#pro all victims of shinobi system
lira456 · 11 months
Naruto failure of hokage in every front like his ancestors
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Many things needed fair conclusions which were overlooked so what naruto did what kind of reform he enforced regarding clan laws and treatments because of uchiha tragedy, regarding reformation of child soldiers and anbu matters becuase of rin and itachi, regarding reforming continental laws and regulation if invasion of small coutries and villages happening and their rebuilding and reparation because of wrongdoings 5 NATIONS AND KAGE have caused in the past,
also how he gonna bind all shinobi villages and even countries in the mutual trust and common ground so that nothing unlawful conclusion happen like that of shikimaru shinden and who gonna maintain or correct it in future that's why you need solid effective laws that equally and equitably benefit and treat and question everyone( author only just blink of some years bring phone,computer and video games but still maintains feudal sytem does not have international laws we have under UN so that no one can easily go to war even israelis are condemned against by UN but in naruto we don't have any such organization,laws,platform for time to time problem which can connect all shinobi countries and villages on the continent, even villages can not oppose their daimyo's order meaning they have no alternative source of income so naruto did not find another way for complete econmical survival without shinobi missions on 80 percent level such as using chakra and exporting chakra tech not for warfare especially and chakra natures lol feels like he still wants to maintain system in 60 percent ground: pure bad writing to continue boruto),
also what about orphanage system for other villages especially orphan from small villages or destructive land or from remote area like that of ryogi and kabuto and kara children and ame child how did not naruto send no shadow clone or shinobi for such purpose as he always preach about how he understand everyone's pain so called messiah or any welfare like system for poor shinobi from impoverished village shinobi or even his own village especially their widows and orphans did not shown or pension like something for shinobi especially who lost their body parts such as guy or some especial payment for shinobi like kawaki's father and give him alternative employment becuase of being war hero could have saved kawaki feels like villages abandoned many remaining shinobi or why not give them alternative employment because of their past service (just simply dispose of them if they lost value so cruel, just how pain said), by checking all the shinobi they could have but becuase they don't have correct and effective database like system even without tech that's how inaffective their shinobi system is because it's only focus on deciphering stupid message that would do no good for average shinobi and their family, collect tax from people building hiring,build some stupid building, maintain shinobi academy and its doctrination and missions and ranks and secret non transparent scheme meaning they don't have any citizen or shinobi benefit only jonin and upper echelon have that luxury even nothing special fund for orphan that's why ryogi doest not send to kabuto nothing specific, only all connected to glrifying and worshipping their anscestor that's why they don't have effective database maintained because of that after the war they lost track many shinobi and who knows how their family survived not shown not even regarding the other villages saddening, also about their individual desire or dream for that can they stop being shinobi suddenly or leave the village, did not shown regarding such issues especially how they panicked when mitsuki left and send their kids to die really sad.
it seems they even don't have unique trade that could connect all in a way that not one can lie or go to war meaning kakashi did not create any trade system only how they can rebuild and maintain ninja system which was in threat because lack of manpower(losing most of the shinobi in the war) meaning focused mostly making buildings,transportation,long distant upgraded message device and sharing shinobi missions with other villages, so kakashi did not change any political,children curriculam,ideological and law related issues in the village, naruto not even focused on changing of dangerous social struture in kiri village and lack of resources problem in iwa country and village, even we did not see how sand village's lack of resouce problem and how they solved it under gaara, really half baked, so many things overlooked,
so even did not even focus on what law or regulation he would establish to maintain clan's inner environment and conflicts becuase hyuga slavery( ther are maybe no large clans left in konoha anymore because in boruto we never see any clan meeting like that of hyuga or many clan fighting together like sarutobi and akimichi only showed some yamanaka power but not said whether they are members of yamanaka or not that's likely most died in the war, ony maybe at bare minimum members around 20 to 30 and they maintain no more clan positive harmonious tradition like clan meeting and practice just stop the heritage as we are not shown, meaning some cultural genocide, naruto as hokage could have celebrated each clan's power as culture festival making it show in public like we see chinese,european cultures etc. in many carnival and festival, in this way he could have connected and create harmony and pleasure for these lost heritage clans because naruto was suppose to be a hope that connect people it seems he has forgotten his own theme in boruto cooperation through understanding and sharing pain lol he is not doing that kind of effort to maintain harmony,peace and love among village,clan and outsider instead he is busy in collecting more power and benefit from amado and eida and katasuke and even from kawaki, that's strategic why both kawaki and boruto remained in konoha and not in other village, so much for mutual trust lol.
This is why naruto as a hokage and MC is complete bulshite and loser especially kishimoto's false half baked writing surrounding lack of insight of political atmosphere felt so underserving and hypocritical because i felt so much ideological and behavioral difference between zabusa arc naruto and ending &boruto naruto, really dissapointing.
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nardo-headcanons · 4 months
it's been an age since i've been into naruto, and now that i have plans on making my own version on how naruto shippuden ended, i was wondering, how do you think naruto shippuden should've ended? like are you pro or anti naruhina? pro or anti sasusaku? whats your opinions on how the fourth war was played out? if you already spoke about this i'm sorry lol but im just wondering.
OMG HIIIIIIII @ofrolysdogs you're one of my OGs! How have you been????? Please please tag me or let me know once you create your rework. that sounds so intriguing!
This post is gonna be controversial, beauties.
How do you think Naruto Shippuden should've ended?
Ideally, with Naruto realizing that he doesn't need to become hokage to get the attention and validation from the people he loves and cares about. Or at the very least, with Naruto becoming hokage but abolishing the shinobi system. Maybe even make Danzo hokage along the way, just when Tsunade falls into her coma, and slowly make Naruto question the system more and more. Also, Sasuke's whole "redemption" arc should have been handled differently. First and foremost, he was a victim. He did a few things that were wrong, and I agree that there need to be consequences, but for this redemption arc I'd rather have him travel around and teach people around the world about the customs and culture of the Uchiha.
Are you pro or anti naruhina? pro or anti sasusaku?
I am both Anti NaruHina and Anti SasuSaku, but for two different reasons. I used to be a hardcore SNS shipper, but not so much nowadays. NaruHina had so much potential, they could have explored their class and privilege differences together, learning from each other and stuff. But Neji dying for their ship to sail? That was a hate crime. The reason I'm Anti SasuSaku is because I simply don't really like the thought of shipping Sasuke with anyone. He has enough to go through and putting him in a romantic relationship is not something that would make it more interesting or add stakes to it, although I wouldn't mind seeing him adopt a kid or two, given how family oriented Sasuke is.
Whats your opinions on how the fourth war was played out? I found the use of Edo tensei very interesting, albeit a little cheapened here and there. The Itachi and Sasuke vs Kabuto fight was a little disappointing. Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing he two of them fight together side by side, and Itachi's final parting was very touching - but them fighting Kabuto of all people? Maybe if Kishi fleshed out Kabuto's story a little more, he clearly had no idea what to do with him. Poor bastard.
Madara just 'knowing' the hand signs of edo tensei is actually not so unlikely, but it still irks me how he was able to just "come back" when Edo Tensei was released.
And let's not talk about the power scaling, which went completely through the roof in the end. Oof. Kaguya, as is, ruined the storyline completely. It could have worked, but not in the way it was executed in shippuden.
But alas, I suppose there is only so much Kishi can do within the confines of a genre.
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heidiikm · 11 months
Some of my thoughts on Naruto as a (kinda) intro post!
Hyperfixating on Naruto rn and wanted to try write some thoughts down. It’ll become obvious very fast that I love sasuke and believe he deserves that absolute world and will defend him until my last breath thank you 🫶
I hate the narrative of Naruto for how it treated sasuke and the Naruto ending being literllay pro-konoha and sasuke is convinced he has to “repent”?? Like what’s he repenting for? Being a victim?
Imagine growing up having witnessed the genocide of your family by the one you love the most, tortured having to watch it over 500,000 times and being told to hate and kill that person that you once loved…
I don’t understand Itachi fans who will say they don’t like sasuke for what he does and his mindset when its Itachi who manipulated and moulded him into what he is… like you don’t like his actions and that he’s the ‘villain’ (in the eyes of many fans) when itachi told him to pretty much do all this. E.g kill his closest friends (Naruto) and only focus on becoming stronger to kill him.
Sasuke had every right to attack Konoha, the overall shinobi system and those that tried to uphold it.
Disclaimer: Naruto is a show that I love and means a lot to me. I enjoy analysing characters and themes within shows so that’s what you’ll probably be seeing me do on here. I just have a problem with some of the things within the story such as certain characters and especially how the narrative portrays things. Just remember this is all fictional and it’s never that deep I just want to express my opinions if you disagree then just don’t interact with me.
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theheirofthesharingan · 10 months
I didn't knew you were pro-uchiha too, so I would love to deepen this discussion ahead. I stand corrected about the war thing. Well, I admit that coup would have started a war which makes choosing the village a safest option to guarantee the peace. But when I think about it, maybe Itachi might have played it out differently. Both Itachi and Shisui were prodigies who had prestigious powers and talent. Especially for Itachi, he was promoted to the Anbu at 11 years. Both had a lot of political influence. They could have used this to their advantage to stop the coup. In the novels, he did say that he understood the clan's predicament. But he could have asked the clan about their distress or could have tried to comfort them with lightening words. This might have ensured that the clan trusted him completely just like how they did for Shisui. It isn't like he didn't know how to sympathise or verbally comfort, since he did very much so with Sasuke. So, he would have been able to succeed gradually to convince the clan to not to launch a coup by slowing illustrating/explaning them why they were wrong, without having any harsh disagreements or critisms. This also would have been possible with Shisui too. It's just a alternative not sure if it would have worked.
Now that you mentioned about Madara(which I completely forgot about)now I think that his decision did made sense. Madara, a dangerous enemy for the village was better handled by Itachi. He successfully managed to keep Madara away from the village for more than 7+ years till strong Shinobi like Naruto and Sasuke was brought up who could save their people from him. The honour of the Uchihas, his little brother's life and the well being of the people of the village were shouldered upon him ultimately becoming a greatest victim. I never did disagreed on that. But I felt as if that would have been avoided but now I understand better.
I'm very much pro-Uchiha. Loving Itachi doesn't mean I don't love Sasuke or don't understand the clan's plight. They were all victims of Konoha and none of them deserve to be scorned for what happened to them.
You're mistaking Itachi's IQ with his EQ. He was a genius doesn't mean he was good with people. Him and Shisui are two very different people. Shisui was sociable and amiable kid and Itachi was reserved. He was also much younger than Shisui. Expressing himself in front of Sasuke and expressing himself in front of people are two different things too. Sasuke was a kid. The clan wasn't. You're expecting too much from a literal child here who was trying his own best to stop the destruction and was burdened with all the impossible things. From the moment he saw war and decided to change the system/world and make it a better place, he took this burden upon himself and he had no one to stand beside him. Shisui's death left him completely alone.
I'll be repeating myself because I'd already answered why there was no other way either for Itachi or the clan. Itachi would have done something else had there been any other way. If he were a little bit older, he'd be more mature and your suggestions might be executed, but you're talking about a kid who wasn't even a teen at that time. He had his own set of ideals and lack of any other options left him with what he did.
Yep. He knew the Akatsuki, Madara were upto no good. So he warned the village and even talked Kisame out of capturing Naruto when they captured the Four Tails.
Itachi is a tragic character not only because of all the horrible things that happened to him but also the things he did. He took their full responsibility instead of blaming others, and suffered enormously. Even if the clan forgave him, Sasuke forgave him, everyone else forgave him, he would never forgive himself. He knew killing people was wrong, destroying Sasuke's life was wrong, and in the hindsight he did see flaws in his original plan, but he couldn't have acted much differently while he made those decisions.
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leportraitducadavre · 10 months
I've never seen someone hate or dislike Kakashi before, but looking at your Kakashi posts (which I later realized were "anti Kakashi" posts), I feel like these make some people talk shit about Kakashi for no reason and it also gives me the feeling that even though you read the manga you're just blinded as a defender of Sasuke and that you don't understand Kakashi's character at all, almost always the posts are one-sided, making Sasuke look poor or the only one misunderstood and you make Kakashi look like someone bad or that he liked to manipulate people, you even make him look pro Konoha when many times the anime/manga shows Kakashi disobeying the orders of the Hokage...
I'm not saying this to talk shit about your post, but for you to read more objectively, since I love Sasuke and I don't think Kakashi is bad at all (either in writing or as a character)
You know, I'm a little weirded out by this ask, because your blog has no posts, no likes, and follows no one; so you are either using a side-blog to send this as you don't want me to know who you are... or you created this blog with the sole purpose of communicating with me. Both options are equally weird to me.
I've never seen someone hate or dislike Kakashi before, but looking at your Kakashi posts (which I later realized were "anti Kakashi" posts), I feel like these make some people talk shit about Kakashi for no reason
Are you honestly making me the sole responsible for some people not liking Kakashi? Do you really think I hold that much power over people's views? I provide images of manga panels in order to support my arguments, so you can easily access the panels and pages that led me to my reasoning.
and it also gives me the feeling that even though you read the manga you're just blinded as a defender of Sasuke and that you don't understand Kakashi's character at all
If you like Kakashi's character and you think my judgment of him is unfair, you can easily write your own post analyzing him, I'm not obligated to fit your tastes as I do believe I'm fair in judgment, as I not only write what he did wrong but also the reasoning behind his behavior. You can still think that everything he does is redeemable, but that doesn't reflect my personal beliefs.
almost always the posts are one-sided, making Sasuke look poor or the only one misunderstood and you make Kakashi look like someone bad or that he liked to manipulate people
What are you talking about? Have you honestly read all my posts about Kakashi? Can you back up anything you say with some evidence? I never stated Kakashi likes to manipulate people, I specifically said he does it as it's a tool used by the shinobi system that he was taught and he later on naturalized as a genuine way of communication. The fact that he was a victim during his formative years doesn't mean he isn't perpetuating the same system that oppressed him and others. He's just as guilty as those who wronged him in the past.
you even make him look pro-Konoha when many times the anime/manga shows Kakashi disobeying the orders of the Hokage...
The anime isn't canon, If it happened in the anime but not in the manga, then it makes absolutely no difference to me. Anything you say to me that isn't backed up by a manga panel is nothing but mere talk, and I won't take any of it seriously. Show me some evidence for your claims. Also, even if Kakashi did "go against" the Hokage's decision, did he truly go against Konoha's interests or did he argue against his leader somewhat? He was always faithful to the Hokage and Konoha.
I'm not saying this to talk shit about your post, but for you to read more objectively, since I love Sasuke and I don't think Kakashi is bad at all (either in writing or as a character)
I'll reiterate, if you don't agree with my analysis of him you can easily write one of your own, I don't have to cater to your tastes.
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saturnssz · 1 year
many current NS seem to be disability / trauma fetishists or its just normalized in that side of the fandom :( where sasuke is this trauma ridden angel that needs to be fucked 2 be fixed . it really upsets me as someone who has gone through a lot of trauma and is disabled physically and mentally. its such a cruel way of viewing trauma . plus! i notice a lot of fics wit sasuke being severely disabled (like blind, deaf, mute + more, a combo of two or more, etc) and i think these r cool headcanons when it comes from a place of “i waanna see myself in the media i like” or just wondering what it would be like, bc a blind sasuke i can get! bc of his sharingan and stuff. but a lot of the time it doesn’t come from that, its just so sasuke can be more helpless and for sexual stuff..
There's probably some truth to that in some of their fics. Why'd I get that vibe too honestly when I used to read n*rus*su fics back then? I wouldn't say most, but a lot of the fics. It's that part with his trauma and they make it really odd in modern fics where he's practically helpless and can't do anything now apparently even though he's not like that since he was a literal child 💀 he's not even like that in the manga so...where did that come from? Idk, very weird vibes. And like, before someone says anything, I'm quite the sasuke supporter, I think his ideals had some truth to it, and he had a right to be pissed and upset. But like, how do you qet shippudden sasuke and turn him into that? 😭 It's really one of my peeves. I probably wouldn't be so annoyed by it if they didnt annoy, harass and vilify sn in the community because apparently they dont fit their "canon selves and its ooc" and THIS is what they be recommending...like nigga. I almost wanna side with the pro sasuke stans that hate all ships if it wasn't for their weird misplaced hatred for Naruto, who also was a victim of the Shinobi system. Bro, I could do a whole analysis. They act like I made this shit up 😭 I was mutuals and friends with people who were way more n*rus*su leaning. I was in the trenches, deep in the community on all social media platforms 💀
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thedemon-mirajane · 1 year
Lore/Gayuma here and this is a sideblog for a lot of animanga!
Last Update: June 20, 2024
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System/DID, SEAsian, and bodily 26↑. Follows from @loreofthefritz (main/dbz blog).
This is now a blog of multiple animanga: Dungeon Meshi, Fairy Tail, Naruto/Boruto, Undead Unluck, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, Hunter x Hunter, To Your Eternity, other seinen and young adult media sideblog
You can see our other blogs in the next section of this post, and a more personal introduction to us in our personal blog.
#Fairy Tail:
Characters: Mirajane Strauss, Lucy Heartfilia, Erza Scarlet, Kagura Mikazuchi, Cana Alberona, Juvia Lockser, Minerva Orland, and Irene Belserion
Ships: Multiship but heavily erzajane
Arcs: Tartarus, Grand Magic Games, Edolas, Oracion Seis, in that order.
(Not caught up with Boruto but they’ll be tagged as #Boruto if we happen to rb Boruto posts)
Characters: Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno/Uchiha Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi, Tenten and Team Guy, (Yamanaka) Sai, Yamato, Team Hebi/Taka, and Uchiha Sarada.
Ships: Narusasusaku!! Sometimes with Sai, Ino, and Hinata. Multiship
Arcs: Chuunin Exams + Konoha Crush, Five Kage Summit, Itachi Pursuit Mission + Fated Battle Between Brothers, Sasuke Recovery Mission, Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission, Pain's Assault, Land of Waves, all of Fourth Shinobi War + Katsuya Otsutsuki Strikes minus fillers, and all of Shinden and Hiden + Kakashi Anbu Arc. In that order. I haven't liked that many Naruto fillers but the ones with Team 7 and Konoha 12 just being kids are exceptions.
#Dungeon Meshi:
Characters: Chilchuck Tims, Marcille Donato, Falin Touden, Laios Touden, Toshiro Nakamoto, Kabru of Utaya, Namari, Senshi of Izganda, and Izutsumi
Ships: Multiship but theres chilshi favoritism
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Fairy Tail
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usratonkachi · 6 years
sasuke uchiha’s trajectory / a pro-sasuke meta.
Sasuke was more than just a rebel, spoiled and “whining emo kid” that wanted revenge, I can prove it.
Contains anti Konoha, shinobi system, Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, Danzou, Hiruzen, Tobirama, SS/SNS arguments, so if you're not ready to handle criticism against your favourite character or ship, don't even read it.
This is for people to think more deeply about Sasuke and his actions, so you don't have to fully agree. But I'm not open for critics or similar. I'm exposing what I think, what I saw and how I interpreted Sasuke's trajectory. If you strongly do not agree with or get offended by anything under the cut,  that's not my problem so you can complain over there, don't @ me.
However, if you have any real doubts, other valid arguments to add, or you just want to talk about what you just read / discuss about anything you politely disagree with, you can contact me here or here, or chat me on tumblr itself. I'm not changing my mind though.
Also, a big thank you to my friend who translated from pt-br for me because I’m too lazy. Love you, Konan. ♡
Here's where Sasuke starts being hated by the Naruto fanbase because it's when he stops acting according to what Konoha believes he's supposed to. But, before hating him, there's a lot of things to acknowledge about.
Sasuke always believed to be an avenger ever since the Uchiha massacre. Even when he began to blend in well on Team 7's dynamic, as soon as Itachi landed feet in Konoha again and he failed to defeat him, he came back to believe in such fact. Thus, he wanted to grow stronger.
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Not just for seeking to be stronger, Sasuke also feels like he doesn't belong to Konoha anymore. Sakura never understood the pain of having everything that matters the most taken away, Naruto never really had anything and Kakashi, the only one who could connect to him, only pushes him away.
Although what people think, Kakashi and Sasuke's relationship was deeper than it seemed. Kakashi was someone that made Sasuke feel safe and vehemently trained him for the Chuunin Exam. In a summary, Sasuke trusted Kakashi and had him as a mentor.
Instead of offering Sasuke the emotional support he needed, Kakashi basically fought him for using one of his jutsu against an ally even though Naruto had done it too and could just have killed him as well. Beyond that, he insults him multiple times and doesn't take his only goal seriously. He tied up the boy to a tree like he was some kind of animal, for God’s sake.
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You can read more about Sasuke and Kakashi’s relationship in this awesome analysis.
This is only the beginning of Konoha trying to make Sasuke feel guilty for everything he did and wanted to do, when actually all his hate and thirst for revenge was perfectly comprehensive, since he lost everything to the system he lives in.
1.2. SAKURA:
Besides comparing her pain of losing him with his pain of having his whole family murdered by his own brother, Sakura still blackmails him emotionally because it's all about what SHE wants, about what SHE feels. It only shows she doesn't really understand him.
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1.3. NARUTO:
Naruto, just like the rest, also doesn't get Sasuke's goals and motivations and tries to stop him from seeking power with Orochimaru, even if he has to "break his arms and legs".
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In a summary, the approach of these three didn’t work. Naruto thought he could handle everything with his fists, Sakura thought making it about her own feelings was a good idea, but their lack of maturity is understadable. However, Kakashi understating Sasuke’s pain, like he wasn’t allowed to feel that way because Kakashi himself didn’t (it’s not even the same situation lmao), only made it all worse and was a decisive reason for him to leave.
Besides what everyone thinks, Sasuke doesn't really allied himself to Orochimaru or condoned with his ideology like Anko or Kabuto. He didn't intend for him to possess his body, not before killing Itachi. He wanted to train and get strong.
To this point, Sasuke literally didn't do anything questionable. During training, he never killed anyone or acted as cold as he wanted people to think he was. That's why he says "I'll be merciless in front of him (Itachi)," because that's something he has to force himself to become, not something he is.
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One more proof Sasuke never shared Orochimaru's goals and, instead, used him as a way to obtain more power is his speech before "killing him", where he questions his goals and ways.
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After Orochimaru's "death", Sasuke frees all his prisoners and victims of his experiment, including Suigetsu, Juugo and Karin. In Juugo's case, he offered himself to be his "prison", stopping him from hurting even more people.
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In pursuit of Zabuza's sword, Sasuke prevents Suigetsu from killing just any person.
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This is a crucial point in Sasuke's history because it's where he finds out that the brother whom he always had the goal to kill in revenge actually did everything in order for him to stay alive and become a hero.
At this point, it's important to keep in mind that Sasuke accomplished his lifetime goal, the only thing he believed he was alive for. Many times he said he didn't care as to what happened with his life after that moment, so it is unimaginable the misery and emptiness that he felt. Pay close attention to the expression of his eyes.
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Not even the sight of another Uchiha alive took this expression of pure misery from his eyes. That’s how broken he was at this point.
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Obito took advantage of Sasuke's mental instability to pour over him all the truth about Itachi. At the minimal possibility of all the acknowledge about his brother and his entire life being a lie, he breaks down, literally blacks out.
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At this moment, there is a giant lack of critical sense from the fandom. Sasuke finds out that Itachi was coerced to do a mission to save his life at the behest of the Konoha leaders. So it's OBVIOUS that he couldn't return to Konoha after knowing the truth.
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Many think that, since he knew Itachi did everything for the Village (which wasn't exactly the truth because he'd feel doubtful before, but made his decision once Sasuke's life was threatened), Sasuke should, too. But instead, he hates who made Itachi suffer.
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Not only because of his brother, Sasuke hates Konoha for the way it treated his clan, with mistrustfulness and discrimination over one of the families that helped founding the Village.
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"Even in the middle of the most profound despair, his eyes reflect a single ray of hope"*. That summarises well how Sasuke felt without any perspective of life, but grabbed onto the first shadow of objective that was offered. Obito knew how to take advantage of Sasuke's misery.
*This is a sentence that is written on chapter’s 400 art cover but I couldn’t find it in English.
Recruited to Akatsuki and manipulated by Tobi, Sasuke made his first move directly against Konoha when he appeared at the Kages' reunion to face Danzou, one of the responsibles for his clan's genocide and Itachi's sacrifice.
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Sasuke's plan was to find Danzou and destroy him like part of revenge against Konoha, but Zetsu alerts the Kages about his presence in the place, which causes everyone to fight against him.
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From here on, Taka starts to question Sasuke's sanity multiple times because of the sudden change in his chakra. Gathering all the precious traumas, the guilt for Itachi's death and sacrifice and the hate over who made him go through it, he was on the edge of going mad.
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At this point, Sasuke doesn't put anything above his goals. Danzou confirms that Itachi's sacrifice was true and nothing else matters to him, so he kills Danzou and sacrifices Taka. After that, he realises Sakura's intention to kill him and strikes back, trying to kill her as well.
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Then Sakura tries to kill him once again, and once again he defends himself trying to kill her back. The same happens with Naruto and Kakashi. So psychologically unstable, he doesn't even care about his physical limitations and insists on keep on fighting blindly.
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We all know Sakura hesitated but Sasuke didn’t. His sight was troubled and she came from behind. He was defending himself.
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Tobi advising him to kill Karin:
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As much as Sasuke was reluctant because he wanted to be definitely full hatred, vulnerable regarding physical strength, he voluntarily decides to hear what Naruto has to say.
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Then Naruto starts the “because we’re friends” talk and Sasuke clearly feels kind of affected because he actually wants that bond so badly but he also wants justice for his brother and clan, about what he’s totally right.
In a summary, besides the declared intention to kill Karin after she was hit because of his shaken up sanity, Sasuke acted in self defense and in defense of his goals, what ended up not killing anyone.
Sasuke meets Itachi's edo tensei with still profound grudge over Konoha for what it did to his brother. He wanted answers from Itachi in order to confirm everything that was told by Tobi and Danzou.
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The closer to Itachi he feels, the more Sasuke hates Konoha and wants to revenge his brother for being forced to sacrifice himself.
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After confirming that Itachi's sacrifice for the village and himself was true, Sasuke falls into an internal conflict for not being certain of any concepts anymore; of a clan, a village, a shinobi, and even himself. To obtain answers, he resurrects Orochimaru to bring the Hokages back to life.
There is a lot of virtue and maturity in Sasuke's decision of understanding all the concepts through their stories. Patiently, he listens to Hashirama's version about everything to then come to a conclusion on what to do about his revenge and himself.
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Hashirama talks about his and Madara's trajectory, inwardly connected to the Village's concept, which he had helped found. And allied to the concept of a ninja village, he defined sacrifice as one of the methods to protect it, which Madara stated would drag the Village into darkness, what was clearly a reference to Itachi and the Uchiha's sacrifice, culminating into Sasuke's personal hell. In the end, Hashirama ends up taking the responsibility for this method being considerated valid to protect the Village.
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In front of all that, Sasuke, for now, decides to battle next to the Shinobi Alliance so that his brother's sacrifice wouldn't have been in vain. Next to Naruto and Sakura, he seals Kaguya and has an important part in the world's salvage. Without him, there would literally be no way to save it.
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Besides all of that, he still recognised the mistake he made on Karin and asked for her forgiveness.
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An addendum: SASUKE DID NOT TRY TO KILL SAKURA IN THIS MOMENT like a lot of people try to decontextualise. He put her in a GENJUTSU, the same way Itachi did to himself after the Uchiha's massacre. One more reenforcement to his attempt of cutting his ties with the previous Team 7.
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To this point, Sasuke comes to an obvious conclusion, but that requires extreme perspicacity from a 17 year old kid: Konoha's problem was its system. The failure that would allow sacrifices like Itachi's to happen was structural.
Even Orochimaru, when resurrected, acknowledges Sasuke's maturing.
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With that in mind, Sasuke decides to become a Hokage and lead a revolution that would change the shinobi system and would nip the world's evil in the bud.
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Sasuke's revolution consisted in following Itachi's steps, his great inspiration and influence, sacrificing himself to carry alone all the hate in the world. The intention of it was to unify the whole world and that only he would have to deal with the Villages' darkness.
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This new goal of him destroys every argument against him that paints him as someone egocentric and selfish. Everything Sasuke wished for was to deal with the darkness by himself in a way that there wouldn't be any more sacrifices like Itachi's or of children like himself and Naruto.
Therefore, as noble as his objectives were and as mature as they sounded for his age, Sasuke sins on the chosen ways to start his revolution (even though I wouldn’t mind if he killed the kages whereas all their war crimes). Still, it's comprehensive since he started using Itachi's example as a guide of his actions.
Sasuke then apologised for all the suffering he caused his friends, even though it wasn't really his fault. He felt so responsible for the bad events that he left on a redemption trip to see the world with his own eyes, proving his maturity once again.
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I want to start this section saying how much I despise for personal reasons (it’s explained at the end of this meta) canon adult Sasuke for what Kishimoto did to his character but I defend him anyway because he’s still hated for absolutely wrong reasons.
Apart from everything he went through previously, Sasuke was brainwashed accepted the position of shadow Hokage and started to protect Konoha even if the village never had redeemed itself for its crimes against his brother and clan.
He sacrificed almost an entire life next to his wife and daughter in favour of not only Konoha, but the world, since he was the only one who could track traces of Kaguya thanks to his Rinnegan. In the meantime, he saved the village again and again.
Sasuke is constantly judged for pointing out a sword in Sarada's direction on their first meeting, although there wasn't how he'd know that, out of all people, she would be there (thank you Naruto you’re so responsible, no wonder you’re such a good parent lmao) considering there were sharingan user clones walking around.
Anyhow, he saved his daughter when it was needed and searched for Sakura to guarantee her safety, even though he had defended that she would be fine since she was as strong as him and Naruto. Besides, he AGAIN helped saving everyone.
Sasuke was a child that had everything and lost it all in the most traumatising way possible to the person he loved the most, ordered by the Village he grew in. He saw his family BEING SLAUGHTERED thousands of times in Itachi's genjustu when he was just a kid.
He had his only goal ripped from him on his teen years when getting rid of the target of his revenge only to learn that he actually had sacrificed himself on HIS BEHALF, since his LIFE WAS THREATENED by the superiors responsible for Konoha.
Although being a completely traumatised child and psychologically shaken up, being manipulated by his brother first, then by many others who only wanted to take advantage of his abilities, Sasuke still became aware of the world enough to want to change it for the better.
The revolutionary ideals that conferred depth to the character and made him promising were devastated because antagonists are portrayed as "insane", "out of their minds", "dominated by hatred" so we'll think the revolution of systems is a crazy people thing.
Sasuke was a victim of the system that allows 13 year old children to kill their families in sacrifice of a "greater cause", like this kid and theret family weren't part of who deserved protection. If he had controversial actions, Konoha and its system are the ones to blame.
The real guilty ones are Tobirama, who SEGREGATED the Uchiha without a reason; Hiruzen, that didn't have any tact or pulse to deal with Danzou and the Uchiha; and Danzou, whose crimes I don't even have to mention because they're common sense. If you want to blame someone, these are the ones.
Even though the real guilty ones were previously mentioned, Sasuke was thrown in jail and still got scolded by the greatest Sixth Hokage, his said mentor, who told him to "try not to go mad again", like it was his fault for being traumatised thanks to the Village.
And that's why I hate the ending of my favourite character. It has nothing to do with some kind of ship like many may think (even though I’d much prefer him to end with someone who could really understand him), but because he was distorted to fit in a stupid and conformist narrative, when he had a marvellous potential as a character.
And as if it's not enough, he's hated and made fun of in the fanbase, even though he's the only one, among the kids, to really make sense, even with all the traumas he suffered. Even when he had proved not to be selfish, or dumb, nor egocentric or a terrible father or an abusive husband and etc.
Sasuke Uchiha did nothing wrong and I just proved it. If you, a possible anti who read it all the way here, still want to keep in the ignorance of hating the character based on his actions then that's on you. I've done my part. That's it. Now go love my baby cause he deserves it. ♡
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I couldn’t get to all of these opinions without help, so I’m recommending some important pro-Sasuke posts (besides the ones I already did during the post).
Sasuke changing the shinobi system thread. About adult Sasuke. Sasuke’s “crimes”. Sasuke’s protectiveness 1 and 2. Anti SasuSaku fandom. Naruto’s feelings for Sasuke. The Fucking Will Of Fire™. Why pro-Sasuke people are pro-Sasuke anyway? Anti-SNS. Sasuke’s guilt trip.
pt-br twitter thread / pt-br tumblr trans
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ryodan · 7 years
SasuNaru and the pinhole : part 3
If we do a time skip to after the akatsuki arc, Naruto comes to understand why someone wants revenge when their loved is killed and admits yeah he didn’t really get sasuke and this is where it gets :/ on Narutos behalf for me
In the land of iron sasuke is falling rapidly deeper into the curse of hatred because he is using mangekyo more and more, he is doing very unethical things like attacking the cloud and trying to live capture a man..he is a full blown S ranked criminal whos name alone was capable of triggering a war, no matter how I a sasuke fan can justify and explain his behavior people who don’t know about the COD can’t. Naruto himself was like?? Who are you dude. But obito shows up and he is told. Naruto is woke about the curse of hatred and he says ‘sasuke loved his clan a lot and that’s why he cant forgive.’ But at that time that was not the case. During his fight with danzo his mangekyo evolved the most to a point where afterwards he was losing vision, and his issue wasn’t just that he wants his clan back, his issue was was the massacre and the discrimination. Naruto was like near the point, but homeboy missed it. In fact, the one who actually point its out is Kakashi, but he says both Naruto and Sakura see it, meaning when they both saw sasukes way of talking about Konoha, they understood him better. I cut Naruto slack because he tried understanding sasuke constantly, no matter how much sasuke cut him off. But this shit does not get an easy pass, where he jumps in to clash with sasuke so they read each others thoughts,,its funny bc he says he gets it…then proceeds..not to get it
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Why is he talking about himself here? I respect that Naruto always tried his best to understand him
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but he knows about the fucking curse and he says one bad move and I would have been like you? Nah, sasukes fate was chosen the second he saw his parents corpses. Naruto hears him talk about the uchiha,,,,and says this. :// It’s insensitive to the fact that sasuke isn’t just a survivor of a tragedy, hes a survivor of a national genocide. But he literally doesn’t mention it.
Meaning they both know Indra and Ashuras charka are in them
Lol another misinterpreted scene is the ill shoulder all your hate scene, while im sure he did want to end sasukes miserable suffering, he was talking about protecting Konoha and ending the cycle of hatred.
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‘sasuke wants to kill naruto bc he knows his love will save him!111! No, it’s because the annoying orange stands in his way..also naruto still feels disrespected 
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And sasuke atm isn’t having that ‘ill stop you because you are my friend.’ Stuff, which is mistranslated as ‘I am your friend’ but this entire arc was naruto speaking in I terms. Im meh about it.
Oh lol and the bane of my existence..’sakura and kakashi are selfish and tried to give up on him..naruto wanted to save him!11!!’
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Lol to which sasukes response was ‘im itching to kill you kakashi’ so futile arguments remain futile
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It’s not Kakashis fault sasuke is a man who lent his hand to a terrorist organization, attacked a village, live captured an innocent man who is a jinchuriki meaning he was actively help start the war,  and as shikamaru said a war would have started out in his name and he even attacked an international peace meeting..his motives were not to change the system but pure revenge over Konoha who even though is problematic has innocent citizens in it. Itachi is a good guy for killing his loved ones to stop a war and protect his brother the second Kakashi and Sakura do it they are selfish and don’t understand him.  Kakashi acknowledged he adored him no matter how far he is fallen and that he doesn’t want to kill him but he must do whats necessary, sakura knew that the current sasuke isn’t a sasuke the real sasuke would condone and she did what kakashi tried to do with obito, aka end his misery, as well as keep naruto from the akatuski, prevent a war, keep konoha safe and shoulder kakashis burden.
In fact, they acknowledged his victim status, but still a war in his name is a war in his name
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‘sakura gave up on him!11!!’ she had a moment where she realized he would never do something like his own teammate and she noticed right away, no chakra sensing needed that he is definitely changed. She didn’t betray him when she didn’t even know any part of the truth, just like to innocent people in konoha like Kiba, he was the one doing the betrayal.
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 ‘he doesn’t care and wanted to kill her’ is also funny bc he trusted her for a moment but called bullshit very fast
His face is not exactly ‘im itching to kill you sakura’ when she is all like im here for u :) fuck konoha :)
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Sasuke chose not to frontally attack her. She is here to kill him and he knows it but deep down (like,,really deep down) this fuck still cares about team 7. This scene is fucked man, but it is not abusive in the context of the series at all.
Yeesh the second attack was sakura protecting kakashi, and self defense on sasukes part,,so no still not abusive..and if refutes the ‘she gave up on him’ argument because
The attack starts with her remembering all the shit he is causing right now,,he ain’t sasuke,,and poor kakashi is being burdened by this
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But the second she is about to? She remembers real sasuke and isn’t able to do it, meaning no she has some hope for him. When naruto gives his speech she has a moment of sad realization that she isn’t able to stop sasuke as naruto emphasized only he can, so she decided to trust them both..trust naruto that he can bring him back and trust that sasuke isn’t as far gone as he seems.
‘he tried to kill her because he hates her’ ‘he doesn’t care at all!11!!’ ‘he wants her dead!11!!’
Lol this isn’t the most murderous face hes done so far tbh
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Aint trying to say this scene is hallelujah but at least the context isn’t he wants to kill her and laughs about it in her face like he did to 3 people who really did not deserve that.
Misconceptions about the war : Sasuke only cares about naruto (seriously this trend needs to die) and he gives 0 shits about Kakashi and Sakura.  Ignoring the fact that when he first arrived she’s the one he acknowledged and answered to, the reason he had to keep saving Narutos ass is said multiple times by the s man himself..yin release and yang release
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 But no,,,he doesn’t care about sakura or kakashi
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‘whatever he would have let them fall in lava, even tho naruto said that isn’t true’
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‘whatever, he still called her useless’ No, he asked ‘if you heard whats going on outside, what would you do?’ then he shuts kakashi up and says he is in charge to which Naruto scolds him for not being a team player. Not for verbal abuse. ‘He said that bc he thinks shes weak.’ No he really didn’t.
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Clean PC : sasukekun on tumblr
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Sasuke goes on to talk about his revolution
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And Sakura confesses asking him not to go any further into hatred. It’s funny how people call her selfish for confessing or pretend that you’re annoying has negative connotations beyond volume 18,, when her literal confession states that she wants to do anything for him that she can and she hates that she isn’t able to talk to him about his issues, nor is she able to exchange blows with him. Its really?? That people call her selfish bc all she literally says I hate that I cant help you despite how much I love you but please don’t go further into hate, lets just stay united and get through it. The..exact..same..thing..naruto…was…communicating
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And it did make his resolve falter..it literally made him shake, people pretend he was happy to show her that genjutsu (to ensure she hated him) but,,,that is not the case he doesn’t look happy at all
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Oh and ofc the famous argument lmao
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‘He said he has no reason to love her..so he only married her for pity’ gross, sasuke is the biggest leo bitch there is, too much pride to stick his dick in something he doesn’t really want
‘are you suggesting I enjoy a little renai?’ (romantic love) ‘I have no reason to love her and she has no reason to love’ /= I hate her and I have no feelings for her considering this was his mental view of everything…Kakashi saying only hate needs a reason isn’t guilt tripping..bc that’s..what..naruto communicated to him
Again, sasukes jaded way of thinking is a theme, he does not believe in the unity of the shinobi alliance, he believes they got together for a common reason.
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‘she suffers from loving you’ ‘only hate needs a reason’ Sasuke immediately flashes to his own selfless love that never needed a reason, the love that made him suffer the most.
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but no he has no feelings left for her :/ lol
‘Sasuke wanted to kill naruto bc he is his light, and the only thing holding him back from total darkness’ except, no this is a shonen
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‘narutos bond can be romantic bc naruto said they aren’t indra and ashura…sasuke said one and only friend..they clearly have romantic feelings for each other’
Sage : my children will continue the cycle :/ this sucks
Naruto : no bc we aren’t indra and ashura
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Also Naruto :
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‘well sasuke called naruto still his closest friend and he knew no one else accepts him’
That was his mentality and it was wrong, just like when he was confused why Taka still looked for him after what he did. Naruto still remains sasukes best friend, that is true..but the one and only term sasuke uses is the exact same term Itachi used  yuuitsu to describe their relationship. So, no it’s not romantic, it is still brotherly.
 And the fight is the biggest proof of what ive been trying to say, they represent the naruto quite well . Naruto learned that power comes from unity and the sharing of pain, that the world isn’t perfect but we can endure  and change it little by little. Hagoromo confirms ss will happen lol
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Read those 3 pages carefully please, specially if you are pro revolution
Sasuke goes off to state what his experience made him learn and ofc misses the point
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And heres a page to focus on, if you really don’t believe this was a dictatorship
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1.    a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force.
Autocrat, monocrat, absolute ruler
How a dictatorship works : Dictatorship is a form of government  where a country or a group of countries is ruled by one person or political entity, and exercised through various mechanisms to ensure that the entity’s power remains strong
A dictatorship is a type of Authoritarianism, in which politicians regulate nearly every aspect of the public and private behavior of citizens. Dictatorship and totalitarianism societies generally employ political propaganda to decrease the influence of proponents of alternative governing systems.
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Literally a dictatorship.
Naruto wants to teach him power and change come from love and comradeship, he doesn’t want his friend to do that to the world or himself, and since he is the only one who can save him, its pretty noble of him to try and understand sasuke and open him to interpreting the world differently instead of charging at him with hate, which given everything would be justified.
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This goes back to Gaaras speech
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When they wake up lol sasuke says the exact same thing Kakashi did except after the fight sasuke is free from the curse so he is able to think properly . this is the one aspect I really love about their relationship. Naruto knows loneliness so well, just like sasuke and he never gave up trying to teach him what he learned along the way. 2 boys, different experience, same feelings. The entire series on a small scale level. Thanks to Naruto persevering instead of hatin, sasuke found salvation. Why did Naruto persevere? Like Iruka said,, he just did. No reason needed.
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Theres no fucking reason for love and friendship, you just want to share peoples pain because they matter and that’s that. 
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The lesson that sasuke was taught was the message of the entire series, by the hero Ninja Jesus..thats why im not particularly anti ending in a political respect unless you count the uchiha massacre which btw you say its why youre anti ending but lol naruto agreed on this in volume 50 something…when  he met itachi under edo tensei, so its not an ending issue it’s a naruto issue…this series never addressed things as politics, it addressed them as conflicts due to hate and misunderstanding.. it’s a kids series after all. One piece takes political issues and gives them political relevance but naruto was never about that. Im anti Naruto uzumakis ending bc imo NH is crap, hinata is up there with Karin on most badly written characters and it makes no romantic sense..the guy in the hokage chair is not Naruto and I hate it. But in boruto when an issue arises, we see the 5 kages fight together..in the war (and tbh from the moment Hiashi prostrated to Neji) we see the hyuga issue is no longer a thing Kishimoto chose to be politically relevant he stuck to his comrade theme. So hating kishimoto for an ending when it’s a consistent message is useless..but in some aspects yeah ew
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‘sasuke felt pain when he saw naruto in pain bc hes special’ lol no. he was always watching Naruto desperately try to make bonds and it reminded him of his own lost bonds. He saw a kid, unlike him try his best to find people and although he saw him a brat first he later thought it over and saw that it made him relieved that theres somebody out there trying to make bonds..at the same time he saw it a weakness bc bonds mean attachment and not killing Itachi..the pain thing? Stop excluding team 7 like they don’t all matter to sasuke the same
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That’s why..no reading up or down..thats why
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Good for him, he got the message the entire shinobi alliance learned from Naruto..a little late but hes always been a special snow flake
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Lol he explained it better than I did almost. That’s it..he explained their entire relationship.
Sasukes ‘I lost’ came from the realization that Naruto got his power from his comrades, by feeling their pain and wanting to protect them and from shouldering their pain. Like I said, the whole point of the series echos in these 2s relationship. Countries used to be at war because they were no t allied bc they had no reason and war bred fear, fear bred hate and caused conflict and acts of injustice, along comes the child of prophecy changing the hearts of the people teaching them about unity and sharing burdens because of what he learned.-
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He apologizes to Sakura, which I don’t think hes apologizing only for what he did to her per se, as much as its like what he said ‘everything’ …trying to say he was never wrong is :/ trying to say she guilted him is :/ he himself apologized for the emotional pain she did not ask him too
He apologized to sakura bc he wanted to take back that bond..its funny how a lot of sns hate sakura when its sasuke who initiated the apology and made the ship canon its petty and has a blind double standard imo..you cant erase sakura, nor Kakashi..theyre all his bonds
Naruto doesn’t seem so depressed about them reuniting either, so where is the romantic context? 0. Null. Nada.
Or people who try to twist sasukes words here as ‘hes ignoring her’ when he literally stated himself she had 0 to do with his crimes and he needs to understand the world before jumping full turkey into a relationship when his entire life was viewed from a skewed perspective
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‘the forehead poke means distance and its negative’ mata condo da, next time maybe. Mata condo na, next time definitely. A promise for a better future after he is ready..he deserves some time after all he has been through, so? There we go.
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 The forehead poke had both a negative and a positive connotations, but it was still an act of affection from the person he loved the most and he does not look hateful doing that.look at that smile he is so cute
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Once again, the series goes full circle.
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The most important message of the series people miss
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I never said devaluate naruto and sasukes bond, I said realize sasuke is a character who bought the series together, who had many bonds of different kinds. If you look at the series with the point of perspective as a reader whos just reading instead of a fan of a particular aspect of it, you’ll see that despite it’s inconsistent parts sometimes, it’ll seem a whole lot more enjoyable.
Bye, this has been a PSA.
Oh and I think I saw on your blog you said sasukes arm isn’t cut in the flashback?
Theres literally a clear cut line of the cut
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aenimawade-blog · 7 years
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theheirofthesharingan · 10 months
Can you explain the part where Itachi says he is proud to be a Leaf Shinobi. I mean, why did he say that? All that the Leaf caused him was pain and suffering. The part where he says he had no regrets also seemed out of character.
Also, can you explore more on his relationship with the Leaf?
Itachi's relationship with the Leaf is quite complicated and can't be seen in complete black and white — that is, it's not entirely he either fully loves this place or fully hates it. He isn't an extremist in his ideology and doesn't let his emotions drive him. To him, it's always what's the most reasonable thing to do keeping the bigger picture in mind. And Itachi isn't the one to hate the village because it caused him pain, because he doesn't see himself as a victim here. To him, he was as bad as the system for not being able to come up with a better plan and being their accomplice. Sasuke could see Itachi was a victim but Itachi would need more convincing to realize he was wronged as well. Itachi requests Naruto to not clear his name for this very reason.
Itachi might love the village because as a concept Konoha is exactly what his ideals align with. A place where kids live longer and wars don't happen. That's what Hashirama had dreamt of. Still, his 'love' for the village has one condition - Sasuke. He can protect the village but his condition and priority will always be his brother. Obito informed Sasuke that Itachi had threatened Danzo and the Elders that if they harmed him, Itachi would leak all the info to the enemy nations. One might argue that Obito was manipulating Sasuke showing Itachi as a better guy than he actually was. But in truth, Itachi did show up in the village after Hiruzen's death. If he only wanted to know about Sasuke's well-being he had hundreds of other ways to know that, but he came to the village, warned Danzo, that if Sasuke was harmed, he himself would burn down the village to its ashes — system and people and all. Hiruzen also told Sasuke that Itachi had agreed to spy on the Akatsuki only on the condition that Sasuke would be kept safe. It meant that Itachi didn't care about the village as much as he did about his brother. To me, neither of this makes it look like he was really proud of Konoha.
Although, I also feel that while writing all the 'good guys' Kishi made them pro-Konoha as well as the admirers of Naruto whether it fit their characterization or not. It's almost mandatory that you love the main character and the place he calls his home to be a good guy in the series. I can't remember a good guy who wasn't also impressed with Naruto and was pro-Konoha. All the redeemed villains, like Nagato, Konan, and Gaara, do this too. Nagato, after fighting his whole life against the system, becomes an admirer of Naruto and eventually brings back the people he killed to life. Gaara also becomes Naruto's friend and then an ally of the village. Sasuke, after being "saved" also does this. Then Itachi isn't much different, is he?
Though, personally, I won't let that one particular line decide his whole character because the dominating side of Itachi's characterization is his love for Sasuke, whom he chose over the village, and would have destroyed Konoha had he been hurt. It's the same with the other instance you mentioned. Itachi saying 'I have no other regrets' doesn't make much sense, because when he met Sasuke in the woods, what he first expressed was regret ('I filled you with only hatred and that's why I failed'). When they fought against Kabuto, Itachi's body language, his gestures, and even him saying 'I know I have no right to advise you' were all filled with guilt and regrets. Then, in the end before he died, his words were bleeding with regret only. So, that particular phrase is oddly placed and doesn't make sense when Itachi says this, especially when he was more honest with Sasuke at this point. :/ It's definitely very much ooc.
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leportraitducadavre · 2 years
I'm from middle east and my country is shit, but you don't see me going around trying to kill people. I hate the government but I love my country... Most of Sasuke stans are living a comfortable life in European countries and America, they better stfu about suffering, cause they know how their GOVERNMENTS are fucking with our lives. YOU NEVER EXPERIENCED WAR.
This is why the anti-Sasuke fandom, and by extension, pro-Tobirama fans piss me off. It's not even about preferences for hating a particular character simply because they don't match their aesthetic. NO! They just have to pull out half-assed "facts" that are in no way related to canon and dump onto the social media sites without any backup evidence to prove their rhetoric claims. And oh, don't even try to kindly point them in the right direction by providing proofs from the manga panels because they'll drag out their real life sob stories to play the victim and send an angry mob to harass you until you have admitted defeat. UGH.
... what? Alright, first of all, hello Anon, thank you for reaching out. Let me reply to this as thoroughly as I can, hopefully, the fact that I'm not from a first-world country makes my point more valuable (in that person’s mind).
1) Even from the Middle East and experiencing war, that's not to say their experience is universal. Their claim of "I hate my government but I love my country" is... sort of weird. First of all, there's no problem with loving your country, many revolutionaries loved their nation and decided to stand against the system for that same reason -they refused to be oppressed inside their own home, are they claiming that going against the government is going against one's country? Makes absolutely no sense.
Maybe is my own cultural experiences (here, during the seventies and eighties, many people disappeared because they stood up against the government, hell, teenagers who asked for a free bus ticket to go to school were abducted because they were seen as "revolutionaries", and we are not supposed to do something because then "we don't love our country"?), but how is wanting equal treatment disputes the idea of loving your country? And even if Sasuke does hate his village, what’s exactly the issue? Why does he have to love the place where his family was murdered just to reflect this person’s own feelings of patriotism for a place that apparently does nothing but make them suffer? How does that make him a bad person? Why the love for a symbolic place has to be stronger than his love for his family or a group of people? Why are they asking blind loyalty and patriotism to a person belonging to a discriminated, minoritarian group that was killed in the name of peace?
Hiruzen, who unlike Danzo was more inclined about exploiting people’s bonds and emotions in order to tie them to Konoha rather than a person/clan; basically constructing Konoha as a symbol that encompasses those who are dear to the shinobi, creating a nationalistic mindset where family=village. Therefore, if Konoha (symbol) isn’t as important as a specific group/person, then you’re against the village as a whole. It’s a Them vs. Us clash that ultimately benefits the system as it currently is since any criticism can be taken as subversion. And again, it also contradicts the theory as it’s rawly presented since Hiruzen isn’t against those emotions existing, but to whom or what they are subjected to: The individual or the village. (x)
2) Staying with the phrase "I'm from middle east and my country is shit, but you don't see me going around trying to kill people. I hate the government but I love my country" plus the "you never experienced war", what does that mean? Why are they stating Sasuke goes around killing people? He killed Danzo, Itachi, and some samurais, and all of them are with the system that oppresses many people on daily basis, no innocent was murdered, why are they comparing having a shitty life and then deciding to kill innocents with Sasuke? Shouldn’t be Gaara the one put in that statement, then? Or he gets a free pass because he was manipulated by Shikaku even tho Sasuke was also manipulated by Itachi? How come we blame the reaction of the kids instead of the system that created them in the first place?
3) “Most of Sasuke stans are living a comfortable life in European countries and America, they better stfu about suffering, cause they know how their GOVERNMENTS are fucking with our lives.” I agree that first-world countries take advantage of third-world countries and exploit their citizens and natural resources to maintain their economy afloat, then why don’t they see that Konoha, and every big Village in Naruto, is a metaphor of just that? They promote and provoke wars which battles are carried out in smaller countries (so the structural damage doesn’t happen in their own space) in order to produce economic and political gain -it’s explicitly stated, so why wouldn’t characters that want a revolution raise against it and everyone that supports it? Every single person living inside the villages has a military rank, meaning, they’re soldiers (this is also stated and repeated non-stop). It’s their young age something that makes them uncomfortable? Then why is it okay for the government (Kages) to send kids to fight their wars and not bat an eyelash to it but it’s wrong to stand up against it? Name one kid (shinobi) that Sasuke has killed, I’ll wait.
4) "you NEVER EXPERIENCED WAR" There’s no possible change without a revolution, and as a third-world country citizen (I guess, they said they were from the Middle East, they never stated they were from a poor nation) they should know better than anyone this giving how colonialism, imperialism, and capitalism-colonization is also affecting us, I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again:
Change from within is a gradual process that ultimately guarantees future generations to still suffer the same or similar problems that the previous ones did, it shields itself with the idea that it warrants fewer casualties than a head-on confrontation, but it ultimately ends up provoking the same amount of corpses in the long run. (x)
So, to them, Sasuke going against the oppressive government of Konoha is equal to going against the country, and questioning the basis of the foundation of the village is bad. Why, exactly? Because it means people will die? Aren’t people dying right now? Isn’t one of the consequences of wars or genocides (UCM) the death of innocents? (Israel government -to name a Middle East country currently at war, decimating Palestinian people because they want that specific territory isn’t bad? Don’t you think it’ll provoke people’s desire to fight back? Why wouldn’t an Israeli citizen see the problem with it and want to bring the government down? Would that mean the Israeli person is bad because they’re going against his country in order to protect innocents?).
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leportraitducadavre · 3 years
im interested to know who you think are the most evil people in the anime? like morally? is it the hidden leaf? mist maybe? akatsuki? who are they? i would love to see your standpoint on it!! ❤️
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask.
About your question, in order to reply to you we need to take into account several factors:
The perspective from which we are looking at the subject. Are we the “State” that seeks for the “greater good” or are we the marginalized group?
This is what we need to understand: The State, no matter how good it claims to be or how much it improved people life’s styles, it's always responsible for its citizens' well-being and, therefore, the one to be held accountable if its citizens suffer any form of discrimination, oppression or eradication.
State=Power which is always (yes, always, let’s not kid ourselves into thinking a completely marginalized representative can jump into the power sphere without it being a mere aesthetic measure to make the government look more inclusive while carrying out the same oppressive politics), integrated by upper classes whose status will be threatened shall the marginalized groups seek for a change.
In order for a group to be on top, there’s always another one who is forced at the very bottom, otherwise with whom those higher spheres will compare themselves to as to feel superior?
Five Great Nations? There have to be at least hundreds of others stuck at the bottom of the pit for them to be (and stay) in such a position. If a smaller nation tries to break free it jeopardizes the entire structure (yes! All of it, their system is so fragile that a single group -Akatsuki- put it in jeopardy!). Therefore, these wonderful nations will break them before they can become a real threat.
We do have some real-life examples as well: Count how many first-world countries are there and compare them with the enormous quantity of countries that have been labeled as “third-world”. While you’re there, check out the economical, social, and cultural politics and/or invasions of the first world countries that directly affected the third world ones.
“We created an economic/social system that suits ours (and only ours) needs, try to thrive on it!”
“ Actually, don’t.”
First world countries to third world countries, probably.
Many pro-Konoha fans are quick to put the responsibility of the Uchiha Massacre over its own victims, claiming that their attempt to coup would have brought the death to people that had nothing to do with the marginalization they suffered (if they’re kind enough to admit the wrong-doings of Konoha’s politicians), thus, their death prevented many others; but that’s easily disprovable:
a- The targeted group wasn’t other marginalized people. While other clans didn’t suffer the same amount of discrimination as the Uchiha did, they weren’t extent to be considered inferior to the clans always in power (Senju, Sarutobi) and those directly linked to them.
b- The problem for them isn’t the “deaths of innocent people”, it never is, it’s about the system they wanted to dethrone and those in power wanted to maintain. If the problem truly was those “innocent people’s lives”, then how come they killed infants who knew nothing about the coup?
c- “But instead of a revolution, they could have just tried to make their way into the system and fight from the inside, so there are fewer casualties.”
Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. There are always casualties, always, what people who claim this to be the solution is actually saying is that those who are currently suffering should keep suffering until something changes.
That way, those who keep dying/suffering are the marginalized people -and with the Power Spheres controlling the media, they wouldn’t be able to see that happening, as they hadn’t been able until then.
If someone tells you “there are other ways,” just so you know, they normalized so much the death/suffering of those marginalized groups that it doesn’t seem like a big deal to submit them into more of that until “a change is achieved through time”.
d- “But… LePortrait, there’re examples of Coups in the real world that brought devastation to the common citizens.” Yeah, and you know who made those coups? *Drums* The higher classes alongside the military forces because the current government was actually establishing politics that helped marginalized groups!
e- “But the Uchiha had the Police Force! They had power,” Let’s make something clear: Having a job does not equal having political power, The Police Force was under the domain of the Hokage, they had no saying in political affairs and couldn’t overrule the Hokage’s decision, furthermore, they couldn’t arrest ANBU members without the Hokage’s permission; it was a superficial job to make them think they had some political influence over a village they founded.
And while I’m on it, how come that the Uchiha “had power” because they commanded the Police Force and yet, when Konoha’s leaders forced them to live outside the village they had no say in the matter? Either they have power or they haven’t, and since they couldn’t choose where to live, it seems that they hadn’t.
Are some actions redeemable if they are claimed to be for the greater good?
What exactly is the “greater good” and to whom? A quick tip: If it needs the “sacrifice” of peoples’ wellbeing (a sacrifice they weren’t even able to choose but was chosen for them), then no.
Is Akatsuki the most morally evil group?
No. Absolutely not. They are a group who was chosen by no one to represent them (and I know, most Kages also weren’t but their “job description” is to protect/represent those they rule), and so they do as they please.
You can hold them accountable for their actions, but they’re not pretending to be something they aren’t. They’re not claiming to be “nice people”, they just want to obtain power for a higher purpose, so they use the tools they have in order to do so: which entails recruiting people like Hidan -whose sole purpose seemed to create chaos and lived by that mantra.
But Itachi, each and every one of the members of Akatsuki was loyal to their own ideals, they fought together because it was convenient, but they didn’t sacrifice nor hide their true natures.
If I have to choose: I will always put the whole Shinobi System and everyone who supports it as the worst people, they’re not only conscious of the consequences that their politics brought but they also actively implement them for that so-called “Greater Good”. If I’m also feeling fancy, I’ll put Tobirama in the top since he was the one who created it and every other nation copied, but without diminishing the leaders that followed him and deepened his methods.
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