#prismo x yn
bozzowl · 6 months
can i please get some Prismo NSFW headcanons? (and maybe some SFW ones if you're feeling up to it, please). I read your scarab one and I just love your sense of humour
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Since he can interact with things like buttons on his remote, he can definitely slide onto you and "push your buttons"
Can wrap himself around you, both on and under your clothes
Can clone himself to add to the experience
You won't see his dick unless he makes it appear
Since he can change sizes and can stretch himself, he could definitely make it bigger or smaller depending on your preference.
I'm not sure if blowing him would be like slurping a fruit-rollup, but that's what comes to mine since he's 2D. Unless, you're in the 4th dimension with him in his 3d form where you can suck him off properly
Could easily dom and put whatever outfit he wants on you; however, since he's laid back he could also have you do all the work
Unless you can get to the 4th Dimension where you can find him in 3D, it would be hard to dom him unless he lets you.
Likes to watch
Given how he can see whatever he wants on his TV wall, he can easily watch you shower.
Will send you flirty notes, especially when you bend over to pick something up. Like, "you look nice from this angle" " 10/10 would smash" "Only do that for me, ok? ;)"
would pull up a cube and have you bend over while he slides over your back. holding onto the cube so he could get you from behind
will hold your legs apart and pull you against the wall during "fun time"
Will slide onto a body pillow so you can wrap your arms around him
Since he can eat (since he has mention eating and given the trash in fionna and cake)I assume he teleports his food into the 4th dimension. Therefore, imagine he can teleport you there with him so he can "eat you".
It's entirely optional: Can slide over a dildo so he can be inside you, or a flesh-light so you can be inside him. Unless you're in the 4th dimension with him so you don't have to
Chances are he probably watches porn on the TV wall
Since he can prepare rooms like the golb room in Fionna and Cake, he could easily prepare a sex dungeon if he wants
writes cute/smut fanfics about you and him together.
If you sit on his crotch, he gets flustered
As mentioned previously, he could slide onto the body pillow, this can also be fore cuddling each other while watching TV
Likes to hold your hand
will let you sit on him, and hold you close to him
will summon your favorite snacks because he likes seeing you happy
will help you out and give you advice when necessary
gets flustered and that cute awkward laugh when you flirt with him at first, but will feel more confident after getting to know you.
When you're leaning on the wall, will playfully boop you on your side
tickle fights
lots of cuddles and kisses, affection galore
Loves to listen to you about your hype-fixations
will show you how he makes worlds and characters on his laptop
Has a room dedicated to keeping pictures of you and y'alls moments together
sends you pickles, and makes a special batch for you on valentines day
He calls you his "sweet pickle" and "babe"
Given how the Nightmos can move around without a surface to cling on like in that one episode where Finn and Jake get the old man, I like to believe that Prismo can do that too but choses not to.
Here's some things I want to point out:
He can turn his head! this is canon! He does it a few times, and so far its either this or he flips it like turning a coin. I noticed it when re-watching some episodes (Prismo specifically) so I took screenshots
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As for the "3D in the 4th dimension" as mentioned before, this is possible according to the Comic book Adventure Time: The Beginning of the End. There's one panel when Jake is inside the 4th dimension where it shows him encountering a 3D Prismo. Not everyone considers comics canon, but its canon enough for me. Especially since I've read a lot of fanfics where Prismo becomes 3D for YN, I figured this would be an interesting detail to include based on the comics.
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I wanted to include these because it will affect how I write fanfics regarding Prismo, especially the headcanons. Plus, I figured you guys would like to see these anyways.
Also if y'all want to read it yourselves, its easier to just get the full comic book instead of ordering each comic separately, as I made the mistake of ordering few copies of the same one since they have different art on the covers.
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shinyredball-blog1 · 9 months
If Prismo can be trapped into a cube, can you trap him in other ways too? Like, can you put a blanket on the floor and wait for him to slide across it before scooping him up? As far as x readers fics go, as much as I like the idea of him becoming 3d for YN, what if he just slipped onto a body pillow? Like… it’s possible… like, he can slide over… other things too… 👀
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bozzowl · 5 months
HIIII!! i was wondering if i could request something? i’ve been waiting so long for someone to write about this but i’m too lazy so i’d thought i’d ask you ahahsjf i love reading your adventure time stuff. Could you make headcanons for prismo and scarab dating the reader? like polyamorous or three way relationship. would like nsfw if possible but sfw or both is awesome too :D feel free to write it however you want i’m not picky i just want content of them auuuuuajdjdjg thank you very much bro ahauaf :))
Of course! I love writing for you guys! :D
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I've made some headcannons before, but since you asked…
Dating Head Cannons:
Loves cuddles, very affectionate.
Can clone him self, imagine two or three Prismos cuddling you
Watching the multiverse together
Likes sitting with you in the hot tub to relax and vent
Can either slip his arms around you hold you on his lap as you sit back against the wall, or teleport you into the 4th dimension so you can cuddle his 3D form
Will turn his head while in 2D form to wink at you
Will bring you your favorite snacks (calls you his "favorite snack")
Does not like talking about dinner every night, so its either fend for yourself or pick somewhere to order food from.
Very flirty, likes to tease you
Likes to wrap around you and can move your clothes (or put you in something cute) with a snap of his fingers.
Writes Fanfics with you and even some about you
Checks on you sometimes with his TV Wall, even if you're in the shower and "taking care of yourself"
Can have three ways with you via Prismo Clones (might even watch everything as a third)
Can change the size and length of his body (and dick, tho he usually hides it)
Lovemaking is usually slow paced and gentle (can go harder)
After care, lots of it!
Can take charge in bed, open to suggestions. Can literally tie you up with his limbs.
Lots of kisses, even on the forehead
Will make a batch of pickles just for you
game nights and movie dates
You're invited to ALL the parties
Will dance/vibe with you
Making out is cute and flirty, will kiss your neck. soft kisses and loving eye contact
Loves it when you sit on him/ touch him
Will take care of you
Sleep overs
Loves hearing you go off on your hyperfixations
Not as cuddly, but can be very passionate
Also dominate
Likes it when you pet his tiny bug forms and take care of them (will not admit it)
Will clean for you, especially if you are sick
Tea and coffee dates, takes you out to dinner and long walks at night
Wears the Pants in the relationship
Can change the shape, but limited on sizes on his dick as a shapeshifter
Likes missionary, though would go full bug mode from behind (like a beetle)
If YN were to be pregnant or thinking about kids, he would bring home a dung ball (because thats what scarab beetles do)
Likes to dance with you
Brings you flowers, he knows the names of them and symbolism
Would rather undress you slowly, so he can admire you
He will protect you, call you his darling
Will respect your privacy, unless you let him watch
Can be rough in bed, likes to roleplay. Will een go as far as to shapeshift, even during sex
Makes goofy noises in bed (like in that deleted scene where he laughs goofy) and will tell you not to tell anyone about said noises
Will use all four arms to hold you, can also use them to pin our hands above your head while he holds your hips during funtime
face places swing open when he cums
will tease you and likes it when you beg
cuddles you from behind, will actually stay awake if ya'll are sleeping somewhere away from home to make sure you stay safe (As the God Auditor, he has enemies so he'd wanna protect you)
Making out gets hot and heavy quick. handsy and may even use both tongue and Proboscis (straw tongue)
Will give you seductive looks and sweet talk you
Will touch your chin when flirting and caress your face
Likes your butt
Thinks you look hot in midevil clothes
Will help train you to fight
Hugs from behind with neck nuzzles and kisses-
Same stuff mentioned previously applies
You three would have to communicate everything clearly and specifically
Prismo is more so at-home dating, Scarab will go out with you
If Scarab feels you're spending more time with Prismo compared to him, he will either talk to you about it or try to take you somewhere just you and him for a bit ("It's My turn with YN...")
Both will cuddle you. Prismo will have you lay on him, Scarab will lay on you. Either that or one on each side
During funtime, Prismo will hold you down from behind while Scarab fucks you. Threeways and taking turns
If both are 2D, they would get a bed ready for you so you can be a wishmaster too (may or may not have argued over who's bed you'd be sharing with them). They are open
Prismo is cuddly compared to scarab
Scarab is more assertive, Prismo is more passive
There's no point in lying, Prismo can easily rewind and see what really happened on his TV wall. This helps settle arguments
Sometimes you would have to be the tie breaker in decisions
They both have your back, will support you however they can. Prismo is more emotional support, Scarab will back you up in an argument with someone and may even cite his sources to help you prove a point.
Both would die for you
Both will call you out if you do something wrong.
Prismo is more honest and to the point, will even explain things you need to know. Scarab is blunt, will also tell you things you need to know, stress the importance of it and may drop hints
Sometimes you will walk in on Prismo and Scarab Kissing each other
Will ask you to join if you walked in on them during sex
If Prismo is upset, he will vent to you. His place might be a mess
If Scarab is upset, he will be quieter than usual and visibly irritated. He feels better when you let him vent
Nightmos will protect you
Nightmos my either fight over you if more than one or will team up to have their fun with you (with consent ) they also like to scratch your back during sex
Old man Prismo will vaguely remember you, will mention dreaming about you and may remember small details from when he was dreaming. He will trust you and like being around you.
Old man Prismo's hugs feel like clouds because of his big soft beard
If you got into trouble, Scarab will help you out best he can (after a REALLY long lecture about it) because he cares about you
Prismo may or may not have already made gender bent versions of you and him happily married in Fionna World
Scarab has a picture of you in his wallet, and even some extras of you and him with couple's photos that each include a different form he can take. That way he can bring about you while undercover as his spouse. This not only make his disguise more believable, it also makes it so he can safely look at you two together while undercover
Scarab writes you into his midevil mystery drama fics as his self-insert's love interest
Scarab likes DnD, but won't admit it
Prismo is the DM for said DnD
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bozzowl · 9 months
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bozzowl · 9 months
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Prismo x reader comic where Prismo needs to borrow YN's tools. However, he accidently grabs their other "tools" instead...
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bozzowl · 8 months
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Doodle dump
Also, for YN, should the “yn” be the eyes or keep on the hat?
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bozzowl · 22 days
hey can i request for headcannons for a scarab x higher up reader and how he is such a simp for them
Alrighty! Higher up YN x Scarab HEADCANNONS! :D
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Ok, so I’m assuming that YN is higher than Scarab’s position and might be in the disciplinary department so…
Higher up YN:
• as a YN, their position or role can vary depending on the request.
• Possible job positions: a member of the Judgement Hall, could be an Attorney, or Orbo’s right hand (or Big Boss’s right hand?). Could also be a parole officer, Lieutenant, detective, or one of the Big Boss’s Agents. YN could be the person Scarab has to hand over the Egged individuals to for processing…
- I’m not entirely sure of the hierarchy, but YN could be any position, even a Cosmic FBI of sorts. It depends on what you guys request.
• Like Scarab’s Crystal, you guys get a winged orb that functions similarly.
• you guys can use the pendant for more complex disguises
• depending on how you want YN, they could either be a friend of Orbo’s or Orbo could fear them due to him bending the rules (like for Prismo or threatening Scarab for example)
• You guys are basically seen as super cool and can go on James Bond level missions for more major crimes and investigations.
• YN could possibly be undercover to find out if the gods are bending cosmic rules and could act on it depending on the intentions and severity
•or YN can be more laid back like Orbo and just keeps track of Scarab’s missions, could also be the person who sends him the missions directly.
Scarab X YN Higher up:
• relationship could be kept secret due to work related reasons or it could be open, depending on the request.
• Scarab likes to meet up with YN on the way to the judgement hall to talk about his missions. May even show who he has egged and share gossip about the reason behind the misdemeanors
• Scarab likes to stop by your office EVERY TIME he comes by to drop off delinquents for Judgement
• Sometimes you are tasked with joining Scarab in missions depending on the violation. (Sometimes he exaggerates a little in hopes that they send you… and specifically asks for you…)
• you end up with flirty E-mails from him, often sent as an attachment to the report he gives you. You could be responsible for reviewing the reports for record and court purposes.
• your favorite snack on your desk, every day.
• if you’re on your day off, wherever you hangout at, Scarab would find excuses to be there too. Pretending he happens to be going that way specially just so he can see you and talk to you
• investigations together
• will act more professional than usual around you, even going as far as to check his breath and outfit to make sure he looks good when seeing you.
• Scarab wears cologne around you, might even try on your favorite scent if you like it
• even when he’s busy, he texts you
• insists on having a picture of you and him together, each pic with a different form of his. His reason being that he can “pretend you’re his spouse for mission purposes” for “cover stories” to make his disguise more believable. When it’s actually just so he can get away with looking at pictures of you two together without blowing his cover during missions.
• Scarab will arrange candle lit dinners for YN
• Scarab could bring YN flowers, usually red roses. YN may occasionally come home to a rose petal trail to their bedroom… 👀
• YN can get involved to help Scarab when he’s in too deep and needs help
• YN puts a good word in for Scarab after the Fiona and Cake incident
• even after the incident, YN visits Scarab and they read fan fiction together. Where Scarab writes them either as two warrior knights who fall in love after many dark souls-like quests together… OR he writes you as the person in distress and he comes to rescue you in the most dramatic way. (May or may not be Shakespeare inspired…)
• scarab would rescue you if you needed it
• He shows YN his face more often, feels more comfortable and himself around YN
• He will ask YN to join him for a Steak out. Could be legit or an excuse to sit alone in a car with you… 👀
• He speaks highly of you, even defending you behind your back
• He shivers and makes bug noises when he thinks of you, like when a person gets goosebumps a shiver down your spine in a good way kind of way.
• only you can dance with him, especially if dancing in bug terms can be used for courtship
• he brings you a dung ball every spring (for obvious reasons…)
• he will fight for you and gets pissed if someone hurts his precious YN
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bozzowl · 7 months
X Reader Suggestions?
I plan on writing x reader fanfics for you guys. If you would like me to write something specific, let me know and I'll do my best. I plan on focusing on Fionna and Cake x readers, tho I'm down for something else if you suggest.
BTW you must be 18+ for these requests
I'll do:
*I can write based on your head-cannons
*Describe BDSM
*Breeding kink
*I'll do art to go with it if you ask 👀
*It doesn't have to be x reader, I can ship other characters if you wish
*Comfort (character cheering you up)
*create and describe a fictional pet for YN to have (like if you want an emotional support cobra that is pink and fuzzy, I'll add that in)
what I won't do:
No underage shipping
Examples of what I could write:
Primso x reader where Prismo reads some fanfics to YN or shows YN different worlds on the TV wall to cheer them up
Scarab x reader where scarab tries to A) arrest YN who commits space crimes. B) checks on them randomly to "sure they are doing their job properly" but it's secretly an excuse to talk to YN because of his job :D
Simon x reader where YN tries to help Simon move on from Golbetty, then slowly fall in love with each other in the process
Fionna x reader where Fionna meets YN at one of her many jobs before the events of Fionna and Cake, YN attempts to flirt with Fionna but she's oblivious at first. (unless you want it the other way around where YN is oblivious)
Farmworld Finn x reader where Finn heads into the market for something and meets YN, YN later comes over to help Finn on the farm
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bozzowl · 9 months
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A little sneak peak of this YN x prismo comic...
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