#prime day 2017
ruscha · 4 months
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FALLOUT TRIO + Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks
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a9saga · 9 months
super junior - mamacita // been a LONG time since i've pulled this one out!
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rosemaryhelenxo · 10 months
RHXO Christmas Gift Guide 2023! (PR - Affiliated & Gifted)
Stuck on what to get for someone? Or what to put on your wish lists? Here is my Ultimate 2023 Gift Guide! Discover my curated guide on what would be great gifts to give and receive this year - all neatly sorted into one place!
Stuck on what to get for someone? Or what to put on your wish lists?Here is my Ultimate 2023 Gift Guide! Discover my curated guide on what would be great gifts to give and receive this year – all neatly sorted into beauty, makeup, skincare, haircare and lifestyle for you to uncover your favourite! I’ve also sourced the cutest gift wrap, novelty-but-useful-gifts and stocking fillers to meet all…
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toaarcan · 3 months
I need the anti-voting crowd to understand that not voting isn't going to cause the Democrats to take a long, hard, look in the mirror and suddenly decide that they need to swing left to appeal to more leftists.
When these centre-left parties lose, they get more centrist. They try to broaden their appeal and make themselves as appealing to as many people as possible.
The example I'll point to is my local centre-left party, Labour, who are currently poised on the brink of one of the largest victories they've ever had. By the time you read this, it may have already happened, election day is today.
Labour have been drifting rightwards on several fronts for a while now. One of the biggest examples of this was the 1997 elections. After repeatedly failing to defeat Margaret Thatcher and then subsequently losing once to John Major, Tony Blair became the new leader of the party, and reinvented it as New Labour, adopting a much more neoliberal economic approach and promptly got a historic victory.
Now there are a lot of reasons why Blair won as hard as he did, and I don't have time to break them all down, but at the end of the day, their adoption of neoliberal economic policies worked out enormously for them. Not only did Blair romp to victory, he maintained most of his popularity afterwards, reigning for an entire decade before finally stepping down in 2007.
Labour is also a handy demonstrator of why they don't lean leftwards after a defeat, because they actually did try that and it failed spectacularly.
After Ed "Wrong Milliband, wrong Ed" Milliband's dismal performance in the 2015 election, Labour actually decided to try and lean leftwards again, and selected Jeremy Corbyn as their leader.
Unfortunately, Corbyn was useless. Many a Brit will accuse him of not even actually wanting to be Prime Minister, instead just wanting to sit opposite an actual PM and oppose them. They're probably right.
The 2017 snap election, called by Theresa May, should've been an open goal. May was embattled largely by her own party, many of whom were strongly opposed to her attempt at a moderate Brexit deal. She was an unelected PM, chosen by internal party mechanisms after David "Bae of Pigs" Cameron fucked off post-Brexit disaster. The massive, and ever-growing pro-EU voting block were entirely unrepresented. The Liberal Democrats, normally a bit of a thorn in Labour's side in terms of hoovering up more left-wing votes, were still trying to recover from the massive hit in popularity they took after the disasterous Tory-Lib Dem coalition. Blood in the water for any left-wing party worth its salt.
Yeah so Corbyn fucked it up and lost. While May only ended up weakening her position, losing 13 seats and dropping below a majority, the Tories still got their largest vote share since the 80s and held onto power for grim death.
Corbyn stuck around, still didn't get any better, and promptly lost the 2019 election in a landslide. To this guy.
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People didn't vote for Corbyn. In the media, he was pilloried as a communist and an antisemite (and he did such a terrible job of fighting that second one that to this day I still have no idea whether it was true or just a smear campaign), and his determination to take the high road only made him look weak and avoidant to the public. His policies got little attention and his campaigning was likely deliberately weak, shooting for the role of opposition rather than government.
It also didn't help that the people for whom Labour wasn't Left Wing Enough still didn't turn out. They still voted Green or didn't vote at all.
To the party itself, though, the message was clear. They'd gone leftward, and it had backfired spectacularly.
Corbyn promptly fucked off at long last and was replaced by Starmer, who is, as expected, another milquetoast neoliberal in most regards. And now, with the polls open for the 2024 election, and Starmer projected to win by such a massive margin that the term "Supermajority" has been thrown around like it's an inevitability, Labour has been engaging in what's been called a "purge" of its leftmost members, with most of Corbyn's base, including Corbyn himself, being barred from running as Labour candidates and instead having to run as independents.
Now, that might horrify you as a leftist, but to them, it's a course-correction. Corbyn and co. represent an era of failure for the party, where a leftward lean cost them two elections.
To swing back around to American politics, if the Democrats lose because of voter apathy, they aren't going to take it as a sign that they need to appeal to the left. They're going to take it as a sign that their appeal wasn't broad enough and they need more outreach to right-wingers.
They already lost in part due to voter apathy in 2016, they didn't move left to compensate. They found the Most Neoliberal Average Establishment Guy they could, rallied behind him, and it partially paid off for them. They at least won.
You want a more leftist Democrat party? Not voting isn't going to get you that. In fact, it will most likely have the exact opposite effect.
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Even though the show is over, I wanted to share my story of how I got into DuckTales 2017.
So, I’ve always enjoyed anything Disney but as I got older I kind of started shying away from it and became a lot more interested in the horror/slasher genre. So when I heard there was a DuckTales reboot coming out, at first I was like okay, cool. But I didn’t watch it.
Then one day I was scrolling through YouTube and suddenly DuckTales content was filling my feed and I’m just like, why? Lol. I haven’t been watching anything Disney related so why does this keep popping up? The videos consisted of the episode, The Spear of Selene.
After a few days of seeing nothing but that in my feed, I finally decided to watch the pilot, and I thought, “Wow, this show is actually pretty damn good!”, and I ultimately fell in LOVE with the show, especially the ending with Dewey finding that portrait of Della, which intrigued me. Ever since I was little, I would watch specials with the triplets and not even think about their parents so when they brought up Della, I was hooked.
Plus by the time I binged the first season, season two hadn’t premiered yet and I thought that was perfect. I caught up just in time to get hyped for season two.
I’m so happy I got to experience this show when I did and got to be a part of the hype and the fandom in its prime. It’s become one of my favorite series ever. It’s the reason I gave shows like Amphibia and Owl House a chance.
If anyone else wants to share, I’d LOVE to read your stories about how you got into the show!
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mydaddywiki · 2 months
Jason Kenney
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Physique: Husky Build Height: 5' 10" (1.77 m)
Jason Thomas Kenney PC ECA (born May 30, 1968) is a former Canadian politician who served as the 18th premier of Alberta from 2019 until 2022, and the leader of the United Conservative Party (UCP) from 2017 until 2022. He also served as the member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) for Calgary-Lougheed from 2017 until 2022. Kenney was the last leader of the Alberta Progressive Conservative Party (PC Party) before the party merged with the Wildrose Party to form the UCP. Prior to entering Alberta provincial politics, he served in various cabinet posts under Prime Minister Stephen Harper from 2006 to 2015.
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Kenney studied philosophy at the University of San Francisco, but returned to Canada without completing his degree. In 1989, he was hired as the first executive director of the Alberta Taxpayers Association before becoming the president and chief executive officer of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. Kenney was elected to the House of Commons in the 1997 federal election for the Reform Party. In 2000, he was re-elected as a Canadian Alliance candidate and then was re-elected five times as a candidate for the Conservative Party of Canada.
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Handsome, nice full lips, husky with nice wide hips. And that brings me to that bangable ass of his that looks good in a pair of jeans. You should know by now, I have the biggest weakness for big, thick asses and this guy his one of the best. Problem is, he’s losing weight. Jason you can lose the weight, just don’t lose that butt. Because if I visit Canada one day, I want to take him out for a test ride. You know what mean. Fucking.
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Lets see, Kenney is bilingual, speaking French and English. He has never been married and has no children. Wait a minute. A tough-talking Conservative who has never been married and apparently doesn’t like to be open about his personal life. I think I need to visit Canada. Now. Not to offer Kenney the DICK and video tape it for posterity. It’s to see the beautiful country of Canada of course. And if that other thing happens, all the better.
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doggiewoggiez · 17 days
human vat souls help?
[posted 1 cycle ago by 🦠GLEEBAZOID to Ω/homecloning]
some of the humans in my cloning vat are showing signs of becoming ensouled. im new to this. are they still safe to eat? can i fix this? what do?
👾 ZeegleBot [BOT]:
Beep boop! It looks like you didn't include your star system in the header. If that is the case, please edit the post or comment below. Please read our FAQ or reach out to a moderator if you have any questions! Happy cloning!
👽 xX_greydar_Xx:
I've been cloning for years never had a single human acquire a soul. You need to invest in a good subquasonic molecutizer array. Some lifeforms say its not essential but drop a few extra kredits (with a k) on a decent quark pump as well (I use this), your antikythera drive will thank you.
👁️A_Hivemind_Of_Radon_And_Klaxons(🍰SLIME DAY!):
a little ensouling is fine as long as youre making sure not to expose them to the beauty of the human condition. really you don't have to purge until they learn to love.
Mods, can we intergalactic-ban this guy? He's been encouraging bad husbandry on like every post on this sub.
happy slime day!
Just so you know op, it's really hard to tell you anything if you don't include your params in the post. What are your anal probe, gravitational flux, and antimolecular scan results? You are testing every Earth-day, right?
sure looks like a soul. the good beings over at Ω/ContamFam should be able to help you determine if the ensouled humans are pure of heart or not
The sad state of cloning this eon... When I was on the Prison Planet Where You Have To Fight To Survive we were cloning humans in the toilet with embryos spliced from bootleg primordial ooze and snark eggs from commissary.
OP where did you abduct your prime specimen from? I get all mine from HERE and I've never had these issues.
Click here for a free pass to my PUSSY 2017! 100+ Sexy Cam Girls, Games, and MORE!
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quasi-normalcy · 4 months
I know I say that modern Star Trek hasn't really introduced very many original villains, but that's not quite fair., So...
Comprehensive list of new villains offered by modern Star Trek (post 2017)
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Why They're villains: They oppressed the Kelpiens on Kaminar for thousands of years and lied about their origins. Pros: Notably creepy design, and notably creepy technology Cons: They can't really be used as recurring villains because the Kelpiens overthrew them at the end of the episode; 900 years later, they'd become allies.
CONTROL(technically borrowed from the novels, but whatever):
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Why They're Villains: Did that standard basic bitch evil computer move where they tried to wipe out all organic life in the galaxy. Pros: Um...at least the writers got it out of the way so that they couldn't make that particular aspect of the novelverse canon.
CONTROL sucks.
Seriously, at their best, they're just like...Diet Borg. Fuck CONTROL.
Can't come back because Emperor Georgiou murdered it up but good, yum yum. Not that you would want it to.
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Why They're Villains: "Just ring us up and we'll come kill all organic life in your galaxy", lol.
Introduces some cosmic horror to the Star Trek universe.
Kind of a generic doomsday villain.
Too powerful to really use them again.
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Why They're Villains: Turn hostile if you show them wood.
Pros: Umm...
Completely obsessed with crystals
Not really prime "recurring villain" material
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Why They're Villains: Extremely territorial about their salvage.
Pros: So far, they're the first villains on this list who have actually been recurring
Cons: They don't really seem like a threat to any ship more powerful than California class.
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Pros: "I will burn! Your heart! In a fiiiiiiiire!"
Why He's a Villain: Daddy issues.
Kind of a one-note joke.
Ascended to a higher plane of existence so he can't be come back.
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Why They're Villains: He's a tyrannical supercomputer! She's just kind of a bitchy robot! Together they're...legitimately just making each other into better people?
Pros: They're kind of adorable?
They're not really villains anymore
Peanut Hamper shouldn't even be on this list since Exocomps were from TNG.
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Why They're Villains: Gravitationally dredging the Milky Way for dark matter.
Kind of a cool concept
Not a type of alien that Star Trek has really done before.
Not really villains.
Extremely unlikely to recur.
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Why They're Villains: They, uh, opened up a big-ass transwarp conduit in the middle of Federation space for some reason.
Pros: Umm. They gave Agnes something to do in the finale.
Blatantly just created at the last minute to justify the presence of the Borg at the beginning of the season.
By the writers' own admission, they never had any actual intent to follow up on them, even though they really ought to.
They're a complete blank slate; even more so than the Higher Synthetics. Who are they? Dunno. What do they want? Dunno.
Honestly I don't even care about them, I just want to see more Jurati-Borg
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Why They're Villains: They blame the Federation for destroying their planet in the future.
It's nice to actually have an original alien species as arc villains for a change
I like the aesthetics of their technology
John Noble and Jameela Jamil both have really pleasant voices; like, I could listen to them all day
Space Goths
There's only, like, a hundred of them who came back from the future so it's not clear how much of a threat they can be without their living construct jiggerypokery.
I'm sure that this will get fleshed out in season 2, but they seem kind of underdeveloped as a culture at this point.
I assume that they'll probably make friends by the end of the series, so they probably can't be recurring antagonists elsewhere.
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Why They're Villains: Ancient fundamentalists amorally protecting a holy comet on its path.
Pros: It was a good episode.
Cons: Unless you run into that one specific comet, they'll probably just leave you alone.
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Why They're Villains: You know The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas? That.
Pros: It was a good short story.
Cons: Aside from ritualistically torturing a child to death every few years, they're kind of upstanding citizens of a the galactic community. Not really villain material.
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Why They're Villains: Their evil queen keeps trying to trick her asexual son into losing his virginity.
Their ship is really pretty.
The concept of Ren Faire larpers getting together to make a real kingdom is kind of hilarious.
They're just another type of human
They seem to mind their own business when they're not trying to interfere in the sex life of one specific Starfleet engineer.
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Why They're Villains: They have a undeniable biological need to hunt
Pros: Kind of terrifying design
Cons: Catch-and-release hunters aren't really threatening.
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Why It's a Villain: The Moopsy DRINKS YOUR BONES!!!
Pros: Moopsy!
Cons: Moopsy!
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starffisher · 3 months
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set in 2022. a reality based on the (amazon prime) series the summer i turned pretty. i am a cousins local and neighbor of beck’s beach house. age 17. love interest — cam cameron.
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set in 2023. a reality based on the 2023 film bottoms. age 17. love interest — hazel callahan (duhhhh)
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MAIN DR. set in 2014. a reality where i am the fifth member of 5sos (fifth second of summer, if you will.) . age 17. love interest — 🫥.
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set in 2023. a reality where me and my younger and older sister have a popular youtube channel together. like we dreamed when we were younger! age 20. love interest — 🫥.
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set in 2015. a reality based on the 2015 musical be more chill. age 16. love interest — 🫥.
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not scripted! set in 2005. a reality based on the percy jackson and the olympians series. i am a child of poseidon. (mostly only because percy and i share a birthday irl 😈). age 16. love interest — 🫥.
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scripted! set in 2017. a reality where i am back in the sixth grade to the day i moved schools so i can re-do everything. age 11.
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scripted! set in 2005. a reality where me and my long-term boyfriend move in together in a small little town called silver creek. age 24. love interest — MGG🤓
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insanityclause · 5 months
The Night Manager will be returning for two more seasons with Tom Hiddleston at the helm once again, it has been reported.
The renewal of the hit adaptation of John le Carré’s 1993 novel, which aired to great fanfare eight years ago, has been greenlit by Amazon Prime and the BBC, according to Deadline.
It is understood that the new seasons about the hotel-manager-turned-spy will be filmed later this year in London and South America.
According to reports, David Farr – who wrote the original series – has been brought back to write season two.
The first series, which won two Emmys and three Golden Globes, featured an impressive cast including Olivia Colman, Elizabeth Debicki, Tom Hollander and David Harewood.
It followed Hiddleston as Jonathan Pine, the former British soldier who is recruited by the manager of a Foreign Office taskforce to infiltrate an arms dealer’s inner circle while he is the night manager of a luxury Cairo hotel.
The series quickly became one of the top-rated UK dramas of 2016 and spawned a number of subsequent le Carré adaptations from The Ink Factory, the production company run by le Carré’s sons Simon and Stephen Cornwell.
The new adaptation will be set in the present day, according to Deadline, and will follow Hiddleston’s Pine facing a new and more deadly challenge after being informed that arms dealer Richard Roper – played by Hugh Laurie – is dead.
Laurie, Colman and Hiddleston all won Golden Globes for their performances in the 2016 spy thriller, which became an international success and even led to rumours at the time that Hiddleston, 43, could be the next James Bond.
While the Bond rumours may have been put to bed, it remains to be seen where the plot may take Pine, seeing as Le Carré‘s novel has no sequel.
When Laurie was asked in 2016 whether the series would return, he said: “It’s based on a novel, we’ve got to the end of the novel and John le Carré has yet to write another novel. So in cold practical terms, no, we’re done.”
Le Carré, who died in 2020, took a very hands-off approach to the first series, but was said to be pleasantly surprised by the alterations Farr made to his novel for the script.
Charlotte Moore, the BBC TV chief, told The Telegraph in 2017 that “Le Carré is very involved” in discussions about the next series, saying: “We wouldn’t be talking with them if he didn’t think it was a good idea.”
Announcing the new series, Ms Moore said: “After years of fervent speculation I’m incredibly excited to confirm that The Night Manager is returning to the BBC for two more series.”
“Of course he wants to take part in it, it’s his work. He will definitely be involved in what we do next,” she added.
The Telegraph has contacted Le Carré’s estate for comment on the announcement of the new seasons.
Previously, Susanne Bier, who won an Emmy for directing the first series, revealed that scripts for a second instalment were “slowly being developed”, but she said writers were wary about being able to create the same hit again.
Elizabeth Debicki, Tom Hiddleston, Susanne Bier and Hugh Laurie at the premiere of the first season
Elizabeth Debicki, Tom Hiddleston, Susanne Bier and Hugh Laurie at the premiere of the first season Credit: Michael Tran/FilmMagic
Farr agreed with this sentiment at the time, telling Variety in 2016 that he was “not keen” to do a second series, adding: “I liked the fact that the story ended where the story ended.
“But that’s entirely personal. Given the characters, there is a potential for something more to happen, and I’m sure someone could find the right idea. But for me it’s done. My simple feeling is that I wouldn’t be able to make the next one as good.”
Hiddleston, 43, will be returning to executive produce the new seasons as well as play Pine.
The British actor said: “The first series of The Night Manager was one of the most creatively fulfilling projects I have ever worked on. The depth, range and complexity of Jonathan Pine was, and remains, a thrilling prospect.”
Simon and Stephen Cornwell said season one proved “a landmark moment for the golden era of television – uniting on-screen and behind-the-camera talent at the top of their game – and an audience reception which was beyond our wildest imagining”.
“Revisiting the story of Pine also means going beyond the events of John le Carré’s original work: that is a decision we have not taken lightly, but his compelling characters and the vision David [Farr] has for their next chapter were irresistible,” they added.
Vernon Sanders, the Amazon MGM Studios head of television, added: “We are elated to bring additional seasons of The Night Manager to our Prime Video customers.
“The combination of terrific source material, the wonderful team at The Ink Factory, a great writer in David Farr, an award-winning director in Georgi Banks-Davies, as well as the talented cast truly make the series the full package.”
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rosemaryhelenxo · 1 year
The Best Offers - July 2023 (PR - Affiliated)
Hey Everyone! Here are July's best offers, from Skincare Bonanzas to Makeup Savings - find them all here!
Hey Everyone! Here are July’s best offers, from Skincare Bonanzas to Makeup Savings – find them all here! Sephora Sephora have a plethora of offers for July! Here are the crème de la crème of deals; SKIN & BODY EVENT: Up to 33% offSUMMER CLEARANCE: Up to 70% off Cult Beauty FREE body & wellbeing kit with any £75/€85/150 AUD/100 USD on the category – gift automatically awarded at…
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tnt-tourney · 1 year
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welcome one and all to the 2023 t+t tournament!! despite the long wait for the final bracket, the day has finally arrived. due to the size of the text, the list of contestants will be under the cut. due to how many contestants there are, i wont be able to tag everything, but i will tag as much as i can.
now, since it's been a while, a quick rehashing of the relevant rules!
1. be polite to others participating in the vote
2. do not Rig the vote -- propaganda is more than welcome and the askbox is always open for it! i just dont have the energy to deal with botting
3. dont be rude if the contestants youre rooting for are voted out!! sometimes thats just the way things go. theres always next time!
4. have fun !
the polls will start rolling out sometime next week. thank you!!
Hexsquad (The Owl House) VS. Vault Hunters (Borderlands 1+2)
The Bad Kids (D20: Fantasy High) VS. FloweringPassionFruit (Ride the Cyclone)
Barbie + Ken (Barbie) VS. Dwarves (Deep Rock Galactic)
Mabel Pines + Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) VS. The Fantastic 4 (Marvel)
Klaus Hargreeves + Viktor Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) VS. Spiderband (Spider-Man: Into/Across the Spiderverse)
Lup + Barry Bluejeans (The Adventure Zone) VS. Cleo de Nile + Deuce Gorgon (Monster High)
Spideypool (Marvel) VS. Gomez Addams + Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Team Rocket (Pokémon) VS. Rashmi Jamil + Amelie Macon + Loam Arnault (Entropic Float)
Link + Zelda (The Legend of Zelda) VS. Peter Parker + Harry Osborn (Marvel)
Huey Duck + B.O.Y.D. (Ducktales 2017) VS. Golf Ball + Tennis Ball (Battle for Dream Island)
Lewis + Vivi + Arthur (Mystery Skulls Animate) VS. Horokeu Usui + Pirica Usui (Shaman King)
Paulkins (Hatchetfield) VS. Magnus Chase + Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard)
Bill Preston + Ted Logan (Bill and Ted) VS. Leonard Church + Agent Texas (Red vs. Blue)
Ariel + Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid) VS. Polypirates (JRWI: Riptide)
Cody Goodwin + May Goodwin (It Takes Two) VS. Frank-N-Furter + Magenta + Columbia + Riff Raff (The Rocky Horror Show)
SpaceDolls (Ride the Cyclone) VS. Kim Possible + Ron Stoppable (Kim Possible)
The Guardians of the Galaxy (Marvel) VS. Julian Bashir + Miles O'Brien + Jadzia Dax (Star Trek: Deep Space 9)
The Murder Crew (Clue) VS. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Vash the Stampede + Nicolas D. Wolfwood + Meryl Stryfe + Milly Thompson (Trigun) VS. Team Chaotix (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Steve + Alex (Minecraft) VS. Gyro Gearloose + Lil Bulb (Ducktales 2017)
Phantom Thieves (Persona 5) VS. Wright Anything Agency + Apollo Justice + Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Westley + Buttercup (The Princess Bride) VS. Shin + Noi (Dorohedoro)
Kermit + Miss Piggy (The Muppets) VS. The Mechanisms
Jeremy Heere + Michael Mell + Christine Canigula (Be More Chill) VS. The Solve It Squad (The Solve It Squad Returns)
Harleyberts + Crockenglishes (Homestuck) VS. Sonic & co. (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Mulder + Scully (The X-Files) VS. Steph Lauter + Pete Spankoffski (Hatchetfield)
Main Cast (Omori) VS. Ben Tennyson + Gwen Tennyson + Kevin Levin (Ben 10)
Ashe Ubert + Claude Von Riegan + Sylvain Jose Gautier (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) VS. Birdetta + Yoshi (Mario)
Prime Defenders (JRWI: Prime Defenders) VS. Strilondes (Homestuck)
The Mystery Gang (Scooby Doo) VS. Billie Logan + Thea Preston (Bill and Ted)
Splatoon Idols VS. Lexthan (Hatchetfield)
Sex Bob-omb + Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World) VS. Jonathan Sims + Martin K. Blackwood (The Magnus Archives)
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lupincentral · 1 year
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Have you heard the news?
Lupin III is diving into the world of live action once again, with Jigen Daisuke ‐ a spin-off film releasing “worldwide” on October 13th, 2023, exclusively on Amazon Prime Video!
Tetsuji Tamayama, who previously portrayed the character in the 2014 released feature film, will be returning to the role of Jigen.
Yoshimasa Akamatsu (BD ~Akechi Tantei Jimusho, Corpse Party: Book of Shadows) has produced the script for the film, and Hajime Hashimoto (The Detective Is in the Bar franchise, AIBOU: Tokyo Detective Duo, Shimauma, Signal) is directing.
In preparation for his reprising of the role, Tamayama states in an interview with Natalie that he has watched the Lupin the IIIRD spin-off film Jigen’s Gravestone, and hopes to bring this cooler, more mature version of the character to television screens come October.
Details on the plot are currently scarce - however, the Natalie article mentions that it involves Jigen searching Japan for the world’s greatest gunsmith, after his trusty combat magnum is in need of some TLC (and said gunsmith just happens to run a rather curious watch shop)…
More details on the film are to be revealed closer to its release date. For now, you can check out the films first trailer embedded below, and its announcement over at website Natalie.
After Lupin ZERO wrapping up at the end of last year, and VS. Cat’s Eye releasing in January, a live action Jigen spin-off is not where I expected TMS to go next with the Lupin franchise. It is, however, in my opinion, a welcome diversion from the norm.
I would be lying if I did not first meet the announcement with some scepticism, though, mostly due to the series’ less than stellar track record of live action adaptations (the amazing 2017 Inspector Zenigata spin-off drama aside). Taking a moment to think back, I quickly realised that while the live action film directed by Ryuhei Kitamura did not win the hearts of fans back in 2014, it did do one thing right - the casting.
Shun Oguri as Lupin III and Tadanobu Asano as Inspector Zenigata were big gets for the film, and both appeared to take their appearance throughout it seriously. Meisa Kuroki played a gorgeous, cunning Fujiko, with Go Ayano trying his best to bring the stoic samurai Goemon to life. It was Tetsuji Tamayama, however, that best looked the part. Fans on social media were swooning over his Jigen as soon as the character portraits were revealed, with some saying he was made for the role.
Despite issues with pacing and its overall narrative, all of the main cast members represented their anime / manga counterparts well, and if there is one positive to take away from that film, it would be their performances.
This gives me hope for Jigen Daisuke - with fresh writing staff and a keen new director to the franchise on board, with an actor we already know can do the character justice, both Amazon and TMS may be on to something special, here. Now slightly older and more experienced, I have full confidence Tamayama will exceed that of his already good performance as Jigen from 2014.
I’m looking forward to finding out how this comes together. Keep an eye out for a full review of the film come October, which I will aim to post up on lupincentral.com a few days after its release.
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dr-spectre · 2 months
Gonna follow up my last ask with another Splat3 related one. What's something you wish they added/wanted more of in ROM?
This is gonna sound really biased but, more substantial interactions with the Squid Sisters.
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I find it kind of odd that Off the Hook has consistently gotten a ton of attention and focus in their respective story campaigns, with lots of lore drops, full backstories, references to previous stories, and yet the Squid Sisters barely get anything aside from sunken scrolls and a butchered arc for Callie that left people with so many misconceptions still said till this day.
The optional dialogue you can have with Callie and Marie is just there for jokes and while it is funny, it should have been prime time for references and callbacks. Now I'm not asking for Sonic Frontiers stuff where we get Callie saying "oh man, this reminds me of the time where i went to the OCTO CANYON! and i got HYPNOTISED! by those silly HYPNOSHADES!" and then Marie goes "Hey Agent 3, did you know that Splatoon 2 is an online multiplayer game released in 2017 and-" like i don't need to get bonked on the head with direct references to be satisfied lmao. Subtle ones that fans can pick up on is more than enough.
It's really odd that the Squid Sisters and Octavio only have a single dialogue interaction, despite what they have gone through together they only share a single line of dialogue and i find that to be so weird and a massive missed opportunity.
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He should have been in the camp and interacted with the New Squidbeak Splatoon. ESPECIALLY CUTTLEFISH AND CAPTAIN!
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pelinalblancserpent · 2 years
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as you probably know, france is going through a period of violent protests. here is a probably better explained version of why it’s happening than whatever i can come up with.
to make it short, the French government forced a law to make the age of retirement at 64. since 2017, the macron government passed a lot of laws destined to break the social system that we have (even if flawed).
this retirement law is extremely unpopular, and had been forced by the 49.3 article (i think the US equivalent is executive order). this means that the assembly couldn’t vote it. the voting attempt to dissolve the assembly and kill the law in the egg didn’t work out. it missed 9 votes in favor of the dissolution.
people have been protesting outside for weeks. the government doesn’t care, and police brutality is rising exponentially. the prime minister thanked the police yesterday as a lot of protesters are put in custody for nothing. they put in custody innocent people, even tourist kids. people lost limbs too.
what is happening is borderline unconstitutional, and amnesty condemned the French police brutality.
what can we do? as the protesters outside sacrifice their work days to fight against the government, money is getting scarce.
to help the protesters and to help them continue to protest, strike funds have been created.
even a dollar will help them fight the government, so if you can, please donate or share. our lives are on the line.
Caisse de solidarité
this is the link to the strike funds. to donate, click on "faire un don en ligne"
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then you can choose "PayPal" for international folks.
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the situation is bad. but we can make it worse for the government. stand with us and stand against social regression in France
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youssefguedira · 7 months
so. y'all might remember the post i made a while back asking y'all your favourite tog cast movies because i love arbitrary data collection. this was in the long ago era before polls were a thing, and now with experience of running one silly bracket under my belt, i have decided to do the same thing, but in tournament form this time. and we're starting with the one i feel most qualified to chime in on, but i DO plan to run the others once this is done depending on how it goes. so with all that said, allow me to introduce:
tog fandom's top luca marinelli movie bracket
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because there's a really awkward number involved here, a lot of movies (with higher seeds) won't come in until next round. we will run five in total, with polls running for a week. propaganda is encouraged, you can either add on to the post, send it to me in ask form, or put it in the tags. whichever you choose. judge the movies on whatever metric you choose but try to keep it consistent.
if you HAVEN'T SEEN both or either, i'll be including summaries so you get a general idea of the movie (taken from letterboxd, or in the case of one, written by me) and can vote based on which looks most interesting. or whatever
see below for our full list of winners:
polls will be posted over the course of the next couple days (possibly starting tomorrow) and links added here. go forth and enjoy
and if you're curious:
overall seeding is based on average letterboxd rating for a couple reasons! partially because it gave me a numerical ranking and also because i couldn't find my og survey post. there are places where it definitely doesnt line up with what id consider tumblr's general opinion on these so itll be interesting to see the ranking at the end of this tournament (i will make one and compare the two because i love arbitrary data collection)
that's all for now!
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