#prayer for victory
authorkoushik · 1 year
Jaya mantram from Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana 
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Jayamantra means the mantra of victory. Jaya mantra is a collection of verses from sundara kānda of valmiki Rāmāyana.These are loud roars of hanuman in the ashoka garden of lanka and the streets of lanka. These are the battle cries of hanuman challenging his opponents, ravāna, and his men. 
In our tradition, we recite these battle cries of hanuman to seek blessings of victory from rama, lakshmana, sita and hanuman. These verses praise, rama, lakshmana, surgreeva and proclaim their victorious nature. Hance chanting these verses bring positive energy, hope, zeal, happiness and confidence to the devotees. 
These verses resulted in fear amongst demons. Hence these verses can keep away negative forces from us. 
This jaya mantra has three occurrences in sundara kanda of valmiki ramayana with mild variations. The scholars tell us that this verse is repeated in multiple occasions in sundara kanda to indicate that this is a mantra and this must be chanted by the devotees. 
This is said by hanuman for the first time in chapter forty two of sundara kanda. 
सर्ग ४२
जयत्यतिबलो रामो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबलः।
राजा जयति सुग्रीवो राघवेणाभिपालितः॥ ३३॥
दासोऽहं कोसलेन्द्रस्य रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः।
हनूमान् शत्रुसैन्यानां निहन्ता मारुतात्मजः॥ ३४॥
न रावणसहस्रं मे युद्धे प्रतिबलं भवेत्।
शिलाभिश्च प्रहरतः पादपैश्च सहस्रशः॥ ३५॥
अर्दयित्वा पुरीं लङ्कामभिवाद्य च मैथिलीम्।
समृद्धार्थो गमिष्यामि मिषतां सर्वरक्षसाम्॥ ३६॥
jayatyatibalo rāmo lakṣmaṇaśca mahābalaḥ.
rājā jayati sugrīvo rāghaveṇābhipālitaḥ.. 33..
dāso'haṃ kosalendrasya rāmasyākliṣṭakarmaṇaḥ.
hanūmān śatrusainyānāṃ nihantā mārutātmajaḥ.. 34..
na rāvaṇasahasraṃ me yuddhe pratibalaṃ bhavet.
śilābhiśca praharataḥ pādapaiśca sahasraśaḥ.. 35..
ardayitvā purīṃ laṅkāmabhivādya ca maithilīm.
samṛddhārtho gamiṣyāmi miṣatāṃ sarvarakṣasām.. 36..
In chapter 43 its repeated again with a small variation 
सर्ग ४३
अस्त्रविज्जयतां रामो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबलः।
राजा जयति सुग्रीवो राघवेणाभिपालितः॥ ८॥
दासोऽहं कोसलेन्द्रस्य रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः।
हनूमान् शत्रुसैन्यानां निहन्ता मारुतात्मजः॥ ९॥
न रावणसहस्रं मे युद्धे प्रतिबलं भवेत्।
शिलाभिश्च प्रहरतः पादपैश्च सहस्रशः॥ १०॥
धर्षयित्वा पुरीं लङ्कामभिवाद्य च मैथिलीम्।
समृद्धार्थो गमिष्यामि मिषतां सर्वरक्षसाम्॥ ११॥
astravijjayatāṃ rāmo lakṣmaṇaśca mahābalaḥ.
rājā jayati sugrīvo rāghaveṇābhipālitaḥ.. 8..
dāso'haṃ kosalendrasya rāmasyākliṣṭakarmaṇaḥ.
hanūmān śatrusainyānāṃ nihantā mārutātmajaḥ.. 9..
na rāvaṇasahasraṃ me yuddhe pratibalaṃ bhavet.
śilābhiśca praharataḥ pādapaiśca sahasraśaḥ.. 10..
dharṣayitvā purīṃ laṅkāmabhivādya ca maithilīm.
samṛddhārtho gamiṣyāmi miṣatāṃ sarvarakṣasām.. 11..
For the third time, it is retold by hanuman in sarga 59, while he narrates everything that happened in lanka to the varanas, when he returned to the sea shore after meeting mother sita. 
मयैव निहता लङ्का दग्धा भस्मीकृता पुरी।
राजमार्गेषु सर्वेषु नाम विश्रावितं मया॥ १८॥
जयत्यतिबलो रामो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबलः।
राजा जयति सुग्रीवो राघवेणाभिपालितः॥ १९॥
अहं कोसलराजस्य दासः पवनसम्भवः।
हनूमानिति सर्वत्र नाम विश्रावितं मया॥ २०॥     
mayaiva nihatā laṅkā dagdhā bhasmīkṛtā purī.
rājamārgeṣu sarveṣu nāma viśrāvitaṃ mayā.. 18..
jayatyatibalo rāmo lakṣmaṇaśca mahābalaḥ.
rājā jayati sugrīvo rāghaveṇābhipālitaḥ.. 19..
ahaṃ kosalarājasya dāsaḥ pavanasambhavaḥ.
hanūmāniti sarvatra nāma viśrāvitaṃ mayā.. 20..
This proves the significance of this event. It was reiterated by hanuman himself three times. 
Let us discuss the meaning of these verses, including the variations word by word. 
Jayati - जयति सर्वोत्कर्षेण वर्तते 
jayati sarvotkarṣeṇa vartate
He remains victorious. He wins, he 
atibalah - extremely strong and powerful
अतिशयितं बलं यस्य सः 
atiśayitaṃ balaṃ yasya saḥ
One whose strength and power is abundant.  One who is excessively powerful. One whose strength is extraordinary. One who can surpass or exceed others with his strength.  One who is superior by strength. One who can excel others in strength and prowess. 
In other words one who can overpower or defeat those who stand against him. As he is always excessively powerful and hence invincible. 
अतिशयबलवान् । प्रकृष्टबल- विशिष्टः 
atiśayabalavān . prakṛṣṭabala- viśiṣṭaḥ
He who is characterized with supreme strength. He who is limitlessly powerful. 
The word atibala also give us a mystic indication, which suits lord rama alone. 
One who possesses the wisdom of the atibala vidya is atibala
गृहाण द्वे इमे विद्ये बलामतिबलां तथा । न ते श्रमो जरा वाभ्यां भविता नाङ्गवैकृतम् ॥ न च सुप्तं प्रमत्तं वा धर्षयिष्यन्ति नैरृताः । न च ते सदृशो राम! वीर्य्ये- णान्यो भविष्यति । सदेवनरनागेषु लोकेष्विह पुमां- स्त्रिषु । न सौभाग्ये, न दाक्षिण्ये, न बुद्धिश्रु तिपौरुषे ॥ नोत्तरे प्रतिपत्तव्ये त्वत्तुल्यो वा भविष्यति । एतद्विद्याद्वयं प्राप्य यशश्चाव्ययमाप्स्यसि ॥  - इत्यादि विश्वामित्र वचनाः 
gṛhāṇa dve ime vidye balāmatibalāṃ tathā . na te śramo jarā vābhyāṃ bhavitā nāṅgavaikṛtam .. na ca suptaṃ pramattaṃ vā dharṣayiṣyanti nairṛtāḥ . na ca te sadṛśo rāma! vīryye- ṇānyo bhaviṣyati . sadevanaranāgeṣu lokeṣviha pumāṃ- striṣu . na saubhāgye, na dākṣiṇye, na buddhiśru tipauruṣe .. nottare pratipattavye tvattulyo vā bhaviṣyati . etadvidyādvayaṃ prāpya yaśaścāvyayamāpsyasi ..  - ityādi viśvāmitra vacanāḥ
“O rāma, Accept these two vidyas (feminine mantras) named  balā and atibalā, you will then not have tiredness, you will not experience aging, or fear. Neither will you face disfigurement of your body. The demons cannot defeat you even when you are asleep, or when you are careless.  There will be no one like you in prowess, vigour and strength amongst gods, humans, serpents, men  and women, also in fortune, skill, intellect and bravery. There shall be none to match you in these great qualities, by accepting these two vidyas, you will attain eternal glory and fame.” - these are the words of sage viśvāmitra when he gifted these mantras to rama. 
rāmo - the word rama has multiple meanings which signify different facets of the lord. 
रमन्ते सर्वे जनाः गुणैः अस्मिन् इति रामः
ramante sarve janāḥ guṇaiḥ asmin iti rāmaḥ
All the people are pleased by his great qualities, hence he is called rāma
lakṣmaṇaśca - लक्ष्मणो लक्ष्मिसंपन्नः
lakṣmaṇo lakṣmisaṃpannaḥs
One who is blessed with immense wealth, lustre, knowledge, charm, and various skills is lakṣmaṇa. 
when  sage vashishta named him, 
Mahābalaḥ.- very Strong, robust, powerful. mighty
महदुत्कृष्टं बलं ऐश्वर्य्यं यस्य 
mahadutkṛṣṭaṃ balaṃ aiśvaryyaṃ yasya
He, whose power and might is great, superior
महदतिशयितं बलं सामर्थ्यमस्मात् । महत् बलमस्येति वा ।
mahadatiśayitaṃ balaṃ sāmarthyamasmāt . mahat balamasyeti vā .
He who has great efficacy, ability, strength. In Ramayana, we can  evidently see the multi-faceted abilities of Lakshmana,  he builds a house for lord Rama in Panchavati, he builds a small boat for them to cross the rivers and seas during their exile. He takes care of lord rama and sita just like a father would.  Lakshmana’s skill has no bounds. 
He who has great strength. 
rājā - राजते शोभते इति 
rājate śobhate iti
He who rules over, governs, shines, reigns is rājā
He shines because he is the chief and he leads his subjects.  An extensive definition is given below. 
यथा प्रह्लादनात् चन्द्रः प्रतापात् तपनो यथा । 
तथैव सोऽभूदन्वर्थो राजा प्रकृतिरञ्जनात् ॥
yathā prahlādanāt candraḥ pratāpāt tapano yathā .
tathaiva so'bhūdanvartho rājā prakṛtirañjanāt ..
The king is called rājā as he pleases his subjects and ensures their joy.  says kalidasa in his epic raghuvamsham. 
jayati - wins
sugrīvo - suegreeva the monkey king. He is the representation of a normal devotee of rama. He loves rāma, he treats rāma like his best friend, he respects rāma, he has his own set of flaws. He isn't perfect. His friendship or love for rāma is not selfless like hanuman's love. At the same time his love for rāma is pure. 
Rāghaveṇa - by the descendent of king Raghu. Here rāmais addressed as Rāghava to indicate to the family values of rama, A promise given by them is always fulfilled. 
Abhipālitaḥ - अभितः पालितः रक्षितः  
abhitaḥ pālitaḥ rakṣitaḥ
On who is Completely protected by 
Dāsa - servant
दास्यते भृतिरस्मै दासति ददात्यङ्गं स्वामिने उपचाराय वा दास 
dāsyate bhṛtirasmai dāsati dadātyaṅgaṃ svāmine upacārāya vā dāsa
One who offers his service, one who offers ones own body and mind for the service of his master is dāsa. 
Hanuman’s mind, body and soul works for lord rāma, all his skills and his life benefits rāma.  Hanuman offered himself to lord rama. He has given himself completely to the lord, that is indicated by the word Dāsa. 
a'haṃ - I am 
kosalendrasya - the lord of kosala kingdom
Rāmasya - of Rāma
Akliṣṭakarmaṇaḥ - unwearied in action.
अक्लिष्टम् अनायाससाध्यं कर्म्म यस्य 
akliṣṭam anāyāsasādhyaṃ karmma yasya
One who does his deeds effortlessly. 
अक्लेशेन कर्म्मकर्त्ता 
akleśena karmmakarttā
One who can painlessly do anything he wishes to. 
Hanūmān - there are many meanings for the name hanuman but here, the main implied meaning is he whose cheek could only be slightly damaged even by the ferocious attack of vajra, the great celestial weapon of indra, his name stands as a testimony for his divine strength. 
śatrusainyānāṃ nihantā - the destroyer of enemy armies
Mārutātmajaḥ -  the son of Māruta (the wind god vāyu)
na - no / not 
rāvaṇasahasraṃ - thousands of  rāvaṇa
me - to me 
yuddhe - in battle
pratibalaṃ - equally matched or powerful, a worthy match or opponent 
Strong enough worthy to combat, 
Bhavet - will be 
śilābhiśca - with rocks 
praharataḥ - as i attack, hit, strike
Pādapaiśca - and with trees
 Sahasraśaḥ - thousands of 
Here it implies that hanuman doesnt  need celestial weapons to defeat ravana, even by fighting with rocks and trees he could effortlessly defeat the entire demon army and return home. 
Ardayitvā - अर्दति हिंसायति, हिंसति 
ardati hiṃsāyati, hiṃsati 
To hurt, afflict, 
यातना ताडनं 
yātanā tāḍanaṃ
To cause suffering, by hitting 
after hurting or killing 
purīṃ - city
abhivādya - नामोच्चारणपूर्ब्बकनमस्कारः । 
nāmoccāraṇapūrbbakanamaskāraḥ .
Abhivāda means to offer salutation along with the utterance of the name. 
तत्तु पादस्पर्शपूर्ब्बकनमस्कारः 
tattu pādasparśapūrbbakanamaskāraḥ
Offering salutation by touching the feet out of respect. 
अभिमुखीकरणाय वादनं वदनम् 
abhimukhīkaraṇāya vādanaṃ vadanam
Offering salutation to make them turn towards us
ca - and 
Maithilīm - the princess of mithila. 
Samṛddhārtho - having increased substance or wealth  , having fully accomplished my task
gamiṣyāmi - I will go
miṣatāṃ - as they keep looking, seeing, , this implies that they cannot stop him while he destroys
Sarvarakṣasām  - all the demons. 
In the second iteration of the same shloka , 
The words अस्त्रविज्जयतां (Astravijjayatāṃ) replaces the words jayati atibalah 
Astravit - the knower of celestial weapons. He who obtained an abundance of celestial weapons from sage  vishvamitra 
And in the place of Ardayitvā, we find dharṣayitvā 
dharṣayitvā  - शक्तिबन्धने संहतौ हिंसायाञ्च 
The root verb dharṣa means to control one's power, to kill, to hurt, to destroy. 
In the third iteration, hanuman , tells the vanara warriors about what he did in lanka. 
I alone, destroyed lanka and burnt the whole city, and in all royal roads, I made the Name Popular, meaning I roared the names of Rama, Lakshmana and sugriva, 
jayatyatibalo rāmo lakṣmaṇaśca mahābalaḥ.
rājā jayati sugrīvo rāghaveṇābhipālitaḥ.. 19..
ahaṃ kosalarājasya dāsaḥ pavanasambhavaḥ.
I also roared “I am hanuman, the son of god pavana,  the servant devotee of the lord of kosala, thus I made them hear the names out loud.  This also indicates that hanuman made them realize the glory of rama, by my deeds. 
Hence this is regarded as a prayer for victory, since all the greatness required for attaining victory is enumerated in the form of these verses. 
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quotelr · 1 month
In any sphere of our life, if we learn to combine our prayers with actions, we will have victory
Sunday Adelaja
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thepersonalwords · 1 month
Know that your heart can be deployed to wherever the Lord sends you in prayer
Stormie Omartian, Prayer Warrior Prayer and Study Guide: The Power of Praying Your Way to Victory
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byfaithmedia · 8 months
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God is peace 🕊️
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shidouryusm · 11 months
I don't bring up religion but seeing my Palestinian brothers and sisters, I have realised how much stronger they are in terms of faith than I am and how far I have to go in terms of faith. Whenever I hear any Palestinian speak, I hear the sliver of faith in their voice. The faith that up above the planes that are taking away their lives, there is someone who will cradle their soul into heaven. The children who have lost the essence of childhood in this world will receive endless flowers and playfulness up there. The screams of the fathers and mothers who have lost their children still holding the hope that their martyred kid is being granted the sweetness of life after death. That is faith. the strongest pillar that is holding palestine together. Every day I learn more and more about faith from them. Despite the cruelty they face, they believe they will taste the sweetness after the hardships. They deserve the world. They deserve everything till the ends of universe. I may actively speak of the muslim Palestinians because that is where I'm mostly knowledgeable since it's my religion, but every religion teaches hope, faith and strong dedication and that is what Palestine possess the most.
May they receive everything that they deserve and more.
From the rivers to the sea, Palestine will be free.
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psalmonesermons · 1 month
Unanswered prayer Part 2/4
More reasons for unanswered prayer
In Part 1 we saw that were at least 4 possible reasons as to why your prayers may seem to go unanswered. The possible reasons for unanswered prayer we considered included the first two of the four reasons 1) being out of fellowship with the Lord 2) your prayer was not in the will of God.
Today we look at two more possible reasons for seemingly unanswered prayer which are.
3) a lack of unity in those praying together 4) Delay in the answer from the Lord arriving.
Reason 3. Lack of unity
1 Peter 3:7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
Wow, we better take on board the fact that a husband and wife’s prayers can be hindered by disunity.
Mathew 18:19 Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
The so-called prayer of agreement requires two people to be fully agreed i.e. in unity.
4. Delay in the answer
Daniel 10 Daniel prayed and fasted for Israel for three weeks, then a holy angel turned up and told him, that God sent the answer on the first day that Daniel had prayed, but a fallen angelic being called the Prince of Persia, had battled with the holy angel to delay Gods answer from coming to Daniel.
Romans 1:9-10 Paul wanted to find a way to come and see the church in Rome, but Paul’s prayer appears unanswered?
God had plans, and had Paul imprisoned so that he could write his epistles to the church.
God can be doing something bigger than we can see.
Delayed prayer can eventually increase your faith.
1 Kings 18:42 So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees,
43 And said to his servant, go up now, look toward the sea. And he went up, and looked, and said, there is nothing. And he said, Go again seven times.
44 And it came to pass at the seventh time, that he said, Behold, there arises a little cloud out of the sea, like a man's hand. And he said, go up, say unto Ahab, prepare thy chariot, and get thee down that the rain stop thee not.
Elijah and the rain, the servant eventually saw the prayer answered.
“Sometimes the blessing is in the prayer not being answered.”
― Andrena Sawyer.
What about you, can you attribute any of the 4 above reasons given so far for your unanswered prayer?
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littleflowerfaith · 2 years
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Our Lady of Victories
Pray for us
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stardust948 · 4 months
Frenemies AU
Platinum Music Awards part 1
Bumi, leading some producers: Over there! There's Hakoda with that large sandwich!
Producer: There's my guy!
Hakoda: *confused chewing noise*
Ursa: What's going on?
Producer: Hakoda Kuruk.
Hakoda: *Trying to talk with his mouth full*
Ursa: Just spit it in my hands.
Hakoda: *spits out sandwich*
Ursa: Ah... It's warm...
Producer: You done?
Hakoda: *nods*
Producer: Hakoda Kuruk! That was quite the audition. How would you like to sing at this year's Platinum Music awards?!
Hakoda: Yes! Yes! Absolutely!
Assistant: Um, what's that on his face?
Producer: Looks like mustard. Alright let's try that again. Everyone back to take one! Wipe his face!
Assistant: *wipes Hakoda's face and takes his sandwich*
Ursa: Hey you did it!
Hakoda: I did it! I'm going to sing on the Platinum Music awards! *hugs her*
Ursa: Uh, do you want your sandwich back? *points to glob in her hand*
Hakoda: Keep it.
Ursa: Thanks. *wipes it on him*
[Meeting with the producers]
Head Producer: The audience likes to see a personality. A character! Music pppfffttt whatever.
Hakoda: What do you mean? I thought the audition was for singing.
Assistant: He's saying we want to create a personality for you.
Hakoda: You want to give me a make over?
Assistant: Yes!
Head Producer: But you must not tell anyone this. Not even your family or friends.
Hakoda: Sounds a little sketchy.
Head Producer: This is too big to trust to anyone else! We've been in the show business for years and know the ins and outs. We won't steer you wrong.
Hakoda: Okay...
Head Producer: Great! Now you know what's in? Rebellious, bad boy, rock star! The kind who goes to a fancy restaurant, yells at the waiter, throws a fit, and shoves ravioli down a cop's pants!
Hakoda: And people would think I'm a terrible person!
Assistant: Exactly!
Head Producer: That will create buzz! Get everyone talking about you!
Hakoda: This is wrong.
Head Producer: Trust us kid. Of course, if it's too much there were other amazing auditions...
Hakoda: No. I-I'll do it.
[At a restaurant]
Waitress: Water?
Hakoda: *Flinches* What?! Oh yeah, water's fine.
Bato: Hakoda look! It's Mechanist Pudi! He walked on the moon.
Hakoda: Uh yeah. *sees producers watching him from another table* W-Walking's great excerise.
Bato: Something bothering you?
Hakoda: W-What? Why would you say that?
Bato: Because you seem all freaked out. I feel like I'm with my Gran-Gran.
Hakoda: *fake laughs*
Bato: That laugh seems insincere.
Waitress: Ok, we have a fish fillet dish for you and a five-flavor soup with sea prunes for you.
Bato: This looks delicious. Thanks.
Hakoda: *nervously glances at producers*
Head Producer: *nods*
Hakoda: What is this?!
Waitress: Uh, you ordered-
Hakoda: Where's the manager?!
Bato: Koda maybe you should-
Hakoda: Stay outta this!
Bato: Well!
Waitress: Sir, if you would rather have something else-
Hakoda: NO! What I would rather is you get fired for being an incompetent waitress!
Bato: Uh check please.
Hakoda: *flips table*
Bato: My fish!
Mechanist Pudi: Excuse me young man, there's no need to get upset over-
Hakoda: Gimme that ravioli! *snatches a dish then shoves it down Mechanist Pudi's pants*
Assistant: That's not the stunt double.
Head Producer: Who cares! This is so much better!
Stunt Cop: Is there a problem here?
Hakoda, realizing the mess up: Oh no.
part 2
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letstalkingdom · 3 months
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In the name of Yeshua. Amen and Thank you, Holy Trinity 🙏🏽✨✨✨
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the-dust-jacket · 2 years
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Congratulations to the 2023 Coretta Scott King (Illustrator) Award winner and honorees! 
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mewlabu · 4 months
I really fucking can't anymore....
Even when all they have to do is not do something, like send an invitation to a dumb event they still spit in our faces.
It's ok though, they have "extreme disagreement" about the invasion and all the war crimes and torture and civilian deaths...
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vulpine111 · 6 months
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Hear My Prayer, O Lord
A Prayer in Time of Danger
1 Listen, Lord, as I pray! You are faithful and honest    and will answer my prayer. 2 I am your servant.    Don't try me in your court, because no one is innocent    by your standards. 3 My enemies are chasing me,    crushing me in the ground. I am in total darkness,    like someone long dead. 4 I have given up hope,    and I feel numb all over.
5 I remember to think about the many things you did    in years gone by. 6 Then I lift my hands in prayer, because my soul is a desert,    thirsty for water from you.
7 Please hurry, Lord, and answer my prayer.    I feel hopeless. Don't turn away    and leave me here to die. 8 Each morning let me learn more about your love    because I trust you. I come to you in prayer,    asking for your guidance.
9 Please rescue me from my enemies, Lord!    I come to you for safety. 10 You are my God. Show me    what you want me to do, and let your gentle Spirit    lead me in the right path.
11 Be true to your name, Lord,    and keep my life safe. Use your saving power    to protect me from trouble. 12 I am your servant. Show how much you love me    by destroying my enemies. — Psalm 143 | Contemporary English Version (CEV) The Holy Bible, Contemporary English Version Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society. Cross References: Genesis 24:63; Exodus 9:29; Exodus 18:20; Nehemiah 9:20; Job 11:13; Psalm 25:4-5; Psalm 25:1; Psalm 25:16; Psalm 27:9; Psalm 28:1; Psalm 31:1; Psalm 31:15; Psalm 39:12; Psalm 44:25; Psalm 52:5; Psalm 55:3; Psalm 54:5; Psalm 59:1; Psalm 77:3; Psalm 77:10-11; Psalm 138:7; Psalm 142:7; Romans 3:10; Romans 3:20
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byfaithmedia · 7 months
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Yes Lord 🙏🏻
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trump666traitor · 1 year
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making america great
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