#professor hermonculous
Hey, are you sad/mad/upset/frustrated at the lack of Willow Park content? You might like this fic. Set before canon events, Willow discovers something about herself.
More to come, I'm working on a bunch of Willow - centered stuff that I hope to post soon!
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Writing Notes: Feeling Inadequate!
I know my output is usually REALLY good, but this week is kicking my butt. I have a decent shape for the next chapter but I am worried that I will miss my two chapter a week plan this time.
I meant to have some more flashbacks to Hunter's time in UWM in this pic, but that's not likely. If I do a follow up where the baby is present it might fit in better... but in the context of Sweet Child, it's just not as relevant so I cut it. You know. Because it's already long.
Some notes on canon characters hoping in during the third act.
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During ASIAS we get a lot of info.
Willow is embracing her love of sports. She's trying to build her confidence and shed some of her old insecurities. She's befriended Sara (wish we saw more of that) and had built up the courage to face off her old Abomination Teacher (who was terrible to her and just terrible in general) to start a Flyer Derby team.
We also find out that Hunter is extremely insecure himself when it comes to relating to the other Coven Heads. They physically shove him out of the way (as previously mentioned) and regard him as a nuisance at best.
He's already been told by Belos that he is being tested, and from Eclipse Lake, we know that his failure pretty much equals his grave. Even without knowing that he is a Grimwalker at this moment, Hunter knows that if he cannot lead the others in a meeting, he is disappointing Belos -- and that is very, very bad.
ASIAS is also when we find out that Hunter has never spoken to kids his own age before. Yikes.
Professor Hermonculous is kind of instrumental in forming Hunter and Willow's bond. He might not know just how bad the teacher had been to her when they first met, but you can bet that Willow and Hunter bonded over their insecurities and he would know that she had been forced into the abomination track when her true strength was plants.
Hermonculous is petty and willing to cheat -- against CHILDREN! -- to get his way.
Would someone so rigid succeed in new Hexside which is ditching the traditional track system? He likely has some very backwards views on Grimwalkers.
He popped up while writing the last chapter and fit right in with the MIBA crowd and the KotCS. His late appearance in the story just builds a bit around the political climate brewing and how it affects Hunter and Willow -- and their family.
And Darius, Perry and Steve know this is an important time for Hunter to make sure his public image is key to his surviving a hearing regarding the Inner Circle trials and the court of public opinion bent on tearing down everything he's worked for and the life he wants for his family.
Which reminds me....
What would Raine and Hunter's name for their initiative be since BATTS and CATTS isn't relevant here!
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loosescrewslefty · 2 years
A few TOH fic ideas I have been rotating around in my head for MONTHS now;
Coach Approach
Thanks to Professor Hermonculous' meddling in hopes of getting the team disbanned, the Emerald Entrails need to find an adult to serve as a Team Coach before their first official Flyer Derby Match. Logically, the team decides that it's due time for Darius to make up the whole kidnapping attempt thing to them and step up to fill the role, and Darius agrees to get them to shut up.
How hard can coaching a bunch of kids be, anyways?
How We Roll
(No Magic/High School AU) When Luz is invited to join an online DnD Group DM'd by Masha, she is quick to agree in order to help her sister Vee get closer to her crush. Little does she know that there is plenty of drama and intrigue in store for herself as well as she meets friends, finds love, and lives out an epic story of teamwork and triumph over evil. Both at the table and off.
Make Yourself A(t) Home
Now entering their twenties, Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, and Hunter have all left their High School days behind them and are starting careers and families. But like Hell is that gonna tear the Dream Team apart. Banding together, the gang work out a way to build a house that exists on both the Boiling Isles AND the Human Realm.
...That's probably fine. Right?
Healing Herbs
Haunted by the memory of Hunter’s brush with death, Willow decides to multitrack and learn some Healing Magic as well. Just so she is better prepared if anyone she cares about is ever hurt again. But is she truly prepared for the changes that this decision brings?
Teaching You a Thing or Two
Faced with the possibility of Luz and Hunter being expelled from Hexside while Amity and the twins are forced to live with her mother once more, Alador and Darius need to work together to prove that they are more capable of teaching Abomination magic to a teenager than Hermonculous is. Easy enough. How bad of a student can this Willow Park girl be, anyways?
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secretly-of-course · 2 years
I headcanon that after ASIAS, Willow recruits Jerbo as a backup player for Flyer Derby because he was the best on Professor Hermonculous's team during the match.
He and Viney patch up their friendship, and he's just happy to be part of the official team during Flyer Derby season.
It’s funny because I have the same headcanon! With Willow’s remark about needing to replace “Caleb” until his next day off, I could totally see Jerbo becoming their 5th (or 6th technically) member or alternate player. He was so happy to be included on the abomination class team until he saw he had to play against Viney, so I think he would really enjoy playing with the Entrails and as you said it would be a perfect way to patch up their friendship.
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ellsss · 1 year
professor hermonculous 100% should have been fired for how he treated willow idcccc
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tedturneriscrazy · 2 years
Uh, I'm running out of ideas for how to introduce these things...
Anyways, Any Sport in a Storm!
May my Huntlow dreams come true
From denial to acceptance in record time, impressive!
Also, tape? My dude, I know nothing about sewing, and even I can tell that's some clown shit
"Consider this a test" consider my foot in your ass, Phil
The way Raine looked back at Hunter...now I'm curious about their previous relationship
Also, not liking the way Terra is leading Raine around...
Good to see Darius again, if only because of Keston John's voice😍
Ooh, Golden Guard lore! Seems like it's a legacy position, which makes sense
Hunter desperately seeking approval and validation while Darius is clearly sick of his shit
"You're very good at doing exactly what you're told" That's gonna come back later
Shortened title again? Not sure if they're making more time for longer episodes or putting off having to change the title sequence again...
Hell yeah, more Willow working out!
You got this, Willow!
Oh, shit! That's her dads! I bet that's how they met!
Where did her new glasses come from, though?
Also, lol at "Eye of the Liger"
Ah, so it was an errant locker
I also love how they both knew that Willow could save them
Important information, Gus
Oh, the way Luz fluffs Willow's hair❤❤❤ (Yes, I multiship, what of it?)
Azura Book Club real?!...Wait, I knew that already, I saw the promos lol
"I am so excited to hear the next words coming out of your mouth" Bruh, stop giving me Willuz fuel /hj
Hyping up badass Willow so far, so I'm definitely loving it
I wonder if Gus carries around confetti now, as well, thanks to Luz
I think I saw a comment about it elsewhere, but the whole club fair premise is so anime, and it's great
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This show really likes to say "Ages 6-11," doesn't it?
Uh oh, here comes Boscha
Luz is nerding out so much here, I love her
Hermosa ❤❤❤
Hey, I'm allowed some Lumity marking
The author of Azura? Luz seems confused
Human or demon? Interesting...
Also, lol at Boscha wanting attention
Love the way they just excitedly run off
"You guys aren't cute! I still have more friends than you!" Quality, not quantity, Boscha. You're just jealous you don't have an awesome girlfriend
Oh, this is gonna go swimmingly for golden boy /s
Great job selling your cult, buddy
Oh, hey, it's Barcus!
"Banish card" lmfao the disrespect
Oh no, critical thought that runs counter to his indoctrination! His one weakness!
(Also, good on you, Jerbo)
Bruh just get off her tail wtf
So we finally have a name for abomination professor: Professor Hermonculous!
This guy's kind of a dick, huh
Well, Willow, you're about to find one, at least
Scary, then sweet. Classic Willow
Very enthusiastic handshake
Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams...First rule of lies: keep it simple
"Fly doobie" not in a TV-Y7 show
That all sounds...intense
"I don't feel sick" has the same energy as "I'm not putting anything down," change my mind
Aw, Gus is looking out for Willow❤
I'm also glad to see that, yes, Amity is just as dorky as Luz
Canceled? Oh, no!
The fruits of the recruitment drive
...not the best first impression
Oh, no, are we in for a crisis of confidence for Willow?
"Half a witch" Hmmmmmmmm
Oh, never mind, Willow is persistent
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Loving that face
Ooh, Skara's smart, too! That one post of mine still holds up!
"Now I'm only scarred emotionally!"
I actually really like how Gus and Hunter bounce off of each other, surprisingly
And Willow is an effective leader and good at recognizing where everyone's strengths lie
Now we have context for that one screenshot
The chase is on!
The bird phone just flying into the window lmfao
Looks like Darius' Me Time is being interrupted once again
Game on!
Okay, yeah, Gus and Hunter camaraderie is good, actually
Even got the Gatorade dunk
I'd knock "Emerald Entrails," but it seems rather fitting for the Boiling Isles
Luz and Amity are gonna see that group selfie and have...a reaction
Damn, Viney, that's cold
Oh, here's actual betrayal
Dammit, blondie, you had a good thing going and you fucked it up
Also, way to show your hand so abruptly
So Darius sent the scouts, huh?
Prime usage of Steve
Man, Hunter is really just describing all kinds of awful shit with zero self awareness or introspection. Apparently critical thought is just not a thing in the Emperor's Coven
Ah, there's the crisis of confidence
"Can you?"
(Let me just take another opportunity to praise Keston John's voice acting. So good)
Oh I don't like that about the palismen
"Steve is beginning to regret his choices" Why is this such a mood?
The way they're still bringing up theories while chasing that author, holy shit they're such nerds ❤
Tiny Nose?! Tinella Nosa?!?!
And Mattholomule? Who else is in on this?!
Bro Amity is the only person on the Isles buying the Azura books I fucking
Yeah, punch 'im! And may this be his last appearance
Mmm, yes, casually rest your head on Amity's shoulder. I mean, sorry about that whole thing, but at least y'all can be cute together
Those Penstagram posts are 💯💯💯
Well, valiant attempts, but Darius is a coven head, after all
I was gonna say something else, but we're still on that previous point
Starting to get Horde Prime flashbacks
Better late than never on doing the right thing, I guess
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A small blush, I'm sure this won't be totally overanalyzed and possibly blown out of proportion /j
(That said, my Huntlow brainrot will take what it can get)
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Huh, well then, Darius, I guess you get this:
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I did not have "Darius as a good mentor figure" on my nonexistent Bingo card, I am pleasantly surprised
They gon write fanfiction together this just keeps getting better
"I am really digging those outfits" Damn, Luz, be more bisexual, why don't you
Their reactions to Hunter remind me of the end of Hooty's Moving Hassle (God, that seems like a different show entirely at this point)
Well, that was a nice, light episode! Drama! Flair! Facepaint! But nothing too plot heavy or angsty.
I think the Flyer Derby plotline stood on its own quite solidly, and it was definitely apparent that it was the main attraction here. Some more development and confidence building for Willow, and Hunter got a brief taste of actually being a kid for once.
Also, I feel the Lumity part managed to avoid overshadowing the episode, unlike in Through the Looking Glass Ruins. Their interactions were cute and sweet, yet casual and understated. Clearly girlfriends, but not too in-your-face about it, and the storyline was cute enough, even if it did have Tibbles.
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