#predator concrete jungle
videogamepolls · 3 months
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Requested by anon
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but-a-humble-goon · 3 months
Games like Predator Concrete Jungle are to me in a weird way the ultimate proof that videogames are art, because on a technical and design level the game completely sucks. It's cobbled together and barely functional, the control is woeful and the combat looks like two beached fish trying to mate with each other. The actual game part of this game is basically objectively terrible. But a funny thing happens the longer you play it which is that you realize you're almost starting to enjoy it. Cool shit starts happening, there are isolated lines and moments throughout this game that are legit awesome. Little things that have absolutely nothing to do with the measurable qualities of this videogame start to add up to if not something good, then at least something. I'm not telling anybody to go out and buy this game, I do not think it was good even for when it came out and it has certainly not aged gracefully. But it is, in a weird way, proof that games have a soul. That games can have a personality that makes them more than just how they are to play or even the tangible merits of their writing. Sometimes the measure of a game is just how it makes you feel. If anyone wants a fun example of this, go watch the Super Best Friends' playthrough where you can see them going through a whole slowburn enemies to lovers relationship with the game over the course of the let's play where they spend the whole time treating it like an endurance test before finally begrudgingly admitting they kind of like it and would be onboard for it getting a sequel.
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briangrossman · 1 year
So...Predator: Concrete Jungle:
Huge shout out to Bruno Borgia, who decided to fight a fucking legendary Yautja with a battle axe, shield and some Italians.
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figures4fun · 1 year
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Fake video game HUD
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skxrbrand · 1 year
Move well, or die.
Predator: Concrete Jungle (2005)
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thenomadclan · 2 years
WELCOME EVERYONE TO ANOTHER NOMAD CLAN MUSIC VIDEO! In honor of the game Predator: Concrete Jungle I kinda wanted to bring back a old classic that I loved seeing and hope to play here on the channel, with a song I think really works well with! I hope you all enjoy and I encourage all to play Predator: Concrete Jungle on PC or PS2 or Xbox just once for the Predator / Yautja Fandom never truly had a better Single Player Story Game experience like this before.
DISCLAIMER: I’m not looking to make any money from this, it’s simply for fun and just showing some fandom love
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guywithbeer · 1 year
Check out my review of PREDATOR CONCRETE JUNGLE on the original xbox here.
#predatorconcretejungle #review #videogames #gaming #eurocom #vivendiuniversalgames #predator #xbox #ogxbox #originalxbox
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rustleddoodles · 2 months
I wonder if clowns are predators to mimes cause they blend in with them color wise to them cause mimes can't see color? Like it's the same reason tigers are orange cause deer can't see that color so in their colorblindness it just makes it look green?
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retrogamelovers · 5 months
Ever play it?
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the-gershomite · 2 months
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Predator Concrete Jungle -Trade paperback 2012- originally 4 issues in 1990
script by Mark Verheiden
pencils by Chris Wagner & Ron Randall
inks by Sam De La Rosa, Chris Warner & Randy Emberlin
colors by Chris Chalenor
letters by Jim Massara & David Jackson
cover by Den Beauvais
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morticrow · 2 years
Scarface appreciation post
What a total babe
Best husbando
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garaviel · 6 months
Ok it needs to be law that if you make a port of something you HAVE to update it until its at least FUN
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carmenpeach · 2 years
yautja ru paul: hit the flay button!
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2lim3rz · 6 months
Spoilers for Concrete Jungle
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Ignoring the fact it told me how!!!!
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maulfucker · 8 months
Ok so. This is less concrete thoughts and more scattered ideas but.
Dathomirian Zabrak biology speculations/thoughts!
While at first glance it looks like males are the only ones who have different skin colors and the females are all pale, we do see at least one Nightsister with darker skin (the one whose facial markings are white and resemble a skull), meaning skin pigmentation is present in both but manifests differently in males vs females!
(This is much like birds where the females are the neutral-colored ones while the males have more vibrant colorations and are expected to impress the females to be picked as a mate)
And it's very curious to me that iridonians have very human-like skin tones, while dathomirians ended up having two extremes, either having very vibrant skin ranging from yellow to red, or very pale skin ranging from white to dark gray, both outside the human (and iridonian) range
I think if a transgender dathomirian had HRT their skin color would gradually change with it (much like how birds can change coloration depending on their hormones)
The fact that males have no hair and females have no horns seems very random to me and I will not be thinking about the hair thing but I will say:
Have you looked at Mother Talzin's head shape. Have you seen how strangely tall it looks. What if. What if females "lack" horns because instead of growing at just a few specific points their entire skulls grow and elongate over their lifetimes.
This makes sense if you consider that they live in a "dense jungle" type environment where things (fruits, branches, predators..) can fall on their heads all the time. Having a thicker skull would probably help avoid a cracked skull from constantly getting hit in the head by falling stuff
(No idea what about the hair thing though. Maybe it's something to do with gene interactions. Like whatever gene makes their skin so saturated also deactivates the "have hair" genes. or maybe nightsisters are all wearing wigs and none of them actually grow hair)
Speaking of the geography of the planet, I think it's pretty sad that we never really get a good look of what the Nightbrothers' region looks like outside the village and some mountain terrain around it. Is it more sunny than the Nightsisters' side and that's why their skin adapted to have more color while the females' adapted to lose color? Or is it a seasonal thing and we just never got to see another season in the shows? Or is the village just built in a place that's so high the mist doesn't reach it? We get the sense that it's cold, at least at night, so why are they dressed in such light clothes? In fact, is it hot where the Nightsisters live, or is the entire species more adapted to colder temperatures and that's why they all wear so little?
What would happen if you crossed a dathomirian zabrak with a species that also has non-human skin tones but not linked to sexual dimorphism. Like what if you had a pantoran-zabrak cross, since pantorans are on the opposite side of the color wheel. Do you think they'd be an extremely vibrant blue or yellow-orange-red, or a middle ground, like green? Or perhaps an extreme outside both species' range, like purple? Do you think the "no saturation" gene would take over and make them gray no matter the gender?
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