#pre core gaster
irishplaguedoctor · 2 years
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Gastorber Day 27 & 28: Feast & Binding (Classic)
Even Sans can’t escape the blanket burrito.
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jaylillustrates · 1 year
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my love letter to gaster speculation and fandesigns :)
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huecycles · 5 months
Fun fact about Axolotls: They have normally suppressed genes for metamorphosizing into full salamanders. However, if they are exposed to thyroid hormone in the right concentration, it will cause the metamorphosis.
I feel like Gaster would find this interesting given he’s an axolotl in Andromedia
very very interesting (tho i hear that exposure isn't really good for them)
axolotls are amazing creatures i love them, i realized how fitting it was for pre CORE gaster to be an axolotl kinda
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bad-sit3 · 4 months
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The cast for my au, Terrafirma.
Terrafirma is a role-switch au that features the following swaps:
Elder Frostover (Snowdin Forest) <> Ruins
sans <> Chara
Vessel <> Frisk
Snowman <> Flowey
Grandpa Semi/Semi Serif <> Toriel
Napstablook <> Ruins Dummy
Penn (Ruins Dummy) <> Napstablook
Nyholm Moores (Ruins) <> Snowdin Forest
Nyholm (New Home) <> Snowdin Town
MettaStore (MTT Resort) <> Dogsino
Chara <> sans
Asriel Dreemurr <> Papyrus
Flowey <> Snowman
Onionsan <> Riverperson
Burgerpants <> Nice Cream Guy/Blue Ears
Purple guy <> Snowdin Innkeeper
The Warrior <> QC/Snowdin Shopkeeper
Fish Receptionist <> Grillby
Mettaton EX/NEO <> Mad Mew Mew
Glockenmoores (Hotland) <> Waterfall (Pre-Dummy)
Pipeworks (True Lab) <> Trashdump
COMPLEX (CORE) <> Waterfall (Post-Dummy)
Snowy <> Monster Kid
December “Dess” Holiday <> Undyne
Lucia “Lucy” Holiday (The Mayor) <> Gerson Boom
Mettaton (Box Form) <> Mad Dummy
Riverperson <> Onionsan
██ █████ <> Shyren
Statue <> Mystery Man
Muffet <> Temmie
Cascades (Waterfall Pre-Dummy) <> Hotland
Scraplands (Trashdump) <> True Lab
Mewsino (Dogsino) <> MTT Resort
Marshfields (Waterfall Post-Dummy) <> CORE
Noelle Holiday <> Alphys
Mad Dummy <> Mettaton (Box Form)
Temmie <> Muffet
Shyren <> ██ █████
Catti and Jockington <> Catty and Bratty
Nice Cream Guy/Blue Ears <> Burgerpants
Grillby <> Fish Receptionist
Mad Mew Mew <> Mettaton EX/NEO
Frostover (Snowdin Town) <> New Home
Fountain <> Barrier
W.D Gaster <> Asgore 
Papyrus <> Asriel Dreemurr
Asgore <> W.D Gaster
Toriel <> Grandpa Semi
Hope ya'll like it!
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bl4z3-qwer · 6 months
I forgot to show this pre-shatter/core Gaster design I made some time ago
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mpsansy · 8 months
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Pre-Core Gaster had so many outfits that never fit them. But man was he comfy wearing them regardless. Also spooky looking Gaster on the side cause I was bored
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Ever since I became aware of Undertale i knew/know that some people here are simps for the lazybones that is sans thy skeleton. But ever since yesterday( or at least when i was checking a blog who's pretty prominent in the 'Bitty Bones' au stuff ) i now know a certain trend some people tend to use for their boney fantasies - 'Bara' sans. And then I had an idea. After a night and a morning passed with me brainstorming in the seams, i now have made a semi-sh1tpost, semi-genuine response AU to that trend :
The 'When Skeletons eat Bonemeal' au.
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[The pic features a height comparison of post and pre growth spurt sans with other characters + me. Also yes, I am that short ( I'm 5'4-ish?)]
The basic idea is the following :
In another post-true pacifist world, Flowey tries to to a lil' trollin' by poisoning sans with a poison lasted ketchup bottle with a poison that Flowey made himself, but sans knew before hand, so he decided to swap an ingredient with magic liquid(-ish) bonemeal. On top of that he knew what would come out of it, which is a fcking growth serum AND he was secretly getting tiered of being the second to shortest person of the cast, he just didn't expect the side effects. Those side effects being the end result of 22 ft, clothes being effected, energy, power and magic multiplication, sudden medium burst of productivity, constant fever and slight mutation. Now the rest of the UT cast, along with a newly free [from thy void] Gaster, Dess from Deltarune and lil' ol' me, has to deal with a big ass skeleton.
Oh, the multiverse, omniverse( multiverse of fandoms w/multiverses ) and the webscape( the internet if it was a world of it's own and where 4th wall entities like me( viewers, content creators, gamers, players, ect. ) usually reside in ) are also sorta involved, which explains why core!Frisk, @ranboolivesaysstuff and fcking Charlie slimesicle have a cameo here -
[context of the cameo doodle - it's a protentional bit were i was unexpectedly visited by some MC-youtubers and i had to explain what the fck is up. During said explanation i accidently made a size pun, which made Charlie amused, in an annoying way. What did our gloopy glunkus guy do next - he bothered me for more size puns while trying to make his own. I also hid in a tree at some point and pretty much claimed it as a resting spot.]
So yeah, an undertale au with a giant/tiny sorta theme, which is also a response to the 'Bara sans' concept.
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underflame · 3 months
Underflame Masterpost
Underflame is an Undertale AU about the war and its aftermath, between Elves and Dragons.
Reference Sheets:
Mettaton Ex
W.D. Gaster (Pre-Core)
Monster Kid
Other Links:
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cloaked-saurosuchus · 3 months
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UH-OH, chapter 32 of Two Deaths is out! DATING: START!!!
uh oh. In which the CORE is complete and Enlo plays wingmonster. This will surely go well. (The disaster date triptych is a go!! I'm so excited!!)
(General fic summary: Gaster (and occasionally Grillby)-centric pre-canon fic about Gaster having to deal with both post-War consequences and about everything else. And being tasked with taking care of two tiny skeleton souls.)
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irishplaguedoctor · 2 years
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Gastorber Day 14: Soul (Classic)
Would you kill a child if it meant your species was one step closer to freedom?
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lightlavenders · 1 year
I think there’s a lot of merit to the Gaster represents Toby Fox theory and here’s why!!!
- gaster literally presents deltarune to us as an experiment (via taking “control” of the undertale twitter as well? toby literally speaking as him?)
- gaster was scattered across time and space when he fell into his creation? you could read this as toby as a creator falling into his work, and scattering pieces of himself within it in a figurative sense
- once you’re done listening to gaster’s theme in the sound test room, text pops up reading “"Thanks for your feedback! Be seeing you soon!" ....sound test? collecting feedback? sounds like the developer is speaking through the game to the player, and with the gaster connection.... (it stops after you select his theme)
- riverperson says “beware of the man who came from the other world” - if this is referencing gaster and not another character, could this be referring to the real world?? our world?
- one of gaster’s followers says “it’s rude to talk about someone who’s listening” in reference to gaster... figuratively, a creator has a constant presence in their game?? a slight stretch perhaps
- if we go with the idea that gaster is the one “corrupting” the secret bosses in deltarune, making jevil see the whole world as a game, making spamton see himself as a puppet desperate to be free of his strings? HELLO? they were literally given meta knowledge. JEVIL WAS TOLD HIS WORLD IS A GAME. Spamton knows he’s being controlled by someone else. LIKE A PROGRAMMER. THE STRINGS ARE STRINGS OF CODE--
- obviously gaster has knowledge of the player as we see in deltarune’s opening and on the twitter
- a massive stretch but gaster creating the core could be a reference to toby being responsible for the core idea of undertale
what does this mean?
- i don’t think it’s meant to be taken in a literal sense. i mean, I’m like 49% sure that Toby Fox doesn’t look like this:
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- more importantly, gaster has a lot of unique character traits that don’t really let him align as a 1:1 with toby, like... he’s a royal scientist. he speaks in wingdings. plus, we already know the annoying dog is toby’s self insert (imagine annoying dog gets revealed as gaster. I’m deleting my blog)
- BUT I do think the parallels are important! we already know gaster is a very meta character so him being some sort of representation of toby (note I said a representation of him and definitely not a 1:1 self insert) is pretty likely and has some cool implications for what we can expect from deltarune!!
- like the themes of choice and control? you could argue a game developer has total choice and control over their game!! (think of the THEMATIC DISCUSSIONS)
- does this make any sense? just think of the implications okay! PROMISE ME YOU’LL THINK OF THE IMPLICATIONS!
the hour is late and i am bad at explaining things. but undertale has always been a very meta game and i think deltarune is heading in a similar direction with its themes. there’s already so much discussion of choice/free will - characters like jevil and spamton think they have no free will. kris, as the protagonist, should have greater freedom of choice, but they’re under the player’s control. and all the player’s choices have been pre-programmed too! FREE WILL ISN’T REAL! then you factor in the idea of creators having to choose between making a product that’ll satisfy an audience versus making what they want to make? imagine the role gaster could play in a plot thread like that! IMAGINE HOW META IT COULD GET!!! IS THIS MAKING ANY SENSE TO YOU?? I NEED TO GO TO BED.
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petitprincess1 · 1 year
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"Beware the man that speaks in hands." (Very original caption, ik)
I drew my version of Gaster Pre-Core. So, I figured to try Post-Core, as well. I was going for like a candle wax, gooey kind of feel for the design, including the smoke-like spirals at the bottom. Which also matched the spirals in the collar and torso, kind of making his body seem almost like an endless hole. Making him even less of a living being and more corrupted.
Does any of this make me sound smart? Probs not :D! Also, I have no idea if I did the ASL for "Be careful" right or not! Lmk!
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spotaus · 7 months
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Woag, new oc? Here's Magik, designed from @awholeclxwn 's Sans Oc randomizer/challenge (thingy? Not sure what to call it actually lol-).
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These were what I recieved from the randomizer (and I know extra arms was a second "Extra" option but I got inspired 😅)
I like to think his lore follows the lines of a Pre-game Sans who works in the lab getting his grubby paws on some Determination. Much like Flowey/HyperGod of Death, he just got a lil stronger and a bit more rainbow-y. In the aftermath, he decided to roll with it and took up the role of Mad Scientist after Gaster got obliterated, and now he likes to run around the Lab and Core, talking to Alphys and Mettaton about his crazy ideas and new inventions.
No other thoughts, just wanted to do a silly render!
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supper122 · 5 months
Poptale master post
so the story behind this au is actually a little longer, it started a long time ago when me and a person i forgot the name of on discord wanted to make a kirby undertale au but for some reason they wanted to make kirby sans witch makes no fucking sense because sans is not the player character nor the most important character so like why would you make him kirby
anyways i stopped working with him on it and made a more swaggy one
Frisk- Kirby
Chara- keeby
Flowey- Marx
Toriel- escargoon
Napstablook- one of those light enemy guys from Kirby’s adventure
Sans- parasol waddle dee
Papyrus- bandana waddle dee
dogs- various minibosses (gigant edge, bonkers, etc.)
Monster kid- gooey
Undyne- meta knight
Mad dummy- the training dummy from RTDL/Forgotten land
Gaster/mysteryman- pres haltmann
River man - Warp Star
Alphys- Susie
Mettaton- an altered version of Susie’s mech
Mettaton NEO/EX- altered versions of haltmanns mech
Muffet- magolor
Asgore- king dedede
Omega Flowey- Marx soul
Amalgamates - Dark Matter
Asriel (child)- elfilin
Asriel (adult)- fecto elfilis
Souls - Star Powers
Other 6 Humans - 6 Kirby alts from smash bros
Mad Mew Mew body - Silver waddle dee from TD/PRB
Ruins- cookie country (RTDL)
Snowdin- white wafers (RTDL)
Waterfall- onion ocean (RTDL)
Hotland- dangerous dinner (RTDL)
Core- Egg Engines (RTDL)
Lab - Haltmanns ship
T Lab - Stardream Nova
New home- king dedede’s castle
Asgores throne room- Fight arena (SSU)
No track names but im working on it-
Susie and metaknight are not in a relationship and its more like theyre frenemies they kinda harass eachother but in like a perry the platypus and dr doofenshmirtz way
Escargoon and king dedede were in relationship because i love old man yaoi
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sagaverse · 2 years
SagaVerse Out!Code #20
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The information below is canon to SagaVerse only.
Name: Azael (Purged!Asriel) Alias: Azzy/Purged Age: 20 (Pre-Out!Code) Height: 180 CM Soul: Purged Soul Origin: UnderTale Timeline #122021 Specialty: Purging Flame Original Author: Revolvius v v v General Description v v v
Azael and Gaster were the last monsters after the human army purged the monster race in a betrayal. Asgore and Toriel sacrificed themselves so the two could escape the ambush at Mt. Ebott and go into hiding.
They were living in hiding for a while until he met a human girl named Chara. He and Chara became friends for years and they became inseparable despite Gaster not liking it at first. Over time, the two monsters would become close friends with Chara's family.
Until one day their home was found and the three of them were hunted by the humans. Chara's family was killed off because they were hiding both Azael and Gaster. Gaster was able to distract the humans from hunting Azael and Chara but this resulted in his being mortally wounded by the hunters.
Azael was separated from Chara and she was captured to be burned at the stake. Azael then managed to find the dying Gaster and heard his last words. Azael became enraged and killed the hunters that hunted him and absorbed their souls. He then went on a soul-absorbing rampage and attacked the human kingdom as the God of Hyperdeath and killing every single one of them and absorbing their souls.
The humans were powerless against him and he has no reason to stop killing them off one by one. Until the only one remaining is Chara. But, due to the massive focused power he holds, the timeline couldn't hold itself together, and thus the reality around them slowly but surely purged itself out of existence. Azael, late to realize what he has done and had no idea how to stop it, hugged Chara tightly hoping she won't be erased... it didn't work.
The entire timeline was purged out of existence along with Chara within. Leaving Azael slowly morphing back into his normal form as the souls inside of him decay one by one. He's the only one left, and he grieved for a good amount of time inside the dark empty void which was once his world.
Until Core and DT came along to his void. They saw what was left of Azael's world and invited him to stay in the Omega Timeline. He reluctantly accepted their offer. He has nowhere else to go. As time passed, he tries to make peace with his past mistakes and live as one of the Caretakers of the timeline.
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dailydingus · 1 year
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Day 403 - sketchy turnaround for pre and post core Gaster
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