#probably finny. I think finny would be the most heartbreaking
thatgirlonstage · 11 months
Given my proclivity for both fantasy and amnesia stories it’s probably not actually THAT weird that it’s happened twice — altho in fairness, neither of these start with amnesia as a selling point, so it’s not like I sought them out — but if I had a nickel for every time the question “Who?” was one of the single most emotionally devastating things that happens in a whole series I sure would have two nickels
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reading updates: august 2024
the good news is that I did a lot of reading this month, the bad news is that honestly? I think that my birthday month has had the biggest percentage of literary letdowns, duds, and outright bullshit than any other month of this year so far.
but at least there's plenty to talk about, so let's get going!
Unlearning Shame: How We Can Reject Self-Blame Culture and Reclaim Our Power (Devon Price, 2024) - uh oh gamers, we're starting on a doozy! I've enjoyed both of Price's previous books very much, but with Unlearning Shame I couldn't help but feel like I couldn't quite shake the feeling that I wasn't getting what I had signed on for. the issue, I think, could be corrected by an adjustment to the title, which seems to be promising a very broad tackling of the concept of shame and is therefore making some pretty big promises. in reality, the book is much more narrowly focused than that, interested primarily in the shame that arises in the activism-minded when they feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of awful things in the world and their perceived inability to do anything about it. fairly early on Price introduces an apparently relatable anecdote about himself and a friend having mutual breakdowns in a grocery store because they were both so paralyzed by the conundrum of trying to buy the most ethical groceries possible, and I realized this book was maybe not really for me or my particular experiences with shame. I think this book will be really helpful for a lot of people for sure, would love to pass it on to a lot of my freshmen, but overall it did not live up to the expectations I brought to the party.
A Separate Peace (John Knowles, 1959) - so I wanted to reread this because someone on here sent me an ask about, I don't know, my favorite required high school reading or whatever, and I said it was A Separate Peace but then I realized it's been over a decade since I read the book and I had to go see if it still actually held up. and god, does it EVER. this is such a brutal and heartbreaking novel, beginning in the last carefree summer that best friends and roommates Gene and Finny will experience before their final year at their boys' private school and their seemingly inevitable draft into WW2. although Gene is seethingly jealous of Finny's seemingly effortless charisma, popularity, confidence, and athletic prowess, the two boys are also inseparable - until a tragic injury changes the course of Finny's life forever. this book is a mess of unspoken pain, from the looming end of innocence on a global scale to the intimate ache of loving your best friend so, so much and having no healthy way to express it because you're a repressed little rich boy in the 1940s.
Deep as the Sky, Red as the Sea (Rita Chang-Eppig, 2023) - Chang-Eppig's debut novel follows the career of Chinese pirate Shek Yeung, also known as Zheng Yi Sao, immediately following the death of her husband, fearsome pirate Sheng Yi. you've probably seen a post or two about her floating around on this very hellsite, calling her a pirate queen and accompanied by this image:
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Chang-Eppig isn't interested in portraying Shek Yeung as any kind of heroine or feminist icon; over and over again it's acknowledged that she's simply a woman who has survived massive hardships and will do whatever she needs to do to survive. manipulation? spying? extortion? torture? murder? you name it, she's done it, and she does not feel remorse. while the novel wasn't a knockout for me either in terms of plot or prose, it's nice to see an entry into the trend of "retelling" stories from history and mythology centered on women that isn't determined to justify every step a maligned woman ever made. Shek Yeung is what she is, and her story makes for a gritty, bloody adventure.
Victim (Andrew Boryga, 2024) - this book is pure sleazeball fun; if you've ever wondered what I consider a romp, this is it. Victim follows our manipulative king Javi Perez as he builds a writing career for himself by turning in one essay after another about racial discrimination that he never really experienced, inventing stories of hardship caused by racism and poverty from his college application essay to his school newspaper to the story that finally brings the whole lie crashing down when he stretches the truth too far. the novel is written like Javi's apology in the wake of getting #canceled, and while I do sometimes feel that this premise makes some of the writing seem a bit implausible (why would you admit that!!!) it's a fun setup for a scandal that would have been a bloodbath on the twitter of old. come get your mess!!!
Bad Girls (Camila Sosa Villada, trans. Kit Maude, 2022) - this is my first time reading Sosa Villada's work but OH BOY, do I need to seek out more. this is a skinty little novel following a dramatized account of the travesti (or transgender) women who live and sell sex in Córdoba, Argentina. the women build an unsteady but beautiful and magic-infused family under the protection of the ancient Auntie Encarna. the protagonist (who is named Camila Sosa Villada, no relation I'm sure) watches as her unconventional family grows, changes, and frays over time, struggling to find ways to stay afloat in a world that see them as disposable. Sosa Villada's turns of phrase are brilliant and searing, and she weaves fantastical elements so nimbly into her narrative that it's utterly believable to see women becoming animals and courting headless men in the streets of a modern city. strongly recommend for fans of Kai Cheng Thom's Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars.
Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism (Aileen Morteon-Robinson, 2000) - this book serves as a scathing literature review indicting Australia's white women anthropologists and feminist scholars for the ways in which they've dehumanized and discredited Aboriginal women, stripping them of the right to be authorities of their own experiences and barring them from a white-centered feminist movement. Moreton-Robinson's account is excellent, contrasting the wok of white women academics with the accounts of Aboriginal women to reveal exactly how massive the disparities in understanding are. as a USAmerican previously aware of Australia's colonial history but unfamiliar with the specifics, it was jarring to discover exactly how similar the mechanism of colonial violence are between my country and Australia, with countless genocidal parallels to be drawn. one particular highlight of the book comes via my purchase of a 20th anniversary edition, which includes a new post-script by Moreton-Robinson in which she dissects and responds to various criticisms of the book at its time of release, taking several critics to task for the belittling tone they used to describe her work and the tools white feminists use to absolve themselves of blame in the face of critique from women of color. fascinating and thorough articulation of Moreton-Robinson's point, and deservedly blistering. I love when academics call each other out by name.
The End of Love: Racism, Sexism, and the Death of Romance (Sabrina Strings, 2024) - so the thing about this book is that there are really good PARTS. Strings is still an excellent historical writer, and I found a lot to appreciate in, for instance, the segments on the history of Black American pimp culture and the analysis of Playboy and Helen Gurley Brown's Sex and the Single Girl. the more personal segments, where Strings contorts herself to fit her own failed relationships into the narrative she's building, are decidedly less consistent in their quality, with some feeling like they would have been better off staying between Strings and her therapist. there's a long and convoluted digression about Sex and the City, and a strange anecdote towards the end in which String recounts a phone call with a friend's college-aged son who, String believes, was masturbating during the call. a yucky experience, to be certain, but I'm not sure it justifies Strings filing a police report against the youth and his mother, who she accuses of having groomed her on the son's behalf. she also casually drops in the same chapter that she considers herself pansexual because she's attracted to trans men in addition to cis men? idk man!!! this book was so uneven that I found myself genuinely questioning whether Strings' first book, Fearing the Black Body, is actually as excellent as I remember it being. I'm pretty sure it is, but god it sucks to get shaken so hard that you have to wonder!
The Diary of a Teenage Girl: An Account in Words and Pictures (Phoebe Gloeckner, 2002) - another book that I had to read for class, years ago! I read Diary of a Teenage Girl in one of my gender and women's studies classes in my undergrad, for a class with a title along the lines of Girlhood Stories in Fiction and Film. Gloeckner's novel (though heavily informed by her own life, she insists that it's a work of fiction) sees its young protagonist, Minnie, navigating a great deal of sex, alcohol, drugs in 1970s San Francisco. I started thinking about the book because I was listening to a trio of episodes of You're Wrong About in which Carmen Maria Machado guests to talk about the pervasive sham that is Go Ask Alice (great series, check it out) and I started thinking about Diary, which is so much less preachy and didactic and is, you know, actually drawn from a real teenage girl's diary, unlike Go Ask Alice, and lacking Alice's preachy didacticism. as a diary based on a real diary this book is largely lacking in any particular plot (the most consistent through line is Minnie's ongoing and tumultuous sexual relationship with her mother's 35 year old boyfriend), but if that's not a turn off then you'll find yourself rooting for Minnie to find her way all the way to the uncertain but ultimately optimistic conclusion.
One and Done (Frederick Smith, 2024) - okay, so. this is a romance novel that I picked up because I saw a review talking about how it's an incredibly realistic depiction of working at a university. now that's obviously an insane thing to look for in a romance novel, but I like romances, ESPECIALLY gay romances, and I work at a university, so I figured sure, I'll bite. spoiler alert: it's not great. I posted some examples of the prose here, and even if the two protagonists talked like actual human beings it wouldn't make up for the stale-ass plot or devastating lack of chemistry they have going for them. more like One and Glad to Be Done With This Book That Isn't Very Good, am I right, ladies?
Seduced (Virginia Henley, 1994) - guys, I'm gonna be so fucking real with you. this is the most batshit novel I've ever read, period, let alone the most batshit romance novel. this book was the winner of a poll I ran on patreon last month in which my wicked patreonites got to nominate romance novels of their choosing for my next reading project and voted amongst themselves to crown a winner, and against all odds and my own light attempts to sway the voters, Seduced won it all. this book has everything: a historical setting, a bold young lady disguising herself as her own brother, wildly unchecked orientalism, a murderous cousin, high society scandal, and some of the most torturous sex scenes I've ever encountered in my life. truly this write-up cannot do justice to what I have experienced; I've already promised by patreonites that I'll have to do a little youtube live in order to fully express the extent of my dissatisfaction.
and that was the month of August, babey!!!
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dulcemaiden · 10 months
About what you said in your last BB post, I wonder if it's true that Snake will kill Doll. I have read many comments wishing for that, especially on Twitter, and readers commenting a lot of hate towards Doll, saying that Doll was always okay with kidnapping children, and even now she's hurting children, so she deserves to die again, but Doll wasn't really evil, she was a kind girl :( I just can't accept Yana brought her back only to gain the fandom's hate and to be killed by Snake. I think her condition as a bizarre doll is making her to act like that. That's why I would like to know your opinion, since you seem to be one of the few people who doesn't hate Doll, do you think Snake will really kill Doll?
Hello! Thanks for your ask ♡
I didn't know about this hate towards Doll in the fandom (as I don't spend much time in social media nowadays, especially Twitter), but I wouldn't be surprised, fandom is biased lol.
Regarding my opinion, I think I already answered it in another post, so maybe I'm just repeating more of the same, I don't know, but here we go
I agree Doll used to be a kind girl in the circus arc, she always took care of the new ones, and she protected OCiel thinking he was a kid needing her help. She also was the most conflicted about the whole child abduction thing, and was very hesitant to hurt people as we saw in BoC. Doll had an innate kindness.
HOWEVER, first we have to learn to separate that Doll from this new Doll. Doll is now an advanced bizarre doll, and those dolls seem to be desperate for blood (as we saw with Layla), they can't feel physical pain, and seem to lack empathy for the lives of other humans because they have no souls.
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So you got an idea.
It is understandable if readers dislike BD!Doll, but I disagree with those comments about her being always evil, because she wasn't.
Also, is Doll really evil now? And this question goes for all the bizarre dolls. It's not like Doll gave her consent to be brought back as a monster, as she called herself. And it's not like she is the mastermind behind the horrors of the orphanage, there is an organization behind it and if Doll is important is as a test subject, she is a simple puppet, a doll. And yes, it was stated in this post before, that it's probably that bizarre dolls are programmed with their "yearning for the future" and cannot escape from that. This arc could give us more insight about how dolls function regarding that topic.
Now, let's talk about Snake.
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Snake's position is a very difficult one. Snake clearly loves Doll, she was a part of his family and it was hinted in the last cover that she saved him in a similar way Ciel did with Finny, and now he has her corpse telling him that Ciel killed her, and that the people he is currently friends with killed his first family... it's heartbreaking. On the other hand, there are innocent children being used as a material for the "Stars", and that must be stopped.
About the "Snake will kill Doll theory", I don't think that would actually happen, I mean it's still a possibility, but even if Doll goes completely mad and start attacking them so Snake would have no option, he would still resent o!Ciel for being forced to do that. I think things will be resolved differently.
Sorry for the late response and again thanks for the ask!
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mei-rin-blossoms · 4 years
♥️ ♣️ Send a playing card to my ask box! ♦️ ♠️ @ask-zhang-qing
A♥️ - Who was the first person your muse ever fell in love with?
Canonically? Sebastian Michaelis. But during out adventure here, on tumblr?  I don’t even remember. My goodness, it’s been 7 years! I have never thought I’d stay here for half this time!
2♥️ - What’s your muse’s family like?
This depends on the verse and on the thread. Usually, since her family is dead, the only family she has is her friends. But yeah - in modern verse, she sometimes does have her father, who is simply abusive.
3♥️ - How would your muse react to a confession of love?
Blush. Maybe even faint. She is not used to hearing that someone likes her, let alone feel anything more.
4♥️ - What are your muse’s thoughts on starting/raising a family?
Mei-Rin is in a true need of a family. Although she has been an assassin, she’s soft at heart, and really wishes to find someone with whom she could spend her life with, and who would be the father of her children.
5♥️ - What was your muse’s most heartbreaking separation/divorce/etc?
Canonically none. During the 7 years of my rping here, I guess it’d be the break-up she had with @darklyevermore ‘s Alan, or maybe when @bone-biscuits-and-marmite ‘s Undertaker left her when she was expecting.
6♥️ - What sort of charity work has your muse done?
None; though, when she sees someone in need, she tries to share whatever she has. Still, she’s quite poor.
7♥️ - Has your muse ever cheated or been cheated on?
She is not quite the person who would cheat, and I cannot really remember any thread in which she would be cheated on.
8♥️ - How well does your muse perform in social situations?
Honestly? She’s just as socially awkward as I am. Therefore, she’s simply terrible. She’ll faint, stutter, maybe even run away.
9♥️ - Has your muse ever had unrequited feelings for someone?
Yes. Usually it is this way. Canonically, it’s Sebastian, but there have been some threads in which she was in love with people who did not love her back.
10♥️ - What was the last party or social event your muse went to?
Uh... I can’t really remember? She’s not the party person, and she’ll rather stay away from these kinds of things. Though, if I recall it well, it was a masquerade.
J♥️ - Who does your muse consider their best friend?
Finny and Bard, and she won’t ever be made to choose just one of them. They are her brothers.
Q♥️ - Who is someone special that your muse always thinks about?
Canonically, there are a couple of such people, starting with her young Master, through Sebastian, and ending with her fellow servants. As in rp, I think this person is @a-murder-of-muses ‘s Ryat. Just because they have known each other for a long time. Like, really long.
K♥️ - Who does your muse look up to as a role model?
Sebastian. He’s the perfect servant, and she wishes she could be one, too.
A♣️ - What’s your muse’s strongest talent?
One would say, her perfect aim. I say, her devotion and unconditional love. If she loves, she loves forever, and no matter what. And this is a kind of talent.
2♣️ - What topics of conversation does your muse enjoy the most?
Every. Sometimes she needs to talk about idle little things, like books. Sometimes she needs to talk about life. It depends on the situation.
3♣️ - How creative is your muse?
Not really creative. I think she’s mainly too scared to accept her own creativity, and therefore, she won’t develop it.
4♣️ - What does your muse have the most passion for?
I think books. She loves reading (even though she mainly reads romance books), and if she was given a day off, she would most probably spend it lying in the garden full of flowers and reading.
5♣️ - What would your muse change about their current lifestyle?
Probably she would wish that it was not necessary for her to kill anyone ever again. She would wish to be just a maid, and nothing more - as long, of course, as her young Master is happy.
6♣️ - How do your muse’s “gut feelings” usually turn out?
Mei is not the best at forecasting. Sometimes she’s scared something will happen, and it turns out to be completely untrue - but she’s mainly afraid that it she has hopes everything will be all right, she will be deeply disappointed.
7♣️ - Has your muse ever felt “trapped”, either figuratively or literally?
Yes. For the great part of her life, she has been trapped, doing a job she has never wanted to do. Now, she’s trapped by her own mind and memories, from which she cannot escape, and she doubts she ever will be able to live a free life.
8♣️ - What is your muse the most stubborn about?
She. Won’t. Have. Anyone. Take. Care. Of. Her.
Like, she’s a strong and independent woman! Well, of course she’s not, and she needs lots of help, but she hates to admit that, and she’ll need to get really comfortable with someone before she lets them take care of her. 
9♣️ - What is your muse’s proudest accomplishment?
The fact that she’s more and more competent as a maid. That no longer does she break everything, and sometimes she is almost good.
10♣️ - When was the last time your muse took a vacation or trip?
She hasn’t had a vacation in a long time. But, if you can say it was a trip, she went on a spying mission with Lan Mao.
J♣️ - Who does your muse trust the most?
Bard and Finny, canonically.
But, as in many of the previous questions, it’s verse-dependent.
Q♣️ - Do other people consider your muse charming?
She is sure people don’t like her, and see only the worst things in her. But that’s not really the case, some actually see her as an endearing one.
K♣️ - How important is integrity to your muse?
It’s really important. Of course, she has her own moral system, with which some would not agree, but she believes that things that have to be done simply need to be done, and there are no excuses.
A♦️ - What is the most important message your muse has ever received?
Canonically, I don’t remember one. In some of the threads, it’s usually a message that she’s got a job. That actually changes her whole world.
2♦️ - How important is money to your muse?
It means nothing to her. Of course, it does make life easier, but she believes one can be happy without it - or sometimes it’s even easier to be happy without any money - because money means trouble.
3♦️ - How does your muse handle indecision?
Very poorly. She’ll look for advice, but she’s bad at asking for it, so in the end, she usually makes very poor decisions.
4♦️ - Is your muse more of the patient or instant gratification type?
She feels temptation quite often, but - surprisingly enough - she is quite patient. She loves the thought of how wonderful it’ll be to indulge after a long time of waiting.
5♦️ - How often does your muse change plans?
Not often. Something really important needs to happen for her to change her plans. Usually she won’t plan if she’s not certain it’s the right choice, so it’s hard to make her change her mind.
6♦️ - Is your muse responsible with their money?
Since she’s been poor her whole life, she’s definitely a responsible one. As I mentioned before, she feels tempted rather often, but she’ll think twice before spending money, and quite probably, she’ll rather save than spend.
7♦️ - When was your muse the most down on their luck?
Once again, thread-dependent. But canonically, I think it’s the beginning of the manga, when she does everything - everything - wrong, especially breaking her glasses, which means she really cannot do anything right, for she simply doesn’t see.
8♦️ - Has your muse ever received money or gifts from a mysterious benefactor?
No, never. And even if she did, she’d try to find out who it was, so she could somehow pay back.
9♦️ - How much money does your muse spend on average?
As much as it’s necessary for her to live a normal life. Sometimes she gives in to the temptation, and buys herself a book.
10♦️ - How financially successful is your muse?
Probably more successful than one would believe she’d be, considering she is but an orphan. But actually, yeah, she’s poor.
J♦️ - Who does your muse do the most business with?
Her fellow servants.
Q♦️ - Has your muse ever been gossiped about or participated in gossip?
She hates to admit that, but yes, sometimes she, too, enjoys gossip. She’ll rather avoid spreading it, but she likes to hear some news. As for being gossiped about, I can’t remember such a situation.
K♦️ - If your muse were to start their own business, what would it be?
Either a coffee/tea shop, or a book shop. There was a thread where she had a flower shop, too.
A♠️ - What was the most painful loss your muse had to go through?
Losing her childhood friends, Yan and Hao. Also, that moment when she thought she had lost Sebastian forever.
2♠️ - How often does your muse wish to be left alone?
Quite often. She doesn’t like to be in a large group of people, and sometimes even Bard and Finny are too much. However, she cannot be completely alone for an extended period.
3♠️ - Does your muse ever let anyone see them cry?
Sometimes, yes. But usually not; once again, she hates when people may see her as weak, and tears are a sign of weakness.
4♠️ - What’s the worst injury your muse has ever recovered from?
As a punishment, she was usually beaten. There were times when her boss almost beat her to death, and yet, she’s still alive - just scarred.
5♠️ - Has your muse ever had to change their lifestyle in a major way?
Yes. First, when her parents died, and she needed to get used to the street life. Then, when she was forced to become an assassin. And after that, when she started her job as a Phantomhive maid. Recently, when Ciel returned, and they were all kicked out of the manor.
6♠️ - Does your muse believe in fate/destiny?
Yes. But she also believes in one’s ability to change it.
7♠️ - What’s a hard truth that your muse has to learn/has learned?
That things hardly ever go the way we want them to go, and it’s better to just grit your teeth and go on, even if it hurts.
8♠️ - What does your muse work the hardest for?
She wants to be a proper servant and prove her worth to the world.
9♠️ - Has your muse ever felt forced to change?
She feels that all the time; after all, she does not want to be an embarrassment or shame, and this is what she believes she is.
10♠️ - How does your muse cope with grief?
Not well. Mei-Rin isn’t good at coping with any emotions, because she’s really sensitive, and therefore, she’ll cry a lot, and sometimes grief would make her almost unable to function normally.
J♠️ - Who would your muse most likely end up in jail with?
Finny and Bard.
Q♠️ - Does your muse manipulate others easily or are they easily manipulated?
She is quite easily manipulated. Threaten her friends, or play with her emotions, and she’s all yours.
K♠️ - What is one thing your muse considers a grave injustice?
The fact that there is so much suffering in the world, and there is nothing one could do to change that.
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t3hwh1t3p4nth3r · 7 years
Best Friend day just passed, and I was wondering what your favorite best friend duo or trio is and why you like them?
Well, no fandom was specified. So, I’ll give a variety! Hahahaha.
I do have multiple friendships that I love within certain fandoms, so some categories may have a few. :)
Harry Potter
Draco and Blaise. 
I just think there would be SO MUCH sass between them and it’s beautiful. I tend to think that Blaise is one of the few people the Draco views as an equal. And Blaise also doesn’t put up with Draco’s shit like everyone else does. I also imagine that they’re both pretty argumentative and both get stubborn about their side of the argument being right. Many arguments probably end with one of them just saying “What the fuck ever. This is stupid anyway.”
Luna, Ginny and Neville
I just really love the dynamic between the three of them. I think they have a pretty good balance between them. Neville is definitely the one that brings the most stability to the group. Luna and Ginny get along really well and come up with some awesome ideas, but they tend to get a little too intense and unrealistic at times. Neville helps to pull them back in a bit so the idea can come back to the world of “possible”.
Albus and Scorpius
SO. FLIPPING. CUTE!!!!!!!! I do think the depictions of them in “Cursed Child” were pretty accurate. I love that Scorpius is the friend that will tell you a million times that “This is a bad idea!” but, in the end, he will still end up joining you in the bad idea. I think Albus needs that little voice that Scorpius provides of “Think this through. This is really dangerous and stupid”. I also just like thinking about how Draco and Harry have to figure out how to deal with their sons being besties.  (I also completely think that, down the line, Albius/Scorbus will 10000% be a thing)
Harry and Hermione
I really appreciate their friendship so much. I love that they’re always super willing to help each other out. But I also love that, after years of it, Hermione starts snapping at Harry and Ron for always asking for help with homework instead of just doing it themselves. What I love with Hermione and Harry’s friendship, though, is the fact that that’s really all it is: a really good friendship. They trust and care about each other a lot, but it doesn’t have to end in them being in a relationship. (that’s why I didn’t include Ron in this one)
The Marauders
I mean… Do I even need to explain this one? It’s the Marauders. This really is more about Remus, Sirius and James, not so much including Peter. I feel like Peter was just sort of that tag-along friend that was really only hanging out with the other three because they were cool. At the same time, though, I can imagine him contributing to the planning of the pranks that they all pulled. I definitely see him and Remus as being involved more in the planning phases, where Sirius and James were definitely the ones to actually execute the pranks. It would probably take Remus an entire school year to finish one book that he was reading for fun, because Sirius and James always interrupted him with one thing or another. I just like that, aside from Peter, the friendship they had was as true as I think it could possibly be. I mean, Sirius was going to commit straight up murder after finding out Peter lead to James’ death. 
Attack on Titan
Armin and Eren
I love Armin’s friendship with literally anyone. Because Armin is completely genuine with everyone, I think. He tells things like he sees them, but not in a harsh way. He doesn’t exactly sugar coat things, but he does try to make whatever he says as easy to accept as he can. I do think this is particularly useful with Eren. I also really like the Eren is able to snap Armin out of his thoughts of “I’m useless. Everyone else is so strong. Why am I here?” Eren sees the value in Armin and makes him see it too, which is pretty awesome.
Levi and Hanji
I think they are friends, just not the typical friends. I think they have a really good understanding of each other. Even though it may not always seem like it, they’re on the same wavelength. They know how brutal the other can be, but it doesn’t change anything. In fact, they instead choose to be brutal together (torture scene. Much excite) Their skill sets pair really nicely at times and together they’re able to accomplish whatever it is that they need to do. 
Lord of the Rings
Legolas and Gimli
I love them so much. I really appreciate the story with them, because they start off not liking each other because elves and dwarves have just never been great at getting along. But they grow to understand each other and they can joke with each other. “Shall I get you a box?” I also really like that, in the books, Legolas and Gimli continue to journey around Middle Earth together once the quest is complete. And I think that’s awesome and adorable. It’s also a little heartbreaking, because Legolas is immortal. So he stays in Middle Earth until both Aragorn and Gimli have died. It’s only once they’re gone that he gets on the boat to go be with the rest of the elves and its super sad but cute. 
Rick and Morty
Rick and Birdperson
This is one of my favorites. If for no other reason, because Rick says that Birdperson is his best friend. This is coming from a man who says that everything is pointless and who generally just doesn’t seem to see the value in relationships. He even makes that point in his speech at Birdperson’s wedding saying essentially “I’m an asshole and everyone is super fucking stupid. Relationships are stupid. But if Birdperson is happy, then I’m happy too”. 
Black Butler 
Finny, Meyrin, and Bardroy
They’re like the three stooges and it’s beautiful. They’re all such screw ups when it comes to their servant jobs around the manor. But they all really care about Ciel and really care about each other. And they may not be great servants, but they make an EPIC secret service. (which, lets be real: that’s the actual job Sebastian brought them to the manor to do) It’s just great getting to watch them interact with each other. And I love how much Meyrin and Finny look up to Bard. 
Arthur and Merlin
I love them to pieces. I also totally think that Arthur knew that Merlin was a wizard, he just really didn’t want to accept it because he knew that would mean Merlin would be put to death. I just love that Merlin is the only one that can get away with all the sass he gives Arthur. Arthur needs it, frankly. Their relationship is definitely closer than “master and servant”. They’re way more into the “best friends” category with how they act and talk with each other. 
Sherlock and John
So pure. they really need each other to balance out. they certainly drive each other crazy at times, but that’s good for both of them. It forces them to realize that there must be some sort of problem and it forces them to grow. I also really love Sherlock’s line of “I don’t have friends. I’ve only got one”. 
The list goes on, but this is starting to get long. 
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Finn rant
Okay, here goes. I wanted to take the time to summarize everything that I hate about the Star Wars fandom and it’s treatment of Finn. This is all stuff that has annoyed and in some cases offended me that I’ve had to look at for well over  a year since joining this fandom. This is also everything that I’ve felt like I had to keep my mouth shut about because it seems like most people in the Star Wars fandom have no problem whatsoever with. If you disagree with me, that’s great, and feel free to message me why. If you feel offended, then unfollow me, because that’s what I’ve been trying to do for over a year.
So the other day, a dear friend of mine told me that the finnreyfridays one-shot we were working on was sexist. Like actually sexist. Do you know why they told me it was sexist? Allow me to answer the question for you.
They told me it was sexist because the plot included Finn saving Rey. That’s why. I didn’t turn Rey into a helpless damsel-in-distress, I didn’t write Rey as a slutty scavenger who flirts with every guy she sees.
I wrote Rey as a skilled Jedi who was ambushed by Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren on a mission, and simply needed help. That’s it. It’s not an unrealistic situation at all, and Rey still got the upper hand on Kylo Ren. She was in danger and outnumbered, and Finn showed up and helped her.
And it’s became very clear to me that it offended my friend for one reason. That reason was that by simply because my having Finn rescue Rey, I apparently shattered Rey’s character and turned her into a helpless damsel-in-distress....
A few weeks ago there was photoset made by @shropshiregirl79 for finnreyfridays. It was a daily planet au with Finn as superman and Rey as Lois Lane. One of the pictures showed Rey in danger and Finn rescuing her, carrying her in his arms. Someone got mad about that and said they made Rey into a damsel-in-distress. 
Another situation arose where someone posted artwork of Finn and Rey as an old-style movie, with Finn a detective pointing a gun at someone while Rey clung to him. Once again, someone got mad and said it turned Rey into a damsel-in-distress. 
It’s become so taboo in this fandom just to have Finn saving, or even protecting Rey without people (probably white feminists) getting mad at it. Why is that? Is Finn’s only role only to be put in peril for Rey to rescue? And if you’re one of the people who gets mad about that, let me ask you a question. Would you be mad if it was Finn?
Here’s the deal. I joined the fandom well over a year ago. I can safely say I’ve read about
thirty to forty fics
where at some point,
Finn is inevitably captured or put in peril, and rescued by Rey or Poe.
I’ve seen
finnrey shippers
who supposedly love and appreciate Finn, joke around and call
Finn a damsel-in-distress (or trooper-in-distress)
and talk about how Rey does nothing but save him over and over, and everyone laughs and jokes about it.
I’ve read fics where on the off-chance that Finn does risk his life to save Rey, he gets criticized for it because he was being
RECKLESS and Rey HAD IT UNDER CONTROL. Seriously? Finn can’t even save Rey without it involving him being stupid or catching hell or it? 
It’s always, “Finn why did you do that?! You could’ve died!” instead of “Wow Finn thank you for saving me, I’m glad you’re okay. That was pretty brave.” But nope. Can’t even have that. 
I’ve read fics where Finn is flat out tied up and gagged. I’ve read a fics where Finn is captured, beaten, stripped down and hosed and left in a cell shivering in the corner helpless, wishing that Rey or Poe was there to save him (but it’s okay because ta-da they come to his rescue).
I’ve read a fic where the entire thing was just worshiping Rey. Literally. It’s Poe’s pov during a battle, and Finn is basically getting beat up and dragged away by stormtroopers, by the way that’s his entire role in the fic, just to get his ass kicked. He doesn’t do anything else. So Finn’s getting beat up, and the rest of the fic is Poe being completely ENAMORED left in AWE by Rey’s amazing flawless skills fighting through the stormtroopers and kicking ass left and right and looking SOOO beautiful and graceful with her lightsaber and she rescues Finn and Poe thanks her and thanks her over and over again. 
That’s the entire fic. Kissing Rey’s ass and kicking Finn’s. And guess what? The readers ate that shit up. They loved it.  So let me sum it up again. Finn can get beat up by stormtroopers, captured thousands of times, stripped, tortured, hosed down, and left shivering in a corner basically crying for Poe and Rey like bait, and people say that they appreciate Finn’s character for this? This is okay to everyone? Yet if I write a one shot where Rey is outnumbered, defeats Kylo Ren but is then outnumbered and Finn comes to save her, then I’m destroying Rey’s character? Then I don’t appreciate her character? Then the entire one-shot is sexist garbage based on turning Rey into a damsel in distress? Apparently so. Thanks fandom. 
Again, I’ve been putting up with this for over a year, and it took a lot of time for me to actually muster up the courage to rant about it. If this offends you, you’re probably apart of the problem.
Finnamon Roll?
Okay, another major trend I’m sick of is the constant EMASCULATION OF FINN.  Let me sum up Finn’s character.  He suffers from trauma. He was taken away as a baby and raised to be a ruthless killing machine. He endured 20+ years of brainwashing, propaganda, and conditioning. He had no friends whatsoever (SLIP WAS NOT HIS FRIEND). He was the best stormtrooper cadet in his unit. He almost never missed a shot with a blaster. He was an outcast, and constantly criticized for having a heart. In TFA, he suffers from trauma, is still an expert shot with a blaster, rescues Poe, keeps Rey from getting shot by stormtroopers, makes a tough decision to leave Rey because he knows what the First Order is capable of, and even begs her to come with him. He comes right back into the fight after seeing Hosnian Prime get destroyed, and is witnesses Rey get kidnapped by his worst nightmare.  What does he do? He decides to help the Resistance, gives them vital information that only HE knew, volunteers to go to SKB. Captures Phasma and forces her at gunpoint to lower the shields, helps Rey escape from SKB, witnesses Han’s murder, watches Rey get slammed into a tree, before making the final decision to stand up to his worst nightmare, knowing he might die just to protect Rey. His last line in the entire movie is “Come get it.”
After summarizing his character, how come all I see on tumblr is “awwwwww look at my cute smol wittle Finny. He’s so harmless and adorable!!!” Like...excuse me? Is that all tumblr was able to get from that movie? So let me get this straight. Because Finn isn’t a cold-blooded murderer, he’s suddenly nothing but a squishy pile of hearts and flowers and sugar  who couldn’t hurt a fly? Really?
How come in most highschool aus, Finn’s portrayed as an overly-meek or powerless nerd? If anything, Finn would probably be a pretty strong guy who gets straight As and stands up for his friends no matter what. But that doesn’t mean he’s a bully either.  This is what the fandom does with his character, instead of exploring the endless possibilities with his backstory and trauma. AND on the off-chance that someone writes an actual Finn-centric fic based on his backstory, it’s always just Finn and his stormtrooper buddies having a romance or exploring sex for some reason. We can’t even have a Finn story without it circulating around people he knows. It’s always about someone else at the end of the day. What’s heartbreaking is that most of the things I’m complaining about happens in the stormpilot and finnrey ships (this is where I expect people to unfollow me). Like come on guys. I could see r/eylos doing this, but not you guys. You’re so much better than that. 
Space Prince Finn (More Emasculation)
Look, when I first heard the idea of Finn being a lost Prince, I was stoked. I was blown away. My reaction was,”Finally! This fandom’s actually given Finn something of his own! He could be royalty! How dope would that be!”
But...of course, this fandom has to take that amazing concept and uh...
Well, we ruined that too. We basically turn Finn into a jewelry stand, and a makeup model. Of course, I’m not saying men can’t wear what they want. If a man wants to wear makeup or wear jewelry, that’s completely fine and I encourage that. But here’s the issue. 
We constantly idolize Princess Leia and Queen/Senator Amidala because they are figures of royalty who can fight and take care of themselves, as well as look badass while they do it. 
So why is it that when we have Prince Finn, he’s once again, emasculated, put in dresses and given nail polish, lipstick, doused in glitter, and turned into a damsel-in-distress who not only needs constant rescue once again, but this time needs Rey/Poe as a bodyguard to protect him? It’s a double standard. I’m sorry but you can’t praise Leia and Padme for being badass royals who don’t need protection, and turn around and make Finn the opposite. 
And again, it’s something that the fandom eats up for some reason. We’ll shun the Hutt-Slayer bikini (rightfully so. it’s disgusting), make it a point to make fun of the hutt-slayer bikini and constantly criticize it, yet draw Finn in it and everyone thinks it’s cute and hilarious. This is the shit that I’m sick of.  Look at T’Challa, otherwise known as Black Panther. He is royalty, but he’s also very powerful, knows how to fight, is an amazing fighter, and is taken seriously. Very seriously. He is strong, brave, serious, and intimidating, yet he’s not a bully or a stereotype. 
THIS. THIS is what I expected Prince Finn to be. This is what Prince Finn would be if it were canon. He’d be a strong leader, handsome, noble, powerful, and intimidating. And he wouldn’t need constant protection from Rey and/or Poe. Especially not this constant emasculation and woobifying. 
We live in a day and age where Princesses are being portrayed as stronger and stronger, and are told that they can rescue themselves. So why is Finn being treated the opposite? Why is Finn being treated like he’s just there to look pretty for commissions and make out with Poe? Why does he need all-powerful Rey to always protect him? Why can’t he be taken more seriously?
I want you to think about this.
Okay. This was a lot to cover, and it’s something that’s been nagging at me for a while now. Look. I look up to Finn. I really do. He’s my hero. He’s the first main black lead in Star Wars, and that means the world to me. I want to see him grow and be appreciate and given an epic role moving forward, and I feel like the Star Wars fandom isn’t the place I’m going to find any of that. 
Not a day goes by where I’m not tempted to deactivate and walk away from the fandom entirely. There’s just too much shit Finn is put through that drives me insane. There’s too many things that I look at or read that make me feel like this fandom will never actually appreciate Finn the way the he deserves to be appreciated. Even the people who say that they love Finn tend to do this.
So I wanted to write this rant in case I ever deactivate because of this fandom. Just so you, the readers, can know why.
Thanks for reading. Means a lot. If you’re still wondering when the One-Shot is coming out, probably next week. I have to finish it on my own. 
@errrbodylovesfinn  @finnsajedi​ @diversehighfantasy @starwarsfandomh8speopleofcolor @imaswan
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