#prison break vid
freakinator · 4 months
Spoke: "It's so sad that you don't see what is happening right now."
Wemmbu: "What?"
Spoke: "It's..."
Spoke: "Like..."
Spoke: "It's honestly embarassing how you've been entertaining this for this long."
Wemmbu: "Embrassing on your part."
Spoke: "I mean look at you, man..."
Wemmbu: "You don't have a stasis, you're about to die, bruh."
Spoke: "Like, the fact you take everything at face--"
Spoke: "I mean, it's sad how you take everything at face value, like, you just assumed me being here would make sense."
Wemmbu: "I'm not saying it makes sense, I'm saying it doesn't matter 'cause you're dead."
Spoke: "And that's your problem, bro."
Spoke: "You understand this will eventually lead to... your death, right? It may not be here but..."
Spoke: [chuckle] "It's definitely..."
Spoke: "I don't think you understand that you've already lost."
Wemmbu: "Okay, yeah, yap it up, buddy."
Spoke: "Every second that you spend here is one more second to me."
Spoke: "Where did my fire res go-- oh, it's my totems."
Wemmbu: "Yap it up, buddy."
Spoke: "Doesn't matter, Wemmbu. It doesn't matter."
Spoke: "I can sit here and continuously eat."
Spoke: "I'm not gonna outdo this."
Wemmbu: [laughs]
Spoke: "I don't think you understand, Wemmbu."
Spoke: "Just keep going, man."
Wemmbu: "Uh-- y'know, I popped you once, I'm gonna pop you... a-again."
Wemmbu: "And..."
Spoke: "Keep going."
Wemmbu: "Yeah, okay..."
Wemmbu: "Oh, we can play this game. I break all your armor..."
(overlapping) Spoke: "Keep going, Wemmbu."
(overlapping) Wemmbu: "And you--" [unintelligible] "--long enough."
Spoke: "Oh, you almost got me, Wemmbu."
Wemmbu: "So, like... you gonna get bored of this anytime soon or, like..."
Spoke: "Doesn't even matter, Wemmbu."
Wemmbu: "You're the..."
Wemmbu: "You're the totem monster."
Spoke: "Doesn't even matter, just keep going. Keep going, you're almost there, you almost got all my totems!"
Spoke: "You really shouldn't have placed that enderchest, I won't lie."
Spoke: "Alright, well..." [shoots lots of arrows]
Wemmbu: "Got your boots."
Spoke: "Try to find me, man, try to find me. Try to find me, man." [stasis's away]
Wemmbu: "Aw-- oh."
Wemmbu: "Alright, well, I don't really have a choice."
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marurumai · 6 months
ykw fuck it im gonna be honest. i have not watched a single dsmp stream, and i dont regret anything.
the fandom has shaped my knowledge of the dsmp. and honestly i wouldn't have it any other way
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nonasuch · 11 months
Did you ever write more to the "vader finds out that leia I'd his daughter" story?
No but it’s been percolating in my head for a while so let’s go
(continuing from this)
The first thing Vader does is cover his tracks. Wipes the security cameras for the whole cell block, wipes the prisoner logs, makes sure that no trace of Leia’s capture or escape will be in the files synced daily with Imperial Center. Puts in transfer orders for that nervous junior officer to somewhere very far away and very quiet. Saves only one short vid clip, to the secret hard drive hidden in his own respirator.
I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m here to rescue you.
While he’s doing this, his children (children! plural!) are getting themselves into trouble, and out again. Apparently the trash compactor was involved. He will have more footage to scrub. Somehow they’ve acquired a Wookie.
Kenobi is with them.
Vader should have foreseen this. Of course, Kenobi.
His presence saturates the Force, nearly drowning out Luke— and Leia, too, now that Vader knows to look. It’s enough to break Vader free from the chill of shock, his rightful fury seen as through a window right up until it shatters, and engulfs him again.
But he forces it back. He wants answers, before he kills Kenobi.
(I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m here to rescue you.)
He hasn’t played the clip again, but it echoes in his ears nonetheless.
When he faces Kenobi, Vader is still off-balance. Kenobi seems as calm, as unruffled as he ever did, though he’s far too obvious in buying time for Leia and Luke to attempt an escape.
Vader asks him: “Do they know?”
“You’ll have to be more specific,” Kenobi says, light and unconvincing.
“You kept them from me,” Vader says, and that is a thought that feeds the Dark, that lets him hammer at Kenobi’s saber until he’s nearly past his guard—
“I kept them from your master,” Kenobi says, his voice still even and pleasant and false, hardly betraying his exertion.
“I’ll kill you for this,” Vader vows.
“I expect so,” says Kenobi. “I swore I’d die before I let Palpatine harm another child in my care. If dying will keep them from him, it’s well worth the cost.”
(I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m here to rescue you.)
By the end of this speech Kenobi recovers a little of his old skill, turning Vader’s blows aside instead of merely bearing up under their weight. Too soon, Vader falters, losing the momentum of rage. They both fall back to defensive positions. Any living troopers have long since cleared the area; the whole deck is a ruin of saber gouges and shattered armor.
Vader rarely speaks without thinking. The nature of his breathing apparatus makes this a necessity, more often than not. But the words escape him anyway.
“Who named them?”
And now Kenobi is the one who falters. It is satisfying, if short-lived. “Their mother,” he says. “With her last breaths.”
A long time ago — a lifetime away — there was a list of names. Two lists, really, to start with, and then another of the names held in common to both. No record of it survives, not even on the hard drive hidden next to Vader’s heart.
On Naboo, children are often named for virtues. A child might be called Aluuk, for kindness, or Alié, for wisdom.
On Tatooine, a child’s name is the parent’s hope for its future. Perhaps Lukka would grow to be free; perhaps Leyah would grow to be fierce.
And perhaps they have. Vader does not know. Kenobi took that from him.
Vader won’t kill him yet, though. He still has questions.
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 9 months
Shaken Not Stirred
Summary: Reader attends an investigation with her boyfriend Sam and best friend Colby. Unfortuantely for her, it doesn't quite go as smoothly as she'd hoped it would.
TW/CW: Reader gets scratched by a ghost and scared a few times. Sam Golbach x Reader
Requested?: No
A/N: Writing a spoopy imagine while watching spoopy Sam & Colby videos all with the lights off aside from red lights to up the spoopiness is fantastic. Surprisingly, I'm less spooped than I would be just watching Sam & Colby vids with the lights on and not multitasking lmao.
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As we stepped into the abandoned, slightly decrepit haunted prison. We had spoken briefly with a friend of our guide outside before starting this tour and she had warned me, “Girl you are braver than I am.” Upon tilting my head at her, she continued, “I won’t ever step foot in that place after hearing so many stories from other ladies. Stick close to your boys.” Apparently, the entities in this place enjoy messing with and scaring ladies the most.
Colby’s voice brings me out of my thoughts, “Dude, look at this place!” I scan my eyes around the immense entry hall. The cement walls impose a sense of dread. The stuffy sour smell of the place makes my stomach roil.
I instinctively inch closer to Sam who’s at my side. I can already tell the warning wasn’t falsely founded. Just being in here makes me feel extremely uneasy and very unwelcome. Dating a paranormal investigator means I’ve visited plenty of haunted locations but this one was much worse than any other.
As our guide began the tour, I practically glued myself to Sam’s side making him look down at me. “You alright?” He questions, concern written plainly across his face.
I think for a moment before nodding, “Yeah just already feeling unwelcome.”
The guide breaks in, “Ladies typically do feel set apart from the gentlemen. As this was a male only prison, they don’t typically take kindly to female visitors.”
Sam looks even more worried now, “You can always sit this one out.”
I shake my head, “I’m alright for now but I’ll let you know if I need to step out.” Sam nods as our guide takes that as his cue to continue on. The first bit of our tour goes pretty quietly. Just as I am starting to loosen up and shake the uneasiness, I hear someone or something whisper yell very closely to my ear. Having stepped away from Sam, I race back to him and nearly leap into his arms.
“What?!” He questions, voice full of worry, “What happened?”
I look up at him and then around at our group, fear etched across my face, “Did you guys not hear that?” Everyone shakes their heads spurring me to explain, “I just heard something whisper super loud in my ear. Like, I don’t know how you guys didn’t hear it.”
Sam wraps his arms tighter around me, “Do you need a minute?”
I bury my face into his chest to take a few deep breaths before shaking my head, “No, I’m alright. Let’s keep going.” Carrying on with the tour, I keep my head on a swivel and my hand tightly clasped around Sam’s.
By the time we begin our investigations, I’ve loosened up again. Sam sets out the two flashlights after explaining for the video what they do. Colby also sets out a REM pod and shows the camera what it does. As everyone steps away from the devices, the REM pod starts going nuts. “Alright, I guess that’s a good sign that we should get started,” Sam states to the camera. The boys begin bouncing around questions and receiving responses but the REM pod just keeps screaming at us.
Finally, having had enough of the high pitch shrill, I gave up my courage and speak up, “I’m sorry to interrupt boys but whoever is beside our little red light over there could you please step away? It’s starting to hurt my ears.” The device goes silent immediately upon finishing my sentence. Sam, Colby, and I look at each other in shock before they continue on with questioning the flashlights. After only a couple questions and answers, I jump close to Sam. Something had just whispered again. I bury my face in Sam’s chest once more as he rubs my back.
“I heard that one,” Sam says more to Colby than me, “There was a whisper.”
Colby shakes his head, “I didn’t hear it but she sure did,” he says motioning to me. I back away from my shelter and motion for the boys to continue.
After a while and a couple of investigations, Sam and Colby decide it’s time to bring out the Estes Method. As Colby goes under, Sam leans over to whisper to me, “Do you want to sit this one out?” I shake my head but take his hand in mine. Sam begins asking questions and immediately receives answers. As the questions get more intense, I hold Sam’s hand even tighter trying not to show how terrified I am. I know that if Sam knows how scared I am he’ll cut it and we’ll leave.
“Is there anything specific you’d like us to know before we leave?” Sam asks. We receive, “Yeah,” from Colby just as something grabs the back of my neck. I leap from my seat and scream so loud that Colby yanks the headset and blindfold off looking around slightly panicked. Sam jumps up to collect me in his arms, checking me over as I try to calm my shaking and my eyes dart around trying to pinpoint the source of my fear.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Colby asks, standing from his chair.
Sam, whose inspection has brought him around behind me, waves Colby over out of the corner of my eye. Colby steps behind me as I feel Sam lower the back of my shirt slightly and lift my ponytail. “Holy shit,” Colby mumbles as I see a flash and hear a camera shutter.
I hide my face in my hands as Sam gently spins me around to face them. He places his hands on either side of my face, “I’m here. I’ve got you. You are safe,” he pauses taking a deep breath, “Do you want to see it?”
I nod shakily, knowing he’s referring to the picture of whatever is on my back. Colby shows me the screen of Sam’s phone. There is four long scratches from my hairline to between my shoulder blades, thankfully not drawing blood. Saying nothing I simply bury my face in Sam’s chest once again and his arms immediately wrap around me. “She’s shaking,” Colby notes.
“Yeah, we need to leave,” Sam states already moving toward the exit. Colby collects the gear before quickly catching up to us. About halfway to the car, Sam stops and lifts me into his arms. Once we reach the car, Sam opens the passenger door and gently sits me down in the seat. I clutch onto his shirt, not wanting him to pull away but he takes my hands in his, kissing them before placing them in my lap and squatting down in front of me.
Sam brushes my hair away from my face and that’s when I finally notice the same fear from my face copy and pasted onto his. His hands shake slightly as he kisses my forehead. Looking into my eyes once again, “I love you but the next time I see you so shaken just walking into a location, you’re sitting out or we’re leaving. I can’t stand the thought of something happening to you.” I nod my head and finally seeming content that I’ve calmed down he stands, “Pull your legs in, Darling.” I do as instructed before Sam closes the door and makes his way over to the driver side door as Colby slides into the backseat.
Colby leans forward and pats my head as Sam cranks the car and begins exiting the property. “You’re gonna be okay, Kid,” Colby affirms before he leans back to get comfortable for the ride home. Colby’s always been like a brother to me and no matter how well he hides it, I know he’s just as scared as Sam and I. Sam takes my hand in his as we make our way back to the hotel.
More Sam Golbach Imagines
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whumpofalltime · 1 year
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friends, enemies, lurkers, we've made it to the
Whump Of All Time Finals!
What's the whumpiest whump of all time? Help us decide!
Find links and propaganda under the cut. Quarterfinalist and later match-ups are untagged, so your votes and reblogs matter! Make sure you click through to the main blog to find the run-off poll to crown third place, as well!
(spider attack, rescue)
"The Lord of The Rings, when Frodo gets bitten by a giant spider and left for dead by Sam at the end of The Two Towers, and then when Sam finds him in The Return of the King being held prisoner and whipped by an orc."
The Young Blood Chronicles (Save Rock and Roll's music videos, Fall Out Boy):
"Everyone gets bloodied, bruised, beaten up, tortured, rescued, limbs are amputated - it's brutal. Alone Together is particularly strong."
sorry for being late, but you want YBC propaganda? then you're getting YBC propaganda. I know you're a FOB fan, but I will be writing this for the benefit of those who don't know what YBC is, for better propaganda purposes! and yeah this is gonna be LONG. sorry.
So! The Youngblood Chronicles (shortened to YBC) is a series of 11 music videos made by the band Fall Out Boy, for their album Save Rock And Roll (you know this album, it's the one with My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark on it). The whole thing is quite short, less than fifty minutes long (even shorter if you don't count the uncut version's credits!!), and every single music video has some element of whump in it. This propaganda is gonna break down each individual music vid, and at i'll also talk a little bit about the irl context the album was written in, and why even THAT can be a little bit whumpy if you're insane like me!
(note: i'm going in the original release order over the uncut order, hence why i'm starting with MSKWYDITD instead of The Phoenix)
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark: Arguably the least whump-y out of all of them, but man, seeing all of Fall Out Boy's discography and memorabilia be burnt while people are dancing around the destruction? Man, when you know the real life stuff (the reception the band had in 2009, leading to them to take a three year hiatus)... and at the end, you see four guys bound in the back of a van!! And that van is getting burnt!! Burn everything you love and burn the... ashes.
The Phoenix: NOW here's the first of MANY whump tastes you'll get. Patrick Stump, the singer/cutie of the band, gets kidnapped, tied to a chair, has his hand CHOPPED OFF and mailed to his bandmate/best friend Pete Wentz, then gets tied down and utterly tortured by women who are laughing at his misery the entire time, getting prodded and stabbed by tools for... well, you'll see. By the end of the video, Pete and the other two members of FOB (Joe Trohman and Andy Hurley) have been kidnapped by these mysterious women too, with Pete specifically getting kidnapped by the blonde woman he was in bed with when Patrick's hand got delivered to him. If you enjoy cute boys getting tied down, covered in blood, and writhing around like worms while getting tortured... well you'll enjoy all of YBC but specifically you'll enjoy this!! I did :D! The war is won, before it's begun, release the doves, surrender love...
Young Volcanoes: Good news, FOB has been reunited! Bad news, by the women who dismembered Patrick! And now all the band members are tied to chairs, hooked up to IVs full of god knows what types of drugs, and blindfolded (all except Patrick). They are then forced to drink, snort hard drugs, and are force fed Patrick's organs! Yep, all four of them are forced to eat their lead singer's guts, and are so fucking drugged up they don't even realize what's happening (and now you know what the women were doing to him in the last mv, and you even get a nice little shot of the hack job of stitching him back up)!! Patrick hallucinates everyone having fun, but of course, at the end, all of them are knocked out because of the drugs. Americana, exotica, do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby?
Alone Together: This is the song the OG propaganda mentioned, and for good reason. All four of them are shipped off into little personalized torture rooms, and, well, tortured! Pete is able to break out and even steals the hook from the girl who was torturing him, but little does he know that'll be his own undoing... also, in general, this song has some whumpy elements, specifically the line "my heart is like a stallion/they love it more when it's broke-in"... but notice how easy it is to hear "broke-in" as "broken"! At the end of the video, Pete is at least able to find Patrick (Joe and Andy have NOT been having a good time, either!! But sadly, they aren't found by Pete, but Pete DOES find Big Sean), and is even able to attach the hook to the stump (ha!) where his hand used to be. But something is clearly wrong with Patrick now. His eyes are yellow, and as the song ends, we hold on him, sneering and twitching. This is the road to ruin - and we're started at the end...
The Mighty Fall: First off if you say this is the worst song off of SRAR I will hunt you for sport. OKAY ANYWAYS, chronologically this comes after MSKWYDITD, and yeah, the four guys are the members of FOB. Pete is able to free himself with Patrick's new hook hand, and is able to get the other three out while Pete is hacking up a lung from the fire they just barely escaped. But they're not done getting their shit rocked yet. A gang of children show up (the leader being the kid Patrick waved at right before he was kidnapped back in the Phoenix MV), and proceed to separate them and beat the living shit out of them. The leader kid who's chasing Patrick plays something on a boombox... which triggers Patrick to go yellow-eyed again (from here on out i'll call it "going Youngblood" or "Youngblood self"). It was confirmed in the commentary track that ANY music would cause him to go Youngblood. And knowing Patrick IRL fucking loves to create/compose music... yeah! Take something he loves and turn it into something that drives him insane!! I'm normal!! And also the irl parallel you could draw to his solo career doing the same thing to him (on a less uh Dramatic level but you know)!!! Ouch!!!! Big Sean is able to save Patrick, but at the cost of his own life (and a killer rap verse... HELL YEAH I'M A DICK GIRL, ADDICTED TO YOU). Oh, how the mighty fall in love...
Just One Yesterday: The last vestiges of comfort you're gonna get for a WHILE. The four are separated, getting even more beaten up, Pete vomits up a snake, Andy gets his shit rocked by a homeless guy, Joe has to use white sheets as a makeshift tourniquet bc his leg got fucked up in The Mighty Fall MV, and Patrick is picked up by a kind stranger (hi Foxes! you have a very pretty voice! PLEASE KEEP YOUR HANDS ON THE STEERING WHEEL!). And finally, finally we get a hope spot. Fall Out Boy is reunited (the part where Andy just grabs onto Patrick's arm, in disbelief they're both alive... augh!!! AUGH!!!!), and for a moment, it seems they've been delivered to a hospital... before Foxes' eyes go completely black, looking at Patrick... and turns on the radio. She's able to trigger the Youngblood. And now Patrick is gone. The other three scramble into the hospital, Patrick not far behind, determined to kill them to stop the noise in his head. If Heaven's grief brings Hell's reign, then I'd trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday...
Where Did The Party Go: Patrick, now fully consumed by the Youngblood brainwashing, is now stalking his bandmates in a hospital. Patrick is seeing visions of the hospital as an abandoned party, Andy has to painfully disinfect the wounds he's gotten, Pete is able to call for the police, and Joe... oh, poor Joe. He barricades himself into a room, but not well enough. Patrick finds him, and kills him, slitting his throat with the hook hand, showing no remorse at all... until Andy and Pete find them. The Youngblood wears off, and Patrick looks to what he's done, and is horrified at what he's done to his friend. And, bad news for him, the police are here, ready to arrest the murderer. All Andy and Pete can do is watch as tears roll down Patrick's eyes. And for the extra IRL context, this was the first song written for the album that made Pete and Patrick realize they had to get FOB back together... so lets match that with a music video where the member who helped get the band together in the first place dies. By the hands of the kid he found. Let's fade away together, one dream at a time...
Death Valley: Joe gets... uh, a little comfort? I mean, he thinks he's getting sent to heaven but goes to hell, buuuuut I think doing drugs in rock and roll hell with Tommy Lee is actually a pretty sweet deal, better than the deal the other three got! Pete and Andy are being interrogated while Patrick is in a jail cell. We find out that the cult that kidnapped them, Silence the Noise, is lead by Pete's girlfriend from WAAAAY back in the Phoenix MV, Courtney Love. And at the end of the MV... Patrick is bailed out of jail by Silence the Noise. They have him again. And this time, they're not gonna let him walk out until he's fully under their control. 'Cause tonight it's just fire alarms and losing you...
Rat a Tat: Silence the Noise has Patrick, and they utterly brainwash him, A Clockwork Orange style, with electroshock stimulation to keep him from looking away or closing his eyes, until there is nothing left. Patrick Stump does not exist anymore. Only the Youngblood, pliant under the control of Silence the Noise, tasked to destroy what he once loved; music. Andy dies at the hands of the cult, and now Pete has to protect a briefcase, the thing that got them into this mess, and keep it away from Silence the Noise, all while his best friend hunts him down. Are you ready for another bad poem?
Miss Missing You: THE WHUMPIEST OF THE WHUMP. What if we were best friends but you've been driven insane and I know the only way to stop you is to kill you and it was my fault you got into this mess and I was the one who gave you the weapon that will be my own undoing. What if we both died at the same time. What if we died, both of us failing the mission we had before us. What if that was a reference to one of their first music videos. What if this song was originally written for Patrick's solo album but he realized it was more of a Fall Out Boy song so it was scrapped until now. What if there's a legit argument to be made that half the lyrics for this song was written by Patrick. What if we were both boys. Grips walls, yeha i'm normal. If you don't watch ANY other music vid, watch Miss Missing You. Sometimes before it gets better, the darkness gets bigger. The person that you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger.
Save Rock And Roll: And our final track gives us a final bit of comfort. Patrick is able to overcome the Youngblood, and gets into heaven, where all of FOB is finally, finally reunited. God (aka Elton John) gives them new instruments and brings them back to earth, so they can do what they love; play music together. Which just so happens to release people from the control of Silence the Noise! But, because we can't have nice things, a cult within Silence the Noise got a hold of the briefcase, and summoned a spirit that starts to kill everyone. FOB stands together, and blasts the evil spirit, the blood coming up to the gates of heaven and covering Elton John in it. And... that's how it ends. No true resolution. Just Elton John covered in blood, as the song fades out. Oh, no! Wherever I go, go! Trouble seems to follow! I only plugged in to save rock and roll!
UH. AGAIN I APOLOGIZE FOR THE LENGTH. but i really wanted to express just how much WHUMP they manage to fit into less than fifty minutes, all backed by an amazing album colored by the three years they were apart. colored by how they grew, colored by how bad the hiatus was for Patrick specifically, colored by how Confessions of a Pariah got Pete to reach out to help him, and this album came out of it, Fall Out Boy came back out of it, and now here we are, ten years later, with the title track being performed every night for their concert, with all the band singing the final lines together, and the line you are what you love, not who loves you hitting every single night.
SORRY. LISTEN TO FALL OUT BOY. thanks for letting me rant.
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matan4il · 10 months
Daily update post:
The biggest news out of Israel today is of course that late last night, the government approved a deal with Hamas to release some of the hostages. Here are the details as reported on the news:
50 hostages will be released in 4 groups over the course of 4 days, during which there would be no fighting. Hamas said they will be women and kids, Israel will only be told who's being released the day before. Not all kids are being released. Israel in exchange will release 150 people convicted for terrorist activity. Hamas says it will use these 4 days to try and locate 20 more hostages to be released. Hamas says that some of the hostages are in the hands of smaller terrorist organizations, and some are also being held by civilian families. Just a reminder that some civilians from Gaza followed the terrorists into Israel once the border fence was torn down. Most probably just to loot the houses attacked by terrorists, but at least some partook in the killing of Israeli civilians. Here is a vid of one such man, riding a bicycle stolen from a murdered Israeli, bragging about having killed 3 family members...
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For every additional hostage Hamas finds and releases beyond the 50 agreed upon, it will get 3 more convicted terrorists released. For every 10, it will get one more day without fighting, for a total possible break of 6 days. In addition, Israel will not be flying over Gaza, not airplanes and not drones, for 6 hours daily.
It's reported that the stop in fighting will start tomorrow (Thursday) at 10 in the morning. Based on past experience, you can expect Hamas to fire rockets at Israel even past 10, just to show it got the "last word" and Israel will have to contain this, in order to keep the whole deal from falling apart.
The ambivalence about the deal that I tried to express in yesterday's daily post is what I'm hearing almost across the board. People want the hostages who will be freed, they're afraid for the fate of those who won't be, and they're scared of how Hamas might use this break in the fighting.
I think the most infuriating thing Israelis have come across is people describing the deal as "hostage exchange." Multiple Israelis have posted to make the same point: the hostages kidnapped from Israel were all innocent. The prisoners that will be released were all convicted for violent activity. They did not murder, but they tried to.
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I saw an interview with one Israeli mother who had survived an attempted murder by a terrorist. She discovered that the woman who committed that crime is one of the prisoners who might be released. The thing is, they used to live in the same neighborhood. The mother asked, "Why should my kid have to see every day the woman who tried to kill me?" Almagor, an Israeli organization for victims of terrorism, has petitioned the Israeli supreme court against the deal. It's not likely to work, as the supreme court has indicated in the past it has no jurisdiction over political decisions, only legal ones.
And of course there's the fear that more Israeli soldiers might pay the price for the fact that Hamas will use the break in the fighting to re-arm and learn from its failures so far. That's the better scenario. There's also the possibility that Hamas would do what they did on "The Black Friday" in 2014. On Aug 1, a ceasefire with Hamas was supposed to start at 8 in the morning. At 9:05 Hamas terrorists used a terror tunnel to attack Israeli soldiers, murder them and kidnap the body of one of them, Hadar Goldin. Nine years later, the body has not yet been returned.
Today is not a day of relief in Israel.
The UK has announced it would allocate 7 million pounds to fighting antisemitism, which is welcome news. Switzerland said it will pass legislation that would prohibit Hamas activity through it.
A uniquely Israeli moment that happened yesterday... Jewish first sergeant Mordechai Shenvald, who was seriously injured in Gaza, playing with his Arab physician, Doctor Darwashe, a song by famous Arab singer Um Kultum, called Inti Umri:
Israel has torn down today a Jewish settlement established illegally in the disputed territories. You'll always hear about when Israel takes down Arab houses built illegally, but I bet most people here havne't heard about it when Jewish Israeli civilians get the exact same treatment for this exact same offense.
This is part of the testimony of a father to a girl with special needs, whose family has survived the Oct 7 massacre:
This is 25 years old Shani Gabai.
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She was considered missing since the Oct 7 massacre. Today, her body was identified among the other victims of the music festival.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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phantomwitch16 · 11 months
So I just learned the Nanbaka ending. Safe to say that it was not what i expected and I wanna talk about it :,)
Warning to the many people who have not been able to make it past chapter 192 or only watched the anime, the majority of what i know is from TikTok's, the comments of the vids and what i've pulled together by myself and what i've seen on Pinterest. Plus, despite my like for the series, I don't know much, its been a few years since I've done anything with the series , there is a cut off point with the manga and even then i don't know if it was in any particular order.
When i first started the series, I felt like i had a good idea of where the series was going. Like as the series would progress, we learn the pasts and motivations of the main cast, like Uno, Rock, Nico and the others, while seeing Jyugo learn about the shackles and the man on the scar. Then at the end, some shenanigans results in our main cast of idiotic prisoners being released early or finishing off their sentences in around a year or two. but because they either grew attached to the prison or liked the perks of working there (annoying Hajime, anime and food), they decide to go back and become guards of building 13. With Jyugo possibly doing something like this each day.
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But that didn't happen. Instead we get something a lot more different than what I originally imagined.
In the end of the series, we learn a lot about Jyugo's backstory, how he and the boys first me and more about the man who shackled him. As it turns out, Jyugo was never friends with Uno, Rock and Nico. They met him but they weren't friends, I think. Initally, I didn't think that he even met them before the start of the series until finding some of the fan translated pics of the manga on Pinterest (Search Nanmaka manga ending Jyugo and you should find something, just find one and keep on scrolling). All the memories that Jyugo had with them were fake ones that were inputted by the clone of the man with the scar/his biological grandfather, i.e. this guy, Hiiro, I think is his name. Hiiro with black hair, scar guy with white guy down here 👇
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I'm not entirely clear on what they were planning initially but Hiiro was the one who inputted the memories and orchestrated him going to Namba and becoming friends with the three, who possibly have at least met them individually at tone point. From what I am aware, Jyugo was the clone of Mashiro Mutsuki's (Scar man), grandson who alongside his daughter's, Touko, Jyugo's mother. She died while she was pregnant with Jyugo and Mashiro kept her body so that she could be cloned and give birth to Jyugo.
There were bit and pieces of Jyugo's childhood, with him and Hiiro. And Jyugo was nothing like how he was during the series. He was serious, had no general emotions and all that and i think his clone body was falling apart or he was sort of shapeshifting. He only became somewhat normal and acts similar to how he does to the series when he put the shackles on.
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But the shackles had another function and it was to repress his memories and powers. Specifically his memories with Hiiro, the scar man and what his friends did to him. Uno, Nico and Rock were brought in to teach Jyugo how to live in order to be released from prison and gain their freedom. And kill him some time before the series started. This was part of Hiiro’s plan but I’m not too sure about his reasoning. They did that, and when the shackles are gone we see the evidence of it on Jyugo's neck.
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All this makes looking back on previous adventures quite differently. In short they were never his friends for a time but did grow close in the time afterwards and began to feel guilt for what they did to him. They eventually come to talk to Jyugo about it and apologise but at this point, it was too late. Jyugo remembers everything when the shackles break and is practically reverted to his previous state. And it leads to a bitter confrontation that leaves the three shaken. As seen below 👇
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I'm not sure to what degree of involvement Nanba Prison and the staff there had. By all accounts, its seems that Hajime and the other guards were just as or even more in the dark than Jyugo. Upon finding him, Hajime treats him like he's always has.
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The only moderately positive thing and relatively Jyugo related thing that the reverted Jyugo does is that he has a brief interaction with Hajime’s cat who he says goodbye to.
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In the end, Jyugo disappeared from the prison with a splatter of blood left behind, leaving apparently with his grandfather. Then that's it. A very WTF kind of ending for a comedic series. It...honestly not what i expected. Beautiful art stuff, yes. WTF moments, yes. Hilarity, yes. A very bitter ending with barely any sweetness in it…neat.
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sdwolfpup · 7 months
@bethanyactually did this and tagged me and it seemed fun. Like her, I think I made this unrebloggable so it should only hit my followers but we'll see.
And also like her, I'm tagging the first five mutuals in my activity feed, IF you are interested (no pressure, as always): @commarogue, @out-there-tmblr, @favorite-ginger, @nire-the-mithridatist, @trelkez
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bubble-popping · 8 months
techno walking dream around in a leash
everyone else: 👁👄👁
hello i am back with more questions :)
- does punz ever find dream? what about sam/quackity? - also, if punz does find him, and tries to convince dream to come back, what will be dream's reaction? - what about The Plan™ - does techno have lima sydrome? - what does dream's daily routine look like after the prison escape? - would techno make dream use the revive book on ranboo? what does niki think?
thank you for answering all my asks <3<3<3
Ah, hello again :D it's nice to see u in my inbox again :>
Answers under the cut, and yes it'd be quite the sight if anyone saw that (remembers the Dream shorts vid where Techno just had him on a leash for Some Reason...)
C!Punz does find him eventually, yes! They track c!Techno to the trophy room and wait for him to leave before breaking in. He's always been an excellent tracker and Techno starts to get a little complacent and less on edge since they haven't shown their face around since that initial visit. They get inside and it's clear neither he nor c!Dream are expecting what they see.
C!Quackity grows less concerned about Dream and the revive book as his main goal of reviving c!Schlatt quickly deteriorated into a simple lust for Dream's blood and suffering. C!Sam, on the other hand, grows much more concerned and looks day and night for him, at least for a while. Weeks pass and everyone is tired of looking, and soon enough so is Sam. The search party is basically called off and many people are left to their own devices. There's an air of the lingering threat that Dream may return, but people more or less get on with their lives. Especially Quackity, who's doing Big Things in Las Nevadas :)
Dream's reaction upon seeing Punz is great confusion, a little fear, and some relief and excitement. Techno said this place was completely safe and no one would find them. That was clearly a lie. But, it's Punz! Punz is his friend! His greatest ally! He's very happy, hugging them and smiling widely. Then, the fear bubbles up and he wonders what Techno would think. Probably not too happy.
And when Punz is insistent that they leave right that minute because this isn't a safe place, this is no better than the prison, Dream resolutely refutes. This place is much better than the prison! He gets good food, warm clothes, a comfy bed, and Techno loves him! Punz doesn't agree. He says they have to return to The Plan asap! Except, by then, as Dream has talked with Techno and explained why he did all he did, Techno poked a million different holes in his logic until he couldn't argue for it anymore. All The Plan got him was bruised and beaten and weak and alone. Techno was very convincing. Dream couldn't justify it anymore, the ends didn't justify the means anymore. Punz is... lost. They're unsure. They set it aside for a moment and instead emphasize that Dream is still very much trapped. He still has no real freedom. And doesn't he want to see his friends? Doesn't he want to get revenge? Dream... honestly hadn't thought about them all that much. He's been quite occupied. But Punz isn't taking no for an answer. Dream's at a critical crossroad. Should he leave and get back his freedom but risk losing everythimg he'd built with Techno? Or should he stay where he's found love and a home and comfort but then have to deal with his adamant ally?
So, had to look that up, but I think Lima Syndrome would describe Techno quite well! It would happen very gradually, but ultimately the connection would be surface level. Deep connections do not come easy to Techno. It took him centuries to be such good friends with Phil. Dream probably won't live long enough for their relationship to become a true, meaningful bond. He says he loves Dream, at first just to placate him because Dream certainly says it first. But then he thinks he means it. He's not really sure what that entails.
The first days in the trophy room are spent mostly exploring for him. Pushing at all the walls to search for any amount of give, though he finds none of course. There's little to do but eat, sleep, and write as Techno generously filled a chest with books and quills. Techno provided him with a lot more comforts than the prison ever had. It has working bathing appliances, a soft bed with blankets and pillows, and ways to cook the food in the storage. But, it's quiet. Quieter than the prison ever was. There's no one around, not until Techno returns. He also spends a lot of time thinking, about everything and nothing. Then, as Dream grows more and more attached to Techno as he's the only person he ever sees now, he does things that he thinks will make Techno happy, that will make him come by more often. He cooks food and takes up knitting (his first creations are... not great. His hands are shaky and his fingers have lost nearly all dexterity. Nonetheless, he tries his best) and just about anything for Techno's attention. To his credit, it works :)
Though the Syndicate did lose a member, Techno didn't think of him as all that valuable. However, things are Happening at Las Nevadas that Techno simply can't ignore, so he does get Dream to use the revive book. Niki, among others that Ranboo is close to, ask questions. Techno just shrugs. He has no idea why Dream would revive Ranboo of all people. Phil knows, he had agreed it was a good course of action, and ultimately was the one to convince Techno. Las Nevadas is getting more concerning with each passing day. They have to do something about it.
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katya45kg · 11 months
Weightloss tips u may not know about or do but don’t know the science behind them 🩷🫶🏻
1. After a 48hr fast your dopamine receptors reset. For example: a mars bar gives u a dopamine hit? Gone. Try eating fruit now, it will taste better, sweeter & its more healthy for u. - source “Fast like a girl by Dr Mindy Peltz”
2. The reasons why people can’t stop themselves from binging is because of sugar and flour. Eating those foods or food containing them MAKE u hungry. The best way to satisfy yourself after a meal is to cut those products out. I eat only fruits and vegetables and i find that after lets say 2 tomatoes or a banana, i feel satisfied. Some days all i eat is a piece of fruit for snack and a salad for dinner & im fine. - source “Bright line eating by Susan Peirce Thompson”
3. After 3 days of fasting, the hunger goes away. Push through it & you’ll notice it gets easier. When u break your fast ALWAYS do it with something healthy like fruits or vegetables. Going back to like ice cream will ruin the dopamine receptors and you will crave unhealthy foods again. - source I can’t remember but ive heard it heaps on YT videos & ive tried it and can vouch for that tip.
4. After 2mins of running or high intensity exercise, your body runs out of energy & begins to fuel you by producing cortisol to keep u going. High amounts of cortisol results in your body storing BELLY FAT. So if u happen to notice that u store belly fat mainly, that could be the reason. Source - Autumn Bates on YT (i forgot which vid but i think maybe it was a tik tok, sorry.)
5. Starvation mode is a myth. Look at prisoners of war for example. They are so emaciated due to lack of food, if “starvation mode” was true, they wouldn’t end up like that. Maybe u may not loose for a few days but that is your body holding water or possibly gaining muscle, if it prolongs further than this see my next tip. Source - i forgot im so sorry, possibly a podcast?
6. Your body has a natural rhythm known as the circadian rhythm. This in short like an internal clock that regulates our sleep-wake cycle and other bodily functions. It helps us feel awake during the day and sleepy at night. It's influenced by factors like light exposure, hormones, and daily routines. It means that your body doesn’t digest food the same at night, if at all. It isn’t supposed to. If u feed yourself after 6-8pm, the digestion process is slower, much slower. This can cause to hormones being released at the wrong time, storing fat, keeping u awake etc. It is best to not eat after 6pm (if u heard this tip from ur mother growing up, it is actually science backed, its not so u “eat less & that makes u loose weight” its because u stop eating after a certain time. It is actually because your body isn’t designed to digest food late in the night and so u loose fat easier.) Source - “Change your schedule, change your life by Dr Suhas Kshirsagar”
7. Birth-control whacks out your hormones. If u are on BC & find u have all these cravings & can’t seem to restrict, thats most likely the reason why. A lot of doctors will tell u “its just water weight” but thats not the case. The constant stream of synthetic hormones keeps your body in a state that similarly reflects how u feel the week before your period (bloated, craving, tired etc) and u feel this way continuously. Im not saying go off birth-control but if you are puzzled as to why u may feel like this & u are on BC this may be the reason. Source “Your brain on birth control by Sarah Hill”
8. Also on the topic of hormones, if u aren’t loosing weight no matter what u do or its very slow progress, it can be due to a hormonal imbalance. Exactly which one im not sure, it depends on you and your body. U can see which hormones are out of balance via online tests (idk what to google i read it in a book). Completing tests online can give u a rough idea of which hormones may be unbalanced and then u can go to your doctor and request certain tests to medically check. Your dr can then advise you on what to do to balance them. You may also have hyperthyroidism which can make u constantly tired, unable to loose weight and sensitive to stress. Source - “Hormone repair manual by Lara Briden”.
That is all i can think of rn. I have read all books i have sited & many many more. There is definitely a huge science to weight loss and i may make another post in the future stating what i have learnt. Most books are written by drs or people of similar qualifications. I applied all these to my life and loose weight continuously. My mother is also a certified nutritionist, personal trainer and life coach & she also follows all these things & has read the same if not more books. She is almost 50 & bmi 18.3 & has consistently been this way for my whole 21yrs of living even after having 3 kids. She doesn’t loose weight due to her high calorie intake (like 3k cals a day) but she also doesn’t gain weight so if u follow these examples by restricting u will see major weightloss. I also have lost 5kg in 8 days from following these tips this relapse & last relapse i lost 30kg in 4ish months from these tips.
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freakinator · 5 months
wemmbu gets trolled
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hey i love your lore posts but with your point about c!dream using the revival book pre- prison as in what he did to lazar and vik that had happened after he escaped prison. Not before
Also when you say cdream wanted ctommy for his goal what do you mean by that can you elaborate? What would he need him for😭
oh man long ass reply im so sorry. :(
I have no idea when it took place (but since it showed in the dreamxd vid, a scene of c!Ranboo with tnt around him then maybe it really did happen after the prison arc) but regardless of if Lazar and Viks suffering happened after c!Dream escaped prison or not. He still did experiment with the revive book prior to c!Tommy being trapped with him,it was henry he used it on. Unless I'm just mis-remembering. As for the other thing, I think there are many interpretations to why c!Dream needed c!Tommy for his goals and what he needed him for.
remembering c!Dreams apparent goal is to fix the server, make it simple again by breaking people, killing them and reviving them. Kinda like cleansing the server? Whilst he remains in control. Keep in mind that its been said by Dream that c!Dream did find hurting c!Tommy fun, but he did say it wasn't c!Dreams only goal or for 'no reason'
Some I've considered: (these are not nesscarally separate)
c!dream runs on emotions and is conflicted (can apply to anything below)
He sees c!Tommy as weak and just wanted to get revenge on him cuz c!Tommy was one of the only few to defy him so he wanted to break that. There is less amusement, only craving of revenge. Things like him wanting to teach revival book to c!Tommy was specifically to make c!Tommy stressed and too scared to battle c!Dream.
He wanted c!Tommy to hate him as a way to get his goal. (I still dont know why one of my irl friends thinks this was the case but alrighty then)
He sees c!Tommy as a huge threat so he wanted to break him down wanting him on his side so he has a clearer way of reaching his goal -yk with c!Tommy out of the way. This is less of revenge or amusement, and just a shove him off to the side when done with him. (which i think is the least likely of all of these interpretations)
He wants to hurt c!Tommy specifically out of fun and amusement. Could explain why despite c!Tommy obeying him in exile, he still was very cruel to him.
He only saw c!Tommy as strong physically not socially and wanted to reign that side of c!Tommy in or vise versa.
He saw c!Tommy as strong overally/and or saw his potential for this, wanting to use his spark and anger from c!Tommy to help his goals. Since someone that is that chaotic can be useful, as if c!Dre was unleashing a personification of a canon or fire ball onto his enemies. In exile, he does prefer when c!Tommy is quiet at times but he still doesn't mind c!Tommy talking energetically and being chaotic WHEN its being aligned with c!Dream. Another point to add to this is that in the pet war, c!primeboys destroyed a building together. These moments of him siding with c!tommy during c!tommys chaos allow a better bond, but it also causes others to turn against c!tommy which again is something c!dream wanted- cuz it causes c!tommy to depend on him.
I think its closest to the last point, theres just so many examples of c!Dream not giving a shit and even encouraging c!Tommys chaotic nature. As long as said chaotic nature is not against him. c!Dream enjoys c!Tommys spark and fire and finds it fun that it never burns out, but he absolutely hates it when he loses his own control (his already lost his stability of his server at this point). Its kinda like c!Tommy fuels his adrenaline and love of challenges and he chases this and goes all delulu, obsessed with control over the one guy that seems impossible to reign in. I'd add in that point, that other thing about c!Dream being irrational, and emotional and not having his actual plan figured out even though he thinks he does. and ofc add in the wanting revenge ig. He chooses c!Tommy for those reasons. And c!Tommy he has seen as loyal, selfless, confident, fierce and brash. c!Dream had he gotten his way would of broken down that to an extent, gotten him fully dependent on him, and then rebuilt c!Tommy up to be loyal to cdre, confident ect but this time on c!Dreams side, against c!Dreams enemies. Socially powerful, Physically powerful, entertaining, satisfcation for his revenge, easily can be broken and rebuilt over and over, and gives c!dream a feeling of consistent control. c!Dream loves it.
so what about cdre saying "why do you have to ruin things all the time." It doesn't contradict the last point. I believe he was talking about the early days when c!Dre actually did seem annoyed with c!Tommys antics. (it wasnt about stuff like c!prime destroying shit) also cdre naturally has irrational opinions about c!tommy based on his own trauma. That line was also c!dream deflecting from the sht he did, and blaming c!tommy. my irl pointed out that it could be him talking about himself yet all blame in cdre eyes must go on someone else.
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chapter 31 is outlined
- Kit wakes up on top of the truck she was pushed onto, it’s snowing and the bitch is pissed and sore
- Staci’s torture vid still gets played for the county to eat popcorn to. except Staci’s torture isn’t just starvation anymore, he’s undergone further conditioning and is now doubly nuts and twice as committed to the cult and to all the Heralds (including Kit) *needed the opening for Judge!Staci in the New Dawn AU*
- Kit breaks in to save the poor brown eyed baby boy, and offers a prisoner exchange, but Staci begs to stay with Jacob and make himself useful and worthy of entering the Herald’s gate
- Kit goes to execute Eli (offering to do it without the use of the music box, girl is nothing but devoted) and in her state kills the two militia members who try to stop her
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matan4il · 10 months
I'm so happy some of the hostages are being returned. I was honestly starting to worry that maybe none were left alive, were smuggled out, or couldn't even be found from Hamas themselves. So, small blessings.
What I loathe is people trying to pretend Hamas is virtuous for this or that 5 prisoners for everyone Israel is even morally equivalent. It doesn't erase every person coming home lost someone brutally before being taken and probably left another person behind as a hostage. It will never erase how they tortured innocent civilians. These people coming home have probably been brutalized for 50 days. The trauma they will carry around breaks my heart. So many families will never be whole again. Pile on the people being returned to Gaza were actual terrorists who tried to or killed Israel's.
Every family has been forever changed in violence they never asked for. But I am grateful for who comes home. Seeing the reunion videos makes me happy. It just doesn't change my opinion of the people who did it. It's actually worse when I see them cheering and jeering at the red cross recovering them.
However.. I can't leave you without some dark humor. My neighbor put up Ceasefire sign with a death toll count at 10,000. When I was walking by, I asked her where she got that number because it's clearly wrong. I'd be happy to explain. She walked in and slammed the door. At least I'm more popular in the neighborhood and have a Ring so she can't egg my house. Although I am considering putting up more Israel flags just to start a sign war. Petty, yes, but if it annoys them, priceless!!!!
As always, I hope you and your family are staying safe. Lots of love!!!! Hopefully, researching for the museum is a nice distraction. Sending prayers, you're feeling OK!!
Hi darling! <333
Oh, I was sure that Hamas would keep at least some alive. Living hostages are worth more than dead ones. At this point, Hamas NEEDS this break in the fighting, and for sure they knew their strongest leverage over Israel would be hostages, so... what worries me is that we don't know how many are live. Fifty hostages is less than a quarter from the people kidnapped, and Hamas has not yet produced a current proof of life for the rest. But yes, I don't think it's possible to see the family reunions and not be moved! (well... so long as you're not de-humanizing Israelis, that is)
The people who have to be told that Hamas isn't humane, a terrorist organization that has beheaded human beings, including babies, raped women of all ages to the point where their bones broke, amputated kids, kidnapped a 9 months old, murdered Holocaust survivors... those people are beyond hope. Still, if you look at a recent released Hamas vid, meant to depict its terrorists as "humane," you can actually hear them instructing the hostage to "keep waving." That says it all.
I'm also gonna mention that one of the hostages released by Hamas tonight had to be rushed into surgery, and her life is in danger even after that.
And that's on top of everything else you mentioned. Yes, every single one of the hostages has either lost a relative, or still has family or friends in captivity, or had their house physically destroyed, and they were all changed forever by 7 weeks of captivity underground, in terror tunnels. I was listening to the testimony of an Israeli kid who was freed by Israel in 1976 from Entebbe, after just one week as a hostage, without being separated from his family, without losing anyone, while they weren't held underground, and he still said he was never the same person again. I can't understand anyone who ignores that. Then again, I also can't comprehend how a human being can look at a poster begging for the release of a baby, but some did exactly that, and proudly.
LOL I love that, thank you for sharing! And NGL, I would love for more Israeli flags on display. Even just the fact that it humanizes Israelis means so much! Thank you for being such an incredible ally, from me, and I'm sure from others reason this, too! Sending you all the love and good wishes in the world, you absolute ray of light! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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bcbdrums · 2 years
I actually appreciate the live action a lot.
The amount of chemistry Drakken and Shego had were off the roofs.
Their banter, their interactions, that promotional video where Drakken is shown playing with Shego’s hair (it remind me of a similar scene on the cartoon where Shego does the same)
The first thought when I saw their first interaction: that scene where Shego is helping him break our of prison was: they have chemistry and both are hot
Their chemistry was undeniable. 💚💙
link to that promotional vid?? I'm sure I've seen it but I can't recall it.
but, yes! live action drakgo were amazing! it's possible that on my very first watch of the movie I was pausing and running it back to rewatch their scenes, scrutinize every single detail of every second of screen time they had.... yeah. I felt they were the best part of that movie. very well written and acted; a very honoring performance and portrayal of the characters!
also fun is to pause and read the news articles on the walls of Drakken's prison cell... I love the idea that he stayed in there on purpose, while Shego worked on other nefarious parts of the plan, getting everything ready. very Drakken of him. also kinda made her do all the heavy lifting, but... he is a genius after all.
one fave moment too is when shego is filing her nails and too lazy to get up and go to the lockers or whatever where she put the cube thing (I've not watched it in awhile). I could hear that scene in Nicole's voice, it was perfect.
I'm rambling lol, but yes. LOVE live action drakgo!
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burnwater13 · 1 year
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Grogu looked at the vid his dad was holding and sighed. The caption was all wrong. They had been on Maldo Creis when he said that. And it had been cold. Really cold. Freezing cold. So cold that the Mandalorian’s armor was covered with frost cold. 
He had gone outside to tell his protector that the Frog Lady was gone. With the eggs. The precious, delicious eggs. That was important information to share, right? But what does the Mandalorian do? Does he listen to Grogu explain that she  left foot prints that showed her going somewhere else int he cavern? Nope. Does he even check to see if Grogu needs anything, anything at all? Nope. 
What he does is ask Grogu to make himself useful! Useful! He was being useful. First he had been carefully staying out of the way. Grogu had learned that when Din Djarin was doing work around the Razor Crest it was best to not be underfoot. Second, as soon as he’d noticed that the Frog Lady was gone he had ventured out into the icy, snowy, cold to let the tall human know. 
After all, she had taken the eggs and their container  into the cold of the cavern and that didn’t seem like a good idea to Grogu. Finally, given his size relative to the tools the Mandalorian was using to fix up the ship, how useful could Grogu be? It’s not like he could heal the ship using the Force! If he could have done that he would have right after they crashed. He hated how cold his feet were getting in the icy and snow.
Grogu had gotten fed up waiting for the Mandalorian to understand him and had walked back over to the trail the Frog Lady had left. Maybe if Din saw that he would finally understand what Grogu was trying to tell him. Of course he couldn’t even walk that far without the annoyed human yelling at him. In a cavern full of ice and snow, Din Djarin had no chill. 
“I know buddy. I’m sorry about that. Definitely not one of our best days.” Din commented as he noticed Grogu’s frown.
Grogu nodded his head at that. It had not been a good day. Crashing the ship had been bad. It being so cold made that worse. Then not being able to eat very much interfered with everything. Rations were not Grogu’s favorite food. Getting yelled at by his dad. Having to help find the Frog Lady. Finding the sticky, squishy, vindictive spiders as well. Uff. How many ways were there for a day to wrong?
He was pretty sure that between them, he and the Mandalorian had found almost all of them. He guessed it took team work to have such a miserable time. But then they had managed to make it through that day. That took team work as well. The Frog Lady had helped and even the pilots from the New Republic who had started all the mess by asking too many questions ended up helping them deal with the spiders, especially the gigantic one that almost crushed the ship. That was a kind of team work too. 
Was that the lesson he was supposed to have learned from all that? Work as a team and things may get bad but eventually things will get better? That didn’t sound like one of the lessons the Jedi taught. Maybe they wouldn’t have had all those problems if they’d only cooperated with the authorities to begin with? Nope. Those New Republic guys didn’t search for any information until after they started shooting at them and the Mandalorian had found such a unique hiding place. 
Maybe the lesson was don’t be a taxi service? Nah. That was too simple. How about, don’t break prisoner’s out of jails? Except what if the Mandalorian was the prisoner? The Imps had considered Grogu a prisoner and Din Djarin had broken him out of jail. Grogu was really glad that the Mandalorian had come back for him. 
So maybe the lesson was… you are not going to learn a clear lesson from everything you go through the moment you go through it, or even later?
“Or maybe you learn not to give Peli a vid to write on when she has laryngitis?” Din commented as Grogu continued to stare at the vid. 
Grogu nodded his head. Yup. That was definitely the lesson. Peli taught them new lessons all the time.
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