#priscilla davies
ellestra · 10 months
Better without action scenes
I waited a week to write down my thoughts about the Secret Invasion and I'm still not sure what they are. There were moments when I almost liked the show but then they were instantly squandered by some baffling and incomprehensible decisions.
It's one of those shows so hellbent on keeping its viewers guessing it becomes impossible to either track or care what is happening.
Peple concentrate on the things like bad CGI or boring fights but the truth is bad special effects never really stop people from engaging with a story (see Doctor Who or puppet shows). You will suspend disbelief if you want as long as the story is engaging enough. As long as you follow emotional journeys and plotlines. When they become all scrambled by trying to shock the viewer it all falls apart.
MCU uses to be really good at remembering that but recently they are slacking. It becomes an exercises of going from one cool idea to another cool idea but the connection between them seems to drawn by crayons.
Like everything between Fury and his wife was great. The history between them, the love, the hurt, the distrust and the longing was played beautifully and it was easy to believe it was always there throughout MCU even if we saw her the first time in second episode of this series.
Same with Talos when you can feel both the decade long friendship and all the times it failed. And generally a lot of word battles work great Fury with Rhodey and with Grvik and with Sonia (even if the final one is undermined by it not being Fury there).
But then you have everything that fails and most of it is plot. The need to keep us guessing leads to lack of proper set up of many of the plot points and then half of them is just dropped or leads to nothing. Like Skrull Council was pointless, so was New Skrullos, and so were the deaths in the end. The show introduces characters that seem important but they get couple of scenes that were so underwhelming you ask why even waste time on them - Pagan, Beto, Sonya's boss (what a waste of Tony Curran - again) etc.
What was the point of the rebellion against Gravik beside death of all those Skrulls he recruited? I'm sure the idea was something about him also selling false promises and then disposing of people he used just like he says Fury does but the show did absolutely nothing to sell it. Also the whole plan of killing 8 billion people so 1 (one!) million Skrulls have somewhere to live is ridiculous. Just like there being no other place in universe for them. One million is so little. With Superskrulls they could've just find themselves their own Knowhere.
It's worst with G'iah who is so enigmatic a character and the show tries to keep so many things about her in the is she or isn't she limbo there is no real sense of why she does anything. She seems to be close to Gravik but also not. She switches side to work for her father again but doesn't believe in him (she's right - his plan is one a teenager would thought out not a gown man who saw how humanity reacts to refugees for decades). She dies, she lives, she gets superpowers and the most reaction we get to all of it is when she is with Priscilla. Both her parents are dead. Everyone she believed in failed her and you can barely tell what she thinks about it. Or what she wants. She's just there. And I'm not blaming Emilia Clarke for it. I blame the show for trying to hide so much about her she ends up with no character at all.
They try to shock us with death of important characters like 4-5 times (Rhodey doesn't really count I suppose) with like half of those being fake out but instead of being shocked I ended up being just angry. Neither loss of Maria Hill nor Talos really did that much to make the story more poignant. It didn't even do that much for Fury's character development (his talks to Varra were much better at this). It all just left bad taste in my mouth. And the constant so who is really dead dead didn't help either. And the show doesn't properly emotionally engage with those deaths so neither do ewe as viewers.
For me the most ridiculous isn't the big battle but when Fury changes clothes in the mausoleum. It supposed to be this badass moment of him regaining his mojo or something but it just underwhelming. Like the whole show.
The less said about Ritson the better.
In the end my favourite parts where the ones with Olivia Coleman. This show justified its existence by introducing Sonya Falsworth and I'm actually looking forward to her and G'iah working together in the future.
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hibiscusbabyboy · 2 months
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1960s Coquette
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blackwomenrule · 1 year
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diver5ion · 11 months
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romancomicsnews · 10 months
Marvel's Secret Invasion wastes potential & fantastic actors - REVIEW
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I'll be honest, the announcement of Secret Invasion being adapted into a Marvel television series was somewhat disappointing. After seeing this story successfully adapted through Avenger's Earth Mightiest Heroes, and with the MCU's ever growing roster of heroes, it felt like a story well suited for the big screen.
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None the less, when it was revealed to be an espionage thriller centered around Nick Fury, with the feel of Captain America the Winter Soldier, I was very excited.
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As the cast grew, Ben Mendelson, Emilia Clarke, Cobie Smulders, Don Cheadle, Olivia Coleman, Kingsley Ben-Adir, I thought this show was going to be something very special.
Unfortunately, while most MCU shows have been a mixed bag, none have been more mixed baggier than Secret Invasion.
Before I get anymore deep into this rant, I must say:
I will say a few nice things to start.
Excellent Actors
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Although I think many of these actors were wasted as far as how much screen time they had, and their role within their show, the show is ridiculously stacked with talent and it's a delight to watch.
Olivia Colman, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Don Cheadle and Ben Mendelson are highlights to me, but Samuel L Jackson, Emilia Clarke, and others are also fantastic.
Colman as Sonya I think will leave this show as a fan favorite, and possible eventual successor to Fury. She has a good mix of fun energy and intimidation, and clearly is having a ball.
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Don Cheadle's "Rhodey" is for once doing something interesting in this show. As a secondary antagonist, Cheadle is able to chew up scenery as a Skrull and be a sinister rival to Samuel L Jackson, for once using Cheadle's fantastic acting skills properly.
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While Gravik is an ordinary Marvel villain by all means, Ben-Adir gives him an anger and viewpoint that feels fresh. His monologue facing Fury in the final episode really brings the pain out for me. I don't know if he'll work as a character for others, but for me, due to the performance, Gravik is a step above many others.
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Solid Ending
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Secret Invasion ends on some very interesting notes, and I think overall sticks the landing where other MCU shows fail.
Wrapping up the story of Gravik with a giant Super-Skrull fight (which was a lot of fun), it leaves the MCU in a very interesting place, with the President calling on all aliens to be considered enemies.
This leaves assassinations running rampant, Skrulls on the run, and people anxious and scared.
This leaves Sonya and a new super G'iah as uneasy allies to protect the Skrulls and mankind.
This also pushes Fury to keep his promise and go up to Saber to continue his mission with his wife.
Overall, I like this ending. It sets up good stakes for earth that aren't just multiversal stakes. We can feel the ramifications of this show for years to come, and seeing what Fury, Sonya, and G'iah do next does excite me.
Plus, who doesn't love a Super Skrull fight?
Excellent Complicated Love Story
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I think often where reviews and reviewers fall short is complaining about what a show isn't as opposed to examining a show for what it is.
While part of me thinks this isn't the time for a Nick Fury love story, I also have to point out that this is a great love story.
Charlayne Woodard as Nick Fury's wife Varra/Priscilla Davis adds an excellent layer to Fury's character.
While the chemistry is there, the acting performance between these two were captivating. There is an excellent scene where you have no idea what each character might do, guns on the table, talking about their past mistakes.
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This was by far my favorite scene of the show.
It also brings to light many of Fury's flaws and possible prejudices, and gives you a firsthand look at what Skrulls go through on a daily basis.
Overall, I loved the inclusion of Varra, and would love to see her pop up more often.
But now on to my problems with the show. Starting with:
Meaningless Deaths
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While a story like this definitely needs death to carry weight, I'd argue two characters die for absolutely no reason.
First I'll talk about is Talos. This fan favorite character dies in my opinion the saddest death. At the end of Talos' life, he has lost his wife, his daughter has lost faith in him, he has been stripped of his seat at the table of the Council, he has lost the faith of his people, and he just dies.
Now, a death like that you think would impact our main characters in any sort of significant way. But Fury, like with most deaths, has no reaction. It does not change or effect Fury's view of himself, he does not reflect on his regrets. You'd assume he was a nothing soldier, not a brother in arms.
But at the very least we got more Talos this season before his fatal end.
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Maria Hill and Cobie Smulders deserved so much more.
Besides her death being used as leverage for the world to be after Nick Fury, which truly doesn't affect him at all, Hill's role is simply to die to imply stakes.
Using Maria just to die in such an unheroic way is really insulting to the character. When they killed Coulson, at the very least they did it with him trying to protect one of our heroes. Here, she is tricked by Gravik, and dies doing nothing of importance in the series.
I think having another character to provide a view point between Talos and Fury's argument of the Skrulls could have been beneficial. And having a larger group of agents would've added to the drama of who you could trust, who is really a skrull.
Instead they wasted not one but two of Marvel's most underrated characters.
Twists we see Coming
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Rhodey being a skrull, G'iah not being dead, even G'iah being Fury in the final battle were all rather predictable twists. While there were genuine moments of suspense and shock, none of these worked for me.
Perhaps if they hinted strongly The President was a Skrull, and it was revealed it was actually Rhodey, that might've worked more for me, or hiding G'iah is alive for a few episodes. But instead none of them felt particularly hard to figure out.
Easy to figure out who you could trust
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The point of a Secret Invasion storyline with many characters is to not trust anyone.
With the exception of Rhodey, Ross and Fury (ONE TIME), we don't get anyone impersonating our heroes. No one pretends to be Talos, or other MCU heroes, and Fury's crew is easy to trust throughout the entire show.
They do a half-hearted reason as to why Fury can't call other Avengers but really the best reason was right under their noses: he doesn't know who is real. That should've been the driving force of the show. Fury putting all his best mates to the test trying to figure out who he can trust and undo this invasion.
That's what a Secret Invasion story is.
All in all, Secret Invasion has just enough weight and great performances to warrant a watch and maybe even a future. It surprisingly sets up a second season very well, even with two protagonists who aren't Fury.
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If this were to continue, it definitely needs to push the stakes, the conflict, and more than anything, the suspense. We should all be like Agent Prescod wondering desperately as it goes on, who do we trust?
If not, I'm afraid this show is destined to be forgotten in the middle of the road of the MCU.
Thank you for reading! If you'd like to support me, you can:
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gatutor · 7 months
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Priscilla Lane-Johnnie Davis "Varsity show" 1937, de William Keighley.
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eljeebee · 6 months
Out of all the files I transferred on my cousin's drive, I think I forgot to move the folder where I keep Priscilla's pictures (that also contains Tony, Albert, and their stories written in Word)....my dad opened the laptop up, reset it (which made my user account removed), and I think I saw my files still there (?) because it still shows how much space I have left on Disk D (it's around 300 gb, which checks because that's how I left it before my laptop got busted)
Anyways, might tell my dad to enter his PIN so I can transfer the folder if it's still there
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midnight-star-world · 11 months
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MSR 6-17-23 Midnight Star Report 6-17-23
So today I will be bringing you the Top 20 Country Music Songs for the week of 6/17/23 with the help of both CMT (Country Music Television), the Billboard Country Music Airplay Charts, & even myself. So let's get started right now.
Number 20 belongs to Kelsea Ballerini who is dropping 2 spots this week - IF YOU GO DOWN (I'M GOIN' DOWN TOO).
Number 19 belongs to Morgan Wallen who is dropping 2 spots this week - One thing at a time.
Number 18 belongs to Luke Combs who is moving up 1 spot this week - Fast car.
Number 17 belongs to Tim McGraw who is new to the list this week - Standing room only.
Number 16 belongs to Kane Brown who is new to the list this week - Bury me in Georgia.
Number 15 belongs to Hailey Whitters who is returning to the list this week - Everything she ain't.
Number 14 belongs to Bailey Zimmerman who is dropping 7 spots this week - Rock and a hard place.
Number 13 belongs to Shane Profitt who is moving up 2 spots this week - How it oughta be.
Number 12 belongs to Parmalee who are staying in the same spot as last week - Girl in mine.
Number 11 belongs to Jelly Roll who is moving up 3 spots this week - Need a favor.
Number 10 belongs to Keith Urban who is dropping 6 spots this week - Brown eyes baby.
Number 9 belongs to Jon Pardi who is staying in the same spot as last week - Your heart or mine.
Number 8 belongs to Justin Moore, & Priscilla Block who are moving up 2 spots this week - You, me, and whiskey.
Number 7 belongs to Scotty McCreery who is dropping 1 spot this week - It matters to her.
Number 6 belongs to Old Dominion who are moving up 2 spots this week - Memory lane.
Number 5 belongs to Jordan Davis who is moving up 8 spots this week - Next thing you know.
Number 4 belongs to Megan Moroney who is moving up 1 spot this week - Tennessee orange.
Number 3 belongs to Tyler Hubbard who is moving up 8 spots this week - Dancin' in the Country.
Number 2 belongs to Carrie Underwood who is staying in the same spot as last week - Hate my heart.
Number 1 belongs to Morgan Wallen who is staying in the top spot for another week - Last night.
And that's a wrap for the Top 20 Country Music Songs for the week of 6/17/23 with the help of both CMT (Country Music Television), the Billboard Country Music Airplay Charts, & even myself. Thanks as always goes out to both CMT, & the Billboard Country Music Airplay Charts for doing their weekly Country Music Song Countdowns. And thanks as well goes out to you for taking the time to read this weekly list. See ya all next time.
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whileiamdying · 1 year
Tina Turner Dead at 83: Full Recap
The legendary singer died at her home in Switzerland on Wednesday, May 24
By Zoey Lyttle and  Maria Mercedes Lara Updated on May 24, 2023 07:04PM EDT
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Tina Turner, the iconic singer who was dubbed the "Queen of Rock'n Roll," died on Wednesday, May 24, at the age of 83. Her publicist Bernard Doherty confirmed to PEOPLE that she died in her home near Zurich, Switzerland. 
"Tina Turner, the "Queen of Rock'n Roll" has died peacefully today at the age of 83 after a long illness in her home in Küsnacht near Zurich, Switzerland. With her, the world loses a music legend and a role model," Doherty said in a statement. "There will be a private funeral ceremony attended by close friends and family. Please respect the privacy of her family at this difficult time."
As the front-woman for the Ike & Tina Turner Revue, Turner's performance prowess made her and her then-husband Ike Turner one of the most electrifying acts of the 1960s, serving up high octane covers of "Proud Mary," "Come Together," and "I Want to Take You Higher." Turner eventually struck out on her own as a solo artist in the '70s and became a star in the MTV age with hits like "What's Love Got to Do with It," "The Best," and "Private Dancer."
We'll be documenting live updates as celebrity tributes flood in and the world remembers the legendary performer.
Cher Remembers Tina Turner
Cher joined MSNBC to speak about her relationship with the late Queen of Rock. The "Believe" singer revealed that she was previously aware of Turner's illness and made an effort to "put in the time" for their friendship in her final years.
"We were perfect friends for each other, truly," Cher added. "I swore like a sailor and she never did."
Bryan Adams Remembers Tina Turner
Bryan Adams, who toured with Turner several times and recorded the hit duet "It's Only Love" alongside the powerhouse musician, shared a photo of them together via Instagram. "RIP @tinaturner I'll be forever grateful for you bringing me on tour with you, going in the studio together and being your friend," he captioned the post. "Thank you for being the inspiration to millions of people around the world for speaking your truth and giving us the gift of your voice. My condolences to Erwin and Tina's family. It's Only Love...and that's all."
Magic Johnson Remembers Tina Turner
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Basketball legend Earvin "Magic" Johnson shared a photo of himself with Turner and Elizabeth Taylor to Twitter and wrote, "Rest in peace to one of my favorite artists of all time, the legendary queen of rock n’ roll Tina Turner. I’ve seen her many many times and hands down, she gave one of the best live shows I’ve ever seen. She always gave you your moneys worth."
Tina Turner's Daughter-in-Law Pays Tribute
Afida Turner, who's married to Tina's late son Ronnie, posted a photo to Instagram alongside the caption: "I WAS JUST TALKING ABOUT YOU 5 MINUTES BEFORE WHEN I ARRIVED IN NICE. HOW MUCH SHE LOVE SOUTH FRANCE : REST IN PEACE MOTHER IN LAW."
Michelle Williams Remembers Tina Turner
Michelle Williams of Destiny's Child shared her thoughts in the comments underneath the Instagram post confirming news of Turner's death. "You’ve meant so much to us!!" Williams wrote. "Your courage, strength, resilience, and uniqueness have been some of the main ingredients of your blueprint!! Rest well!!!"
Rod Stewart Remembers Tina Turner
"I’m devastated, what a women!" said Stewart in an Instagram tribute. "A friend and mentor - ‘It takes two’ - but there was only one Tina Turner 💛
Bill Clinton Remembers Tina Turner
Bill Clinton tweeted a fond memory of Turner following the news of her death.
"I loved Tina Turner and will never forget meeting her when she came to Little Rock for a concert after releasing Private Dancer in 1984. We met again on her 67th birthday in St. Petersburg, where she and Elton John sang for a charity event," the former president shared. "She still had it--talent, style, energy, and authenticity--a priceless gift to music lovers everywhere. May she rest in peace."
Ringo Starr Remembers Tina Turner
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The Beatles drummer shared his condolences on Twitter: "God bless Tina turner, peace and love to all her family," he wrote, signing off, "Ringo, peace and love."
Diana Ross Remembers Tina Turner
Diana Ross responded to the death of her friend on Twitter.
"Shocked. Saddened. Sending condolences to Tina Turner’s family and loved ones," she wrote.
Ann Wilson Remembers Tina Turner
“Miss Tina lived an amazing life, full of drama and pain and in later years anchored by Buddhism," said singer Ann Wilson in a statement. "She showed what courage was and danced through her life on those mighty legs as an inspiration to us all. Rock on Angel!!”
Angela Bassett Remembers Tina Turner
Angela Bassett is remembering Tina Turner's legacy.
The actress portrayed the rock 'n' roll icon in the 1993 film What's Love Got to Do with It opposite Laurence Fishburne as Ike Turner. After news of Turner's death at 83 on Wednesday, Bassett wrote on Instagram, "How do we say farewell to a woman who owned her pain and trauma and used it as a means to help change the world?"
"Her final words to me — for me — were, 'You never mimicked me. Instead, you reached deep into your soul, found your inner Tina, and showed her to the world.' I shall hold these words close to my heart for the rest of my days. I am honored to have known Tina Turner," she said.
Gayle King Remembers Tina Turner
"Who did not love TINA TURNER?!" King captioned an Instagram photo of her and the late star. "What a honor to get to know her, and love her up close. Simply the best is not cliche when talking about Tina... Time to grieve & celebrate her life...
Priscilla Presley Remembers Tina Turner
In an exclusive statement to PEOPLE, Priscilla Presley shared Turner's meaning in her life and her late husband's.
"Tina Turner was one of Elvis’ favorite performers. When she took the stage, it was pure magic," she said. "I remember how she held an audience with an energy that was undeniably pure Tina! She has left a remarkable legacy and will be sorely missed by all.”
Dionne Warwick Pays Tribute to Tina Turner
"Another long time friend has made her transition. Not only will I miss that eternal ball of energy named Tina Turner, but the entire world will also find this void in their lives," Warwick said in a statement. "My condolences to her husband and other members of her family. Rest in Peace my friend!"
Roberta Flack Remembers Tina Turner
The singer reflected on her memories with Turner in response to the news of her death.
"We went to Ghana together in 1971 for the Soul to Soul Tour. Her meteoric energy on stage was in such contrast to her gentle, kind and quiet demeanor off stage," said Flack. "My friend, Tina, thank you for inspiring us to always be everything we were meant to be–regardless of life’s challenges. A woman without limits. You will always be my hero."
Mariah Carey Remembers Tina Turner
Mariah Carey posted a photo of Turner on Instagram to celebrate the late legend's life.
"The words legendary, iconic, diva, and superstar are often overused and yet Tina Turner embodies them all and so many more - an incredible performer, musician and trailblazer," Carey wrote. "To me, she will always be a survivor and an inspiration to women everywhere. Her music will continue to inspire generations to come. Rest in Peace, Queen ❤️."
Inside Tina Turner's 37-Year Romance with Erwin Bach
Tina Turner found her king when she met her future second husband Erwin Bach at an airport nearly 40 years ago. The music legend opened up about her romance with Bach, now 67, in her 2021 HBO documentary Tina.
"He was [16 years] younger [than me]. He was 30 years old at the time and had the prettiest face. I mean, you cannot [describe] it. It was like insane. [I thought], 'Where did he come from?' He was really so good-looking. My heart [was beating fast] and it means that a soul has met, and my hands were shaking," Turner recalled in the film.
Inside Tina Turner's Health Struggles
Throughout her longstanding 60-year career, the Queen of Rock was often vocal about her health struggles, which date back to 1978 when she was diagnosed with hypertension.
She detailed the experience in an interview with the European Health Kidney Alliance explaining, "I can’t remember ever getting an explanation about what high blood pressure means or how it affects the body. I considered high blood pressure my normal. Hence, I didn’t really try to control it."
With her condition left untreated, Turner suffered a stroke in 2013 just three weeks after she wed her husband, Erwin Bach. Her health took a turn for the worse again in 2016 when she was diagnosed with intestinal cancer.
After experiencing unpleasant side effects from her initial treatment, Turner turned to homeopathic remedies, which only worsened her condition and led her to have total kidney failure. She received a largely successful kidney donation operation from Bach in April 2017, though Turner still experienced mild symptoms. 
Martha Stewart Remembers Tina Turner
Martha Stewart is remembering the good times with Tina Turner, who died on May 24.
Following the news of Turner's death, Stewart shared a sweet shot of the two legends. In the picture, the musical icon and lifestyle expert are tucked under the covers and smiling widely, looking like close friends having a slumber party.
“We loved Tina Turner. Goddess, Performer, Wonder Woman ! We will miss her so much!!!!!!!!!” Stewart wrote in the caption. 
Mick Jagger Remembers Tina Turner
Mick Jagger mourned the loss of his “wonderful friend” on Instagram, where he shared throwback photos of Turner and himself on stage.
“I’m so saddened by the passing of my wonderful friend Tina Turner,” the Rolling Stones rocker captioned his post. “She was truly an enormously talented performer and singer. She was inspiring, warm, funny and generous. She helped me so much when I was young and I will never forget her.”
Ronnie Wood Remembers Tina Turner
Jagger’s bandmate Ronnie Wood also shared some words and snapshots in Turner’s honor. 
“God bless you Tina, the Queen Of Rock And Soul and a dear friend to our family. Love and prayers to all of Tina’s family, friends and loved ones,” Wood wrote alongside a carousel of pictures with the late singer. Two of the photos saw Turner with Wood’s twin 6-year-old daughters, Gracie Jane and Alice Rose, during their toddler years.
Tina Turner's Manager, Roger Davies, Pays Tribute
Turner’s longtime manager, Roger Davies, paid tribute to the late Queen of Rock in a statement to PEOPLE. 
“Tina was a unique and remarkable force of nature with her strength, incredible energy and immense talent,” the music producer said. “From the first day I met her in 1980 she believed in herself completely when few others did at that time.” 
He continued: “It was a privilege and an honour to have been a close friend as well as her manager for more than 30 years. I will miss her deeply.”
Elton John Remembers Tina Turner
"We have lost one of the word’s most exciting and electric performers. A total legend on record and on stage," Elton John wrote on Instagram. "She was untouchable. Condolences to Erwin and her family. The saddest news."
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sunlessea · 1 year
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tag dump part 3 ... zailors !
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avileworld-org · 6 months
Revue Magazine #16 Fall/Winter 2023 Covers
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Magazine Revue [IG], Model Adit Priscilla [IG], Aweng Chuol [IG], Bo Exters [IG], Dhyani Kandagama [IG], Electra 3000 [IG], Enya Davis [IG], Photographer Estévez and Belloso [IG], Iñigo Awewave [IG], Jim C. Nedd [IG], Thomas Rousset [IG], Zhong Lin [IG].
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diver5ion · 11 months
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And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth.
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gyamfieric · 7 months
New days...
New works
New deeds
"Three shadows remembering light" 2023 as part of the group show in and out of time curated by Ekow Eshun, Gallery 1957.
Production assistance from Nicholas Kwame Ansah, Yaw Donkor and Jibril Salifu Construction by Gershon Gidisu
📸 by yours truly
Godfried Donkor
Priscilla kennedy
Zanele Muholi
Yaw Owusu
Lyle Ashtonn Harris
Serge Attukwei Clottey
Gideon Appah
Amoako Boafo
Kwesi Botchway
Tiffane Delune
Timothy Arthur
Todd Gray
Kenturah Davis
Juliann Knxx
Shiraz Bayjoo &
Tunji Adeniyi-Jones
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josephinekhawaja · 11 months
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I imagine there will be people to romanticise the marriage of Mr and Mrs Fury, but I think the 'Beloved' reference packs a punch in not being about the toxic romantic relationship of Nick Fury and Vaara, but the platonic relationship, friendship, between her and the woman whose face she took, Doctor Priscilla Davis. That sharing broke my heart, though the interaction started out in the same toxic intent of Use. Even so, it was Doctor Davis, dying in the knowledge that some form of her would live her life and fall in love, who got to in that fragment of time imagine herself beloved on the earth.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Joan Crawford (Dancing Lady, Mildred Pierce, The Women)— God, where do I start!!! Her face is so UNIQUE and compelling and stands out so much. I love her thick brows and high cheekbones. She has a school-marmy hardness too her that makes her a little scary and therefore sexy. Her low thick voice also does it for me. Despite being an unusual looking woman with an unusual face, she never loses her glamour. Just a gorgeous talented actress, AND she was some sort of gay!!!
Priscilla Lane (Arsenic and Old Lace, Saboteur, The Roaring Twenties)— I see Priscilla Lane in Arsenic and Old Lace every year during my Halloween rewatch, and I always love watching her. She had a rubber-face for comedy, while still looking adorable no matter what funny face she’s making. She seems to have had a slightly fuller mouth than was the thin-lipped vogue at the time, and every time she pouts at her forgetful new husband, she looks so gosh-darn kissable that you understand completely why Cary Grant is so wild to get her on the train to Niagra for crazy honeymoon sex. No wonder this movie nearly got Hayes coded for the newlyweds being too hot for each other.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Joan Crawford:
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I just love women that are very mean.
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she was a smoke show in every decade, from the 20s to the 60s.
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The classic matronly beauty with amazing eyebrows
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of course there's a space for MILF joan but i want to just take a second and say she was so cute in her early movies (like grand hotel and the women)! those parts often get forgotten but her stardom shines in them just as much as in her older #queen #icon roles
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Misremembered for wire hanger hatred, this original screen queen mastered the art of the comeback and refused to let Hollywood toss her aside as she aged. The term “auteur” is usually revered for directors or writer-directors, but most critics have one actor they’ll give that title to as well: Crawford—anyone who knows classic movies already has a “Crawford picture” in their head. She knew how to style herself and promote herself. She made herself a star and kept herself fixated in the Hollywood firmament. What’s hotter than knowing just how hot you are?
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(don’t think about Mommie Dearest right now) Joan was known for being super nice to all the like crew of the movies she worked on and she’d get everyone gifts. Joan would hold movie nights at her house and knit at the back of her home theater. Joan was sooo obsessed with other women including Greta Garbo, whos dressing room she would obsessively and purposefully walk by. She said that while working on Grand Hotel, Garbo grabbed her face and “if there ever was a time in my life where I would’ve been a lesbian, that was it.” But like Joan also probably did sleep with women including Barbara Stanwyck. Joan was so obsessed with Bette Davis, screening multiple movies of hers in a day at her watch party, constantly trying to spend time with her or do a movie together, insisting on the dressing room next to hers at Warners and sending her daily gifts… etc. Once Bette said that sex was gods joke to humanity and Joan said “I think the joke is on her.” Joan fucked a lot. Joan got caught publicly fucking a man and sent a letter to the woman who saw them basically saying “I bet it excited you” and the woman was like you know what. It did. Joan was best friends with a gay man. Joan was an actually genuinely good actress even though people mocked her a lot for being like cheap and stupid (partially because she never finished school because her family was broke). Joan was so insane and so cool that’s all.
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Priscilla Lane:
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minkyungseokie · 2 months
Where I write for an actor or any of the characters they have played
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Finlay MacMillan
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