ilhamlek · 10 months
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rainbeausobsessions · 8 months
Been doing some world building for Angel Island because I just can't help myself, and I'm really digging into it's rotation around Mobius and how that effects literally everything - path of the sun, circadian rhythms, agriculture, seasonal festivals, timekeeping, etc. I'm going to have to amend some stuff in my fanfic, though.
Edit: I was gonna share some samples but I'm looking at my math again and I think I was super off base for some stuff, so now I've gotta rework everything. But based on the loose descriptions that we got in the old Archie comics, I'm running with the idea that the island travels most by jet streams, and I'm running with the southern subtropical jets for now.
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deepsaladcrown · 2 years
Attention: Nuclear bunkers are becoming a hot trend, with more than 50, 000 people already having bought one Interest: These underground shelters were built to protect governments and military leaders from nuclear attack.Desire: The majority of these bunkers have been abandoned and are now available for purchase.Action: Click here to learn more.
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beaches-in-word · 1 year
Vardanee Beach Krasnodar Krai Russia
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akkawi · 3 months
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late night taxi
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gojobait · 1 year
they should make a black sails that is about i briganti
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happyk44 · 4 months
Cracking open my Religio Romana handbook to check out what's going on next month and, since my Saturnalia post is making the rounds again, decided to write down some for anyone that would like to write some Jason/Reyna/Camp Jupiter religious shenanigans throughout the year 👍
This isn't all of them btw! I just grabbed a couple that seemed most interesting for their respective months or most relevant to the Roman babes
January 11th and January 15th: Carmentalia, two feast days in honour of Carmenta (goddess Juturna also celebrated on the 11th)
February 13th to 22nd: Parentalia, commemoration of ancestors and the dead in families
February 22nd: Caristia, family pot luck in spirit of love and forgiveneness
February 23rd: Terminalia, in honor of Terminus
February 27th: Equirria, first of two horse-racing festivals in honor of Mars
March 1st: original New Year's Day when sacred fire of Rome was renewed; Matronalia in honor of Juno Lucina; also considered the dies natalis (birthday) of Mars
March 14th: second Equirria
March 15th: Feriae Iovi, sacred to Jove (Jupiter)
March 17th: Agonalia in honour of Mars
April 1st: Veneralia in honor of Venus
April 21st: Parilia, rustic festival in honor of Pales, Roman patron goddess of shepherds and flocks, and the dies natalis (birthday) of Rome
April 23rd: Vinalia Priora, the first of two wine festivals
May 9th, 11th, and 13th: Lemuria, festival of the dead
May 15th: Mercuralia, in honor Mercury; Feriae (free day) of Jove (Jupiter)
June 3rd: anniversary of the Temple of Bellona
June 7th to 15th: Vestavia, in honour of Vesta, June 9th specifically is a die religiousus to her
June 24th: festival of Fors Fortuna
July 6th to 13th: Ludi Apollinares, games in honor of Apollo
July 14th to 19th: series of markets or fairs - not religious
July 17th: anniversary of the Temple of Honos and Virtus, sacrifice to Victory
July 23rd: Neptunalia, held in honor of Neptune
August 23rd: Vulcanalia in honor of Vulcan
September 1st: ceremonies for Jupiter Tonans (the Thunderer) and Juno Regina
September 20th to 23rd: days set aside for markets and fairs
October 7th: rites for Jupiter Fulgur (Jupiter of daytime lightning) and Juno Curitis
November 4th to 17th: Plebeian Games
November 18th to 20th: markets and fairs
December 1st: ceremonies at temples for Neptune and for Pietas
December 3rd: Bona Dea rites for women only
December 17th to 23rd: Saturnalia in honor of Saturn with public ritual on the 17th
Side note that I am not an academic, not religious, not a pagan, and not spiritual in any way. I just like reading about mythologies and how those stories/deities used to be, and still are, worshipped by people. Also helps when coming up with religions and stuff for stories. But that's it, I have one book and access to google/wikipedia and that's the depths on my knowledge on Roman polytheistic practices 🙌
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duckdotimg · 2 years
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Madre Illuminata, priora di Santa Margherita a Genova
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Daniela Ceccarelli
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Alpine skier Daniela Ceccarelli was born in 1975 in Rocca Priora, Italy. Ceccarelli had three World Cup podium finishes in her athletic career. At the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, she won the gold medal in the Super G, beating the favorite by .05 seconds. Ceccarelli also won two Italian national titles in skiing.
Image source
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rainbeausobsessions · 2 years
I'm in a mood, so here's Priora, a Sonic OC I first concocted around 16 years ago, and I'm playing around with her again so I redid her look.
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[image: round-faces snow leopard with a fluffy muzzle, long head hair going over the shoulder and a wide curl hanging between her eyes. Outfit includes simple oxford style shoes, a pleated skirt, plain t-shirt, purse, and a very large bracelet.]
Still not quite satisfied with her, so I'll probably revisit her look.
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aitan · 5 months
Mi sono deciso a vedere la serie Netflix "Briganti", ma già dalla sigla ricevo il primo shock e mi assale la nostalgia per la sceneggiato RAI di Anton Giulio Majano "L'eredità della priora". Un capolavoro del 1979 che si è intrecciato in molti modi con la mia vita. Ma non è di questo che voglio parlarvi.
Quello che voglio sottolineare è che tutte e due le serie si sono avvalse per la sigla della canzone "Brigante se more" dei Musicanova, ma, inspiegabilmente, in questa nuova versione ascoltiamo l'ultima strofa del brano, cantata dall'onnipresente Raiz, con una parola assurdamente modificata.
Omme se nasce brigante se more
Ma fino all'urdemo avimma sparà
E se murimmo menate nu ciore
È 'na *preghiera* pe' 'sta libertà
(È' na *preghiera* pe' 'sta libertà)
Ebbene, laddove nell'originale si diceva "jastemma" (bestemmia), qui si dice "preghiera".
Ma perché? E perché Eugenio Bennato ha concesso questa melensa modifica?
Mi chiedo se Carlo d'Angiò, coautore del brano, morto otto anni fa, sarebbe stato d'accordo.
Aggiungo che tutta la colonna sonora dell'Eredità della priora era di Eugenio Bennato e Carlo d'Angiò e fu raccolta in un album bellissimo dei Musicanova che ha fatto la storia della musica neo-popolare meridionale. Io conservo ancora il vinile come un cimelio stropicciato e graffiato dal tempo e sono andato a rileggermi il testo per vedere se per caso non fossi io a ricordare male.
Ricordavo bene e continuo a provare fastidio per questa parola edulcorata, ribaltata, stravolta.
Di certo questo condizionerà la mia visione dei Briganti di casa Netflix.
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reginarubie · 2 years
I know we are all here for HotD/GoT but I encourage ppl to go read G's newest I Medici fic. My friends, even if you give it a try knowing nothing about the fandom, it's gonna be a gem. And if you actually end up watching the series, it's gonna be THE experience.
Now, when I'm done promoting, let me tell you, it must be the first Giuliano/Simonetta fic I LOVED, the first one ever in my reading history where the author gets them — although I haven't read much in English for this ship. Because writers, unfortunately, often make the same mistake their surrounding made on the show — they cannot see behind the beauty. The were absolute loners despite getting attention from everyone (like, everyone was swooning at the sight of them both but knew nothing about them — neither Marco, nor I suppose any woman Giuliano has ever been with) and when they met, they just SAW each other. And that you captured perfectly. I'm absolutely sure this fic will give me what I want, for it's already deep enough. Once again I'm in awe of Simonetta's inner strength. It's time to let yourself go, queen! Marco's a jerk who, instead of trying to steal his wife's heart from Giuliano, breaks it even harder. Another proof he's not worthy. And he basically? Spoiled the conspiracy to her? I hope I got it right and there's still a lot of time before Easter. Priora suddenly seems to be nice. Ladies, unite for the greater good ✊
Ciao Anne!, first of all happy holidays!
Funny you would comment on that (and thank you for the advertising) as I’ve just updated the fic with a new short chapter!
I’m as always humbled by how much you hype me up!, especially since I always feel so little confident about it as well, especially this story! So thank you so much!
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It is true that Giuliano and Simonetta actually saw each other, they always felt seen by the other, and I’ve rarely seen Simonetta being so herself as when she was shown with Giuliano, also I wanted to bring to life that woman who refused to reject her own love to make a man feel confident, the same woman who stood her ground despite being ill and accused, and faced the consequences and death (in the show) without remorse remaining true to herself. And I am happy you enjoyed it, and again I wanna thank you because this story would not have seen the light of the day without your encouragement and prompting as I was (and still am) pretty self-conscious about it!
Priora and Simonetta united to make sure the de’ Medici survive this plight. Also yeah, she is an OC but I figured that since they gave the Cavalcanti brothers such an important role in the show I could add another Cavalcanti to aid the plot 😉
As always thank you for your support, Anne! I cannot explain how much it means to me!
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Sending all my love ~G.
Ps. for anyone interested this is the fic and you can find it here!
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She didn’t care if she looked out of place, if she didn’t fit into the perfect, reasonable and elegant courtier she was raised to be, a noble and elegant Madonna of the nobility. […] She stepped into the courtyard uncaring the cold winds flapping in her face and the mud gathering at her feet. — from the first chapter.
The title is actually inspired by the verses written by Poliziano about the tourney Giuliano won to crown Simonetta as his (platonic) love in Florence! (He impersonated Iulio, a young warrior who had to prove his worth through several quests to gain the love of the nymph — Simonetta — with whom he had fallen in love).
So anyway, thank you again Anne! Sending all my love ~G.
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aksmob · 12 days
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akkawi · 3 months
i have memed myself into wanting a Priora
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delaruecaalapluma · 12 days
Estreno de "La priora", obra teatral con Ana de Jesús de fondo
Se estrena hoy
EA Teatro de Albacete, en el marco de la programación ferial, presenta este viernes 13 de septiembre, a las 21,30 horas, La Priora, de Arturo Tendero (Albacete, 1961), con dirección de Paco Redondo, dentro de la séptima muestra de autores locales. Se trata de una pieza que reivindica el legado de Ana de Jesús como un crucial eslabón en la transmisión de la obra de Teresa de Jesús y Juan de la…
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