#professional criminal
mlady-worldwide · 1 year
haunted by the memory of 10yr old me breaking my dad’s computer in the attempt to illegally download the sims
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"HER THIEVING CAREER DRAMATICALLY ENDED," Toronto Globe. December 29, 1913. Page 3. --- ACTRESS DIES WHILE HUNTING FOR HER DAUGHTER-RISKED MUCH TO FIND HER. ---- (Special Despatch to The Globe) Windsor, Dec. 28.--"Mrs. Emily Titcomb, aged forty-one, profession actress, last place of residence unknown; cause of death paralysis." This inscription on the ledger of the Hotel Dieu marks the close of a remarkable career of thievery of a woman known by the police of nearly every city of importance in the United States, and whose last activities were "concentrated on a series of elaborate preparations to defy the police of Detroit at the risk of a heavy prison sentence."
Mother love conquered fear of the law, and drove her to the verge of breaking her parole in a final effort sentenced in Detroit recently to serve to meet her daughter, Marie, who disappeared when the woman was four months behind prison bars for robbery. Death cheated her of the fruits of her labors just as she came in sight of her goal. She sank back on her pillows with a smile on her face and her arms, extended, while her lips framed the single word "Marie.'
Marie Titcomb, the daughter, is an actress on the vaudeville stage, and following her mother's imprisonment she left Detroit, and no trace of her whereabouts has since been discovered. After obtaining her release from jail, Mrs. Titcomb began a search for the girl which continued up to the time she was taken ill here. London, Toronto and Cleveland in turn were visited, without success, and it is believed the mother was taken ill here while on her way to Cleveland, where Marie Titcomb was thought to be playing.
The body will be held here while further attempts are made to locate Miss Titcomb, whose stage name is "Marie Tycomb, the American beauty."
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its-zaina · 9 months
Palestinian journalists in GAZA strip were killed by Israel..
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Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians in GAZA Strip and is still!
"Every time a journalist is killed in war, a piece of truth is taken away from us."
Israel kills voices of truth.. Israel kills journalists and media professionals.
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lolhex12 · 4 months
broke: Jeremy is captain sunshine golden retriever boy who hides his feelings and his fucked up family situation
woke: actually🤓☝️ Jeremy first met Andrew in juvie when they were 15 & 13 respectively
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whoisspence · 6 months
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spencer reid yapping like the professional yapper he is
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ellie-24 · 5 months
Oh to be at one of the 1969 Las Vegas shows.
His excitement at finally doing live shows again.
9 minute monologues reminiscing about life, his career, just being batshit crazy.
Witnessing pure chaotic energy, comedic genuis and insane talent.
Just watching him having fun.
Watching HIM.
I mean
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And sneak onto the stage. To give him a hug or to kidnap him, I'm not sure yet
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a-timely-problem · 29 days
overheard at the BAU
Hotch: "Yeah, I'd say we're professional"
/cuts to Derek and Emily racing across the bullpen with a stolen shopping cart, Spencer taking bets, Penelope being their personal cheerleader and JJ collecting a bunch of money/
Hotch: "We're the best of the best, what can I say?"
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like i truly don’t feel like finding the post now, i’ll reblog it in the morning but the way nesta gets more hate for being a bitch and imperfect sister than those rats with wings treat their own people like cannon fodder will never not confuse me
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snarkylinda · 2 years
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Normal people: "Ma'am I am not trying to judge you, this is mere protocol"
This fucking loser (affectionate): "I am from the capital of SIN and DEPRAVITY. What you do here is tame compared to the shit we do back at home"
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usernyoom · 1 year
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27/08/23, Zandvoort - Max Verstappen and Fernando Alonso share a podium after placing P1 and P2 respectively in the 2023 Dutch Grand Prix
📸 by Lars Baron
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frankiebirds · 4 months
this is the cutest interaction ever i love them
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"MANY LANDLADIES WERE VICTIMIZED," Montreal Gazette. January 30, 1913. Page 12. ---- Youth Engaged Rooms and After Taking Boarders Effects Never Returned. ---- ARRESTED IN POOL ROOM. ---- Rings, Watches, Cash and Clothes Went After Residence of Polite Stranger - Some Goods Recovered. ---- To rent a room for a few days and then disappear with all the moveable objects he could lay his hands on was the method it is alleged was followed by a young man giving the name of Elphege Pare, who was arrested yesterday afternoon by Detective Lajoie. Pare also admitted to having been known in the city under the names of Fournier, Kent and Matthews.
Pare was arrested in a pool room on St. Lawrence street, by the detective, who had received only a good description of the young man, but also of some of the articles missing after his short residence in several houses. Among the articles sought for was a gold cameo pin with the image of "Liberty" on it, and when the detective went into the pool room he saw Pare, thought the boots and coat he was wearing fitted the description of some of the missing articles, and when the young man noticed that he was being scrutinized he reached down his overcoat and prepared to leave Questioned by Detective Lajolo admitted that his name was Pare and that he had given other names during his month's stay in Montreal, having come here from Ottawa. He said that his home was in the States. Finally he admitted that he had taken rooms in various parts of the city and had made away with what of value he could carry, and accompanied the detective to several second-hand stores so that a quantity of the stolen goods were recovered.
Up to the present the detective has learned that no few than seven boarding house keepers have been victimized, and that in one case the boarders who lost things had made the landlady pay compensation which amounted to sixty dollars. Pare, it is reported, would go to a house early in the day, make arrangements f moving in, saying that several trunks would be following Inter. With the room engaged he would depart until the hour was lute, examining his absence was due to the fact that he was engaged as an operator at a moving picture theatre. He has ahed late in the morning and as the remainder of the boarders were out at work he had an opportunity to examine their possessions at leisure and make a judicious selection, after which he would leave the house and not go back.
Complaints have been received from the following to date, and a quantity of the missing goods were recovered yesterday afternoon when Pare voluntarily accompanied Detective Lajoie to the places where he had dis- posed of the effects: -
Elric Giroux, 531 St. Catherine street, west, suitcases and clothes being missed after the boarder's departure.
Cosmos Antonizos, 322 St. Catherine street, west, who later missed a gold watch valued at $150.
Joseph Venne, 525 Notre Dame street, west, where watches and several rings were missing.
Mrs. Fournier, 422 Seigneurs street, where a number of suits of clothes were, taken.
Mrs. Fournier reported that she had been forced to pay compensation to her lodgers to the amount of sixty dollars.
Miss Tourgeon, 463 Notre Dame street west, who after the sudden departure of her polite new boarder missed ten dollars in cash.
Mrs. O'Connor, 688 Notre Dame street west, whose boarders lost several articles of wearing apparel.
Mrs. Fowler, 32 Burnside place, who lost a suitcase and wearing apparel.
When the reports came into detective headquarters, Detective Lajoie went to the numerous boarding houses in his district and warned the trusting landladies, notifying them to telephone the office if the young man put in an appearance and tried to negotiate for a room. On Saturday morning the detective called at 463 Notre Dame street and warned Miss Tourgeon, and at three o'clock Pare put in an appearance, but the landlady failed to notify the authorities, and after the boarder had left she reported the loss of ten dollars in cash. It is estimated that the goody obtained in this manner will run into several hundred dollars.
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rynnthefangirl · 6 months
Honestly I don’t ever want to hear anything about Aemond being “bullied” or losing his eye. I don’t give a fuck. This psycho maniac massacred an entire house that were ALLIES of his— beheading every male Strong from old men to little boys and stacking their heads in a pile 3-feet tall— because he was having a temper tantrum after losing Kings Landing. Aemond had the most dangerous dragon alive and all he used it for during the Dance besides killing a child diplomatic envoy was to rain fire down on innocent civilians. Luke would have done the world a huge favor if he’d just plunged his knife into Aemond’s brain instead of taking his eye. I mean how much of POS do you have to be to make DAEMON the good guy in your 1v1 battle?
Nothing. I mean NOTHING. That has ever happened to Aemond in his pathetic worthless life even comes REMOTELY close to sort of maybe possibly justifying his literal war crimes. He’s the Westerosi equivalent of a fucking mass shooter. He cries about his stupid eye so much I cannot WAIT for Daemon to show him what a real fucking injury looks like as he plunges Dark Sister up to its hilt into his eye socket. The people who found his body were so real — they rescued Dark Sister and threw Aemond’s rotted corpse back to the bottom of the lake where it belongs.
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red-racing-cars · 11 months
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the thing is... the thing is that i like dust so much i will ship him with anyone. he's not gonna be with me so i'll be his best wing-thing. i'd make him a dating profile and vet every candidate so he can have the best partner(s) ever jsdbavscvs
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deprivedmusicaljunkie · 4 months
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