#pre-Kerberos shidge
galacticlee · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pidge | Katie Holt/Shiro, Shidge - Relationship Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Colleen Holt, Keith (Voltron), Sam Holt Additional Tags: SHIDGE, ShiroxPidge, Pre-Kerberos Mission, Soulmates, Soulmate AU, soulmate clock, Soulmate-Identifying Timers
When he was younger, he'd use the ticker on his wrist for what all kids did- a watch, a competition, an object to fiddle with when bored. He'd been so fascinated with the mystery, wondering who in the universe could fit so perfectly to himself. He'd painted his room the same green as the clock, collected flowers and leaves that matched with the fascinating device. As he grew, the room was painted a different color and his mother stopped putting flowers in plastic cups and into pages of books to save.
@shidgevalentinesexchange project is done, Happy Valentines Day, and happy shidge exchange!
@kalelarga It was a pleasure to write for you again! You requested both fated meetings and pre-Kerberos shidge, so here's a soulmate AU based off of the infamous soulmate clock/ticker!
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olkarianprincess · 4 years
Imagine Vampire Shidge, When Pidge reveals that she is a girl, she reveals that she is also a vampire having been bit 3 years before Kerberos, Hunk immediately sets up a blood donation rotation, upon which Shiro immediately freaks out and insists that Pidge can never have his blood. Pidge thinks he hates vampires, but in reality due to his illness his blood is toxic to vampires, but that doesn’t get revealed until a sample of his blood and Lance’s gets swapped, poisoning Pidge.
Ooohhh okay, but a slight twist on this!
She was starving. The little animals she caught on the occasional planets they visited were not nothing, but it wasn't enough. Deep down, she knew she was headed towards death. Well, her second death. The final one. The one that would stick.
And yet, she couldn't bring herself to tell her friends about her...condition. Against her will, however, they found out. They knew something was wrong when she collapsed during training. Of course, she'd been holding out, and was suffering prior to that. But she'd been so careful to hide it from everyone else. That day, though, she wasn't able to. And then, with the help of advanced alien medical tech, her secret was out. The whole team knew that Katie Holt had in fact died and 'Pidge' wasn't just an alias. It was how she identified herself in her knew life. Or, un-life. As a vampire.
Pidge doesn't think she should be surprised, and yet she is wonderfully so. Her friends--her family--don't judge her in the slightest. They're confused. Shocked. Concerned. But they don't turn their back on her. Her worst fears don't come true. At least, she doesn't think they do.
But then she notices. Shiro smiles at her, offers her kind words and listens to her woes, but his blood is never in the donation pool the paladins set up. It's never offered. And she can see his tight smiles when she mentions her hunger. The stress in his eyes when he watches her drink one of her pre-made bottles of blood. He doesn't say anything, but it still breaks her.
She thought they had a bond. Something beyond Voltron. Pidge wasn't sure what it was exactly, but she felt it there. Felt it in their mutual desire to save her family. In how they leaned on each other for support during the attacks their own minds inflicted on themselves. And yet...
The team splits up. At first, everything goes well. Shiro and Pidge head in one direction. Hunk and Allura in another. Keith and Lance stay behind to monitor the situation. But it's a trap. They're stuck on that wild planet, stranded for days, unable to communicate with each other.
Fortunately there's food, but nothing for Pidge to eat. Her body screams in pain. She's hungry. But she won't ask Shiro for help. She refuses to. Pidge doesn't think she'll be able to handle the inevitable rejection. So she puts on a brave front and pretends that nothing is wrong.
Until she collapses again. She can't focus. Her mind is in and out of consciousness. But she see's Shiro over her, screaming for help. And then he's gone. She's alone. It's cold and damp and her mind won't work properly and the pain in her gut is piercing. It's unbearable. The physical pain isn't what hurts her the most, though.
She thinks she might die there. Weak and alone. Until Shiro shows up again. He's sobbing and she doesn't know why. None of his words make sense. The things he says--about not finding the others, about poison in blood--they reach her ears but no further. She has no idea what he's trying to tell her. The only drive left in her feable existence is that deep, animalistic desire for survival. So, without thinking, she reaches out, and Shiro freezes. She's not afraid of being alone. She's not afraid of Shiro's scorn for her actions. She doesn't have the luxury to be afraid. All that exists in her is hunger. And then, the sensation of her fangs sinking deep into flesh. Blood, delicious blood on her lips.
For a moment, all the pain in her body subsides.
And then she lets out a horrific scream.
The blood is poison.
Days later, she wakes up on the ship. She's alive. And Shiro, he's fallen asleep with his arms and head resting on her bed, but he's alive too. And suddenly everything makes sense. Why he wouldn't give her blood. Why sometimes had a distant, lost look in his eyes.
He had a secret just like she did. Only his had no chance of a happy ending.
Pidge reaches out and takes the sleeping Shiro's hand in her own, squeezing it. She'll keep his secret. It isn't hers to tell. But that doesn't mean she won't do everything she can to find a cure.
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fate221 · 6 years
Shidge or Shadam
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Actually Shidge was my first ship before Adam appeared and it’s a rareship and doesn’t have a lot of cool artists Shadam has (and canon status per sec) so I draw Shidge more (also it saved me from depression so I feel in debt kinda) BUT I seriously can’t compare these ships because they both are beautiful in their own ways and since alternate realities exist I think there is a place for both of them :3 Also I’m so thirsty for pre-Kerberos Adashi because they are just adorable ;-;
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borntobelime · 6 years
Adashi /Shidge Doctor Who AU
Based on @fate221  (sorry that i have to reporst it ^^’) 
This is a raw Plot for the au (since i am no author i only share plots) 
 (Take note that i haven’t never seen Dr Who but i guess i figured out the basics ) Shiro (pre Kerberos look ) starts his adventure with Dr Who (during that time Adam)
Shiro is still suffering from this illness.
The Doctor  finds out about it during their travels so they decide they should look for a cure or at least make sure Shiro sees as many things as possible with what  time he has left , They start to grow close
They end up landing on the Galra World
They get separated during their escape the Doctor  goes into the Tardis but Shiro doesn't make it in time and he gets captured in the last second the  Tardis gets damaged so the Doctor is  stuck somewhere while Shiro is imprisoned by the galra becoming the Champion losing his arm and the Galra start doing experiments on him to make him a super soldier. The Galra give Shiro his mechanic arm that he has some trouble controlling the activation  manage to cure Shiro’s disease  and thanks to their experimental serums for super soldier formulas Shiro gains super strength ( if i had to measure it i’ll say around a Luke Cage level )
Doctor manages to fix the Tardis and  finds a way to turn back  to save Shiro unfortunately time passed differently  and for Shiro it was a  a full year during their  escape  once again almost reaching Tardis  there is an ambush  Doctor  pushes Shiro into the Tardis  and he gets blasted instead of Shiro the Tardis starts so Shiro sees a glowing figure who supposed to be the Doctor and so Adam becomes Pidge
That is how Shiro discovers the sad fate of doctor who of when they die they are reborn over and over again with the same memories but never the same person .........so again traveling with Pidge throughout the universes with shiro newfound abilities they always able to get out of dangerous situations (totally Brains&Muscle Kickass Combo )  . Occasionally running away from the Garla who found a way to travel in universes by copying the Tardis tech .. Once again they start growing closer together Shiro starts to be afraid of losing her like he did with the previous doctor because he doesn’t know how long they have before the new resurrection starts that makes him wonder was that fear similar to what the previous doctor felt when they had no luck finding a cure for his disease ?  His memories  with the galra still haunt him , he   is also  afraid of his abilities he is afraid if he will hurt anyone innocent he is terrified if he ends up hurting the Doctor . The Doctor assures him this will never happen she has faith in  him ,
The galra find them again
(maybe Shiro even fights Kuron they both fall into a quintessence pool  so he comes out merged with his clone  or captured to save the doctor and they complete their experiments on him   (so imagine him more buff and with white hair and his super strength even greater (think the first stage now doubles )
So there is a moment like Save yourself i will be resurrected again and he is Like NO NEVER AGAIN I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN  I COULDN'T SAVE HIM I CAN'T LET YOU GO AS WELL BOTH OF YOU ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO ME I CAN’T LOSE YOU TOO ..(He feels so guilty having all that power and not be able to save the one most important )  Pidge is  about to cry ..Shiro...she kisses him smiles and says forgive me.......she with  pushes him out of the Tardis  (that the portal  is his home world) and shiro screams NOOOOO and there is a flash of light  Pidge used the Tardis 's power  to close a galra portal that tried to mimic her  Tardis abilities  but it was unstable and created a hole that would destroyed all universes ………..so she plays her last card stubbing her screwdriver in her control panel   and explodes .on the outside shiro  trying to look what is happening things flying out of the tardis
and sees that the Tardis  is getting crushed like a can in a mini black hole and then ..there is nothing he bursts into tears
Shiro believes  the Doctor is  gone it feels like he woke up for a dream but his appearance his pain are  proof that it was all real
5 years later Shiro became an author and published his adventure but instead of The Doctor  he named the characters Adam and Pidge...
he believed even passing it as a fantasy story the world should know about  the Doctors's sacrifices then during a signing autographs  in a book presentation a young man looking a bit familiar comes over . Name please ….My name is Matt but the autograph is not for me ..Oh  Ok who should i sign this for ….Matt says for my sister Katie its her birthday  today (today was actually dr who death anniversary)  (matt is like with the long hair  like in the 7th season)To Katie i wish you  Happy Birthday  ...Takashi 'Shiro' Shirogane…. She is a big  fan of your work  she has all your books hopes you make  merchandise based on the series   she got caught up with a project so she was worried she will not make it in time today ...Sounds like a really nice person I  hope i'll meet her someday ...The next few days seemed like the usual routine but he  then he stumbles on someone without paying attention on the subway  and says I  am so sorry no I am sorry he gets out of the train turns and sees Doctor ?! the doors closed and the train leaves before he reaches out ..he must be seeing thing he really missed her  after all
Then the next day he turns and a small figure in hurry hits on his chest falls over and papers fall around the place and his clothes now stained with coffee (again awkwardly  sorries bends over to help the girl with the papers looks at the figure and .....Doctor ..? and she says oh my god you are …….Shiro smiles ….You are Takashi Shirogane the writer i can't believe it .....shiro’s heart sank ... believing that he is wrong again this girl with long hair can't be the Doctor  he saw her disappear from the world but she looks so much like her like about the right age but longer hair……
They start talking and says let me make it up to you let me treat you some coffee  i'll let you have a look at some raw drafts for my new book .....at his place she gets all fangirling nerd out  and then she encounters something that stares in shock on a glass case there is a broken screwdriver . she opens the case and touches the item ....and she faints and he screams KATIE ..She wakes up it all comes back to me ......the reason why I read your stories was that they reminded me of something ...5 years ago…... I had a car accident  with my brother he escaped with light wounds but I fell into a coma and there were sighs i wasn't going to wake up I was getting worse and worse  by day turns out i was out for  11 months of this (11 months was his time with the Last Doctor  aka Pidge) Then i woke up with this huge blank of memory doctors said it was normal but all i could remember there was light and someone yelling or more like crying  i was dying like all over again  and then i felt myself  been separated from my body no like someone separated me from my body and then there was nothing i can't remember much but then i woke up
 One day i started reading your books every time i read and finished and starting a new i felt like pieces of puzzle and yet the picture  was still a blurry  she kept having flashes of  my  body glowing all over her and then getting separated  like a getting divided into 2 glowing forms one was her she looked back and saw a dark skinned  man with glasses smiling and pushing her towards an exit
then she woke up in a hospital bed……..
(so imagine in that glowing place when Adam is pushing her and he smiles he turns the other way heading to some other blur figures aka the other  doctor  incarnations )
She was now free as   they will continue to wondering in infinity  but she is free she even got a new life and memories with a family and everything and now she once again reunites with Shiro …..
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adreamneverends · 6 years
Shidge Doctor Who (inspired by @fate221 )
Thank you @fate221 for allowing me to share this idea 
(Take note that i haven’t  seen the Dr Who series and i can’t write fanfiction only headcanons and raw plots  but i guess i figured out the basics ) 
Shiro (pre Kerberos look ) starts his adventure with Dr Who (during that time Adam)
Shiro is still suffering from this illness.
The Doctor  finds out about it during their travels so they decide they should look for a cure or at least make sure Shiro sees as many things as possible with what  time he has left , They start to grow close
They end up landing on the Galra World
They get separated during their escape the Doctor  goes into the Tardis but Shiro doesn't make it in time and he gets captured in the last second the  Tardis gets damaged so the Doctor is  stuck somewhere while Shiro is imprisoned by the galra becoming the Champion losing his arm and the Galra start doing experiments on him to make him a super soldier. The Galra give Shiro his mechanic arm that he has some trouble controlling the activation  manage to cure Shiro’s disease  and thanks to their experimental  syrms for super soldier formulas Shiro gains super strength ( if i had to measure it i’ll say around a Luke Cage level )
Doctor manages to fix the Tardis and  finds a way to turn back  to save Shiro unfortunately time passed differently  and for Shiro it was a  a full year during their  escape  once again almost reaching Tardis  there is an ambush  Doctor  pushes shiro into the Tardis  and he gets blasted instead of Shiro the Tardis starts so Shiro sees a glowing figure who supposed to be the Doctor and so Adam becomes Pidge
That is how Shiro discovers the sad fate of doctor who of when they die they are reborn over and over again with the same memories but never the same person .........so again traveling with Pidge throughout the universes with shiro newfound abilities they always able to get out of dangerous situations (totally Brains&Muscle Kickass Combo )  . Occasionally running away from the Garla who found a way to travel in universes by copying the Tardis tech .. Once again they start growing closer together Shiro starts to be afraid of losing her like he did with the previous doctor because he doesn’t know how long they have before the new resurrection starts that makes him wonder was that fear similar to what the previous doctor felt when they had no luck finding a cure for his disease ?  His memories  with the galra still haunt him , he   is also  afraid of his abilities he is afraid if he will hurt anyone innocent he is terrified if he ends up hurting the Doctor . The Doctor assures him this will never happen she has faith in  him ,
The galra find them again
(maybe Shiro even fights Kuron they both fall into a quintessence pool  so he comes out merged with his clone  or captured to save the doctor and they complete their experiments on him   (so imagine him more buff and with white hair and his super strength even greater (think the first stage now doubles )
So there is a moment like Save yourself i will be resurrected again and he is Like NO NEVER AGAIN I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN  I COULDN'T SAVE HIM I CAN'T LET YOU GO AS WELL BOTH OF YOU ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO ME I CAN’T LOSE YOU TOO ..(He feels so guilty having all that power and not be able to save the one most important )  Pidge is  about to cry ..Shiro...she kisses him smiles and says forgive me.......she with  pushes him out of the Tardis  (that the portal  is his home world) and shiro screams NOOOOO and there is a flash of light  Pidge used the Tardis 's power  to close a galra portal that tried to mimic her  Tardis abilities  but it was unstable and created a hole that would destroyed all universes ………..so she plays her last card stubbing her screwdriver in her control panel   and explodes .on the outside shiro  trying to look what is happening things flying out of the tardis
and sees that the Tardis  is getting crushed like a can in a mini black hole and then ..there is nothing he bursts into tears
Shiro believes  the Doctor is  gone it feels like he woke up for a dream but his appearance his pain are  proof that it was all real
5 years later Shiro became an author and published his adventure but instead of The Doctor  he named the characters Adam and Pidge...
he believed even passing it as a fantasy story the world should know about  the Doctors's sacrifices then during a signing autographs  in a book presentation a young man looking a bit familiar comes over . Name please ….My name is Matt but the autograph is not for me ..Oh  Ok who should i sign this for ….Matt says for my sister Katie its her birthday  today (today was actually dr who death anniversary)  (matt is like with the long hair  like in the last season)To Katie i wish you  Happy Birthday  ...Takashi 'Shiro' Shirogane…. She is a big  fan of your work  she has all your books hopes you make any merchandise based on the series   she got caught up with a project so she was worried she will not make it in time today ...Sounds like a really nice person I  hope i'll meet her someday ...The next few days seemed like the usual routine but he  then he stumbles on someone without paying attention on the subway  and says I  am so sorry no I am sorry he gets out of the train turns and sees Doctor ?! the doors closed and the train leaves before he reaches out ..he must be seeing thing he really missed her  after all
Then the next day he turns and a small figure in hurry hits on his chest falls over and papers fall around the place and his clothes now stained with coffee (again awkwardly  sorries bends over to help the girl with the papers looks at the figure and .....Doctor ..? and she says oh my god you are …….Shiro smiles ….You are Takashi Shirogane the writer i can't believe it .....shiro’s heart sank ... believing that he is wrong again this girl with long hair can't be the Doctor  he saw her disappear from the world but she looks so much like her like about the right age but longer hair……
They start talking and says let me make it up to you let me treat you some coffee  i'll let you have a look at some raw drafts for my new book .....at his place she gets all fangirling nerd out  and then she encounters something that stares in shock on a glass case there is a broken screwdriver . she opens the case and touches the item ....and she faints and he screams KATIE ..She wakes up it all comes back to me ......the reason why I read your stories was that they reminded me of something ...5 years ago…... I had a car accident  with my brother he escaped with light wounds but I fell into a coma and there were sighs i wasn't going to wake up I was getting worse and worse  by day they said 10 months of this (10 months was his time with the Last Doctor  aka Pidge) Then i woke up with this huge blank of memory doctors said it was normal but all i could remember there was light and someone yelling or more like crying  i was dying like all over again  and then i felt myself  been separated from my body no like someone separated me from my body and then there was nothing i can't remember much but then i woke up
then one day i started reading your books every time i read and finished and starting a new i felt like pieces of puzzle and yet the picture  was still a blurry  she kept having flashes of  my  body glowing all over her and then getting separated  like a getting divided into 2 glowing forms one was her she looked back and saw a dark skinned  man with glasses smiling and pushing her towards an exit
then she woke up in a hospital bed……..
(so imagine in that glowing place when adam is pushing her and he smiles he turns the other way heading to some other blur figures aka the other  doctor  incarnations )
She was now free as   they will continue to wondering in infinity  but she is free she even got a new life and memories with a family and everything and now she once again reunites with Shiro …..
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atlas-psychi · 6 years
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okay, a little thing about me and shipping with shiro. They need chemistry; I hc that my shiro is MLM. So he’s not going to particularly ship with female muses, But men are game *IF THEY ARE OF AGE*. The main ships that i really don’t do are Shidge and Shunk; Mainly because those are my platonic babes for shiro. Sheith and Shance are going to be shipped with mutuals, I am open for new ships too. Shadam is my main squeeze pre-Kerberos and can happen with certain Adam’s but that’s up to chemistry as well.  I ship shiro and James but that is based on Chemistry and how the muses interact; that will be only post season 7 ship too. Legit this may happen once if any on here 
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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dadboyshiro · 7 years
If you're still taking drabble prompts, here's some for Shidge because I can't choose. Umbrella sharing. Caught in the act. Or Shiro answering "yes" to something while not listening. He was distracted by the tiny gf being cute because he's a dork. Not a good idea…for him.
I take your ~300 word drabble prompt and raise it to a 3.8k pre-kerberos oneshot with umbrella sharing and Shiro not listening when he probably should.
Between Planets (AO3 Link)
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dreamworksworddump · 7 years
Voltron fics, listed by ship
The fics are listed by ship, and my personal favorites are italicized. Updated as of 9/13/17
Rubyfruit in June                                                                                                  -Pidge and Allura attempt to track down the remaining Altean colonies while figuring out their own relationship. Fluff, romance, angst
Captured:                                                                                                              -Pidge and Allura get captured. angst, romance
Girls like girls:                                                                                                        -Pidge and Allura try to figure out how to ask each other on a date, while fumbling with their cultural differences. fluff, romance
How did you sleep?                                                                                              -Lance asks Allura how she slept after her first day as the Blue Paladin.   
Lost to memory:                                                                                                   -   Allura is trying her best to move on from the destruction of her planet. Lance is there to help her heal.
Beginnings:                                                                                                          -Hunk and Allura grow close, and it comes as no surprise when they finally kiss.
Say it                                                                                                                    -Keith hasn’t told Pidge he loves her yet. Romance, fluff, slight angst
Where they both get captured ask:                                                                       -Could you do some Kidge where they both get captured? A sentence starter could be "No! I won't leave you behind!" (You decide who says it) angst
Smut/angst ask:                                                                                                    -Keith fucks up on a mission, ricking his life, and Pidge doesn’t like that.
Smut/angst ask #2:                                                                                               -Keith is impulsive, and Pidge is sick of it. 
Kidge fluff: Middle of the night                                                                               -Pidge can’t sleep, and ends up in Keith’s bed.
Hands                                                                                                                  -Lance thinks about Keiths hands, amongst other things. Fluff, romance
Movie night                                                                                                          -It’s movie night and Keith’s stolen Lance’s usb. Why? Fluff, humor
Beach day                                                                                                             -Keith and Lance have fun at the beach. Fluff          
Healing pod au:                                                                                                     -Based on Kaxpha’s healing pod au, Lance has healing abilities and uses them even when he hurts himself in the process. Keith does not approve. angst
On a lonely beach:                                                                                                -Lance thinks, as he dies alone. angst
Keith and Lance, like a sun:                                                                                   -Keith dies just like he lives, shining as bright as the sun. angst
Keith and Lance:                                                                                                   -Keith sends Lance off. angst
Beach buddies:                                                                                                     -Keith and Lance have their vacation day at the beach, during which Lance realizes his feelings for Keith. fluff, happy
Stay with me:                                                                                                        -Lance helps Keith through his first Galran heat. Angst, smut
An exceprt from a fic I’ll never write:                                                                     -Keith never thought he’d be so angry to see Lance in red.  angst
Four times they talked and one time they didn’t:                                                  -Like fire and water, Keith and Lance balance each other out. angst, smut
Klance Galra/altean au:                                                                                          -Keith is a prince of the galran empire, and Lance is an altean prince. A clusterfuck ends with them getting engaged.  angst       
Lance and Keith are forced to work in the caslte gardens ask:                             -Keith and Lance work in the castle garden as a punishment to their constant bickering.
Lance and Keith get captured and tortured ask:                                                   -Lance and Keith get captured by the Galra and tortured for information.  angst, slight romance
Bad boy Keith asks out Nerd Lance:                                                                     -At a school stargazing event, Keith asks out astronomy nerd Lance. 
Klance, captured and tortured:                                                                             -Keith and Lance are captured, and Lance sacrifices himself to help save Keith. 
Keith and Lance after a close call ask:                                                                  -After a close call, Keith and Lance cope. 
Lie to me:                                                                                                               - Keith is dying, and asks Lance to lie to him.    
You’re not being very helpful:                                                                                -Lance is bleeding out, and Keith has a dislocated shoulder. How will they ever get out of this one? A three part story, each post links to the next.                  
Angst ask:                                                                                                             - Yo for that angst list, could you combine "you cheated on me, you don't get another chance" and "Im not blind, I see the way you look at them." Using Hance ;) angst                 
How they met:                                                                                                       -How Keith and Shiro met, pre relationship and pre Garrison. Originally written for Sheith month, but posted earlier instead.  Fluff, slight angst.
Hurt/comfort ask:                                                                                                    -Keith comforts Shiro on one of his bad days. angst, romance         
Royalty/Knight au:                                                                                                 -Keith is the powerless prince, and Shiro is the noble knight who fights for him. 
Summer nights:                                                                                                     -On that final Summer night before Kerberos, the silence of the night becomes too much to bear. 
I really did love you once:                                                                                     -Keith confronts the clone.
Gladiator ring:                                                                                                      -Lance and Shiro are forced to fight against each other in the gladitorial ring, or else their friends will be sentenced to death. Angst      
Garrison/Voltron:                                                                                                   -As they form Voltron, Lance gets a glimpse inside Shiro’s head. Angst    
Anger/depression:                                                                                                 -Shiro has insomnia and Lance helps him through it. angst
Illness:                                                                                                                   -Lance gets sick and Shiro helps him through it. fluff, romance
Fake dating Shance ask:                                                                                      -fake dating shance? pretty please fluff, romance
Farewell:                                                                                                               -After their break-up, Lance tries to get over Shiro, but ends up sleeping with him one last time. 
Lance dyes Shiro’s hair:                                                                                        -  After the events of s6, Lance helps Shiro feel better by surprising him with a new look.                                     
The story where Lance is trans and straight and doesn’t like Keith:                    -Keith confesses to Lance, not knowing that he’s dating Pidge, and that he is trans. slight angst, fluff, romance             
  a/b/o:                                                                                                                   -Pidge realizes that she is an alpha, and tries to figure out how it affects both her relationship with Lance and with the team. Lance ends up going into heat, and she helps him through it. slight angst, romance, smut       
Biking:                                                                                                                   -Lance rides his bike into a pole and meets a really cute girl.  Fluff  
Boys only school au ask:                                                                                      -Lance walks in on Pidge getting dressed, not knowing that she is really a girl, and not a boy.
Fluff ask:                                                                                                               -Pidge and Lance build a pillow fort. fluff
Beach day:                                                                                                            -Pidge and Lance spend a day at the beach. fluff
Fake flirting ask:                                                                                                    -In order to win against Lance, Pidge starts fake flirting, which turns real all too soon. 
Pidge takes care of sick Lance ask:                                                                      -Lance gets sick, and  Pidge takes care of him. 
Vampire hunter au asks:                                                                                       -Pidge and Lance are vampire hunters, and end up running into each other one night. 
Height differences:                                                                                                -Pidge has a tall boyfriend and takes advantage of that.
Plance: scars:                                                                                                       -Pidge feels Lance’s scars.
Cheap beer and fumbling hands:                                                                          -They never have time to be teenagers anymore, so during a diplomatic ball, Lance and Pidge sneak off to do rebellious teenager things.
Marriage proposal:                                                                                                -   Lance proposes to Pidge. 
Confession:                                                                                                           -   Pidge confesses to Lance. Lance flounders.
Dancing:                                                                                                                -Shiro and Pidge enjoy a moment at a diplomatic ball, and have a dance. romance, fluff
Her first kill:                                                                                                           -Pidge kills someone for the first time, and Shiro helps to calm her down. angst, fluff
Taking forever to get together ask:                                                                       -Shidge, taking for fucking ever to get together. angst, romance, slow burn
Cowboy/fancy party au ask:                                                                                  -In the cowboy au universe, Allura and Shiro end up at a fancy party,. romance, smut
Allura is pregnant and has some worries ask:                                                       -Allura is pregnant with Shiro’s child and wonders how they will turn out. 
Love:                                                                                                                     -   Allura and Lotor talk, before and after the betrayal.
Summer au:                                                                                                          -A modern summer au, in which the Garrison crew hangs out, and becomes friends with the mysterious new kid, Keith. fluff, fun, gen
Starlight:                                                                                                                -Pidge thinks of home and the stars outside her window. slight angst
Collection of death fics:                                                                                         -A collection of fics, both shippy and gen, in which someone dies. angst
Altean Lance pt 1:                                                                                                 -An Altean Lance AU. angst
Altean Lance pt 2:                                                                                                  -The second part, in which Lance thinks of his fiance, Lotor and his feeling for the new red paladin, Keith. angst
Pidge’s birthday:                                                                                                   -It’s Pidge’s birthday, and the paladins celebrate. fluff
An excerpt from fanfiction x:                                                                                 -The paladins are captured by none other than Prince Lotor, and Pidge sacrifices herself to save her friends.  angst, horror, gore         
Keith: Phobia                                                                                                         -Keith is afraid of bugs. slight angst
Lance: Phobia                                                                                                       -Lance is claustrophobic. slight angst
The healing pod:                                                                                                   -If there was barely anything left to put in the healing pod, does that mean that the person it rebuilds is really the same as the one before? angst
Three things she was never good at:                                                                    -Pidge gets hurt on a mission, and trains too hard to make sure it doesn’t happen again. angst
Selfless:                                                                                                                 -Lance has an issue with self sacrifice. angst      
Betryal hurts ask (zarkon/haggar):                                                                       -Haggar feels betrayed by King Alfor, and hurts him more than he could ever imagine.         
Cowboy au ask:                                                                                                     -They’re all cowboys for some reason.      
 Lotor/Lance with a zuko-esque redemption arc:                                                  -Lotor and Lance get along well as they try to take down the galra empire.
Keith is special:                                                                                                    -Lance feels like Voltron doesn’t need him anymore, and leaves.        
In the code: Kidgance:                                                                                         -   Pidge writes messages in her codes to her crushes, and hopes they never find out. 
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distantidea · 7 years
Paladin’s horoscopes & compatibility
4 out of 5 are confirmed and Keith is Scorpio. He just is. SO, why not let my inner horoscope whore out and talk shit about them.  I’ll cover all ships and take neutral stand with all of them.
= If you don’t like a ship, just don’t read it = = AKA stop being a big baby about ships =
Hunk - January 13. - Capricorn
So, we’re starting with Hunk! Capricorn is honestly interesting choice for Hunk, as Capricorn wouldn’t have been my first choice, but it’s decided on so there’s no changing it now. Strengths: Responsible, disciplined, self-control, good managers Weaknesses: Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst Likes: Family, tradition, music, understated status, quality craftsmanship Capricorn dislikes: Almost everything at some point The thing is, if you have list of typical traits of horoscope, it’s not hard to connect them to character. But I mean, that isn’t that far from Hunk if you ask me.
Shiro - Febuary 29. - Pisces
Shiro’s Pisces. While all of these don’t match Shiro nowdays, it’s possible pre-Kerberos Shiro was much more like this Strengths: Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical Weaknesses: Fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality, can be a victim or a martyr Likes: Being alone, sleeping, music, romance, visual media, swimming, spiritual themes Dislikes: Know-it-all, being criticized, the past coming back to haunt, cruelty of any kind ... does anyone remember that post about Shiro liking ballet?
Pidge - April 3. - Aries
Katie, Katie, Katie. Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate Weaknesses: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive Likes: Comfortable clothes, taking on leadership roles, physical challenges, individual sports Dislikes: Inactivity, delays, work that does not use one's talents You know, I wouldn’t have given Pidge a fire sign, but now it feels just obvious?
Lance - July 28. - Leo So, Lance. Yay. Strengths: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous Weaknesses: Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, inflexible Likes: Theater, taking holidays, being admired, expensive things, bright colors, fun with friends Dislikes: Being ignored, facing difficult reality, not being treated like a king or queen Well, Lance is literally Leo. Lance’s confirmed to believe horoscopes, it’s canon now.
Keith - ? - Scorpio (you aren’t taking this away even from my dead body) Keith isn’t confirmed, but like, if Keith isn’t Scorpio I’ll delete and all that what antis say when they are whining Strengths: Resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friend Weaknesses: Distrusting, jealous, secretive, violent Likes: Truth, facts, being right, longtime friends, teasing, a grand passion Dislikes: Dishonesty, revealing secrets, passive people Keith seems like a person that wants you to say things straight to his face without softening them.
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I’m using this chart because 1. visuals are nice 2. it’s not gendered 3. It’s pretty much first actually good one I found
Capricorn & Pisces = Hunk & Shiro = Shunk You know, Capricorn & Pisces is actually the third best match out of Paladins? Capricorn and Pisces form friendship fast. They’re also somewhat opposites, Capricorn being more down to earth and Pisces being more idealistic, but work well together and teach lot about meeting halfway at a lot of situations. Compatibility: 85
Capricorn & Aries = Hunk & Pidge = Hidge
Capricorn and Aries is challenging relationship. Both are strong willed, to make relationship either work or break. If they get over their differences early, the relationship will be glorious but might not always pay back. Compatibility: 50
Capricorn & Leo = Hunk & Lance = Hance
Putting earth sign with fire sign doesn’t usually end well. While Capricorn and Leo understand each other well, they tend to have very different plans for future goals. It’s good to notice that if both of them are stubborn enough they’ll get over problems fast and will shine together. Compatibility: 45
Capricorn & Scorpio = Hunk & Keith = Heith
Capricorn and Scorpio is pretty great match and they bring the best out of each other. Both are hard working and loyal, Capricorn grounds intensive Scorpio without problem. Compatibility: 65
Pisces & Aries = Shiro & Pidge = Shidge
For Aries and Pisces pair to work out, they need to figure other one out and grow to accept their differences. Both need to be open and truthful to other as well as to themself. Compatibility: 65
Pisces & Leo = Shiro & Lance = Shance
This match had a lot of potential once they get over their differences. If Pisces is ready to give Leo the attention they want and Leo can recognize Pisces’ needs, they will be happy for a long time. Compatibility: 75
Pisces & Scorpio = Shiro & Keith = Sheith
Pisces and Scorpio are literally soulmate material. Scorpio’s usually possessive and loyal personality helps Pisces feel needed and Pisces can easily read Scorpio and understand them perfectly. Only way for them to fall is jealousy, which isn’t rare but with great communication it rarely gets on that level. Compatibility: 95
Aries & Leo = Pidge & Lance = Plance
Aries and Leo are interesting match. Neither are that romantic but their passion is neverending together, even their fights seem to just light new passion between them. Which is good because fire signs need daily fights to be healthy. Compatibility: 90
Aries & Scorpio = Pidge & Keith = Kidge
They get well together and Aries’ willingness to share almost everything will keep Scorpio’s jealousy down. And possessive Scorpio understands well Aries’ possessiveness. Very likely to live with ‘’You lie, you die’’ deal going on between them. Compatibility: 80
Leo & Scorpio = Lance & Keith = Klance
Their relationship is heavily based on battle between two strong personalities. Scorpio tends to be controlling and won’t always do what Leo needs, while Leo doesn’t always understand Scorpios dislike towards the way Leo acts. Leo and Scorpio will start with rocky relationship, but it can end up burning bright. Compatibility: 75
While horoscopes match some people perfectly, it won’t happen to everyone. Guess why? Because everyone is different.
That’s how it’s with relationships too. These are just avarage data and honestly should not be taken too seriously. Horoscopes are fun and can give good ideas when writing relationships, but in no case should they be taken as always right.
Sites used while writing this: http://www.astrology-zodiac-signs.com/ - While they have signs listed pretty nicely, their relationships are usually bit wonky and I wouldn’t recommend using them, but each to their own. http://www.compatible-astrology.com/index.html - They have better relationship break downs and I generally recommend them if you’re reading about horoscopes for fun. http://www.findhoroscope.com/love-compatibility-chart/ - The chart I used is from there. They have other interesting stuff too, if you have free time going through their site isn’t bad idea.
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vqdre · 6 years
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Ok I work like 3 - 4 days in this drawing and I’m really happy how it turned out :D.
This was for Shidge month: Day 22 (i think), prompt blossom, but exams stated so I was unable to draw all that days.
I made a lot of changes since the first sketch xd. Especially with the clothes, that’s because I change Katie’s dress and give Shiro a Garrison Student uniform.
They are younger in here (maybe my brain imaged that while I was drawing it because honestly don’t remember xd) somethin pre-Kerberos Mision :P, when Shiro was studying. ^^
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Wayward Memories
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iYzhST
by MeisterGao
There was something between them before Shiro and the Holt men were lost to the Kerberos Mission. This is a story that looks at what if Shiro and Katie had a relationship before the mission.
Words: 1359, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Pidge | Katie Holt, Takashi Shirogane, Shiro (Voltron), Shiro's Parents (Voltron), Samuel Holt, Matt Holt, Mrs. Holt (Voltron)
Relationships: Pidge | Katie Holt/Shiro, Shidge - Relationship
Additional Tags: Pre-Kerberos Mission, Future Pregnancy Plot, age gap, Aged Up, smaller age gap, Mutual Pining, Mild Sexual Content
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iYzhST
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