#pro israel rally
eretzyisrael · 10 months
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girlactionfigure · 10 months
A large group of non-Jews rallied with Jews against antisemitism in London this week. 
Thanks for your support.
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proudzionist · 5 months
Source : thatpersianJew on Instagram 🇮🇱💙🫂
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nando161mando · 4 months
▶️ Pro-Palestine activists rally outside public broadcaster's offices in Milan
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dolphingirl1234 · 4 months
I went to a pro Israel/stop antisemitism rally yesterday and I might be bias bc I've never been to a rally or anything like that before but it was pretty chill, like a bunch of us just stood on the street and a band was there, and some guy dressed up as Moses and stood on a pillar which is such a jewish thing to do honestly.
it was run and organised by Christians (which by the way thank you to all the Christians who support the jews and Israel we love you so much!!!) and they tried so hard to play songs that we knew in Hebrew but they played songs we knew in different tunes so we were kinda just standing there like what the hell
there was a pro palestine rally literally 2 streets away from us at the same time. it was fine until they started coming closer, I couldn't see them because I'm just short but god their drum was fucking loud. like shaking the ground like of loud it was insane. They were shouting something I couldn't really make out but they were obviously heading towards us and there was definitely like 10 times as many of them as there was of us.
when I tell you there was so much police there I am not exaggerating. literally all of the main road where we were was covered in police cars and there was easily over 300 officers there. I left before before the pro palis actually got to us (idk if they actually did or not) so idk what happened after that but yeah that was my experience.
honestly I don't recommend going to rallies they're not that fun and yeah its nice to have like community and stuff but by having a rally we're literally stooping down to the pro palistinians level which is exactly what we don't want to be doing
also one of the buildings next to us had a rooftop bar and there were some drunk old ladies dancing to our music it was hilarious and adorable at the same time
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plethoraworldatlas · 5 months
Do you remember President Biden's swift and strong response when pro-Israel extremists reportedly blasted the chemical weapon "skunk spray" on students peacefully protesting at Columbia University earlier this year? Do you remember how the White House condemned the attack, demanded accountability, and called on the school to protect students from such hate?
No? You don't remember? Of course you don't. Because none of it happened. President Biden didn't respond swiftly or strongly to the skunk spray attack. He didn't respond at all.
How about President Biden's response when a Texas man hurled racist slurs at a group of Palestinian Americans after a ceasefire protest at the University of Texas in Austin, ripped a Palestinian flagpole off their car, dragged one of them out of the backseat, and stabbed him?
Then again, the White House said nothing—even after our civil rights and advocacy organization directly alerted the White House about the incident.
The Biden administration's silence is nothing new.
On Stanford University’s campus, a driver yelling"F—k you and your people" reportedly used his car to ram an Arab Muslim student attending a ceasefire protest, sending him to the hospital. No response from the White House.
At the University of Texas, pro-Israel extremists disrupted a Palestine Solidarity Committee meeting and hurled profanities at the attendees. No response.
In Arizona, Texas, Georgia, New York and other states, law enforcement agencies have brutalized students and even professors who attended peaceful protests against the genocide in Gaza. Again, no response.
Now contrast the White House's lack of response to violent actions motivated by anti-Palestinian hate with the White House's vocal response to inflammatory words that a small number of individuals have allegedly made at or near pro-ceasefire protests on college campuses.
“I condemn the antisemitic protests, that’s why I set up a program to deal with that,” the president said, broadly mischaracterizing the sit-ins led mostly by Jewish and Palestinian students.
In a statementmarking Passover, Biden said, “Even in recent days, we’ve seen harassment and calls for violence against Jews. This blatant antisemitism is reprehensible and dangerous – and it has absolutely no place on college campuses or anywhere in our country.”
Just this week, the White House condemned protesters at Columbia for taking over Hamilton Hall—something students protesting the Vietnam War did, which the school now celebrates on its website—and curiously declared the use of a banner with the Arabic word "intifada" hate speech.
At the same time, the White House conveniently ignored the fact that most prominent banner displayed was "Hind's Hall," named after the 6-year-old girl murdered by Israeli forces while waiting for medics—also murdered—to save her.
Hypocrisy does not begin to describe the White House's inconsistency, which extends well beyond college campuses.
Last fall, the White House rushed to falsely claim that ceasefire protesters in Philadelphia were antisemitic for demonstrating outside a kosher restaurant—the protesters actually targeted the business because it held a fundraiser benefiting the IDF.
But the White House said nothing when protesters at November's March for Israel chanted genocidal slogans. On the contrary, a prominent Biden administration official spoke at the march, sharing the stage with notoriously anti-Muslim and antisemitic pastor John Hagee.
While the administration is quick to condemn any allegation of antisemitism at protests, whether verified or manufactured, the administration has repeatedly failed to condemn verified incidents of anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia on college campuses (not to mention the antisemitism that pro-Israel extremists have directed at Jewish students advocating for a ceasefire, such as calling them "kapos.")
By instead validating slanders against pro-Palestinian protesters and downplaying anti-Palestinian racism on college campuses, the Biden administration has sent a signal that the hurt feelings of pro-war students who cannot tolerate hearing any criticism of the Israeli government are more worthy of attention than the violated rights and injured bodies of anti-war students.
The administration also gave law enforcement agencies and pro-Israel mobs cover to escalate their targeting of students, leading to horrific attacks on students at the University of California Los Angeles.
This inconsistency—this utter hypocrisy—must end. If President Biden is going to comment on every controversy that erupts at a protest or on a college campus, he must do so with moral consistency. He can start by condemning the ongoing efforts to defame and brutalize anti-genocide students before we see more attacks on protesters or, God forbid, a repeat of the Kent State massacre.
Just like during Vietnam, a young generation of students is on the right side of history. It's long past time for President Biden to join them.
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psychologeek · 8 days
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The writing on the post was:
Pro-Israel antisemitism is not an oxymoron. Arthur Belfour was an antisemite, Richard Spencer is an antisemite. The goyische Zionist who shot that antizionist Jewish protester is part of a long tradition of antisemitic Zionism.
I just. I'm so tired of this shit. Of spread misinformation.
Like, this isn't even hard looking at photos and seeing it was a Pro-israeli peaceful protest.
Why would someone bring a pistol on a rally?
Well, idk. But I think maybeeee it has something to do with the Pro-israeli protester that was killed by a pro-pal protester last November
Post: combine photos to make it look like the shooter was a homicidal maniac who went to a pro-pal rally and started shooting people.
Facts (as seen on a video in social media, that recorded the whole incident):
man (A) standing across the street from photographer, cursing and shouting.
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Man (A) run and cross the road. (0:13)
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A tackle another man (B) and start choking him. (0:17)
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2 other men forcely try separate A from B. (Somewhere between 0:21-0:26.)
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I think the pistol shot was on (0:33)? I'm not sure.
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A stand on knees, B behind him, seperater force him to stay down (O:40)
(0:43-0:56): another PoV - sowing (B)'s back.
0:46: (B)'s hand is shown, reaching forward, drops pistol on the ground
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But of course.
No need to fact check anything, apparently, if it follows your agenda.
And you know what really fucking bugs me?
People tag this with "TW: antisemism". Or use it as a token of "Zionists VS. Jews".
(None of them said anything about Mr. Kessler.)
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cidnangarlond · 11 months
I think in terms of talking about weapons being used against palestine you have to do more than specify how a type of weapon is prohibited by international law. most weapons that are, like white phosphorus or thermobaric weapons, are prohibited against civilian populations. they are, however, legal to use against military targets. and israel has painted their fight - and so convinced many governments and their leaders - as being against hamas, a military target to them, and so using these kinds of weapons is okay because they're targeting terrorists and not civilians. terrorists, and not people. it's also just factually untrue to say the weapons are all outright banned under certain international laws. they are banned, but only if you can convince a government that those who are dying are people.
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reuna · 10 months
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Yeah. They have to pay people to go on these. It looks like the Pro-Putin marches seen earlier.
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
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girlactionfigure · 10 months
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proudzionist · 5 months
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Thank You to the Pro Israel supporters on UCLA campus .
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hatake · 1 month
ppl on here really calling palestine protestors "hecklers" at rallies
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The group also planned how to evade legal repercussions for the planned attack, reminding each other to cover their faces to hide their identities. Masoud wrote, “NO FACE NO CASE.”
In a separate exchange, Masoud celebrated violence against Jews, saying, “I beat the shit out of three Zionists yesterday and didn’t even see a jail cell.”
“VIOLENT!! ONLY VIOLENCE… IN PALESTINE THEY WISHHH THEY COULD SMACK A ZIONIST AND NOT GET TORTURED TO DEATH. WE CAN THO!! And we’ll just get a [desk appearance ticket from the NYPD],” he said, according to prosecutors. Jewish community leaders in New York City have long said local prosecutors are too lenient in punishments for anti-Jewish hate crimes, lessening deterrence.
The day after Masoud and his associates held the group chat, they went to a pro-Israel protest and picked out a man wearing a Star of David while he was walking with his wife.
“Are you a fucking Jew?” Masoud asked the man, then punched him in the face. Afterward, he texted his associates, “no videos of me anywhere lmaooo. I’m Gucci. No face no case.”
Less than two weeks later, Masoud and a co-conspirator drove to the Brooklyn home of Heshy Tischler, a contentious, conservative, well-known figure in the Orthodox community in Boro Park. Tischler later told prosecutors that Masoud had shouted antisemitic insults at him at a previous Black Lives Matter rally.
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head-post · 9 months
Pro-Palestinian rally held in Paris on New Year’s Eve
Parisians held another rally on Saturday in solidarity with Palestinians as the Christmas and festive season continues.
Gathered outside the Chatelet metro station, those gathered chanted slogans against Israeli attacks, accusing the French government of “complicit in crimes” against Gazans.
They also held various signs in support of the Palestinians, some of which read “Stop the genocide” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be Free.”
During the demonstration, a screen set up in the square showed footage of wounded Gazans.
The number of Palestinians killed by Israeli air and ground attacks has surpassed 21,000.
Read more HERE
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plethoraworldatlas · 5 months
After a Neo-nazi drove into a crowd of protesters fighting back a "unite the right" event and killed one person, Conservatives and Republicans nationwide started making it way easier to kill protesters by ramming vans and trucks into them.
Police did the same without punishment during the George Floyd protests.
Pro-Israeli counter protesters have begun doing the same, leading to the hospitalization of at least one Palestinian activist protesting against genocide. The Biden administration has no comment on any pro-israeli violence committed agianst protesters or really in general.
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