#prism au
canidaedreams64 · 15 days
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recently learnt about the ancient arts of the colourjins and felt like making my own one, so behold, lavenderjin
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candlecoo · 2 years
Prism of Izuku; An AU in which Izuku was born with seven quirks, however six of the seven quirks were tied to the seventh; Prism. Like light traveling through a Prism, Izuku had six other aspects of himself with each one tied to another color of the rainbow with Izuku representing Green as the base personality and core of their being. Each color and personality like Izuku having a unique hair color, hair style, and eyes tied to their color of the Rainbow Spectrum. Each personality existed in coexistence with the rest although as the Core, Izuku or Green as he was referred to by the others spent the most time out and about although it didn't take much for another personality to step up.
So this sorta borders on the same concept as that one dissociative identity disorder ask I got awhile back, which I'll state again, I am uncomfortable writing about since it is a rather serious topic and I feel like I wouldn't do it justice.
So I'm gonna tweek this prompt a bit. Sorry in advance
- so instead of the different colors revolving around personalities, the changes revolve around the color in light that Izuku chooses to absorb(like how flowers are certain colors cause they absorb different amounts of specific colors).
- each color has a different light based ability that is associated with it.
- Izuku was born with white hair, but since he turned four it can be most often be seen in it's green state being that green allows Izuku to absorb light for energy and to heal himself, like an advanced photokinesis.
- pink allows Izuku to project a healing light that can only heal others.
- red allows Izuku to solidify light into a tangible force.
- orange allows Izuku to use light to create illusions.
- yellow allows Izuku to create blinding flashes of light that stuns people.
- purple allows Izuku to turn invisible.
- blue allows Izuku to create lasers and rays with light.
- Izuku wishes to become a hero and is encouraged by his teachers and classmates since he has a powerful quirk.
- Katsuki has an even greater inferiority complex being that he isn't the "strongest" or the "best" which would cause a rift between the two.
But that's all I got for now.
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atomicbell · 11 months
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Prism Shadow brainrot 😭✋🏻
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son1c · 1 year
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what if?
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art-of-the-sea · 4 months
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redemption arc au go bbrrrr
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kingzombear · 26 days
zombear can we have more infected (or non) ponies from you
Embarrassed to say even tho I promised I'd do a follow-up to my og MLP Infection AU I was like
"What If My Old Cringe Pony Ocs Were A Zombie Survival Team"
Sooo oops this is all I've got rn lol
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Prism Leech is an escaped doctor from the Rainbow Factory - the origin point of the outbreak in this AU. (Rainbow Dash isn't affiliated with the Factory in this one, don't worry)
The Spectra Mutagen was originally synthesized in an attempt by the Factory's medical team to maximize harvested Spectra (the raw pigment in ponies) due to a steady decline in Flight School failures over the years.
This mutagen instead, upon infection, overloads the body with Spectra. This induces fever, hallucinations, madness, then finally death and reanimation.
Infected of most stages are easily spotted by the bright over-saturation of their coats, manes, and eyes; along with rainbow blood and bile.
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Prism's the team leader and healer, although her bedside manner sucks, as she's thoroughly desensitized to tragedy and gore - a result of her Factory upbringing.
She escaped during a riot by infected prisoner test subjects and plucked her own feathers to ensure she could never return to the sky.
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carnation-damnation · 2 months
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"Well?" @son1c
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arkos404 · 5 months
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fanart for the personality swap au, the lawful joke au, by @chaosaliien
love makes you blind fr, prism bailed immediatedly afterwards, here some of the other fits he tried before tho (yes scrabby reacted the same way to all of them)
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,,,,,also tagging @flaint and @rateater2000 bc they said they were looking forward to it 👉👈 sorry it took this long lol, some of the refs below
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IEYTD Actor au!
So imagine that the games are actually seasons of a sitcom. So each game it's own season. All of the characters are just that, characters and everyone is an actor. That being said, John Juniper is just John Juniper. He (like Wil Wheaton who plays him) will occasionally do cameos as himself in tv shows. So they ran with it and were like "hey do you wanna play yourself but as a way more egotistical version who ends up being a lackey for Dr. Zor? You get to die an epic death at the end?"
And of course he LOVES the idea. I expect you to die is one of his favourite shows after all! So he says yes and they film his season. He gets really attached to everyone and he is very sad that "he" dies. But then they air the season and people are outraged that John died! Or at least... Some people are.
It becomes one of those things like "who shot Mr. Burns?" In the Simpsons and the "sherlock didn't die when he fell" of Sherlock. Like people genuinely believe that it's all a ruse and it sparks outrage through the fandom. There are theories and debates about it. Even into season 3 people are looking for clues that John is coming back.
Then they approach John like "hey I know you are literally the best actor in the world now and this is just a silly little spy sitcom but will you please come back to make the fans happy?"
And he is overcome with joy! He ends up becoming the biggest thing that's ever happened in television history and all of the others (Phoenix, Roxana, Reginald, ect) all LOVE that their silly little show has become the most highly anticipated show ever.
So like is this a valid au? Can we make this happen?
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neurotonic · 3 months
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rotating some ideas in my mind ... Thinking of an AU where they have to work together and trust one another for the whole thing. Phoenix isn't part of the Agency, so they don't have an implant nor the infamy from the games. I think they'd still have an extremely lucky streak though. Prism's still doing kinesium research, and for many reasons her expertise becomes quite a demand.
I have some more thoughts rotating in my mind but yeah! They don't really get along at first...Well, Roxana mostly. Sometimes Phoenix acts so goofily she can't imagine them being a competent bodyguard...plus she'd already been planning to hand her research over to Zoraxis, so having a companion that the Agency gave her is. Infuriating.
Phoenix on the other hand is just happy to be here :]
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atomicbell · 11 months
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Stage 2 of Prism Shadow 🤧
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son1c · 1 year
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art-of-the-sea · 24 days
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"He grew only darker as days and nights passed ..."
Propaganda for considering Shadow Milk Cookie's side of an angsty relationship:
- Your identity and power are ripped from you, you're deemed a monster/beast, and then locked in solitary confinement for over a thousand years, and now the person using your power is literally considered to be the good in you that it's they think is impossible for you to have
- You're so used to lying and manipulating others that you're not sure if you're worth trying to save. Even the person that trusts you most, that wishes to see you healthy, doesn't even believe fully that you're capable of change. You know this because you can literally feel his soul.
- He is everything they wanted you to be. Everything they expected you to be. They hurt you so deeply- it makes you want to hurt him and corrupt him too so he feels how you do, but at the same time he's so innocent, so naïve and kind. He wants the best for you despite everything. Could you live with the guilt of doing something like that to someone that practically used to be you? At the same time, is it unfair to not reveal to him the truth that you see and cover up, of how broken the world really is?
- Is there a way to begin again when you've already drowned in the shadows? Even if someone wants to help you, can you bring yourself to pull up and out of the emptiness you've been suffocating in? Can you manage to unlearn those hurtful habits? Can you even manage to muster up the desire to in the face of everyone hating you and what you've done?
- Are you worth it? Are you necessary? Are you a person or just a beast to be locked away and forgotten? Are you real? Do you feel real? This person so deeply tied to you represents not just your hopes and dreams but how blinded you were by not seeing the underlying truths of the world. This person makes you feel real. This person makes you feel, for just a fleeting moment, like you're something to be cared for tenderly instead of vilified and thrown away. This person makes you feel the AGONY of being torn between the desires you locked away for being too idealistic and the reality of the life you've experienced before this.
- You're in his shadow. This will probably never change. No matter how much he loves you, you will always be his shadow.
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liqu3d · 4 months
Bru just confessed to his crush 💞👊💥
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I don't remember drawing these two for Valentine
@chaosaliien au >:D
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salezmanradioz · 2 months
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I ❤️ U
More affectionate stuff with Prism and Phoenix (Polyblank) + more info in tags
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dontvap0rdawave · 10 months
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Assorted Mafia AU things... Hey it's fun to draw
Separate drawings bellow the cut
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