#prince claude
juvellita · 2 years
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He's a keeper 😆😆😍
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3rdrobins · 1 month
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if anyone likes sebaciel ……. enjoy hell 😘
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cryptid-condor · 5 months
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the deer prince and the golden doe
from chapter 34 of Salt00's fic Chick Magnet
please click for HD tumblr is killing this one
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kabishkat19 · 9 months
Disney Villain’s kids : would’s and wouldn’t’s II
Part two of villains who would and wouldn’t have children.
11. Hades
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Original hades had children and I feel this one would have too.
12. Shan Yu
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No doubt in my mind that not only did this man have kids but some of them were in the battle of the mountains with him.
13. Claude Frollo
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I refuse to believe that anyone willingly had children with this man.
14. Clayton
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Tarzan series revealed a woman that had relations with Clayton and it would be on brand for this man to have kids that he dumped in a boarding school and never see again.
15. Yzma
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If Yzma did have children, they are fully adults at this point and she clearly has no care them. It’s possible, her prime years are unknown.
16. Dr Facilier
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This man seemed like to towns pariah so probably couldn’t have kids even if he did want them.
17. Mother Gothel
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No. And before you say it I know about Cas (Tangled series) but I still refuse to believe this narcissistic woman would have a child without some sort of magical benefit.
18. Prince Hans of the Southern Isles
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There was a chance he could have had kids but after his take over stunt, he’s outcasted.
Tell me if there’s more you wanna see…
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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seaslugfanclub · 1 month
Get ready for the twink-off everyone, and may the best fem win…
But fr tho I just wanted to have fun using the polls option..
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cielwritings · 26 days
What if Ciel, r!Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Soma, Agni (and whoever else you wanna add) worked somehwere like ouran hshc? Like how would they be w each other and with a reader/customers n all that? 🥰
! Ouran HSHC AU !
..also, imagine soma and agni being related
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This took forever to think about.
Ciel as Haruhi, R!Ciel as Tamaki, Sebastian as Kyoya, Claude as Mori, Alois as Honey, Soma and Agni as the twins. Soma as Hikaru, Agni as Kaoru (it made most sense but my fujo brain wanted agni to be the seme...)
Despite Soma and Agni being the brocons, they aren't the most popular duo. That's Ciel and R!Ciel. A teasing older twin, and a shy younger twin.
Alois is more-so a mix of Shiro and Honey. He isn't the innocent type Honey is, but goes for the dynamic of Honey. For girls that wish for a cute boy to dote on. He has a naughtier, playboy personality like Shiro.. as shown at the end of that episode he's in.
This club is known for being quite.. taboo. Only the girls that were known for being naughty or improper went there, or the girls too shy to admit it. Sometimes, even boys or GNC people as well! Everyone gets treated the same though.
You'd be welcomed with a kiss to the hand from Sebastian, leading you to a table for you to sit at. Ciel will be the one to ask who you'd wish to schedule.
If you pick Ciel, he'll be quite sweet to you. He'll be kind, brushing his hand through your hair sweetly. He'll offer you his favorite candies, telling you that he doesn't share with just anyone. You're special! If you want, he'll let you have a taste of his favorite lollipop. Then, he'd like the exact same spot you did for an 'indirect kiss'.
If you pick R!Ciel, he's much more flirty. He'll always have a hand on you unless you explicitly say no. On your arm, holding your hand, in your hair, on your knee. He'll rest his head on your shoulder, taking in your scent. Whether it be your natural one or some perfume or cologne you put on, he doesn't care. He loves your smell, and will let you know that fact.
If you pick Sebastian, he'll act, unsurprisingly, like a butler for you. But a more daring one. He'll hold your tea cup as you drink, he'll wipe your mouth sensually, he'll feed you. He makes sure everything you have in your mouth is perfect, and the smallest complaint you have will leave him apologizing and treating you 10x better. His compliments are very unique, and always leave you flushed beyond belief.
Picking Alois will leave you almost as flustered as Sebastian. Perhaps it's the taboo, but the way he'd curl up in your lap and ask for pets is adorable. He treats you, of course, but his cute little face is irresistible. Twirling his soft hair while Claude watched in the distance, making sure everything was going okay. Alois called you his big sibling, or one of his parents. He loves seeing how flustered you get.
Picking Claude is practically a two for one deal. Alois is almost always at his side, clinging onto him, looking at you with a pout of jealousy. Claude is a much more professional butler role, his advances being more subtle. But you expect it, so every movement he makes always leaves you flustered. Whether it be the slightest graze of his hand on yours, or perhaps he breathed a little too hard on you. He knew how to tease, and he did it well.
Soma and Agni, however, are a 2 for 1. Without Agni, Soma is nothing. Without Soma, Agni is nothing. So you kind of have to get both... which Ciel and R!Ciel decided to price down to be the same cost as everyone else. They're more seductive, almost worshiping you, in a way. Soma will hug you from behind, Agni praising you, on his knees for you, stroking your legs. One time, the two bickered about who would do the worship. Agni begged to be the one, as the prince shouldn't be on such dirty floors.
Of course, it ended up in brocon fanservice.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that, my prince.." Agni whispers, wiping a tear from Soma's eye. Crocodile, of course.
The other's merely watched in curiosity, confusion, or interest.
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nonaserpent · 7 days
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youngroyals-hc · 1 year
Wille and Simon are at the castle their final night before returning to Hillerska after the Jubilee day speech and Wille takes Simon's hand and starts to direct him to a wing they haven't been to yet. Simon follows along a little bemused because Wille seems so intent, but they reach a door that Wille pushes open to reveal a beautiful Fazioli grand piano in an airy sitting room. Wille tugs Simon over to the piano stool and they sit together. Wille's gaze darts around before settling on Simon's gaze and asking "will you play the song for me?" And Simon says "you mean the one from the ball?" And Wille nods his head and Simon huffs out a little laugh and says "it's not very happy Wille" and he replies "I don't care, you wrote it about me. No one's ever done that before" so Simon sings it for him while Wille closes his eyes and gently sways. When he finishes Wille opens his eyes and grins, clapping for Simon who laughs and hides his head in Wille's shoulder. He sits up and looks at Wille and says "now you play something for me." And Wille groans a little and says "but you're so much better than me, I was just made to learn for ages because apparently that's something a prince has to do." And Simon says "well at least you can read music! Surely you can still remember something" and Wille looks a little nervous but nods and settled his hands over the keys. He plays Simon Poulenc, and his fingers are sure in the movement. Simon almost stops breathing from concentrating on the sound Wille makes. When the piece finishes he just turns to Wille and stares before gently shoving him and saying "what the fuck Wille I thought you said you weren't very good!" And Wille goes pink and says "I'm not, I don't have the music... In me like you do. I mean 11 years of learning and that's all I've got to show for it? You've never had one lesson and you write these incredible songs!" And Simon just has to laugh because he knows Wille won't change his mind. Instead, he turns and says "maybe we could write a song together? With your theory and my so called innate talent, we could be the new Leonard and McCartney!" And Wille just barks out a laugh and says "oh yeah, you really think so? Well guess we better get started!"
As they laugh and make up silly lyrics and melodies together, Kristina walks by and stops when she hears them. She pokes her head around to glance at Wille and Simon at the piano, smiling and teasing each other. Her façade drops slightly, seeing for the first time her son interacting with someone who wasn't Erik so carefree and brightly. Something clicks inside her, and she realises that Simon isn't going anywhere. This isn't some little sexual exploration that Wille would eventually grow out of. Her son was in love, and nothing would change that.
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its-to-the-death · 3 months
Villain Song Showdown Round 6
Hellfire (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - Villain: Judge Claude Frollo
The Plagues (The Prince of Egypt) - Villain: Ramses
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hiimtheproblem87times · 7 months
Have some Ethari Content while we See Claudia Going Insane.
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juvellita · 2 years
I'm a villainess so im taming the final boss short analysis
I want to talk about this brief scene from chapter 9 (from manga), and how the new villainess fills in the plot hole of Regalia of Saints, Demons, and Maidens (original game name). This will be specifically about King Claude and Aileen.
If you haven't read the manga, it might sound a but confusing so bare with me.
In chapter 9, Aileen briefly explains what in the original game and how Prince Claude's route is poorly written.
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With these points that Aileen has made in the manga, I 100% agree with her. In fact, this is the FIRST otome game plot where I feel like original mc is unfitting mc (I didn't feel like this with Hamefura/Bakarina or Maria).
First, as Aileen has mentioned, in the original plotline, the heroine (Lilia) completely ignores King Claude's wish for Demons and Humans to coexist and work together peacefully. Aileen knows this.
Second, his route is only triggered thru his useless brother's/Cedric route (Cedric doesnt even like his own brother). Like??? What kind of bs is tht. Needless to say, there is literally no real occasion that Lilia and Claude could even "meet up" in the original game setting bc she's the Holy Sword holder. So how can they even romance each other properly?
Third, Lilia is the holder of Holy Sword in the original plot, meaning her job is to "kill" Demons. How can Demon king and her even get along without a really good plot?
Not only that, but in the original plot, Claude kills his most trusted assistant merely bc of what Lilia said. Like wtf?????
I'm glad that this is villainess isekai and not actual otome game, bc I would have trashed the game so hard if it was. If they ever make that original story into game, bless their soul bc i don't wanna play it.
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This being said, current Aileen is the perfect match for Demon King. Unlike Lilia in the original game, she doesn't force Demon king to do things he doesn't want (I mean she DOES ask him to marry her from first sight but- ) and she sincerely understands what Demon king wishes for and want to make them come true. She even goes to Keith (Claude's most trusted assistant) and warns him to stop doing suspicious activities, so Claude doesn't go bad.
Lilia and Cedric fit for each other too bc they are both trash.
In other words, current Aileen and Claude are match made in heaven! ♡♡♡
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blondeaxolotl · 6 days
WAIt is Sebastian like, a PRINCE Demon according to your headcannons bc his moms a Queen??? O_O
Correct! He is a prince, he just doesn't act like it lol (neither does Mama Michaelis act like a queen, so I guess it runs in the family)
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rainbowcl0ck · 1 month
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(most) of the Black Butler cast in my art style!! (I swear I can draw some of these characters better now these drawings were from a month ago)
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disneyboot · 7 months
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
When we talk about those Realistically Scary Villains like Frollo being a sexual predator in a position of Power and Gaston being the Poster Boy for Toxic Masculinity and Sexist Pig-ism and to a certain point Gothel, being an Abuser- we should talk about Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham because holy shit. I think a lot of us know perfectly well why (: (: (:
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paschameleon · 2 months
I need feedback
So I am working on the villain kids of my Next Gen series.
Here are some villains that I want to pair up together, but I am unsure If they would work. I would love to hear your feedback!
Each villain has their own row and might appear in another villain's row.
Tell me what you think.
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