#pp: peter whump
After School Plans
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54846901 by inkinmyheartandonthepage The panic still blooming, Peter opened his text thread with Tony Stark and quickly typed out a message. Mr. Stark! Is everything okay? Happy never showed. -PP He chewed on his thumb as he stared at his phone, wishing for a reply. But his phone faded to black and there was no reply. OR Happy forgets to tell Peter that he's not coming to pick him up and everything spirals. Words: 1578, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 256 of We Forgot Peter Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Happy Hogan Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Happy Hogan & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Precious Peter Parker, Hurt Peter Parker, Peter Parker is a Mess, Peter Parker Whump, Teen Peter Parker, Insecure Peter Parker, Peter Parker is Trying His Best, Peter Parker Angst, Peter Parker Has Issues, Miscommunication, Misunderstandings, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Protective Tony Stark, Happy Hogan & Tony Stark Friendship, Worried Happy Hogan, Happy Hogan Needs a Hug, Happy Hogan & Peter Parker Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, One Shot, One Shot Collection, Prompt Fic, Prompt Fill, Complete read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54846901
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puppypeter · 4 years
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Bringing you all a sad ass fic rec this fine Thursday... prepare the tissues!!🥺These are all Peter-centric (some could be in an irondad list too tbh), but the focus is Pete going through some shit cause apparently I like reading about my fave suffering 😞 Please please remeber to READ THE TAGS/TW!!! (There’s quite a few Skip fics). 
PS: do not link any of these fics to the actors or anyone associated with them. Fics are from the fans for the fans, and they should stay within the fandom!
I’d say happy reading! but....
Countdown | Teen & Up | 26741 words
When May gets a new boyfriend, Peter is glad for her. But nothing can ever go that well for Peter. At first Peter thinks maybe he just doesn't like him. But then it gets worse. And Peter just wants May to be happy, at any cost.
The classic 'May's boyfriend abuses Peter' trope.
Will you let me, lead you even when your blind? | General Audiences | 3526 words
It all started as a normal day, a normal patrol. It was simple. It was something he had done at least a million times. Stupid bad guys.
Peter goes blind after a problem on petrol and the chaos that follows.
what is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives | Mature | 6977 words
Whumptober Day Sixteen - Pinned Down
Nothing matters. He can’t breathe, can’t sleep, can’t eat. He’s an empty shell of broken fragments, whatever’s left of himself.
He’s nothing.
Vacant eyes and a blank expression, pliant limbs and empty words.
He’s gone.
All because of Thomas.
All the pretty pictures in my head are faded | Teen & Up | 1770 words
Whumptober Day Seven - Isolation
Everything was lost in the fire.
Peter’s suit, all of Peter’s belongings, everything of May’s, everything that used to belong to Ben.
Peter lost everything that day.
Your heart will lead you home | Teen & Up | 4591 words
Whumptober Day Fourteen - Tear-Stained
He hates fighting with Tony. He hates the disappointment on his face. He hates the sadness and the pain, hates the way he called this his home and not the cabin. Hates how he left without saying goodbye. Hates the lack of closure. Hates himself more than he normally does.
He hates the insecurities that crawl through his head like vines, entangling him in the thoughts of alienation. Of Unbelonging. Hates the anxiety like acid, like a rope around his neck cutting off his breathing. Hates the desperation to call Tony, to ask him to come back, to ask him to wrap in a hug and take care of him and the thoughts in his head, to convince his head that it’s wrong.
Everything. He hates everything.
But he doesn’t bother trying to fix it. He simply pulls the blanket over his head and wishes the world away.
hold on, i still need you | Teen & Up | 1797 words
He looked about as messy as he felt. A mess of probably greasy hair from having gone one too many days without a shower, strands of hair in every direction. Pimples on a pale face like mountains on a landscape. Picked at scabs leaving marks of dried blood. Dark circles beneath his eyes like someone has stepped all over him, leaving behind dark shoeprints and sunken skin. An emptiness behind dark eyes like an abyss hiding too much underneath for someone so young.
Post-Endgame and Peter's struggling to deal. Morgan can't lose her older brother.
Hitting Every Red Light | Not Rated | 12776 words
Happy Hogan does a lot of annoying stuff for Tony Stark, including driving an annoying spider kid places. But when Peter stops talking so much, Happy starts to think maybe he enjoyed the talkative kid’s company after all. Or A whump story about Peter crying a lot after being punished by Nick Fury for messing up on a mission. Peter feels lots of guilt for messing up, and he fears his favorite mentor will be disappointed. Luckily Happy is there to help.
You wouldn’t understand | Teen & Up | 2926 words > Read the tags!
‘Come on Einstein, it’ll be fun!’ Peter hears echoing through his head as he stares at the familiar face in front of him.
The pale blue eyes that are looking back at him make Peter feel nauseous. He feels his body moving, all but stumbling backwards towards the exit. His vision goes blurry, and all he can hear is the pounding of his own heart thudding in his ears.
Appearances can be deceiving | Not Rated | 3269 words > Read the tags!
Alternate ending to 'You wouldn't understand'.
Peter's doing what he does best - saving people - when one of the people who needs saving is his childhood rapist.
If reality were a nightmare | Not Rated | 4334 words > Read the tags!
When people say sleep paralysis is one of the worst things a person can experience - they aren’t lying.
Peter Parker is no stranger to sleep paralysis.
Except this time, for Peter, it isn’t a dream. This isn’t something he’s going to wake up from in a cold sweat trying to catch his breath.
Repeating the past | Not Rated | 5584 words > Read the tags!
“Why me?” Peter asked, pulling back to look at Tony with red rimmed eyes. “Why do bad things always happen to me?”
Tony pulled Peter tighter against him, never wanting to let go. “I wish I knew, Pete.” Tony admitted. “You don’t deserve this.”
Green Turning Purple | General Audiences | 6239 words
Peter knows he can't fight back with his powers. So he doesn't. He lets whatever he's "earned" come at him. This time is a fucking bat.
Suit of Armor | Mature | 18230 words > Read the tags!
Peter Parker finally had a friend...
...but Skip Wescott was no such thing.
Peter deals with being a survivor post Skip Wescott. (Based on the PSA comic released by Marvel)
When You Hand By A Thread of Sanity | Not Rated | 87355 words > Read the tags!
Peter Parker has a good life. He has an Aunt that loves him more than anything and now a father-figure, Tony Stark, who would do anything to protect him. Despite losing his parents and his Uncle at such a young age, Peter’s life is good. But will all that change when a teacher at Peter’s school decides to take advantage of him in the worst way.
The New Normal | General Audiences | 24854 words
Life has a tendency to throw curveballs, and this one that's thrown at Peter Parker is one that he and his family never, ever expected.
Some curveballs are temporary, ones that are thrown to make life "interesting" and keep people on their toes.
But some are permanent...and the only thing left to do is adjust, regroup, and move on.
Move on with the new normal.
Don’t Leave Me Now | Teen & Up | 26524 words
Peter wakes up to white noise, static, a weight in his head that makes him feel like he'll never stand up straight again. His whole body is a wreck and every breath he takes is full of nails and pain. He can barely move.
Tony's face is the first thing to come into focus. If the blurry outline of him can be called focus.
"Tell me before May gets in here," Tony says, gravely serious. He rests his hand gently on Peter's shoulder. "I'm giving you that chance. What's going on?"
Peter knows he can't hide it anymore. He wants to sigh, but it hurts too much. Everything hurts too much. It shouldn't hurt this much.
"I think I'm losing my powers."
The Third Option | Mature | 220962 words
Homecoming A/U.
Ben and May divorced before Peter’s parents died, so when Ben is murdered Peter goes into foster care. It takes just a tiny taste of superpowers for Peter to decide he doesn’t want to put up with his horrible foster father anymore—the streets are infinitely more appealing. All he wants is to be Spider-Man anyway.
So he leaves.
Simple, that is, until Iron Man needs Spider-Man’s help. Peter isn’t about to turn down an opportunity to fight alongside Tony Freaking Stark, but he also isn’t going to let his hero know that his recruit is a fifteen-year-old homeless dropout. So they strike a deal. Peter will help Tony. In return, the mask stays on.
And that’s when things get complicated.
Always Silent, Peter Darling | Mature | 116135 words
After a traumatic experience at age 6, Peter Parker hasn't spoken a word. Most blame it on the fact that he witnessed his Uncle die in a horrible fire, this is only partly true. Now, almost 10 years later Peter is given the chance to finally speak, but will he take it? Or is the fear of his Aunt to much for him to take that chance?
Either way, Tony Stark can tell something's not quite right about the kind hearted May Parker.
Downfall | Mature | 5307 words
Peter is being abused. Tony finds out in the worst way possible.
...more will be added! Feel free to inbox me any suggestions!
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burtlederp · 4 years
Burtlederp Writes: A Masterlist
I write, a lot. Not all of it is good, but some of it is! Either way, I post it to tumblr in search of validation. Here is, as complete as I can manage, a list of every piece of writing I have posted on tumblr to date. Posts will be listed in chronological order, with more recent posts at the top. I’ll include which characters are included and trigger warnings by every link. Read about the cast of characters here. Dates are written as day-month-year. Last updated: 6 February 2020.
If a link is not working, PLEASE let me know and I’ll seek to correct it as soon as possible.
Links posted under the cut, because this is gonna be one long read.
Pancakes, posted 6-2-2020. Prompt, source, everything credited back to Peter Morris and his play “Pancakes.” Seller, Heathers. “Pancakes.” The Practice of Creative Writing: A Guide for Students. 3rd ed., Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2017, pp. 326-331. Contains blood, murder, death, violence.
Bad Day At Work, posted 6-2-2020. Prompt by @whumpbox; featuring Marcelo, Cynthia; contains: blood, minor gore, chemical burns, minor swearing, non-sexual nudity.
I Was Never There, posted 25-1-2020. Prompt by @whumpbox, requested by @redwingedwhump; featuring Samson, Cindy; contains: death mention, blood reference, nightmare, religious themes, religion.
Weary, Warm, and Welcome, posted 25-1-2020. Prompt by @whumpbox, requested by @my-whumpy-little-heart; featuring Jackson, Milo; no content warnings.
Elias Loses Privileges, posted 7-1-2020. Featuring Elias, Risa; contains swearing, LSD, drug use, noncon drugging (but also some very consented drugging).
Elias Drabble #4, posted 7-1-2020. Requested by @spiffythespook; featuring Elias, Risa, Carol; contains violence, beatings, punchings, minor blood.
Writing Blurb 8.b, posted 6-1-2020. Featuring Damien, Marcelo; contains a seizure.
Elias Drabble #3, posted 4-1-2020. Prompt by @acryofpain; featuring Elias, Toby, Shiva; contains: passing out, panic attack, reference to pedophilia, PTSD, swearing.
Anton and Jackson Drabble, posted 1-1-2020. Prompt by @delicatewhumps; featuring Anton, Jackson; contains blood, gore, death, and animal violence.
Moe Drabble #2, posted 31-12-2019. Prompt by @waywardwhump; featuring Moe; contains blood, gore, death mention, and a mutilated corpse.
Elias Drabble #2, posted 30-12-2019. Requested by @spiffythespook; featuring Elias, Courtney; contains graphic rape, strangulation, blood, panic, pedophilia mention, burns, noncon touch, noncon restraints. 
Elias Caught in a Blizzard, posted 28-12-2019. Requested by @my-whumpy-little-heart; featuring Elias; contains swearing.
Elias Gets Pushed Down the Stairs, posted 26-12-2019. Prompt by @comfy-whumpee; featuring Elias, Courtney; contains gaslighting, emotional abuse, physical abuse in a romantic relationship.
Writing Blurb 10, posted 20-12-2019. Featuring Elias; contains mentions of child abuse, swearing.
BTHBingo: Worked Themselves to Exhaustion, posted 19-12-2019. Prompt by @badthingshappenbingo; featuring James, CJ, Hearthom, Nancy; contains slavery, human trafficking, noncon- and nonsexual-nudity.
Moe Drabble 1, posted 18-12-2019. Prompt by @iaminamoodymoodtoday; featuring Moe; contains violence, blood, gore, cannibalism, swearing.
Damien Drabble 1, posted 16-12-2019. Prompt by @whump-princess; featuring Damien, Marcelo; contains mentions of violence, blood, gore, dog attack, death, swearing.
Elias Drabble 1, posted 15-12-2019. Prompt by @anotherwhumpblog and @card-games-and-pain; featuring Elias, Risa; contains swearing, drugging.
Miscellaneous Drabble 1, posted 15-12-2019. Prompt by @whumpupthejam; contains suicide ideations, suicidal desires, blood, and reference to captivity.
Miscellaneous Drabble 2, posted 12-12-2019. Prompt by @whump-galaxy; contains violence, head trauma, and death.
Miscellaneous Drabble 3, posted 11-12-2019. Prompt and characters by @deluxewhump; featuring NOT MY CHARACTERS.
Miscellaneous Drabble 4, posted 11-12-2019. Prompt by @card-games-and-pain.
Writing Blurb 6.c, posted 8-12-2019. Featuring Samson, Cindy, and Risa; contains swearing.
Writing Blurb 6.b, posted 4-12-2019. Featuring Elias, Samson, Cindy; contains blood, swearing, noncon- and nonsexual-nudity, noncon administration of drugs, panic attack.
Writing Blurb 6.a, posted 3-12-2019. Featuring Elias; contains blood, infected wound.
Miscellaneous Drabble 5, posted 25-11-2019. Prompt by @whumpprompts, @beautifullytorturedsouls, and @pumpkin-spice-whump-latte; contains blood.
Miscellaneous Drabble 8, posted 24-11-2019. Prompt by @a-moment-to-write; contains captivity, blood.
Writing Blurb 8.a, posted 16-11-2019. Featuring Damien, Marcelo; contains blood, violence, minor gore, panic attack.
Writing Blurb 8, posted 16-11-2019. Featuring Damien; contains blood, gore, burns, and explosions.
Writing Blurb 7, posted 11-11-2019. Prompt by @whumpqhs; contains graphic torture, blood, gore, violence, swearing, death, and guns.
Writing Blurb 6, posted 9-11-2019. Featuring Elias; contains child abuse, mention of pedophilia and rape, graphic surgery and gore, blood, PTSD, panic attack, and vomiting. 
Writing Blurb 5, posted 8-11-2019. Featuring Milo, Anton, and Jackson.
Writing Blurb 4, posted 7-11-2019. Featuring Elias, Courtney; contains graphic rape, noncon strangulation, vomiting. 
Writing Blurb 3, posted 7-11-2019. Featuring Samson; contains PTSD, vomiting, minor gore, mentions of violence, blood.
Writing Blurb 2, posted 7-11-2019. Featuring Moe; contains violence, blood, minor gore, knives, death, cannibalism mention.
Writing Blurb 1, posted 6-11-2019. Contains death, burning alive. 
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puppypeter · 4 years
ok so this is not really a starker prompt, more like a mentor / peter whump au kinda prompt (though it could have them ending up together) but I keep thinking about a Hell’s Kitchen AU where Tony is pretty much Gordon Ramsey and Peter is like 18-20y-o contestant. And he’s fucking good considering he hasn’t gone to culinary school or had nowhere near the same amount of years of experience as the others. The difference though is that he is very humble, very quiet, keeps his head down and works hard, as opposed to those other arrogant contestants - “I’m head chef in this fancy restaurant, I know everything!” etc.
So things that’d I’d like to be in it are:
- Peter started working in a restaurant when Uncle Ben passed away. He was like 13 and started working some shifts at night washing dishes to help May make ends meet and not lose the apartment. From there he started picking up about cooking from the chefs there and then ended up working his way up and actually cooking when maybe someone was not there one day etc which ends up in him leading a brigade at some point towards the end of highschool. (Does he drop out, does he not? Your choice). Kudos if the restaurant is called Chez Delmar - The best restaurant in Queens.
- Despite having experience leading a brigade (which was made up of people who actually admired him and knew why he was working hard), Hell’s Kitchen contestants take the piss out of him, mock his voice which still goes a bit high pitched and overall tend not to listen to him when he asks something. Chef Stark does try to encourage him to speak up louder. 
- There’s a bit of one way flirting from Chef Stark towards Peter. Peter actually thinks he is gorgeous but way out of his league so he’s completely oblivious to Chef Stark’s flirting. 
- Maybe Peter keeps winning like 99% of the challenges and getting praised a lot by Chef Stark. He gets all blushy. Maybe they take the piss out of him for his heart eyes too. 
- And because I gotta make it super fucking angsty and dramatic, maybe while he’s away filming the show May has an accident and passes away? And he doesn’t say anything because he knows this is his only shot at being able to stay off the streets? But maybe for the first time he starts messing up at dinner service, so so unlike him and Chef Stark pulls him aside and talks to him. 
Now for two endings:
1) He is excused for the rest of the service for valid reasons. He ends up winning the season anyway. Him and Chef Stark spend more time together and years later an article is published about them being a couple.
2) He cries his heart out while cooking and doesn’t say anything. He gets nominated by his team and Chef Stark says he thinks he doesn’t deserve to go home, but he asks if he can and it shocks Tony. He finds out about what has happened and that Peter has a little sibling he needs to go back to to take care of. But he doesn’t want to give up on the kid so he offers him a full ride to culinary school and a job at one of his restaurants regardless.
I doubt anyone would wanna write this, but though I’d put it out of my brain anyway. Thanks for coming to my TED talk!
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