#pro tamlin fic
paytowinsundays · 20 days
It’s wild to me that I have seen takes about how Tamlin should have stopped his father and brothers from killing Rhysand’s mother and sister as if he isn’t 14-15 (maybe 16) years old at the time. He is a child, especially for a species that lives forever! His older brothers were willing to kill Tamlin just for expressing an interest in being High Lord and we know his father was something nasty. What young teen is going to be able to go against a group of family, especially ones that have tormented him? He’s out numbered and terrified of them.
Tamlin is incredibly powerful, but I remember something in ACOTAR about him keeping his full abilities on the down-low to avoid provoking his brothers and father. He was so scared of his family that he tried to hide his incredible strength from them. How terrifying would it be to watch your friend’s family be killed at the hands of your own father and brothers and think you can’t do anything or they’ll kill you too. Tamlin doesn’t believe in himself, he thinks he’s nothing more than a killer, and so yeah! Of course this traumatized child would be unable to do anything.
(Plus we don’t even know what happened while Rhysand’s mother and sister were killed. Tamlin very well could have been dragged along or forced to watch.)
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arson-09 · 1 month
Have been seeing some discussion again about tamlin being a good High Lord or not and I just have to remind everyone of one of the best little facts from acotar I never really seen mentioned.
Acotar, Chapter 25 Page 221
She [Alis] simply said, "Summer Solstice. The main celebration used to be at the Summer Court, but... Things are different. So now we have one here, too. You're going."
"so now we have one here too..." Because of amarantha and Tamlin being just a good person he allowed anyfae from any court to come to spring. And because no one could really go back to their courts for their respective solstice celebrations, Tamlin made sure Spring Celebrated all of them
I just think that's such a cool fucking thing. That Tamlin cared for the people coming to spring for safety, and he made changes to help everyone feel comfortable and at home. He cares about the people who live in Spring, he cares so damn much :(((
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highlordofkrypton · 2 months
Time for me to say ONE LAST THING on all this drama, but it's important to me.
art is a form of therapy
you do not know other people's trauma, and you sure as hell cannot know a person even if they posted everything about themselves on their blog
no one holds the right to say what is valid or invalid
The ACOTAR fandom has an exquisite way of policing trauma as well as character and ship enjoyment. the fans pick and choose who is deserving of community, kinship and basic decency.
I speak a lot about empathy on my blog because I cannot know what a person is going through on the other side of the screen, and though I don't always agree, I have enough decency not to go out and make rules excluding people, insult others, while calling myself a positive space.
Just because your trauma means that you prefer to avoid certain topics or characters does not make anyone else who enjoys said character a bad person. some people, myself included, work through trauma through art.
My writing has saved my life, and the compassion I choose to give to "fictional "abusers (btw, victimhood and abuse does not come in one absolute form and you CAN be both a victim and an abuser with a capacity to change) is intentional. I do not glorify abuse, but I understand that art and humans are nuanced.
I also think it's a real privilege to look at other people's traumas, especially intergenerational trauma which is extremely hard to overcome, and say that 'nah, that person is just an abuser'.
I think it's hypocritical to claim fight against abuse, and fight for victims of abuse while carelessly flinging 'abuse sympathizers' and other insults to people you don't even know.
You realize that's a form of abuse, too? Invalidating, gaslighting, etc.
But thank you, ACOTAR fandom for teaching me:
Thank you for teaching me my trauma is only valid if I act like the way you think a victim should
Thank you for teaching me that I do not deserve respect, even if I take extreme care to create nuanced and emotional art because you don't like the character
Thank you for teaching me that if I face my abusers through art, I, myself am an abuser
Thank you for reassuring me that your fav, who is closer to my abuser almost to a R, deserves redemption because you love him more, and he is more attractive
I have never used my trauma as a credibility card to judge and be dismissive of real people in fandom. If you want to police something, police your fucking content.
People aren't content for you to consume, and vomit your unfiltered opinions on. It's time people remember what community means, which remembers interacting with other people who are not your abusers. Maybe take a second and fucking learn about other perspectives, grow as a person or whatever the fuck you need to be a decent person.
If you plan to reblog this invalidating/arguing what I've said above because blah blah you're still upset about your fav or ship, please take a second to read the post again 'cause you've lost the plot.
Now, I'm done. Peace out ✌️
Additional note: You know what I fucking do with my trauma? I make beautiful shit for everyone to enjoy. You don't don't have to read or care about my stories full of depth and nuance, but if you laugh at my fucking memes that are for EVERYONE and you turn around and shit on people, you suck.
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viktoriaashleyyx · 2 months
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This is a pro Tamlin, anti Rhysand self insert revenge fic. All characters belong to SJM, but she wasn't treating them right. Tam x reader, Tam x Rhysands Sister (OC), First person narrative. This will also reference Elucien and Neris in the future but we aren't there yet. Contains slight violence, poisons, broken bones. Also profanity. I'm not sure what else to tw if I miss something let me know. This is my first fic. I honestly don't know how to find word count, but it's roughly 4 pages on word docs. Criticism welcome. Rhysands Sister is back and she's pissed. Rhysand gets his ass whooped and Tamlin gets shown love. Enjoy.
Ch 2. Ch3 Ch4 Ch5 Ch6 Ch7 Ch8
Chapter 1:
I crash landed on a stone surface. A balcony of sorts? It was well built if it was, considering how long I've been falling, I'm shocked I didn't crash right through it. I know now that making a deal with the gods is a lot like making a deal with a damn djin. 
“Who goes there??” A booming male voice barked. I could hear swords drawn. Fuck where am I? My ears were still ringing, vision blurred, and chest heavy from the impact. I blinked my eyes open to find a winged male looming over me. Another illyrian? Have I finally made it home? Fuck, then that means I am in the night court. Damnit, 7 fucking courts in Prythia and I just happen to land here. At my brother's court. 
This ones expression shifted from threatening to complete shock as his gaze landed on my eyes. “Sky?” 
At my brother's court and at his fucking house, Freya has a sick sense of humor. I slowly sat up, ignoring the hand the illyrian extended to me. 
“Your wing!” He gasped. So thats what that throbbing pain was. My wing seemed to have been snapped in the fall. “You need a healer, go get Madja” he commanded the other brute. 
“Don't bother” I dismissed, standing up slowly. I pulled a small glass vial out of my pocket, a healing potion, I always kept a few on hand, never know when you're gonna need it. I downed the bitter red liquid as I've done a thousand times and grabbed the dagger off my hip. I put the handle in my mouth and bit down on it as I grabbed my own wing and straightened out the bone. I held it right for about a minute until the potion worked its magic. It hurt like crazy but I was careful not to show these idiots, the fear and shock on their faces was satisfying if I am being honest. 
“I'm guessing you are Azriel and Cassian, though I can't tell which is which” I admitted, trying to seem just polite enough to leave. 
The one next to me spoke first “I'm Azriel, he's Cassian” okay, Azriel short hair, Cassian long hair “this is Mor and Amren and she is Feyre, High Lady of the Night Court” 
“So my brother is dead?” I had hoped my excitement would come off as concern. 
“No, no, they rule together, as equals” Cassian spoke
“Got it” this conversation is dragging. I need to leave. 
“It's so nice to meet Rhysands sister, we thought you were dead, I'd heard so much about you” Feyre gushed, “Rhys is out on important business at the moment but he should be back soon.” I had no use or interest in this small talk. 
“How old are you?” I looked at her as if to study the young thing in front of me. I was never good at pleasantries. I spent a good while in isolation and I tend to just blurt out the questions on my mind. 
“I am 21” Feyre replied sharply, yep I angered her with my lack of class. 
“Ew, 21 years? Ugh, my brother always did like them unreasonably young.” I'm just gonna keep going with it, hopefully she'll throw me out. 
“My age is not a disability” Feyre snapped. 
“It's adorable that you think that.” I'm in too deep. Oops. “Anyway, I am sorry I crashed into your home, I had little control, but I would like to leave now.” 
“You will apologize and bow to your high lady.” Cassian growled. Azriel stepped in front of the door. 
“She is not my high lady, I am not a citizen of your court, in fact, I am starting to feel like a prisoner.” It's not lost on me that I have bore the title of Queen, multiple times. In both cases I have dismantled the monarchy entirely, setting up a system in which the people vote on who leads them. Her title meant nothing to me. I bow to those deserving, not the one who rely solely on birthright. But she doesn't need to know this. I have more important things on my mind than to argue with a child "I will request one more time, you move and allow me to leave.” 
“Or what?” Azriel snapped. Unmoving. 
I did not want to show this much of my hand just yet, knowing this magic is not native to Prythia. But, if they want to twist my arm, so be it. A swirling purple circle opened up under me and I fell though, closing it quickly behind me. Portals were my favorite magic to do, in more cases than once it ensured my freedom.
Landing softly on my feet, I took in my surroundings. Cool air, rolling green hills, and the sounds of birds chirping in the distance, the Spring court. I was finally home. I eventually spotted the manor I spent so much of my time at as a child. Mother didn't make me train with the illyrians as she did my brother because she feared the treatment I would receive, also by the time I came along she had befriended the ladies of the other courts. We would spend weeks here at times, the children would play together and the mothers would discuss adult things we didn't care about. One of those things being alliances, and what better way to encourage an alliance between Spring and Night than by an arranged marriage.
I didn't mind them encouraging me to play with the cute blonde shapeshifter. He was kind and silly and only a couple years older than me. The other kids, mainly Autumn boys, were rough and volatile, and I just had no interest in what they considered fun. When I would get flustered by my wings knocking things over and getting in the way, the youngest Spring boy would remind me how beautiful they were, or how powerful they made me. The few times he would get a chance to practice his fiddle, I would dance and twirl, even if it was just the arpeggios. He was the 3rd born, and I the second and a girl, they didn't expect either of us to become High lord. 
The manor was about a mile away, I shot up another portal to the door, I was tired after all and, if I'm being honest, a little excited to be back.
When I reached the door it was broken in half and wide open. I creeped inside, cautiously. It looked to be abandoned. Dirt and dust coated the walls and floors, priceless artifacts shattered and books thrown from the shelves. I noticed claw marks in the furniture. “Please just be alive, after everything, I can’t be too late.” I whispered to myself. My heart sank as I looked around. 
Further into the dilapidated manor, I heard muffled voices coming from the kitchen. “Get out.” a tired weak growl. I ran to the entrance and just as I rounded the corner I saw my brother's boot kick in the chest of.. Tamlin. He began spitting up blood. 
“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?” I hissed at my brother. 
Rhysand whipped around towards me, Tamlin looked up from the floor, eyes wide. 
“You're alive??” Rhysand darted towards me and I shoved him to the ground, rushing to Tamlins side. I knelt down beside him, held his head up from where he laid on the floor and pulled another glass vial out of my pocket. 
“It'll be bitter but swallow” I commanded gently. He didn't argue, he took the healing potion and I kissed his forehead as I laid him back down gently to address my brother. 
I stood tall. Nothing but pure rage in my violet eyes toward my brother. I always hated how much we looked alike. “THIS is the ‘important business’ you told your wife you had to take care of?” 
“I thought he killed you, he hurt my mate.” Rhysand admitted, no remorse. 
“And I finally make it back home after 300 years in exile to find you kicking mine” I state through gritted teeth. 
Rhysands eyes narrowed “your what?” It was obvious he wanted me to retract my statement, not going to happen. I didn't waste my time away, I knew I was more powerful than all of Prythia, I had to be, in case I had returned to Amarantha still terrorizing the place. 
“You heard me.” I maintained his gaze. In a split second he lunged for me and I reached my hand out into the small portal that appeared to my side. I grabbed one of the curved blades I was gifted by the warriors I previously trained with. These blades were specifically enchanted to drip poisons into the wounds they create. This one? Bloodbane, or as Prythians call it, “Faebane.” I slashed him across the face in a controlled move, just enough to leave a scar and allow the poison to sink in. 
He screamed in pain and looked back up at me. My eyes fell entirely black and cracks formed across my face as I spit my curse at him, lifting up his chin with my sword to make him look me in the eye “IF YOU, OR ANY OF YOUR LACKEYS, ENTER THE SPRING COURT BORDERS AGAIN, ALL OF THE AIR WILL BE DRAWN FROM YOUR LUNGS, AND IF YOU CANNOT GET OUT BEFORE YOU PASS OUT WE WILL FEED YOUR BODIES TO THE PIGS.” I relaxed, my face returning to normal. “Now get out.” A portal opened below him and he fell, leaving him only halfway up the steps to the House of Wind. 
I turned my attention back to Tamlin, he had sat up, the healing potion having done its job, looking up at me with a million different emotions on his face, shock, fear, concern, confusion and relief. I sat down next to him, draping my legs over his. He embraced me like I was going to disappear any minute. “You're alive. Or I am dead, I do not care as long as I have you in my arms again.” he sighed as we just sat there on the floor. 
I awoke the daemati powers I hardly used as I pressed my forehead to his. A gentle knock on the walls of his mind, and he allowed me in. I shared the memories I held dear for all these years, of us playing in the fields of Spring, the days he would spend with me in the gallery his mother gifted me, watching me paint, the mischief we would get into and the giggles we would share. His face relaxed into a soft smile as I kissed his cheek.
@ladythornofrivia asked to be tagged❤️
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autumnshighlady · 4 months
I've Always Liked to Play With Fire (part 28)
summary: the wedding takes an interesting turn
warnings: rhys and mor getting dragged to shreds, major cassian slander, angst, pregnancy mentions
word count: 7.7k
a/n: all i have to say is good luck with this chapter guys lmao
part 1 // part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12 / part 13 / part 14 / part 15 / part 16 / part 17 / part 18 / part 19 / part 20 / part 21 / part 22 / part 23 / part 24 / part 25 / part 26 / part 27 /
read on ao3
Your stomach dropped as you saw the fury on Rhys, Amren, and Cassian’s faces. They must have come in sooner than expected, catching the tail end of the wedding ceremony.
Which is exactly what you didn’t want.
Luckily, Eris and Nesta had not noticed yet. The Night Court did not take their seats by the other High Lords, instead choosing to stand in the back of the room. So you turned back to your husband and wife, relishing in their smiles as the cheers began to die down. A simple raise of a hand from Gwyn was all it took for the crowd to seat themselves again and go quiet.
“There is one more ceremony to perform,” Gwyn said, her bright eyes shining with glee. “Lady Nesta, Lady (Y/N), please step forth.”
Eris took a step back, pride gleaming on his sharp face as you and Nesta took a step towards the crowd. The orchestra began to play again. Two guards stepped forward, and with delight you recognized Saeros and Ivar. They bowed their heads and bent a knee, each presenting a pillow with a beautiful circlet atop the purple fabric. It was golden with a white jewel in the centre, branches with jewelled green leaves, red and brown flowers, and white jewels scattered throughout. Queenly crowns of pure autumn, handmade for you and Nesta by Eris’s finest craftsmen. Excitement rippled through you at the sight of such delicate items of power. 
“Do you, (Y/N) Vanserra, swear to protect the citizens of the court? To uphold justice and protect the peace? To care for the sick and healthy, the old and the young, the weak and the strong alike?”
“I do.” Your words rang with a conviction that surprised you. 
Gwyn turned towards Nesta. “And do you, Nesta Vanserra, swear to protect the citizens of the court? To uphold justice and protect the peace? To care for the sick and healthy, the old and the young, the weak and the strong alike?”
“I do.” Nesta replied.
Saeros stepped toward her, and Ivar to you. You bowed your head as the guard placed the circlet on your head with grace. At first, when planning the ceremony you thought it would be Eris who crowned you, as Rhys had with Feyre apparently. “I could easily do that, but it would be better for two of the people to crown you both,” he had explained. “Rhys granting his lovely Feyre the title in private was a poor choice, as it makes it seem like she is only the High Lady because he made it so. By having Saeros and Ivar crown you, and a priestess do the ceremony, the people will be more trusting when they see someone more like them granting you your power. Not me.”
When you raised your head, beams of sunlight reflected off the jewels of the crown. It cast across the crowd with a blinding shimmer. Ivar rose to his feet, unhooking the sword from his armour and presenting it to you. The blade was long and silver, a gleaming ruby in the handle amidst the intricate metalwork. It had a glow to it, as if singing its own type of power.
As practised, you took the sword and rested the tip on the floor, holding the handle in front of you with your hands clasped firmly around it. Nesta did the same. 
“With the blessing of the Mother,” Gwyn continued. “I, Gwyneth Berdara, now proclaim Nesta Vanserra and (Y/N) Vanserra, High Ladies of the Autumn Court. Long may they reign.”
The crowd echoed back. “Long may they reign.”
As the music began again and the cheers continued, you reached out and grabbed Nesta’s hand. She turned towards you, and your breath hitched at the sight of your wife in the crown. With a smirk, she nodded, and in a uniform motion the two of you hoisted your swords in the air proudly, right as Zorzimril and Athariel let out mighty roars. 
The cheers increased tenfold, and your chest swelled with pride. These were your people now, the people who would come to you with their problems for help. The people you would protect, whose lives you would change and bring them out from the lingering shadows of Beron. 
Eventually, Eris stepped forth once again and you and Nesta returned the swords to their positions as the various members of the other courts made their way to line up in the aisle to bend the knee. One by one, they knelt and gave the standard speech, swearing respect and acknowledging the official new High Lord and High Ladies. You couldn’t help but smile as Tamlin came forth, his blonde hair much better kept than last time you had seen him. He offered you a proud smile, bowing deeply to you, Nesta, and Eris.
Finally, the dreaded moment arrived. Rhys stepped forward, clad in a simple black tunic. His violet eyes were simmering with fury at the three of you. Amren stood beside him, disgust written plainly across her sneering face. You felt Nesta go utterly still as Cassian approached behind Rhys and Amren, his expression a mix of devastation and anger. His wings were tense, and Azriel was beside him, perhaps ready to spring into action and hold the general back. You saw Nesta’s eyes flick to Elain, who practically hid behind Azriel. She donned a black dress that seemed to suck the life from her. Her doe eyes were wide, avoiding Lucien who was sitting a few feet away from her. She also avoided eye contact with Nesta, choosing to stare at the floor in front of her instead.
For a moment, Rhys stared down the three of you and you wondered if he would even bend the knee. After a few heartbeats of tense silence, the High Lord of the Night Court took a knee with the others following suit. “I, Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court,” He said through gritted teeth as if the words were being dragged out of him like blood from a knife. “Acknowledge Eris Vanserra as High Lord of the Autumn Court.”
Another heartbeat went by, and the words all the other High Lords had said did not come. A few of the guards shifted, and Eris spoke up icily. “Go on.”
With a sigh, Rhys’s jaw tensed but he continued nonetheless. “I acknowledge Nesta Vanserra, and (Y/N) Vanserra, as High Ladies of the Autumn Court. May their reign be long and prosperous. My court stands behind you and wishes you many blessings.”
You didn’t bother hiding the smugness on your face as he rose, turning his violet eyes towards you. You did not flinch as they tried to stare you down menacingly. This was your court. Your home. And you would not be afraid.
Finally, Rhys turned on his heel to leave, Amren and Elain scurrying after him. But Cassian remained frozen, his eyes locked on Nesta. She remained expressionless, a cool mask of boredom on her face as he looked at her pathetically. 
“Nesta…” The general whispered, taking a step forward. Instantly, the guards at the bottom of the dias stepped forward into a line, their hands going to the swords on their hips. The dragons also growled menacingly, creeping further forward into the throne room.
“Cassian.” Azriel put a hand on the general’s shoulder, his voice low and firm. The room was utterly quiet, the only noises being the growling of the dragons. After a moment, Cassian finally let himself get led out by Azriel, but not without one last longing look at Nesta. You let out a sigh of relief, but Nesta’s jaw was clenched with anger. You could feel her frustration seeping through the bond. It was Nesta’s coronation, and Cassian managed to make their interaction all about him. 
When the Night Court finally left, the room seemed to relax. “All hail the High Lord and Ladies!” Came Lucien’s cry, and the crowd went back to happy cheering. You shot him a grateful glance, hoping that was the last you’d see of the Inner Circle. As the nature of the music grew more lively, Eris took you and Nesta by the arm and the three of you headed to the banquet tables.
Hours had passed and the celebration showed no signs of slowing down. Your stomach was full of the most delicious food you had tasted, rich wine flowing through your system and making you feel lighter. You sat with Eris and Nesta as dinner was served, taking the time to converse with your new husband and wife before after the meal where attendees were free to come up and pay their respects. At the table next to you, Lirilla, Lucien, and Helion’s party sat chatting amongst themselves. It warmed your heart to see Lirilla speaking so freely to the man she loved after all this time.
Almost immediately upon taking your seat at the elaborately decorated royal table, a familiar pair of wings peeked through the crowd and bounded over towards you. Nesta had nearly wept as Emerie bounded across the room and into her outstretched arms. She wore a midnight blue sparkling dress with no sleeves, and that white Valkyrie ribbon braided into her hair.
“Hey, High Ladies!” The Illyrian female had cheered as she hugged each of you.
“You came!” Nesta had exclaimed, blinking away happy tears.
Emerie snorted in response. “Of course I did. How could I possibly miss the wedding and coronation of two of my best friends? Besides, the look on your face when you realised Gwyn was the priestess was worth it in and of itself.”
You had baulked. “You knew?”
A mischievous glint shone in her brown eyes. Not even the bright flickering lights from the candles could outshine it as Emerie smirked. “Of course I knew. Eris swore Gwyn and I to secrecy. Who do you think helped her practise the big speech? She’s gone back to her room for the evening, but she told me to tell you we’ll celebrate tomorrow with just the four of us.”
As much as you wanted Gwyn to participate in the celebrations, you understood it was too much. She had already stepped up more than enough by hosting the ceremonies for you and Nesta in a court that had been known to treat females badly. It was a gift you could never repay. Ever the kind and doting female, Lirilla had escorted Emerie back to her shared room with Gwyn after several glasses of strong wine over an hour ago.
Despite the music and loud chatter at your table, a heavy set of footsteps caused you to turn your head, meeting the green eyes of Tamlin. He was dressed in his green robes, an elegant gold sash across his broad chest. He dipped his head respectfully as he approached, nodded to the three of you.
“Well, if you told me when you returned to my court temporarily that this would be the outcome of it all, I’m not sure I would have believed you.” Tamlin said to you with a playful whisper of a smile on his lips, large hands clasped behind his back.
“Well, I’m full of surprises.” You joked.
“That you are.” Tamlin agreed before turning to Nesta and Eris. “You’ve got yourselves an extraordinary female here. Do not take her for granted.”
Eris simply smirked, taking another swig of his red wine. “Fear not, she will be well taken care of and respected.”
Tamlin’s eyes then landed on Nesta, his shoulders tensing for a moment, perhaps anticipating a scathing comment about how he failed to respect Feyre. But Nesta simply nodded, “Thank you, Tamlin.” She said, without an ounce of contempt.
The High Lord discreetly breathed a sigh of relief before turning back towards you. “May I have a dance?”
“Of course.” You replied, pushing back your chair and standing up. Lucien, ever the gentleman, came up to Nesta and offered her his hand as well, which she accepted. With your dance partners in tow, you and Nesta were led to the large dance floor where the crowd parted ways for you. You smiled at those who offered you their blessings as you passed them, the warm reception much welcome.
As the tune changed into a waltz, you swayed side to side with Tamlin, his large hands respectfully holding you close. You glanced over at Nesta and Lucien, who were dancing as well – granted, much better than you and Tamlin. You chuckled, impressed at Lucien’s ability to keep up with Nesta. In the distance, Eris also looked rather amused, shooting you a wink that made you roll your eyes.
“So,” Tamlin said, his voice snapping you back to the present. “Are you happy?”
“Yes,” you replied without hesitation. “I am.”
He nodded, spinning you around once before bringing you back into the formal waltz position. “Good. I know this is your home now, but you are always welcome in Spring. Please do not forget that.”
Your heart ached at the thought of going back. “I’d love to visit, but I have nobody left there.” You admitted. “I do not think I can ever go back long term. Besides, I am High Lady now. I have duties to attend to.”
Tamlin chuckled. “Of course. If anyone can keep Eris and line and change this court around, I can think of nobody better than you. And Nesta, of course. But the moment you revealed your plan to me, I knew you could do anything you put your mind to.” He pulled away for a moment, his green eyes looking down at you seriously. “You will be a wonderful High Lady. You deserve it.”
You took a deep breath, emotion overcoming you. Tamlin was High Lord when you were born, protecting you and looking out for you when your father became ill temporarily. As a child, you had grown to view him more as an older brother than someone you bowed to. “That means a lot,” You whispered. “Thank you.”
Before he could reply, loud shouts came from the entrance, followed by several screams. In a flash, Eris was on the dance floor next to you and Nesta, and the guards drew their swords. Tamlin’s talons unsheathed themselves as he stood in front of you, while Lucien’s hand drifted towards the blade on his hip. The orchestra stopped playing, and the crowd scurried frantically to part ways, revealing two males – one with wings, and one with angry violet eyes. In the distance, two guards lay dead, blood oozing out of their chests.
Blood that dripped from Cassian’s sword.
Instantly, you reached out and grabbed Nesta’s arm. She had gone cold as ice, her body frozen as she stared with wide eyes at the Illyrian general. This was not the friendly, joking Cassian that the Valkyries had trained with. No, his face was twisted with fury, eyes so dark they were almost black as he snarled at anyone who looked at him. This was the Lord of Bloodshed, in all his glory. Behind him stood his master, the male who held his leash. Rhys had his hands casually in his pockets, as if Cassian hadn’t just killed two of your guards.
Eris stepped forward, his tone nonchalant but laced with undoubted threat. “Rhysand, I thought you and your pack of dogs had gone home to your pregnant lady-wife by now.” 
“Enough is enough, Eris.” Rhys growled in response, the dark mist that had once lashed through your skin slowly ebbing from his palms, making the crowd back away even further. You tensed at the memory, stomach churning in fear. “Too long have you played your games. You are High Lord now, and have finally found a female who is willing to shackle herself to you.”
“Two, actually.” Eris quipped. “Your observation skills are quite poor.”
“You can keep (Y/N), if you truly wish. We are here for Nesta, not her.”
You sucked in a breath, grabbing Nesta’s arm even tighter. Although it seemed she barely felt your ironclad grip. She just stared at Cassian, frozen with a look of horror on her face. The tension in the air was so thick it could be cut with a knife. That horror increased as more footsteps sounded from the entrance. Amren, Elain, Mor, and Feyre approached, coming to stand behind Rhys. Feyre was clinging onto Mor and Elain for support, her pregnant belly weighing her down. Her face was pale and thin, and she looked so miserable you almost felt bad. Tamlin growled lowly at the sight of Feyre, who shrunk back a little at the sight of him. Elain made eye contact with Lucien for the first time that evening, her eyes widening at his close proximity to Nesta.
“Nesta is the High Lady of this court,” Eris said calmly but menacingly at the new arrivals. “She belongs here now. Not with you. You have no claim to her.”
“You’re wrong.” Cassian finally spoke up, his voice grated like stones being dragged across each other. “Nesta is my mate. I invoke the right to a blood duel. Come and face me, Eris. Prove you are not a coward for once in your goddamn life.”
Surprised gasps rippled throughout the crowd. The guests were safely behind the guards, but with the Night Court so close to the entrance they had nowhere to go. You were pretty sure you were going to be sick all over Tamlin’s expensive breeches. This could not be happening. After everything, you thought this day would bring a new beginning, one free from the shackles of the Night Court.
“I am not an object to be claimed at your will.” Nesta said sternly, eyes glowing silver ever so slightly.
Feyre took a wobbly step forward. “Please, Nesta.” She begged. “Come back with us. We can work things out. You belong with us, with Cassian. There’s no need for a blood duel. Just come.”
“Please, Nesta.” Elain added, although her voice seemed strained as if she were trying to remember a script. You glanced at Lucien, who was looking at his mate with surprise. But there was no affection behind his gaze, no longing or desire for once.
“This is ridiculous,” Eris scoffed. “You are embarrassing yourself. By killing my guards and demanding a blood duel, you are declaring war on my court. But I am a generous male. Leave, now. And do not return and I will forget this happened. You have my word.” Morgoth’s deep growl sounded, followed by Athariel and Zorzimril’s. The three dragons creepy back through their spot in the open wall, their large talons scraping against the floor menacingly.
“You are bound by law to participate,” Cassian growled, ignoring the beasts. “I am Nesta’s mate–”
Eris interrupted him, raising an eyebrow. “Are you though?”
The room went still, even Cassian’s sneering came to a pause. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” He asked quietly.
Beside you, Nesta’s heart was racing. She grabbed your hand and squeezed it, snapped out of her trance. You could feel her confusion through the bond, adding to your own. But Eris continued. “Well, I found it a bit of a coincidence that the High Lord’s adopted brother was conveniently mated to the High Lady’s sister. How nice would that be? To have the brute was a way of keeping Nesta in line and by your side. It all seemed a little too convenient for me, so I consulted with Helion about certain spells that give similar effects to a mating bond.”
Ever so slightly, Rhysand’s smugness faltered as the High Lord of the Day Court stepped forward. His white robes shone in the candlelight as he spoke. “Eris is right,” Helion said, giving a glare at the party from the Night Court. “There are certain spells designed to mimic a mating bond. But there is always a flaw, for no spell can truly replicate such a bond.” He snapped his fingers, summoning a ball of white light. With a sweep of his arm, the light spread throughout the room and for a moment, you were blinded. But when your vision returned, you gasped.
Coming from your chest was a string of golden light. It sparkled, floating like a feather in the wind. It was connected to Nesta’s chest, and Eris’s. You gasped at the unmistakable warmth of the mating bond, now manifested in physical form before you. As you looked around, several others had gold light attaching them to another person, including Feyre and Rhys as well as Elain and Lucien.
But your gaze quickly turned to Nesta, who was staring down in awe. Instead of having two strands connected to her chest, there was a third leading to Cassian. But it was dimmer, the glow not as bright. 
“As you can see, the mating bond manifests strongly,” Helion said, walking up to the line that went from Nesta’s chest to Cassian’s. “Except here. This bond is weak, frail, held together by very little. It has almost no life to it, almost as if it is not meant to be there. Which it isn’t. This is a fake bond, cast in a spell that can only be found in one book.” Helion then turned to face the Night Court, his angry gaze landing on Rhys as he spoke to him. “I offered you unlimited access to my library to search for ways to save Feyre and the babe. And you took advantage of that to find a spell that would convince Nesta and Cassian that they were mates so you had an excuse to drag her back to your court. That is a violation of something sacred we all hold dear, and I am ashamed to have ever called you a friend.”
Mor scoffed, rolling her eyes. “That’s bullshit.”
“Really?” Helion turned to Nesta. “My lady, have you ever felt what Cassian was feeling? Been going about your day and suddenly felt a rush of his emotions as if they were your own? Have you ever felt like you were being pulled to him with the force of a current?”
Nesta shook her head, the silver fire now gone from her eyes and replaced with disgust. “No.” She said simply. “I’ve felt… tugged to him. But not like with Eris or (Y/N).” 
“That is because the bond is fake. It cannot properly simulate the feelings that a mating bond invokes. It is a spell cast by Rhys meant to control you.”
Even Eris was silent, but you could tell by the look on his face that he knew Helion was right, and had suspected it all along. You felt his rage inside of you, blazing like a thousand wildfires at this violation Rhys had committed. 
“Rhys,” Feyre said quietly in horror. “Tell me this isn’t true.” But her mate said nothing. He merely stared ahead, violet eyes simmering at you, Eris, Nesta, and Helion. She grabbed his hand, wobbling as she broke away from Elain’s grip. “Please, Rhys.” Tears streamed down Feyre’s face as she begged.
But he remained quiet.
“Break it.” Nesta said to Helion, her voice clear as day.
“What?” Cassian finally spoke up, his eyes snapping back to the present. He flared his wings angrily. 
“You are Helion Spell-Cleaver, are you not?” Nesta asked the High Lord of the Day Court, hands clenched into fists as she spoke through gritted teeth. “I said break it.”
“No!” Cassian cried out desperately, taking a step towards Nesta. Instantly, a line of Eris’s fire shot up in front of him, blocking his path. Through the flames, Cassian’s face was shattered, like a male who was about to get his heart ripped out of his chest.
“What do you mean, no?” Eris snapped, his composed image of seething patience finally gone as he shot a fiery glare at the Illyrian general. “Your bond is fake. Best get rid of it anyway so you can go back to whatever it is you brutes do.”
Cassian ignored Eris’s jibe, falling to his knees before the flames and staring up at Nesta. “Please, don’t do this.” He begged. “Even if it isn’t a real bond, it’s something. I’ve fucked up, Nes. I have treated you like shit and I should have done more. But we can work through it together. Just give us a chance, remember how you felt for me during the war? Don’t throw it all away. Please.”
Nesta simply stared blankly at Cassian’s blubbering form. There was no pity in her eyes as she spoke. “No. I do not want to be shackled to you in any way shape or form. Not because you are a bastard, or an Illyrian brute. But because I deserve better than the way I’ve been treated by you. I hope you find happiness one day, but it will not be with me.” Cassian let out a sob, but Nesta simply turned towards Helion and nodded, ignoring him. Feyre had gone silent, her eyes vacant and teary as she clearly fought mind to mind with her mate. Elain watched in horror, rubbing her sister’s back as the High Lord of the Day Court raised his arms, summoning a mighty blade of celestial light. It glowed with the strength of a thousand suns, making everyone in the room stare up in awe.
With a mighty stroke, Helion brought down the blade of light onto the rope between Nesta and Cassian, cleaving it in two.
Like a tidal wave had crashed through the room, everyone staggered back as blinding light erupted. Nesta cried out, Eris catching her as she lost her footing. Cassian screamed, hands clawing at his chest as if he could cling onto the shards of the false bond and hold them close. Tamlin grabbed you by the shoulders, steading you as you swayed from the eruption of the magic. But while Cassian continued screaming and sobbing, Nesta was silent. Her eyes were wide as her chest heaved for breaths, but she was not in agony.
In fact, it was like she was finally free.
The flames between your group and the Night Court dissipated, and the magic that revealed the mating bonds was gone. Where the false bond was between Cassian and Nesta, grey ashes now lay on the floor, the wind coming in through the windows gently blowing it away.
“It is done.” Helion said, inhaling deeply albeit slightly pale. Lucien came to his father’s side, ready to steady him if needed.
“Wonderful.” Eris quipped as he helped Nesta back on her feet. “Now that that’s dealt with, there is no need for a blood duel. Or for you to be here, Night Court. Leave my palace this instant.”
“What have you done, boy…” Amren said quietly to Rhysand. She had been silent up until now, her eyes simmering as she stared up at her high lord. “And why did you not tell me?”
Rhys spoke for the first time since Helion stepped forward, his jaw tense. “I needed Nesta back in Night.”
“Why?” Amren snapped. “If the girl wants to flounce about in autumn so be it, she’s not our problem any more. I thought you’d be happy about that. Cassian would have gotten over her eventually, so don’t say it was for him. Or for your mate, who existed with us happily without that wench. What aren’t you telling us?”
“There’s a lot he’s not telling you.” A familiar, deep voice came. From the shadows, Azriel appeared in the corner, hazel eyes narrowed as he stalked up to his High Lord. “Go on, Rhys. Will you tell them why you wanted Nesta back so badly, or should I?”
Rhys at least had the sense to look uneasy. His gaze shifted from Azriel to Feyre, who was looking at him with teary eyes. “Az… what are you doing? I thought you’d gone home…” Mor asked from beside her, wariness lacing her voice.
Azriel ignored her, twirling Truth-teller casually in his hands as he maintained eye contact with Rhys. “I did some digging of my own while you sent me to keep an eye on the mortal queens and seek out Koschei,” He said coldly. “One last chance, Rhysand. You tell them what you’ve done, or I will.”
“Azriel, if you do this you will be banished from my court.” Rhys growled, fingers curling into fists. But he was unable to hide the rising panic in his voice.
The shadowsinger merely laughed hoarsely. “I don’t care. I have no plans on going back anyways. You can kill me after this for all I care, but everyone deserves to know the truth.”
You exchanged an uneasy look with Eris, who appeared just as confused. You hadn’t heard much from Azriel since Beron’s death, only that he was making sure your friends were safe. Truthfully, you had no idea where his allegiances had been the last few weeks. But for him to confront Rhysand so boldly like this… you shuddered. Whatever it was, it had to be bad. Almost instantly after you shuddered, Eris’s warm hand found your waist, pulling you closer to him and Nesta. Tamlin shifted slightly, keeping his position in front of you with his talons out. Cassian had stopped sobbing and returned to his feet, eyes darting frantically back and forth between his two brothers.
“Rhys,” Feyre’s voice was weak, as if she had no strength left in her. “Please. Just tell us what’s going on.”
The High Lord of the Night Court turned to face his wife, teeth gritted. “Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for you.” His voice reminded you of a snake, sly and menacing enough to make Feyre flinch back.
“And what is it that you’ve done?” Amren asked incredulously.
“He sent me to keep an eye on Koschei,” Azriel spoke up again, voice lethally quiet. Nesta froze at the mention of the Death-God. “To figure out what he was planning and how he was able to bind a spell to Vassa so tightly that none of us could break it. But I found something else in my search.”
“What did you find, spymaster?” Eris asked. His attempt to come across as nonchalant failed, for his face went paler at the name of the old god.
“Rhys made a bargain with him, one that found a way to save Feyre and the baby.”
“Azriel.” Rhys barked. “Stand down.” Dark power filled the room, the kind that brought his subjects to their knees. People cried out in pure terror at the sensation.
But Azriel did not yield, did not move a muscle as he continued. “A bargain that traded one life for another. Nesta’s life, in exchange for Feyre’s.”
There was not a single sound in the room for several moments. Until a loud sob broke from Feyre, the sound echoing throughout the vast chamber. Beside you, Eris was utterly still. Too still. You grabbed his hand, squeezing it. As much as you hated Rhys, the last thing you needed was Eris annihilating him on the spot.
“You did what?” Feyre practically screeched.
But there was no guilt in Rhys’s expression as he faced her. “I said I would do whatever it took to save you. I found a way, didn’t I?”
“Not if it means killing my sister! What the fuck is wrong with you?” Feyre sobbed, and Rhys stepped towards her but she backed away, eyes wide. “How could you?”
“Tell me this isn’t true.” Cassian begged, then whirled on Azriel. “This is some fucked up lie you made up to tear us apart, isn’t it?”
“That’s not all.” Azriel said evenly, ignoring Cassian. “Go on, Rhys. Tell everyone what else you promised Koschei in return for the life of your mate and her baby.”
Nobody was moving. Nesta swayed beside you, holding onto Eris for support. Her grey eyes were vacant, as if she were far away. Even Cassian seemed to forget about Nesta and his intentions on having a blood duel, his attention focused on Rhys.
“I promised him I would ensure his safe passage into Prythian,” Rhys began, voice quiet as if he hoped the room wouldn’t hear him. “As long as he spared Velaris from his path.”
Your heart dropped. Rhysand made a deal with the death god in the lake, and would have allowed him to kill Nesta and destroy Prythian as long as his precious city was safe. Sickness churned in your stomach. He was ready to let hundreds and thousands die, many of whom were in his own court.
“You intended to let a death god of the Old World destroy our courts and slaughter us all?” Kallias stood up from his seat at the High Lords table. The others and their parties joined him, unable to hide their shock and betrayal.
“And yet you still wanted the benefits of having us as allies?” Tarquin chimed in with disgust. “My court has already suffered enough, thanks to you. How could you do this?”
Eris laughed horsley. “Am I the only one not surprised by this? Of course he would do this. Frankly, I would almost admire the dedication… if you were sparing more than a singular city.” His amber gaze landed on Rhys, pinning him to the spot. “But no. You are willing to let two thirds of your own court get slaughtered in the process. This isn’t the actions of a leader, it’s the actions of a coward who doesn’t give a shit about his people.”
“Velaris is the only good city. Illyria is a backwards and vile place,” Mor protested weakly. “And the Hewn City–”
“Has hundreds of other females like you waiting to be rescued.” Eris interrupted her, anger dripping from his words. “Do you deem yourself the only dreamer in the Court of Nightmares, Morrigan? Is it only you who was innocent? Only you who deserved to be saved?”
Mor opened her mouth to respond, but closed it quickly. She turned her attention to stabilising Feyre, who had stopped crying and was staring at Rhys as if she had no idea who he was. 
“Rhys wanted Nesta back so he had her ready to hand her over to Koschei when the time came.” Azriel said. “That, Amren, is what he wasn’t telling you.”
“I don’t believe this!” Cassian insisted. “Did you speak with Koschei himself, Az? How could you possibly know this? What proof do you have?”
“Helion, there is a glamour placed on Rhysand’s left palm.” Azriel said coolly. “Unveil it.”
The High Lord of the Day Court waved his hand, and a ripple of magic went down Rhys’s arm from his elbow to his fingertips. You sucked in a deep breath as a mark was revealed, one of striking back ink like the vague outline of an eye with three prongs trickling down the bottom. The room went cold, as if death itself was somehow engraved in the tattoo.
“Mother above…” Tamlin muttered.
Feyre spoke after a moment. “So, what, you were going to just have Nesta kidnapped and shipped off to Koschei when the time was right? And expect me to not search for her and just accept that she is gone? I mean what was the plan here, Rhys? How did you think you could just do this? And let over half our court die along the way?”
“I don’t care!” Rhys shouted, causing the crowd to flinch. Fury rippled off of him as he spewed his words. “I don’t fucking care about Illyria or the Hewn City. I don’t care about the other courts, I don’t care about Nesta. All I care about is saving you, and our baby. Because I cannot live without you, Feyre!” 
Feyre’s throat bobbed, and for a moment your heart ached for the High Lady. Even after everything she had done, you felt pity for her. Pity that she had been so easily manipulated by this male, and was only now seeing him for his true self. “Let me get one thing clear,” Feyre said through tears. “My life is not worth more than my sister’s. I will not have her life traded for mine.”
“It’s already done,” Rhys said, grabbing Feyre’s hand firmly. “And it’s the only way to save the baby. And you. So I’m doing it.”
“Actually,” Eris piped up. “It’s not the only way.”
Rhys’s head snapped around towards him. “What did you just say?”
Eris rolled his eyes. “Did you not get my letter inviting you to a meeting to discuss a way to potentially save the baby and your mate?”
“What letter?” Feyre asked, brows furrowed.
“We ignored it, obviously.” Amren snorted. “A viper like you cannot be trusted, how were we to know it wasn’t a trap?”
Feyre turned on the small female. “You guys got a letter saying there was a potential way to save the baby and you failed to tell me?”
“We didn’t want to give you hope.” Amren snapped back.
Before the High Lady could protest further, you decided you had enough. “Do you want to hear it, or not?” You asked sharply. Thankfully, the Night Court went silent. Even Rhys had bit his tongue.
“As I was saying,” Eris continued with annoyance. “The healers in my court have had success removing babies surgically. It has been done for centuries, and we have the best of the best. The recovery time is a bit more painful, but it would be the safest way. And we were prepared to offer that to you.”
“For a price.” Nesta interjected coldly. Elain’s eyes widened, tears evident even from where she was standing behind Mor, who was looking at her with disgust.
“You would put conditions on saving your sister’s life?” Mor baulked. “You’re vile, Nesta Vanserra.” She spat out the name like venom.
But Nesta did not falter. “Just as you have put conditions on mine. ‘Scry for us, or Elain does it. Die in the human lands, or train in the House of Wind. Have dinner with us, or we will withhold your money’. Those are some of the few ‘choices’ you have given me. It seems only fair that I extend the same courtesy in return.” 
Shocked gaps filled the room, with looks of astonishment from the High Lords. Nesta was known across all of Prythian – the Kingslayer, the Cauldron-made Death Queen. You hadn’t even realised that most of the world probably thought she was living a life of peace and luxury as the esteemed sister of the High Lady. But the facade of illusion had been ripped down like curtains from an old house, and you couldn’t be happier.
“Spare me the lecture about how it was for my own good. I have no interest in rehashing everything again.” Was all Nesta said before landing her gaze on Rhys. “We will save you and the baby, but in return I want the Mask and the Harp, as well as my Made weapons you so kindly voted for me not to have. You will also leave my court alone for good, and end this incessant pursuit of bringing me back. Those are my terms, take it or leave it.”
“I’ve already sworn the bargain,” Rhys protested. “It cannot be undone.”
“Find a way.” Nesta replied coldly.
“It’s not possible.”
“That’s your problem, not mine.”
Rhys let out a low growl. “It will be your problem when he comes for you and your new court.”
Nesta laughed dryly. “Between my abilities, my mates’ abilities, our dragons and armies, and the Troves and the Made weapons, I am confident in our abilities to take care of it. Break the bargain, Rhysand. Find a way, I do not care what the consequences are. If you want Feyre to be saved, you will agree to my terms.”
A few minutes of silence followed. You waited with bated breath, watching as the wheels turned in Rhysand’s brain. Azriel only stared at his brother with disgust, arms crossed. You could feel Zorzimril’s presence in the background, practically begging you to let her roast the Night Court prick alive. 
But this was not your life to claim.
“Done.” Rhys said through gritted teeth. “Just save Feyre and the baby. I will find a way to deal with Koschei.”
Eris clapped his hands together. “Wonderful. And to think this all could have been avoided if you had just listened to my letter. Pity.”
Rhys ignored him, turning on his heel to leave. “We should go, we have business in the Hewn City.” He spat with frustration at his party.
“I wouldn’t do that.” Azriel said nonchalantly from the corner.
Rhys froze, turning slowly to face the shadowsinger. “What do you mean, traitor?”
“I mean the people in the Hewn City already know you planned to sacrifice them to Koschei,” Azriel said dryly. “And Illyria. I don’t think you’d be very welcome. Let’s hope the wards outside Velaris are as strong as they used to be.”
“Holy shit…” You heard Helion mutter under his breath.
Holy shit was right. Cassian had gone white as a ghost, and Mor looked like she was going to pass out. Even amidst your shock, you chuckled, earning a snort from Nesta beside you. There was no need for you to try and destroy the Night Court further. It seems they would do that on their own soon enough.
“You told the lords and generals?” Fear seeped through the facade of sternness in Rhys’s voice, palpable in the air.
“No.” Was all Azriel said.
“Then who did you tell? The fucking birds?” Cassian yelped furiously.
The shadowsinger merely cocked his head. “Funny. Little birds often whisper the strangest stories.”
“You are done with my court.” Rhys said. “Don’t even bother getting your things. If you step foot in my borders again, you will be dead. Do you understand me?”
“Clear as day.”
Eris groaned. “Well, now that this is all settled, I think I’ve had enough of the Night Court airing out their dirty laundry at my wedding. Get out, now. I will send my healers to deliver the baby in three days time, at which I expect my wife’s belongings, Troves and all, to be returned.”
As the Night Court scurried out like rats, you breathed a sigh of relief. “Holy shit.” You muttered.
“Holy shit indeed.” Tamlin replied. “What just happened?”
“Koschei is coming for me…” Nesta muttered, more to herself than anyone. You grabbed her waist, pulling her close and resting your head on her shoulder. Despite her calm demeanour, you could feel the tremble in her bones. 
“We won’t let that happen.” You said quietly.
“None of us will.” Came Tarquin’s voice. Him, Thesan, Helion, and Kallias all made their way over to where you and Eris stood holding Nesta. 
“That’s right,” Tamlin agreed, turning to face you. “If Koschei comes for any of you, me and my armies will be there to help.”
“And mine.” Kallias spoke up, Tarquin and Helion following in agreement.
“I do not wish for open war against the Night Court,” Thesan said, a look of pity in his eyes. “But what he was willing to do to you, to all of us, is unacceptable. No longer is Rhysand considered an ally or friend. Eris, Nesta, (Y/N), you have the support of me and my court.”
“With five courts behind you, Koschei doesn’t stand a chance.” Helion insisted, coming to stand next to Nesta and playfully putting a hand on her shoulders. “Besides, I think Lady Death here could take on a Death God all by herself. We likely will just be there as cheerleaders.”
Nesta let out a laugh – a genuine laugh. It echoed like a song from the heavens, spreading a huge grin across your face. Helion, delighted with himself, laughed too. Soldiers began putting away their swords, easing the tense atmosphere.
You couldn’t help but notice how scared some of the crowd still looked. After all, the beautiful wedding had been derailed so fast and so easily they were left rattled. So you let go of Nesta, pushing past Tamlin and stepping towards the crowd. “My friends,” You began, letting your voice ring strong. “I know this evening did not go how you thought it would. Mother knows I didn’t anticipate this. And I understand the revelations tonight were shocking and unsettling, there is no denying that. But trust me when I say this: the death god will not destroy us. He will not take this court, or the lives of its people. As long as we are united, it will be Koschei who learns to fear us, not the other way around.”
Applause erupted from the crowd, and cheers began to echo in the air once again. With a wave from Eris, the music and festivities slowly resumed. With a smirk on his face, he sauntered over and pulled you in by the waist, pressing a kiss to your temple. “My, my, what a lovely speech.” He purred in your ear. “I must say I love seeing you like this. High Lady looks good on you, wife.”
“Thank you, husband.” You melted into his touch, letting his warm scent envelop you.
“I might have to reward you for such bravery later.” He said.
You turned to face him, lifting your chin to meet his gaze. “I remember you saying such proclivities had to wait until after the wedding…”
Eris hummed, stroking your waist with his thumb. The act alone sent sparks through your system, igniting every nerve. “I did, didn’t I? It looks like things here are wrapping up anyways, so technically the wedding is over…” He grabbed your hand, and after saying a polite goodbye to the guests who required it, the two of you sought out Nesta, pulling her away from her conversation with some courtiers. 
Irritated at first, she huffed. “What are you–”
“It’s time.” Was all Eris said. Those two words made Nesta shift instantly, the annoyance in her posture relaxing into something else.
“Really?” She said incredulously, excitement creeping into her voice.
“I don’t think I can wait a second longer.” Was all Eris replied with, making your stomach do a flip. You had fantasised about this moment for weeks, it almost didn’t feel real. Within minutes of weaving through the corridors, the noise of the party was drowned out, and Eris took out a key you hadn’t seen before to a room you didn’t recognize.
He unlocked the strange door and gently pushed you inside.
taglist (comment if you want to be added): @queercontrarian @kitkat-writes-stuff @moonfawnx @sevikas-whore @weird-and-wise @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet @kingshitonly @ladyofcherries @eerievixen @readingwritingwatching @peacecoffeeandflowers @a-frog-with-a-laptop @shadowqueen25 @lana08 @highladyofillyria @rachelnicolee @ladespedidas @little-darlingo @manonblackbeakquidditchteam13 @demirunner @terorovaerangi @hauntedandhopeful  @younxii @microwaveallthedemons @fanfictioniseverything @lovra974 @maddietheshoe @peaceandcrackers @emy1-99 @lostinfantasyworldsbi @issybee0611 @thoughtfulshepherdmongerkid @belledawnidk @whhyyynottt @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @littlebbb @piceous21 @sevendeadlyshins-blog @searchingford  @marigold-morelli @thesapphiclibrarian @nikovasbitch @chasing-autumns-chill @the-sweet-psycho @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @red-bees @daughterofthemoons-stuff @bloodicka @blackgirlmagicforever @writeroutoftime
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lady-of-tearshed · 5 months
Stupid Spring! Stupid allergies!
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Lucien Vanserra x Reader
A/N: I'm currently suffering from allergies AND asthma. So I'm making it Lucien's problem. Bear with me, I wrote this with 4 hours of sleep. 🫡💕
Sumarry: You are visiting Lucien's old friend in Spring Court. Only, your allergies are being a pain in the ass, and you can't wait to get the fuck away from this Court of Sneezes and Tissues.
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: None.
Divider made by @saradika-graphics 💕
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Your eyes were dry from staring at the turning clock hands centered on the tapestry covered walls. You turned your head to the side of the bed, throwing an accusatory grimace at the extravagant pollen nest. People would most likely call that pollen nest a colorful and pleasant smelling bouquet of extravagant looking flowers, but to you, it was just a fucking pollen nest. And a big pain in your ass, considering your allergies and unbearable asthma. You take a deep breath and roll out of bed, sniffling. You shove the bouquet out of their vase, and carry it towards their tragic fate. You open up the window as quickly as possible, and throw them out of the window, closing it back before any pollen could sneak in. You look over Lucien’s side of the bed, and spot another one of this enemy's hideout. You yank the bunch of sadly beautiful flowers, almost making the vase smash onto the ground, and give that bouquet the same fate the other one succumbed from. You peer over the window, at the piled up flowers, and silently clasp your hand in content. You close the window, once again, and as if the flowers were getting revenge on you, despite their absence, you sneeze, and mutter a curse. 
The softness of the linen sheets welcomed you back in bed, and if it weren’t from those allergy symptoms, you would’ve fallen asleep like a baby, just like Lucien was. You roll on your side, staring at his beautiful features, and you sigh in content at the sight of him. You wiggled closer to him, watching his chest fall and rise, his lips slightly parted, and take in his scent. He smelled just like usual, but there was an additional smell of mint lingering on him, probably because he brushed his teeth before bed. His body was hot, so hot… He was hot in every sense of the word, actually. His thigh muscles looked like they had been carved by the Cauldron itself, you ran your fingers along those, his golden-brown skin shone under the moonlight filtering through the curtains. He shivered and grumbled as your hand started stroking his delicious thigh, and you can’t help but pout and pull your hand away at how grumpy your mate was when asleep. You took an exaggerated loud sigh, hoping Lucien would stir from his peaceful slumber to accompany you through your insomnia. 
“Lu,” You whisper through the silence at your first failed attempt to obtain his attention. The constant ticking of the clock echoed through the ridiculously huge bedroom of Tamlin's manor, it was the only sound breaking through the silence as you waited fo Lucien’s russet eye or golden prosthesis to open. That idiotic redhead was peacefully snoring beside you, and you swore that you could see drool pooling from his soft lips with the rising daylight that filtered through the pastel colored curtains. “Lu,” You whispered again, shaking your mate's shoulder a little to wake him up. Why wake him up? You didn't know. Maybe you just wanted him to suffer from the same lack of sleep he was putting you through by forcing you to come here, only to visit his old friend. It felt as if your nose was filled with snot, and your eyes filled with sand. How could something as small as stupid pollen make you feel as if you were on the verge of dying from the lack of oxygen properly entering your lungs? You gently nibble on Lucien's ear, and he grumbles, clicking his tongue and shoving his hand in the air as if he was chasing away a fly. “Sleep.” He whines sleepily, and you scoff. “Sleep?! You think I can sleep?!” 
He rolls on his side and yanks you into his arms, he wraps them around your waist, making sure to not crush your lungs. “M'love… You took those allergies and sleep tonics before bed, there's not much I can do even if you pull me out of the peaceful land of dreams,” You gasp out an offended sound, and Lucien sighs, just wanting to knock that dramatic attitude out of you and fall back asleep. “So what, when our children will be sick and need you in the future you'll just drug them and sleep through it?!” He narrowed one eye open at your slightly frustrated tone, a lazy grin appears on his face. “Love, we don't have children. You said you didn't even want them yet. Changing your mind now?” He purred, snuggling his face in your neck. You tried to scoot away from his embrace, but Lucien wasn't having it. The more you tried to wiggle out of his grip, the more his fingers mercilessly tickled your ribs. “Nope! I'm certainly not changing my mind so soon about having children. Lu- Stop it!” You wheezed, trying to hold back your chuckles because you knew that would only fuel him to continue. 
“Alright, alright. Now be a good girl and close those pretty eyes,” He locks his arms around your waist, holding your back tightly against his chest and pressing a lazy kiss at the top of your head, “We'll be taking our leave tomorrow, I'll inform Tamlin that my precious and strong mate has succumbed to pollen.” You mimic Lucien’s annoying tone under your breath, but his Fae ear caught your voice. “What was that?” He challenges you to do it again, but you only growl in defeat, sneezing once more. “That’s what I thought. Good night, I love you, my beautiful flower full of pollen.” He snickered, proud of the nickname he just now made up to tease you. You cross your arms, but bring one of his hands to kiss his knuckles, even if your cheeks were bright red from his constant mockeries. “Love you too, my big pain in the ass.” “Your very lovely ass.” He added, before falling asleep in a heartbeat. How fucking lucky he was to easily fall asleep like that, you thought. 
You stared blankly at the steaming mug of black coffee in front of you, and poured a ridiculous amount of maple syrup in it. Your eyes dart up in Tamlin's direction when you hear his choked laugh coming from his side of the table. As delighted you were to hear that spark of happiness coming back to your mate's dearest friend, you couldn't help that dark stare directed to him, matching the dark circles looming underneath your puffy eyelids. “Slept well?” “Wonderfully.” You and Lucien answer at the same time, the read-head's voice sounding way more cheery than your sarcastic and raspy one. You continued to eat in silence, and you kicked Lucien’s feet from under the table as if to say “tell him!”. Lucien cleared his throat, and spoke up, “We’re leaving for Dawn today, to visit Nuan.” Tamlin noded, a wicked smirk growing at the corner of his lips. “That’s wonderful, I’m sure Thesan and Nuan will be delighted to see you again and meet your mate, Lucien,” He bit his lip to stifle a laugh, and by the glimmer that shone in the High Lord’s irises, he knew that he was about to tease you a little. Tamlin's cheerful voice rang again, “I heard that they had trouble with pollen lately, too. There have been high winds in spring lately, and it might’ve made the pollen travel all the way there… Unfortunately.” You drop your spoon in your coffee, almost breaking the cup as you shoot a panicked glance towards your mate. But your expression immediately turns from a troubled to an annoyed one when you notice the two Fae males bursting into a fit of laughter, tears at the corner of their eyes. “Ha.Ha. Very funny you two.” 
At least now, Tamlin was happy. And Lucien was too, because currently, his friend was healing. And getting better. 
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yaralulu · 3 months
Sorry just thinking about Lucien,the boy who had never known anything but cruelty from being a Vanserra and living in the autumn court,suddenly being surrounded by kindness once he’s in the spring court.Kindness from it’s citizens,its high lord,all these people who don’t know him yet are being kind to him anyways.
And you have Tamlin,whose never been viewed as anything other than a wild beast whose only good for killing,being thanked for his kindness by Lucien and finally being seen as a person and not an animal to be feared.
Lucien,who has never known real kindness but yearns for it and Tamlin, who is so full of it but has been taught to hide it. Lucien finally experiencing genuine kindness and Tamlin realizing that he has something to offer beyond his physical strength.Two people who were raised by viscous families yet still hold so much kindness and good in their heart.
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yourlittlebunnyy · 2 months
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Violet and Spring -tamlin x reader
masterlist - kind hearted
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summary: Tamlin meets Violet and Spring.
warnings: not very happy with this one tbh
wc: 1.5k
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"Look, TamTam. Those are the little animals I told you about, the two fawns! Do you want to meet them?"
Tamlin had just completed the ritual that allowed him to enter the village of the fairies living in his court, and all because he wanted to see you again. A fairy who had stolen his heart from the start-he was not just fascinated by you, but completely obsessed.
So of course, when you looked at him with your big eyes, hopping around unable to contain your excitement like a bunny, he couldn't say no.
"With great pleasure, Y/n." He smiles kindly at you, and you momentarily lose yourself in his eyes, before recovering with a shrug of your wings, grabbing him by the wrist, and then running toward the two little animals hiding behind a tall, proud flower. You call their names in a high-pitched voice, and they hop toward you. Tamlin is not sure if animals can smile, but they certainly look like they are. They seem so happy to see you.
They practically jump on you causing you to stagger backward until you bump into the male's chest, and if it weren't for him you would have fallen. You giggle when they lick your cheeks after you pick them up, snatching an amused verse from him as well. You are delightful in your element.
The sound seems to catch the attention of the two fawns, who look at him with wide, curious eyes. You offer them a gentle smile, but it's not enough. You take his hand and extend it toward the two animals, who retreat fearfully. You beam at them warmly, stroking them behind the ears.
"Shh, take it easy. This is TamTam, my friend." Tamlin is slightly surprised by your words. Friend? He thought he had made his intentions clear by coming back here. And even you seemed to consider him something more, after all your affectionate gestures. He chases away the thought bitterly, focusing on Violet and Spring, who, as if they understood your words, stretch their necks slightly and nuzzle his hand. You clap your hands contentedly, kneeling down to hug them and whisper sweet words to them in a high-pitched, childlike tone.
"Tam, this is Violet," you point to the older fawn, "and Spring." You point your finger at the other, who seems to be miraculously holding himself upright, but he is the one who licks his hand first. Tamlin caresses them both affectionately and you let out a high-pitched squeal at the sight, they are so cute!
"Spring is such a big sweetheart. He's only a month old but he's so cuddly!" He would like to reply that he looks a lot like you, but he shuts up. Instead, he does something he knows you like: he asks you questions. He already anticipates the delightful movement of your wings and the twinkling of your eyes.
"They are delicious. Were they born here?" As expected, you emit a giggle and answer him as you toy with Violet.
"No, the trees send me lost pets so that I can offer them food and shelter." Tamlin feels his heart clench at such words. You are the nicest person he has ever met in his life. He is stunned.
"It's... it's really a nice gesture. " You raise your face to give him one of your best smiles, and he also kneels down by your side, Spring now enjoying rubbing against his hand. "So you can talk to them too?" You stand up elegantly, and he is a little disappointed. He had ducked down mainly to be closer to you, and as soon as he did, you got up. Then maybe he really misunderstood your feelings for him.
"Yes. Not in the same way as trees, though. With animals... it's like we exchange emotions with each other. I communicated a sense of safety and calmness to them first, so that they knew you wouldn't hurt him." It almost seems as if you have more to say, and in fact, after a few seconds of silence, you add, "Holy smokes, TamTam! I forgot to show you the orchard. It's beautiful, you absolutely must see it!"
You don't even give him time to react that you grab his hand and help him up with a snort, making them both giggle. You start hopping around, the two fawns follow you just as eagerly, and he can hear your giggle echoing through the field of flowers. The sun is now fully up and a warm air rushes through your hair. Never have you been more angelic in his eyes than now.
He follows you and Violet and Spring to a valley full of color. But how is it possible that he didn't notice it before? There are thick rows of fruit trees placed under the small knoll where you are, hidden by a small wall of forest trees. There are various kinds, some he recognizes and some he does not. He imagines that they are lush with magic and wonders where everyone is, since at this stage of the day he thought they had to work, to maintain such a beautiful village filled with life. As if you had heard his thoughts, or maybe it was the trees that told you, you turn to him.
"We're lucky, most of the fairies are still finishing the Sacred Harvest, so it will just be us." You look at the ground, your cheeks slightly pink from your insinuation. Tamlin watches you carefully. The warm air moves your hair, your eyes sparkle with the colors of the blossoming trees and joy, fawns rub affectionately against your legs. You are so beautiful, he wonders if you even realize it. Even Dina, one of the two Village Chiefs, admitted that you are the sweetest. A little thought makes its way into his mind, selfish and small-minded. He wishes you were all his, he wishes you were his mate so he could have you all to himself.
You don't say anything for a few minutes, not even when Spring hops down the hill and Violet follows him eagerly. The wind ruffles your hair as you stand there losing yourselves in each other's eyes. Tamlin approaches you and you appear to be breathless. He continues to admire you as if you were the most beautiful female he has ever seen, and he means it.
"You said earlier that I was your friend." You nod, swallowing conspicuously, nervous about his closeness.
"And is that what we are, friends?" You look at him with your big, almost pleading eyes before looking away embarrassed. You like Tamlin so much! You've never felt this way before, and although being in close proximity feels good, you're afraid. I mean, what could a Fae male, so breathtaking that he could have anyone he wants, possibly find in you? Insecurities eat you alive, and you feel your eyes becoming glossy. You don't want to reveal how you feel because you're afraid of being laughed at by him.
He seems to understand the direction of your thoughts, and he grabs your chin with two fingers, forcing you to look up at him. He offers you a pure smile. Not charming, or reassuring, no. Simply genuine, just right. You feel your heart miss a beat. Tamlin moves even closer, his lips brushing yours.
"Have you ever been kissed, Y/n?" His voice gives you a million butterflies in your stomach, your insecurities forgotten the moment he got so close, your brain unable to function. You shake your head, not trusting your voice, and he offers a lazy smile that makes your knees give way before he rests his lips on yours.
It's the best feeling in the world, you think. His lips are soft and welcoming and everything feels right to you. You never allowed yourself to dream of a first kiss, since fairies consider every intimate moment forbidden, but this is all you would dream of if you did. His hands cup your face, holding you close to him. Yours end in a natural gesture around his neck, wanting to feel as close to Tamlin as possible, too. It's a sweet, chaste kiss.
You both pull away breathlessly, you stagger slightly on your weak knees, and he is ready to grab you, holding you firmly by the waist. You both smile at each other, and unable to sustain his stare, you rest your forehead on his solid chest, finding comfort in his warmth. You tighten your arms around his body, engulfing him in an embrace.
You are silent for a while, then a small laugh breaks your small tranquility when Violet tries to jump on Tamlin, wanting to cuddle. You reluctantly pull away, searching Spring with your eyes. You find him coming up the small hill with heavy breath and tongue out. You point your finger at him and call out to the male at your side, busy playing with Violet. You laugh together as you pick him up to let him get some rest.
"So, Y/n... now that I have had the honor of visiting all your lovely village, I would like you to visit my court as well." You look at him with emotion-laden eyes. You have never been out of fairy territory, and as much as you enjoy it, sometimes you would like to explore, meet new species, and interact with other people.
"I would be delighted!" You respond by practically jumping on him, the only thing stopping you is Spring in your arms, but you stay as close as you can.
Tamlin runs a thumb over your cheek, the gesture charged with affection.
"Then we have a date."
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legendl0re · 21 days
So what started as a Tamlin Healing Arc Fic...
Is probably going to roll into a series of different fanfics based on the following concepts:
Lucien calling the Blood Duel against Azriel.
Nesta learning about how Tamlin imprisoned Feyre, and how it relates to her own imprisonment, and distancing herself from the NC in an official capacity.
Emerie acknowledging how she and the other Illyrian woman are abused and mistreated while Feyre gets to fly no problem due to being the High Lord's mate, despite not being an Illyrian.
All of which will end up culimating in...
Keir and the Illyrians revolting against Rhys and the Night Court in a Civil War. Possibly aligning with Beron and/or Koschei in the process.
I did not expect these ideas to get as big as they have.
Watch it ends up being as big as one of the books themselves xP
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ennawrite · 5 months
i love having a bad memory cause i’m rereading my fic just to make sure things flow correctly and I’m just like wow…I kinda ate this shit up 😭
⭐️for those interested, you can read the fic here ⭐️
(it’s a Nyx x Tamlin’s daughter story, with themes of disrupt in the NC. I plan on exploring it more in future chapters)
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maybeiwasjustjade · 28 days
Upcoming ACOTAR fics: Little Sprout Verse
A series of one-shots set before, during, and after Koschei’s War, and mostly focuses around Tamlin and his various relationships as the years change.
Set twelve years after the events of HOFAS (bare knowledge necessary), and nearly three after the end of Koschei’s War, Prythian has entered an era of peace unseen since the days of King Fionn himself.
To an outsider, anyway. The reality isn’t as pretty.
The Seasonal Courts have finally found a balance in their coexistence. Autumn finds itself in an era of prosperity and growth under its newly crowned High Lord. Summer staggered at first, but with the finalization of its codified equality laws and a first successful season of its Council of Voices, High Lord Tarquin’s dreams are soon to be a reality. Winter has welcomed a new heir—a son, to join their growing family.
Spring has been revitalized, nearly comparable in splendor to how it was in the years before Amarantha. Cities have been rebuilt, and more and more of Spring citizens have returned from their refuge. Century-long alliances respected; a family reunited at last. And soon, its citizen will celebrate in the most grand celebration: the upcoming nuptials between their beloved High Lord and High Lady.
The Solar Courts, however, have increasingly found themselves in disarray. Though Day prospers as it always has, High Lord Helion finds himself heartbroken over the discovery and subsequent rejection of his only son, who has returned to Spring. Dawn stands strong in its neutrality, but chaotic forces from the north seeks to destabilize their hard-earned peace.
A rebellion has formed in the far north. Citizens have fled in dead night, with no traces to be found. Dead, maimed males found scattered over the Illyrian Steppes. Natural disasters ravage the western bank of Night. The Night Court stands alone, its Inner Circle fractured beyond repair as sides are drawn, and mating bonds break. The newly risen Dusk Court has returned to stake its claim on what is rightfully theirs.
The agreed biennial High Lords meeting is soon upon them. A recon mission gone wrong has resulted in multiple hostages in the hands of Night’s sworn enemy. Grudges will be settled; recompense will be delivered. For the High Lady of Spring is out for blood.
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praetorqueenreyna · 5 months
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Tamlin is shocked (and a little scared) when his ex-girlfriend's sister stops by his flower shop. Featuring Florist!Tamlin and Tattoo Artist! Nesta.
For Tamlin Week Day 3: Flower Languages. Click here to read on AO3, or continue reading below!
“I have a question for you.”
Tamlin jumped and dropped his shears with an aggressive clank. He was trimming the ends of yesterday’s flowers, his headphones blaring Hozier as he focused on his task. He hadn’t even heard somebody enter his flower shop.
It took a second for him to place where he had seen the modestly-dressed woman before. It was Nesta, one of the three sisters that ran Archeron Tattoos next door. Immediately, Tamlin was on guard. A year prior he had had a disastrous relationship with another sister, Feyre, which had ended so badly he wouldn’t have been surprised if she had set his shop on fire. For months after, he had avoided even glancing at the door to the tattoo parlor. Things had settled down and Feyre even had a girlfriend now, but that didn’t stop her from giving him the stink eye whenever they crossed paths. He had been so busy deliberately not looking over there that he barely knew anything about the other two sisters.
“Um, yes?” he stuttered, aware that he had been staring blankly at her for way too long.
Nesta raised an eyebrow. She didn’t seem like she was here to murder him, but also didn’t seem like she was thrilled to be there. “I need reference photos for a piece I’m doing this weekend and can’t find any online. If you have the flowers here, I’d like to take some pictures.”
Tamlin could have pointed out that she didn’t actually ask him a question, but to be honest, Nesta was intimidating. She was almost as tall as he was and, though he outweighed her slim frame, she seemed like the kind of person capable of getting what she wanted. Besides, the request wasn’t unreasonable and there was nobody else in the shop right now.
“Sure. What flowers do you need?”
Nesta pulled out her phone and thumbed through it until she found the list. “Yellow hyacinth, foxglove, cowslip, marigold…” She rattled off about a dozen of the weirdest flower requests Tamlin had ever heard. He was used to people requesting orchids and roses, not wolfsbane. There was an awkward pause when she finished talking and was waiting for him to respond.
Tamlin cleared his throat. “I’m sure I have some of those. I’ll be honest, it’s a rather…unusual set of flowers.
“I’m aware. You know about florigraphy, correct?”
“Yeah. Flower languages.” As a florist, Tamlin had come to know the most common flowers used to convey meaning. Red roses for true love, white tulips for remembrance, etc.
“Exactly. My client just got out of a shitty relationship, and she wants a huge floral sleeve celebrating that. And instead of using flowers that represent love and peace and all that crap, she wants flowers that say ‘fuck you.’ Turning those negative experiences into something positive.”
Tamlin had never thought to use flowers to convey anger or spite, but he could see the appeal. He was certainly well versed in bad break ups. He led Nesta around the shop, pulling out the flowers from her list that he did have in stock. To his surprise, she asked for his opinion. They talked through each flower, Nesta taking pictures of them from every angle while Tamlin Googled its meaning. Nesta was extremely meticulous. She lined up the flowers next to each other, studying their color and shape against each other to make sure they’d make an aesthetically pleasing art piece. Many of the flowers with negative connotations were yellow, which she said didn’t tattoo as well. They finally settled on black dahlia (betrayal), narcissus (selfishness), and columbine (folly).
“I think I’ll frame them like this,” Nesta mused, placing the individual flowers on the table in an artful array. “With the praying mantis in the middle.”
“Why a praying mantis?”
“You know, that whole thing where the females rip off the males’ heads after they mate.” Nesta gave a devilish grin. “Very empowering.”
“That’s not true.”
The easy-going atmosphere that had developed between them collapsed. Nesta scowled. “What?”
Tamlin, who by now was wishing he had ever learned when to shut the fuck up, stammered, “It’s a myth, that praying mantises do that. A very common one, lots of people believe it!”
Apparently, his nervous explanation was pathetic enough to convince Nesta that he wasn’t trying to talk down to her. She tilted her head, appraising him with cool gray eyes, wordlessly waiting for him to continue.
“Well, um, the study where the females eat the males was done in a lab, and they were starving and stressed out. Afterwards, they were observed mating in the wild, and it doesn’t really happen.”
“So you’re telling me a bunch of people had to go out and watch bugs have sex?” Nesta asked in a deadpan voice.
“I guess? I don’t actually know all the details. It can’t be as weird as I’m making it sound, but—”
“Relax, I’m kidding,” Nesta grinned at his obvious discomfort. Tamlin noticed she had a dimple in her left cheek.
“Oh.” Although she didn’t seem like she was going to bite his head off anymore, Tamlin scrambled to find something to recover the conversation that he had derailed. “You could do a spider. For a lot of them, the females are way bigger and more powerful than the males. And the males have to bring them presents to avoid getting eaten.”
“Mhmm, I like that. Thanks.” Nesta paused in the doorway. “You know, you’re not as much of an asshole as I had thought.”
“Thank you?” There was barely enough time to comprehend what she had said, then she was gone.
Tamlin spent the rest of the day thinking about her. And Feyre. He had assumed that Feyre had told her sisters plenty of stories about how terrible he had been. Some of them would even have been true. He had spent the past year trying to forget one Archeron, only to fall headfirst into another. It was so stupid. They had talked for twenty minutes about flowers and she had smiled at him. Still, every time he entered or left his flower shop, he couldn’t help but glance in the doorway of the tattoo parlor, hoping for a glimpse of Nesta.
That weekend, he was closing up the shop when he heard a knock on the door. He had already locked it and was busy sweeping, and he approached the door ready to politely tell the overeager flower buyer to fuck off. His irritation transformed into elation when he caught sight of Nesta through the glass. He hurried to unlock the door and usher the tattoo artist inside, along with the petite red-headed woman that accompanied her.
“Hey, hope you don’t mind us barging in,” Nesta said. Before Tamlin could say that she could barge wherever and whenever she wanted, she nodded towards the other woman. “This is Gwyn. I just finished up her sleeve. I told her how you helped me, and she wanted to come by and thank you in person. And show you the final piece.”
Gwyn was wearing a tank top, and one of her arms was a riot of color. Tamlin couldn’t see the details of the new tattoo under the saran wrap that currently covered it.
“Oh. Of course, you didn’t have to do that. I’m happy to help,” Tamlin replied, flustered. Gwyn was staring at him with big blue eyes. They were a little puffy, as if she had been crying, which Tamlin assumed was the result of getting a tattoo for hours upon hours. She was grinning though, clearly pleased with the completed work.
“Well, thank you still. I really appreciate it. Especially the bug info. I would have been so embarrassed to find out the mantis stuff after I had already gotten the tattoo.” She stepped forward and held out her arm. “Do you want to see it?”
“Sure, I’d love to.” Gwyn pinched the edge of the saran wrap between her fingers and peeled it off. The surface of the tattoo glistened with ointment, but it was still breathtaking. The flowers that he had Nesta had picked out absolutely glowed, bright bursts of red and purple and yellow and green against Gwyn’s pale skin. In the middle of the flowers was a black widow spider, glossy black with the distinctive red hourglass on her abdomen. It was an absolutely stunning piece of artwork.
“Wow,” Tamlin breathed. “It’s incredible.” He lightly touched Gwyn’s wrist to tilt her arm so he could see more of the tattoo, then realized what he had done. “Oh shit!” He jerked his hand away. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have touched you without asking.”
Rather than being annoyed, Gwyn was blushing furiously. “It’s okay, you can touch.” Nesta snorted, and Gwyn shot her a look that Tamlin couldn’t interpret. “Just not on the ink. It still hurts.”
“I bet.” With his fingertips, he rotated Gwyn’s arm back and forth, taking in every little detail. “Amazing. Just amazing.” He let her arm go. “That guy doesn’t know what he’s missing.”
“Yeah, fuck him.” Nesta slung one arm around Gwyn’s shoulders, careful to avoid the new tattoo. “You should totally have gotten to kill and eat him.”
Gwyn giggled. “No argument here. I should get going, my roommate is probably out front waiting to pick me up. She waved bashfully at Tamlin. “Bye, it was nice to meet you. And thank you again for all the help.” With that, she slipped out the door. Nesta watched her leave with an amused smirk. It felt like there was an inside joke that Tamlin was missing out on.
“What are you laughing about?” he asked, feeling bold.
“Nothing. Just that you’re challenging Gwyn’s new resolution to swear off men forever.”
“What? Me?”
“Yes, you. Being all cute and respectful like a Victorian gentleman.”
Now Tamlin was the one blushing, his ears were practically on fire. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“And the little wrist touch. I’m surprised she didn’t swoon directly into your arms.” Nesta grabbed Tamlin’s hand in a mock imitation of his own interaction with Gwyn. She was rougher than he had been, jerking him forward into her. She had missed his wrist and instead had her hand wrapped around his palm, a mistake he was grateful for, since hopefully she couldn’t feel his blood pounding.
“I didn’t…I wasn’t…” Tamlin’s head was a buzz of static. He couldn’t even breathe with Nesta right there. She was so pretty and so terrifying, which apparently was exactly what he found attractive.
“Relax, I’m messing with you.” She released him and stepped back. “Seriously, you’re a good guy. Stop by next door any time. I promise I’ll tell Feyre not to bite your head off.” With a cheeky wink she left, the bell on the door tinkling faintly behind her.
He could do this. He was not going to chicken out, like the last three times he had tried. The cowardly part of his brain was screaming at him to turn back even as he locked the flower shop behind him, but he ignored it. For the first time since his breakup with Feyre, he entered Archeron Tattoos.
All three sisters were there. Feyre, thankfully, was working. She was bent over someone’s ankle, carefully sketching lines with her tattoo gun. There was a brief flash of regret, but nothing more. They were never meant to be, and they were both happier now. Feyre looked up when the door opened and did a double take. She took a few seconds to properly glare at him, then returned her attention back to her client. Tamlin exhaled in relief; a part of him had fully expected her to attack or yell at him.
Elain was behind the counter. She had revved up a formulaic greeting before she realized who he was, and cut herself off mid-sentence. Tamlin gave her a distracted wave, not wanting to get sidetracked. Nesta was in the shop, organizing bottles of colored ink. He cleared his throat to get her attention.
She looked up, and smiled. “Hey.”
Tamlin looked around, painfully aware that Feyre and Elain could hear everything they said. “Can we go somewhere to talk?”
“Sure.” Nesta led him to the back of the tattoo shop, where they at least had a little more privacy. She turned to him and folded her arms. “What’s up?”
Tamlin had rehearsed the next part a million times. And instead of saying any of that, he pulled a flower out of his pocket and offered it to Nesta. “I brought this for you.”
“Oh. Thank you.” Nesta carefully took the flower, which now had a crumpled stem and smashed leaves.
“It’s a pansy,” he explained. His mouth was inexplicably dry and his voice sounded weird in his ears. When they had been doing their florigraphy research together, they had run across the pansy on multiple sites with multiple meanings. One meaning had stuck out to him, and he hoped that Nesta had remembered it as well.
“You occupy my thoughts,” she murmured. She smiled that dimple smile that left Tamlin weak in the knees. “You’re cute.”
“Oh good, you remembered,” was all that came out of his mouth.
“I did.” She laughed and tucked the pansy behind her ear. “Tamlin, would you like to go out with me sometime?”
“Yes. Yes. Definitely.”
“Good. I’ll pick you up at six.” She lifted herself up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the lips, then darted past him. Tamlin stood there, stunned, waiting to wake up.
On his way out the door, he stopped. “Bye, Feyre,” he said loudly.
“If you hurt her, I’ll kill you. Asshole,” she said in reply.
It wasn’t great. But it was a start.
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arson-09 · 5 months
thinking about the lost potential of feyre/rhysand mating bond but the plot is feyre deciding that FUCK the mating bond. she picked tamlin and no matter what hes who she wants to be with. Tamlin, despite his hate for rhysand is like no i mean, the bond :( and feyres just i WILL break this, my title isnt feyre cursebreaker for NOTHING. Rhysand actually continues to be a villain and no one gets character retconned
does anyone know a good fic with this concept/similar? i know im not the first to think of this
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highlordofkrypton · 2 months
ACOTAR Omegaverse Week // Day 1 - Nesting (Submission #2)
Shoutout to everyone that requested Tamcien for @acotar-omegaverse-week! While this isn't the main Tamcien I have planned, please enjoy this amuse bouche while the real meal is being cooked for later this week 🙏
Thank you to @matrixsss, @lzrsaugust, @yaralulu, @thrumbolt and ESPECIALLY @achaotichuman for opening my ship horizons and getting me to write Tamcien!!
SUMMARY: Lucien has one rule. Inside his study, he has to work. Tamlin is very respectful of his space, but that doesn't mean he can't complain about it.
PAIRING: Alpha! Lucien x Omega! Tamlin
TAGS: Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Nesting
Read on AO3 or beneath the cut.
"Are you done?"
"Not yet."
Lucien doesn't lift his eyes from the parchment before him. He's not even halfway through the stack. It's no one's fault but his own. Time management has always been important; it was drilled into him from a young age. Beaten into him, if he was too early or too late.
The Spring Court is much kinder to his failings, but that doesn't mean Lucien should get too comfortable. There is a debt to repay and he promised to keep this Court in order and represent his new home to the best of his ability, which includes addressing correspondences promptly without pressuring the senders. He times everything perfectly so that those reaching out to him may bask in their accomplishment of reaching out, and relax for a handful of days before he obliges them to respond with a response of his own. It is courteous to wait.
Tamlin struggles with the notion. He has been pacing outside of Lucien's study since this morning. He has left twice, once to get a snack, then to address a complaint in the gardens from the other denizens about the cherry tomatoes encroaching on their space. The bushes have bloomed far too much for the liking of the other leafy greens that are used to being the star of the gardens.
"Are you done now?" Tamlin huffs, pacing outside the door again.
It's not that he isn't allowed in the study, but they made a rule. Cross the threshold and it is business only. Too many times they have been distracted and far too many times Lucien has had to replace the desk. It's just not sustainable and it's wasteful. Those are Tamlin's own values, and yet when they're together, it's so easy to toss logic out the window.
Lucien can scent Tamlin—his anticipation, his eagerness and his desire.
He finishes up his last letter, feeding it to the sparrow at the window. It preens, flaring its leafy wings and plucking the letter out of Lucien's slender fingers before flying off.
"I am done and I have your daily report," he stands, adjusting the tails of his coat. Lucien picks up his list of important points that must be conveyed to the High Lord of the Spring Court. He approaches Tamlin who cannot stand still for a moment.
"First, we should discuss this season's—Oh," the Autumn son says softly as he's lifted and hauled over Tamlin's shoulder. The position gives him a direct view of Tamlin's ass. "Wonderful," he deadpans. The likelihood of Tamlin listening to a single word of his carefully crafted report has gone out the window completely. "Aren't I too heavy to tote around like a child?"
"No. This is light work."
Lucien sighs. He dangles over Tamlin's shoulder, tossing his papers in the air because what does it matter? After a moment, he is casually tossed into a very tall pile of leaves in one of the additional rooms with a fireplace. Underneath it, an immeasurable amount of pillows catch him. The fire crackles comfortably, despite Spring's constant perfect and tolerable weather. He scents the fragrant scent of pumpkins, cinnamon and other Fall scents. It reminds him of home.
He lays there as Tamlin climbs into the very messy pile of nature and comfort. Tamlin curls into his side, hugging him close. Lucien's hand automatically goes to his soft blonde hair, caressing him lovingly.
"This is very… autumnal."
"Mm," Tamlin hums. "I thought you might miss home."
"Spring Court is my home. I thought this was supposed to be your nest."
"It is. You are my home, whether we're in Spring, Autumn, Winter or Summer. I don't care." Tamlin has every intention to keep him at his side now and forever.
"You're not going to let me leave, are you?"
"You big baby," Lucien says with the utmost affection. "Come here and let me kiss you."
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viktoriaashleyyx · 2 months
This is Rhysand and Tamlin back when they were buddies
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positivelyruined · 3 months
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Venture back into Prythian with me tonight | chapter four of A Ballad of Thorns and Roses has been posted.
links: Ao3 | subscribe to the story to receive email notifications for updates and subscribe to my user for notification on any work I post
As always, big thank you to all of my betas, who sometimes read four different versions of these scenes before convincing me that it is good enough to move on. Bless them for joining a discord, dealing with my endless spam of questions, and continued fascination with this character and his haunting narrative. Betas: @ennawrite & @wingsdippedingold 👏👏👏
Big shoutout to both the besties who remain half the reason of why this story keeps going and one hundred percent the reason why I am brave enough to publish it. @shadowqueenjude & @sonics-atelier
my dearest, gentle readers
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