bishoppettiford · 2 years
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timp1952 · 2 years
Prevarication Is To Avoid Being Truthful Or Direct
Prevarication Is To Avoid Being Truthful Or Direct
So the aim of prevarication is to avoid being truthful or direct. We must know that to avoid stating the truth is, in reality, a lie. Actually, prior to 2011, I had not heard of this word, so this is a quick snack to give us a few details about this sin. Created: Friday, October 21, 2022 STM Bible Snack For if I build up again the things which I have destroyed, I make myself a prevaricator…
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latham59 · 22 days
Wool Gathering
Wool Gathering Another New Studio Studio 05/08/2024 After disassembling the sculptures and creating an empty studio I embarked upon a period of rumination. Is the next step to develop a better VR for the ‘Red Gardens’  or to stop for the moment and find a new direction? I spent a week or so working on the bigger ‘Gardens Project’  adapting it for a later version of Unity and working out how to…
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If Süleyman was your friend and you invited him to crash at your place for one night, you would 100% find him half naked at 3.00 AM in the kitchen, scooping your ice cream from the box with the fridge door still open.
And the first thing he would tell you is that you have too little black cherry and should really buy more.
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fauvester · 2 years
Young Elim grows up tall and stocky and round faced just like Garak. but very taciturn and blunt. in the postwar world though the Damar Effect makes those traits VERY sexy. AND he's got a Romantic missing eye (from a childhood infection, but doesn't it look like a battle scar?) and he stays home to take care of his parents (the former Castellan and the planet's favorite pet alien) and their many children (the Future of Cardassia)? he's IMPOSSIBLE TO RESIST!
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players-of-intrigue · 1 month
my bad for dropping off the face of the earth I had a lot of stuff needed to be done (still do tbh) and it was just Tiring managing accounts
Probably going to go back to my irregular posting BUT FOR NOW. reintroductions
formerly @the-inquisitor-and-the-serpent/inquisitors-and-serpents, ive rebranded for the 3rd time since. well. there’s not many inquisitors and serpents around here now is there. and i also wanted a shorter @ that encompasses the main duo+elisha (because the man’s already forgotten as is in lore i cant be treating them the same outside of it)
ref sheets (version ??? because i never seem to finish them) are underway, I just forgot how to draw my own characters after months not drawing them (looking at you vox volkov) but I might liveblog it if I remember to do so
thats all really . i wanna draw coilheart games stuff so much but the schedule’s packed rn but i’ll find time because HOHOHO. IMPLICATIONS.
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peppermintquartz · 8 months
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I'm tired.
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lith-myathar · 6 months
#ever find yourself over-explaining something you did because you feel like you're about to get in trouble? even if it's something innocuous?#and you're trying so hard to Not Get in Trouble you start to feel like you're lying EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE NOT#sometimes one notices a behavior and it's like ''oh yeah. i spent my whole childhood being constantly criticised and living on the defensive#and now any time i feel like i MIGHT have made a mistake#even if there's no reason to think i did#i'll start trying to prove it wasn't my fault and get out in front of criticism before it even happens''#note to self to remember i do stuff like this next time im questioning how bad it actually was#i act in these weird evasive prevaricating ways for no reason#i feel like i have to hide something when there's nothing worth hiding#it's all these weird reactions to living for so long in an environment where if i DID do something wrong#the resulting harsh criticism and verbal abuse was so bad that i started to be hyper vigilant#and always looking for things to excuse whatever id done#it suckkksssss in adulthood because it makes you act squirrelly and weird (read: suspicious#to someone who doesn't understand that kind of anxiety) AND if you do genuinely make a mistake#it's really hard not to get extremely defensive bc you're expecting to be emotionally demolished if you admit you were at fault#it's not a gr8 behavior and i hate when i catch myself doing it#ive gotten way better about that one in the last few years but only because i now live with people who are capable of regulating#even when they are angry with me.
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kaleuh · 7 months
Day 43: Is it possible to lie without saying a word?
For sure! I think it's called something else though.
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ahsokathegray · 2 years
The Platinum Prevaricator
Pairing: Rexsoka
Prompt: Rexsoka Week '22 - Day 1 - Revenge / Rebels
Summary: When searching for answers, Wolffe finds more than just the truth on Rex's datapad.
Tags: 18+ language, nudes, mentions of sexual situations, rex is dishonest
Word Count: 2,908
A/N: I wanted to write why I thought Wolffe kept Ahsoka's messages from Rex in Rebels. Also, this can be read as a standalone piece or as a part 2 to The Platinum Prude fic I wrote in 2017
read on ao3! / rexsoka week '22 masterlist
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Wolffe has frankly had enough of it. Rex was his brother and a brother he’d long respected, but he’d always made too many exceptions for the man. Even these days, he did just that. It was a bad habit, really. Rex and Gregor were the only brothers he had left… he didn’t really see any advantage in denying them exceptions.
So what if they sometimes drew a little bit of attention, so what if Gregor ate more rations than were his, so what if they had to move around every few weeks. Those were just the cards they’d been dealt. That was just the galaxy they lived in now.
Having removed their inhibitor chips, Wolffe expected they’d be on the same page more 一 he and Rex that is. 
He touched a finger to his temple, feeling the lengthy cut on his head. At least it wasn’t as big as the one on his face. The new wound had begun to heal, but was still sensitive to the touch. It almost looked as if the two scars might connect.
Rex had appointed himself In Charge of their small trio. It had taken some getting used to, seeing as they were once both leaders of their own respective troops. A troop of three was hardly something to argue over. Wolffe had allowed it, seeing as the former Torrent Company Captain knew more about their new normal than he did.
After all, Rex had his chip removed immediately after the order was given. Wolffe and Gregor had not. 
The story he’d told them was that the ARC trooper Jesse removed it and, while he wanted to believe it, he also knew better. Rex was many things, but a convincing liar was not one of them. Wolffe knew that there was a piece of the story being withheld.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Rex. He did. Thus far, he’d made some tactful moves. That was Rex’s nature anyway, but there was a respect to be had for being able to navigate in unpredictable times. He admired the former Captain for that. Rex had saved their skins on multiple occasions since the Republic blew to shreds. He just… had secretive ways of going about it all; secret contacts. Wolffe had a distaste in his mouth about that. 
Gregor was no help. He didn’t care either way if the two of them were fully informed or not. 
“Rex handles the missions, it’s his call, whatever means he has of keeping us safe is his business.”
If there was one thing Wolffe didn’t like, it was being left in the dark on these matters. He had the clearance and right to know who exactly Rex was shaking hands with… who he was always messaging.
He didn’t know why they ran the missions that they did. He didn’t know why they risked their asses for supplies that they didn’t keep. Supplies they were told not to ask questions about. Neither he nor Gregor knew if they were run-of-the-mill rations or weapons or what. Why should they continue running into skirmishes for other people’s missions and motives they knew nothing about?
Wolffe had let it slide for too long.
“The way I see it… these jobs put food on the table and keep Rexster happy. It’s a win-win in my book. You won’t hear a complaint outta me!”
Gregor truly was no help. 
Rex would be returning the following day. He never said where he was going, but he also didn’t clear his ship’s log. Last time he left, Wolffe snuck onto the ship to peek at the destination history. 
He’d come from Ord Mantell. The old Separatist planet became a place Rex had visited many times over and without the company of Gregor or himself. His biddings remained undisclosed to them. 
With a place like Ord Mantell, Wolffe was becoming more and more weary of his blind trust in the Captain. If they were dealing with the likes of the Black Sun or the Shadow Collective, the boy in blue was in for a world of hurt. He almost didn’t want to know, but the ongoing secrecy worried him that much more that what they were truly associating with was nothing good.
His grip tightened on the handle of his mug. He’d had enough of it. He would no longer partake in this forced complacency like his brother did. He was owed answers and he was tired of pretending to go along with these blatant lies.
The 501st’s Captain was not with his respective General or the rest of the 501st during Order 66. It had been split right down the middle. Rex had been promoted to Commander and had served under General Skywalker’s former Padawan… and had lied about it. What the blonde had failed to consider, was that Wolffe had long known all of this. The Jedi he served under was presently at large. Remaining details were muddled, but Wolffe knew better than to believe Rex’s story about being in Coruscant airspace when the Chancellor was kidnapped.
Wolffe and the rest of his pack were about to depart the planet when Grievous’s Invisible Hand crash landed onto the surface. He’d received every detail of the mission that had delayed their departure.
Up until this point, Wolffe was fine with his vod’s lie. It didn’t hurt him or Gregor and the subject was frankly quite painful to all of them… brothers being wired and controlled like droids; disposed of like droids. They just didn’t address it.
He remembered how Rex had made eye contact with him as he told the story. It was his biggest tell. Normally, he has an equal amount of eye contact as with the ground or the world around him. Whenever Rex was lying, he was focusing too hard on the eye contact, almost as if he was trying hard to believe the lie himself.
Wolffe swore his cybernetic eye was responsible for how exceptionally privy he was to otherwise minute details.
Rex’s lying and going around unchecked would be coming to an end.
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“How are you boys holding up?” Rex called as the door shut behind him, a slight saunter in his step, “Miss me while I was gone?”
Wolffe stiffened in his seat, keeping a watchful eye on the blonde as he removed his tattered cloak. His twin blasters were placed on the counter and he began to look toward the man sitting in the corner when the ‘fresher door opened.
“Rex!” Gregor greeted, a towel slung over his lower half, “How’d it go, vod? We sure missed ya ‘round here!” The man’s signature laughter ricocheted in his ears.
The two men exchanged a quick hug and Gregor crossed the small kitchenette to regain some decency. It didn’t go unnoticed to Wolffe that Rex hadn’t answered their brother’s question.
“Wolffe,” Rex started, setting down his datapad and pulling a chair up, “What about you?”
The Captain had straddled his chair backwards, propping his arms up on the back of it as he sifted through a bag of Mantell Mix. He offered his brother some. Wolffe declined, “Not for me, vod. I never did have a sweet tooth.”
Gregor was ever oblivious to the tension in the room. He strode back in, now fully dressed in his civvies, starting some drawn out tale about how the last time he divulged in a sweet snack, it had been laced with Glitterstim spice. 
The remainder of the evening played out similarly. There was a thick tension between him and Rex, with Gregor’s heedless joking cushioning its sharp edges. Enduring the Commando’s incessant chatter was excruciating, to put it in the very least. Normally, he could ignore it just fine, but Wolffe was on edge tonight. He’d had one goal in mind for over a week now: get his hands on Rex’s datapad.
He’d crafted the most meticulous plan. He was proud of how precise it was. 
For the past few weeks, Wolffe began noticing an unbreakable pattern. Rex would leave his datapad on the table in their AT-TE’s kitchen area. It always remained there until he went to sleep, but all throughout the evening, he would continuously return his attention to it. The catch? He never once got up to grab it.
Wolffe knew his blonde brother was waiting on something, he just didn’t know exactly what that something was. 
He did know that by the time Rex headed to bed, he’d finally go retrieve it and place it on the underside of his pillow. It was no big secret that he did this, but he also knew neither Wolffe nor Gregor would go reaching under his head in search of it. They each had their own. 
It was a simple yet timeless plan, but it would work. 
Like clockwork, the Captain remained true to his set pattern. Rex was becoming predictable. He stood from his spot in the room and made a karkin’ beeline for the device. 
He bid his brothers a goodnight and the door to their shared quarters sealed closed behind him. Wolffe would wait well into the night to make his move. He’d been waiting for weeks; a few more hours were manageable. 
Not long after Rex went to bed, Gregor followed suit, leaving Wolffe alone in the living area. Not much longer.
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Wolffe shut all the lights off inside the old tank, finally making his own way to the sleeping quarters. He did everything as he normally would, changing nothing. 
The door shut softly behind him as he padded across the durasteel floor to his bunk. He plucked his own, dusty datapad from a low drawer and began the process of doing a complete wipe on the device. He didn’t ever use it anyway. 
He snapped his head around at Gregor, whose snoring had just started. For a moment he envied his vod. Wolffe knew he’d get a good night’s sleep too if he had lived a life away from the majority of the war. With that, he knew his plan was in motion. All he needed was for Gregor to be asleep. Rex had started in on his slumber hours ago, still stuck in his military routine.
Still a prude. 
Wolffe’s datapad screen went white, then black. Words scrolled across the screen. Wipe complete. 
He stood from his bunk and, with light feet, crept over to Rex’s. Making sure the light on his device was blinking, he held it near his brother's pillow and waited. Seconds felt like several minutes as he watched the blinking white light. Nerves danced in his stomach and suddenly the light switched to green. Transfer successful. 
Wolffe could’ve gasped. He was told that it worked, but had never tried it for himself. He returned to his side of the small room. Everything on Rex’s datapad had just been copied over to his. His heart pounded in his chest, echoing loudly in his ears. Where did he even begin? Everything he’d wanted to know was now waiting for him.
He immediately started digging through messages — old and new. 
Hunter? The scarred clone began reading, finding that it was the name of one of the enhanced clones. Rex was in contact with Clone Force 99? He found messages pertaining to the rescue of Gregor. Gregor had mentioned that was part of his rescue, but either left out or failed to realize how much deeper it went. The greedy man pressed onward.
Rafa. According to past transmissions, she was both a smuggler and an informer for Rex. 
Saw Gerrera. A known rebel whose messages Rex continues to receive, but never replies to. 
Cut Lawquane. The deserter. 
Echo. The old 501st ARC who had, seemingly, joined the group of defective clones. 
Ahsoka. Wolffe knew the name all too well. The Chosen One’s Padawan. His own General, Plo Koon, had harbored a soft spot for her. The Jedi was found guilty of bombing the Temple. He’d gone with the team sent to bring her in. She was given the other half of the 501st to capture the Sith on Mandalore. She was who Rex had been assigned to when Order 66 was issued.
She was the one who he’d seen kiss Rex in the medbay that night, some years prior. 
He began scrolling back to her earlier messages with the Captain. 
Ahsoka: I’m safe. I’m sorry, Rex. This was the last thing I could have ever wanted, but it’s the only way I can keep you safe. Let me know when you land. 
Rex: I just landed. Position is secure. I wish you luck, sir. 
Ahsoka: Keep in touch. 
Wolffe knew he had been right, but this was clear confirmation of the lie. Rex had been with her on Mandalore. Rex was not above Coruscant and had consciously made up a story… to cover up what? 
Rex: What you told me when we saw each other last. Was it true?
Ahsoka: Every word of it, yes. 
Rex: Is it still true?
Ahsoka: Everyday. 
Rex: I didn’t know what to say then. I was shocked at the confession as well with you leaving… I love you, too… I’ve loved you for such a long time now. 
What a pansy. He rolled his eyes. Wolffe loved his brother and he was thankful for his part in extracting him from the Empire. However, he didn’t know the esteemed Captain Rex could be so soft. He scoffed and kept digging. 
Ahsoka: I can’t begin to tell you how much I miss you. Being apart from you when I know you’re not gone is the biggest battle I never thought I’d face.
Ugh, scroll. 
Wolffe was not about to read further into that sickly, affectionate garbage. Bile rose in his throat. 
Rex: Fuck ‘Soka. Made me make a mess.
What in karkin’ hell?
He went back up to see what that message could possibly be in response to. 
There were photos attached. 
Against his better judgment, he opened them. Wolffe couldn’t believe what he was seeing. It was a series of very explicit images; sent by not just her but Rex too. It was highly pornographic. 
He got out of the image bank completely.
Try as he might, he couldn’t shake the images from his head. They had been burned into the backs of his eyelids. Physical scars aside, Wolffe was now scarred for life at the images he’d just seen. Rex grabbing his cock and sending pictures like that, legs spread with the camera in front of him. He could never admit it, but he felt a pang of jealousy. Whoever told him all clones' cocks were the same size, had lied. 
Ahsoka’s photos were more suggestive than they were explicit; insinuating pleasure and teasing rather than really showing anything. 
Ahsoka: Rex you just made me come. 
Wolffe really thought he’d be sick that time. Commander Tano was not his type, but Rex was eating her up. Literally. The Platinum Prude was a prude no longer… Now, he was just the Platinum Prevaricator. He scrolled on, annoyed.
Rex: The boys just transferred the crates to your team. I hope these will aid you in the fight.
Ahsoka: I appreciate it, Rex, more than you know. It’s a small effort now, but we are making waves. Every bit counts
Rex: I never thought I’d say it… I still hate it, but we are making more progress for the rebellion as a whole by being apart.
Ahsoka: We are. I’ll see you next week on Ord Mantell. Tell Hunter to expect me.
And there it was. The confession, the truth, the whole kriffing story. No wonder the Captain was so happy when coming back today. He’d been getting his fucking dick wet. Rex was in league with everyone on that list, everything pertaining to the rebellion in one way or another. He’d enlisted Gregor and himself in a cause they didn’t sign up for!
Wolffe was fuming. He wanted to destroy the device in his hand, go over to the Platinum Prevaricator and confront him; teach him a lesson or several with his fists until the skin on his knuckles broke. Did he know what kind of risk — what kind of danger he was putting his vode in? He ground his teeth together and began to detect a faint metallic tang. Wolffe’s nostrils flared as he began to talk himself down. Do nothing. Tell him nothing. Say nothing to Gregor. This never happened. Make the transfer. 
This ended tonight.
With that, Wolffe walked once more to Rex’s sleeping form. He didn’t get to sign them up for a rebellion. They had earned their retirement. He didn’t get to swap sexually charged messages and photos while his brothers did his dirty work. He didn’t get to fuck the rebel-Jedi every few weeks while he bunked up with Clone Force 99. Not while he and Gregor took his orders as he just lied and came in his hand. He didn’t get to keep secrets when it put the lives of his others at stake. Who does that after you lose all the brothers you have?
Deft fingers made quick work of getting Rex’s datapad from underneath the pillow and swapping it with his own. An exact replica. Now, his rebel friends would contact him, but it would go straight to Wolffe. Rex would never be the wiser, having a datapad with a different contact number, awaiting messages that would not be arriving.
The Platinum Prude (can be read as a part 1)
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stylo-90 · 11 months
anyone both sidesing or well actuallying about Israel's genocide in Gaza is a disgusting human being
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latham59 · 4 months
Tripod Tree
Tripod Tree Another New Studio The whole month has been a bit of a let down for me as it has been broken up by time away and illness. I read an interview with Nicola Tyson  who talks of a practice defined through drawing and escaping the line. There is definitely something in the fact that Tyson was born in 1960 so she had the same kind of art education as I did. The desire to draw was instilled…
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fideidefenswhore · 2 years
It was not until 1884 that Paul Friedmann, Anne’s greatest biographer before Eric Ives, debunked many of the romantic myths about her and portrayed her as a scheming adventuress.
But in this "exquisite treatment, sure to become a classic" (Booklist), they take on more fully realized flesh and blood than ever before [...] Anne Boleyn, an ambitious adventuress with a penchant for vengeance,
definition being “a woman who seeks social or financial advancement by dishonest or unscrupulous methods”...
can pop historians just refer to her as a whore, if this is truly their views? it would be more forthright.
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thewordwideweb · 1 year
This one may make you furrow your brow
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My tiny little town here at the end of the earth is full of farms and farmers. Now that spring is here, they'll soon be out plowing the fields.
Hmmm. Plowing the fields. Linguistically, that means they're either suffering from delirium or they're a pack of liars. I guess I'd better explain. And we'll make it the Word of the Day. In fact, it will be a twofer...two fer the price of one.
Let’s have a go at “delirium" first, meaning madness, an acute but usually temporary mental disturbance, characterized by restlessness, excitement and delusions. The Latin word “lira” referred to the ridge between furrows of a plowed field. If you were “de lira” (the Latin verb was “delirare,” to be deranged), you had gone out of the furrows, you deviated from a straight line. In other words, you had gone nuts.
I ain’t lying. Or, to use a somewhat more genteel word, I’m not prevaricating. If you are a prevaricator – someone who evades or deviates from the truth; that is, a liar – it appears you also can’t plow a straight line. The Latin words “prae” (“before”) and “varicare” (“to straddle”) were, according to Pliny, first applied to men who plowed crooked ridges, straddling the furrows, and later applied to men who gave crooked answers in courts of law.  
So, whether plowing the fields or just living your life, my advice to you is “keep on the straight and narrow,” lest someone accuse you of being a crazed liar. Or a Republican.
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thisismyanimus · 2 years
it seemed that searching three words allows you to find all posts containing those three words
with two words, it seemed that both words have to be in tags, or else it doesn't work. maybe unless the post is popular
but what if i write a really long tag? the maximum limit is 139 characters per tag
i did this experiment in this post
i concluded that if your search contains common words, for example "what write really", it only retrieves certain posts where those words are in the text
for uncommon/nonexisting words in the text of your post such as "brasput yabet mituarb", you can find your post by searching just 1 word
for two words in any of the tags, it retrieves the post, even if the words are common. for example "eat above"
#Sesquipedalian floccinaucinihilipilification antidisestablishmentarianism circumlocution prevarication obsequious perspicacious fastidious#aberration aberrant abscond accoutrements adumbrate affectation agglutination alacrity alluvion amelioration amorphous antediluvian#antepenultimate apotheosis apposite approbation apropos arrant assiduous augury auriferous auspicious baleful bellicose beleaguer bellicosi#bilious benighted bevy bipolar bivouac boisterous bombastic braggadocio cacophony calligraphy capricious carafe cataclysm caustic chicanery#churlish circumlocution colloquy commensurate complaisant concomitant concupiscence confabulation connivance contumacious convivial copious#coterie craven cull decorous demagogue demarcation denouement depravity desuetude diaphanous diffident dirge discomfit discomposure#disconcert disingenuous disinter disinclination dissemble dissimulation dissonance dithering dolorous dross ebullience effrontery emollient#empyrean enervate enfranchisement engender ennui ensconce entrench equanimity equivocate erudite ethereal evanescent execrate exigent#exiguous exoneration expatiate expurgate extemporaneous extirpate fatuous feckless fecund felicitous fester filigree florid flout foible#forbearance forswear fount frippery fulminate garrulous germane glabrous glib glower gnarled gossamer grandiloquent gratuitous gregarious#guile gumption gush halcyon harangue harried hedonist hegemony heresay heterodox histrionic hoary homily hubris hyperbolic hypocrisy#incipient inculcate indigent ineffable ingrate ingratiate inimical inimitable invective inveterate inveteracy irascible irresolute jejune#jettison jocund jubilant judicious ken knell labyrinthine lachrymose laggard lamentation largess levity libation lissome lithe loathe#lugubrious macabre maladroit malcontent malediction malfeasance malleable mawkish meander mendacity métier milieu minatory mire misanthrope#mitigate mnemonic modicum mollify morass mote mundane myopia nadir nascent neologism neophyte nexus#story saw far sea draw left late run don't while press close night real life few north open seem together next white children begin got#walk example ease paper group always music those both mark often letter until mile river car feet care second book carry took science#eat room friend began idea fish mountain stop once base hear horse cut sure watch color face wood main enough plain girl usual young#ready above ever red list though feel talk bird soon body dog family direct pose leave song measure door product black short numeral#class wind question happen complete ship area half rock order fire south problem piece told knew pass since top whole king space heard#best hour better true during hundred five remember step early hold west ground interest reach fast verb sing listen six table travel
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emilytakesphoto · 5 months
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im always saying this
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