ask-the-koopa-family · 2 months
Out of curiosity: how would Bowser look like with the Ice Flower power-up? Would he become unable to use fire in that form of would he be able to use ice alongside his natural fire?
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((Its true that we never saw Bowser using powerups...Well aside from Meowser and the tanuki one from 3D Mario land...
In my mind, if Bowser uses the ice flower, he would not breath fire he would breath ice !
so here is Bowser with ice flowers and fire flower))
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legobiwan · 9 months
do you have any thoughts on powerups/how the bros use them?
You have no idea what you have just unleashed, anon. :D I am super into world-building and lore when it comes to Mario stuff, so here's a random list of ideas that may or may not bear fruit for anyone who reads this. (Also, part of this is me sketching out concepts for solus creatura, so I thank my followers in advance for their patience here).
The vegetable/fruit/foliage powerups are naturally occurring. The Mushroom Kingdom has the most fertile conditions for these plants to grow, although other kingdoms have done a decent enough job of genetically engineering their own powerup plants.
This makes the powerups an integral part of the Mushroom Kingdom economy, and one of the reasons they're able to survive so long without any real standing army or defense system outside of Mario and Luigi. It's also one of the reasons they get invaded so often.
The Darklands, centuries before Bowser's reign, used to also cultivate powerups. They were overfarmed by a corrupt agricultural council, however, and in combination with a once-in-a-lifetime drought, the vast majority of their land and crop was ruined.
Luckily for the Darklands, their native species is capable of fire and they still retain a strong tradition of magical culture through the Magikoopas (although this was briefly wiped out during Bowser's father's reign, as he thought the Magikoopas were planning a coup. They, in fact, were, but for good reasons).
Now, the Mushroom Kingdom is wary of magic, due their own history and complicated relationship with the Darklands (this may be in part linked to an old civil war that caused the split between the Mushroom Kingdom and the Darklands). Their species is also just not that magically adept (something having to do with Toad physiognomy?) The powerups are a decent compromise - they afford magic-like abilities without rendering their user permanently superpowered.
There was some contention in the royal court when Mario and Luigi first arrived in terms of allowing them access to the powerups. Ultimately, it was decided the safety of the kingdom would supersede any worries about abuse of power. (This being said, Peach had to argue long and hard for this).
Mario and Luigi receive a monthly allotment of powerups and if they find any "in the wild," they're supposed to record each instance. Neither brother bothers with this and every month they get a nasty letter from Porcina in accounting, which has led to a years-long feud between her and Mario. Luigi has learned the better way to circumvent the system is bribery by brownie. It usually, although not always, works.
The non-vegetative powerups are created in Mushroom Kingdom labs. Because the Mushroom Kingdom is like a Times Square Station for warp-pipe travel, the dimensional crossroads makes it easier to cross-pollinate powerups with characteristics of other species and lands (cats, penguins, etc.)
Back in the day, E. Gadd was involved with a lot of this research, but ultimately left to pursue his own interests in the paranormal. It's also rumored that he and the governing scientific committee at the time had a spat about the limits of experimental ethics.
When Mario and Luigi are first introduced to the powerups, they think this is the coolest thing in the world. They have powers, which was an impossibility back in New York.
It takes them a while to get the hang of using the powerups. Mario set fire to a Mushroom Kingdom stable one time. Luigi crash landed into someone's wedding as a kitsune. The citizens, by and large, were relatively forgiving of these incidents, although it did make for a wild few days in the press.
At first, Mario and Luigi both love the fireball ability. That is, until the events of Super Paper Mario, after which they go a solid few months without coming NEAR a fireflower. Mario can't help flashback to that terrible moment in Merlon's house while Luigi experiences the oddest phantom pains if he as much holds a fireflower, although he can't say why exactly. (Mario, of course, has no idea Luigi was boxed and bombed twice by Dimentio).
Luigi loves flying and may steal a few extra Tanooki leaves to go out and experiment with aeronautics/aviation concepts in the dead of the night. This, subconsciously, directly influences his Brobot designs in his time as Mr. L.
Mario's favorite powerup is the classic mushroom. Finally, he gets to be as tall or taller than his younger brother.
They both think the Invincibility Star is incredible until they're faced with a situation in which the invincibility wears off at a dangerous moment, which almost turned fatal for Mario. It's a sobering moment, and brothers learn the lesson that no one is invincible forever.
The Mushroom Kingdom allows Mario and Luigi to use the powerups under the assumption that the "magic," as it were, never lasts. What they don't know, however, is that Luigi has a strange penchant for magic, which is why on more than one occasion, the effects of the powerups take longer to wear off on him. (One day, Luigi shows up to meet his brother looking a little...furrier than usual. "You look hairy, bro," Mario says, furrowing his brow. "I'm Italian." Mario rolls his eyes at his brother's quip. "Not that Italian. What, did you forget to shave again?" Luigi just shrugs, not wanting to admit this isn't the first time he's woken up with more hair than he's used to).
They tease each other mercilessly when they are introduced to some of the animalistic powerups. Luigi puts a litter box in his brother's room and buys him a collar with the name tag, "Fluffy." Mario cooks Luigi fish for five days straight after the penguin incident. He also starts singing the "Walk Like a Penguin" jingle every time his brother comes into the room.
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ninebaalart · 1 year
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Super Mario Epic Quests! - The Great Fire Flower 🔥 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1291348561-super-mario-epic-quests-the-great-fire-flower-%F0%9F%94%A5?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Betobros200 Princess Daisy leave's the Kingdom of Sarasaland to help Mario Luigi and Peach free the mushroom kingdom from bowser
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duckapus · 6 months
Part of Magic changing is that Powerups don't work the same way anymore. Some of them got different effects, some of them just flat-out lost their effects, a few of them came to life and started attacking people. Luigi's going to be in for a nasty shock if he ever comes across a Fire Flower.
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zazzyzazzro · 1 year
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i gave my stupid ass ocs powerups i thought were cool
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thethecamthe · 3 months
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Rayman 3 powerups, on Vine and Rose!
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“Check it out! He turned the powerups into ice cream! I love his power!”
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ggworldnews · 7 months
🍄 A Chronicle of Endless Adventures: Celebrating the Timeless Classic, Super Mario Bros 3! 🌟
Hey there, fellow gamers and Mario enthusiasts! Today, I invite you to join me on a heartfelt journey through the pixelated wonderland that is Super Mario Bros 3. 🌈 An Ode to Everlasting Fun: Let's start with what made this game an absolute masterpiece. From the vibrant, diverse worlds like the grassy plains of World 1 to the enigmatic sky-scraping towers of World 5, the level design was pure brilliance. And who could forget those power-ups? The Tanooki Suit granting Mario the ability to fly or turn into an invincible statue, the Frog Suit navigating treacherous water levels, and the quirky Hammer Bros suits — each power-up added layers of excitement and strategy to the gameplay. What about you? Which power-up fueled your adventures? Share your favorite power-up moments in the comments below! 🌟🍄 🔍 Unraveling the Mysteries of Mushroom Kingdom: Remember scouring every level for secret passages or those mystical warp whistles that allowed you to traverse the Mushroom Kingdom in a flash? Let's reminisce about those hidden secrets, mind-bending puzzles, and the thrill of discovering shortcuts! Share your unforgettable discoveries and any secret areas that still linger in your memory. 🏰🌍 👾 The Bond Forged in Pixels: Take a moment to tag that friend who's been by your side in countless Mario adventures! Whether it was collaboratively navigating through tricky levels or engaging in friendly competition, let's celebrate the camaraderie this game fostered among us. 🎮🤝 🕹️ Diving Deep into Mushroom Kingdom Lore: Now, let's dive deeper into the rich lore of the Mushroom Kingdom. From the mischievous antics of the Koopalings to the epic showdowns with Bowser, share your thoughts on the captivating narrative that unfolded throughout the game. Any memorable boss battles that tested your skills and left you in awe? Let's discuss the storytelling elements that made Super Mario Bros 3 more than just a platformer. 📖🐢🔥 🎊 Exploring the World of Speedrunning: For those who crave an extra challenge, let's talk speedrunning! Super Mario Bros 3 has been a staple in the speedrunning community, with players pushing the limits of precision and skill. Have you ever tried your hand at speedrunning? Share your fastest times or your favorite speedrunning strategies that added a new layer of excitement to your Mario adventures! 🏃‍♂️⏱️ 🌟 A Timeless Legacy: As we reflect on the timeless legacy of Super Mario Bros 3, let's discuss its impact on the gaming industry and its enduring influence on subsequent Mario titles. What innovations and elements from this classic do you still see in today's games? Join the conversation as we explore the everlasting mark Super Mario Bros 3 has left on the world of gaming! 🌟🍄🎮
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Anybody else hoping that Nintendo adds even more powerups to super Mario wonder like I'm so glad they are finally making new powerups in the style of the older ones like I loved the catsuit when they introduced that and the new elephant poweup yes yes more animal powerups give us more fun wacky powerups
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machine-saint · 6 months
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honestly the original is still funnier than 85% of the edits people make
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ninebaalart · 10 months
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Mai Fire Flower
nippon ichi
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gain-up-power · 1 month
A Burst of Greens: My Experience with Tonic Greens Supplements
A Burst of Greens: My Experience with Tonic Greens Supplements
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I've always known the importance of a balanced diet, but let's be honest, fitting in all our daily vegetables can be a challenge. That's why I decided to try Tonic Greens Supplements - a powdered green superfood supplement that's become a game-changer in my wellness routine.
Packing a Punch of Plant Power
Tonic Greens boasts a powerful blend of over 57 different fruits, vegetables, herbs, and other plant-based ingredients. This includes familiar favourites like spinach, kale, and wheatgrass, alongside more exotic additions like spirulina, chlorella, and adaptogenic herbs. I was impressed by the sheer variety of nutrients packed into each scoop, offering a convenient way to boost my intake of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients.
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Easy to Integrate into Your Day
One of the things I love most about Tonic Greens is its versatility. The powder mixes easily into water, smoothies, or even yogurt. I usually add a scoop to my morning smoothie, and it blends seamlessly, adding a subtle green colour without overpowering the taste. This makes it a perfect option for those who might be hesitant about incorporating greens into their diet.
Feeling the Positive Effects
Since incorporating Tonic Greens into my routine, I've noticed some positive changes in my overall well-being. For starters, I have more sustained energy levels throughout the day. Gone are the afternoon slumps I used to experience. I also feel more focused and clear-headed, which has been a welcome boost to my productivity. Additionally, my digestion feels more regular, and I've even noticed a slight improvement in the clarity of my skin.
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Not a Magic Bullet, But a Powerful Ally
It's important to remember that Tonic Greens isn't a magic bullet. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise is still crucial. However, I view Tonic Greens as a powerful ally in my wellness journey. It provides a convenient and effective way to ensure I'm getting a good dose of essential nutrients, and the positive impact on my energy levels and overall well-being has been undeniable.
Would I Recommend Tonic Greens?
Absolutely! Whether you're looking to fill nutritional gaps, boost your energy levels, or simply add a convenient dose of greens to your diet, Tonic Greens is an excellent option. With its easy-to-use powder format, delicious taste, and impressive range of ingredients, it's a fantastic addition to any wellness routine. If you're on the fence about trying a green superfood supplement, I highly recommend giving Tonic Greens a go. You might just be surprised at the positive impact it has on your health and well-being.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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phonemantra-blog · 3 months
Anomaly Agent bursts onto the scene as a unique pixelated adventure that blends classic beat-em-up action with mind-bending time manipulation. In this stylish title, you take on the role of Agent 70, a peculiar fellow with a prominent nose and a mission to save the world from unruly anomalies. Buckle up for a wild ride through a world teetering on the brink of chaos, filled with rooftop chases, time-warping mayhem, and an army of ever-evolving clones to pummel. A Hero on the Verge of Promotion Agent 70's day seemed destined for greatness. Promotion loomed on the horizon, a well-deserved reward for his relentless pursuit of anomalies. But as fate would have it, the universe had other plans. A series of disastrous events throws a wrench into his celebratory aspirations, leaving our hero entangled in a web of temporal anomalies and belligerent clones. With his promotion on hold, Agent 70 must put his skills to the test and restore order before the world succumbs to complete pandemonium. A Pixelated Playground of Peril Anomaly Agent throws you into a dynamic world rendered in a captivating pixel art style. Your mission takes you across a diverse landscape, from bustling rooftops and subway tunnels to the dizzying heights of skyscrapers. As you navigate these environments, be prepared to dodge a barrage of hazards—lasers, electrical currents, and falling debris all threaten to disrupt your path. But the real challenge lies in the anomalies themselves. These unpredictable events warp reality, conjuring portals, colossal hands, and even manipulating the flow of time, making it difficult to discern what's up and what's down. While the anomalies themselves might introduce a touch of monotony, fear not! The game injects a healthy dose of action with an army of clones to dispatch. These initially weak adversaries pose little threat individually, but leave them unchecked, and they'll merge into hulking, formidable foes. Agent 70's Arsenal of Awesomeness To combat this ever-growing menace, Agent 70 boasts a versatile arsenal: Close-Quarters Combat: Agent 70 throws down with a flurry of punches and kicks, effectively dispatching foes in close proximity. The Calling Card Caper: Initially, Agent 70 utilizes his signature calling card to stun enemies. This tactic evolves over time, with the card eventually transforming into a handy boomerang for ranged attacks. Firearm Frenzy: Defeated clones drop firearms, allowing Agent 70 to unleash a hail of bullets. However, these weapons require swift retrieval to be effective. Ultimate Techniques: As Agent 70 progresses, he unlocks powerful area-of-effect attacks. However, these devastating maneuvers require a lengthy recharge period. Combat in Anomaly Agent is a fast-paced dance of strategy. You'll need to assess situations quickly, deciding who to stun, pummel, shoot, or eliminate with environmental hazards like lasers and electrical currents. Agent 70 is a fragile hero, and reckless play leads to a swift demise. Thankfully, generously placed checkpoints allow for quick retries and strategic adjustments. Boss Battles: A Test of Mettle Anomaly Agent doesn't hold back when it comes to boss encounters. These formidable foes are tenacious, powerful, and lightning-fast. Stun windows are minuscule, and attacks come in rapid succession. However, these battles aren't exercises in chaotic button mashing. Defeating these behemoths requires learning their attack patterns and exploiting vulnerabilities. Mastering these encounters is immensely rewarding, a testament to your honed skills and strategic prowess. Power Up and Talk It Out Your victories over enemies and bosses are handsomely rewarded. Defeated foes drop currency that can be used to purchase a variety of power-ups, enhancing Agent 70's combat capabilities. Additionally, the game incorporates a unique dialogue system where your choices influence the emotions of the characters you interact with. Positive responses bolster your maximum health, while negative ones grant you a cash injection. This dialogue system, with its quirky and insane exchanges, is reminiscent of Katana ZERO, offering a delightful diversion for fans of that title. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Is Anomaly Agent difficult? A: Anomaly Agent offers a moderate challenge. While the core combat mechanics are easy to grasp, mastering them to overcome tougher enemies and bosses requires practice and strategic thinking. The generous checkpoint system allows for retries without significant frustration, making it accessible to a wider audience. Q: How long is Anomaly Agent? A: Anomaly Agent can be completed in roughly 4-5 hours, depending on your playstyle. The focus is on delivering a concise and action-packed experience, keeping the momentum high throughout the campaign. Q: Does Anomaly Agent have a story? A: Anomaly Agent features a quirky and humorous narrative that unfolds through conversations and environmental details. While not overly complex, the story provides a lighthearted backdrop for the chaotic action and serves to introduce the colorful cast of characters you'll encounter. Q: Is Anomaly Agent worth playing? A: If you're looking for a unique and stylish beat-em-up experience with a dash of time-bending mayhem, Anomaly Agent is definitely worth checking out. The game offers a satisfying blend of action, platforming, and quirky storytelling, making it a fun and engaging experience for fans of the genre. Q: What platforms is Anomaly Agent available on? A: Anomaly Agent is currently available on PC (Windows), Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Q: Are there any DLCs or expansions for Anomaly Agent? A: As of now, there are no announced DLCs or expansions for Anomaly Agent. However, with the game's recent release (January 2024), it's possible that future content might be considered depending on player reception and sales performance.
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sycompowerups · 3 months
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Sycom Power Protection is stockist and Authourised Dealer for Maharashtra. We deals in UPS System, Batteries, Inverter and Solar products.
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hungamagames · 8 months
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