#private hire car insurance
wildlife4life · 9 months
foaming at the mouth over the nfl au ❤️
I am honestly gobsmacked at how popular NFL Buck is considering American Football isn't the most popular around these parts. So I will never deny sharing a snippet of a much beloved fic. Here is a bit from the Ocean's 911 arc.
Eddie tries his damndest not to squirm under Hen and Chimney's annoyed glares. He shouldn't have said a word. He should have lied and said something along the lines of 'Yea my house was searched too. Was up all night cleaning.' But nope. He was honest to a fault and possibly now considered a traitor. "Why pray tell were you excluded from the search warrant?" Hen asks with a slight scowl. He clears his throat and looks anywhere but towards his fellow firefighters, "I have a good lawyer." Correction, Buck has a good lawyer and the moment he heard about the police wanting to question Eddie, Kameron's car was booked. "Uh huh. The blonde in the Armani pants suit and killer stilettos?" Hen questioned. "Mmhm. Her names Kameron Kane. Do you um, want her card? She could probably help the rest ya'll out." That earned another scowl from Hen and a snort of discontent from Chimney, "Pretty sure we can't afford the same lawyer that represents several professional athletes and other millionaires." Chim remarks. Eddie winces and grips his coffee cup tighter. Kameron was well known now a days, but when Eddie first met her, she had literally barged her way into Buck's room, drunk and bawling her eyes out about Connor, Buck's roommate at the time. She was only a first year law student and didn't even blink at seeing the future NFL star naked in bed with another man. Just stuck her clammy hand out, when she did notice Eddie and said, "I'm Kameron, Connor's-whatever. How the hell did Buck score you?" And became one of their closets friends. Evan hired Kameron the moment she passed the bar and immediately fired the lawyer on Maddie's self-defense case, replacing his misogynistic ass with Kameron. She won, made Maddie a national icon, and insured every dollar of Doug's estate went to the brave woman. Kameron's been building her empire ever since and she was a glaring link between him and Evan Buckley. So he really hoped his co-workers don't follow it to back to the quarterback. "Sorry. Honestly she told them that I really don't have much of a motive." Translation: The detectives found out during their investigation that Eddie was Evan Buckley's partner and robbing a bank for the amount of money that was missing was barely a drop compared to Buck's income. As for the diamonds, more than affordable for the millionaire quarterback (just look at Maddie's jewelry collection). The detectives probably also kept their search warrants away from Eddie after Kameron threatened to sue the entire department if even minute whisper about Evan's private relationship got out. Police showing up to the quarterback's home to search it would have been much louder.
WIP Tag Game
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capcavan · 11 months
Andreil foster home for peculiar charity cases!
Andreil foster home for peculiar charity cases PREV Sorry for taking so long have bit longer one also thanks to amazing edits from @jtl-fics <3
It wasn’t as if Andrew had forgotten that Kevin had moved across town, it was more to put a spotlight on the fact that even with the distance it still, apparently, hadn’t been far enough. Not far enough to stop waltzing into their house uninvited as if he were merely walking into another room of his own home. It had been months since he had moved out of their house and into his own when Jean had made the National team. A few months just wasn’t enough to erase habits built through the years. Routines that he had formed his life around, routines built with the help of two, slightly more functional, men. Living at the nest had robbed Kevin of many ‘common’ things. Simple joys like a long hot shower. Mundane annoyances like standing in line at the grocery store. Obvious things like the knowledge that he could just leave his house at any given moment for no reason. Sensible things like remembering to set up automatic bill payments for his insurance and his car payments.
Kevin had admitted that it hurt whenever his own father’s face twisted whenever Kevin struggled with these ‘common’ things. Wymack was a man who purposefully surrounded himself with tragedy and still was gutted every single time he saw it. Wymack agonized over every hurt kid and Kevin, now 30, was pretty tired of feeling like an injured child. So Andrew had remained Kevin’s go-to person. Most of the time Andrew didn’t even mind it. The big 2 story house with a fenced private garden was Kevin’s playground where he could learn to function and Andrew and Neil had both taken pride in being the family Kevin turned to. “…I was in the neighbourhood, so I thought that I’d make you both a healthy breakfast.” Kevin forges on with the obvious lie and Andrew’s too tired this Sunday morning to contradict him. They all knew that there was no reason for Kevin to be around. There was no ‘in the neighbourhood’ for Kevin Day a man who could only go outside if he had a task. “The closest store is an hour away Kevin.” Andrew reminds Kevin as if the man had not bitched about it mightily when he had lived there. “We could go together and get groceries?” Kevin suggests because he also knows that Sunday morning is when him and Neil usually peel themselves off one another to go buy their groceries for the week. It was funny that Kevin had clung onto this tradition more tightly than any of the others since he’d been the one who had initially put forth the idea of getting groceries delivered. Andrew and Neil had rejected the idea outright both too used to lives where they saved every penny and never wanting hired help to nose around in their private business. If Andrew set something down somewhere then he wanted to be able to categorically blame Neil if it wasn’t where he left it.
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nightofnyx8 · 9 months
Thank you for tagging me @roseofbattles!
Greatest Hits of 2023
1. I got my first real job as a teacher! After about 100 applications and thirty or so failed interviews (that was fun eight months of doubting everything about myself), I was finally hired on as the choir and orchestra teacher at a nearby middle school. It has been such a whirlwind (especially seeing as I only took about six weeks of string essentials in college), and I have spent many long days crying at my desk after school. But oh, how I love my kids. They drive me crazy and crack the weirdest jokes and amaze me all at the same time. It's been a lot trying to breathe life into a dying program and I get a lot of pushback from kids who just want to sing pop karaoke all day, but they've grown so much in just one semester. It's crazy exhausting but I honestly would never want to do anything else. <3
2. Reading-I've fallen in love with audiobooks and reading real books again! I've gotten to read a variety of genres and I really feel like it's improved my writing. My favorite this year would probably have to be Eye of the Needle by Ken Follet (thanks to @puolain for the recommendation). I'm currently working through The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy and Red Sparrow by Jason Matthews.
3. Travel- I had the opportunity to go to NYC for the first time ever and met some really wonderful friends! I really haven't been able to go anywhere else, but my husband and I are saving up to go to Spain in the coming months!
4. Writing-I've been delving more into chaptered fics as opposed to one-shots, and I'm been enjoying it! It takes a lot more planning and dedication, but that urge to write an original work someday is always on the back of my mind. We'll see :)
5. Piano-I've never been the best pianist, but this year has given me time to really go from the plateau I've been stuck on for the last five years and I finally feel like I'm making some progress again. I'm excited to actually start accompanying my choirs instead of faking it with block chords most of the time.
6. I've really built up my private voice studio this year and it's growing quite nicely. It's kind of fun to teach middle schoolers during the day and then private high schoolers in the afternoon.
7. I was invited to join a semi-professional choir by a few of my colleagues, and it's been such a joy! We've gotten to sing at some beautiful cathedrals and were invited to sing at our state's choral festival alongside some collegiate choirs. Next season's looking to be pretty busy, and the first year we'll be paid to sing!
8. I had to do a lot of first-time "grown-up" things this year (apply for insurance and retirement, bought a new car, first time with a salary-based job, etc), and while part of me longs for that safety net of college, it's exciting to actually start my career and begin the next stage of my life.
9. I've been Journaling a lot more this year! It really helps me get my thoughts out at the end of the day.
10. My husband and I will be celebrating our three-year annivesary in May. He is such a nerd and likes to take me on walks to see exposed infrastructure, but he is such a good man and I'm excited to see where life takes us next.
Bonus: I'm hoping to really be kind to myself and my students in 2024. Being a new teacher is very overwhelming, especially as I'm the youngest teacher in the school and it's been hard not to beat myself up over every bad day. But next year also holds the promise of always learning something new and sharing it with the people I love <3
tagging @whateversawesome @klainelynch @neejmorp @puolain @wondrousmay and whoever else wants to do it <3
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monaut · 8 months
It’s always one thing after another wtf
-my mom finally found her little brother after 20 years of looking for him (using private investigators and everything) but the reason she found him…. Is bc he now needs to urgently get his leg amputated but he doesn’t have health insurance or money so he finally came crawling back so now we need to quickly raise funds for him (none of us have money) and now we all need to emotionally and financially deal with a mentally disturbed physically huge and strong man in pain who can no longer coherently speak
-I only have maybe 6k or 7k saved (FML exchange rate…) and already told these two girls I would move in with them in New York… I was counting on getting and using CNY money from my parents but now all our money needs to go to my uncle so T___T I need to back out but I feel so bad and it’s such a good place too I don’t want to back out 😭
-the whole reason I left j*pan is to move to new yuck but now I think the responsible thing to do is live at home, get some random job at target or something (bc I don’t have a car so I can’t drive to any work locations so I can only work in my unwalkable suburb ^___^) and save all my minimum wage + savings to help pay for my uncle’s stuff
-my uncle needs a caretaker so my mom would need to quit her job to do that… (I can’t do it bc my uncle and I don’t speak the same language) but my mom is 60 so she’ll never be able to get hired again if she quits so from now on I have to be the breadwinner of this family oh my fucking God… I always knew this day would come but I didn’t know it would come so soon and so early in my nonexistent career???
What the hell why did I quit my job and move home everything is going as WRONG as possible I wished I stayed in Japan wtf 😭😭😭
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mistydeyes · 1 year
hey, i wanted to ask for a cod mw2 pairing if possible
I’m black (dark skinned) and around 5’7. I am plus sized but do try to be active in the pool. I normally wear glasses since that’s what i’m used to but I will wear contacts depending on what im doing that day or if i want to be extra with my makeup. My natural hair is either braided back or in twists so i can have a break from long braids or twists. I do have a decent collection of wigs which i try to take care of.
I am very smiley to the point where it’s stuck on my face. I care deeply for those im close with and my family. I am trying to build self confidence but I never let someone random try and ruin my day. I really like reading, listening to music, cooking/baking, and learning about anything (chemistry, embroidery, music production, etc).
For my future, i am hoping to become a foreign service officer or work for the cia as i study international relations and my current foreign language i’m taking is Chinese. I want to do that for a while and then transition to teaching as a way to inspire kids and help them understand intersectionality in daily life.
For my ideal partner, I would like someone who can just understand me. I love quality time and just enjoying each other’s company. I also have a huge habit of spoiling others and wanting to be spoiled almost every month. I also prefer talking in person as that feels more intimate than texting (unless we’ve been together for a while then texting is fine)
thank you for when ever you get to this!!!!
Phillip Graves (a/n BRO this man has such husband potential if he wasn't an absolute asshole but anon you sound like the coolest person ever and I hope that everything goes well with your major!)
How you met: Government "Morning, agent," the front guard greeted as you underwent security, "got a new wig I see." "You know it, have to use my government salary for something," you joked before entering the elevator. Working for the CIA had its perks, while you enjoyed a cushy salary, the amazing health insurance, and loan forgiveness, you were never able to have a great relationship outside of work. People got a little too nosy when on dates you told them you worked in the "private sector." The doors of the elevator began to close before a hand reached out to stop it. A blonde man who looked like he was more fit to be on a modeling shoot stepped in with a smile. "Looks like we're going to the same floor," he commented and stood next to you as the elevator ascended. You stood in the peaceful silence before he spoke up again. "Didn't know the government hired such gorgeous employees," he flirted and you smiled a little bit wider. "I'm sure they looked at my resume and not my face," you replied as you looked up at him. You couldn't deny he was handsome but you had been down this road before with other DC boys that weren't worth your time. "Well with a face like yours, I'm sure you come highly decorated." God this man was a smooth talker. As you came closer to your destination, he sighed dreamily. "The name's Phillip, hope to see you around, doll face," he winked at you before exiting. It wasn't until later that day when you entered a debrief with your superiors that you saw Phillip's blue eyes light up as you sat down and return his gaze.
A peek into your relationship: Anniversaries were the gift giving Olympics for you and Phillip. Every year you tried to one-up the other. Last year, you took the cake by giving him a sports car that he dreamed of ever since he became the CEO of the Shadow Company. You knew this year, he would be trying to outdo you. What you weren't expecting was being showered with gifts the day before your 5th anniversary. After a long day analyzing some Chinese intel, you entered your Georgetown apartment to the scent of thousands of roses. "Surprise, sweetheart," your boyfriend greeted as he kissed you gently. "Philip I thought our anniversary was tomorrow," you exclaimed as he pulled you into his arms. "Doesn't mean I can't spoil you today," he replied, "Now get dressed, I have something special prepared for you." Your laughter echoes through the hallway as you entered your bedroom. On the bed lay a dress that looked like it was spun from pure gold. You gasped as you put the silky fabric on and saw how it complimented your skin. Underneath the dress was a matching purse, an expensive brand you had only dreamed of owning. You opened it as you exited the hallway and saw a small white box on the inside. You delicately opened it as you made your way back to Graves. You could only hold a hand over your mouth as you saw a beautiful gold ring, adorned with crystals in an extravagant baguette shape. "Surprise gorgeous," Phillip replied before getting down on one knee. You hand to hand it to him, he gave you the best gift you could ever want.
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The Doctor
For @mercedesdecorazon
Lucas x MC
Enemies to lovers? I tried, homie.
Rosalia Edwards had not been having a good day. She was scheduled to interview a new candidate for the open slot in her roster and not only had she woken up late, but her coffee maker broke. Then her car wouldn’t start and she missed the trolley which led to her running through the streets of Oxford. She had to wait at every light for the the signal to go, and as soon as she could finally see her office coming into view, she was startled to fall back from her step forward by a motorbike running over her foot. “Oh bloody-“
“I’m sorry!” The driver shouted, pulling off his helmet as he hurriedly pulled over beside her.
But Rosalia was already done with the day, so she ignored the apology, “You bloody daft- don’t you look where you’re going?”
“Can I take you to the hospital or something? Please, what can I do?”
“Nothing!” She winced, limping around him, “I’m already late!”
Rosalia hurried into her office, calling in one of the medical staff to check over her foot, and she was relieved to see she’d made it in with ten minutes before the interview. Once she was wrapped up and advised to ice it later, she sagged into her desk chair out of relief it wasn’t broken. Still, she was annoyed that she wouldn’t be able to get her caffeine before meeting the candidate for her open position, so she settled with pulling out his file. Lucas Koh. Physiotherapist. His references and education were the best she’d ever seen, especially for the relatively small client base they handled, mostly those with low income that couldn’t afford private insurance. Applicants with his kind of resume weren’t looking for such a low paying position, even the ones fresh out of school expected to make better money. But he had applied with her clinic, probably as a stepping stone to have experience listed for a new job elsewhere but she planned to take what she could get.
What she didn’t plan was seeing an infuriatingly familiar face being guided into her office five minutes before the interview started. Still, she was a professional. “I’m sorry, I’m meeting with a potential employment prospect in a few minutes, so if you needed something, I’ll need to direct you to one of my associates.”
She watched as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, “Yes, ma’am, uh, I realize this morning probably led us off on the wrong foot, but I’m here for the interview.” He cringed at the choice of words.
Her eyes narrowed slightly, “You are Lucas Koh?” His lips pressed in a thin line as he gave her a nod.
The man who ran over her foot this morning was the same man that was overqualified for the position he was applying for. The man she desperately needed to hire for her patients. Oh, fuck her life.
Rosalia was not going to let her patients suffer, but she also didn’t want to hire someone that couldn’t pay attention to something as serious as pedestrians while driving.
So while she did hire him, she kept one eye on him at all times while he was with a patient.
Lucas could deal with that. He understood why she would be hesitant. He ignored the sense of insecurity it gave him. He knew how to do his job, and he knew he could do it well, so he just needed to wait until she could see that.
It took three months before she stopped watching over his shoulder. Three months of surveys with patients, double checking his notes in files, but Rosalia was finally accepting that it had been a bad first impression that she was holding over his head. She was actually starting to enjoy his company as the days went on. Instead of studiously sitting in her office at lunch, she would go down to the break room and share a table with him like she had the other employees when they were new. Instead of criticizing every note he made, she started letting him know he was doing good work. Instead of scheduling his appointments for the worst times in a social life, she started scheduling them for reasonable times. Instead of glaring at him, they started sharing smiles.
She hated to admit that when she wasn’t actively trying to hate him, she was realizing how much of a catch he was. Both a catch for her clinic, and he could be a catch in a romantic aspect if she ever got over her pride and chose to acknowledge the feelings budding in her chest. Rosalia saw Lucas’s kindness. His optimism and loyalty and humor. She finally saw him.
And then she got the call she’d been expecting, but was terrified of when it was coming. A larger, high scale clinic in the city was calling about a certain physiotherapist that had applied to their facility.
Rosalia had a choice. She could sabotage the reference. She could tell them he ran late to work. Tell them he got snippy with patients, didn’t know how to fill out files.
Or she could tell them the truth.
So she answered their questions. Told the director of the clinic that he was the most skilled physiotherapist she’d ever worked with, how he won the loyalty and affection of his patients with ease, how he was selfless and helpful to his coworkers.
When she finally hung up, she knew he had the job. That knowledge set a burning feeling in her gut, and with it she stormed out of her office.
Lucas’s head snapped up from his paperwork when his office door slammed shut, “Dr. Edwards?” When he remembered they were alone in the office, his voice turned softer than his professional tone, “Rosalia, are you alright?”
“Were you going to put in your two week notice at least?” She bit out. Rosalia wasn’t even sure why her voice was so vicious, but she could feel the anger burning in her face and knew that if it could it would be turning red in her fury.
His brow furrowed, “Put in my two weeks for what?”
She barked out a humorless laugh, “Orenthal Clinic? Did you already forget you applied?”
“Orenthal…” his forehead pinched in concentration before the recognition lit his eyes, “I did apply there. But what’s brought this up?”
She could’ve scoffed at the confusion in his voice. Why did he think she was bringing it up? But instead she asked her own question. “If they hadn’t called, would you have even told me?” Lucas finally stood up from his desk as the anger burned out for something else Rosalia wasn’t ready to identify.
As he crossed the space between them, posing himself on the edge of his desk only a foot away so the wood no longer stood between them, he crossed his arms, “I did apply there. Months ago. I didn’t want your dislike for me to disrupt your clinic- I could see the stiffness it brought to you when you talked to patients and everyone said you weren’t like that before. I thought it would’ve been easier for you if I left.”
“But the patients love you!” She argued, “You were just going to abandon them?”
“No! Never!” His eyes widened, “I planned on utilizing those odd hours you gave me at the beginning to work around the new clinic schedule so I could still help them.”
“So you were just abandoning me.” The statement caught him off guard, but it seemed to surprise her just as much. Suddenly the feeling she didn’t want to identify had a name. Betrayal.
Immediately, Rosalia was turning to leave. She hadn’t planned to say that, she hadn’t plan to feel that way, and she didn’t want to be there when he shot her down. Lucas had other plans, catching her arm quickly before she could make it to the door, “Whoa, whoa. Please, just talk to me. I was going to change facilities to help you. You didn’t like me.”
“No! I didn’t! You ran me over! But-“ she threw her hands up as much as she could while he still held her elbow.
“But what?”
“But you had to be so you!” She shot out. “You had to be so charming and nice and polite and what the hell was I supposed to do? Just hate you so I looked like a crazy person to everyone else?”
“So…you don’t hate me because other people don’t hate me?”
“I don’t hate you because I like you!” They both froze, for only a second. She took the opportunity to yank her arm away, storming out of his office and to the car park as quickly as she could. She wouldn’t be able to avoid the conversation forever, but she figured she might at least be able to avoid it for now.
She was wrong. She hadn’t even made it to her car before Lucas had shaken himself from his stupor and caught up. “Rosalia! Wait, please!”
“No! Just forget it- forget I said anything! The Orenthal Clinic will be great for you- you’ve talked about the Doctors Without Borders thing before. They’ll help you get there! Don’t worry about this place. It’s survived without you before and it can-“
“Rosalia. Please.” He interrupted, gently catching hold of her hand and tugging her to a stop, “I don’t want to leave this place. I really just…I don’t want to leave you. I understand why you didn’t like me at first. I understand why you were hesitant. But when you started to actually trust me to do my job, when you started to open up with me- it made me realize how special this place really is.” Slowly, like he was afraid she’d run away again if he moved too fast, Lucas intertwined their fingers, “You made this clinic knowing you’d be spending more to keep it running than you made. You brought life into it and made it a safe place for patients that wouldn’t be able to get help otherwise. That’s the kind of work I want to be a part of. That’s the kind of help I want to give. I only applied somewhere else because I didn’t want to be a hindrance to you, I applied there before your opinion of me started to change. But I never to leave here. I never wanted to leave you.”
“So…if you aren’t leaving…what now?”
“Well, tomorrow I’ll be checking with HR about the policies here about inter office dating,” they chuckled together, “but maybe you’ll still let me take you to dinner tonight?”
Rosalia was quiet for a long moment, eyes tracing over every inch of Lucas’s face as if she needed to assess the sincerity, “Yeah. Okay.”
Later, while they were sat at a table eating Chinese and laughing at something that had happened to a coworker, Lucas got the call. Looking Rosalia in the eye with a smile, he turned down their offer, stating that he was at exactly where he wanted to be.
@justtuesdays @sunshinejihyun
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yknow, I really HATE the snide comments on posts about older learner or P plate drivers, here in aus, when they get into accident by simple error. like the other day, I saw a news story about a P plater who accidentally flipped their car onto its roof, while trying to practice parking at a busy beach (bc it was during a hot day).
however, no one had any like empathy or sympathy for the person, who was 30, apparently. "oh. they're a 30 YEAR OLD P PLATER????? that says it ALL doesn't it??? maybe don't be a deadbeat and get your licence earlier???" and "who can't park at a busy beach during a hot day???? did they NOT learn how to park at all during driving lessons??? take their licence away, they don't deserve to drive ever again!!!!" or "who the hell is a P plater AT 30??? get with the times and get your licence as a teen like a normal person!!!! so you're NOT a burden to everyone else!!!"
like im still to read the article. but I feel so much for this person. I only got my Ps in 2019.... at 23/24. I only got off my Ps last november (2022), at 27. I've talked on many posts about my struggles around getting my licence (ie too much anxiety and depression in 2011 and late high school- the perceived "only right time"- to go for my Ls and Ps) and troubles with driving teachers and uni and me having to pay for ALL of my lessons out of own pocket.... and also my parent never wanting to teach me.... bc I was too anxious for them as well, so you might as well just push all off on a driving school anyway.
so yeah me getting my licence was a fucking mess. I HATED myself for getting it so late etc etc. but even on my full licence, earlier this year, i made a stupid asf error right before I left my old job.
basically, a week before I left that job, I had a MASSIVE crash in my works private parking lot. I went up the ramp to the upper level for shade, bc it was a hot day and my car would be cooler at the end of the day (not by much, obvs, but a bit) than me parking on the bottom floor, away from everyone in the sun).... I accidentally scraped on side of my car on one of the concrete pillars. I panicked, stupidly really. what's a little dent on my car??? lmao. anyway. I reversed out of those pillars, trying to fix the position of my car. however, in doing that, I accidentally pressed the accelerator and went zooming (low speed but downhill, terrible combination) down the ramp, and smashed my entire back window, boot (trunk, for americans) and a bit of the right side panel of my car (which the repairs were kind enough to replace the entirety of actually).... also they had to bc thag entire back tyre was ripped off. my exhaust was leaking too.
obvs my old work sent me home that day (thank FUCK) , and I had a hire car through my insurance for nearly 3 months. I got landed with an extra $400 excess for being an "inexperienced driver" bc I'd only had my full licence for 5 months at that point, instead of 2 years. but it's just that easy to make a dumb fuckup mistake.
and no, when it came to learning how to park with both my parent and the driving school.... I didn't get much time learn. I did like 10 mins in one lesson with the driving school on actual parking in a parking lot.... bc that shit didn't matter in the P plate test... only the stupid asf kerb side reverse park (or whatever the fuck it's called) got assessed in the test.... and I fucking resented that SO MUCH.... bc it's the part I ALWAYS forgot the steps to and always did in like 20 steps, instead of the required 3 to 5. the end of test parking in the spot at service nsw (ie the dmv in my state of aus) doesn't get marked.
my parent just straight up refused to teach me parking (and pretty esp the curb side tbh). instead, they tried to tell me that middle-aged american and canadian men (most usually... and none of them were driving instructors- just randos) with go pros were a better resource to learn parking from.... when like THEY DRIVE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE FUCKING ROAD TO AUSTRALIA????? "all you have to do is watch that video before we go put to practice and swap it around in your head??? it's that easy!" no it's not???? how the fuck am I meant to reverse the direction in my head???? it literally makes fuck all sense.
moreover, I feel like it's just australia's laziness on having resources for learner drivers. like not one aussie driving school, while I was trying to get my licence, had instructional videos on how to do a reverse park, how to park normally, and how to do parallels parking. there was ONE British guy. ONE. and not even from australia. everything else was flooded by americans and canadians. like guys, I like you. but trying to learn how to park from Brad in a Walmart parking lot in Texas or mark in Omaha in a walgreens parking lot.... or Tommy from Saskatchewan or Ben from Ontario, both videos from a Tim Horton's parking lot (sorry, it's the only canadian brand that I know lol).... who are all driving and parking from the right side of the road.... DOES NOT help a very confused and anxious learner driver in AUSTRALIA who DRIVES ON THE LEFT, with learning how to park safely or well. under stress, or just even normally for me, it was IMPOSSIBLE to swap the direction around mentally, as I was actively trying to learn to park.
but my point is, the age of the P plate driver has NOTHING to do with the fact that they accidentally flipped their car while trying to park in a stressful situation. they weren't lazy or a burden for getting their licence late. the situation i crashed my car in wasn't even stressful... I was just an anxious, almost sleepless mess at that old job. I accidentally freaked myself out by slightly scratching my car bc I have shit parking and direction skills in that particular parking lot.
my age, 27, and the person in the news story's age, 30 HAS NOTHING TO DO with driving ability and apparently "needing their licence taken off them." I was practically forced to get my licence and buy my car (eventually) to be better considered for jobs.... since NO ONE wants to hire someone without a car and licence these days. like I was so lucky my old job was right across from a bus stop and that they hired me using the bus.
every other place I tried basically automatically tossed me out in the application stage, when I dared to answer "I use public transport" or "I don't have access to my own vehicle." even though HR at my old work kept telling me that employers can't assess or discriminate against that. but they do, ashley, they do. and I KNOW... esp since I've always been interested in doing events. and doing events work is IMPOSSIBLE without a car due to wack ass hours. also, I actively got denied a marketing internship in business college in 2014. all bc the bus took an hour and a half, instead of 25 to 30 mins by car. so don't you dare tell me that workplaces don't discriminate towards lack of transportation (even if they can't say it directly to the applicant) bc some places definitely do.
so I imagine that the above, and the other obstacles I've mentioned in this post, are what probably led to this 30 year P plater getting their licence so late (unless of course they got downgraded bc they had road offences.... but idk bc I still haven't actually read the article lol). but assuming the best of the person in the story, it was an honest, anxious mistake to flip their car while trying to park that day at that beach... like, okay. it's obvs not a small mistake; bc they did flip their goddamned car upside down....
but in stress, you can make stupid ass mistakes, just like I did in march..... and imo that doesn't call for someone to LOSE THEIR LICENCE and be thoroughly condescended to.... all bc some fucking asshole on the internet is all fucking rude about "OH A 30 YO P PLATER???? THAT SAYS IT ALL!!!! they were too lazy to do this important thing YEARS AGO as a teenager, and now they're making our roads unsafe with this!!!! rescind their licence now!!! they're entirely unfit to drive! or at least go back to driving school, darling. so maybe you'll remember your mistakes of safety!!!"
like, brenda or quincey. I highly doubt you've NEVER made a mistake while driving??? or accidentally hit someone???? or maybe you'd be like the middle aged lady I accidentally hit back in july, who tried to force me to stand in a busy local highway intersection FOR AN HOUR ON THE PHONE witb my insurance to report.... so she had PHYSICAL PROOF that I'd done it... bc she was thoroughly convinced that I was lying that I had insurance bc (A.) I dont have an insurance card like she dod.... bc im sure that's a legacy thing, and I've only had my car for a year, so that meant to her that I was a LIAR.... and (B.) I'm young, so then that automatically means that I'm a liar and will never report to insurance that I'd fucked up.... then this woman had the gall to report the incident 3 DAYS LATER (I'm assuming).... after INSISTING I had to do it instantly in front of HER EYES only for truthful reporting all while saying "you BETTER get this FIXED for ME bc my husband has just died".
like thanks, geraldine. but at this point, I don't fucking care about your dead husband. just let me report this accident in peace AT HOME AWAY from you, breathing down my neck saying every 2 seconds that "young people ALWAYS lie to me... so YOU'RE A LIAR and will dupe me out of my deserved repairs. repair it FOR ME NOW! YOU BETTER DO IT WHILE I WATCH, OR YOU WILL RUN OFF ON ME!! I KNOW THIS!!!!" but anyway. I digress. my point is that the people commenting on age sound exactly this rude ass woman, insisting that the older age of the P plater in this story has everything to do with the accident, and NOTHING to do with stress and anxiety around driving.
like ok. I'll admit picking a busy time to practice parking, probs isn't the best decision. but also. if you don't practice parking at busy times EVER, you're just never going to go anywhere during peak busy periods of the day.... much like I do. I never go to the beach in summer bc I hate jockeying for spots. I wait til like 4 to 6 pm to go do some shopping bc then I have less chance of accidentally hitting someone (a car obvs) while backing out.... and am more likely to have an empty spot to drive straight into.
I purposely pick the emptier outside parking lot at one particular local shopping centre, all bc I know if I park like shit (ie accidentally park over half into another spot) I can just leave it like that, bc I have fuck all idea of how to correct it tbh. as long as no one parks RIGHT NEXT TO ME, I'm fine lmao. and that's a problem in summer, when it's like 45⁰C (like 100+⁰F).... so I should really try to park in the overly busy undercover parking, for respite, when i get back to my car. I actively avoid ever driving to sydney bc of this as well. I'll never be able to handle sydney suburbia driving.... let alone the whole ass different beast that is CBD sydney driving is (lol im driving straight into the harbour to avoid any type of city parking and parking fees etc).
anyway yeah. I just wish people had more empathy and sympathy these days when people have a kinda dumb accident like this..... instead of instantly calling for the person to lose their licence.... and also insisting that its all to do with someone getting their licence much later than the perceived "correct and proper" time of 16 to 19.
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sidabd · 5 days
Exploring the Best Lucknow to Delhi Taxi Services: Your Comprehensive Guide
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When planning a trip from Lucknow to Delhi, the choice of transportation can significantly influence your journey's comfort and convenience. Among various travel options, hiring a taxi stands out for its flexibility, ease, and personalized service. This guide explores the ins and outs of Lucknow to Delhi taxi services, highlighting what you need to know to ensure a smooth, enjoyable trip between these two bustling cities.
Why Choose a Taxi Service?
1. Flexibility and Convenience
One of the primary advantages of opting for a taxi service is flexibility. Unlike train and bus schedules, which are fixed and often inconvenient, taxis offer door-to-door service at your preferred time. This flexibility is particularly valuable for travelers who may have tight schedules or specific needs regarding pickup and drop-off locations.
2. Comfort and Privacy
Taxis provide a more comfortable and private travel experience compared to other modes of transportation. With spacious seating, air conditioning, and the ability to control the journey's pace, taxis ensure a more relaxed ride. This is especially beneficial for long trips like the journey from Lucknow to Delhi, which spans approximately 550 kilometers and can take around 8 to 10 hours depending on traffic conditions.
3. Personalized Service
Taxi services often offer personalized service that can enhance your travel experience. From choosing your vehicle type to having a professional driver who knows the route well, you can expect a tailored service that meets your specific needs. Many taxi services also provide options for additional amenities like Wi-Fi, refreshments, and entertainment systems.
Choosing the Right Taxi Service
1. Research and Compare
Before booking your Lucknow to Delhi taxi service, it's essential to research and compare different providers. Look for companies with positive customer reviews, a good track record, and competitive pricing. Websites and review platforms can be valuable resources in assessing the reliability and quality of various services.
2. Vehicle Options
Taxi services typically offer a range of vehicle options, from standard sedans to luxury cars and SUVs. Depending on your preferences and budget, you can select a vehicle that best suits your comfort level and needs. For a long journey, you might prefer a more spacious and comfortable option to ensure a pleasant ride.
3. Check Pricing and Packages
Pricing is a crucial factor when choosing a taxi service. Most companies offer fixed rates for long-distance trips, which can help you avoid unexpected costs. Additionally, some services offer package deals that include amenities like tolls, fuel, and driver’s accommodation. Be sure to inquire about all potential charges and confirm the total cost before finalizing your booking.
4. Verify Safety and Reliability
Safety is paramount when selecting a taxi service. Ensure that the company you choose has a strong safety record, well-maintained vehicles, and professional drivers. Many reputable companies provide GPS tracking for added security and offer insurance coverage in case of any unforeseen events during your journey.
What to Expect During Your Journey
1. The Route and Scenic Views
The route from Lucknow to Delhi primarily follows the National Highway 30, which connects these two major cities. The journey takes you through a diverse landscape, offering glimpses of rural and urban India. Depending on the time of day and season, you might enjoy scenic views of fields, small towns, and historical landmarks.
2. Traffic Conditions
Traffic conditions can vary significantly depending on the time of day, weather, and roadworks. Peak hours, especially during weekends and holidays, may result in longer travel times. It’s a good idea to discuss the estimated travel time with your driver and plan for potential delays. For a smoother journey, consider leaving early in the morning or late in the evening.
3. Refreshments and Breaks
For a journey as long as Lucknow to Delhi, regular breaks are essential. Most professional taxi services accommodate this need, offering scheduled stops for refreshments, restroom breaks, and stretching your legs. Discuss your preferences with your driver to ensure that breaks are planned according to your comfort.
Tips for a Smooth Taxi Experience
1. Book in Advance
To secure the best rates and availability, it’s advisable to book your taxi service well in advance. This is particularly important during peak travel seasons or if you have specific requirements for your vehicle or travel time.
2. Communicate Your Needs
Effective communication with your taxi service provider can enhance your travel experience. Inform them of any special requests, such as extra luggage, specific pickup or drop-off locations, or any additional amenities you might need. Clear communication helps ensure that your journey is tailored to your preferences.
3. Keep Essentials Handy
Prepare for the journey by keeping essentials such as identification, tickets, snacks, and any medications easily accessible. Having a fully charged phone and a power bank can also be helpful, especially for longer trips.
4. Stay Informed
Stay updated on weather conditions and traffic reports before and during your journey. This information can help you make informed decisions about your travel and adjust your plans if necessary.
Traveling from Lucknow to Delhi by taxi offers a comfortable, flexible, and personalized experience that enhances your journey. By choosing a reputable taxi service, planning ahead, and communicating your needs effectively, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip. Whether you’re heading to Delhi for business, leisure, or any other reason, a well-chosen taxi service can make all the difference in your travel experience. Safe travels!
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cashforcarcanberra · 6 days
The Benefits of Choosing Car Removal Services in Canberra for Your Old Car
If you have old vehicle parked on your driveway, taking up space and not being used, it could be time to get rid of the vehicle. In Car removals Canberra are becoming increasingly sought-after by those who are looking to dispose of damaged, old, or unneeded vehicles. It is not just an easy and hassle-free process however, it offers a variety of benefits which make it worthwhile to consider. No matter if your vehicle is in operation in a garage or is not running, hiring a removal service will help you get rid of space, earn money, and help contribute to the environment by recycling.
Instant Cash for Your Old Vehicle
One of the major reasons why people choose to use cash for cars Canberra is the chance to earn immediate cash. We provide competitive rates for scrap, old or unwanted vehicles regardless of state of repair. If your car is in use or has been sitting in a garage for many years, removal services will determine its value and give an offer on the instant. Instead, you will receive the cash up front for your vehicle which makes it an easy and easy alternative for car owners.
Free Towing and Hassle-Free Process
Another major benefit of using the removal of your car services Canberra is the ease of towing for free. If you decide to dispose of your old vehicle the company will travel to your home and take away the vehicle for free to you. This is especially beneficial when your vehicle is not road-worthy or is in a poor state, because organizing transportation on your own can be costly and lengthy.
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Environmentally Friendly Recycling
The choice of a removal service for your car can also have environmental benefits. Removal companies and car wreckers in Canberra comply with strict environmental standards to ensure that the old vehicle is recycled in a responsible manner. When a vehicle is taken apart various parts like the engine and tires, the metal components as well as fluids are reused or recycled. This decreases garbage and also reduces any environmental impacts of used vehicles. Recycled vehicles reduce the requirement for new materials and also reduces. The energy used in the production of new auto parts is a great option for people who are environmentally conscious.
Save Space and Improve Safety
An old car, unloved and uninhabitable that is parked in your driveway or garage can occupy space which could be used more effectively. When you remove it from your driveway, you'll have space for other activities like parking a brand new vehicle, constructing additional storage space, or utilizing the space to enjoy recreational activities. If you live in suburbs or urban regions of Canberra there is often restricted, which makes removal of cars an effective solution.
In addition to freeing up space, getting rid of an old vehicle may increase security. As time passes, vehicles that are not used will deteriorate and cause risks like leaky fluids, rusted metal or tires that are unsafe.
No More Maintenance Costs
Maintaining an old or unloved car can result in unnecessary maintenance expenses. Even if you're not using your car often it is still possible to cover repairs, insurance and registration. These costs will add up over the course of time. When you choose a remover, you can eliminate these costs on a regular basis and use your money into something more worthwhile.
Contribute to Local Business
The local support for car removal services can also benefit economic growth in Canberra. These companies typically employ people who are from the community and participate to recycle practices which are beneficial to the environment. When you choose a local car removal company, you'll be contributing to Canberra's economy and ensuring that your car's old one is taken care of properly.
Efficient and Time-Saving
Selling your car privately could be a long-winded process. From listing your vehicle to negotiating prospective buyers, and negotiating over cost, it could be months or even years until you can find someone willing to buy your car. Removal services for cars in Canberra can speed up the process, usually completing the transaction in a matter of days. When you call the car removal company usually, they provide an estimate, set an appointment time and complete the transaction swiftly.
If you have an old, unloved vehicle in your garage, opting for an auto removal company within Canberra is a wise and sensible choice. You will not only receive immediate cash, but the procedure is easy, environmentally efficient, and can save your time and money. If your vehicle is operating or has had its time free car removal services can manage the disposal and recycling of your vehicle efficiently feasible.
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Starting a Business on a Shoestring
Introduction to Starting A Business On A Shoestring
You are prepared to launch your billion-dollar business idea. The sole issue? You are starting a business on a shoestring. Does that mean your entrepreneurial dream will fail? Nope. Thousands of business owners, including myself, engage in it. Do you want to know how to launch your business on a tight budget? Continue reading. Stay calm if you are unsure how to balance starting your business with having little money.
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Key Takeaways
Starting a small business on a budget involves several steps, from developing a business idea and conducting market research to writing a business plan.
Starting, you can cut costs by spending less on your business’s services, software, and other necessities.
Starting a business in just a few weeks for as little as $100 is feasible.
How Do You Launch a Small Business on a Shoestring Budget?
You can start a variety of businesses. In addition, there is no way to launch a business for less than $100. You still have many options with less than thousands of dollars. You still have many choices with less than thousands of dollars. Consider your hobbies, your abilities, and the tools you already own. For instance, starting a custom clothing, tumbler, and car sticker line would be simple if you own a Cricut die-cutting machine. 1. Research and Planning The next step is market research and business planning once you have decided on the type of business you want to launch. This entails gathering data and information about the market you wish to enter, including details about your target audience, rival companies, and the location and requirements of your potential clients. 2. Grants and Funding When starting a business on a tight budget, you must look everywhere for funding. With more money, you can expand your business quickly, hire more employees, purchase better tools, and market it more effectively. The good news is that you can still fund your business even if you do not have any cash. You can grow your business with thousands of grants from both public and private sources. 3. Legalities and Formal Setup Small business owners have a variety of options for legal structure. This section will help you choose the best course for your business by demystifying the various business structures. You must register your business if you intend to conduct business using a name other than your legal name. When registering your business name, you have two choices. You can set up a business structure like a limited liability company (LLC) or file a Doing Business As (DBA). You must register your name as part of the LLC filing process. 4. Other Legalities and Licensing Depending on your location and type of business, there might be additional legal considerations to keep in mind. For instance, you need commercial liability insurance if you own a storefront. Based on your location and industry, this SBA resource will assist you in determining whether you require any additional licences or permits. Legal fees and licence fees: Free (if no licence is required; subject to industry) 5. Setting Up a Workspace Where will you work now that you have decided what kind of business to launch and are familiar with the legalities? You have several choices. This could be the most economical workplace if you have the space at home. You can work from a desk in your bedroom, a spare room, or a kitchen counter. 6. Brand Identity Your logo, font, brand colours, and other distinguishing visual elements are all parts of your brand identity. Many business owners hire designers to create these components for their companies. That, however, can get expensive. For customers to recognise your business across various platforms, including social media and your website, it is crucial to be consistent with colours and fonts when developing a brand identity. 7. Building an Online Presence Most people in today’s digital world use the internet to find businesses. Local search is an effective traffic-generating marketing tool for small businesses, according to research. Additionally, people typically want to purchase when they conduct an online search for a local business. When you establish an online presence, customers can find your business when they search online. Here’s how to do it on a budget or even for nothing.
What Should You Save Your Money for Before Launching Your Business?
You can save thousands of dollars if you are willing to learn and do your homework. However, a big part of running a business is picking up lessons along the way, sometimes at a price. Here are a few things to avoid investing money in when you are just starting to prevent you from making costly mistakes.
Numerous business cards: Purchase a small quantity instead, then purchase more as needed.
Branding and logos: Start with the tools mentioned above, and then upgrade as necessary in the future.
Website development firms: Using WordPress, Wix, or other similar website builders, you can quickly create a website for free.
In conclusion, starting a business on a limited budget is possible and a wise way to get your business venture off the ground. You can successfully navigate the difficulties of limited resources and make your innovative ideas a reality by adhering to the abovementioned procedures. Remember that even with a small initial investment of $100, being resourceful, imaginative, and persistent in your approach can result in remarkable success. So embrace your entrepreneurial journey confidently, knowing you can realise your business goals with the proper techniques and tenacity. FAQs What should you think about when making a business budget? Once your objectives are clear, you can make an efficient, error-proof budget by examining costs, negotiating prices with suppliers, estimating your revenue, and being aware of your gross profit margin. Estimate your future cash flow, consider seasonal and industry trends, set spending objectives, and compile all this data. How do I launch a business on a shoestring budget? Seven steps are involved:
Selecting the best business.
Thinking about your name and brand.
Creating a business plan.
Obtaining funding.
At Bizop, you can explore a number of options. If you have additional questions or require more information about our policies, do not hesitate to contact us. For more information visit our website.
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newdelhicarrentals · 10 days
Hire Car in Delhi
Discover Delhi at Your Own Pace: The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Car with New Delhi Car Rentals
Delhi, the vibrant heart of India, is a city that pulsates with history, culture, and modern energy. From the grandeur of the Red Fort to the serene ambiance of the Lotus Temple, the capital offers a wealth of experiences that are best enjoyed at your own pace. One of the most convenient ways to explore Delhi is by hiring a car, and if you’re looking for a reliable option, New Delhi Car Rentals has got you covered. In this blog, we’ll dive into the benefits of renting a car, how to make the most of your rental experience, and why New Delhi Car Rentals stands out as a top choice for your travel needs.
Why Opt for Car Rental in Delhi?
1. Unmatched Flexibility: When you rent a car, you gain the freedom to explore Delhi on your terms. No need to adhere to public transport schedules or share your ride with strangers. With a rental car, you can create your own itinerary, making spontaneous stops and detours as you wish.
2. Comfort and Privacy: Navigating Delhi’s crowded streets can be stressful. Renting a car provides a private and comfortable space, allowing you to relax between your explorations. Whether you're traveling solo, with family, or with friends, having your own vehicle enhances the overall travel experience.
3. Cost-Effective Group Travel: For groups or families, renting a car can be more cost-effective than using ride-sharing services or public transport. It simplifies logistics and often proves more economical, especially when splitting the cost among multiple travelers.
Tips for a Seamless Car Rental Experience
1. Select the Right Vehicle: Think about your travel needs when choosing a vehicle. For navigating city streets and parking in tight spots, a compact car might be ideal. If you plan on exploring areas outside the city or need more space, an SUV or a larger car could be more appropriate.
2. Understand the Rental Terms: Read the rental agreement carefully to avoid unexpected charges. Be aware of costs related to insurance, fuel, mileage limits, and any fees for additional drivers or late returns. Knowing these details upfront can help you avoid surprises.
3. Prepare Your Documentation: Ensure you have all necessary documents before picking up your rental. Typically, you will need a valid driver’s license, a credit card for the security deposit, and some form of identification. International visitors might also require an International Driving Permit (IDP).
4. Get Acquainted with Local Traffic Rules: Delhi’s traffic can be hectic. Familiarize yourself with local driving regulations and road signs to navigate the city more confidently and safely.
Why Choose New Delhi Car Rentals?
1. Diverse Fleet of Vehicles: New Delhi Car Rentals offers a wide range of vehicles to suit various needs and preferences. Whether you’re looking for an economical car for city driving or a luxury vehicle for a special occasion, they have options to meet your requirements.
2. Exceptional Customer Service: Customer satisfaction is a priority for New Delhi Car Rentals. Their professional team is dedicated to providing a smooth rental experience, from easy booking processes to reliable customer support. They’re always ready to assist with any queries or special requests.
3. Flexible Rental Options: Whether you need a car for a few hours, a day, or an extended period, New Delhi Car Rentals offers flexible rental options. Their straightforward rental agreements and competitive pricing ensure you get the best value for your money.
4. Well-Maintained and Reliable Cars: The fleet at New Delhi Car Rentals is regularly maintained to ensure safety and reliability. You can trust that the vehicle you rent will be in excellent condition, providing you with peace of mind as you explore the city.
Exploring Delhi is a remarkable experience, and renting a car with New Delhi Car Rentals can enhance your journey by offering flexibility, comfort, and convenience. By choosing the right vehicle, understanding the rental terms, and preparing adequately, you can enjoy a hassle-free adventure through one of India’s most captivating cities.
So, whether you’re a local or a visitor, make the most of your time in Delhi by opting for a rental car from New Delhi Car Rentals. Embrace the freedom to explore at your own pace and uncover the many wonders that Delhi has to offer.
Happy travels!
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ajakstowing3 · 10 days
Get best emergency roadside service by choosing a reliable towing business in Riverview
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No matter how well-maintained your car is, breakdowns are inevitable. So, if you drive a car, you should keep the number of a trustworthy towing company on hand. Apart from a car breakdown, if you hear any odd noise coming out of your car, you need to seek help from a towing company. Towing companies not only offer towing service but also various kinds of roadside help, which include jumpstarts, assistance with flat tires, dead batteries, winchouts, accident and collateral recovery, private property and motorcycle towing, lockouts, etc. So, if you get stranded on the road due to any of the reasons mentioned, then call Ajak’s Towing LLC.
Let’s understand why Ajak’s Towing LLC should be your choice when you are seeking roadside help. 
Appropriate Tools Ajak’s Towing LLC is a seasoned and reliable towing business in Riverview that regularly updates its tools and equipment to offer prompt roadside assistance. Ajak takes pride in its service quality, which is why it strives to offer consumers excellent roadside assistance not only with cutting-edge tools but also with innovative methods. The company persistently adapts fresh approaches and plans to remain competitive in the market. Therefore, you can ensure the secure and safe towing of your car by relying on Ajak's professional towing services.
Qualified Staff
You can be positive that your vehicle is in good hands when you seek services from Ajak’s Towing LLC, as only qualified technicians are hired at the company. The team at Ajak’s has licensed drivers and certified technicians who are polite, competent, and licensed. Hence, the staff at Ajak’s is highly equipped to tow your automobile securely, making sure nothing gets damaged.
Round-the-clock availability
The most essential benefit Ajak’s Towing LLC offers is its round-the-clock service facility. The company acknowledges the fact that accidents can happen without warning and emergencies can arise at any time of the day. Therefore, Ajak’s keeps its services open at all hours of the day for emergency roadside assistance. So, if you reach out to Ajak’s Towing LLC, you will surely get the best emergency roadside service.
Licensing and insurance
Last but not least, the sign of a professional company is that they will never shy away from showing their license and insurance. They will proudly showcase their certificates and achievements. Ajak's has all the necessary documents, and they will be more than happy to show their client their authenticity.
So, get in touch with Ajak's Towing LLC if you're searching for a reliable towing business in Riverview for the best emergency roadside service. The company has been operating for more than 7 years and is thus quite proficient at handling all kinds of car issues. The Ajak team has only qualified technicians’ licensed drivers.
 For more information click: https://ajakstowing.us/ or contact: 813-553-0064.
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vivekbsworld · 13 days
Car Hire in Calicut: A Comprehensive Guide to Renting a Car
Calicut (Kozhikode) is a vibrant city on Kerala’s Malabar Coast, offering a rich cultural heritage, beautiful beaches, and a bustling urban atmosphere. To fully experience all that car hire Calicut has to offer, hiring a car provides the convenience and flexibility needed to explore the city and its surroundings at your own pace.
Benefits of Car Hire in Calicut
Freedom and Flexibility: With a rented car, you can explore Calicut and its nearby attractions according to your own schedule. You’re not limited by public transportation timetables or routes.
Comfort: Enjoy a private, comfortable ride with ample space for luggage and personal comfort. You can make stops whenever and wherever you wish.
Cost-Effective: For long-term stays or extensive travel, renting a car can be more economical than relying on taxis or public transport.
Convenience: Avoid the hassle of waiting for cabs or dealing with crowded public transport. A rental car gives you the convenience of direct, door-to-door travel.
Types of Cars for Hire in Calicut
Economy Cars: Ideal for city driving and short trips. Examples include the Maruti Alto and Hyundai Eon. These are fuel-efficient and budget-friendly.
Sedans: Suitable for both city driving and longer journeys. Models like the Honda City and Toyota Corolla offer more space and comfort.
SUVs: Perfect for groups or trips to hilly areas. SUVs like the Mahindra XUV500 and Toyota Fortuner offer ample space and power.
Luxury Cars: For a premium experience, luxury cars such as the Mercedes-Benz and BMW are available, ideal for special occasions or business travel.
Vans and MPVs: For larger groups or family trips, consider vans or multi-purpose vehicles (MPVs) like the Toyota Innova, which offer extra seating and comfort.
Top Car Hire Services in Calicut
Zoomcar: A popular self-drive car rental service offering a wide range of vehicles, from economy to luxury cars. Zoomcar provides flexible rental options and a user-friendly booking system.
IndusGo: Offers both self-drive and chauffeur-driven car hire. Their fleet includes a variety of vehicles to meet different needs and budgets.
Myles: Known for its competitive rates and diverse fleet, Myles provides an easy online booking platform and flexible rental plans.
Drivezy: Offers affordable self-drive rentals with a range of vehicle options. They provide flexible rental durations and easy online booking.
Avis India: For a premium car hire experience, Avis India offers luxury vehicles with professional service, catering to business travelers and those seeking high-end options.
Royal Drive: Provides a range of self-drive and chauffeur-driven car options, ensuring you can find a vehicle that suits your specific needs.
How to Hire a Car in Calicut
Choose a Rental Service: Research and select a car hire service based on your requirements and budget. Compare prices, vehicle options, and customer reviews to find the best service.
Book Online: Most car hire services offer online booking through their websites or mobile apps. Choose your vehicle, rental period, and pickup location.
Provide Required Documents: You’ll need a valid driver’s license, ID proof, and sometimes a security deposit. Make sure you meet all the rental requirements.
Inspect the Vehicle: Before driving away, inspect the car for any pre-existing damage and ensure it’s in good condition. Report any issues to the rental service.
Understand Rental Terms: Review the rental agreement carefully, including mileage limits, fuel policy, and any additional charges that may apply.
Pickup or Delivery: Depending on the service, you can either pick up the car from their office or arrange for delivery to your preferred location in Calicut.
Tips for Hiring a Car in Calicut
Book Early: Secure the best rates and availability by booking your car in advance, especially during peak travel seasons.
Check for Additional Fees: Be aware of any hidden costs such as insurance, taxes, or late return fees. Clarify these details before finalizing your booking.
Plan Your Routes: Familiarize yourself with Calicut’s traffic patterns and road conditions to avoid delays and make the most of your trip.
Drive Safely: Calicut’s traffic can be busy, so drive cautiously, adhere to traffic rules, and be prepared for occasional congestion.
Return on Time: To avoid extra charges, return the car at the agreed-upon time and in the condition specified in the rental agreement.
Exploring Calicut with a Hired Car
With a hired car, you can easily visit the highlights of Calicut and its surroundings:
Kozhikode Beach: Enjoy a relaxing stroll along Kozhikode Beach, known for its lively atmosphere and beautiful sunset views.
Mananchira Square: Explore this historic park in the heart of the city, featuring lush gardens and a traditional pond.
Beypore: Visit Beypore to see traditional shipbuilding and relax at the serene Beypore Beach.
Thusharagiri Waterfalls: Drive to Thusharagiri Waterfalls for a refreshing nature experience and hiking opportunities.
Kappad Beach: Discover Kappad Beach, the historical landing site of Vasco da Gama, and enjoy its peaceful ambiance.
Car hire in Calicut offers the freedom and flexibility needed to explore this vibrant city and its surroundings with ease. With a variety of vehicle options and rental services available, you can find the perfect car to suit your travel needs. Whether you’re in Calicut for business, leisure, or a special event, hiring a car allows you to make the most of your visit and enjoy the city at your own pace.
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coffharbortoyota · 13 days
What Are the Key Factors to Consider in Used Cars for Sale
Buying a used car can be a smart and economical decision, allowing you to own a vehicle without the steep price tag associated with new cars. However, the process requires careful consideration to ensure you get the best value for your money. 
Unlike new cars, Coffs Harbour used cars for sale vehicles come with a history, and understanding the key factors to consider will help you make an informed decision. In this blog, we’ll explore the critical aspects to evaluate when looking for used cars for sale.
Determine Your Budget
The first step in purchasing a used car is to set a clear budget. Consider not just the purchase price, but also the ongoing costs such as insurance, maintenance, fuel, and potential repairs. It's essential to balance what you can afford with what you need. When setting your budget, include a buffer for unexpected expenses, as used cars may require more maintenance than new ones.
Research the Market
Once you’ve established your budget, it's time to research the market. This involves looking at different makes and models that fit your price range and needs. Online platforms, dealerships, and private sellers are good places to start. 
Understanding the average price for the type of car you’re interested in can help you spot a good deal when you see one. Additionally, some cars hold their value better than others, so consider resale value as part of your research.
Check the Vehicle History Report
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Inspect the Car’s Condition
A thorough inspection of the car’s physical condition is vital. Look for signs of wear and tear, rust, or damage. Pay close attention to the exterior, interior, and under the hood. Here are some key areas to inspect:
Exterior: Check for dents, scratches, rust, and uneven paint. Ensure the doors, trunk, and hood close properly.
Interior: Examine the seats, dashboard, and carpets for wear, stains, or damage. Test all electronics, including lights, air conditioning, and the sound system.
Engine: Look for any signs of leaks, corrosion, or worn belts. The engine should be free of strange noises when running.
Tyres and Brakes: Ensure the tyres have even wear and sufficient tread. Test the brakes for any grinding noises or vibrations.
If you’re not confident in assessing these areas yourself, consider hiring a professional mechanic to conduct a pre-purchase inspection.
Take a Test Drive
A test drive is essential to evaluate the car’s performance and comfort. During the drive, pay attention to how the car handles, accelerates, and brakes. Listen for any unusual noises, such as clunking or squealing, and check how smoothly the transmission shifts. Test the Coffs Harbour used cars for sale on various road types—highways, city streets, and rougher terrains—to get a full sense of its capabilities.
Check the Mileage
Mileage is a significant factor in determining a used car's value and lifespan. While modern vehicles can last well over 100,000 miles with proper maintenance, lower mileage is generally preferable as it indicates less wear and tear. However, don’t dismiss a higher-mileage car if it has been well-maintained and comes at a lower price point.
Evaluate the Car’s Maintenance Records
Ask the seller for the car’s maintenance records. A well-maintained car is likely to have fewer issues in the future. Regular oil changes, tyre rotations, and other routine services indicate that the previous owner took good care of the vehicle. Be cautious of cars without any service history, as this may signal neglect.
Understand the Ownership Costs
Before finalising your purchase, consider the total cost of Coffs Harbour car dealers ownership. This includes insurance, taxes, registration, fuel efficiency, and potential repair costs. Some used cars may have higher maintenance costs due to their age, rarity, or condition. It’s also wise to research the car’s fuel economy, as this will affect your ongoing expenses.
Negotiate the Price
Once you’ve done your research and inspected the car, you’ll be in a strong position to negotiate. Use the information you’ve gathered on the car’s condition, market value, and any potential repair costs to make a fair offer. Don’t be afraid to walk away if the seller isn’t willing to meet your price—there are plenty of other cars on the market.
Consider Financing Options
If you’re not paying for the car outright, explore your financing options. Some dealerships offer in-house financing, but it’s often beneficial to secure a loan through a bank or credit union, where you might get better terms. Make sure you understand the loan’s interest rate, term, and any additional fees.
Summing Up
Buying Coffs Harbour used cars for sale requires careful consideration and research. By taking the time to evaluate your options, inspect the vehicle thoroughly, and understand the total cost of ownership, you can find a reliable car that fits your budget and needs. Remember, patience and due diligence are your best allies in making a smart purchase that you’ll be happy with for years to come.
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abhiramiabii · 13 days
The Rise of Self-Drive Car Rentals: Freedom, Flexibility, and Convenience
 In today’s fast-paced world, the need for convenient, flexible, and affordable transportation solutions has become more important than ever. As people seek more control over their travel experiences, self-drive car rentals have emerged as a popular option, offering an unmatched sense of freedom and privacy. Whether you’re planning a road trip, exploring a new city, or simply need a car for a day, self-drive car rental give you the convenience of personal transport without the long-term commitment of ownership.
Why Self-Drive Car Rentals Are Gaining Popularity
Freedom and Flexibility One of the biggest advantages of self-drive car rentals is the freedom they provide. Unlike public transportation or chauffeur-driven services, you are in complete control of your journey. Want to take a spontaneous detour? Stay at a location a little longer? With a self-drive rental, you can set your own schedule without being tied to pre-set routes or timetables.
Privacy and Comfort Self-drive rentals offer a level of privacy that other forms of transportation simply can’t match. Whether you're traveling alone, with friends, or with family, having your own car gives you a private space where you can relax and enjoy the journey in comfort. You don’t have to share your ride with strangers, and you can take breaks whenever you like.
Cost-Effective Owning a car comes with many expenses—maintenance, insurance, fuel costs, and more. For those who only need a vehicle occasionally, renting a car is a much more cost-effective solution. Self-drive car rentals offer affordable daily, weekly, and even monthly packages that are often cheaper than hiring a taxi for long distances or relying on ride-sharing services for frequent travel.
Wide Range of Vehicle Options Self-drive car rental services provide an extensive selection of vehicles to cater to different needs. Whether you’re looking for a compact car for city driving, a spacious SUV for a family trip, or a luxury sedan for a special occasion, there’s a vehicle for every purpose. You can also switch between vehicles depending on your trip, allowing you to drive a small car for urban travel and rent a more robust vehicle for off-road adventures.
Easy Booking and Convenience With the rise of digital platforms, booking a self-drive rental car has never been easier. Most rental companies now offer user-friendly apps and websites where you can browse available vehicles, choose rental durations, and complete the booking process in just a few clicks. Many services also provide the convenience of home delivery and pickup, allowing you to start your journey without visiting a rental office.
Benefits of Self-Drive Car Rentals
Explore Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations When you have your own car, you can go beyond the typical tourist spots and explore hidden gems that may be difficult to reach via public transportation. Whether it’s a scenic drive through the countryside or a visit to a remote beach, self-drive rentals allow you to tailor your trip to your personal preferences and discover less-traveled destinations.
Ideal for Road Trips Nothing beats the excitement of hitting the open road on a road trip. Self-drive rentals give you the flexibility to create your own adventure, choosing your route and stopping wherever you please. Whether you’re traveling with friends, family, or solo, having a car gives you the ultimate freedom to make your road trip exactly how you envision it.
Perfect for Short-Term Needs Self-drive rentals are not just for vacations and road trips. They’re also ideal for short-term needs like attending a meeting, running errands, or picking up guests from the airport. Renting a car for a day or a few hours gives you the convenience of a vehicle without the financial commitment of owning one.
No Dependence on Drivers Chauffeur-driven services, while convenient, can sometimes feel restrictive. With a self-drive car, you don’t have to rely on a driver’s availability or schedule. You can drive at your own pace, choose your own stops, and enjoy complete autonomy during your trip.
Test Different Cars Thinking of buying a new car but not sure which one suits you best? Self-drive car rentals allow you to test different makes and models over extended periods. This way, you can experience how each car performs in real-world conditions before making a long-term purchase decision.
Popular Self-Drive Car Rental Services
Zoomcar One of the pioneers in the self-drive car rental industry, Zoomcar operates in many cities across India, offering a wide range of vehicles, including hatchbacks, sedans, SUVs, and luxury cars. With easy app-based booking and doorstep delivery options, Zoomcar is a popular choice for both city travel and road trips.
Myles Myles is another well-known name in the self-drive car rental space, offering a diverse fleet of cars for rent on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis. From fuel-efficient cars to premium sedans, Myles caters to both budget-conscious travelers and those looking for a luxurious experience.
Drivezy Drivezy provides affordable self-drive car rental options, focusing on short-term rentals and long-term leasing. Their app-based platform makes it easy to book cars, and they offer various pick-up locations in major cities. Drivezy’s competitive rates and extensive fleet make it a popular choice among young travelers.
Revv Known for its subscription-based service, Revv offers flexible self-drive car rentals, allowing customers to rent a car for as little as a few hours or as long as several months. Revv provides a convenient home delivery service, making the entire process smooth and hassle-free.
Tips for Renting a Self-Drive Car
Plan and Book in Advance Self-drive cars are in high demand, especially during weekends and holiday seasons. To ensure you get the car of your choice, it’s best to book in advance. This also allows you to take advantage of early-bird discounts and avoid last-minute surcharges.
Inspect the Car Before taking the car, do a thorough inspection to check for any existing damage. Take photos or videos of the vehicle’s condition and report any issues to the rental company. This can help avoid disputes when returning the car.
Understand the Rental Policy Each rental company has its own policies regarding fuel, mileage limits, and insurance. Be sure to read the terms and conditions carefully, so you understand what is included in your rental package and what additional charges might apply.
Carry Your Documents When renting a self-drive car, you’ll need to provide a valid driver’s license, identification, and often a credit card for security purposes. Make sure you have all the necessary documents ready during the booking process and when picking up the vehicle.
Drive Safely Always follow traffic rules, wear seat belts, and adhere to speed limits. Since you’re responsible for the car, it’s important to drive cautiously to avoid accidents or damage to the vehicle.
Self-drive car rentals offer a unique blend of freedom, convenience, and affordability, making them an increasingly popular choice for travelers and locals alike. Whether you’re embarking on a road trip, attending an event, or simply need a car for a short-term purpose, self-drive rentals provide the perfect solution. With a wide variety of vehicles to choose from and flexible rental options, this service ensures that you can enjoy your journey on your own terms.
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selfjets01 · 14 days
Discover Jodhpur on Your Own Terms: The Ultimate Guide to Self-Drive Car Rentals
If you're planning a trip to Jodhpur, the enchanting "Blue City" of Rajasthan, one of the best ways to explore its vibrant streets and stunning landscapes is by renting a car for self-drive. Self Drive Cars in Jodhpur This option offers unparalleled flexibility and freedom, allowing you to tailor your journey to your preferences. Here’s everything you need to know about self-drive car rentals in Jodhpur to make the most of your visit.
Why Choose Self-Drive Car Rentals?
Self-drive car rentals offer several advantages over traditional tours or taxi services. Car for Rent in Jodhpur Here’s why you might opt for this mode of transportation:
Freedom and Flexibility: With a self-drive car, you have the liberty to set your own schedule. Jodhpur Self Drive Car Rental Whether you want to spend an extra hour at the Mehrangarh Fort or make spontaneous detours to explore hidden gems, you’re in control.
Comfort and Convenience: Renting a car provides the comfort of traveling at your own pace and with your own companions.Self Drive Car Hire in Jodhpur You can stop whenever you like, whether for a scenic view, a local eatery, or a quick rest.
Cost-Effective: For longer stays or group travel, renting a car can be more economical compared to frequent taxi rides or hiring a private chauffeur.
Choosing the Right Vehicle
Jodhpur’s diverse terrain, from bustling city streets to rugged rural roads, requires a vehicle that suits your needs. Here are some options to consider:
Compact Cars: Ideal for navigating narrow city lanes and parking in crowded areas. Perfect for solo travelers or couples.
SUVs: A great choice if you plan to explore beyond the city, such as the nearby Osian desert or rural areas. SUVs offer better handling and space for luggage.
Luxury Cars: For those looking to travel in style, luxury rentals provide added comfort and sophistication. They’re also perfect for special occasions.
How to Book a Self-Drive Car in Jodhpur
Booking a self-drive car in Jodhpur is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Research and Compare: Start by researching rental companies in Jodhpur. Look for reviews and compare prices. Popular agencies often offer a range of vehicles and packages.
Check Requirements: Ensure you meet the rental requirements. Typically, you’ll need a valid driver’s license, a credit card, and sometimes an International Driving Permit (IDP).
Book in Advance: To secure the best rates and vehicle availability, make your reservation ahead of time. This is especially important during peak tourist seasons.
Inspect the Vehicle: Before driving off, inspect the car for any existing damage and ensure that it’s in good condition. Take photos if necessary to avoid disputes later.
Understand the Terms: Read the rental agreement carefully, including insurance coverage, fuel policy, and mileage limits. Clarify any doubts with the rental company.
Navigating Jodhpur
Once you’re on the road, here are a few tips to make your journey smoother:
Understand Local Traffic Rules: Familiarize yourself with the local driving regulations. In India, driving is on the left side of the road.
Use GPS Navigation: Jodhpur’s streets can be a maze, so using GPS will help you navigate more easily. Offline maps can also be handy if you’re traveling to remote areas.
Plan Your Route: While spontaneity is part of the fun, having a rough plan of your destinations can help you make the most of your trip. Include major attractions like the Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jaswant Thada, and the bustling Sardar Market.
Stay Safe: Always keep an eye on your belongings and be cautious of local driving habits. It’s also wise to keep emergency contact numbers handy.
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