#product card ui design
divinector · 2 years
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Product Card Bootstrap 5 Get Code from divinectorweb website
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toreii · 2 years
Behind the Scenes: The Magical World Where Villains Shine
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Source: App Store
“Twisted Wonderland” is a twisted and distorted world where humans who use magic and mysterious things coexist. Led by the magic mirror, and lost in this distinct world, you search for a way to return to your original world, but it seems it is not easy.
What awaits is a prestigious magician training school called “Night Raven College”, and students who are always causing trouble. In a school with seven dormitories related to the legends of their predecessors called “Great Seven”, you will be involved in one turmoil after another.
Based On Disney’s Villains
The great attraction of this work is that the seven dormitories and magicians in the school are drawn based on the villains that appear in Disney animation works and their world views.
The seven dormitories at Night Rave College are Alice in Wonderland, The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Snow White, Hercules, and Sleeping Beauty. Some people may immediately recognize the faces of the formidable villains who stood in the way of the hero.
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For example, Riddle Rosehearts, the housewarden of Heartslabuyl dormitory, which was created in the image of Alice in Wonderland, sticks strictly to following the rules, and punishes those who break them. His personality is similar to the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland, and the personalities of the dorm students around Riddle also mirror the card soldiers surrounding their queen.
Yana Toboso’s passion that gave birth to the original idea and characters
Where did the ideas for the world and characters of “Disney Twisted Wonderland” come from? Yana Toboso, who is also a manga artist, holds they key to creating the creative elements.
“I love constraints and enjoy aiming for the best despite the hurdles”
Original draft, main scenario, character design: Yana Toboso
“Before receiving this offer, I had turned down long term project proposals because I still have a serialized manga called “Black Butler”. I liked the characters, so without hesitation, I replied, “I’ll do it!” Even the editor in charge of the manga said “You’ll definitely get it” before seeing the project, like something from a foreign drama, and it really turned out to be true.
What’s more, at that stage, we hadn’t decided what to make other than a game with villains as the theme, so we began planning with Aniplex (the planning and production company). At first, I thought when you think of Disney, you think of Hollywood. Since Disney has a number of rules to establish a work that is familiar to young and old around the world, many ideas other than this actor training game were rejected. After that, we came up with the idea of making a school game, which has been recognized overseas as a game genre unique to Japan.”
Ms. Toboso continued to submit plans for about six months until the concept of the game matched the current one. In order to explain the idea, the image of “Twisted Wonderland” was formed while assembling the story, imagining the elements of the game, and drawing pictures.
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“Even with manga, I would come up with ideas over and over again until I got the OK from the editor-in-chief, and then work together with the editor in charge to brush it up. I enjoy constraints and enjoy aiming for the best despite the hurdles and decisions in game production. Because it was a pre-developmental game, I could express all the imaginary rhythm games, UI (user interface), battle scenes, etc., with pictures. I think the reason why I was able to clean up “Twst” until the release is that I was able to break through the parts that were difficult to imagine and verbalize with the power of drawing.”
The Message Entrusted to Villains
In the main story of this work, you will get to interact with each of the seven dormitories, and get to know the unique students. In the process, various aspects of their lives are depicted, and sometimes the weaknesses and troubles of the spiteful students secretly harbor come to light. The depth of the story and character modeling is also something Ms. Toboso worked hard on.
“The story and character creation progressed almost simultaneously. The story itself is an homage to the fate of the villains that appear in Disney films, but when placing the characters, it’s no good if the characters or the story come first. While sharing the plot up until the end of the story with Disney first, if only the main plot proceeded it, it tends to become linear and uninteresting, so I built and submitted character makeup and sub-episodes at the same time. It took me a year to start writing the scenario in earnest, repeating the process of having it checked in detail, and fixing what was returned.”
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Also, all Disney films have a universal story, so the underlings of the villains are a bit comical and can’t stand up to the boss. I had a hard time giving individuality to the multiple characters I created. For example, when creating four student characters based on the card soldiers from Alice in Wonderland, or the poison apple itself from Snow White. I specifically put myself in the position of a card soldier, tried to feel like an apple, wrote it down, and complied it. The apple didn’t want to become a poison apple, but it was forcibly chosen by the Queen because it looked the most delicious among the fruits in the basket. It’s reluctant. I thought so? And so on.
Then, while we were working out the individuality of each character, we had a thick set-up material for each character before the start of distribution. I asked the voice cast to read it from the stage when there were only two lines during the recording, so I was surprised at the amount of information.”
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What happens when the villains confront their weaknesses and stubbornness in Ms. Toboso’s story? It contains a positive message we want users to feel.
“The origin of Disney films is a happy ending with good deeds and love, but I think villains are people who aren’t saved in the story. That’s why I intend for the message in the game to be that even if we are defeated and have a bad end, let’s live without being discouraged by it.
Being uncool, undisciplined, not reflecting, being defiant, are not so bad as they say. I want to depict positively about not caring about others, and live honestly with myself. People living in modern society are afraid of failure or feel living with great care, but there is no one without flaws. Trying to live without being hated by anyone is exhausting, isn’t it?”
Original Culture Woven With Costumes
One of the elements of “Disney Twisted Wonderland” is the character costume. Ms. Toboso expresses the difficulty of creating completely original costumes for each of the seven dormitories, while interpreting the world of the films that serve as the source of the image as clothing.
“The design started with dormitory clothes that were inspired by the world of the original work. Different countries, cultures, and eras exist side by side in a single school, so while it is modern, I aimed to create a feeling that each carries their respective world view. In addition, we checked repeatedly to make sure we avoided plagiarism of cultures, or imitate existing fashion brands. In fact, I drew a number of costume proposals close to three times that of those adopted in the game.
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For example, with the Pomefiore dormitory uniform for Snow White, the more elements were added, the more the impression and image of the classical animation were separated. It was difficult, and as a result, instead of just thinking about the elements, I decided to rebuild from the silhouette. By intentionally incorporating the elements of kimono, which Japanese think of as classical, I ended up with a design that gives off a simple yet luxurious impression of “Snow White”.
Also, with the dormitory uniform of Diasomnia dorm in Sleeping Beauty, I wanted to incorporate into the design the relationship of Maleficent and Goon, a minion wearing black armor. So, the material is made of leather, and both classical and hard. Furthermore, at the time of design, I incorporated harnesses (belts for the body) that were trending in the high fashion world.
While being conscious of today’s high fashion, it is important to express the unique culture of “Twst” in event costumes and so on. For example, in event costumes for “Harveston’s Kelkkarotu” and “Sunset Savanna’s Tamashina-mina”, we did not reinterpret existing ethnic costumes, but rather started setting the history of clothing that can be considered from local sunshine hours and climate.
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Because it is a land with heavy snow, and short hours of sunshine, people spend more time indoors, and the culture of embroidery is developed. Or, in hot lands, fabrics like cotton or hemp that are breathable are probably dyed, so the color will be like this. This way, I design the culture and history of textiles in the world of “Twisted Wonderland”.
There are also other costumes that have been repeatedly checked and modified over the course of nearly two years. Costumes are often summoned with money, so I think that it has to be of a quality that makes you think you actually bought it at a fashionable department store. In addition, the D-6th staff (in my office) has a professional qualification in dressmaking and patterning, so even the back style, and how to put it on and take it off are designed so you can actually wear it. However, since this is a world with magic, I value not only reality, but fantasy and dreamy designs. If the parts are sewn on, it would be awkward, so let’s stick them together with magic.”
The Magnificent Story of Twst
Since its release in 2020, the world of “Twisted Wonderland” in which you, the main character, is lost, has shown a magnificent development along with the main story written by Ms. Toboso. Ms. Toboso talks about the passion from the creation and developmental scenes.
“I had never drawn anything but manga, and my main target audience was women. Aniplex, which does not have a lot of game production experience, and f4samurai, which handles development and management on site, took on the challenge of creating a genre work for the first time. I think one if the reasons for this is that the distance between the three companies is close. Each meeting is fun. It’s not like I’m working backwards from game production, but I’m not surprised by my ideas. It feels like we’ve been doing trial and error together for a long time.
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The story, which has 35,000 characters in book 1, has become a volume of over 250,000 characters by book 6. Up to book 3, the users probably didn’t have a lot of feelings yet about the characters, so first, I made it compact so that they could understand the world of “Twst”. However, when it was actually released, I felt that the players read the story more than I expected. So now, I am writing with a denser amount of information than I anticipated during the preparation period. From now on, not only on the vertical and horizontal axes of the story, but also the spread of elements such as the present, past, and future will be incorporated, and the scale will be quite large. Please look forward to book 7 (currently available up to part 2)!
As I write the story, I think that if you can deepen mutual understanding without bending yourself, or if you can think flexibly, the villain will surely be insanely strong. The foundation of this game is to become stronger by understanding the way of thinking of others who are different from you, and by understanding their strengths and weaknesses. It may be similar to our stance in making this game. I think I’ve become stronger since I’ve been involved with the development of “Twst”. As a manga artist, it was my first challenge to create a game. I was surprised at first where my special skills were no good, the team members were meeting for the first time, we weren’t used to the culture of the game industry, and were judged strictly from the perspective of a global game rather than the entertainment unique to Japan. As a result, even if one method doesn’t work, instead of conflicting, we can change the method and challenge it.
In the story, they are villains, so they don’t admit defeat, but they admit to each other “You’ll do it.” Even if we dislike each other, we can still recognize each other’s abilities. We will continue to create games with an unwavering spirit of villains, and we hope that our users will continue to enjoy it.”
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gonzalez756 · 1 month
Ready to Take the Leap? Elevate Your Brand with Imagency Media—Your One Step to Exceptional Graphic Design!
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, establishing a strong visual identity is essential for businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a startup aiming to make your mark or an established brand looking to refresh your image, Imagency Media is here to help. As a leading graphic design agency, we offer a comprehensive range of services that cater to every aspect of your design needs.
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Our Expertise
Branding Your brand is more than just a logo—it's the essence of your business. At Imagency Media, we specialize in creating compelling brand identities that resonate with your target audience. From logo design to full-scale brand development, we craft visual experiences that leave a lasting impression.
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Printing Quality print materials are still a powerful tool for communication. Our printing services ensure that your business cards, brochures, posters, and other marketing materials are designed and produced to perfection. We combine creativity with the latest printing technology to deliver stunning results that reflect the professionalism of your brand.
Web Design In a world where your website is often the first point of contact with potential customers, having a visually appealing and functional site is crucial. Our web design team at Imagency Media creates websites that not only look great but also perform flawlessly across all devices. We focus on user experience, ensuring that your site is easy to navigate and provides the information your audience is looking for.
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UI/UX Design User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design are at the heart of modern digital products. Whether you're developing a new app or redesigning your website, our UI/UX design services ensure that your users have an intuitive and enjoyable experience. We take a user-centered approach, creating designs that are both aesthetically pleasing and functionally effective.
Join the Imagency Media Family
At Imagency Media, we're more than just a design agency—we're your creative partner. We work closely with you to understand your goals and bring your vision to life. Our team of skilled designers and branding experts are passionate about helping you succeed, and we're committed to delivering solutions that exceed your expectations.
Ready to elevate your brand? Contact us today and let's create something amazing|
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mdrobiulhasan28 · 5 months
How much help you need from a graphic designer basically depends on your business. Mainly the tasks that require a designer. 1. To market products or services. In that case, designed for posting on social media, design for sending messages on WhatsApp, etc. Also all branding of the company including printing items such as leaflets, and business cards. 2. You also need a graphic designer to make good-quality proposals. In that case, a designer can better illustrate your key points. . 3. If an e-commerce business needs to remove background in plan upload, create various offers/banners. 4. If your company has an important website or application, you need a designer for your website and software. But the people who can help you in this case are called UX designers and UI designers. Although they are graphic designers, they mainly work on UI/UX. Also, a designer is essential in many small and large businesses. How to get the designer? 1. A designer can shape you. As full-time duty. You work on different types of graphics in your office 2. Can hire remotely. One who projects a monthly salary will come to his office and work from his own place. 3. When you need to hire from different development places. Upwork, and Fiber all have different marketplaces.
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maeve-99 · 2 years
Word of advice to all my fellow artsy/creative people who consider studying/learning Graphic Design: Please don't.
Most likely, it will be a trap. Unless you are really REALLY sure you want to do it. I strongly advice you to try it out first (internship or whatever to see what it’s really like). It's not as creative as it sounds, especially when you are not enthusiastic about printed products and making logos, business cards and stationery). In my 10 years of actual working I spent 1 year kind of liking graphic design, 4 years being drained by it and then hating it, and after that I switched to UI/UX Design - and I’m so much happier with it.
I just recently had to dip my toes back into to graphic design and I'm, once again reminded why I hate it and why I fled this job. Uh...
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tortoisebore · 1 year
what do you think all the marauders characters would study in university?
in my head sirius is an artsy girlie & disgustingly smart but uninterested in majors that would lead to a traditional 9-5 kind of job, so he’d study something in the realm of fine arts or music that allows lots of room for freedom of expression and would lead to an interesting & exciting career (also helps that he’s a trust fund baby & has an inheritance from his guncle to fall back on)
remus is a huge fucking nerd & enjoys to inflict torture upon himself for no reason so he would do something like history or literature where u have to go to like a billion years of grad school to do anything but teach. he would also be that person that double majors just bc it’s hard & he thought he could, then nearly dies bc he’s taking 22 hours in one semester & his bf keeps having drag him out of the library to do human things like eat and sleep
james would do some shit like marketing or mass comm bc he’s a great public speaker & charismatic enough to convince ppl he knows what he’s talking ab. like imagine ur watching the news & some corporation is doing a press release and the person standing behind the mic is a very boisterous james potter. imagine u hired an agency to pitch a print ad campaign for ur newest product launch and its james potter running the slides & convincing u that u need a giant fucking billboard off of a rarely-used highway exit. like it just makes sense
peter’s a wild card tbh & i think he’d have trouble narrowing down what he wants to do bc he’s one of those ppl that’s good at a lot of things but doesn’t have one particular area he’s super attached to or passionate ab. i could see him switching majors like four times his freshman year before landing on something like UI/UX design where u can make a lot of money for knowing how people interact with technology (he’d be the one in high school running his pc into the ground w sims 4 mods & showing all the others a bunch of iOS features & they’ve never heard of) (he taught remus how to use text effects & now he won’t stop spamming the gc w bad pictures of sirius with echo)
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freefrontend-blog · 11 months
Card UI Design: https://codepen.io/sam_garcia2/pen/dyoKENR More CSS product cards: https://freefrontend.com/css-product-cards/
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iamvector · 2 years
Forms of Graphic Design You must learn
You’ll often hear in school that making something attractive is the primary goal of graphic design.
However, graphic design is more than just producing eye-catching work. In an essence, graphic designers are creative problem-solvers. The word “graphic design” is frequently used as a catch-all, although the many types of design that go under it call for slightly different skill sets, knowledge bases, and tools.
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Forms of graphic design:
1. Visual identity graphic design:
A brand is a connection between a business or organisation and its intended market. A brand identity expresses an organization’s personality, tone, and essence, as well as memories, emotions, and experiences. Visual identity graphic design refers to the visual components of brand identification that serve as the public face of a company and convey those intangible characteristics through images, shapes, and colour.
Designing assets like Free Vector icons, typography, colour palette, and image libraries that capture a company’s character involves collaboration with brand stakeholders. Designers frequently create a collection of visual brand standards (style guides), which outline best practices and offer examples of visual branding used across many media, in addition to the conventional business cards and corporate stationery. These guidelines help to keep a consistent brand image throughout all planned apps.
2. User interface graphic design:
The way users engage with a device or programme is called the user interface (UI). The process of developing user-friendly, expressive interfaces is known as interface design (UI design).
A user interface (UI) is made up of the keyboard, mouse, and screen, but in terms of graphic design, the UI focuses on the user’s visual experience and the creation of on-screen visual elements like buttons, icons, and micro-interactions. A UI designer must blend aesthetic appeal with technological functionality.
3. Advertising & marketing graphic design:
Organizations rely on effective marketing initiatives to influence the buying behaviour of their target market. Great marketing engages individuals based on their wants, needs, awareness, and satisfaction with a product, service, or brand. Because visual material is usually more appealing to consumers, graphic design helps companies market and communicate more effectively.
Company owners, directors, administrators, and marketing specialists work together with marketing designers to create marketing materials. They may operate independently or as part of an internal or creative team. Designers might specialise in a certain form of media (for example, car wraps or magazine advertisements) or design a diverse range of material for print, web, and beyond. Historically oriented on print, this type of design has grown to embrace more digital materials, especially for use in digital advertising and online advertising.
4. Motion graphic design:
Motion graphics are images that are constantly moving. This includes effects in television, film, and other media such as the internet, including animation, music, typography, graphics, and video. The popularity of video has lately increased as technology has evolved and it has become more common.
Designers now have a relatively new speciality called “motion graphics designer.” Technology advancements have lowered the time and cost of creation for the art form, which was formerly only used in TV and cinema. One of the newest design styles today, motion graphics are present on all digital platforms, opening up various new markets and career options.
5. Publication graphic design:
Publications are long-form compositions that connect with an audience by being made available to the public. Traditionally, they were a print medium. Consider books, newspapers, periodicals, and catalogues to be examples of publication design. However, there has been a huge increase in digital publications recently.
Publication graphic designers collaborate with editors and publishers to develop layouts with carefully picked typography and associated artwork, which may include photography, graphics, and drawings. These designers might operate as freelancers, as members of creative agencies, or as employees of a publishing business.
6. Environmental graphic design:
Environmental graphic design connects individuals to places visually in order to improve their entire experience by making locations more memorable, entertaining, educational, or easy to navigate. There are many different disciplines included in environmental design.
In order to assist people to locate where they are and exactly where they need to go so that they can get there without getting lost, wayfinding is a specialised sort of environmental graphic design that comprises carefully placed signs, landmarks, and visual clues.
7. Packaging graphic design:
Most items require some type of packaging to safeguard and prepare them for storage, delivery, and sale. However, packaging design may also speak directly to customers, making it a very powerful marketing tool. Every box, bottle, bag, container, can, or canister is an opportunity to convey the narrative of a brand.
Designers of packaging produce ideas, mockups, and print-ready files for items. This requires extensive knowledge of print techniques as well as a thorough understanding of commercial design and production. Because package design encompasses so many disciplines, it is not commonplace for designers to be tasked with developing additional assets for products such as photography, drawings, and visual identity.
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divinector · 2 years
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Bootstrap 5 Responsive Product Card Design Check out Divinector YouTube Channel For more
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deedlite · 2 years
Hi, folks.
I figure I should make some sort of intro post!
My name is Melissa Janowicz, I’m the Lead Combat AI Designer at Respawn Entertainment, working on a Star Wars game.
I’ve been in the games industry for what feels like my entire life. I decided that I wanted to make games when I was 13, dabbled in games art and programming in my teens and got totally hooked on that, went to animation school while working for RadioShack in sales and then entered the games industry and never looked back.
I was a games artist for awhile (doing concept art, production art, backgrounds, and UI) and worked on a lot of stuff including Disney’s Club Penguin, but made the change into design because I realized that it was what I actually wanted to do with my life. After that, I fell in love with artificial intelligence while I was at BioWare and decided to make that my focus, and did for the next several years. Now, I get to be a part of the coolest team ever.
When I’m not doing that I’m essentially being a huge nerd. I play an extremely wide variety of games (digital and physical), I still love cool art and independent creators (even if I don’t have that much time to draw these days)… I casually collect Pokemon cards (I have since base set, and never stopped). I am really into anime and have been since I was a kid. So you’ll probably be hearing a lot about that stuff here as long as I stick around.
Tldr = I am someone who is looking at other options since Twitter is collapsing in on itself and hoping to find a place to casually be a huge geek and keep in touch with some folks so I think tumblr might be a good fit.
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manjuruldesign · 2 years
Credit Card Checkout UI Design
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Hello Creatives,👋 I'm presenting the Credit Card Checkout UI Design. My goal is to create a smooth user journey through creative visuals. Always appreciate your valuable critique. Feel Free to share your significant feedback.
I'm highly interested in making your idea successful through innovative digital products. Let’s design a great experience for your users on the web💻 and mobile📲 platforms.
📧 • Work Inquiries: [email protected] 🎯 • My Portfolio: www.manjurulislam.com
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siddhiinfosoft02 · 3 days
GroMart: Modernizing Grocery Shopping with a Strong Multivendor Grocery Delivery App
"Your groceries, your way—delivered sparkling and quickly with GroMart.”
The comfort of purchasing from the alleviation of domestic has become more than simply a luxury; it’s a need. The shift in the direction of digital purchasing has viewed exponential growth, and one area that has simply benefited from this transformation is the grocery industry. The GroMart app by Siddhi Infosoft is a game-changer, presenting a complete answer for grocery shopping, delivery, and multivendor management, all constructed on the effective Flutter framework.
The Evolution of Grocery Shopping
Grocery buying has advanced dramatically over the years. From regular brick-and-mortar shops to online supermarkets, the way human beings purchase their everyday necessities has changed. The COVID-19 pandemic also accelerated this trend, as customers grew to become online systems for their grocery wishes to reduce bodily contact. This shift highlighted the want for a reliable, efficient, and hassle-free grocery shipping app, paving the way for options like GroMart.
Introducing GroMart: The Ultimate Grocery Delivery Solution
GroMart is now not simply some other grocery transport app; it is a complete platform that caters to the numerous wants of modern-day customers and companies alike. Built the usage of Flutter, a main open-source UI software program improvement toolkit, GroMart affords a seamless ride throughout more than one device, making sure that customers experience a steady and intuitive interface whether or not they're the use of a smartphone, tablet, or desktop.
Key Features of GroMart
Multivendor Support
GroMart's multivendor structure allows more than one grocery shop to register on the platform, giving clients admission to a huge variety of merchandise from special vendors. This characteristic is mainly really helpful for customers searching for range and aggressive pricing. Vendors can manipulate their very own stores, inventory, and orders, imparting them the flexibility to function independently whilst being a section of a large marketplace.
User-Friendly Interface
The app's interface is designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind. Flutter's competencies make certain that the UI is now not solely visually attractive but additionally incredibly responsive, imparting customers with an easy searching experience. From looking for merchandise to setting orders, each step is intuitive and hassle-free.
Advanced Search and Filter Options
GroMart is familiar with that time is of the essence for its users. The app provides superior search and filter options, enabling clients to rapidly locate what they need. Whether it is sorting using price, brand, or category, the search performance is designed to assist customers navigate through hundreds of merchandise with ease.
Secure Payment Gateway
Security is a pinnacle of precedence for any online transaction, and GroMart excels in this area. The app integrates with impervious fee gateways, permitting customers to pay the use of a range of methods, along with credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and financial institution transfers. The platform is compliant with cutting-edge protection standards, making sure that all transactions are protected and secure.
Real-Time Order Tracking
One of the standout facets of GroMart is its real-time order monitoring system. After placing an order, customers can song the development of their shipping in real-time. This transparency no longer solely builds faith however additionally enhances the standard consumer experience, as clients are saved and knowledgeable each step of the way.
Personalized Recommendations
GroMart leverages laptop-gaining knowledge of algorithms to provide customized product guidelines primarily based on consumer preferences and previous purchases. This function provides a non-public contact to the purchasing experience, assisting customers to find new merchandise that aligns with their tastes and needs.
Loyalty Programs and Discounts
To maintain clients engaged and coming returned for more, GroMart consists of loyalty packages and discounts. Users can earn factors with every purchase, which can be redeemed for reductions on future orders. Additionally, carriers can provide extraordinary offers and promotions to appeal to greater customers.
Seamless Vendor Management
For vendors, managing an online keep can be challenging. GroMart simplifies this technique with a devoted dealer dashboard that affords insights into sales, inventory, and consumer feedback. Vendors can without problems replace product listings, control inventory levels, and method orders, all from a single, straightforward interface.
Multi-Language and Multi-Currency Support
To cater to an international audience, GroMart affords multi-language and multi-currency support. This feature permits companies to attain a broader patron base, whilst customers can store in their desired language and currency, making the app handy to everyone.
Built on Flutter, GroMart is incredibly scalable, making it appropriate for each small nearby grocery shop and massive grocery store chain. The app's structure is designed to manage excessive visitor volumes and a massive range of transactions except for compromising on performance.
The Benefits of Choosing GroMart
The grocery transport market is crowded, however, GroMart stands out due to its special combo of features, personal experience, and technological innovation. Here’s why GroMart is the best preference for each shopper and vendor:
For Consumers
Convenience: Shop from the alleviation of your domestic and have your groceries delivered straight to your door.
Variety: Access a large range of merchandise from a couple of vendors, all in one place.
Savings: Take gain of aggressive pricing, discounts, and loyalty programs.
Trust: Real-time tracking, invulnerable payments, and dependable purchaser provider make certain a straightforward buying experience.
For Vendors
Reach: Expand your patron base by becoming a member of a platform that attracts a large and world audience.
Flexibility: Manage your store, inventory, and orders with ease, and provide customized promotions to your customers.
Growth: GroMart’s scalability permits your enterprise to develop barring the want for great technological investments.
Why Flutter?
Flutter is the ideal desire for growing an app like GroMart, thanks to its several advantages:
Cross-Platform Development: Flutter approves builders to write code as soon as possible and set up it throughout a couple of platforms, along with iOS and Android. This notably reduces improvement time and costs.
High Performance: Flutter’s wealthy set of pre-designed widgets and environment-friendly rendering engine make certain that the app performs smoothly, even beneath a heavy load.
Customizable UI: Flutter’s flexibility allows for incredibly customizable UIs that can be perfect to the unique desires of the app, making sure a special and attractive consumer experience.
GroMart is more than simply a grocery transport app; it’s a complete answer that meets the wants of today’s buyers and carriers alike. With its sturdy multivendor support, undemanding interface, and superior features, GroMart is set to revolutionize the way humans keep groceries. Built on the effective Flutter framework, it gives scalability, security, and performance, making it the perfect desire for everybody searching to enter the grocery shipping market.
In a world the place comfort is king, GroMart delivers—literally. Whether you are a client searching for a basic buying journey or a seller aiming to attain a broader audience, GroMart has you covered. With GroMart, the future of grocery purchasing is simply a faucet away.
Also Read: eBasket: Grocery Delivery App with Laravel Admin & Delivery App
Resource: GroMart: Modernizing Grocery Shopping with a Strong Multivendor Grocery Delivery App
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reviewtablets · 10 days
MEIZE Android 14 Tablet 10 Inch 2024
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MEIZE Android 14 Tablet 10 Inch 2024 Newest Octa-Core Tablet, Dual 4G Cellular Tablet with 128GB ROM+14(8+6)GB RAM/512GB Expandable, 13MP+8MP Camera Tablet with Bluetooth 5.0/GPS/5G WiFi/HD Display (Gray)
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2024 System Upgrade: This MEIZE D106 2024, the Newest 14.0 OS 10-inch Android tablet. A new system upgrade, providing the latest UI interface, uses a new high-performance Octa-Core processor, processing speed is remarkably improved, and the background operation is smooth without lag. Applications can be distributed and controlled on multiple screens, providing professional-level entertainment.
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Super Performance: This MEIZE 10-inch tablet comes with a big 128GB internal storage + fast 14GB RAM + 512GB additional expansion storage. Providing you with bigger storage space and running space, and supports your favorite APPs, Netflix, Facebook, TikTok, and Youtube. You can download your favorite movies and accommodate rich content. You can keep more popular games, videos or movies, and photos.
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4G Communication Upgrade: This 10.1-inch Phone tablet has a built-in 4G Cellular function, with a fast 5G WiFi module and Bluetooth 5.0 module. It has a more rapid transmission speed and a more stable connection. It can be modified to more complex scenes, such as offices, schools, bedrooms, hotels, coffee shops, and much more. The powerful receiving signal can always keep you in good communication status.
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Visual Design: This 4G Cellular tablet features the latest ultra-clear LCD screen, which reflects richer details. The big screen brightness is clear and reduces eye fatigue. Has a 13MP+8MP HD camera for clearer shooting quality and character capture, providing you with a better Visual experience. More Powerful Battery: This 10-inch Android tablet is equipped with the latest upgraded 8000mAh lithium polymer battery, with detailed energy control, which gives you longer standby time, and usage time. You can browse the web for up to 12 hours without interruption, play favorite videos for up to 10 hours, and play popular games for up to 8 hours. High-quality Battery life gives you with longer enjoyment time.
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Best Gift Tablet: This MEIZE portable 10-inch tablet is lightweight and exquisite, and can be easily carried when traveling. It is ideal for indoor work, study, travel, and entertainment. The Tablet is perfect for business people, students, housewives, and much more. It is also the best gift for your friends, parents, children, and colleagues. After Sales Service: MEIZE tablet PC professional team, focusing on customer service for more than ten years, adhering to the principle of customer first, with a professional experience team and excellent service. We will give you a free warranty of up to 1 year. If you receive any problem products, please Contact us anytime.
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4G Calls Enable Off-Site Communication Note: This Tablet does not come with a SIM Card, you need to prepare your own. The following frequency bands are required to use the 4G Calling function. 2G GSM Full Band WCDMA: B1B2B4B5B8 4G Full Frequency Band: B1B2B3B4B5B7B8B12B17B19B20B28ABB66B38B39B40B41 Nano SIM Card (Mini Card)
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Technical Details: Brand: MEIZE Series: D106 Item model number: D106 Operating System: ‎Android 14 Standing screen display size: ‎10.1 Inches Display: 10.1-inch HD Screen Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1200 pixels Max Screen Resolution: ‎1920 x 1200 Pixels
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Processor: T606 Octa-Core 1.6 GHz Graphics Coprocessor: ‎T606 Chipset Brand: ‎UNISOC Card Description: ‎Integrated RAM: 14(8+6) GB Internal Storage: 128 GB (Up to 512 GB)
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Wireless Type: ‎802.11n, 802.11b, 802.11g, Dual-Band 2.4G + 5G WiFi Tablet Cellular: Yes, 4G Calls Bluetooth: 5.0 GPS: Support USB 3.0 C Video Resolution: FHD 1080p
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Front Camera: 8 MP Rear Camera: 13 MP Stereo Dual Channel: Yes Color: Gray Rear Webcam Resolution: 13 MP Processor Brand: UNISOC Flash Memory Size: 128 GB (Up to 512 GB)
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1. Item Weight: ‎2.09 pounds 2. Item Dimensions LxWxH: 10 x 7 x 0.3 inches 1. Battery: ‎1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) 2. Battery Capacity: 8000mAh Average Battery Life (in hours): 10 Hours Best Sellers Rank #9,023 in Electronics (See Top 100 in Electronics) #254 in Computer Tablets Date First Available on Amazon.com: March 18, 2024
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Compare Prices MEIZE Android 14 Tablet 10 Inch 2024 and Read Customer Reviews
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sunjt · 13 days
Discover the Latest Samsung Mobile Folder Models
The latest Samsung Mobile Folder models Are you looking for a trendy, flexible smartphone? 
These devices will impress even the most sophisticated techies with their elegant look and cutting-edge features. The Samsung mobile folder models continue their tradition of innovation. These gadgets blend flip phone usability with smartphone features. 
Samsung has a mobile folder for every requirement, from a small, lightweight design to a huge screen for rich multimedia. Samsung's mobile folder models include brilliant displays, fast processors, high-quality cameras, and long-lasting batteries to keep connected and productive. Staying organized and amused has never been easier with the seamless integration of vital apps and services.  Discover the best smartphone for your lifestyle and embrace the future.
Samsung's latest mobile folder models provide cutting-edge technologies.
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Samsung Mobile Folder advantages
The folder feature lets you rapidly organize and save files, documents, and programs to your liking.  So you don't have to rummage through app panels or storage, all your needs are grouped and available in one place. 
Samsung Mobile Folders provide these advantages:
Easy to organise: Class notes, study materials, timetables, etc. can be stored digitally in one place.
Lightweight and portable: The folder is easy to take to school or tuition. You don't need heavy books.
Easy to Read: The large bright touch screen makes reading long texts easier than on a phone.
Take notes easily: The S-Pen lets you write on the screen like paper.
No internet connection required: Access your notes and documents from the folder anytime. You can wirelessly share notes/files with pals utilizing in-built sharing tools.
Stay Current: Calendars, alarms, and notifications inform you of deadlines.
Multimedia: Interactive multimedia assets like films and presentations help you learn.
Organized Search: Search easily finds study materials without shuffling papers.
Long battery life: Samsung mobile folders can be used all day on a single charge.
Samsung Mobile Folder features
The main Samsung Mobile Folder features are:
Storage: Internal storage capacity varies from 32GB to 128GB per model. MicroSD cards can boost this to 1TB. Plenty of app, file, and media space.
Performance: The device's efficient Samsung Exynos CPUs provide smooth multitasking and gaming. Three/4/6GB RAM depending on the model.
Accessories: The pressure-sensitive S Pen enables pen-like writing. Optional keyboard and coverings protect when not in use.
Battery: Battery capacity varies from 5000mAh to 7000mAh based on model/screen size. We can use fast charging throughout long school/college days.
Cameras: 5MP+ front and back sensors for note-taking, document scanning, and online learning. It supports 1080p video.
Connectivity: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and optional 4G LTE in some models enable seamless connectivity and location services. The ports are USB-C/micro USB.
Display: It has a high-quality LCD with FHD/QHD resolutions for clear photographs and text. Finger and stylus input are detected by the touchscreen.
UI: This app features a single UI suited for large screens. Simple to personalize home screens, settings, and apps.
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Latest Samsung Mobile Folder Models
These models showcase Samsung's commitment to innovation in foldable technology, providing users with versatile and powerful devices. 
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5
Key Features:
7.6-inch QXGA+ AMOLED main display
6.2-inch HD+ AMOLED cover display
Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor
Enhanced multitasking capabilities
Improved hinge design for durability
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5
Key Features:
6.7-inch FHD+ AMOLED main display
3.4-inch Super AMOLED cover display
Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor
Compact design with customizable cover screen widgets
Improved camera system for better low-light performance
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4
Key Features:
7.6-inch QXGA+ Dynamic AMOLED main display
6.2-inch HD+ Dynamic AMOLED cover display
Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 processor
S Pen support for enhanced productivity
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4
Key Features:
6.7-inch FHD+ Dynamic AMOLED main display
1.9-inch Super AMOLED cover display
Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 processor
Improved battery life and fast charging
Determining Samsung Mobile Folder touchscreen technology
Samsung makes smartphones with LCD screens and cutting-edge touchscreens. Many technologies are listed here to help you understand:
Capacitive touchscreen: Consider using capacitive touchscreen technology on Samsung mobile folders. It also boasts excellent touch sensitivity and responsiveness for accurate and simple input.
AMOLED touchscreen: AMOLEDs are organic light-emitting diodes using active matrix. It has a matrix that changes pixels and multiple electroluminescent organic chemical thin film layers. AMOLED screens can be touched, even when the touch-sensitive layer is on top. 
Support for Multi-Touch: Samsung smartphones support multi-touch technology, allowing for simultaneous identification and management of several touch points. Multi-touch gestures include many fingers touching the screen at once. This function allows pinch-to-zoom and two-finger scrolling, making smartphone use more natural. 
The Original Mobile Display Folder works with which Samsung devices?
Before buying, check your Samsung mobile folder display replacement's compatibility. Samsung offers many mobile folders with different features and requirements. This article discusses which Samsung devices—especially the touch screen with LCD folder—work with the original mobile display.
Samsung Galaxy Note Series: The Samsung Galaxy Note series is known for its big displays and productivity capabilities. Note 20, Note 10, and Note 9 can use the unique mobile show folder. Due to their touch display and LCD folder, these smartphones provide a great viewing experience for work and entertainment.
Samsung Galaxy A Series: It provides affordable smartphones without sacrificing quality. Galaxy A52, A51, A32, and A21 devices work nicely with the original cellular display folder. 
Samsung Galaxy S Series: Samsung's flagship phone lineup is the Galaxy S Series. High-end devices like the Galaxy S21, S20, S10, and others include the mobile show folder.
Samsung Galaxy J Series: For Samsung customers on a budget, the Galaxy J series offers an alternative option. Samsung Galaxy J7, J6, J4, and J2 Core models match the official mobile display folder. Affordable display performance makes these devices ideal for daily usage.
Furthermore, we can assist you in selecting the ideal mobile folder wholesaler for mobile display screens if you're having trouble making that decision. Getting trustworthy and high-quality service is essential to the success of your business. Sun JT wholesales inexpensive mobile folders. Our products and advice are top-notch.
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govindhtech · 13 days
Samsung Galaxy Tab S10 2024 Delivers Next-Gen Performance
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Samsung Galaxy Tab S10 2024
Samsung Galaxy Tab S10 Rumors
Galaxy Tab S10 2024 tablets transform tablets with cutting-edge features, performance, and beauty. Professionals and enthusiasts can use the Galaxy Tab S10 series’ power and portability. This extensive evaluation examines the design, display, performance, battery life, and software features that distinguish this tablet line.
Quality Design and Construction
Samsung’s elegant design continues with the Galaxy Tab S10 2024. Tablets’ high-grade aluminum shell makes them portable and comfortable for long-term use without strain. Basic design’s ultra-thin bezels create a magnificent edge-to-edge display.
Compact and Lightweight
Galaxy Tab S10 models range from 10.9 to 14.6 inches, so you may find one that meets your work, entertainment, or portability demands. Slim tablets with a weight starting at 465 grams are convenient to carry and provide a quality user experience on the go.
Galaxy S10 tab Release Date
Galaxy Tab S10 2024 is scheduled in late October 2024. Pre-orders likely began a few weeks before the debut, as is Samsung’s tablet release schedule. Regional differences may affect release dates.
Display Technology
Display is a selling point of the Galaxy Tab S10 2024 series. This series improves Samsung’s vibrant, high-quality screens with Dynamic AMOLED 2X. The 120Hz refresh rate gives gaming and multitasking smooth images.
Color and resolution accuracy
For vivid visuals and great color accuracy, the S10 and S10 Ultra boast 2560 x 1600 pixels and WQXGA+ resolution. HDR10+ boosts contrast and color, making the Galaxy Tab S10 2024 excellent for watching movies or editing HD photos and videos.
Performance and Hardware
The Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 CPU powers the Galaxy Tab S10 series, giving great performance and economy. Multitasking, gaming, and productivity are supported by this CPU, so the tablet can run demanding apps without lag.
Memory and Storage Choices
RAM choices range from 8GB to 16GB for the Galaxy Tab S10 Ultra, offering smooth performance even while running multiple programs. Storage ranges from 128GB to 1TB, including microSD card expansion. This flexibility makes it ideal for storing huge files, programs, and media without running out of space.
Camera and Imaging
Samsung carefully designed the Tab S10 series’ camera systems, making it a top performer. The dual back camera combination comprises a 13MP wide-angle lens and a 6MP ultra-wide lens for professional photographs and videos.
Selfies with Video Calls on Front Camera
The Tab S10 Ultra’s 12MP sensor and wide-angle front camera produce crisp, clear shots in low light. This makes the tablet ideal for video conferencing, internet meetings, and selfies.
Battery Life and Charging
Galaxy Tab S10 2024 batteries are excellent. The Ultra model’s 10,500mAh battery lasts all day, even with heavy loads. The bundled 45W rapid charger charges up to 50% in 30 minutes.
Battery Optimization and Power Efficiency
Tab S10 series energy-efficient Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 and Exynos 2400 processors increase battery life. Smart power management in Samsung One UI 6.0 lets users maximize battery life by managing background apps.
Software and User Experience
The Galaxy Tab S10 2024 series comes with Android 14 with Samsung’s One UI 6.0 for a smooth user experience. This version of One UI adds multi-window functionality, widget improvements, and S Pen connectivity for the tablet.
Samsung Productivity DeX
For professionals, Samsung DeX is game-changing. It gives the Tab S10 series a desktop-like experience with taskbars, resizable windows, and more when connected to an external display. This makes it suitable for tablet users seeking laptop-level productivity.
S Pen/Stylus Features
The S Pen is essential to the Galaxy Tab S10 2024. Its improved precision and responsiveness make it useful for sketching, note-taking, and air movements. The S Pen’s magnetic attachment and wireless charging on the tablet’s rear keep it handy.
Creativity and Productivity Increase
Samsung’s creativity apps like Clip Studio Paint and PenUp let users use the S Pen for art. Samsung Notes lets productivity enthusiasts write down ideas easily, and handwriting recognition turns notes into editable text.
Internet and 5G Support
The Galaxy Tab S10 2024 series supports 5G for fast download and upload speeds. Together with Wi-Fi 6E, customers can expect fast, stable internet connections anywhere. Bluetooth 5.3 improves keyboard, mouse, and headphone connectivity.
Music and Entertainment
The Galaxy Tab S10 series’ quad AKG speakers and Dolby Atmos compatibility deliver excellent audio. This creates an immersive sound experience, making the Tab S10 great for streaming, gaming, and music.
Galaxy Tab S10 Price
Model and storage options will determine the Samsung Galaxy Tab S10 2024 price range. Although official pricing hasn’t been announced, the Galaxy Tab S10 is expected to start at $699 to $799 for the base model and $899 to $1,099 or more for higher-tier models, depending on storage and connectivity options.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S10 2024 series is the pinnacle of performance, design, and innovation. This series includes strong solutions for work, creativity, and pleasure. With its gorgeous display, long battery life, and productivity features like DeX and the S Pen, the Galaxy Tab S10 2024 may be the greatest tablet of the year.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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themesfores · 15 days
SEOPress Pro v8.1.1 WordPress SEO Plugin
https://themesfores.com/product/seopress-pro-v8-1-1-wordpress-seo-plugin/ SEOPress Pro v8.1.1 WordPress SEO Plugin Note: After activating the plugin it will ask for a license key for automatic updates and premium support and we will provide you 1 year of support with updates and it will work perfectly without a license key. SEOPress is a WordPress plugin designed to make the very complicated job of climbing the SERPs easier. Along with the likes of Yoast and SEMrush, the plugin tries to collect all the fundamental elements of SEO and organize them into a series of menus within a single plugin. It is the brainchild of Benjamin Denis, a developer who also created WPCloudy and WP Admin UI, two other plugins for WordPress. There are two versions of SEOPress, a free version and SEOPress Pro which requires a subscription. The free version includes all the main tools you need to begin climbing the rankings while the Pro version adds a few more tools for extra benefit. SEOPress Pro includes a simple installation wizard, control of titles and meta descriptions, generation of XML sitemap, generation of HTML sitemap, a content analysis tool, Google Knowledge Graph, generate of meta data for Twitter Card, Google Analytics tool and a whole lot more. SEOPress Pro adds: Google Suggestions, a broken link checker, Google Structured Data Types (schemas.org), Backlink tool, Video XML Sitemap tool, Google Analytics Stats, Redirect tool, Google Page Speed Insights, WooCommerce integration and optimization, Google News Sitemap, a 404 monitoring tool and URL rewriting tool. SEOPress Pro WordPress SEO Plugin https://themesfores.com/product/seopress-pro-v8-1-1-wordpress-seo-plugin/ #SEOPlugins #WordpressPlugins
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