#pro contra
deancrowleycas · 1 year
how do you call it when someone is neither pro-something nor against it but not neutral, just indecisive? Like one word for it I nead it for a title of a text dfkjsfsdjk
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oxygenbefore1775 · 8 months
For reijeanweek day 5, I'd like to offer something for the prompt soulmates - something that can be barely classified as headcanons, just a very rough draft of something that might have taken place if aot world had soulmates.
My go-to soulmate subtrope for this outline is the soulmate's name appearing on the hand.
While Reiner and Jean do have each other's names written on their hands, therefore making them soulmates, but the problem is that Marley and Paradis are using different alphabets so they are unable to read each other's names since it looks like gibberish to them.
That is, until Reiner is sent to the Paradis and as a preparation for the invasion, he is taught Paradisian alphabet and can finally read the name. The revelation throws Reiner through a loop — since he realizes that his true love is actually one of the "Island Devils" that he is supposed to hate — but ultimately sows the future seeds of his disenchantment with the Marleyan propaganda.
Two years must pass after the Fall of Shiganshina before Reiner could finally meet Jean who, admittedly, doesn't make a great first impression but due to soulmate magic Reiner is head over heels for him nonetheless. Revealing the soulmate's name written is not very common (especially amongst the teenage boys who seem to be allergic to being vulnerable) and the fact that Reiner's name is not written in Paradisian alphabet would definitely raise some suspicions for Jean so Reiner decides not to reveal their soulmate bond to him, instead opting for pining for him by spending time during trainings and missions together.
Meanwhile, Jean has zero knowledge of the existence of the other alphabets so he is doomed to forever assume that the supposed name of his soulmate is nothing but gibberish. Ultimately Jean concludes that the one true love for him doesn't exists and becomes disenchanted with the concept of soulmates. That is, until Jean meets Reiner in the Cadet Corps. Unaware that one of his closest companions is, in fact, his soulmate, Jean begins to develop feelings for someone he believes is not destined for him. This leads him to contemplate the concept of serendipity, pondering the idea that he is free to love anyone of his choosing, rather than someone preordained by fate.
That belief is quick to change, though, once Reiner reveals his true allegiance and subsequently betrays Jean's feelings for him. After two battles against the Warriors — first within the interior of Wall Maria and second in Shiganshina — Jean finds himself completely heartbroken. In an attempt to cope, he comforts himself with the notion that love is ultimately not for him. Over the four years that follow, as Jean attempts to forget his feelings for Reiner and channel his sense of betrayal into hatred, he is utterly failing in both (in actuality it's just the soulmate bond the two of them have established over the year doing its magic).
Until the time comes for the Survey Corps to venture out onto the Continent where much later they start preparing for a raid on Liberio. Seeing as Jean was chosen to be one of the Paradis spies, he has to blend in with the Marleyan society which, of course, includes him learning the alphabet. And only then, seven years after their first encounter and living in ignorance, Jean realizes that Reiner was his soulmate all along. Many thoughts race through Jean's head at the onset of this revelation. Some of them are relief that he is in fact entitled to love in his life. Some of them are justified frustration with Reiner that never told him about this despite presumably finding out about that years in ahead. Yet, the most persistent thought lingering in his mind is the anticipation of their impending encounter in Liberio — an encounter that won't resemble the reunion of lovers in the slightest.
(But Jean will find him and make it work, at least one of them has to be decisive, after finally getting their chance to experience love again)
And that's essentially where it concludes, since I find myself at a loss for a fitting ending to this narrative. Consider this my collection of musings. It will await the insight of someone wiser who may craft a more logical ending for all of this.
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hwoness · 4 months
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  ⁀  ──────  DYNAMICS  ⋆  my babies .
durante  o  tempo  em  que  morou  no  chalé  de  hermes,  hwon  sabia  que  aquele  não  era  seu  lugar.  muitas  vezes,  ele  fez  oferendas  e  chorou,  implorando  para  que  seu  pai  ou  mãe  olimpiano  o  reclamasse,  desejando  finalmente  ter  uma  família.  quando  jackson  obrigou  os  deuses  a  reclamarem  seus  filhos,  hades  ainda  esperou  que  o  chalé  treze  fosse  construído  e  que  nico  estivesse  no  acampamento  para  reclamá-lo.  hwon  e  nico  poderiam  ser  mais  próximos,  se  o  mais  novo  permitisse  uma  relação  mais  sólida,  o  que  sempre  magoou  o  coreano.  por  outro  lado,  ele  ganhou  kitty  e  sasha  quase  como  um  presente.  ele  os  adorou  desde  o  primeiro  segundo  e,  desde  então,  tem  feito  de  tudo  para  ser  o  melhor  irmão  possível  e  imaginável  para  ambos.  às  vezes,  ele  precisa  assumir  o  papel  de  irmão  mais  velho  e  dar  bronca,  mas  mesmo  assim  tenta  fazer  isso  sem  ser  duro  demais.  basta  uma  lágrima  de  @kittymook  para  que  ele,  que  não  é  nada  agressivo,  queira  bater  em  quem  teve  a  ousadia  de  machucar  sua  irmã.  ou  uma  reclamação  de  @littlfrcak  para  que  ele  sugira  fazerem  alguma  pegadinha  sem  noção  como  vingança.  por  isso,  ultimamente,  está  ainda  mais  empenhado  nos  treinos,  para  que  possa  cuidar  dos  dois  quando  a  guerra  eclodir.
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nocontexteastereggs · 2 years
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Snatcher (1988)
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Hace una semana mi cerebro me está intentando de convencer de q me cambie el corte de pelo and he's making good points ke ago
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tasteless-lemonade · 30 days
top razões pra eu nunca ter me interessado tanto pelo futebol é que sou lgbt e todo cenário futebolistico tem um viés homofóbico. não ajuda que o time que eu torço é piada no estado inteiro como um time de bicha
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sambuchito · 1 year
a mi me podes contar el chisme que quieras porque i forger
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a-tiny-sloth · 5 months
looking for places to make a blog (like, the old-fashioned type) but i don't really now where to start looking and i know i've seen tumblr posts abt it but my memories are too vague to find them w the accursed tumblr search so...
if anyone has a post abt this on hand and/or recommendations i would be eternally grateful!!
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borealopelta · 5 months
i think the main sign of me actually needing to drop out is that the urge doesn't go away even from food, exposure to fresh air and sunlight, or human connection. like damn girl it really is serious huh
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bat-the-misfit · 1 year
mds ela não pode ser a Isa. se ela for eu vou chorar. EU TÔ PASSANDO MAL
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sweetsweethate · 9 months
having the worst tiene in my life right now (se tiene que bañar en la casa de su abuela)
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dailyordem · 1 year
No momento um headcannon q eu tô obcecada é q toda família jouki tem conexões com o paranormal. O joui é da ordem, a yuki é da obscurité (sim, pra mim o headcanon da yuki irmã do joui é canon) e os pais deles já foram agentes no passado. Minha versão preferida é q a mãe foi agente da ordem enquanto ainda morava no Brasil, mas acabou abandonando o cargo quando foi pro Japão, e o pai era de alguma organização paranormal japonesa, que ele tbm acabou largando em algum momento. Todo mundo sabe q o paranomal existe, só n sabem q os outros sabem
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renah · 1 year
*sees non-brazilians talking shit about the Brazil's NT and making fun of 7x1*
me: shut the fuck up you fucking gringo, do you even know what is it like to win one, let alone five world cups, fuck you
*sees other brazilians talking shit about the women's NT*
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acx49er · 1 year
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tuliptheoshawott · 1 year
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copomipics · 1 year
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Hombre de la Cabeza Desplegable.
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