lilie-stuffs · 8 months
Instant pub - Crescent City
Sur CRESCENT CITY, forum surnaturel se déroulant à la Nouvelle-Orléans, les membres nécromants du Coven des Songes sont activement recherchés, principalement Cole, le porteur de la pierre de pouvoirs spéciaux. Ce Coven est lié au clan vampire Tasdal.
Decima est actuellement à la tête du Coven avec ses deux comparses, formant ainsi ce que les sorcières du clan nomment le "Trio Somnia". Il s'agit d'un Coven ancien lié au clan Tasdal depuis bien longtemps et qui fournit donc les porteuses d'Emeraude liées au roi de génération en génération. Mais depuis peu, ce n'est pas une, mais un porteur de pierre qui est lié au clan. Le forum est +18 ans ; demande 1 rp tous les 2 mois et 350 mots minimum. Ambiance agréable et "familiale", Staff ouvert et compréhensif. N'hésitez pas à y jeter un coup d'œil ;)
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betsgreys · 2 years
Neo predef powder
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#Neo predef powder full#
The cortisone spray wasn't helping that I could tell. He doesn't do much however because the Gold Bond is so nasty tasting. Meghane, I think it's still itching him because he does keep turning to mess with it. It's tough finding a competent groomer and one who doesn't abuse the animals. Maybe some dogs can handle being washed with that, but mine surely can't. He whipped out a bottle of Ivory dish soap and I almost died. Actually one of the dogs was so freaked I had to. Told me I could stay while he groomed them. I brought them to this one guy one time and he was a nut job. Use to have the world's best groomer and she moved away. So I'll have to struggle to bathe them myself till I find a competent groomer.
#Neo predef powder full#
I asked her to use oatmeal shampoo and not perfumes, but that lasted once and when I picked them up this last time they were full of that perfume. Also, I notice a lot of scratching when they have no fleas. Recently I find their fur is not as soft and shiny as it should be. I have been concerned about my groomer and what she may be using on the dogs. The cone from the ER is huge, but it keeps his mouth away from the spot. I'm going to contact the company who makes them and see if they'll refund my shipping also. Too bad I also paid $25 next day air to get it here only to have it not work. The other contraption is going back to UPCO for a credit. Well, I had to resort to going by the ER tonight to get even a larger plastic e-collar that he couldn't lick around.
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polytonki · 2 years
Neo predef powder
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#Neo predef powder skin
But if this powder would be beneficial for the ones that pluck, it sure would be nicer for the dogs.especially like the doodle you mentioned. I have clients that tell me their vet insist that I pluck ears.I ask for the name of vet and call them to explain several reasons why I don't pluck (don't usually have any more insisting after explaining my reasons).
#Neo predef powder skin
It is antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.sounds like the perfect thing for ear plucking.The pain of plucking is one of the reasons I refuse to pluck, no need to make the dog hate grooming (they already dislike the vet, lol). NEO-PREDEF with Tetracaine Powder is indicated in the treatment or adjunctive therapy of certain ear and skin conditions in dogs, cats and horses caused by or associated with neomycin-susceptible organisms and/or allergy. I have a Doodle client who has the hairiest ears ever and they insist that I is agonizing to this dog and she hates to come because of it.she cries and I feel horrible.I noticed I needed a script for Neo=Predef but I am willing to talk to a vet a get it if it helps with pain. I explain to all new clients the reasons I don't pluck the ears and how I DO groom them( comb all the hair out and shave is off followed by a good cleaning). Neo-Predef with Tetracaine Powder is indicated in the treatment of certain ear and skin conditions in dogs, cats and horses. Benadryl: For those really itchy days, or getting stung. Thanks Cyn, I don't pluck either as a rule but what I am running in to is vets telling my clients that their dog has an infection because I didn't pluck their ears. Neo Predef Powder: Prescription from vet, but awesome product for those itchy spots.
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heroesmains · 2 years
Neo predef powder
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#Neo predef powder pdf
Provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts.įood and Drug Administration, HHS. Rendition of the daily Federal Register on does not Until the ACFR grants it official status, the XML Legal research should verify their results against an official edition of
#Neo predef powder pdf
The official SGML-based PDF version on, those relying on it for The material on is accurately displayed, consistent with While every effort has been made to ensure that Regulatory information on with the objective ofĮstablishing the XML-based Federal Register as an ACFR-sanctioned The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status.įor complete information about, and access to, our official publications Informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the Federal This prototype edition of theĭaily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial Each document posted on the site includes a link to theĬorresponding official PDF file on. The documents posted on this site are XML renditions of published Federal Register, and does not replace the official print version or the official It is not an official legal edition of the Federal This site displays a prototype of a “Web 2.0” version of the dailyįederal Register.
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asktoi · 1 year
(Je ne peux pas envoyer de message privé alors je passe ici mais inutile d'y répondre publiquement !)
En gros pour les forums illustrés la plupart des questions concernant les FC sont caduques. L'origine, le genre, etc à respecter, c'est propre aux FC réels puisque nous n'avons que très rarement de telles informations sur les illustrations et qu'au delà de ça les dessins ont rarement des caractéristiques physiques suffisantes pour qu'on puisse les classer correctement (ex : les illustrations de personnages provenant d'Asie, à part dans certains manhwa, ne sont en général pas représentées avec des yeux bridés)
De fait tout ce qui en découle n'existe juste pas chez nous (FC problématiques, FC qui doit respecter l'origine de la famille dans un scénario ou predef, précisions dans le règlement etc)
Le sondage sur les moodboards aussi : nous n'utilisons quasi jamais de personnage dans des moodboards, plutôt des images esthétiques. C'est même rare qu'on fasse des moodboards tout court
Merci beaucoup pour tes informations. Je te permets de les publier car ta réponse est pertinente et peut-être utile pour les personnes qui souhaitent explorer ces solutions / univers, ou qui se posent la même question que toi. Si tu ne te sens pas concerné-e par les questions, tu peux toujours donner ton point de vue externe ou laisser les réponses vides.
Nous avons demandé un avis global lors de la publication du submit ask et nous avons publié les réponses que nous avons reçues. Certaines seront publiées sous forme de sondage sur le tumblr au fur et à mesure. Si tu souhaites voir des questions sur les faceclaims illustrés, je t'invite à poser tes propres questions ou à partager le lien du tumblr avec tes partenaires pour qu'il y ait plus de sujets abordés propres à votre univers de jeu. Nous serons heureux de relayer vos questions pour vous aider dans votre questionnement.
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blogchaindeveloper · 8 months
How Prompt Engineering Works?
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Understanding the intricacies of massive AI models is an art. Even technical experts can find themselves baffled by the unexpected capabilities of large language models (LLMs), the core elements of AI chatbots such as ChatGPT. Therefore, it's no wonder that prompt engineering has emerged as the most trending profession in the field of generative AI, with some organisations offering enticing salaries of up to ₹3,50,00,000 to entice top-tier candidates. In this article, we'll explore what prompt engineering is, how to become a prompt engineer, why it's important, and how it operates.
Understanding Prompt Engineering
Prompt engineering involves the creation of clear and informative questions or instructions that help users obtain desired outputs from AI models. These prompts serve as specific inputs that shape language models' behaviour and text generation. By carefully constructing prompts, users can influence and control the output of AI models, making them more useful and dependable.
The History of Prompt Engineering
While prompt engineering might not have a long history, its roots can be traced back to early NLP research and the development of AI language models. Let's take a brief journey through its evolution:
Pre-transformer Era (Before 2017)
Before the advent of transformer-based models like OpenAI's GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), prompt engineering wasn't a common practice. Earlier models, such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs), lacked contextual knowledge and adaptability, limiting the potential for prompt engineering.
Pre-training and the Emergence of Transformers (2017)
The introduction of transformers, especially through Vaswani et al.'s "Attention Is All You Need" paper in 2017, revolutionised NLP. Transformers enabled large-scale pre-training of language models, teaching them how to represent words and sentences in context. However, prompt engineering remained a relatively unexplored technique during this period.
Fine-tuning and the Rise of GPT (2018)
A significant turning point for prompt engineering came with the introducing of OpenAI's GPT models. These models demonstrated the effectiveness of pre-training and fine-tuning for specific tasks. Researchers and practitioners began to use prompt engineering techniques to guide the behaviour and output of GPT models for various purposes.
Advancements in Prompt Engineering Techniques (2018–Present)
As the understanding of prompt engineering deepened, researchers started experimenting with different strategies. This included crafting prompts with rich context, using rule-based templates, integrating system or user instructions, and exploring techniques like prefix tuning. The aim was to enhance control, mitigate biases, and improve the overall performance of language models.
Community Contributions and Exploration (2018–Present)
Prompt engineering gained popularity among NLP experts, leading to the exchange of ideas, best practices, and lessons learned among academics and programmers. Online discussion boards, academic publications, and open-source libraries played a vital role in advancing prompt engineering methods.
Ongoing Research and Future Directions (Present and Beyond)
Prompt engineering remains an active area of research and development. Researchers are continuously exploring ways to make prompt engineering more effective, interpretable, and user-friendly. Techniques like rule-based rewards, reward models, and human-in-the-loop approaches are being investigated to refine prompt engineering strategies.
The Significance of Prompt Engineering
Prompt engineering is crucial for improving the usability and interpretability of AI systems. It offers several benefits:
Improved Control
By providing clear instructions through prompts, users can steer language models to generate desired responses. This level of control ensures that AI certification models deliver results in line with predefined standards or requirements.
Reducing Bias in AI Systems
Prompt engineering serves as a tool to mitigate bias in AI systems. Carefully crafted prompts can help identify and reduce biases in generated text, resulting in fairer and more equitable outcomes.
Modifying Model Behavior
Prompt engineering allows for the customization of language models to exhibit specific behaviours. This empowers AI systems to excel in particular tasks or domains, enhancing their accuracy and reliability in specific use cases.
How Prompt Engineering Works
Prompt engineering follows a systematic process to create effective prompts. Here are the key steps:
1. Specify the Task
Clearly define the specific goal or objective you want the language model to accomplish. This can encompass any NLP task, such as text completion, translation, or summarization.
2. Identify Inputs and Outputs
Define the required inputs for the language model and the desired outputs you expect from the system.
3. Create Informative Prompts
Craft prompts that convey the expected behaviour to the model. These questions should be concise, clear, and tailored to the purpose. Discovering the most effective prompts may require some trial and error and fine-tuning.
4. Iterate and Evaluate
Test the created prompts by inputting them into the language model and assessing the results. Analyse the outcomes, identify any shortcomings, and adjust the instructions to enhance performance.
5. Calibration and Fine-tuning
Take into account the findings from the evaluation when calibrating and fine-tuning the prompts. This process involves making minor adjustments to achieve the desired model behaviour, ensuring it aligns with the intended task and requirements.
Empowering Minds: The Significance of AI Prompt Engineer Courses
In the evolving landscape of AI and generative technologies, the role of an AI prompt engineer has gained immense significance. As AI models like ChatGPT continue to shape our digital interactions, prompt engineers play a crucial role in understanding and directing these powerful models. To become an adept prompt engineer, one can opt for a prompt engineer course, a structured program that imparts the essential skills and knowledge required to master this field. Attaining a prompt engineer certification or AI certification not only validates one's expertise but also opens doors to lucrative career opportunities. In a world where the demand for skilled prompt engineers is on the rise, these courses provide the foundation for individuals to harness the potential of AI and contribute to the ever-expanding realm of generative AI.
In conclusion, prompt engineering is an evolving and impactful technique in NLP. It empowers users to have greater control over AI systems, reduce biases, and customize model behaviour for various applications. With ongoing research and collaboration within the NLP community, prompt engineering continues to shape the future of AI, making it more accessible, reliable, and equitable. For those seeking AI and prompt engineering certifications, Blockchain Council is at the forefront, bridging the gap between aspiring professionals and the exciting world of AI prompt engineering. Blockchain Council, renowned for its expertise in blockchain technology, extends its commitment to empowering individuals in the world of AI prompt engineering. As a group of subject experts and enthusiasts, the Blockchain Council has a proven track record of providing authoritative courses and certifications in emerging technologies. With the growing importance of AI prompt engineering, Blockchain Council's courses and certifications equip learners with the essential skills and knowledge required to excel in this field.
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444names · 2 years
genword series: reemish predef
Abab Abe Abrala Aderadwe Adibrit Aglikree Akree Amegeegu Angit Apa Ape Apeep Aple Asa Asushpaneeru Atino Atola Azhga Azhgeb Azka Azted Azukrep Azupegagu Badimutunge Badro Bako Bamadil Bameeget Banizginelek Bateeb Batolid Baze Bazhgib Bebrup Beebeenga Beedabwa Beedro Beema Beenganaglee Beengopa Beepupobre Bemudla Bibo Bide Bikrawa Bilel Bipang Bipolapree Biprang Bispanubasta Bistupee Bitange Bitenizhu Biztepud Blelugree Blikubub Blipu Bliranudap Blitoku Blodlug Blototub Blutugagu Bodu Boke Bopadagap Bopime Bopwezud Brangukigopa Bripab Brokla Brukipratee Buke Bunge Bupeed Bupongizat Butipuk Buzhbu Dadee Dakatwa Daple Dazhdutingug Deebu Deekeeleglee Deemirobo Deetameeteedreed Denura Detap Deted Dloboshtop Dlokwe Dlup Dolee Dongeblin Dopat Dradu Dudwab Dugipak Dungup Durab Dwidrashbag Dwitreezdet Ebitu Edeeg Edipra Eebo Eedla Eegeeleed Eeke Eemug Eeneela Eengu Eepaglanope Eepazhdada Eepra Eepristezpasta Eepwan Eepween Eetlik Eetlishpup Eetwe Eetweg Eezbeet Eeze Eezhe Eezhteeg Ekloshuking Ekog Ekwee Elig Emuke Ene Epubat Eto Etuzhtu Gabazeb Gapwab Gazee Gheedwipongee Gheepa Gila Ginganalo Glipro Gongipo Gretlupwung Grube Gutetadonan Guzed Guzin Ibee Ibla Iblopwik Ida Idrik Igakra Igleep Ikuzib Ileek Ina Inep Ingakrab Itig Itleeg Itweeke Iwe Izbu Izhbekapreebrep Izpinge Kabib Kadleprobe Kagrutreeb Kalu Kedruzdupreep Keegungakabra Keepigwe Kibameelot Kisgee Kosang Krushta Krutree Kupa Kuteeshbatazhto Kwata Kwazhe Kwunarot Labeenadidup Labiba Labiship Labwom Ladeenip Lakan Lang Lape Lapwe Latra Leebree Leepila Leetro Leetwong Legwe Lekep Lekwagu Lengeepra Letle Libikre Lidu Liminga Lino Lipo Lipu Lisbu Liza Lobit Lobob Logliboblop Lomip Longuble Loshpingebop Lozhuwideeta Lubupeedo Ludeeplu Ludrogreep Lugasabiblee Lunetwad Lungashbuduna Lunutatweege Lupleenitra Lupopwe Luprut Mazho Medrug Meegoglo Meeme Meemubusob Meesheep Migiklo Mingida Modee Motal Motedongagwo Motee Nakagwu Nangeg Napunoba Neepwo Neesitad Nesbu Nibe Nidwot Nike Nileemikang Nutatwotweet Nuzob Obezhpa Obwodwo Odre Odwo Ogab Oke Oklogrune Omika Opra Oprat Oreen Ozutee Pable Paking Palo Papung Patranumupeek Patre Pebu Pedigla Peeklak Peemit Peengukap Peeno Peetel Peka Pibab Pibakat Piglim Pigro Pipabotikre Pizhbeebeg Plabo Plato Pleeshpap Plelu Pobeepawu Pogadlee Pogladwid Potwa Pozib Prapu Preeshkigro Pribatreeg Primo Prodip Prola Prosbare Pubabiplage Pubible Puge Puke Puklong Puzumigedeb Rabrotob Rade Rado Radopoze Rake Ranadupwe Ranu Rapipre Rapree Rapwut Rariglutadlad Raskabeelad Rateeku Ratlu Reedwe Reegod Reesa Reetribra Regetistat Rekle Remabo Repu Retedwepwa Rezhtatupwe Ribe Ringup Rinina Riplipleepradree Ripree Rishga Riwa Rizhupraska Rolun Ruba Ruku Rukweeb Rune Runge Runupe Rupwa Rutlamule Shagulu Sheepin Shibusheeng Shoste Tako Tamobwo Tatupestud Tatwee Teekag Teene Tekak Tekeepu Tenatrasap Tibeeplu Timab Tineeb Tipe Tipwazhapipee Tleewan Tletig Tlipe Tlungin Tlunipane Tobung Todageep Tongin Totlibongu Toze Treekiga Treskudodlum Trobe Truzu Tututa Uda Udip Udishbe Udlu Uklat Umap Ungidil Unog Uroplee Urushe Usta Ut Uzbat Uzhbu Waban Wabipre Wabone Wabre Wabushbu Waledle Wangage Wapikonuzba Wapre Washipipwo Wazodo Weeget Weemalep Weenumebrup Weepipre Weeseek Wibo Widezee Widre Wikote Wim Wipwet Witeezpobweeb Wiwapeek Wostamebra Wude Wumomeeko Wutrabuk Wutro Zeedem Zheedee ǂibeeb ǂopwa ǂuse ǃeekut ǃeepe ǃeewiga ǃezadanetu ǃogadweet ʘeeda ʘeegwad ʘegabipra ʘipwu ʘitakee ʘudokebozhub ʘupeeb
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I’ve had a 102-103 fever all night and it only comes down briefly if I take a high dose of Tylenol. I don’t think the vet would let me bring her in even if I could walk the miles it takes to get there & back.
That said, I’ll get a urine sample from her and if it’s dark I’ll call the vet and if it’s not I’ll wait for another accident before calling. Her urine was dark and kind of red last time but we assumed it was bc of her beet supplement. After her last appointment I took her off that supplement just incase she did get worse. If it’s still dark/red we’ve got big problems.
I’ve been in level 7 pain for 48 hours. To put that into perspective, at level 5 I would gladly take a hammer and break all my toes if it meant I could be rid of the level 5 pain (weird I know but it gets the point across). So level 7 is pretty bad. I can only speak short sentences so I would have to email the vet instead. Level 8 pain is one word responses and screaming in pain so if my fever goes down and they let me come in hopefully I can make it there and still be coherent.
Thank you everyone for your support and for the followers who support in silence I know you’re out there and I appreciate the love. If anyone wants to throw out ideas of what’s wrong with her feel free to do so, it might actually help. Love you all 🫶
The only time she’s ever been incontinent is in the days following up anasthesia. Three times she’s gone under and three times she had incontinence afterwards. She went under for her OFAs the first week of May and a dental fix two weeks later. She had urinary incontinence for a few days after her dental appointment but as far as I know it went away for a while before all this happened.
On May 24th? She woke up with a swollen Vulva but no incontinence. We went to the vet and put her on Neo-Predef. She was pretty much back to normal by Friday so I took her swimming for 20 minutes in a GOOD lake on a people beach that wasn’t closed or anything due to algae or ecoli as far as I know.
The day after her swim (Sat 28th) she woke up with incontinence. It was pretty bad. Happened every time she fell asleep or was about to fall asleep. She started drinking a lot of water so all the potty pads were clear. I didn’t see any blood.
The vet would be closed until Tuesday, so on May 29th I got a good bladder supplement and started giving her the full dose (May 29/30/31). She immediately improved and went from having accidents every half hour due to exhaustion to only having them a couple times a day.
We went to the vet on May 31st for the incontinence. Her urinalysis was completely normal and they didn’t think it was bladder crystals. Her urine sample was dark/reddish which concerned them at first but it was easy to blame the beet supplement she gets. She was put on a broad spectrum under the suspicion she just had a mild UTI that isn’t showing up yet.
Wed June 1st she felt much better and didn’t have any accidents. Thursday June 2nd it got much worse all of a sudden. She started having frequent accidents again and even pooped (normal healthy poop) while she was napping.
Today is Friday June 3rd. The vet had said if she’s still sick by Friday this could be much worse than a UTI and bring her in immediately. I’ve been sick with a high fever and high pain levels for two days so I’m not sure they will let me come in at all. I haven’t gotten out of bed yet due to pain but I’m going to do that now and get another urine sample. It it’s still dark red despite being off the beets for a few days I’m going to try to get an appointment. If she’s acting better and it’s clear then I will wait and see if she’s still having accidents before I call in.
She had a small accident last night but her urine looks pretty normal to me and she doesn’t seem particularly unwell. I changed all her bedding in her room and got her a lickmat until I feel well enough to give her breakfast. I’m going to lie in bed & hydrate until my fever goes down. If she has one more accident I’m calling the vet. Hopefully the bladder supplements & antibiotics will pull us through.
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nuoigadacuasat · 4 years
Làm thế nào để điều trị một con gà với Bumble feet
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Bumblefoot mô tả một con gà bị viêm chân với một áp xe cứng, sưng ở đệm chân. Từ bumble ban đầu được đề cập đến gà bị ảnh hưởng từ dáng đi không ổn định gây ra bởi sưng. Trong thời gian gần đây, cốt lõi của áp xe, hoặc chính áp xe, đã được gọi là một lỗi.
Áp xe có thể bắt đầu như một mô sẹo phát triển, và sau đó tách ra, khi một con gà dành quá nhiều thời gian trên sàn vải bê tông hoặc phần cứng. Nó cũng có thể bắt đầu như một vết bầm tím hoặc vết cắt xảy ra khi một con gà cào trong đất cứng hoặc đá hoặc nhảy xuống từ một con cá rô cao trên bề mặt cứng.
Vi khuẩn Staphylococcus aureus, xuất hiện bất cứ nơi nào có gà, xâm nhập vào vết thương và gây nhiễm trùng, sưng tấy và đau đớn. Mặc dù nhiễm trùng này không phải là bệnh truyền nhiễm, sự xuất hiện thường xuyên của nó trong một đàn cho thấy sự cần thiết phải thay đổi quản lý.
Dấu hiệu của Bumble feet
Một con gà không muốn đi lại và đi khập khiễng khi đi bộ là dấu hiệu đầu tiên thường thấy của ong vò vẽ. Bàn chân gà có thể trông sưng và nóng.
Ở dưới cùng của bàn chân sẽ là một khối như mô sẹo. Nếu nhiễm trùng gần đây, mô sẹo tương đối mềm. Làm sạch chân, đóng gói áp xe bằng một loại kháng sinh phù hợp và di chuyển chim đến một môi trường sạch sẽ có thể là tất cả những gì cần thiết.
Nếu nhiễm trùng đang diễn ra, mô sẹo sẽ cứng và phủ một lớp vảy đen, trong trường hợp đó, nó sẽ chiến thắng đi cho đến khi lõi được lấy ra. Trừ khi bạn có thể tìm thấy một bác sĩ thú y sẵn sàng thực hiện phẫu thuật này, bạn sẽ phải tự làm điều đó. Ở đây, cách thức:
Làm mềm áp xe
Cho gà vào nước ấm trong khoảng 10 phút, nhẹ nhàng xoa bóp bàn chân để rửa sạch mọi vết bẩn bám. Muối Epsom hòa tan trong nước sẽ làm giảm viêm và giúp làm dịu bàn chân.
Tránh để gà uống nước đọng. Trong một điều, nước sẽ chứa vi khuẩn khó chịu từ bàn chân bị nhiễm bệnh. Đối với người khác, muối Epsom là thuốc nhuận tràng.
Loại bỏ lõi
Sau khoảng 10 phút ngâm chân, vảy mềm nên dễ dàng kéo ra. Một số lõi áp xe có màu vàng nhạt, cheesy hoặc sáp cũng có thể bị lỏng ra.
Khi đã loại bỏ lớp vảy, khuyến khích nhiều lõi ra ngoài bằng cách sử dụng ngón tay của bạn để ấn ra ngoài, tránh xa áp xe. Tránh gây thương tích thêm bằng cách ép vào áp xe.
Đôi khi nhíp có thể được sử dụng để rút lõi áp xe. Một ổ áp xe lớn và cứng có thể cần phải được cạo hoặc bóc ra bằng một con dao sắc, chẳng hạn như một con dao tiện ích, dao X-Acto hoặc dao mổ của bác sĩ phẫu thuật.
Khi cần thiết, lặp lại ngâm và cạo lõi. Làm việc nhẹ nhàng và dành thời gian của bạn cho đến khi áp xe đã được làm sạch hoàn toàn.
Rửa sạch và gói
Rửa sạch áp xe bằng Betadine, nước rửa vết thương bằng nước muối hoặc natri hypochlorite (Dung dịch Dakin)). Sau khi áp xe đã được làm sạch hoàn toàn, hãy đóng gói bằng chất kháng khuẩn, như Neomycin, có dạng bột (tên thương mại Neo-Predef) hoặc dưới dạng thuốc mỡ (tên thương mại Neosporin, trong số những loại khác).
Quấn chân
Sử dụng một miếng gạc, được bảo đảm bằng băng sơ cứu hoặc dải mỏng của bác sĩ thú y, để quấn chân và giữ sạch trong khi nó lành. Cẩn thận không làm cho bọc quá chặt. Lặp lại quy trình này cứ sau 2 hoặc 3 ngày trong khi áp xe đã lành.
Trong khi đó, nuôi gà phục hồi trong môi trường ấm áp, an toàn, sạch sẽ với nhiều nước và dinh dưỡng đầy đủ. Tạm thời loại bỏ các vị trí đậu có thể cám dỗ chim, có thể phục hồi bàn chân khi nó nhảy xuống.
Bumble feet phòng chống
Ngăn chặn bumble feet bao gồm các thực hành quản lý âm thanh:
Đảm bảo cá rô thấp nhất trong chuồng không cao hơn 18 inch.
Làm tròn các góc của cá rô và cát khỏi nẹp.
Cung cấp giường sạch, mềm, sâu, khô
Cho ăn một khẩu phần cân bằng hợp lý.
Không nuôi gà mẫn cảm sẽ tránh sản xuất nhiều giống nhau.
Lưu ý thận trọng
Một người, đặc biệt là trẻ em hoặc người già, có khả năng bị nhiễm trùng da bề mặt (bệnh chốc lở) trong khi điều trị một con gà bị bệnh chân. Để phòng ngừa, đeo găng tay dùng một lần trong khi điều trị. Vứt bỏ cẩn thận các vật liệu loại bỏ khỏi áp xe, cũng như băng, vì chúng được nạp vi khuẩn. Vứt bỏ hoặc khử trùng tất cả các dụng cụ sau mỗi lần sử dụng. Rửa tay kỹ sau đó.
Và tin tức hôm nay của Nhật Bản từ Cackle Coop.
Gail Damerow, tác giả, Cẩm nang sức khỏe gà
Xem thêm tất cả chuyên mục tại https://nuoigadacuasat.com/category/tin-moi/gia-cam/
Bài viết Làm thế nào để điều trị một con gà với Bumble feet đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Nuôi Gà Đá Gà Cựa Sắt.
source https://nuoigadacuasat.com/lam-the-nao-de-dieu-tri-mot-con-ga-voi-bumble-feet/
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siva3155 · 4 years
300+ TOP SCALA Interview Questions and Answers
SCALA Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-
1. What is Scala? Scala is a Java-based Hybrid programming language which is the fusion of both Functional and Object-Oriented Programming Language features. It can integrate itself with Java Virtual Machine and compile the code written. 2. How Scala is both Functional and Object-oriented Programming Language? Scala treats every single value as an Object which even includes Functions. Hence, Scala is the fusion of both Object-oriented and Functional programming features. 3.Write a few Frameworks of Scala Some of the Frameworks supported by Scala are as follows: Akka Framework Spark Framework Play Framework Scalding Framework Neo4j Framework Lift Framework Bowler Framework 4. Explain the types of Variables in Scala? And What is the difference between them? The Variables in Scala are mainly of two types: Mutable Variables We Declare Mutable Variables by using the var keyword. The values in the Mutable Variables support Changes Immutable Variables We declare Immutable Variables using the val keyword. The values in Immutable Variables do not support changes. 5. Explain Streams in Scala. In simple words, we define Stream as a Lazy list which evaluates the elements only when it needs to. This sort of lazy computation enhances the Performance of the program. 6. Mention the Advantages of Scala Some of the major Advantages of Scala are as follows: It is highly Scalable It is highly Testable It is highly Maintainable and Productive It facilitates Concurrent programming It is both Object-Oriented and Functional It has no Boilerplate code Singleton objects are a cleaner solution than Static Scala Arrays use regular Generics Scala has Native Tuples and Concise code 7. Explain the Operators in Scala The following are the Operators in Scala: Arithmetic Operators Relational Operators Logical Operators Bitwise Operators Assignment Operators 8. What is Recursion tail in Scala? ‘Recursion’ is a function that calls itself. For example, a function ‘A’ calls function ‘B’, which calls the function ‘C’. It is a technique used frequently in Functional programming. In order for a Tail recursive, the call back to the function must be the last function to be performed. 9. Explain the use of Tuples in Scala? Scala tuples combine a Finite number of items together so that the programmer can Pass a tuple around as a Whole. Unlike an Array or List, a tuple is Immutable and can hold objects with different Datatypes. 10. How is a Class different from an Object? Class combines the data and its methods whereas an Object is one particular Instance in a class.
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SCALA Interview Questions 11. Why do we need App in Scala? App is a helper class that holds the main method and its Members together. The App trait can be used to quickly turn Objects into Executable programs. We can have our classes extend App to render the executable code. object Edureka extends App{ println("Hello World") } 12. What are Higher-order functions? A Higher-order function is a function that does at least one of the following: takes one or more Functions as Arguments, returns a Function as its result. 13. Explain the scope provided for variables in Scala. There are three different scopes depending upon their use. Namely: Fields: Fields are variables declared inside an object and they can be accessed anywhere inside the program depending upon the access modifiers. Fields can be declared using var as well as val. Method Parameters: Method parameters are strictly Immutable. Method parameters are mainly used to Pass values to the methods. These are accessed inside a method, but it is possible to access them from outside the method provided by a Reference. Local Variables: Local variables are declared inside a method and they are accessible only inside the method. They can be accessed if you return them from the method. 14. What is a Closure? Closure is considered as a Function whose return value is Dependent upon the value of one or more variables declared outside the closure function. Course Curriculum Apache Spark and Scala Certification Training Instructor-led SessionsReal-life Case StudiesAssessmentsLifetime Access Example: val multiplier = (i:Int) => i * 10 Here the only variable used in the function body, i * 10 , is i, which is defined as a parameter to the function 15. Explain Traits in Scala. A Trait can be defined as a unit which Encapsulates the method and its variables or fields. The following example will help us understand in a better way. trait Printable{ def print() } class A4 extends Printable{ def print(){ println("Hello") } } object MainObject{ def main(args:Array){ var a = new A4() a.print() } } 16. Mention how Scala is different from Java A few scenarios where Scala differs from Java are as follows: All values are treated as Objects. Scala supports Closures Scala Supports Concurrency. It has Type-Inference. Scala can support Nested functions. It has DSL support Traits 17. Explain extend Keyword You can extend a base Scala class and you can design an Inherited class in the same way you do it in Java by using extends keyword, but there are two restrictions: method Overriding requires the override keyword, and only the Primary constructor can pass parameters to the base Constructor. Let us understand by the following example println("How to extend abstract class Parent and define a sub-class of Parent called Child") class Child=(name:String)extends Parent(name){ override def printName:Unit= println(name) } object Child { def apply(name:String):Parent={ new Child(name) } } 18. Explain implicit classes with syntax Implicit classes allow Implicit conversations with the class’s Primary constructor when the class is in scope. Implicit class is a class marked with the “implicit” keyword. This feature was introduced in with Scala 2.10 version. //Syntax: object { implicit class Data type) { def Unit = xyz } } 19. Explain the access Modifiers available in Scala There are mainly three access Modifiers available in Scala. Namely, Private: The Accessibility of a private member is restricted to the Class or the Object in which it declared. The following program will explain this in detail. class Outer { class Inner { private def f() { println("f") } class InnerMost { f() // OK } } (new Inner).f() // Error: f is not accessible } Protected: A protected member is only Accessible from Subclasses of the class in which the member is defined. The following program will explain this in detail. package p class Super { protected def f() { println("f") } } class Sub extends Super { f() } class Other { (new Super).f() // Error: f is not accessible } } Public: Unlike Private and Protected members, it is not required to specify Public keyword for Public members. There is no explicit modifier for public members. Such members can be accessed from Anywhere. Following is the example code snippet to explain Public member class Outer { class Inner { def f() { println("f") } class InnerMost { f() // OK } } (new Inner).f() // OK because now f() is public } 20. What is a Monad in Scala? A Monad is an object that wraps another object. You pass the Monad mini-programs, i.e functions, to perform the data manipulation of the underlying object, instead of manipulating the object directly. Monad chooses how to apply the program to the underlying object. 21. Explain the Scala Anonymous Function. In the Source code, Anonymous functions are called ‘Function literals’ and at run time, function literals are instantiated into objects called Function values. Scala provides a relatively easy Syntax for defining Anonymous functions. //Syntax (z:Int, y:Int)=> z*y Or (_:Int)*(_Int) 22. How do I Append data in a list? In Scala to Append into a List, We have the following methods: use “:+” single value var myList = List.empty myList :+= "a" 23. Why Scala prefers Immutability? Scala prefers Immutability in design and in many cases uses it as default. Immutability can help when dealing with Equality issues or Concurrent programs. 24. Give some examples of Packages in Scala The three important and default Packages in Scala are as follows: Java.lang._ : Java.lang._ package in Java. Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming language. Java.io._ : Java.io._ Package used to import every class in Scala for input-output resources. PreDef: Predef provides type aliases for types which are commonly used, such as the immutable collection types Map, Set, and the List constructors 25. Why is an Option used in Scala? Option in Scala is used to Wrap the Missing value. 26. Mention the Identifiers in Scala. There are four types of Scala Identifiers: Alphanumeric identifiers Operator identifiers Mixed identifiers Literal identifiers //Scala program to demonstrate Identifiers in Scala. object Main { //Main method def main(args: Array) { //Valid Identifiers var 'name = "Hari"' var age = 20; var Branch = "Computer Science" println() println() println() } } 27. How do you define a function in Scala? def keyword is used to define the Function in Scala. object add { def addInt( a:Int, b:Int ) : Int = { var sum:Int = 0 sum = a + b return sum } } 28. How is the Scala code compiled? Code is written in Scala IDE or a Scala REPL, Later, the code is converted into a Byte code and transferred to the JVM or Java Virtual Machine for compilation. Big Data Training 29. Explain the functionality of Yield. Yield is used with a loop, Yield produces a value for each iteration. Another way to do is to use map/flatMap and filter with nomads. for (i "#FF0000", "azure" -> "#F0FFFF") 39. Explain Exception Handling in Scala Throw Exception: Throwing an exception looks the same as in Java. You create an exception object and then you throw it with the throw keyword as follows. Throw new IllegalArgumentException Catching an Exception: Scala allows you to try/catch any exception in a single block and then perform pattern matching against it using case blocks. Try the following example program to handle the exception. Example: import java.io.FileReader import java.io.FileNotFoundException import java.io.IOException object Demo { def main(args: Array) { try { val f = new FileReader("input.txt") } catch { case ex: FileNotFoundException ={ println("Missing file exception") } case ex: IOException = { println("IO Exception") } } } } So, with this, we finished some questions on the Intermediate Level. Now, Let us move to the next level of interview questions which happen to be the Advanced Level Interview Questions. 40. Explain Pattern Matching in Scala through an example A Pattern match includes a sequence of alternatives, each starting with the Keyword case. Each alternative includes a Pattern and one or more Expressions, Scala evaluates whenever a pattern matches. An arrow symbol => separates the pattern from the expressions. Try the following example program, which shows how to match against an integer value. object Demo { def main(args: Array) { println(matchTest(3)) } def matchTest(x: Int): String = x match { case 1 = "one" case 2 = "two" case _ = "other" } } 41. Explain Extractors in Scala Course Curriculum Apache Spark and Scala Certification Training Weekday / Weekend Batches An Extractor in Scala is an object that has a method called unapply as one of its members. The purpose of that unapply method is to match the value and take it apart. 42. What is the result of x+y*z and why? Similar to any other programming language, Scala also follows Presidency and Priority tables. According to the tables, Scala Performs the operations as follows. Scala evaluates y*z first. Then adds (y*z) with x 43. What is an Auxiliary constructor We use Auxiliary constructor in Scala for Constructor Overloading. The Auxiliary Constructor must call either previously defined auxiliary constructors or primary constructor in the first line of its body. 44. Explain recursion through a program def factorial_loop(i: BigInt): BigInt = { var result = BigInt(1) for (j- 2 to i.intValue) result *= j result } for (i - 1 to 10) format("%s: %sn", i, factorial_loop(i)) 45. Explain Que with example Queue is a Data Structure similar to Stack except, it follows First In First Out procedure for data processing. In Scala, to work with Queues, you need to import a library called, import scala.collection.mutable.Queue val empty = new Queue SCALA Questions and Answers Pdf Download Read the full article
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Loïc Durand
Dylan O'brien
26 ans
Centre & Grands boulevards
Loïc est né le 28 janvier 1993 à Paris sur le canapé de sa maison. En effet, sa mère n'a pas pu aller à l'hôpital ce soir là et elle a du s'installer dessus. Son père avait appelé l'hôpital et une ambulance était venu prendre soin de la futur maman et de l'enfant qui arrivait. Tout c'était bien passé, tout le monde était en bonne santé. La petite famille pu déclarer la naissance de l'enfant et lui donner un nom : Loïc.
Son enfance était parfaite, il avait tout ce qu'il voulait sans pour autant être un enfant gâté. Il devint ami avec un certain Dean alors qu'il se promenait dans l'un des parcs de Paris, les deux enfants ont sympathiser et depuis, ils ne se quittent plus. Mais ce n'est pas Dean qui devint le meilleur ami de Loïc, non, c'est Hazael ! Un jeune garçon qu'il rencontra quelques années plus tard en 3ème, lors d'une échange scolaire. Lors de cet échange, Loïc fit également la connaissance d'Ethan et ensemble, ils devinrent un trio inséparable. Hazael du malheureusement quitté la France un an plus tard, mais cela ne les empêcha pas de garder contact tous les trois et de rester plus souder que jamais.
Le jeune garçon avait toujours été attiré par le monde du cinéma et le théatre, il décida d'en faire sa carrière et fit un lycée avec ses deux domaines et continua ses études dans cette direction. Il fut repéré pour jouer dans un film, Dream Love, en compagnie d'une nouvelle recrue, elle aussi, Camille Chevalier. Loïc étant de nature sociable, et elle aussi, ils devinrent de grands amis et la presse les supposait même en couple vu leur rôle dans les films qu'ils firent par la suite. Ils étaient toujours les personnes principaux avec une histoire d'amour au bout du file.
Actuellement, il est toujours collègue de Camille mais cette fois-ci pour une série, Darkness. Celle-ci raconte l'histoire d'une jeune femme travaillant dans les affaires, et elle tomba follement amoureuse du personnage de Loïc, qui était son collègue. Cependant, lui ne partageait pas du tout ses sentiments et la jeune femme s'accrocha dur comme le fers au poins de se colorer les cheveux car ce dernier aimait les blondes et non les brunes. Cela ne fonctionnait toujours pas et les deux agents furent convoqués pour une mission secrète. Allaient-ils réussir à s'entendre ? En tout cas, c'était le cas de Loïc et Camille.
Loïc est quelqu'un de gentil, attentionné et loyale. Il est d'une très bonne écoute, donc ses amis aiment se confier à lui et il a toujours le temps pour les aider. Il rend service très facilement, peut être même trop facilement. Il est végétarien et toujours puceau ! Mais cette année, il en a marre, il veut pouvoir faire sa première fois car il a honte. Il veut pouvoir vivre ce que ses amis vivent au quotidien. Il a donc rencontré une fille il y a un an de ça, il s'entend bien avec elle, elle le considère comme son meilleur ami, mais il pense vouloir plus. Il ne sait pas quoi faire !
Arrivera t-il à parler à sa meilleure amie ? Trouvera t-il la fille qui va l'aider ? Mais est-ce qu'il n'est pas plus tôt attiré par les garçons ? Tout se mélange dans sa tête, il ne sait pas quoi faire ni comment parler de son problème à ses amis.
LIENS:  Meilleurs amis : Trio Hazael + Ethan meilleure amie ; fille predef dean Ami d'enfance : Dean
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drthsusan-blog · 7 years
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We are offering anadrol 50mg. Quality drugsltd pharma supplier of dermal fillers, skin lightening injections and orthopedic products and health & medical products.Reach us on whatsapp via +237671805607 for prices .Note : you can reach us on whatsapp with our company number . Dexacortyl 100ml vetacortyl 5ml fluvet 50ml edemax 30ml dexametasona 10ml abhayrab 0.5ml equicistan 100ml fructosa c 100ml overxicam 50ml fatrocortin 100ml atp -2 50ml atox prix 50ml niglumine 50ml caliercortin 50ml fructosa 50r 100ml dexa 2 100ml cortamethasone 50ml hepagen 100ml ornitil 100ml coromin 20ml genixine 100ml itpp 60ml pentosan platinum 18ml pentosan gold 50ml pentosan 50ml ozone 100ml ketoprofen 50ml jurosenic 100ml dmg 100ml clenbuterol 50ml adrenal cortex 100ml pentosan platinum 18ml f.a.f 100ml mitachondral 100ml bronchial dilator 60ml enerselen 100ml blast off red 10ml blast off extreme 30ml python 10ml dexacare 50ml super shot 10ml predef 2x 100ml adrenal cortex 50ml dexadreson 50ml tb 1000 sgf 5000 artrivet forte 100 ml dexaphenylarthrite 100ml as said, that is just a sample list of what we have in stock.
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presetszone · 6 years
Muita gente estava com dificuldade em baixar os presets no iOS (Apple), então eu resolvi fazer um tutorial pra ajudar vocês e com algumas dicas extras, como sempre né hehe. Como o tutorial é grande, com bastante fotos, eu coloquei ele abaixo da linha, então é só clicar em “ler mais” para ver o tutorial. Espero que entendam, e qualquer dúvida, mandem uma ask.
Tutorial feito por presetszone.
Usei o Lightroom CC Mobile, que pode ser baixado na Apple Store.
Dê like/reblog se for útil e por favor, não repasse esse tutorial ♥
(If you want this tutorial in english, you can request here.)
1: Abra o Safari e digite o site do presetszone (ou de outro tumblr que você baixa presets).
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2: Procure pelo preset que você quer, clique em dng e segure por alguns segundos, até que essas opções apareçam.
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3: Pressione “Abrir em Nova Aba” e então em uma nova aba, vai abrir o GoogleDrive com o preset para download.
4: Toque na setinha para fazer o download. (O preset que fiz o download foi o “Stronger”)
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5: Vai abrir uma página nova. Toque então em “Abrir com Lightroom CC”.
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6: Espere alguns segundos e o preset então abrirá no seu aplicativo. Assim que ele abrir, toque nos três pontinhos no canto direito da tela e vá em “criar predefinição”.
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7: Dê um nome para este preset e vá em “salvar”. (eu recomendo você colocar o nome do preset + de onde ele foi baixado, assim você não vai esquecer qual é aquele preset e qual o efeito que ele deixa nas fotos).
*Fique atento(a) no grupo de predefinições que você estará salvando para você poder encontrar o preset depois.*
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8: Clique na setinha do lado esquerdo da tela para voltar para a sua galeria e escolher a foto que você quer editar.
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9: Escolha a foto que você quer editar e toque nela para abrir. Assim que ela abrir, vá nas ferramentas em baixo da tela (claro, cor, etc) e arraste para o lado esquerdo, até ver a ferramenta de presets (”Predef.”) e toque nela.
(Eu escolhi uma foto de dois dos meus doguinhos porque... ah, por que não, né?! kkkkkk)
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10: A ferramenta então vai abrir e mostrar os presets. Alguns já vem com o Lightroom mesmo, que são os básicos. Vá até o grupo que salvou o preset e abra ele. Procure pelo preset que você salvou/que você quer e toque nele para aplicar e toque na setinha de “ok”.
(Geralmente o Lightroom abre o grupo dos presets que já vem nele, aí é só você clicar em cima do nome da pasta (grupo) que vai aparecer as outras “pastas”, em seguida você só precisa procurar a pasta que você salvou o preset e tocar no preset escolhido).
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Procure pelo preset e toque nele para aplicar na foto.
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11: Se você achar necessário faça modificações nas ferramentas.
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12: Para salvar, toque na setinha de compartilhamento no topo da tela e escolha uma pasta para salvar. (eu salvei no rolo da câmera mesmo)
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Escolha o tamanho da imagem como “Máximo disponível” para salvar sua foto com o máximo de qualidade.
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E prontinho!!
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1: Abra o aplicativo e toque no “maisinho” no canto direito da tela, ao lado da “camerazinha”.
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Se o aplicativo pedir autorização para acessar suas fotos, toque em “OK”. 
2: O aplicativo vai abrir então o rolo da câmera. Você vai então tocar nos “três pontinhos” no topo do canto direito da tela, e ir em “SELECIONAR”.
(A área que está em azul é aonde aparecerão suas fotos. No print está azul porque minha galeria só tem meme kkkkkkkkkkk)
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Caso a foto que você queira importar não esteja no rolo da câmera, clique na “setinha” ao lado e escolha a pasta em que sua foto está.
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3: Selecione suas fotos e toque em “Adicionar X fotos”. 
(No lugar do “x” aparecerá o número de fotos que você selecionar)
(Sim, gente, minha galeria só tem meme e foto de cachorro kkkkkkkkkkkkk)
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E pronto! Suas fotos já estarão prontas para editar.
Eu espero que esse tutorial tenha sido útil e não tenha ficado confuso. Se tiverem qualquer dúvida, mandem uma ask para nós.
Se vocês precisarem fazer o download de algum preset em outro site, ou no instagram, por exemplo, vocês podem copiar o link, colar no Safari e fazer o download normalmente.
Vocês podem também baixar um preset em “lrtemplate” pelo computador, salvá-lo como “DNG”, upar no GoogleDrive e fazer o download no seu celular. (Essa dica é maravilhosa pra quando o preset não vem em dng)
Para facilitar, criem grupos de presets de onde vocês mais fazem o download de presets para não ficar perdido(a) nos efeitos. (Por ex: um grupo de predefinições do presetszone, outro do xxx, etc).
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gemayni · 7 years
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One step ahead. We made it roomie! Inc no more! On to the next challenge. 
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nerdarchy-blog · 7 years
D&D 5E Magic Item - Manual of Siraq
D&D 5E Magic Item – Manual of Siraq
The Manual of Siraq is a custom magic item available for Dungeons and Dragon 5E Dungeon Masters to choose to include in their games. Manual of Siraq magic item Wondrous Item, very rare (more…)
View On WordPress
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itsnaboo-blog · 3 years
Tulus-nya Sheila on 7 tangga (nada)
FIrst time make a playlist on spotify. Kayanya masa-masanya aku update lagu itu berhenti jaman sma deh.  Waw dulu sebagai aktipis Sheila gank, aku rajin download dan kumpulin lagu-lagu sheila on 7. Punya album yang baru berhenti di album berlayar, itu juga dikasih wkwkwk. However, sampai sekarang album 07 desember masih jadi favorit. Satu satunya band yang direlain ikut konsernya. yang belajar gitar pokoknya maunya lagunya eros, mas adam, duta, dkk (personil lain mengalami perubahan tidak disebutkan wkwkwk).
Kecewa banget setelah tahun 2004, pas anton keluar setelah album pejantan tangguh orang-orang berpindah hati dari sheila on 7 ke peterpan. setidaknya di rumah ku dulu. Satu alasan aku ngga pernah mau dengan tulus dengerin peterpan, mereka menggeser keberadaan sheila hahaha. dendamnya sekarang mah udah ilang, tapi tetep ngga relate kalau karokean orang2 nyanyi peterpan. Sorry!
Selama masa tidak begitu aktif sheila, yang masuk dan cocok sama selera adalah tangga. ini juga karena mereka jadi OST FTV-FTVnya putri titian. oh my, memang putri titian adalah bintang pada masanya. jaman SMP adik kelas aku ada yang poninya selalu dijaga mirip tian gitu, aku yang nyinyir sebenernya ikut ikutan juga tapi di ruang sudut sendiri. Nah, awalnya bikin playlist gara gara denger si pandji bilang 'kasian ya tata tangga, dia yang ngide bikin tangga tapi dia sendiri yang paling ngga jelas posisinya di sana. suaranya biasa-biasa aja berujung dia cuma nebelin kata2 doang'. Lah terus kan pengen dengerin lagi, dipikir-pikir. kok bener ya? hmm gomen nee Tata onesama. kayak sebenrnya perlu ngga perlu ada haha. tapi once, kata pertama itu justru yang harus duiemphasize. dia yang ngide bikin, jadi keberadaannya sudah cukup diperlukan tangga dong haha.
Tangga kayanya juga ngga aktif-aktif banget ya, sampai akhirnya tulus datang dengan gajahnya. waw monokrom, pamit, sewindu, teman hidup, manusia kuat bahasanya itu aku suka sekaliii. Sejak kecil aku suka berpuisi, jadi suka kata kata yang kayak tulus itu. Secara tingkah kata Pak Wendi aku ngga cocok berwatak pujangga, padahal deep down aku sangat menikmati merangkai kata yang ambigu ambigu sendu haha. 
Terus kepikiran apa yang sama dari ketiganya ya. ntah sih, tapi aku ngelihatnya ketiga musisi ini bener bener menjual karya. Dan entah kenapa meski ngga pernah interaksi langsung (kecuali sheila on 7 aku pernah ngegame bareng di ultahnya sg pvj rame pakde adam emang wkwkw.), kerasa gitu how humble they are. Suka ingin sungkem kalau ketemu orang yang femes tapi humblenya Masya Allah. kayak langka, tapi diitung itung banyak deng. aku yang sengak ini ingin ditampar aja kalau diatas langit masih ada langit. 
Aobayama, H-13 Hari sebelum predefence.
Itsna rehat dari overleaf ke tumblr
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