#pray for me and my fam
bowandbrush · 6 months
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I made this awhile ago before I got some weird virus. long story short, please pray for my family, we all feel really crummy. anyways, Happy holidays!
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neotaissong · 4 months
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#free gaza#free palestine#praying for rafah#but nah lets talk about deadpool marvel and usher#i love movies i love music i love life but they are inventing new ways to kill the human spirit and playing in our faces about it#they are brandishing anyone who speaks out as anti-semetic whilst testing new weapons on civilians fufilling murder quotas compiled by AI#doing all this under the cover of the spectacle of mass entertainment national holidays and now the superbowl#i mean no disrespect to palestinians in posting the above photo of a body decimated and hanged i mean no disrespect to the victim#their family or friends but i had to show it i had to this is horror#the first thing that came to mind was lynched broken and burnt black bodies hanging from trees#and years of nfl kneeling by Kaepernick and the ways black media elites tried to hide him away after his calls for justice#the sun is shining here after how many weeks of weighty greyscale atmospheres and all i see is blood in between my breakfast#in between catching up with friends and fam in between scrolling music art and lifestyle i see blood blood blood blood blood blood blood#i feel guilt and shame and loss and grief and powerlessness and the sun is shining on my face and there's congo and sudan#and there is love and love and love and love and love seeping under the cracks of all this death hate conquest and loneliness#i have to believe it i have to believe in my belief i have to hold onto faith with blood on my hands for not doing enough pls forgive me#pls god forgive me god pls forgive me#pls god strengthen the resistance strenghten my capacity for love resistance rebellion and defiance in the face of their death & conquest
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handsomegentlebutch · 3 months
My 3 little cousins were baptized today. "Triggered" is kind of a strong word but being in a catholic church again... I'm a little fragile rn ngl.
#butch speaks#it was hard not to shake as i held J over the basin to have the water poured on his head#when he was cleansed of sin. as if a little kid could ever knowly or intentionally offend a so-called loving god#the words came naturally to me#but they meant nothing#i remember when they used to mean something. when i begged gods forgiveness for my sin (being a lesbian) and tried to pray the gay away#i remember how much i wanted to die bc i could never truly embrace the sacred#i STILL deal with the complex of catholic guilt. its a very real thing. its hard to shake#i cant help but wonder if the catholicism ingrained in my brain is why i have a hard time with casual dating n sex#fun fact: there was a point when i was a teen that i got REALLY catholic#i prayed everyday. i talked to my patrin saint (st agnes) every day. i wantsd to become a nun#the thought of marrying a man mad me more sad than feeling like an alien did. so id marry the church as a nun.#not the way to hide being a dyke when ur fam is catholic btw LMAO#the first priest i knew was father joe. i loved that guy. he was so kind. friendly. briming with love.#he was one of my biggest references for what a good person was like#he talked about gods love a lot. how its for everyone. no one is exluded. ever.#he used to look right at me when he said stuff like that. a few other kids too. all of whom grew up to be queer#then father joe passed away. our church merged with another church. father jeff was the priest there.#he was kind but not as kind. he talked about hell and sin more. he looked at the same kids father joe did.#but the kindness in his eyes wasnt there.#that wasnt for us.#my family wasnt even THAT catholic#i went to church every sunday i did vacation bible school and catechism classes and youth group#i was an altar servant and in the choir#i even used to speak/understand a little latin#imagine how much worse id have been if my mom could have afforded catholic school lmao#grateful to have grown up poor in that regard#hm. actually... reading my own tags. mayne we were pretty catholic actually.#fucking hell.#i need to have lesbian sex in a church before god and everyone. mayeb that would fix me.
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tenuuchlegch · 2 months
Man re-playing shadowbringers and it just occurred to me how much trust Odtsetseg had developed for Urianger over the course of the expansions.
Like with him specifically, he was kind of lumped with Thancred as one of the more 'shady' Scions for Odtsetseg at first. Mainly because he was one hiding his face and two speaking in ye old tongue, which frankly made it so xaela took a longer time to understand him when compared to others. So yeah, she was a bit more prickly with him to start with. His mysterious shenanigans during the post-heavensward arcs did not sit well with her, as having been betrayed by the Crystal Braves did leave its mark.
However, that changed when his intentions were revealed after fighting with Ardbert and his crew. Since Odtsetseg was not as connected to Minfilia as some others were, she saw things through a slightly more unbiased light and realized despite elezen's secrecy, he did have the best intentions at heart.
This opinion of him remained unchanged, even after Odtsetseg discovered what was happening to her in Slitherbough. While it was concerning that she was at risk of turning into a monster, xaela really was not mad at him for keeping his secrets. Auri was certain that he only thought of the betterment of mankind and had some plans should she turn. That didn't stop her from conspiring with Y'shtola to cast her transformed self into the Void, granted but I digress.
The point is... she was not expecting him to apologize to HER for his secrecy. Xaela understood that sometimes sacrifices had to be made for the greater good, sometimes. She didn't think they were too close, but in that moment Odtsetseg truly began to think of them as family. This was why instead of forgiving him, auri reminded him the threat she was to those around her, because she didn't want to loose a tribe again.
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juusasu4evagrrl · 1 year
Genuine question, does anyone want to hear about naruto from the prospective of a Liberian person grappling with the generational trauma of a brutal civil war or is that too heavy??
Like there's, I like sasuke cause he's a cool dude, very wholesome do tell, and then there's, I like sasuke cause the government also tried to eradicate my people group that one time and holding empathy for that dumbass kid teaches me to examine a my own experiences with compassion, honestly what a downer like who cares.
I don't know thoughts???
#do i even wanna speak on it#maybe i should just rewatch pray the devil back to hell give my dad a hug and tell him how proud i am of him#on second thought#maybe we should go the naruto route#like i promise their are a lot of wacky connections between the warfare in naruto and the liberian civil war#general butt naked eating hearts kakuzu also eating hearts#Samuel doe ( may he rest in pieces in someones digestive track while his soul burns in hell) and danzo#the thing i like about connecting fandom to my life is that it teaches me thing that provide empathy in spaces where it did not naturally#exist but the thing is i dont want to have empathy for a lot of those hos and i think thats valid actually#i think its important to bring our personal live into fandom though cause its all we really have#idek i think it would be best to keep the real world seperate from fandom in this case but#my dad just completed a trip to Liberia for the first time in 30 years (round of applause pls) for the first time since the war has ended#a confilct that started when he was my age (younger actually) and ended a month after my birth and has left so much instability who knows#if its ever really over#were all struggling to come to terms with the Liberia left behind by those events the family and friends we leave behind#and i feel like it would be easier to talk project it all onto stupid lil alien ninja wars instead of talking about it irl#i love sasuke cause i deeply relate to his struggle even though im a generation removed#but i feel like this fandom would not be receptive to the way i would disscuss his character if i made that connection in an analysis#so maybe ill just stew in my emotions a little longer and when i go back to Liberia this summer wth the fam ill decide weather to make#that post or not onece and for all#no that'll be perfect actually cause then i'll be able to make it a post for liberian independence day#ughhh like i don't be wanna talk about it irl but i don't feel this would be a good outlet either#naruto commentary in relation to the liberian civil war sounds like a dope essa but should i write it???#probably not but we'll just have to see#thoughts feelings opinions?? any other Liberian naruto fans on here??? pleas siblings put some sense in me#naruto#not naruto#god i don't even wanna make this post lets see how long she stays up#im writing too many naruto analysies rn anyways lemme worry about that first
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lovingempress · 1 year
*slaps the top* I can fit so many layers into this bad boy
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I have been messing with this one for AGES and I’m so glad to finally post it! First art of 2023 is finally finished! Dedicated, of course, to our beloved Vy-chan~ @writer-and-artist27 and her wonderful OC Hoshino Tomoko-chan~ “U can do it!” (The Naruto Shippuden ED) was living in my head rent-free the entire time these past few months and I KNEW I needed to do a piece around it. Of course Tomoko-chan became my muse yet again, best girl that she is~
I had a lot of fun with this one, and it was a good experience to mess around with things like overlays and other layer settings. #NoConsistency I’ve changed my style yet again lol. Her hair is a throwback to her father, who if u don’t know is based around YGO Judai Yuki! I usually draw it so smooth, but I wanted to try the spiky hairstyle for once. It’s very freeing to flow with, and satisfying to make ehe~
As indecisive as always, I couldn’t decide which face to use for the final so I put all of them in here XD
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outlawssweetheart · 11 months
Every day that I wake up, I pray that “fans” of deranged villains who try to water them down into victims or say “THEY WERE FRAMED” and make them OOC because they’re boring and delusional and can’t handle liking fictional murderers (and they likely only like them for their looks) loose their internet access.
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cobaltfluff · 2 years
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Got the brainworms.
A Nest Torn Empty, the month Mike is away. There are some flavors of trauma that might interestingly suit that scenario. These are just little brainstorms, don't feel like. Compelled to use them lmao
One might fit the idea of being medicalized, poked and prodded. Psych test after psych test, evaluations and therapy as it was in the eighties, possibly by particularly shitty professionals who try to go the therapy version of "bad cop" and INSIST mike is lying just to see if he breaks?
Another might be someone deciding to enact some kind of revenge on Evan's behalf. This could go any number of ways, but I think it would be interesting if someone who has been in Evan's position before decided to try and create some version of "a taste of his own medicine" for Mike, though obviously without the near death bit bc of plotlines etc.
And then there are less obvious things that kind of get left out. Being torn from your family all of the sudden is traumatic. He doesn't know what's going to happen to him, or to his brother and sister. Whether or not he's in another abusive place, the sheer amount of differences could throw him off. All the rules are different, all the people are different. He probably feels very isolated.
(You're giving me ideas for the au where Mike thinks Evan died after they're split up, lmao)
In terms of reactions, I think there might be more of a shutdown than his earlier behavior. If nothing he's doing yields ANY reaction– good or bad– then why bother? I think a lot of it would just lead him to be very tired by the end of it all.
Final aspect that I think would be interesting: as the kids grow up and actually learn to talk about the shitty upbringing they had, I think Mike's month away might fall to the wayside for a while. Nobody else thinks about it; it doesn't come up.
Eventually, though, it does need to be addressed. Maybe it kind of pales in comparison to the bite itself, but the experience still hurt.
(Or disregard all of this! Just brainstorming dhfjdkdksk)
okay first off I think it's so funny that I have to outsource all my "how would Mike react to xyz trauma" stuff to you,, like how dare you know him so well and have so many tantalizing Mike thoughts /honorary /pos
i think my initial idea was more along the lines of like,, Mike keeps insisting that he didn't mean to hurt Evan, but the more the psychiatrists poke and prod and question him, the less certain Mike is.
All of Mike’s claims that "I didn't know that would happen" and "i didn't mean for him to get hurt" and "i didn't want to kill him" are met with stuff like. "So there's no history of you hurting him?" "So Evan hasn't been put in danger by your actions before?" "So this behavior is a recent thing that came out of nowhere?" And just like. General questions that, whether asked out malice or from people genuinely trying to understand if Mike is a danger to himself or others, only serve to highlight in Mike’s mind that maybe he is inherently evil, because every time he swears that he didn't mean it, he's just met with a reminder of all the times he has in fact hurt Evan and others before and with the reminder that he could do it again at any time.
The idea that there are certain "professionals" there who just insist that Mike is lying about not meaning for the Bite in an effort to get him to cave and break???? Oooooh boy. Angsty, I love it. Maybe as time passes and Mike gets more and more frustrated, his "medical treatment" and "psychiatric professionals" just get worse and worse as a result of his lashing out. It starts out with the psychiatrists just trying to be thorough and get a detailed understanding of what happened, and the mere nature of their questioning frays Mike as he interprets their questions as them not believing him. He tells himself that he's crazy for feeling so attacked by them when they're professionals trained to help people, but like. It doesn't make the problem go away. Mike starts lashing out as he feels like they don't believe him. And his lashing out is ofc seen as signs of hostility, leading to worse and worse "treatment" (in both sense of the term), and leading to him being placed with awful "professionals" who blatantly tell him to his face now that he's lying about not meaning to hurt Evan to get Mike to break.
And the whole experience just, like, shreds every sense of faith Mike had in his own judgment. He doesn't know what to do or think anymore, and it doesn't matter anyway, because no matter WHAT he does or thinks it has the same result of people just. Making him feel cruel and evil, like he'll inevitably hurt someone, like he's a monster and has always been a monster and is trying to manipulate everyone here in the psych facility and everyone he's ever known into thinking he's NOT a monster for his own personal gain.
Worst thing is that in Mike’s eyes, these are strangers who don't even know him or know anything about him, and yet they don't NEED to know him to know that he's evil. Mike coming to the conclusion that theres something so fundamentally broken about him that people can PHYSICALLY SEE IT, he reeks of it, it's the first thing people see when they look at him, the ONLY thing people see. People don't even need to know him to see straight into the evil in his heart. Which is only furthered when he goes back home and all these classmates he never talked to before are calling him a murderer, not to mention Liz's ambivalent reaction to seeing him again.
#Like low key there's an ask sitting in my inbox abt how saffron mike would react to smth#And I've just been staring at it like. No idea my guy. I am not the mike expert here. Lmao#Now I'm thinking about mike begging and praying for william to come get him out of this facility#And will not doing so feeds into Mike’s reluctance to trust will later on#And feeds into mikes frustration that will has been so absent#ie the scene where mike freaks out in ch1 of bcoh and he's like. FATHER should be#The one giving ev his meds so he doesn't try ripping his own head off from the pain so WHERE IS HE??#Like Will just. Consistently does this#Also mike not knowing what's gonna happen to him or liz or evan...#Do the psychiatrists even tell mike whether or not ev is still alive?#Does mike assume that liz is in a psych facility herself? She didn't cause the bite but SHE has been hurting ev too#Does mike wonder if he's ever getting out of here#And then no one in the fam talking about mike's month away!!!#Ur giving me thoughts for a one shot that takes place several years after the bite#With evan begging mike to stop pushing him away#And mike is just. So traumatized not just from going thru this but from no one talking or caring abt it#(On top of his normal trauma abt not wanting to burden/hurt anyone w his issues and not feeling they're important#And and and plus all the time mike spent trying to reach out to ev after the bite only for ev to be so traumatized that he kept#Rejecting mike) that he can't stop holding people at arms length.#A nest torn empty#my brother my wound#tw medical malpractice#Tw child abuse
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is it even a surprise i have nothing christmas-y prepared? no, don’t think so
anyway, i wish everyone a happy holiday!! ♡
what are your plans for today/tomorrow?
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lisanamjoon · 9 days
i invited my cousin’s wife to my birthday dinner tomorrow and then the rest of the family proceeded to invite themselves, kids and all 😅
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bi-hans · 3 months
Sorry to Bother again with this. How is your fanfic coming along?
I'm writing and aiming to update (hopefully) before the month is over. Hang in there, anon.
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dutybcrne · 8 months
@strdstd replied to your post:
{CONGRATS ON THE TIGHNARI THO! He's really good, as you've seen through my use of him! But still... OOF FOR WRIOS-}
Tho we both know I ain't so good with building up my chara's in the most Optimal ways sjdbhdkg
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eternalpassions · 1 year
Hyde’s explanation of why he doesn’t go to church hit me so hard. Mood
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rensunggiemon · 1 year
Bro i have the WORSR viral infection rn. my fever won't go down and literally every cell in my body hurts 😂 AND i have an exam tomorrow! Which i can't miss!!! ❤️
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mopopshop · 2 months
Ur Best Friend
Inspired by the song “Ur Best Friend” - Kehlani and Kiana Ledé (such a good song oml 🙏🏾) 
Paige x fem!OC (cause ion do that y/n stuff, no hate but I don’t🧍🏾‍♀️)
Featuring: Jalen Suggs
Words: 2k
-cheating (sorry fam)
-slight sexual content
As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden hue over the backyard, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation. It was my boyfriend Jalen's twenty-third birthday, and I had spared no effort in planning the perfect party. A few weeks earlier, we’d just celebrated our five months, so I had to have a party to top the last. The decorations were up, the music playlist carefully curated (tons of Rod Wave and Bryson Tiller), and the scent of food filled the air.
Among the guests was Paige, Jalen's best friend since eighth grade. I've always been cordial with her, exchanging polite smiles and casual conversation whenever she was around. But something had shifted in the past few weeks. A subtle tension lingered between us, sparking whenever our eyes met, igniting something unfamiliar yet exhilarating.
She'd gotten more touchy with me as well, a hand on the lower back and a hushed "excuse me" to get past, a casual arm over the shoulder during group hangouts, a hug or two, but up until a few weeks ago, I'd seen these as nothing less than innocent.
She's a friend, you know? Jalen's friend at that, so no way in hell I'd ever try anything with her. Not to say she's not, you know... good-looking. She'd 100% be my type if it wasn't for Jalen. Paige's tall, she's blonde, she's funny, has a nice smile—did I mention tall? Sometimes she wears these glasses which make her look—
I'm pulled from my thoughts as my friend Gigi waves me over to her.
"Come on, we're about to sing happy birthday," she smiles and rushes over to me, grabbing my arm and dragging me into the kitchen.
As I followed Gigi into the kitchen, my heart skipped with something unfamiliar upon seeing her. Paige was already there, chatting with a few other guests and standing next to Jalen. She was wearing a grey Nike tech sweatsuit under the jacket, a white tee, her classic braided ponytail, and topped off the look with white Jordan 4’s.
As I moved through the crowd, I couldn't help but steal glances at her. At times, we made eye contact which deepened the flush in my cheeks.
I’d told Jalen earlier that week that I wanted to toast to him before we sang for the cake, and I’d prepared something ahead of time, but now as the moment approached, something about it just hadn’t felt right. In the midst of my thinking, I don’t notice Jalen coming up to me with open arms.
“Hey baby, you good?” He says with a look of worry.
I’m startled by the sound of his voice and am quickly ripped from my thoughts.
“Hey! Yeah yeah I’m fine… just hoping you like my toast,” I breathe out, praying he doesn’t press the issue.
He smiles and says nothing, placing his hand on the small of my back and directing me towards the front of the crowd… towards Paige.
I lock eyes with Paige again and I rush to look away, but as I go to look back, I notice she’s still staring.
What was this tension between us? And why was it becoming harder to ignore?
Gigi nudged me playfully, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Girl what is going on with you today, you gonna do this toast or what?”
With a deep breath, I grab my shot glass and get everyone’s attention.
“Hey y’all, before we sing happy birthday, I just wanted to make a toast to my man. Tonight, let's raise our glasses to celebrate Jalen's 23rd birthday. Jalen, you're more than just a boyfriend; you're my rock.”
Even as I say these words and the more I go on, I don’t feel as though they’re genuine. All I can do is think of Paige…
“Your kindness, strength, and passion inspire me every day. Your laughter lights up any room, and your presence warms my heart. Here's to another year of smiles, laughter, and adventures together. Happy birthday, Jalen! Cheers!”
I tip my head back and down the shot, feeling the lukewarm liquid burn its way through my throat. Bringing my head up, I catch Paige’s gaze once again, and this time I don’t look away.
Suddenly my view of her is obscured as a group of Jalen’s friends come from the hallway with his birthday cake. Everyone gathers around Jalen, me on his right side and Paige on his left while Jalen holds the cake in the middle. We quickly sing happy birthday, and he blows out his candles. He turns to me to go in for a kiss, but I catch sight of Paige behind him and end up swerving his kiss.
“Yo.. seriously you good babe?” Jalen spews sort of irritated.
“Fine! I’m fine,” I squeak out, “Just…”
My gaze falls over to Paige, seeing her fight back a smile or maybe a chuckle at the sight of me rejecting Jalen’s kiss.
“… distracted.”
“Uh.. cool, okay,” I see him look to his friend group.
“I’m just gonna go and talk with the boys for a minute,” and he presses a brief kiss to my cheek.
“Have fun!” I turn around and try to yell over the music, but I can tell he’s already forgotten about me.
When I look back, I see Paige again. She makes prolonged eye contact then trails her eyes to the porch outside. Cocking her head towards the door as if to say “let’s talk out here” and promptly turns around and heads out the back doors.
I wait a few minutes before heading out to follow her because as much as I long to talk with her, I’m not trying to look desperate. Slowly but surely, I make my way over to the doors, pushing them open to see Paige leaning with her forearms on the railing.
“What are you following me out here for?” Paige teases turning her head with a smirk. I laugh quietly, not knowing how to continue the conversation.
She stands up straight, turning around to face me, leaning her back on the railing, crossing her feet and arms.
“You're trying to be shy so bad, get your ass over here,” She laughs.
I throw my hands up defensively, my voice pitching up a little bit, “I’m not being shy! I just don’t know what to say right now.”
Paige reaches out and grabs my hand, pulling me entirely too close to her. “You don’t have to be so weird, it’s just me,” she says softly while caressing my fingers.
“I just- I.. I don’t know! Everything’s just so complicated right now,” I confess.
“Well talk to me about it,” she continues caressing my fingers, which makes it increasingly hard to think straight.
“I can’t.”
“Why not, mamas?”
That god damn nickname.
“I can’t because it’s about you.”
“What about me?”
“I can’t say! I just- it’s like- If I say how I really feel about.. you know everything, It’s gonna be real, and I’m not sure if I want it to be real.”
“Ma, you’re not making any sense right now.”
“I know!” I throw my hands up in frustration, I feel hot and flustered, and Paige being less than two feet from me isn’t making it any better.
Paige grabs my chin, bringing me closer and forcing eye contact.
“Hey, hey, look at me. Seriously breathe through it, you’re okay,” She says calming me down. “Just tell me what’s on your mind.”
I take a deep breath and back away from Paige slightly, letting the word vomit take its course.
“Every time I see you, my heart races, and my palms get all sweaty. I try to play it cool, you know. But let's be real, I am desperate. Desperate to talk to you, to be near you, to just be in your presence. And when I finally gather the courage to make my way over to you, my knees feel like jelly, and my words get all jumbled up. But you! You just stand there with that smirk on your face, teasing me, and you know you have this effect on me, you love it. I know you do.
And then you show up to Jalen’s party, making all the faces and giving me ‘fuck me’ eyes, and it’s just- it’s a lot to deal with! So I come out here to shut it down, but you make it so fucking hard by pulling me closer, rubbing my fingers and shit, making it impossible for me to think straight. And then by asking me what's on my mind, what's bothering me, you’ve become a better partner to me in ten minutes than Jalen ever has in these past five months.
And I know I should just spill my heart out to you, which I quite literally am doing right now, and tell you how I feel and hope for the best. But it's not that simple. I am scared, scared of losing you, of ruining our friendship, of making things awkward between us. But I can't help the way I feel, Paige. I just feel like the biggest asshole for doing this to Jalen because even though he’s not the best boyfriend, he’s still a good guy. I don’t know…”
I take a deep breath after that, looking at Paige’s face for any sign of disgust.
“Aniyah, I…” she starts.
“See, I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. I told you it was stupid! I knew you didn’t feel the same, and I opened my mouth anyways,” I quickly backtrack.
“Paige, I’m sorry, I’m just acting all crazy because Gigi’s birthday dinner's in a few days, and I have an early exam tomorrow, just super busy with things! Again, so sorry I-“
I’m quickly cut off by the feeling of Paige’s lips crashing onto mine and her arms wrapping around my waist.
“Don’t apologize for anything,” she breathes out in between kisses.
After a good minute or two of deep kisses, we break apart with our foreheads touching. I bring my arms around her neck while hers stay around my waist, rubbing the material of my black mini dress.
The air around us feels charged with electricity as we stand there, our breaths mingling in the warm night air. Paige's touch sends shivers down my spine, and I find myself lost in the moment, forgetting everything else except her and the connection between us.
"Aniyah," Paige whispers, her voice barely audible over the distant hum of music and chatter from the party.
"Yeah?" I respond softly, my heart still racing from the intensity of our kiss.
"I've wanted to do that for so long," she admits, her blue eyes searching mine for any sign of hesitation or regret.
“Same,” I smile, and we both laugh.
“This… this is not a good idea,” I sigh out.
“Probably,” she jokes. “But I really wanna kiss you again, so maybe let’s have this conversation in the morning,” Paige tilts her head back down to kiss me again.
I squeal, “Paige! Hold on, Jalen’s still here. So is literally everyone else.”
“C’monnn.. Jalen’s probably blacked out or cross-faded by now. Let’s just sneak past everybody…” She leans down, kissing up my neck.
“I… Paige..” I breathe out.
“Seriously.. hold on two seconds. Just let me check on him.”
She rolls her eyes sassily, gripping my waist again, “Fine.”
I pull her hands off my waist, interlocking our fingers and dragging her with me back into the house full of drunken young adults. We continue to weave our way through the house finally getting to the room packed full of loud frat guys, including Jalen.
As Paige predicted, Jalen’s 6’3 self passed out on the couch surrounded by his friends in equal states.
“I fuckin’ told you dude,” Paige nudges me with her elbow.
“Shut up!” I laugh turning around and pushing her back slightly.
She grips my wrist, pulling me into her body. “Now can we…? You know..” she says smirking.
I burst out laughing, “Yes! Jesus, you—horndog.”
“The fuck is a horndog, bruh?” She replies chuckling.
“Girl I don’t know! And by the way, don’t call me ‘bruh’ when you’re trying to shove your fingers ins-“
Slapping a hand over my mouth, “Okay okay!”
We both laugh to ourselves as we stumble up the stairs with our mouths attached, bumping into walls and pictures along the way. Finally reaching my room and falling through the doorway.
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