#prince vegeta x you
actuallysaiyan · 2 years
Kinktober Day 16: Royalty(Planet Queen)
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warnings/kinks: royalty kink, Vegeta in heat, Planet Vegeta AU, slight degradation, fellatio, female masturbation, mentions of virginity. pairings: Prince!Vegeta x Fem!Saiyan!Reader word count: 1.4k tag list: @beneathstarryskies, @ricflairdrip20, @witchofcustom, @loki-love, @xailem. @the-eternal-sunflower
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You never really believed yourself to be anyone special. You fought as hard as you could just like the other Saiyans. You did your best to stay in line and try not to stand out too much. But someone took a liking to you, and now this is how you end up being the prince’s sparring partner. It’s something that you never believed would happen.
At first, he was as arrogant as ever. You treated him with so much kindness and remembered to be on your best behavior. He would tease you to no end, making you feel ashamed of yourself. You knew he could be spoiled, but you never imagined it to be so bad. You just swallowed your pride and sparred with the prince. You knew that if he got bored of you, he’d never want to spar with you again.
One day, he doesn’t show up to train. You aren’t sure what to expect. Vegeta always trains, every single day. He makes sure to let you know too. He won’t miss a chance to brag or to gloat. But today, he isn’t here. Nor is he there tomorrow. And the next day, he is also absent. You begin to get a little more worried than you’d like to admit.
So you inquire about him, but nobody wants to say anything to you. Everyone is afraid to invoke the wrath of the prince, and you understand that better than most. But you want to make sure he isn’t truly hurt…or worse. You make your way to the palace one day, with the intent on taking care of him if he is ill or he is injured.
It’s one of the handmaidens that lets you into his room. He’s on the bed, a layer of sweat coating his body. He looks so rough, and you can tell he is angry that you’re here. You make your way over to the bed and you kneel before it. The handmaiden leaves you both alone, and you begin begging for forgiveness.
“Please, my prince,” you say as you take his hand in yours. “I only wanted to see if you were alright.”
He scoffs at your actions but his cock twitches in his pants, “You’re the one who got me into this situation in the first place.”
You gasp, “What do you mean, my prince?”
This makes him groan. You’re worried he may be too weak to even have company right now. But something feels different. He’s looking at you with hunger in his eyes. His tail comes over and you shudder as it strokes you softly. Then it intertwines with yours. You hear him purring softly, and this other hungry sound rumbles from him.
“Can’t you tell?” He asks, and he pulls you onto the bed with him. “You’ve caused me to go into heat.”
Your cheeks redden, “N-no. That’s impossible, my prince.”
He grunts, “Love it when you call me that,”
Your cheeks are so red now. You’re embarrassed by all of this. How could you, a nobody, cause the prince to go into heat? You wonder how you could help remedy this situation. If you really are the cause of all of this, you know you need to rectify this problem. It makes you worry a little, considering you haven’t done a whole lot with anyone else. You’re still pure.
“What’s the matter? Aren’t you going to help your prince?”
You swallow hard, “Of course. I-I…just, uh don’t know what to do.”
“You’re still pure?” Vegeta spits out, his tone smug. You feel yourself wanting the bed to just swallow you up so you can disappear from the situation altogether.
You blink a few times, wondering if this is maybe all a dream. But no, it’s real. This is reality and not some dreamlike fantasy you’ve thought up to calm your feelings for the prince. You lean in closer to him, and he moans when your scent catches him off guard. You tell him how you are meant to be pure until your wedding day. He chuckles at your words, mocking how your values are outdated.
“Okay, but I’m the prince. And you caused this, so you better learn quickly.”
Your mouth gets dry, “Of course, my prince.”
He guides you to settle between his thighs. Vegeta’s mind is so clouded with lust that he can barely think of quips or insults to throw at you. Especially as he watches you settle so cutely between his thighs, and with your eyes so wide.
“Take off my pants,” he commands.
Your hands shake, but you do as he says. His cock slaps against his abdomen as it springs free from the confines of his pants. Your mouth waters as you watch it leaking, and you wonder what the clear precum might taste like.
“Don���t be shy. Take it into your hand,” his voice is a little too soothing. When you don’t react, he grabs your wrist and pulls you towards his cock. “Do as your prince commands.”
Even his size was so impressive and intimidating, and you weren’t sure what else to do now that his cock is in your hand. He places his hand on top of yours, and he begins guiding you to stroke him. Vegeta lets out a sexual moan as you begin your own clumsy pace. It feels so good to have the person who caused his heat to pleasure him. But especially that you don’t really know what you’re doing, you’re so innocent and so pliable. It turns him on.
“You’re a good girl,” he mumbles through breathy moans.
To say you’re aroused would be an understatement. You don’t know if you’ve ever wanted anything more in your life. You were so lucky to have the prince as a sparring partner, but to have him as your lover, it would be something you never could have conceived in your mind ever. You’re so excited, but you want to do your best for him. He is your prince, after all.
“Why don’t you put it in your mouth? Suck on it, hm?” His tone is no longer teasing, but instead he sounds like he is pleading a little bit.
“Oh! O-okay!”
He loves your eagerness. He was going to gloat and brag and be a tease this whole time, but he is way too horny to think about making you feel bad about learning how to fuck. He’ll be the only Saiyan allowed to touch you. You’ll become his wife, and then you’ll rule over the planet together.
You lean in, kissing and licking the slit of the tip of his cock. Vegeta hisses, and you back up at the sound. You’re afraid you might have hurt him. But one glance into his lust filled eyes, and you know you’re doing the right thing. Your lips wrap around the head of his cock before you feel his hands pushing down on your head. It’s not long before you are taking the rest of him into your mouth.
Once the tip of his cock hits the back of your throat, you choke and sputter. You weren’t ready to take on something so thick into your mouth. But with some gentle coaxing from your prince, you find a rhythm that is suitable for you. You breathe through your nose and bob your head, and Vegeta is just enjoying watching you get more comfortable with your own sexuality.
“That’s it,” Vegeta grunts, “Pleasure your prince.”
You need to rub your thighs together for a little relief from all this sexual tension. You’re so aroused, you let your hand reach down between your thighs and you tease yourself through your spandex suit. Vegeta growls as he watches you slowly become his cockhungry slut. This is the greatest thing he could imagine happening to him. And the more you continue to suck on his cock and finger your little pussy, the closer he gets to the edge.
“Such a good little mouth. Bet your little pussy feels good too,”
You can only moan in response, which causes his cock to twitch in your mouth. Then you continue to suck him off, and you are sloppy about it too. All of this proves to be too much for Vegeta, who falls over the edge. He pulls you off his cock and strokes himself to completion. Ropes of hot cum hit your face and mouth, and soon you are covered in his seed. It’s a sight quite to behold.
“Good girl,” Vegeta says after he has caught his breath. “Now, let me breed you.”
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akaridream · 10 months
all the right buttons (college AU Goku & Vegeta x reader)
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have y'all seen the figure from FuzzFeet Studios featuring our favorite boys gaming on the couch in the sluttiest little shorts? lemme say, i was feeling thirsty after I saw it for the first time. thus, this fic was born.
vegeta and goku both will get a part 2, choose your own adventure style (coming very soon!)
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As you padded down the hall of Bulma’s apartment building, muffled male voices arguing rang through the walls. Your favorite chemistry study buddy had warned that her two roommates would be home while you did homework together, but you hoped the voices were from a neighboring unit. Your hopes were dashed when you stood in front of Bulma’s door and knocked, the voices now quite clear in the hallway.
“Hey! Pipe down you two! My friend is here and we need to get some work done!” Bulma’s voice interrupted. The door swung open with a whoosh, revealing the blue-haired bombshell. She rolled her eyes and shuffled you inside.
“Sorry about the boys, Goku found his old game system and they’ve been at it for a while,” she explained as you kicked off your shoes and dropped your backpack by the kitchenette table. “I was hoping they’d be wrapping it up by now but-”
“Oh don’t worry about it!” you said with a dismissive wave. “I grew up with two brothers, so they won’t bother me!"
Beyond the kitchen sat the infamous roommates, backs turned on the couch, facing a comically small CRT television in front of Bulma’s fancy flat screen. The tiny TV sat precariously on a mini fridge, and on the floor was the little gray console, one which you hadn’t seen in at least a decade. The chiptune soundtrack was nostalgic and familiar.
“Is that Tenkaichi Tournament 5?” you asked.
“Yeah!” came the chipper voice from the guy on the left, though his focus remained on the game. His black hair splayed in all directions and his blue tank barely covered his built shoulders.
Oh shit. These boys are fit, you thought.
The guy in blue’s arms were bulky and strong, intimidatingly so. And the blond guy was just as fine with a cut-up yellow racerback showing off the hard work he had put into his lats. With their backs turned, you shamelessly admired what you could see of them, salivating at the sight of their carved muscles.
Bulma elbowed you and lifted a brow, tilting her head in the direction of the guys. Your eyes grew large and you fanned your face, mouthing “Oh my god” to her. She grinned and nodded.
“This is my friend from chemistry I was telling you about!” Bulma yelled over the TV, hands on her hips.
The guy in blue paused their game and turned around, draping his arm over the back of the worn couch.
“Hi!” he said in a sweet voice, eyes bright and friendly behind a pair of black frames.
The blond gave him a dirty look for pausing the game. “Hello,” he offered over his shoulder.
“I’m Goku! Nice to meet you!” he said with a wave. “This is Vegeta. Sorry, he’s a little sour because he’s lost three rounds in a row!”
The blond scoffed. “I am not sour! You just keep spamming your super move and it’s fucking annoying!”
“Have you tried countering him with a block?” you asked. That got the blond’s full attention and he turned around to you with an incredulous expression.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
With a look at both of their faces, you weren’t sure who was more handsome. Goku had boyish good looks and a natural charm, complimented by his endearingly wild hair. Vegeta resembled a model with smoldering eyes and immaculately styled hair sweeping upward. It was like comparing a golden retriever and a wolf: both were beautiful in their own ways. Had you known her roommates were perfect 10s, you would have opted for an outfit more put-together than your cotton booty shorts and oversized tee…
You swallowed, suddenly nervous under the gaze of two gorgeous men. “Um, if you hold down or back when he tries to hit you with a super move, you’ll block half the damage. But you have to get the timing just right,” you explained.
Vegeta pouted his lips and turned to Goku. “You didn’t tell me that, Kakarot!”
Goku laughed and shrugged. “I thought you knew how to block!”
“So you’ve been winning because you haven’t told me all the rules! New match, come on!” Vegeta shouted.
“It’s not really a rule,” Goku murmured with a glance to you and a smile. You smirked back as he turned towards their game once again.
“Try to keep it at a reasonable level guys, please. We have an exam next week and I am not letting my A slip to an A-minus because of this stupid game!” Bulma warned and led you to the round table in the kitchen. You extracted your laptop and a notebook from your backpack and opened up to your most recent homework.
From your seat in the kitchen, you could see directly between the pair of gentlemen, straight to the tiny TV. You couldn’t help but watch as Vegeta’s character desperately tried to master the block timing, barely eeking out a victory.
“HA!” Vegeta celebrated. “In your face! See, all I needed was to actually know all there is to the game to beat you!”
“Oh whatever Vegeta! Bet you can’t do it twice in a row!”
Bulma tapped a manicured finger on your laptop. “Um helloooo? Are you with me?” she asked.
You blushed and turned in your chair towards her. “Yes, I’m sorry! My brothers and I used to play that game together all the time, it’s been a while since I last saw it.”
She smiled at you knowingly. “Or are you just enjoying the eye candy?”
You sucked on your lips and shrugged. “Well… I’m not not enjoying it.”
The two of you snickered quietly at the table.
“I’ve heard that ladies find them attractive, but I’ve known them both since we were little kids. I just can’t see them that way, you know?” she said.
You nodded and glanced over at them, making sure they weren’t listening in. “So you’ve never dated either of them?”
“Goku, never. There was a very brief time in middle school where Vegeta and I went out but it just got weird and… Ugh, I don’t even know how to explain it. But that was ages ago. And both of them are single now,” she offered, brow raised.
You tapped your pencil to your lips. “Hm. Good to know…”
Despite the looming chemistry exam, between the noisy video game and the attractive boys playing it, your focus was gone. As the evening glow began to darken, every few minutes you glanced over between the muscular shoulders on display to see who was in the lead. They were quite evenly matched, trading wins without any notable streaks for either.
After having to steal your attention back several times, Bulma snapped her laptop shut and shook her head.
“We aren’t getting anything done tonight, are we?” she asked.
You turned fully towards her. “Geez, I’m sorry Bulma. I know you wanted to have this assignment finished up but-”
She chuckled and waved her hand. “Eh, don’t worry about it. Like I said, we both have solid A’s and the exam isn’t ‘til next week. We’ve got plenty of time. Go see if they’ll let you play a round!”
“You really don’t mind?” you asked, glancing over the back of the couch once more.
“No, we’ll finish up later. Go have some fun!” she insisted.
You grinned and stuffed your belongings back into your backpack and set it by the front door. “Thanks!”
Just as you approached the living area, Goku rose from the couch and stretched, his skimpy tank top rising to show his midriff. It was just as toned and hard as his arms. The tiny gray shorts he wore left little to the imagination, in both the bulk of his thighs and the size of his package. Oh Christ, you though. The room suddenly felt intensely hot.
“Done already?” you asked, trying not to drool.
Goku smiled. “Nah, I’m just taking a quick water break. You want anything?” he asked.
“Not to drink, but I wouldn’t mind going a round or two at Tenkaichi,” you said.
“Sure!” Goku said. He walked around the couch and handed you the controller on the way to the kitchen. “Kick his ass!”
Vegeta raised an eyebrow and looked at you over his shoulder. “Hm. Bring it on.”
As you walked around and plopped on the couch next to Vegeta, you got a better look at him. Significantly smaller in stature than Goku but just as built, he sat at the edge of the cushion with his elbows on his knees. You chuckled internally, recognizing it as the ‘serious’ pose your oldest brother took when playing video games. His gym shorts fit too small, his muscular legs pulling the fabric tight in places. The cut-off tank he wore displayed his fine musculature in a way that made your heart stutter.
Fuck’s sake, he is unbelievably hot, you thought.
Finally tearing your hungry gaze away, you selected the only female character in the game, earning a sideways smirk from your opponent.
“No way you’ll win with her,” he boasted as the game loaded.
“We’ll see,” you contested.
You took a few moments to refamiliarize yourself with the controls, but held your own against Vegeta. He had quickly mastered the block, but the timing came back to you like an old friend. The match was close the entire time until Vegeta managed to pull off a super move while you were in the air, catching you off guard. He smiled.
“A valiant effort,” he offered. “Best two out of three?”
“Of course!”
You fought again, but this time, you managed to recall a hidden combo you had memorized way back in the day. It took your opponent by complete surprise, depleting his health significantly before you moved in to finish the job for an easy win.
“What the hell was that?” he barked.
You grew shy and shrunk into the couch. “Just some muscle memory coming back to me. I’m guessing Goku didn’t tell you about hidden moves either, then?”
Vegeta turned towards you wearing a curious expression.
“Of course he didn’t. There are hidden moves?”
You pulled out your phone and furiously typed away. “Yeah! Each character has a combo that isn’t listed in the actual game anywhere, but they’re the strongest moves there are. My brothers and I used to play this all the time back in the day, but I only know Chacha’s combo. I’m looking up the combo for Prince Monkey so you can try it.”
He eyed you up and down as you searched, admiring the fact that you needed no makeup to look cute. Your features were soft and feminine, your smile lighting up your entire face. His cheeks grew warm when you scooted closer to him on the couch, showing him your phone.
“Here’s the button input. Give it a try!” you encouraged, leaning forward into your own ‘serious’ gaming pose, knee touching his.
He did as you suggested, but struggled with the combo at first. You eased back in the fight, allowing him time to figure it out before he finally blasted you away, winning the match by a hair.
“Nice! You did it!” you praised.
“It’ll be interesting to use that move against Kakarot,” he mused with a smirk.
“Kakarot? I thought his name was Goku,” you said.
“Kakarot is my first name, but I always go by my middle name,” Goku explained as he returned. “He just calls me that because he’s an ass.”
Goku held a dripping bottle of water against the back of Vegeta’s neck, making him recoil and snatch the bottle away.
“So who won?” Goku asked, taking a seat on your left and sandwiching you between two chiseled thighs.
“That would be Prince Monkey,” you admitted. “I took one round though.”
“You held your own well against me,” Vegeta said, giving a tiny hint of a smile. “It was an admirable effort.”
You nodded in appreciation and handed the controller back to Goku, but he waved you off and took a swig of water from his bottle.
“Keep playing as long as you want!” he said.
And so you did, managing to beat Vegeta in the next round thanks to your mastery over the hidden combo. Goku was flabbergasted when he saw the wildly powerful moves for the first time.
“Whoa! What the heck are those?”
"Hidden combos. You’ll have to figure it out on your own, Kakarot!” Vegeta sneered, his knee bumping into yours, then his elbow.
“Hey!” you chuckled, elbowing him back. “Quit trying to throw me off!”
“What are you talking about?” Vegeta rebutted. “I’m not doing anything!” He leaned against you and jostled your arm with his elbow.
“No fair!” you cried. You still managed to win the match, making Vegeta huff in annoyance.
Goku laughed. “Damn, she’s good!”
You shoved Vegeta playfully as he leaned for his bottle of water on the floor. You caught a glint of flirty eye contact as he did, making you want to kick your feet.
“That’s two to two,” Vegeta said. “One more to break the tie?”
“Absolutely. But I do want to change characters,” you said, inputting a code on the character select screen.
“King Monkey?” Goku asked after a new selection appeared.
“Wait, there’s another character?” Vegeta squawked. You nodded proudly.
“Yep. I know all the secrets to this game! Let’s see who will come out on top now!”
King Monkey, a larger and stronger version of his son, quickly dominated with a combo that devastated Vegeta. Despite his best efforts, he struggled to damage you, letting you come out on top without much trouble. Vegeta tossed his head and leaned back on the couch with an irritated grumble.
“Oh man!” Goku said. “That was really one-sided!”
You shrugged and laughed. “Well, King Monkey is a boss character so he’s not exactly fair. But I had to get him back for fighting dirty!”
“Tch, whatever,” Vegeta pouted, handing his controller off to Goku. “I have to get going anyway.”
You frowned and watched him get off the couch and head towards his bedroom down the hall. “Aw, bummer. Where you off to?”
“Astronomy lab,” he said over his shoulder.
Bulma called from the kitchen. “Oh, that’s finally happening?”
“Yes, finally,” Vegeta yelled down the hall, then reappeared with his backpack. “First clear evening in weeks. Cloud cover has been a pain in the ass all semester.”
“Sounds super interesting,” you said. “Well, it was really nice meeting you Vegeta!”
He gave a small smile and wave as he headed out the door. “Yeah. Been fun. See you around.”
“See ya, Jeeta!” Goku called from the couch.
As the door shut behind him, you blushed at the sweet, barely-there smile that had formed on his lips as he said goodbye. Intrigued by his stony, competitive personality, you wondered how Bulma would feel about you asking for his number…
“So he’s an astronomy major?” you asked. Bulma padded over and sat on the arm of the couch.
“Astrophysics, actually,” she explained.
Your eyebrows shot up. “Whoa. Didn’t take him for such an academic.”
Bulma snorted. “I know, right? Seems like more of a meathead like Goku.”
Expecting a retort for the insult, you turned towards him, but Goku was unperturbed.
“You gonna let her call you a meathead?” you asked.
He shrugged. “Well, I’m a kinesiology major, so I kind of am!”
You nodded. “Ah, I see. So you wanna be a physical therapist then?”
“I could do that,” he said, leaned his head from side to side. “But I also think running my own gym would be fun. Haven’t decided yet though.”
Quintessential himbo, you thought to yourself, smiling. Bulma’s roommates sure were interesting, to say the least. “Well, you certainly have the physique for it!”
“Thanks!” Goku said with pride. “Vegeta and I lift together all the time. Even though he’s really hard-working on his studies, he works just as hard in the gym. You should see all the other astro nerds, they’re like half his size! Well, in the muscle department at least.” Bulma laughed.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of the pint-sized yet built Vegeta sitting in class with a bunch of pale, scrawny bookworms he could tear in half.
“So are you a chem major like Bulma?” Goku asked.
“Oh gosh, I could never do chemical engineering like her!” you said. “I’m just a regular chemistry major. She’s way smarter than me, plus I don’t really like math all that much.”
“Ugh, me neither!” Goku said, selecting Master Turtle as his character to fight you. “I barely scraped by the general math class, and that was all thanks to Bulma and Vegeta! I’d be stuck in there forever if it wasn’t for them!”
You fought round after round, not even noticing when Bulma slipped away to her bedroom. Conversation flowed easily with the amicable Goku. He had a way of making you feel comfortable even in the silence. He asked about your brothers, told you that he had an older brother but Vegeta was more like a brother to him. As you got to know each other, the twilight faded into darkness, the only light in the living room coming from the tiny TV.
“I need a break, my thumbs are killing me,” you said, rolling your wrists.
“Can I try out that hidden character you had earlier?” Goku asked.
You took his controller and punched in the secret code for him. As you handed it back, your fingers brushed his for an instant. You made brief eye contact, his handsome features illuminated by the TV. He couldn't help but smile at the dusting of blush that bloomed across your cheeks. Your long lashes framed your pretty eyes perfectly, he thought, and your bright smile made his stomach feel lighter than air. Neither of you had noticed that you had migrated towards the center of the couch, only separated by an inch between your thighs.
You watched Goku figure out the new character, following his expressive brown eyes dancing across the screen. You hoped he couldn’t tell how hard you were staring at him from the corner of your eye. He was too damn handsome to take your eyes off of for long. And his pecs looked like they’d make a perfect pillow…
As Goku fought against the computer-controlled Prince Monkey, a twinge of conflict made you bite your lip.
Shit, you thought. I have no idea which of these guys I like better! Surely you couldn’t ask Bulma for both of their numbers, that would just be greedy. But you had to get one of them. No way could you pass up the opportunity. They were far too fine.
As if she could sense your dilemma, Bulma emerged from her bedroom and came back into the living area.
“I cannot believe how long you have been playing that damn game, Goku,” she laughed.
He grinned. “I’m just glad my old TV still works! Wish we could hook it up to the big screen though.”
As he continued to play, you stood from the couch and motioned for Bulma to join you in the kitchen.
“What’s up?” she asked.
“I have a question,” you whispered, looking over your shoulder to make sure Goku was distracted by the game.
Bulma got the hint and lowered her voice. “Sure.”
“How would you feel…” you hesitated. “If I wanted one of your roommate’s numbers?”
She grinned like a Cheshire cat. “I freaking knew it. Which one though?”
You crossed your arms. “That’s the problem. I can’t decide!”
Bulma put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Are you for real?”
You nodded and smooshed your cheeks in your hands. “They’re both so hot!”
Bulma thought for a moment, then her eyes lit up. “Ooh! I have an idea! Let me ask them how they felt about you, try to get a feel for which of them vibed with you the best.”
“Oh gosh, are you sure?” you asked. “Don’t make it too obvious though.”
Bulma smirked. “Please. I know the art of subtlety, my dear. I’ve got you covered.”
You bounced with glee. “You’re the best!”
“I know!” Bulma said with a shrug and proud smile.
After your nightly shower and bedtime routine, you climbed into bed to see your phone lit up with a new message.
BULMA: soooo i talked to the boys about you
YOU: ahhh
YOU: i’m gonna puke
BULMA: one of them actually asked about you before i got the chance to ;)
YOU: omg fr shut up
BULMA: wanna guess which one???
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Part 2: Goku
Part 2: Vegeta coming soon!
dbz masterlist
tags: @artof-aristocracy
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vegeta-bananabluish · 4 months
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Commisshed this beautiful piece by @alineartizz for my Vegeta x Reader slave fic 'Awakenings'. TOTALLY captures Vegeta's energy in chapt. 1, when first laying eyes on the Reader, looking annoyed, embarrassed, and a bit shy. Also, buff and thick as oatmeal <33333 I'm in love!
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sabosbabygirl · 5 months
🤰The Desire to Breed You🤰
Vegeta x Fem!Reader/You
NSFW, +18, Sex, Breeding Kink, Married
1.2k Words, Vegeta is blue & italicized
He’s been thinking about you all day. Specifically, your hips, thighs, and pussy. He wanted to stuff you with his seed. Fuck, he was itching to fill you up. The need to see your pussy leak his cum and some of it stay inside you was driving him wild. He wanted kids and he wanted your beautiful pussy to have them.
You were cooking when Vegeta came home. You looked up and could sense a familiar energy, a strong primal aurora came from him. Before you could speak, he had the stove off and you pushed against the wall. You could feel his desire and lust. Hell, his eyes were crazy for you.
“I fucking need you so much,” his voice was hoarse and one of his hands brushed against the fabric of your jeans where your pussy is at. “I need to fucking put a baby in you,” his words filled with so much lust that you couldn’t even deny being turned on. The way he had one hand on your jeans and the other against the wall. His dark eyes looking wildly into yours. That was it. You two are married after all.
“Vegeta, I-“ his lip press hard against yours before you could finish the sentence. His tongue aggressively entered your mouth, and his hands cupped your face. His body pressed against yours so that your back was all the way against the wall. You could feel his member growing and poking against your hip. He was at the point of no return.
Your tongue danced with his as his hands moved from cupping your face to your thighs. He gripped your thighs hard, squeezing with his all his might. You moaned into his mouth and your arms wrapped around his neck. “Fuck, your moans are so sexy,” he whispered as he pulled away from your lips. His mouth went straight to your neck, kissing and biting. His hands moved to your hips gripping hard. He slid one of his hands up to your jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping them. His hand went in your pants and his finger pressed against your clit through your panties.
“Oh Vegeta,” you moaned as his teeth sunk into your neck again and his finger moved the fabric of your panties up and down against your clit. You felt your arousal rise, the want for him to breed with you was starting to fill your brain making you dizzy.
“Mmmm, y/n, your clit is pulsing against my finger,” his voice was hot against your sensitive neck. He pressed his finger harder against your clit causing you to squirm and your clit to twitch. “Just like that,” he whispered as he kissed your neck and his finger sneaked into your panties, massaging your clit with skin on skin contacted.
You moan louder in his ear; your entire body heating up with passion and desire. His tongue licks the bite mark he left on your neck all the way down to your collarbone. “Tell me you want it. Tell me you want me to breed you,” he breathed heavy on your neck, his finger massaging your clit a little faster making you wet.
You swallowed back a moan, “I want it,” you whispered. “Mmmm, what do you want, y/n” he nibbles at your collarbone as his finger massages faster against your clit. You bite your lip, “I want you. I want you to breed me.”
The moment the words left your mouth, his finger went up into your pussy, feeling the warm wetness.
You titled your head back slightly and breathed out his name. He growled feeling your how warm your pussy was and hearing you breathe out his name. He pulled his finger out of your pussy and his hands went straight to your jeans pulling them down to your ankles. He undid his pants and his hard cock sprung out. His cock is 7.5 inches long, semi thick shaft, and big tip that stretches your entrance. Precum is at the tip of his cock and his eyes were nothing but absolute hunger for you.
Vegeta lifted you slightly up against the wall, just enough so that his cock could enter you. He thrusted deeply inside your tight pussy. “FUCK, y/n, so tight~,” his voice strained. You screamed slightly in pain and pleasure as he thrusted deep inside you. “Vegeta!!” your voice was loud enough to fill the entire kitchen.
His hands went to your hips, holding so tight that the veins in his hands were popping, “I’m not stopping until I fill you all the way to brim,” he moved your hips up and down his shaft fast and eagerly. His cock twitching and pulsing inside your juicy pussy. Your walls contracted and your hips spasmed. Your moans grew louder and louder, “That’s it, y/n, scream for me. Yell for me. Drive me to the edge,” his growled as he moved your faster up and down his girth. Your tight pussy gripping his entire cock so well.
“Vegeta!! AAA!! Vegeta,” your screams were louder, and your eyes rolled back as a wave of orgasm rushed out of you.
“Yes baby!! You feel so fucking good,” he moaned as he pulled out of you. Your cum dripping from his cock and down your thigh. His hands flipped you around so that your face was pressed against the wall and that your ass was facing him.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard and fill you up. Fuck, you are going to be the hottest mom,” he rammed his cock deep inside of you. Thrusting in and out, faster, and faster. You moaned and yelled his name. It felt so good, but at the same time your pussy was getting sensitive.
“I’m stopping until your pussy is filled and you are dripping of my cum. Dammit I need you,” he groaned as his cock continued plunging in and out of you. His hand slapped your bare ass hard leaving a red mark.
“Cum in me Vegeta. Please, I want your kids,” you whined. That was it. That was what he wanted, no needed, to hear. His eyes light up and fucked you harder than he ever has before. His cock beating your pussy until hitting your g spot like no other. He tossed his head back and his seed exploded so deep inside you. His cock twitched as his cum was shooting in you and your pussy tightened up ensuring that none of it seeps out.
Vegeta pulled his cock out slowly and his fingers went straight to your pussy covering the entrance so none of his seed flows out. His other hand pulled you up so that your back was against his chest. He kissed your neck softly, “You are the most beautiful woman in the world.”
A month later you noticed that you were late on your period. You quickly took a pregnancy test that came back positive. You ran to Vegeta and showed him. Vegeta’s eyes widened and you could have sworn slight tears were forming, “I’m going to be a dad?” he whispered staring at the stick and back at you. “Yes babe,” you smiled wide as your eyes filled with excitement. Vegeta smirked and picked you up, hugging you tightly, “I’m going to be a dad.” The statement was filled with emotions of happiness, relieve and surprise. That’s all he wanted. He wanted to be a dad and to have you not only as his amazing wife but as the mother of his kids.
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
Vegeta: In order to achieve the power of a super saiyan I left Earth to train in outer space to avoid any distractions.
The “Distraction”:
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givemeonereason · 6 months
Dragon Ball Master Fic List
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Legacy (completed) +18 readers only part 1 inspired by @actuallysaiyan
part 2 +18
Meditation series / *currently* E for Everybody
Part 1 +14 Part 2 +14 Part 3 +14 Part 4 +14
Vegeta and Goku cotton candy Inspired by @jorongbak
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ladymisteria · 3 months
My Favourite OTP Daily Video
Right Here - Vegeta X Bulma (AMV)
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sielulintuu · 1 year
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Vegeta's first time eating--er, meeting Puar.
(sloppy and imperfect, but it felt right because Puar's face is such a cursed image that polishing anything else would have opened up some gate of hell. XD)
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jimcornflake · 25 days
Dragon Ball Z X Reader Nickname HC
A/N: I saw somebody say that people make characters softer for desirability purposes. INCORRECT! I make them soft because everybody, every single person, has a side of them- a softness- that is reserved for certain people.
- Vegeta rarely calls you nicknames. And that is okay because his version of a nickname is simply your name, but without the sharp, demanding tone that he says everyone else’s in.
- He also calls you “woman.” He used to do it seriously, but now he only does it when he’s bored and he wants to argue for fun.
- Will patronizingly call you “babe” if you bug him or nag him about something.
“Vegeta! Chichi called, she says that Goku is training and he wants you to join him!” You called up the stairs to the Prince of all Saiyans, who was currently in the shower.
“Tell Kakarot I have no interest in playing games with him today!”
You sighed and rolled your eyes. That wasn’t true at all, so you told him, “I think it would be good for you!”
After a long stretch of silence, Vegeta replied, “Fine, babe!”
You groaned loudly and dramatically so he would hear it. You told Chichi that Vegeta would be joining Goku and after a little chitchat, hung up.
Two soaking wet arms wrapped around your waist from behind and a chin rested on your shoulder. “Woman. Say it.”
“Hm? I don’t believe I heard anything. The wind sounds awfully strange today.” You looked around as if you had no idea where the sound was coming from, but you placed your hands overtop of Vegeta’s. “I haven’t a clue in the world what it could mean.”
He huffed and lightly scraped his teeth against your neck skin. “Y/N,” he crooned, so uncharacteristically gently,
You pursed your lips, but couldn’t fight the smile off your face. You know that tone was reserved for one person and one person only.
“I love you, Vegeta.”
He released you and began walking away with his chest puffed out and his chin high. “And why wouldn’t you? I am the Prince of All Saiyans-“
“I love you too, Y/N.”
- He either calls you “sweet” or “pretty little earthling.” He throws the “little” in there because he knows that pointing out the fact that you are significantly weaker than him makes you pout.
- He doesn’t call you these things in public ever, but in private, you can get them out of him all the time.
Piccolo had come home late. It was in the wee hours of the morning, so you were fast asleep. He entered your bedroom quietly and found you curled up under your covers, snoring quietly.
He smiled and ran his hand over your hair, pushing it out of your face. He stared at you for a moment, admiring your sleeping visage. He then readied himself for bed and settled down beside you.
You briefly woke up, your eyes half open and bleary with sleep. You mumbled something unintelligible.
“Go back to sleep, sweet,” he said gently.
You nodded and snuggled in to him, falling back asleep while safely wrapped in his arms.
Did you like this? Check out my other works and have a beautiful day! 🩷
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years
Sweat(Prince!Vegeta x FemSaiyan!Reader)
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warnings: primal kink, smut, creampies, unprotected sex, breeding kink. a/n: Just a little smutty drabble about Prince Vegeta coming home from a mission just in time to fuck his wife while they are in the Saiyan mating season.
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You find this so incredibly unfair. The Saiyan mating season is upon you, and your lover hasn’t returned to you. It doesn’t surprise you. Not one bit. Prince Vegeta is so important and so strong. He does all he can to protect everyone on this planet. 
But to see all those couples together, being so affectionate for one another. It made you so sad, which eventually became some sort of pathetic arousal as the third day was upon you. You not only missed Vegeta, but you were craving him.
The fourth night, he made his way home to you. He felt his skin growing warm. He needed to be in your tight, quivering cunt. Vegeta does what he can to be with you whenever he’s able to. And he breeds you a lot. But being in the mating season, this will surely impregnate you. He cannot miss it. He should have been home days ago.
Once in the royal chambers together, everything feels heated. The air is so thick, and his teeth are sharp on the tender flesh of your neck. He marks you every time he has his way with you. It’s a reminder to everyone else that you belong to only him. Nobody else may touch you, or else there will be grave consequences.
He pushes you up against the wall, his clothes off and yours as well, and he pumps himself into you. Vegeta ruts into you like some sort of lovesick animal under an aphrodisiac. He’s grunting and groaning, his teeth are sinking into your flesh. Anywhere he can reach, he’s marking you up. Your tails are intertwined, so soft and sweet.
But this is anything but soft and sweet. This is pure lust. Vegeta fucks you with wreckless abandon. He’s chasing this impossible high for the both of you, with the only real mission being you getting knocked up.
“You’re going to have my baby. You’re my wife. My mate. Nobody else could ever make you feel the way I do.”
You could only nod and moan, which earned you a rough kiss. Once again, he repeats his sentence, this time in a much more gruff tone.
“I’m your mate! Nobody else can make me feel this way!” You cry out, making Vegeta chuckle darkly.
It doesn’t take long until he’s pumping his load into you. Short snaps of his hips, his teeth sunken into your shoulder as he tries to stifle those loud cries of his. His seed spills deep inside of you, surely going to take hold this time. He doesn’t stop there. No, it’s time for more.
It’ll be a long night.
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akaridream · 10 months
dragon ball z fanfic masterlist
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please my prince (vegeta x Saiyan! reader) NSFW
glancing blows (raditz x Saiyan! reader) NSFW
all the right buttons: pt 1 (vegeta & goku x reader; college AU)- inspired by the infamous Fuzzfeet Studios figure
all the right buttons: pt 2 (vegeta x reader; college AU)- coming soon
all the right buttons: pt 2 (goku x reader; college AU) NSFW
fighting time (future Trunks x gn! reader)
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Vegeta x You first time flying
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Sneak peek of chapter 7 of Lunar Eclipse of the Heart
After you've sampled Vegeta's triple helpings of crème brulee and tiramisu, he takes you up into the sky. He brings you to a gloomy alleyway nearby, reminiscent of the day you first met and he’d scared your socks off by chasing you into the dark. He folds his arms gently around you, watching you intently, and takes you with him a few meters in the air, causing you to let out a startled yelp. It feels very awkward to have his arms tightly wrapped around your torso and to be floating above the ground, with nothing but the wind beneath your feet. You tighten the grip on his shirt, and you're so distracted by this whole flying business that you're barely registering the hard lines of his muscles under your hands.  
“Vegeta, I have to be honest here, this is a little bit out of my comfort zone…” You squeal out. “I assure you,” Vegeta says calmly, “I’m not going to drop you, woman,” giving you a small squeeze for reassurance. “You better not. Or I'll haunt you for eternity,” you threaten with a hint of theatrics. Letting out a light chuckle, he ascends higher, just beyond the roofs of the alleyway houses. You thank your lucky stars that you aren't particularly afraid of heights as you clutch his shoulders tightly, digging your nails into his skin, but he doesn’t seem to be affected in the slightest. His warm breath is on your shoulder, which is weirdly calming.
Vegeta soars higher and higher in the sky, taking your breath away, now more out of awe than fear. A captivating nightscape of city lights is unfolding beneath you. The wind whips your face like a stormy sea, and if you squint into the darkness, you can see the tapestry of flickering lights being swallowed by the night sky's black. His warm breath tickles your ear as he whispers, "Ready to fly?" You nod against him , snaking your arms around his neck, to get a better grip on him. You squeeze your eyes tightly shut, not knowing what to expect, as you feel your body moving horizontally. Vegeta slowly picks up the pace, making you feel that same sensation you had as a kid every time you swayed too high on the swing. As you open your eyes, a gasp escapes your lips. Flying, the sensation of it, feels more exhilarating than you ever imagined. Seeing the world rushing by beneath you makes you feel more alive than ever before.
The one time you dare to shift in his strong embrace and look at his face, slightly illuminated by the densely knit lights from below, you see a softness residing there, shadowed behind thick, dark lashes.
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xcherricutie · 6 months
➤ Messy
Vegeta x F!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count - 1.5k
Summary - Vegeta is a clean freak with anger issues and pent up emotions, and decides to take it out on you for fun.
Notes: This is my first time posting here. I am from Wattpad, so I don't know tumblr etiquette, apologies.
“Your habits are disgusting and you’re a mess.”
He would follow you around and criticize you for what felt like hours on end. It was enough to drive anyone mad, and he did it to you on purpose. He was a man on a mission, out to make your life as miserable as possible. That’s just how it was, being acquainted with the prince of all saiyans. It didn’t matter if you tried to avoid him, he would find you, and he would let you know of every flaw in your life. Almost as if he took a sick satisfaction in seeing you wallow in your own misery and insecurities. 
“Vegeta, her house is none of your business,” Bulma scolded with a harsh glare, slapping your discarded napkin out of his hand. You hadn’t had the time to clean up your living space before Bulma and Vegeta dropped by, unannounced. You didn’t mind surprise visitors, but Vegeta was an exception. Every single time he came by, which had become noticeably more frequent, you made absolutely sure that he could not find a single reason to complain or nitpick. You were simply thankful Bulma was there to keep her dog on his leash. 
“Sorry for the mess,” you forced through grit teeth with a smile, before your face relaxed as your eyes landed on Bulma. “What brings you here? You’re not one for random visits.” 
“Right, sorry,” Bulma chuckled, brushing some strands of her azure hair behind her ear, glancing over at Vegeta as he tip-toed through the specks of dirt in your carpet. Bulma rolled her eyes at the dramatic saiyan, sighing. “I need you to keep an eye on him. I don’t really trust him to be alone at Capsule Corp., and my mom and dad are out on vacation. I’ve got a big workload on my hands and can’t deal with him right now. I’ll pay you good, I promise.” 
You wanted to say no. You wanted to tell both of them to get out of your house and never come back. Babysitting Vegeta could have perhaps been Bulma’s most unreasonable request for you. He had not been on Earth for long, and yet had antagonized you more than anyone. You rarely even showed your face at Capsule Corp. anymore because of the man. And Bulma was your best friend that you visited nearly daily for years. She knew how much you hated Vegeta. 
And yet, when she pulled the wad of cash out of her pocket, you immediately found yourself agreeing to the impossible task. Bulma’s payments were usually unreasonable amounts, as if the stack of paper zenni she handed to you was less than allowance money for her. It felt wrong to take, but what could you say? You were living independently in the city - you needed any cash you could get. Even if it meant spending a day with the most annoying being in the universe. 
As soon as Bulma had left, it was not long before Vegeta started to act up. He almost acted like a prepubescent boy at times, unable to properly convey his feelings, resorting to anger to vent. You had even made a point to clean up around the house so he wouldn’t feel so uncomfortable, but some of the things he complained about were unreasonable. 
“The geometry of your living space is poorly designed, woman,” Vegeta commented as he stood in the midst of your living room, looking around at the furniture. You rolled your eyes as you vacuumed the carpet, tuning his voice out. 
“Nobody is stopping you from just leaving. You hate all of us, I don’t understand why you continue to torture yourself on this planet,” you muttered, unsure if he heard you over the vacuum. You didn’t care much if he did or not, barely having the energy to speak to or at him. 
“I’m waiting for Kakarot to come back to this miserable planet. But I’m starting to doubt he will,” Vegeta said as he placed his hands on his hips, searching for more things in your house to nitpick about. You had done a pretty good job hiding things for him to complain about. 
“Maybe he’s avoiding you,” you said with a smirk at the idea. You would not blame Goku one bit if he was avoiding the entire Earth because of Vegeta’s presence. Vegeta did not find your comment very funny as his head whipped to your direction, glaring harshly. 
“Then I would track him down and drag him to this miserable planet to humiliate him in front of his loved ones,” Vegeta sneered, lip raised in a slight snarl, as if the mere assumption were the most offensive thing he’d ever heard. 
“Is it really that hard to accept that somebody doesn’t like you and doesn’t want to see you? I really don’t understand you, Vegeta,” you stood up straight as you turned off the vacuum, turning to glare at him. “You antagonize people on purpose, and then get mad when everyone leaves. What do you want from us? Why won’t you just leave?” 
“My business is none of your concern, woman. I suggest you close your mouth and not utter a single sound from now on, unless you really want to see what antagonistic looks like. I could put you through a world of misery with words alone, I haven’t done anything to you yet.” Vegeta’s harsh eyes stared into your soul, as if knowing you weren’t going to listen. He had been here less than a year, and yet knew you would not stand for such nonsense. 
“This is my house! I suggest you shut up if you know what’s good for you, asshole!” You yelled, leaning closer to his face. His warm breath hit your face as he scoffed, looking down at you as if he were so high and mighty. He was barely three inches taller than you.
“I could destroy you, and this house, and this whole planet in a matter of seconds if I wished. Your empty threats mean nothing to me, human.” Vegeta smirked down at you. That was your breaking point as your hand moved on its own. Even Vegeta found himself shocked by your sudden movement as your hand left its mark across his cheek, its shape searing into his cheek. Head turned from the sudden force, Vegeta stared at you with wide eyes, as if to let his brain process the attack on him. You expected him to blow up. You needed to gain control, fast. You would rather your house remained intact by the time Bulma returned. 
“Wh-What’s with the surprised look? Didn’t think a girl could hit you? Bet you’re completely smitten, huh?” Your face lit up like a lightbulb, cheeks burning as you smirked, watching his every muscle movement. You didn’t even mean for the words to escape your lips, but as they did, you knew you were dead. “You want to kiss me so bad, huh, Vegeta?” 
You saw the blush bloom across his cheek, making your hand mark burn ever brighter. That was the first time you had ever seen an emotion other than anger or pride on his face. But the view did not last long, as you suddenly found your vision obscured, his large frame right in your face, his lips connected to yours. This was an unexpected development, to say the least. 
His touch sent lightning through your nerves as his hands uncharacteristically gently slid up your arms, gloved fingers brushing over your cheeks. His kiss was soft, as if to show you everything he had been unable to get across before, many emotions flowing through one small touch. That one small touch, however, began to grow more desperate as Vegeta grabbed your shoulders, firmly pressing his lips to yours. Your scent was intoxicating, and every little jolt of electricity to his nerves sent him spiraling through his pent-up emotions even more. 
It wasn’t until your palms were pressed to his chest, trying to push him off, that he broke from his much-needed kiss. You stared up at Vegeta in surprise, watching many emotions flow through his dark pupils, before he finally came to his senses. You were pushed away, although much softer than you would have expected, his warmth pulling away from you as he left you standing there. He plopped down onto the sofa, sinking into the cushions as he crossed his arms, avoiding meeting your gaze. Your eyes stayed glued to him for a moment longer, before you let out a silent scoff, smiling in amusement. 
Vegeta had not uttered so much as a word after that. No more comments on her habits or appearance, no more jabs at her life and home. He had sat silently at her side, stealing glances at her every once in a while as she read her book in peace. And perhaps it was the cleaner environment, or just something in him beginning to bloom, but you looked much better than when he had shown up. 
And you weren’t sure if it was just the sunlight hitting him at just the right spot, or if he just looked like this when he wasn’t constantly raging, but Vegeta had a different look about him, almost a glow. Perhaps he wasn’t as bad as you had originally thought.
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
Bulma: How come you never say that you love me anymore?
Vegeta: I told you once. If anything changes, I'll let you know.
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dreadsuitsamus · 8 months
Will | Vegeta x Reader |
author's note: this is for the always lovely @miss-taura! i hope you're starting to feel better, or that you start getting better quickly!! rest and hydrate 🩷
pairing: vegeta x fem!reader
warnings: saiyan!reader, illness, mentions of death, mentions of frieza doing frieza things
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Anxiety clings to Vegeta's stomach as he marches to your room on the Frieza station— you weren't at dinner tonight. It's unlike you, unlike any Saiyan warrior, and worry nags the Prince to his bones.
Of the Saiyans left, you're certainly his favorite. The bar is low, with your competition being Nappa and the Radish-boy, but you're still quite the cut above them. And your lack of presence is irritating, rude, and above all worth a princely tantrum.
Pounding on your door, his patience is too worn thin to properly wait for an answer. You haven't responded with the half second between his harsh knocks, so obviously he's got every single right to invite himself in. It's dark but his scouter clearly marks your exact position in your bed, and he hears your soft groan as the light from the hall floods in.
"What the hell, 'Geets?" Congestion plagues your sinuses, and a fever leaves you with harsh shivers as you glare at Vegeta with blurry eyes.
Vegeta scoffs and narrows his eyes as he steps further in, kicking the door shut behind him. "More like what the hell is up with you. You skipped dinner."
You cough into your shirt, flopping down pathetically onto your pillow. "I'm not hungry."
"A Saiyan is always hungry." Vegeta's arms cross over his broad chest as he tilts his head— he's not sure if he's ever seen you sick, or anybody else on this ship, for that matter.
A cold trickle of fear suddenly drips down his spine; Frieza certainly would find no use in nursing any of his army back to health, and absolutely wouldn't tolerate a particular bug spreading amongst the force.
He can't lose you like this.
Too tired to argue with him, you wave a hand in Vegeta's general direction. "Leave me be, 'Geets."
Vegeta nearly growls— you're far too uncaring. Do you have a death wish? He storms out of the room and you're far too ill to wonder what's gotten into him before another terrible coughing fit assaults you again.
Your consciousness fades in and out, though the next time you come to for longer than mere seconds, it's at Vegeta's shaking of your shoulder. His touch isn't particularly gentle, the rare occurrence never really is, but you can feel his effort of holding back. "Mmm…?"
"Sit up and eat, and take this too." A platter from the dining hall sits on the nightstand beside your bed, and a small caplet is flicked your way.
"Where did you find medicine?" Throat scratchy and burning at even breathing, a soft cough follows your question.
"It matters not. Just use it."
So he broke an international law somewhere, got it.
Your legs rub together unconsciously, begging the resulting friction for warmth. A Saiyan rarely feels so chilled, but it's as if you're iced to your very bones. Vegeta's jaw ticks and he doesn't put much thought into the why before he's stripped off a glove and pressed the back of his rarely-revealed hand against your forehead. His memories of his mother are frighteningly fading, but that is one of the few that holds strong and he can clearly remember of his late mother. He was young and felt awful for perhaps the first time in his life, and her gentle hand measuring his fever did wonders as a cure compared to all the bedrest and tonics.
Your watery eyes meet with Vegeta's as he moves to touch each cheek, his knuckles dragging along your skin and bumping over your nose. Eyes guarded, he turns his head and pulls back his palm. "You're running a fever. Eat now, and take the medicine. You're to be cured by tomorrow, understand?"
This motherfucker is giving my illness orders!
Opting for a dumb nod, your attention focuses on what he's brought you. Nothing too capable of potentially upsetting your stomach, it's easy to devour even with your fatigue crawling back by the second and the shivering from your fever slowly icing you more and more. You can hardly even notice Vegeta's too-quiet demeanor as he stares a hole into the carpeted floor, though to not see such a stoic side of the rather bratty, barbarous man that typically wears a smile of evil would be impossible.
"Done." Voice hardly capable of more than a whisper now, you set the plate aside and, large pill laid out on your tongue, finish off the first of the gallons of water he's thoughtfully provided you.
"Rest." His order is swift and gruff as he turns to leave, but your voice, quiet and unsure, calls for him to linger just a bit longer.
"T-Thank you, V-Vegeta." The tremors of your body are harsh enough to make your teeth audibly clash together, and the thin blanket wrapped around you couldn't possibly be enough to dispel this fever.
Breaking the fever will allow the medicine to work, and a little sigh pulls from his lips. You certainly always manage to break down a barrier he places, and usually it's fully unintentional and unknowing. But he cannot lose the last woman in his life, the last of the Saiyan race, and that's what has him stripping to his underwear and climbing into bed with you.
"Speak not a word further. Rest." He grumbles and unravels your wrapped form, inserting himself under the blanket with you. The heat radiating from him nearly makes your head spin as you grab the Prince's body despite how unbecoming this all is. The touch of his body isn't exactly foreign, though it certainly is in the manner of comfort rather than the training you've always known.
Vegeta's hold is tight. It's his duty as your Prince to keep you alive, though the warming of his cheeks when he gets a glimpse of your sleeping face suggests to himself it may not be as noble as he wishes.
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ladymisteria · 3 months
My Favourite OTP Daily Video
Vegeta & Bulma - Everytime we touch
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