#pre-resident evil 2
dracoqueen22 · 10 months
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Leon S. Kennedy/Luis Serra Characters: Leon S. Kennedy, Luis Serra Additional Tags: Pre-Resident Evil 2, First Meetings, Alternate Universe, Internalized Homophobia, Alcohol, Oral Sex, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Praise Kink Series: Part 1 of Another Life Summary:
Leon’s late for the first day of the rest of his life when he makes a pitstop at a dive motel and runs into Luis Serra, who offers everything Leon never let himself want with no strings attached.
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mlcheely · 1 year
It's Just A Game... CHAPTER EIGHTEEN. ☆
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Report from U.B.C.S. member
DATE: August 5, 1998.
 The biohazard incident that occurred on May 11th at Lord Oswell Spencer’s mansion and biochemical laboratory ended on July 25th when members of the S.T.A.R.S. teams destroyed the entire facility. All BOWs have been disposed of, and the total casualties are:
20 Civilians
78 Umbrella staff and employees
24 Human test subjects
 As of 8/5/98, there are no signs of viral leakage in the surrounding area. However, we must continue to monitor the area with extreme caution. 
 Our secret operative, Albert Wesker, is M.I.A. and presumed dead. We have just received information that Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield are preparing to report the incident to the press and their police chief.
I request that this matter is addressed with the utmost urgency.
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 About two weeks have passed since that day. My physical wounds have healed, but it seems the ones in my heart haven’t. For most people, it’s history now; but for me, whenever I close my eyes I experience it all over again. Why do I keep seeing zombies eating flesh? Why do I keep hearing the screams of my dying teammates?
 What horrors did Erica go through? What did she see? What did she hear? I still think about her sometimes…
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 I talked to the Chief today and yet again he wouldn’t listen to me. I’m beginning to suspect that he’s covering for Umbrella, but I don’t have anything concrete to support this. However, I know without a doubt Umbrella conducted research on the T-Virus in the Spencer mansion — but the entire mansion went up in flames in that explosion; along with any incriminating evidence. All I have is the picture of Erica I found…
 I’m positive Umbrella is keeping her somewhere in one of their facilities, but I don’t know for sure. Since so many people in this town are employees at Umbrella’s chemical plant, no one is willing to talk about the incident. I’m running out of options…
 Where are you, Erica?
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 Chris has been causing a lot of trouble at work lately. What’s up with him? He barely ever talks to the other officers and is constantly irritated. Just the other day he got into an altercation with another officer, which resulted in Chris giving the officer a black eye. I immediately stopped Chris from pummeling the poor guy any further, but when he saw me he just gave me a wink and walked away like nothing happened.
 What did he experience in that mansion?
 I worry about him…
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 Jill looks up at Chris’s apartment door with a frown. Just before she got here, he called and asked her to come over with urgency, eager to tell her about some information he found. The sound of Chris’s voice seemed… off , so she sped over to his apartment building to find out what’s wrong. Chris went on temporary leave a couple of days ago, using the excuse that he was “planning a vacation.” Jill hasn’t seen him since — until now.
 She reaches up and quietly knocks on the door, and on the other side of the door she hears the sound of shuffling before she places the distinct turn of a deadbolt. Upon seeing him, Jill’s mouth forms a straight smile. ‘He doesn’t look too good.’ She thinks. 
 Chris’s hair is messy, he hasn’t shaved, and he looks like he hasn’t showered since she last saw him.
 “Jill, thanks for coming.” He smiles weakly. “Of course.” Chris opens up the door to allow her inside. “I just so happened to be awake when you called.” She says as he closes the door behind her. “What is it that you wanted to show me?” Jill’s eyes meet the apartment’s scenery and she has to stop herself from frowning. Trash, clothes, pizza boxes, beer cans, documents and papers alike cover the apartment, but she turns and focuses her attention on Chris instead. She can help him clean later.
 Chris holds up a finger to her before rushing to find a document from his coffee table in the living room. “I found something — ” He says, stepping over to her and handing it to her. “ — It’s called the G-Virus. It’s supposed to be a new and more powerful strain than the T-Virus.”
 Jill reads it over with a look of concern. G-Virus? A new and more powerful strain of the T-Virus? As if the T-Virus wasn’t bad enough, who knows what kind of destruction this G-Virus could do? She knits her brows together, “Where did you hear about this?”
 “I did a stakeout last night near the chemical plant; Umbrella’s employees sure do talk a lot more than the company thinks they do.”
 Jill watches Chris as he sporadically sifts through scattered papers, and she feels a lump start to form in her throat. It’s obvious something isn’t right with Chris. He’s nowhere near his regular self. Honestly, Jill thinks he might not have been his regular self for quite some time now. “Can I ask you a question?” She asks. “Yeah? What is it?” Chris turns to her, pausing from his search.
 “Are you okay?” She bites her lip, holding her breath as she waits for an answer.
 “Oh…Don’t worry about me, Jill. I just need a little sleep is all.” He waves a hand, dismissing her, but she pushes further. “But you look like you haven’t slept in days , Chris!” She exclaims. “You need to give it a rest — for yourself.”
 Jill swallows nervously as he goes quiet, staring at her with an emotion she can’t describe. As he turns his face away from her, she can see his jaw clenching. “Everybody’s worried about you…” She frowns. “ I’m worried about you…”
“I don’t think you should be worried about me; you should be worried about Umbrella,” He mutters, “But I’ll do it myself if I have to.”
 Jill doesn’t know what to say. Chris is obviously not in the right mental state to think clearly, so what can she do? What can she say? She can’t just leave him all alone like this…He’s her friend, and they have to stick together. 
 “You don’t have to do it all by yourself — you have me, you have Barry — ”
 “But why is it that I seem to be the only one who’s not acting like it didn’t happen?” He throws his hands up, and Jill chews on the inside of her cheek.
 Chris is right; Jill has been trying to get over all this and move on with her life, same as everyone else. That’s the only way she knows how to deal with things — pretend it never happened and move on — but it’s clear her method isn’t working. Maybe she might have to take on Chris’s approach; maybe she should just throw herself into the flames and hope to emerge from the ashes. The many faces of their lost teammates still haunt her dreams, crying out for her to help them. She can’t help them now, but she can avenge them — and Umbrella is the one going to pay for it.
 Jill’s gaze falls to the floor and a sigh slips past her lips. 
 “ You’re right .”
 Chris’s expression softens and he raises a brow. “I am?”
 “Yes…and I’m sorry you feel like you have to fight by yourself. From now on I want to be involved and I want you to tell me and Barry everything — and vice versa.” She purses her lips. “Don’t hide yourself away or go on stakeouts by yourself anymore, okay?”
 Chris can’t help but let a slight laugh fall from his lips. “I’m feeling a sense of deja vu here…” He says, scratching the back of his neck. Jill shares a laugh herself, “You’re telling me.”
 They both look at each other for a moment, silence consuming the room until Jill speaks up again.
 “Why don’t we straighten up a little around here? It might make you feel better.”
 Chris takes a look around his apartment and sheepishly looks to the floor. He may or may not have procrastinated cleaning… for a while . “Yeah, let’s clean up.” He agrees, beginning to make his way to the kitchen to grab some trash bags. He pauses halfway to the kitchen, turning to look at Jill.
 “You’re right, too, you know.”
 “What do you mean?” She questions.
 “I should be keeping you updated, and I promise I will — It’s just…” His fists clench and he shakes his head. “Forget it, I’ll tell you later.”
 “Is it about Erica?” Jill pipes up.
 Chris doesn’t respond to her question; instead, he grabs some trash bags from a cabinet. He starts pulling one out from the box before he throws it onto the counter with a sigh. “ Yes …it’s about Erica.”
 Jill walks over and leans against the counter, eager to know what Chris has to say. “What is it?” Did Chris find her? Did he finally find her?
 “Last night during my steakout, I overheard Umbrella has a facility somewhere beneath the city. I — I don’t know if she’s there, but — what if she’s been there this entire time? What if she’s been beneath the city this whole time, Jill?” His voice cracks, “What if she doesn’t remember us, what if — ”
 Jill puts a hand on Chris’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. She understands how Chris feels — not knowing if someone you care about is safe or not. It’s been over four months since Jill had contact with Erica, if she could call it that. It was just a dream, but she still remembers it clearly. She remembers Erica telling her she was still alive, and she wouldn’t — no, she couldn’t — believe it until she saw the picture Chris found in that mansion. She knew it was Erica because that’s how she looked in Jill’s dream — asleep inside of a cryogenic tank, much like the Tyrant had been; put on display like some kind of trophy.
 Jill also recalls Erica telling her she was probably in or around Raccoon City…so does that mean Chris is onto something? Does that mean she’s in this underground facility?
 “We’re gonna find her, Chris.”
 “But when ? I just — I — ”
 “You love her, I get it.” Jill finishes for him and he looks at her with a sad expression before he pulls her in for a hug. She accepts it and hugs him back. 
 Chris feels like he’s fallen into some kind of hell. Someone he genuinely feels for was kidnapped and experimented on, innocent civilians were murdered because of Umbrella’s horrendous crimes, his teammates were slaughtered in front of his very eyes, and to make matters worse — Albert Wesker had been the sole perpetrator. He had portrayed himself as the cool, confident captain of the S.T.A.R.S. Team — but it was all a lie. He’s the reason all of Chris’s friends and colleagues are dead. He’s the reason Erica is trapped in Umbrella’s grasp. He took Chris’s respect and servitude and gave him the middle finger. Pulling himself back to reality he reminds himself that even though Wesker is dead, Umbrella is still operating and running and he will take them down. 
 He breaks away from the embrace and grabs a trash bag, handing one to Jill. Jill gladly takes it with a smile. Chris shakes it out and shoots her a grin.
 “Let’s get cleaning, shall we?”
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 With Jill and Barry’s help, I finally obtained vital information for our case. Umbrella has begun research on the new G-Virus, a variation of the T-Virus. What does this G-Virus do? What kind of death and destruction could it cause?
 The three of us talked it over and we have decided to fly out to the main Umbrella HQ in Europe to put a stop to Umbrella’s crimes. Jill says she’s going to remain in the city to tie up some loose ends and join us in a month. 
 I’ve decided not to tell my sister about this trip because doing so could put her in danger. If you find this, please forgive me, Claire. I have somebody waiting for me. I hope you’ll get to meet her.
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 Chris left town today. Barry informed me that he would send his family to Canada out of Umbrella’s reach, and then he would follow suit. I decided to remain in Raccoon City for a while because I know that the underground research facility in this city will be very important to this entire case. I can’t say for certain, but I’m led to believe Erica might be kept in this facility. I don’t know where else she could be…I’m hoping to find out before I leave the city.
 In a month or so, I’ll be joining Chris and Barry somewhere in Europe. That’s where our real battle begins…
DATE : ┃█ █, ████. LOCATION : ┃ █. TIME : ┃██:██ ██.
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 “Something has happened.”
 The words cut through floral scenery and curious eyes look up as the echo catches unsuspecting ears. A fear washes over her body; what happened? Is something wrong? Negative notions that start to form in her mind fuel her to speak up. “What do you mean ‘something has happened’?”
 “There has been some sort of disturbance. I sense that we will awaken soon…” Sol affirms.
 A lump grows in Erica’s throat. What? Did she hear that correctly? What does Sol mean by a ‘disturbance’? What do they mean she’s going to wake up? Why — and, more importantly, — how ? “How do you know that?” She asks, standing from her spot in a patch of dandelions.
 “There is a ruckus going on. Our kin are squirming in their tubes and cages, eager to be free — just like us .” Sol says.
 In an instant, Erica can hear them; she can hear the ravenous screams and cries of her monstrous brethren. LeT uS oUt! LET US OUT!!! lEt Us OuT! She covers her ears, but it doesn’t help — she’s overwhelmed by the sounds of shrieks and howls. They start to dissipate after a few moments, and Sol speaks again.
 “They are begging to be let out; they will achieve their freedom soon…as will we.”
September 23, 1998.
Due to an incident in the North Area, all NEST personnel are to immediately use the “DEVIL” antiviral agent on themselves. DEVIL is the only way to prevent g mutation. If you have been infected with the G-Virus, seek help immediately and destroy the g cells in your body.
This email is automatically generated in the event of an emergency. Please do not reply to this message.
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utilitycaster · 8 months
Sort of a distant tangent off my post about Ashton, but I'm growing more and more suspicious of the fandom claim that there's no time for small RP moments in Campaign 3. I do think that it's been challenging to get deeper party bonding or serious conversations that aren't about the big philosophical questions they're facing, since those do take much more time; but then I think about Calamity, or Candela Obscura. I can genuinely give you at least a couple paragraphs about pretty much every relationship in the two Circles, or in the Ring of Brass. I can also point to no shortage of small moments between characters in the Mighty Nein Aeor or Vox Machina Vecna endgame episodes, which were all extremely plot-heavy and fast-paced, and D20 consistently nails character relationships in a fraction of the time.
I think it really does come down to, as Brennan Lee Mulligan always says, the character creation phase. Laying down a solid groundwork in which everyone has a detailed, rich backstory and sense of personality and relationship history (in the case of characters who knew each other prior to the start of the series) is absolutely crucial, and even in the case of characters who don't know each other before going in, a good amount of time spent in character creation ensures that it's easier for them to develop those interpersonal relationships on the fly. I know in actual play there's some degree of finding the character as you play, but there are games for which there is a very short runway, and I don't think it ever hurts to do more extensive character prep than the bare minimum. And if there are gaps, I think it also helps to go back and fill those in mid-way, away from the table - Travis clarifying Chetney's backstory being a great example that allowed the history of Chetney and Deanna to feel realized and full, despite only a few episodes.
I'll also be blunt: most of the time when people complain that there aren't moments because the plot keeps moving...they're mad about shipping. Which has always rung hollow to me. It was a common complaint in C2, that no time was taken for character relationships, despite them taking an entire half of an episode for the Beauyasha date and despite no shortage of moments for all three of the other couples (and plenty of platonic moments between friends). The issue was never a lack of time; it was that the characters they wanted to talk to each other didn't actually have the relationship in canon that the fans had dreamed up, and so, when the chips were down, they went to other people.
It takes two seconds to say something like "I hold their hand", even in the middle of plot-heavy adventuring. If someone doesn't say it, it's rarely the GM rushing them; it's the player either choosing not to do so, or not remembering to do so, and either of those is quite revealing regarding how the player feels about that relationship and where it stands in their priorities.
#i've felt this for a while but like. fundamentally? C3 is just...uniquely not set up for terribly satisfying shipping#even the ships I do like and that get small moments are relatively background#like 80% of quote unquote ship content is like. fanon goggles overlaying either parallel play or standard battle mechanics#which is fine! I think it's a different vibe and approach than the past 2 campaigns#i think especially in character creation; self-insert or easy for new players (c1)#followed by Morally Gray Campaign; Prove We Can Replicate This Success; Serious Characters (C2); followed by Let's Get Silly With It (C3)#which is less conducive to that profound connection of c1 or c2. which is not a bad thing!#but god. if you complain about the D&D show having too much d&d plot and not enough romance...yeah pal it's d&d not a dating sim#like I enjoy when there is romance in my fantasy but it's not a requirement. there is a genre full of romance. it is called romance.#i'm also thinking about this bc I need to watch wot s2 but i've been told that the fandom has gotten weird#like wow so moiraine/siuan is not the A plot? in a high fantasy Good vs. Evil series? WHO'D HAVE THOUGHT.#getting back to this...i'm also thinking about my own life and like. i moved to where i live not long pre-lockdown#and so i'm finding myself a resident of this area for 4+ years but with weaker connections than i'd have otherwise. and that's fine!#but psychologically i feel so weird about just starting to find my place bc it's been so long even though there's a good reason#and i wonder if the cast/Hells feels the same way ie why are we only just bonding now 70 eps in and so they're hesitant#that I Waited Too Long And Now It's Awkward feeling; that I Should Be Past This By Now fallacy#which. again. i think things early on could have been done differently but that time is past you need to live in the present now.#cr tag
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executivenerd · 6 months
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Leon S. Kennedy/Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin & Leon S. Kennedy, Sherry Birkin & Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin & Leon S. Kennedy & Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield & Claire Redfield, Leon S. Kennedy & Chris Redfield Characters: Leon S. Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin, Chris Redfield (Resident Evil), Jill Valentine Additional Tags: Minor Chris Redfield/Jill Valentine, Canon Compliant, Mostly Canon Compliant, Post-Resident Evil 2, Post-Resident Evil CODE: Veronica, Pre-Resident Evil 4, Found Family, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Developing Relationship, Claire and Leon aren't exactly together but aren't exactly not together, Established Relationship, Semi-established relationship, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas Presents, Christmas Decorations, Christmas Fluff Series: Part 2 of One Meeting at a Time Summary:
December 1999 - Leon, Claire, and Sherry spend Christmas together, and take advantage of getting to be a family, even if only for a few days.
“Want to see who can put up the most?” Claire asked.
“Oh you’re on,” Chris said, scooping up three ornaments off the coffee table.
“I think you might have some competition.” Leon pointed towards Sherry already placing a third ornament, 4 more in her hand. Sherry grinned at them, standing on her tiptoes to place the fourth one as close to the top as she could.
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resident-rats · 9 months
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Recently having moved to Raccoon City, Leon ends up with an unexpected roommate.
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wakeofearth · 8 months
picking a dog from his tag.
part i,
information: leon kennedy x oc, military – even though the writer doesn't know a thing about it – word count: 1k± writer note: to be honest, i wasn't planning to write it as a fic—maybe some scribble? i don't know how i ended up, writing a second part even though i wasn't sure i liked the idea or not. maybe it was because i love that cutscene in re4r, who knows? it's going to be a long fic, a slow burn probably but it actually depends on my mood. iʼm not planning to give information about my oc, not yet at least.
Every damn day, his survivor guilt consumed him. A piece of his soul was eaten and chewed by his thoughts, making him avoid the mirrors so he wouldn't see how much of a mess he was. There were too many thoughts running through his mind, making him stay awake in his bed. The Raccoon City Incident wasn’t that long ago. Six months, half a year—not that much time passed to forget what happened that night.
He always regrets the fact that he was only able to save a small number of people that day and the events in Raccoon City left an indelible impression on his thoughts and dreams. He thought about ending his life more than once; with just a quick bullet to the head, he would be gone for good. He was a rookie police officer, yes, but that shouldn't be an excuse. What would happen if he arrived on time for his first day?
Maybe he could've helped more people, and maybe Lt. Branagh would've survived that night. He can't get his mind off the chances—besides his rough training, of course. It was a great thing to get thrown to the ground by his recruits. It makes him stop thinking, even for a moment. Yes, his ass was getting kicked, but the pain wasn't as bad as the voices in his head.
At least, that is what he was thinking until he found himself staring at the edge of the knife in his hand. It weighed no more than the practice knives, but somehow, it felt heavier—not because of its weight but because the thought of it being able to cut the skin made him shiver.
His fingers wrapped around it, his eyes meeting with his recruit. Leon was waiting for him to make the first move: it wasn't the first time they had a match yet, and being careful was better than to be sorry. Leon knew he was skilled, but even skillful people made mistakes. What if he can't dodge? Or what if he cut too deep?
Major Krauser's voice helped him escape his thoughts.
His eyes met with his opponent’s gaze, taking the measure of the black-haired man.
He takes a defensive position. He knew how his opponent fought. He managed to survive from a bullet; he managed to survive that night. He was not unfamiliar with the pain.
Even though Major Krauser's voice was as steel-cold as the knife in his hand, no one moved.
Their gazes met as if they were both waiting for the other to start. Leon stayed at a safe distance; he could only stare at him.
Oh god,
Oh god.
He was nervous. He was scared. And he felt like a deer in highlights. Even though he was aware that a misstep on the battlefield may result in his death, thoughts of what happened that night began to dominate his head. He knew how to use a knife, but it was different. That wasn't a practice knife. That was a real knife. It can cut; it can cut too deep.
How could he protect anyone if he was this weak?
Is this how it feels? It wasn't a pleasing feeling, having that much power in his hand after so many months.
He waited like he was some of a hunter waiting for his prey to make a mistake. His blue eyes wandered about him, his foot movements, his breathing. And he was doing the same thing to Leon. Both of them were waiting for that small move.
He felt like a god and a man at the same time.
That knife is real, and if it touches me, it will bleed. And a hesitation would get me killed.
After some doubts, he decided to make the first move and get the upper hand. His attack was getting blocked by the click sound of steel, their knives crashing into each other before they maintained a safe distance between them.
Both of them were not too sure what they should do. They weren't that much different from newborn animals trying to adapt to the new environment around them.
Should he try to attack again? Or should he wait until his opponent's next move? His mind was getting filled with a lot of things, a lot of thoughts, a lot of feelings. It was a mix—a mix of everything. But it shouldn't be. His focus should be on his opponent, not his thoughts. He mentally slapped himself before he dodged their attack, and it felt like a warning. They were playing it safe, but not everyone was like that.
When he tried to attack again, this time, instead of trying to dodge it, Leon decided to take the risk. Before his knife landed on Leon’s dominant arm, he grabbed his knife with his non-dominant hand, making his hand empty so he could grab the taller man’s arm.
Was it worth the risk? If Leon and his opponent didn't have that much of a physical power difference, the answer would've been "no," but that wasn't the case.
Leon grabbed him by his wrist, the one holding the knife, his knife touching the other man’s waist. One more inch and it would've hurt him. In return, he got a kick in his stomach, making him bite his inner cheek. It was like a constant game of tag.
The other recruits were watching Leon and his opponent: maybe taking mental notes, deciding how they should act when it was their turn. His forehead began to sweat as the sound of steel striking steel filled the sparring area. His breathing was unsteady. His pupils grew larger. None of them had any intentions of stopping. Before Krauser's voice cut them off, "Draw."
Leon first experienced disappointment, but it passed quickly. With only one word, his stiff muscles were released. He even didn't realize that his opponent had cut his arm in several places; they weren't too deep, but they drew blood.
His opponent most likely experienced the same situation. He took a deep breath, trying to control his inhales and exhales. His chest rose and fell with an unsteady rhythm till he had the power to get up from the ground. As his opponent did the same thing, he offered his hand for a shake. What a gentleman, he thought as his hand met with Leon’s right hand.
It wasn't their first training match, and it wouldn't be the last. Their smile was a promise to that.
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damadisangue · 1 year
Lost days
There had been a night when he had tried to put an end to this absurd string. He had watched her curl up against his side, breathing his name. He had observed her stretches out her little fingers on his chest, then contracting them close to his heart. He raised slightly, reflecting her gestures - one hand on her left breast, the other hidden by the sheet, silk and warm skin. He then pressed, sensing her ribs flex. The beat of her heart had become faster, stronger. His index and ring fingers had sunk slightly, opening flowers of flesh and blood. Alex opened her eyes, looking for his. Albert ignored her, sinking further. Alex tightens, breaks the tender flesh of his wrist with her nails. Albert continues, tearing tissues and muscles, organs and bones. Below them the bed is wet with blood and more, a pool that is shared by both. She doesn't ask him why, doesn't beg. She stares at him with those hideous eyes too blue and too full, surrounding him with her thighs. Albert grabs her heart, feels the pulse under his fingers (a slimy lump that slips under his fingertips, who want to live). Alex clenches his wrist with the other hand, bend her lips into a thin, pale line. "Do it." she says, and pulls him to her chest - through it. "Go on." she adds, watching him. Albert bares his teeth, squeezes her heart - her life. For a moment, everything stops. For a moment Alex is dying and Albert is her killer. For a moment. Albert relaxes his grip, growls something in her hair. Alex breathes, kissing him - his beast, his cruelty. She runs her fingertips along his neck, spreading her thighs wider, welcomes him in one thrust. An indecent and desperate embrace. In between, a heavy heart held from both.
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rhy5-p13c3s · 2 years
people should be friends with me ! I want new friends so bad :]] accepting friend applications all of the time please thanks. my interests are : fallout , apex legends , the sims , minecraft, resident evil, the walking dead game, hlvrai and borderlands. uhh!!! I'm gay and trans and I'm 18 years old if that's important info!! dm me if you want to be friends !!!!
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sparkie96 · 2 years
Leon being the most requested/most written about character in the Kinktober prompts/requests so far lollll
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thegamecollection · 1 year
If you can. We can’t. It’s too much.
Even the most casual of PlayStation gamers would be foaming at the mouth after yesterday’s Upcoming Games in 2023 trailer from Sony! So what if everything included has already been announced?! Seeing that lineup all in one place has wiped away every last bit of those January blues... This is a year where we cannot lose!
Whether you’re a Triple-A connoisseur or an authority on all things Indie, this thing has the lot. Web-slinging your thing? Spider-Man 2 will make you sing. Want Action/Adventure? Forspoken (next week) is your venture. Survival Horror galore? There’s Dead Space/Resident Evil 4. Is the force your driver? Good thing there’s Jedi: Survivor. Beat ‘em Ups your bag? Street Fighter 6 has your tag. Want straight up horror? Alone in the Dark’s got you collared! We could go on but Sony’s got more games than we have (poor) rhymes.
Next-gen gaming has really found it’s feet after the hard hitting and impossible-to-prepare-for covid years! We’re glad to be riding this new wave of expectation, excitement and enlightenment at The Game Collection!
Until then, it’s back to that Jedi: Fallen Order platinum trophy to kill some time...
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zinezyme · 7 days
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Pre-orders for EMPOWER, a zine celebrating characters of color across media, are now open until June 30th, 12PM PST!
All profits will be donated to Palestinian E-Sims.
* Obey Me! * Guilty Gear Strive * Kekkai Sensen * Baldur’s Gate 3 * Resident Evil * Team Fortress 2 * Pretty Cure * Pokemon (SWSH + B/W) * The Great Ace Attorney * Paranormasight * Nope (2022) * Dishonored * Valorant * Dorohedoro * High Card * Akagi * Butterfly Soup * Witch Hat Atelier * Final Fantasy * Great Pretender * RE-MAIN * Fire Emblem * Hades * Monster High * Twisted Wonderland * Vanitas no Carte * Dungeon Meshi * Gintama * Arknights * Transformers * Splatoon * The Night is Short, Walk on Girl
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mlcheely · 1 year
It's Just A Game... CHAPTER SEVENTEEN. ☆
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 It’s been over a day since Alpha team lost contact with Bravo team and, fearing that something was wrong, voted to search the area their signal was last heard from. They quickly loaded up the helicopter with medical supplies, weaponry, and ammunition before putting in the coordinates and setting off for the Arklay Mountains. Their view turned from a bustling city to suburban streets to the outskirts of Raccoon City Forest. During the day, the idea of venturing into the Arklay Area is terrifying to say the least. One can only imagine what it would be like at night.
 As the team surveys the wooded area, Wesker glances across the sea of trees. He’s wearing his usual expression; straight faced and deep in thought. Things look like they’re going according to plan — the Bravo team is nowhere to be found and the Alpha team will soon follow suit as they make their own arrival into Umbrella’s trap. Yes, it won’t be long now .
 Jill is worried. What happened to the Bravo team? Were they ambushed? Did the rumored monsters eat them? Possibilities of what could have happened run rampant through her mind as they fly over the mountainous terrain. That’s when they see it: the crash site. Jill isn’t the only one to feel her heart drop into the pit of her stomach as they recognize the crashed aircraft. It's the Bravo team’s helicopter.
 “Over there!”
 Chris’s eyes are wide in disbelief as Brad maneuvers their helicopter to the ground, the other S.T.A.R.S. members anxious to find whatever might be waiting for them. Would they find the Bravo team? Or would they find something chilling? ‘God, I hope not.’ Joseph thinks as a shudder runs through his spine. The sound of howling creatures loudly echoes over the drone of the helicopter, causing Brad to feel light-headed. “Wh-What was that ?!” He stammers.
 “It’s certainly not human!” Barry hollers as he clutches his Colt Magnum. “There could be anything out there!”
 “That’s right! That’s why it’s important that we stick close, team!” Wesker shouts as the team exits the helicopter, his boots landing on the ground with a thud. He breathes in the dewy, suffocating air and his nose twitches in disgust. ‘The faster I can get out of here — the better.’ He thinks to himself as he looks across the rest of the team’s faces with what he believes to be the last time. “Jill, Joseph — you two will take the right! Barry, Chris — you two take the left!”
 “I-I’ll wait here,” Brad interjects as the blades of the helicopter start to quiet down, “A-After all, someone might sh-show up while you’re gone and-and you might miss them.” Brad stutters, stumbling over his words as fear settles in his bones. Wesker straightens his lips — but he reassures himself there’s no need to be worried. Perhaps Vickers will be eaten while the team searches. It’s a thought that pleases Wesker so he encourages Brad’s cowardice. “Good thinking. Keep a lookout while we’re gone.”
 “Y-Yes, sir.”
 Wesker glances at the rest of his team as they load their weapons. ‘It won’t do you any good.’ He thinks, barely containing a smirk. He clears his throat and readies his gun. “Alright — let’s head out.”
 Chris holds in an anxious breath but as Jill glances at him, he straightens his shoulders and gives her a weak smile. She returns the gesture, biting the inside of her cheek as she starts walking through the brush next to Joseph. Little did Alpha team know, however, of the monstrosities that catch the smell of their flesh in the hot night’s air. Teeth bare and jaws smack in hunger for the fresh prey that’s entered their territory. Their bellies gurgle with anticipation but their carnal appetites will soon be quenched — able to sink their sharp teeth into warm, tasty meat. A howl rings through one of their throats, bouncing off of the forest trees.
 Time to feed .
 The haunting sound catches up to the Alpha team when they finally approach the Bravo team’s crashed helicopter and they look in the direction of where the sound came from. “Stay sharp.” Wesker says, and his grip on his gun tightens. The monsters sound like they’re close, so they need to get a move on. It’s not like it matters, but Wesker has a deadline to fulfill — plus, he doesn’t need anyone slowing him down. He only has a mere few hours to get in and out of Spencer’s estate, and he doesn’t want to waste it dawdling around, wondering what might be around the corner. ‘The mansion should be around here somewhere …’ Wesker thinks as the Alpha team finds no trace of the Bravo team. Since the mansion is close, he believes the other S.T.A.R.S. members might have taken refuge there. Or…they might have gone there to find their final resting place.
 “It looks like they must’ve made an emergency landing and crashed, but I can’t find out what might have caused it.” Joseph says as he scans over the helicopter’s terminal. “The electrical system is fully functional.”
 “Hm. Spread out and look for any clues; tracks, shell casings, any sign of a struggle. If they’re not here, then they must be somewhere close.” Wesker states and the team nods in confirmation before they continue their search.
 Trees groan above the officers heads while crickets chirp loudly around them. The humid summer air makes them sweat, adding to their discomfort as they trudge through the thick brush. Barry feels like something is off about all this. It’s so strange…What happened to have caused the Bravo team to crash? Where could they have gone? They clearly survived the crash due to the lack of bodies, but why would they abandon their best chance at being found? ‘Something must have happened to them.’ He surmises, a tightness forming in his chest. 
 “Over here! I found something!” Joseph calls out to the rest of the team. Focusing his attention on the object that shines out of the corner of the dirt, he lowers his firearm as he leans down to pick it up. “What is it?” Jill asks as she jogs towards him. Joseph grabs the metal object — something he immediately recognizes as a S.T.A.R.S. issued Beretta pistol. To his horror, he finds a detached human hand clutching the weapon’s handle. He lets out a yelp, immediately dropping the gun. 
 “Agh! What the fuck?” 
 Joseph’s hair raises on the back of his neck as he hears a deep, rumbling snarl erupt from behind him. He isn’t given enough time to react before several large, dog-like figures jump out from nearby bushes. They all rush at Joseph, lunging forward and tackling him roughly to the ground with a growl.
 Jill gasps, “Joseph!”
 As Wesker, Barry, and Chris run towards the commotion, Jill raises her firearm and begins firing at the creatures attacking her teammate, Joseph’s screams of pain and agony ringing in her ears. They’re killing him !
 The canine-like monsters’ jaws pull and tear at his flesh, ripping off chunks of meat before horking them down. Blood and human remains fall from one of its maws as it munches on the fallen man’s flesh, its milky eyes catching Jill’s own. It lifts its head and growls at her, slowly stepping its way towards her.
  Click, click, click .
 ‘Shit.’ Jill feels a lump form in her throat. ‘I’m out.’ She hastily tries to reload her gun, desperate to help her comrade. She’s shaking, barely able to collect herself as she shoves in another clip. Chris races past her and opens fire, emptying his clip as he grabs Jill’s arm and starts pulling her away from the monsters that now focus their attention on them. The monsters are shrieking and barking, screeching for their brethren to join them in the hunt. Jill is running as fast as she can, afraid that the creatures behind them will catch up. Chris looks back as one of the feral beasts lurches towards him, raising his arm and closing his eyes and bracing for his horrible fate.
 Suddenly, two shots ring out, shooting the animal to the ground.
 “Chris, Jill — this way!” Wesker yells, prompting the two of them to follow his directions. 
 Jill remembers what Erica screamed at her in her nightmare a couple nights prior: RUN ! It rings through her head as the team starts running for their lives back to the helicopter, the sound of its blades giving them hope. Unfortunately, that hope doesn’t last for long as the aircraft soars above their heads. “Brad! Where the hell’s he going?!” Chris yells, panicking as he looks up to the sky. “That coward!”
 They’re all going to die…Oh, God they’re going to die.
“Dammit!” Barry utters.
 Wesker curses under his breath as he runs, annoyed by Brad’s abandonment. He notices a clearing and in front of him is what he’s been looking for: The Spencer Mansion. Chris sees it too, yelling at the top of his lungs to alert his teammates.
 “Make for that mansion!”
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 After successfully taking refuge inside the mansion, the remaining Alpha team members recuperate and begin investigating the building. Wesker advised them to look around the home for any clues to Bravo team’s disappearance and to meet back in the main hall. Jill and Barry parted together while Chris and Wesker left on their own. As Chris searches the decrepit mansion, he wonders if this old house is safe for him and his team to be in. The thoughts start to pull at his mind, but they rattle as he enters another hallway. Something about this hallway doesn’t sit right with him.. 
 Chris recalls when he first smells it — the smell of rotting flesh. The scent is so strong he almost vomits, covering his mouth and nose before he turns the corner. The rancid, disgusting aroma becomes almost unbearable — that’s when a hunched figure comes into view. He shines his flashlight in the figure’s direction and is appalled by what he sees. 
 The crouched figure turns and looks at Chris and his eyes widen in disbelief and repulsion. It hisses at him, blood and pulpy bits of flesh stuck in its yellowed teeth. Its skin is dark and rotting, parts of its skin bubbled into pus filled sores. The ghastly creature’s clothes are soaked in old and fresh blood, parts of fabric moldy or brown with its decaying flesh. It groans and begins to approach Chris, ready to devour him and make him its next meal. Chris immediately shoots at the monster as it reaches out its arms, continuing to fire until it falls to the ground with a final groan.
 Behind its fallen body is the half-eaten corpse of Kenneth, his head detached from his shoulders. The sight of Kenneth’s dead eyes catches Chris’s own and that’s when he regurgitates, sickened by the gruesome display. These monsters — they killed the S.T.A.R.S. members, his coworkers, his friends — and he’s going to repay the favor. However, his priority is getting back to his team and warning them before they’re exposed to the same horror he just witnessed: the walking dead. When he returns to the main hall he’s confused. Where is everyone? The plan was to meet back in the main hall, but as he approaches one of the doors he spots something on the tile floor. It’s Jill’s gun. Chris quickly picks it up and frowns. Something must have happened to his teammates…and he needs to find out what. 
 Chris hasn’t found any sign of the remaining Bravo team members, Enrico and Rebecca, nor has he seen any of his own team members. He only hopes they make it out of this place alive after what he just witnessed. While he searches for his teammates, he looks for any clues that might explain exactly what happened here. He starts to lose hope — that is, until he comes across notes, documents, and diary entries alike describing the events that transpired prior to their arrival. Umbrella is working on something called the ‘T-Virus’, and it leaked and contaminated the basement labs, infecting the workers and researchers. He was shocked to find out that these monsters were actually people, transformed by the virus they were infected with. After reading the pieces of evidence, Chris started looking for the entrance to the basement labs mentioned in one of the dead dog-keeper’s diaries. Umbrella just left these people here to die… and they’re going to be brought to justice .
 It took him a while, but he eventually found the entrance to the lower levels of the mansion — positive his discovery is the real deal once he spots a golden plaque to his right of the entrance.
 ‘ Arklay Laboratory ’ it reads.
 The title written on the plaque causes his brows to furrow and the Umbrella logo underneath makes him grit his teeth. He walks down a set of stairs before entering a hallway. There are several doors to pick from, so he pushes open the door closest to him and enters the room to investigate. As he opens the door, the overwhelming scent of dust gathers in his nostrils. It stings, but at least it’s not as bad as the awful smell of death. Shelves line the walls, filled with books and binders alike. There’s a table in the middle of the room covered in scattered papers, files, and folders. Among the chaos of documents a projector sits — it’s still projecting to the screen in front of it but there’s no slide in the slot.
 Chris starts inspecting the room further, but during his search he can’t help but keep bringing his attention back to the projector and the table of documents. ‘There must be some slides somewhere,’ He thinks. Opening a drawer, he finds a box full of slides. Jackpot.
 Walking over to the projector, Chris pulls out the slot to place in a slide. He pushes the slot closed and looks up to the screen in anticipation. Suddenly, an image of a monstrous canine appears. It looks a lot like those dogs that ate Joseph…’ Cerberus ’ it’s called. The anger that had been burning in Chris’s chest began to grow, almost doubling in size as he switched out the slide for another one. This time it’s a ‘zombie’ — respectfully named, of course . Then, a large, scaly creature with claws labeled ‘Hunter a .’ Chris is glad he hasn’t run into one of those things.
 As he puts in the fourth slide, the image that appears causes the box of slides to fall from Chris’s hands. It lands on the floor, the rest of the slides falling out and sliding across the floor.
 Is that…?
 “Wesker, that bastard!” Chris mutters under his breath, his fists clenching as he stares at the image. Wesker is dressed in researcher attire, posing with the rest of the research team, indicated by the label written on the slide.
 So their ‘Captain’ just brought them all here to die; he knew all along about Umbrella’s crimes — no — he worked for Umbrella all this time, and he was covering up the murders of innocent civilians. A thought enter’s Chris’s mind. Did that mean…Did that mean Wesker was the one who kidnapped Erica?
 It makes the most sense to Chris, so he focuses his flashlight onto the table and starts frantically sifting through folders for anything that might have Erica’s name or her alias, Starr, on it. Some of them fall to the floor as he sifts through them, spilling papers all over the place. That’s when his eyes skim over it; it’s Erica’s name. His mouth falls agape, shocked by the discovery. He wastes no time as he flips the folder open, eager to find out her whereabouts. The first page details her capture and, at the bottom, Chris spots Wesker’s signature.
 “That son of a bitch…” Chris whispers, “He took her.”
 He then flips through the rest of the pages detailing experiments and the data recorded from said experiments. 
‘ T-Virus…They injected her with the T-Virus… ’ He thinks, his heart beginning to ache, but he feels his aching turn into disbelief once he reaches the end of the file. His eyes scan over one of the last sentences on the page.
 ‘Test Subject #277 has been ordered to be placed in cryogenic storage until consciousness is regained.’
 There’s a polaroid photo attached to the page by a paperclip, depicting Erica in a cryogenic tube. Chris gasps when he sees it, reaching up and touching the photo’s glossy surface in shock. ‘She’s alive…?’ He can’t believe it —
 — Erica’s alive !
 Chris rips the photo from the page and shoves it into his pocket. He has to show Jill everything he’s found. He has to show her what happened here, he has to tell her about Wesker, and he has to tell her that Erica’s still alive somewhere, trapped in one of Umbrella’s facilities. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know where she could be. None of the files explain where she is, but it won’t matter. He’s going to find her, no matter what or how long it takes. 
 Leaving the room, Chris steps out into the hallway. He begins walking further down the hall, immediately coming to a stop when he hears the sound of voices. He listens for a moment before he can make out one of the voices. It sounds like Jill’s voice, but who is she talking to? Chris quietly creeps to the room he hears the sounds coming from, but he pauses as he hears the voice of his Captain, Wesker. Chris quietly steps forward and presses his ear to the door. He listens closely, Jill and Wesker’s previously muffled conversation now coming to Chris clearly.
 “Why kill off S.T.A.R.S.?” Jill asks. “ Believe it or not ,” Wesker clicks his tongue, “that’s Umbrella’s intention.” He responds, and Chris furrows his brows. So he was right. Wesker brought them all here to die.
 “You’re just a pawn of Umbrella.” Jill retorts. A sinister smirk graces Wesker’s lips.
“Smart girl...but I think you misunderstand me,” He chuckles, “The things you talk about mean nothing.” He continues to aim his gun at Jill, turning his attention to the keyboard to press a few keys. “I’ll burn all of the evidence along with this entire laboratory.” He states before glancing at Barry. “Barry, go up on the ground and wait for me there.”
 Chris immediately steps out of the way of the door and steps to the side, hiding as Barry leaves the laboratory. Jill watches as he exits the room, broken hearted and betrayed by her friend. “Barry!”
 As Barry steps through the doorway, the door closes behind him and he turns to his left to see Chris, who’s pointing a gun at him. Barry puts up his hands in defense, “Chris…”
 “You better explain yourself, Burton .” Chris whispers angrily, a look of seriousness written on his face.
 “I’m on your side, Chris. Wesker and Umbrella took my family, and he threatened to kill them if I didn’t do what he said.” Barry whispered back. Chris goes quiet after this, the sound of Wesker’s voice cutting through their whispers. “Wait, wait.” Chris hushes, listening in on the conversation once again.
 “You gotta love Barry...he must really be afraid of Umbrella.” Wesker muses. Jill’s lip curls in disgust, “You and Umbrella took his family, you bastard!”
 Wesker lunges forward, hitting Jill in the face with the butt of his gun. She falls to the floor and grabs at her face, a stinging pain running through her jaw. She angrily looks up at him, clenching her teeth. Her eyes stab into him, and she wishes her eyes could stab him with actual daggers. Wesker straightens himself and scoffs. “ Umbrella …” That’s all he keeps hearing. Umbrella, Umbrella, Umbrella . He wants to hear about something else for a change. “I used some carrots and sticks to lure Barry like the dumb cow he is, but it had nothing to do with Umbrella. I just used him for my personal interests. Though both you and Barry seemed to think I was following Umbrella’s orders.”
 Jill watches him for a moment before she opens her mouth.
 “Did they tell you to take Erica, too?” She asks, “... Or did you do something to her? ”
 Wesker raises a brow. “Oh…so you know her real name.” How is that possible? He thinks to himself for a moment. Could there be a possibility Erica told Jill her real identity without his or Umbrella’s knowledge? Erica sure fooled him; she produced some pretty convincing tears and story, so convincing he can’t help but feel a smile grow on his lips. “I have to give her credit, she was smart to mislead all of you. You have no idea how special she is. I have some use to make of her…but for now you shouldn’t worry,” He sighs, “Umbrella currently has her safe and put away .”
 Suddenly, Chris and Barry step into the room. They point their guns at Wesker, and Chris feels his anger boil in the pit of his stomach. “Put away? Put away ?!” He yells, “She’s a person , not a piece of property!”
 “Chris, Barry, how nice of you to join us.” Wesker muses.
 “Cut the shit, Wesker. We heard everything. It’s over, now.” Barry states, and Wesker quickly presses a key on the keyboard. “Oh, I’m just getting started.” He claims. “Witness the Tyrant!”
 The three witnesses look over to spot what looks like a humanoid monster inside of a giant stasis tube. Its skin is encrusted with scars and ugly mutations alike, including a giant arm with massive claws. There’s a huge heart attached to the outside of its chest, slowly beating.  However, it doesn’t compare to its face. There are veins and scar tissue spread across it with no lips visible. Its bare teeth stare straight back at them, and if it weren’t for the eyes being closed Barry feels like he might’ve pissed his pants. The liquid filling the stasis tank began to drain, and Wesker started laughing. In only a few mere moments, the Tyrant will be freed and will annihilate the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members. Wesker’s plans fall through once he hears the sound of breaking glass. He turns and watches his life flash before his eyes as the Tyrant’s clawed hand penetrates through the tube and impales him. 
“ Hrk !”
 Wesker feels the pain of a thousand knives going through his abdomen, his blood spilling onto the Tyrant’s claws and all over the floor. His head lifts to stare at the massive claws protruding from his body, shaking as he tastes iron on the tip of his tongue. Is this what death is like? Is this what his test subjects felt as they took their last breath? Is this his karma? Is this what he feels for the very last time? Wesker’s final moments are spent questioning everything before becoming angry. This is not the fate he will be subjected to. He’ll wake…and he’ll get his revenge on those S.T.A.R.S. members. He’ll find Erica, and he’ll change the world. The Tyrant tosses his body to the side, his meat sliding off of its hand with ease. Wesker hits his head against a nearby terminal, finally killing him.
 The monstrosity then turns to the group, beginning to advance towards them. “Dammit!” Barry says, aiming his Colt Magnum at the Tyrant and firing. 
 “Shit!” Chris curses, aiming his gun at the monster to shoot before Jill joins him. “Come on, you test-tube freak!” She yells, and as they continue their assault of bullets it stumbles before falling to the floor with a thud. It was easy…a bit too easy. Nevertheless, they all sigh in relief.
 “Forgive…me…” Barry hangs his head in shame, and Jill reaches out to touch his shoulder to reassure him. She understands… “No, Barry, it was Umbrella and Wesker.”
 “Yeah, we don’t blame you for trying to protect your family.” Chris interjects, and Barry shakes his head with dismissal. “Even if it meant my family, I didn’t want to abandon my friends.” The revelation makes Chris and Jill smile, but they turn their focus elsewhere. “It’s alright…let’s just focus on getting out of here.” Jill sighs. 
 An alarm begins to ring throughout the facility before a sultry voice begins to speak. “ The self-destruct system has been activated. All personnel must evacuate immediately. Deactivating and releasing all locks. Ten minutes until detonation .” They all look at each other and begin making a run for it, searching for a way to get out of here. As they turn the corner, they come across a familiar face. Rebecca Chambers.
 “Rebecca!” Chris exclaims. “Where have you been?”
 “I was hiding! I-I’m sorry…I wanted to help, but these monsters…there were so many of them…” Rebecca squeaks, and Jill hugs her. “It’s okay, there’s no need to be sorry right now; you need to come with us. We’re getting out of here!”
 “But how? We don’t even know where the exit is.” Barry says, but he’s interrupted by the sound of Jill’s radio. 
 “...is Brad... Run..-ing out of fuel…-ur last chance! If there’s any…alive, give me a sign! I repeat, this is your last chance!”
 “It’s Brad!” Jill says, “He’s looking for us!”
 “Earlier, I saw an elevator that leads up to a heliport. Follow me!” Rebecca quickly says, prompting the survivors to follow her as she leads them to the elevator. She presses the button, her heart dropping as she hears the sound of screeching from somewhere in the labs. “Oh no…” Jill frowns. Barry and Chris aim their weapons towards whatever might be coming towards them. Luckily, the elevator’s doors open and the four officers rush inside. The doors close right before the monsters get to them, and Chris shudders. They looked like the large, scaly creatures he saw on the slides. Thank God they made it to the elevator in time. They rise to the surface, relief washing over them as the doors open up to a bright blue, cloudy sky. They all take in the breath of fresh air, happy to finally be free from all the death and destruction. Circling the building is Brad, who becomes excited at seeing his teammates emerge from the elevator. “I knew there’d be someone!” He tells himself. The team waves up at him and he begins to lower the helicopter down to the heliport to retrieve them.
Suddenly, a rumbling sound can be heard beneath the S.T.A.R.S. members’ feet. They all turn around to see a huge hole being made in the pavement. Then, a large monster jumps forth from the hole and lands on the heliport. It’s the Tyrant.
 “Ahhhh! What is that thing?!” Rebecca screams.
 “I thought we killed it!” Jill yells.
 “Clearly we didn’t!” Chris retorts.
The four officers train their guns on the creature, relentlessly firing into its body. It acts as if it’s unaffected by their gunfire, advancing towards the nearest S.T.A.R.S. member, Jill. Jill screams as it approaches her, reeling its arm back before backhanding her and knocking her to the ground. She groans, rolling over on her side. The Tyrant turns its attention towards Rebecca and she continues shooting, only to hear the distinct click of an empty clip.
 Brad looks down to the heliport below him and his eyes widen in horror. What is THAT ? It’s so freaky! His eyes turn to spot a rocket launcher case in the passenger side’s floorboard. He needs to do something. He needs to help his friends. He’s tired of being a coward! He kicks at the case, reeling his leg backwards before coming down on the case. It takes him a few tries, but he manages to knock it from the floorboard and to the heliport below. Brad grabs the aircraft’s microphone and yells out from the helicopter’s speaker.
 “Chris, use it! Kill it, whatever it is!”
 Rushing over to the rocket launcher case, Chris rips it open and immediately pulls the weapon from its place. He lifts it with a grunt before positioning it onto his shoulder and aiming towards the Tyrant. ‘Just die already!’ Chris thinks, pulling the trigger and firing the rocket. The rocket flies at the Tyrant and hits it square in the chest. The monster shrieks out its cry of death. It explodes into pieces, bits and chunks of meat and flesh scattering across the heliport. Chris throws the launcher to the ground and runs to help Jill. He holds out his hand and she takes it.
 “Let’s get out of here!”
 The helicopter starts lowering down to the heliport, landing with a slight wobble. The remaining S.T.A.R.S. members rush to board it, and Brad wastes no time in pulling the aircraft back into the air. He pushes forward after they lift high enough, seconds before the Spencer Mansion bursts into a hot ball of flame. The five survivors can feel the heat reaching out for them, desperate to bring them down with it. They hold on, gripping for their lives as the helicopter shakes from the turbulence. The blast pushes them forward, and it takes a moment before everything stops shaking. They all look at each other before slumping in their spots, relieved that the nightmare of the Spencer Mansion is over.
 On their way back to the city, Chris pulls out the photo of Erica from his pocket. His fingers trace over the edge of the picture, his eyes dark with longing. Jill glances over in his direction as Rebecca is finishing up wrapping one of her wounds, thanking the young S.T.A.R.S. member before touching Chris’s elbow. “What do you have there?”
 Chris doesn’t respond; he simply hands Jill the polaroid. Her brows furrow upon seeing it. It’s Erica…and she looks to be in the same kind of tube the Tyrant was in. 
 “Is that…?”
 “Yeah, I found some files on her. They experimented on her…” Jill hands the picture back to him once she’s done inspecting it. Barry happens to overhear the conversation and clears his throat. “How come she didn’t turn into one of those monsters?” 
 “For some reason, she wasn’t affected by the virus. I think that’s what Wesker meant by her being ‘special.’” Chris explains as he stares at the image. “Umbrella is keeping her for something , but I couldn’t find any trace of her or what facility she might be in…” He trails off. Jill and Barry look at each other with worry, but Jill places a hand on Chris’s shoulder to reassure him.
 “Don’t worry, Chris. If she’s still out there, we’ll find her.”
 Chris looks at Jill before shoving the picture back into his pocket. Jill is right. Erica is still out there somewhere, and he’ll stop at nothing to find her. No matter what it takes .
 “I know.”
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porcelainseashore · 6 months
Teenage Headache Dreams (1)
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: High School! College! Leon Kennedy x Dancer! Fem! Reader
Summary: You’re a bored, but ambitious high school student who can’t wait to escape small town life and make it in the big city. You thought you had it all figured out, until you unwittingly befriend the resident golden boy, Leon. A series of events beginning from junior year to college until Resident Evil 2 Remake.
Warnings: 18+ Swearing, Recreational Drug Use, Eventual Smut, No (Y/N), Ambiguous/Open Ending
Content: High School AU, College AU, Pre-Resident Evil 2, Fluff, Romance, Cliche, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Lack of Communication
Author's Note: This is my first RE / Leon fic, but I wanted to try my hand at writing this little self-indulgent and potentially clichéd series. As you can guess, I love dance and high school dramas. I also created this with a sequel in mind, which will take place post-RE4R and involve more horror and mystery elements.
AO3 Link
Chapter 1: An Unexpected Friendship
It was one of those beautiful late summer days with endless light and clear blue skies overhead. You leaned back against the bleachers, feeling the sun cast a warm glow on your face and the sultry breeze against your skin, sighing in utter bliss. The football field and the running track surrounding it were completely empty, just how you liked it, silent except for the relentless trilling of insects and the occasional bird that flew by. No one in your face, no one judging you or telling you how you should be like, no one you had to put up a front for. Just peace and quiet. A place where you could sit alone with your thoughts - and you had a lot of them - mostly about leaving this goddamn small town with its insular, mind-numbing inhabitants.
A trail of thick smoke wafted from your mouth as you took a drag from the joint you had been nursing for awhile. You weren’t exactly high as a kite, but you were definitely feeling some of its effects. You chuckled and gave a wry smile as the thought of being caught red-handed visualized in your mind. Sure, it was highly illegal what you were doing, much less on school property, but you were always a bit of a rebel. And frankly, you couldn’t give a shit. It was already August, but most students were still away on holiday. Not you though, you had to work on your extracurriculars. That’s what you had put your mind to this summer. No fancy beach getaways like the rest of your cheerleading mates had jetted off to. Just a grueling dance intensive and showcase you had auditioned successfully for in one of the larger cities nearby, as well as a bunch of campus visits. You needed to perfect your performance technique for that arts college application coming up in about a year’s time. You started way earlier than the rest even thought about it, because you knew you only had one chance for a one-way ticket out of this hole and you sure as hell weren’t taking any chances. Well, except with that funky smelling thing in your hand. 
No one would be here anyway, it’s a Sunday for crying out loud! You shook your head in exasperation. Besides, you needed to relax and take the edge off a little.
Just as if you jinxed it with those thoughts, you heard the gate to the field unlocking and creaking open behind you. 
Shit, shit, shit! Your eyes darted around frantically, but your movements were just so slow. Why the fuck would someone be here now?
Before you could drop the joint and stub it out with your shoe, a mop of dirty blonde hair and what you made out as someone dressed in a blue tracksuit with a duffel bag slung over his right shoulder entered your peripheral vision. It was soon accompanied by a sharp twist of his head in your direction, bangs falling over his deep blue eyes and you knew he had found the source of the offending smell, probably even from a mile away. His gaze trailed their way from your startled face to your joint hanging limply at the edge of your fingers and then back to your face again. His expression turned from confusion to a frown and then into a knowing smirk as he crossed his arms and leaned against the bleachers.
“Oh, hello. Didn’t expect to see you here. You got cheer practice or something?”
God, he was teasing you. At least you hoped that was all it was and not some form of blackmail. Well, no point hiding now.
“I’m off-duty,” you retorted. You tried to jog your memory of the boy standing in front of you. You were social, or at least you had to be with the rest of your girlfriends to keep up appearances, but you never really bothered with the people here beyond superficial conversations. Then you finally found it - a vague recollection of last season’s track and field meet. He had been one of the better sprinters, maybe the best even, you can’t really remember. There was an afterparty, and you congratulated him, but you doubt there was anything more substantive than that.
“Leon, isn’t it?”
His eyes perked up slightly and he smiled. “In the flesh.”
You snorted at his cheesy reply. What was he pulling? 
“They gave you the key?” It almost sounded as if you were jealous.
He uncrossed his arms and placed his duffel bag on one of the benches in front of him, rummaging through its contents. “Yeah, I got a comp in the new term coming up.” Every now and then he glanced up at you, as if he wanted to ask something, but stopped himself.
A sense of boldness surged within you, as you felt like evening the odds a bit. “What? You want some?” You waved the joint in his face.
That certainly caught his attention. He stared for a good moment, before giving another one of his playful smiles and shaking his head. “Maybe after practice.” He unzipped his jacket and put it away. It was warm enough to train in his sports tank and as you admired the lean, muscular structure of his arms and shoulders now bared open, you couldn’t complain.
“So, how did you get in?”
Fuck. You snapped out of your reverie. He got you there, but you didn’t feel like lying. “Jumped the fence. You should try it some time.” You replied as nonchalantly as possible.
“Didn’t know you had it in you,” he laughed.
“Oh, you’d be surprised.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “Will I now?” The way it rolled off his tongue felt like a challenge and you secretly enjoyed this banter going on between you, as if you had known each other for years.
Shrugging your shoulders, you took another hit from the joint and let the calmness envelope you. “I never disappoint.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” Leon flashed a wide grin that made you feel a knot forming in your stomach, but you didn’t know why. 
He started to move towards the tracks, but stopped short, turning back to meet your eyes again. “Look, you don’t have to worry about all of that.” He gestured to what you were holding and the general surroundings. “I’m not going to tell.” With that, he made a sign that resembled crossing his heart. “It’ll be between you and me.” 
You would have thought it was a joke if not for the sincere look he gave you, before heading off to train. That, and the fact that he did indeed take up your offer to join you afterwards in sharing what was left of the joint. You didn’t expect someone like him to. He seemed a bit too much of a straight-laced, golden boy for that. But then again, life was filled with surprises and you quietly scolded yourself for playing into stereotypes again - something you despise others doing to you.
It prompted both of you to converse even more until the late evening where you even missed your dinner. The questions and responses just flowed.
It turned out that you would share a number of classes together in the new term, specifically Math, History and Biology. Leon was a real earful when it came to his “insightful” one-liners on the teachers, which made you bury your head in your hands and groan. You never realized he would be such a goofball, but you found it somewhat endearing.
Like you, he was popular at school, but unlike you, he seemed to enjoy the company and appeared to be an open book. He would say it how it is, sometimes to the point of being blunt to a fault. Still, you guessed people found him rather easy-going and likable, in a non-threatening sort of a way. A part you wondered if chance meetings like today were how he made most of his friends.
Leon didn’t really have a plan for college yet. He just knew he wanted to do something good and help other people. You had a word for it - “idealistic”. He just shrugged in response, eyes downcast, until you assured him that it was an admirable quality, and you were the jaded one. He made a toast to your future in some arts college in the big city with his water bottle, remarking with a hint of self-deprecation that he wished he had a clearer idea of what he wanted to do with his life.
In turn, he asked you about your dealer. You had to stifle a laugh at that one. Generally, you weren’t as big into smoking up as he thought, but this time you bummed it off one of the seniors as a favor he owed you for hooking him up with one of your cheerleader friends. It didn’t stop Leon from calling you the “high school’s little pothead” every now and then though. He peered at you intently with his lip curled in amusement, as you rolled your eyes each time.
It had been such a long time since you could joke and speak your mind with someone this way. There wasn’t that suffocating nausea of pretending to be someone else around him and he had been so relaxed with you too. You could finally breathe again, and you’d like to think it wasn’t just the weed talking.
Whatever it was, you guessed this was the beginning of a real friendship - one that happened out of serendipity, but made you feel like you weren’t going to rot away in this small town. Well, not alone anyway.
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nyxiswrites1200 · 8 months
𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙩𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙧 ♡ 𝘿𝙖𝙮 2 ♡ 𝘿𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙮 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙠
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Leon Kennedy x Fem!Reader
Resident Evil Death Island
AO3 Link
Warnings: NSFW, Minors DNI, Sexual Activities, Daddy kink, Praise, P in V, Oral, Fluff & Smut, pet names, overstimulation
Leon has very fortunately had some time off. When he's working you're often left with your thoughts and lately you've been having a recurring fantasy.
Maybe it's all those porn videos and animations you've been indulging in to pleasure yourself when he's not home. Perhaps you're just having that especially horny week. Either way, you can't get the thoughts out of your head.
It always starts the same…
Leon has you held up against him, your back pressed into his chest. His bicep wrapped around your neck in a loose manner, making sure you stay held up against him, and his cock buried so deep in your aching pussy. Leon's voice slips praises into your ear as you moan for more.
"Such a good girl…you like that?...yeah, you just love taking daddy's cock into your needy cunt. You're so good for me, darling"
The reminder of this thought was enough to have you tilting your head back into the pillow and your panties feeling damp. Suddenly, you couldn't wait until Leon got home. Maybe you'd finally act on this illicit fantasy.
Some time later, Leon returns home. You hear his keys jingle in the door and then the door shutting behind him. You get up and head downstairs to greet him.
Leon immediately smiles as he sees you and pulls you in close. "Hey sweetie" he speaks softly as he leans in and kisses you so softly.
"You doing okay?" He asks as he threads a hand through your hair.
"Mhm, I'm good" you respond, finding every touch so much more intimate than it needed to be.
Leon smiled warmly as he kissed the top of your head "Good".
You couldn't help but lean forward and bury your face into his chest "Leon.." you spoke softly. A part of you was embarrassed with how needy you felt this week. You've been trying to not bother him with it, even if he could never be bothered by you.
Leon looked at you curiously, wondering what you needed.
"Yes, honey? Is something wrong?" He asked softly, always so caring.
"No no, everything is okay. I just…" you bite your bottom lip before meeting his gaze "I really need you" you finally find the courage to say. Leon processes your words for a minute before a little huff of a laugh escapes him.
"You could have said that sooner"
He picks you up with ease as he carries you to the bedroom. He places you on the bed and kisses you again. You loved his kisses and savored them, you kissed him back desperately. Perhaps you would have held it longer if it wasn't for the week's worth of pent up frustration.
You pull away from the kiss as you grab Leon's shirt and tug it off. He more than welcomes your actions. He assists you in helping him out of his clothes until he's only wearing boxers. He then works on you, undressing you until you're left in your bra and panties.
Leon leans down and kisses a trail down your neck and to your cleavage. You finally feel reality set in on you a little as you speak up "You…you are in the mood, right?" You ask him as you meet his gaze.
Leon chuckled softly as he cups your cheek "Sweetie, I could never not be in the mood when it's you" he chuckled again.
He kissed your lips gently before giving you a small smirk "I'll be sure to show you, how much of a mood I'm in".
Leon tugs down his boxers, letting his erect cock free. He groans softly at the feeling. He brings his hand down, working himself to leaking pre-cum. You bite your bottom lip as you watch with needy desire.
He then gently pulls you up on your knees. He gets on the bed behind you, pulling your back to his chest as he leans into your ear.
"Why don't you tell me about that fantasy, hm?" He says in a tone that's teasing and almost cocky. You were left speechless for a moment, unsure how to respond.
"You…you knew?"
"I did" he said simply in response "I think it went something like this".
His bicep wrapped loosely around your neck, your hands immediately going to rest on his muscular arm. You felt his cock slide against your slick cunt, his tip slipping against your clit.
This drove you mad, all the pent up desire from the past week was fogging your brain. The only thing you were sure of is how wet you were and the need for Leon's cock to fill you to the brim.
"Please…" you beg in a breathless voice and Leon obliges "So needy, honey" his cock fills you with one swift motion, dragging a loud and lustful moan from your lips. Leon doesn't waste any time as he begins thrusting in and out of you. You tilt your head back into his shoulder as he holds you close, keeping you up.
"You needed this so bad…such a needy princess" he chuckled breathlessly as he fucked into you.
"Da-..L-Leon.." you stutter, trying to cover up your 'mistake'. However Leon wasn't going to bypass it.
"Oh? Come on, what was that, princess?" He coaxes and you crumble "D-Daddy…" you stutter out, completely embarrassed at letting it slip. "Again" Leon says, a little stern.
You tilt your head back as you speak "Daddy…" and you feel his cock twitch before pressing deep into you, bottoming out, and drawing a sinful moan from your lips.
"Good girl.." He praises you into your ear. He draws his cock back all the way out except for the tip before pushing it back in, fucking the deepest part of you. His thrusts then become quick and a little rougher as he holds you close.
"Good girl…such a good girl. You like daddy's cock? Sure you do, considering how you're clenching around me" he moans as he feels you tighten around him.
You moan in response "Yes, daddy…I love your cock…I've needed it all week" you admit, finally.
"Been so patient for me…" he says softly into your ear as he fucks how you've been fantasizing.
You could feel your orgasm coming close. Nothing but pathetic moans and whines leaving your lips as you let him use your pussy however he wants.
"You want Daddy to cum inside you? Fill you up, nice and full?"
"Please! Please, oh god, I need it, daddy~"
"That's a good girl…using your words"
You finally tipped over the edge. An orgasm washing over you, enough for you to feel light headed from the pleasure. Leon fucks you through it, until his cock twitches. You then feel his warm cum spill inside of you as he moans into your ear, burying his face into your neck.
The two of you stay silent for a moment before Leon slowly pulls out of you. He carefully lays you back on the bed.
You catch your breath as you laid sprawled out on the bed, Leon's cum dripping out of your used hole.
Leon leans down and lazily kisses along your thigh "Such a pretty girl…you did so well, sweetie" he praises you.
You accept it as you close your eyes for a moment, only for a whine to leave them a minute later. You look down as Leon's mouth latches onto your sensitive cunt. Your hand tangles into his hair as you moan "Leon…it's too much-" you tilt your head back into the pillows.
"Shh, I've got you. Just relax, princess" he says softly. His tongue swipes across your clit before pushing into your used folds. He eats you out, tasting the mix of your cum and his. He holds your shaking thighs as he laps you clean like you're his last meal.
You're nothing but a shaky and moaning mess as he does this, but you don't mind. His nose bumps against your clit as his tongue pushes deeper into you. You feel a familiar overwhelming pleasure as he continues.
"Leon- oh god-...I'm gonna-" you stutter out as your hand grips his hair tighter. He moans as your thighs tighten around his head, keeping his tongue in your pussy as you cum on his face. Leon could die like this for all he cared. His tongue laps at your new orgasm as he lets you grind into his face.
It takes you a minute before you realize you're keeping him held there. You loosen your grip on his hair and let your thighs fall limp onto the bed. He pulls away, taking a breath as he licks your slick off his lips.
"Good girl" he praises before he crawls up beside you and pulls you in close, petting your hair.
"If you ever need me, let me know. No matter what the fantasy is, ok?" He says softly and you nod as you smile at his sweetness.
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datcloudboi · 5 months
List of Video Games Turning 10 Years Old in 2024
Alien: Isolation
Assassin's Creed: Rogue (the one where you play as an Assassin turned Templar.)
Assassin's Creed: Unity (the one set during the French Revolution.)
Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky
Azure Striker Gunvolt
The Banner Saga
Bayonetta 2
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea (the DLC where you go back to Rapture)
A Bird Story (a sort of spin-off of "To the Moon")
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! (is this a sequel to 1 or a prequel to 1? I forgor)
Bravely Default (in North America)
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (the one with K*vin Sp*cey)
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (to date, the last new Castlevania game to release)
Child of Light
The Crew (going offline at the end of March)
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die (a wonderfully strange game from the guy that made Deadly Premonition)
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (in North America)
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (in North America)
Dark Souls II
Deception IV: Blood Ties
Demon Gaze
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
Disney Infinity 2.0
Divinity: Original Sin (from the team that would go on to make Baldur's Gate 3)
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Dragon Age: Inquisition (the winner of GOTY at the very first TGAs)
Drakengard 3
Earth Defense Force 2025 (EDF! EDF! EDF!)
The Evil Within (from the creative director of Resident Evil)
Fable Anniversary
Fairy Fencer F
Far Cry 4
Freedom Planet
Guilty Gear Xrd Sign
Hyrule Warriors
Inazuma Eleven (in North America. And digital only.)
Infamous: Second Son (as well as its expansion, First Light)
Kirby: Triple Deluxe
The Last of Us Remastered (just one year after the original version came out...)
The Legend of Korra (the game from PlatinumGames that you can't buy anymore)
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Lego The Hobbit
The Lego Movie Videogame
Lethal League (from the team that would go on to make Bomb Rush Cyberfunk)
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (the third and final chapter of the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy)
Lisa: The Painful (yes, really)
LittleBigPlanet 3
Lords of the Fallen (not to be confused with Lords of the Fallen, which came out in 2023)
Mario Golf: World Tour
Mario Kart 8 (the original version)
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes (the prologue to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, which came out 18 months later)
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor
Might & Magic X: Legacy
Murdered: Soul Suspect (it's like Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, but not as good)
Natural Doctrine
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty! (a from the ground up remake of the first Oddworld game from 1997)
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2 (yes, it got a sequel. I don't know how or why.)
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth
Pokemon Omega Ruby & Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy (the last time that Professor Layton himself was the protagonist. At least, until the New World of Steam comes out)
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Pushmo World
Risen 3: Titan Lords
Sacred 3
Samurai Warriors 4
Shadowrun: Dragonfall
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (the 3rd one)
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
Shovel Knight (yes, really)
Skylanders: Trap Team (the 4th one)
Sniper Elite III
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric
Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Steins;Gate (in North America)
Strider (the one from Double Helix)
Sunset Overdrive
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS (or Smash 4 for short)
Tales of Xillia 2
Tales of Hearts R
The Talos Principle
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call
Thief (the reboot)
This War of Mine
Toukiden: The Age of Demons
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (this game merged the storyline of the War for/Fall of Cybertron games with the storyline of the Michael Bay movies. I’m not joking)
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
The Walking Dead: Season Two
Wasteland 2
Watch Dogs
The Witch and the Hundred Knight
The Wolf Among Us (sequel this year!)
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z
Yoshi's New Island
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wakeofearth · 7 months
picking a dog from his tag.
part iii,
information: leon kennedy x oc, military – even though the writer doesn’t know a thing about it – word count: 1.5± part i , part ii
The soldiers had just concluded their daily routine—some were already trudging towards their barracks, and most were still inside the cafeteria. Their voices echoed throughout the hall, loud in some spots, as the men were engaged in enthusiastic conversations about their day's training. In contrast, the clatter of knives and forks against plates filled the air, accompanied by occasional grunts and groans of satisfaction from those indulging in their hearty meals. For some soldiers, the training regime was too demanding, and they sought comfort in their food. Others relished the challenges and were still bursting with energy despite the tiring hours.
Outside, the sun set while the air grew cooler, and the moon rose in the sky. Kyle and Leon squared off against each other, their eyes locked in that silent dance before the start of any fight. Kyle stood in his place, watching Leon’s every movement—his muscles tensed, and his eyes narrowed. Kyle asked, his gaze moving from Leon’s face to his feet, "Ready?"
They circled each other, eyeing each other’s movements and stances. Leon made the first move, charging forward and delivering a swift kick. Kyle dodged, then retaliated with a jab to the stomach. Leon parried, and they locked arms, struggling to gain leverage against each other. Kyle deftly slipped free from Leon's hold and swept Leon off his feet.
Leon hit the ground hard, and as he stood, he was slightly breathless. He charged quickly back toward Kyle, trying to deliver a kick, but the older man easily dodged out of the way. Kyle grabbed Leon's foot in midair, yanking it slightly out to the side to make him stumble before delivering a quick kick to his stomach.
The next few seconds were a blur of movement. Leon rolled and jumped to his feet once more, the two soldiers circling again. He made his best effort to recover from his slip-up, but the fear in Leon's eyes mirrored the truth: he was in trouble. Leon shifted into a defensive stance, ready to deflect Kyle's next attack. However, Kyle's fast attack disrupted Leon's plan, striking him squarely on the chin. He staggered back, struggling to maintain his balance.
“Focus on the moment, not the past.”
As Leon swung repeatedly, Kyle quickly dodged, catching his arm and locking it in a grip. He then pivoted and twisted it behind Leon's back, forcing him to kneel. He held Leon there for a moment.
"Whatever you come up against will not be as forgiving as me, Leon. You'd be killed in one more careless move. And dead people do not get to fight."
Leon's heart raced, desperate thoughts running through his head as he struggled to escape the strong grip of Kyle's hand. He knew Kyle was right—if Leon was caught off-guard in a real fight, it could cost him his life. He knows that very well.
Something crackled on his skin, like he was burning with fire. He raised his head and locked eyes with Kyle, his gaze intense. The closeness between the two soldiers grew more intense as the physical sensations of the sparring sessions began to take on an almost sensual nature.
Despite the seriousness of the training session, a thrill ran through Leon at his touch. The younger soldier felt his heart rate elevate even further, unable to break away from Kyle's piercing stare. As he struggled beneath Kyle's grip, a spark of attraction flared between the two of them, the heat on their skins drawing them even closer.
When Kyle released Leon, the blonde man took a moment to recompose himself before rising to his feet once more. They both locked eyes, with Leon breathing heavily as they stood face-to-face.
The expression on the younger soldier's face resembled that of a cornered cat, ready to use its claws to defend itself to gain freedom. He wanted to hurl words at the older soldier, but he was still affected by what had happened moments ago. Was he scared, or was his mind playing with him?
He took a defensive position this time, not wanting Kyle to throw him to the ground again. His blue eyes followed Kyle's movements. There was a pain in his shoulder blade and his stomach; he was tired but not out of the fight yet.
What was the difference between him and Kyle, besides the experience? If he wants to survive until the end of the training, he has to study everyone. How they keep their balance after they just kicked someone or how they dodge their opponents' attacks.
That was the reason Leon asked Kyle to help him. To study him and learn what he has to do in the field. For a second chance. He wasn’t planning to lose more people—he couldn't take a second Raccoon City.
If he wants to keep Sherry safe, even though she was under the government's "protection," and keep Claire out of the government's eye, he needs to learn how to survive through this so-called training. It was the deal he had made, and he hoped they would hold up their end of the bargain.
Kyle initiated the encounter, transitioning from a roundhouse kick to striking his opponent's exposed side. Leon stepped backward to dodge, attempting to minimize the movements of his body to not create any openings for his opponent to take advantage of. However, despite his best efforts, he wasn't quick enough to get in a counterattack, leaving him open to Kyle's swift kick. Kyle, utilizing his experience in sparring, successfully landed the strike, causing Leon to stagger backward in pain.
As their spar continued, Kyle's years of training gave him the upper hand. Leon struggled to keep up, with his movements slowing down, but he gradually adapted to Kyle's fighting style, learning to defend himself. Yet, he still had much to learn before he could pose a genuine threat in hand-to-hand combat.
Despite the seriousness of the training, Leon's heart raced with each exchange. The intensity between them was undeniable. Their proximity and the heat of their skin drew them closer. When Kyle released him, Leon stood his ground, ready to continue and determined to prove himself.
It wasn’t about winning; Leon wasn’t in a competition; he was learning.
Leon stood his ground and waited for Kyle to make the first move, his heart racing as he took a deep breath. He had to stay focused, learn from the experience, and not waste their valuable time. Despite the serious nature of their fight, there was an undeniable heat between them. Their proximity made it almost impossible to keep their attention on the sparring match.
Suddenly, Kyle lunged forward and delivered a swift kick. Leon managed to dodge out of the way and counter with a jab. Their eyes locked, both determined to prove their strength.
Leon stood his ground and waited for Kyle to make the first move, his heart racing as he took a deep breath. He had to stay focused, learn from the experience, and not waste their valuable time. Despite the serious nature of their fight, there was an undeniable heat between them. Their proximity made it almost impossible to keep their attention on the sparring match.
Suddenly, Kyle lunged forward and delivered a swift kick. Leon managed to dodge out of the way and counter with a jab. Their eyes locked, both determined to prove their strength.
As their eyes locked, Leon and Kyle paused, both breathing heavily from their exertions. "You're good at defending yourself." Kyle acknowledged it with a nod.
Leon took a long breath, his blonde hair sticking to his forehead because of the sweat. "I'm still not quick enough to land a blow. You read me too easily."
"You need time. Don't be too harsh on yourself."
Leon frowns, frustration simmering beneath the surface. He wants nothing more than to prove himself so he can have a chance against the other soldiers. He was sick of hearing taunts everywhere he went, even though none of it was his fault. He wasn't the one who asked to join this program or be a puppet for the government in exchange for his and Sherry's safety.
"I know," Leon murmured his words while his eyes traveled to Kyle's foot movements. He was missing something, but he wasn't sure what it was.
Leon inhales deeply, his breathing steadying as he focuses intently on Kyle's form. Their eyes remain locked, an unspoken understanding passing between them.
"Show me again, but slower this time," Leon requests. "I want to see where I'm going wrong."
Kyle nods in agreement, launching into a series of slow kicks and jabs for Leon to observe. Leon's eyes flick back and forth, analyzing every minuscule movement. His brow furrows in concentration.
As Kyle moves to strike, Leon sees the telltale shift in weight and tension that betrays the incoming blow. He reacts instinctively, blocking the kick and countering with a punch of his own.
Their eyes widen in unison, both surprised by Leon's breakthrough. A small, proud smile tugs at Kyle's lips. 'You've got it,' he murmurs approvingly.
It wasn't high praise, but these three words brought a smile to Leon's face. The older soldier's hand found its way to Leon's shoulder, giving it a squeeze in a friendly gesture.
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