#private chapel
fabien-euskadi · 1 year
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The private chapel of the Palace of the Homem Family, in Crato. This XVIII Century chapel was dedicated to Our Lady of Consolation of Utrera, here represented with Saint Fracis of Assisi and Saint Francis of Paola (first and last images). The altar is made of marble instead of gilded woodcarving (the most usual choice during the Portuguese Baroque period), a detail that reveals that the wealth of this family during the XVIII Century,
Oddly enough, Our Lady of Consolation of Utrera is the patroness of sailors, and that's a rather odd choice, considering that the town of Crato is very distant from the sea.
Nowadays, this Baroque-Rocaille palace is the home of the Municipal Museum of Crato.
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charlesreeza · 2 years
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The Prior’s Private Oratory in the Certosa di San Martino, Naples
The late 15th century frescoes in the vault depict the creation of Adam, the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, the first family at work, and Cain killing Abel.  In the center is the dead Christ supported by an angel.
Photos by Charles Reeza
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thearchercore · 4 months
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is it only on my twitter or did they get married or something but this separation anxiety going crazy now 😭
congratulations to the newly weds!
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eyeofthebrainstorm · 2 months
Forever mad about how well Strange New Worlds understood the assignment on the musical episode but then how poorly it executed it.
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goofyjelly · 1 year
Star Trek TOS : A Private Little War
I love the green blood details like obviously Bad Thing happening but I love continuity ✨
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Kirk is so worried :( don't worry he's gonna be fineeee
Omfg they beam down and IMMEDIATELY GET MAULED 💀
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Like, chapel, I get that you care about him and that's great but you've gotta know it's one sided, like, you're essentially KISSING HIM while he is unable to protest like w h a t
Love Chapel tho don't get me wrong
Girl, what sort of witch craft is this???
Also William Shatner's acting is so special like no one does it like him WHAT IS HE DOING
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McCoy is so great tho, like you're awesome, Doc
Friendship :D
Sketchy witch woman
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M'Benga love you bestie thank you for being the only responsible one , Spock would be dead without you 🙏
"anything he says?" Chapel I know you're down bad but please, our boy is DYING
Witch girl wants VIOLENCE and honestly I can't blame her much. she's schemeing
Haha firesticks (I am watching this show on a fire stick)
An old custom among my people called : BE GRATEFUL , YOUD BE DEAD WITHOUT ME
Kirk subtly defending his friend, I love it. NO! I SAID I WILL NOT KILL. Kill or be killed but how about no kill? No kill at all please, I'll take that.
I'd like it if there was a normal woman in this show but oh well
"I'll make a Klingon of you yet :D" so sweet <3
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Hehe Kirk is leaping around I love it he's like a doe
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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, WOMAN????" Oh my fucking god, Scotty was just walking by and saw the nurse SLAPPING SPOCK IN THE FACE , HE THOUGHT SHE WENT CRAZY
Spock ✨✨✨
Yes Bones I DO think Kirk's out of his mind.
Oh shit. Okay. Oh.
Bones doesn't know what to do but he knows Kirks plan is shit 💀💀💀
Kirk please don't fall for the witchcra- ah fuck too late. DUDE NOT W YOUR FRIENDS WIFE; HES GOT A GUN NOW OH NO OH- OH?
She IS the drama
Murder is wrong™
Nope NVM just stealing
This barbie craves violence- THIS BARBIE IS A TRAITOR???
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This barbie is dead 💀
"you can't kill a computer" -> Bones is happy Spock didn't die
they were asking how long it would take to bring more weapons, ya know, to do their whole balance of power plan, and KIRK JUST BACKTRACKED
So I guess his friend is dying, then-
I am living for the Spock Angst tho, I love that. It's so funny that Spock gets slapped in the face so much in so many different episodes.
If I do a rewatch I literally might just watch all of the Spock scenes cus that's my take away from this-
This rants pictures have been taken from this star trek website ✨✨✨
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sshbpodcast · 11 months
Character Spotlight: Christine Chapel
By Ames
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We’ve hit upon all the main stars of The Original Series, but no list would be complete without giving a fair mention to the woman who stood beside the show, Majel Barrett. While we still wish in our hearts of hearts that the Number One we met in “The Cage” and “The Menagerie” got a fair shake, we are still glad that Gene’s main squeeze was reborn as the quippy and competent Nurse Chapel.
So join us this week on A Star to Steer Her By as we finish off our TOS character spotlights with a bunch of highlights and only a few lowlights on what’s probably going to be our shortest installment of this series. There just wasn’t enough stretching of the character moments to do as we did for, say, our Scotty or Sulu posts. Pick up your medical tricorders to scan on below and follow along in this week’s podcast discussion (jump to 58:16). Needless to say, Majel probably did more on the show than just Gene. Take that as you will. ;)
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best Moments
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I know he’s alive down there, Captain Very early in the series in “What Are Little Girls Made of?”, Chapel’s backstory of joining the Enterprise as a way to find her lost fiancé, Roger Korby, is established. And it’s a testament to her character that not only is she right that he was still alive (in some form), but she also gets to convince Ruk the android not to kill Kirk AND make the choice to stay on the Enterprise after everything goes typically sideways.
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Plomeek soup for the soul While you’ll see in just a moment that “Amok Time” also features some of the more tired and less positive aspects of Chapel’s character, we’ve got to admit that her dutifulness in trying to get Spock to eat during his pon farr was benevolent of her. She goes so far as to whip up some Vulcan plomeek soup to keep her patient well, little good that it ended up doing.
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Sound it out I’m still minorly horrified by Nomad taking Uhura’s memories in “The Changeling,” and we’re left not knowing if or how she gets back to her normal self. But one thing’s for sure: she’s got a caring and patient nurse helping along the way, as we see Chapel reteaching the blank-slated Uhura how to read in English. It’s quite sweet, if you don’t think about how horrifying it is.
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It has one word on it: Eat I could take a second to gripe that, between Chapel and Rand, the women of the show are very often seen just bringing the men their dinner like they’re waitresses instead of equal crewmembers. Or I could highlight how Chapel cleverly tricks a moping Garrovick into eating in “Obsession” by telling him McCoy’s prescription was a tape that just said “Eat,” so I’ll do that.
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The pain will help me to consciousness We joke on the podcast that it was clear that someone(s) on the show was clearly into some kinky stuff, and it shines through in episodes like “A Private Little War” when Nurse Chapel is compelled to bitchslap a half-conscious Spock around until he wakes up, as is the Vulcan way. Or at least, as is someone on the writing staff’s dirty little fetish.
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We shared consciousness together I’m sure now that Strange New Worlds is filling in a lot of the Chapel-Spock relationship, there are a ton more shippers out there for them, but back in the day, the best we got was this moment in “Return to Tomorrow” when Sargon put Spock’s consciousness into Chapel’s body to get Henoch out of the Vulcan. And Chapel was all too glad to be Spock’s vessel in a not entirely creepy way. Only a little bit creepy!
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I am a nurse first and a member of the crew of the Enterprise second When Nurse Chapel learns that McCoy is dying of xenopolycythemia in “For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky,” her resolve is to help him to live, while he seems to take it in stride that he is destined to die. She encourages him to “Please, give yourself every minute” of his year left in this world, and I’d like to think that that helped him get through it. Natira helped too, wink wink.
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The spider catches a fly While we included moments from “The Tholian Web” in almost everyone else’s Worst Moments lists, Chapel actually got a good moment from this otherwise negative episode! When another of McCoy’s assistants has succumbed to the weird space occurrence and attacks him, Nurse Chapel calmly grabs a hypo and tranqs that guy, like a badass!
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Now all I want is to crawl away and die While I found Uhura’s reaction to the forced kiss with Kirk in “Plato’s Stepchildren” to be uncomfortable in an entirely different way, the Chapel-Spock kiss is exactly as uncomfortable as it’s supposed to be. Chapel’s pining after Spock is used as a weapon against her in this moment of torture. A worse show would imply that she’s finally getting what she wants, but she makes it clear that without consent, there is no enjoyment and it’s commendable to state that so directly.
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I heard Spock’s voice Unlike my reaction to the different women’s scenes in “Plato’s Stepchildren,” I must say that all the women in “The Lorelei Signal” are absolutely on point. While Uhura takes command of the ship, Chapel serves as de facto CMO in the absence of all the men. And what’s more: she uses that weird bond she has with Spock (perhaps lingering from “Return to Tomorrow”?) to save him from the temptresses!
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And they've probably redesigned the whole sickbay By The Motion Picture, we see that Chapel found time to learn a new trade, as she’s an MD by the time McCoy arrives. Was it that the writers seem to incorrectly think that nurses are on the same job track as medical doctors, just a lower rung on the career ladder? Probably. But we can read it as her changing jobs because she wanted to do something new, and that’s a more exciting interpretation for this change.
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Look for the helpers. You will always find people that are helping. Blink and you can miss it, but Christine Chapel in The Voyage Home is busy coordinating relief efforts at Starfleet Command during the whale probe attack. She gets like one line and you only catch quick glimpses of her, but it’s an excellent touch to show that her character is there and focused on doing the thing that she’s been known for all series long: helping people.
Worst Moments
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You hide it, but you do have feeling Onto some of the lousier things Chapel does in the show, and you’ll find that most are related to her one-sided relationship with Spock. We first see it in “The Naked Time” (before we know that BOTH of them are engaged) when she dumps all her love on him while space-drunk. And it’s a little sad and pathetic knowing she’ll never receive it back [in this series], but also just annoying that it’s the main characteristic the writers ever give her. Sigh.
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A mechanical geisha would be no more difficult While we did include some moments from “What Are Little Girls Made of?” above in our Best Moments list, there’s some bad to go around as well! Did you notice just how jealous Chapel immediately got of Andrea the moment she laid eyes on her? Before she knows Andrea is a robot, she’s immediately grouchy when Andrea calls Roger by his first name. And afterwards, Chapel is flat out hostile to the poor, jumpsuited thing!
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You never give up hoping, do you? Now for all the times in “Amok Time” Chapel utterly degrades herself because she has a crush on Mr. Spock. Bones jokes about it when she brings him the soup, for one thing. For another, there’s an entirely weird scene in which she goes to tell him they’ve changed course to Vulcan, but he’s still pon farring around and she starts crying. And to top it off, she just had to be present on the bridge (for no reason!) to witness T’Pring on the viewscreen and learn that he’s engaged, just to rub salt in the wound. And then she has no lines the rest of the episode! Poor Christine.
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Spock will be yours forever One last time to roll our eyes at how contrived it’s been all series long, and now into The Animated Series, to watch Chapel swooning over Spock so much. So much so that she’s easily swayed by Harry’s Mudd’s offer of some of his love potion in “Mudd’s Passion.” She falls for it, and when it turns out to be the real thing, she barely even gets to enjoy having Spock all to herself!
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Since when did we even have ID badges? She makes such an ass of herself that I’ve broken “Mudd’s Passion” into two entries! She is so distracted (and a little drugged) by Mudd that he steals her ID badge. She almost makes up for it by capturing him in the shuttlebay, but instead ends up drugging the whole ship by accident AND gets herself kidnapped and forced into a pretty pathetic damsel in distress role for Spock to heroically save. Oh Chapel, this is all beneath you.
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Plenty of fish in the sea One final ditzy moment from Nurse Chapel, and it’s in the clownishly inconsistent “The Terratin Incident.” Sure, everyone in that episode is made to look silly because they’re shrinking down to the size of cockroaches (or smaller depending on the scene), but Chapel nearly drowns in a fish tank after tripping over a sewing needle. Why a sewing needle was next to a fish tank might be the stupidest question yet.
— And that’s it! We couldn’t see stretching the list further than that since you didn’t get to see Chapel do much else in TOS, TAS, or the films. Keep your eyes fixed here because next we’re going to be repeating the same experiment with all the TNG main characters, as well as keeping up with our watchthrough of all of Enterprise over on SoundCloud or wherever you podcast. We also keep all our logs up on Facebook and Twitter. Now eat your plomeek soup! Doctor’s orders!
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andreeamq · 7 months
Miles Norfolk's one lasting contribution to the plans for the death of the sovereign was a name. 'There was a debate over how to call it,' says Eddie Norfolk. 'My father happened to see a picture of London Bridge hanging on the wall. So he said: "Let's call it London Bride."'
Following the adoption of 'London Bridge', the funeral plans for all senior members of the family were given a 'bridge' designation - 'Forth Bridge' for Prince Philip, 'Tay Bridge' for Queen Mother and so on. The former Comptroller, Sir Malcolm Ross, also proposed that plans for the funeral of ex-prime minister Margaret Tatcher should be codenamed 'Iron Bridge'. It was vetoed by a very senior police officer who told him: 'Only royals get bridges.'
‘Charles III: New King. New Court. The Inside Story’ by Robert Hardman (2024).
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stennyandbaddecisions · 5 months
King Ecbert loves drama and I cannot fault him for that
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tabellae-rex-in-sui · 2 years
I forgot to mention. While I was in Lacoste, I learned that Sade had a chapel in his chateau that was next to his bedroom.
Make of that what you will
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extasiswings · 9 months
Happy New Year to me from Mila Finelli for posting her Kings of Italy wedding reception bonus scenes. Takeaways: Gia and Enzo remain Iconic and Emma pulling Giulio and Alessio away from the reception to ask for advice on pegging her new husband and being like “it’s not because you’re gay, I’ve just been told you’re really good at giving advice and also I don’t know any other men I can ask” was simultaneously hilarious and very sweet.
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data2364 · 2 years
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via Trekcore.com
James Doohan (Montgomery Scott) and Majel Barrett-Roddenberry (Christine Chapel) 1968 in Star Trek: The Original Series "A Private Little War“
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network-decay · 1 year
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mount stuart. isle of bute, scotland
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fideidefenswhore · 2 years
Was Mary ever forced or compelled to curtsey while in Elizabeth's households?
Forced? I'm not really sure how that would even work (do you push someone's head down, or...?), but no, not that I'm aware of, and I've read all of Chapuys' dispatches.
'Compelled' sounds like it's more likely, as she was under pressure to pay reverence to Elizabeth almost constantly, if we are going by Chapuys' reports. If you ask someone to do something enough, ask the same question so many times in expectation of a different answer, then it eventually constitutes harassment.
Thing is, though, that from all of Chapuys' dispatches it would seem that Mary never did what she had been 'compelled' to do in that respect? No address by the title, no allowance of Elizabeth or her retinue to have first arrival at these households on the journeys between them. The only time that seems to be the exception is when 'gentlemen', 'by sheer force', 'placed in a chaise [horse-chaise?] with [Lady Shelton]', so that is force employed to yield precedence, but not to curtsey. I have a hard time believing that if Mary had curtseyed to Elizabeth that Chapuys wouldn't have known and reported it, aghast and ashamed, as he did when he himself paid reverence to Anne Boleyn.
Okay, searching, “pay court” helped clear this up a little:
[...] because she will not accompany the bastard, and will not walk by the side of her when they are taken anywhere. She is always in front of her or behind, and will not pay court to her unless compelled by sheer force. (25 March 1534)
I suppose it’s open to interpretation? ‘She is always in front of her or behind’ sounds very definitive, ‘will not pay court to her unless compelled by sheer force’ sounds more like Chapuys is saying that that she hasn’t, and won’t, unless under those circumstances (if she had, and this is before she has, wouldn’t the sentence be more along the lines of “does not pay court to her except when she is compelled by force”?) . Given that he never reports her doing so, I would have to surmise that she was only ‘compelled by sheer force’ (to ape his exact phrasing, 2x, assuming it means ‘physical force’-- you would need it to place someone into a vehicle they did not want to get into) once, to yield precedence but not to ‘pay court’ per say (ie, make obeisance by a physical gesture, curtsey, bow, dip head, etc). 
Fwiw, Chapuys admits to advising this specifically (so, “will not pay court to her unless compelled by sheer force” we can read more as him relaying what his specific advice was to Mary to Charles V, not what she had done, necessarily) and regrets it in the case of the one reported incident:
I should never have advised the Princess to go to such an extremity (30 March 1534)
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artnerd1123 · 2 years
Nothing 2 kill ur work desire like walking into ur building at 5am and seeing all the work u did undone bc there was a flood over the weekend
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feykrorovaan · 2 years
Crown store housing in eso is like:
I see it.
I want it.
I check the price.
I take a step back.
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myorgansaremelting · 16 days
scared to say this on main bec i would get dogpiled if it got popular buuuuut
i have a similar reaction to chappell roan as i do taylor swift
some songs have bits that absolutely slap
some are just like. ok. not at all my thing but ok.
like i wouldnt listen to her stuff if i wasnt dragged into it by my friends insisting i do
but yanno. good for the people who do like her
I mean there’s nothing wrong with disliking an artist at all! Don’t listen to her if you don’t want to!!!!
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