#prodrome sciences
bobogimpy · 2 years
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ Ab Me !!
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૮ • ﻌ - ა⁩
Hai, my name's Emi. I go by they/he/fae/she. I'm a POC Minor w/ an unhealthy obsession for pink + an addiction to pinterest. This blog is mainly to just post pretty pictures, be cute, and rant ab things !!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ Under 11 or Over 18 {unless I've reached out to you first/felt more comfortable around you}
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ You're a pr*shipper, or support any of the problematic DSMP members even when knowing what they've done.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ Call women "females"
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ Homophobic, Xenophobic, Racist, Sexist, Ect.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝Support/post/follow Pro-Ana stuff
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ You like Little Nightmares, FNAF, Cult of the Lamb, Puppet Combo games, or any sort of Indie game!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ You like/wear gyaru or scene fashion!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ You're a cutecore blog/you like cutecore!! Also morute blogs !!!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ You enjoy Baby Bugs, Melanie Martinez, Lemon Demon, Tally Hall, or Mitski !!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ I have medically diagnosed OCD and prodromal psychosis , so I'll probably rant about that a lot.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ I'm a STEM Major (more specifically computer science).
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ I'll be doing this blog in the midst of highschool, so spontaneous uploads.
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gangotricamphor · 1 year
Best quality Camphor in India
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Millions of people throughout the world suffer from migraines, a crippling and sometimes misdiagnosed neurological ailment. These agonizing headaches can be quite disruptive, impairing a person's ability to go about their daily activities, work, and fully enjoy life, in addition to inflicting intense agony.
A promising treatment for migraine relief is camphor, a natural compound made from the wood of camphor trees. The qualities of Best Quality Camphor in India have shown promise in easing some of the migraine symptoms, even though it may not be a generally known remedy.
In this blog article, we will delve into the subject of migraines, addressing how they affect people and if camphor may be used as a natural migraine treatment therapy. We will examine the science of camphor, its traditional uses, and its possible advantages in treating migraine pain and discomfort. Through this investigation, we wish to shed light on an alternate method of treating migraines and give individuals who look to natural therapies hope.
A main headache illness called migraine is characterized by frequent, severe headache bouts. They are frequently classified into two categories:
Prodromal symptoms and headache symptoms, and they are frequently accompanied by additional symptoms.
Common signs
Migraine headaches are usually pulsing, one-sided, and of moderate to severe severity. Physical exertion makes the discomfort worse and can make it continue for hours or even days.
Auras are brief sensory abnormalities that affect around 25% of migraine patients. Auras can cause sensory symptoms like tingling or numbness as well as visual problems like blind patches or flashing lights.
Vomiting and Nausea: Nausea and vomiting are frequent migraine symptoms.
Sensitivity to Light and Sound: During a migraine episode, many migraine patients have hypersensitivity to light (photophobia) and sound (phonophobia).
Prodromal signs and symptoms: Some people suffer mood swings, food cravings, or increased thirst in the hours or days before a migraine attack.
Migraines are a common neurological illness that has a substantial negative impact on both individuals and society as a whole.
Prevalence: About 1 in 7 persons worldwide suffer from migraines, making them fairly prevalent. With a roughly 3:1 ratio of women to males, they are more common in women.
Burden: Sufferers with migraines may experience significant reductions in their quality of life. They frequently result in disabilities, lost days at work or in school, and diminished productivity. Additionally, comorbid illnesses like anxiety and depression can coexist with migraines. The financial burden is also substantial because of lost production and rising healthcare expenditures.
Common Treatments and Their Limitations
Changing one's lifestyle, taking preventative steps, and using acute treatment choices are all part of managing migraines. It's crucial to remember that not every patient responds well to every treatment, and success might vary greatly.
Identifying and avoiding migraine triggers (such as particular foods or stress), keeping a regular sleep pattern, drinking plenty of water, and managing stress are some examples of lifestyle modifications.
Acute medications: These are used to treat the symptoms of a migraine attack. Triptans, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs), and antiemetics are typical pharmaceuticals used to treat nausea and vomiting.
Preventive treatments, such as beta-blockers, antiepileptic pharmaceuticals, or injections of botulinum toxin, may be administered for those who experience frequent or severe migraines to lessen the frequency and severity of episodes.
Non-Pharmacological Approaches: These can be used to control migraine triggers and lessen the severity of migraines. Examples include biofeedback, relaxation methods, and cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Drugs might not be effective for everyone and might have unwanted side effects.
The efficacy of preventive interventions can vary, and they may take some time to become effective.
Changes to one's way of life need dedication and may not completely stop migraines.
If they rely too much on acute drugs, some people may get headaches from pharmaceutical misuse.
Migraines are a widespread neurological illness that can be quite painful and have a variety of symptoms. They can have a substantial impact on a person's life, and managing them requires a variety of therapies, each of which has drawbacks. For migraine therapy to be successful, individualized care and expert advice are required.
The Best quality Camphor in India has a powerful, pungent smell and is a white, crystalline material. It frequently appears in a variety of therapeutic, cosmetic, and culinary uses. Both natural and synthetic forms of camphor may be discovered, however, it has rather intriguing natural origins.
Natural Source
The camphor tree, or Cinnamomum camphora as it is named technically, is the main source of camphor in nature. This tree is an evergreen endemic to East Asia, specifically China, Taiwan, and Japan. The wood, leaves, roots, and other components of the camphor tree all contain camphor oil.
Extraction: A procedure known as steam distillation is used to extract camphor from these camphor tree pieces. This is how it goes:
Wood: The camphor tree's wood is processed in several ways, including chipping and crushing.
The prepared wood is exposed to steam, which causes the volatile camphor components to evaporate.
Condensation: After the camphor has evaporated, it is condensed to create crystals that may then be further refined.
Uses: Traditional uses for the Best quality Camphor in India include traditional medicine, perfumery, and several other things. It is renowned for both its fragrant and therapeutic qualities. Among other things, it can be used as an analgesic, an insect repellent, and to clear up congestion.
Aroma and Cooling Sensation
Camphor is a distinctive and identifiable chemical recognized for its distinct perfume and cooling sensation:
Camphor has a distinctive, pungent perfume that is both powerful and unmistakable. A blend of medicinal, woody, and somewhat sweet characteristics is frequently used to characterize it.
Camphor is frequently used in items like ointments, balms, and cleaning chemicals to give a clean perfume since its aroma is frequently linked to cleanliness and freshness.
Minty and refreshing, with a cooling sensation: The Best quality Camphor in India has a cooling and revitalizing effect on the skin and respiratory system when applied topically or breathed. This menthol-like cooling action helps ease discomfort, especially when used topically in balms and other similar items.
Camphor is a prominent component in over-the-counter cold medications and muscle massages because of its calming properties, which include the ability to calm inflamed skin and relieve congestion.
Camphor is a common option in traditional medicine, aromatherapy, and numerous therapeutic uses due to its distinctive scent and cooling effects. Its continuing popularity and broad use are a result of its energizing smell and calming impact on the body.
Camphor, a common ingredient in migraine treatment medications, has several possible advantages, including the capacity to soothe discomfort, lessen the intensity of headaches, and ease tension frequently connected to migraines. The Best quality Camphor in India has potential as a natural migraine remedy component. It may help with relaxation, inflammation reduction, and headache symptom relief, among other things.
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prodromeusa · 2 years
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baejax-the-great · 3 years
the chocolate trigger thing is a myth??
Thank you for asking. The short of it is yes.
Chocolate as a posited migraine trigger came out of migraine journal studies. Basically, people suffering from migraine were asked to keep detailed journals of their lives, including what they ate, and this was compiled and trends were picked out.
One thing they found? People often ate chocolate before reporting a migraine attack.
There were two things going on here, though it took years for people to come to this conclusion. The first is that migraine prodrome can include sugar cravings-- so people who were already well on their way to a migraine attack were craving chocolate, ate the chocolate, and then reported the migraine. The second is that stress is a trigger of both migraines AND sugar cravings. Thus for someone had a rough week, the stress induced both a migraine attack and a desire for chocolate.
Later lab studies in which people who suffer migraine were given chocolate, or cocoa, or small doses of caffeine similar to what's found in chocolate, etc etc found that there was ZERO evidence for chocolate triggering a migraine. No component of chocolate triggered a migraine in sensitive people, even people who reported chocolate as a trigger.
So really, eating chocolate is a symptom of migraine, not a trigger of it.
These same food diary studies also led scientists to (briefly) believe that alcohol might PREVENT migraines. Why? People who reported fewer migraine attacks drank more alcohol. The actual finding here? People who have more migraine attacks don't frequently drink alcohol because jfc who wants a drink when they have a migraine (also migraine fucks up social lives). Alcohol, unlike chocolate, DOES trigger migraine attacks.
So these are the kinds of limitations of food diaries when you are trying to figure out what triggers your migraine attacks, and also why doctors emphasizing food triggers, especially chocolate, get a side eye from me.
That said, there is ample evidence that when people feel in control of their health, they tend to feel better. If you believe that chocolate triggers migraine attacks and you feel like limiting chocolate helps you, I'm not going to tell you to stop.
But if your doctor handed you a pamphlet with 20 year out of date information on migraines that included the idea that you had to stop eating chocolate and cheese (no evidence for cheese, either, eat your heart out), I'm here to say your doctor is at least 8 years out of date with the literature.
TLDR; chocolate fine, alcohol bad, doctors lazy, science progresses
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desicosplay · 2 years
Mastani's Guide to Monkeypox
Disclaimer: I'm not an epidemiologist or a physician - I'm just someone well versed with microbiology and diseases. That being said, here is what I know/what I'm doing about monkeypox. A big note beforehand though - this is not a queer disease. We must prevent spread to high risk populations. Even if you are not high risk, you are no more than two steps away from someone who is. This information was aggregated as of August 28th, 2022. Remember - science is always learning more, so some information may become outdated.
What is it? - a poxvirus. Similar to coxpox or variola/smallpox, monkeypox is a double stranded DNA virus. Double stranded DNA is stable genetic material (especially as compared to SARS-CoV-2, which is an RNA virus).
How does it infect? - Mechanistically, I can't find a consensus. However, this article (warning, it's written for immunologists, not for the general public) suggests poxviruses evades immune responses by modifying recognition proteins.
How does it spread? - Monkeypox is viable in rashes and bodily fluid. It can be spread through skin-to-infected skin contact, contact with mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth, and vagina), and contact with bodily fluids, like breathing in/ingesting saliva. It can spread from humans to animals. Since this virus is stable, surfaces (especially soft and porous surfaces - like clothes and couches) can hold viable virus. To summarize, you can get monkeypox by: - skin to rash contact - skin to scab contact - skin to infected cloth contact (i.e. laundering soiled sheets) - sex with an infected person, regardless of sexuality or gender - skin to infected surface contact (i.e. frequently touched surfaces) - 3+ hours, no mask, within 6> feet (droplet spread)
How do you protect yourself? - Maintain your skin barrier as best you can. This means frequent moisturizing, covering injuries/broken skin (i.e. cuts, eczema). A solid skin barrier is an EXCELLENT defense. - Try to avoid extensive touching of folks you don't know/wear protective clothes if you must. This includes items that they spend a lot of time with. - Disinfect surfaces - refer to this list for disinfectants that work and follow instructions. Monkeypox does not survive at high humidity , sunlight, and high temperatures (think near tropic temperatures), but is stable at room temperature for a while (current estimates are at 15 days if undisturbed). - Wash/Sanitize (70% alcohol or more) your hands often. - Watch for symptoms and see a provider ASAP for unexplained rashes. - Get vaccinated if you can. The current guidelines are here (AUG/22/2022), but the next phase opens the vaccine up to anyone. Old smallpox vaccines do work, but talk to your provider about getting this one. If you have a immunocompromising condition (including eczema!), take the JYNNEOS vaccine over the ACAM2000. - Mask up. If you took off your mask for COVID-19, put it back on. - Do not touch your eyes, nose, mouth, or broken skin without washing your hands.
What do I do if I'm exposed? - Get vaccinated ASAP. The vaccine does work as post-exposure prophylaxis. - Communicate with your local health department. You may have to isolate for 21 days. - Watch for symptoms (they may be mild!) - Wear a mask around others and insist that others mask around you.
What are the symptoms? - There are a few stages for symptoms. Here is the most common presentation, but if you're ever unsure, see a physician. Keep in mind, monkeypox rash can range from 1 bump to 100s and last about a month. 1. Incubation (5 days - 3 weeks): Before symptoms starts. It is unclear if people are infective during this time. 2. Prodrome (1 - 2 days if at all): Fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, exhaustion, headache, cough. Think the flu, or a bad cold. People may be infective at this time, but it is unclear. 3. Enanthem (1 day): Sores inside the mouth or on the tongue. People are definitely infective at this time. From here on out, you may experience pain and itching. 4. Macules (1-2 days): Flat lesions (re: abnormal skin) spread across the face and to the limbs/other places. 5. Papules (1-2 days): The rash becomes rasied, easy to individually circle, and feel firm. 6. Vesicles (1-2 days): The bumps fill with clear fluid. 7. Pustules (5-7 days): The bumps become cloudy or pus filled. They may develop a spot or divot. 8. Scabs (~7 days): The bumps become crusty and scabby. They will fall off on their own and may leave scars. After all scabs are gone, people are not infective.
Can I recieve medication? - Yes, there are antivirals that help. However, even without medication, monkeypox usually resolves on its own after a month.
What do I do to clean my place after I/someone I live with gets infected: - Clean surfaces with the disinfectants from earlier. Pay close attention to the instructions. Bleach also works, but again, adhere to the instructions. - Launder soiled clothes and linens with extreme care. A wash cycle will render monkeypox dead, but the transfer of items to the washer can put you in contact with infective particles.
Mastani, what are YOU doing? - as someone who is often in the hospital, has to be in public, and lives with someone, this is what we do. Keep in mind, I'm a bit germ-sensitive, so some of this may be overkill. - Change clothes when we get home. I take a full shower, but my partner just changes since they work in a non-hospital setting and are rarely in contact with a lot of people. - Clean our home once a week with disinfectants listed in the link above. - Spray our phones when we get home with 70%+ isopropyl alochol (Note: make sure your phone is off while doing this!!) - Wipe down our electronics similarly (again, more for me than them) - Avoid touching folks we don't know well/ask our friends to keep a close eye on symptoms. - Double mask everywhere. I wear a KN95 + surgical mask, they wear a KN95 + cloth mask. - Wipe down public surfaces before sitting at them. We keep wipes in our bags. - Wipe down our groceries/wash the produce as soon as we get home. (we don't know transmission rates of public surfaces yet, so extra precaution) - Wash our hands as soon as we come in. - Take extra caution using public bathrooms (try to avoid too much butt to seat without a barrier/wiping it down). - Take off our shoes when we get home. - Sanitize/Wash our hands before eating anywhere, including home. - We have a quarantine room/pack ready to go on the chance one of us has to quarantine. Underlined phrases are links. If you have questions, I will answer them to the best of my ability. However, I am balancing school, new monkeypox information, and anxiety at all times. I may not have an answer. When in doubt, seek medical advice from an epidemiologist or physician. Knowledge is power. Be safe, be cautious.
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Wednesday 16 June 1830
5 20/..
11 55/..
Fahrenheit 51 1/2 at 5 40/.. and 52˚ at 6 a.m. and fair, but dull morning – off at 6 1/2 – walked leisurely – asked chez Pichon and Didier from Geoffroy Saint Hilaire’s last work – not published yet – reading at of de Mirbel physiologie végétale - breakfast – Lecture 27 Brongniart from 9 to 10 10/.. – Lecture 14 de Blainville from 10 50/.. to 12 1/4 – 
Lecture 9 Geoffroy Saint Hilaire from 12 1/2 to 1 25/.. – Monsieur Geoffroy Saint Hilaire spoke in coming out – asked if l’ambassadrice would come tomorrow – yes! I expected so – well! he would be in the galeries! of course, I said he was trop bon etc. – said I had inquired for his book – not published – said he would let me have a copy – went to his house with him – fancying the thing would please, said I should like to have this volume (only 4/.) en cadeau, and he wrote my name in it as from the author – he wished to send 2 or 3 copies to England – would the ambassador send them – would ask the ambassadrice – I said he had better send them to me – for since the great to do about smuggling the ambassador would not even send anything to his own mother by the courier but by a friend, and mentioned my [course] paid going by a friend poor Monsieur Geoffroy Saint Hilaire somehow worked himself into a sort of fever – said he always did all he could for the English but the English did nothing in return – they were always enemies to the French – even this little thing that he asked was refused – I said I had by no means the right to refuse it, I had only mentioned the difficulty I myself had had in sending anything even to the ambassador’s mother – hoped he would change his opinion of the English – at all rates, I was always reconnaissante for all the many kindnesses I received etc. etc. he said these people were so great that they would do nothing but he had been very well received by Lord Holland, but indeed Lord Holland was of the opposition – I had before begged to be presented to Madame Geoffroy Saint Hilaire and been very civil, but I now got off as well as I could thinking to myself my friend was as he said ‘franc’ and rather energetic – 
Then strolled into the gardens sat down and mused a while - then saw Monsieur Pepin in the école, and spoke about bringing friends with me tomorrow, and about having plants to dry – then went to the galerie de botanique to ask Monsieur Toscau for the billets d’entrée – only a woman gardieu there who, at last, was very civil but said I ought to have a written permission d’entrée from Monsieur Desfontaines – said I would go to him – went and sat 1/4 hour with him merely asking him as if casually for admission to the galerie botanique – he would desire Monsieur Richer to tell the woman to admit me – 
Then home at 2 40/.. – Monsieur Julliart soon came 
And brought another ceveau the poor woman died after childbirth the day before yesterday putting in a solution of corrosive sublimate and washing it etc. 
Monsieur Julliart staid till 4 – should be 1oz. corrosive sublimate to 12 oz. of water – to come on Monday and Wednesday and Thursday – then washing my breakfast things etc. etc. till 4 3/4 – then read a little of Monsieur Geoffroy Saint Hilaire’s book (which seems to be but the prodrome of a series of works) ‘Principes de Philisophie Zoologique, discutés en mars 1830, au sein de l’académie royale des sciences, par Monsieur Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. Paris, Pichon and Didier, libraires, Quai des Augustins no. 47; Rousseau, librarie, rue de Richelieu, no. 103. 1830 dated the day he sent his manuscript to the printer 15 April 1830 – 
Off at 6 10/.. – fiacre from Place Maubert home – read all the way and got to page 50 – home at 6 55/.. – found little note from Madame de Hagemann offering me place in Lady Stuart de Rothesay’s box no. 22 to see Comte Ory – wrote immediately back dated 7 p.m. that I was only just returned and more than usually tired, and feared I could not be ready in time – but in any other case should have been delighted to accept her kind offer, and returned a thousand thanks – sent this immediately to ‘madame madame de Hagemann’.
Cameron brought dinner at 7 1/4 – read the paper – came to my room at 8 3/4 – wrote all the above of today, and coffee at 9 25/.. – on sitting down to dinner – very civil note from Monsieur de Mirbel – not in his power to give me leave to enter the gardens at all hours but would desire Monsieur Richer to desire the gardens to admit me always at the hours when the gates are opened – very gentlemanly de la part de Monsieur de Mirbel – read forward Monsieur Geoffroy Saint Hilaire’s book translating and explaining a little to my aunt as I went along – came to my room at 10 40/.. at which hour Fahrenheit 55˚ - 2 or 3 heavy showers today, but so perpetually raining as yesterday, and fine evening after 6 – read a few pp. more, and got to page 85 –
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coolcodegx · 4 years
Alcohol intake and social impairment
Alcohol intake has the potential of causing adverse social and economic effects on the person consuming the drink whether they are social drinkers, hobby drinkers, or dependent consumers. The drinker’s immediate environment, the community that the drinker belongs to the people surrounding the victim are susceptible to the effects associated with the drinking such as violence, accidents, or social misconduct. The community’s justice system is also bound to suffer due to resources and facilities that are needed to take care of the victims in terms of health and correctional measures. The victim's work and productivity are also probable culprits of the impact that is associated with alcohol consumption (WHO, 2004).
This study seeks to investigate the effects of alcohol intake and if it can lead to loss of employments and impairment of social life. Throughout this study, Nesarc_wave 1 dataset has been used and various literature reviewed to investigate the relationship between alcohol intake and social impairment.
This study aims to investigate the effects of alcohol consumption on people’s lives through attaining the following objectives and by addressing the outlined questions:
1.    Effects of alcohol intake on jobs losses and social impairment
2.    Health impact of alcohol consumption
Throughout this study and to achieve its purpose, the outlined questions will be addressed:
1.    Does alcohol intake lead to job losses and social impairment?
2.    What is the health impact of alcohol consumption?
Literature review
This literature review studies past research that have been conducted revolving around alcohol intake and abuse and its impacts on the social life of the individual. The knowledge advanced in the review shapes the studies process so that an appropriate conclusion and recommendation are drawn whilst addressing emerging gaps.
Brief history
Alcohol has been used throughout the years from the earliest times to the present as a beverage for social gathering and as a source of needed nutrients. Alcohol has been widely used for its medicinal, antiseptic, and painkilling properties. According to (Clarence, 1952), beer was first made in the Neolithic period around 10,000 B.C. and may have paved the way for bread to be regarded as a staple food. While in the Egyptian primitive writing around 4,000 B.C., wine was already a subject of discussion (Wang, et al., 2017).  Blocker (2006) mentions that a ban was imposed on the production, transportation, and consumption of alcohol in the US between 1930-1933 consequently due to intense lobbying by activists, this was also exacerbated by high incidences of criminal activities that were related to alcohol consumption.
According to (Jellinek, 1952), there are two types of alcoholics. Habitual drinkers and reliant or excessive drinkers. The author indicates that excessive drinkers have less control over their drinking while habitual drinkers even though they consume excessive amounts, exercise control over their drinking. According to the author, the journey to being an addict starts with a motivation that is socially triggered, thus the pre-alcoholic phase. This is then preceded by a need to constantly relieve oneself through daily drinking. The pre-alcoholic phase is then followed by the prodromal phase, a stage where the victim experiences blackouts and which include total loss of train of thoughts. Finally, the author asserts that the victim may succumb to alcohol drinking hence plunge into the crucial stage where the addict losses control if correctional measures are not sought. At this stage, the victim may be on a free fall and maybe oblivious of the effects such as intoxication in the phase of deteriorating health and preoccupation with drinking (Gilpin & Koob, 2008).
Alcohol impact
Domestic violence incidents have been on the rice due to alcohol abuse by husbands and sometimes by both the victim and the offender. Heavy drinking has been a major contributor to violence amongst family members. Empirical studies in various African countries in West Africa, South Africa, East Africa, in India, and Columbia show that most domestic violence is as a result of alcohol consumption. 52% of victims in Uganda were due to intake of alcohol while in India 33% of abusing husbands were heavy alcohol takers (WHO, 2004b).
According to (Klingermann & Gmel, 2001), drinking heavily while at the workplace has the potential of reducing a persons’ productivity and may in turn lead to loss of job and employability. Many employment-related challenges such as nonperformance and absence due to sicknesses are associated with alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. The author further, endorses that heavy drinking has been one of the major contributors to unemployment due to the inability to secure employment of nonperformance.
Blocker, J. S., 2006. Did Prohibition Really Work? Alcohol Prohibition as a Public Health Innovation. American Journal of Public Health , 96(2), p. 233.
Clarence, 1952. Alcohol, culture, and society. s.l.:Durham, N.C. : Duke University Press ; 1952..
Gilpin, N. W. & Koob, G. F., 2008. Neurobiology of alcohol dependence: focus on motivational mechanisms. Alcohol Res Health. 31(3), pp. 185-195.
Jellinek, E. M., 1952. Phases of Alcohol Addiction. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 1(4), pp. 673-684.
Klingermann, H. & Gmel, G., 2001. Mapping the Social Consequences of Alcohol Consumption. s.l.:s.n.
Wang, J. et al., 2017. Identifying ancient beer brewing through starch analysis: A methodology. Journal of Archaelogical Science: Reports, Volume 15, pp. 150-160.
WHO, 2004. World Health Organization Departmental of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Geneva, Geneva: WHO.
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inner-sunshine · 5 years
The Freebirth of Baby A:
After an eventful day of sightseeing in San Francisco with my husband's family, the night of April 25th was a bit restless for me. I was pretty worn out from walking all day, uncomfortable from being, at this point, 41 weeks 2 days pregnant.
I woke up multiple times in the night, experiencing a lull of back pain and overall tightness in my stomach muscles.
Weeks before this night, I had been excited, ready, then put off when my previous (what I didn't realize was prodromal and perfectly normal) labors fizzled to nothing.
However, something was different about this night. Falling asleep felt instantaneous, like my body needed me resting, yet I woke up a few times to use the bathroom- my body cleaning itself out to fully prepare.
I woke the morning of April 26th with what I recognized were actual waves- contractions. They weren't regularly spaced nor very painful, moreso uncomfortable, like gas pain.
Hosting company, I cooked breakfast for everyone occasionally pausing to acknowledge the waves of my womb.
My mother-in-law noticed something off about me, I think how I was more into myself than my usual social self, and I told her I didn't want to jinx anything, but I thought I was in early labor.
My husband's family wanted to continue sight-seeing parts of the Bay Area (they were visiting from Chicago where we are originally from) and left the house about midday. Only my husband, L & B (my sons), and myself remained.
Looking back now, I'm thankful that they wanted to give us some space because I needed a few hours to get into a more internal mindset to keep my goal on track -- delivering my baby at home.
The boys played while I bounced on an exercise ball, opening my hips and swaying with the waves of contractions. At this point they were still pretty far apart, about 12-15 minutes, and pretty short in length.
After nearly 2 hours of that (about 2pm), I was becoming impatient and a little frustrated because not only were my contractions not picking up, it almost felt like they were slowing down. (Though now, I feel this was all in my head)
I told my husband I wanted to go out and walk around, coincidentally it was when Toys R Us was closing all their locations and the one local to us was having a huge sale, so we went. I figured we could get something for the boys to get involved with in case I either A; do have the baby at home, or B; need to transfer and my MIL has to take the boys. I paced around the store while the kids picked out play doh, toy trucks, and sidewalk chalk.
Leaving the store I tell my husband I want to go home, right now. We had planned maybe stopping somewhere to eat, but even though my contractions hadn't changed much, something changed within me and I just wanted to be home. I followed my instincts.
We got home, a bit after 3, B was really weepy so I decided to lay down and try to nap with him. We were both tired. My body told me to rest and I obliged. I was (well, tbh, still AM) breastfeeding B and thought getting a quick feed in would probably help me progress and relax us both. B fell asleep, and so did I.... for about 20 minutes.
I woke up to contractions that felt a lot more intense than they were previously. I decided to get in the tub to get some relief, especially for my back, for me, is where I feel most of my labors. I timed a couple contractions and they were only about 10 minutes apart. I thought I had a ways to go, hours at least- and by this time it was about 4:30 PM.
I'm not one to condone cervical checks during labor, to be frank, they don't mean anything progress-wise and can potentially irritate an already busy cervix. Alas I was curious, so while in the tub I checked my cervix and to my surprise-- it felt incredibly high up, so high I couldn't even reach it to see how dilated I was. I was so frustrated, at this point I really thought baby wasn't going to be born until after midnight.
I started feeling a little discouraged; I was tired and thought I hadn't even made it halfway, I cried a little. Then, I laid in the tub and just closed my eyes, trying to ground myself while breathing as deeply as possible. My favorite birth affirmations filled my mind and I calmed myself down, confident again.
About 5pm now, my husband's family returns from their outing and I was still in the tub... just as things totally pick up.
Within 20 minutes my contractions went from 10 minutes to 4 minutes apart and they lasted about 50-70 seconds long. It started becoming difficult to communicate through them, all my focus was on breathing and resting in between. I opened the drain of the tub and turned the faucet on as hot as it would go directly on my back as the pressure became more intense.
The boys came into the bathroom to see what was going on and my husband explained that the baby in mommy's belly is going to come out. L asks if it hurts. I say yes, but I am going to be okay once the baby comes out. They sat and watched for a little while, then went back to play with their cousins.
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A powerful surge washed over me and I instantly felt nauseous, I knew what this was and what it meant -- I was in transition; the baby was definitely coming and SOON. (As I said before, this is why one should always decline cervical checks during labor, upon checking my cervix and feeling I had "not progressed" it threw off my whole mood when really I was only about 30 minutes from hitting transition)
I popped out of the tub and vomited into a bowl that my husband brought into the bathroom earlier. He was incredible. I cannot even explain to you how in sync he was to what I needed, without me even saying a word. Indescribably linked.
I stayed on the bathroom floor for maybe 2 contractions after hitting that transition and my instincts spoke to me again. I needed to be somewhere soft. Baby was coming and needed to be caught somewhere more suitable. I obliged and after my next moan through a surge I told my husband I needed help getting into bed.
Mind you, I had planned to have the baby in my bathroom. I had deep cleaned it, set up the space and supplies so everything was accessible in that room. Still in only a few minutes, my husband had all my towels layered on my bed & a bin of supplies on my dresser. Between surges I quickly crouched on my bed on all fours; what was comfortable at the time.
Literally the next surge was so intense and had more pressure behind it that my water broke into my hand. It was warm, I looked down to check it's color -- clear, almost tinged pink. No meconium, not that it is necessarily bad to have stained waters (it's really a non issue), but it was something I wanted to pay attention to, personally, being over 40 weeks.
My next 2 surges brought my body into FER (Fetal Ejection Reflex) and I was pulled into a more tripod stance, on my knees with my left hand supporting me and my right hand covering my vaginal opening, ready to catch.
I stopped being aware of what was going on around me, my eyes were probably open, but I wasn't seeing anything or processing anything other than the visualization of my baby's descent out of me and into this world.
Surge came and I felt the top of a head pop into my palm. I lightly smoothed my fingers over it, it was soft, warm, and I felt hair! So much hair. I say out loud; "I feel a head and it has hair!" My husband was behind me with his hands on my back, he says; 'I can see it! Almost here! Come on, boo!'
I'm in a lot of pain here, the "ring of fire" is in full force and my surges are at their most intense with maybe 10 seconds of break in between.
1st surge after crowning: I deep belly moan and FER pulls my body together. My hand now completely cups baby's head. My vaginal opening is b u r n i n g .
2nd surge after crowning: Deep in my belly once again I moan like a cow as my body pushes for me. My hand leaves baby's head as I feel it pass, then shoulders and in one fluid motion baby is out -- 5:40pm -- I lean behind it to get a look & assess.
I notice it is grey-purple in color, grimacing, and hands & legs were moving. Very good signs. Babe only had vernix in their hair and under their neck, but I think that's because babe was so far along gestationally, their fingernails were pretty long already too.
I pick baby up and open their legs to find I gave birth to yet another boy. "IT'S ANOTHER BOY!!!" I yelled. I hold him to my chest upright and rub his back to see if I could get him to cry, he had not yet, though I could see him grimacing and hear him clearing his airways to breathe. It kinda sounds like when we have congestion in our throats right after coughing.
After a small snort and cough, he lets out a nice, loud cry and I laid on my back completely soaking in the rush of endorphins exploding in my brain.
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I did it! I grew my baby and delivered him... me and my husband... Just as he was made; he was born. In the bed that we still sleep in together.
L ran in shortly after hearing his brand new brother cry to come take a look at him. He tells his grandma that mommy's baby came out!
Baby A latched right away and I began to feel my stomach tightening again; it was time to deliver the placenta. I laid Baby A on the bed, squatted and pushed with the smallest amount of force and it came right out. I placed it in a bowl we had put aside and sat on a fresh towel to monitor my bleeding. I relatched Baby A and inspected my placenta (for science lmao) while I waited for Baby's cord to turn completely white and limp -- the ideal time to cut. It took probably a solid 20 minutes.
I sterilized a brand new pair of kitchen scissors (I literally bought them just to cut the cord) with rubbing alcohol and cut Baby A's cord, leaving about 2 inches still attached. I took a piece of thick sewing thread, dipped it in the rubbing alcohol and tied the cord as tight as I possibly could manage about 1.5-ish inches away from what would one day be his belly button.
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There he was. Guided by the voice of his father, born into the hands of his mother, and immediately greeted by his older brothers; in the sanctity and safety of his own home. Just as he should have been.
Born 4/26/18
9lb 15oz, 21.5in
"the birth of you was nothing like the birth of me" ❤
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Lupine Publishers|  The Aging Process and Time
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Lupine Publishers| Journal Of Forensic & Genetic Sciences
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In the common sense view, time is the cause of aging. But common sense knows nothing about either one or the other; to the extent that common sense confuses age, aging and old age, breaking all the rules of terminological precision.
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The concept of Aging
First of all, let's see why aging is a consequence rather than a cause., through three examples:
a) The gradual staining of teeth does not result from aging; instead of that, it's a prodrome of aging.
b) Wrinkles are not the result of aging; they appear when cells have exhausted their ability of scissiparity. We can say that wrinkles are one of causes of aging among others (inter alia)
« Wrinkles (observed reality) « ⇒ aging (concept) »
c) Osteoarthritis is not the result of aging; it results rather from antecedent factors. In fact, aging is a consequence of osteoarthritis:
« Osteoarthritis (observed reality » ⇒ « aging (concept) »
Wrinkles and osteoarthritis are syndromes of aging
Medicine draws a distinction between chronological age, which is expressed with time units, and biological age, which depends on the physical health of an individual, and which is expressed in units of estimated time. For non living things, such as artifacts, we have introduced the expression "technical age".
The Chronological Age
Age, that is chronological age, is a concept of time. It is roughly evaluable, but not observable: no medical expert can accurately guess the exact age of an individual. Strictly speaking, age is a concept corresponding to "what separates birth from today": the relevant information, expressed as a number of years, months, and days, is very poor. Age of all things, alive or not, increases at the same rate. A person who has been around for a great many years is considered aged, something that does not inform in any way as to his or her physical or mental health. The verb "to age" has a double meaning: to become aged (age increase) and to become old (deterioration of physical condition). Early in 2014, a Frenchman almost 103 years old beat his personal cycling record by travelling 26 km in one hour: this was the feat of a man who was "advanced in years" - Cicero would say "grandis natu" Gaffiot [1]- but not old.
The Biological Age
Aging, that is the increase in biological age, is a gradual and unavoidable degradation of the physical condition; biological age concerns the physical condition at a given point in the process of aging. This is a reality which is observable, but which is difficult to evaluate. Indeed, there are countless criteria for assessing aging and old age, and the selection of one of them is necessarily arbitrary and incomplete anyway: the information contained by reality is extremely rich.
Figure 1: Comparing the estimated biological age and the
The Figure 1 is an imaginary example: the chronological age curve of an individual is a straight line, while the estimated biological age curve is erratic. On a given date, when the biological age exceeds the chronological age, an individual looks older than the average (Figure 1).
The Technical Age
The "technical age" takes into account the material aging, the wear, the maintenance, as well as the planned obsolescence or not. « Artifact: from Latin « artis factum », made from art. ».
The Aging of Bacteria
Bacteria are prokaryotic unicellular organisms whose genome consists of DNA with one chromosome. The statistical modeling of their development can help.com to understand aging. Bacteria reproduce by splitting through scissiparity one mother turns into two daughters, « ... which in their turn become mothers, each giving two. » daughters, etc. The population doubles with each generation; the exponential increase leads to a mathematical modeling such as:
1 → 2 → 4 → 8 → 16 → 32 → 64 → 128 ... 2 Exp (n)
We start with one bacterium: 1 is written: 2 Exp(0)
The first generation gives 2 bacteria, written: 2 Exp (1)
The second generation gives 4 bacteria, written: 2 Exp(2)
At the nth generation we have N = 2 Exp (n) bacteria
In a homogeneous medium, the generations reproduce at approximately the same rate "μ" (Greek letterμ); therefore, the number "n" of generations is approximately:
n & μ t
where "t" is the time indicated by the laboratory chronometer after "n” duplications. The number of bacteria finally reads:
N # 2Exp (μ t) (1)
The proliferation rate "μ” has three causes:
a) Endogenous factors, specific to the bacterium. They depend on its heredity that is its genotype. One factor is the virulence, defined as the ability to multiply: Escherichia coli are able to divide every 20 minutes. Mbovis (Mycobacterium bovis) has a slower generation rate, but it is just as pathogenic. Benet [2].
b) Exogenous factors, specific to the environmental surrounding: hygrometry, light, temperature, presence of sugar or nitrogen, gravity; for example, salmonella typhimurium is three times more virulent in microgravity.
c) The potentiation of endogenous and exogenous factors, one making the other more effective in some way.
Genotype + surrounding + potentiation ⇒ μ
Temperature is an exogenous factor that is easy to control, and bacteria are very sensitive to temperature: between 20°C and 25°C, a population of Salmonella will double every hour, and within 10 hours, their number will be multiplied by 1000. When the temperature is lowered, the energy intake is reduced and their development is slowed down due to lack of homeothermy: "μ” decreases. Below4°C, the deactivation sets in, and in liquid nitrogen, at c.-196 C (c.77°K), μ = 0.
Homeothermy: Internal regulation of temperature, controlled by the hypothalamus. Dinosaur slacked this function, as do many modern animals, including reptiles.
These experiments have a double interpretation:
a) The rate of proliferation "μ" contains energy components (glucose, heat), hygrometric, gravitational, and chemical components, and possible stochastic factors.
b) Time "t" is not the cause of their development. A "substitution rule” provides a theoretical confirmation: the angle of terrestrial rotation "α” is such as
α =ωt
where "ω” is terrestrial rotation speed. It leads to
t = α / ω
In equation (1) we replace”t” by "α / ω”, and we obtain
N= 2 exp (μ α / ω) (2)
Equation (2) proves that the number of bacteria does not depend on time. Time has no impact on bacteria aging. Work done in the USA has observed non-pathogenic bacteria which are deactivated after about hundred transitions, through exhaustion of their genetic ability of scissi parity prescribed by the genome: this is the clinical death of the line, by completion of a genetic program, without temporal impact. At the 100th generation issued from a primary bacteria, the theoretical population reaches c. 2100 bacteria at time "t100" measured when the duplications, observed with a microscope, stop: then μ = 100 / t100 is the average duplication speed.
From t = 100/n, which is the life expectancy of a bacteria line, and from t100/100, which is the average lifespan of a bacterium, it appears that a favourable environment, by activating vitality (that is the factor "μ”), reduces the life expectancy of a population of bacteria and the average lifespan of a bacterium. Professor Valter Longo, director of the USC School of Gerontology (CA), discovered that bacteria deprived of sugar could double their lifespan. Interesting conclusions can be drawn for human health.
The Aging of Cells
L. Robert refers to the activity of biological clocks in the cell aging process. But the rhythms which are observed are irregular and imprecise, and they depend on the environment: therefore they do not have the reliability and accuracy that a clock should have. The metaphor of the biological arrow of time which is supposed to orient cell development is inappropriate; moreover L. Robert describes interactions between the extracellular matrix and the cell: the cell and the matrix have their own modalities of aging which modify the program sequence of the ECM synthesis and its action on the cell as well Klein. [3] This action, which partly determines mitosis (cell division), finally exhausts its abilities: the author recalls the work done in vitro by L. Hayflick (in the USA in the early 1960s), which has shown a limit of 50 to 60 duplications of the cell population: the analogy with a biological arrow of time is obviously disqualified.
The innocuousness of time is clear from Hayflick conclusions: the life expectancy of a cell depends on the rate of duplication (rate of transtability). Transtability is the ability of a cell, which is unstable like any system, to divide into two cells, themselves unstable, whereupon each new cell then divides in its turn: cytoplasmic division is caused by the quest to reach a steady state which is never in fact achieved. The weaker the transtability, the slower the aging; therefore the aging of a cell can be reduced by acting on main causes of imbalance: stressors and genetic weaknesses. The longevity of a cell is determined by the length of its telomere, which is a segment located at the ends of a chromosome. The telomere gets shorter as the number of cell divisions increases, and also due to stressors. This segment, which is protected by an enzyme (telomerase protects the integrity of the genome), controls the start of mitosis. The telophase, or terminal phase of mitosis, consists in the splitting of the cell nucleus into two nuclei, followed by cell division. Unlike non-pathogenic cells, cancer cells are able to subdivide indefinitely: on a human scale, they do not age, because telomerase is hyperactive inside tumoral cells. A cell does not age because of a biological arrow of time, but because of a genetic and environmental mitogen induction: mitosis is induced by the gene, the environment, and a possible potentiation of these two causes.
The Causes of Aging
Time is not the cause of aging in bacteria and cells. But can this refutation of the confusion between time and aging be generalized to all systems? The innate and the acquired are active components of the aging of any system, living or not: even before it is completed, any building or human-made system begins an aging process: what is innate in a bridge is its architecture, its structure, and the quality of the work and materials; what is acquired derives from functional and climatic stressors, maintenance, and repairs. The anonymous concept of aging is replaced by a more detailed analysis, involving complex engineering and a suitable maintenance protocol.
The Millau Bridge was designed by the English architect Norman Foster for an approximate lifespan of 120 years, which corresponds to 120 terrestrial revolutions. In comparison, the pyramids of Giza are still standing after over 4000 years. They are not simple assemblages of stones: their interior layout includes chambers, passages, and complex anti-intrusion devices. Aging is the normal outcome of the development of living things, regardless of their complexity (ontogeny in humans); it corresponds to a systematic evolution of their state towards different states, resulting from degradation of all their parts, and everything that links and orders these parts. The transtable process. In Latin, trans means beyond (inCaesar); transabeo means go across, go beyond in Virgilius. Gaffiot In the Dictionnaire Larousse 1923, trans means beyond, through. The Dictionnaire Quillet 1929 defines prefix Trans: transition from one state to another.
What is innate in a living being consists essentially of its genetic heritage. The genetic program controls its transtable faculties, as it does inside bacteria and cells. Similar systems age differently from each other, and of course, this would not be the case if time was the cause of their aging. What is acquired is the lifestyle, i.e., the interaction with the rest of the Universe. So a lack of medicalization and hygiene, superimposed on endemic nutritional deficiencies, which generate a range of different pathologies, can reduce life expectancy by a factor of 3 or 4, bringing.com back to the standard of living of the Eneolithic; as shown by the destitution of a billion or so of our fellow humans in the early twenty first century. A report by the Haut Comite de la Sante. Publique [4] gave, for the French male population in 1996, the proportions of deaths due to certain kinds of behaviour relative to the total number of deaths due to all causes: accident 9%, alcohol 13%, tobacco 21% (HCP). The gradual reduction of the gap in average lifespan between men and women which has been observed in recent years is explained by increased smoking and alcohol consumption by women, from adolescence and even pre-adolescence. Data collected in the late 1980s in India showed an inversion of the average lifetimes of men and women: 45 years for men and 43 years for women. (OMS) This reversed gap was explained by the fact that men at first, while women and children shared the leftovers; in addition, the situation was worsened by smoking among women .The potentiation of reciprocal action between the innate and the acquired constitutes an additional category of active causes of aging (allergies, stressors from different sources, e.g., physical.
Eneolithic: end of Neolithic (3000-2500 BC).
Aging and Organic Degradation
Public access to caves occupied by humans in the paleolithic broke the precarious environmental and atmospheric equilibrium, and triggered a rapid deterioration of petroglyphs by oxidation of pigments and mildew, as observed in the Lascaux caves. In some Egyptian sanctuaries, the same causes brought about the same effects on the magnificent polychromatic frescoes which were found in their original state just before the sanctuaries were opened to crowds of visitors. Museum curators do not consider time to be the cause of aging in the works of art they look after. Light (mainly ultraviolet radiation), temperature, and humidity (and in particular, changes in temperature and humidity), air pollution, inappropriate handling, and specific micro-predators are acknowledged in museum conservation as major aging factors for many materials (wood, leather, paper, textiles, pigments). This is why museums protect their artworks by exposing them only to dim light and ensuring proper ventilation. Very focused efforts are thus made to fight against aging due to physical and chemical stressors, not against the ghostly intervention of time.
The Self Organisation
Belousov's oscillating chemical reactions involve the selforganisation of dissipative structures (Prigogine) [5]. It turns out that these striking experiments are dependent on the necessary supply of fresh reagent: this energy intake modifies the physical state and the organization of the structures. Without it, the reaction would stop. The energy is the sole cause of the observable phenomenon of self-organisation:
No energy ⇒ no self - organization
Therefore, there is no chemical arrow of time in selforganization.
The Biological Arrow Of Time
Spontaneous and extended pulsations of a myocardiac fragment in a glucose solute proceed with the same atemporal protocol; namely, we observe a transtability of the physical state of the fragment, with consumption of energy in the form of sugar. Time is powerless once again:
No energy ⇒ no pulsation
The cardiac pulsations are perfectly observable: a pulsation is not a concept, and the confusion between pulsations and time is obviously a mistake. In addition, the biological rhythms do not comply with the accuracy and regularity requirements of a clock. Therefore, we may talk about biorhythm, but in no way about chronobiology: the biological arrow of time is an inappropriate metaphor.
The Paradox of Aging
These results confirm that aging is not related to time. However, time can be expressed in relation to symptoms of aging of any system, including ourselves:
« Symptoms of aging (observable reality) >⇒» « time goes by »
We conclude with an astonishing paradox, which is summarized by the aphorism:
We don't age because time goes by, but time goes by because we age [6].
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brxkcnengineer · 5 years
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basics  !
FULL NAME.     leopold james fitz NICKNAME.     fitz. fitzsimmons (with jemma simmons). turbo. bobo. gramps.  GENDER.     cis male HEIGHT.    5′8″ AGE.     32 BIRTHDAY.     19th august, 1987 ZODIAC.    leo. SPOKEN LANGUAGES.     english. british sign language. american sign language. hebrew. arabic. sivian. french. italian.
HAIR COLOR.   brown. EYE COLOR.     blue. SKIN TONE.     pale. BODY TYPE.     thin, slightly defined muscles. ACCENT.     scottish. DOMINANT HAND.     right. POSTURE.    slouched, but will sit up straight if reminded to. often sinks / slumps in his chair when he’s busy working. SCARS.     many many scars. mostly surgical, including a large semi-circle stretching from the back of his head to just above his left ear from brain surgery, as well as a massive surgical / accident scar below his left ribcage from a piece of rebar impaling him and shattering his spinal cord. TATTOOS.     one, a small sivian symbol, representing the number nine on his inner left elbow. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE.    strikingly blue eyes.
PLACE OF BIRTH.     scotland. HOMETOWN.     born in haghill, glasgow, raised in strathblane, glasgow. FIRST WORDS.    was largely non-verbal as a child, didn’t speak until he was 4, with his first word being, “hello.” SIBLINGS.    none. PARENTS.     alistair and eleanor fitz. PARENTAL  INVOLVEMENT.    fitz was born into a loving household as an only child, though his relationship with his father quickly became strained as alistair’s drinking habit grew. alistair quickly became verbally and physically abusive towards his son, later abandoning him and his mum when fitz was ten, just after getting a proper diagnosis that fitz was on the autism spectrum. fitz and his mother have a very close relationship.
OCCUPATION.      shield engineer, co-lead of shield science division. CURRENT RESIDENCE.     the lighthouse, river’s end. CLOSE FRIENDS.     jemma simmons, daisy johnson, melinda may, alphonso mackenzie, phil coulson, elena rodriguez, peter parker, bobbi morse, lance hunter, enoch, piper vasquez, davis,  RELATIONSHIP STATUS.    dating or married to jemma simmons FINANCIAL STATUS.     unknown, but has a good amount of money saved away for the future. DRIVER’S LICENSE.     yes, but does not drive often. CRIMINAL RECORD.    has been on several wanted lists while shield was being hunted.  VICES.     self-harming habits ( scratching at his arm or hitting his head )
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   bisexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.     biromantic. PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.     submissive  |  dominant  |  switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.   submissive  |  dominant  |  switch  |  sex repulsed. LIBIDO.    dependent. TURN ON’S.     error: 404 not found TURN OFF’S.     error: 404 not found LOVE LANGUAGE.     loving gazes, lingering touches. extremely caring, will always put someone else before themselves RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.     extremely loyal and caring. very romantic, gentle with his loved ones. will put someone else before himself, will literally give his life away if it means keeping his friends and family safe.
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.     you’re somebody else by flora cash HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME.    reading, playing video games, watching movies/tv,  MENTAL ILLNESSES.      prodromal schizophrenia, broca’s aphasia, autism spectrum disorder, severe anxiety and depression, severe mental deficits due to brain trauma. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.     mostly left, but some right. FEARS.     loss of his friends, losing his mind, hurting his friends, losing control, regressing mentally and physically. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.       almost always severely low. in good moments, he can have at least a fraction of faith in himself, but he is mostly always very lacking in self-confidence. VULNERABILITIES.      wears his heart on his sleeve. too quick to trust, usually leads to getting hurt. very protective of his friends and loved ones. physically vulnerable on the left side. easily walked all over.
TAGGED  BY :    stolen from @girlquaked​ TAGGING :      @biochemiist​​, @shieldscientist​, @unworthyheart​, and anyone else! :)
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healthcareinputs · 5 years
Neurodegenerative Disease Market Business Growth Analysis with Top Key Players -2026
Neurodegenerative diseases are incurable and debilitating conditions that result in progressive degeneration and/or death of nerve cells. This causes problems with movement (Ataxia), or mental functioning (dementia). The overall Global Neurodegenerative Disease Market is expected to grow at a significant compound CAGR rate of 6.8% from USD 32.65 billion in 2018 to USD 55.26 billion in 2026. This expansion in neurodegenerative disease is due to the ascending public awareness and robust product pipeline for neurodegenerative disease treatment. However, strict regulatory guidelines are restricting market growth. Moreover, increasing occurrence of neurological disorders is providing ample of opportunities.
Global Neurodegenerative Disease: Key Segments
By Indications: - Amongst indications, Alzheimer’s disease segment captured the largest market share of the global market due to Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most widely neurodegenerative disease. This cause of dementia representing generally 50% everything being equal and in the old and is portrayed by the continuous loss of cognitive functions. Hallmark pathohistological findings of AD include widespread neuronal degeneration, extracellular amyloid plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) different lines of evidence indicate that AD grows primarily as the result of an amyloid cascade.
By Drug class: - Amongst Drug class, SSRIs segment captured the largest market share of the global market due to Sertraline (Zoloft) is a particular serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that is generally prescribed as an antidepressant and proposed as a potential first-line medication to treat individuals with major depression. SSRIs work by improving the capacity of nerve cells in the brain that regulate emotion. Information is communicated between your brain cells with signals. The chemical messengers that deliver these signals are called neurotransmitters. Such as, sertraline was recently informed to inhibit several types of Na+ and K+ channels
By Region: - Neurodegenerative Disease market covers North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Rest of the world. North America region dominated the Neurodegenerative Disease market owing to the development of medical infrastructure and half of the world’s procedures being done in the U.S. because of high medical reimbursement facilities and technological advancement. This region is significant for Parkinson's drugs market. As many as one million Americans live with Parkinson's disease (PD), which is joined the number of individuals people diagnosed to have numerous sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and Lou Gehrig's disease. It is the second-most common neurodegenerative disorder in the United States. Additionally, there are a large number of patients who go undetected. As the US population keeps on maturing, the quantity of individuals living with Parkinson disease (PD) keeps on developing.
Request for sample pages @ https://www.optimainsights.org/sample-request/106-neurodegenerative-disease-market
Key Market Drivers: -
Global Neurodegenerative Disease Market Trends
·         Robust product pipeline for neurodegenerative disease treatment:
 The major driver for the growth of the Global Neurodegenerative Disease treatment market is a robust pipeline of drugs. For instance, FlorbetapirF 18 sponsored by Avid Radiopharmaceuticals has completed phase 2 clinical trials in 2017. This drug is used as biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. F 18 T807 sponsored by Washington school of medicine is in phase 2 clinical trials since 2015. This drug is used to treat Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
Global Neurodegenerative Disease Market: Restraints
·         The high Failure rate of Neurodegenerative drugs in clinical trials:
 Thus, there is a need for a greater and more detailed knowledge of the genetic basis and molecular pathology of neurodegenerative diseases. However, this must be matched by better clinical evaluation and understanding of the prodrome and evolution of these diseases and how to detect a meaningful change in clinical trials that can reflect successful modification of disease progression in a manner and timescale that is attractive to industry.
Global Neurodegenerative Disease Market: Opportunities and Challenges
·         Mergers and acquisitions by market players
 Mergers and acquisitions by market players are expected to provide ample opportunities for Neurodegenerative Disease market growth. For instance, in June 2018, Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc. merged with Complement Pharma, Netherlands-based biotech company to develop preclinical C-6 complement inhibitor CP010 for neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). C6 inhibition prevents the formation of Membrane attack complex (MAC), a complex of terminal complement proteins, which has the potential to treat a variety of central nervous system disorders.
·         Lack of reimbursement policies
 Lack of reimbursement policies provided by the government and hospitals for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is restraining the growth of the market.
Neurodegenerative Disease Market Based on Drug class (Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, (US$ Mn)
·         Dopamine inhibitors
·         NMDA
·         SSRIs
 Neurodegenerative Disease Market Based on Indications (Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, (US$ Mn)
·         Huntington disease
·         Alzheimer’s disease
·         Parkinson’s disease
·         Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
 Neurodegenerative Disease Market Based on Geographic Region (Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, (US$ Mn)
·         North America
·         Europe
·         APAC
·         LAMEA
 Neurodegenerative Disease Market Competitive Analysis (Company Overview, SWOT Matrix, Financial, Product Overview, and Market Strategies)
·         Novartis International AG.
·         Pfizer Inc
·         Merck Serono
·         Biogen Idec
·         Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
·         UCB
·         Bayer Schering
·         Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH
·         Sanofi S.A.
·         GlaxoSmithKline Plc
·         Others
 Download Complete TOC of the Report @ https://www.optimainsights.org/request-toc/106-neurodegenerative-disease-market
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Doctors Recommend Carefully Treat Tinnitus
Doctors Recommend Carefully Treat Tinnitus. Patients tribulation from the intense, long-lived and sometimes untreatable ringing in the ear known as tinnitus may get some relief from a new combination therapy, or technical prodromal research suggests. The study looked at treatment with daily targeted electrical stimulation of the body's troubled system paired with sound therapy mica 126 weight loss. Half of the procedure - "vagus boldness stimulation" - centers on direct stimulation of the vagus nerve, one of 12 cranial nerves that winds its disposition through the abdomen, lungs, heart and brain stem. Patients are also exposed to "tone therapy" - carefully selected tones that can be found outside the frequency sort of the troubling ear-ringing condition. Indications of the new treatment's success, however, are so far based on a very bantam pool of patients, and relief was not universal products. "Half of the participants demonstrated large decreases in their tinnitus symptoms, with three of them showing a 44 percent reduction in the impression of tinnitus on their daily lives," said over co-author Sven Vanneste. But, "five participants, all of whom were on medications for other problems, did not show significant changes". For those participants, benumb interactions might have blocked the therapy's impact, Vanneste suggested. "However, further investigating needs to be conducted to confirm this," said Vanneste, an associate professor at the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas kentucky. The study, conducted in collaboration with researchers at the University Hospital Antwerp, in Belgium, appeared in a new problem of the journal Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface. The authors disclosed that two members of the studio team have a unswerving connection with MicroTransponder Inc, the manufacturer of the neurostimulation software used to deliver vagus temerity stimulation therapy. One researcher is a MicroTransponder employee, the other a consultant. Vanneste himself has no connection with the company. According to the US National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, nearly 23 million American adults have at some guts struggled with discrimination ringing for periods extending beyond three months. Yet tinnitus is not considered to be a blight in itself, but rather an indication of trouble somewhere along the auditory nerve pathway. Noise-sparked hearing collapse can set off ringing, as can ear/sinus infection, brain tumors, heart disease, hormonal imbalances, thyroid problems and medical complications. A compute of treatments are available. The two most celebrity are "cognitive behavioral therapy" (to promote relaxation and mindfulness) and "tinnitus retraining therapy" (to essentially veil the ringing with more neutral sounds). In 2012, a Dutch crew investigated a combination of both approaches, and found that the combined therapy process did seem to reduce harm and improve patients' quality of life better than either intervention alone. Additional options include neural stimulation, hearing aids, cochlear implants, dietary adjustments, and/or antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. But there is no known cure, and some patients do not come back to any treatment. Searching for a untrodden approach, the investigators behind the unknown study focused on a small group of just 10 Belgian patients, all of whom had been struggling with dictatorial ear-ringing for a minimum of one year before enrolling in the study Dec 2013. Standard treatments had failed to assist their symptoms. Each patient was implanted with a stimulation electrode connected directly to their vagus nerve. The dig into team noted that electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve is already approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as a practice for treating both epilepsy and depression. Throughout the 2,5 hours of ordinary treatment, electrical stimulation levels remained below 1 percent of the FDA-approved maximum, according to the study. For the 20-day curing period, vagus nerve stimulation was paired with half-second complete tones that ranged in frequency from 170 hertz to 16000 hertz (cycles per second). Tones were always at least a half-octave above or below ear-ringing frequencies. In the end, the researchers said the patients prepared few attitude effects, and that the four patients who experienced relief from their condition had maintained their improvements as much as two months after therapy. None of the four had been taking any medications during the bookwork period, the authors said. By contrast, the five patients who failed to common sense relief had been taking a range of medications. Dr Donald Keamy Jr, a pediatric otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat specialist) at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, said the work addresses a truthful need for new tinnitus treatments. He was not convoluted with the study. "Many people try to ignore this condition when it arises, but this is a very prevalent problem. And while we have treatments, there's no one psychotherapy that fits everybody. In fact, many sufferers, take a shine to the ones in this study, have tried everything and nothing has worked. Which means, frustratingly, that many people who seek daily are told that they just have to live with it, even though they can't sleep and they can't perform their daily duties. So this can be very debilitating, and have a in the final analysis big impact on a patient's quality of life diabetes. The traditional treatments we have are not enough and a search for new approaches - like this one - is certainly necessary".
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biomedres · 3 years
Lemierre’s Syndrome: A Pediatric Case - BJSTR Journal
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Lemierre’s Syndrome: A Pediatric Case by  Maha Oudrhiri* in  Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research https://biomedres.us/fulltexts/BJSTR.MS.ID.002553.php A benign oropharyngeal infection without appropriate treatment can be complicated by a jugular vein thrombosis. This septic clinical picture most commonly known as Lemierre syndrome. Though this complication appears to be rare, early diagnosis and prompt intervention have proven critical in survival outcome. We describe two pediatric cases who has presented this syndrome. Adequate antibiotic treatment for 6 weeks associated with anticoagulant treatment have allowed a complete recovery without sequel.  Lemierre’s syndrome is a rare complication following an acute oropharyngeal infection. The syndrome is characterised by a primary oropharyngeal infection followed by metastatic spread and suppurative thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein. This syndrome is an uncommon but potentially lethal complication of otolaryngological infections. Pediatricians and Emergency physicians should be aware of this syndrome because its incidence appears to be increasing. In an effort to emphasize the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of this once “forgotten disease,” we present 2 pediatric patients with Lemierre syndrome. An 8-year-old previously healthy boy presented to our pediatric emergency room complaining of fever and cervical pain for 3 day. His fever was continuous, reaching a maximum of 39°C, and was associated with limitation of movement of his neck. He had no seizures, no altered level of consciousness, and no lethargy. These symptoms were preceded by a five-day prodrome of nasal congestion, minimal cough, and sore throat. On admission, there was swelling of the left neck and restriction in range of movement with mild trismus (Figure 1), although there was no photophobia, and on examination he had a negative Kernig’s and Brudzinski sign. Her temperature was 39.9°C, respiratory rate was 18 breaths/ min, blood pressure was 105/44 mmHg, and heart rate was 147 bpm. The remainder of the examination was within normal limits. Doppler ultrasound of the neck showing a large echogenic thrombus in the left internal jugular vein (Figure 2). A computed tomography (CT) of the neck showed a thrombus in the left internal jugular vein (IJV) extending to cavernous sinus (Figure 3) with 2 abscess formation measuring 20*14 mm and 15*11 mm associate to ipsilateral lymphadenopathy. For more articles on Journal on Medical Science please click here bjstr
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synergyresearchsd · 4 years
How to Manage Migraine
New Post has been published on https://www.synergyresearchcenters.com/how-to-manage-migraine/
How to Manage Migraine
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Migraine is a neurological condition that causes intense pain and can significantly decrease a person’s quality of life. Anyone who suffers from migraine attacks understands that a migraine is much more than just a bad headache. Intense head pain is one symptom, but migraine attacks can also cause sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, lightheadedness, and other symptoms that impair daily functioning. And to make it worse, migraines often seem to come out of nowhere and can persist for a few hours or a few days. Unfortunately, science has yet to discover a cure for migraine. Some people, however, are able to minimize the frequency or intensity of their migraine symptoms through certain medications, treatments, or lifestyle changes. 
  If you suffer from migraine attacks, talk to a doctor about your treatment options. In the meantime, take a look below at the following tips and strategies for managing migraine. 
  Talk to your doctor
Although an online search will certainly reveal an abundance of lifestyle tips for managing migraine, directly speaking to your doctor is probably a better way to get started.  Your doctor will be able to look at your medical history, ask questions that pertain specifically to your condition, and present you with customized treatment options. Let your doctor know if you want to start with lifestyle changes instead of medications. They’ll be able to help you keep track of what’s working and what’s not. Your doctor can be an important resource and partner in managing your migraines.
  Keep a migraine diary
One of the more difficult aspects of migraine attacks is that they seem to come out of nowhere.  And sometimes they do, but symptoms can also be triggered by something in your life. This can be certain foods, a lack of sleep, high stress levels, or caffeine and alcohol.  Migraine triggers are different for everyone, and they’re not always obvious.  The best way to learn what triggers your migraine attacks is to keep a migraine diary. Use it to record any and all information about your symptoms, when they started, where you felt them, and how long they lasted. You’ll also want to include information about what you ate, how much sleep you got, and what you were doing in the hours before the symptoms began. This diary will be helpful for your doctor as well.  
  Get quality sleep
Migraine sufferers are often sensitive to disruptions in a healthy sleep-wake cycle. One of the most important things anyone can do to help optimize their health is to get sufficient sleep. This doesn’t just mean spending 8 hours in bed. The quality of sleep is just as important as the number of hours spent resting. You can increase the quality of your sleep by: 
Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day
Spending time outdoors in natural light every day
Getting sufficient exercise every day
Creating a dark, quiet, and comfortable sleep environment
Avoiding caffeine and alcohol
Try recording your sleep patterns in your migraine diary. Or keep a separate sleep diary to help you understand the conditions that result in the best quality sleep for you.   
  Prioritize a healthy diet and exercise
You don’t have to deprive yourself of foods you love or spending hours at a time in the gym. Even a short daily walk and regular balanced meals can have a positive impact on your overall health. All bodily systems are best served with a healthy diet and exercise routine, and the stronger your systems are, the better equipped you’ll be to manage your migraines.
  Practice self-care and relaxation techniques
Stress is often a trigger for migraine symptoms. Self-care and relaxation techniques can help keep your stress levels down and possibly minimize the intensity or frequency of your migraine attacks. Yoga, meditation, long baths, spending time in nature, and other relaxing activities will give you a break from the constant busy-ness that increases stress levels and often triggers migraine attacks. 
  Pay attention to early symptoms
Many people who suffer from migraine experience a range of milder symptoms that precede a full-fledged attack.  These can serve as warning signs and give you an opportunity to use medications or other treatments to prevent the emergence of more intense symptoms. The prodrome or “pre headache” phase of migraine may include symptoms such as food cravings, sensitivity to light and sound, problems concentrating, or difficulty sleeping. If you keep a detailed migraine diary, your prodrome symptoms should become clear. These will be different for everyone, but once you know yours, you may be able to better manage the intensity or duration of your migraine. 
  Participate in a migraine research study
Researchers are always working to develop effective treatments for migraine.  By enrolling a migraine clinical trial, you may be able to gain access to cutting edge treatments before they’re available to the general public. You’ll be closely monitored by medical professionals who are intimately familiar with the condition and who are committed to developing the best ways of treating and preventing migraine.  When you participate in a research study, you also get the added benefit of knowing that your participation is leading toward better treatment options for everyone who suffers from migraine.
  Migraine research study at Synergy Research Centers
At Synergy Research Centers, we’re currently enrolling participants in migraine research studies. Eligible participants may receive compensation for their time and travel expenses. For more information, give us a call at 888-539-0282 or fill out our enrollment form today.
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alzhelpnow · 4 years
Alzheimer's Clinical Trials
An Open Jar Of Peanut Butter
Tangles kill brain cells by preventing the normal transport of food and energy around the brain cell. The peanut butter is slowly brought closer, in about 1-centimeter increments, until it can be smelled. As connections between brain cells are lost there are fewer neurotransmitter chemicals, such as dopamine and acetylcholine, available to carry messages from one brain cell to another. Cerebrospinal fluid normally circulates sequentially through the four ventricles of the brain and then passes into the large veins on top of the brain where it is reabsorbed. Nearly every course at Emory Continuing Education is open enrollment, meaning you do not have to apply or be accepted to participate. An NK cell must come in direct contact with the cancer cell to kill it.
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Opportunities For Participation In Research And Clinical Trials
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Clinical trials are part of clinical research and at the heart of all medical advancement. To foster greater recruitment in clinical trials, the NIH is conducting research to find out what would make it easier for people to participate. By volunteering for a clinical trial, you are helping the medical community determine whether new treatments are safe and effective. Clinical research and clinical trials open new doors to finding new and more effective ways to prevent, diagnose and treat dementia. By participating in a clinical trial with CNS, you may help in the development of new medical therapies. Although clinical trials are an important component of therapy development, clinical research in the IRP is much broader.
Clinical Research And Clinical Trials
Patients have the opportunity to participate in clinical research studies to receive the latest therapeutic treatment for a broad range of neurological disorders. As more clinical discoveries are made, the research conducted at Barrow is becoming more specialized. As science progresses, new opportunities may become available for you to participate in research programs. Neither the patients, researchers nor people administering the drug must know who is taking which. A total of 16 studies were included, 13 of which were animal studies and 3 of which were human. Dignity Health and Barrow are committed to providing the tools you need to better manage your health.
Clinical Trials Of Treatment
New therapies are tested on people only after laboratory and animal studies show promising results. All participants will conclude their treatment with a Post-Study Safety Check Visit during Week 22. The open label extension is un-blinded, so you will know you are on the active drug. The result of which means new, better treatments could be available in half the time of a standard drug. Initial plans are for an exploratory project, to see if it is possible to use routinely collected clinical data to accurately predict likelihood of successful treatment. The AHRC is using electronic data capture software to manage data for over 30 studies, including more than 20 CIHR-funded multi-centre trials.
Whole Brain Volume Or Ventricular Volume
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Current studies include new dementia prevention studies both by risk factor reduction and use of experimental medications. About 50 million people worldwide suffer from dementia, and still there is no treatment to stop or slow its progression. People with dementia may have different symptoms, depending on the type and stage of their particular dementia. More than 50 million people worldwide have dementia, a number that is expected to nearly double every 20 years. The symptoms of dementia can vary, depending on which parts of the brain are affected. As physical damage occurred to the brain, their value as a person was assumed to diminish.
Outcome Assessments And Disease Progression Models
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Participants may withdraw from a drug treatment trial at any time and for any reason. The longer a clinical trial endures, the higher the chance that the rater that began the trial is not the same one that is completing the trial. After an investigational drug has been approved, additional studies may be conducted in Phase 4 research. The restriction shall only be maintained, and shall only be employed to the extent and in the manner that is absolutely necessary to avert the danger. In recent years there has been growing interest in beginning treatment even earlier than MCI/prodromal AD. The frequency of symptoms may last for a short period of time or be continuous.
Phase III Clinical Trials
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Biological therapeutic agents may be subject to somewhat different global influences than small molecule drugs. Not all compounds tested in Phase 2 or 3 would have been assessed in previous stages. The most frequently used therapeutic agents are the nootropic drugs supported by personal rather evidence based experiences. Many promising agents show efficacy in pre-clinical models of AD and must be tested for efficacy in double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trials. As the quality of evidence was only moderate, further trials are needed to confirm the findings. Since clinical trials are experiments, the exact risks and benefits can be difficult to predict.
Clinical Research Studies Investigating Club Drug Ketamine
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Any major medical condition must be stable for at least 4 months prior to enrollment. You will be informed of all of you results and your GP will also be made aware of any significant results. In the past two decades, several new medications have been approved for relapsing and progressive disease. Once a tangle has been started, more tau proteins are recruited to make it longer. Genotyping will be carried out by the Molecular Biology and Genotyping Module at Case Western Reserve University.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2FyXUWx via Alzheimer's Help and Resources
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pneumostelos · 4 years
Que loucora.
malaria medicine psychosis military
Mefloquine – the military’s deadly malaria treatment
Results of scientific inquiry into malaria drugs used by US troops expected in March
Malaria drug causes brain damage that mimics PTSD: case study
Psychiatric effects of malaria and anti-malarial drugs: historical and modern perspectives
Committee to Study Health Effects of Malaria Drugs Taken by US Troops | Military.com
Mefloquine: The Military's Suicide Pill | HuffPost
Metódicos, eles. O estoque manicomial... Migraram da Guerra Psicológica à Guerra Psiquiátrica.
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INVESTIGATION:  Vets say anti-malaria drugs they were ordered to take caused  devastating side effects | wusa9.com
FDA  strengthens warnings on malaria drug - NBC News
Some  U.S. troops haunted by anti-malaria drug's drastic side  effects - CBS News
Malaria  Pill Mefloquine May Cause Disability Among Veterans | CCK Law
Drug  Touted as COVID-19 Treatment Has Troubling Side Effects,  Experts Say | Military.com
Psychosis  with paranoid delusions after a therapeutic dose of  mefloquine: a case report | Malaria Journal | Full Text
malaria medicine psychosis us usa america military at DuckDuckGo
The Other Foe: The U.S. Army’s Fight against Malaria in the Pacific Theater, 1942-45 – The Campaign for the National Museum of the United States Army
Navy SEAL sues Roche, claims anti-malaria drug caused permanent paranoia, nightmares | wusa9.com
Call for Army to stop using malaria drug mefloquine - BBC News
The Checkered History of the Malaria Drug Mefloquine | Center for Health Journalism
FDA Approves Malaria Drugs to Treat COVID-19, Despite Little Proof They Work | Health News | US News
Trump, Fauci spar over whether malaria drug can treat coronavirus | Las Vegas Review-Journal
An anti-malaria drug may have inflicted permanent neurological injuries on some servicemembers | The American Legion
Studies find potentially effective medicine for coronavirus treatment and prevention that's readily available - TheBlaze
Military-backed anti-malaria drug causes neurological and psychiatric side effects leading to suicides and homicides - Nexus Newsfeed
A Gruesome War Crime Renews Concerns About a Malaria Drug's Psychiatric Side Effects | WIRED
Lawyers claim anti-malarial drug to blame for soldier who killed 16 in Afghanistan massacre
Prevalence of contraindications to mefloquine use among USA military personnel deployed to Afghanistan | Malaria Journal | Full Text
FDA Issues its Strongest Warning on Anti-Malaria Drug Lariam | Public Radio International
Psychiatric Side Effects of Mefloquine: Applications to Forensic Psychiatry | Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Severe Neuropsychiatric Reaction in a Deployed Military Member after Prophylactic Mefloquine
Can Anti-Malarial Drug Lariam Cause Psychosis? Several People Have Spoken Out About Their Experiences
Hallucinations linked to drug given to troops - Health - Mental health | NBC News
Covid-19: cases grow in US as Trump pushes promise of a malaria drug | The BMJ
Trump undercuts Fauci on whether chloroquine can treat the coronavirus - Business Insider
Trump’s dangerous promotion of a ‘miracle cure’: Coronavirus and a malaria drug - New York Daily News
Veterans to sue gov't over military-issued drug allegedly linked to mental health concerns | CTV News
Malaria,Psychotic+Behavior at DuckDuckGo
Malaria Drug Triggers Psychotic Episodes | Soren Dreier
Army units ordered to stop taking anti-malarial drug linked to brain damage | Fox News
Drugs with Potentially Psychotic Side Effects: Which Ones are They (& Who Deserves to Know)?
Psychosis with paranoid delusions after a therapeutic dose of mefloquine: a case report
Review: Can Toxic Substances Initiate Psychotic Behavior? Part I. Antimalarial Drugs
Anti-malaria drug: Risk of Suicide - Alliance for Human Research Protection
Diabetes and Psychosis: Can Diabetes Cause Psychosis? | HealthyPlace
(PDF) Review: Can Toxic Substances Initiate Psychotic Behavior? Part I. Antimalarial Drugs
Cerebral malaria is associated with long-term mental health disorders: a cross sectional survey of a long-term cohort | Malaria Journal | Full Text
From Fever Cure to Coma Therapy: Psychiatric Treatments Through Time - Science Friday
Psychosis with paranoid delusions after a therapeutic dose of mefloquine: a case report | Malaria Journal | Full Text
Pediatric psychosis in the emergency room: Could it be Plasmodium vivax malaria? - pediatric-psychosis-in-the-emergency-room-could-it-be-plasmodium-vivax-malaria.pdf
Psychosis related to malaria prophylaxis.
Pediatric Psychosis in the Emergency Room: Could it be Plasmodium Vivax Malaria?
(PDF) Psychosis consequent to antimalarial drug use in a young child
Tafenoquine Approved for Malaria Prophylaxis and Treatment | Travelers' Health | CDC
Soldier Prescribed Controversial Anti-Malarial Drug Before Afghan Massacre | KPBS
Do Statin Medications Affect Irritability and Aggression? | Psychology Today
Army sergeant who killed 16 Afghans claims malaria drug might’ve fueled breakdown that led to massacre  - New York Daily News
Neurological and behavioral manifestations of cerebral malaria: An update
Study Finds Chronic Marijuana Smokers Are At Risk For Depression
Mefloquine – the military’s deadly malaria treatment
The Canadian military is issuing a malaria drug that can produce anxiety, paranoia and psychotic behaviour | CBC Radio
Elite Army Units to Stop Taking Anti-Malarial Drug | Military.com
     Malaria Psychotic Behavior Malaria,Psychotic+Behavior at DuckDuckGo
Malaria Drug Triggers Psychotic Episodes | Soren Dreier
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Army units ordered to stop taking anti-malarial drug linked to brain damage | Fox News
Drugs with Potentially Psychotic Side Effects: Which Ones are They (& Who Deserves to Know)?
Psychosis with paranoid delusions after a therapeutic dose of mefloquine: a case report
Review: Can Toxic Substances Initiate Psychotic Behavior? Part I. Antimalarial Drugs
Anti-malaria drug: Risk of Suicide - Alliance for Human Research Protection
Diabetes and Psychosis: Can Diabetes Cause Psychosis? | HealthyPlace
(PDF) Review: Can Toxic Substances Initiate Psychotic Behavior? Part I. Antimalarial Drugs
Cerebral malaria is associated with long-term mental health disorders: a cross sectional survey of a long-term cohort | Malaria Journal | Full Text
From Fever Cure to Coma Therapy: Psychiatric Treatments Through Time - Science Friday
Psychosis with paranoid delusions after a therapeutic dose of mefloquine: a case report | Malaria Journal | Full Text
Pediatric psychosis in the emergency room: Could it be Plasmodium vivax malaria? - pediatric-psychosis-in-the-emergency-room-could-it-be-plasmodium-vivax-malaria.pdf
Psychosis related to malaria prophylaxis.
Pediatric Psychosis in the Emergency Room: Could it be Plasmodium Vivax Malaria?
(PDF) Psychosis consequent to antimalarial drug use in a young child
Tafenoquine Approved for Malaria Prophylaxis and Treatment | Travelers' Health | CDC
Soldier Prescribed Controversial Anti-Malarial Drug Before Afghan Massacre | KPBS
Do Statin Medications Affect Irritability and Aggression? | Psychology Today
Army sergeant who killed 16 Afghans claims malaria drug might’ve fueled breakdown that led to massacre  - New York Daily News
Neurological and behavioral manifestations of cerebral malaria: An update
Study Finds Chronic Marijuana Smokers Are At Risk For Depression
Mefloquine – the military’s deadly malaria treatment
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The Canadian military is issuing a malaria drug that can produce anxiety, paranoia and psychotic behaviour | CBC Radio
Elite Army Units to Stop Taking Anti-Malarial Drug | Military.com
    Dark Larry 
  The Dark Side Of Lariam - CBS News
Experience: my anti-malaria drugs made me psychotic | Life and style | The Guardian
Anti-malarial drug linked to psychosis among soldiers could finally be banned in UK military — RT UK News
Psychosis with paranoid delusions after a therapeutic dose of mefloquine: a case report | Malaria Journal | Full Text
The Other Foe: The U.S. Army’s Fight against Malaria in the Pacific Theater, 1942-45 – The Campaign for the National Museum of the United States Army
'Dire Situation': 1,000 UK Soldiers in Mental Care Because of Malaria Drug - Sputnik International
Antimalarial drug Lariam should not be given to UK troops, Tory MP says | UK news | The Guardian
Lariam Dreams: Malaria or Madness? - Dave's Travel Corner
Stop prescribing mefloquine to our military personnel for malaria prophylaxis | Comment | Pharmaceutical Journal
Lariam: Hundreds of British soldiers suffering from mental illness after being given anti-malarial drug | The Independent
CDC – A Garden of Misinformation About the Prevention and Treatment of Malaria, and More… – BolenReport
Malaria drug for Canadian troops called dangerous | CBC News
‘British Army must stop using dangerous anti-malaria drug’ – MP — RT UK News
CNN.com - Military's use of malaria drug in question - May 20, 2004
Lariam in the British army - Government reveals hundreds develop mental health problems | UK | News | Express.co.uk
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(PDF) Psychosis in the British Army: A 2-Year Follow-Up Study
Malaria drug Brit teen 'hallucinated on’ before plane death linked to armed forces suicide
First-episode psychosis in the military: a comparative study of prodromal symptoms. - PubMed - NCBI
Use of anti-malarial medication in the military - Defence in the media
Anti-malarial Drug Drove Hundreds of UK Soldiers into Psychiatric Treatment - Mad In America
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