mirumemo · 1 month
2024年 250 インタビュー
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susiephone · 10 months
extraordinary attorney woo rules because sometimes it'll be like "hey this episode we're defending a client who kidnapped 12 children" and the guy is like "in my defense....i saved those kids from going to school" and you're sitting there watching like "you know maybe he has a point"
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world-smitten · 2 years
Extraordinary Attorney Woo 9
Okay, so this episode is slyly brilliant and I want to talk about it.
Episodes 7-8 were about Young-woo dealing with her parents and her connections, and Min-woo being an obnoxious pillock. In episode 9, we suddenly pivot to a story about a somewhat quaint man who kidnaps a bus of children to play games in the woods. He calls them the “Children’s Liberation Army”. He legally changed his name to a poop joke because it made kids laugh. The kids he kidnaps are a bunch of academy students who only know school and sleep. We all know this message - Korea’s academic system is broken and the casualties are the children, whose parents cannot see the hurt they inflict because they are unshakingly convinced that it is for their good (very very relatable). I root for Bang Gu-ppong because I also believe in children’s liberation, and I want him to behave so Young-woo can get him a lighter sentence, even if that means declaring him mentally unwell.
Young-woo, like me, believes in children’s liberation. Unlike me, she goes above and beyond to understand Bang Gu-ppong as an individual whose ideology has merit that should be recognised in the court - even if it means that he can’t get a lighter sentence. Her actions might not “win” the case, but she upholds her integrity towards her client and her own beliefs (a far cry from episode 5, where she ignored her gut feeling and sense of justice to win a case for a lying client). Where I am in the episode (I was so excited by its writing that I hopped on here to post meta while my brain was still firing), Min-woo has just asked Attorney Jung to please, pretty please, penalise Young-woo for her behaviour in court. Watching the scene play out, I was thinking, ‘does this man think he’s in school? you don’t just “penalise” people like that in a professional workplace, wtf...oh. OH’.
And then Attorney Jung says, “Giving rewards and punishments over who’s right and who’s wrong is not how I work”. And the whole thing just clicked.
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I remember reading somewhere that children, like women, are oppressed by the patriarchy, and by the systems created and upheld by the patriarchy. The education system is one such system and is therefore punishes any behaviour that might destabilise it. “Play” - to have reckless, aimless fun for the sake of fun - is violently opposed to the patriarchy, which is “work” (boys especially are raised to place their worth in their ability to work, which is part of how the patriarchy perpetuates itself. Bang Gu-ppong is unemployed - he’s got little worth as a man, and little worth to the system).
This is the same patriarchy that Min-woo represents in this story, and that he’s been desperately trying to uphold since Young-woo, a disabled woman, barged in to completely disrupt order. When Attorney Jung asks Min-woo why he simply can’t talk things out with her, it’s because Min-woo, like a lot of people in the story including Young-woo’s father, sees her as a child. He doesn’t see her as his equal. And when she proves herself repeatedly in ways that upset his own perceptions of the world, he mentally defaults to “school”, to “penalties and rewards”, because this is the only environment he can imagine Young-woo in and this is the only environment that would certainly punish her for her disability (and we know that’s true, since she was bullied all through school). What he doesn’t realise is how much of a fool he looks by doing all that, since Young-woo sees herself as an adult (which she is, duh) and doesn’t stoop to his level of clownery. Maturity is something much deeper than parroting the “right” language and presenting yourself in the “right” way. Bang Gu-ppong seems immature, but he refuses to lie about who he is and what he’s done, and why he did it. That, for me, is “adult”.
That’s not to say that I agree with him kidnapping a bus of kids lol. He says they consented to being spirited away, to which I say, ‘meh’. When it comes to kids and consent, that is always a hairy discussion because kids genuinely don’t have the perspective to know what is good for them. But, work and study is always assumed to be good for kids without question, whilst it’s play that has to be constantly treated with suspicion, always moderated, always surveilled. And discussions around kids and consent lacks a ton of nuance - it’s almost always an either/or scenario. Either kids don’t know anything, so let’s micromanage the life out of them - or, kids can definitely consent, all the time, so their “yes” is always “yes” even when it’s said in ignorance. There has to be a better way to give kids some agency in their lives. I think the saddest thing in this episode is the implicit child abuse - if Mujin Academy is famously harsh on its students, then imagine what kind of treatment the director must have inflicted on her own kids (and having Gu-ppong’s mother be the director ties the whole thing together perfectly). But even the director herself, like all women, is only trying to navigate the patriarchy - a single mother, in a system that loathes single mothers, who goes above and beyond to mould her sons into the perfect future patriarchs. They excel in education and gain the high societal marker by making it to the best universities in the country. And she capitalises on this “success”, showing other mothers how they too can make their own potential patriarchs. In doing this, she proves her worth to the system.
After Gu-ppong tells the attorney of the playground games he had with the kids in the woods, Min-woo (who can never do anything right lol) says, “I guess you didn’t do anything incredibly original.”  To which Gu-ppong responds, “The thought that playing has to be original is what creates gimmicky children’s camp field trips without the field part. Taking the children from here to there, making them do this and that, so that they can experience something novel and educational. That’s not playing. Even if all they’re doing is looking up at the sky and snickering at the clouds floating by, as long as the child is smiling and is happy in that moment, that’s what playing really is.” When he said that, the scales fell out of my eyes. It was like, of course, of course. All those school trips and summer camps I did as a kid that were heavily monitored, expensive, stressful -  even the kind of play that we think is acceptable for kids, is still work. That makes sense. This was the moment I realised that this show is being written by someone who truly cares about children. And it’s so radical! It dropped something so novel (to me, at least) on the sly, and with such humility too. 
Man, I love this show.
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fewwordsmanyriddles · 2 years
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lunyrbug · 2 years
rewatching attorney woo
bang gu-ppong <3 somebody kidnap me and free me from school and let me run around for crying out loud
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koganecho-air-blog · 2 years
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黄金町x光州AIR交流プログラム2022 코가네쵸x광주AIR교류프로그램2022
アーティスト: チョン·ミンジュン 아티스트: 전민준
黄金町エリアマネジメントセンターと韓国の光州に位置するスペースフォンは、アーティスト交流を続けている。 今回は若手彫刻家のチョン·ミンジュン作家を黄金町に招き、彼の作品を黄金町に紹介できるようになった。 チョン·ミンジュン作家は2022年8月から10月までの約70日間、日本に滞在し、作品活動を進め、黄金町で企画した展示に参加することになった。
코가네쵸에리어매니지먼트센터와 한국의 광주에 위치한 스페이스퐁은 지속적인 아티스트교류를 진행하고 있다. 이번에는 젊은 조각가 전민준 작가를 코가네쵸에 초대하여 그의 작품을 코가네쵸에 소개할 수 있게 되었다. 전민준 작가는 2022년 8월부터 10월까지 약 70일간을 일본에 체류하며 작품활동을 진행하고 코가네쵸에서 기획한 전시에 참여하게 되었다.
毎年秋に開催している「黄金町バザール」に代わり、本年度は「⻩⾦町国際AIRプログラム 2022」の成果展を実施します。 「⻩⾦町国際AIRプログラム 2022」では、2022年夏より、5都市からアーティストを招聘し、作品制作・調査を実施しました。その成果報告として、10月1日(土)~16日(日)に展覧会を開催します。タイトルは「交流再来」。パンデミックの影響により約2年間、人の往来が途絶えましたが、今年に入ってようやく黄金町AIRに海外からのアーティストが参加できるようになりました。本展では、作家の作品を通して人々や文化間の交流の価値を改めて考えていきます。 また本プログラムの一環として同時募集した「AIR マネージャー・インターンシップ」に参加の、フィリピンのインターン生による報告展も同時開催いたします。
In lieu of the annual exhibition event “Koganecho Bazaar,” we are pleased to hold the Koganecho International AIR Program 2022 this year. During the summer, artists from five cities were invited to create their artworks and do research in Koganecho. An exhibition will be held from October 1st (Sat) to October 16th (Sun) to present their results. The title is “Return of Exchange”. Although exchanges had been temporarily interrupted due to the pandemic since 2020, it is finally possible for Koganecho AIR to accept artists from overseas this year. We once again consider the value of exchanges between people and cultures. In addition, the report-showing by a Filipino intern who participated in the “AIR Manager Internship”, who was invited at the same time as part of this program, will be included.
⻩⾦町国際AIRプログラム 2022 成果展「交流再来」 会期|2022年10月1日(土)〜10月16日(日) 時間|11:00〜19:00 会場|高架下スタジオSite-Aギャラリー、    八番館、山本アパート 休場日|10月3日(月)、11日(火) *入場無料 主催|特定非営利活動法人黄金町エリアマネジメントセンター 共催|横浜市文化観光局 協力|Luxelakes A4 Art Museum, Space Ppong, Taipei Art Center Trade Union, Chiang Mai Art Conversation, Load na Dito 助成|令和4年度 文化庁 アーティスト・イン・レジデンス活動支援事業
Koganecho International AIR Program 2022 Exhibition “Return of exchange” Dates | October 1st Mon – October 16th Sun, 2022 Opening hours | 11:00 – 19:00 Closing dates | October 3rd (Mon) and 11th (Tue) Venue| Site-A Gallery Beneath the Railways,    Hachibankan, Yamamoto Apartment ※Admission free Organizer | Koganecho Area Management Center Co-organizer | Culture and Tourism Bureau, City of Yokohama Co-operation | Luxelakes A4 Art Museum, Space Ppong, Taipei Art Center Trade Union, Chiang Mai Art Conversation, Load na Dito Support | The Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan in the fiscal 2022
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hotpinkashcrimson · 7 months
That post about Edgeworth's favorite music being Korean disco had me digging and not only was it TRUE from a fanbook interview but ALSO I learned the genre is specifically 'ppong-jjak', and I lost my fucking mind.
I need everyone to listen to this and know that this is the song ace prosecutor Edgeworth has in his ferrari sports car this is it
Edit: this post blew up AND EVERYBODY HAS BEEN DRAGGING ME WHEN IM A FAN OF PPONGJJAK SO ADDITIONAL CONTEXT: ppongjjak, or its real name, 'trot'; is a genre created during the Japanese occupation of Korea, and it has many musical influences from traditinal korean to japanese enka and even american/european folk.
It's a very long standing genre, so it has a very strong demographic of 40-80 year olds. So it's kinda what you would call boomer music I guess? Recently there's been a trot resurgence in Korea though!
Here's one of the songs that brought about the resurgence it's about socrates
Here's a good article I found if you're interested!
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bang gu-ppong: i'm kidnapping children bc schools and adults want to keep children anxious
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demonsword586 · 8 months
How do devils breed?
This is a an actual question. How do they reproduce? Like we know they have cocks.
But I don't think they ever comed from them.The most similar thing to climax they have is that white stuff from their horns.But that raises the question. How do they make babies?!
Do they only climax from their horn? Probably,since Ppong(sorry I don't know his name) didn't know that humans have 'horns' which produce 'milk'. But devils also have them! Unless they were actually fucking us with their horns.....
If they really don't cum down there....Why do they have sex? Only for pleasure?
Does that mean they switch to their horns before climaxing?
What about female devils with horns! Does that make them herm.? Can they impregnate other females? Can they impregnate themselfs?!
A lot of questions,not much answears.But we do know they can make kids. I think in Beur's artifact describtion it said that he has both a mother and a father,which means they fucked!
Also do they horn shame inatead of cock shame each other?
Edit:this post is ass😀 Devils are unable to have children...please look in comments.@spacegloomer explains it better
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pinkgy · 2 months
what is nightmare pass?? does it mean that getting ppyong’s L card will be difficult? :(
Hi anon !
A Nightmare Pass is an in-game benefit that you can buy during a limited time that guarantees you determinate rewards such as Cards, Artifacts, etc that you can only get through this method.
So, summed up, you have to pay to get Ppong.
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It’s pretty much the same thing that happened with Gabriel’s Christmas card.
Without the buying the pass you can still get some rewards, but not Ppyong.
At least there’s always a kind soul in Tw/X that shares the card story, secret room, voice lines, etc.
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thedramanotes · 2 years
My friend pointed out that despite my uncritical love for it, episode 9's case about liberation of children felt far too preachy and that lessened her enjoyment of it.
And I want to respect that perspective (even though I immediately argued with her 🤣) but also say a little bit in explanation of the context.
Her main complaint was that the central figure of Bang Gu-ppong was far too idealistic. Extrapolating from that, I figure his exhortation that children need to "play immediately!" right now and every day felt too simple and impractical an ideology against the parents' desire to push their children to excel so they have comfortable careers as adults. But here's the thing.
We have watched similar plot lines in kdramas for decades. We've watched children be bullied, commit suicide, drop out, do horrible things to their friends, lie and cheat, become desperate and disheartened in drama after drama after drama.
We know it's a real problem. Children in Asian countries (not just South Korea, but China, Japan, India, et al) are treated like job horses by their parents. Only instead of earning money now, they're preparing throughout their childhood to someday earn a lot of money in the future.
There are international policies that try to enforce children's right to a childhood, but for most Asian countries that means little. Parents are far too focused on making sure their children don't grow up to earn less than them. So yeah, I know the treatment of this plot may have felt silly and may not have connected with a lot of viewers. But dramaland has given us this story for decades in every way possible.
Dark, gritty, real, pragmatic, inspiring, hopeful, desperate.
This is one more way. It's far more idealistic and not necessarily what children really need, but it's a good way to bring at least one thing to light. A child's right to consent.
I liked it.
That's all.
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mirumemo · 1 year
2018年 250 インタビュー
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susiephone · 10 months
a lesser show would've been like "the criminal wants to reform the school system and protect children's rights.....BY KIDNAPPING CHILDREN AND TRAUMATIZING THEM AND BEING EVIL AND OH IT TURNS OUT HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT KIDS AT ALL SO DON'T QUESTION THE SYSTEM ACTUALLY"
but extraordinary attorney woo was like "the criminal wants to reform the school system and protect children's rights.....BY KIDNAPPING CHILDREN for a single afternoon, by commandeering the bus that was about to take them to a school where they were abused and overworked, and offered them all multiple chances to get off the bus and go home if they didn't want to go with him, and when they all elected to stay, took them to a mountain where they played outside and ate snacks together for a few hours before bringing them home without a single scratch, and it was the most fun any of these kids got to have, and he cares deeply for each and every child he meets and wants to disrupt and dismantle the system that abuses them and steals their childhoods, and his lawyer is like 'well i can't LEGALLY condone my client's methods of protest but the man makes some points!' and he's also completely willing to go to jail for his cause as long as he gets to keep speaking out about how children are mistreated in society. and his name is mr. fart."
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eoharu · 2 years
i got tears on my eyes looking that whale greet youngwoo in court and bid her goodbye when the case end but now it really makes my heart ache to think youngwoo got inspiration based on that whale's story; a real life story about whale that got caught at the age of two, locked in prison tank doing shows for 33 years and died there without able to go back to the sea. bong gu-ppong last word that child need to play now, later is too late, or they'll be like him, similar to this whale that couldn't get free... it may be late for them, but not for the children. seriously, the writer is really brilliant.
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standard-muse · 2 years
Bang Gu-Ppong in a nutshell
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juliemolinaz · 2 years
I can’t begin to imagine how fucked up Bang Gu-ppong’s childhood/young adulthood was that he felt like kidnapping children to give them the freedom to play was the only option.
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