#population and health
syrahealth · 10 months
Population Health (PH) is the systematic and comprehensive approach to improving the health outcomes and overall health status of a specific population. We define Population Health (PH) as the process of assessing and analyzing healthcare and its delivery to create improvement for a population of individuals. We provide end-to-end solutions and strategies to improve the quality of care, access to care, health outcomes, and healthcare policies to help our partners. The solutions will assist individuals in reaching their full health potential through preventative care, care coordination, and patient engagement. Click the link to learn more. https://www.syrahealth.com/population-health
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3liza · 11 days
the number of afab people replying to the pain poll going "yeah I've broken limbs and had 1st degree burns and given birth but nothing tops my menstrual pain" is so fucked up it is unbelievable. and I was right there with everyone else until I stumbled on a low dose progestin regimen that just made me stop menstruating. which I would recommend to everyone except it just doesn't work for everyone. ask your doc about it though, it won't cause permanent side effects or injury to try it out. i take norethindrone 2.5mg 2x/day. this dose has to be different for each patient to work correctly, that's just what I take. there's some research to suggest synthetic progesterone like norethindrone is carcinogenic so I'm going to look into switching. anyway i just got extremely lucky. there is seriously nothing like it. it was the worst pain I ever felt until the urology incident and frankly I think the menstrual pain was already a factor in the outcome of the urology incident
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animentality · 1 year
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jackass-democrats · 6 months
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World Population
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pro-birth · 9 months
I'm all for women choosing to not have kids but y'all need to stop demonizing fertility, or acting like mentioning it as a part of women's health is a problem.
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Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueologicos a una nueva actualidad del país del sol naciente, en esta ocasión en el tema de actualidad de esta opción será la natalidad y de cómo afectará al país dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - La esperanza de vida en Japón es la más alta del mundo, llegando a los 100 años, lo cual lo convierte en el país más longevo del mundo, Japón para 2046, según nuevos estudios llevados a cabo por National Geographic, será de 37.5% de población envejecida. - La tasa de natalidad y los estudios realizados por Statista Research Department en septiembre 29, 2022 natalidades son de 1,69. Seguramente llegue a un punto en el que se llegará a un equilibrio entre la tasa de natalidad y la tasa de mortalidad. - ¿Cuál será el destino de Japón? ¿Qué opinan al respecto? Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana. - 今回は「出生率」と「出生率の推移」についてです。 - 日本の平均寿命は、それが世界で最も長く生きている国になり、100年に達し、世界で最も高いです、日本は2046年までに、ナショナルジオグラフィックが実施した新しい研究によると、人口の37.5%が高齢化されることになります。 - 2022年9月29日にStatista Research Departmentが行った研究によると、出生率・出生数は1.69である。おそらく、出生率と死亡率が均衡する地点に達するだろう。 - 日本の運命はどうなるのか、あなたはどう思いますか?私はあなたがそれを好きで、将来の記事であなたを参照してください願っています良い週を持っています。 - Welcome japanistasarqueologicos to a new news from the country of the rising sun, this time the topic of this option will be the birth rate and how it will affect the country, that said, make yourselves comfortable and let's start. - Life expectancy in Japan is the highest in the world, reaching 100 years, which makes it the longest living country in the world, Japan by 2046, according to new studies conducted by National Geographic, will be 37.5% of the population aged. - The birth rate and birth rates are 1.69, according to studies conducted by Statista Research Department on September 29, 2022. It will probably reach a point where a balance will be reached between the birth rate and the death rate. - What will Japan's fate be, and what do you think about it? I hope you liked it and see you in future posts have a good week.
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sirmanmister · 1 year
For any Canadian/East Coast peeps please remember to wear masks outside!! This air quality is WORSE than when Fort McMurray burned!!
Keep an eye on your children and grandparents and pets! They’re all especially prone to smoke inhalation!
If you get any nosebleeds you can put a tiny bit of petroleum jelly in your nose to keep things from drying out, and lip balm is a good idea too. Sunglasses won’t save your eyes completely but they do help if you have to go outside!
Any yard work or exercise can WAIT. Going for a run WILL hurt you. If your house is too smoky, turn on your air conditioning (if you have it) and go to a shopping centre for the day. I think they opened the cooling centres in Ottawa which is apparently getting hit super hard so you can also head there to get a break!
Please please be careful out there folks!
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eirianerisdar · 7 months
Nothing like breaking down sobbing in front of the associate consultant today telling her why I had to take two seperate sick days last month because the patient load is wearing me out
I told her I can't see patients the way I want to if we have to see a new patient for 2-3 complaints every five minutes, eight hours a day with a short lunch in the middle. Working 5.5 days a week
Her response was to tell me "Hey don't go into too much detail with some patients who don't want to listen to you."
Which, I mean, fair enough, but it doesn't change how the doctor-patient consultation model was modeled after a minimum 20-minute consultation and I get five
I mean she did say that I managed to address a lot of patients' concerns within those five minutes so patients are usually very grateful to me but it's a cold comfort when she essentially is saying if you don't want to burn out you have to care less about certain patients
If doctors seem in a hurry sometimes this is one of the reasons
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ophilosoraptoro · 3 months
Why American Sperm Count Dropped 41% in 50 years
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loathsome-sickness · 3 months
genuine fucking shoutout to all the guys that live with false accusation OCD & have their own mental illness used as 'proof' that they're 'just as bad as a rapist' or just flat out get called rapists for being honest and open about a very fucking serious mental health condition. or those too scared to ever admit to it in the first place because they've seen it happen to others who were
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jangillman · 17 days
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creepyscritches · 27 days
At least twice a week since July I've had people thanking me for my neuroendocrine cancer education and telling me how often they use the resources I built them :') idk imposter syndrome is ever present and in healthcare you can even have thoughts of "Man, am I spending too much time educating/researching on poorly understood cancers?"
I'm still struggling to decide on format, but I'm currently compiling my research and resources to make a self-guided cancer education resource for my team. I really enjoy my job rn but I think focused cancer education would be nice to springboard into later in life once I finish learning about the inner guts of the ACA. I'm finally healthy enough to consider higher education, but the catch is my employer insurance is the only reason I can get my medical care...and leaving for school to be able to focus more officially on cancer education means I'd lose that medical care security :(
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ohello0 · 4 months
Ok so…. H5N1 Bird Flu has spread to house mice in New Mexico…. a week after chicken and egg farms in Iowa plan to slaughter ~4 million contaminated chickens… and after bird flu has spread across dairy farms in 9 different states (so far)
But surely no humans have ever caught it—what was that? There have been 4 human cases in the US, 3 in this year alone (all 3 from dairy cows)? Lemme just check the CDCs summary and recommendations on bird flu real quick.. oh. Um . Clap if you’re scared
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mad-hunts · 3 months
thinking about barton doing baby talk to his kids, even though he was eighteen when marcy gave birth to both matilda + louis and thus was a COMPLETELY different person, is honestly both super surreal to me and also surprisingly... sort of makes sense. because barton can NOT bring himself to be mean around babies; i mean at all, and this man loved his kids so much, which 😭 well — let me just say that his behavior has greatly changed since then, to say the least. though barton still believes he loves them in his 'own way'
#OF MONSTERS AND MEN: musings.#ahhh yeah... i just. idk what this mood is that i'm in right now but i just pictured barton being one of those dads that their toddler-#kids seem to ADORE but like 😭 obviously he is no longer the same person because man's used to be able to comfort them relatively-#well and actually made more of an effort at emotionally supporting them. though i guess part of the reasoning for this could be that-#barton was trying to hold back his quote unquote 'blood-thirst' at this point and be like everyone else buttt now he doesn't care about-#fitting in with the rest of the population much at all. because his main job is literally to serve criminals (albeit medically) and he's a#freaking ORGAN tr*fficker for crying out loud. but the strange thing is is that this trait of his where he just can't be mean to babies-#has carried on throughout all these years with him + whenever barton's around one he mayyy or may not sometimes get baby fever 💀#so yeah. that's fun LOL but idk it just makes me a little sad thinking about how good barton used to be with them whenever they were small#and now with his mental health pretty much being on a steady decline + him seemingly turning more and more monstrous by-#the years it's always a gamble with the mathis kids as to whether they'll get to see a glimpse of this again or if they'll just get more of#the same father who provides for his kids physical needs such as food and shelter but not so much emotional needs + can be manipulative-#as HELL sometimes too#tw: mental illness.#tw: manipulation.#tw: mentions of organ trafficking.#tw: emotional neglect.
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tennessoui · 11 months
I gotta say, if I were the Jedi Council, I would be sticking Obi-Wan (and accompanying death shadow) on a planet with really, really, REALLY good health care. Like, the second Obi-Wan dies Eldritch Remains Anakin is going to be backing a dump truck full of corpses up to the Night Sisters. You want that little sadness muffin getting monthly physicals, staying hydrated, and eating lots of fruits and veg.
In my original thrown together outline, segment 4 involves obi-wan and anakin having a conversation about what anakin would do if obi-wan were to die and anakin is like you won’t :)
and there was a version of eldritch anakin who could like sort of sense the future/what will happen because he was once a part of the Force and the force is everything, past and future and present so when he comes back into his body he still has memories of the future which is disconcerting
especially because he doesn’t particularly care about changing any of the future events he’s seen, so obi-wan was going to find out about Order 66 via his little holonews bites and anakin will have known the entire time and done nothing so that obi-wan could be his and all his and only his
and obi-wan is furious with him because he knows he knew the entire time and he never said anything
but even then he doesn’t leave
Lol I know this hardly relates to this ask but in the original planned version of the story the council and the temple was just doomed from the second anakin came back and there’s nothing they could have done
fruits and veggies aside—just caring about obi-wan and obi-wan caring about them in return is enough for their fate to be sealed
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joski-town · 1 year
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The latest BOAS grading stats by The Kennel Club. Those are great results and really shows what a difference getting a well bred dog makes when it comes to health.
84,8% of Frenchies, 81,8% of bulldogs and 78,6% of Pugs are unaffected.
I can't wait until these kinds of testing are available worldwide, right now in France we only have Breath testing which is clearly not as thorough.
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