#prodrome neuro
lesboylycan · 3 months
ahhh shit. i think our schizophrenia had even earlier onset than we thought it did. like, "twelve - thirteen years old" kind of earlier onset. maybe even further back.
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sashi-ya · 11 months
Biggest tip I have is to use a migraine tracker app. I've had good luck with Migraine Buddy. It lets you keep track of symptoms, potential triggers, treatments and treatment effacies. Also will do doctor reports including the scales used toimpact functioning. It gives you hard data to grind your doctor's nose in. And make sure it gets scanned/filed into your chart. Also since your doctor is an ass communicate in SBAR if you're not already. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.healint.migraineapp
Two migraines that remain in the pain phase for more than 72 hours without breaking are dangerous and its recommended you go to the er, especially if you're showing stroke like symptoms. Depending where you are they may have a migraine cocktail( it varies but the nearst er to me used 1L Normal Saline, prochlorperazine, dyhyphendramamine, dextramethazone and ketorolac) or dihydroergotamine.
As for tips for dealing with the pain. I'm photophobic so blocking out as much light as humanly possible helps me. I'm not sensitive to sounds so listining to soothing music/biniral tones helps me. I've found meditations for pain on the Calm App and Youtube helpful. Migrastil an essential oil stick is useful as long as mint and lavender arent triggers. Scalp masage, accupressure points, and riki have all given me some relief.
Hydrate. Hydrating might not fix a migraine but dehydration will make one worse. Sometimes Gatorade with the electrolytes helps more than plain water.
My Neuro's PA recomened I take Magnesium, CoQ 10, Butterbur, and Feverfew all of which have helped me
If you have the money for it the Cefaly device helped me a lot. And it no longer requires a prescription. It's an eTNS unit and it's the single strongest nonphatmacutical tool in my tool kit. It's kicked 8-9 pain down to 6-7 pain and it can kill a migraine if you get it on during the prodrome phase. It's worth every penny of the 380 to 450 bucks depending on model. And they're running a sale atm. https://www.cefaly.com/products
I hope this is helpful.
You are simply AMAZING!! I will totally try with the supplements (cause I'm sure I need them too) ASAP! Also, unfortunately I don't have many things in this country, however, I am able to find replacements! The only one I don't think I will be able to buy until I get to travel overseas (cause I don't trust ebay/amazon/etc to deliver such expensive item here) is the Cefaly! But I totally asked a friend in Spain to tell me if they can find it there for me 🥺.
thank you so so much!!! This is not only useful for me, but to all of the people suffering from this shitty condition! Thank u again!! 💖
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rkenggworks · 2 years
Migraine Doctors in Aundh | Migraine Treatment in Aundh | Headache Treatment in Aundh
Get relief from headache with Migraine treatment in Aundh at Tonde's Neuro & Ortho Clinic. Dr. Priyanka provides advanced & effective Headache Treatment in Aundh.
What is a Migraine? A migraine is a headache that can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on one side of the head. It’s often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can last for hours to days, and the pain can be so severe that it interferes with your daily activities. Early Migraine Treatment in Aundh can help you to reduce pain & discomfort.
For some people, a warning symptom known as an aura occurs before or with the headache. An aura can include visual disturbances, such as flashes of light or blind spots, or other disturbances, such as tingling on one side of the face or in an arm or leg and difficulty speaking.
Symptoms Migraines, which affect children and teenagers as well as adults, can progress through four stages: prodrome, aura, attack and post-drome. Not everyone who has migraines goes through all stages.
Prodrome One or two days before a migraine, you might notice subtle changes that warn of an upcoming migraine, including:
Constipation Mood changes, from depression to euphoria Food cravings Neck stiffness Increased urination Fluid retention Frequent yawning Aura
For some people, an aura might occur before or during migraines. Auras are reversible symptoms of the nervous system. They’re usually visual but can also include other disturbances. Each symptom usually begins gradually, builds up over several minutes and can last up to 60 minutes.
Examples of migraine auras include:
Visual phenomena, such as seeing various shapes, bright spots or flashes of light Vision loss Pins and needles sensations in an arm or leg Weakness or numbness in the face or one side of the body Difficulty speaking Attack A migraine usually lasts from 4 to 72 hours if untreated. How often migraines occur varies from person to person. Migraines might occur rarely or strike several times a month.
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During a migraine, you might have:
Pain usually on one side of your head, but often on both sides Pain that throbs or pulses Sensitivity to light, sound, and sometimes smell and touch Nausea and vomiting Causes of Migraine (Headache) Though migraine causes aren’t fully understood, genetics and environmental factors appear to play a role. Changes in the brainstem and its interactions with the trigeminal nerve, a major pain pathway, might be involved. So might imbalances in brain chemicals — including serotonin, which helps regulate pain in your nervous system.
Researchers are studying the role of serotonin in migraines. Other neurotransmitters play a role in the pain of migraine, including calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). Tonde’s Neuro & Ortho Clinic will help you with effective Headache Treatment in Aundh.
Migraine triggers There are a number of migraine triggers, including:
Hormonal changes in women. Fluctuations in estrogen, such as before or during menstrual periods, pregnancy and menopause, seem to trigger headaches in many women.
Hormonal medications, such as oral contraceptives, also can worsen migraines. Some women, however, find that their migraines occur less often when taking these medications.
Drinks. These include alcohol, especially wine, and too much caffeine, such as coffee.
Stress. Stress at work or home can cause migraines.
Sensory stimuli. Bright or flashing lights can induce migraines, as can loud sounds. Strong smells — such as perfume, paint thinner, secondhand smoke and others — trigger migraines in some people.
Sleep changes. Missing sleep or getting too much sleep can trigger migraines in some people.
Physical factors. Intense physical exertion, including sexual activity, might provoke migraines.
Weather changes. A change of weather or barometric pressure can prompt a migraine.
Medications. Oral contraceptives and vasodilators, such as nitroglycerin, can aggravate migraines. Foods. Aged cheeses and salty and processed foods might trigger migraines. So might skipping meals.
Food additives. These include the sweetener aspartame and the preservative monosodium glutamate (MSG), found in many foods.
Risk Factor Several factors make you more prone to having migraines, including:
Family history. If you have a family member with migraines, then you have a good chance of developing them too. Age. Migraines can begin at any age, though the first often occurs during adolescence. Migraines tend to peak during your 30s, and gradually become less severe and less frequent in the following decades. Sex. Women are three times more likely than men to have migraines. Hormonal changes. For women who have migraines, headaches might begin just before or shortly after onset of menstruation. They might also change during pregnancy or menopause. Migraines generally improve after menopause.
Complications due to Painkillers Taking painkillers too often can trigger serious medication-overuse headaches. The risk seems to be highest with aspirin, acetaminophen, and caffeine combinations. Overuse headaches may also occur if you take aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) for more than 14 days a month or triptans, sumatriptan (Imitrex, Tosymra), or rizatriptan (Maxalt, Maxalt-MLT) for more than nine days a month.
Medication-overuse headaches occur when medications stop relieving pain and begin to cause headaches. You then use more pain medication, which continues the cycle.
Migraine headaches can be debilitating and can leave sufferers feeling helpless and frustrated. Dr. Priyanka Walzade Tonde offers a comprehensive migraine treatment in Aundh that can help reduce pain, improve quality of life and prevent future migraine attacks. Dr. Priyanka is a highly experienced Neurologist who is trained in the diagnosis and Headache Treatment. She can provide a customized treatment plan that includes medications, lifestyle changes, neurorehabilitation, and other therapies. The goal of her migraine treatment program is to help her patients find relief from pain and improve their quality of life. Contact us now for Migraine Treatment in Aundh!
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prodromeusa · 2 years
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handypolymath · 3 years
I've gone 12 days without any kind of migraine.
A couple tension headaches, a couple rounds of prodrome that fizzled out before they gained momentum, but nothing worthy of either rescue med. I haven't had that long a stretch since April 2020.
It's just... with nothing of note, I hadn't been logging. So I hadn't been looking. Now this morning I open the app and it's been 12 days.
[shocked, yes, but above textmoji is also my current resting bitch face because the dark circle under my left eye is swollen like a nutsack. it feels like a puffy turkey wattle. i can see it in my peripheral vision...
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...I'm Chandler here, but queasy, photo/phonophobic, and with a much shittier guest.]
Shout out to past!Me, for going to the neuro last year, and taking the preventive despite the trepidation. And pursuing the specialist about the anemia - which sure as shit exacerbated all kinds of suck - and getting upgraded with a couple paperclips worth of iron. And yeah, also rooting out the drug war schema and finding the real edges of cannabis and learning to respect and use it like any other tool.
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[Moss sez Fuck Combustion! And Jen accidentally convinces Roy to try boofing]
Anyhoo, I should go onboard all the meds and pack myself away in heating pads and ice helmets whilst my brain gives itself a good degaussing.
There's a big'un rolling through. All streaks end. But fuckin'A, I had to mark the occasion.
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years
I want to make a chart and take notes on that video for dizziness from WikEM. I listened to the videos again this morning while driving. What I recall from the video:
When a pt complains of dizziness or lightheadedness, you need to figure out if it's syncope/presyncope or vertigo. You can't use the words "dizzy" or "light-headed" as a physician because it doesn't tell you anything. Dizziness is either syncope/presyncope or vertigo. So only use the words "syncope" or "vertigo." Syncope/presyncope can be due to cardiac causes, neurally mediated, or hypovolemic. Cardiac causes don't have a prodrome and are more dangerous than the other causes of syncope.
Vertigo can be central or peripheral. Central vertigo will have nystagmus that doesn't extinguish, an abnormal neuro exam, and truncal instability.
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cmisushil · 2 years
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Anxiety Disorders and Depression Treatments is a type of medical category which states that the patients have both anxiety and depression prodromes of specific and equal intensity acquainted by the few autonomic facilities. Autonomic facilities are the involuntary physical prodromes generally lead due to the overactive neuro system for instance, panic attacks or he intestinal distress. The WHO states that in Anxiety Disorders and Depression Treatments both anxiety and the depression act on the individual and however, the symptoms of either of the ailment or the disorder is clear and distinct and they are so severe that one could judge the condition and the severity of both of the following and reduce the difficulty of either disorders in both. 
Read More: http://versatileblogger.weebly.com/article/anxiety-disorders-and-depression-treatments-are-performed-to-decrease-the-anxiety-and-depression
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migrainegoaway · 3 years
Dec 1 - after a day or two of starting to feel normal (driving to school & work!) i’m back hit with a whammer. Creeping up the back of my neck, after two days of shoulder blade trigger point pain. I guess that puts the muscle pain as a prodrome, or pre drome, or before or whatever the hell.
Tried doing a CBT app but it feels far too much like school and not very relaxing / helpful / active.
Managing stress -- not really, have been having more outbursts and screaming at kids -- then I realize I’m doing it and stop, walk away.
Kiddo saying “I don’t want mean parents” was a wake up call. Poor guy. I don’t want to be mean parents. I don’t want to be angry. But its hard not to be when it feels like you have no control over your body and you could get hit by ridiculous pain any second.
Aimovig shot seemed to help this month. Neuro suggested BCP to level out estrogen, but I’m going to plead to doc for more refined hormone therapy. 
Flare ups of other stuff seems to happen alongside migraines, which is great. Fucking great.
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ABIM: Cardiology
ABIM syllabus can be found here Let me know if you find any errors Sources: UWorld, MKSAP 16/17, Rizk Review Course, Louisville Lectures, Knowmedge (free version)
Essential Hypertension:  lifestyle modification first - >140/90 = thiazide only (ACEi if DM) - >160/100 = thiazide + __ (two drugs) Renal Hypertension: - woman with flank bruits, flash pulmonary edema - increased renin and aldosterone - treat with ACEi Coarctation of the aorta: - high arm BP, low LE BP; radiofemoral pulse delay, cold extremities, PVD-like cramping symptoms - AS murmur (early systolic murmur @ RUSB) - figure “3″ on CXR, posterior rib notching - if symptomatic, Tx with balloon dilation Hypertensive urgency: >180/120 Hypertensive emergency: urgency with end organ damage; Tx: IV Hydralazine Undifferentiated hypertension: - PCC (catecholamines) - Cushings (decreased K, metabolic alkalosis, hirsuitism) - Hyperaldosterone (decreased K, increased aldosterone:renin), etc
Pericardial disease
Acute Pericarditis: - within ~42hours post-MI; may have increased troponin - Tx with high dose ASA (NOT NSAIDs, NOT steroids) vs. Dressler: weeks to months after MI associated with fever, leukocytosis, pleuritic chest pain; Tx NSAID if >1mo from PCI/CABG Pericardial effusion: can be associated with malignancy - continue ASA or DAPT - leave it alone if asymptomatic Constrictive pericarditis: calcification on CXR (pathogmnomonic) - loud S3 (pericardial knock) and rub - ECHO shows swinging ventricular septum (NOT seen in restrictive CM) --> if indeterminate results: get hemodynamic catheterization - associated with liver disease and cirrhosis with ascites*, increased JVD but normal CVP - Tx with supportive IVF and vasopressor s--> pericardiectomy *if ascites present: ascites protein >2.5, SAAG >1.1 (vs. cirrhosis: ascites protein <2.5, SAAG >1.1)
Ischemic heart disease
Stable angina pectoris: - goals: BP <140/90, A1c <7%, LDL <100 - Tx: ASA + statin + beta blocker + ACEi if EF <35% (or if they have CAD equivalent) + Diltiazem or Verapamil to keep HR 55-60 Acute coronary syndrome:  PCI within 90 minutes > tpa within 30 minutes and then transfer to PCI hospital anyway. - PCI after 4 hours of continued pain + STE - tPA contraindications: CVA within 3 mo, brain cancer, major surgery within 3 weeks, BP>180/110, >10minutes CPR, pregnant - when to do CABG: left main >50%, LAD and prox Cx >70%, 3 vessel disease  MI complications: acute hypotension, heart failure symptoms - VSD:  palpable thrill --> obtain TTE; Tx: nitroprusside, pressors --> OR - acute MR / pap muscle rupture: acute pulmonary edema (may have holosystolic murmur) - free wall rupture:  death Coronary vasospasm associated with migraine headaches; Tx with CCB Heart failure from ischemic cardiomyopathy: *FYI: Metoprolol = okay even in COPD patients *FYI: decreased cardiac output in heart failure may improve with afterload reduction with Nitroprusside (may counterintuitively raise BP) - NYHA III-IV: Spironolactone decreases mortality - NYHA III-IV in AA patients: Hydralazine + Nitrates - ICD if EF <35% after 3 months of failed maximal medical therapy - BiV if NYHA III-IV with QRS>120 or NYHA II with QRS >150 - heart transplant if decreased vO2max Pacemaker settings prior to surgery:  change ICD settings to asynchronous pacing and disable shock
Dysrhythmias and conduction defects
*FYI: reperfusion arrhythmias after MI don’t need anti-arrhythmic treatment - WPW: decreased PR with slurred up broad QRS (delta wave); AVOID BB/CCB/Digoxin (may induce VFib); acute Tx with procainamide (*mnemonic: proCANUSamide treats WOLFf-parkinson-white) OR if unstable: cardiovert; ultimate Tx: ablation *be suspicious of WPW in Afib with broad/unusual QRS Bradyarrhythmias: Tx: atropine Tachyarrhythmias: Valsalva, BB (Metoprolol or Verapamil), CCB 1.  Regular rhythm: - Sinus tach (>100bpm) - AVNRT (p waves buried in QRS, but otherwise regular): Tx: adenosine - AVRT: decreased RP interval - Atrial tach: increased RP interval 2.  Irregular rhythm: - Afib: warfarin for CHA2DS2-VASC >1; for pre-op: hold warfarin and DON’T bridge - Aflutter: Tx: ablation > medication - MAT: >3 p waves Other: - VTach: wide QRS (”tombstone”); Tx: BB, Lidocaine, Amio, shock - Torsades: Tx Magnesium
Congenital heart disease in adults:
Atrial septal defect: fixed split S2 (mnemonic: “split ASs” (a butt has a crack in it so it’s split into two cheeks)), EKG shows RAD with partial RBBB - often discovered with pregnancy - close if symptomatic (orthodeoxia/platypnea) or RA/RV hypertrophy Patent foramen ovale: don’t worry about it.  Start ASA if cryptogenic stroke. Bicuspid aortic valve: very young patient with syncope and weird systolic or diastolic murmur (can be either, but most often associated with AS); evaluate for dilated aortic arch PDA:  continuous machinery murmur; pulmonary HTN and LE cyanosis (vs ToF cyanosis which has cyanosis of all extremities) VSD: loud holosystolic murmur that obscures S2 with palpable thrill --> may also develop pulm HTN, R to L shunt, AR (blowing decrescendo diastolic murmur) or TR (holosystolic murmur that radiates to liver) Pulmonary regurg:  decrescendo diastolic murmur at LSB that increases with inspiration, may present with parasternal heave, associated with Tetralogy of Fallot repair
Valvular heart disease
* see Heart Sounds post for more detailed valve disease facts *if mechanical heart valve, even if pregnant, DO NOT STOP WARFARIN (and aspirin). Aortic stenosis: - systolic crescendo decrescendo murmur at RUSB that radiates to the carotids, - decreases with Valsalva, increases with squatting - pulsus parvus et tardus (delayed carotid upstroke) - preload dependent state (DO NOT GIVE NTG) - severe <1cm or mean TV gradient > 50mmHg = Tx with valve REPLACE, otherwise Tx with diuretics and ACEi Aortic regurgitation: - blowing decrescendo diastolic murmur that radiates to the apex - associated with Marfans, aortic dissection, Syphilis/aortic aneurysm - chronic Tx with ACEi, Nifedipine - acute Tx: valve REPLACE with nitroprusside, IV diuretics and dobutamine/milrinone for support Mitral regurg: - associated with chordae rupture after MI --> acute pulmonary edema/cardiogenic shock - Tx: nitroprusside, diuretic, BB, ACEi +/- dobutamine/milrinone if hypotensive - Surgical Tx: REPAIR > replace (unless hypotensive) Mitral stenosis: - rumbling diastolic murmur with RHF symptoms - often noted in pregnancy, associated with Rheumatic Fever - Tx: BB, CCB --> if <1cm^2 or <1.5cm^2 with exercise limitation or gradient >5-10 or pregnant: valvotomy.  *NOT a surgical candidate if there’s MVR. Tricuspid regurg: holosystolic murmurat LUSB that radiates to the liver Pulmonary regurg:  decrescendo diastolic murmur at LSB that increases with inspiration, may present with parasternal heave, associated with Tetralogy of Fallot repair Prosthetic valve: if suspected dysfunction, go straight to TEE - choose bioprosthetic valve if patient has high bleeding risk (mechanical valves need AC) - mechanical mitral valve INR 2.5-3.5 (all other goal including aortic valve = 2-3) - all need 81mg ASA
Heart pressures:  “nickels, quarters, dimes” RA --> RV --> PA --> wedge/LA: 5 --> 25/5 --> 25/10 --> 10mmHg
Myocardial disease
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: candesartan decreases hospitalization (not mortality) Myocarditis: elevated trops --> cardiogenic shock, arrhythmias --> Tx: supportive care + HF treatment Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:  Autosomal Dominant (AD), LVH + LAE with deep inverted T waves in V3-V6 - have carotid bisfiriens pulsus , murmur that increases with valsalva and decreases with squatting and prolonged handgrip - at risk patients 12-18yo: f/u TTE Q12-18 mo; >18yo, Q5 years - all HCM patients need genetic counseling - avoid strenuous exercises; Tx: BB/CCB +/- disopyramide --> surgical myomectomy/septal ablation --> fail/not candidate: ICD placement Restrictive cardiomyopathy:  amyloid (neuro, ocular, liver symptoms), sarcoid (Dx: MRI with gadolinium), XRT, anthracycline, hemochromatosis (cardiomyopathy with transaminitis) Dilated cardiomyopathy: acute myocarditis, EtOH, cocaine/amphetamine (avoid BB; Tx with CCB), GCA Peripartum CM:  LVEF 45% 1mo pre- to 5 mo post-delivery; Tx with early delivery and HF Tx (make sure to hold ACE/ARB/Statins until AFTER delivery given teratogenicity) Takotsubo:  apical ballooning; Tx BB Heart transplant: - symptoms <1 year: rejection --> Dx with endomyo bx - symptoms > 1 year: vasculopathy --> Dx with angiography
Cardiac tumors:  atrial myxoma needs to be surgically removed
Endocarditis: - FROM JANE - Tx Abx 4-6 weeks - suspect abscess when there is increased PR interval/conduction delays Endocarditis prophylaxis:  dental only (with gingival involvement) with Amoxicillin or Clindamycin for h/o cardiac transplant, prosthetic valve, or previous bacterial endocarditis
Vascular disease
Carotid artery disease:  if pacemaker, LBBB or structural heart issues --> chemical nuclear perfusion scan Thoracic aortic aneurysm: - type A: repair vs - type B: monitor with TEE (as below) and Tx with BB, Nitroprusside - <3.5cm: Q3-5 year US *counsel against pregnancy if >4cm - root <4.5cm: Q1 year US - >4.5cm: Q6mo US - >5-5.5cm or >1cm/year: repair Abdominal aortic aneurysm: *screen male 65-75yo smoker with US - Dx acute aortic dissection with MRA or CT (NOT US); Tx with BB - Surgery if >5.5cm or >0.5cm/year or symptomatic; monitor Q6mo PAD: - ABI<0.9 - PAD - ABI>1.4 suggests DM or calcification = false normal --> get toe:brachial index - Tx: supervised exercise > Cilostazol (Cilostazol is CI in HF, EF <40%) SVC:  associated with coarctation; facial/neck vessel plethora
*be sure to r/o (1) exertional syncope from AS/HCM, (2) PE --> pulmonary HTN, (3) arrhythmia (no prodrome) Neurocardiogenic / vasovagal syncope: ECG only; can send home if it’s obvious Situational syncope: can occur after elderly person eats; can get tilt table testing if recurrent/high risk of injury Postural hypotension: associated with orthostatic secondary to hypovolemia, drugs or autonomic dysfunction (DM, Parkinsons plus); Dx: carotid massage
Preoperative consultation
*FYI: stop warfarin 5 days prior to surgery and bridge with Heparin after INR 1.5 only if at high risk (h/o clots, mechanical valve) --> resume AC within 24 hours *FYI: if recent PCI, delay elective procedure 4-6 weeks after BMS or 1 year after DES; if urgent procedure, continue DAPT throughout if within the minimum time limit.  If beyond minimum time limit for BMS, but still within 1 year, hold Plavix 5 days before and continue ASA. *FYI: okay to go to surgery if BP <180/110 No testing required: >4METS, low risk Sx (endoscopy, superficial, breast, ambulatory procedure) Testing indicated: MI w/n 30 days, acute HF, arrhythmia, severe valve disease, vascular surgery
Lipid disorder = #1 risk factor for future MI
- goal: keep LDL <100 or <70 if CAD + other risk factor
- Eisenmenger cyanosis is NOT improved with O2 supplementation (so don’t bother giving it to them) - Tamponade triad:  (1) JVP, (2) distant heart sounds, (3) hypotension, ((4) tachycardia); will also have pulsus paradoxus (>8-10mmHg difference between inspiration and expiration), Kussmaul (increased CVP/JVD with inpsiration), right atrial collapse - Aortic atheroemboli: cholesterol embolus/Hollenhorst plaque (bright cholesterol in retinal artery) --> transient vision loss, digital gangrene, livedo reticularis or CVA/AKI following invasive coronary procedure; Dx: biopsy - Subclavian steal:  UE PAD --> dizzy with arm use; Dx: bilateral UE BP’s (difference of 15mmHg) - a sudden rise in end tidal CO2 is the earliest indicator of ROSC during CPR
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Nicole Roberts Jones, Founder & CEO of FIERCE Factor Lab, Set To Speak At The Worthy To Be Wealthy Online Show on July 29th, 2019
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=27963 The Worthy to Be Wealthy Free Online Summit consist of conversations with experts who have a proven and noteworthy track record of success, many of which are internationally known and making millions. It is hosted by Certified Marketing Professional Sara Khoudary, owner of AIMA Digital Marketing and founder of Entrepreneurs of Success. The summit will be airing July 15th to the beginning of August. Over 20 giveaways will be available throughout the show. The attendees will walk away with actionable strategies to continue to build their businesses and help them manifest financial success. Access is free until the end of August. Each morning attendees will receive an email, unveiling the next expert, arriving straight to their email inbox with a link to the interview highlighting exclusive content, wisdom, tips for success and a free gift. Free registration at https://worthytobewealthy.co/ “The goal of the summit is to help entrepreneurs break through their own barriers. Three topics that will be discussed by experts are: managing your money, managing your mindset and understanding and navigating through marketing,” Khoudary stated. One of the experts featured in the summit is Nicole Roberts Jones. A veteran of the entertainment industry, Nicole worked in Talent Management and Casting before shifting her talents to become the Founder & CEO of FIERCE Factor Lab.  She now works with entrepreneurs to create multiple streams of income from what they already know in order to build an empire from their expertise. Additionally, Nicole works with corporations to assure their executives and middle managers push their internal edge, and step into the true power of their gifts and talents at work. Her clients have included the Steve Harvey World Group, Dell EMC, McDonalds, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Lisa Nichols and Motivating the Masses, Coach Diversity Institute, the BOSS Network and Working Mother Magazine to name a few. Nicole is also a nationally recognized transformational speaker, purpose to paycheck expert and best-selling author of four books, the most recent being Find Your Fierce. Nicole’s presentation “Bankroll Your Brilliance” will address among other things: How to move from selling your time for dollars to freedom in your business = making money while you sleep The one critical formula to attract more of your ideal clients How to build multiple streams of income from what you already know “Everyday that you’re not living in the full activation of your gifts you are holding up somebody’s answered prayer,” Nicole stated. A Free download from Nicole will be available at the end of the show. Some of the over 20 speakers also scheduled to share their insights and experiences include: America’s Traction Coach, Gary Barnes Founder of The Money Coaching Institute, Deborah Price The Sales Whisperer, Wes Schaeffer America's Leading LinkedIn Coach, Ted Prodromou Chief Sexy Boss, Heather Ann Havenwood Certified Life, Emotional Mastery and Executive Neuro-Leadership Coach, Omozua Ameze More information and free registration are available at https://worthytobewealthy.co/
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Syncope (LOC) and Falls
The most important thing in syncope is to differentiate Syncope from Seizure Stroke.
Then rule out things like Subarrachnoid Hemorrage, Ectopic Pregnancy, and cardiac issues such as arrythmia, MI and HOCM. Similar to any sort of loss of consciousness we are looking for things that affect the brain, heart and systemic resistance, these that contribute to continual blood flow to the brain.
Ask about headaches and neurological symptoms, chest pain, shortness of breath and thoracic symptoms, abdominal pain etc.
HEAD-HEART-VESSELS: Local (Head) v. Global Causes
When visualizing how to ask our history it is important to imagine oxygen being picked up by blood in the lungs and being delivered to the left heart (which can be blocked by things like DVT/PE in a young girl on OCP) and then the cardiac system itself pumping the blood up to the brain, which can be impeded by arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, HOCM, aortic stenosis, subclavian steal syndrome, and causes of decreased vascular resistance such as sepsis (look for infectious signs), or decreased preload such as acute hemorrage or dehydration. Then we can think about intracranial things such as SAH. Hypoglycemia is also important to rule out. Once the serious stuff is ruled out then we can think of more benign things such as a vasovagal syncope or situational syncope.
Heat Stroke / Hypoxia / Hypoglycemia / Hypotension.
Epilepsy (Seizure). --> Will have Post-ictal state.
Disorders of the Brain Stem (Stroke). --> Focal Neuro signs.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. --> Headache.
Heart Attack. --> Chest pain, EKG Changes.
Embolism. --> Chest Pain (Pleuritic). History of immobilization, travel, cancer.
Aortic Stenosis/ Acute Coronary Syndrome. --> EKG Changes.
Rhythm Abnormalities.
Vasovagal. --> Prodrome of feeling faint, sweating, nauseous.
Ectopic Pregnancy / Electrolyte Abnormalities. --> young women.
Situational (Cough, Sneeze, Micturition).
Subclavian Steal.
ENT (Glossopharygeal Neuralgia).
Low Systemic Vascular Resistance (Addison’s, Diabetic Neuropathy).
Sensitive Carotid (Sick Sinus Syndrome).
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People With Stroke Have A Chance At A Full Life
People With Stroke Have A Chance At A Full Life. Scientists are testing a uncharted thought-controlled machinery that may one day help people submit limbs again after they've been paralyzed by a stroke. The device combines a high-tech brain-computer interface with electrical stimulation of the damaged muscles to lend a hand patients relearn how to move frozen limbs kutte ko sex power dekar aunty ne sexy. So far, eight patients who had wanton movement in one hand have been through six weeks of group therapy with the device. They reported improvements in their ability to complete daily tasks. "Things like combing their braids and buttoning their shirt," explained study author Dr Vivek Prabhakaran, kingpin of functional neuroimaging in radiology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "These are patients who are months and years out from their strokes removal. Early studies suggested that there was no trustworthy room for change for these patients, that they had plateaued in the recovery. We're showing there is still compartment for change. There is plasticity we can harness". To use the new tool, patients be dressed a cap of electrodes that picks up brain signals. Those signals are decoded by a computer what can i do to clean my womb. The computer, in turn, sends negligible jolts of electricity through wires to sticky pads placed on the muscles of a patient's paralyzed arm. The jolts bit like nerve impulses, influential the muscles to move. A simple video game on the computer screen prompts patients to turn to hit a target by moving a ball with their affected arm. Patients practice with the game for about two hours at a time, every other day. Researchers also scanned the patients' brains before, during and a month after they finished 15 sessions with the device. The more patients practiced, the more they were able to work out their brains, the researchers found. The findings were scheduled for launch Monday at the annual engagement of the Radiological Society of North America, in Chicago. Strokes crop up when blood flow to the brain stops. This happens because a blood clot blocks a blood receptacle in the brain or a blood vessel breaks in the brain. Strokes often cause problems with group and language. Though it's an early look at evidence supporting the therapy, one masterly who was not involved with the research said the results looked promising. "Stroke is the largest cause of disability in the country," said Dr Rafael Ortiz, conductor of neuro-endovascular surgery and stroke at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. "Fifty percent of movement patients end up with severe disability, and that's out of 800000 strokes that happen a year. Better kinds of rehabilitation for gesture patients are desperately needed. "Using therapies be this, we can offer hope to patients, even six or twelve months after their stroke. The perspicacity has two sides, or hemispheres. Researchers say that what seems to be taking place is that the side of the brain that wasn't damaged by the stroke learns to take over many of the functions lost on the awkward side. And the more patients are able to recruit the unaffected side, the better their progress. Some, but not all, of the positive capacity changes remained even a month after patients had finished therapy. Researchers think maintenance sessions may be requisite to help people keep their gains. Patients with mild to moderate damage seem to get the most relief from the device. Patients with milder impairments were able to increase their speed on a task that required them to move pegs on a board. Patients with mediocre damage were able to recover movement and strength. The study is still in its early stages. Researchers said they won't be familiar with for sure how well it works or how useful it may be until they've tested it on more patients. Prabhakaran said he hoped to induct 44 in total watch deshi scandal. Data and conclusions presented at meetings are typically considered or technical prodromal until published in a peer-reviewed medical journal Dec 2, 2013.
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Is Headache a Concern For You? Never Ignore It
Be cautious – Check for these warning signs
If these signs and symptoms are present consult your doctor.
An unusually severe headache that is "worst ever"
Headaches that get worse progressively and prevent normal daily activities
A major change in the pattern of headaches
Pain that increases with movement
Headaches that first develop after 50 years of age
Headaches that are accompanied by –systemic symptoms like myalgia, fever, scalp tenderness, weight loss, anemia etc. or neurological symptoms such as visual disturbances, weakness, numbness, slurred speech etc. orsymptoms related to higher mental function like confusion, decreased alertness or memory etc.
Headaches after an injury or trauma to the head
Headaches in patients with a compromised immune system
There are hundreds of conditions associated with headaches. Have a look at few of them:
1. TENSION HEADACHE It is usually mild to moderate in intensity. But occasionally become severe. The typical tension headache produces pain like a band squeezing the head. The shoulders and neck can also ache. Muscle contractions and tension in the face, neck or shoulders can cause headache. It can be triggered by fatigue, emotional stress etc. Mostly last for 20 minutes to two hours. It is not associated with any disease related to brain.
Try this – A heating pad or warm shower may help; some people feel better with a short nap or light snack. If you get frequent episodes of headache, try to identify the triggers so you can avoid them. Prevention– Stress management is very important and effective. Practice relaxation techniques including deep breathing, yoga, meditation and progressive muscle relaxation. Live a healthy lifestyle – Eat balanced diet, drink plenty of water, do regular exercise, get enough sleep; avoid smoking, use of alcohol, caffeine and sugar.
2. MIGRAINE Migraine is considered as a neuro-vascular disorder having a complex series of neural and vascular events that initiates the headache. It is much more severe than tension headache. In typical cases, the pain is on one side of the head, often beginning around the eye and temple before spreading to the back of the head. In the prodromal phase, there may be symptoms like mood swings, food cravings, yawning, irritability etc. Some, migraine begin with one or more neurological symptoms called an ‘aura’. Visual symptoms during aura include appearance of floaters, flashes of light or blurry vision. Pain will be pulsating in nature and may be associated with photophobia, phonophobia, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms of the postdrome phase include fatigue, weakness etc. Check for these triggers:Changing weather like rise in humidity or heat, lack of sleep or oversleeping, emotional stress, sensory triggers (bright lights, loud noises, strong smells), dietary triggers (particular food or drink, missing a meal, use of alcohol), Monosodium glutamate – MSG, (often present in the foods items of restaurants and artificial flavors) etc. Prevention – Try to find out the triggering factors and avoid them.Treatment – Ignoring the attacks of migraine will increase both the frequency and intensity of pain. Early diagnosis and treatment will help to get a complete relief from migraine. By using analgesics, only short-term relief is obtained and the pain can rebound. Also those medicines are not advisable to be used for a long term as they can hamper body’s natural pain relief mechanism and can damage kidneys, liver or other vital organs. Ayurveda can give you good relief from migraine. There are very effective internal medicines that can cure the problem. Ayurvedic treatment procedures will help to give long lasting results and prevent the recurrence of migraine. The important treatment principles of migraine include detoxification, maintaining the equilibrium of tridoshas, strengthening of the nervous system and ensuring proper blood circulation to the brain.
3. CLUSTER HEADACHES Cluster headache is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent, severe headaches on one side of the head, typically around the eye. It is often accompanied by watering of eye or swelling around the eye or nasal congestion on the affected side. Even though anyone can get cluster headache, it is usually seen in a middle-aged man with a history of smoking. Cluster headaches last for shorter periods of time with many episodes of headache in a day. They cluster for about two weeks to three months often at the same time of year. A cycle or cluster occurs on one side of the head, but subsequent clusters can switch sides. Try this – A heating pad or warm shower may help; some people feel better with a short nap or light snack. If you get frequent episodes of headache, try to identify the triggers so you can avoid them. Prevention – Strictly avoid smoking and use of alcohol. Regular breathing exercises, good exposure to fresh air, relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation etc. can relieve the symptoms of cluster headaches.
4. SINUS HEADACHE Acute sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses due to allergies, infections etc.) may decrease the mucus drainage, thus increasing the pressure within the sinuses. This will lead to sinus headache. There will be pain over the forehead, temples, around the nose and eyes, over the cheeks, or in the upper teeth. Stooping forward increases the pain. Associated symptoms like fever, cough, thick nasal discharge and congestion, point towards sinusitis. Here the treatment for sinusitis that resolves infection will cure the associated headache.
If you get a severe headache, diagnose it correctly so that you can start the right treatment plan for the same. A detailed description of your symptoms, duration, aggrevating and alleviating factors if any, along with physical examination will help to diagnose your headache. In most cases, special diagnostic tests are not required. Despite treatment, if your headache is not relieved, advanced radiological investigations like CT scan, MRI scan etc. are advised.
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AKAMI is an initiative — a vision that upon full realization — will stand tall as a chain of kerala ayurvedic center propagating a comprehensive and renewed scientific perspective on Ayurveda, for the world to experience. Ayurvedic treatments in kerala are the best traditional system of holistic healing and relaxation in India. Akami Ayurveda is the best ayurvedic hospital in indore, bhopal and kerala and treat a different diseases.
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