#pre rebellion
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rustic-space-fiddle · 2 years
New Gill and Cradle works!
I finally went through some of my old writings that I hadn't cleaned up and polished the ones about my boys. I thus added four whole new works to their collection!
Missing Home - Gill and Cradle have a wee chat about their respective homeworlds. Kinda sad.
A Long Awaited Confrontation - Cradle and Gill have a row.
Moving Forward - Gill makes a big decision, and Cradle is proud.
Last Lesson - Deep underwater on Glee Anselm, Gill receives one last lesson from his master.
I've had three of these forever and just never gotten around to polishing them, and then the last one was a spur of the moment inspiration I had. I hope you enjoy!
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artypurrs · 5 months
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Art by the amazing artist @deyonside of lord bloodraven brynden rivers thank you so much 🫂
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asoiafartandstuff · 4 months
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Art of Melissa blackwood with her 3 kids Mya, Gwenys, & brynden rivers also known as bloodraven. made by the great artist @tosquinha
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
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Robert Baratheon believes he has wiped out the last Targaryen children, but what if that isn't the case. What if Jaime Lannister who everyone refers to as "Kingslayer" had a hand in it. Would the middle daughter of the Mad King and Rhaella Targaryen wish to claim the Iron Throne. Read the story of Vaella Targaryen.
1 - The Lannister Kingsguard
2 - One Day It'll Be Just You and Me
3 - The Reputation Of A Princess
4 - We Have A Thing For Knights Don’t We?
5 - Tavern to Red Keep
6 - Here's to Aerys Targaryen
7 - Smells like Fire
8 - We're Family Now and Always
9 - Secretly Vaella Lannister
10 - Still A Golden Lion
11 - He’s Finally Mine
12 - Guilty of being a Dwarf
13 - Facing Cersei Lannister
14 - Targaryen’s and Lannister’s
15 - This is Home
16 - The Loyalty of Dragons
17 - Myrcella Lannister
18 - The Rock Shall Never Fall
19 - Targaryen Sisters Finally Clash
20 - Back to being a Prisoner
21 - The Lannister Trials
22 - More than One Plan
23 - The Legacy of Rhaegar
24 - When Dragons Flew to War
25 - The Dragon Island
26 - Playing the Game Now
27 - War Between Kin
28 - Loyalists of Queen Vaella
29 - Two Dragon Queens
30 - The King in the North
31 - Who Really Deserves The Throne
32 - Message of a Dragon
33 - Dragon vs Dragon
34 - From the South to the North
35 - Acting Like Our Father
36 - Heirs of the Rock or Throne
37 - The Night King part 1
38 - The Night King part 2
39 - Winterfell Celebration
40 - Rhaegar and Lyanna’s Child
41 - No Longer A Bastard
42 - All the Dragons Roar
43 - The People of King's Landing
44 - Securing the City
45 - The Rightful Queen
46 - Creating the new Westeros
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tags- just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
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Art of bloodraven & shiera seastar made by @alexx_moralesss on Twitter
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toetikler · 20 days
hot take, but the asoiaf fandom is a different breed of illiterate. the show is way more different than the books, and if someone VERY CLEARLY states that they're into the book version of a character and their lore, you shouldn't start fighting them and saying that they're wrong just because it's not 'show-cannon'.
elia was a victim, and so were rhaenys and aegon. lyanna was a victim and MOST IMPORTANTLY a child. there are many people to blame for what happened to elia, but lyanna, an innocent child, is not one of them.
SOME of yall missed the whole point. SOME of yall need to accept the fact that you're biased (I'm guilty of that sometimes too). you don't have to hate on a post that you don't agree with and bash the person who made the post. just ignore it, the world will still keep spinning when you scroll away.
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rhaenysdagger · 9 months
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“Daemon Blackfyre loved the first Daenerys, & rose in rebellion when denied her..”
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ivanttakethis · 3 months
Round 7
Till doesn’t fight back as he’s fitted into his costume; a tailored, white suit.
Far more expensive than anything he’s ever worn or owned. Restrictive in a way he knows Luka’s isn’t.
He doesn’t argue when they slick his hair back. Or when they take out his piercings.
He doesn’t even look in the mirror once he’s ready.
Someone nearby whispers that he “looks like a prince.”
The collar of the jacket is too tight around his neck.
Don’t think about it.
The stage is dark when Till is shoved out to take his position.
A sea of stars unfolds above him, stretching out across the deep black yawn of space. Till allows himself a moment to look.
His heart stutters as something bright and fast streaks across the sky.
A meteor.
A shooting star.
He remembers when the sky was a brilliant orange and dozens of stars fell as easy as the rain.
Don’t think about it.
The overhead lights come on, nearly blinding him, and the crowd roars below. Luka must be making his entrance.
Till doesn’t look at the audience. He doesn’t look at Luka either.
His gaze drops to the stage beneath him, trying in vain to tune out all of the noise.
He blinks.
Once. Twice.
Blood pools at his feet. Soaks the soles of his boots.
Don’t think about him.
Till grips the microphone and squeezes his eyes shut.
The music starts.
Luka sings the opening lyrics… but it doesn’t sound quite like him.
This voice…
It’s higher. Sweeter. Familiar.
His eyes snap up, locking on to the figure across the stage from him. Glowing like an angel under the spotlight.
Still in her white dress with her long pink hair pulled back.
Just as she left them. Left him.
Till’s heart aches.
She turns to him, letting her golden gaze settle over his.
What he wouldn’t have done for her to look at him like that when they were kids.
Slowly, as she draws out the last note of the line, her lips lift into a gentle smile.
Something cracks.
That smile doesn’t look right. It doesn’t feel right.
It feels like—
It feels like Luka…
Flashes of Round 5 hit Till hard and fast.
Mizi in a daze. Luka dancing circles around her. Getting too close. Smiling that same smile.
This is exactly what Luka did to Mizi. This is why she snapped.
Till doesn’t question who Luka pretended to be to get a rise out of her.
He knew it wasn’t him.
Luka comes closer, still wearing Mizi’s face.
He can’t move. Can’t run. Can’t think.
A strong hand cups his right cheek.
Till lunges.
He can barely hear the music over the thundering in his ears and the sound of his fists meeting Luka’s face over and over again.
That bastard is grinning up at him like he already won.
Till just hits harder.
Blood pours out of Luka’s nose and splatters on his suit.
For a moment, it’s Mizi looking up at him with a bloodied face.
Till doesn’t stop.
He won’t stop until they put him down.
Just like Sua. Just like Mizi. Just like—
Dark eyes bore into him as they slowly drain of life.
White suit. Slicked back hair. He looks like a prince.
They dressed me just like you.
His lips are still red.
Till stares back into the only gaze that ever wanted to hold him.
As if it could make up for all of the times he looked away.
The fire raging inside him freezes over. For a moment, everything is quiet.
At the end of this story…
There is only a cold spot stained with blood…
No gods. No worshippers.
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artypurrs-moodboards · 4 months
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Brynden rivers aka bloodraven
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sapphicspaceart · 7 months
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someone please hear me
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ilreleonewikiart · 7 months
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Daemon and Rohanne for #SixFanarts ship challenge commissionated by @linaartsblogsworld
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artypurrs · 4 months
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Artwork of bloodraven & Seastar made by the amazing @toastyydoodles
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Indian Army's 1st Bengal Lancers (Skinner's Horse) riding into Peking (Beijing) during the Boxer Rebellion, 1900
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
1 - The Lannister Kingsguard
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Part 2
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
Tag list just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
16 years ago
“I’m going to catch you little rascal.” I called through the large hallways of the Red Keep attempting to catch my youngest brother Viserys who insisted we play chase this morning.
His silver white was getting tousled around while he ran around the corner with me trying to catch his heels. “You can't get me.”
“I think you doubt me far too much, little brother.” I smirked flying past the Targaryen banner near the wall rounding the corner he had gone around but he stopped running when I tackled him to the stone floor in my short dress. “Ha! I told you I'd get you.”
He whined underneath my hold. “That’s not fair.”
“Sister?” Yanking my head upward I saw my older brother Rhaegar standing a few steps away from us.
A few members of our fathers kingsguard were standing near the Iron Throne. I saw an older man with a bald head dressed in all red meaning it had to be the Hand of the King Tywin Lannister. “Um hi brother. What is going on here?”
“I was about to make this 16 year old a member of my Kingsguard until I was interrupted by you, daughter.” My father raised his tone towards me, sitting on the throne of swords.
I gulped knowing he didn’t have good control over his temper sometimes, especially around his children. “Forgive me, father. I didn't recall that it was today until this very moment.”
“It doesn't matter now. Get over there with your brothers and watch silently. Let's get this done. I don't wish to keep my wife waiting.” Father scoffed, tapping his fingers on the armrests of the chair until a different kingsguard delivered him a sword and walked forward standing on the first two steps where the young boy was bent down on one knee before his king.
Tywin finally spoke up to the king. “State your name, boy.”
“Jaime of House Lannister. Son of Tywin and Joanna Lannister.” The boy of fifteen with the long blonde hair responded on command.
Father raised his sword tapping his shoulders with the tip individually declaring the oath that must be bestowed onto a knight. “In the name of the warrior I charge you to be brave. In the name of the father I charge you to be just. In the name of the mother I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise Jaime Lannister, a knight of Seven Kingdoms and a member of the Kingsguard.”
“Woo hoo! Um - my apology.” I began clapping, breaking the silence in the throne room causing everyone to turn their heads in my direction.
Father placed his sword inside his holder and two knights along with the Hand of the King retreated from the room without another word. That left me and my brothers alone with Jaime Lannister. “I've been meaning to talk to you, sister. I have news for you.” Rhaegar turned on his feet facing me.
“What news is that?” I asked him curiously.
He answered me with a half smile, mentioning the Dorne family we had gotten along with since one girl was a former lady and waiting for our mother Rhaella. “I'm going to marry Ella Martel.”
“That’s great news, brother.” Flinging my arms around his neck I giggled and he hugged me back now smiling too.
The typical tradition of our family was for brothers and sisters to Wed one another but it took our parents seven years before they had me. By that time our father had already been talking about wedding my brother off to some high born girl of his many kingdoms. “I'm rather happy with it myself. I must go tell our mother. Come Viserys.” Rhaegar took our young brother by the hand leaving me alone in the throne room.
Shifting my gaze around I felt a pair of eyes on me when I turned my back to the throne seeing that the newly named kingsguard Lannister hadn't left me alone like I believed he had. “Can I help you with something, ser Knight?”
“I should be asking you that question, my princess. For I am sworn to aid and protect you.” Jaime bowed his head at me.
I clasped my hands together in front of my dress, my hair swaying with the fabric as I moved over to stand in front of the new knight. “From my memory I was not ever required to have a personal knight following me around my childhood home.”
“Well those were the commands I have been given and I intend to follow them, princess.”
Holding up a hand I interrupted him before this conversation went on any further. “Please stop calling me princess. I have far too many people addressing me by that title. I’d rather have someone call me by my name.”
“I can arrange those terms. Who do I have the honor of meeting now before me?”
I crusty to the night holding up the fabric of my dress showing him how my silver hair was styled into a crown when I did so. “Vaella Targaryen.”
“Then I’ll just be Jaime to you, Vaella.” The Lannister lion sent me a cheeky smile, bright green eyes focusing on my purple ones.
Lightly twirling side to side in my dress I smirked towards him deciding I should get to have some fun with my personal knight while my father wasn’t around us because right now he didn’t appear to be so serious as he was now that it was just the two of us alone together. “It’s nice to meet you, Jaime. I do have a question for you though?”
“What is your question Vaella?” He asked resting his right hand on the handle of his sword attached to his hip.
Sticking my tongue out at the knight I bolted barely waiting to hear what his reaction would be. “Do you think you can catch me, Ser knight?”
“I don’t understand. Wait - seven hells Vaella!” Jaime shook his head, awe struck and confused till he noticed the silver hair and white dress disappearing further away from him.
He began chasing after me concerned that he would get in trouble if something bad happened to me. But he wouldn’t admit it until years later how much he wished they had the opportunity to go back to that life compared to all the chaos that would be thrown their direction.
Kings Landing - current day
Jaime was currently standing outside of the King's office in the hallway on guard duty. The current king who had sat on the throne once he had killed the Mad King and now the Baratheon signal flew high in the Red Keep. The current king called Jaime’s nickname wanting to speak with him. “Kingslayer, get in here! It must wound your pride. Standing out there, like a golden sentry. Jaime Lannister, son of the mighty Tywin. Forced to mind the door while your king eats and drinks and shits and fucks. So, come on. We’re telling war stories. Who was your first kill, not counting the old men?”
“One of the outlaws in the Brotherhood.” He answered his king.
A fellow Kingsguard replied. “I was there that day. You were only a squire. Sixteen years old.”
“You killed Simon Toyne with a counter-riposte. Best move I ever saw.”
The other knight nodded. “Good fighter, Toyne. But he lacked stamina.
King Robert entered the conversation between the two Knights. “Your outlaw any last words?”
“I cut his head off. So, no.”
The king’s next question caused Jaime’s hand to drop down onto the handle of his sword. Recalling the night so vividly for more than one reason besides betraying the king he swore to protect. “What about Aerys Targaryen? What did the Mad King say when you stabbed him in the back? I never asked. Did he call you a traitor? Did he plead for a reprieve?”
“He said the same thing he had been saying for hours. Burn them all.”
Silence fell inside the chamber room with the king silently staring at him for a few minutes. “Then we should all be grateful that we took care of all the Targaryens. The Seven Kingdoms didn’t need anymore reign or vows to a house whose words are Fire and Blood wouldn’t you agree?”
“It would seem so, your grace. If that is all I’ll take my leave.” Jaime bowed his head walking back out into the hallway and he didn’t release the tension in his shoulders and show emotion until he was away from the king. For the king was wrong in his words because not all the Targaryens were dead. One remained in Kings Landing and Jaime was the reason for it
And if the king ever found out both their heads would be on spikes.
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