.”
“My pleasure, keep an eye on these guys. They’re going to need you more than ever. You and Mitchell.” He nodded.
I hopped off the rock formation and the chimeras let me pass by.  Every now and then I stroked their heads in comfort or grazed their trunks and tusks as a promise.
As I left the forest that’s when I got a beep from my kimoyo beads bracelet.  I activated it and forming before my eyes was Okoye.
“What is it Okoye?”
“Nat just contacted us. She said her and Captain Rogers found something.”
“Found what?”
“A way to bring everyone back.” At hearing this my eyes widened.
“Tell me more.”
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bapyess1r · 5 years
Head Over Heels
03. Changes
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Samira’s POV
1 year ago...
“Fuck off, Javi!” I barked, slamming the door in his face. I was fuming, struggling to get the leash off of my dog’s collar. Imagine this: you’re going to get coffee before work and take your dog for a walk…. just to find your boyfriend tonguing down another girl in the park.
“Hey, hey now...what’s goin’ on here?!” My roommate Brazil asked loudly, her arms crossed defensively. Her girlfriend (also my best friend), Kelly, appeared behind her with a bat.
“Jesus, babe!” Brazil exclaimed as she scurried between us and looked into the peep hole.
“Javi?!” She shouted.
“Kellz? Tell Samira to come here, right now!” Javi ordered.
“Nigga what?!” Brazil snapped, twisting her face in disgust. “He just… Did he really just fucking say that?!”
“Wait- what happened?!” Kelly voiced.
“I was walking Masego and then I checked my phone, and when I look up from my fucking phone, he’s goddamn kissing some fucking rando at fucking Greenleaf!” I sobbed, hot tears running down my face.
“Shit…” Brazil mouthed.
“Go away, Javi!” I yelled.
“Samira, please! Lemme explain-”
“Explain what, bro?!-” I snapped. I was beyond pissed. I was shaking. Brazil came to my side, rubbing small circles into my back as tears continued to fall.
“OK! Maybe you should go, man. Just for a little bit.” She said, cautioning him.
“I’m calling Honey.” Kelly whispered to her beloved as she put the phone to her ear. She patted my shoulder as she moved into the kitchen off to the side so she could hear better.
“Mira! Why won’t you talk to me?!” I could hear him holler.
“Do you seriously have to ask me that shit?!”
“Baby she was NOTHING!”
“And that’s some bullshit if I ever heard it-” Just then, Kelly appeared, linking her arm in mine.
“He’s on the way with Wonho and Shownu.” She told us quickly.
“Alright, Javi, bounce bro! Jooheon is on the way with the boiiz and I definitely don’t want you to catch that kinda ass whooping cuz we cool man-” Brazil warned.
“You think I give a fuck about two chink ass muh’fuckers-” he snapped, banging on the door. Startled, Kelly raised her bat.
“Bro you’re deadass being DUMB- get the FUCK outta there! They on they way-”
“BRUH ION GIVE A FUCK!” Javi interrupted her. I looked into the peephole and he was turning red in the face; muscles straining and veins popping from his everywhere. His brows sewn to the middle as he paced in front of the door.
“That muh’fucker better give a fuck.” Kelly mumbled.
“Hell yeah. I’m not tryna be on the receiving end of Wonho’s any fucking thing…..except-” I began with a raised eyebrow.
“Girl that’s all of us. Even me. And I like vaginas!” Brazil joked, breaking the tension. We shared a brief laugh before I shook my head slowly into tears.
“I just don’t understand….. What did I do?” I bawled. I was truly at a loss for words. I was speechless. I gave Javi….everything. He was my first love, he took my virginity, he gave me a promise ring and swore in front of a room of people that he’d replace it with an engagement ring. I let myself be unequivocally me with him…. and he played me… for who? After a few moments of me crying my heart out in front of the girls, there was a jumble of voices outside the door.
“Ayo what’s good H-”
“Shut up.” I heard Jooheon’s voice interrupt and a light thump from the sound of a fist colliding with a jaw. There was a knock at the door and when Kelly opened up, standing there alone was Jooheon, cradling his injured fist. I ran to the doorway to look down the hall and see Javi being carried away by both Shownu and Wonho’s massive builds. “Are you ok?” He asked me softly, reaching out for me. Without a word, I ran into his arms and just stayed there for a while, crying. He hushed my tears and stroked my hair, kissing the top of my head.
Two Months Later….
There was a knock on my bedroom door but I didn’t answer. “Mira?” I heard Jooheon’s voice say from the other side. My heart jerked but I was too sad to move. “A bunch of us are going to the noraebang in Korea Town…. Wonho and Shownu are going and Maura’s just come from the airport….and your sister, Lydia is in town… she wants to see you, too…” he said trying his best to make me feel better. I huffed.
“Do I have to?” I groaned.
“Absolutely not, peanut, but we’d love it if you did…. I want you there too.” Jooheon said. I laid there and pondered it. It’s been a while now….. I couldn’t be this way forever. Javi made his choice and I needed to move on… I stood up and opened the door just enough to peek through.
“Will I get to sing La-Di-Da-Di?” I asked quite hopefully. Because who doesn’t like singing Mindless Self Indulgence?
“I’ll even make sure you have backup vocals. And I could beatbox if you'd like.” His eyes softened and he gave me the sweetest smile.
“I suppose I could make myself presentable….” I sighed. And with that I turned around to go grab a jacket and a pair of duck boots.
We parked on the street and he fed the meter before taking off down the street. After walking a block, we stopped at a building with a colorfully lit doorway. “Ladies first.” Jooheon smirked, giving a dramatized bow. I popped him on the back of the head playfully and walked down the illuminated staircase. We greeted the owner and Jooheon led me to the room they rented. When we arrived, I could hear them already singing Livin’ On A Prayer at the top of their lungs.The door opened and there was Wonho and Kelly singing loudly and terribly. Just two stepping and playing the tambourine, everyone around the room clapping and cheering them on. Brazil noticed me enter and the biggest smile appeared on her face as she came to hug me.
“I’m so glad you came….” she told me as she gently squeezed me. Shownu’s gentle but stoic face displayed for once a smile. He opened his long arms to me from the red leather couch.
“Come here, booger.” He said sweetly and I ran to jump into his lap, curled up in his embrace as he rocked me to the rhythm of the music. When I looked over, sitting next to him with her arms crossed and a nervous expression was my sister, Lydia.
“Hey, sis.” She said with a small smile.
“Dia. Hi.” I said in surprise.
“I’m sorry to hear about you and Javi…” she said looking down. “Really I am.”
“I’m not…. he didn’t want me anymore and he wasn’t man enough to say so.” I said in a stale tone as I slid off on Shownu’s lap to sit between them.
“I’m glad to hear you’re ok.” He said patting my head.
“Oh no, I’m on the verge of killing myself but I don’t wanna die yet. I refuse to let him be the reason that I leave this earth. I….refuse…” Tears began to spill past the barrier as my friends’ song came to an end and the others came rushing to me. Kelly sat in my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck tightly, sobbing as I sobbed. But then I began to laugh. “Hey now!” I said looking around at the red and blubbering mugs around me. “Y’all look like shit! And red and….wet faced and…” My eyes ghosted over them all and landed on Jooheon. His eyes were red and swollen and he wiped his tears away with a sleeve. “Like someone kicked your puppy! I’m gonna be fine. I promise.” I reassured everyone except myself. Would I be fine? I didn’t know what to do with myself now. Everywhere I went reminded me of him…
“How about a song to cheer you up?” Wonho asked in his gentle but deep voice. Paired with that sweet smile of his, I couldn’t say no. And with that, we commenced karaoke night.
An hour or so passed and I was beginning to lose my voice from screaming and singing and laughing so much. I was having a great time for the first time in a while. I looked around at my friends faces and they were all drunk and happy. All except my Lydia. It wasn’t like her to not participate in karaoke. At any event. She seemed stuck in a way. Like she was nervous to make a decision. And she stayed buried in her phone, texting. I chewed my bottom lip and walked over to sit by her side. “Hiya sis!” I exclaimed with a flop on the couch. She looked startled and suddenly became flustered.
“Samira! Hi! I was looking for you…” she mumbled. I side eyed her a bit.
“I was...standing right in front of you basically… The room’s not that big.” I stated, awkwardly.
“Oh! So you were…” she trailed off and began fidgeting with her fingers. Something was wrong…
“Are you ok?” I asked her as the fear of something bad sat in my chest.
“Is there any way we can talk outside?” She asked me. I stared at her with empty eyes as I nodded and we both left for the hall without notice. But I’m sure they saw.
When I closed the door, the loud music thumped a muted bass line on the other side. Lydia pushed her long, wavy brown hair behind her ear and cleared her throat, taking a deep breath afterwards. She pulled the sleeves of her long orange cardigan over her hands and crossed her arms, staring at the ground. “What did you wanna talk about?” I asked. She sat back in her hips and held her head high as she looked at me to speak.
“Well… Samira. There’s no easy way to say this so I’ll just come out with it…..” she began in a shaky voice. I frowned, knitting my brows together tightly and flaring my nostrils. My heart was beating faced and my fists clenched up as I prepared to hear the news. “I…. I….” Her lips began to tremble and she seemed to cease breathing. “It was me.”
“Huh?” I asked confused.
“It…. it was me… Javi was kissing me at the park. It was me, Samira….” she said hanging her head, tears dripping onto the floor. I wasn’t sad as much as I was angry. I had so much rage boiling inside me that I was shaking; I couldn’t speak properly. I was just a stuttering mess.
“Y-You….” I lifted a shaky finger to point at her, stammering.
“Mira, I’m sorry…. I’m so so sorry-” And like a switch, I almost became someone else. My hand grabbed a fistful of her sewn in hair and threw her to the floor, screaming. I don’t know what happened in the next two minutes. But when I came to, Wonho was holding me by the waist, suspending above the ground; kicking and screaming and yelling. My hands hurt and my eyes burned. My sister was on the floor, disheveled and shaky, crying. Her lip was bleeding and she had a few marks on her face that Shownu was looking at and tending to. Kelly was in front of me trying to grab my attention as Wonho dragged me away, Jooheon standing between us all looking at us in shock.
“Calm down, booger-” Wonho said in a hushed tone, restraining me like a wild animal with rabies.
“I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!!!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.
“OOOOKAY!!!! Honey! Close out the tab, karaoke is done. Now!” Kelly barked, following Wonho as he carried me out. “And meet me at the crib.”
Author’s Note:
I hope you guys aren’t disappointed yet. There is a part two of this chapter coming soon. Pls keep reading 🥰
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90sgrungestory · 6 years
Chapter 4: Eddie's POV
A/N: This chapter’s a little longer and I’m too tired to come up with a longer author’s note, so please enjoy and leave feedback!
                Eddie is bored.
                He’s been sitting on this hard, lumpy couch for forty minutes, because somehow, they’re still waiting for Stone. Jeff finally called him, but Eddie still is ready to go home, and extremely pissed at the guitarist. He silently wishes he was actually the leader of the band and not a newbie so he could chew him out, but oh well.
                As soon as Eddie sees Stone walk in he feels horribly guilty for being mad at him – Stone looks like a zombie. He barely seems to notice everyone staring, just blankly walks over and picks up his guitar, seemingly waiting for instruction. No one else moves and after a moment Stone seems to notice.
                “Are we practicing?” he murmurs, glancing around hesitantly and then quickly back down. Jeff frowns.
                “Stone, you okay?” he asks softly, touching Stone’s arm. Stone jumps slightly, looking at his hand, and then nods uncertainly. Jeff still looks concerned, but turns back to the band. “Okay, let’s get started,” he says, and Eddie finally, finally gets off the couch.
                They play a couple of songs, and it’s painfully obvious that Stone is operating entirely on autopilot, making frequent mistakes and not even seeming to notice. At one point, Eddie is going over a drum part with Matt when Stone starts noodling around on his guitar. Eddie doesn’t notice much or recognize the song, but Jeff makes a funny noise and when Eddie looks over his face is completely white.
                “Stoney, what the fuck are you doing?” he says shakily, and when Stone doesn’t react Jeff suddenly grabs Stone’s guitar and rips it off of him, causing Mike to yell out an angry “Jeff!” in shock. Stone crosses his arms tightly, staring at the floor, as Jeff stands in front of him, fuming. He lunges forward suddenly and Eddie jumps, thinking he’s going to punch Stone, but then he pulls Stone into a tight hug instead and Eddie looks around in confusion, wondering what he missed. Mike seems sad, but Matt looks equally baffled. Eddie glances back at Stone and Jeff and realizes Stone is crying, a couple of tears trickling down his cheeks as he sniffles. Jeff’s eyes are red too and Eddie is starting to get frustrated. He quietly scoots closer to Mike.
                “Are they okay?” he whispers, and Mike jumps. “That song was a Mother Love Bone song,” he whispers back, and Eddie winces. “Should we do anything?” he asks quietly, and Mike shakes his head.
                “I miss him,” Stone says suddenly, making Eddie startle, and Jeff utters a soft, “me, too.” He glances back at the others. “I think we’re probably done for today,” he mutters, and Eddie nearly sprints out, feeling a little sick. He hates seeing people cry.
                It suddenly occurs to Eddie that Jeff was his ride and he nearly cries himself at the thought of having to pay for a taxi back to his apartment. He paces in the parking lot for a minute, gripping his hair and fighting back tears, before he decides to just start walking home; he thinks for a second he could call Beth, but there’s no phone inside the warehouse and she’s at work anyway.
                It takes Eddie almost two hours to walk the ten-minute drive back to his apartment, and by the time he gets back he’s sweaty and exhausted. So of course Beth calls him the second he gets inside and sinks down on the couch. Eddie almost doesn’t answer, but then he thinks of everything she’s done for him and reluctantly picks up with a mechanical “hello?”
                “Eddie! You will not believe this! Okay, so you know how I was telling you about that thing the other day –”
                “Beth, what do you want?” Eddie snaps, and immediately feels tears well up in his eyes at the guilt. “Sorry,” he mutters, not waiting for her reaction, “just a bad day.”
                There’s a brief pause, and Eddie wonders if she’s mad at him. Then, Beth says, “I’m coming over,” and hangs up.
                Eddie groans out loud, dropping the phone on the floor, and curls up on the couch, tugging up a blanket and hugging his cat close. He flips on the TV and stares at it blankly, vowing not to move again until he absolutely has to. Unfortunately, that doesn’t take long. The doorbell rings about two minutes after he’s finally settled in, and he just yells out, “come in” because he doesn’t feel like getting up. Beth rushes in immediately and sits down next to him, rubbing his back.
                “Hey, what happened?” she asks gently, and Eddie hesitates, realizing how stupid it would sound to say that he’s this pissy because he had to walk home. He releases Bruce and sits up a little, but still doesn’t talk. Beth gives him a look.
                “I don’t know,” he mumbles finally, giving in, and Beth sighs.
                “Eddie, come on,” she says, shaking his shoulder lightly. “Is it money still? Because I’ve been asking around, and I think I can get you a job at that new restaurant, the head chef is friends with my boss.”
                “It’s not that – I mean, yeah, it is, but not right now,” Eddie says miserably. “I just don’t feel well, okay?”
                “Eddie,” Beth says kindly. “I know you. If I don’t drag you out of this funk, you will mope forever.”
                “Go away,” Eddie says, but his lips quirk up despite himself. Beth giggles.
                “Here,” she says, smiling at him, “I brought you a bunch of musicals and gummy worms. What do you want to watch first?”
                Eddie smiles as he accepts the bag of gummy worms. “Did you bring the Sound of Music?”
                Five hours, two pizzas, one six-pack and a big bag of gummy worms later, Eddie feels significantly better, although he does partly blame that on the beer. Beth is asleep under a blanket on the floor, and Eddie is stretched out on the couch, nibbling on the last gummy worm and watching the ending credits of Singing in the Rain. The phone rings loudly and Eddie sighs a little; his night has gone so well that he doesn’t want it to be tainted, and nobody would call him at midnight just to chat.
                “Hello?” he asks cautiously, and nearly faints at the voice that greets him.
                “Hello, Eddie,” his mother says, and Eddie frantically kicks Beth until she wakes up with an irritated grunt. “What the fuck, Eddie –”
                “Shhh!” Eddie hisses, gesturing frantically, and she shuts up as Eddie puts the phone on speaker. He needs the support.
                “What do you want, Mom?” he asks, so Beth knows who he’s talking to, and her eyes widen.
                “Eddie, unfortunately I didn’t call to chat,” his mother says, sounding a little sad. “Your father’s in the hospital, and you need to come see him. He’s not doing well.”
                “Maybe because he’s dead,” Eddie snaps, and hears his mother sigh. “Oh, wait, did you mean my stepfather? Because I think you misspoke.”
                “Eddie, please don’t be cruel to me,” his mother says, and Eddie laughs.
                “Oh, I’m being cruel to you? That’s funny,” Eddie says icily. “And I’m not visiting him anyway.”
                “He didn’t do anything to you, Eddie,” his mother sighs. “Do you really want his death on your hands?”
                “What?” Eddie nearly chokes. “So if I don’t go visit him, all of a sudden it’s my fault he’s dying?”
                “I did not say that, Edward,” his mother says sharply. “Do you have no empathy for a sick man?”
                “At least you got one thing right, he’s definitely sick,” Eddie spits, and Beth high-fives him, nodding vigorously. Eddie’s mother sighs again.
                “I can see I’m not getting through to you,” she says, and Eddie snorts. “I don’t know what we ever did to you to make you hate us like this…”
                “You don’t know what you did –?” Eddie pulls the phone away from his ear in his disbelief. After a minute of listening to his mother’s tinny voice he finally just hangs up and tosses the phone on the floor, rubbing his face tiredly. Beth watches him in concern.
                “Still okay?” she asks cautiously, and Eddie nods.
                “I hate her,” he says, unable to think of anything else to say. Beth reaches over and squeezes his hand. “At least you have me,” she says jokingly, and Eddie smiles weakly.
                “Hey, do you mind if I spend the night?” she asks, settling back down under her blanket. “I basically just ran over because Chelsea blocked my car in again, and I don’t really want to walk home this late.”
                “Yeah, of course, just take the bed,” Eddie says quickly. Beth shakes her head.
                “Don’t be an idiot, Eddie, I’m not taking your bed,” she says calmly, scooting closer. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”
                “No, you won’t,” Eddie says with a tiny smile, feeling himself relax slightly. Beth can always make him feel better. “I’m a gentleman, remember?”
                “So am I,” Beth giggles. “And I can easily out-gentleman you.”
                “Oh, sure,” Eddie smirks. “You’re talking to the guy who holds doors open for dogs.”
                “You have no proof,” Beth says, grinning at him. “But, if you were a real gentleman, you’d probably get me more beer…”
                “How can I refuse a fellow gentleman?” Eddie heads into the kitchen and digs through the fridge until he finds some animal beer in the back. He brings them back and Beth pretends to gag.
                “You’re going to make a gentleman drink that shit?” she laughs, and Eddie rolls his eyes.
                “There is nothing wrong with animal beer,” he says, pretending to be offended. “Many broke college students drink this.”
                “Oh, that makes sense, considering you’re a college student,” Beth says sarcastically, taking the beer. Eddie shrugs.
                “I’m college-age, so it still counts,” he says lightly, opening his own beer. Beth snorts.
                “Hardly,” she says. “I’m taking the couch,” and Eddie figures there’s no point in arguing. Beth is incredibly stubborn.
                “Fine,” he says, smiling at her, and drinks his beer.
                The next morning, Eddie wakes up with a raging headache and the feeling that something is very wrong. It takes him less than ten seconds to realize what it is – Beth is laying in bed next to him.
                “Oh, God,” Eddie whispers, yanking the sheets back. They’re both completely, totally naked, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened. He half-considers dressing Beth while she’s still asleep and pretending nothing happens, but even the thought feels a little rapey so he just gets dressed and leaves her to figure it out on her own, like the coward he is.
                Eddie sits on the couch for twenty minutes, trying to figure out what to do, before he hears Beth stirring in the bedroom and panics. He jumps up, nearly faints in a bout of sudden dizziness, and then regains his bearings and bolts, literally jogging down the street in his white T-shirt and flannel pajama pants.
                He makes it a couple of blocks before he has to stop to throw up, and he remembers too late why he hates animal beer. A car pulls up next to him and the window rolls down, and Eddie identifies it as Stone’s car, but it’s an unfamiliar voice that calls, “Need a ride?”
                Eddie whips around, wiping his mouth, and sees Chris leaning out the window. He pauses for a second, and nods, climbing in the passenger’s seat without a word. Chris glances at him, frowning a little as he pulls out.
                “Where’re you headed? Also, are you going to throw up in Stone’s car? Because if you do he’ll probably kill me.”
                “Nah, I’m just a little hungover,” Eddie mumbles. “Animal beer,” he adds, and Chris nods in understanding. “Also I think I had sex with my best friend,” he says suddenly, and Chris’s eyes widen.
                “Oh. Is that bad?”
                “Yes. I mean, I think so,” Eddie mumbles, suddenly embarrassed. “I think we might be kind of dating anyway, but we’ve never really talked about it or anything.”
                “Ah,” Chris says. “I guess I’ve never had that problem.” Eddie glances over and sees that Chris’s eyes are red and puffy, and he looks wiped out.
                “What are you up to?” he asks hesitantly, hoping it isn’t too invasive, and Chris shrugs.
                “Just driving around, I guess. Stone’s acting a little weird, I think he might be mad at me, but he won’t let me go home either, so I’m just avoiding him for a little while. Did you want to go anywhere specific?” His tone makes it clear he’s not going to say anymore about it, and Eddie figures he should just stop asking questions.
                “Uh, no, not really. I’m just avoiding the friend,” he says with a weak smile. “You don’t have to keep driving me around though, you can just drop me off wherever.”
                “No, it’s fine,” Chris says, and turns on the radio. “Just let me know if you see anywhere you want me to stop at.” Eddie nods and settles down, trying to relax and not ask anything rude or invasive. He can only handle the silence for about five minutes before he blurts, “Wow, it’s nice out today.”
                “Yeah,” Chris agrees after a moment, not even glancing at him. Eddie stares out the window. He can’t help but feel like Chris hates him, but then he feels a little dramatic – after all, Chris did pick him up and offer to drive him around for an indefinite amount of time, and he had thought that Chris liked him when they first met. He vows to stay silent until Chris says something, and the next time he sees a coffee shop or maybe a bar, he’ll get out.
                “I’m sorry,” Chris says suddenly, and Eddie jumps. “I know I’m being a little cold.”
                “No, no, it’s fine,” Eddie says quickly. Chris shakes his head.
                “I’m being an ass,” he says with a slight smile, and Eddie laughs weakly. “It’s fine,” he says again, and this time Chris just smiles and nods slightly.
                “You should talk to your friend,” he says suddenly. “I mean, it’s up to you, obviously. But it’s usually better to just deal with it right away.”
                “Yeah, maybe,” Eddie says hesitantly. “But I don’t really have any friends here aside from this person, and I just don’t really want to mess it up.”
                “What about the band?” Chris asks, and Eddie hesitates before answering.
                “They’re… nice,” he says slowly. “But they’re all really close friends, and I just don’t really… fit in, I guess.”
                Chris glances at him and then grins. “Okay,” he says, “I’ll introduce you to some people, and then you’ll work things out with your friend. Deal?”
                Eddie’s wondering why Chris is being so nice, but then he decides he shouldn’t question it. “Deal,” he says, and smiles back.
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shanastoryteller · 7 years
SHANA HOW DO YOU START WRITING A STORY? I have the idea of how it will end and a VERY BASIC plot, but I've never attempted to write an actual book before and all I have are half-finished stories. How do you start the first chapter and plan for plot-related scenes? How do you weave a narrative out of the tiny bits of actual story I have? Any advice here? :(
oh wow i’m just the WORST at advice!!!
but i talk here about my horrible and messy writing process when it comes to starting a story
and i’ve talked about my shit outlines before, but i guess here take a some examples?
under the cut i’ll put my outlines for cut from the same cloth and chapter three of survival is a talent. idk if can really recommend planning this way because it’s … a disaster, but it’s the way that works best for me ???
also i want no sass from any of you about my horrible outlines, YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SEE THEM THEY’RE JUST FOR ME, but i’m making an exception and posting them just as an example of how i plan stories, because i get a lot of asks about it
especially with survival is a talent, you can see my final product deviates from my outline A LOT. so i’m also very against sticking to your outlines. 
also, honestly, if it’s under 10k i … probably didn’t even do an outline. i didn’t write a single thing down when i was writing an invincible summer until the partway through third chapter, so more than 50k into writing it
anywho, here you go, i hope this helps???
arranged marriag au
izuku attended UA in the general mprogram, and eventually switched to support
he got one for all when he was 13 and kept it a secret for Reasons
all for one is maybe probably dead? no he’s the big bad. but he hasn’t been active.
all-might is the only dad he’s ever known, his real dad being very absent. inko isn’t thrilled about the turn her sons life has taken, and has a kinda strained relationship with toshi, but she knows her son loves and respects him and she can’t deny him that
all-might’s issues with his form aren’t as bad, and they’re a huge secret - no one but the ua teachers and some other people know. endeavor finds out and threatens to tell everyone, unless izuku marries his son. toshi is fucking pissed that endeavor would even propose that, but izuku doesn’t even have to think about it. he agrees instantly.
his best friends are mei hatsume and hitoshi shinso. bakugou is his best best friend.
he acts under the secret identity deku as all-might’s sidekick. bakugou is also a side kick, and one of the few people that know all his secrets. also one of the few people that are publically known to know both izuku, his childhood bff, and deku, his fighting / hero partner.
his cover is working with mei in her support items company, and he actually does contribute a large amount to that. todoroki thinks he has an intelligence quirk.
everyone thinks izuku has the same quirk as nedzu (high spec), just to a lesser degree, and that he just thought he was quirkless until he went to ua and nedzu took an interest in him. in reality it’s just a cover and he really was quirkless, but now he has one for all.
bakugou to todoroki: he has the same quirk as principal nedzu. if i’m worried about someone, it’s not going to be midoriya.
shouto takes midoriya to this hero social thing, and watches him and bakugou interact, and is like um???????? and everyone is like uh okay, this is fine, it’s nothing to worry about i’m sure.
they go home, shouto is jealous but feels like he doesn’t even have a right to be jealous, and midoriya is like, well, i was hoping to dance with you actually, or sometihng equally sappy, and then they have sex
the just. have a lot of FUCKING sex.
someone kidnaps midorya because he’s shouto’s husband, and a bunch of other people, and the truth comes out when he fucking DESTROYS them
midoriya tells shouto the whole truth, and he has shouto’s mom move in with his mom, and izuku and shouto live happily ever after
oh also deku officially comes out as deku
so, background pairings: aizawa/hizashi, tenya/mei, kirishima/bakugou/uraraka
add in scene where pro heroes are called away “should we all really be going?” “we’re leaving the sidekicks behind, it’ll be fine.”
bakuou discovering his mom has been take. mei being taken for tenya. others. uraraka’s parents. didn’t take someone for everyone, only the top sidekicks.
todoroki did get a message - they’re broadcasting everything. they’re all gathered in izuku’s house. todoroki is a mess. the rest of his family show up. inko and yukiko are fast friends, even in a criss.
bad guy monologue. izuku being like wtf?? discovers all for one is in charge.
shinsou, bakugou, and inko trying to come up with reasons to do nothing. bakugou wants to charge in, even though it’s a trap, but shinsou tells him they’re fine, they don’t know. bakugou is worried that izuku will choose to protext his secret over over saving everyone.
heroe are on their way back. they don’t know what’s going on.
once izuku gets confirmation that all the hostages are in the room with him, he goes wild. hand guy is about to touch mei when he does it. reveals that he’s deku to the world.
bakugou and inko go wild. they all get a text with a location. everyone bucked up to go.
they have to fight all for one. todoroki pov, notices how similar deku and bakugou fighting is to izuku and bakugou dancing.
izuku finally tales all of the one for all quirk to beat all for one. he gets away, but he’s hurt.
family reunion scene. everyoen takes their respective loved ones and bounces. have people reactions to deku.
izuku and shouto have a Talk and then there is Sex
add nezu scene and shiga deciding to send nobus
siat third year
draco keeps offering to curse his cousin and his family. harry discovers that draco has rather a lot of freedom, as his parents, especially his father, is rather busy. draco casually uses the floo network to visit pansy and blaise often. harry thinks draco’s parents are rather cold, and uncaring. draco thinks that harry’s family needs to be cursed.
they got each other bday presents, but are saving them until they see each other at hogwarts. draco got harry gifts from japan, where he visited the past summer with luna and his mother. harry is incredibly worried that draco will think it’s stupid, but he picked the first iris that bloomed and carefully pressed it, and did the same for the most beautiful iris each full moon, so he has a mini boquet of iris flowers.
chapter opens with harry panicking about aunt marge. he calls draco, who tells him to take the knight bus and stay calm. mention the dog. draco’s worried, clearly, but he won’t tell harry why.
draco talks wistfully of meeting harry in diagon, but they know its a bad idea. show a scene of draco with pansy and blaise. mention dobby.
draco is super worried about harry one the train.
mention draco’s silver buttons
add in crookshanks
golden trio have a convo about draco’s dad and allegiances. mention imperio and vertisarium.
draco knows what sirius black being free means because he’s not a moron. it takes a while for him to figure out that harry doesn’t know, then he tells him. draco talks about his cousin. says he’s a black and can’t be trusted. “draco, you’re a black.” “yes, and very few people trust me.”
the thing with buckbeack really is an accident. harry is really worried about draco - it is a lot of blood. lucius comes down, furious. draco tries to tell his dad he’s fine, but he stands up too suddenly and whites out, and lucius has to told him up right. is upset because his son is hurt and because he can’t be affectionate with him in front of all these people. lucius decides buckbeak needs to die.
draco tries to pretend his arm isn’t bothering him, which it is because it’s a magical wound. but pansy does all his chopping and what not and draco just oversees.
draco doesn’t like lupin, and won’t say why. he and hermione have a convo about it, and decided not to say anything, for very different reasons. or he just assumes hermione told him. “i really need to stop assuming people tell you anything”
use polyjuice so harry can go to hogsmead?
draco and the twins develop a friendship.
draco becomes a chaser in 3rd year, and gives harry way more of a run for his money as a chaser. he scores so many points for his team that sometimes even when harry catches the snitch, they still lose. this is also why the twins become friends with him, because they spend a lot of energy constantly trying to knock him off his broom
sirius gets in and draco freaks the fuck out, as do the other slytherins. draco looks him over. sends over luna to sleep by harry, who brings ginny.
snape does werewolf lessons
hufflepuff vs gryffindor game. draco’s the one who performs wingardium leviosa to save him, subtly. only his friends and a couple of professors notice. not a soft or nice fall, but it means he just has bruises and broken bones. later, lupin will realize the wingardium leviosa that saved harry was draco’s was harry. maybe draco’s charm gives dumbledore enough time to cast his?
draco has to go home for christmas because otherwise his parents will go mental. but he gives harry his gift with stern instructions not to open it until christmas. they talk on christmas, and harry sees that draco has already hung the flowers in his room. says his mom helped him. harry asks about his dad, and draco says, “dad doesn’t have an opinion about interior design. mum just does whatever she wants and dad pays for it”
everyone gets together to try and think of a way to save buckbeak, but lucius is pissed
when harry is training with lupin draco bursts in, goes in front of harry, realizes its a boggart when it changes forms, and uses ridiculous to stop it. he then turns his wand on lupin, using the disarming charm. harry wakes up and stops him from cursing him, then when he calms down asking him what he’s thinking. “oh like, you’ve never been attacked by a professor before?” “thats…a fair point.”
except now lupin has seen draco willing to take a dementor’s kiss and fight a professor for harry, so this mortal enemy thing isn’t going to work. draco tells lupin he knows he's’ a werewolf, and threatens to expose him to the school board if he doesn’t keep his mouth shut about all of this. or nah, says his mom said to let her know if lupin so much as looked at him funny, and she would destroy him. draco says and lupin ever hurts harry he’ll use his father’s solution instead, and lupin half smiles and compliments his buttons. draco says yes, they could do a lot of damage, even with simple wingardium leviosa charm. then that lupid realized it was draco who slowed harry’s fall before. draco makes comparison between buckbeak and lupin. harry’s like he’s a werewolf?? “obviously, didn’t granger tell you?” joke about needing a memory charm. lupin knows they’re not enemies, doesn’t know they’re soulmates.
draco taking patronus charm classes alongside harry after the confrontation with lupin.
while hermione is being ostracized by ron and harry. she hangs out with the slytherins. her and draco really do get along scarily well. draco agrees with hermione that the firebolt should be inspected. very odd moment for everyone, really.
scabbers is supposedly eaten by crookshanks
harry says that cho is kinda pretty and draco gets pissy. harry and ron vs draco and hermione. they’re both just like what the fuck m8.
buckbeak verdict is announced. draco is like !!! what do you want me to do ???? and it’s actually ron who’s like don’t worry about it mate, we know you tried, can image my dad would be too pleased if i was mauled by buckbeak
slytherin vs gryffindor game - harry still catches the snitch and they win, but thanks to draco on chaser they only win by 100 points, so slytherin still gets the quidditch cup. wood curses up a storm that malfoy switched to chaser, he’s far too good at it. draco is worried harry will be pissed they got the cup, and he’s a little indignant, but mostly he’s … kinda proud of draco? because there were almost no fouls this game. slytherin won mostly fair and square. lee jordan spends a lot time commentating that malfoy switching to chaser was the worst thing that ever happened to gryffindor.
draco follows them down to hagrids. finally admits that he feels guilty and stiffly apologized to hagrid, saying he tried to talk his dad out of it, but he wouldn’t listen. hagrid is instantly endeared, because he is the best person in all of the hp series. says something about he shouldn’t have brought something that dangerous. draco calls hagrid ‘scamander stock’ and he tries to make it sound like an insult, but by the way hagrid tears up it’s clear it’s a compliment. they see lucius and the executioner coming, and draco panics - his dad will be pissed if he finds him. hagrid hurries all of them out and gives draco and affectionate pat on the way out.
they all end up following into the whomping willow. sirius, lupin, and snape. pettigrew.
draco is more concerned about sirius than lupin - figures a black with a vendetta is more worrisome than a werewolf. look at his mother, after all. he and sirius get into an argument about it all. is like wtf about the scabbers thing.
snape appears, they fight. harry disarms him, and draco is like fuck this noise he uses the memory charm on him from behind, then ron knocks him out. lupin: “i thought you struggled with non corporeal tied charms.” draco: “…. i do.” no one has any idea what condition snape will wake up in. draco’s like if snape finds out about us, that’s fucking it, he’ll never keep the secret. golden trio’s like that’s your head of house!!! and draco shrugs and is like whatever he’s kind of bastard, really. and sirius laughs and says he’s not all bad or something like that.
deal with the pettigrew thing
snape has only lost a few hours worth of memory. he asks why draco was there, and draco is like ??? i saw someone sneaking around and told you and followed you out, what the heck.
draco and harry go back in time. draco knew about the time turner. harry “why does no one tell me anything” potter. he summons a snake, and harry uses parseltongue to tell it what to do. it captures pettigrew. draco and hermione are anxious, looking for whoever cast the patronus, but harry realizes it was him, and does it. they steal buckbeak and take him to sirius. they’ve captured pettigrew. trials are not easy things, so black should stay away until some sort of bail is posted on him or something. but authorities do get called.
pettigrew does escape custody, but not before everyone sees him. so he still helps resurrect voldemort, but the sirius’s trial / case is still be reviewed. MOTHERFUCKING PLOT TWIST lucius agrees to represent sirius in trial. people point out that won’t help his believability any, and naricissa is like my cousin deserves the best and the best is my husband, get fucked.
draco’s talk with lupin. banishes his silver buttons, and says that lupin should stay because he’s a great teacher, and exactly what they’ll need to survive what’s coming. call’s it his “furry little problem” unknowingly echoing james. lupin laughs, lighter. harry bursts in saying he’s heard. draco is like oh good, maybe he’ll listen to you. but lupin ignores them both and ruffles their hair.
silver trio is there. just. reacting to things, hanging out.
ginny sticking her nose in things, while being bffs with luna.
maurader’s map locked so it can’t be changed or altered. our group amends it so it can’t be altered by any but the original six.
add crookshanks and scabbers
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ouatimaginesnetwork · 7 years
“Dream Come True” Chapter 4
Hey guys! I’m trying to schedule this post so hopefully it works! This chapter is where things start to happen. I will not be writing this weekend bc I’m on a weekend get away at the riviera. I am trying to schedule posts though because I will still be writing and that doesn’t require internet access. Still on chapter 9 right now, where rocky things are about to happen. It seems like around 15 chapters is an accurate estimate. Enjoy!
~Hannah Banana :)
Robbie’s pov
He went home and plopped down on his bed, exhausted. He clicked through his phone and saw a voicemail message from her. His ex-girlfriend. He clicked on it and listened to her voice. “Robbie, it’s Jade. Robbie listen, I miss you, I’m sorry, I should’ve never cheated on you. It was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made, please Robbie take me back. Call me,” the message clicks and it’s over. He dials her number, unsure of what he will say. “Robbie? I’m so glad you called,” her voice says from the other end. “Listen Jade, I called because I got your message. But I’m sorry, we can’t get back together. You cheated on me, and I just can’t trust you anymore. I’m sorry,” he tells her. “Robbie please,” she begs through the phone. “Jade, no. You not only cheated on me, you cheated on me with my best friend. Goodbye, Jade,” he hangs up the phone, a tear running down his face. He lays back down on his bed, burying his face in his hands. “Why of all things, why am I thinking of her," his mind whispers. The images run through his head, her smooth (h/c) hair, sparkling (e/c) eyes, and her trembling hands, scared of the flight. He smiled when he thought of how she squeezed his hand back. She wasn’t his normal type, in fact she was the opposite. Someone he'd never known before; a fan, she wasn’t skinny, yet she was extremely gorgeous to him. She wasn’t a blonde, and she wasn’t an actor. “Then why, why, can’t I stop thinking about her,” he says to himself. He sighs and turns over, drifting off into a restless sleep.
Regular pov
You walked into your apartment, tossing your keys in a bowl. “Hey bubbles,” you walk over to your turtle’s tank and wave to him. “Beau, Beau where are you?” you call out for your golden retriever. He comes sauntering into the room, running over to you, and attacking you with kisses. “Hey buddy, I missed you too,” you laugh. You throw your suitcase in your bedroom and plop down on the couch, calling your dog up. “So Beau, you’ll never believe what happened,” you pet your dog and scratch his back, retelling aloud everything that had happened the past week. “I still can’t believe it,” you say in disbelief. You change into sweats, crawl into bed, and fall into a dream like state.
One month later
You’re phone rings and you hastily search for it in your bag. “Hello? Oh hey, yea I’m sorry, I’m running a few minutes late, just grabbing some coffee. I’ll see you in a few,” you tell your friend (y/f/n). You had planned a beach day, but you’re useless without your morning coffee. “What can I get for you?” the Starbucks employee asks you. “I’ll take a venti iced vanilla latte,” you reply. You step aside and wait for your drink. Someone comes up behind you and taps you on the shoulder. You turn around and can’t believe who stands before you. “Robbie? Oh my god hi,” you hug him. He wraps his arms around you and says, “It’s so good to see you.” You pull away and say, “You too! What brings you here?” “Oh well, I’m useless without my morning coffee,” he chuckles. You stare at him and say, “I say that too. That’s too funny.” He grabs his drink from the counter, turns to you, and asks, “Are you free right now? Or do you have somewhere to be?” You smile to yourself and say, “I’m free as a bird. Let’s chat.” Robbie leads you over to a table and you shoot a text to (y/f/n). “Hey, ran into Robbie! (I know right :P))))))) Sorry gonna have to take a rain check.” She texts back immediately. “Oh my god, go girl! Flirt your ass off.” You sit yourself down at a table and Robbie sits down across from you. “So what’s new with you, super star?” you ask him. “You know, nothing much. Listen, to be honest, it’s not been easy, after we got back home Jade called me.” You look at him in confusion. “Jade?" you question the name. “You know, my ex-girlfriend,” he replies. “Oh right, sorry,” you say. He continues, “Yea, so she called me as soon as I got back. She begged for me to take her back. But I didn’t. I mean she cheated on me with my best friend. Oh shoot, sorry, I said too much.” You look at him with sympathy and say, “Robbie I’m so sorry. That sucks. You made the right choice though. Anyone who would cheat on you is an utter and complete moron.” He blushes and bumbles, “Thanks.” "How is she so nice all the time,” the thought crosses his mind. He shakes the thought and says, “So what is new with you, (y/n)?” You smile and say, “Oh not much, It’s nice to be back home though, I definitely missed the ocean. And my dog.” “You have a dog?” he grins widely. “Yep, his names Beau. I also have a turtle named Bubbles,” you tell him. “That’s awesome. I wish I had a dog, but I travel so much, it wouldn’t be fair to him,” he replies. “Well, maybe you could meet him someday,” you suggest. Robbie grins and says, “I’d like that.” So the two of you finish talking and your cellphone rings. “Hang on one second Robbie,” you pick up your phone. “Hello? Oh hey boss, yea I can come in today, we can put some new ideas in the works. Okay, I’ll see you soon,” you hang up the phone. Robbie frowns. “Hey, I’m sorry, I’d really love to chat more, but I have to go into work,” you frown too. “It was so nice to see you again Robbie, I’m so lucky to get to run into you. Maybe I’ll see you around,” you get up and turn to go. Robbie scoots out from the table and comes after you, grabbing your shoulder. “Hey, (y/n) wait.” You turn around and smile, “Yea?” Robbie rubs his neck awkwardly and blurts out, “Maybe I could get your number? Just on the off chance we don’t find ourselves in the same Starbucks again?” You grin from ear to ear and say, “Robbie that’d be awesome. Here,” you pull out a pen and grab his hand, scribbling your number on his palm. His hand twitches when you write on it. “There you go,” you put the pen back in your purse. “Thanks, I'll text you,” he smiles and watches you leave.
You practically skip to work, calling your friend (y//f/n) on the way. “Oh my god (y/f/n), guess what?” “What?” she asks eagerly. “Robbie asked for my number!” you squeal. “Oh my god oh my god, we have to chat soon girl!” she squeals with you on the other end. “I know, we need to, but I’m on my way into work now. I’ll talk to you later,” you hang up the phone. You breeze through your work, coming up with new ideas for ticket promotions, though your heart wasn’t in it like it usually was. You kept thinking about Robbie, and how he asked for your number. “How the heck did this even happen?” you ask yourself. You finish your work and scramble back to your apartment. “Hey Beau," you pet your dog as you walk in the door. You spend the rest of the night snuggling with your dog and watching tv, the happiest you’ve been since forever.
Robbie’s pov
Once again he saunters back to his apartment and flops down on his bed. “How the heck did this even happen?” he thinks. He sits on his couch, and drinks a beer, watching tv. His phone rings. “Hey sis what’s happening?” he answers. “Robbie have you seen the tabloids recently. A bunch of people saw you with that fan, and now they think you’re dating her. I don’t suspect Jade will be happy,” his sister tells him. “Well actually Cam, Jade and I broke up, over a month ago.” he says softly. “Oh Robbie I’m so sorry, that sucks man. Though I remember her, she’ll probably call you anyways, insanely jealous,” his sister replies. Then a call comes through on the other end and Robbie says, “Damn you’re right. I’ll call you back later.” He clicks to the other line and says, “Jade. What do you want?” “Robbie what the hell, I beg for you to take me back and you repay me by going out with some fat fan?” she yells into the phone. The insult against her makes him clench his fist in anger. “First of all Jade, we’re broken up, what I do isn’t any of your business anymore. Second of all, she’s not my girlfriend, she’s just a friend. And finally, don’t you dare insult her that way!” he shouts back. “Right, okay, now I’m completely convinced you two are dating. Thanks for spitting all over our relationship Robert,” she hisses into the phone. “You’re the one that cheated on me, Jade. I'm not the one that disrespected our relationship. Goodbye,” he hangs up the phone in tears. It was awfully late, but he needed some cheering up. He pulls back out his phone and texts her. “Hey (y/n), I know we just saw each other, but I’d love to meet your dog. Can I come over?” It doesn’t even take her one minute to shoot back a reply. “Sounds awesome! Beau’s excited. Here’s my address,” she sends a picture of her apartment building and her apartment number. Robbie jumps up and  wipes his tears away. He quickly throws on a sweatshirt and scoots out the door.
Regular pov
You sit around anxiously waiting for Robbie. As soon as he texted you, you jumped up in excitement and ran into your bedroom to change. You pull on a pair of jeans and a dodgers t-shirt. You put on your glasses and pull your hair into a ponytail. Then the speaker buzzes. “Hello?” you call in. The british accent rings back and says, “It’s Robbie.” “Come in!” you shout and buzz him in. A few minutes later he knocks on your door and you open it, grinning. “Hey Robbie, come in,” you swing the door open more. He walks in and says, “Listen, before I meet Beau, I need to tell you something. There’s been people taking pictures, well pictures of us. From the airport back in Stevenson as well as in the Starbucks today. They of course are saying that we’re dating, which we’re not. I’m so sorry, I’ll get it fixed right away, I understand if you’re pissed but”- you cut him off. “Robbie, you don’t have to explain yourself at all. I figured this might happen. To be honest, it’s exciting for someone like me, but I’m more than happy to help you clarify with the press that we’re just friends.” He breathes a sigh of relief. “Oh thank you so much (y/n), for being so chill about it. Now where’s this dog of yours?” he looks around. You call Beau over to you. “Beau! Come here boy!” The big golden retriever comes bouncing over to you. "He's so cute,” Robby bends down and lets the dog attack him with kisses. You could tell Robby needed some cheering up, and you were happy to help. Robbie sits on the couch, petting the dog. “Hey Robbie, what do you think we should do?” you cautiously ask him. He pinches the bridge of his nose and says, “I don’t know, I don’t know, maybe we can release a video on my instagram? Or maybe that's stupid.” “No Robbie, that’s genius! Fans will believe it because it’s coming straight from you,” you admire his idea. “Great,” he smiles and pulls out his phone. “Do you wanna just go for it, or plan on something to say or?” he asks. “Let’s just go for it,” you surprise him by pulling his phone out of his hand. You open his instagram and start a live video. “Hey guys it’s (y/n) here. Robbie and I just wanted to clear up everything that’s been going through the papers,” you explain. Robbie comes into view next to you and adds, “We just wanted to say that we’re just friends. I don’t have a girlfriend and (y/n) is just a fan turned friend I made filming in Stevenson last month. I hope that you all have a fantastic day,” he finishes the video and closes out the app. “Sweet, see now there’s nothing to worry about,” you tell him. Robbie sighs and says, “Yea I guess.” You can see that something’s bothering him and casually pat his arm. “Robbie, are you okay?” you ask tentatively. He turns to you and sighs, “No. So I got the call from my sister, she told me about all the tabloids and not shortly after my ex-girlfriend called me. She was pissed and that just makes it that much harder to forget about her and how she cheated on me. I mean, we dated for two years.” “Yes, you did, and she was a huge part of your life. But you just told the world in that video that you’re single. That’s the first step. It’ll get easier, I promise,” you tell him. His expression changes and he realizes what he said. “You’re right. I didn’t even realize I said it. I’m sure it’ll be out tomorrow. But I’m also sure that they won’t stop. I’m sorry if I totally screwed up your life. Now you’re gonna have people coming to you, asking to meet me, asking if we’re dating, god I really messed up,” he babbles. “Robbie it’s okay. I can deal with it, trust me, and all of that stuff, it doesn’t matter. That’s not going to stop me from being your friend. We are friends Robbie, aren’t we?” you ask him. “Of course we’re friends (y/n). Again, thank you so much for being so cool about this,” he says. “Robbie, you should take the advice Jen gave me on set, stop apologizing,” you say seriously. “You’re right. Thanks. And thanks for letting me meet Beau, he’s adorable, and he totally cheered me up,” Robbie grins. "I'm glad. You’re totally welcome to come visit him whenever you want,” you reply. Robbie smiles and looks around. “Your apartment is lovely, by the way,” he stands up. “Well thanks, it’s not that great but it’s home,” you reply, “Would you like a tour?” “Sure!" he says. So you take him around the tiny studio apartment. The kitchen was small, and a tiny wooden table with two chairs. The counter, surprisingly, was marble and the cabinets a wooden material, light brown. The two of you could barely fit in the kitchen itself. You lead him down the hall and he peeks in the bathroom, which has a massive claw foot bath tub with a shower head above it. “Well you’ve already seen the living room, but here’s my bedroom,” you show him in. It was the only bedroom in the apartment and the bed was a tiny little daybed with a white wire frame. There was a light yellow comforter on the bed, along with various quilts. The only other thing in the room was a night stand, and a massive, multi tiered book shelf, covered in all different kinds of books. “Wow, someone likes reading,” he teases you. “Hey, reading’s cool,” you elbow him. He laughs and says, “I love reading too.” The two of you walk back to the living room and talk for another 1/2 hour or so. “Alright, well, it’s getting late. I’ll text you soon and if you have any problems with any press at all, call me. See you later (y/n),” he stands and walks to the door. “Night Robbie, see you soon,” you shut the door behind him, lean against it and smile. Despite the fact that you had a major crush on this guy, you really did enjoy being his friend. You were beginning to see him as a person and not a celebrity. You shuffle off to bed and have a very restful nights sleep.
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martyspring-blog · 6 years
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                                      Welcome to the UP
Starts out with Marty leaving work
He pulls up snap and texts in the group chat family dinner at 6:00
Drone flies up from over by the peif to show the school
Marty walks into the cafeteria see his friends sitting at the dinner table
He says what’s for dinner
Carson: nothing edible
Marty: oh so like normally
Marty sits down with his food
Marty: ok guys what’s the plans for tonight
Taylor: I want to stay in for the night but that’s not happening
Dane: of course not it’s friday night
Taylor: can’t we just stay in for one weekend
Dusty: what’s the fun of that it’s college one good memory after the nother
Taylor: I feel like good memories is some good htv show on Netflix
Dusty: not a chance it’s the weekend before break we are going out
Dylan: dusty you’re on your own tonight your parents aren’t paying me to babysit you
Marty: ok so it’s been decided we’re going out tonight
Takes sip of his blue raspberry drink
Time flashes on screen it’s 8:45 Marty starts getting ready he throws on a bunch of different offits just to put the same one back on
Flashes to Taylor and Tessa room getting there hair ready and dancing
Flashes to dane sleeping
Dusty is standing in the mirror fixing his hair getting it just right
Carson is reading a book and lifting
Dylan is shinning his boots
Time flashes 9:25
On screen it’s a count up from 9:25 to 9:30
Of Marty walking over to dane,Dusty’s room
Marty shows up to dusty acting weird
Marty: dusty are you feeling alright
Dusty: thumbs up 100%
Dane walks threw the bathroom
Dane: no he’s not alright(dusty sit down)
Carson walks in
Carson are we leaving soon it 9:30 time to go
The girls go to the car the boys start walking
Hyperlapse walking to the party
up for change
We show up to the party
Everyone is standing at the party no ones dancing no ones there cup in hands
Then people start coming in party picks up Marty’s dancing , goes to everyone singing a song
All of a sudden Marty turns to Carson
Marty: dude where’s dusty
Carson: not again
Dane: what’s going on
Marty: Dusty’s gone,  again
Dane: kids like a lost dog he’s always running off
Goes to dusty POV
He’s walking around the party on the other side up stairs downstairs
Goes to wide view of dusty on one side of the room walking one way Marty walking the other way
Marty goes back to the group
Marty: guys dusty gone like gone gone we need to find him
Dylan: I told him I’m not babysitting him tonight
Marty: ok let me look on snap maps I can find him
Looking at snap maps
Marty: somehow he’s back at the dorms
Dane: I feel like me and Marty should stay here you guys go back to the dorms
They walk out of the party as they leave you can see dusty threw the door or window still in the party
Flashes back to them at the dorms
Every one splits up into twos in front of the building
Everyone go look for dusty
Dylan and Carson look threw the pills dorms scooby do style go in one door come out another filmed on their floor
Taylor, Tessa,chom and Rachel
They sit in there room
Taylor: will look in like 10 min
Every one looks up from their phone 10 min
Rachel: we can wait another 10
Marty and Dane
At the party still having a great time not really looking for dusty
We see dusty walk out the door
Marty: dane we should probably look for dusty the other are probably running around looking for dusty
Flashes to the girls sitting in there room and Dylan and Carson watching tv
Dane:let’s go look in the kitchen before we leave he might be in there and I’m pretty hungry
Marty: ok lets go
They walk into the kitchen
Dane: dude I’m really hungry
Marty: why didn’t you eat dinner
Dane: I swear it’s horse Marty, we’re eating second hand horse
Marty: I agree it’s not the best but I wouldn’t go that far
Dane: sees a pan of brownies
Gospel music starts playing the screen glows
Marty: has his flash light on I found some food
Dane: thoughs look like my moms brownies aw I really won’t one
Marty: you don’t think they will get mad at us for eating them
Dane: why would they leave brownies out if they didn’t want us to eat them
Marty: I’ll right just one
Dane: these are really good
Marty: they taste like martha Stewart sauced these up
They finish the brownies
They’re standing there both look at each other and say I don’t really feel good
Goes to POV
Everything is really warped
They walk out of the door
And start walking back
Flashes to Taylor’s room they leave and take a left out of the door camera is facing them in the back round you see dusty
Sitting on a chair spinning in a circle they walk out the door to look for him
Flashes to Carson and Dylan walking out the door
Carson: let’s check the the tv room
Dylan: yeah
Carson opens the door
Football is on the tv
Dylan: just 5 minutes
Carson: yeah 5 then will look
Camera is facing them on the couch dusty walks by the window
Dane and Marty
Walking back the two are silently walking back
Then goes to POV
Lights are flashing everything’s crazy
Marty: to dane, hey are you feeling alright
Dane looks at Marty
Marty’s face is big and voice is high
Dane: I told you the cafeteria is feeding us horse
Marty: is this food poisoning
Dane: It’s really bad
Them walking
Dusty is trying to climb a tree in the backround
Goes back to Taylor’s room
They are standing in the room
Rachel: so we know he’s not here the boys probably found him let’s go get the guys
Chom: yeah let’s go over there
They go to the guys room the find them in they’re room
They sit down on the couch
Marty and Dane get back to the dorms drone is facing the front door  them walking into the door dusty is standing in the study room
They go to cat tracks to grab a drink
Dusty’s walking back to the room in the backround
Dane and Marty get back to Carson’s room
Carson: welp no one found him
Marty: suprisly I feel like we looked all over the place
Dane: did anyone check his room
Marty: I swear if he’s in there I’m going to be pissed
Dane: let’s check
Marty opens the door
They walk into Dusty’s room
Dusty is sleeping on the couch
Marty: you got to be kidding me
All walk back into the other room
Marty: same plans tomorrow night
Group: yep, sounds good
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