serenamatroia · 6 months
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2stelle · 22 days
la pallavolo è più bella se la si segue senza lucchetta e co al commento
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lonelysmile · 2 months
i miei mi hanno appena "attaccata" dicendo che rompo le scatole solo perché mi lamento perché mio papà in casa non fa assolutamente nulla (ad esempio quando mangia potrebbe sistemare le cose che ha usato e buttare i rifiuti o pulire ciò che ha sporcato invece tocca sempre a me o a mia mamma) oppure perché dicono che non accetto le opinioni degli altri (ho sentito dire frasi razziste e sessiste da alcuni parenti e a casa ho espresso il mio disaccordo ma non penso che siano opinioni personali ma semplicemente concetti che oggi non dovrebbero essere più condivisi)
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omarfor-orchestra · 5 months
Se vuoi non postare, ci sono i soliti spoiler // Sì concordo, Damiano mi sembra rigido in quelle scene e mi domando perché, magari vuole fare vedere che è proprio Manuel che non è neanche lui del tutto convinto di ciò che fa..? Mah. Mi sembra scritto così superficialmente, poi vedo che se vogliono le cose decenti le fanno (vedi Simone e Mimmo, appunto), peccato che poi mandano a quel paese pure quelle. Sarà scritto nel contratto. Io ho sempre voluto bene a Mimmo 🤍 e sempre gliene vorrò. Grazie anche a Domenico che ha fatto un lavoro assurdo. Ci sono le simueline che stanno per stappare lo champagne perché Mimmo esce di scena mentre io sto qua nell’invana speranza di rivederlo anche solo per due minuti nella terza 💔
Lo posto nella speranza che chi non vuole spoiler legga la prima frase e passi oltre jddkkdks
Esatto, tra l'altro avevano anche detto che come Simone era stato protagonista della prima stagione così Manuel lo sarebbe stato della seconda. Minchia, menomale. Figuriamoci altrimenti.
Domenico veramente magistrale, io spero che gli arrivino una valanga di opportunità perché il film è stato meraviglioso ma distribuito malissimo quindi gli serve a poco, spero che questa sia un'ulteriore rampa di lancio che permetta di fare vedere quanto comunque sia versatile e talentuoso, al contrario di come spero che si guardino NuovoOlimpo per giudicare Damiano e non sta serie.
Per quanto riguarda il fandom, io spero che la gente impari a toccare l'erba presto perché tutto quello che è successo in questi giorni non è per niente normale e nemmeno se ne rendono conto
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deathshallbenomore · 10 months
ciclo giorno uno ottocento gradi fuori pressione non pervenuta cerco di sopravvivere abbeverandomi di copiosa acqua mi sento in fin di vita e per giunta inciampo mediante meme su un video tiktok di ragazzina quattordicenne (ingiustamente) accusata di essere ignorante per aver detto “la storia di amore e psiche? non mi sono piaciuti i personaggi e andava scritta meglio” in perfetta coerenza con l’appiattimento culturale che affligge la nostra era e forse ancor di più i più giovani che non hanno ancora avuto modo di maturare un proprio senso critico. un’esperienza astrale
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silviaaquilini · 11 months
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10 e 12 ?
10. Già risposto 👀
12. Depilato. Sia su di me che sugli altri 🙈
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jaja-dingdong · 5 months
Se poteste scegliere, chi vorreste vedere come ospite a Sanremo quest'anno?
Che siano attori, sportivi, cantanti, etc etc
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krystal280791 · 2 years
Io fare passare questi :)
Lituania Svizzera Slovenia Bulgaria Paesi Bassi Croazia Danimarca Austria Norvegia Armenia
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falcemartello · 3 months
I "salvati" del Lager non erano i migliori, i predestinati al bene, i latori di un messaggio: quanto io avevo visto e vissuto dimostrava l'esatto contrario. Sopravvivevano di preferenza i peggiori, gli egoisti, i violenti, gli insensibili, i collaboratori della "zona grigia", le spie. Non era una regola certa (non c'erano, né ci sono nelle cose umane, regole certe), ma era pure una regola.
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Mi sentivo sì innocente, ma intruppato tra i salvati, e perciò alla ricerca permanente di una giustificazione, davanti agli occhi miei e degli altri. Sopravvivevano i peggiori, cioè i più adatti; i migliori sono morti tutti.
Primo Levi, I sommersi e i salvati, 1986
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(via: Ottobre Rosso)
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coffeeworldsasaki · 3 months
Comunque si big mama dopo Mahmood è un attacco mirato a persone bi con una preferenza per tutte le donne e gli uomini un po' gng
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scalpcollector · 16 days
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comunque per farvi capire: sono morta tantissime volte per mano delle guardie con gli altri personaggi, e APPENA ho iniziato una partita con Cahara mi hanno stuprata subito. Si vede che hanno una preferenza.
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kon-igi · 3 months
Una volta avevo un direttore amministrativo non troppo sveglio che mi chiedeva gli spiegoni su farmaci, anatomia e procedure sanitarie per poi rivendere subito queste conoscenze come sue e darsi delle arie.
Mi ricordo che una volta gli parlai di come venivano scelti i nomi commerciali dei farmaci e nell'uscire dal suo ufficio incrociai la segretaria che stava entrando... non feci in tempo a chiudere la porta che sentii chiaramente lui che le diceva con voce compiaciuta
Tutto questo per dire che sarà l'altroieri che ho capito la differenza tra identità di genere e preferenza sessuale ma quando figlia piccola è uscita per andarsi a fare le unghie da un ragazzo che ha terminato la transizione MtF, io le ho dovuto urlare dalla finestra
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deathshallbenomore · 1 year
andare a dormire prima delle 00:00 e svegliarsi presto il sabato, avendo così modo di vivere una mattinata lentissima all’insegna di niente in particolare…………living my best (senior citizen) life
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alexiavettel · 1 year
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chapter two
“The world was whole then, the sun and moon together as one”
pairing: charles leclerc x fem¡stroll!reader
word count: 1.4k+
warnings: asshole!charles, asshole!reader, mentions of Jules (this one actually trigger me), google translator italian/french, light mentions of death
disclaimer: any photo used is not supposed to represent the reader, are all Pinterest pics that matches the context
PS: reader is a slytherin (just like me) sorry if you don’t see yourself in this house but just matches perfectly with her personality.
⇦⇦⇦ previous part
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(Y/N) Stroll POV:
I fixed the straps of my Ferrari red dress which in my opinion is RIDICULOUS to dress up in this specific colour. Okay, I’m not gonna lie I look pretty hot in this tone of red but I look hot in every tone of red so fuck it. I think I would look prettier in my classic green but let’s keep this in mind for the season start gala he’s gonna have to wear a dark green suit at least.
Got my keys, purse and mobile and headed to my Aston Martin Valhalla that my dad gave it to me (exclusive till the moment because customers will only order at the middle of 2023).
“Wow dressed up all for me?” Charles annoying Leclerc smirked while hugging me and kissing my cheek (ew this feels so weird).
“Unfortunately yes. But good news for me is that you are wearing a green suit in the gala next week in exchange” I didn’t told anyone yet but he doesn’t need to know.
“Absolutely not! Binotto is going to kill me”
“I talk with him about it no problem, sweetheart” I said while seating and opening the menu.
“Already knows what you’ll eat?” I asked after some minutes in weird silence.
“Probably a carbonara, the pasta in this place is amazing. You should try it”
“Well I’ll ask for some tagliatelle” I stand up my arm to call the waiter.
“It’s a Italian restaurant (Y/n) they speak Italian, let me do the talk for you mon ange”
“Prenderemmo uno tagliatelle, uno spaghetti alla carbonara e un vino per favore” I said smiling right after rolling my eyes at the driver.
“Qualche preferenza per il vino?”
“Voglio un Castello Tricerchi Brunello di Montalcino, grazie”
“I-I didn’t know you speak Italian” he gasped?
“Now you do” I forced a smile (god this is also entering the list of best moments, he looks soo taken back)
“S-So Lorenzo gave me a couple of questions we should do to know each other better in case the reporters ask us” he said picking his phone to show me a WhatsApp message with a bunch of questions.
“For real?? Shoot it, so we can end this up faster”
“Okay, favourite colour?”
“Your’s red mine’s green and black”
“Obsessed” he faked a cough “Do you have any pets?”
“Yeah, I got a Doberman named Sirius”
“From Sirius Black, like the Harry Potter one?”
“Yeah” god, where’s the food?
“Wait. What’s your Hogwarts house?” He asked like is the most important question ever.
“I’m a slytherin, for sure the best one” sorry not sorry.
“Hm I thought so, you kinda look a bit like Voldemort”
“Says the one who looks like one of Malfoy’s friends”
“Excuse me!? Whatever, back to pets I don’t got any. But I would like to have a little dog, nothing like a Doberman they’re scary-“
“He’s actually pretty cute but he’s trained so I can make him bite your flat ass” I would pay good money to watch this scene.
“Best moment in F1”
“Silverstone podium, last year” a hard race but I got my best result there. A P3 with Bottas in P2 and Lewis in P1.
“Monza, 2019” he smiles gently but drop it when reads the next question.
“Worst moment in F1”
“Jules’ accident” I answer without thinking twice.
This is actually one of my worst memories ever, Charles was lucky for didn’t get to see it in person like I did. I couldn’t sleep properly because of the nightmares for 3 weeks straight. Jules took care of me when I was younger, specially because I always competed against his godson so we always were together, he was kinda a big brother figure for me. He knew that my father payed more attention in my younger brother and he said something once that made me really try to get into F1…
“You’re a good kid (Y/N), you’ve got a long way. Call me crazy but I can see it featured everywhere ‘First female driver in Formula One in decades. The very much first female race winner ever. She came from far but she came to win! (Y/N) Stroll is the winner of the Canadian Grand Prix’” he said with a commentator voice making me laugh.
“I know it’s soo hard to be part of a real team in F1 and being a girl we both know will be even harder but you got to do it. You are stronger than almost all those little boys and you are going to show them in the future, but don’t be too harsh with my little Charles okay? I want to see you guys driving together one day” I tried to smile back at him but I wanted to cry so bad.
“I want to drive with you one day, Jules!” I said hugging his legs.
“I can’t promise that we will but I want to do that too, okay? Gonna make everything possible to make it happen, girl” he ruffled my hair gently.
“Yeah because he already promised me that, you ugly” Charles screamed at me coming out of nowhere “Come fast or I’ll slash your tires”
“I miss him so fucking bad. I was going to say the same thing, at least there’s one thing we agree with” he tried to laugh, and the waiter just arrived with our food.
“If exist something that lift me up from sadness around this topic it’s wine and think that he would be proud of me and my achievements. I like to remember all the memories we got together like me, you, Pierre and Esteban with Jules, Norman and Lorenzo taking care of us and trying to compete in karts but these old bastards almost made us crash every time” he let out a genuine giggle and true smile before trying the wine.
“Hmmm good wine choice”
“I know, it’s one of my favourites. My brother gave me this one as a prank and I ended up liking it”
“So one more question. Biggest dream?”
“Both of us dream in being world champions don’t we?”
“You actually right, ew. Okay, hm your dream travel?” He asked after chewing (disgustingly) his pasta, I swear he eats like a child.
“Don’t know if I have one… Maybe Seychelles, I discovered this place recently but it’s so pretty, like the ocean and the rainforest is incredible in the pics I saw. Or maybe Egypt! I’ve never been there-“
“Okay I got it, you like travelling! I don’t know mine, but I would like to see Argentina better maybe? Now-”
“Wait my BeReal just-“ I love this app but sometimes I would like to uninstall this shit “Give me your hand!”
“What?” When he took my hand in his I took my BeReal without showing his face.
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“You don’t have it?” I asked putting my phone back in my purse, just waiting to see my friends' reactions.
“Pierre actually told me to download it but I don’t know”
“Oh come on it’s fun, download it!” I picked up his phone and put in his hands while drinking the end of my glass.
“I mean is kinda cool but what’s the point? What if I’m in the bathroom?”
“The point is being real like showing yourself to your friends without make up, filters, you know just living your life. And when it notifies in the bathroom just put your hand in front of the camera it’s for best”
I’m ABSOLUTELY out of breath after seeing the BeReal’s reactions:
😲 pedritogostoso10: bitch u didn’t told me??? ik this watch is expensive so at least it’s a good catch
😃 howdydannyric: wow good pasta but poor wine choice 🤠
>>> memyselfstroll: just because it isn’t expensive doesn’t mean it’s bad
>>> howdydannyric: whatever you say extreme cheapskates
😍 yourdreamliv: hope you liked the dress in the end 👀❤️
>>> memyselfstroll: i just don’t stop paying you bc if i do some public shit u gonna save my ass!!
😍 thebestleclerc: enjoyed the questions?
>>> memyselfstroll: you dont know how much i hate u rn Lorenzo
If only I could tell Daniel… but he will bring this up till the rest of my life. Well I can tell him we are fake when we go public, I just need to remember that not a lot of people can know about it. In the moment just me, my “boyfriend”, our PRs, my father, my pt and our team principals.
I only can imagine when Danny and Seb get to know it. Not even my brother knows I’m “dating” someone, he’s going to get so frustrated when I tell him it’s fake! This boy try to get me a boyfriend for so many years it’s going to be funny tho.
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my taglist!!
hope you enjoyed <3
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