#pro scooters
skatessuk · 8 months
How To Choose The Right Pro Scooter For Your Riding Style?
When it comes to choosing a pro scooter, it’s important to consider the type of riding you want to do and get a scooter that is tailored to your needs. There are many different types of pro scooters on the market, and it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you.  To help make your decision easier, here are some tips to consider when choosing the right pro scooter for your riding style.  If you want to buy the best quality pro scooters for your kid then, you can visit this website https://www.skates.co.uk/.
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First, you need to consider the type of riding you want to do. Different types of scooters are designed for different kinds of riding, so make sure to choose one that will suit your needs. 
Next, consider the type of deck you want. Many pro scooters come with decks that are made from either aluminum or steel. An aluminum deck is usually lighter and more durable, but it can be more expensive than a steel deck.
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You also need to consider the type of wheels you want. Pro scooters come with either polyurethane or rubber wheels. Polyurethane wheels are usually lighter and more responsive, but they can be more expensive than rubber wheels.  If you want to buy the best quality pro scooters then, you may pop over to this site.
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By considering these factors, you can choose the right pro scooter for your riding style. Remember to also take into account your budget and the features you need in a scooter. With this information, you can make an informed decision and get a scooter that will provide you with a great ride.
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kevinbradleysstuff · 8 months
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Speaking of good scooters, outstanding pro scooters Apex are among those that have a great reputation for quality and happen to be a go-to choice for anyone looking to take up this sport seriously. 🛴
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iamyouknow-yours · 1 year
I've seen a few people trying to decide between getting a mobility scooter and an electric wheelchair.
Mobility scooters are cheaper but both are expensive. I'm gonna tell you about my scooter and my experience with it. I have the CTM HS-115 scooter. She is red and has 3 wheels. I'll include photos at the end plus a bonus photo of my cat sitting on it.
The turning circle!!! My house has narrow passages and it can be quite difficult to maneuver the scooter because of the turning circle. Especially when I'm having a bad brain fog day. I have gotten better at maneuvering though.
Wheelchairs have a turning circle of themselves. My scooter has one that is I think around a metre? I don't remember, my memory is bad.
Also it has this really annoying function where it can't be pushed even on pushing mode if it isn't on perfectly flat ground because the automatic braking system kicks in.
I'd also have a look at the amount of rise any mobility aid you are looking at can go over because when entering inaccessible buildings (like my house, I have to lift it up/get someone else to lift it for me.
Some of these problems would not be fixed by getting not a mobility scooter but some would.
My back sometimes hurts if I'm in it for a while (because the back rest is not very tall) but I've fixed this by having a cushion and remembering to lean back all the way.
To be clear though I love my scooter. She is very useful and has loads of benefits.
And I don't know any of the downsides of a power chair because I have no lived experience with one.
She can go on pretty rough terrain. She's pretty sturdy. I've taken her to the park near my house and round my friend's garden. As well as more obvious places like the mall.
Only time I've had an issue was when I went to this very hilly place where the ground sloped to the side and then she didn't want to brake.
The driving system means I can switch which hand I use plus my friend can walk next to me and maneuver me.
There's enough space by my feet that I can put my backpack there too.
It's fit in every car I've tried it in with just regular disassembly. Except my friend's dad's two seater car but then he disassembled it more using Tools™ and it fit.
It has good battery life, it hasn't run out on me.
The system for viewing how much battery you have left is bad though. It has 3 lights (red, orange, green) and supposedly the green turns off then the orange then the red and it's dead. But me and my friends can never figure out which lights are on and which are off.
It has a blue warning light which flashes in various sequences when something is wrong. I've had the scooter for several months and have never had it flash.
Fastest speed is 6km/h which is like someone jogging.
I got them to remove the beeping it makes when it reverses because that was Terrible.
The only customisation I've done to mine so far is put stickers that tell me which direction (forwards or backwards) the controls make it go. Because it's the opposite on the left and right. Which makes it easier if you want to swap hands or have a friend maneuver you but I need the stickers to tell me which way to push or pull the lever.
I am looking for ideas on how to customise her so please give suggestions. If anyone has suggestions on how to make the back rest taller that would be so appreciated.
Please include your own advice in the reblogs/replies. Looking forward to advice for future wheelchair users who need it.
That's a playlist from the british youtuber Jessica Kellgren-Fozard. It's 4 videos of her trying out and picking a mobility aid. Includes useful advice and tips. And then 1 excellent video talking about mobility aids and "giving up". That video was quite useful in convincing various family members that that was not what I was doing by getting my scooter.
My scooter's name is Atalanta after the woman from Greek mythology who could run faster than any man. I think I'm very funny.
My cane is in the background of some of the photos because I rest it next to my scooter.
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dawnthefluffyduck · 8 months
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Ailment Get: Food Poisoning
God bless the ability to play the switch in bed
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ivylive · 5 months
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in case u wanted more reasons to know scooter brain is trash
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draco-kasai · 7 months
He stared blankly as the skeletal figure of the man walked away from him. His vision blurring, making the man look like a blob as he disappeared from his sight. His footsteps growing distant as the man continued to speak, apologizing and giving him suggestions.
"I know it's painful, but it's best to remain realistic." The man states as he opens a door. The green haired teen's continued silence caused the blonde man to sigh. Without any more words, he closed the door behind him with a soft click.
As though the sound had brought him back to reality, the teen began to tremble. Feeling his legs growing weak under him, he fell to his knees. Sobs wracked his body as he allowed his emotions to overflow.
"Why?" His broken voice croaked out, "Why is it so bad to be quirkless? Why am I considered so weak?" He asked the empty space of the surrounding roof.
The boy could feel the familiar feeling of anger bubble up within him. Instead of holding onto it, he let it out in angry cries that rattled his throat, "I'm human too damn it!! Just because I don't have a quirk doesn't make me less than!!"
The teen took in a deep breath and let out years worth of frustrations and anger out in a loud yell. His throat burning in protest even as he stopped to cough. His tears continuing down his freckled cheeks like streams of a river slowly began to trickle to a stop.
The boy curled into himself, numbly. His eyes itchy and irritated, throat scratchy and dry. He sniffled softly into his arm as he hugged his knees to his chest, "I just wanted to help people... I just wanted to be a hero..." He hid his face from the world, his body shuttering with tearless sobs, "Why can't I just be normal?" he asked himself as he closed his eyes.
Warmth, that's the first thing he was able to register. Warmth that enveloped his body in a comforting hug and beckoned him to fall back into slumber. But wait... wasn't he on a rooftop a few moments ago?
A gasp and a yelp, the teen sat up quickly to look around the room. It was both familiar and not at the same time. He didn't understand. The walls had posters hanging on their walls but none familiar despite the familiar faces. Quick steps rushing towards his room caused the teen to flinch and look up just in time to see the door burst open.
"Izuku, are you okay!?" Inko asked as he looked down at her son with worry in her green eyes. Izuku stared up at his mother with a bewildered look.
"Mom? Where am I?" Izuku asked confused
Inko's eyebrows scrunched up a little in equal confusion, "What do you mean, sweetheart? This is your room, are you alright baby? Did the fever get worse?"
As she spoke, Inko walked closer to place her hand on her son's forehead. A relived smile crossed her lips, her shoulders slumping, "Oh, thank goodness. It seems your fever has gone down. Perhaps you're just a little disoriented."
"A... fever?" Izuku asked, confused as he watched his mother pull his dark green curtains open. He didn't remember having a fever recently. He does, however, remembers being on the rooftop and an explosion. His body had reacted on instinct, and he ran for the stairwell.
Izuku could feel his body stiffen when he remembered tripping over a sidewalk. His eyes becoming blank upon recalling the way tiers screeched on the pavement and people yelled over him.
"Oh my, you must not remember much from the fever. You came home last night and had fallen ill, sweetheart. It was dangerously high last night. I was really worried, especially when I couldn't take you to a hospital because of the sudden storm that happened last night." Inko explained while she tied the curtains to keep them open.
Turning to face her son, she frowned in worry at how pale he looked. Worried he may feel nauseous, she grabbed the trashcan and placed it by his bed as she sat on the edge, "oh, honey, are you feeling any worse?"
"M... Mom I-" Izuku paused as he got a better look at his mother in the morning light. Her once dark forest green hair was as black as charcoal, "Y... your hair...?"
"Hm?" Inko ran a hand through her hair with a confused tilt of her head. Her eyes flickered down to her dark locks in her hand, "Is something wrong with it?"
Izuku stared at his mother for a silent moment before slowly shaking his head, "Ah... no... I just... I thought it was green." he states cautiously.
Inko let's out a soft snort before giggling, "Oh, my. Green?" She ruffled her son's hair, "Oh yeah, you're definitely not going to school today." With those words, she got up to her feet, "Give me a few minutes, and I'll bring you your breakfast, sweetheart."
Izuku watched his mom step out of the room in silence. The moment the door clicked closed behind him, he scrambled out of his bed and to his feet. He quickly rushed to look into the mirror he had on the back of his bedroom door. His eyes instantly landing on his hair.
Izuku's hair landed on his hair, gently tugging and pulling as he leaned in to stare at himself in the mirror, "What the fuck is happening?" Izuku mumbled to himself as he stared at his reflection. Everything about him was the same except for his hair, just like his mom.
Not to mention that memory... "I was so sure I died..." He murmured to himself as he slowly walked back to his bed. Plopping down to sit against his pillows, "Is this the work of a quirk? But then, why would they change our hair? This makes no sense..."
Green eyes looked up to look around the room once more. The morning light brightening up the room. All of his hero merchandise was gone and replace with something else. It looked like posters and figures of anime, along with bands and artists.
"Code Lyoko? Attack on Titan? Sailor Moon?" Izuku mumbled in confusion as he read out some of the anime posters. Relief flooded the young teen when he saw a familiar face, "The Wild Wild Pussycats... Wait... world Tour?"
Blindly, Izuku reached over for his phone. Once it was in his hand, he quickly turned it on and paused. His All Might background was replaced with a picture of himself and two unknown people. A boy with tired eyes and a girl with dyed pink hair. With growing confusion, Izuku unlocked his phone.
Opening google, he quickly looked up the hero team by name. His mouth falling open at the results, "Musical group...? Pop punk? Huh?!" Clicking one of the videos, Izuku sat on his bed dumbfounded as he watched the music video and listed to the catchy tune.
"Oh my god..." Izuku murmured to himself as he quickly opened google again and quickly looked up all of his favorite heroes.
Hawks - Keigo Takami a male model and singer
Endeavor - Enji Todoroki, a popular wrestler and actor
Best Jeanist - Tsunagu Hakamada a popular designer
Present Mic - Hizashi Yamada a radio talk show host, musical teacher and actor
Eraserhead - Aizawa Shouta a hard rock singer
All Might - Yagi Toshinori a wrestler and actor
Quirk /kwərk/ Noun 1.a peculiar behavioral habit.
Superpower /so͞opərˌpouər/ describes a state or supranational union that-
Izuku quickly shut off his phone and tossed it to the other end of his bed, only to watch it bounce and fall to the floor with a thud. Grabbing his pillow, Izuku let out a muffled scream. He knows the real identity of heroes, and they aren't heroes?! Quirks weren't powers either, and superpowers are things of fiction! What the fuck was happening? Where was he?!
"Izuku, I have your breakfast." Inko called as she carefully opened the door while balancing a bowl on a bed tray. As his mother set the tray on his lap, Izuku couldn't help but wonder if he died and was sent to some alternate version of his world, or if this was all the work of a quirk.
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lordrei · 10 months
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I've been to lazy to answer asks till now but I don't regret this
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NIU Mobility is Australia's leading kick and electric scooter supplier for adults. Our scooters and related products are constantly evolving in order to provide you with the most up-to-date technology.
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lambs-in-flight · 2 years
I’ve been working five days a week + school full time, one of my only days off of work is my twelve hours of class day and the other is spent laying Face Down in bed letting my body recover besties what the fuck am I to do
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emotorscooty · 1 year
Book Electric Scooter Online
Booking an electric scooter online has several benefits, including:
Booking an electric scooter online is a convenient and hassle-free process. You can do it from the comfort of your own home, without having to visit a physical store or rental outlet.
By booking an electric scooter online, you can check the availability of the scooters and reserve one in advance, ensuring that you get the scooter of your choice.
Online booking often comes with discounts and offers, allowing you to save money on the rental fee of an electric scooter.
Booking online saves time, as you can complete the entire process within a few minutes. You can also avoid waiting in line at a rental outlet.
Easy Payment: 
Online booking platforms typically offer various payment options, including credit cards, debit cards, and online payment methods, making the payment process quick and easy.
Overall, booking an electric scooter online offers several benefits, making it a convenient and cost-effective way to rent a scooter for your transportation needs.
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crazyskatesthingsus · 17 days
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liideway · 1 month
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martin-cambell · 2 months
Amo Mobility Introduces Jaunty i Pro Electric Scooter at Rs 1.15 Lakhs with 120 km of range
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Amo Mobility, a key player in India's electric vehicle (EV) market, has made a significant stride with the launch of its latest electric scooter, the Jaunty i Pro. With a focus on advanced technology, safety features, and domestic manufacturing, the Jaunty i Pro aims to capture the attention of Indian consumers while contributing to the nation's emission reduction goals.
The Jaunty i Pro comes packed with features designed to meet the needs of modern riders. Sporting a sleek design available in white, blue, and grey, the scooter offers a commendable range of 200 km on a single charge from its 2.52 kWh battery pack. This, coupled with a fast charger capable of replenishing the battery in just 3.5 hours, ensures convenience and reliability for daily commutes or longer journeys.
In terms of performance, the Jaunty i Pro doesn't disappoint. It boasts a load-bearing capacity of 151 kg and can reach a top speed of 60 kmph, making it suitable for various riding conditions. The inclusion of three riding modes—Economic, City Ride, and Power Mode—provides riders with flexibility and control over their riding experience.
Safety is paramount, and the Jaunty i Pro incorporates features to ensure rider protection. With a combination braking system and a buzzer for battery temperature alerts, the scooter enhances safety on the road, giving riders peace of mind during their travels.
Amo Mobility's collaboration with Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn for the promotion of the Jaunty i Pro further underscores the company's commitment to reaching a wider audience and promoting the adoption of electric vehicles in India.
Founder of Amo Mobility, Mr. Sushant Kumar, expressed optimism about the Jaunty i Pro's potential to revolutionize the EV market. He highlighted the scooter's innovative features and emphasized its domestic manufacturing, aligning with the company's vision of supporting India's emission reduction efforts.
With its blend of advanced technology, safety features, and domestic production, the Jaunty i Pro stands as a testament to India's evolving EV landscape and the growing importance of sustainable transportation solutions.
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peteselectric · 3 months
Engwe Parts Online at Pete's Electric Scooter & Bike Sales - Quality Solutions
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Upgrade your Engwe with Engine Pro parts from Pete's Electric Scooter & Bike Sales. Discover performance-enhancing components engineered for power and durability. Get the most out of your ride with our premium selection. Shop now!
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clientblogs · 4 months
Comparing electric scooters Varla Eagle One Pro Vs Apollo Ghost Comparing Varla Eagle One Pro and Apollo Ghost electric scooters, evaluating their performance, features, and suitability for your riding preferences and needs.
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