#pray for me it cools down some so I can sleep just a bit more bc I have to work today for a few hours
obbystars · 2 months
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Drown in the Deep
Synopsis: Drown your sorrows away into the deep dark ocean where it can’t be found. Feel its cold embrace and let the water in. Maybe then, you’ll see him again when you no longer feel anything.
CONTENT WARNING: The reader very much intends to die/get themself killed, detailing how they’d love to drown in the abyss.
Notes: Sebastian Solace x GN!Reader / Spoilers for Sebastian’s backstory / Possibly OOC / Established relationship, can be interpreted as either married or not but they are living together / Angst (Hurt w/ eventual comfort) / Death + blood (not the reader despite the synopsis and content warning) / Not really a happy ending honestly
(This is VERY self-indulgent I love hate Sebastian. Also a bit of experimentation and playing around with his character. I’m not so good on romance stuff, so I hope what’s here is to your liking. Also rewrote some parts A LOT due to idea change/read up on lore and realized things didn’t add up here. I think I’ve got most of it covered though. Anyway I love how a few runs of playing Pressure for the first time, I died to A-60 HAHAAAAA kill me.)
Credits: Dividers by @cafekitsune
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A chance to be freed from your criminal record, and a reward worth to last for a very, very long time. As they always say, “High risk, high reward,” and the risks were certainly high. You could very much die. It was a chance anyone crazy enough would take.
But you didn’t sign up for this for the reward. You didn’t care about it in the slightest. To you, this would be an easy way out. An escape from this dreadful life fate had decided for you. So here you are, sitting in a submarine with three others in silence. There’s no telling on how deep you’re going, they never bothered to tell you how exactly far it was nor the possible dangers you’ll be facing. You’ll welcome anything if it means you won’t wake up again.
Still, you wondered why things went the way it did. Everything was fine until your partner was framed for a murder he didn’t commit. Nine murders, to be exact. You were there for the trial. You saw and heard everything. You kept your cool throughout all of it. You were hoping, praying to whatever god is out there to show them he was innocent. None of it mattered in the end.
After the trial, you went straight home, not even bothering to listen to your family who was also there. By the time you entered your shared home and locked the door behind you, you stood in silence for a while. You didn’t know what you were feeling at that very moment. You felt hot tears beginning to swell up, and your vision beginning to blur. Your legs eventually give out and you fell to your knees. You muffled your sobs with your hand as you curled up on the floor.
You couldn’t get yourself to calm down for a while. You don’t even know how long you were laying there once you feel your tears dry up and the sound of your heart beating rapidly leaves your ears. You don’t know what to do.
He was imprisoned and sentenced for execution for the nine murders you know he didn’t cause, but that didn’t matter. You weren’t there when it supposedly happened. You couldn’t prove anything. You were powerless to do anything.
Many early mornings were spent struggling to even leave the house, let alone the bed itself if you even managed to drag yourself to bed. You were too exhausted to even try for most. When you did manage to begin your day, you quickly became aware that everything is so much more irritating. People talking to you, certain noises you hear, how your food tastes… You just wanted to go back home and waste away.
As for majority of your nights, they have been spent just curled up in bed and crying until you eventually exhausted yourself. Gripping anything that resembled or had traces left of him and holding it close, hoping just the mere fleeting scent of him lulls you to sleep. Feeling the cold and empty space beside you and being reminded he’s gone, as if the reminders from your family weren’t already enough.
You know your family has been trying to contact you, sometimes even coming to the house, but you’ve ignored them every time. You don’t want to see them. You don’t want to talk, to hear, or to even think about them. You just wanted to be left alone.
A few years had gone by since then but you didn’t feel any better than before. You weren’t sure if you felt worse. Maybe it was because you felt numb nowadays.
Before you knew it, you soon find yourself behind bars. What you did, you don’t know. If you really did it, you didn’t care. You don’t know how long your sentence is, but you don’t care. You don’t know if whatever you did caused any deaths, but you don’t care. You don’t care anymore. You just wanted to drown in your despair, and this… “job offer” seemed promising. Retrieve a crystal deep inside a facility hidden in the deepest parts of the ocean.
To be so deep underwater to where the sun does not shine, to drift endlessly as water fills your lungs and it becomes so unbearably cold. To where you can’t feel anything anymore, not your body nor your emotions. To just feel the cold water and see nothing but darkness as the water pulls your body to wherever it so desires. Perhaps your remains could become the next meal for whatever lurks in the ocean’s abyss. Your body would never be found. You’d be gone without a trace.
So you signed up, knowing they don’t expect you to return. You don’t either. You don’t plan on getting that crystal, and you don’t plan on returning alive.
The shotgun shell directed at your neck on the diving gear given to you seemed promising as well.
If there is an afterlife, maybe you can see him again there. That sounded nice. You just wish you weren’t sent down with three other people. You never thought it’d be so hard to die in a place where risks of death were incredibly high. Perhaps it was because they wanted to use each other to get the reward for themselves, so they kept each other alive as long as possible. Covering each other’s eyes when the shark was outside the window, turning off another’s flashlight when an odd black figure appeared in the dark, saving each other from the creature inside the lockers… They weren’t going to let such easy bait be killed so easily, not this early.
Still, you strayed close behind as they often checked if you were still there. You kept your head low, until you heard another pair of footsteps from behind you.
Strange… The other three are already in front of you… And they’re just looking through drawers for anything useful.
The footsteps are getting louder and faster. You turned around just in time to see a strangely humanoid, armless figure running at you. It yelped the moment you locked eyes on it, immediately turning tail and running away.
“What the hell was that?!” One of the other expendables exclaimed.
Both of you walked back into the previous room to see where it possibly came from. There was a hole in the wall, shaped exactly like the creature they just saw.
“So they’re really in the walls, huh…” they then lightly punch your shoulder, “Hey, good job. I didn’t even hear it until it made that weird sound before it ran off,”
You say nothing.
“Come on, let’s keep going,”
You looked at them as they rejoined the others then back at the hole. You wished you didn’t turn around.
After a few more doors, the lights suddenly flickered. The one closest to you grabbed you and had you hide in a locker. Maybe they picked up on what you’ve been trying to do. You did willingly look into the eyes of the shark just outside the window, and they had to cover your eyes and drag you along with them. You also opened a locker that was already occupied by a strange creature coated in black and, what you assumed were, purple eyes. You hoped they’d leave you behind to be devoured by it, but you were pulled out and was patched up as best as they could do it. The damage wasn’t too severe, but still. There just had to be a spare medical kit in the room.
Maybe you weren’t being so discreet about it.
There were only three lockers in the room you were currently in and none in the room prior. They pressed on to the next door ahead. You were about to open your locker to step out into the path of the oncoming creature, but it zipped by you in an instant. It was much faster than what you’ve been dealing with.
You hear the others leave their locker followed with a quick flash of the flash beacon. You slowly step out of your locker and follow them into the next room to meet up with the other person. The one in front of you pulled out their flashlight, but ended up tripping over something. You stopped walking as they shine their light over what made them trip.
It was the one who ran ahead to find a spare locker. There was no blood or any signs of injury, but they weren’t moving and their eyes were still wide open. The other two tried to get them to respond, even shaking them, but they remained unresponsive. It was almost like they were just left an empty shell.
You restrain yourself from speaking as you would’ve called them an idiot for giving up a hiding spot in favor to make sure their bait stayed alive for a little longer, only to get killed in the process. Only 27 doors have been opened. Surely not all of you can survive much longer.
By the 35th door, one of them had used a code breacher to open a door without the keycard. Once the door slid open, a large creature with a smiling grey mask was seen on the other side of the door. Before they could react, it lunged towards them and instantly killed them on the spot before retracting their hand as it gets caught in the door while it was sliding shut. The blood splattered all over the floor and even reached you and the other expendable beside you.
By the 47th door, the lights flickered as you searched through a room off to the side. You can hear what you can describe as a distorted chorus faintly echoing down the hall, and soon a loud scream followed with multiple banging against a locker. The noise stopped as you walked to the door leading back to the path you’re supposed to take and you only see the aftermath. A fresh pool of blood and a destroyed locker. There was no body. The creature responsible is no where to be found.
You were alone now. Finally.
You kept your head low as you continued on, not bothering to search through the drawers for anything. Your body is starting to ache at this point. You opened the 50th door leading into a dimly lit corridor.
“Need to stock up?”
You looked up as you see the vent’s cover fall over. You turned around, then back towards the vent. You can see the next door ahead that requires a keycard, but you can’t find it from out here. You didn’t have a code breacher either as the others you were previously with had used them up.
“Come on, I won’t bite,” the strangely familiar voice beckons.
Had he not spoken twice, you would’ve thought you were hallucinating. Or maybe you are right now. A sort of “false hope,” so to speak. Not to mention how you can just barely recognize the voice. You’re having a hard time processing it after everything.
With no where else to turn, you walk to the vent and slowly crawl through. The room was dark, but lit up as you made it to the other side. You managed to get a good look at him, not exactly expecting some sort of fish-human hybrid.
“Ah, there you-” you see how his smile quickly disappears and his eyes widened once he sees you.
You only stare at him, tilting your head slightly to the side. He looked like he had just seen a ghost which wouldn’t be so far off considering what you had to witness for the past 49 doors, but why was he looking at you like that? He cautiously lowered himself down, close enough to your height but still far enough for some space.
You instinctively, though slightly, moved away as his hand moved closer to your face. That was until he finally spoke.
You stepped back upon hearing your name leave his mouth. You narrow your eyes at him, “How do you…?”
Then it finally registered in your head. You’re not just hearing things, that voice was his.
Your eyes widened, now feeling his cold hand against your cheek, “S-Sebastian?“
“Yes…! Yes!” He nods, smiling widely, “It’s me!”
You couldn’t hold back your tears at all. The moment he confirmed it was really him was what finally broke down your walls. The last time you had cried this much was when he was to be executed. You had to hold onto his hand to keep yourself standing. He seemed to sense that as his third limb pulled you closer to him and held you in a tight embrace. You buried your face into his shoulder and sobbed until his grip on you got a bit too tight.
“W-Wait, Sebastian-!” You cried, “Let go!”
He gasps, immediately pulling away. You winced as you gently rubbed your arm. You looked up at Sebastian again and smiled.
“You have no idea how happy I am to see you’re still alive. I have so many questions. Can I-?”
Sebastian stops you there, “Hang on. Before I get to answering your questions, I have one tiny question for you,” he suddenly towers over you as he yells, “How the hell did you get here?! And why the hell did you sign up for this?! Didn’t they tell you the risks? That you could very much die?”
You jumped at his sudden change in tone and almost fell back. His tail had went to cover the opening of the vent in case you ultimately decided to make a run for it. What do you even tell him? That you signed up just to die? No other reason. How could you tell him that?
“I-I… Well, yes, they did. I just- It’s because…” you don’t know what to say.
“Tell me the truth,” he demands. You swear you heard a hiss in his voice, “Of all people, why did you have to end up here?”
“I signed up for this because…” you paused, “Specifically because I wanted to die. I knew what I was getting myself into, Sebastian. They didn’t tell me anything specific,”
“Of course those idiots didn’t…” He scoffed, “They don’t expect you or the others to return,”
“I never planned to. I couldn’t care less about this so called crystal they told me I was supposed to retrieve,” you looked away, “Honestly, I don’t even remember what I did to end up here… Maybe I did something that killed a few people, or maybe I was framed like you,”
Sebastian calmed down a little and had moved back as you spoke. He repositions himself so that his back was against the wall and his tail would nudge you towards him.
“You said you signed up with the intention to die here,” he then says, “Why?”
You sit beside him as his tail slightly curls around you, “You were sent for execution and confirmed to be dead. I just couldn’t live with the fact that I couldn’t see you,”
His looks at your bloodied clothes and noticed bandages through some of the holes in your uniform. He points to it, “Are those..?”
“It’s from this weird black tentacle creature in a locker. It’s nothing too serious, if that’s what you’re wondering,”
He muttered a name you didn’t quite catch and he quickly moves on, “And the blood?”
You shake your head, “It’s not mine,”
He lets out a sigh of relief at that. It was finally your turn to ask questions.
“Sebastian, how did you survive?”
“Was picked up by Urbanshade before I was supposed executed. Guess they decided it’d be better if I was officially declared dead,”
“And you became this during that time?”
“You could say that. It’s, uh… It’s a long story,”
He doesn’t want to discuss it and you knew that was the case. So, you didn’t question it further. You have a good feeling you may have an idea now that you noticed a document on the table. Whatever was in there might have the answers to most of your questions, but you’re not sure if you even want to read it if he lets you. The mere thought of what could be mentioned in there makes you sick.
There’s still one other that you desperately want an answer for.
“We’re… not leaving this place, are we?” You questioned, not looking at him, “At least, I’m probably not thanks to this diving gear… One shotgun shell pointed directly at my neck, and if I even try to take it off, tamper with it, or leave this place,”
You stopped there. Both of you knew. Sebastian didn’t say anything for a moment, “I can get both of us out of here. I just need more time,”
More time. How much more time before your body can no longer keep going? You want to believe him, you really do, but you really might actually die here.
How ironic. You came here because you wanted to die. You watched the others die before your very eyes without much of a reaction. All of a sudden, you feel your stomach drop.
You’re afraid to die.
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sai4u · 3 months
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★ — you wanna kiss me so bad .ᐟ
⤷ the boys wanting a kiss from you and wondering how to get it
⌗ ft .∿ dream ot7 x reader
⌗ genre + warnings .∿ fluff + a smudge of suggestive in jaemin part
⌗ trini’s note .∿ I wanna kiss jisung so bad, he’s literally everything omg-
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⤹ ⊹ mark lee .ᐟ
✶ mark is not one to admit when he wants a kiss. you would think being the leader of nct dream would make him more outspoken but with you, he becomes almost the complete opposite. not that he’s scared but he’s still learning how to not stare at your lips and just ask for a kiss. as for now, he’ll stare at your precious lips and smile mindlessly until you ask him if he wants a kiss :)
⤹ ⊹ huang renjun .ᐟ
✶ renjun would drop small hints or be innuendo with kisses but not flat out say that he wants a kiss. would it lean to stubbornness? yes of course but it’s renjun so it’s okay. renjun would throw out his body is sore or how low the day has treated him, only ‘cause he knows you’ll spoil him with kisses. let any complaint or concern be said from renjun and you’re giving him a kiss on the cheek saying, “does that make it better?”. to answer for him, yes, yes it does
⤹ ⊹ lee jeno .ᐟ
✶ lowkey resident babygirl of the relationship so expect an infinite, and I mean infinite, amount of pouts from jeno. he tries to put on this cool guy act for his fans but immediately melts around you, especially when he’s gifted with kisses. he will one day admit that he’s addicted to your kisses and wanna be smothered in them at all times. though, sometimes he does get impatient, if you’re busy, and sneaks a kiss from you himself
⤹ ⊹ lee haechan .ᐟ
✶ there is no waiting, there is no “hold on”, when haechan wants, no demands, for a kiss, he wants one now. this man is so impatient and is always urged to kiss you himself but he knows that whatever you’re attending to is important as well. he is in love with your kisses but will never invade your space for a kiss. however, he can get extremely whiney when he is in the mood for some kisses. he’ll latch onto your body and pucker up the second you’re not busy
⤹ ⊹ na jaemin .ᐟ
✶ jaemin is always determined to get his kisses one way or another. not only that, he prefers feeding you with kisses but gets shy (and needy) when you kiss him. just one kiss would have jaemin smiling shly but also asking for one more. “please one more” and it’s never one more with na jaemin. even when you try to pull away and reject his pleas, he pulls you back for more and kisses you until your cheeks hurt from smiling so much. certain times, the kisses jaemin gives turn into something more ;)
⤹ ⊹ zhong chenle .ᐟ
✶ don’t ever tell chenle that you’re not busy cause he’s always ready to plop down on you and demand a kiss. in his head, you say, “I’m not doing anything” translates to “yes you can get some kisses” (idk the man just loves his kisses). also, he’s straightforward when it comes to kisses, chenle gets DOWNNN, he don’t play about his kisses! he will turn to beg for kisses but in the same breath, become slightly petty when you reject his pleas. he acts brokenhearted and denies your kisses when you decide to give him some. but we all know in his heart that he never wants you to stop kissing him
⤹ ⊹ park jisung .ᐟ
✶ everyday jisung prays that you become a mind reader so you can kiss him without having to hesitate. not because he’s too stubborn to ask for a kiss but because he is shy whenever it comes to affection. he doesn’t wanna come off as clingy or needy so he’ll just swallow up his needs for your kisses and take them whenever you feel like kissing him. though as your relationship grows, jisung becomes a bit bold as the days go by; it becomes more than often of him asking to kiss you. likewise, he’ll sneak in a cheek kiss when he’s admiring your beauty or kiss your forehead just because <3
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౨ৎ me personally, I would kiss jaemin every half hour if I could. even in my sleep idccc
౨ৎ lemme know which is your fav <3
kisses to you all and God bless you 💗
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟦 𝗌𝖺𝗂𝟦𝗎. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
824 notes · View notes
Keep Your Eyes Open
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Reader
Warnings: Smut, P in V, female anatomy, reader is called she, lots of talk of guns, but no gunplay (I mean, it’s on the table and it’s in her hand, but it’s never explicitly used for the sexual stuff), dirty talk, crush confessions, Leon asks her out then fucks her.
Words: 4K
A/N: This is my first smut in forever. Cheers to Leon S. Kennedy for bringing back that smut inspiration! Inspired by this post! Thanks to @angelltheninth for letting me write it!
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“Listen, you know I consider you a friend… but-” Hunnigan starts, eyes filled with concern as she looks over the piece of paper littered with holes. Let’s just say more of my shots ended up in the wall behind the target than the actual target.
“I know, that’s why I’ve been going every day, Ingrid.” My defense is pointless, and we both know that.
“Your firearm recertification is in 3 days. If your accuracy doesn’t get better by then, you won’t be allowed to carry a gun. Do you understand what that means?” She asks as if I haven’t been losing sleep over the issue.
“I know.” It means I’ll be the only agent in this fucking building who isn’t carrying a gun. “I’ll become ‘the girl who can’t carry a gun’ faster than you can say ‘fuck off’.”
A scowl comes from the agent in front of me. “Language,” she reminds. “Maybe you should ask another agent to help?”
“And let the whole building know I’m about 11 shots away from failing my recertification? Pass. I’ll just go practice some more,” I scoff, before turning on my heel to step toward the door.
“Just think about it! I know a lot of agents who aren’t dicks and who are more than willing to help!” She shouts, but I’m not listening anymore. I step out of Ingrid’s office into the cool hallway, shutting the door behind me with an almost silent click. Taking a steadying breath, my feet begin to carry me toward the place I’ve been seeing in my nightmares lately. The shooting range.
“Hey, rookie!” I hear a voice say, halting me in my tracks before I was able to close much distance between me and the stairs. I turn my head toward the voice. Leon Kennedy.
“What’s up, Agent Kennedy?” It feels formal to call him that, but while we’re in this building, it feels wrong to call him by his first name, given he is technically my superior.
“Agent Kennedy? Feels a little formal,” he says with a teasing tone, and I chuckle at him voicing my thoughts.
“Well, we are at work,” I reply, crossing my arms over my chest. Leon and I have become an unlikely pair of friends. The best agent in practically the entire country and the agent who is about to fail her firearm recertification. ‘Maybe he’d be willing to help me?’ The thought is dismissed as quickly as it appeared. ‘And make him think you’re incompetent? Pass.’
“True. Still feels weird though, Agent.”
“Wow!” I gasp in feigned surprise. “I’m not ‘rookie’ anymore?” A small smile makes its way across his lips as he chuckles.
“You’re definitely still ‘rookie’, just felt like being nice.” His comment is followed by a brief roll of my eyes.
“Okay but seriously? What’s up? I have some stuff I have to do, unfortunately,” I sigh, anxiety filling me again.
“Well, I wanted to see what you were up to.” The smile is still there. Any idiot with eyes can see how attractive Leon is. Bright baby blues, cut jawline, nose that anyone would be lucky to sit on. I have definitely had more than my fair share of daydreams starring the agent in front of me.
“I was headed down to the shooting range. I have my recertification in 3 days.” I pray he’ll opt to find something else to do.
“Oh, that shit’s a cakewalk.” Yeah, for you.
“I really want to practice a bit more. I get nervous before stuff like this.” Admitting this is not an easy feat, my cheeks dusting a light pink in embarrassment.
“Okay,” he says, and for a moment, I think he’ll depart with a ‘good luck’ and a wave. Why the hell would I be so lucky? “I’ll come with. I’ve taken that test a few times so I’ll be able to reassure you that you’ll pass with flying colors.” My eyes widen significantly, and the nerves suddenly take over my tongue.
“N-no!” I stutter, much louder than I intended. His eyebrows furrow over in confusion at the sudden outburst. “I-I just assume you’ve got better things to do.” Smooth.
“Not really. I was hoping to spend some time with you, so it’s no big deal.” Kill me now. He moves toward me, wrapping an arm around my waist to turn me and walk toward the range. Maybe it won’t be so bad.
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This is going worse than I could have ever imagined. The target has maybe 3 holes in it and I’ve unloaded a whole clip of 15 shots.
“Well, it’s better than the last clip,” he chuckles, eyes still locked on my practically unscathed piece of paper. The shots didn’t even hit anything vital. I drop my head to the countertop in front of me in defeat.
“I may as well just hand over my gun right now,” I mutter into the hard surface below my forehead. Leon’s hand rests on my back comfortingly before he speaks.
“No, come on. I’ll help you,” he says, bringing the target closer to switch it out for a new one. I turn my head toward him with raised eyebrows, mostly in a ‘how can you possibly fix this?’, my temple resting against the cool surface now. “I noticed a couple of things you can fix that’ll help.” A sigh, forehead back on the counter. Leon pats my back again. “Seriously. Come on.” I rise up again, cheeks red from embarrassment as he pushes the target back to the required distance. Not that I think I’d do any better if it was closer.
“Leon, it’s pointless.”
“No, it’s not. Raise the gun.” I roll my eyes and do as he instructed. “Okay, first off, you’re locking your elbows. Loosen up.” He says, tapping a finger in the crook of my elbow. A chill runs down my spine at the contact. ‘Wow, it’s been too long since I got laid.’ I drop my elbows slightly, noting that it definitely feels awkward.
“This feels weird,” I mutter. Leon smirks.
“I’m sure it does if you’ve been firing with your elbows like that. Loosening them helps with controlling movement caused by the recoil.” He explains, and I’m grateful he’s actually telling me reasons, as it’ll make it easier to remember. “Do you fire with your feet like that?” I glance down at my position, my feet across from each other, shoulder width apart.
“Yeah?” I say, forming it as a question.
“Bring your dominant foot forward. It’ll steady you more,” He says, his tone definitely airing more on the professional side.
“Sir, yes, sir.” The words are mumbled with a light giggle at the end, and a small smile raises the corner of Leon’s lips.
“Okay try firing now.”
I squeeze the trigger slowly, the jolt surprises me which causes my eyes to close for a split second, and to steady myself, I accidentally move my feet back into their original position. The shot lands in the wall. Again. The disappointment on my face must be tangible from a mile away.
“Okay, I think I can fix this actually,” he says, and I sigh in defeat.
“Yeah I’m sure you can, super cop.”
Suddenly, as if the world is working against me, his much larger frame is pressed against my backside. Feeling his chest rise against my back and his hips grazing my ass, I breathe in a quick gasp. Completely enveloped in his scent, hard lines of muscle and heat practically radiating from him, it’s a miracle I don’t melt into a puddle right here on the concrete. His hands find my ear protection, removing the makeshift headphones from my ears, much to my confusion.
“The problem is,” he says, his breath tickling my ear, and I swear he can feel the shiver that runs down my spine, pooling in my panties. “You’re scared of it.”
“W-what?” I stutter, completely affected by his presence.
“You’re scared of the gun. The recoil scares you, and so does the sound of the shot,” he explains, voice barely above a whisper. “I think you’ll find the sound isn’t nearly as loud as you think.” His arms come up, fingers grazing along my skin which causes goosebumps to rise across my arms. He rests his hands right below my elbows, the warmth practically seeping into my bones. “Let me take the recoil. Just focus on keeping your eyes open.” His words send a wave of heat through my spine and I try and fail to not shift against him. His leg shifts forward, forcing my dominant leg into the position he recommended earlier, which presses his hips tighter against me. I almost topple over from the overwhelming sensation of heat from him mixed with his intoxicating scent filling my senses, and for a moment, my vision blurs and I squeeze my eyes shut to clear the sight. Like flipping a switch, his fingers graze my chin, lightly pressing against the edges of my jaw to get my attention.
“Leon, I can’t-”
“I believe I asked you to keep these open, sweetheart.” The agent’s voice is rough in against my ear, and I can feel the vibrations from his words rumble through his chest against my back. It feels like I peel my eyes back open as they beg to remain closed, and I attempt to get my focus on the target in front of me instead of the man behind me. “Now, squeeze the trigger.”
As I do, his hips move forward against me, and I release a gasp. Focusing on keeping my eyes open. The shot rings out, not nearly as loud as I assumed without the ear protection on. Exactly like Leon said. It makes contact with the paper, inches from the paper’s bullseye. My jaw drops at the sight. I actually hit the target.
“Good girl,” he mutters, arms dropping to rest against my waist tenderly. “Told you. You were focusing on it too much.” I feel my arms relax, pointing the barrel of the gun toward the counter as I attempt to turn around to face him, but his frame is like a brick wall.
“Leon,” I begin before another intake of air comes from my chest as Leon’s lips land on the soft skin of my neck. The reaction is immediate, my hips canting back toward him as I set the gun down.
“Nuh uh, baby. Pick that back up and finish unloading the whole clip,” he breathes into the column of my throat. “Want you to get used to this stance so you’re ready for your exam.” The light kisses quickly dissolve into small nips and bites, a moan tearing from my lips as my head lolls back, resting on his shoulder. He stops immediately.
“Leon wait-”
“I told you to finish firing the clip. It’s only 14 more shots. I think you can handle it.” A breath breaks from my chest as I lean forward, arms coming back up into the position Leon had put me in, although his hands remain on my hips this time. The gun goes off again with a bang once, twice, three times, landing in similar spots as the first shot, although they are definitely getting closer to the edge of acceptable. They are hitting the target though. As I squeeze the fourth shot, the man behind me pushes his hips forward again. “Stop thinking, sweetheart.”
“You know, if you wanted to fuck me, you could have just asked me to dinner.” The words come out much more breathy than intended, and I feel like I’m waving a neon sign that says ‘I want you to fuck me’. He chuckles lowly against me, his breath tickling my ear once again.
“I wasn’t sure how you’d take that,” he admits.
“But pushing your hips into me isn’t more forward than that?” I tease. Fifth shot. Only 9 more. He shrugs.
“I came up behind you to gauge the reaction before I did that though, didn’t I?”
“And what did my reaction tell you, Agent Kennedy?” My words are much softer now as if talking louder would shatter the mood of the room, which is alight with tension.
“That you want me to fuck you silly.” Sixth shot. “Did I read that right, rookie?”
Seventh shot. I nod gently, trying not to seem eager, despite the fact that my panties are practically ruined by this point, heat gathering in my lower belly and twisting.
“Leon, can we just-” His fingers skim over the waistline of my skirt, just barely dipping below it.
“No. Not until I know you’ll pass that recertification.” He’s gone back to nipping at my neck until he finds that patch of skin where my neck meets my shoulder. A moan leaves my lips unbidden, and I can practically feel his smirk against my skin. “Go on, sweetheart.”
Eighth shot. More than halfway done. His hand drops down further into my skirt until it’s grazing across the damp spot on my panties and I feel more than hear the low groan that he releases. “Fuck, baby.” My arms go lax as his fingers draw a single circle over my clit through the delicate lace before he moves to remove his hand altogether. 
“Leon, no,” I protest as he presses his lips against my ear, intentionally using a low rumbling tone.
“Finish. Firing.” The command springs arms back up into position.
Ninth shot. Tenth shot. Eleventh shot.
“Doing so good, baby,” The praise goes straight through me, a wave of arousal leaking through the lace. Hands dropping back down to my clit, Leon pushes my panties to the side easily, swirling a finger through the wetness pooling there before bringing it up to press cruelly against my nerve endings. “Is all this for me, sweetheart?” Twelfth shot. I nod, lips pressed tightly together to muffle the squeaks and sounds attempting to leave my throat from his attention. Thirteenth shot. One more.
As I squeeze the trigger on the final shot, Leon’s fingers press into me harshly, hitting that sweet spongy part inside unintentionally and it causes a jolt in my limbs. The shot hits the wall with a pop. I hear a brief ‘tsk-tsk’ in my ear before he speaks.
“But I-”
“I said, reload. You’re gonna do all fifteen again.” Dread takes over and I feel tears pool in my eyes in frustration, and Leon coos in my ear at the sight. “Oh, poor baby. You can do this.”
“Leon, please, I can’t. I need-” I gasp, setting down the gun on the counter being careful not to flag either of us. (cause gun safety is a thing).
“What do you need, baby? Tell me.” Cocky asshole.
“You.” The word is nothing but a plea.
“Aw, baby. How about I give you what you need, and then you fire off those fifteen shots? That sound like something you can do for me, pretty girl?” I nod eagerly against his shoulder before his hand is between my shoulder blades, pressing my chest to the chilly countertop.
“What about the door?” I ask, breathless and red in the face.
“I locked it when we came in here,” he mumbles as he grips the hem of my skirt and brings it up until he can see the damp lace covering me. Did he plan this? The question surfaces but before it can leave my mouth, my panties hit the floor around my ankles. “Fuck, I wanna taste you,” he whispers, more to himself than anything, but I groan in protest.
“Please just fuck me, Leon,” I practically beg, impatience leaking from my pores at this point.
“I don’t know babe, I’m kinda hungry,” he says, and I don’t need to turn around to know his signature smirk is plastered on his face.
“I will let you later, I promise. I need you right now. Inside.” His chest presses to my back, bringing his mouth close enough to hear him as he speaks.
“Later? You saying you want more than just this?” The clinking of his belt is audible over my heavy breathing because of course, I’m the only one out of breath. I nod. “I wanna hear it, sweetheart.”
“Yeah. I like you,” I start, arms splayed out flat over the top of the counter, fingers searching for purchase.
“Maybe we should get dinner after this then?” He asks, still smiling. I nod.
“Fucking finally,” I mutter and upon hearing this, Leon laughs. Not a deep chuckle, not a teasing sound, a real laugh. An almost embarrassed laugh. Hands finding my waist and giving them a reassuring squeeze.
“Took my time with it, didn’t I?” He asks, and I can hear the nerves in his tone. He’s embarrassed. Like, really truly embarrassed.
“Yeah, you sure di-” The words are cut off as he presses the head against my entrance, dipping the tip in for the briefest of seconds before pulling out and repeating the process. It feels like hours of this torture, his teasing thrusts and slight grazes over my clit before he finally, finally, slides in to the hilt, bottoming out in one stroke. We both release groans at the sensation of my walls molding to accommodate his length, twitching, and spasming as I tighten unconsciously.
“Holy shit, pretty girl, I wasn’t expecting you to be this tight,” he growls into my spine, hunched over my frame as he collects himself. When he does, he leans back, hands moving from my hips to grasp my shoulders, bringing my front away from the surface til I’m practically upright, his cock still nestled snuggly in my heat.
“What are you-”
“Now, reload the gun.” His tone sends a wave of slick down around his length, and he rumbles a groan against my collarbone.
“I told you that you were gonna fire off those fifteen shots.” My hands shake as I grasp the glock in my hands, reloading and then trying and failing to return to my stance, so I opt to just position my arms correctly. “Good girl.”
My finger in place, I take a deep steadying breath squeezing. Leon pulls his hips back and slams back home as the shot rings out, and I stop a scream from ripping free as my hands fly back to the counter.
“Lee, you can’t just do that.” The words come out as more of a moan than actual words, the syllables slurring together like a girl who’s had one too many drinks.
“Yet you still hit the target,” he says proudly. I look up and notice that there are fifteen holes in the paper. Sixteen total shots were taken and only one missed. Shit if I had known this is how to get good at shooting, I would have asked sooner. “Come on. You got fourteen more, sweetheart.”
The other shots follow the same routine as the first.
By the time I’m on the last three shots, my whole body feels like it’s on fire, every inch covered in sweat from his punishing thrusts, tears dripping from my eyes.
“You are doing so good, baby. Three more.” He sounds as wrecked as I feel, voice gravelly against my pulse. His hands grip beneath my elbows again, pressing them back into the correct form. “You are so close.”
The bullet hits the paper with an audible pop. His cock slams back into me, tip hitting my cervix hard enough that I’m pretty sure it’ll be bruised. Broken moans fall from my dry lips, mouth feeling akin to sandpaper.
“Good job, baby. Two more.”
“Please just come for me Leon, I can’t anymore,” My arms droop, barely able to hold the weight of the gun that I’ve grown used to by this point.
“Come on, you can do this. It’s just two more shots. You are doing so well,” he reassures before sinking his teeth into my skin, leaving a plethora of bruises and marks across the tender flesh. 
“What if I miss?” I ask, anxiety poking through, mind locked on how he stopped last time.
“I won’t stop this time. You’ve more than made up for the shot you missed earlier.” I sigh in relief. Forcing my arms back up, I try to steady myself before Leon’s fingers find my clit and I squeal, completely losing my aim due to the tight circles he’s rubbing. “Take the shot, baby.”
I fire, bullet catching the edge of the bullseye and I feel a swell of pride before Leon presses a deep thrust accompanied by a swirl on my clit, and his name spills from my lips as a plea.
“Please come for me, please.”
“Tell you what, if you get a bullseye, then I’ll cream this little pussy, how’s that sound, baby?” The pace of his fingers doesn’t change, and I can really only nod, mind barely able to remember why we were in here in the first place.
Taking aim. Deep breath. Squeeze.
The bullet lands dead in the middle of the red target. I practically drop the gun from my fingers, relief overtaking my senses.
“Atta girl,” Leon groans, pressing my frame onto the counter as he picks up speed to a fast pace, leaning down to crowd against me. My fingers reach up behind me, bent at the elbows, to cling to his hair that grazes against my temple as my eyes squeeze shut. His name is a broken sound coming from my lips as the coil in my gut tightens with each twirl of his fingers and each pass of his tip against my sweet spot. “Open your eyes when you come for me, rookie.”
Most of his words are just a jumble as the coil snaps and a scream rips from my already sore throat, but I can make out a ‘good girl’ and ‘creaming my cock so good, gorgeous’ here and there through the haze of my orgasm. It takes a few more thrusts before Leon groans and curses, lips pressed to my spine as he spills himself inside my still-spasming hole.
It takes a few moments for us to move again, deep breaths the only audible sound in the silent room. He’s the first to move (him and his damn stamina), sitting up to stand before slowly pulling his length out, watching as his seed trickles out slowly and groaning at the sight. Leon reaches down, pulling my panties back up and adjusting them into place tenderly, mindful of the soreness he had no doubt was blooming. With a small tug and some slight wobbling on my end, Leon helps me into a standing position facing him now, small of my back barely resting against the edge of the counter as his hands hold me steady.
“You alright?” He asks, and I giggle and smile in response, leaning my face forward into his shoulder. He chuckles to himself, pressing a kiss to my hair. “I mean it, you okay?”
“Mhm. I’m good. You owe me dinner though.”
“Of course, need me to carry you?” I nod through a wave of sleepiness.
“Wait,” I say, hands on his chest as he looks at me, blue eyes shining with concern. “Can you kiss me?” I ask, shyness returning full force, and he laughs again. In favor of answering, he leans forward, pressing his lips against mine in a sweet, tender kiss. His lips are dry, as evidence of our exertion. We pull back from the kiss with dumb smiles decorating our faces, and he pulls my skirt down to cover my panties, planting another quick kiss on my mouth.
“So where do you want to go to eat?”
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I step out into the hallway, flat shoes making far less noise than my usual heels. Leon looks at me expectantly.
“So?” I skip up to him, lips finding his as my arms wrap around his broad shoulders. Pulling back, I shoot him a smile before speaking.
“Guess who just passed her firearm recertification with flying colors?” I tease.
“Nice! See? I told you, cakewalk.”
Tags: @house-of-kolchek
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alt-vera · 2 years
— fine tune ⁀➷
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joel miller get’s a call for help from someone unexpected. he check’s out more than her broken down car.
♡ | joel miller | 2.7k | ❛ fine tune - miranda lambert ❜
warnings: dbf!joel miller. pre-outbreak. drinking and driving. underage drinking (americans). dry humping. oral (m! and f! receiving). throat fucking. fingering. truck/outdoor sex. unprotected piv. established age gap. mdni.
❝ you flipped a switch, hot wired my gears, yeah you put me in line, and now i’m running right ❞
 Pulled over on the side of a dirt road, slight hint of booze still coursing through your veins from the party you had just left, you knew you couldn’t call your dad. He’d kill you for even stepping close to your car after drinking, kill you for being out so late, kill you for waking him up in the middle of the night.
 You felt like you were out of options as you pressed your spinning head against the coolness of your steering wheel. Crickets chirped happily in the farm field beside you, unaware of the inner turmoil you were currently going through.
 You were definitely feeling worse than when you left the house party. You knew it was wrong to drink and drive, but it was summertime in the middle of a heatwave, and you were a dumb college kid. Your friend ditched you for a hookup and you had no other way home than your car, or else you’d be stuck sleeping on some random dude’s couch and would either get the wrong kind of attention from someone, or be puked on in the middle of the night.
 So, you took your chances.
 You couldn’t even call a tow truck, because they’d probably get the cops involved if they saw the state you were in. The longer you sat racking your brain, the more the booze soaked in. You were fucked.
 Then, it hit you. There was one person you could call that didn’t have parental dictation over you, and couldn’t give you proper shit for your bad decisions because he’d driven home after a six pack multiple times.
 Your fingers nervously picked at the seams on the leather steering wheel as the line rang. On the third ring, a groggy voice greeted you.
 “Joel?” You slurred. You ignored the taken aback way he said your name as he answered. “Joel, my car broke down. I can’t call my dad—Can you please come give me a jump?”
 Joel sighed on the other end of the line. Usually he’d be woken up by Tommy asking for a bail out of jail, but he never thought that when he’d be answering the phone this late it’d be you calling. In fact, he didn’t even think you had his number saved.
 “Where are you?” He asked gruffly after a beat of silence. You gave him the name of the random country road you were on, and with that he hung up.
 Joel was there within minutes.
 He sped the whole way there, praying no cops were out prowling and looking for someone to bring in to make their night a little bit more interesting.
 He pulled up a few feet behind your car, your figure popping out of the driver door to come meet him. The headlights of his truck shut off as he jumped out, white tee sticking to his biceps in the humid summer air.
 “Joel!” You cried, pace quickening. Your hands latched onto his forearms as he held you upright. “My car died—I think it’s the battery, or the engine, or something—“
 You reeked like alcohol. “Have you been drinking?” He asked.
 You avoided his gaze, eyes wild. “I…”
 You gulped, eyes slowly moving to meet his. “That’s… That’s why i couldn’t call my dad.”
 Your name came out as a sigh between his lips. You shifted more weight into him, “Please, Joel—Can you help me?”
 The neediness in your voice made his thoughts wander, but he mentally reprimanded himself, attempting to focus on the task at hand. He kept a hand on your arm as the two of you walked to your beat up car, opening the hood. Your eyes never left Joel’s face as he examined the contents of your vehicle.
 “Well, we’ll try jumping it,” He said, eyes shifting to you. “If that doesn’t work…”
 He didn’t finish his sentence. You really didn’t want to call a tow truck. College was already eating up your money.
 You trailed behind him as he walked to the bed of his truck, opening the tailgate and reaching for the jumper cables strewn lazily in the very back. Just as he reached for them he paused, instead turning to look at you.
 “You can’t be doing dangerous shit like this,” He said sternly, gaze hard with seriousness.
 Figuring that you were gonna be there for a hot minute, you jumped onto the tailgate, sitting down to rest your body. “Why? You do it all the time.”
  “I bet you’ve even got a few drinks in your system right now,” You teased.
 “That’s different,” He sighed, hand coming to rub his face in annoyance. “I’m twice your weight and almost twice your age. My four shots is different from your four shots.”
 “Not really,” You shrugged. You leant closer to him, face coming dangerously close to his. “How many fingers am i holding up?”
 His eyes only left yours for a moment to glance at your hand.
 You playfully rolled your eyes, drunken grin coming to dance along your lips as you pulled away ever-so-slightly. “Whatever, Miller. Just ‘cuz you have good eyes doesn’t mean you’re not half as buzzed as i am. I can still smell the whiskey on your breath; no age, or weight, can change that. And we both know how whiskey clouds your mind.”
 There was one time a few months ago where you had went swimming with Joel at a party your parents were having. He’d been a few whiskeys in, and you’d caught him staring at the way your chest sat perkily in your skimpy bikini top for a bit too long. He’d hopped out of the pool shortly afterwards, tugging at his swim shorts to presumably hide something going on down there. You hadn’t let him live it down since.
 Tired of your teasing, he inched his face closer to yours. His breath was hot against your cheek. “So, what?” He questioned, head cocking slightly and brow raising. “You wanna find out what happens when we’re both a few whiskey’s too deep?”
 You couldn’t hide your grin. “Aren’t you supposed to be jumping my car?”
 “Aren’t you supposed to be helping?” He retaliated.
 Next thing you knew, his lips were on yours.
 “How would your daddy feel about this?” Joel groaned between kisses, moving himself between your spread legs to be closer to you.
 “Who says he needs to know?” You pulled away, wrapping your hands in the white fabric of his tee. “You weren’t going to tell him you came out here tonight to help me, were you?”
 When Joel dodged your gaze and pressed his lips together into a line, your jaw dropped. You let go of his shirt, exclaiming, “Oh my god, you totally were!”
 “Joel Miller, i thought i could trust you! But, no, I guess—“ Your rambling was cut off by Joel’s large hand grabbing the nape of your neck.
 “Just shut up and kiss me.”
 You easily complied, melting into the kiss as his tongue slipped into your mouth. He slipped his hands in the back pockets of your cutoffs, grabbing your ass and pulling you closer until you were flush against him, tits pressing against his chest and cunt pressed against the bulge in his jeans.
 You groaned at the contact, rubbing yourself against him. You felt him smile into the kiss. “Isn’t someone an eager beaver.”
 “Never again say that when we’re making out. Ever.”
 “Again?” He questioned, his brow cocked. “Who says i’ll ever let you kiss me again?”
 “Let me kiss you?” You snorted, “More like let you kiss me. You’re the man in his late-thirties making out with a 20 year old.”
 He rolled his eyes. “Are you this feisty in bed?”
 Your grin turned devilish. “Only one way for you to find out.”
 You grinded against him again, and he let out a raspy groan, hands coming to rest on your hips as he rolled you against him repeatedly, coaxing you to an orgasm without even taking your pants off.
 “Didn’t know you were so talented, Miller,” You mumbled as you caught your breath, and Joel rolled his eyes, sliding your shorts down your shaking legs.
 “You don’t ever shut up, do you?”
 “There’s only two ways to shut me up,” Your teeth shone under the light of the moon as you grinned, “It’s up to you to figure ‘em out.”
 “I can think of one way,” Joel muttered as his fingers rubbed your clit through your panties, chucking them off soon enough and pulling you closer to him on the tailgate, knees lowering onto the coarse dirt of the road. His tongue poked and probed experimentally, finding your clit to kiss and suck on it, his actions being rewarded by gracefully moans leaving your swollen lips.
 “So sweet,” He cooed, and you felt your face flush.
 “God, Joel,” You called out as his fingers moved to enter inside of you while his muscle continued to lap at your clit, “Please, don’t stop—“
 Your pleads were cut off by your walls clenching around Joel’s digits as you came, struggling to stop your hips from bucking up against his face. He let you ride out your high, using him.
 “Well, you found one out,” You sighed, and you heard Joel chuckle.
 “I think i know the other,” He replied as he rose to kiss you. You could taste yourself on his tongue, a sweet tang mixed with whatever whiskey was still in his system.
 “You should’ve been a detective instead of a contractor, Miller,” You joked, sliding over to pat the worn plastic of the truck box beside you, “Now hop up, old man. I think it’s time you had a bit of fun.”
 He complied, hoisting himself up onto the tailgate beside you and sliding further into the roomy box. He let you lay him down, fingers dancing along his jeans as you nimbly unbuttoned them, pulling them down. You raised his shirt, signalling for him to take it off. Once he did so, you ran your tongue in a hasty line from his navel down his v-line to where the band of his boxers laid, a thin happy trail guiding your way.
 You heard him breathe out a shaky breath at your teases, and to toy with him more you pulled down his boxers painfully slow, taking your time to unsheathe him before taking his cock into your palm, pumping him as precum leaked from his tip and into your hand. You raised your palm to your face, tongue licking up the salty mess as your eyes met his own, blown wide with surprise and erratic lust.
 “Oh, darlin’,” He choked out, and you smiled, leaning down to press a soft kiss to the tip before your tongue moved down the vein on the side of his shaft, caressing him as you took him into your mouth.
 He hit the gummy side of your cheek and a deep sigh left him, the warmth melting his calloused attitude as you guided him down your throat, swallowing him as much as you could.
 “Baby, you’re doing so well,” He prided, fingers caressing your cheek as a suppressed cough vibrated through your throat. “Can i fuck that pretty throat of yours?”
 He felt you nod around him, and his hips began thrusting quickly, his dick hitting the back of your throat as he throat fucked you. When he felt himself getting close he pulled out, a trail of spit being left in his wake.
 You whined, causing Joel to laugh, running a hand through your hair. “Need to save myself to fuck you, darlin’. Wanna feel that pretty cunt‘a yours grippin’ me.”
 Your lips upturned at his praises, losing your shirt and turning so that you were on your hands and knees as Joel raised himself to meet your position, pumping his dick and dragging himself through your wetness before inching himself inside.
 You groaned, sinking yourself down so that you could meet his hips as he bottom out inside of you. A hiss left his lips, “You’re so tight, baby. Swallowin’ me whole.”
 You didn’t give him time to adjust to your warmth, wiggling your hips so that he’d get the hint. You heard a hearty chuckle rumble through his chest as he began thrusting inside of you, hand gripping your hips as you sank yourself down to meet his movements.
 Groans tumbled from both your lips as the summer air breezed through your bodies. His arm wrapped around your torso, pulling you up so that your back was against his chest. One arm stayed like that, fingers coming to twist as your pert nipples while the other trailed down to rub at your clit. The simultaneous actions guided you through another orgasm, hips stuttering and word’s incoherently leaving your lips.
 “Atta girl,” Joel praised, hips moving faster and more sloppy as he felt himself reaching his own peak. “So good for me, fuckin’ me so well.”
 You could have sworn there’d be bruises of his fingertips as his hand pulled away from your waist, his iron grip receding and making you cold from the loss of contact.
 You sighed, attempting to compose yourself after being fucked dumb. Your chest heaved with every breath, heart racing. You stole a glance at Joel, who tossed his tee at you as he began to pull his jeans up his legs. You graciously took it, suddenly realizing how exposed you were.
 Joel noticed your silence, the teasing air that usually surrounded you was replaced by a sullen aura, and he frowned. He pulled you into his bare chest, arms wrapping around you protectively.
 “You did so well, baby,” He cooed, pressing a kiss to your scalp.
 “Thanks,” You replied, small smile tugging at your lips as you looked up at him. “You weren’t too bad yourself, considering how long it’s probably been since you’ve gotten laid.”
 There it was. Joel secretly loved how you would pal around with him, even if he was the butt of your jokes.
 “It hasn’t been that long,” He replied with an eye roll, “Besides, you can’t deny that that was probably the best sex you’ve ever had.”
 You sighed, but the smile never left your lips. “Yeah, it was a much needed fine tune. Now that you’ve got me runnin’ right, do you think you could work on my car?”
 In all honesty, Joel had forgotten the whole reason he’d come out here in the first place. He nodded, slightly embarrassed, and walked briskly to the door of your car. The engine revved to life as soon as he turned the key, and he gave you a pointed look as you stood beside him.
 “You’ve gotta kiddin’ me,” You muttered. “I swear, my car just hates me.”
 “Yeah, well, it’s gonna hate you even more because you’re comin’ home with me. I’m not letting you get behind the wheel.”
 “Fine,” You breathed out, complying easily as you locked your car and hopped into the shotgun of Joel’s truck. “But you’re making me food when we get back to your place.”
 “Alright, alright,” He chuckled, hands tapping the wheel as he began to drive, “You’ve worked up quite the appetite, huh?”
 “Shut up,” You giggled, shoving his bare shoulder lightly. “Don’t think you’re all that just cuz you got into my pants.”
 “I didn’t even need to get into your pants, remember?” He retaliated, voice raising to mock yours. “I didn’t know you were so talented, Miller.”
 “I do not sound like that!” You squealed with a laugh. “We’ll see how well you do next time.”
 “You thinkin’ you need another jump soon?” He questioned with a knowing quirk of his brow.
 You gazed out the window, smile painting your lips. “Yup. Thinkin’ my car’s gonna need it’s engine looked at, and i hear your garage is open all hours of the night.”
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whump-imagines · 9 months
Missed Call
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Kelly Severide x reader
745 words
Written for @whumpcember, no warnings.
She woke from a dead sleep to an obnoxious alarm. Blindly smacking the top of her night stand, she searched for her clock. After two hits, the sound droned on. She finally realized that was not her alarm clock.
That was the fire alarm.
Suddenly, she registered the smell of smoke in the air. She was out of bed seconds later. Grabbing her phone and robe, she opened her bedroom door and was greeted with even more smoke.
She was thankful she didn't see any flames. She moved to the apartment door and felt the door with the back of her hand. When it was cool to the touch, she yanked it open and looked out into the hallway.
There were huge flames engulfing the hallway between her doorway and the stairs. She was trapped.
Tears welled up in her eyes and she tried not to panic. She closed the door and went back toward her room, away from the smoke. SItting on the floor at the foot of the bed, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and unlocked it with shaky fingers.
She pulled up Kelly’s contact and pressed the call button. As it rang, it occurred to her that she probably should have called 9-1-1 first. The call rolled over to his voicemail and she prayed that it was because he was on his way here. She hung up and called 9-1-1 then explained that there was a fire and the apartment number she was trapped in.
As she waited, more and more smoke crawled under the door. Her eyes burned and she started to cough harshly.
Just as she started to feel lightheaded and short of breath the bedroom door swung open. “Y/N!”
“K-Kelly,” she coughed again. “You're here.”
He knelt down beside her. “Of course I'm here. I gotcha. Can you walk?”
She nodded and allowed him to help pull her to her feet. She coughed yet again and swayed on her feet. “Whoa. Maybe not.”
Kelly picked her up easily. He quickly made his way out of the building with her and then set her on the stretcher. She grabbed Kelly’s hand and squeezed.
Sylvie placed an oxygen mask over her face as Violet pushed her towards the ambo. Kelly walked beside them as the loaded her up.
As Kelly started to climb into the back of the ambo, he looked back and spotted Boden. Boden only nodded his acknowledgment that Kelly was riding along to the hospital.
She maintained her death grip on Kelly’s hand all the way there and on the way into the ED. He tried to let go as they pushed her into the treatment room. “No. Stay with me. Please.” Her momentary panic sent her into a coughing fit.
He ran a hand over her head. “Okay, I'm right here. Just breathe.”
Crockett came in a moment later. “How’re we doing this evening?”
She rolled her eyes as he pulled out his stethoscope. “Peachy. Just peachy.”
“Can you try to take a deep breath for me?” Crockett asked.
She obliged, managing two before a cough.
Crockett turned to April. “Can you get a chest x-ray, CBC, and a carboxyhemoglobin. Then start a neb treatment with albuterol.” She nodded in acknowledgment. “Alright, guys,” he turned back to her and Kelly, “I'm going to run some tests and I'll be back shortly.”
“Thanks,” said Kelly.
Half an hour later, she had finished the breathing treatment and was starting to feel a bit better. Crockett came back and repeated his exam.
“Everything looks okay but we are going to keep you at least until tomorrow just to make sure. Sound like a plan?”
“I mean, I would rather sleep in my own bed,” she joked. “But I think I can survive one night.”
A short while later, they had her settled into her own room and Kelly had settled into the seat beside her bed. He pulled his phone out to check messages and let everyone know how she was doing.
“I missed a call from you.”
Glancing over at him, she nodded. “Uh, yeah. I might have called you before 9-1-1. I panicked and I just wanted you to come. I'm so glad you found me.”
“I will always find you.” He kissed her forehead. “I'm just glad you're okay. I swear I about had a heart attack when I heard that address over the intercom.”
“Let's never do this again.” She laughed.
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asmaticc · 1 year
hobie brown x fem!reader
word count - 4.0k
context - reader lives alone and goes to college, you could think Hobie goes too but that’s up to you!! She’s been knowing he’s spiderman for a while now
synopsis - hobie swings by your room after defeating some bad guys, but he’s heavily injured, and if he doesn’t get helped soon, the worst could happen. so he goes to the only person he would trust his life
you helping the guy who’s got you mad in love, praying for him not to die in your arms
warnings - mention of gunshot, blood, removal of a bullet, hobie is fucked up, anxiety attack
** I don’t write the different pronunciations of words in his cockney slang because I like it better to just read the word and imagine him pronouncing it, hope this doesn’t bother you <3
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You were in your bed reading a book to keep your head off your thoughts. You haven’t heard of Hobie since your conversation in the morning, when he texted you he would swing by once he was done looking after the city. Something was off… he would text sometimes to check if it was still ok to hang up even if it was late, but it’s been more than 10 hours.
Maybe you were too focused on him. This isn’t the first time this happens, but since you knew you had a crush on him, you would get more anxious thinking or getting around him, and you think you hide it well (and of course you don’t).
A heavy noise outside your window knocked you off your mind. “Finally”, you thought, the star had just arrived at only… 3:56 am. Great! You’ll get to sleep at least 3 hours before going to class tomorrow, or today… But what was he doing not opening the window? (which you always left a little bit open for him to enter easily). You went to peek outside to find him lying on the fire stairs, almost passed out, so you freaked out.
“The fuck happened Hobie?” Rushing to get him up and getting him inside.
“You should see the other guy, love” He managed to smirk at you, but as you seated him on your bed, a wince replaced it.
You examined him quickly following the instructions you learned when you took some first aid classes. Then, you got to his abdomen, he was covering something with his hand, and as you look closer, you see his hand soaked in blood.
“Bee I need you to take your hand off, okay? I need you to lay down and tell me what happened, can you do that?” You were trying to keep your cool to not scare him, which was actually keeping him focused on your instructions.
“I was fighting with some of Kingpin donkeys and some idiot pulled a gun out” he hissed when you removed the cloth upon the wound. His chest was going up and down heavily, you rushed to your bathroom to get the first aid kit and some pills for the pain. He’s gonna need them.
“I don’t see the bullet has gone out” You informed. “I’m gonna need to open you and take it out, Hobie. Is that okay?” He nods and you take a scalpel, breath in and out trying to stay the most focused you can. “I’m sorry to ask you this but you need to stay still”
You open a little line right across the wound to give you more access to get the bullet. He grunts but doesn’t move, so you take the long tweezers and start to put them in. Hobie grabs your arm and looks you in the eyes, you can feel how scared he was, but him stopping you wasn’t gonna help.
“Babe I know this hurts but I gotta take it out, you have to trust me” Your eyes were starting to water, but the nickname seemed to calm him off, so he let go of his arm.
You started doing your work, trying not to do him any more harm, but you finally got the little metal. You put it in your hand watching if it was cracked, and fortunately it wasn’t.
“It’s in one piece, you can relax a little now, Bee. I’m going to clean you up and try to sew you, can you hold on a little longer for me?” You asked him while looking at his eyes, caressing his hand. A little “yeah” escaped from his lips, so you began to put alcohol on a cotton and clean him. You saw how he clenched his fists and your heart ached, you couldn’t see him like this, it was gonna rip you apart at this point.
Done with the stitches and putting a gauze, you felt how your pulse was starting to get higher and higher. “It’s okay, it’s okay” you repeat to yourself over and over again to calm you down. Hobie needed you to be strong, because who was going to take care of his crazy ass if not?
“ ’m sorry… for all of this” he said quietly.
“Please don’t say that. You know I’m here to help, and it’s not your fault, Bee” You seated next to him, handing him an ibuprofen and a glass of water. “Don’t be sorry for protecting this city, don’t be sorry for protecting the people in it, and don’t be sorry for asking for help. I know it sucks for you, but I don’t know what I would do if I ever lose you” Your voice cracked at the end, a tear running down your cheek.
You looked at him, he was pale because of all the blood he lost, you could tell he didn’t have any strength left. He was looking at you with sad eyes, not knowing what to say, so you got up and took one of his shirts and pants he left in your house for when he stayed the night.
You took off his boots, ripped shirt and suit, helping him to put on his other clothes. It was the first time you saw him like that, and it was scaring you to death, so you kept up all night watching after him, checking the bandage and his temperature constantly.
The sunrise started to show up through your window, so you closed the blinds to let Hobie rest all he needed. He’s been sleeping since you changed his clothes, passing out almost immediately. You felt your eyes burn from the unshed tears, and now from the tiredness, but you were worried something happened while you were sleeping. Your heart is still racing to be quicker by any thought of it, your head spinning around, your strength starting to fade away. You went to the kitchen to drink some cold water, but your legs had other plans, so you fell on the ground. That’s when you lost it. You grabbed your chest trying to keep your heart inside of it, sobbing as quiet as you could not to wake Hobie up. It was all blurry and your head was spinning around, so you reached the closest wall to you and sat against it, hugging your legs and burying your head between them while counting from 1 to 100, just like Hobie teached you.
You had anxiety attacks before, and Hobie was with you in almost all of them. He would count with you in a soft voice, then ask you if you could see 3 objects and describe them to him. It helped you to focus on something else, so you did the same, trying to remember his voice accompanying you.
After a while, you could get up, finally starting to recover. This time you got to the kitchen, but you splashed some water on your face to keep you focused. “What am I gonna do now?” you thought. Of course you wouldn’t go to class, so you texted your group of friends to send you everything they’ll do today and forget about it. Then, you started to prepare a quick breakfast for you, thinking to let Hobie sleep and give him something to eat once he is awake.
After eating, you went back to your room to check if he was still bleeding and change the gauze. Luckily, he was knocked out, so he didn’t wake up. “What if he has an internal bleeding?” You asked yourself, and the anxiety came back. Now you wouldn’t take your eyes off him, and so, the hours passed by.
The night was falling, and so did your eyelids. But you gotta keep watching Hobie in case he wakes up. You’ve been searching for information about what to do in this case (unfortunately, every one of them told you to go to the hospital), worried if he needed a blood transfusion or some kind of medication you didn’t have. As you didn’t find anything that could help you, you just stayed next to your bed, sitting in your chair while reading the book that you left unattended last night.
A heavy sigh took your attention and you looked at the body in your bed. Hobie was shivering. You took another ibuprofen and helped him to swallow it, which was quite difficult because he was still asleep.
Once he took it, you tucked him with the sheets and looked at him praying to whoever was listening not to take him away from you. Your hand on his cheek made him lean to it, caressing for your touch. You left a kiss on it and went to the couch to get some sleep, thinking how you got to this point. 
Hobie has been weird for a few months, he would barely go out with you, and every time you’d ask him what’s going on, he just said “nothing”. Was he starting to be bored of you? You’ve been best friends since forever. Of course this would have to happen one day, but it was killing you inside.
The funny part is that he was still the same when he was around. He would have his arm around you while walking, texting you with the same irradiant energy, looking out for you. But something was off. Maybe he knows you have a crush on him, that’s why he’s acting like that. Maybe that’s why you two don’t hang out that much anymore. Maybe he was pushing you out little by little to not hurt your feelings.
But you were sick of it. So you went to his house one day, determined to confront him, but to your surprise, he didn’t answer the door. Was he out? He didn’t mention he had plans. He neither had a show today. Perhaps he’ll come back soon. And you waited, and waited, and waited. You texted him a couple times asking if he was going to return soon, but there wasn’t even a blue check.
By midnight you heard a heavy noise inside his apartment, so you ring the bell furiously, thinking he’s been there all along and he was just ignoring you. Soon after, the door opened, revealing a confused Hobie who seemed like he had just ran a marathon.
“What is your goddamn problem, Hobart?” You said almost screaming at him. “You’ve been avoiding me since I-don’t-know how much time, and now you just ignore my messages? Look, if you hate me just say so. I don’t get why you just gotta keep pushing me out of your life without explai-”
“Wow wow wow, who says I hate you?” He cut you off. “Y/N, I ain’t avoiding y-”
“Of course you are!” You interrupted him as well. “We don’t hang out anymore, every time I say what’s up with you, you avoid the question. I barely see you, and when I do, it’s like you are too tired to speak to me. I’m sick of this, Hobie. Just tell me what’s wrong.” He was staring at you, his lips forming a line. Was he gonna do it? It could be risky, but you were best friends, and he got the feeling if he kept pushing you out of this, he’ll lose you forever.
Your patience had run out, your eyes started to burn. And then you saw him with a piece of cloth between his hands. The fuck was that? Is this a joke?
“I don’t know why I didn’t tell you sooner” It was Spiderman’s mask. The Spiderman that has been around for a couple of months, fighting all kinds of bad guys and all that shit. You grabbed the mask and examined it well. It was true, your best friend was Spiderman. “Look, Y/N, you have the right to be mad at me, but I don’t wanna lose ya ‘cause of this stupid thing”
“You fucking wanker” You punched him in the arm, but he didn’t even flinch.
Since then, you’ve been by his side. No more secrets between you two (well, only one, but you weren’t gonna tell him). You even spent more time together now that you were the only person he could trust, and that made you grow your feelings for him even more day by day. Sometimes it was so hard for you that you had to go to a different room and calm you down. If he wasn’t interested in having a partner before being spiderman, now it was gonna be impossible. You knew he had some things with other boys and girls before, but he didn’t wanna know anything about serious relationships, as far as you know (because the only thing he wanted was you). Moreover, he was a fucking runway model, a star, he could have anything he wanted. Not like if you were his type or anything… He could find something better, you two were just friends, but the way he teases you and the way he always has his hand around you was confusing you, but maybe it was just the way he is.
It’s been almost two years since that night, two years in which your heart ached stronger every time you see him. But you were alright, it’ll pass. And now it’s been two days since the incident. He hadn't woken up yet, but he was still breathing. Also, he wasn’t pale anymore, nor bleeding through the stitches, that had to be a good sign, right?
You went to his house to get some more clothes, washed his suit and fixed it for him. You gotta say you did a great job, even started to work on some new designs for it. Hobie needed something that would protect him from this to happen again. It’s not like you were going to find a vibranium suit anywhere, or a nanobot one, but you could try doing something better. At this point, your eyebags had eyebags, but you’ll get more rest once you have finished.
“Y/N?” You heard a husky voice calling you. 
“Well, well, well, how’s the sleeping beauty?” you said walking to your bed, hiding your worry and trying to play it cool. “You’ve been out for two days, you git”. He tried to get up, but hissed in pain when he sat up in bed. “Easy on that, I don’t want to stitch you up again” you smiled softly as his eyes fell on you.
“You look like shit” he laughed a little. That was a good sign.
“Look who’s talking! By the way, this is the face of someone that has been taking care of your ass non-stop” You chuckled as you ignored your heart racing.
“Quit the shit show Y/N. You’ve been awake for two days? Where did you sleep?” He said seriously. Now he was upset, not with you but himself. He shouldn’t have gone to you, he just made things worse.
“Of course not, but I haven’t slept much either. And the couch is quite comfortable” You said quietly. “I was afraid you could get worse, so I had to watch out for you in the meantime” that’s it, you were breaking again. You were playing with your fingers, looking away from Hobie.
“I’m sorry I put you through all of this, it was stupid not going to the hospital in the first place” His voice was low, you could feel he was blaming himself. “I’m sorry, love” he said one last time, tears invading his eyes. He didn’t know if it was because he almost died, or because he almost died on you. He didn’t want to keep pushing you through this, knowing it was hurting you more than himself.
“Bee, you know I chose to be here” you said, cleaning the tears that escaped from his eyes. “I chose to help you, and I still choose to do it” you held his hand, drawing circles on his palm to calm him down, he had always liked it. “Besides, how could you go to the hospital in your suit? Someone must have thrown a punch in your head because what you’re saying doesn’t even make sense” you two grin at your joke. “And I know nobody is going to care for you as much as me… I couldn’t leave you in the hands of a stranger” You analyzed his face, eyes a little bit red, his cheekbones were more notorious, lips parted already healed from a small wound he had, but still as handsome as ever. You could melt right there.
“You’ right on that, doll” he smirked and sobbed a little. “No one’s as good as my girl” Boom, that heartache again. You threw a weak smile at him and got up.
“Don’t move, I’m gonna… get some new patches, be right back” you said leaving the room quickly without seeing his face. He was perplexed, what had he done now? 
Got to the bathroom and searched for the things. Once you got them, you sat on the toilet, hand on your chest, breathing in and out. “Fuck” was the only thing you could think. Your pulse slowed a little, so you headed back to your room.
“Everything okay up there?” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, just remembered I gotta change this” you said nervously while lifting his shirt to uncover the gauze that hid his wound. You carefully took the bandage off with one hand, while the other was drawing circles around Hobie’s waist. You didn’t want to hurt him, so you tried to do something to relax him. “Looks like in two or three days I’ll be able to remove the stitches… if you stay still and stop spider-ing for a while” you were dead serious, and he could tell by the look on your face.
“How could I go when I have you all for me now?” he said teasingly, but meaning every word of it.
“Wanna have breakfast?” You said, avoiding the previous sentence and throwing the old bandages to the bin (that was full of them, maybe you should take the trash). His side smile gave you the affirmation you were looking for, so you headed to the kitchen and started to make some toasts and coffee. “Are you sure you should be drinking coffee after almost dying?” you said a little loud for him to hear you from the bed. Seconds after, you felt two arms rounding your waist and a heavy weight on your back. He hid his face on your neck and you could feel how you were getting red, your pulse raging and your body starting to shake on his touch. “What are you doing, Bee?” is the only thing you could say.
“Did you call me babe?” You were paralyzed, you did in fact call him babe two days ago, but that was because you needed him to relax, yeah, that’s it. “You gonna answer me?”
“I needed you to calm down, and you did, so it worked. Why you ask?” neutral tone, very well managed.
“Keep doing it, I like it” he pushed his face more into your neck where he left a peck, his arms hugged you stronger.
“C’mon Hobie, let’s eat something. Get off me… please” That please was more to yourself, asking you to keep focused on serving the coffee than anything else, you were still shaking. “It’s gonna get cold, babe” please, please, please get away.
And he let you go, now an emptiness invading your body. You need him right back, it’s like you are going to fall if he’s not grabbing you. A small sigh left your lips, could be because of the lack of his touch or the relief that you felt now that he couldn’t feel you shaking on his arms.
You placed the dishes on the lunch table, watching him sit slowly on the chair. “At least he can walk”. You ate in silence, checking up on him if he had any trouble but seemed fine. Right when you two were done, you took the plates and started washing them, couldn’t even look him in the eyes.
“By the way, I went to your place and got you some things, if you need to change” your voice was low, it trembled in your chest. “Probably should take a shower, everything is on my desk” you heard him get up and go away. It wasn’t long after you heard the bathroom door close and the water run. You knocked the door and said “Hobie, if you need help just call me, I’m right outside” and waited for him to finish.
It has been like 30 minutes when you heard the bathroom door again and watched how a half-naked Hobie went into your room. He had his shirt off, wearing the joggers you picked for him. Goddamn he’s hot you thought, gawking at him.
“Can you… help me with this?” he pointed to his wound. You took more Betadine and cotton, passing it through it. It still hurt, his chest was up and down, but little did you know it was because of your touch, electrifying his skin with your soft hands. He lifted your chin up, now a hand resting on your cheek. “Thanks” he said lowly, you couldn’t escape from his eyes. His heart was rushing, just as yours, he needed to say it, it was killing him slowly. He’s been in love with you since forever, couldn’t get you out of his head, even when making out with other people. It was like a parasite that controlled both his heart and his mind. He thinks you are scared of him, and he can’t keep going on with this. So he started to get closer to your lips, but you stepped off.
“A-All done” you mumbled, collecting the things and putting them away on your desk, turning your back on him. You watched your hands tremble. “You gotta see this, I’ve been thinking of making you a new suit, y’know… so a bullet doesn’t have to get to you again” you laughed nervously, your voice is shaking.
“Fuck off Y/N” you squeezed your eyes. He took your arm and lured you back at him. Chest to chest, now looking up at him. He had an unknown look to you. “I really can’t take this anymore” now his hands trapped your waist against him, there was no escape. Why is he doing this? It was like he bit you with his venom and now you were his prey, completely paralyzed watching him getting closer to eat you.
“Hobie, pleas-” you were interrupted by a kiss. His lips on yours, moving slowly. You responded seconds after you realized what was going on, grabbing his neck and pulling him even closer. He cut the kiss as he was running out of air, you couldn’t think straight anymore. “You…?”
“I do” he knew exactly what you meant. You melted on his touch while your eyes cristalyzed. Then, he grew concerned “What’s wrong, love? Have I done something wrong?” asked while caressing your waist, drawing circles with his fingers to relax you.
“It’s just… I’m afraid to lose you” you sobbed “I was afraid of losing you as a friend before, goddamn Hobie you almost died in my arms. And now I’m afraid I do something stupid and fuck this up” you said looking away, but he pulled your face up for you to see him directly, running his thumb through your cheek to clean your tears.
“That’s not gonna happen, love”
“But what if-”
“I said no. I’m not planning on dying any sooner, and I assure you you’re not gonna get rid of me that easily” he pecked your lips. “Do you understand?” another peck, his eyes were analyzing yours, looking for an honest answer.
“ ‘kay” you agreed, putting your hand on top of his, leaning on his touch. “But I’m dead serious about the suit, I mean I fixed it but I won’t have you going through London unprotected like that” you frowned as your other hand caressed the side of his waist where the wound was.
“Whatever you say, love” he leaned back to properly kiss you, smiling with the touch of your lips. 
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This was a dream I had and I thought I should write it hehe :]
Since it’s my first time writing smth like this in English I would love to see if you have any suggestions to improve my writing!! Thanks for reading <33
Other works !!
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aealzx · 1 year
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Don had been quick to rush out of the plane to get the infirmary ready, but Leo found it was hard for him to put too much urgency into his movements. Twice now Donnie had reacted better to slow, careful motions than abrupt ones. So Leo found he was continuing to be a lot more gentle and careful than strictly necessary when picking him up. He was completely limp, even after having had two and a half hours of sleep. But at least a little bit of color had returned to his skin now. At least Leo thought he looked a little less pale. When both teens were asleep Don had shown Raphael and Leo the video of what Augustine had ordered to be done, and through it they had learned the assistants had taken nearly a liter of blood from Donnie, along with cutting tissue samples from him. It had been enough to get Raphael rapidly walking the length of the plane several times to calm down, and gave Don more of an idea on how to take care of Donnie. Leo just understood a little more why Donnie had reacted defensively towards him, and hoped the teen didn’t wake up in the middle of them treating him.
“Thank April,” Leo found himself saying distractedly to Mom April as she welcomed them home. It was always nice to get a hug from her, but Leo found he was too anxious to stick around and fully catch them up on everything. “I’m okay, can we talk later? Maybe over dinner? You guys might be able to meet the kids then too.”
“...Sure thing, Leo,” Mom April relented, noting how absent he seemed and not wanting to stress him out more. He always had been the one to worry a lot. Even when they were kids.
Leaving them with Mikey, Leo moved quickly to the infirmary to find Raphael sitting near the surgery table with Lil Mikey in his lap, and Don scurrying around the room to gather the supplies he needed. “Over there, Leo,” Don directed, pointing to one of the beds he’d already started gathering items next to. Obediently following the directions, Leo gingerly lowered Donnie to the soft mattress, silently praying that he didn’t wake up just yet. At least they were all breathing better after each getting at least one dose of the antidote. Leo could only wait patiently for Don to finally stop at the bedside, slipping his tactical sleeves off in the meantime, and by then Raphael had managed to convince Lil Mikey to accept treatment and was casually chatting away with him.
“Okay, I think I got everything. Can you support him so his back is to me? I need to figure out how to get that device off,” Don directed, sounding just slightly breathless. Wordlessly doing as he was directed once again, Leo pulled Donnie upright to lean forward against him, looking over the metal backpack from his angle as well to try and help Don figure out how to safely remove it.
“Hey!” Lil Mikey’s voice suddenly grabbed their attention while Don was running his fingers over the cool metal. “Don’t take that off! He needs it!”
The scolding caused Don to flinch, and turn to look over at the other table. “...Needs it as in it’s physically attached to him and offering some sort of life supporting function?” he asked, wanting clarification on what exactly Lil Mikey meant so he could judge if he actually needed to obey his demand, or explain that it was necessary to remove it. He didn’t want to ignore Lil Mikey’s concerns, but he wasn’t sure if they would hinder treatment for Donnie despite being in good will.
“N-no… Nothing like that. It’s just… it’s not safe for him to have it off. Especially when away from home,” Lil Mikey faltered, having not thought his choice of words would make the others think Donnie was some sort of cyborg.
“...Mikey, it’s okay. You’re both safe here,” Raphael assured, reaching out to rest his palm on Lil Mikey’s shoulder.
“Even if it’s a prosthetic, it’s not safe to wear one while sleeping. And I need to check him for injuries. We saw evidence that Augustine’s people may have done something to his back…,” Don explained gently, understanding that Lil Mikey was still wary despite everything that had happened. He couldn’t expect the teens to trust them fully just yet.
It seemed that mentioning that something may have happened to Donnie’s back was enough to get Lil Mikey to completely flip his stance, sucking in a tense breath and wiggling his feet as he considered. “...There’s a button on the inside of the right shoulder,” he relented, frowning miserably. “Just make sure to be super extra careful, okay?”
“We’ll be extremely careful. Don’t worry,” Don assured, grateful for the tip on where to find the trigger to release the device. Once he knew where to look Don quickly found the button and pressed it, marveling as the shoulder pieces flexed outward with a slight hiss, and the belt went slack. “Fascinating…” he breathed, earning a chuckle from Leo as he hefted the metal aside, distracted by trying to get a quick analysis of it while he moved it away..
As Don took the equipment a short ways away, Leo adjusted his grip to keep Donnie supported against him, resting his hands on the teen’s back. But what he felt caused him to stiffen in shock, suddenly afraid to move. His fingers were able to push into what should have been a hard keratin shell, and when his gaze snapped down he saw a significantly flatter shell with four jagged marks across the surface. “....Donnie get back here now,” Leo blurted rapidly, flexing his fingers just slightly to make sure he wasn’t imagining things.
“What is it- Oh!” Don rushed, semi dropping the backpack device the rest of the way to the floor and rushing back over to them. What he saw caused him to freeze as well, but then he gingerly reached out his fingers to brush against Donnie’s back. “...Oh wow…”
“It’s soft right? What does that mean? Is that bad? Shells aren’t supposed to be soft,” Leo rambled, his concern overflowing and pushing his bubbling thoughts to words before he could fully consider them. What had Augustine’s people done? Was it shell rot? Was it some crazy experimental garbage Augustine had infected him with?
“He’s a softshell you idiots. Stop manhandling him!” Lil Mikey blurted irritably, offended on behalf of his brother for the other two curiously running their hands all over his back. “So rude,” he huffed, creating small chains to wrap around Don’s wrists and pull them away.
“Sorry!” Don gasped, snatching his hands back as the orange chains broke him from his stupor, and not minding Lil Mikey scolding him. “Sorry- Let me just… do some quick research- I thought you were both box turtles like us…,” he rambled, pulling his phone out to access the internet.
“Ohmigosh- He’s not an alien. Just treat him like me, but be extra careful, and make sure you clean your hands and everything you use. Leo- my brother says he’s prone to infections. He’s always using antibiotic stuff on him and making sure he gets washed up properly for even small cuts. Otherwise he does everything else pretty much the same,” Lil Mikey huffed again, rolling his eyes in exasperation.
The interaction caused Raphael to snicker despite the situation. He didn’t want to admit he was curious to head over and take a peek for himself, but he figured Lil Mikey would probably throw him across the room with his chains if he did. So he decidedly remained where he was and continued to be amused from afar.
Don listened to what Mikey said, but also sped read through a few sites and different search parameters before he grew more relaxed and sure of his thoughts. “Infection… right, that would explain the fever,” he spoke, mostly to himself, then nodded firmly. “Okay. I got this. Leo, go ahead and lay him back down, then get some water and antibacterial soap. They both need to be cleaned up, and I’ll check the incision sites…”
Leo wasn’t quite as sure of himself as Don was, but at least he had directions now. What Don said made sense to him. If Donnie got infections easily then getting him cleaned up from the grim on him was a priority. Resting him back on the bed, Leo darted off to fetch a soft rag, soap, and water so he could wash off the debris from Augustine’s facility. Don had returned to his focused state after he started peeling the bandaids off, carefully inspecting each injury as he did so. He could at least count it a small blessing that Augustine had apparently ordered only the smallest possible samples be taken. The cuts were only 15 millimeters wide, and less than a millimeter thick. But it looked like they were pretty deep, and Don gingerly cleaned each wound again before rubbing antibiotic ointment on them and getting them covered again.
It didn’t take long before Don had finished addressing the injuries, started an IV with a small amount of antibiotics added to it, and strapped a heart monitor to Donnie’s finger just in case. When he began pulling a blanket over Donnie and tucking him in, Leo knew the treatment was done for now, and asked what he’d been wondering for a while now. “Is he going to be okay?”
Don paused for a second to think, but nevertheless nodded. “I think so. Aside from the bloodloss there isn’t anything incredibly concerning. I think he’s just incredibly exhausted, and that’s why he hasn’t woken up yet. We’ll need to keep an eye on him of course, but at this point I think it’s safe to just let him sleep. The IV fluids will help until his body restores the blood he lost, and we’ll need to get him a good meal when he’s up. But he’ll be fine.”
The explanation, and plans for what to do later, earned a sigh of relief from Leo. It could have been much, much worse. He was glad that, aside from Lil Mikey’s gunshot wound, nothing seemed to be critically serious. “I’ll go check what Mikey is cooking then. And let Master Splinter know we’re all home safe, in case he’s still up.”
“You know he is,” Don gave a small grin, and slight shake of his head.
Leo just laughed quietly, rising to his feet to head to the exit. “Yeah, I know.”
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the fun thing about adding drawings to these is that I can throw in random lil details without derailing the story X'D
Also after seeing some of the comments, don't worry, they're all gonna be fine. I don't believe in hurt without comfort =3= Donnie is just taking an extreme nap to process all the overstimulation and stuff.
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AITA for sleeping with my friend’s crush?
a couple days ago my friends and i had a sleepover at my friend’s (we’ll call her A, 18F) aunt’s house. A invited us (me (18F), L (18M), R (19M), and B (18M)) as well as her other friend, H (18F), and H’s brother D (19M). L has had a crush on H for a while now, but he’s only ever referred to her as “record store girl”, so we didn’t know it was her until we all arrived and he started acting weird.
in the middle of the night (probably like 2am or so, idk), H woke me up and asked if she could sleep next to me since she felt nervous. i was half asleep, didnt think about it too hard, and said yes. the next morning, when we all woke up, L was gone from the room we were sleeping in.
we spent a couple minutes looking for L, then he came barging out of some room down the hall with all of his stuff packed. i asked him what he was doing and he said he was leaving because he saw me with H. i told him nothing happened and he said it wasn’t about that, he knew nothing happened, it was that i knew he had feelings for her and still got close with her. at this point H apologized, saying she didn’t know he felt that way, but i told L that H was just another girl in the long list of girls he’s crushed on but never did anything about anyways.
at this point L got really upset. for context, the previous night, we had gotten into an argument because i said god didn’t exist or care about humanity at all given the horrors of the world rn and then L told me he was a christian. i had gotten upset bc i couldn’t believe he could uphold something as harmful as religion, but then after we cooled down a bit we talked it out and he told me he liked the feeling of not being alone that religion brings for him. i had apologized and told him that he’s not alone regardless, because he has me and our other friends, we hugged it out, and i thought that would be the end of it.
well, L brought that back up, saying that i didn’t respect his feelings or his religion, and i clearly don’t want him there. i tried telling him that he couldn’t just leave and he should stop being so immature, but he was insistent, so i got out of his way and unlocked the front door for him.
it’s been a couple days and we haven’t really talked. R says i should just apologize to him again so we can all be friends but i think L needs to grow up and realize that he can’t just sit around pining and praying and expecting it to get him anywhere.
also, if this is relevant at all, i am a girl who likes girls. i’m not going to go into the details of my relationship with christianity, but for me, believing in god has done more harm than good. i do respect L’s life choices and i can see where he’s coming from but i’m never going to be involved with religion again.
What are these acronyms?
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beetlethebug · 6 months
so we know that like, Kristen's whole deal is religion and such, right? I'm just kinda thinking about the other Bad Kids and the Gods. Maybe it's my own multi-deity pagan ass just wanting to consider what it would look like. (I'm using primarily Forgotten Realms Gods and my absolutely vague knowledge of them).
This got long so read under the cut ;u;
Gorgug is absolutely Garl Glittergold's favorite child. He loves the shenanigans. Do you think he starts connecting with Gruumsh when he starts connecting with his birth parents? Baby Gorgug leaving bits of metal and toys he accidentally broke on the altar the Thistlesprings' have in their workshop. Gorgug pre-artificer offering up the songs he makes as a tricky sort of "metal" working. Feeling a connection to Gruumsh in the heats of his rage, the nudge of a hand during his frenzy guiding him to the right target. Keeping bits of scrap from their enemies to melt down into his next artificing project. He also probably talks to Helm, sometimes, asking for guidance on how to best protect his friends. Gorgug has big protector energy.
Adaine who is, in a way, a deity in her own right, depending how revered the Oracle is. I don't know if Adaine would connect with Elvish gods, but she and Oghma vibe. I think that after the Bad Kids all talk and bond, Kristen makes a joke about her being a Gruumsh follower with her furious fist and so Adaine jokingly buys a pin to wear in offering. Jawbone also had a talk with her about sometimes it can help to talk to someone about your anxiety--whether that be a counselor or even the Gods, sometimes. Just Adaine praying to Gruumsh to have the strength to punch her anxiety in the face is very beautiful to me. Azuth is the god of wizards, so he and Adaine might vibe. Adaine feels like the type to vibe with the Gods mostly in jest; she talks to them sometimes, but they're silly little guys to her. Because of Tracker and Jawbone's lycanthropy, I think she either has a small shrine to Galicaea or has the biggest beef with her imaginable. Maybe a little bit of both.
Riz. God. I think once Riz meets his Father, he definitely like, sets up a little shrine to him. Ancestor work feels really important to Riz. He dedicates a lot of self-care things to his dad, I think. Mainly sleeping and drinking water. Does he do them? No. But it's the thought that counts. Riz is definitely the like, mundane acts of worship. Incorporating it into miniscule parts of his day that would go undetected unless you knew him and where to look. He also probably has some devotional jewelry to Yondalla; I think that Penny probably had a habit of repeating prayers while touching the beads of her bracelet (kind of like a Rosary) and that rubbed off on him, especially when she was babysitting him. The whole family also probably have at least some sort of worship to Tyr due to their connection to justice and law enforcement. I think Sklonda is more connected with some of the deities associated with Goblins, specifically Gruumsh (can you tell I love him?) and Maglubiyet. He prays to war gods to get through the absolute shitshow of Adventuring school. He and Adaine probably dedicate their research to Oghma.
Fig is really interesting because I feel like she is probably in the vein of demon work instead of divinity. Although I think that she unironically thinks Riz's dad is super cool so like, playfully worships him. Fig is the Bad Kid that I feel like collects all the different pieces of her friends and wears them proudly upon herself. She dedicates concerts to Kristen's new deity of the week. She sighs and asks Oghma for help on exams; she includes prayers to Gruumsh in her tracks. I feel like Fig also might have a tendency to like, worship the people in her life. She thinks they're so important and she cares about them so much. So she elevates them to the status of a God in her mind. They are invincible. They are young and powerful and the bonds they share are much, much magical then some God who pretends to be high and mighty. Her body is an altar--she wears jewelry and draws sigils and uses so much color magick. She is, in a way, a walking beacon to the gods, saying, "Look at us! We're just as good as you, and if you doubt it, then we'll kick your ass!"
Fabian Seacaster my beloved. This man follows his Father's footsteps for a long time. He worships Gods of the tempest, of the sea and sailing. Yondalla holds a special place in his heart. Riz nearly has a conniption when Fabian corrects him on a prayer to Yondalla, and the two of them bond about it. But once this man starts dancing, this man worships Corellon Larethian with his whole chest. He does a lot of his worship through dancing. Moving his body, getting in touch with his roots. Because of the fire elemental, he also does some like, elemental magic? But I think a lot of his forms of worship come through bodily experiences. Braving a storm, dancing in front of a crowd, making just the right maneuver to protect his friends in battle. Sometimes he and Fig and Gorgug will sit together and make devotional playlists!
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nocandnc · 2 months
2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 14, 16, 24, and 25 for OkoHoshi
Whoa, so many... I'll do my best!!
By nature of the prompts, some of these get a bit racy - nothing too explicit (just isn't my style) but proceed with caution below the cut ^^;;;
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time?
Hoshina is always looking for opportunities to fool around - during work, at home, in the ICU - anywhere at all, really. But he's also sort of calm about it? Regular training and live combat serves as a pretty good outlet for all that energy, so even if he's down for a good time anytime, he's not going stir crazy for it either.
Okonogi is usually the opposite. She conducts herself seriously and will refuse to entertain Hoshina's frisky impulses on most days. But unlike the Vice Captain, she doesn't have a convenient outlet for that frustration - so it builds up, and if Hoshina does manage to flip her switch then she's so much more desperate.
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?
Coming from a more traditional household, Hoshina is used to just... taking baths with people? He's not actively thinking of it as something sexual, so he's plenty happy to just relax together. That said, he won't turn down an opportunity for sexy time if Okonogi's in the mood for it.
Okonogi insists that she is NOT, face red from more than just the water temperature.
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
Okonogi takes photos of him quite often, sleeping or otherwise. She got used to doing so after having to gather promotional materials for the 3rd Division, which seeped into her off-duty habits as well. The rare photos Hoshina takes of her are for the express purpose of bragging in the work group chat.
Hoshina: New wallpaper pic~ Ain't my girl the cutest? Kafka: Not cool Vice Cap :'( Ichikawa: Please stop... Captain Ashiro: Did you receive Okonogi's permission to share this? Narumi: FUCK OFF
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”?
There are lots of scenarios that come to mind where either of them confesses first, but in most cases I'd say Hoshina. Maybe he plays it off like a joke, very much into her but hesitant to really go for it in case he dies and leaves her suffering it makes work awkward. Maybe he says it in a deadly serious way, shocking Okonogi to tears because he's not allowed to do that. It's too cruel. What if she actually believes him this time, only for it to be just another joke?
I don't think either of them would be keen on ending a fight by pulling the 'because I love you' card... But if I had to say, Okonogi would probably be the first to let something like that slip - boiling mad and sick with worry after he starts taking his battles too far all too often. 11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship?
"You looove me" Soshiro preens, pulling Konomi close. "You wanna huuug me, and kiiiiiss me, and—" "We're married" she groans.
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops?
The first time Okonogi dared to hold Hoshina's hand was during a particularly long stay in hospital. After waiting for what seemed like hours, she entwined her shaky fingers with his still ones and prayed for him to wake up soon.
Hoshina was never informed of this, so in his mind, he was the first one to do any hand-holding along with most other forms of PDA. He loves flaunting their relationship and loves how much she blushes when he does so. Okonogi is a little braver about reciprocating in private, but it takes her a while to get used to the idea that she can just... grab him sometimes.
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed?
I wouldn't call her seductive but I do imagine Okonogi being a lot more aggressive and confident when drunk, sexually or otherwise. The Vice Captain is incapable of seducing anyone while drunk. He just gets all sappy.
Hoshina isn't especially loud in bed, but he is very talkative. Okonogi on the other hand can barely form a sentence without screaming.
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them?
I don't see either of them being very into slow dancing to be honest. Hoshina prefers a faster pace, and Okonogi is too awkward about it one way or the other. Hoshina definitely picks Okonogi up to kiss her though - it's so damn easy and he loves showing off. Then again, making her struggle to kiss him from the very tips of her toes is equally tempting.
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush?
Hoshina is a full-time clown, much to Okonogi's thinly veiled amusement annoyance - but every now and then she'll hit him (and anyone else within earshot) with surprisingly wild sex joke of her own.
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
27 - War Between Kin
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Part 28
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
Tags- just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
Dragonstone - Six Years Later 
Tyrion was sipping on a glass of wine by the fireplace with a book on the old Valyrian language nestled in his lap silently reading it while he had the time to learn more.  The door a few feet behind the dwarf creaked opened and shut behind him. “Your mothers language is quite fascinating to me.” 
“I’m glad you’re interested in it.  But we will have to talk about that later.  I need to speak with you now about something more important.” 
Shutting the book once he had bookmarked my page he gave her my full attention. “What do you need to speak with me about, your grace?” 
“When I allowed your brother and my sister to leave Dragonstone I assumed that we would hear some sort of information by now.  But there have been no Ravens and our other supporters are nearly here.  I do not want to wait any longer to secure my throne from Cersei.” The dragon queen remarked to her Hand. 
Tyrion knew she had a point but he wasn’t sure what his brother's plan was when they left. “Your grace, it takes a very long time to travel across the world.  Especially across the uncharted seas and lands that haven’t been mapped really by anyone in Westeros.   You shouldn’t be too concerned.” 
“I shouldn’t be concerned that your brother and my sister may have lied to me and are really attempting to find their own army to make their own claim to the Iron Throne.” 
Tyrion bit his tongue trying to not sound worried. “They wouldn’t do that.  Vaella is after all your sister.  Why would she want the throne for herself?” 
“Because she has children who aren’t actual dragons.  She has future heirs who can take my claim from me.” She declares sternly to her advisor. 
The young Lannister ran a hand down his face, beginning to worry about what she would do if what she was saying turned out to be true. “I assure you, your grace.  She has no desire to have the throne.” 
“If that is the case then my sister may have more of a chance of getting more supporters than I have!” She raised her tone towards the dwarf where he pressed his back against the chair not expecting that from her. 
Tyrion gulped remembering who her father was. “My Queen, surely you wouldn’t start a war against your own sister.  The Iron Throne isn’t that important.” 
“I can’t destroy the Cersei Lannisters of the world without it.  I can’t break the wheel without it.  I did not go through years of torture and crossed the seas for nothing just to have my older sister take it from me!” 
“She’s your family.  Perhaps you should take some time to cool off and think about our current situation.” Her Hand of the Queen ran a hand through his messy curls. 
Daenerys eyed her Hand leaving the room quickly. “You are probably right.  I’ll be in my chambers.” 
“Sleep well, your grace.” Tyrion nodded simply hearing the door close behind him where he slid down in his chair, never feeling so terrified in his life and he prayed to the gods that nothing happened to his friend across the Summer Sea. 
Vaella’s pov 
The bells rang from the bell tower of the Red Keep, which was a sign that something was happening at the castle, good or bad, that wasn't revealed until letters were sent out everywhere that a new king would be crowned.  I was standing among the crowd of citizens and Lords of the Realm who would swear their loyalty to the new king. 
“May the warrior grant him courage and protect him in these perilous times.  May the Smitt grant him strength that he might bear this heavy burden.  May the Crone she knows the fate of all men show him the path he must walk and guide him through the Dark places that lie ahead.  In the light of the Seven I proclaim Robert of the House Baratheon first of his name, King of the Andels and the first men, Lord of Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.” The grand Septon sat the golden tree crown upon a thin Robert’s head declaring to everyone before them. “Long may he reign!” 
“Long may he reign!” Everyone in the room declared with loud voices filling the throne room. 
Robert was escorted out of the room by several Kingsguard but I only cared to find one in particular that I wished to see.  Moving about the crowd I caught sight of his green eyes across the room. “Ser Jaime.” I curtsy to him once he made his way over to me, wishing I could just jump into his arms and he’d smuggle me away to safety. 
“Clarisse,  I trust that you will receive much business today with a new king on the throne.” Jaime whispers his second sentence under his breath with a faint smile. “You still look beautiful even as a commoner.” 
I blushed like a strawberry at his words. “I sure hope so…thank you, Ser Jaime.” Moving my right upward I tugged my ear and he led me through the busy crowd where we had managed to find an empty hallway for a brief moment. 
“How have you been lately?  I doubt I’ll be able to see you for some time until the new king gets settled in.” Jaime questions me, his white cloak moving until we stopped walking. 
Ignoring the question he’d asked me I blurted out my own, more concerned for him. “Will he pardon you for breaking your vows?” 
“Don’t worry about me, Vae.” He raised his right hand to my cheek and I leaned into his palm. 
“I can’t help it,  you're my Lion Knight.” 
He sent me a weak smile wishing he could take me to the Rock and never return to King's Landing. “And you’re my Dragon Princess.” 
“Do you think we’ll ever have what we had or something better than that in this life?” I asked him stepping closer where our chests were pressing against the other. 
The golden lion rested his forehead softly down against mine. “I don’t believe in the gods really but I do believe in us.  As long as you and I are together there’s nothing we can’t face.” Laying my head against his chest we wrapped his arms around one another knowing our time of peace would come. 
One of the Velaryon ladies finished tying the set of strings of my very loose and somewhat revealing summer dress.  The gown had spaghetti straps and was flowing with the wind pushing it around.  I started wearing a belt around my waist to keep Aegon's dagger and my sword by my side. “Shall I go searching for Lord Jaime, your grace?” The Lady in waiting named Mandy asked running a brush gently through my hair. 
“Don’t bother, Mandy. I shall find him on my own. Thank you.” I sent her a smile. 
She curtsied to me leaving the room. “You're welcome, my queen.” 
Making my way down the stone steps the wind blowing rather nicely.  I wasn’t wearing the crown, I only did when we had meetings to discuss certain matters.  Thankfully for six years we'd had no issues and heard no letters from my sister.  Stopping in my tracks a heartfelt smile crossed my lips at the sight before me. “Daddy, how did you lose your hand?” My youngest daughter Rhana who was only the age of eight, asked him while they were sitting on the edge of the cliffs looking out onto the sea. 
Jaime ruffled her silver  hair with his real hand. “The whole story is rather bloody, little lioness.  So let’s just say I helped save a woman from some very bad people.” She had been given his green eyes unlike the older kids. 
“Hi mom!” Luciya waved to me while being on her golden dragon named Shireen while Rhaegar was  riding his gray and blue dragon he called Stormfly. Both now on their tenth nameday.  
I warned my eldest daughter cupping my hands up to the sides of my mouth. “Rhaegar, be careful with your brother up there!” 
“Don’t worry, mom. Watch this.” Rhaegar called back to me with his brother Chandler sitting on his lap.  He lifted his brother up when they were flying close to the edge, and I gasped seeing him throw his brother up in the air causing Chandler to stick his arms out and pretend he was flying. 
Bolting forward I outstretched my arms catching my baby boy in my arms causing me to basically be tackled by his body. “Rhaegar! - Chandler - urgh!” 
“Let’s go again.  Let’s go again.” My six year old son raised his hands into the air cheering once I had sat myself upright a little bit.  He looked like his father in the face, except for the silver white hair. 
Holding his face in my hands I kissed his forehead. “Sweet boy, you can’t just jump off dragonback like that.  Especially when you’re six years old.” 
“Lions aren’t afraid of anything, mommy.” Chandler crossed his arms over his chest 
Slumping my shoulders Jaime and Rhana came over in our direction with Chandler climbing off my lap before my husband extended his hand out helping me to my feet to stand.  “Are you two okay over here?” 
“Yeah.  I am just a little annoyed with Rhaegar.” 
Rhana poked her brother in the arm running away from his sister. “Tag you’re it.” 
“Hey, no fair!” Chandler began chasing her through the short grassy area. 
Jaime and I couldn’t hold back our laughter watching them simply running around and kids just being kids.  He draped his arm around my waist tugging me into his side. “You’re a good Queen and amazing mother, Vaella.” He kissed the side of my head gently. 
“You’ve been a greater husband than I could ever have hoped for.  But I am curious about something.  Would you ever want our people here to address you as their King rather than just Lord Lannister?” 
My husband shifted his green orbs down onto my gaze intertwining my hand with his and bringing it to my lips kissing it. “It doesn’t really concern me personally.  You are my Queen and I’d follow you whether or not I am ever addressed as your King.” 
“We’ll always rule together, you and I.” Leaning up on my toes I kissed him and he kissed me back where we had no idea a war between kin may be starting between me and my own sister without our knowledge. 
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Oooooo I am so normal about ieytd. So normal. I did not just scroll the tag instead of sleeping. Why would you say that.
I'm thinking about Agent Phoenix and I'm trying to figure out my hc on how they survive everything. Bc. Time loops are cool.... but sometimes they get too depressing for me. And I have No Clue how pure skill would save them from the final missions. That elevator fall, and Phoenix was somehow well enough to get up and leave the scene such that the agency didn't find them in the destruction? Getting exposed to neurotoxins/poison gasses without experiencing any bad symptoms if you stop it fast enough? Driving through the massive jets of fire on Prism's truck without an Immediate Need for Hospitalization? Falling from orbit?
So. Hear me out. Agent Phoenix has some kind of supernatural ability to not die. I played with the idea of the name Phoenix being accidentally more literal than all the characters thought bc I hc Phoenix as a bit of a firebug, but that would cause problems with the whole heat-activated bomb in their head, so. The recreational arson is a coincidence.
So that leaves me down to a couple ideas.
1. Regeneration
Ah, the classic. I love regeneration. Simple but it can be used in really cool ways. The fun is the how. I think I'm leaning towards ✨experimentation✨, either self inflicted (Phoenix seems to like the sciences) or something done to Phoenix and they decided to do something with it. The Agency definitely wouldn't be involved, considering how surprised everyone is that they keep surviving these shenanigans. This has great angst potential and I'm giggling and kicking my feet thinking about it.
Also, this makes me think of using the forge in KBOOM. You can't convince me the metal tools are safe to handle so quickly. Not glowing does not equal safe temperature. I kinda want to write a snippet where Phoenix hands Prism the wrench and she immediately drops it bc OW???? And Phoenix thinks whoops, I forgot that burns are a thing.
2. Telekinesis and pray
What if the massive tk stunt in KBOOM wasn't exactly unprecedented? What if Phoenix has had a lot of practice pulling off nigh impossible things with telekinesis, sink or swim style?
Paralytic neurotoxin/poison gas? Manually keep your heart beating and puppet your body until you can get a moment to counteract it or it wears off on its own.
Faceful of fire from some mad scientist security measures? Split your attention between driving the car and desperately pushing back the hot plasma inches from your face, because you kind of need your eyes for this mission.
Falling from orbit? Slow your descent as well as you can, and push even harder because your best won't win against gravity. Don't tell your handler you had to do that, bc he never asked. He simply assumed you were lucky enough that your shuttle wasn't damaged when the big death laser went kaboom. If all your enemies think that explosion was too bad for you to survive, well that's just a bonus. It wasn't, right? You're here. Your shuttle had to have been fine.
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frogskelton · 9 months
Part one of the scooby doo x team chris is rlly hot (split into parts to check if there is much of a audience and if i type it up and refine all of what u got, im never getting it done)
Part 1 -
“Come on gang,” Alejandro sour mood subtly coming through his tried charismatic voice. “Let’s go,” sounding like all his energy had been drained
“Sure, now what happenied to that charismatic eel, show some energy.” Noah mocked, showing some glee in his tone, while Alejandro gave him minor stink eye.
“Aah guys, I’m so excited!” Owen wrapped his arms around the two. “It was so nice of your dad to let us come to his fancy party, I totally thought he hated our guts, you know you used to.”
“Yeah used to right?” Noah quietly quiped inquirer if at Alejandro.
“Yeah man! I’m gonna show all your family how cool I am, then I’m sure they’ll love me!” Tyler said shoulder excitedly poked up, stunning with his hands.
“Been trying for 17 years, but go right ahead,” Alejandro muttered to himself in Spanish, with only Noah quickly having any clue of what he was saying.
“What was that?” Tyler questioned with puppy dog eyes, tilting his head, with some concern about Alejandro’s uncharacteristically more open sourness. But that concern was overshadowed by the absulute excitement of being invited to what had to be one of the fanciest parties ever, by complete surprise.
“Oh nothing, nothing, just don’t get too excited it’s gonna be a- err- a lot different … to what you’re useddd to.” Alejandro said, trying to turn the charm back on to cover up his distain for everything here.
“Well if you ignore that passive agressiveness, even I think tonight should be pretty alright.” Noah surprisingly said not grumbling.
The sun have almost set in the empty parking lot of the old downtown supermarket, closed down a few years ago but rubbish still plagued the streets. As they messed around by the graffiti covered street lamps, Tyler and Owen swinging round in each other’s arm, and Izzy barking, climbing and riding round in the desolate shopping trolleys. Alejandro leaned against the van, distant from the others, giving himself a moment before driving, staring up at the sky, roudy gleeful, but friendly noises sounding from behind, praying tonight wouldn’t go horridly. Noah appeared next to him, nudging him attempted to check up on him, without being able to say the words. Alejandro looked over at him for a second and back up, before getting ready to drive up to his family’s party.
The drive up the lavish and extensive driveway, it seemed as though it kept dragging on, kept going and going, each perfectly groomed tree felt like they towered over the van. While excitement blared from the back of the back of the van. The gloomy, long driveway and the sound of the wheels, seemed to drown all that out, as Alejandro was left to his corner of the only him and the drive through. Staring at the driveway, as it kept crawling on.
Pulling into the park, Tyler kept on out of the van, leaping straight into the gravel before the van had even stopped moving. “Owwww” he groaned, before pulling himself up, spiting dirt out of his mouth. Next out was Owen then Noah,
“I’m not sure what to do with Izzy,” Owen said looking at the sleeping dog, knowing the second she woke up the walls would turn inside out the roof would be raised. “I want my little other little buddy to get plenty of sleep, but we can’t just leave her in there.”
“I fear we might unleash we dare wake her up” Noah quietly quiped.
“Yeah she can be a bit hyper too hyper, and Al told us to not too be loud or anything, I’ll just give her the keys” Owen said, placing the key next to her scrolling down the window a bit.
“It’s a party you’re meant to have some energy” Tyler said dancin round on the spot, drumming his hands on his legs.
“This is a bit of a dif-“
“Where’s Al?” Noah started before being abruptly cut off by Owen.
“Huh, oh I think he’s still in the car, don’t worry I’ll get him” Tyler said trying to calm himself down before talking to Alejandro, to prevent him from getting irritated at Tyler’s energy.
Alejandro stared at the wheel, everything seemingly fading away, noise scraping his ears, but becoming indistinguishable from the other noises. Tyler knocked on the window, “Hey man, you are doing alright? If you’re like over stimulated or something I think saw your noise cancelling headphones in the back there.”
Tyler’s voice snapped him back to reality.
“I’m… im fine,” Alejandro quietly responded before leaving the mystery machine one hand clutching his other arm and some feeling of nausea caused by stress.
“You sure man? You seem like you’ll need it.” Tyler said rubbing Alejandro’s arm.
“I’M FINE.” Alejandro snapped,”Besides you can’t just where headphones to a formal event, its just - its - you know.” He grumbled
“Peasant like?” Noah sarcastically quipped ignoring Alejandro’s grizzly mood
“Sure that.”
As they walked through the light of the interior felt blinding like a golden bright lights, overwhelmed their eyes, accustomed to the dark. For Alejandro it was like that sign, that cue that for the mask to turn back on, Swiftly turning on the charm wandering off before the others eyes could adjust to the brightness. Mingling with guest attempting to present himself as inhumanely perfect, like Icarus to sun, was him to his charm.
“Where did he,” Noah muttered to himself, scanning the gorgeous room for Alejandro. But God! It would impossible to fail to notice how incredibly fancy the Burromuerto’s place was. Their fortune really was shown off in the regal like interior (and exterior) design. It appeared so incredibly lavish, though strangely cold and felt more like a palace than a home.
Finally Noah notice him talking to a posh looking lady in a bright red dress and using the charisma to hide that strange uncanniness that woman, that Noah could. It was that uncanniness was the subtle way if seeing it, his fears and anxieties, had that subtle way of showing behind the mask. It takes a long time to learn them and and have any clue of what ge really feels behind that layer of charm.
“Maybe he was right, this doesn’t really feel like a party.” Owen whisper to Tyler who seemed like he turned into a weeping angel.
“Yeah, course man, he’s always right, this feels like some fancy ass school assembly, not a party.” Tyler irritatedly whispered.
“I’m not gonna question what kind of school assembles you went to, but like god, man! I miss Geoff parties all of a sudden.” Owen whisper whined, wincing, while shaking Tyler’s shoulders, while dirty glared were shot across the room.
From their more causal outfits to their more relaxed friendliness, made then stick out like a sore thumb. Those posh face staring with snarling noses and mouths that seemed like they were full of fangs. Walking through, despite the wide open space, something made it all feel like squiring together down a tight corridor.
“Shit, I lost that eel in the crowd, where did he slide off some it.” Noah mumbled
“Ahh, don’t worry. He’s probably just going to say hi Yu his dad or something” Owen responded, giving him a reassuring pat on the back.
“Yeah, maybe he’ll go find people who don’t annoy him so bad and who he sees as all smart and perfect like him.” Tyler grumbled, upset shoulders crossed, his frustration felt like it was making him claustrophobic.
“Come on guys, he was probably just having a moment, I’m sure he loves us.” Owen said.
“Really?!” Noah stared like Owen had just claimed he saw some pigs flying.
Attempting to stand tall and proud, while ever noise and every flick felt like a pounding drum right in the ear, trying to shove every bit of shame down and hidden. Charming and mingling with the crowd, anything to make him seem like he was worth being called a Burromuerto. It happened to be a wee bit of rarity for him be told about these kinda events and not just shoed off, since he was considered a black sheep of the family. Like they always saw something off about him, unable to actually achieve that perfect conformity. Why is it an impossible task to be part of your own family.
A boney hand slide onto his shoulder, from a tall dark figure. The figure’s shadow engulfing him.
“I see you’ve met my son,” Alejandro’s father stood behind him, acknowledging him as his son?! And without the usual hint of Shane that permeates his usual voice. He spoke in Spanish in that dignified way that is often used to condescend, but now it felt like a way to elevate him, invite him in. It was a welcome.
“Yes, yes, of cour-“
One of the grand windows toppling over the guest, smash with a figure crawling in, as the glass fell outside. Huge, twisted bone, form all hunched covering the window, with sharp joints like it was ready to pounce. Pointed spikey bat like ears, huge wings joint to hideous, dirty, sharp claws and galring eyes red and glowing like a pirates treasure.
“WHAT IN GOD’S NAME?!” Mr Burromuerto cried out at the top of hus lungs, like a performer projecting hus voice for a crowd.
“Noo, why now?!” Alejandro frustratedly whispered to himself, scorning the monster who would dare interupt this.
“Is that?!”
“A Bat man?!” Noah gasped, before Owen concluded with a loud burst.
The monster was no mere thing, toppling over everyone, it’s twisted humanoid body reaching to 8ft.
“Welcome back!” It cackled “Now I’m here to bring you the most exciting, entertaining time of your life.” It yelled out glamming at the crowd.
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obsidiancreates · 1 year
Icewild (Part 3)
"Hey man. Yer butt flap is down."
"What?!" Taishen reaches back to feel, his golden scales turning bright molten orange as he blushes. "So indecent! Thank you for telling me! Would you like me to check your backside?"
"Nah, if mines down its just a nice fuckin' view." Gideon chuckles deeply and puffs his cigar. "Not to brag or anythin'."
"Well... alright." Taishen peeks anyway, because even if Damien ashamed there are possibly still ghosts down here who might not want to see any bare behinds. Gideon is buttoned up fine, though the overalls are clearly too small for him. Taishen would feel bad for him about that if the man's regular clothes seemed like they fit, but they also seemed a bit small.
Maybe he does that on purpose. Why he would, Taishen doesn't know. It seems very uncomfortable.
"Well, uh, let''s see. I've never really handled plumbing before..."
"Then why the hell'd you offer to check it out?"
"Well, I figured if it's just frozen I could melt it." Taishen produces a gorgeous flame in his palm, a delicate and refined dancing flame that, though it may be the same as what he uses in battle, is more settled in this peaceful context.
"Oh-ho yeah. I can help with that." Gideon grins, his beard sparking and crackling like the beginnings of a wildfire. Taishen's flame is reflected in Gideon's eyes, but the reflection seems wilder, raging, all-consuming.
"Um... well." Taishen holds his hand out in front of him to light their way. "How-how did you unlock your powers, then?"
"Fuckin' born with 'em, man."
"Oh! You didn't have an grand adventures, or... meetings with great beings?"
"I mean... my Pa was a pretty great guy."
"Oh! So you get if from him?"
"Nah, Pa was human."
"... I'm not sure we're getting anywhere with this."
"Well, why're ya askin'? Weren't you born with yours?"
"Not exactly. My niece went missing, and while searching for her I met a great ancient dragon, who awoke the powers within me."
"... Pretty fuckin' cool backstory." Gideon nods. "Hey, quick question. Does your niece bite you?"
"Not since she was a baby, I raised her not to do such things!"
"Wait, you raised her?"
"Well, yes-"
"Geez, man, you outta talk with Gricko later! Couple a single dads, he'd fuckin' love that. Unless you're not single, then maybe it wouldn't be as fun for 'im."
"Well, I am single, but I don't see how that matters."
"Matters 'cause he is too."
"I don't know if we'll really have much to talk about anyway. His... daughter, seems... seem to be a different situation."
"Well... she's an owlbear."
"And? All kinds of different fuckin' people in the world, man."
"No, that's not what I meant-"
"Guess I found out why you're single."
"I- well it's mostly because I'm exploring the world and trying not to freeze to death-"
"And how do you keep warm to not freeze to death? Having some fun, if you know what I mean, heh-heh." Gideon elbows Taishen, knocking him into the wall of the waterways by accident. Taishen gives a little shout and rights himself, used to such things from Barnabos but still caught off guards thanks to the current subject matter.
"It's really just not the time or place for that kind of thing!" Taishen gestures around them. "My life recently has been very much a life-or-death situation!"
"And-! And so it's just not the time for that sort of thing!"
"... We're on different fuckin' pages, man. I sleep with people in the middle of major situations all the fuckin' time."
"And that's very disturbing to know, please do not tell me these things!" Taishen prays they're close to the opening to the cave. "I spent years raising my niece, and now I'm trying to survive long enough to get back to her!"
"Alright, alright, I get it." They walk in silence for a little while.
"... But just so you know, ladies love the fire tricks." Gideon takes a swig from his flask, swishes it around, tilts his head up, and spits out a fountain of fire! The whole corridor lights up, and Taishen shouts as he ducks out of the way.
"Fuckin' cool, right?" Gideon hands the flask over. "Try it, man! Just light it in your mouth and spit it real quick!"
"Spitting it seems a little gross."
"It's fire. Fire can't be dirty."
"Well, that does make sense..."
"Yeah, man!"
"Should you step out of the way? Can you be burned?"
"Eh, barely."
"Alright then..."
Taishen takes a tentative drink.
Queenie sits on Jornir's shoulder. "Why're we watchin' this guy again?"
Torbek, but a few feet away, sits chewing on a rock. Frost uses his mind hand to remove the rock, and Torbek makes a sad noise. Frost gives Torbek a piece of soft wood, which Torbek also begins to gnaw on.
"His state... concerns me."
"Ha, no shit." Skrimm sits nearby, swirling a bottle of brandy. "That guy's life seems fucked, and that's comin' from me." He takes a big drink.
"Skrimm, didn't you say you can do that thing where you look in souls or somethin'?" Queenie sighs, leaning against Jornir's head. "I don't think he's very malicious."
"Oh, look at that! Finally someone asks about my powers!" Skrimm looks at Torbek. "I'll try it, but if I had to bet I'd bet all I'll get is sad."
Skrimm focuses on Torbek and, like how he can summon the Brutal Blade with the mere flick of a wrist, flicks something in his mind or soul to see in Torbek's.
After a moment Skrimm hears, whispered in the back of his mind and drifting to the forefront, the word content.
"He's just relaxing." Skrimm shrugs, leaning back again. "He's content. Guess the guy has some pretty low standards." Skrimm takes another drink of his cheap brandy and a bite of some definitely-gone-off cheese.
Jornir eyes Skrimm, but doesn't say anything.
Queenie hops off of Jornir's back. "Well in that case, I'm gonna go make him feel a little more welcome. Jornir's been glarin' at him all day."
"I am not glaring. I am just... looking."
"You've been glarin', Jornir, ya wear you're heart on your sleeve sometimes."
"... I do?" Jornir looks at Skrimm, who makes an exaggerated face of confusion and shrugs.
Queenie hops away without another word, right up to Torbek. Torbek startles a little when she does.
"Ah! Did Torbek do something wrong?! Torbek is only chewing on what Frost says he can chew on!"
"Why're you chewin' on anythin', honey?"
"Mmmm, Torbek is bored."
"So yer chewin' on rocks?"
"Torbek chews on rocks often."
"Well, how about we find you a game or somethin' instead, how's that sound?"
Torbek lights right up! "Torbek loves games! He helped Mr. Kremy rig them all the time!"
"Torbek!" Kremy hisses.
"He did though, Kremy," Gricko chimes in.
"We're not talkin' about the carnival with folks who didn't work the carnival!"
"Sorry, Mr. Kremy." Torbek shrinks down a bit.
"Hey, don't you be snappin' at him!" Queenie snaps back.
"Excuse you, he's my em- I mean, my friend!"
"Oooooh, Torbek doesn't want more fighting!" Torbek covers his ears. "Torbek wants to play that game, pleaseeee, Torbek will never ask for anything else!"
"Alright, alright." Queenie glares ar Kremy again while she takes Torbek's hand and leads him away. "There's some snow just over there at the edge of the clearin', you ever made a snow angel before?"
"Well neither have I, but I heard they're real fun so let's try it out."
Queenie and Torbek head off, and Kremy keeps an eye on them until they're out of sight. "Gotta bad feelin' about that, fellas."
"Oh, what's the worst that could happen, Kremy?" Gricko says. "In fact, Hootsie! Why don't we go join them, ah, ah? Alright let's go!" Gricko and Hootsie race off.
"It seems like a bad idea to me as vell."
Kremy and Frost both scream and jump up, Frost's fur standing on end and Kremy's shadow wiggling like a snake in a trap.
"I am Ketrothstein, but ah, you may call me Ket." He nods at them. "And I am also stuck in this vorld vhere I do not belong, as I have heard you are, and I thinkve should vork together to all return to our homes."
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runawaymazola · 1 year
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New Life
Chapter 2:
| Masterlist | Previous | Next |
in L.A >>>
"Hey, i have a rehearsal later. I couldn't go and hang out with you today. Maybe you could go and sight seeing the LA for me? " BangChan asked you while playing with his fingers. He is worried about you going out alone with no one to explore LA with and that you might get lost while doing so too knowing how clumsy you can be sometimes.
"I don't think i want to go touring right away, hyung. I'm still jetlagged ! " You stretched your body and letting out a moan once you heard a bone crack.
" Well, there's a yogurt stall down a few blocks. You like yogurts right? " He pointed his fingers to the blocks ahead of you. Even though you're kinda tired and just want to sleep, after hearing that the Yogurt stall is not that far, you quickly get ready to go by yourself leaving even more worried BangChan behind
"Yah! Be careful!! " He yelled not worried a little bit when people and staff looked at him. Seeing him yelled at someone, they also looked at your running figure leaving the venue.
"okay!" You sprinted towards the direction of the stall as if it would run away by any moment.
"Hyung, let's go inside. It's starting now." Hyunjin greeted his leader and proceed to go inside  where the backstage is.
after like 20 minutes of walking and searching for the yogurt stall he mentioned you finally found one. But you stopped a few steps away when you saw camera crews in the shop.
'maybe there's a recording inside..' you thought.
You really want the yogurt right now plus with the heat of LA, you surely want something to cool down. After thinking and debating you just squeezed through in the shop and saw the cameras pointed at four girls.
Carelessly, you just waited for them to finished their orders and once they wanted to pay, you went to the front and order your yogurt too. Your eyes widened when seeing the toppings displayed in front of you and started drooling.
"Wow!" You mistakenly said out loud earning the attention and looks from the camera crew and also the girls.
Some of the girls went back to the payment meanwhile there's two of them that kept looking at you and went back to the cashier. You don't want to assume things but you sure do saw them looked at you longer that they intended to after you said sorry to them.
Third Person's POV:
"yah, help winter to choose her toppings" she said to Giselle.
"Let's start paying, unnie! " NingNing exclaimed happily. The three of them just giggles and waited for the cashier to key in the total.
Just as one of them about to pay, they heard a Wow! from another customer. Instinctively, of course they would look at him just seeing him saying sorry in Korean.
Huh, a korean too.
When the rest of the girls looked at the cashier again, there was one of them that could not manage to peer her eyes from the excited young man,
No words spoken, she just kept on staring at the man. No expression or anything.
well... maybe a small smile appeared on her pink lips.
When she felt a hand on her arm, she immediately realized that she have not paid her yogurt yet.
" Yah, Karina. pay the yogurt " Giselle pointed out .
Karina proceeds to pay the bill and secretly prayed that she is not caught for staring at the man earlier or else she would have to deal with a lot of people. Not to mention there's a crew filming them right now.
Proceeds to sit down, four of them normally have a talk about any topics when suddenly you came into the view again. Passed through them with a yogurt in your hand and a phone near to your ear.
and of course you caught the attention of the same girl again, but this time there's another one doing the same !
"Yes, hyung. I'm coming.. Just got the yogurt.. Do you want some too? What about the rest..? " they heard you're whispering not far from the table. But the girls sure that the editor would edit your voice out of the video if yours in it so it wouldn't be a problem.
"Why do I feel so curious about him all of a sudden?? Snap out of it Karina! " Karina looked down and bit onto her lip and fed herself a yogurt. Silently groaning to herself but she couldnt help it. Something about you made her want to her chase you down and asked for your number. But She knew she couldn't, with the cameras and members around her.. she don't want to make a scene. A useless one too! Or else, she will have an urgent meeting with the PR soon if it happens.
Winter saw how Karina suddenly went quiet after the man appeared in the view again. She furrowed her eyebrows and keep on talking with the two girls.
"I'm (Y/N)! Nice too meet you guys!" You introduced yourself to the rest of SKZ members. They all happily greeted you back and talked with you as if you're one of them. Besides not to mention that you are the youngest one here after I.N.
"Awesome another aussies!" Felix said drapping an arm around you.
"I'm a korean actually. "
"Wait you are?"
"Yeah, I'm staying at Australia cuz of my parents work there so it can't be helped. "
"but now you want to go back to Korea to pursue a new life? Is that it? " Han asked while approaching you and tasted your yogurt.
You just nodded and watched him scoop a spoonful of yogurt and put it inside his mouth.
"Yah, don't eat his yogurt! " Minho scolded from behind.
Even though you are speechless with how fast they're getting comfortable with you, you still happy and grateful that at least you have someone to talk to. I mean  a big group of someone to talk to.
"Wait, are you the ones that sent the demo's and helped us out with the songs?! " Changbin appeared out of nowhere. Probably just got back from the toilet.
"Yes! He is the one! " BangChan yelled from afar and soon, the backstage is full with the loud voices of "wah!" "i can't belive it!"
You know Skz you know how loud they are. You shyly scratch your nape and nodded a little.
"Guys, let's get ready for the concert! " When rest of the members went back into the dressing room, BangChan approached you with a smile on his face 
"You can seat behind the stage OR you can go with the audiences. I have a ticket for you here so your spot won't be taken by someone else " He winked and gave you the ticket. Before you could say anything, he ran back to the dressing room but not before saying,
" Enjoy the show! "
taglist: @myouiiiiiiii
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sammy149 · 2 months
Lux had knocked on Astronyu's immediately after she had passed out on the doorstep. Astron was just inside, they were painting near the fireplace as the rain poured, then they heard a knock at the door they had gotten up and went to answer. They had peaked their head out looking side to side not seeing anyone then looked down to see Lux looking like a sad wet cat.
Astron took Lux in and had set her down on the couch, after Lux regained her consciousness she had woken up looking to the side seeing a cup of nice warm tea, and some fresh cookies, and of course Astronyu who was still painting not noticing that Lux was awake.
(L = Luxintrus, A = Astronyu)
L: Astron?
A: Yes Lux?
L: Can I go shower?
A: mhm!
Astronyu had snapped their fingers then some towels along with some extra clothes had appeared in Luxintrus's hands
L: I-
A: Go down the hall then to the right is the bathroom!
Lux was now in the bathroom. She had turned the water on and turned it on to be very hot, they then got changed out of their clothing and had hopped in the shower. Once they were in the shower they had left the burning hot water hit her back as she had let out a long sigh. After the 2 hour shower it was now 12:13 they turned off the water, grabbed a towel, dried herself off and wrapped the towel around her body and was about to do the same thing for her hair when she noticed their hair was gray, they looked at the goggles that were once The Mason's now had a crack on them and to mention the scars she now has thanks to Winsweep
L: Great! Fuckin great! Now I look like a grandma thanks to Blake!! Fuckin asshole- but hey at least I have some cool scars
Lux had wrapped their hair, and had gotten changed then walked out with a towel still on her head
L: Hey astr-
Astron snapped their finger and a combo along with hair detangler appeared I'm Lux's hands as the wet clothes got put on the porch outside letting them dry off
L: thanks-
A: No problem! Also you need help brushing your hair?
L: i- yeah-
Her face went bright red from embarrassment, Astron had patted right beside them as a sign saying "sit here.” Lux had went over to them and sat besides them, as they took off the towel, sprayed the detangler and started to comb her hair
A: You have nice hair Lux!
L: Thanks Astron-
A: Although the purple hair did fit you, I like the gray hair!
L: huh- I was just thinking of dying it back to purple
A: noooo let me be the only purple-
L: fine-
After Astronyu had finished brushing Lux's hair, they had said goodnight and had given her some blankets then went to their room and had fallen asleep. Lux was having some trouble falling asleep since what had happened between her and Winsweep. She sat up on the couch then got on her knees and started praying to Folly aka the goddess of Chaos and bad choices aka Rat's older sister aka the goddess that SHE(Lux) simps for.
L: Folly.. Please make sure Rat is okay? I never meant for him to get launched 300,000,000 blocks away- I really didn't and I'm sorry Folly just please make sure he's okay.. please and thank you Folly
Lux then laid down pulled the blanket over her and had fallen asleep feeling a bit more at ease thanks to that
====TIME SKIP====
It was now morning and astron was up and making some breakfast as Lux was still asleep, they were hearing Lux sleep talk she was saying something about being sorry and not meaning for any of this to happen, and was also apologize over and over and over they were apologizing to Rat, The Mason, and Nox
They had finished cooking and had set it on the coffee table since their table was occupied by blank canvas, art supplies, paint, water colors, and some paintings. Thankfully Lux is a light sleeper so they only had tapped Lux on the shoulder three times and she was awake
A: Lux- morning sleepy head!
L: hm? Oh-.. morning Astron-
A: I made some breakfast for the two of us so get up and go wash your hands and then we'll eat! Okay?
L: mhm-..
Lux sat up on the couch still trying to process what had happened yesterday, then got up and had went to the bathroom to wash her hands
I kinda changed it a little but here it is I'm working on finishing it maybe today or tomorrow! So hopefully I can get this done and yall lovely peeps can read it!! Love yall!/p and make sure to stay safe! <3
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