#primarily he is impatient with cars
shallowseeker · 7 months
i refuse to believe that castiel
who canonically describes dean’s driving (and indeed all automobiles) as “slow”
who made hannah the angel nauseated with his driving and promised to take the curves faster
is a granny driver
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queenimmadolla · 7 months
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You surprise Eddie with your baby's first trick-or-treat costume. Spoiler alert: she's adorable.
a/n: for maisie 🩷
more penny and Eddie here
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“I’m waitiiiiiiiiing.” Eddie sang out from the couch, tugging at the neck of the cream colored turtleneck you’d guilted him into wearing. It wasn’t as bad as the sweater he had to wear with it. Truly the ugliest thing he had ever seen. 
  It was so ugly, it offended him and he was a little grumpy about it, which you teased was appropriate considering he was supposed to be dressed as Bert from Sesame Street. 
  Yeah. Sesame Street. 
  The (totally) gay puppets.
“You’ll have to get close.” Eddie had threatened when you pulled out eyeliner, not to line his eyes like you did before one of his shows or a date night, but to link his brows together in the most unrealistic looking unibrow ever. 
  Once upon a time, up until like two Halloweens ago, Eddie had used this day to be completely and thoroughly chaotic. Messy. Well, as messy as the social pariah could be on Halloween. So just really drunk, maybe high—sometimes both—making out with someone who wouldn’t acknowledge his existence the following day (and he was very grateful for you for breaking the curse on that last carefree Halloween). But that was the old Eddie Munson.
  Gone was the Eddie Munson that either went all out–in leather, eyeliner and fake blood–or barely tried with some devil horns and a bad sense of humor for halloween to deal weed and drugs, smoke weed and drink til he threw up, or get fucked. Granted, he wasn’t going through this change alone. 
  Your opportunities to party on Halloween night with your friends–having all gotten ready together for the big, slutty night out–drinking ‘til you were stupid only to wake up on your bedroom floor (sometimes not even yours and on one year, the top of your neighbor’s car) with no real repercussions were no more.
  Your days as primarily careless teenagers and now young adult were over, replaced with enjoying the night in a way you were both surprised to find that you didn’t hate, even as early twentysomethings. 
  Hell, the both of you were eager–even if Eddie had to wear a lame costume. He’d wanted to be Ernie, at least.
  “Shut up!” You called back from the bedroom. Eddie snickered at the amusement hidden under your voice and shifted until he was lounging on his side, arm propped up with his hand.
  “Still waitiiiiiiiing!”
  You’d been hiding a certain costume from him for the past three weeks, and the anticipation was killing him.
  “You are the most impatient man I have ever met.” 
  “I just gotta have you, baby.” Came his immediate response and his grin widened when he realized he didn’t even have to think up replies for your quips, it just came natural now. He knew you that well. Still made him giddy and want to kick his feet in the air.
  He loved being married to you. Sue him.
  “Okay, here we come!” You announced and Eddie scrambled to sit up straight, eagerly leaning forward to get an early peak. 
  You walked down the short hall, dressed in a striped sweatshirt, jeans with the bottoms rolled into cuffs and a pair of red converse. Ernie. But Eddie already knew what your costume was, it was a couple’s costume and you were indeed a couple. 
  It was who you were glancing back at, just out of his line of sight, that held his curiosity. 
  “C’mon, baby. Go show daddy!”
  At your prompting, your baby–just a couple of months over a year old–came waddling out, footsteps awkward as she got used to the orange duck feet covering her own and the padding and stuffing of her yellow duck costume, clutching a bottle you’d given her to keep her from fussing while you got her dressed. Her curly little head and chunky cheeks were framed in the hood of the costume, with the duck’s  head resting on hers.
  “Are you kidding me?” Eddie asked, mouth dropping open as his eyes darted from his cute little spawn in her adorable costume to your smug expression and back, “Are you joking? OH MY GOD!”
  Eddie reached his arms out to Penny, fingers curling into his fists as he made grabby hands, “You are so precious, my little baby, come to daddy!”
  Penny was delighted with his praise, drooly mouth dropping open and big brown eyes sparkling as she rushed forward. Her lack of coordinated motor skills paired with the duck feet and the padding of her duck bottom throwing her equilibrium off meant she immediately lost her balance and you and Eddie both inhaled sharply, quickly rising to attention as she wobbled forward briefly, then fell back on her cushioned tail feathers.
  It was far from a dangerous fall, so you and Eddie stood frozen, waiting for her response so as to not sway her to have a certain response, having taken her to the doctor’s after a fall once only to learn she was perfectly fine and had only started crying because you had. 
  You both learned real quick to wait for her response after falling, sometimes she cried and had a boo boo that Daddy and Mommy could fix with some first aid and a kiss, and other times she'd run right into the wall, get up, and walk away (albeit while muttering in angry baby gibberish).
  Penny blinked once, eyes flying from your face to her dad’s before she wiggled her bum against the floor, set her bottle down next to her and tried to stand up. 
  You both let out matching sighs of relief before Eddie darted forward to scoop her up.
  “Are you rubber ducky?” Eddie asked once he had her situated in his arms. All she did was give him that big, beautiful smile of hers (no longer gummy with the teeth she had coming in but thinking about that made Eddie teary eyed) before her attention strayed to his long curls and her chunky little fist flew out to grab some of it, staring it down before she put it in her mouth.
  “Say, yes, baby.” You encouraged her after picking up her bottle, hand tucking in one of her curls peaking out.
  “Yesh.” She parroted, mouthing aggressively at the hair in her fist. While she was distracted, Eddie took the opportunity to press kisses into her cheek, smothering her in them until she grew annoyed and snapped her head in his direction, mouth wide in protest.
  “Sor-ry!” He huffed, still grinning as he pressed another one into her soft cheek. She was all talk  and no bite. Mostly.
  “What does the duck say, baby?” You asked, trying to prompt her. She could do some of the animal sounds and she’d gotten the duck right a few times.
  “Moooo.” And sometimes she moo’d.
  “That is one interesting duck.” Eddie commented and you shushed him.
  “No, baby. Quack.”
  Your heart dropped into your stomach. “Okay, that’s a little too close to–we’ll stick with moo.”
  You grabbed her trick-or-treat bag, a disposable camera and a couple of other things you thought you might need to take her trick-or-treating for the first time, while Eddie continued to coddle her, only putting her down when you were all ready to go. 
  Penny was little miss independent until she caught sight of the steps outside of the trailer. Then she whimpered, dropped her bottle and turned to Eddie, shoving herself at his legs as she reached her little arms up to him.
  “Up! UP! Up!”
  It was mean of him, really it was, because Penny was genuinely afraid of the steps but that also meant she demanded her daddy hold her in his arms, and that wasn’t really a loss for him so he hoped she’d hang onto that fear for a while before she got inventive and found another way to climb down them without him.
  Eddie picked her up and she curled into his chest, chin on his shoulder as she clung to him with the duck head on her hood hitting the side of his face. He was trying to hide his smile but it was much too large to conceal and you glared at him with no malice, more amused with Eddie than anything.
  “It’s okay, sweetpea. Daddy will protect you from those big, mean steps.”
  He cackled as you shook your head with a smile. 
  “You are so messed up, capitalizing off of her fear.”
  “Hey–it’s easy for you, she still demands and needs your boob. Did you see her refuse my kisses in there? I’m fighting for her affection here. And I’m gonna keep doing it, as soon as she gets over her fear of steps, I’m telling her a monster lives underneath them. Now, let's go get some candy I’ll also eat on her behalf.”
  He bounded cheerfully out the door, Penny bouncing in his arms while you locked up behind him and called out in your laughter.
  “And using your baby for candy–oh, you’ve got to choke tonight. I’ll save you, but you’ve got to choke.”
  Eddie paused, waiting for you to catch up as his lips curled into smirk in a very Grinch like manner and you groaned, eyes squeezing shut as you realized what he was implying without having to verbalize it. 
  “I mean, I’d be happy to arrange that–”
  “Keep walking, Bert. We only have an hour and a half so we’d better get a move on if you want a decent amount of candy to steal from your own baby.”
  “I’m not above taking candy from any baby.” He confirmed leaning down just as you leaned up to meet in a kiss, the both of you smiling into it. It was brief, ending when Penny accidentally pecked the both of you with the head of her costume.
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(Credit for the above image goes to the lovely and talented as ever @spider-jaysart who helped considerably co-create this character)
Meredith Adams Robinson
Age: 10 1/2 years
Height: 5’2”
Personality Traits: Adventurous, Intelligent with her Hobbies, Playfully Mischievous, Open Minded and Positively Receptive when Taking Genuine Criticism, Stands Up against Authoritarian Tendencies from some Grown Ups and Bullying from some jerkish classmates, Very Hard to Get Stressed Out, Easy Going, Conversely is Very Hard to Calm Down or Soothe when Agitated, Scared, or Angered, Never Runs From a Fight No Matter the Risks, Sometimes can be Impatient with certain things like upcoming news for her fandoms or with unpredictable delays in whatever her friends and her are doing that day.
Attends Bludhaven Academy, currently in 5th Grade
Only Daughter of Mackey Vernon Robinson, a local Bludhaven based Car Mechanic, and Susana Whitehead-Robinson, a US Marine currently stationed at Air Station Iwakuni in Japan.
Primary Hobbies: Making Short Films with her Phone’s Camera, cardboard miniature buildings and her collection of kaiju action figures as Practice for her Cinematography skills and stop motion animation, Writing Down Scripts and Story Treatments for Dream Movies, Comic Book Reading and Collecting, Gymnastics and Social Networking
Best Friends: Jake Grayson*, Thara Ak Var, Christopher Kent, and Mar’i Grayson
*Both Jake and Her are clearly developing feelings for one another despite insistence from the both of them of being merely just very close good friends
Bio: Raised by primarily her father due to her mother’s duties as a US Marine, Meredith Robinson takes a lot of her persona and approach to life from said father, who in turn always values making the best out of any sort of situation and looking to the bright side when possible. While not exactly entirely low class citizens, The Robinsons reside at a humble and modest neighborhood relatively close to both the slums and the dockyards, which in turn had Meredith for the longest time attending the less prestigious and even sometimes run down elementary schools prior to attending Bludhaven Academy for the fifth grade, even then it took insistence from her parents and a threat of lawsuit to the Bludhaven Unified School District to allow her in. With that, Meredith is a relatively street wavy sort who’s familiar with the rougher sides of the city, which ensures she can fend for herself and her f friends in times of danger, maybe even jump as a volunteer during fights being rouges and Bludhaven’s local crime fighters
Speaking of whom, Meredith first meets Jake Grayson during her first day at Bludhaven Academy, as both have picked Basketball for their PE Classes, difference here being Jake has been part of the Academy’s official peewee and later Junior teams ever since he was seven. Upon first laying eyes and beginning to talk to each other, a sort of emotional spark within them went off, as if their hearts grew by one or two sizes and they largely grew the very second they say hi to one another.
However, Both Meredith and Jake rather not dwell on those bidding emotions and feelings too much as the two don’t wish to pursue an immediate relationship of that sort with anyone. It just feels…wrong if they jump into a childhood crush right away. No, Meredith and Jake instead immediately start out being friends, quickly becoming close within the next two weeks after that first meeting. Within that time, Meredith then meets Jake’s best friend Chris and his Big sister Mar’i. What truly captures her eyes though comes when she’s introduced to one of Chris’ other school friends whom is a foreign exchange student from New Krytpon, Thara Ak Var. Other than Jake and despite going to differing schools, Thara and Meredith quickly form a tight knit and solid friendship with each other, Thara more sensible and typical girly approach balancing out with Meredith’s tomboyish attitude and adventurism quite nicely.
During the particular weekends after beginning her school year, a rampage by Cinderblock results in Meredith being precariously dangling off the rooftop of a building, each blow to it the stone monster causing more of its foundations to break. Finally as the building gives and just as Meredith was going down with it, she’s rescued from the crumbling rubble by one of those local heroes, swinging away to safety on a cable while being safely held in his arms. Meredith peaks open her eyes, revealing a young man about her age on a black domino mask and an assuring smile on him, Skybird. It’s only about six to ten months later and after further adventures with Skybird does he finally feel confident in her trust to not reveal his secret identity to those who don’t know, revealing himself as his best friend and classmate Jake Grayson.
After the tiny bit of silence in so both can process their thoughts and emotions after such a reveal, Meredith becomes a viable yet not distracting presence for Jake when hero duties are concerned. Her experience in the streets allows Meredith to catch wind of any sort of shenanigans and plots being done from the view point of the near lowest level which gives Jake and his partner Chris the intel needed for their never ending battle against the forces of evil. Akin comparatively to the portrayal of the character of Mary Jane Watson seen in the Insomniac SpiderMan games.
Oh and as the shirt she wear was major indicator and thanks to her mother’s continuous presence at Japan, Meredith and her Father have an entire collection of pretty much ever my single Godzilla movie, show or tv series ever made. Her dream is to one day create a kaiju movie of that caliber cause really it’s one of the great accomplishments as far as she’s concerned.
Misc Trivia:
- Absolutely Loves Blue Moon Ice Cream and is so ever thankful a local parlor near her place serves it. She’s considered something of a regular customer and the staff are alway so delighted to see her
- Besides Skybird, her favorite superheroes would be both Starfire and Troia. Some honorable mentions go to Batwoman, Batgirl (Cass) and Raven
- While generally easy going and hard to annoy, one particular quick way in getting there is continually poking fun at suitmation, the common method for special effects in the majority of the Godzilla and other kaiju movies. She’d very very quick in pointing out the hardships and difficulties the guys in those rubber suits had to undergo in making the best film they can, not limiting to exceptional high temperatures inside said suits, the risks of injury just by tripping and falling over the sets given the virtually useless eyeholes, risk of burns from the small sparks and controlled fires along many others. She respects those guys.
- She’s loosely based on the woman Jake had married and had a child with at the very end of Nightwing: The New Order. The general idea being the small childhood crush they develop grows over the years, developing into romance once they reach college and once they’ve graduated, then they’re a happily married couple
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shinygoku · 1 year
Captain Scarlet Headcanons
A man stands in the gloom of an alleyway, lit up only by a yellow tinted spotlight. He’s tall, dark and handsome, and his striking red and black uniform give him quite the presence. The latest in the line of Anderson Heroes and the one tasked with enduring the most gruesome of settings and personal circumstance.
Also he’s gay and autistic, good for him!
Welcome to my Headcanons for Paul Metcalfe, aka Captain Scarlet.
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I’m primarily drawing straight from the one true canon source; the 1967 Television Series, with some supplementary tidbits from the Haynes Manual and bonus material from my DVD set. I’m not counting from tie in novels, audio only stories, or comics, as they’re lower in the hierarchy and hard to come by, but if they’re any good then they shouldn’t contradict anything I have here ;D
This is a long post, so I’ll put the cut up here. Great to read when you’re sitting down with a nice drink and/or snack~
Paul Metcalfe will be born in Winchester in 2036 and the series starts in 2068, making him 31 with change (as his DOB is in December and Ep 1 sure don’t look like Winter) when he’s killed and Mysteronised. That’s really quite sad, but of course, this is a series about a war…
With his December the 17th Birthday, he’s a Sagittarius. The prophecy aspect could allude to the occasionally remembered Mysteron Sense he has? Key traits mentioned include (Positive) Idealism and generosity, and (Negative) pronounced impatience and being shockingly blunt. These all fit nicely with our man in red here.
I ain’t sufficiently interested in Military crud to rehash it or try to put my own spin (I had to look up what a commission is in that context and I still only half get it!), same applies with Academic stuff, so for both them I’ll let the bio provided in the Haynes Manual cover it lmao
“Background: From a long-serving military family. Trained at West Point Military Academy. Following completion of degrees in technology, history and mathematical application at Winchester University joined World Army Air Force as private, rising rapidly to colonel through inspiring capacity to command and military professionalism. Having noted qualities of leadership, strategic thinking and dedication to duty, approached by Spectrum selection committee to become leading field agent. Commission accepted immediately.”
Yeah, the main characters of Anderson shows go real hard on the expansion pack pasts, I’m unsure how hilariously over the top it is compared to the 5 Tracy Boys but they weren’t shy about making the leads Cool and Experienced!
Also from the Haynes manual, instead of Personal Interests like most’a the other cast members, there’s a Special Note. It strikes me as a bit more cold and impersonal than what the Show has, and take it with a slight pinch of salt, but I’ve got it transcribed as written:
“After reconstruction by Mysterons following death in car crash and subsequent fall from tall structure, replica accepted as serving officer having completed extensive tests revealing capacity for retro-metabolism and loss of Mysteron influence.” 
Well anyway, that covers the Canon info, it’s limited but pretty interesting for what it’s worth. Below is another short bio, this one from my DVD set (the info presumably having been provided in Annuals prior).
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As ya can see in the Marital Status section, he’s Single. I shall make the bold statement too that he’s gay but possibly isn’t consciously aware of that …yet? He can see when a girl is pretty but he doesn’t React much to it, and none of the interactions he does have with ladies is romance coded. In fact, when Linda Nolan pretty strongly implies attraction he literally says: “Thank you. Let’s go, Adam!” –  I really think he didn’t Twig her intent and then he’s instantly getting Blue’s attention instead XD ~ But he does have stronger and more diverse interactions with other guys, especially Blue ;3
I think he’s autistic but good at masking – even before being Mysteronised his resting face is very unexpressive and his seemingly sincere bidding of good luck sounds quite flat. Other factors include the above mentioned focus on professionalism but deviating when his principles are challenged or things aren’t going to plan, plus how he spends free time in a quiet environment and mostly hanging out with Blue when given the chance. Also, again his canon Good At Academic angle. I expect he thrives fairly well in the pseudo military environment as it provides structure, routine and clear rules (Though he will disregard those when he’s being particularly spicy!).
Can be stubborn and impatient (noticeably uses a louder voice when re-asserting something), and isn’t the best at hiding his thoughts. Otherwise seems to have a stiff upper lip and good nerves. Slight hints of arrogance on occasion but strongly principled. He’s got a dry and sardonic sense of humour.
Mostly very professional but he’s not “on” all the time. Sitting at his Boss’ desk with his feet up on the desk as he Vibes is the oddest example, yet it doesn’t feel shockingly out of character. I’ve noticed he sits weird in many scenes too, sometimes his ankle rests on his knee, propping his feet way up on White’s desk, or sitting in a chair sideways (can file under gay / autistic traits / omg he just like me fr), and states in Spectrum Strikes Back that he enjoys the quietness of nature with less people around too (he’s SO real !!) Like when he needs to cool off in White as Snow it’s the little flower house on the Promenade Deck he picks to gaze out into the blue yonder.
I like the idea that Agent Blake from the Secret Service is his grandfather (Meta: the Captain Scarlet puppet was reused for the role), personally I see it working better as him being Paul Metcalfe’s Maternal Grandpa. As for the Paternal line, that’s where several generations of Military dudes comes from :T –  At least the Blake personality may explain where Scarlet got the history and maths nerd interests, Blake does have that bookish vibe rather than a strong presence.
Seeing how his Mysteron Sense manifests as Nausea, I think he gets motion sick more easily than a Pilot and Guy who drives Armoured Tank-Cars Backwards ought to… so he wears Pressure Bands to alleviate the sickness response (but the Mysteron Sense may bypass that, being psychic rather than motion based). I know it’s in part due to the puppets but he sure seems to prefer wearing high necked, long sleeved shirts, be it uniform of civvies (And well, 60’s fashion be like that too lol, maybe he’s a smidge Trendy!).
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Ok, so as one of the first to be Mysteronised, it feels like the Mysterons were themselves experimenting with how their duplicates were going to be. Black seems to be forcibly possessed with his personality overridden, and both Brown and Scarlet are killed in a car wreck fireball to be copied. 
While Brown was used to be a suicide bomb, Scarlet was used to try to take the President alive instead. Scarlet’s second death was from being shot in the chest and then falling maybe 10,000 feet (idk distances. It was REALLY really high!) to a presumably gory landing. However, after they get his remains back at base, they’re shocked to discover him showing signs of life again and his body reverts to his as-new form after the first Mysteron Reconstruction, but instead of being a pawn of the Mysterons, this time Scarlet is back to his original body’s personality, and that’s how he stays thereafter. I theorise that as he was an early draft, the Mysterons didn’t have the expectation that the healing factor they installed would be that potent, nor did they put in a way to Keep their programming after said death. That, or they did want to have a worthy opponent in their ongoing war of nerves… But yes, Scarlet remains completely unique as both a Reconstruction (effectively a clone of Paul Metcalfe [re]born at 31 with all his memories before the explosion-death intact), but also one with free will and unlimited healing powers that bring him back from death multiple times.
The Mysterons presumably don’t install a healing factor into the Mysteronised Drones thereafter, though they are harder than normal to kill, with High Voltage Electricity being the only surefire to kill them, and presumably would permakill Scarlet too. They are also unable to be X-rayed, instead being opaque on such photographs.
But yes, the grisly central premise of the show is that even though Scarlet can indeed be killed, he won’t stay down forever. Though he’s Indestructible, that’s from the healing power repairing injuries and reversing death rather than a Superman-esque bulletproof skin (the opening of the show features this only for brevity lol, the episodes themselves stick to the rules). Nope, it’s even explicit that he feels the pain of injuries and dying each time! That’s rough, buddy! 
A much lesser side effect of being a Mysteronised Clone is the “Sixth Sense” Mysteron sensing response that the writers sometimes forget about, where Paul feels nausea when another replicant is nearby.
The healing power is called the same term that the Mysterons use to recreate destroyed matter: Retrometabolism. And now I’ve recapped the origin and summary, I wanna dig in to the headcanoning part that they show sadly didn’t make enough time for… >:3c
Here’s how I think Retrometabolism works for Scarlet specifically: In the event of injuries, the wound in question will get healed pretty quickly. The smaller the wound, the faster it heals, but even something like a broken leg or bullet wound will still leave no scar tissue or residual effects after the process is complete. However, if he’s been killed, then the Retrometalbolism probably focuses first on his most major organs to get his body restarted as swiftly as possible, with lesser injuries coming afterwards. 
I also imagine if the cause of death was something like being shot, the Retrometabolism will also force the bullet out, assuming it got stuck in his body. If he was poisoned, it would purge and/or neutralise this before getting his body back online. If he had brain damage from either the direct cause of death (hello, Operation Time!) or as a side effect of his brain being starved of oxygen, that damage will be waved away all as part of the package. It also seems he’s immune to disease, a hypothesis actually observed in Place of the Angels. I think he must also be immune to the harmful effects of Radiation, or at least that the death and rebirth would cleanse any lingering sickness.
However, the more grisly his death, the longer it will take to heal. I reckon the only way to speed up the Retrometabolistic process would be for surgical intervention to essentially do as much clean-up as possible so the Retrometabolism can ‘focus’ on the regeneration part. For this reason I think being riddled with bullets would probably be a simpler process than the times Scarlet is caught in an explosion, or some of the potentially-canon situations shown in the end credits which vary from a stock Pulp hazard (Dynamite, being thrown out of a speeding car, threatened by a cobra) to honestly quite nightmarish (the walls of spikes, the swamp/quicksand, being about to be run over by a tank, the impending inferno as he trips on a burning beam….), and the end credit scenarios offer an underrated facet of Spectrum.
It’s easy for bad faith takes to dismiss the dynamics of Scarlet as “the guy who always dies” and the other Spectrum officers as being surplus to requirements, but that’s a reductive and daft way of looking at it. Instead why don’t we focus on how much interest and (for lack of a better term) variation in strategy it offers when one member can offer to make the riskiest plays, in the safety not of having regenerative powers, but the assurance that there’s backup to retrieve him and look after him while he’s completely helpless. Like, in the Shark picture, I think the threat is much less the toothy fish, but instead that Scarlet is doomed to be stuck underwater, maybe ready to return to life but without outside assistance unable to do so without drowning all over again. There would be a lot of trust and courage needed in these situations, not to mention how deeply unpleasant it is for humans to be around a dead body that may also be in quite a state, so it’s a strange sort of sweetness that Scarlet has all this back up when needed.
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I also feel it’s worth mentioning my headcanon on the mysterious case of the Two Scarlets - OG Human who is perma-dead and the Mysteron version with Retrometabolism. First of all, while it happens entirely unmentioned and offscreen, I expect Spectrum New York dug around the crash site a bit more after reporting Brown’s corpse and then found Scarlet’s. This body is presumably in a morgue, perhaps cremated or buried but perhaps not. Presumably it’s Scarlet’s call to make…
I don’t think there was any personality change at a core level between the Scarlets, though if he got more moody or distant or whatever I don’t think anyone can hold it against him! But in part of their accepting, embracing even, of Mysteron!Scarlet, I feel like his Self would remain how it was, with the caveat of the new tactical routes opened by the indestructibility. 
And, while the headcanon train chuffs along, I guess I can wonder how long Retrometabolism will last with the Scarlet we know and love? Will repeated use ever cause it to fade, or is it as unshakable like the movement of planets? Will it prevent him from aging, each death reset bringing him back to 31 physically, or will it see him into twilight years? If the Mysterons were defeated, would the power be taken away with them, or eased off as their influence fades like a memory? It may depend on how the Mysterons were to be beaten, or come to a peaceful agreement. If they could strip it from him, then their keeping it active for their recurring counter may add fuel to the idea they’re playing a game and need specific pieces to always be in play.
In that regard, I only have questions. But puzzling out and solidifying my interpretations of this fine fellow has been a lot of fun, and even after I finish editing this, and after I’ve posted it, something else is sure to occur to me to mull over! This show deserved to be longer, but everything it gave me is cherished, and at the heart of that is this autistic gay king. He’s intriguing and, of course, indestructible!
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emotionalcadaver · 1 year
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Part 1: The Clockwork Laws
Fandom: In Time
Pairing: Raymond Leon x OC
Summary: Things go wrong, but Rose starts to realize that Raymond may actually care about her more than she originally thought.
Word Count: 4,999
Notes: Warnings for depictions of gunshot wounds and violence, and references to prostitution and past abuse. 
Masterlists: Main • Series • Fic
Previous Part • Next Part
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Chapter 4: Corruption
Raymond slumped down into his chair with a defeated groan, leaning back with his eyes trained towards the ceiling. The chair rocked precariously onto its hind legs, a habit his mother had always chastised him over.
“Someday, you’ll tip backwards and break your damned neck, boy. Mark my words.”
The memory was enough to make his lips pull upwards. Even though she was long gone, the few recollections he had of her fleeting.
Closing his eyes, he folded his hands across his stomach, face pinching as an image of Rose’s hurt features flashed behind his eyes. Opening them again, he sighed up at the ceiling.
He hadn’t meant to be so harsh. It just came out that way. 
And she was so new to all of this. She barely even understood what exactly she’d gotten herself involved in. It was his job to keep her safe.
It was imperative that he keep her safe.
Scratching at his cheek, he sighed hard enough to make his entire chest heave. Admitting to himself, with a great deal of begrudgement, that despite his strongest attempts not to, he had grown increasingly fond of her. She was spunky, smart, and funny. And her adaptability was something that he’d grown to almost admire. Not to mention that with her dark brown loose curls and amber eyes, she was very, very beautiful. 
Keeping Rose at arms length had been the plan, and not just because of his burgeoning attraction towards her. He prided himself on not feeling the need to be closer to other people, always content for nothing more than surface level, superficial relationships be that with co-workers or acquaintances. It was better to be alone. Safer. And then this headstrong, willful woman from a nearly forgotten prior life had come blazing in, leaving him with a twisting, throbbing longing in his chest that left him as much annoyed as he was aghast.
He hadn’t meant to be such an asshole to her. After so long keeping his walls up and ensuring that no one ever got too close, he supposed that it had just become second nature.
And for a moment, there in the interrogation room when she first asked him how he’d become a Timekeeper, he thought maybe she knew. That she was mocking him with the secret that kept him up most nights, curled in on himself in shame. But then it became clear that she didn’t know, and it became his primarily goal to ensure that she never would. 
He really should tell her. Maybe there would be some relief in that. Some catharsis. It was likely that she would find out eventually, anyway. Rose wasn’t stupid. And people liked to talk. The possibility of someone telling her wasn’t particularly unlikely. But he’d had enough people look at him in disgust and discomfort once they knew. The idea of her looking at him like that made his stomach turn.
Picking at his food, he made a face, appetite entirely ruined. Eyes darting to the door, his foot tapped impatiently.
No matter how angry she might be, she would have to come back eventually. At the very least for her suitcase. And he had the keys to the car.
When she got back he would apologize to her. Painful as it might be to his pride. She needed to know that he did value her. That she mattered to him.
Maybe far more than either of them really knew. 
∗ ∗ ∗ 
It was only when she’d stepped out into the hotel hallway that Rose realized she was still in her pajamas, with only a pair of slippers covering her feet. But she couldn’t exactly go back in there after so magnificently storming out like she just did.
Huffing, she began to wander aimlessly throughout the hallways. It was late enough that no one else was around. Everyone was safe and snug in their rooms.
She hated him. She fucking hated him. She hated the way that he was kind one moment and closed off and dismissive the next. She hated how despite the way he treated her, she couldn’t stop herself from trying to win his approval. But most of all, she hated how none of that seemed to have dampened her attraction to him.
She must be a fucking masochist or something. 
Temperamentally wrapping her arms around her middle, she scowled down at the generic pattern stitched into the carpet.  
There was clearly something in his past that he didn’t want her to know about. That was fine. But he didn’t need to be such a major jackass about it.
Was it too much to have hoped that maybe they could have at the very least been friends? Hell, at this point she’d settle for just coworkers who didn’t openly hate each other. 
Her stupid crush was an inconvenience that was proving more and more troublesome. Not to mention she’d almost fucking told him, Jesus Christ–
She finished a lap around the hotel, pausing at the door to the dreaded room, her hand raised over the doorknob.
She walked another lap, trying everything possible to clear her head. But still it was hazy with a combination of hate and illogical desire for the man on the other side of that door.
Stalking down the stairs to see if the hotel bar was still open, she pouted childishly when she found it closed. Fine. She was going to have to face him eventually anyway. Might as well bite the bullet and get it over with. 
Her bunny slippers stomped irritably against the stairs as she climbed them, turning down the hall. There was a figure at the ice machine, head down with a hood covering his head. He was fumbling at the machine, cursing quietly as he pushed and jiggled the lever until a torrent of ice dropped down into his bucket. Stepping back, shaking the container lightly to evenly distribute the ice throughout, he looked up, and made direct eye contact with Rose. 
He’d shaved his beard, but she still knew his features well enough to recognize them. Her heart thumped wildly, triumph so close that she could nearly taste it. Got you. We’ve fucking got you.
For a moment, she and Cyrus just stared at each other, both too stunned to move. And then he dropped his bucket of ice onto the floor and took off running at a breakneck speed down the hall.
“Hey! Stop!” Rose took off after him, leaping over the spilled ice so that she didn’t slip. Their feet thundered and clattered loudly down the halls. A few people opened their doors, sticking their heads out to see just who was making such a commotion so late in the night. “Go back into your rooms!” she shouted over her shoulder at them. Her slippers skidded against the carpet as they rounded the corner. She was gaining on him, fast. Geez, she would have expected that as the leader of a rebellion, he would at least be able to run. “Cyrus, there’s nowhere to go!” as long as she didn’t let him get to the stairs, he would be cornered. The fuck was he doing staying in this hotel anyway?
On the next turn around a corner she had him, all but crashing into him in a tackle that sent them both sprawling. She winced at the rugburn that ripped across her bare arms, jumping to her feet to stand over Cyrus. He was laying on his stomach, wheezing. Resting her hands on her waist, her chest heaved with panting gasps as she caught her breath.
“I thought you would be faster,” she said, reaching down to haul him up and drag his ass back to Raymond.
In a split second he rolled over onto his back, and she barely had any time to even process the glint of the silver barrel of the gun before a burst of sound exploded in the hallway. A few people screamed.
The shot sent her flying backwards, landing hard enough onto her back to knock the air from her lungs. But that didn’t even compare to the explosion of pain in her upper chest, white spots appearing in her vision. Her body writhed back and forth in agony, groaning and whimpering quietly. Blinking hard, the spots appearing across her vision dissipated just enough for her to be able to focus on Cyrus standing over her, gun raised to her head. She lifted her hands, or tried to. Her right arm was working fine but her left was paralyzed by pain. The slightest twitch alone was agonizing, let alone trying to raise it up.
“Wait, wait, please–”
There was another shot, so loud it made her ears ring, and for a moment she thought she’d been shot again.
Until Cyrus started screaming, his hand dropping the gun as blood exploded from the hole in the center of his palm. His head snapped up, but not in time to do anything before two more shots rang out.
His kneecaps exploded.
Cyrus screamed and screamed as his legs buckled and bent underneath him, sending him crashing to the ground beside her. Rose tried to scoot away from him, but even the tiniest of movements had tears prickling in her eyes, a scream catching in her throat.
Looking down at herself, a whimper not of pain but terror sounded from her lips, trembling right hand lifting to try to press against the wound in her chest, and oh, it hurt, it hurt, it hurt–
Her shirt was soaked with blood, red droplets beginning to drip down to stain the carpet beneath her, entire torso drenching in crimson.
“This is Timekeeper business, go back into your rooms!” Raymond’s voice sounded very far away, even as it boomed authoritatively throughout the halls. Her head lolled, eyes closing. “Rose.”
When she opened them he was hovering over her. His phone was pressed to his ear, mumbling something about an ambulance.
“Rose, look at me. Keep your eyes open.”
“Mhm,” she hummed.
“Move your hand,” he said, gently pulling it away from her wound. “Let me see.”
She didn’t have the strength to fight him, even if she had wanted to. He examined her chest, frown deep across his face. Her teeth were beginning to chatter inside her skull, body trembling.
“Here,” in one quick movement he took off his coat, wrapping it tightly around her. Sitting down beside her, he pulled back her shirt enough to examine the bullet wound in her upper chest. “This will hurt.”
“What–” she had to bite down on the side of her mouth in an attempt to stifle her scream as he pressed down hard with both hands on the injury.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he said, over and over again. One hand maintained the pressure on her chest while the other stroked over her hair. 
“Cyrus–” she suddenly gasped, barely lucid. But he might get away–
“Relax, he’s not going anywhere.”
As if in response, there was a groan of pain somewhere towards her right.
“It hurts,” she almost sobbed. Her mind was feeling fuzzy and sleepy, limbs cold, chest throbbing, and she had never been so scared–
“I know, I know. You’re okay,” Raymond promised, still petting her head. “You’re gonna be okay.”
She wasn’t sure how long they waited for, her eyelids growing heavier with every passing moment, but Raymond stayed with her, putting pressure on her wound and stroking her hair, mumbling quiet reassurances. At some point her right hand came to rest on the forearm of the hand he had on her chest, just holding onto him lightly. He didn’t pull away.
Finally, there was the sound of boots on the stairs. “Oh, Jesus, fuck,” Cassius mumbled.
“Get him,” Raymond ordered, jerking his head towards where Cyrus was laying. The Timekeepers descended upon the rebel leader like a pack of wolves, handcuffing him and half dragging him away, leaving a bright red smear where the blood ran from his knees.
“What happened?” Joelle asked, sinking down to crouch by Rose.
“Gunshot wound to the chest. Where’s the ambulance?”
“EMTs were right behind me.”
Joelle gave her a little squeeze on the shoulder and vanished after the other Timekeepers. She could hear the rush of footsteps towards them, the EMTs coming to crouch over her, hands fluttering along her torso as they set to work. Someone ripped Raymond’s hand away from her and she cried out more in distress than pain.
“I’m right here,” the sound of his voice somewhere near her head soothed her. They pressed some sort of bandage to the hole in her chest and put her on a stretcher. But before they could begin to wheel her away, she grabbed at Raymond’s hand. She still couldn’t stop shaking, and the idea of being left alone terrified her more than anything. 
“Don’t leave me,” she begged.
His icy eyes looked her over, the usual coldness that was in them cracked and thawed by worry. He squeezed her hand firmly.
“I won’t. I promise.” 
∗ ∗ ∗ 
She woke in a haze, the steady beeping on a monitor off towards her right somewhere. The glare of bright fluorescents made her squint, face scrunching in discomfort. Blinking rapidly in an attempt to get used to the lights, her gaze swept over the room. The TV mounted on the wall across from her, the monitors surrounding her bed, the window with the curtains still drawn to her left. A few tubes were attached to her chest and left arm, connecting to the monitors.
And curled in a chair next to her, his coat tossed over him in a makeshift blanket and his limbs folded in on themselves, was Raymond.
He was asleep, head pillowed on one arm, lips parted slightly as he snored very softly. Her brows furrowed as she looked him up and down, taking in the way that his chest raised and lowered with deep, even breaths. The way that his limbs were all curled up in the chair reminded her a bit of a cat.
If I fits, I sits.
For some reason, the thought was incredibly hilarious to her, and she had to fight to stifle the giggle in her chest, the sound instead coming out as a tiny squeak.
Hm. Maybe the pain meds that they’d given her made her more loopy than she’d expected.
The small sound had him shooting awake, eyes snapping open, immediately leaning forward towards her. “Hey,” his voice was low, hand settling against the bed. “Are you okay? Does anything hurt?”
He was so suddenly and completely lucid, she couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he had been faking being asleep.
“No, no. I’m okay,” she said quickly. A look of relief passed over his face, slumping back into his seat.
“They said as long as you feel okay, you can go home today.”
“Mhm,” he hummed. Glancing down, she tugged the collar of the hospital gown down just enough to examine where a little square of gauze had been pressed over her chest. Peeling it back, her eyes narrowed at the sight of newly healed skin. She poked at it experimentally. “It might be numb for a few more hours,” Raymond commented. “And you’ll still have a scar.”
“I find it hard to believe that they haven’t figured out a way to cover up scarring with all their other fancy regenerative medical equipment,” she commented, pressing the gauze back into place and pulling her collar up.
“Oh, they definitely can. But Timekeeper insurance doesn’t cover it,” he flashed her an apologetic look, rubbing the back of her neck. Rose snorted, leaning back onto her pillows.
“How long was I asleep for?”
“Only a few hours.”
“And Cyrus?”
“The work on his knees is going to be a little more intensive, I’m afraid,” he didn’t look even a little bit sorry. “But he’s in our custody.”
“What was he even doing in the hotel, anyway?”
“He said when questioned that he was waiting for us to leave so he could access his apartment.”
“How did he even know we were there?”
Raymond shrugged. “We’re looking into it,” clearing his throat, he stood to push the curtains aside, letting a burst of warm, bright sunshine into the room. He stood at the window for a long moment, back to her with his hands braced against the windowsill. When he turned back to look at her, she was struck at how different his eyes looked. Gone was the hard, inaccessible coldness. Yes, there was still an inexplicable barrier there, but it was softened just enough for her to consider the possibility that her being shot might have actually rattled him.
“Rose, listen…”
“Don’t worry about it,” she said, folding her hands awkwardly in her lap. Raymond took a step closer, before tentatively sitting on the bed, near her legs. 
“I haven’t been fair to you,” he started awkwardly, rubbing a hand over his neck. Rose glanced up at the ceiling, unsure if she could handle looking into his eyes at the moment. “There are…” he hesitated, and cursed softly under his breath. “Look, there are things that I…things that I did from before. And I don’t…I can’t talk about them.”
“I didn’t mean to take it out on you. And I don’t mean to be a…a…”
“Massive dick with a stick up your ass?”
A coughing laugh choked from his throat. “Yeah,” he leaned a little closer to her. “Listen, you and I…we have to be careful. Our superiors would jump at anything that could even suggest incompetence as an excuse to have us both out on our asses,” he ran a hand through his normally so carefully styled hair, leaving it somewhat ruffled. “Not to say that you’re incompetent or anything,” he added hastily.
“This is the worst apology ever.”
He shot her a look that was something bordering on fondness disguised as sternness. “I am sorry.”
“For being a massive dick with a stick up my ass.”
A giggle left her lips before she could catch it in her throat. “Well…” she trailed off in mock consideration. “I suppose that I can’t be too mad at you. What for saving my life and all.”
Raymond looked down almost bashfully. Rose nudged him with her knee until he looked up at her. 
“Thanks. And I’m sorry too. For being so nosy.”
“You weren’t,” he said, quickly. “I was just being oversensitive.”
“Still. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you,” his hands landed on either side of him, lightly grasping the edge of the bed. When his face turned to hers, he was looking down at her through his eyelashes.
“What were you going to say, right before you left the hotel room?”
Gulping, she glanced away hastily. “It doesn’t matter.”
Raymond tilted his head. “Maybe it does.”
Lips parting, she stammered, having no idea where to even begin to explain, when the door opened and a nurse bustled in, clutching a folder of papers Rose would need to sign before she could be discharged.
She couldn’t say if she was disappointed or not by the interruption. 
∗ ∗ ∗ 
“I’ll drive you home,” Raymond offered as soon as she stepped out of the hospital room. They’d given her some fresh clothes to wear and a prescription of light pain meds should she need them.
“Okay,” she followed him out of the hospital, slipping into the passenger seat of the car. “Did you get my stuff from the hotel?”
“Already been dropped off at your place.” “Thanks,” the car hummed to life as he turned on the engine and put it into drive. “What’s going on at work today?”
He gave her a stern look. “You’re supposed to be taking the day off.”
“What? I’m just curious!”
“They’re clearing out Cyrus’s apartment for evidence today.”
“Mhm. Cassius said that they’re finding lots of good stuff there. Though the rebels aren’t going to be too happy when they hear about what we’ve found in there.”
“What? Why?”
He pressed his lips together in a frown.
“Can I see it?”
“I don’t know if that’s…”
“Come on, we could just swing by on our way to my apartment. It’ll take five minutes.”
He shot her an unconvinced look.
“What, is it like a crazy sex dungeon or something?”
“What, no, of course not.”
“Well, Janet said that it’s where he used to take his favorites from the red light district, soooooo…”
“It’s not a sex dungeon.”
“See, you say that, and yet you won’t let me see it…suspicious, Leon.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” but it was said fondly, with no venom, as he spun the car into a U-turn. “Fine. There. You happy?”
“Mhm, thank you Raymond,” she said in a slight singsong that just made him shake his head, but the muscles in his cheeks were twitching like he was trying hard not to laugh.
There was already what looked to be near a battalion of Timekeeper cars parked up and down the street outside Cyrus’s apartment, people rushing in and out with bags of evidence. A few people nodded to them as they passed, but most were too focused on their tasks to pay them much mind as Raymond guided her to the entrance of the apartment, nodding respectfully to the Timekeeper keeping watch at the door.
“Oh, Raymond, I needed to ask you something,” he said suddenly. She hesitated in the doorway.
“Go on,” Raymond told her, turning to talk to the other Timekeeper. Stepping into the apartment, she squeezed her arms around herself, trying to make way in the narrow hallway for the other Timekeepers passing her by. Traveling down the hall, her brows furrowed as she peaked into what looked to have been the dining room, gawking at the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.
Uhh…what the hell?
Shuffling into the living room, she stared at the fancy carpeting and antique furniture that probably cost more than her entire apartment. Wandering back into the hall, the stairs creaked in complaint as she climbed them, hand holding tightly to the banister for balance. Joelle passed her on her way up, heading down with a huge duffle bag slung over one shoulder, Cassius following behind her with another one. They both smiled at her in greeting. The door directly to the right of the stairs was slightly ajar. Stepping inside, she was greeted with a spacious bedroom, the furniture all made of real wood, the lamps alone looking like they had to have cost at least a few decades.
In the closet, several Timekeepers were gathered around, each coming away with a duffle bag that they transported downstairs. Creeping in closer, Rose stretched up onto her toes to look over their shoulders.
A massive safe stood in the middle of the closet, broken open and stuffed so full of silver time capsules that it was practically overflowing with them. Elbowing her way to the front of the group, Rose picked one up, staring at the monumental numbers displayed on it numbly. Still staring at it, she took a step to the side so that the others could go about their work.
“Rose,” Raymond’s voice sounded like it was coming from underwater. 
“He took all of it for himself. Everything that the rebels collected to be given away to the poor.”
Her shoulders shuddered, though she wasn’t crying. “It was all for nothing.”
His hand fluttered across her shoulder. A warm grounding point considering the swirl in her head. “Rose,” he tried again. At the feeling of his hand on her she looked up, his eyes sad and sympathetic as they looked her over. “Let’s go home.”
Setting the capsule back down, she took one last long look at the safe and its contents. “Okay.”
∗ ∗ ∗ 
She didn’t say much on the drive back, just sitting in silent contemplation.
“Rose, listen…”
“Can I have a stick of gum?” she asked suddenly. He looked somewhat taken aback.
“Um, sure?” he handed her the package from his coat pocket. She pulled out a piece and handed the packet back to him, unwrapping the foil and popping the white stick into her mouth, the sharp taste of mint coating her tongue.
“Did you know that my brother is scheduled to be executed next week?” she asked. Raymond shot her a half alarmed look from the driver’s seat.
“Yes. I heard that.”
She nodded, vacantly. “Do you…think that it would be possible for me to see him?”
“I don’t see why not. Why?”
“I suppose…” she picked at the flaking black nail polish covering her fingernails. “I want him to know that it was all for nothing. Everything that he put me through. In the end all he ever did was help enrich one more corrupt, fucking asshole. I want him to know how it feels, to have nothing. Because that’s how I felt for so long. I want him to die knowing what it feels like to be hopeless,” she stopped, biting her lip, looking up at Raymond cautiously. His eyes darted from her to the road, brow quirking, lips twitching.
“I’ll talk to the warden of the prison. See what I can do.”
“Thank you.” 
He just hummed quietly. Rose continued to worry at her bottom lip, probably biting it raw. “Luke always said that I was selfish.”
“That’s not always a bad thing,” Raymond said, glancing over at her again. “He kept you locked in a financial cage for years and abused you. Fuck him. It’s the least he deserves; to get a taste of how you felt during that time.”
“Yeah,” she said, quietly. “Yeah, fuck him,” her voice grew in conviction and Raymond shot her a small, fond smile. They were turning up onto her street. Glancing down at her green countdown, she frowned, sliding her wrist into the mechanism behind the gearshift, nodding to herself as the numbers counted up. She nudged Raymond. “Don’t forget to collect your per diem.”
He gave her a look. “I’ve got enough.”
He huffed, rolling his eyes and sliding his wrist into the metal hoop. “There,” he held up his arm so she could read the little green numbers. “Happy?”
Pulling the car up to park outside her building, he looked at her sternly. “Get some rest.”
“I will try.”
“I will!” unclicking her seatbelt, she tilted her head. “Thanks for driving me.”
“Sure,” she could feel his eyes burning into her as he watched her climb from the car. “By the way,” he leaned across the seat, hand braced against the leather. “They’re throwing a party at the base tonight to celebrate capturing Cyrus.”
Her eyebrows raised. “A party?”
“Yeah,” he looked about as enthused as he would if someone invited him to a wake. 
“I didn’t expect parties to be your thing.”
“They’re not. But I helped catch the man so I’m obligated to come. You got shot, so you only have to come if you’re feeling up to it.” 
“Okay. I’ll see you then.”
Nodding, he waited until she closed the car door and had unlocked the apartment before the car pulled out and drove off.
She stood there for a not insignificant amount of time, watching as it disappeared down the road.
∗ ∗ ∗ 
Of all of the things Rose had expected from working with the Timekeepers, them knowing how to party was not one of them. Normally the music, dancing, and drinking would have all enthralled her, but her head was still swimming from the revelations of the day, and she just couldn’t muster up the energy. Instead she relegated herself to a quiet corner of the office, near the food and drinks that had been set up on some of the tables, but far enough away from the makeshift dance floor that she wouldn’t get bumped.
“Congratulations on a job well done,” Cassius sidled up to her, drink in hand. Rose gave him a shaky smile. She’d earned a commendation for her contributions in Cyrus’s arrest, which on its own was enough to make her chest glow with pride.
He patted her on the shoulder. Something glinted on his wrist, catching her eye.
“Nice watch.”
“Oh, thanks. It’s new.”
“Looks expensive.”
Something shadowed across his eyes. “It was a birthday gift.”
“Oh. Nice.”
“Thanks. I have to admit, I wasn’t so sure about you at first,” Cassius said with an awkward grimace. “But you’ve been a good addition to the team. I’m glad you’re here. We all are. Even Raymond. And he doesn’t like anybody.” he took a sip from his glass.
“Oh,” Rose looked down, blushing, hoping that it would go unnoticed how she flushed at the mention of Raymond. “Thanks,” from across the room, she could see Raymond chatting with a few other Timekeepers, his features still schooled into seriousness, despite the levity of the party. “You know, I didn’t think he liked me very much at first.”  
“Oh, don’t take it personally, he’s like that with everybody,” Cassius waved away her statement. “Besides, he wouldn’t have recommended you to join the team if he didn’t want you here.”
It took her a moment to process Cassius’s words. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Well, I mean, you didn’t think that you just got in the door because of the rebel arrests did you?” Cassius said, not unkindly. “They were happy to just hand you a pardon and some time and send you on your way. It was Raymond who suggested they hire you.”
“O-oh,” she wanted him to stay, so that she could ask him more, but Joelle came by asking him to dance, and they whisked off with a few mumbled good-byes, leaving Rose alone at the edge of the celebrations, staring in stunned surprise at the serious man with the icy eyes on the other side of the room. 
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21 notes · View notes
wearealive · 6 months
parameddic asked: [ FIND ]  for sender to rescue receiver after they’ve been tortured.
this field came with risks: connor knew that. police officers, detectives, interrogators: they weren't well-liked by the general public, and especially by criminals. they were easy targets for violence. they worked with dangerous people on a day-to-day basis. this is why it was critical to always have a partner. sometimes, unfortunately, it just wasn't enough.
nancy was dead. shot with her own service weapon the moment she tried to pull it on the suspect. that was twenty eight days ago. she was left behind when robert fled with connor. her body was found within the hour. connor had been reported missing by the DPD four weeks ago. the main suspect, robert hardin, was nowhere to be found. he'd returned home to austin without a trace: new hair and style. new car. new name (ethan coltrain, his alias during his short stay in detroit). it was fool-proof, or so he thought.
connor stayed primarily in the basement, only allowed to come upstairs for short periods of time. he stayed obedient at first, in hopes of trying to keep himself alive while waiting to be found. but days passed. then weeks. by the third week, he was becoming impatient. truly scared that he'd never be found. that's when he started to fight back, which proved to be a near-fatal mistake.
things had gotten especially bad over the past 48 hours. connor had nearly made it out, but ran face-first into robert when he opened the front door. he got one breath of fresh air before he was grabbed by the throat and slammed into the wall with enough force to knock him out on impact. when he woke up, the first sensation he noticed was itchiness — rope was tied around both wrists, arms restrained to a steel pipe behind him. a piece of cloth tied around his mouth. it's like something out of a movie, connor thinks. did this shit actually happen to people?
the longer he goes without food and water, the harder it is to stay awake. he conserves all of his energy for when robert comes downstairs. his neck aches from hanging down, but he can no longer really hold it up. one last attempt at escaping leaves connor bruised and bloody - it's when he accepts his fate. he's not getting out of this. he just holds onto hope that he'll go quickly. that he doesn't feel anything.
connor is asleep when he hears the first round of gunfire. he opens his eyes into blackness. it must be late. the shots sound close. very close. a sudden burst of adrenaline courses through him, arms pulling and legs kicking in a futile attempt at breaking free. ❝ help me! ❞ the young man tries, but the cloth is still secured over his mouth. another minute passes and there's a second round. things grow silent upstairs. it feels like an eternity before the basement door is kicked open and connor is struck with a blinding light, strong enough to make him lose his sight entirely for a minute or so. all he can hear is footsteps, a voice that sounds... angry? demanding? it isn't robert, but connor isn't really coherent enough to tell the difference. he tucks his head into his shoulder and screams, kicking at the individual in front of him.
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aspencalhoun · 7 months
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FULL NAME: Aspen James Calhoun NICKNAME: AJ, only by those very close AGE: 33 DATE OF BIRTH: July 31st, 1990 PLACE OF BIRTH: HavenRidge GENDER IDENTIFICATION: Nonbinary, primarily identifies as They/Them, but not specifically opposed to he/him or she/her SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pansexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown (and couch surfing siblings couches) OCCUPATION: Tattoo Artist WORKPLACE: Colorwave Tattoo POSITIVE TRAITS: Confident, enthusiastic, adventurous NEGATIVE TRAITS: Boisterous, impatient, impulsive LENGTH OF TIME IN HAVENRIDGE: Since birth, traveled some after high school but always returns FACE CLAIM: Nico Tortorella
Aspen is a true adventurer at heart. They are always up for finding the next thrill in whatever form it may come; surfing, hiking, rock climbing, cliff diving...If you suggest it, Aspen will most likely be game for it.
They don't really like to be alone. They'd rather be in the company of anyone and everyone than sitting alone in their apartment at night. Thus, more often than not they can be found letting themselves in to their various siblings homes and crashing on their couches or entertaining their nieces and nephews - sometimes without express prior notice.
They are the biggest cheerleader and supporter of their siblings in everything and anything they choose to do and will be there in an instant if they need them, no questions asked.
Aspen has an adopted Australian shepherd dog named Ace and a white and gray cat named Blaze. Their family also care for a horse at the family ranch that Aspen had raised when they were younger, named Bandit, that they'll spend time with when visiting the ranch.
trigger warnings; car accident mention, death mention
Aspen doesn't remember their biological parents. Not really, anyway. They only know what they've seen in pictures kept when they were a chubby cheeked newborn swaddled in a sweet looking couple's arms. In some cases, their adoptive parents make appearances in the photographs from their first two years alongside the bright eyed couple, grinning ear to ear. Excited for the new adventures that were to come for their closest friends.
That future never did come. In an instant the parents of the newly turned two year old were gone, lost to a drunk driver while out on a date night together. Aspen had been left at the home of family friends, the Calhouns, being entertained by the younger children and doting parents, knowing nothing about the fact that their parents wouldn't ever come home again.
For a while the Calhouns had simply continued to look after the child because there wasn't any other family for Aspen to go to. But when the time came, it seemed like a no-brainer for them to keep Aspen as one of their own. They already had become a part of the family in the first few years of their life and Josephine and Barrett couldn't stand to let them go.
They never knew a lack of love, despite the bump in the road. Aspen was accepted into the Calhoun family with open arms and never knew any different.
From a young age Aspen walked to the beat of their own drum. They didn't really fit into any specific category - they paved their own path. Even when they were still small they never really conformed to the typical male gender identifiers. When they started adopting they/them pronouns in their teenage years, at least to the family, no one was really that surprised.
Aspen was pretty average in school. They got by but never really excelled in any of the traditional subjects. It was the arts that really drew their attention. They had a special eye for drawing, sketching, and color using all forms of media. That talent eventually turned into an interest in tattooing. They started exploring tattoo parlors while traveling and getting an array of tattoos themselves in their late teens and early twenties, eventually signing on to apprentice at Colorwave Tattoo in HavenRidge.
In their off hours Aspen helps around the family businesses here and there.
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gloryride · 11 months
U want more? u get more!
Motion, road and canvas for the Italiano racer boy. 😎❤️
Of course you asked for him ! 💕💕 Be prepared for long answers, baby drivers inspired me ^^
[OC ASKS : CHARACTER DESIGN EDITION] ask if you want, love this one
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Like his brother, he has a quick walk but keeps his back straight, his chin up, often with a little smile at the corner of his lips. He's proud, and he shows it. His movements are fluid and light, and he's agile despite his height (1.89m) and muscular build. In fact, he dances very well and knows how to move his body in rhythm!
His movements are precise when he's driving, he knows his cars by heart, he knows how to handle them, and even if he's going fast, he's in control. It's the same at the camp when he's repairing the cars, focusing, his hands waving, but he knows what he's doing. It gets more chaotic when he talks. Hey, he's Italian, and 75% of his language is non-verbal. His hands dance in front of him, distracting the person facing him. And the more his emotions are exacerbated (joy, anger, excitement), the more it becomes a mess. But he's also a nervous, impatient boy. He betrays himself with a restless leg, tapping his finger on any surface, nodding his head. So he smokes to calm himself down, keep his hands busy and try to relax.
Before his accident, Enzo was into colourful clothes, in shades of yellow/orange, sometimes just a jacket and shirtless. Today, his clothes are more of a barrier, betraying his nervousness and the distance he puts up with people. Always gloved, often in a jacket or, if he doesn't have one, never in a tank top, it's all long sleeves or T-shirts. The colours are darker, primarily black and green. Only at camp has he kept his style, living in a crop top or shirtless. His style is a mix of streetkid and nomad, influenced by his many trips to town. And now that he's stealing his bratty boyfriend's clothes, the lines are blurring! He also likes to wear sunglasses, as driving in the desert can be dazzling. And he loves that little effect of taking them off when he gets out of the car, the big poser!
road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
I will divide the answer into two parts, between the trip and the races.
When he races, Enzo has excellent equipment. Thick gloves, a jacket often with fire protection, well-fitted so as not to get in his way but loose enough not to restrict his movements. He wears his racing jackets mainly in the desert and short jackets in town. He even has a customised jacket for the Vegas Race, with his name and three stars (the number of times he's won) on the back. The same goes for the trousers, and solid, closed-toe shoes that support his ankles if possible. The colours don't change much: black, green, sometimes a little yellow like before, but that's rare!
On the road, he can be more chill. He sometimes takes off his jacket when riding during the day. The gloves depend on what he has in his glove compartment: t-shirt, jeans, trainers, and sunglasses. He feels like the master of the road. He keeps his jacket on at night, and his shoes are more like boots. You never know what might happen on the roads and who you might meet, so you'd better be ready to run if you need to… even if you never need to. (Makes me want to do a shoot on the road …)
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
He has 4 piercings in his right ear, two at the top, and two at the bottom, just for style. He also sometimes wears a cross as an earring.
4 tattoos, too: his first is a scorpion with a cactus on his left arm (because he's a scorpion, also a nomad, the desert and all that, but also because he can sting if you get close to him); the second is the Orion constellation on his left shoulder blade (Orion was a mighty hunter killed by a scorpion, and the symbolism of travellers finding their bearings by the stars); The 3rd was done in several stages, first with the quote "guida veloce, prega bene" (drive fast, pray well) and a sort of mandala drawn around it on the right forearm; the last is a quote on the right pectoral "Volere e potere" (will and power).
Enzo has a whole volley of freckles, with moles all over his body, including his face, shoulders and back.
But what really distinguishes him are his scars. The ones on his face, with a cut on his forehead after an accident when he was 18, and two on his cheeks from trying to act stupid. But above all, the burns on his body. They're all from a car accident when he was 20, when he lost control and crashed into a rock, causing a fire. He wasn't wearing gloves at the time, had his hands burnt, threw his burning jacket to the ground, and then rescued his co-pilot, causing multiple burns to his body. The most visible are on the torso, at the edge of the left flank, and on the left shoulder and thigh. But the most impressive is on his back, taking in the whole of his right shoulder blade, cutting into the left and going up to his shoulder.
And he hides these burns fiercely. Initially self-conscious, Enzo became afraid to show it to others, fuelling rumours to the point where he developed a kind of dysmorphophobia and refused to reveal himself. He's learned to relax at camp and stop hiding, but that's out of the question when he's away. That's why he always wears gloves, always hides his torso, and doesn't want to undress in front of anyone. You might ask, what does he do in private? He doesn't undress, either. He often has intercourse after the races, in a corner, without taking anything off and preferably without too much light. If he lets others touch his chest, he tenses up when a hand grazes his back. Jay's going to have to be patient before Enzo gets undressed :P
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rcmissicn · 2 years
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{ B A S I C S }
AGE: 46
{ P H Y S I C A L  A T T R I B U T E S }
{ P E R S O N A L I T Y }
{ R E L A T I O N S H I P S }
{ B I O G R A P H Y }
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kth1 · 2 years
Welcome Home [MYG]
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⟶ Welcome Home [Yoongi x Female Reader] ⟶ Genre: 18+, PWP, Marriage Au, Smut, One Shot ⟶ Warnings: father!yoongi, kissing, blow job, unprotected sex, you guys have a child, etc ⟶ WC: 5.6k+ ⟶ Summary: After picking up your husband at the airport, you greet him with what any lonely wife would in the comfort of your shared bedroom. ⟶ Beta: Miss riddle tiddle, @taegularities​, thank you for reading through this when you found the time. And also dealing with my constant shenanigans when I write aimlessly and you’re trying to clean up my act for me. lol ⟶ Author’s Note: Based on the notorious Yoongi 220529 airport photos. This pwp is nothing fancy at all, just love and thirst. :] I’m also in love with my banner.
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You roll the stroller to the perimeter of the off-white bland walls of the baggage claim area in the airport. Parking typically is terrible, but you managed to swing through some loop-holes to find yourself the absolute perfect spot – right in front of the elevators of the garage. It gives you and Haneul, the eager 3 year-old boy wiggling in his seat, the chance to greet the man you’re supposed to be picking up right now.
Husband and father, Min Yoongi.
Haneul pestered you all of last night about wanting to run straight into his father’s arms the moment he spots him among the crowd of strangers. Even with Yoongi being gone for months on an international book tour, Haneul would recognise his dad in an instant. The creative kid even sketched an adorable drawing on a piece of paper, ready to hold up carefree and in plain view.
His feet kick back and forth, his frustrations untamed under the straps that buckle him in. But you fully understand your son’s happiness. Excited and completely impatient in wanting to see Yoongi. 
You’ve kept up with him nearly every day, primarily through video calls and brief texts. Yoongi always requested a new photo of Haneul every other day, fearing of missing out on any monumental moments Haneul might make in his absence.
Only once in a while would he request more of you. To see more than what he already does with the casual facetime events between the two of you. When he was alone and not distracted with the business of his tour, grieving to himself with a small glass of whiskey and empty side of a hotel bed. 
Of course you gave him exactly what he needed to keep him entertained. But you always held back the juiciest of details on purpose. To keep him interested and on his toes, to tease and taunt, yet show him a smile of nothing but innocence. The words “you can see more once you get home,” never left his brain. 
But his mind is not straight into the gutter when he first walks off the plane and follows the crowd down the escalators towards the designated baggage claim area. No, not at all.
It’s the binds around his heart which pull tighter the more he thinks about seeing the joys of his life, the people he holds closest to his love. With yearning and longing to see the people who help are vital pieces of his family. 
You help Haneul out of his seat as you straighten out his jacket. You double check if both of his shoes are strapped on securely before allowing his feet to hit the tile flooring. He is already tugging on your arm to beg you for his photo in which you happily fish out of your purse and unfold it for him. 
He checks it over, proud of his own work but also squinting as if he’s pondering the work itself. The facial gesture cracks a smile on your face as you recognize the resemblance between him and his father. The stern concentration yet the complete composed emotion.
You brush your hand through his hair, pushing the disarray of fluff off his forehead as you check for any dirty stains across his mouth and chin. Thankfully you only spot a few crumbs from some cookies he ate in the car, but Haneul is wiggling away from not wanting to be touched.
“Where’s daddy?” You chim with a softer tone, gaining your child’s attention in a flash.
His eyes expand wide with excitement as he looks around the area. You feel bad for a second when Haneul looks disappointed, but you know you are just preparing him for Yoongi’s entrance.
“Da-da?” He walks around you, keeping a hand on your leg while the crowd of people around him spook him.
You check your watch for the time, knowing that Yoongi’s plane has already landed and any minute now he should be waltzing right in with the rest of the travelers. 
“Soon, Haneul. Do you have your picture ready?”
The little boy nods frantically, pulling the piece of paper straight across his chest to display it. He continues to search around for his father, the excitement blazing in his eyes.
The first line of people begin flooding in the doors, several looking exhausted and in their most comfortable airport-wear. They all shuffle one by one until they fan out into the wider room, a few instantly gathering around the carousel. 
“Haneul,” you warn as the boy begins stepping closer to the crowd. You slowly trail behind him as you grab hold of the handle of the stroller.
“Stay close,” you express with a stern tone. “Wait for him.”
You glance up to the entranceway with hidden enthusiasm, eyes flickering through the throng of people until you see him.
Yoongi walks in the room carrying his expensive Hermies Birkin bag with a small twilly scarf you personally picked for him. It contrasts with the baggy blue jeans with ripped holes in the knees and the tucked in white t-shirt and light beige button up hanging off his shoulders – but together everything looks perfect.
Even with a mask covering his face, you can tell he’s yawning the second he walks through and examines the area around him. Your heart flutters momentarily, witnessing the way his fingers shag through his dark tendrils of hair and unintentionally make it appear fluffier. It swoons your heart as the sight before you unwinds, nearly making you lightheaded with a rising fever.
It’s as if it is the first time you’re laying your eyes on him; a love at first sight moment. Though you’ve known him for years now, you've seen nearly all sides of the man who you call your husband. 
But today hits you harder, somehow.
Whether it was the pining to see him – a growing hunger that slowly consumed you the longer he was away – or the sudden thirst that develops the second his forehead exposes as he makes eye contact with you, you cannot pinpoint where to blame. There is something utterly magical about the way your husband looks at you, like the world is empty of anything but the three of you.
“Da-Da!” Haneul yells with excitement, surprising you and everyone surrounding you. 
He treks quickly in a straight bee-line from where he stands. His arms out in excitement, waving in the air as he keeps them wide open for Yoongi. A soft smile grows on your face as your heart tightens over the cuteness overload. You notice how Yoongi’s eyes squint with happiness the moment he spots Haneul running to him. Everything inside you knows he is smiling wide under his mask.
Yoongi drops to a squatting position, prepared to envelope his son in his arm while he pushes his bag behind his back. Haneul dives face first into Yoongi’s chest, his arms clinging around his neck and holding on like a happy sloth. Your husband nuzzles his head into Haneul’s hair as his arm wraps around the little boy's frame. He lifts him up with one swift hoist, letting the boy link his legs around as Yoongi adjusts his stance and looks back at you.
You bite back a smile, but the glow in your eyes and cheeks give away your mirth. There’s nothing in your world that looks better than the sight of seeing your bundle of joy in the arms of the man of your dreams.
Haneul is grabbing at Yoongi’s cheeks\ as he walks over to you, turning his head to face him so that he can place his forehead against his father’s. You never question the act your son picked up out of the blue, but both you and Yoongi assume it’s his expression of love. And when Yoongi responds to his son’s gesture with the same exact scrunched up happy face, your smile completely cracks open.
You take a few steps to meet Yoongi the rest of the way, opening your arms wide enough to hug the both of them. With all the events happening, you and Yoongi had completely forgotten about his traveling publicist who awkwardly stands back to retain from involvement in the family reunion. 
“I missed you,” he says as he places his head against yours.
You smile with the confession, pulling back just enough to spare a few inches between another and stare into his eyes. Without asking, you lightly pull down his mask. Pushing your lips against his, you feel the warmth you’ve been missing out for the past five weeks. 
“I missed you, too,” you reply softly.
Haneul begins pushing at both of your heads, wanting to get himself in the mix of the innocent kisses. The two of you chuckle and cave in, smiling at the way Haneul lifts his picture for his dad with the utmost pride.
“I drew meow-meow!”
Yoongi looks at the sketched out orange and blue cat on the paper that his son holds up. He pulls a surprised face, eyebrows raised and everything. 
“For me?” He hums with his deep toned voice, “It’s wonderful! Good job! Is that Jae?”
“Has he been good?”
Haneul giggles, nodding his head excitedly, “Mhm!”
You back up enough to grab hold of the stroller again, pulling it over to where Yoongi starts turning towards the carousel. He nods towards his publicist who finally walks over and joins the group.
“And how was mommy? Was she good too?” Yoongi asks Haneul as he glances over to you.
“No,” Haneul drawls.
Yoongi fake gasps as he stares back at his son. It forces the kid to start giggling, and both you and Yoongi know he’s playing around.
“No?” You walk up and raise your eyebrows at Haneul. The boy laughs even more, wanting to hide away into his father’s neck. “I haven’t been good?”
You place your hands on your hips as you tilt your head. You try hard not to give into the bubblicious laughter that erupts from your son, but you cannot help it. He’s way too cheerful to stay too stern.
“Oh no…” Yoongi laughs back. “I guess mommy needs to go to timeout later, huh?”
Rolling your eyes, you pivot to your stationary stance. Shifting your weight to one leg as your hip pops out, one hand on the hip as the other holds onto the handle of the stroller now.
“If i’m not good, then that means we shouldn’t have bingsu tonight.”
“No!” Haneul protests with a whine.
Yoongi shifts him in his hold, “Don’t worry, I’ll give you bingsu. Mommy doesn’t deserve any.”
You quirk your eyebrow up as you glance at Yoongi, skeptical at his words. There’s a hint of mischief laced on the corner of his lips and the crinkle of his eyes. Whatever he has going on inside that head of his, you’re sure you’ll hear about it later.
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It’s lazy the way Yoongi’s plump lips mold onto yours. He pushes himself into you, backing your body up against the nearest wall. His hands grip onto your arms softly, trailing them down to your wrists to bring them above your head. The heat of his skin presses onto yours as the two of you tangle your tongues with another.
“Good thing you took a nap earlier,” you mumble into his mouth.
He exhales deeply through his nose as he hums with acknowledgment. He grinds his pelvis into you, pinning you tight against the wall and giving you little room to wiggle.
“I needed the rest,” he chimes in. His mouth trails kisses down the edge of your jaw to the length of your neck. Yoongi’s teeth nip at your sensitive skin, instantly soothing the sting with his soft kiss. “And I needed the shower as well. But you have me now.”
“I love how long your hair has gotten,” you comment as you desperately try to move your hands. But Yoongi continues to pin your wrists with his hand above your head. “You should keep it like this for a bit.”
The dim lit bedroom illuminates the area just enough to give a sensual vibe. Dusty tones and sweet smells – courtesy to the lit candles –  help set the mood for your late night evening. Haneul knocked out fairly fast after enjoying his favorite dinner, sashimi, and getting his quality dessert time with his father. Yoongi took the honor of placing the child to bed, making sure to have the house pet, Jae, keep him company while he reads him a nighttime story.
“Yeah?” He smirks as his fingers tighten around you, “The length is a bit too long for me to maintain.”
His eyes meet you with a dark glint. Yoongi licks his lips as he admires the lines of your face.
“I’ll help maintain it,” you smile as you lean towards him, puckering your lips.
Yoongi allows your wrists to slip from his hold, giving you the opportunity to slink them around his neck and brush your fingertips against the base of his neck. Your nails lightly threaten his skin, scratching only enough to earn a low growl from him.
You step forward into your husband, clutching onto him as you anchor your weight. He steps back, ushering you along with him as he travels towards your shared bed. It’s tidy and barely touched, but that is soon to change the moment the back of Yoongi’s knees hit the edge of the bed.
Cautiously, Yoongi sits himself down as he drags your face with his. He nips lightly on your bottom lip, enjoying the sweet sucking noises exchanged between your greedy mouths. You lean forward, taking him in like an addictive drug – in some ways he is your penicillin. Treating all your lonesome and sorrows with everything you need.
Attentiveness. Physical touch. Kindness.
You’ve missed him and it shows.
It shows with the way you practically grab him possessively when you finally get him alone. How your body slots perfectly in position between his legs as your hands fumble over the button to his jeans. Your knees press into the carpeted floor as you shuffle Yoongi’s pants down. 
“Y/n…” Yoongi sighs as your name leaves his tongue.
His hand laces behind your head, gathering up any piece of hair in a fist. His cock springs from its confinements as you yank the rest of his bottoms down to his knees. They fall listlessly as he widens his legs, sprawling out before you. His dick luls heavy to the side, stiff from the riled up make-out session. 
“Let me,” you insist as your head levels with his cock. 
You waste no time in gripping the shaft with your palm, standing it up to prepare yourself to take him in. Giving a few small strokes with your fist, you feel the smooth underside of his cock glide easily inside your hand. It makes your mouth water with thirst and you’re feeling incredibly parched.
Lowering your mouth, you place a delectable kiss to the tip of his cock. The bitter saltiness from the leaking precum greets you with a blast of flavor. Your tongue rolls out between your lips, enough to kitten-lick the slit of his head and earn the first stifled groan of the night.
“S-Shit,” Yoongi involuntarily twitches his cock in your hold. The sensation must be delightful for him. His hand tilts your head to see your lips, wanting to watch the way you part them for an open-mouth kiss to his cock. “Yeah, baby. Just like that.”
The light praise grooms your pride like a pat on the back; making you feel like an accomplished wife and valuable woman to your man.
“Anything for you,” you nearly purr with enthusiasm.
Yoongi huffs a quick laugh, his mouth parting into a small smile, “Everything for me, eh?”
You grin while widening your lips and grazing your teeth lightly over his sensitive head. It visibly makes Yoongi shudder as the grip in your head reinforces its hold on you. He tilts his head to the side as he looks down at you between his spread legs. It’s a devilish scene to admire from below, but it screws your insides as you stare up at him through your lashes.
Your tongue swipes across the underside of his cock as you sink further down, keeping eye contact with the man who stares under hooded eyes. The tip threatens to edge itself near the back of your throat and that’s your point of retracting; choosing to bob your head slowly and shallowly. You pinch your lips around his dick as you suck feverishly, enjoying the flavor of his skin and arousal against your tastebuds.
God, you really did miss this.
You angle yourself better – even with the strong hand guiding you – to take more of him when you’re prepared. Hollowing your cheeks, you focus on breathing through your nose. Inch by inch you sink him further into your mouth, feeling the bulbous head press against a sensitive spot in the back of your throat.
You hum when Yoongi pushes your head down. His cock lodges its way through the entrance into your esophagus. Your eyes swell with a layer of tears, but they don’t break the brim. Instead, they glisten as you stare up at your husband with determination.
Cracking a smile would break the suction of your lips, so you give Yoongi the gesture of sucking harder to urge him on. 
“Good girl,” he whispers in a low voice. 
His head tilts back on his shoulders, exposing his Adam’s apple and thick neck. He groans and sucks his breath in between his teeth, letting you lazily blow him off. 
“You’re so good to me,” he comments in a more desperate voice.
You feel pressure of his hand pushing you further; an indicator that he’s nearing the peak of a mountainous cliffside where he’ll dive straight into the abyss of pleasure.
Saliva drips out of your mouth and down his shaft, making the glide of your mouth easier once you slide him as deep as you can. Nose brushing straight into his tamed pubes that smell like his lingering body wash. Your mouth is full with the capacity of his entire length, focusing hard on swallowing him just the way you know he likes.
Above you, Yoongi huffs into the air. His head tilts to the side while his legs twitch at your sides. 
He moans softly, speaking under his breath, “Baby, I’m going to… I’m almost there.”
His urgency shows in the way his chest rises and falls frantically and in the tightening of his abdomen. Even the slow roll of his hips cannot be contained when Yoongi tries to wedge himself in your throat. Pushing himself in to –
“-- Ah! Shit, shit, shit!”
His creamy white ropes of cum surpass your tastebuds and shoot straight down your throat. His cock twitches with delight once you gag around his member from the erratic movement, though he appreciates the noises you make as you attempt to retain yourself. Yoongi holds his breath when his orgasm washes over him, rough bouts of air escaping his nostrils while exhaling deeply.
When he finally releases his grip on you, his fingers hook under your jaw. His spent cock slides out of your mouth and drops against his skin as he raises you up from the ground. 
You smile with warmth, letting him guide you straight back to his mouth, swallowing the last bit of his semen.
“I love you,” you murmur right before your lips meet his.
His hands roam your body, finding the corners of you to pull you in closer. Begging your body to climb around him and settle on his lap. Your legs surround his frame as he makes room for you.
“I love you more,” he confesses right back. 
Yoongi’s fingertips dance around the edge of your sleepwear, a dainty little night dress you purposely wore to tease him. The nearly sheer fabric barely covers your body but adds just the amount of illusion his eyes need. He shifts the material up and over your thighs, revealing to him how you failed to wear any form of underwear and left yourself bare just for him.
He hums to himself, giggling along with you as your lips press into another. His featherlight touch tickles your skin, digits traveling up to your hips. Once he shifts you closer to him, bumping your privates against another, he takes in the amount of arousal dripping out of your core.
Like sap, your slick coats his shaft the moment you rest on top of him. Your hands help tug off his loose t-shirt to rid him of the last piece of clothing, exposing his toned chest and pale collar bones. With grace, you roll your hips against him – using his shaft like a toy while you run your sopping pussy across the length of it. Each time your clit flicks over the lump of his cockhead, you clench with excitement as Yoongi breathes harshly into your neck.
“Baby, go slow –”
“– just missed you so much,” you admit.
Yoongi winces when your hips press harder into him, his voice uttering a hushed plea when his hands grip your waist.
“Still sensitive, baby. Slow down. You have me now,” he reminds you in a sincere voice. “I’m not going anywhere.”
You’re in anguish over him. As if he’d been stripped away from you for centuries, but in reality it's only been a few weeks. You smell his scent lingering in your nostrils. This whole time you have missed the way he cradles you against him, holds you impossibly close during times of intimacy. Even the pheromones remind you how much you yearned for his return.
Would it be cheesy to admit that you’ve never had a love like this before?
You rake your nails up the back of his scalp, running trails up the roots of his hair before you squeeze your fingers into small fists. His locks glide through so soft and tender, fluffy from how they naturally dry.
As you continue to roll your hips on his lap, making sure to lube his cock up with your natural essence, Yoongi breathes hot air against the side of your neck.
“I haven’t even gotten to touch you yet, baby. How are you so worked up?”
“I don’t need it. I just need you,” you pant, focusing on how to expertly rub yourself on him to gain the exact friction you want.
Yoongi’s lap feels warmer, wetter, in seconds. His fingers crumple the loose material that falls off your shoulders by thin strings, gathering it up higher so he can admire the view between the two of you.
“Please,” you beg as you pull his head closer with your hands. “Please, Yoongi. I want you to fuck me.”
He groans while his arms circle around you, pulling you flush against his chest and halting your actions. Yoongi’s lips peck down your skin as the two of you breath labored breaths.
“You’re so needy. You don’t want to wake Haneul up,” he calls to mind the sleeping child resting in the other room. “Gotta stay quiet, baby.”
You nod your head frantically, head nudging against his once you press down into him. 
“Fuck me,” you whisper like a secret made for just the two of you. “I’ll be quiet.”
Swiftly, your body moves with Yoongi’s as he turns with you. Your side hits the bed before he’s slipping out from under you to stand. With sincere guidance, he pushes your frame into the bed, forcing your front into the mattress below. You feel the way his hands roam across the edges of your back as a smile grows across your face.
Your head twists to the side just to try and see him as much as possible. Playfully, you push your ass towards him when you prop it up in the air for him. The fabric falls down and pools around your waist, exposing your ass and dripping core to him.
“Oh,” he hums as he sees your naked backside. His palm grips a piece of your cheek and squeezes playfully, pulling it to the side and appreciating the view.
With his other hand, he holds his cock and lightly taps it against your ass. The light slap resounds in the room around you but unfortunately, you can only feel it. You know it must be “waking” back up for a second round. It always takes Yoongi a few minutes to recuperate after shooting his load, though it never stopped the endless rounds of sexual rendevuous.
“Baby, fuck me,” you whine and wiggle your ass to him.
“Remind me the next time I travel to take a longer trip,” he speaks with a teasing tone. “Seems like the further away I am the more thirsty you become.”
You huff with a roll to your eyes, “Don’t make fun of me.”
“I would never dream of that,” he hums with a soft smile.
From behind, Yoongi shoves your face into the blankets as he lines himself up at your entrance. He does it in an aggressive manner, but you know he does it with utter kindness. Slowly, he inserts himself into your awaiting hole, feeling how you eagerly suck him in like an open invitation. He glides smoothly, descending each inch of his cock into your cunt. He doesn’t pull back and ease himself like he does usually; instead, his hips press flat against your ass in one fluid motion.
Your empty deprived cunt instantly filled with the entire length and girth of your husband.
You moan, but it’s muffled with the suffocating blankets surrounding your mouth. Cunt clenching around the favored intrusion, you cannot help the overwhelming feeling of being full – finally.
Even though you might be full of your husband's cock, unable to think properly, you cannot help but to think of how much you love the man who is stuffing you. How every bit of him falters the second Haneul cries for help and how each moment you catch him sneaking a glance at you when he thinks you wouldn’t notice… small signs of his genuine and kind nature breaching his hard and cool exterior makes you weak at the knees. It’s the little things which Yoongi writes out through his mannerisms and the way he says things which threads a rope of love around your heart. 
It tightens each and every day; continuing to reel you in like a hopeless romantic who is lost at sea.
He pulls back, drawing his entire length out and leaving just the tip. With firm fingers, he spreads your cheeks even wider and tilts your hips to arch your back. There’s something with the way your cunt fits around him that he cherishes. Along with the fresh gleam of slick that coats him like second skin; Yoongi fancies the appearance as he forcibly thrusts his cock back into you. 
Watching the way it disappears from plain sight. Loving the way you twist and moan from the rough pleasure he gives you. Even hushed by the fabrics below you, Yoongi commands you to make all the noises you want to make with the next hard thrust.
“Shh, shh,” he nearly laughs at the way you whine. 
He knows it’s ridiculous to ask you for silence; especially when you’re in such a predicament, but he wants to be sure you two don’t suffer the consequences if either of you fail. 
So attentive with the way he gyrates his hips into you, power-drilling his cock into the deepest crevices of your cunt, Yoongi is also cautious with how present the headboard is against the far side wall. It taps lightly at first, sometimes not even hitting the sheetrock, but your moans continue to rile him up. Melodic tunes tugging at his eardrums and fueling his confidence and ego as he continues to rail his cock into you in long strides.
You choke on your own tongue when the words fail to fall out of your mouth. The trapped heat of your breath only makes your face warmer when you attempt to breathe fresh air in between the moments of having the wind knocked out of you. Though you enjoy every juicy second of your husband’s cock traveling to the hidden area of your walls.
Shuffling your arms underneath you, you manage to prop your head up just enough to release a silent moan. Your head lobs with the jolts of his body into your backside, his lap tapping into the back of your thighs as his palms secure themselves around your waist. You bite down on your bottom lip hard, pinching your eyebrows together in concentration while you inhale deeply. 
You want to moan, you want to tell him how amazing you are feeling with the babbling mess of words that want to escape your throat. Your fists grip the blankets harshly, tugging them closer to you each time Yoongi’s cock threatens your g-spot.
“More. More!” You call to him desperately, keeping your voice low. 
Your ass ripples like water with each thrust, flesh shaking like jello from the momentum. 
Yoongi surprises you by pulling your body off the bed with a hoist. You arch even further to accommodate the new position. With a firm hand, Yoongi slides a palm across your mouth and tilts your head back to lean against him.
His stance behind you widens as his free hand grips you by the hip to drag you back into each thrust. Yoongi’s strength holds you perfectly to him. 
It blocks the next moan that was just about to release out your lips. His face buried into the side of your head, his mouth panting against your skin and forming goosebumps with how possessively lewd it sounds to you.
“Finish for me,” he requests with a gruff voice. 
Deft fingers slide across your front and push down on your lower abdomen as he trails further. They find the slit of your nether lips and spread them to reveal your clit. Your knees nearly buckle from the onslaught you’re enduring with his cock and now with the magical press of the most sensitive nerve “button” on your body.
Your hand finds purchase on his arm and the other reaches back to grip his leg. Your nails dig into his skin with anticipation and in need of holding onto something, anything.
Mouth opened wide for a moan, it is stifled by the palm that latches over your lips. The ragged breath exhaling out of Yoongi only turns you on more. You’d give anything to see the way his face scrunches up with focus as his nostrils flare. The imagery already seems lewd enough to egg you on when his fingertips swirl around your clit.
“Mmf!” you cry into his palm once Yoongi relentlessly refuses to give up; his cock dragging out of you only to plunge straight back in again.
It feels heavenly with just the right amount of pleasurable pain to twist your insides and spin that coil that’s buried deep within the pit of your body. In one simple earth-shattering snap, the string that holds you together finally breaks. Worn down from holding that blissful orgasm away from you unless your body is ready for its full release.
Your body fights to close your legs even more, which is quite impossible when your knees already cross over another. Yoongi holds you as your body trembles from your orgasm; like rapids flowing down a river bend. 
Unpredictable and irregular, always keeping the two of you on your toes.
Your hand tightens around his arm until you descend from the clouds. Yet Yoongi doesn’t waiver from his long strides for a second. His hips slap into you with purpose, battering your cunt with how ready he is to release again.
He pulls out far too soon for your liking. Globs of sweet white cum shoot out of his cockhead onto your backside. Yoongi pushes his cock against your skin, trapping it between your two bodies. 
His voice comes out raspy and out of breath, “The was fucking amazing. Felt so good.”
Neither one of you mind the slow dripping cum touching your bodies. Even the arousal trickling down between your legs just makes you feel filthier, but unbothered completely. The two of you stand there as you catch your breath; tame your beating hearts while aftershocks of your orgasms run rapidly through your nerves.
Even your own cunt flutters with the filthy afterthoughts of what more the two of you can do.
Slowly, Yoongi cages you inside his arms once again. His lips pepper butterfly kisses across your shoulder blade to your neck. He sighs delightfully as he rests his chin in the crook of your neck. Soft hands lace around your front and hug you, hold you.
“How are you feeling?” He quips the question after a few moments of silence.
You begin rubbing your own palms along his arms in a tender way, touching his heated skin and seeking his fingers to interlock with yours.
“Amazing,” you gleam. He can hear the charm in your voice, the satisfied tone setting him in a better mood. “You’re amazing,” you nudge him with your head.
“Not as amazing as you,” he huffs a laugh. 
The two of you hum with lighthearted amusement. But you’re being distracted the moment you hear feeble knocks at your door. A high pitched, curious whine comes from the other side – snapping both you and Yoongi out of your intimate trace and back to reality. 
“Mommy! Mommy!”
The small voice of your child chants your name as his fists continue to hit the wood of the door. 
Yoongi curses under his breath once he peels himself off of you. Together you shuffle throughout the room as you frantically call back to your in-need child. You’re searching for a towel that hangs off the master bathroom door, quick to wrap yourself before seeing your husband rummage through his drawer for a pair of pajama shorts to slip on.
“I’m coming, Haneul!”
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The Office
Pairing; CEO+Dad’s Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary; You and Bucky fuck for the very first time in his office at the company’s building.
Word Count; 4574
Warnings; NSFW, 18+, Minors DNI, undefined age-gap, “cheating”, language, cursing, Sir!kink, dirty talk, pet names, slight degradation, hair pulling, oral (male receiving), face-fucking, spitting, fingering, teasing, orgasm denial, unprotected sex, creampie, mention of bodily fluids.
Authors Note; I can’t get enough of CEO+DBF!Bucky so this will be the first of many fics like this! I hope people will like it and be interested in more! Jesus I need to bathe in holy water now. Hope you all enjoy <3
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Bucky had begun texting you while sitting in a meeting with your dad and some of the company's other employees. You weren't doing anything important, just at home reading a book, so you were more than happy to text back and forth with him. The meeting was relatively standard and straightforward, it wasn't too much of an importance, so it allowed Bucky to talk with you without feeling guilty while the rest of them sorted out the details. Once in a while, he would chime in with his views and opinions. The text messages were pretty innocent, to begin with. The standard “hello” and “what you are up to” was exchanged between the two of you before more of the dirtier stuff ensued.
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You thought about it for a second before you sent him an answer. You and Bucky had started fucking around a few weeks ago. You had met him when your parents had friends and colleagues over for a grand party like they had most of the time. You had just moved back home after living on your own in another city for three years, so this was your first time seeing Bucky in person. You had heard a lot about him and seen pictures when he started working with your dad, and they had formed a tight friendship, but you had never met him in person. He was even more handsome than what the pictures could show when you got introduced to him, and you had started to take a liking to him instantly. He had done as well because not even a week after you met, you and he had started a relationship. To begin with, it was only fucking around, but as the weeks went by, you felt like there may be more to it; sparks were felt between the two of you. None of you had done anything about it yet, mainly because it wouldn’t be received well by the public, your family most likely would disapprove and because of his wife Natalie and her whole family.
Which you didn’t find wrong at all that he was “cheating” on her with you. They both hated each other’s guts and would more than anything like getting a divorce. Bucky had told you that she had cheated on him multiple times, and he had done as well with her, but they played the happy couple when they were out in public because of their families. They got married at a very young age because their families are rich and powerful and wanted their kids to get together, so they are now stuck in this toxic relationship together. But soon, you and Bucky would have to decide where the next step of the relationship would go. Would you continue to sneak around, or would you form a proper relationship and come out for the whole wide world? It was only a matter of time before you needed to decide.
You and he would primarily meet up on neutral grounds. In his car or a hotel but on a few occasions, you had fucked in his or your parent's house in your room. This would be the first time you had done it where he worked; you assumed it would be in his office. It would be risky, but the thought about him taking you hard against every surface had your thighs clenching in need of him.
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A soft whimper escaped your parted lips at his promise to fuck your brains out. He was never afraid to be direct with you about his needs and feelings. He always meant what he said, and that was one of your favorite things about him. You could always trust that he would be true to his words.
It would take you about 30 minutes to get over there, so you needed to leave right now. You did a quick freshen up before you called a taxi to get you over to the company’s building. Being in the car gave you time to think this through. You weren't sure how you and he would pull this off. Everyone would see if you entered his office and then wonder what was taking so long and what in the hell you guys were doing in there. In their eyes, you and Bucky weren't even friends. You barely spoke with one another when other people were around, as not to raise any suspicion. For them, you were the boss's daughter while Bucky was his partner, and nothing was going on between you two; besides, Bucky had his “loving” wife, Natalie.
The building stood tall as you arrived. Clouds were teasing rain, and it was a bit cold. The skirt you were wearing made your body chilly, but you kept it on for Bucky's sake. You looked up at the structure before you went through the main entrance. The security guards and the workers at the reception greeted you as everyone was well aware of who you were. You all greeted them with a smile as you walked towards the elevators. Entering the elevator, you became impatient as it took its time to travel up the floors to the main offices in the building. Your legs were uneasy as you shifted your weight from one foot to the other. A thin layer of sweat formed on your hairline as you came up with scenarios with how you and Bucky could get caught. You shook your head, trying to get those thoughts down. You trusted Bucky, and besides, this was something you wanted to try out.
When you arrived at the floor, and the door slid open, you saw your dad, Bucky, and some of the employees coming out of one of the conference rooms. The meeting must have just finished. As you walked over, you tried to put on a smile to mask your nervousness. None of them had seen you yet, except for Bucky. He had you in his sight out of the corner of his eye, a slight smirk on his face as he saw you strutting over. You came to stand between him and your dad.
Bucky couldn’t have been more subtle with staring you up and down; your dad was standing right there after all. His tongue darting out between his lips to wet them, clearly having an image on his head about you bent over at his mercy.
“Hi, dad! Mr. Barnes, it's nice to see you again.”
Bucky gave you a simple nod of his head, acting like he isn't just about to have his way with you in his office with your dad not having a clue about what a whore his sweet and innocent daughter is, “pleasure seeing you again.”
“Sweetheart,” your dad gave you a one-arm hug as he had a smile on his face at his daughter visiting him at work, “what are you doing here?”
“I was in the area and thought I could drop by before moving on with my day.”
“Aw, honey. I wish I could spend some time with you, but we have a meeting again in 30 minutes.”
“It's alright, dad. I'm on my way out again anyways. Have some errands to run,” you lied.
“Excuse me, sweetheart.” He turned to say something to the others. While everyone had their attention on your dad, you turned slightly towards Bucky to give him a “chill out” look. The outfit you were wearing had him on edge and excited to have you in his office as soon as possible. Since the crowd was paying attention to your dad, it allowed Bucky to give you some instructions. He leaned in a little closer to you, but not too close in case someone saw.
“Here,” he slipped you his card, the card for the private elevator he had that went from the parking lot and up to his office, “take the elevator. No one is going to see you. Also, I want you to have your panties off before you come upstairs. You got it?”
You swallowed down the lump in your throat. Your body felt hot and warm. The palms of your hands had a thin layer of sweat on them as you took the card from him. Your heart was hammering against your chest. This was really about to happen.
“Y-yes, Sir.”
“Good girl.”
Like clockwork, your dad turned around towards you again just as Bucky leaned away from your body. “Well, I'll see you when I get home later, sweetheart.” He went to hug you again, and you returned the action.
“Bye, dad. Bye, Mr. Barnes, I'll see you around.”
Everyone said their goodbyes to you before you left. You went out of the building and around it to where the cars went down into the parking lot. Once down there, you made sure that no one was around to see you before you scanned the card for the elevator. The journey up to his office gave you the opportunity to take your panties off. You held them in your hand as you almost bounced up and down in fear and excitement for what was in store for you when you reached his floor.
When the elevator reached the office, and the doors opened, you saw that Bucky was waiting for you, his back facing you. He was staring out the big windows that decorated almost his entire office room.
“Did you take your panties off as I told you to do?”
He turned around so he could be met with you. His tongue wetting his lips as he beckoned with his finger for you to come over to him, “get over here now.” Not even thinking for another second, you were quick to stand by his side by the window, waiting for further instructions he had to give you.
“Give them to me,” the palm of his hand was held out for you to hand them over to him. With shaking hands, you handed them over, and he opened his suit jacket to put them in the inside pocket so he could keep a hold of them.
“Is someone going to come in?”
“Shh,” his hand came to caress the side of your face—his thumb stroking your cheek. The simple action had you relax a tiny bit. “Don't worry. I locked the door, and besides, I told them not to disturb me. Do you trust me?”
“I do, Bucky. With my life.”
“Well then,” his finger pointed down to the floor, and you knew immediately what he was getting at, “get down on your knees for me.”
In front of the window of all things?! For everyone to see? But frankly, you didn't care. Let them see it all. You would give them all a good show. Besides, they wouldn't be able to know that it's you because the next building over was some distance away. All you cared about was to have his dick in your mouth right now and nothing else.
Like second nature, you quickly sank on your knees where you had spent more than once worshiping his cock, and this wouldn't be the last one either. He looked down at you, his eyes dark with desire at you being so easily submissive to him. His tongue peeked out from his mouth at you on your knees for him.
His thumb traced your lips as his other hand was palming the bulge in his pants. You granted him access into your mouth as you sucked and swirled your tongue on his digit.
“I can't wait to have your lips wrapped around me, kitten. Do you want me to fuck your mouth?”
You nodded your head and released his thumb from your mouth, “please, Bucky, I want it so bad.”
Your eyes followed his hands, your lips parted, as he undid his belt and pulled down his suit pants along with his underwear. Coming face to face with his dick, ready to be sucked by you. You wrapped your hand around his shaft and looked up at him through your lashes, waiting so that he could give your permission at proceeding, knowing how much he loved it when you waited for him to provide you with a green light.
“Suck it, baby girl.”
You opened your mouth to swirl your tongue around his head before you wrapped your lips around him so you could suck on his mushroom tip, your tongue teasing him. You could see that he was becoming impatient, so you engulfed him halfway through while massaging his balls in your hand. The action had his hand fist in your hair, making a gasp being sounded against him by you, as an exhale of satisfaction escaped him.
He needed more, so with the help of his hand in your hair, he pushed his dick further into your mouth till the tip of him reached the back of your throat, making you gag around him. The vibrations from your mouth had him shiver all over. Your eyes were watering as saliva started coming out the side of your mouth. Looking directly up into his eyes as you took whatever was left of him the best you could and bobbed your head on him, watching as his eyes struggled to stay open to watch how good you were taking him down your throat.
“F-fuck. That's so good, baby. You love sucking my cock don't you, pretty girl, hm? Such a good girl for me, aren't you?”
His dirty talk turned you on, and all you wanted to do was touch yourself at his words. You released him from your hold. Saliva was hanging from your mouth, and his dick was glistening all in it. Your hand jerked him off so you could answer his question, your voice almost like honey as you spoke. The wetness from you made it easy to glide your hand effortlessly on him.
“Yes, Sir.”
A deep groan was sounded from within his chest at the nickname he loved to be called by you. You on your knees so pretty and messy for him had his dick twitch in your grasp.
“Good, baby. Look at you. Such a beautiful mess for me, kitten.”
“Only for you, Sir.”
His head leaned back some as you took him in your mouth again. Your mouth is an expert at taking the whole of him. “Fuck, I'm gonna cum. Do you want me to cum in your mouth, baby girl?” He asked while slowly thrusting his length in and out of it. All you could do was moan, letting him know that you wanted to taste him.
He picked up his speed and fucked your mouth, making you gag around him each time his tip tickled the back of your throat, and you loved every second of it. His hands came at the side of your face so he could hold you steady as he used your warm and wet hole as he pleased. The sloppy sounds of your mouth, your gags, and moans around him only enticed him even more to reach his end.
His thrusts became uneven, and not a second later, he came deep in your throat. Sounds of pleasure dissolved in the office space as your mouth took all that he had to offer. You swallowed around him, milking him for all that he was worth, as you moaned at his delicious taste. You didn't pull away from him until he had spilled every drop in you.
“Show me your mouth.”
Pulling away from him, you opened it to show him all of the cum. He learned down till his face was inches from you and proceeded to spit in your opening. The action had your desperate clit pulsating.
“Can you swallow all of that for me?”
Closing your mouth, you swallowed all of him, his cum and spit, and opened up once more to show him what a good girl you had been at drinking all that he gave you. His hand was petting your hair as a sign of appreciation for you being so amazing for him.
“Such a dirty girl. Was that good? You love the taste of me, don't you, doll?”
“Mhm, yes,” you responded while licking your lips. Your hand was jerking him off again as you couldn't get enough of the feel of him. Your words and actions had him lean back some.
“You've been such a good girl, and I want to give you a treat. Do you want it?”
His words went directly to your tingling clit, and you needed to push your thighs together to get some form of friction down there.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Get on all fours on the couch, with your ass facing the desk.”
You got up and walked over the few meters to the couch, taking off your skirt and sweater until you were only in your bra, and then got in the position as he had wanted from you. He went over to his desk to have a better view of you—leaning on it as his hands held the edge of it. You supported yourself on your elbows as you pushed your ass up and out, earning a groan from Bucky.
“Like this?”
“Just like that. Now touch yourself for me.”
Pushing two of your fingers inside your mouth to get them wet before your hand went underneath you to circle your aching and needy clit, letting out a sigh of relief at being able to feel something finally. You pushed the two fingers inside of you, letting out a low moan and they stretched and penetrated your tightness, closing your legs some at the feeling. It was nothing like Bucky's fingers or dick, but it would have to do for now. You started to move them in and out of your tight pussy, going at a slow pace, to begin with.
Bucky hadn't said anything yet, so he must be enjoying the show you were putting on for him. He let out a moan just as you turned your head to find him pumping his shaft while watching you intensely as you pleasured yourself. Your teeth captured your bottom lip at the sight of him.
“Fuck, kitten.”
You pulled your fingers out and started circling your clit again, whimpering as you were close to your orgasm. The two of you held eye contact as you watched each other.
“So good, Bucky.”
“You're such a good girl, baby. Showing me how you touch yourself. Is this how you look when you're in your room late at night? Touching yourself like this while thinking of me?”
“Mhm, yes.” His words made your fingers move rapidly into your tightness again, wanting to get to that sweet release you were craving desperately.
“Fuck, I'm gonna cum; please can I cum, Sir?” You pleaded, needing to get some form of relief. Tears were teasing to spill out of your eyes if you didn't get your way soon.
“No! Stop!” He didn't want you to cum just yet. Whining at his words but complying anyway, you knew you needed to listen to him, so you brought your fingers out of your hole and into your mouth to suck your juices off. You tried as best as possible to hold eye contact with him as you sucked and swirled your tongue around your digits, moaning at your own taste, as you swayed your ass from side to side for him.
“Fuck me, Sir, please.” He didn't hesitate for one second in getting behind your bent-down form at the speed of lightning. One of his hands caressed and grabbed one of your ass cheeks before it landed on your hip to hold a tight grip on it while the other held his shaft as he teased your fold with the tip of him.
“Please, Bucky, don't tease.”
“I'll give you what you want, doll.”
He slowly pushed himself in your warmth, wanting you to feel all of him. The feeling of fullness almost had you cumming right then and there. He filled you up to the brim, wanting you to feel all that he had to give, and you weren't one bit disappointed. He pulled out till only his tip was inside you before he slowly pushed himself into you again, doing this a few times to get you familiar with the feeling. He just wanted to cum right then and there at the tightness of your walls clenching around his throbbing dick.
“Bucky, please go faster. Fuck me, please,” you whimpered out, wanting him to fuck you completely senseless.
His thrusts were hard and fast as he fucked you into the couch, hips slapping against your backside, making you jolt forwards with each move of him. Your mouth hung open as silent screams came out of it.
“This pussy feels so incredible. Fuck, so tight.”
His hands held your sides while his fingernails dug in your skin, creating dents. He moaned out as he watched his dick disappear into your hole with every move of his hips. Your head was buzzing, and your face was buried deep in the cushions at the intense pleasure Bucky was giving you. “Oh god, please don't stop, babe,” you pleaded of him.
Bucky took a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back, making your back arch. You bit your lip at his rough and dominants actions. The hand in your hair and his abusive thrusts was too much and so intense, but you loved it to the fullest. Tears came out of your eyes as he was taking you so good from behind.
“You like this? Don't you, baby? You like when I fuck your tight and pretty pussy?” Take what belongs to me? Hm? Letting me fuck you like a whore while your dad is just down the hall?”
Your head was foggy from the incredible fucking he was giving you. The lack of answer from you had him unsatisfied, so he smacked your ass cheek hard, making you squeal out at the pain.
“Answer me!”
“Y-yes… I love your cock fucking my tight little pussy. Please don't stop, baby.”
“Such a good whore for me. I'm not gonna stop, kitten, I promise.”
The thought that your dad and everyone else that worked in the building was just out the door, not having a clue as to what was going on in Buckys office, was so intoxicating—not knowing that Bucky was having at it with the boss's daughter.
You turned your head, at the best of your abilities, to look at him. His eyes were shut tight, and his face in pure concentration as he moved his body against yours. He met your gaze, both of you looking at each other as you neared your orgasm. One of your hands grabbed onto his forearm that had a tight grip on your hip. His other went underneath you to play and tease your clit.
“Please, Bucky, I need to cum. I need you to fill me up, please.” The pathetic pleas for him to fill up your pussy was what brought forward his release and made him finish deep inside of you.
His seed filling you up was what brought forth your own release. The way your walls became tighter around him had his hips snap rapidly against you as he gave you all of his cum. Moans and soft whimpers on a loop by the both of you as the pleasure overtook all your senses. Bucky thrust through both of your orgasms, not stopping until you were both satisfied.
Your face was in the cushions as you tried to slow down your breathing. Bucky caressed your sides and peppered kisses all over your lower back. Praises being given to you for being such a good girl to him.
“You're so good to me, beautiful.”
He pulled out of your hole. The two of you hissing out as you both felt overly sensitive. Bucky helped to clean both of you up with a few wipes he kept on his desk. He made sure you were ok before he went over to the windows to grab his underwear and pants, pulling them on where he stood.
You put your skirt and sweater on and fixed yourself up as you sat and watched him get ready. God, he looked so handsome that it had your stomach burst out in butterflies. Now all you wanted was for him to hoist you up on his desk and take you hard against it. But you saw him have a look at his watch, his eyebrows furrowed together.
“The meetings in five.”
He came over to you just as you were getting up. You hissed out as your body felt sore and spent up, but good regardless.
“Are you ok? Did I do too much?”
That was Bucky for you. Always worried that he had gone overboard, but you always reassured him that you had enjoyed yourself.
His hands came to rest at the side of your face, looking you up and down to make sure you were all good. Your own hands went over his ones.
“Hey, I'm alright. Just a little sore, but you know I loved it, and I can handle it, Bucky.”
“I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“I'm all good, babe, I swear.”
You took his face in your hands now as his ones traveled down to the small of your back so he could pull you flush against his body. His face leaned down some so he could capture your lips with his, giving you one of his sweetest kisses. His face moved down to suck and lick at the side of your neck in the most loving way.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” he reached into the pocket of his jacket to retrieve your panties, ”I believe these belong to you.” That cocky smile of his decorated his face as the panties dangled from his finger. Right. You had almost forgotten about those. “Thanks.” You took them and slid them up your legs.
“I wish you could stay longer. There are more surfaces in this office I would love to take you against.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he held you close. You would love nothing more than to stay here and let him have his way with you, but you knew that he needed to attend the meeting because if not, people would come knocking on his door, wondering where he is.
“I know, me too, but you know my dad is going to come knocking on the door and wonder where you are if you don't show up.”
“Yeah, I know. C'mon, I'll walk you out,”
He followed you to the elevator so he could say goodbye to you. A kiss and a hug were shared amongst you before the elevator dinged that it had arrived.
“We can meet later tonight if you want? Natalie is going out; God knows where, so we can stay at my place this time.” He asked you. “Whatever you want, just let me know, ok?” “I would like that, Bucky. I’ll let you know when.”
You stepped inside of it and pressed the button to go down. A smile on both of your faces as you gazed at each other the few seconds you had before the doors slid shut.
“I’ll miss you, doll.”
“I'll miss you more, Sir.”
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minshookie · 3 years
Late night hookup
| Yoongi |
Warning! || 18+ smutty smut smut, fuckboy!yoongi, unprotected sex, oral fem receiving, cum eating, fem masturbation, rough sex, vocal Yoongi 🤤
[ jin • Yoongi • Hoseok • Joon • Jimin • Taehyung • Jungkook ]
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You’d opened his contact for the 14th time in the past hour, down bad was an understatement for you at the moment.
It’s the fact that you knew he was in town, it’s also the fact that he chose to ignore you that made you upset, yet you yearned for his harsh touch.
Text first maybe? You put your phone to rest, your independence wouldn’t dare let you give into the temptation, if he wanted you he’d be here. And you’d ignore him until he made up his mind.
One thing that wouldn’t be ignored though, is the ache settling in your core, rolling onto your back bringing your thighs together to apply pressure to no avail. He’s never there when he’s needed.
Separating, you let your fingertips massage over the dampened fabric finding the lazy ovals you were accomplishing pleasurable. Just before you could indulge your phone chimed.
“You awake?”
You could scream in happiness! Your late horny wishes have been heard.
“Yeah, welcome back in town, how are you!”
“Excited to see me? You’re horny huh?”
Once an ass always an ass, he’d beat around the bush until all the leaves fell off before he’d give a straight answer.
“Yeah, get over here.”
“Get some help y/n,I’d think that you’d find someone new already.”
“Are you coming to fuck me, or can i continue to finger myself...you interrupted me.”
“Impatient little thing you are, sure continue, but open the door when I get there.”
Tossing the phone to the corner of your bed you rolled off changing shirts to look sightly presentable.
Skipping like and lovesick schoolgirl you cleaned the living room like he’d even notice the scatter of classwork and pillows if you’d left it. Setting drinks up on the table you anticipated your 2 AM date.
His knock undeniable, you pranced to the door pulling it open letting in the dusk breeze, “hey, you look different.” you looked his stature up and down, “and you look tired.” He quips pulling you into him his chilled hand wrapped around you neck. Kissing you, his taste never changed liquor and mint, he explored you like he’s been hungry for you. “Still don’t know how to kiss? Fucking virgin.” He bullied walking into your apartment removing his heavy shoes.
“Can you stop being an ass Yoongi.” He threw himself in the couch watching you primarily as you closed the door, gong to the kitchen before his statement stoped you. “I don’t care about the tea party you set up in there, get over here.”
Legs spread his hand rested inside of his black sweats. Obliging you went to him, only here for one thing, and he was ready to get it as quick as he could, “wanna lay on the couch for me?” The pounding in your chest persistent, knowing fully what’s to come. Letting your back hit the couch, he threw your decretive pillows. “Miss me?” He freed you from your panties, letting his limber fingers massage you collecting your slickness. “C’mon speak up.” “Yeah I did, you miss me?” You breathed out in impatience. “Like hell.”
“You play with this while imagining me when I’m away?” Sensually he stroked your bundle of never earning a physical reaction. “Honestly?” “Mm yeah tell me.” Vulgarly he spit on your mound before continuing to toy with you. “I think about your little friends more than I imagine you.” You lied for his reaction, thoughts of Yoongi swam in your head more than you’d like to admit.
“Liar.” He entered you with his index and pointer, whimpering to show your appreciation. Moving back and forth rotating his wrist ever so slightly. “Tell me this though.” He changed his tactics now rapidly stroking the most sensitive area inside of you. “This still make you cum cutie?” He jokes obviously watching you buck at his skilled fingers movement. Staying in place he gave you the treat of massaging the area into your first orgasm of the night. Your stomach clenched and you griped around him unintentionally. “Mmhhm fucking hate you.” Insulting him was a regular during orgasm and he enjoyed it. He continues forcing more pleasure on you as you cum.
A cocky grin plasters his features, “I guess it does.” He leaned coming face to face with your core, still pulsating. “Sensitive little thing still, I would’ve thought you’d grow from that.” He latched onto your clit causing you to prop yourself on your elbow in surprise. “Yoongi fucking wait.” You pushed his head to no result he licked and sucked on your clit with no mercy. “Ah fuck please Yoongi.” He looked up his dark eyes commanding you as he let go. “Done for the night?” You shook your head no, “just a little sen-” “nothing new.” He went back down, lapping at your sopping entrance with hunger and lust, grunts erupted from him.
With better leverage he enters you with his tongue prodding you like you’ve missed oh so bad. It seems like he left and came back better than he’s ever been at this. It was muffled but you understood his dirty comments. “Fucking cum in my mouth, you’re gonna taste it bitch.” Moving back to your clit he flicked quickly replacing his fingers, rubbing your tender sweet spot. Eyebrows furrowed in focus he closed his fiery eyes. “Shit! Shit! Ahhh shit!” Squirming inches from succumbing to your second orgasm. You griped his styled hair pulling him deeper onto your cunt. He latched sucking you, your stomach tightening.
Finishing messily onto his digits and lips. “Fuck Min, who gave you lessons in Korea?” You heaved legs wide needy for more. Ignoring your comment he connected his lips with yours not giving you time to breath. purposely kissing you sloppily making sure he spread your nectar along your tongue and lips. “Sweet?” You nodded, bucking, begging for him subtlety.
“What next baby, ask for it,what do you want?” He took off the sweats fully commando underneath, he stroked himself collecting his precum and bringing it to your mouth. “I know you’re filthy. Eat it.” You suck his fingers, and he visibly holds back a groan. “Fuck me, that’s what I want.” You answer seductively.
You got up from the couch, grabbing his shirt bringing him to your bedroom, “bigger bed?” “Yeah, you like it?” You crawled on top, putting your ass in the air cheekily. “It’s your turn to buy the pill.” He laughed at your random outburst, “shut the fuck up already.” He got behind you aligning and plunging into you a groan of enjoyment coming from him. “Always so fucking tight.”
Gaining a grip he bottoms you out earning a squeal. “Nice a full? Ready to fuck?” You could hear his impatience, you nodded in response. “Damn it y/n speak baby.” He griped your ass harshly. “Just do it already!”he pulled out completely hooking you with his arm rolling you onto your back pulling your shirt off with your assistance.
“I have been thinking of you in this position ever since we landed.” Pushing your legs up, “hold them with your arms...please.” Obliging to his lustful wishes, on your back legs bound by your arms, everything vulnerable on display for him.
Getting comfortable he entered you, bottoming you out throwing his head back. “Tighter than before, you’ll fucking kill me.” He fucked into you sensually keeping a grip on the back of your thighs, “feel good? Wanna- oh shit.” Tightening around him he fucked into you harshly, the lewd smacking sound something that was very missed.
Resting his forearm next to your head, dominantly he gripped a handful of your hair, letting his head fall at you ear shamelessly moaning into it. “Mm so good y/n, you’re too good.” Picking up speed making your breath trap itself in your throat. “Tell me-mm tell me.”unable to respond to his commands you whimpered in a sorry excuse for response.
By the change in tone you could tell he’s close to finishing off, while in the chase for his high, he pulled your hair harsher. Placing his other hand on your sensitive clit. “Fuck!” Pulling back up he removed his hand from your locks placing them on the back of your thighs his pace giving a little slack.
His eyes closed thumb massaging you assisting you to orgasm. “You better fucking cum.” He gritted.
He continued his rough thrust until he hit his peak “oh fuck me!” Whining he spilled inside of you as you tightened around his member once again lost in his gift of euphoria.
He pulled out of you sweat dripping over his features his seed warmly gushed from you. He removed his shirt the heat getting the best of him.
His member already half mast. He got up stretching before striding to the bathroom. “ don’t move.” You could care less what he just said, your senses still draped in pleasure. Though certain thoughts threatened to pull your lustful high. “Your legs or arms cramping?” He came back cleaning you up, using a colder cloth you cool your sweaty limbs. “Left leg.” He pulled you from the folded position massaging your leg and thigh.
“Too rough?” “Not enough.” He laughed under his breath, “noted.” He let go of your limb standing from the bed, leaving the room.
Though not exclusive your heart still aches for him slightly. “I’m leaving.” He came back with his sweats and shoes on, grabbing his shirt. “Oh, I pulled out some of my best alcohol and you leave?”
He smiled kissing your drenched forehead, why did he love torturing you. “Yeah, I got a busy day tomorrow.” He sighed pulling his shirt over himself. Groaning you rolled over out of the bed, pulling on a large shirt, “I’ll walk you to your car.” Obliging you followed him out.
Walking side to side, in silence until you both left the building standing in front of his pricey sports car. “You know you never gave me that ride.” He grasped your waist lifting you onto the hood, darkness shields you both.
“Mm tomorrow If I’m not tired, we’ll go get something...ice cream?”
“Stop acting like my boyfriend Min.”
“That’s what you want though, right?”
Sighing you felt uncomfortable when pressed with the truth.
“Well I’m sorry y/n but I can’t be, acting is the best you’ll get.”
“I know...so, who’s your best fuck back home?”
“Haha, some real pretty girl that you don’t need to ask about....but don’t worry, I cum and think of you.”
He laughs at your visible discomfort.
“You’re literally disgusting.”
Any and All feedback is greatly appreciated! !
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k1sstaegi · 3 years
Valentine's Day
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pairing: Taehyung x reader (Female)
word Count: 4.5k
genre: smut
prompt I used: here #3
a/n: After about a week of having Tumblr and doing some researching and studying how to write a fanfic/smut, I have finally decided to give in and write something. This is all very new to me since I've never really written like this before but hopefully, it's not that unpleasing to you readers and other authors.
Criticism is accepted, just don't be too harsh, I'm sensitive. Oh, and Happy Valentine’s Day!(If you see any errors, no you didn’t)
~Author nim
“Perfect” admiring your figure in the mirror that stands in your room. You tug at the mesh sleeves of your pearly white dobby bardot top and adjust your plaid light pink m-slit hem skirt
Your top revealing the skin of your midsection, showing nothing but your bare chest, shoulders and arms as the sleeves were sheer. Your skirt prevailing just above your knee, wrapping tightly around your thighs and ass, emphasizing your full figure.
Spritzing some of your favourite perfume on your wrist and collarbone. Now ready for the party that was being held at one of your boyfriend's mutual friend's house.
You were more than delighted to spend Valentines' Day on an occasion such as this one, especially having the benefit to dress up not only for yourself but also for your boyfriend, Taehyung.
Taehyung loves seeing you all attired and happy. He would constantly tell you how gorgeous you look and how he can't take his eyes off you as his hands explored every inch of your body, but you weren't certain how he would react to your outfit, due to being in a public area.
Today, being the second Valentine's you have spent with him, you wanted it to be momentous but you began to doubt your expectations, the reason being Taehyung had been occupied all day, this party, being the first time you've seen him since this morning.
You couldn't wait to see his boxy smile that made your heart tremor, the feeling of his arms wrapped around your waist, hugging you, pulling away momentarily to plant a kiss on his favourite physical feature of you. Perhaps your forehead? cheek? Your lips, trailing kisses down your jaw to your neck.
Lightly nipping on the spots that made you fight to stay quiet, leaving a trail of wet dark hickies wherever his sweet lips made contact to your lush skin for everyone to know who you belong to, that you’re taken by him, and only him.
Reaching for your phone before dialling Taehyung’s number as he advised you to do before leaving to the party, sat at the edge of your bed, legs crossed as your skirt rises your thighs, waiting patiently for your boyfriend to answer the phone.
“Hello princess” hearing his hoarse voice clearly through the phone, although the noise in the background is overbearing, makes your lips unconsciously curve into a smile. The way the pet name rolls effortlessly off his tongue makes it harder for you to maintain your lewd thoughts.
“Hi baby, how’s the party so far?” you ask, standing from your bed, gathering your belongings before walking outside to your boyfriend’s car that stayed parked in front of your house from the night before. “are you enjoying it?”
His voice now coming from the speakers of his car as you began driving to the location to where he is, “Yeah, but it would be better if you were here. Are you on your way?”
“Yes, I'm driving there right now” with a smile, you respond, ever-so-slightly applying pressure to the gas aiming to see Taehyung. Imagining his smile when he sees you, his hands gripping around your waist to pull you in closer into his embrace, his eyes looking down on you with complete admiration in them. Your thoughts filling your head before Taehyung speaks, pulling you out of your mind-made fantasy only to put you in a new one.
“I can't wait to see what my sweet princess is wearing,” He says, his voice sounding more seductive, resulting in your breath catching in your throat. Your eyebrows furrow together as you bite your bottom lip, but it's what Taehyung said next that rendered your body to shiver and your walls clench on nothing but the thought of him, “I can't wait to rip it off either”
Struggling to focus on the road, squeezing your thighs together to the thought of Taehyung being between them, eating you out or his fingers thrusting deep into you.
You squirm slightly in the seat as your pussy grows wetter to the replaying sound of Taehyungs’ deep voice as he praises you for taking his fingers so well as if they were meant to be pumping in and out of your swollen soaked pussy. His lips, placing kisses on your inner thighs making you crave his touch more as he trails his lips closer to your center, teasing you.
Gently placing a kiss on your clit before wrapping his lips around it, sucking on it, making you grab onto whatever was around you. You try holding back moans as Taehyungs hand finds his way to your breast, cupping it in his warm hands, placing your hand over his and moving it as he adjusts his two fingers around your sensitive nipple, lightly pinching it.
Feeling Tae’s moans against your clit, sending vibrations that rush pleasure through you comes to though making you bite your lip harder, almost hard enough to draw blood.
Hearing his low voice as he says all the stimulating things he wants to do to you which soon turns to the sound of his laugh, bringing you back, once again, from your lewd fantasies “Are you even listening?”
“What?” you say, realizing Taehyung had been talking to you this whole time while you were fantasizing about his tongue doing wonders on your clit. Feeling the need to apologize, “Sorry baby”
Letting out a soft laugh, using that sweet yet intense voice that always made your body weak “It's okay, just get over here so I can see you. I'm getting impatient over here.”
With that, you end the call and continued your way to the party.
Stepping inside, you got the sudden whiff of alcohol. It wasn’t bothersome, the alcohol smell was fruity and sweet. You walk around, your eyes searching everywhere to find Taehyung only to meet eyes with people you had no notice to, but soon meeting eyes with the person you've been meaning to find.
Smiling at the sight of your boyfriend leaning against a counter with a glass in one hand. You walk over and tap him on his shoulder.
He turns in your direction, eyes widened at the sight of you, mainly what you are wearing. Smiling innocently, you lift yourself onto your toes leaving a chaste kiss on his lips resulting in him kissing back. Placing his hands around your waist to pull you closer as you felt his toned body complex press against your smaller less toned body. “Baby, what are you wearing?”
His questioning makes you pout, guessing that he didn't like the way you outfitted yourself tonight. “You don't like my outfit?” You ask worryingly, looking down at your skirt, wondering if it didn't suit Taehyung’s liking, or maybe it was the mesh top that didn't seem appealing to him. He places his warm hands on your cheeks, cupping your face and looking deeply into his eyes.
“Trust me, I love it” his once sweet eyes, now filled with darkness and lust as he hazily smirks down at you, “But did you have to wear something so...tight and revealing?” He asks.
You could tell, Taehyung did enjoy your outfit but the thought that lingered in the back of his mind he knew others would too. Every guy that you’d walk past would try and catch a glimpse of your body, and that enrages Taehyung, thinking someone would ever look at you in the way that he did. Lustfully.
He hated the thought of someone thinking of you, staring at you, even daring to touch you when you are at your weakest. He wanted you all to himself, by his side, in his arms, and on top of him.
“What do you mean?”
“Let’s go somewhere where there are fewer people.” Pulling you by the hand and taking you into the emptied kitchen, Taehyung stands closely in front of you as you look up into his eyes, confusion written all on your face. “Listen, princess, I love your outfit it's so beautiful on you that I can't help but stare, but I also don't want other guys to do the same. You don't mind covering up, do you?”
You watch as Taehyung waits for you to say something along the lines of ‘yes baby, I'll cover up’ and those words were in your head waiting to communicate through your lips, but what came out was not what either of you expected. “Yes,” you say firmly.
Taehyung was always, and still is, the dominant one in your relationship, he always made the calls. You have some calls but it was primarily Taehyung who controlled you, punished you if you wouldn't listen, make sure that you knew who you belong to, fuck you till your crying out his name for everyone to hear how good he makes you feel and how well you take him.
He wants everyone to know and understand that you are his good little slut.
Taehyungs cocks an eyebrow up before letting out a soft laugh, “I won't ask again, cover-up” Taehyung says showing signs of irritation in his voice as his grip on your wrist tightens causing you to glance down at your hands for a brief moment before looking back up into Taehyungs eyes.
“Why? Because all you really want is to bend me over the counter and-”
Not even a moment to finish your sentence, Taehyung turns you, bending you over the counter with his body pushing against yours, taking you by surprise. His previous hand holding your arm behind your back and his free hand gripping tightly onto your ass making you whine.
Leaning more onto your body to where you could feel his warm intoxicated breath on your neck made your skin shiver. You just thought of him pulling down your skirt, moving your already soaked panties to the side and running his finger down your needy core as too begged him for more only to get punished even more.
, god you were a mess right now.
“Don't temp me y/n. I might just fuck you right here, right now, for everyone to see if that's what you came here for.” his voice serious and demanding, which only makes you want to fuck him more.
He runs his hands from your thigh, sliding up your back, reaching your scalp, running his finger through your hair and pulling on it resulting in a delicate moan to slip through your lips.
The slight stinging pain makes you wetter than you already are if that was even possible. Taehyung turns you to face him, having you pushed against the counter with his thigh between your legs making you sip in air which caught Taehyung’s attention.
He shoots a confused look before looking down at your thighs wrapped around his leg before pushing his thigh into you making yet another moan escape from your mouth. You place your hands on his chest, gripping onto the fabric of his black dress coated and leaning your head into his chest as he continues to rub his thigh against you, sending pleasure throughout your whole body and it aroused Tae as well.
Seeing you struggle to stay quiet, denying the obvious pleasure you were receiving, seeing you squirm under him desperately needing him to touch you, kiss you, punish you. anything.
“Looks like my little princess missed me,” Taehyung says cockily before removing his thigh from between your legs and adjusting your skirt. You glance up at him with a pout, crossing your arms, wishing he wouldn’t have stopped.
He lets out a soft laugh before briefly placing his lips on yours and taking hold of your hand and leading you into the room full of smiling drunk dancing people. Sitting down on the long black leather sofa that was positioned in the middle of the room, Taehyung sits down jerking you onto his lap.
Although the room was unbearably loud, his voice was still heard over anything. It made you weak. The one word driving you crazy enough to just take off all his clothes right now and go down on him, but you managed to contain yourself.
Taking in a deep breath and letting it go before feeling his arm tighten around your waist, pulling you closer to him to where you could feel his lips graze again your ear and his warm breath roll down your neck as he says the one word that you try to obey.
Spending most of your time at the party sitting on Taehyung’s lap, you try to keep yourself from the lewd thoughts that filled your head.
“Baby, I'm going to go get a drink,” You tell Taehyung, his grip around your waist loosens and he nods, allowing you to get up from his lap, walking over to the bar.
You pour champagne into a glass and pour it down your throat, hoping it would help with your nerves. You look over to Taehyung’s direction to see him sweetly watching over you, flashing you a cute smile.
Although, all you could think about was Tae’s hands gently wrapped around your throat, pinning you down, teasing you with his tip, skimming it between your folds and barely pushing into your slit. Telling you how beautiful you look miserable for his cock to be deep inside you, your mind going fuzzy just at the thought of him. You couldn't help but feel the warmth from his smile.
You continued taking sips of your drink, unexpectedly feeling hands snake around your waist making you jump. You turn your head to see Taehyung, which calms you down. “Sorry Princess, I didn’t mean to scare you. Enjoying that drink, aren’t you?” Taehyung says into your ear, his deep voice sending chills down your spine.
You nod in response before feeling Taehyung gently press himself against you causing you to silently gasp. “You looked so beautiful from where I was sitting; I couldn’t help but come up here and see you from up close” He admits, his lips gently touching your skin, placing wet kisses on your shoulder as he grinds himself against you, letting a soft moan slip from your lips.
“fuck~” He groans digging his fingers digging into your sides, his now hard erection poking you from behind. His hands sliding down to your skirt, suddenly squeezing your ass making you squeeze your eyes shut, leaning down to your ear and saying the words that lured you.
“Bathroom. 5 minutes,” He says before walking away in the direction of the bathroom.
As told, you wait 5 minutes before exploring your way upstairs where there were no people. You look around finding a closed-door, assuming it was the bathroom, slowly turn the knob, the door swings open and you are pulled by strong arms wrapping around your waist into the dimmed lit room. The door shuts and you withstand the cool exterior of the door get pushed against your back.
“Finally” Taehyung growls. Connecting his lips to yours, gliding his tongue across your bottom lip before taking it between his teeth, gently biting it.
His hands travel from your waist to your ass, pulling you closer against him, feeling his erection rub against your inner thigh making you moan into the kiss. You craved for this moment all night long, and Taehyung craved it just as much as you did.
He couldn't wait to hear the pretty little moans escape from your lips only caused by him. You place your hands on his shoulder, sliding them onto his chest before pulling him in closer. Your hands find their way down Taehyung’s body, reaching his erection, palming him through his black dress pants causing him to grunt and thrust towards you.
Proceeding to palm him, you feel a grip on your wrist pulling your hand away from him and placing it on his chest. “Nu’uh,” He says, his lips curving into a smirk before gently leaving a trail of kisses down your neck and to your collarbone.
He kisses down your chest, leaving a line of faint hickies. He slowly moves his hand under your top, placing his palm over your breast, massaging it gently making you whining mess.
He pulls away, pressing your forehead together, both panting for air as he moves his hand to life your skirt, revealing the cute pink lace panties that you wore, Taehyung chuckles. “These are so adorable princess. What a shame that they're ruined” He teases, running his hand over your mound with a smirk. You look up into his lust-filled eyes as he continues rubbing you through your lace panties letting a line of curse words leaves your lips “ah~ fuck”
Tae slides your panties to the slide, allowing his finger to glide through your soaking core, “I barely touched you and your already this wet for me? Hm?” He taunts, teasing your clit as you wrap your arms around him and bury your face into the crook of your neck. “fuck- you’re so good” He praises you.
Slowly slipping one of his fingers in you, causing you to let out a moan. He gently grabs your chin making direct eye contact before kissing you to muffle your moans. “Stay quiet for me” You bite your lip trying to contain your moans like Taehyung asked for as he resumes to push his fingers in and out of you “Good girl” He praises, adding another finger making it harder for you to stay silent.
Speeding his actions makes you dig your fingers into him, making the tips of them white from how hard they were digging into Taehyung. You nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck as his fingers do wonders inside of you. “You’re going so good, baby” still pushing his fingers deep in you as you trying to keep quiet, he curls his fingers hitting a sweet spot in you making you whimper. Almost reaching your high, your walls clench around Taehyung’s finger making him groan as he speeds up his actions to help you reach your high.
“T-Taehyung oh- fuck” You stutter on your words, slight tears building up in your eyes and your walls clench around him again before releasing onto his fingers, drenching them in your juices.
Taehyung removes his fingers, placing them over your lips. “Suck”
You open your mouth and wrap your lips around Tae’s two fingers, sucking them clean as he watches you admiringly with soft eyes, but behind them, you can see dark desire shining through.
He slowly pumps his fingers in and out of your mouth, wiping your tears with his free hand before smiling sweetly down at you. “You shouldn’t look this cute as you do right now, sucking your juices clean from my fingers,” Taehyung whispers, still moving his fingers in and out of your mouth. You hum, sending vibrations to his fingers as he removes them to fix you. “How about we go home?”
You smile at him before he takes you hand in hand, leaving the upstairs bathroom as if he didn't just finger fuck your swollen pussy and made his way to his parked car outside.
Now in Taehyung’s bathroom, changing out of your current clothes to throw on your hoodie, well, Taehyung’s hoodie that you snatched it from his clothes and took it for yourself. Your clothes in your hand, you walk out the bathroom to see your relaxed boyfriend laid across his bed watching the T.V.
You place your clothes on his draw before walking over to pull the covers off of him to straddle in his lap, resting your head in the crook of his neck. Taehyung wraps his arm around your waist using his free arm to pull the blankets over the both of you. He places his hands under your hoodie placing his warm hand on your back, running his hands up and down. “Did you enjoy tonight princess?” Softly, he asks
You nod your head, not removing your face from his neck. “Yes”
Taehyung’s chest surges up and down as he lets out a sigh, cuddling you tighter. “I know I've already said this, but you looked so beautiful tonight.” He says, placing a kiss behind your ear followed by another on your cheek.
He places his hands on your waist, pulling you to sit up on his lap and make eye contact. “I couldn't stop thinking how after the party, I’d bring you right here and strip every little piece of clothing that covered you. Kiss every inch of your body before pinning you down on this bed and-” He cuts his words short, cupping your warm face before pulling you closer to his, feeling his warm breath hit your lips. “How about I show you what I’d do,” He says, kissing you gently.
He lifts your hoodie, revealing you in nothing but your already ruined new pair of panties. His lips making contact with your skin leaving a wet trail of kisses followed by soft bites down the middle of your chest, soon wrapping his lips around your nipple, caressing your breast.
“Mh~” you whimper placing your hands on Tae’s shoulder slightly pushing him back on him. He removes his lips from you, letting the hoodie fall over you and gently places your face in his hands and asks if you were okay.
You nod, nipping your bottom lip “I want to skip this part” you say softly, not being patient enough for foreplay. You just wanted to feel his touch, his hands gripping onto your waist as he thrusts into you making you a mess under him.
Taehyung lets out a soft chuckle “You want to skip this part?” He asks sweetly. Soon changing the tone of his voice from sweet to demanding. “Then suck me off first,”
Your eyes grew at his duality. His voice provoking you. You smile before maneuvering between his legs seeing the tent in his black boxers.
You lick the droll from your lips before palming Taehyung’s erection making him hiss at your action. You began to kiss him through the material of his boxer, squirming from around underneath you. You smile to yourself at the thought of Taehyung not being able to control himself when it comes to you. Your slightest touch made him go crazy and you both loved it.
You proceed by pulling Tae’s boxers down, just enough for his erection to spring up. You stroke your hand along Tae, taking him in your hand and seeing his sensitive tip glistening from his precum. You trail your tongue from his base to his tip, wrapping your lips around him and licking clean his dripping precum, swirling your tongue around him.
“fuck y/n~ don’t tease” He growls, tossing his head back. You listen to him and push your head down, taking in as much of him as you can. “Oh~ good girl”
You pump him in and out of your mouth. He runs his fingers through your hair, grabbing it making you moan, sending vibrations through his cock making him thrust into your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat. “Mhm~ you’re so good for me baby” He manages, his eyes shut tight from pleasure. You feel a slight twitch in your mouth as Taehyung lets out a breathy growl before pulling you away from him. You look at him, out of breath and confused, drool dripping down from the corners of your mouth onto your chin.
Grabbing your chin and slowly pulling you towards him, your faces just centimetres away. “If I’m going to cum, it’s going to be inside you,” He says deeply before turning you, laying on your back has his body hovers over you.
Attaching his lips to yours, licking your bottom lip before sliding his tongue between your lips, biting your lip letting a moan slip between them. Removing his lips from yours, a line of saliva connecting you. Taehyung leaves a few kisses on your neck before lifting your hoodie, tugging at your panties. You slightly lift yourself, making it manageable for Tae to jerk your panties down along your leg and toss them somewhere across the room.
He strokes his hand up and down his silken cock before tormenting you with his tip, sliding it between your soaked folds as your tightness clenches around nothing. “T-Taehyung~” you let out in a moan.
“Does my baby want my cock inside her?” Taehyung taunts, barely pushing his tip inside you, leaving a line of moan and curses leaving your lips.
You bite your lip, nodding in response. “words baby, use them” Taehyung speaks.
A grimace showed on Taehyung’s face before he thrusts in you without warning, you scream more than a moan from the unbelievable pleasure.
Taehyung begins to slowly fuck you, sliding his thick cock in and out of your tight walls. He looks down at you, your face full of pleasure and to the side. He loves being able to fuck you and seeing your body tremble under his touch. He stares at you admirably as he shoves himself inside your soaking tightness. He smiles to himself seeing how ruined you looked in his hoodie, droll slipping from your lips and mouth dropped open to let your moans escape and fill the room.
“Look at me,” He grunts, grabbing your face to make eye contact. You look at him teary-eyed. “I want to see how good I make you feel when I fuck you”
You feel yourself reaching closer to your high, doing as Taehyung and keep your eyes on him and him only. Taehyung thursts himself harder into you hitting the spot that made your body shake and your hands gripping on tightly to the bedsheets. “Ah~ fuck Tae!” you moan, earning a smirk from Taehyung.
Your fingers dig into the sheet of the mattress, pulling them closer to you. “T-Tae I'm gonna~ oh f-fuck~,” you say, not being able to finish a sentence properly without it being interrupted by moans and curse words.
“Hold it in for me baby. Can you do that? Can you hold it in for me, please” Tae pleads, his thrusts getting harder and sloppier as he tries to reach his high.
You whimper trying to hold yourself for Tae as his thrusts get sloppy by the second. “Shit~” Taehyung growls, digging his face into the crook of your neck. You could hear his faint growls and feel his warm breath hit your flush skin.
Moans, whimpers, whines, and grunts leave both your lips and Taehyung as you get overstimulated waiting for his high.
“Cum baby” He growls lowly into your ear. Your tightness clenches around his cock as you cum all over him followed by a loud cry. He thursts aggressively in you, holding his cock in position before filling you with a string of cum.
Both of you catch your breaths as Taehyung leaves sweet slow kisses, different from the ones before, on your neck and finding his way to your lips, gently kissing them. He slowly pulls out of you and lies down next to you, pulling you closer into his chest.
“I never got the chance to say this,” He says softly against your ear
“What is it?”
“Happy Valentines Day”
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eyeballjazz · 3 years
First of all I've been binge reading your fics whenever I get some free time so huge kudos to ya <3
Second, I've got a fun lil ask for ya: domestic headcanons for HB/PI and SS/DD :D
how do they share all their houses' chores? We all know HB is probably an amazing cook and DD looks like an organization freak but what about the rest? Does anyone besides HB knows how to cook a proper meal? We need to know!!
Well, hell!
First of all, thank you so much this is so sweet! Absolutely makes my day to know you’re enjoying my work. I hope you get lots more time to read soon, bro!
And second I’m about to go ON so I’ll chop the post here, but I’ve got headcanons old and new cooked up for you:
As I’m sure you’ve noticed I like writing about buildings so I can tell you exactly what everyone’s houses are like. The whole Crew lives across from each other on a block in the center of their territory, Slick and Droog in a Victorian townhouse and Hearts and Clubs in a duplex that’s broken into two railway style spaces. Slick would live shoebox if it was up to him, so thankfully Droog has very opinionated taste and likes spending his husband’s money enough to buy a whole antique for them to live in. 
I don’t have to tell you that cooking is huge for the Crew. They’re a small family of Italian uncles, so cooking is a major factor of their lives. 
As skill goes Droog is the best cook out of anyone. He’s self taught but for the very basics and some old family recipes his mother drilled into him back in Tuscany. And like everything with Droog, he’s someone who grew up dirt poor and now desperately wants to show off taste and affluence by being a highbrow snob. That means his skill for cooking has driven towards very elegant, subtle cuisine, lots of French influence (he says it must have been Italian, originally, but the French got famous for it somehow), and small portion size. Think of the fanciest restaurant you've ever been to and how teeny the serving sizes were and then imagine it was cooked by someone who is ferociously closeted and you’ve got it. 
Despite all that, Droog has not had working taste buds in at least thirty years because he’s smoked two packs a day since he learned to walk. Slick, likewise, had a bad smoking habit and quit for the kids so he’s not swimming in buds either. Add to that the fact that he’s had his nose broken so many times he’s functionally lost his sense of smell and you’ve got a match made in heaven. 
Lucky them, Karkat and Aradia get the spoils of Droog’s great cooking and are the picky eaters their fathers wished they could have been as boys. Droog is very proud to have snotty kids. So it is his great displeasure when, instead of having a single scallop lightly seared in browned butter then dusted with rosemary and thyme, the kids just want peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. But both happen regularly. 
Hearts is a close second but of a very different school. He learned to cook primarily from his mother, who is a master of Southern cooking and made sure her boy knew how to do for himself before she let him leave her home. The rest he learned as a cook in the army, and then later from Droog after Hearts insisted he learn some real Italian recipes since his father never cooked when Hearts was a boy. Hearts still has a habit for cooking for a literal army and so he often cooks for the whole family. 
His food is mostly soul food/American southern and he seasons hard and often. One might even say it is dangerously flavorful, and everyone agrees it is extremely fortifying. It’s even strong enough to get through to Droog, who can (with the addition of hot sauce) taste it and secretly wishes Hearts would offer to teach him a thing or two.
Too willful to learn, Slick is a very low third place. He doesn’t care about food much and burns most things he tries to cook out of impatience. Plus, he hasn’t needed to learn since he married Droog so why start now?
Pickle Inspector, dead last, can’t so much as fry an egg. He loves food and knows the locations and operating hours of every restaurant and pub and gas station hot bar in the city. But cooking itself eludes him. He does occasionally try to go vegetarian but folds immediately when offered the chance to have a big beautiful meal he didn’t have to cook himself.
This matches up perfectly with Hearts’s master plan, which is to feed Pickle Inspector to within an inch of his life. And Pickle, like a stray cat, loves the attention and knows where the free food is. Hearts insists he’s too skinny and will often say ‘Just have a little,’ and then hand him a plate with half a lasagna on it.
HBPI is a ‘you cook, I clean’ split. Self conscious of his lack of cooking knowledge Pickle does every dish in the house whenever he sneaks in (read: breaks in) to spend time with Hearts and Tavros. And very often when he breaks in he tries to carve out some time to spend playing DnD with Tavros, with an ambition to get him and Hearts in a game so they can show Hearts a more kinetic version of fantasy than having a read a lot of books by nudists from the 60’s.
Because they may or may not be out as a couple to the Crew, Pickle and Hearts don’t get to spend a lot of time out on Hearts’s front porch together, although kicking back on the porch is one of Hearts’s favorite things to do. But, every so often, they take their coffee together out on the porch way before anyone else is awake. They watch the city all in blue together, right before the sunrise.
SSDD and chores are much more complicated.
Droog is fastidious, meticulous, and intense about cleaning. He also uses it to avoid or ignore any emotions he may be feeling so their Victorian is constantly spotless. Droog does all the kitchen chores, all the rewarding dusting of art pieces, mantles, and mirrors, and looks after the kids to make sure they learn how to keep their own spaces clean.
He dumps all the chores where you actually chance getting dirty on Slick. Taking out the trash, mowing the lawn, cleaning the bathrooms, washing the cars, touching anything weird, bugs, that’s all Slick.
Slick also looks after their garden, not for any love of plants but because he’s gotten himself into an all out war with a warren of rabbits that want to eat Droog’s spices and tomatoes. The war has been multi-generational for the rabbits and they’re too invested to pull out now. Slick is the only person who really looks after the garden, Droog assumes ownership of the plants but doesn’t care about them beyond having fresh basil to cook with.
Slick’s contempt for the bunnies and ferocity in keeping his husband’s plants alive have made him an unwitting expert on what a good spice garden needs. Like Droog, his feelings for the whole thing aren’t tied to love for the plants but instead pride and anger. Droog, meanwhile, loves seeing Slick do violence in his name and will often watch his tantrums in the backyard whenever one of the tomato plants gets chewed up.
Whew, this got long quick. Since it’s already so long, I’ll leave you with one more hc which is that Pickle Inspector knows how to juggle. Thank you again for the great questions, this was so fun!!!
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hannie-dul-set · 4 years
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your face lit up upon seeing the message on your phone. despite your objections, jaehyun had insisted on picking you up and taking you home today (you had told him that if he were to drop you off after your date later, it'd take him almost an hour to get back home. to which he responded with "it's okay as long as i'd get to spend more time with you" which resulted in you nearly dropping your phone). after giving yourself one last check-up in front the mirror, you had finally opted to go downstairs.
now, seeing jaehyun in the usual suit and tie ensemble was undeniably heart-stopping, but seeing him in a plain black shirt and jeans? now that was something else. you had told him the night prior to wear something casual, and that was probably the best decision you've ever made thus far.
he was leaning on his car, a coat loosely hanging off of his shoulder and attention drilled on his phone. noticing your nearing presence, he quickly shut off the device, eyes gleaming and dimples appearing.
"you're here."
it was around four in the afternoon, the sky rendering a beautiful brilliant blue. patches of little white clouds littered the heaven's canvas, and the sun's glare showered directly on jaehyun's face.
"indeed i am," you laughed, finding your spot directly in front of him. jaehyun's gaze lingered on you a little longer, a light wash of pink painting his pale cheeks. you raised a brow, expecting him to say something but he only stifled out a cough, quickly scrambling to open the front door of his car for you.
"after you," he stuttered out, attempting to keep his composure. jaehyun was nervous— not because of you, but instead it's because the whole concept of going out for mere pleasure had been foreign to him since he was sixteen. you'd actually been a source of comfort for him; even if he embarks on the unkown, it would seem like nothing with your presence alone.
you thanked him before entering, and shortly thereafter he followed.
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"so, where exactly are you taking us, miss y/n?" jaehyun asked you but his attention remained on the road before him.
"you'll see when we get there, jae— oh, you should go left from here," and so he did. the next couple of minutes went on like that— you giving him directions, and him attacking you with questions regarding your destination (you refused to answer any of them, of course). after a while, a large ferris wheel can into view as well as vague sounds of boisterous merrymaking.
"jaehyun, we're almost there!" you gushed in delight, slightly bouncing in your seat as you gleamed at the distant sight before you and jaehyun couldn't help but smile at your honeyed excitement.
the car had landed in the the parking lot, prompting you to go out. but before you could open the car door, jaehyun swiftly left his seat, jogged over to your side, and opened the door for you. he extended his hand for you to grab and you couldn't contain your laughter.
"such a gentleman," with a painted smile on your face, you placed your hand on his as you exited the vehicle.
you looked up to jaehyun to see if he was just as eager as you to try all of the rides and games, but his expression remained unreadable. a question came into thought, so you tugged on the short sleeve of his shirt, prompting the male's attention.
the wide grin on you refused to falter even as you neared the park's entrance. there was a spring in your step as you walked and your enthusiasm only grew once you saw the endless colorful booths and stalls lining up from the entrance.
"jae, have you ever been to an amusement park before?"
"a few times, yes," he answered, a somber feeling tracing his features. "but it was a quite long time ago so i don't really remember what it's like."
a frown appeared surfaced after hearing his response. being bred into a family that garnered such a reputation undeniably brought about an immense amount of pressure, so you weren't surprised that jaehyun gave up his childhood so early in order to live up to expectations of dozens and dozens of nameless people. you'd made the right decision of bringing him to the amusement park today— maybe through this he'd be able to relive what he had long forgotten.
"well then," you quickly stood before him, blocking his path to move forward. with your new found determination, you quickly grabbed his hand, eliciting a look of confusion from the tall male. "i'll help you remember."
with a swift tug of his wrist, you ran, jaehyun dragging behind you. "miss y/n, slow down—"
"keep up, jaehyun! or else i might leave you in the dust!" you sang, a wide smile spread on your lips. at first, jaehyun was caught in a daze, but with a quick shake of his head and chimes laughter leaving his lips, he suddenly overtook took your speed.
"keep up, miss y/n."
he teased, your positions switching in a blink of an eye. jaehyun's hair flew with the wind— you couldn't see his face, but you just know that he was beaming, and that alone made you swell with joy.
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the afternoon went by rather quickly. after running around the park for a while, you two decided to try out the games first— and dear god, you were met with an entirely new side of jung jaehyun.
"miss y/n, do you mind stepping away for a while?"
"oh, sure," quickly, you scurried away from him, finding a spot a few steps away from the jaehyun.
in front of you two was a punch machine, glaring at you with its red and yellow lights. you had just left from the one of the shooting games where you both failed miserably, causing jaehyun to be a bit dejected. you had told him that it was most likely rigged, but the male swore that he'd regain his dignity. when you glanced up at him to see how he's holding up, and you couldn't help your amusement— jaehyun's brows were in a furrow, face in frozen ice. the fact that he was taking this so seriously was absolutely adorable.
a small crowd of children had formed around you, and you could see that the worker in charge of the game was getting impatient (jaehyun started stretching a bit, and you could tell that the guy was this close to kicking you out).
with a few swift steps and the swing of an arm—
the small crowd started clapping, and the first thing jaehyun did was look at you— face glowing with a smile that looked as if he had just won the whole world. the way his cheeks lifted and eyes disappeared strung a different kind of chord inside of you. springing from the ground, you leaped towards him, arms spread to capture him in an embrace.
"jaehyun, holy shit, that's a new record!" you squealed, rupturing a wave of confusion from jaehyun. his right arm ended up wrapping around your waist and his opposite palm was resting on your head which was buried in his chest. like earlier, his bewilderment quickly washed away and his voice broke out a chuckle. you looked up, only to see him staring at you with stars in his eyes.
"i told you i'd make up for my loss."
"you didn't have to, but i'm proud of you anyways."
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after trying out most of the games and rides (as well as a second run at the viking, due to jaehyun's insistence), the light sky was replaced with the star-studded breath of the night. the lights hanging all over the park were shining— casting dozens of colors all over. the two had just gotten down from your ride from the ferris wheel. although the ride was spent primarily in silence while admiring the atmosphere and scenery before you, it wasn't at all awkward. instead, there was comfort lingering in the air inside the tiny box you two were enclosed in.
shortly thereafter you found yourselves eating dinner at the nearby boardwalk with the sight of the light-stained waters in front of you, and before you knew it the night was finally over. at 9:32 pm, you were already on yout ride back home— the card ride composing of you blaring one of jaehyun's playlists at full volume and singing your hearts out (at that instance, you had found out that jaehyun's voice was nothing less than heavenly and you had complained as to why he'd never told you before). moments later, the facade of your apartment building came into view, signalling the end of your date.
with the same routine as earlier, he had opened the door for you, hands pressed tightly together and showing no signs of letting go.
"i had fun today," you breathed out. the thoughtless grins on your faces mirrored each other, along with the enraptured adoration spiraling in your eyes. "so did you, i hope. if not, then i'd be really sad."
the streetlights and the stars were the only things lighting up the area, but everything suddenly became brighter when you heard the soft laughter slipping from jaehyun's pink tinted lips. "you being sad would be the last thing i'd want, miss y/n."
the cold wind nipped at your skin, causing you to hold onto jaehyun's hand tighter. as much as you didn't want to, you had to head back inside. it was already getting late and you still had work tomorrow morning.
"i should get going, jae," you spoke, earning a nod of understanding from the male. hesitantly, he slipped his hand off of yours, a glimpse of disappointment hinting at his features before being replaced once more with his dimpled smile.
"i'll wait until you get inside before i make my leave."
"alright, alright," you laughed, a gentle rose flushing you cheeks. "text me when you get home, okay?"
jaehyun nodded once more and you finally decided to head inside. once at the entrance, however, you turned your heels to see if he was still there, and indeed he was— standing alone under the coldness of the night, just because he wants to see you safely get inside. you see his expression— confused as to why you weren't opening the door yet, and suddenly you felt your heart jump in a giddy flight. your eyes met and you briskly scurried to unlock the door, lightly smacking on of your cheeks in attempts to calm the blazing red storm going about. you swung it open, but before you finally entered, a sudden thought went inside your head.
lips pressed together, you hesitated, but then ultimately decided
fuck it.
you swiveled around to face jaehyun again and you wordlessly speeded towards him, legs moving in a haste, the air gusting against you. he was flustered with you suddenly standing before him, and it didn't help his case when you looked up to him with your face flushed. without giving jaehyun any opportunity to speak, you sprung on your toes, quickly pressing a fluttering kiss on his jaw.
"goodnight, jaehyun!"
and just like that you ran inside, leaving jaehyun in a coral stained daze. he heard the door to your apartment building closing, and he snapped out. he shook his head, laughing to himself, before getting inside his car.
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gold painted canvas
the classic rich boy and poor girl love story but with less prejudice and more happiness
25 // goodnight
a/n: HHEHEHEH hope you enjoyed 1.9k words of tooth rotting fluff <33 pls lmk what you think hehehe
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nelllraiser · 3 years
garlic dread | milo & nell
TIMING: the middle of spring, before the portals opened. PARTIES: @wickedmilo & @nelllraiser. SUMMARY: milo just wants to help nell with her plants, but nell has other plans.
With spring coming into its prime, Nell’s garden had been thriving in addition to her greenhouse. During the time she’d been struggling to pay off her hospital debt, watching the numbers of new flowers in her garden dwindle had been one of the hardest cutbacks, the blooms and otherwise being one of her simpler joys in life. But now that her father had paid off the hospital without the witch’s permission, it meant that she was able to spend a little more money than usual on some new little plants and the like. Which was how she found herself walking home with a plethora of green and leafy friends in her arms, barely able to see over the lot of them as she made her way out of the plant nursery. She was nearly out of eyeshot from the other townies— which meant she was only steps away from being able to freely use her magic when another person caught the corner of her eye. Where the hell had he come from? She was instantly annoyed despite the fact that the young man couldn’t have any inkling of his unintentional meddling. Hopefully with any luck he’d disappear soon enough of his own accord, and then she’d be able to hover her new plants home with minimal effort. Another look towards the guy had her brow scrunching up in thought. He looked vaguely familiar, but she couldn’t quite place why.
Milo wasn’t sure he would ever get used to smelling people before he saw them. It was a strange, and uncomfortable instinct. Usually he discovered he wasn’t alone through sight, or through sound. The regular ways. But when the fresh scent of vegetation and potted soil managed to reach him on the evening breeze, he glanced upwards, curious to see where it was coming from. There was a woman on the other side of the road, walking towards him with her arms full. He could only assume she was an avid gardener, nobody else would buy quite so much when they knew they needed to carry it home. For a while, he was too distracted by her plants to pay any real attention to her face, but as she grew closer he began to recognise her from high school. What was her name? Was it Penelope? He felt sure it was, but he also had a feeling nobody ever actually called her that. Jeez, it was so difficult remembering back on a time where he had barely been present. Always high, or on the verge of inebriation. If somebody wasn’t his friend, they faded away almost immediately after graduation. Regardless, it felt rude not to offer his help. He had been meeting so many people from his past, as of late. This could be an opportunity to make a new friend, somebody who didn’t know what a mess he was. “Hey!” He called from where he was standing across the road, there were no cars, so he knew she would have no trouble hearing him. “Any chance you want some help?” 
Highschool maybe? Was it highschool that she knew him from? Nell didn’t really want to ask, not when she was trying to hurry home, and get this guy out of her hair so that she could get her magic up and going. “Yeah- no thanks,” she dropped her reply quickly, taking on a fairly dismissive tone, hoping he’d catch the hint and leave her alone. Still...it was nagging her that she couldn’t place his face. It was definitely from highschool, but she’d had barely a handful of friends back then, and everyone else knew well enough to just leave her alone. Even though the normies couldn’t have known she was actually a witch, that didn’t stop the age-old fear of things they didn’t understand from settling in when it came to Nell Vural.
At first, they’d been taught it by their parents at the hands of a disastrous childhood birthday party where a kindergarten aged Nell had accidentally summoned a swarm of Wolpertingers out of her birthday cake. From then on, all it’d taken for her schoolmates to avoid her was a couple of violent altercations born of shitty people and her temper, and a few more mystic incidents for them to steer clear and whisper behind her back. But they’d had no problems coming to her when they wanted something more salacious, hook-ups underneath and bleachers and in empty classrooms. Apparently it had been fine enough to screw the creepy magic girl, just not get on her nerves or be her friend.
Milo faltered as Penelope turned down his offer, both surprised and irritated by the way she casually brushed him off. He was trying to be friendly, not to mention the fact that he recognised her from high school. She had every right to say no, of course. But he felt like he had decent grounds to be annoyed. If anything, it was an opportunity for good company, a mutual opportunity. Crossing the road without looking, confident he would hear any cars if they got too close, he raised his eyebrows at her. “I’m going to assume you have no idea who I am.” He half teased. “But I swear I’m not a creeper about to follow you home. Come on, let me help.” He gestured to the plants in her arms, knowing he didn’t need to point out how overwhelmed she was by her load. “I’m trying this new thing where I’m not an asshole, you know? This would really help my credibility.” 
Nell. The name came back to him suddenly, along with the reputation she had once managed to build for herself. He had stayed largely out of her way, watching her arguments in the corridor from afar, listening when people whispered about her while making no move to acknowledge the rumours. Honestly, anybody willing to say ‘fuck you’ to societal standards and enjoy sex for what it was had his respect. But it made him wonder why he had never gotten to know her back then. Given what was so often said, she seemed very much like his kind of person. Had she changed since? He definitely had, in more ways than one. “Nell, right?” He asked, unable to help himself. “It’s Milo… Summers. I used to hang around with Kyle.” He had no idea whether she even knew who Kyle was, but given they had both spent most of their days filling the boy’s bathroom with smoke, he figured she had probably heard of him.
To be honest, Nell didn’t entirely mind if some random guy from highschool got caught in the crossfire of her impatience— especially when she was over eager to get home, and get her plants all settled in. Was it rude? Probably. Would she ever see the guy again, and did she really care when she hadn’t even known him well enough to properly attach a name to face? Probably not. She simply raised a brow as he confirmed that no- she couldn’t quite place him within the confines of her highschool memories. “I’m not worried about you following me home.” It most likely wouldn’t turn out great for someone anyway if they decided to follow a girl back to the house where three witches, a reanimated corpse, and a literal demon dog lived. He was trying not to be an asshole? Why did she have to be a part of that when she just wanted to get home as fast as possible? 
Popping her mouth open to give him another denying reply bordering on rude, surprise flit over her face when he managed to remember her name— which quickly turned to intrigue as he mentioned the name Milo in conjunction with Kyle. Oh shit, this was Milo. The same Milo that had been hanging around the werewolf during the time he’d been turned. Along with his name came a few more vague memories from her school days, finally recalling him to be someone along the lines of a stoner who was often in detention. “Oh- Milo, right,” her expression instantly shifted into one that was much more open now that she realized he was actually someone she wanted to talk to. “That’s funny- I was actually just talking to Kyle the other day, and he mentioned you.” Milo didn’t need to know that it had been in the middle of Nell’s moonsitting. Ugh, she supposed this meant she should let him carry a couple things. “Sorry- I was just excited to get home.” She could be perfectly amiable when she wanted something, and she definitely wanted to know more about Kyle during his days around being bitten.
Milo could pinpoint the exact moment Nell began to realise who he was. He had no doubt in his mind her memories were vague, or based primarily on hearsay, but it would be hypocritical of that to bother him when his memories of her were the very same. “That’s me.” He agreed. “If you ever caught me in any compromising positions, now is the time to forget- you know, for the sake of my dignity.” He teased, laughing at his own joke. “I’d rather be judged on my new mistakes, of which I’m sure there will be many.” Her expression was far more open now, almost warm as she observed him, he wondered what she was thinking. It didn’t take her long to sate his curiosity. “Oh, you were?” He asked, his smile growing at the mention of his friend. He had only recently learned of Kyle’s lycanthropy, but strangely he found the knowledge comforting. He felt closer to him now than he had when they were at school together, despite seeing him then on a near daily basis. “What did he say? Good things, I hope?” Grinning easily, he glanced down at the plants still balanced in her arms. “Excited to get home because of this? Isn’t it a little late to be buying vegetation?” Holding out his arms, insisting she pass over some of her items, he caught her eye again, hoping she could see that he was trustworthy, and being sincere in his offer. “Here, come on… I swear I really do just want to help.”
Had she caught him in compromising positions? Maybe once or twice when they’d shared a detention, but highschool seemed so far away by now that sometimes it felt like an entirely different lifetime all together. “Sure- the sake of your dignity,” Nell echoed, biting off a teasing remark about how she wasn’t sure she could spare something he didn’t have. But she was going to be nice, she reminded herself. People didn’t talk to women about their werewolf friends if they thought they were an asshole. “But yeah- I just saw him right around the full moon,” she dropped casually, wondering if the phrase would trigger anything in Milo. Did he know about Kyle and his wolfy tendencies? “Honestly, it was so late when we were talking I barely even remember what we were saying,” she lied easily, not missing a beat. “But I doubt it was anything good if you’re that concerned,” she teased, testing the waters of what she could get away with. While he held out his arms, she let out an internal sigh, knowing she’d have to let him help if she wanted to get information from him. “I have a greenhouse,” she explained while carefully handing him a few of the plants, already feeling rather overprotective about letting him carry them. “It’s not too far from here.”
Milo grinned, glad Nell was willing to play along with his joke. “Much appreciated.” He replied, nodding his head with mock sincerity. But his smile quickly faltered as the conversation circled back around to Kyle. The full moon. It was such a specific thing to say. It jumped out at him, almost startling him out of his lighthearted demeanour. Did she know? He couldn’t see any other reason for her to mention the lunar cycle. So was she testing him? Trying to figure out whether he had also been trusted with the information? Hurrying to compose himself, he could only hope she hadn’t noticed his expression slip. “That’s a weird fucking way to measure time.” He teased, doing everything he could to sound casual. “Do you not own a calendar? Like a normal one, without moons on it?” Forcing a quiet laugh, he actually wouldn’t be surprised if Kyle had nothing decent to say about him. He wasn’t particularly worried, the reason they got along so well was due to that very fact. 
Feeling a strange sense of triumph when his company finally handed over some of her plants, despite not knowing much about her, he could see how much she cared for them. He made an effort to be gentle, holding them as though they were delicate, and breakable so that he wouldn’t cause any damage. Despite genuinely wanting to be of assistance, it would also help to earn her trust, and for some unknown reason, he found he really wanted to. “Define not too far?” He prompted. “Did I accidentally volunteer to walk miles with this stuff?” 
The hesitation in his smile was caught by Nell’s sharp eyes. She might not have noticed it if she hadn’t been looking for any hitch in Milo’s demeanor, but the falter was more than enough for Nell to continue her digging. “You know how White Crest is-” she began, careful to keep the levity in her words. “-always obsessed with the moon and her cycles along with ten million other weird things that wouldn’t fly in other towns. So what if my calendar has moons on it?” She didn’t need to get into the fact that Milo would be hard pressed to find a person that adored the moon more than a werewolf or spellcaster did. The two were generally unified in their waxing poetic of the big, powerful, and glowing lady in the sky. “Kyle didn’t think it was weird that I like the full moon.” Perhaps she was coming on a little too strongly, but if Milo didn’t know what she was referring to, it wouldn’t matter. Normies didn’t generally assume that any mention of the full moon and a person meant the guy in question was a werewolf. 
The greenhouse was Nell’s haven, a place that only a select group of people were allowed to enter, and she already had plans to leave Milo at the door of it once they arrived on property. “Are you gonna complain after you did this to yourself?” she teased back, her steps taking them further into the dense trees of the nearby woods. The Vural home was a part of the Outskirts and the forest that made up the less populated area. “It’s just through the woods a bit.”
Milo wanted to counter Nell’s point, to tell her she was being ridiculous, and laugh at how pretentious she sounded, like he might have once upon a time. But now he knew she was right, now he knew far too much about what happened below the surface of his sleepy, unassuming hometown, and he couldn’t bring himself to disagree. “Said you and every other tumblr girl obsessed with astrology.” He muttered, figuring that would have to be enough. If he abruptly dropped his teasing then she would notice, he knew she would. “Maybe Kyle is also a tumblr girl obsessed with astrology.” He countered, his mind still working to process the strange words leaving Nell’s mouth. It all felt calculated somehow, as though she was carefully choosing them to elicit some form of reaction. But what did she want from him? What was she expecting him to say?
“Oh, I complain no matter what.” He insisted. “Did Kyle not tell you? It’s one of my more favourable traits.” He followed her as she led him into the forest, wondering where her house was located. He only knew the houses in town, and maybe a few of the buildings on the outskirts. He felt stupid for not realising some people needed to walk through wooded areas to get to their homes. “It’s just through the woods a bit sounds like the last thing somebody hears before they’re murdered.” He pointed out, offering her a smile over the plants in his arms so that she would know he wasn’t being serious. Besides, he had already been murdered once. Surely that lowered his chances of being murdered for a second time. That or he had the worst luck in the history of mankind. “You aren’t luring me out here to kill me, are you?” 
Nell’s eyes rolled seemingly without command, all too used to being compared to the cottagecore girls that love to emulate spellcaster culture and teachings. The humans loved to play pretend until a real witch was staring them in the face, and they realized their fear of the unknown outweighed their desire for crystal and starry aesthetics. Subtly was not her aim while she continued on, wondering if she could simply pressure Milo into revealing whether he knew Kyle’s secret or not. “That’s why you think Kyle has a glowing moon lamp on his wall? He’s a tumblr girl? I wouldn’t be surprised if I caught him howling at it one day,” she finished with a laugh, still waiting to see whether Milo would connect the dots. 
“Kyle told me lots of things,” Nell answered cryptically, having quickly abandoned her ‘nice girl’ act. Not that she wasn’t being nice anymore, just that she was letting more of her edge shine through. After all, fear could be a decent motivator as well. Of course she wasn’t actually here to murder the young man. She just wanted to know more about the time Kyle had been turned. With a laugh she shot Milo a coy look over her shoulder before answering his next question. “Oh no, I’m out of the human sacrifice phase right now.” It’d only been once that she’d spilled a human’s blood for magic, and she’d do it again if the situation was as dire, but for the most part she had no interest in taking human lives in exchange for magical power. 
Milo laughed, unable to help himself. “I’ve never been to Kyle’s place so I have zero knowledge of moon lamps. I have, however, seen them advertised on Instagram, so it still fits with the aesthetic.” Keeping his expression neutral at the mention of howling, it was becoming very obvious to him that Nell knew Kyle was a werewolf. He almost wanted to ask her how she knew, but if he admitted to also knowing then he would come very close to outing himself as a part of the supernatural world. Nell wasn’t his friend, this was the most they had ever spoken, so he refused to willingly make himself vulnerable. Raising his eyebrows in a show of polite interest, despite attempting to seem casual, his gaze was sharp, watching Nell for any sign or tell that might imply she was aware of his ‘undead’ status.
“He did?” He asked, almost daring her to tell him what was said. Surely Kyle wouldn’t have confided in her like that. There seemed to be an unspoken rule among the people he had met so far; you never told somebody else what a person was if you didn’t have permission to do so. Maybe there were exceptions to the rule, things he didn’t understand just yet, but he trusted Kyle not to out him. In the same way he hoped Kyle knew he could be trusted not to tell people he was a werewolf. “Hm, good to know.” He muttered in response to the joke on human sacrifice. He was glad they were able to move back into familiar territory. He enjoyed teasing, he was good at teasing. And it carried them further away from both Kyle’s predicament, and his own. “Because I’m sure I’d be a pretty useless sacrifice. Whatever demon you worship would probably send me back and ask for a working replacement.” 
“Really? It sounded like you were good friends the way he told it,” Nell commented smoothly, not actually having all that much interest in the closeness of their friendship at the moment, but figuring she should at least pretend. But her patience was wearing thin, and either Milo knew what she was speaking of or he didn’t. So with a huff and turn of her heel, she would have folded her arms over her chest if she hadn’t been holding the plants. Fixing Milo with her hardest stare, she carried on nonetheless. “Look- you either know what I’m talking about or you don’t. So just tell me if you know or not, and then we can move on.” If he thought her weird and demanding he wouldn't be the first, and most certainly not the last, but she didn’t really care about the opinion a random person from highschool might form from this interaction as long as she got to ask the questions she wanted answers to. 
“He sure did,” Nell replied with the beginnings of a smirk, giving Milo nothing when he seemed determined to do the same. Let him wonder at what Kyle had shared. Maybe he’d reveal too much by asking his own questions. “Why? Were you worried he said something about you?” It was a stab in the dark, and she had no real reason to think Milo might be worried about things he’d rather keep private. But she knew most people had something they wanted to hide. Milo most likely wouldn’t be an exception. She let him laugh at what he perceived to be a joke, waiting with a natural face until he was done, making no effort to join in. “I’m glad you thought it was funny. Demons don’t work like that, though.” Still, she was somewhat amused that he'd managed to stumble onto the demon portion of her magic. Not that he knew that.
They were close to the Vural property now, and the moonlight could be seen glittering on the glass of her greenhouse in the backyard of the house as the woods began to open up. 
“We were.” Milo clarified. “Way back when we were at school. I ran into him the other day but… that was the first time in years.” He couldn’t understand why Nell was taking such an interest, but every word out of her mouth seemed to set him more on edge. There had to be an ulterior motive here, only he couldn’t understand what it might be. His eyes widening as she suddenly decided to take a direct approach, one he definitely hadn’t been expecting, his step faltered. He wasn’t able to hide his surprise, but he did everything he could to compose himself quickly. A few beats of silence passed before he managed to find his words again, and he knew it was essentially too late. But if he admitted he knew what Kyle was, he admitted to knowing about the supernatural. That was one step too close to her realising he was a part of that world too. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He snapped. “And you’re being really fucking weird.” He gripped at her plants, angry at himself for offering to carry them. If his hands were free he would be able to walk away from this, remove himself from the situation. 
Glaring at his company, his chest tightening at her words, he wondered whether Kyle really had told her what he was. For all he knew, she hated vampires. Maybe she really did intend to kill him out here in the middle of nowhere. Who knew of his location? Nobody, and he didn’t have time to shoot anyone a text. If he disappeared now, he disappeared forever. Only Nell would ever know what happened to him. The thought caused his stomach to churn uncomfortably. “Why should I be worried?” He demanded, kicking at brush, and brambles as he passed through them. “Forgive me for not knowing how demons work.” He added, more convinced than ever that this might actually be the end for him. Surely she wouldn’t risk hurting her plants though. At least he had that. She needed to wait until he put them down, and then he could reevaluate the situation. Maybe even make a break for it. 
“Really? Why’d you guys lose touch?” Did it have to do with the whole werewolf thing? Nell continued to pry, her nosiness knowing now bounds as she tried to learn more about Kyle around the time he was bitten. If she understood him and his control then, maybe it would help with teaching him control now. The second show of surprise on his face only made the witch feel even more confident about her choice to confront him, even if he wasn’t giving anything specific away. She supposed if there was one thing to be said about Milo— it was that he was loyal. Which was unfortunate for her in this situation. Still, it was good that Kyle had friends who wouldn’t easily out him. Not that she should care about Kyle and whether his friends were suitable. His snappy response had her lips pursing, her temper flaring for a moment even though she knew she’d been the cause of Milo’s new shortness. “And you’re being really fucking rude.”  She was used to being called weird, and though she’d set herself up for it, the word still held the gravity of all the times she’d been ostracized for being ‘weird’ while growing up— especially when coming from the mouth of an old classmate. “But if you wanna be a little shit about it, be my guest.”
She rolled her eyes at his comment about demons, no longer interested in curbing her words or being overtly nice now that it seemed he wasn’t going to give her any information. Nell hadn’t meant the words in a correctional way. They’d been more along the lines of informational. “Maybe you should be worried cause you’re acting exactly how people who have secrets would act.” Finally they’d arrived at her greenhouse, and she set her own plants on the ground so she could raise a charmed key to the door. If Milo hadn’t been here she would have used her magic to undo the lock that would respond only to her magical signature, but it’s be difficult to explain such a thing away. “You can put the plants down now,” she commented dryly, suddenly eager to get rid of the guy.
“We used to smoke in the bathrooms at school together. That’s not exactly something you keep doing after you graduate.” Milo pointed out. Not every friendship had a foundation strong enough to last. He knew Kyle because they shared a passion for breaking trivial school rules, and often wound up in the same detentions. Spending time together because you were essentially running on a schedule wasn’t quite the same as actively arranging to stay in contact. He was incredibly glad he had run into Kyle outside of the university, more than grateful considering Kyle was a part of his terrifying new world. But had they not crossed paths again, reaching out probably wouldn’t ever have crossed his mind. He wasn’t ashamed to admit that. “I’m being rude for pointing out you’re being weird?” He asked. “That’s bullshit.” Maybe he should feel guilty for being so cold, it was very possible Nell had good intentions. But until he knew for sure, he wasn’t giving in. And if he genuinely didn’t know about Kyle then this defensive anger would be coming very naturally to him. “I’m not being a little shit about anything, you’re the one demanding information I don’t fucking have.” 
Narrowing his eyes as Nell came to a halt in front of the door to a greenhouse, he couldn’t exactly tell her she was wrong. He did have secrets. But then again, so did everybody. He definitely wasn’t alone in that fact. “Or maybe you’re projecting.” He countered, though he had no reason to believe she was. Watching as she opened the door, it suddenly struck him that a greenhouse might count as a part of her private dwelling. There was little chance of him being able to set the plants down inside if she didn’t first invite him in. He wasn’t sure whether she would be content with him putting them down on the floor, so he hovered awkwardly in the doorway, realising after a few moments had passed that she really wasn’t about to invite him inside. Despite him carrying her plants for her, despite him trying to make polite conversation. He had only been met with a confrontational attitude, and apparently now a distinct lack of thanks. Finally putting down the plants in his arms, lining them up beside the doorway he was trapped in, when he straightened up again, he was more than ready to shoot his company a glare. “What?” He demanded, unable to help himself. “You really aren’t going to invite me in?”
“Yeah, it’s fucking rude,” Nell shot back, her own temper stoked by the appearance of Milo’s. “You think you can just go around calling people weird?” It was more the principle of the matter than anything, the fact that Milo seemingly thought he had a right to call her names and get away with it. She snorted at his claim of ignorance, still not entirely sold when it came to him knowing nothing. “I’m asking, you’re the one getting all offended about it. Which makes you a little shit,” she replied snarkily, a smugness entering her voice. 
A roll of Nell’s eyes, and she was fixing him with a withering glare from inside her greenhouse. “I don’t give a shit about people knowing stuff about me.” Or at least she specifically didn’t really mind if someone knew she was a witch. In honesty she thought it beneficial that people knew of her power. If people knew she and her sisters had power, they’d be less likely to mess with them. As for the more personal feelings in her life- those were the things she was bad at sharing, and letting people in on. She might have thanked him if she’d wanted his help in the first place, but now she wasn’t all that keen on giving him the satisfaction. At first she was pleased, and now surprised that he hadn’t walked into her greenhouse of his own accord. Had the guy finally decided to show some manners? The choice of his words were rather specific, and had her head cocking to the side with intrigue. He wanted her to invite him in? Arranging her new plants on a nearby worktable, a bulb of garlic caught her eye, and a flicker of connection fired in her brain. Well...there was only one way to find out if her newest suspicion was anything of substance. With a quick and easy flick of her wrist, she launched the garlic towards Milo without warning, savoring the flash of satisfaction she felt from the childish move. “No- I don’t think I will.”
“I mean, if they’re being weird then I don’t see an issue with it.” Milo countered, an edge to his voice to match the edge in Nell’s voice. He wasn’t exactly sure how they had ended up where they were but as far as he was concerned, she was entirely to blame. Maybe if she hadn’t pushed him, maybe if she wasn’t so desperate to talk about Kyle. “I’m not getting offended.” He added, crossing his arms over his chest as he continued to wait in the doorway. “I’m getting annoyed, there’s a distinct fucking difference.” Letting out a huff of breath, he didn’t care how she felt about people knowing her information. Even if she was projecting, he was hardly interested in learning her secrets. They were probably more akin to which manure makes the best fertilizer, anyway. Something he would be more than happy to tell her. 
In fact, he was in the process of opening his mouth to do so when he was distracted by her suddenly, and very pointedly throwing an object at him. Instinctively, he reached up to cover his face. But it wasn’t until the object hit him that he was able to discern what it was. If his body’s reaction to the plant wasn’t enough to give it away, the scent was very nearly overwhelming. It was a bulb of garlic. An actual bulb of garlic. Who even grew their own? He couldn’t understand why Nell would go to the effort when you could literally buy it pre-crushed in jars. Immediately feeling a jolt of disorientation, he scrambled to bat it away, fangs protruding, eyes flashing red as the skin it made contact with began to sting. “What the fuck?” He demanded, righting himself to stare at Nell with open disbelief. He wasn’t sure whether she had chosen the garlic on purpose, or accidentally stumbled upon what he was, but he wasn’t an idiot. He knew there was no point in trying to hide from her. Not now. “Are you fucking kidding me?” He raised his voice, his indignation only growing as he was given time to fully process what had happened. “Did you just- you just threw garlic at me!” 
You really aren’t going to invite me in? Milo’s words were thrown into clarity as she watched the flash of his fangs appear, and his apparent aversion for the plant became clear. “You’re a vampire.” Nell’s words weren’t so much a question as a means of telling him she’d seen the changes, and put the earlier and smaller hints together that she hadn’t thought to put as much stock in. Her stance took on an even more guarded pose, not knowing Milo well enough to feel confident in making a judgment on whether he was a vampire more along the lines of someone like Harsh, or someone more murderous or bloodthirsty. Either way she certainly wasn’t going to be inviting him into her greenhouse now. The witch’s arms folded across her chest, cocking her hip to the side as she gave the young man a thorough up and down, sizing him up in that same way she used to measure threats in the Ring. “So that’s why you were being so squirrely?” Did Milo being a vampire mean he was more likely to know of Kyle’s werewolf status?
“No shit. What gave it away?” Milo bit out, brushing himself down as he retracted his fangs, making a point of continuing to glare at Nell. He watched her as she shifted to take a more guarded stance, one that made it clear she was now actively scrutinizing him. He wasn’t entirely sure what she was looking for, but he felt himself shrink a little under her gaze regardless. It was impossible to know what she was capable of, it was impossible to know what anybody in White Crest was capable of. Though he wasn’t exactly holding a torch for self preservation, if she decided to attack, his only real option would be to run. So he opted to stay where he was for now, awkwardly rubbing at his wrist where it had come into contact with the garlic. All he could do was stay silent, and hope she wasn’t trying to figure out where best to plunge a wooden stake. His skin was no longer stinging but the ghost of the feeling was there, he tried not to let it distract him. “I wasn’t being squirrely. Fuck you. You’re the one asking weirdly specific questions about somebody who isn’t even here!” He pointed out, indignant in the face of the accusation. “I know why, by the way. You’re not being subtle.” 
Nell didn’t hesitate to return Milo’s glare, still not even entirely certain how they’d gotten to this point in the first place. Maybe she’d pushed too hard, but that wasn’t anything new for her. It was another one of the many reasons people in highschool had avoided the witch. There weren’t many people who took kindly to her abrasive personality, and it had been even more extreme back in those days. “Well most vampires walk like they have a stick up their ass so that was probably it.” Sorry Harsh. She made the mental apology to her friend, not actually believing the words, but wanting some childish way to retort Milo’s snark. Nell didn’t actually have anything against vampires so long as they weren’t witch hunters like Miriam, or lacked control in a way that made them a constant and active threat to others. “You were being squirrely. Basically dancing around my questions and shit, and getting all uppity.” Her eyes rolled again. “I gave up trying to be subtle about fifteen minutes ago, I’m not stupid enough to come on that strongly without being aware of it.” She’d learned that well enough through her time as a monster catcher and bounty hunter. “So you know Kyle’s a werewolf, then.” At least they’d gotten it out in the open. “Did you know when he was changed?” Now she could ask her questions point-blank.
Milo let out a huff of breath. “Oh, yeah? Have you ever thought maybe that’s just the vampires having to deal with you?” He countered. He wasn’t sure how they had managed to go from a genuine conversation to what could almost be considered an argument. But he wasn’t about to back down, it wasn’t in his nature. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure she wanted him to. “Because you were trying to get me to out a friend!” He explained, wondering whether she might be able to understand his reasoning, maybe even appreciate it. She had made it relatively clear she knew what Kyle was, but she could have been using him to get confirmation, to go behind his back. He would never forgive himself if he gave information to the wrong person, especially information that wasn’t his to give. “Without knowing what you know, did you honestly expect me to just come out and just say it? We aren’t friends, Nell. We said like two words together throughout the whole of high school.” 
Narrowing his eyes when she brushed off his comment, insisting she hadn’t been aiming for subtlety, he waited, wondering whether she was going to say the words out loud. Say what they both knew, what he was continuing to carefully dance around. And then she did, and it was as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. “Yes.” He said finally. “Did he tell you that?” It still felt strange, talking about it with a stranger. The least he could do was find out whether Kyle had confided in her, or if she had somehow pried the information out of him. If he had willingly been honest with her then he would begrudgingly accept the fact that she could be trusted. “Why?” He asked, some of his anger beginning to fade away. He was curious now, more so than anything else. “Do you mean did he tell me when it first happened? Or just… do I know when it happened in like, the timeline of our lives?” 
“No it’s definitely a you problem,” Nell quipped back, unwilling to take any responsibility. “And I wasn’t trying to get you to out a friend. I was seeing if you already knew. It should have been obvious that I knew by the way I was asking- so you wouldn’t have been ‘outing’. Unless you’re too clueless to connect the dots between me talking about the moon and Kyle. You literally just said I wasn’t being subtle, though.” She rolled her eyes at the mention of them not being friends. As if she cared about something like that when it came to the random guy from highschool. 
“Yeah, we talked about it.” That’s all Milo needed to know when it came to what she and Kyle had spoken of, the deeper conversation they’d gotten into with sleep still tugging at their eyes and the sun barely glinting over the horizon on Kyle’s patio. Her stubbornness made her balk at Milo’s request for why she wanted to know, but she doubted he’d answer her questions if she wholly refused to reply to his. “I’m trying to help him,” she supplied vaguely. “And I mean the second one- do you know when it happened in his life and stuff.”
Milo narrowed his eyes, but stayed quiet, allowing Nell to answer him despite her attitude making him want to interrupt. It would be so easy to cut her off, to argue, but he held his tongue. Resisting the urge so that he could hear what she had to say to him. It didn’t take long for his patience to falter, though. For his frustration to grow exponentially. Could she really be so oblivious? “You weren’t being subtle.” He bit out. “But for all I knew you only suspected Kyle. Isn’t that the oldest fucking trick in the book? Pretending someone confided in you so that you can get information on them from the people they actually trust?” Letting out a huff of breath when his company rolled her eyes, it was everything he could do not to turn around and leave. He only had two reasons to stay. He wanted to know more about Kyle, more about Nell, about the friendship they apparently shared. And he was also incredibly confident his continued presence would annoy her. If he left now he would only be giving her what she wanted, and he was petty. Undeniably so. 
“That’s all you’re giving me?” He asked. “You talked about it?” Coming to realise she was never going to give him the information he wanted solely because she knew he wanted it, he decided to focus on what she was telling him. Or more accurately what she was asking him. “Do you think he needs help?” He hadn’t considered the fact that maybe his friend wasn’t coping. His version of support usually consisted of sharing a drink, and talking until the sun began to rise. What if Kyle needed more than that? Mechanisms that were actually considered healthy by society. He wasn’t any good with those. “Yeah, I know when it happened. I mean, obviously I didn’t at the time. I knew something was up, but it was only after seeing him again that he told me why he started acting so shady way back...” 
“Oh my god, I know I wasn’t being subtle. I literally just said that was the point- that was I was doing it on purpose.” It was becoming rather apparent that something just wasn’t aligning all that properly between Nell and Milo, and the witch was starting to wonder if perhaps they were two people who simply tended to get along like water and oil. Or maybe it was just the conversation they’d chosen. Either way, she was annoyed. She mirrored Milo’s huff, while her eyes gave yet another roll. Nell had lost count of how many times she’d done it since their conversation had begun. “You’re the one who came up to me, remember? If I was actively trying to find out if Kyle was a werewolf, I would have orchestrated some way for us to meet. Not some stupid chance thing.” She’d done it countless times while she looked for bounties. 
“I’m not telling you what we talked about,” Nell replied haughtily. It wasn’t any of Milo’s business, and it wasn’t as if she was going to tell a guy who’d only annoyed the shit out her thus far about the traumas she and Kyle had shared. “It’d be shitty when it was just for Kyle and me.” As for Kyle needing help...that was a question Nell was more willing to answer. Even though Milo was unbearable, he was Kyle’s friend. Someone that might care to help. And Kyle needed all the help he could get. But she didn’t want to outrightly expose Kyle, and she remembered how he’d wanted to set the boundary of requesting help from others. But still...she worried. “It’s...not easy adjusting to being a werewolf on your own.” That was the most specific she could get without outrightly saying he suffered with control. “He hasn’t had anyone to teach him.” She was disappointed that Milo hadn’t known at the time, but intrigued by the mention of Kyle having acted differently. “He started acting shady, how?”
Milo set his jaw. He was over Nell’s attitude, much like he suspected she was over his own. And his desire to hear what she had left to say was infuriating. Why couldn’t he just turn and leave? It should be easy to abandon their ridiculous conversation. “Yeah, I was trying to be nice. That might be a foriegn concept to you.” He snapped. It wasn’t fair that he was being blamed for how their interaction had played out. He had approached her with good intentions, it was utterly undeniable. “How am I supposed to know what he’s told you and what he hasn’t? Jeez.” He ran a hand through his hair, doing his best to expel his agitated energy. “I don’t need to know what you talked about. I think I just need to get out of here.” The longer they spoke, the more apparent it was becoming that they weren’t going to find a common ground. Maybe in another situation, under a different circumstance. But certainly not here, and certainly not right now. 
He actually turned to leave, finally finding the motivation, before Nell hesitated. He noticed it, noticed the way she faltered at his question, and it made him wonder just how much he had yet to learn about Kyle. “No shit.” He muttered, stopping in his tracks. “It isn’t easy adjusting to being a vampire either.” His heart ached at the thought of Kyle, so young and scared. But there was nothing he could do to change the past. All he could do now was focus on the future, on being there for Kyle in any way he was able. “I know how that feels.” Pushing his glasses further up his nose, his expression momentarily softening, he caught Nell’s eye. Sharing in her concern, in her obvious affection for the werewolf. “It doesn’t matter.” He brushed off her request for him to elaborate, knowing the information wasn’t important. It wouldn’t help anybody now. “Just- I don’t know, be there for him, I guess. And I’ll do the same. We don’t have to like each other.” 
Nell didn’t bother even considering that he’d claimed to be making an attempt at being nice, past the point of caring either way. And if he wanted to leave she certainly wouldn’t stop him. But then again...she hasn’t quite gotten to ask everything she’d wanted to. And though she was more than willing to try and bully the answers from him, she tried to think of Kyle— how upset he might be if he heard that she’d done her best to force answers from his friend. So she bit her tongue— quite literally digging her teeth into it in an attempt to exercise the very limited restraint she held. “Then go,” she replied, trying her best not to reignite the animosity in their conversation. 
But then Milo had to go and insinuate that...perhaps he related a little more to Kyle than not. A reluctant prickle of sympathy flickered in her gut, and she did her best to squash it down for the time being. She was already barely treading water when it came to helping Kyle, and she shouldn’t add a vampire who had proven annoying as hell to her plate. Still...maybe she’d message him later, and try and figure out just how much Milo was like Kyle. But being there for Kyle was something she could do. And despite her argument with Milo— she was glad to hear it was something he was planning on as well. “Great. Then we’ll...watch out for Kyle.” Her stubbornness and petty nature made it hard to agree with the vampire who’d been a frustration. Still...in the end Kyle was more important. With a still angry shake of her head, she watched Milo as he left the property, and waited until he was out of sight to turn back to her greenhouse. She’d bother Milo later.
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