#powergirl guinea pig
just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
How Batman Obtains New Members for the Batfam
Bruce: I saw a black haired sad orphan when I was coming back from work today.
Alfred: Oh no.
Bruce: They were really sad.
Alfred: Master Bruce please tell me you didn't...
Bruce: Alfred met New Kid. Just adopted them. Also tell Damian that is time he come up with another name and go solo. New Kid is Robin now.
Independent Gotham Hero: *living their life* *wait is that shadow getting closer*
Batman: You'll never gonna make it by yourself. Stop being a hero before you die.
Independent Gotham Hero: No.
Batman: You gave me no choice but to either train you or have you trained by another core adult member of the bat clan.
*How Superman Gets New Members for the Superfam*
Hal: So, Supes, what's the deal with the new kid hidding behind you?
Clark: Is complicated.
Diana: Are they a clone?
Barry: No, no, betcha they are another one involving time travel.
Ollie: My bet is alternate reality.
Clark: Er...
Bruce: Just tell them, Clark.
Clark: Fine. They are a clone of a future version of my son from an alternate reality and also they are Wally's third cousin.
Superman: Hello, Conner, you wanted to talk.
Superboy: I think Bizarro Lex just follows me around now? Can I have him as a sideckick? He has superpowers from a failed science experiment.
Superman: *already tired* You know Bizarro people aren't pets right Kon?
Superboy: *offended* Of course Bizarro da-Lex is my friend and we fight crime together! *Clark looks at him as if reading his intentions* Please.
Superman: Okay.
Superman II (Jon): I discoverred an alternative reality were we are all martians but Mars exploded during the white martians war and the only survivor was an alternative version of aunt Kara and aunt Karen called K'aeri that is also the daugther of alternative Kon. She is really nice. Can she join us?
Superman: *trying to not show how done he is* If everyone is okay with that I see no problem.
Powergirl: I-
Superman: Come to ask my opinion on another super person?
Powergirl: No. I just wanted to say hi. Got a guinea pig but he isn't really super at the moment.
Superman: Nice to hear that. : )
Bizarro: I did not come to ask for a new member
Superman: Oh nic-wait a second.
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dracojanesart · 4 years
Here’s an animation I made of my old Guinea Pig, Yinyang!
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