#probs gonna add later but ye
ihave1braincell · 4 months
Small little CCCC headcanon? Well, it’s not really a headcanon, just a little idea I think is nice but don’t really believe in.
Imagine that just as Soul is often portrayed with a pet chicken, Heart has a pet too.
This pet isn’t an animal, though. It’s some sort of horror entity called “Nothing.” (Yes, the thing from “Good Day”)
The Mind, Heart, and Soul are all allergic to Nothing but the Heart has a fondness for it and chooses to keep it. During the morning, Nothing is only found in the barely visited areas of Whole’s body. (Going with the theory that HMS all live within Whole) but at night, Nothing loves cuddling with Heart, but Heart’s allergies kick in and Heart has trouble sleeping because of it.
Mind (and sometimes Soul) insist they get rid of it, but Heart says “it’s only Nothing! It’s no big deal.”
Also Heart probs has tried to train Nothing to attack Mind (to no avail)
Nothing sorta resembles a snake, specifically a Burmese python, but definitely isn’t one.
Mayyyyy make art of this later
Update #1:
I made a small sketch but I’m still probably gonna add more details and finish it later. For now, I’m gonna sleep. I’ve been hyperfixating too long.
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clownin44 · 5 months
Hi, are you guys tired of my theories yet? I'm about to yap this is less of a theory and more of me just writing down my thoughts
Fast pass spoilers ahead! (So sorry)
Mr. Thomas, Kidnappings, Paper Cranes, A little bit of Ryan
I saw someone ask why the people who kidnapped the parent's outfits are different from the people who kidnapped the kids' outfits. I didn't want to reblog or comment since obvi there's some spoilers in here, so creds to @/hozaloza for pointing this out!!
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I think it's because the group that kidnapped the kids were not the same people who kidnapped their parents.
A while ago, when we first saw the paper cranes group, one of them said they needed to lie low because "both sides were tracking them down" for their stunt in savanna.
I've said this before, but it's very likely that the paper cranes are a secret group within the Contamination Facility that have been taking care of everyone affected by the "fungus." "Both sides" being the kids and the bigger group they all work for.
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It's because of this that I don't think Mr. Thomas is a part of the paper cranes despite having them on his desk (HEAR ME OUT). He is more clueless when it comes to the phantom world, whereas the paper cranes are more familiar with it. Ryan reacts nonchalantly compared to Mr. Thomas, who's understandably confused.
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When Ryan talks to "The boss," He puts Mr. Thomas's name in quotes (most likely a fake name so he'd be able to work at the school). The boss later confesses that he plans on getting rid of him to Ryan.
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So, while yes, I do think he's associated with the paper cranes, I wouldn't go as far as to say he's affiliated with them since they plan to betray him (but who knows, I could be dead wrong in assuming that the literal BAD GUYS wouldn't betray each other 😭😭 (they prob would)).
I dont have fast pass screenshots for this part :^(
Mr. Thomas also tells the children that they're sick, which lines up with what Alex explained to Ash about their condition. He could always just be lying, but he'd have no reason to. Ash was already passing out, and I doubt he'd go out of his way to do so. When we see Jasmine kidnap Tyler, she simply apologizes for waking him before putting him back to sleep (no explanation). The circumstances are obviously different, Ash got away the first time they sedated her and Tyler was already sleeping when it happened, but it's worth noting.
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I'd also like to bring up how, in the fast pass, Alex tells Ash that their parents have been "informed about the situation," so he's either
Lying to calm her
Doesn't know that the parents have been kidnapped and is going off of information one of the paper cranes gave him
Telling the truth and the parents are there but perfectly fine!!!
Some other details that I found but didn't know what to do with/wanted to mention:
Mr. Thomas's eye bags and Ryan's reactions.
Idk his eye bags are incredibly noticeable. At first, I assumed it was because he was also in the Phantom realm, seeing as he noticed ashs shadow was different, but we know from Alex that the rift between the two worlds was permanently closed after the kids went into the sorrel weed house. I didn't have another explanation to tie this in with the theory, so I'll just drop it here.
Ryan seems a little uncomfortable while talking to the boss here. It's a small detail, but Red added it, so I'm assuming it's important!! It reminded me of the scene with Tyler and Taylor in chapter 34, where Tyler tells Tay to stay back while he goes and checks to see what the sound from downstairs was. It then cuts to a panel of Taylor being upset and looking away, much like what Ryan does here. (Parallels or whatever)
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But then again, he looks fine when following Mike's car, so who the hell knows 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
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It's late, and I've been working on this for wayyyyyy too long. I forgot what else I was gonna add, but I ran out of pictures, so I'm ending it here !! My writing is awful lol I hope this made sense
TLDR: The people who kidnapped the kids are not the same people who kidnapped the parents.
The contamination facility isn't bad, just the paper cranes.
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jaimeshonorhardon · 8 months
ned/jaime fic concept
modern au jaime post figuring out his trauma works at an animal shelter for dogs
Single dad Ned finds a bunch of “puppies” by the road and is like idk what kind these are and takes them to get checked and vetted up before taking them home and he goes to jaimes shelter and like he doesn’t expect him there and Jaime leaves him with a bad taste in his mouth but like his kids will love these puppies and is like hey can u tell me what these are and give them their shots so I can go and jaimes just like u dumb sexy idiot I have bad history with these are WOLVES how did you find theses?????? U were gonna give them to children ?????? Jaime instantly needing to have sex with this fucking idiot. Post cersei he hasn’t been with anyone in years due to insecurities/major blows to his confidence (cersei trauma and no hand trauma) and the lack of practice in genuine flirting besides a little thing he had with his bestie (brienne) but they were both going thru some shit and are just family now but he literally hasn’t been interested in anyone either (demisexual jaime rights) so he literally is just stumbling and blushing and then just blatantly flirting but ned thinks that’s just how he’s always been but maybe a little more nervous than usual so doesn’t really get it
But also later for jaime truly falling for him it’s because ned is just such a good dad (obviously ruggedly hot but that’s besides the point) with a heart of gold like he’s a single dad of fucking 6 plus Theon so 7 and is super busy with his company but makes time for all of those fucking kids and all of their activities and for ned—ned is just like wow Jaime is really good with these dogs they really like him animals know best plus he’s very very good at his job just something about an efficient man that animals like he seems changed and a good person now plus he’s gorgeous and my kids don’t mind him I’ll let myself love him :)
but Jaime at first is just purely horny for ned (that’s just what he tells himself) and then eventually is like oh no…..I am in love with this old caring father while said father at first had no idea what was going on but after they fuck he immediately and silently in his head decides he’s romantically seeing where things go and falls in love gradually and naturally compared to jaimes bomb of a realization one day as he has no practice in this besides having always been “in love” (imagine post trauma Jaime also air quoting) with cersei and ned was fully married and in love before
FUCK and of course Jaime has to go over periodically to check on the wolves growth and behavior cuz like that’s what ALL vets do right …right??!!?? He tells himself yes of course 😅 I’m not being too secretly crazy in love I’m just being helpful! He won’t catch on! Ned goes from oblivous to begrudgingly accepting into making it apart of his life and something to look forward to with Jaime in their initial stages of romance while jaime is just internally screaming that he hopes ned doesn’t catch onto his feelings and how much he needs ned in his life and cares and if he rejects him cuz cersei never gave a single shit about any of his true feelings and he cannot handle losing the best man he’s ever met even as a kind of friend he’s fucking and helping taking care of his wolves and kids (jaime is their second dad at this point he’s the only one who doesn’t know)
He also thinks ned doesn’t know what to do with all these dogs anyway he’s a busy man with 7 kids he needs help these poor wolves probably aren’t getting proper care and the children need rides to school which is on his way to work (jaime is the one not getting proper care and ned can tell the man is low key struggling on his own why not just add another one into the pack more the merrier)
And of course ned has a huge property and one of the pups gets lost late at night and he calls Jaime to help and they get snowed in at some cabin at the end of the property where the little pup took shelter (probs ghost bc he’s harder to find and quiet so it would take until nightfall) and ya know ~things~ happen between the two men
I need those two mfs to be locked in a cabin so bad idk …
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celestialpearls · 1 year
➱ in love with the music(ian)
➱ Lee Jihoon x reader
➱ Fluff, implied fubu relationship (or lack thereof lol), a suggestive joke from jihoon
➱ 885 words
➱ Fate seems to be determined as she continues to keep you and Jihoon in each other’s orbit. So here you are, heart rattling in its cage as you come to a realisation. 
➱ A/N: This is a scene from a fic that I’ll probs never finish rip. Happy Valentines/Carat day to you all! 💖💙
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  Jihoon finishes a note cleanly, which earns applause and some loud whistles that came mainly from your table. He flashes a smile and that is met with Seungkwan and Mingyu’s collective screams of “Jihoooon, we’re your biggest fans!” 
The musician waves and bows at the audience, his grin confident and bright as he walks off from the small stage. People naturally gather around him and you know that it is because of his brilliant performance and the charisma he exudes. 
Seokmin nudges you and wiggles his eyebrows, “so, did Jihoon’s velvety voice make your heart do an acrobatic routine?” 
He adds when Mingyu’s eyes widen, “your words, not mine.” 
Your table cackles as they ignore your glares, slumping in your seat as you cross your arms. 
“Fuck you,” and their giggles intensify but you can’t deny the obvious answer to Seokmin’s question. 
That yes, his voice causes your heart to perform an acrobatic routine perfectly. The conversation shifts and you tune them out, eyes set on Jihoon. He was speaking to people who seemed like students from his department, fingers brushing his hair away as he laughed at something they said. There is this palpable ache in your heart lately whenever you are around him and you are unsure as to how you should handle it. 
Whether it is the soft pink lighting of the restaurant or you are wearing rose-tinted glasses, Jihoon glows beautifully and your heart quickens its run. It halts, stumbles when he looks around and his grin when he sees you knocks the wind out of you. You tilt your head towards the direction of the restaurant’s exit and he gives you a small nod. 
You excuse yourself from your friends and Seungkwan furrows his eyebrows, “you good?” 
You assure him, “I’m fine. It just feels a bit stuffy so I’m gonna step out for a bit.” 
“Text one of us if you wanna go,” Mingyu says and you smile at them before walking off. 
You see Jihoon wave to the people he was talking to as you go out. Seconds later, the small bell above the door jingles and the rose tint behind your gaze brightens. His eyes shine under the dandelion yellow of the streetlights and you are mesmerised. 
“So. Did you like it?” He fiddles with his earlobe and you raise an eyebrow. 
He rolls his eyes but his smile is still there, “no, idiot. I value your opinion.” 
You are taken aback. Jihoon receives numerous praises from people about his performances and compositions. He was deemed as a promising performer by everyone in his department. His social media following was steadily growing and he is always booked for gigs. 
Yet here he is, interested in your input about his performance. You smile, “excellent. When have I ever not liked your craft?”
He’s beautiful. His ears and cheeks are tinged pink, the shine in his eyes evident. He beams and you dare to hope that his voice is as breathless as yours, “oh...thank you.” 
But his bashfulness disappears as quickly as an arrow reaches its desired target. His smugness radiates strongly as he steps forward and pulls you to him by the waist. His hand is warm on your hips and your hand is splayed on his chest. 
“Do I get a reward?” 
You grin, before properly responding by pressing your lips to his. Kissing him with need. Always with need; it seems like you can never get enough of the talented musician. He matches your fervour before slowing down eventually as he gently pulls your lower lip, his hands come down to squeeze your ass. The both of you pull away, breaths mingling on each other’s lips. 
“Mm, be patient,” you kiss his lips one more time. 
He kisses your nose and causes your stomach to clench in want. But it’s a want that is different from whenever you are usually around Jihoon. He answers, “that’s my strength.” 
You laugh the strange feeling away as you grab his wrist. “Yeah, yeah Mr. Most Patient. Now, let’s go back in because my friends haven’t stopped talking about you.” 
He pushes the door open and scoffs playfully, “I’d have hoped you’d be the one that would talk nonstop about me. Do I not satisfy you in bed that much, angel?”
Your cheeks heat up as you pinch his side, “Jihoon!” 
Later on, as laughter and great company encompass you, you put a name to the unusual feeling you have that has been present recently, especially tonight. The name starts to form when you see how easily Jihoon blends in with your friends. He matches their energy and entertains their antics, eyes curving prettily to resemble crescent moons. Then, the cackle that has slight similarity to a witch as he lightly slaps Seokmin’s arm has you stupidly endeared. 
And finally, the name of that emotion comes to you. The realisation has your ears ringing and once it settles, it is as quick as a shooting star. It happens when Seungkwan exaggerates his celebrity impersonation, Mingyu and Jihoon linking their hands as they bow their bodies in laughter. The music major looks up at you then, his smile bright as he squeezes your thigh and places his arm around your chair. 
The feeling is love. You are in love. 
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
ollie centric fic ideas because i love this child (spoilers for jrwi)
a lot will be comforting for me because yes (they may start angst but ye) but anyways first idea is ollie has undiagnosed adhd and has always had focus problems and during one of like the meetings for the riptide pirates theyre going over a plan and ollie is just freaking out silently because he genuinely is trying to hard to focus but nothings working and chip notices and comforts him on it
As they talked, Ollie couldn't find himself able to focus in. He tried fidgeting with his hands, blocking out other sounds, forcefully staring at any of them, but nothing worked. He'd always had problems with this type of thing, but this time he couldn't find a way to focus in and it scared him. He was shaking and trying to hold back tears. What if he missed something important and didn't know what to do? What if Chip got mad that he didn't listen? He just stood there, staring at the floor as the voices around him were simply a blur of noises saying things his brain refused to comprehend.
"Hey buddy, are you feeling okay?" Chip bent down and grabbed Ollie's shoulder's gently. Ollie tried to look at him, but instead just starred at Chip's shirt. He gave a slight head shake no and kept fidgeting. With a collective look, Jay and Gill went off and left Chip to comfort his son.
would probs also add other oneshots in it of adhd ollie being the greatness he is but onto the next one, which is after a night of just not being sleepy, pretzel finds him and they just play around
So this is what being on board a pirate ship is like. Having your dad's I-think boyfriend's pet frogtopus come hang out with you in the middle of the night. For whatever reason, Ollie just didn't feel the need to sleep. He hadn't stayed up, he just didn't want to. Here he was now, drawing in the crow's nest, looking at the moon.
Then he heard the purr. There wasn't any cats on deck, and he knew he didn't purr. When he looked up, right on the rails was Pretzel.
"Pretzel!? What are you doing up, Gillion may get worried..." Having been around her so much, everyone onboard could read her expressions well enough as though she was speaking to them. She gave Ollie the look of "I should be asking you".
"Okay, fair." Ollie continued on drawing. Pretzel climbed onto his shoulder and watched as he drew. As she climbed back down, Ollie shrugged, thinking she got tired and went back to bed. However, barely a minute later, she returned with a set of water proof markers neatly in a bag.
"ARE THOSE GILLION'S?! PRETZEL YOUR GONNA-" She lifted a tentacle to Oliver's mouth and started showing the different colors to him. While the shade names were off by one, together they worked to color the drawings he made.
yes hed carry markers around duh anyways next fic idea where ollie, being his aged up self, asks chip if he could try the bandana of disguise out
"Chip, I wanna try something..." Ollie had thought of the idea before, but never really knew when he should ask. While Ollie had gotten used to this taller adult form, he didn't enjoy it much still. It felt off putting at times and Oliver couldn't tell if he'd ever go back to being small.
"Yeah, what's up?" Chip was undisguised and the bandana fit well in his messy hair. He had a matching one that Chip bought him, but it wasn't magical like his. He didn't even realize until now that the old one was tied around his wrist.
"Could I maybe try something with your disguise bandana?" Chip, with only an eyebrow raise, took it off and handed it to him. "What prank you tryna pull my boy?" Chip had a cheeky grin on his face.
"No prank, just, um, seeing something." After a brief explanation, Ollie tried it out. He was a bit nervous, but he thought of the image he wanted to become. Within an instant, he went from looking down at Chip, to having to look up at Chip.
i do got more but i got homework to do so ill make more later
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Halley’s Comet
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Steve x Single mom reader part two.
Link to part one!
Listen I’ve been thinking about Halley’s Comet lately and searched the year…1986? Guess who has a new detail to add to their season four fics!!
Tw~ inexperienced babysitters, uhm Dustin doesn’t know how to change a diaper?
Dad!Steve masterlist!!
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Credit to @k-k0129 who I talked with a little bit about how like Steve and max have a sibling vibe, and how Dustin would probs need help babysitting Alice!
I will write more if anyone would like!(I can just turn this into something like my mini Dad!Eddie masterlist! I probably will do that because lots of ideas rn!!!!)
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When your date night finally arrived almost a week after Alice’s doctor’s appointment, you were all dolled up in your pretty outfit hair and makeup done especially for this.
Steve hadn’t told you where he was gonna bring you just the dress code. While you were getting ready Steve was over showing Dustin step by step how to care for Alice, not with her of course just some doll he bought from the 99 cent store.
“Listen Henderson I know Yoh think that diaper is on right but it’s backwards and if my kid comes back with a backwards diaper” he glares at Dustin who gets the hint quickly working to fix the diaper.
“Good good.” He mutters examining the diaper, “could have placed the tapes a little better but I’ll give it to you.” Dustin lets out a sigh.
“Woah there you’re not done bud, you still have to learn how to feed her and burp her!”
“Steve it can’t be that bad!” Dustin shouts back.
“Of course if you’re a natural like me it’ll just come to you but you…” Dustin rolls his eyes and soon enough he’s watching Steve back out of his drive way telling him he’ll be back in a couple of hours with Alice.
“Max, do you copy?” Steve asks over the stupid little walkie talkie Dustin had bought for his birthday, though it came in handy cause the first thing you’d asked was how you’d get in contact with them if something where to happen with Alice and Steve simply waved the heavy thing.
“Yes Steve.” She lets out a sigh.
“Listen Max, I need you to promise that if Dustin tries to contact you, that you’ll awnser cause he’s supposed to babysit Alice and …I’m not so confident in his abilities.”
Max lets out a little sigh, she loved Alice and if it was you who asked her she’d be jumping around her room eager for you to drop the cute little baby off at her house so she could babysit, plus you paid really well for such a low maintenance job, all she had to do was care for her and she got to play with a baby?? She’s in!
But of course she has to keep up her reputation so she decides to give Steve a hard time, “What’s in it for me?”
“I don’t know Max like twenty bucks?”
“Deal.” She listens to Steve tell her when Dustin will probably ask for help and the conversation ends there pretty quickly.
Some few hours later just as Steve predicted Dustin is calling the land line asking her to be over because apparently Lucas couldn’t calm her down after she gripped a huge chunk of Dustin’s hair, and so they called Mike wheeler…she isn’t sure what they expected from him, she’s seen him interact with his own little sister Holly just a handful of times and she can’t say that they were particularly very good so she can only imagine the three of them fumbling around to settle her only to not even try her pacifier.
When she shows up she’s right. The three of them are awkwardly sat on the floor as they take turns holding Alice each time she’d stop for a second to examine who was holding her but really she was just being passed between Dustin and Lucas since every time she was offered to Mike he’d hold up a hand as if to gently push her away.
“Let me see her” Max tells them as she sets down her bag gently taking Alice into her arms while she crouches down next to the diaper bag pulling out the pacifier.
“Did you try this?” She holds it up and they all blink at it shaking their heads no.
“Of course not.” Immediately when it’s placed in Alice’s mouth she suckles the pacifier closing her eyes as if her eyelids had been the heaviest weights in the world.
“I think she was just tired” she mutters handing Alice back to Dustin who jostles her a little before he gets her settled.
“Do we just keep holding her while she sleeps? Can’t she sleep in a bed?” Mike asks.
“Sure…if Dustin had a baby’s bed.” Max says sarcastically, “babies cannot sleep in real beds especially not Dustin’s do you see how tall that is?” She measures the day bed with her hands pulling them away so Mike can see how idiotic that suggestion was.
“Do you guys not babysit at all?” She asks rhetorically expecting them to have.
They all shake their heads no and she scoffs, “you’re serious?” They all nod.
She drifts off into her own conversation for a while with Lucas before Alice begins to cry again and Max looks over to see her trying to gum at her pacifier.
“Max, what’d I do? I tried everything” Lucas practically cries ten minutes later and she raises an eyebrow taking Alice from him as she pulls a pre made bottle out.
“Have you tried feeding her?” They look between themselves but don’t awnser and she rolls her eyes once again before feeding and burping Alice who falls asleep afterwards in Max’s arms.
“I’m going home, I don’t get babies, I’m not even good with Holly” Mike says before he literally just goes home when Alice starts to cry again.
“Change her diaper” Max hands her over to Dustin who prepared all morning for this moment as he changes her diaper quickly.
Meanwhile you and Steve have just finished eating at some restaurant you don’t even think you could afford. Though he’s telling you that the night isn’t over yet, this has you fumbling with your wallet checking to see how much you had brought hoping he wouldn’t try and take you to anything too expensive.
He drives you up to a secluded little mountain not far from Hawkins before getting out of the car and opening the door for you taking your hand and guiding you to the hood of the car with him.
“Wanted to watch the comet with you.” He mutters quietly.
In your freshman year of highschool you had told Steve about wanting to watch Halley’s Comet when the time came with him, honestly you didn’t remember telling him at all so you didn’t expect him to remember but he did and you where grateful for that as a few happy tears gathered in your eyes as you watched the bright comet fall through the sky leaving a bright light in its wake as Steve gently cups your face.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks his lips almost touching yours, before he can say anything else your pushing foreword to kiss him yourself.
“That means we’re going out right?” Steve asks and you blink at him for a moment, “right? Right? Y/n? We’re dating now right?” He asks as he follows you back into the car.
“Want me to be honest Steve?” He nods quickly, “I kinda thought we’d been dating for like four or five months now ever since you spent the first night at my house and tiredly told me you liked me…I’ve been thinking we were together this whole time.
He blinks for a few moments, he had so much anxiety over this just to find out that the love of his life thought that they were already together???? God was he that oblivious, now that he thinks about it he practically lives with you and you give him goodbye kisses to the cheek every morning?
The drive to Dustin’s is relatively short and both of you are scrambling to his front door pushing eachother out the way to see Alice first.
“Hi baby” you whisper gently taking her from Max’s arms.
“I thought Dustin was watching her” You whisper looking to Steve who looks back.
“I don’t think you want just Dustin watching her babe…he put the diaper backwards on the doll.”
“Is that what that doll was for?” You ask gesturing to the car behind you two.
“You saw that?”
“Of course”
“You think I’m a bad diaper changer?” Dustin questions Steve as he comes out the room.
“I mean you had to call theme for something.” Steve mutters.
“Check her diaper!” Dustin turns his nose up and you giggle unsnapping the bottom of Alice’s indie, “Dustin…not only is it inside out, it’s backwards.” You mutter looking at her diaper.
You let out a little sigh as you set her down quickly fixing the diaper to sit correctly before you and Steve leave to go back to your trailer.
“I guess this is normally where couples part ways.” He tells you looking at you like he’s gonna miss you, “but I usually sleep here at night babe so not us.” He steps out the car doing a little jog to open your door before getting Alice out and settling her into her crib.
All and all, that may have been the best date Steve’s ever been on but he hopes that every date after that day will be with you.
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I’m working on a part two to the single dad!eddie fic as well right now so that’ll probably come tomorrow!
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modern-inheritance · 27 days
Ait, animatic peoples and randos just here for the weirdass MIC/IC animatic. Here's the plan for the day.
This will probably change but I'm here for lunch and looking through the absolute MESS I made of my layers and folders while fretting over the run sequence frames so we'll focus there.
Eyeglow for Run2 and redo the motion blur with that added.
Run4, the final frame of the run sequence. Like, the whole thing of it. I already did the grid (i think? i fuckin HOPE–) yesterday so just need to trace, add background, ect. I'm sticking with the gradient for the background that was started in Run3, it looked really wrong with just the grass color.
think of something fun for feral!Arya to say when she's looking at the guy in Run4 because that's NOT going to be a smear/motion frame and we get to have anxiety about THAT because we're constantly forgeting that EACH OF THESE ONLY SHOW UP FOR 0.4 SECONDS.
Slash frames. Get some glow on them, clean them up. might do the paths trick but I prefer the sketch look. Motion blur? we're gonna be tinkering.
Past that, if it gets done today, then we can focus back on Murtagh's arrow cam sequence.
The Young Rider sequence, at least the door opening and Murtagh stabbing the guy, need to be remade in MagicPoser now that I have swords and stuff.
I'm gonna wait for the weekend to plan out/build the stuff for the intro with the mountain and all that.
do a few quick frames of Murtagh shooting everyone. easy shots, prob just an overview with each person 'HURK! blargh *faceplant*' from above. OO or maybe a few diff angles, quick to each–
Try not to panic about the dragon parts. If you have to, you can...you can try to export-import from MP to daz but that sounds like pain and tweaking it all in daz just with the dragon model sounds painful but not quite as much.
And yes. Yes we are going to start planning out Eragon's scenes. There's some finicky stuff I need to do with the final part of the Young Rider sequence, which could involve me doing music mashups and inserts again, but we'll cross that later. But there are indeed IDEAS for 'Oh My God He's The Most Powerful Man On The Continent and We Made Him Mad and Threatened The People He Loves and Protects that is not a human nor a man that is a fucking MONSTER–'!Eragon.
:3 because I don't think I've ever shown Eragon post war yet in an angry state. I'm a bit excited.
ooo. Do you think he's started trying to grow some scruff? Arya did find it a bit fetching on Fäolin, maybe he's gonna try and get somethin growing.... He still looks YOUNG, but he's in his mid 20s at this point, and while his growth and aging has stalled there due to his elf stuff now, he does look Man and not Boy/Teen.
I"m getting too detailed again alright i need to actually EAT MY FUCKING LUNCH WHY IS THERE ONLY FOUR MINUTES LEFT–
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imaginingfrancium · 2 years
sharing some of my xyx headcanons
so that my mind will be at Peace, i'd like to share some of my own xyx headcanon crumbsszxs, related to him being Filipino and other random stuff (from a Filipino [me] who can't stop having xyx brainrots. v detailed, sort of political, and self-indulgent themes ahead):
his parents are full-blooded filipinos, who decided to migrate to australia (to have a better life~~) (taking it from my experience of having relatives telling u to get a job/move abroad bc living in the ph suckz)
his dad passed away when he was in his early teen years. his mom married a local aussie man years later.
yes, he loved his dad so much. his dad was That Present, Supportive Father yeh
he grew up seeing his parents being so loving, caring, etc to each other. like that was his basis of love; he wanted to experience what his parents had. he hoped for it so much that i guess after how many heartbreaks (uhuh lovesick teenager xyx), he got tired and gave it up lol (until fLASH FORWARD to meeting us, and there: the love that was really something. not just the idea of something *bow)
his sister (yes, he has one) is a nurse and he is a lawyer. not bc they were coerced by their parents, but they just really decide it for themselves (imagine the number of times they had to say "no, really. i just want to be one") (v random hc, yes)
he used to visit the ph when he was young. those trips stopped since most of his family members already moved to australia too, and other places abroad.
even though he speaks english with a strong australian accent, it's like it's turned off when he speaks tagalog.
(i reckon that he can speak better tagalog than me 🕴 Jose Rizal be laughing in his grave rn)
he grew out of his catholic roots when he lived by himself, but still tries complete all 9 Simbang Gabi/Misa de Gallo masses. to have some connection with his devote catholic mom, and to honor the times he spent attending these masses with his late dad. (i like Simbang Gabis because of the native delicacies being sold outside the church every after mass)
after the first time you attended Simbang Gabi with xyx, he made a mental note to add Ben&Ben's Bibingka to his playlist about u (v self-indulgent but iykyk) (well if he has one) (i think he does tho)
he is Anti-Marcos and you cannot convince me otherwise. (he could've been that guy who called out marcos jr. personally when he was in aus for a family vacation) (can't find the video of it SKSKSKS)
he was supposed to study in the ph for college because attending university in australia is Expensive ™. luckily, he was able to enter one with a scholarship.
if he didn't though, he probs studied in UP or Ateneo (xyx wearing the UP sablay... as an iska, *tucks hair behind ear*)
(to my fellow filo/filo-speaking bp players) he didn't tell you he was filipino and can speak tagalog when you first got together. he decided to keep it to himself for a while bc he wanted to see your reaction 😎 the moment you knew was when he responded to an endearment you said in tagalog.
"so all along, you understood what i was saying?" "yes." "🕴️" "also your tagalog sucks." "oh f*ck off (affectionately)"
there is a news article about him written by a local ph news source. headline was "Australia-Raised Filipino Lawyer helped win big case vs. big company" something something. (you can smell the Pinoy Pride 🇵🇭 XD comments from here)
xyx listens to OPM !!! it's his 3rd most played genre on Spotify.
he grew up listening to it because of his dad (it is a way for dad to cope with his homesickness) (one more and i'll make a separate hc post about his dad)
with that info, lemme tell u that you both once danced to Ang Huling El Bimbo and/or Panalangin
v sorry for the many random, unorganized thoughts lol and the grammar errors. anyw lemme know what you also think ‽‽
(OPM songs i listened to while writing this: Isang Anghel by zild *highly recommend!!; dekada '70 by zild; Torete by moonstarr88)
(also gonna promote my bloomic but pinoy shitposting hehe)
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sothischickshe · 1 year
How's the writing/editing process going? I love your updates and how you share your process 🥰🥰🥰
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Thank you so much anon, that's extremely kind 😭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Um it's going, slowly but... Slowly! Haha. I have a fully typed up draft 💪💪💪💪 & somewhere towards the end of that process I appear to have written myself a few pages of half-spaced notes 👓👓👓 the main preoccupation of which seemed to be things to establish earlier and/or more clearly, but there's also some random fragments of prose mixed in bc it's important to Always Be Chaotic 🤝
I've kinda put that aside for now, but have started reading through the draft properly 💪 and am kinda line editing/rephrasing/making decisions/vaguely attending to some concepts from those notes without looking at them. I haven't got that far yet, but hopefully I can keep plugging away a scene/section at a go... I would love to have more time pls 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I'm having a lot of fun with the rephrasing & tidying actually!! 😊 Poss extra bc i have no idea what's going on tbh cos I thought this was gonna be like 30k when I started and instead it's around 140k🤯 so it's v soothing to be fixing (and indeed deleting🗡️🗡️🗡️ ha) anything lol
Downside is I tried to read a couple of my older fics recently and was half dying over the commas and phrasing and stuff :( def a side effect of editor brain, so maybe that will spur me on so I can go back to enjoying my own writing ha
Given how much this has fallen off the rails im realllly trying to accept that I can't make every aspect of it great, but I keep thinking of things I wanna add or alter so ♻️♻️♻️♻️ plus there were certain things I wanted to try with this stylistically which kinda got pushed aside when more scenes/plot got added which I probs should let go but I am tempted to try to claw them back in so ♻️♻️♻️♻️
Sometimes I do feel like I can see a path to posting a first chapter! 💪💪💪💪 But then I remember how with prev multi chap stories I was annoyed when in later installments I was stating things which couldve been established earlier, so I kinda wanna get more of it properly in line first so ♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️ I also haven't really worked out where the chapter breaks should be or thus how they'll be named so ♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️😓
so um yes -- slowly! 🙏🐢😱😭🫁💪
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quiveringdeer · 2 years
and in a whole other vector we got the environmental impacts of The Rumbling on Paradis itself.
Like yes lots of murder and destruction of the cities yadda yadda...but like...that whole pathway toward the ocean across the island is gonna be flattened and basically "clearcut" of all forest trees and vegetation
That physical impaction/compaction of the soil would probs make it a bitch to till later (especially with their latent technology) but what's more, again the steam the wall titans radiate is gonna be a big impact.
Some people today use steam to sterilize soil, so killing the seed bed of nondesired plants and ridding it of detrimental microorganisms. That's at a lower, closely monitored temperature. These temperatures (which only Armin appears capable of surviving close contact with 💀) would no doubt sterilize ALL microorganisms, good and pesky. Will need to research further/but please comment and add thoughts!/ on how long it would take the good microorganisms to recolonize. And if they would have to slowly make their way in from the boundaries untouched by The Rumbling.
I'm not sure how big the island is or if it has different biomes--though we see it snows in some mountains so that may be at least one difference to the forests ---I feel like there was a rocky desert area in one of the OVAs too??--- but point being--not sure if wind dispersed seeds would then quickly repopulate that impacted area. Or if the island would be susceptible to invasive plants in that way? I guess if the government had its shit together (which Hisu is mighty buuuuut yeah doubt she could make that happen) they could probably implement reforestation projects.
OH! Which makes me think about how all that soil now devoid of nutrients really, and most plants near surface root systems being destroyed would lead to a potential US Dust Bowl situation. :/
And like this is just the flora. If meat was scarce before, It's probs gonna be heeeeella scarce after. Their wildlife doesn't seem that diverse to begin with so maybe those left on the opposite direction of the Rumbling can repopulate. The government would just have to be sure to restrict hunting so as not to decimate the remaining wildlife populations before they could recover.
And if the Rumbling path passes over large rivers or lakes, which are freshwater so lower boiling temp than the ocean, we're looking at potential devastation of freshwater sources too! ((though all that steam rising into the atmosphere has me thinking how it would impact the weather?!?! but for another post!))
But yeah, freshwater gettin gassed up into the atmosphere. Riverbanks and lake beds being destroyed, made wider in some cases? Would they become to large for any mountain snowmelt or wherever the water source comes from to then fill up that new area? Or would the ground being leveled into a sheet pan type crater soak up any new water that comes very quickly?
Yeah...I mean I doubt they were teaching these kiddos about ecology like this in their schools so can't blame eren for not recognizing that beyond making them the enemies of the world even more, they're also gonna be fuuuuucked when it comes to those who actually missed out on getting stomped....or having significant burns. Steam burns can apparently be worse than direct flame. And again. We don't all got that nice Armin Arlert skin to keep our insides unroasted/boiled...😅
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nameification · 2 years
7, 9, 14, 35?
7. favorite verse?
uasdjfbadsjh this one's hard.... hmmmm.... I'll go with It's No Game (Pt. 1) by David Bowie
Documentaries on refugees Couples 'gainst the target You throw a rock against the road And it breaks into pieces Draw the blinds on yesterday And it's all so much scarier Put a bullet in my brain And it makes all the papers
It's also like. the backing track that adds to this. Gonna be honest I love a lot of Bowie songs cause of the guitar
9. favorite chorus?
At pambihira Ang laki mong tanga Ipaghahanda ka pa namin ng tinola Lunurin natin silang lahat
Antidisestablishmentarianism by Dasu
It was a choice between this and Nakakapagpabagabag so I flipped a coin and got this one. I love Dasu songs so much aaadashssdh
If it was Nakakapagpabagabag it would've been
Sinabihan na kitang tumakbo papalayo sa mundong Nakakapagpabagabag Pinilit kong sagipin ang mga naliligaw sa dilim Nakakapagpabagabag
OH and also Curses by The Crane Wives but honestly those two are probs higher up for me. I'm gonna get into The Last Supper from JCS later cause fhasdkjfjd (and also idrk if the apostles' lines are considered chorus? idk)
14. most clever lyric?
Ipaghahanda ka pa namin ng tinola -Antidisestablishmentarianism by Dasu
The song in my interpretation is about corruption and injustice in media/politics and this tinola line is referencing this moment in Noli Me Tangere where Padre Damaso is served Tinola and asijdhidjfufhj
Also kind of just anything from Feast or Famine from the Starkid Black Friday musical. I love critiques on capitalism and consumerism and yes the cut song from the Lorax "Biggering" is also in the same spot
OH WAIT HANG ON JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. okay so there's parts from Heaven On Their Minds that make me go Fucking Insane and then just. the breaking of the bread and then Jesus's freakout and then the following fight between him and Judas AND THEN ALSO JUST THE APOSTLES IN THE CHORUS and then also Gethsemane cause sahdlf
okay so
And all the good you've done Will soon get swept away. You've begun to matter more Than the things you say. -Heaven on Their Minds
Judas is talking about Jesus and about how his followers care only about heaven and their salvation and not about the teachings AND THIS SONG WAS WRITTEN IN THE SEVENTIES. IT STILL APPLIES TODAY. AND PROBABLY WILL APPLY FOR HOWEVER LONG CHRISTIANITY EXISTS
Then when we retire, we can write the Gospels So they'll still talk about us when we've died. -The Last Supper
It's the last line in the Apostles' verse and it also combines with the slight variation after Jesus and Judas have their little fight
What's that in the bread? It's gone to my head
That line happens a little earlier in the apostles' verse but if you look at the full lyrics/listen to it you'll see what I mean. The song implies that Jesus' followers' motives were more selfish than they portrayed it as and the What's that in the bread its gone to my head line ALSO accentuates this cause the apostles are DRUNK and were told they just ate the flesh and drank the blood of the Son of God
I wanna get more but I am. oufudghug thoughts thoughts thoughts
35. song that made you tear up a bit/gave you the chills/induced any other similar emotional reaction in you when you first listened to it?
Caught A Ghost's version of In The Pines! I found it on spotify while looking for the version that was used in that one SCP Confinement video (link here) and I hpnestly love it??? definitely more but that's the one on my head rn
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
okay. honestly i dont have a clue on how to write a solo boxer!chan au. buttttttt i am writing a batman!chris fic. and what does batman do??? hand-to-hand combat.
so what detailed scene can i possibly add.....? chris training with someone and probs doing some boxing bcs he's gotta kick some ass in some valley in gotham later in the night akjhsadjksjdahsfjaks
okay yeah honestly that would work. yes. i'm adding the scene. just a lil fan service for everyone (and myself 😉)
I'm going to - respectfully - need to be tagged in everything batman!chris related 🥵🥵🥵 that's gonna be so good bestie!!!! I cant wait to see what you're going to do with it!!sdgvkdfdsf I'm literally so excited I cant"!!!
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s0lar-ch3ri · 9 months
theory time!
so reasoning as to why i cant reblog the other one is just cause it doesnt allow videos when i reblog now which sucks but whatever so yeah! its a jrwi theory again, and whatever future info i have was 99% gathered from the wiki (the remaining one percent might not even show up in this theory so ye), and of course theres spoilers for the black rose one shot AND riptide pirates (dont have any exsct eps, all i can say is im at ep 101 now so anything before that is kinda fair game)
for the original theory post
k so we gonna put that one clip (scroll message, about a minute long) and talk about it, def mention all the connections gill would have with the black sea, shit like that
apologies for the buggy clip, just needed to add this and when i recorded i was in school aka just recorded like this for less risk, lets talk about the message though.
"a map that is a guide and a key passed around the hands of destiny, it leads to chaos infinity beneath the seas, the garden giant, the nameless prince, the unborn kings, all await to be inevitably free"
i think in my og theory post i talked on how gill was very connected to the black sea imo so how does all this tie in? lets do some quick lil notes first
ok so the scroll of legend lore has been held onto by gillion, the one closest to destiny's ties, and has not been used until now
chaos infinity while refering to the black sea could also be an undersea thing, what with the leviathins (nobody else remember how the pearl shard gillion has came from one? and how the pearl was never supposed to even see the light of day probs let alone be in some cat mans evil base? just me?)
while i wanna say aster mythborne aeiliana shes not real here so she cant be garden giant
BUT we do have a known leviathin(? could just be a dragon turtle) named duke who has plant shit and is controlled by a gollieth
nameless prince is everso chip coded but we looking all across our board here so yeah
it could apply that the "nameless prince" could refer to someone "unnamed" who holds power like that prince from edison kingdom or smth
it could also reference marshal jon, who's canon first name has been forgotten and canon last name is jon
unborn kings? honestly while i dont think chip's bit of mpreg is apart of this i think the lady inspiring it (aka aslana's mom) has some relations to this whole thing
we all read "kings" btw so theres probs multiple yall
would goobleck count? he is goobleck he must apply someway
non-literal one again? maybe their monsters or smth
wait to be free. huh. gee, i wonder, will the door nightmare with arlin come into play here. thatd be so fun. yeah. ahahaha im losing myself
okay okay maybe its not all clear and i honestly have had this as a draft for too long (as shown below)
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BUT ill reblog this later cause ill really just be using text and images and shit
whats the basic idea? this is def where the oath from the sword comes into play (murdering destiny), with the whole "the black sea twists you" thing we may get hints of killion or even dark gillion again, the thign about it being a "key" might imply like a 'this means that' type deal rather then being actually a key, the chaos isnt really referring to the black sea but the state of the undersea in general (lost champion becomign criminal, ally shit gone, oversea war, etc), unnamed prince is either someone we havent met yet or someone who we dont expect to have a return (ie: were deemed before as not really lore relevant), and the unborn kings are monsters, oh and the garden giant isnt arlin but something related to the duke! THIS HAS TO CONNECT TO THE LEVIATHINS FR
some details/info about gill/things related to gill so i write this better:
"You promise to slay all evil before thee, crack corruption that takes hold of this world, strike swiftly enough to split the seas, and even if the thread of fate poses an obstacle against us, we shall sever it"
A hero born of moonlight, storm and sea. / They shall rise or fall to bring unity. / They will be tested or bested by evil’s hand. / By their choice one will remain: sea or land.
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kakujis · 1 year
i've finished the demo! do you think the last scene will change depending on origins? there is a possibility like alchemist would be more link to leander. it's advertised as a dark gothic romance novel for mature audiences but i think since the game is nowhere near finish, they cannot put an age rating on it yet.
oh, i didn't realised you could add additional items to your tier, i'm new to kickstarter so i have no idea lol. that's good but i've heard the cost of the shipping is pretty expensive too.
ais might be the true route for the game like with other otome games, you have to play the characters in certain order to reach the final/canon ending/route.
there are character sheets??? i feel like mhin is a character that grow on you and leander is the ideal one to start with and vere, you either love or hate him.
really? i thought ais intro was intense esp with that soundtrack! his music theme is the most memorable one. if there are changes, hopefully they will just add more piercings to sen or something like that considering she already have a nose ring.
elyon (?), i felt like he was deliberately designed like that because of his mysterious brief profile information like trying to find the one thing that money can't buy.
what do you think the potential new stretch goals could be? i think we are at the last one. i hope they add more physical merc for the basic tiers then because a lot of fans had chosen them.
omg maybe! i know each origin comes with its own special trait of some sort!! i wanna play sum more when i get home later this week!!! wbu?? r u gonna play thru again using a diff origin? alsooo my fren actually did play thru as alchemist and the dialogue for kuras in particular are diff!! not sure about leander but i thought about that too!!
also yesyes!!! on the touchstarved blog theres chara sheets for all of em! it tells u what they like + dislike alongside their fatal flaw! leanders is cut out im pretty sure soo im sooo curious abt hims. :3 also omg real! mhin is soooososososo pretty eee n i do enjoy their personality buuut, leander is def ideal eep!! vere is super cute to me, but i feel like id stutter to talk to him irl and then perish cus i give in too easily LMAOOO
also yes!! i agree w sen!! give her more piercings shes so damn hot im passing OUT!!! also also, i think leander n vere’s intros kinda swooped me away…. like i literally was dming my friend like: PLs i hope its not vere next ill pass out AND DIE… and then he showed up n i died. poof. GONE. (;ω;)
okok so the whole ais thing w me was like, hmmm. ur hot yes and ur music slaps but that was about it for me! i agree it was really intense! IM NOT EVEN SURE WHY i just felt like. nuffin towards him when i played it LOL. but the scene where he almost borderline kills tht one dude was so hot fusjdjjdjdjkaka. i have a whole lil drabble rn about ais and said alleyway…. im … hes…. hes so. (>_<)… on the floor SOBBING!!! if he is the true route i wont b mad!!! like they do put him in the middle of all the promo art sooo… i could see leander being a true route also. hes soo sweet. i wanna *** him.
yea yea i also agree abt elyon! he’s super handsome tho i bet his route will be great! i wonder what his personality will be like doe… like condescending? rude? patronizing?? hmm hmm. ohh also b4 i forget! yesyes u can change ur tier n do add-ons on the page! it’ll say edit tier or somthin like that! i think shipping will probs b 15 but i am a fool w a lil bit of extra monies. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
personally i gots nooo clue for stretch goals but im the same thinking as u!! im praying for more physical merch. I WAN AN AIS DAKIMURA PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS telepathically trying 2 connect w the devs rn… HEAR MY PLEAS!!!
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terrible-leviathan · 3 years
In light of Tubbo basically yoinking Ranboo's shirt, hc that that c!Tubbo basically steals and hoards as much clothes as possible from every person he cares about.
A red bandana from Tommy
The iconic red and white shirt from Tommy (he has too many of the same exact shirt and he still hasn't noticed one of them is gone)
Tubbo sometimes wears it as pj's
He has stolen all of Ranboo's white polos
Ranboo was not pleased about it
Tubbo tried stealing Ranboo's suit but Ranboo always catches him everytime
Half of Ranboo's hawaiian shirts now belong to Tubbo
He stole a pretty scarf from Eret before she betrayed L'manburg (Tubbo still has it in his enderchest and sometimes uses it as a headband to keep his bangs away)
Has Quackity's red tie when they worked together under Schlatt's administration (Quackity didn't mind honestly. He thought it was endearing)
Has yoinked Sam's crown (Sam just made another crown to replace the one that got stolen since Tubbo seems happy with the crown)
Stole Wilbur's beanie after they secured L'manburg's independence (Tommy and Tubbo basically went into Wilbur's room at night and decided to wreck the place just cuz they could and the beanie was a war prize)
Stole Fundy's red sweater from the time they were dreamon hunters (Fundy has been complaining ever since cuz Tubbo already has the exact same sweater. Tubbo denies it ofc)
Ghostbur didn't really have sets of clothes considering he's a ghost so Tubbo just yoinked a bunch of blue from him
Tubbo has stolen 1 mitten from Niki while Niki just had the other pair (for the longest time, she thought the other one just got lost before Tommy snitched on Tubbo)
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keepermcge · 5 years
Modern Verse
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Set in a normal world, no Lilikn’s in sight, Lann Farna is a 15 year old freshman and the son of high political figures Lusse Farna and Rorrik. Due to their busy schedules they are often traveling and not around, leaving him in the care of his older sister’s, Wyn of 18 years and Reynn his twin sister. Although with them having their own interests he and they mostly take care of themselves. 
Although, most of his grades tend to dip more in the lower range Lann does try his best to study, even if he hates it, having the pressure of how great his Mother, Father, Wyn, and older twin are on his shoulders. He tends to fare much better in extra curriculum classes; minus P.E. as he isn’t fit at all and weak. Especially, the ones he chose in Art and Cooking. 
He is hard on himself for not being as good as his sister, and is also the target of bullying at the school due to his nature of being a doormat, they also pick fun of the fact of him not being as smart, along with his sister herself, who also likes to point it out rather relentlessly on a daily basis, leading him to feel doubt and low self esteem towards himself.
In his free time he hangs around after school in the cooking classroom, when the club is present he plays video games, reads comic books, naps, draws, and occasionally sews.  
He also likes to look after/take in any stray animals without homes, much to the dismay of his sister, his first stray being a white cat he named Tama. 
When not at school or having lesuire time he works part time at a small café, and is a job he considerably likes and wouldn’t mind taking up fully in the future. Although deep down he likes coming up with crazy ideas for outfits and hairstyles, making his sister’s take the brunt of his ideas and try on anything he may actually make, and has that in mind as part of his future as well. 
#;off to grymoire | queue |#(So ofc upon after saying I have ideas for verses but wasn’t sure if I was gonna impulse struck lol rip(#(But tbf this isn’t a super complicated long one just a cute thing and most peeps? From what I see tend to call verses like this modern so#it’s not all cute I mean obvi if imma do a school setting thing considering he was already bullied in the game he’s gonna be bullied at a#school it hurts me)#(And happy news he has his parents bad news they still busy af so he still a lonely boy)#(But! I might do a starter call for this I probs will I mean I may not get any likes but)#(Also Lann with glasses becuz! His father wears glasses okay! And yes it was about his powers but this is a modern verse and also Lann got#more of his father’s powers so I mean the idea was always in the back of my head what if @ a certain point he has to wear some like dad did#to protect himself from going blind but modern so!)#(If I get to do any threads with it imma edit shifty glasses onto ‘em all so the continuity of what they look like won’t be the same cuz I#need the stickers that fit with the screenshots thank you @ my apps I love the stickers and it looks ridiculous but! Look @ how cute he is!#He’s so cute no matter what and my heart and my soul! And!)#(I might just do opens if I get no likes cuz I mean! At least once)#(Also idk ages and years in school sooo it’s just an assumption but I’m pretty sure you’re a freshman @ 15)#(Anyway no FC in this house cuz none can replicate my cute adorable kiddo okay!)#(I’ll add it to my page later)#(It’s been years since I freshmaned so I don’t remember the age I was lol rip)#(Anyway I had to incorporate some of my headcanons okay! Like my Lann is a creative boy! Ahhh!)#(And! No magic allowed in modern but imma keep my thing of him not being strong cuz it’s part of my Lann thanks)#(Look when I went to no online school for one year there was never a cooking class but between what I’ve heard and anime Imma assume its a#thing a real thing)#(Also ofc my Lann being insecure is a thing across any and all verses this is no exception as he’s a high schooler and still#goes thro abuse and bullying)#(No Mirages! So strays! Becuz also yes Lann would take in strays! And one is named Tama cuz#I will so highkey gonna make an open if I get no likes heck maybe on the off chance Ido I’m still probs gonna cuz so much to explore and#it’s easier to do than is sadly cuz it’s just school like it’s more open to anyone it’s the thought even if opens aren’t a thing nowadays#(Honestly gonna sum it up with all headcanons basically still apply! And I love Lann he deserves better!)#(I spent all night adding little stars to my icons cuz I wanted to even if it’s not very visible  editing all posts with the new style fuk)#(Plus this and a few other things till 8 in the morning and it’s my night shift fuk)
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